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2023-07-12 15:34:31
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
小型酒店管理系统的设计包括论文,设计,论文字数:10077,页数:29摘 要
小型酒店管理系统功能全面,性能稳定,界面美观简洁,易于操作。基本包含了酒店主要业务功能,其分为基础设置、业务管理、房间管理三大部分。基础设置中有客房类型设置、客房信息设置功能;业务管理包含预定管理、入住管理、消费记帐和收银退房功能;房间管理可以根据实际需要设置和及时更新房间状态。系统采用C/S模式,运用VB.NET语言开发技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库原理开发的。在Windows XP/NT/2003等常用操作系统下运行稳定,可靠。该系统的合理运用能提高酒店客房管理效率,降低运营成本。
本文简要介绍了基于Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000数据库系统和VB.NET程序语言开发实现的酒店管理系统,着重阐述了该系统开发实现过程,从系统的需求分析、方案论证、模块设计、数据设计、详细设计等各个环节都进行了较为详尽的分析和描述。关键词:酒店管理系统;SQL SERVER 2000;数据库;VB.NET
The design of the Small Hotel Management System
As the competition getting more force in the hotel industry, the fight for the customers among the hotels is becoming more and more severe, the hotel uses brand new computer management system. This will become one of the important methods for increasing the management efficiency of the hotel management, improving the service level.
The small hotel management system has some excellence, like operating stably, user interfacing simple and attractive, easy to use. Basically including hotel"s major business functions. It is divided into basic in fracture, business management, hotel room management, three major groups. There is guest room type configuration and guest room information configuration functions in the basic in fracture portion; the business management portion includes booking management, check-in management, consumption bookkeeping, and check-out pay bill functions; hotel room management may configuration based on the real requirement and changes the room states in real time. The system is developed by using C/S model, using VB.NET language development technology, and SQL server 2000 database. It is operating stably under Windows XP/NT/2003, and has high reliability. This proper use of this system could increase the management efficiency of the hotel, decrease operating cost.
This paper will introduce a database systems based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and developed and realized hotel management system using VB.NET programming language. It emphasized the developing process of this system, through a rather detailed analyzing and describing on the various steps of the requirement of the system analysis, solution analysis, module design, data structure design, to system testing.Key words: Hotel management system;SQL SERVER 2000;Data base;VB.NET目 录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 2
2 相关的理论基础 2
2.1 开发环境 2
2.2.1 C/S模式简介 2
2.2.2 .NET介绍 3
2.2.3 VB.NET介绍 3
2.2 编程运行环境 4
2.2.1 硬件环境 4
2.2.2 软件环境 4
3 设计方案介绍 4
3.1 系统功能模块设置 4
3.1.1 基础设置 4
3.1.2 业务管理 4
3.1.3 房间管理 5
3.2 数据库设计 5
3.2.1数据库设计思想 5
3.2.2酒店管理系统E-R图 10
4 具体模块设计 11
4.1 系统主要功能模块的实现及部分代码 11
4.1客房信息设置 11
4.2 预定管理功能 15
4.3 入住管理功能 16
4.4 房间管理 18
4.5 退出系统 21
结 论 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 23
声 明 24
以上回答来自: http://www.l***.com/html/141-4/4353.htm



2023-07-12 04:43:133

hotel room service 的中文歌词

Pitbull带着巴西范儿的新单曲。MV里美女如云,美腿如林。歌词写的很欢乐,“双飞”还是“3 some”?whatever you like!不过,俺觉得3人才算一群,5人才是party吧,嘿嘿`````` 歌手:Pitbull 曲名:Hotel Room Service(客房服务) I want everybody to stop what they"re doing. 我要所有人都停下手上的事Now if you know you"re with somebody you"re gonna take the hotel room tonight, 如果你今晚准备和谁去酒店开房make some noise... 就 开 始 欢 呼吧~~~~Meet me at the hotel room 在酒店房间等我Forget about your boyfriend 忘了你的男朋友 and meet me at the hotel room, 在酒店房间等我 you can bring your girlfriends 你可以带上你的闺蜜and meet me at the hotel room. 在酒店房间等我We at the hotel, motel, holiday inn. 我们在酒店,汽车旅馆,假日酒店she like that freaky stuff 她喜欢刺激的玩意2 and the O, 1 in the I, that kinkee stuff, 两个圆的,一个I字形的 刺激的玩意you nasty, but I like your type 你真淫荡,但我就爱你这型and like T.I. it"s whatever you like. 我就像T.I.,《随你喜欢》Bring your girls, it"s whatever tonight, 带上你的闺蜜,哪晚都行your man just left,i"m the plumber tonight,你的男人一离开,我就是你今晚的“水管工”let me check your pipes,让我看看你的“管子”oh, you"re the healthy type. 哦,你是健康型的Well, here goes some egg whites. 嗯,再来点蛋白质吧Now gimme that sweet, that nasty gooshy stuff, 给我来点甜甜滑滑的东西let me tell you what we gon" do.让我告诉你接下来咱们干吗2 + 2, i"m gonna undress you. 2 + 2, 我要脱了你衣服Then we"re gonna go 3 and 3 you gon" undress me. 然后是3 3 ,你脱了我衣服Then we"re gon" go 4 and 4,然后是4 4,we gon" freak some more, but first! 我们要疯狂刺激,但是首先~~~~Forget about your boyfriend 忘了你的男朋友 and meet me at the hotel room, 在酒店房间等我 you can bring your girlfriends 你可以带上你的闺蜜and meet me at the hotel room. 在酒店房间等我We at the hotel, motel, holiday inn. 我们在酒店,汽车旅馆,假日酒店after party in hotel lobby, 楼下的派对一完事then we off to the room like voom, 我们嗖的一下就回了房间with them fingers in yo mouth or open up yo blouse,解开你的上衣,手指放进你嘴里and pull that g-sting down south (ouhh) 把丁字裤扔一边去OKay shawty, 1"s company, 2"s a crowd, and 3"s a party. 好了,美女,1人是一对,俩人是一群,三人是派对if your girl ain"t with it, I got somebody, 1个不够,就再拉一个and by nature she"s naughty.她天生就是这么淘气Now gimme that sweet, that nasty gooshy stuff, 给我来点甜甜滑滑的东西let me tell you what we gon" do.让我告诉你接下来咱们干吗2 + 2, i"m gonna undress you. 2 + 2, 我要脱了你衣服Then we"re gonna go 3 and 3 you gon" undress me. 然后是3 3 ,你脱了我衣服Then we"re gon" go 4 and 4,然后是4 4,we gon" freak some more, but first! 我们要疯狂刺激,但是首先~~~Forget about your boyfriend 忘了你的男朋友 and meet me at the hotel room, 在酒店房间等我 you can bring your girlfriends 你可以带上你的闺蜜and meet me at the hotel room. 在酒店房间等我We at the hotel, motel, holiday inn. 我们在酒店,汽车旅馆,假日酒店
2023-07-12 04:43:201


前面都翻译得很好,最后的“思想道德修养和法律基础”应该是:cultivation of ethic thought & legal basis--森博英语
2023-07-12 04:43:303


问题一:‘酒店管理专业"的英语怎么说 Hotel Management 如果在句子中说某人是酒店管理专业毕业,那么可以用: My major in school hotel management. I hold a degree in hotel management. I was trained in hotel management at school. 等等 问题二:酒店管理的英文怎么说 酒店管理 [名] hotel management; [例句]在酒店管理系统中正确的记录团队客房和收入。 Correctly record group rooms and revenue in the property management system 问题三:我学的是酒店管理专业用英语怎么说? 我学的是酒店管理专业 I majored in Hotel Management 问题四:酒店管理课程的英文翻译 10分 puter basis, body-building training, hotel situational English, hotel management principles, hotel room service and management, hotel front desk 胆ervice and management, hotel service etiquette, college English, the course of ideological and moral training and law basis
2023-07-12 04:43:371


2023-07-12 04:43:4515


Ⅰ 酒店管理课程的英文翻译 puter basis, body-building training, hotel situational English, hotel management principles, hotel room service and management, hotel front desk service and management, hotel service etiquette, college English, the course of ideological and moral training and law basis Ⅱ 请问酒店管理专业的必修课程有那些 中国旅游地理 世界政治经济与国际关系对口英语会计学原理 财务管理 英语听说版 前厅客房管理旅行社管权理管理学原理旅游市场学客源国概况马列原理对口英语人力资源管理法律基础旅游英语旅游学概论饭店营销学体育VFP对口英语实用英语A级英语听说旅游心理学饭店管理概论酒店实用英语旅游经济学导游实务计算机基础旅游公共关系大学语文旅游法规饭店餐饮管理形体训练普通话 (安徽经济管理学院,230059) Ⅲ 酒店英语口语在线学习哪儿好 酒店来英语的话,首先得明确它自的特性,最大的两个特点就是要实用、要专业。 那么,在寻找在线学习的时候,首要的目的就是,要学习的课程是否符合上面说到的两个点。不管学到了多么高端或者厉害的英语,如果不是实用且严谨的话,那对于在酒店中运用来说都是白费的。 此外,在进行选择时候,还得了解课程对于基础是否有着一定的要求,上课是否够系统化,是否由学习效果监督机制,这都是在为自身着想,为自身的学习结果寻求保障。因为如果不考虑基础就开始学习的话,很有可能跟不上,不系统的课程也会导致学的思路不够清晰,而没有监督机制的话,就是压根都人在意自身的学习效果。 所以,在线学习的机构很多,做得好的也有很多,不过在进行选择时候请一定结合自身情况,适合自己的才是最好的。 Ⅳ 酒店管理专业都学习什么课程 必修课如下:现代酒店管理、酒店心理、旅游学概论、前厅客房服务与管理、餐饮服务与管理、菜点与酒水、酒店英语、现代酒店营销、酒店财务管理、会议服务与管理、康乐服务与管理、酒店实用英语。 选修课建议如下:大学英语、旅游英语、旅游心理学、中外礼仪、旅游法规、饭店会计、餐饮运行与管理、前厅运行与管理、客房服务与管理、形体、导游业务、旅行社管理、现代宾馆管理、市场营销、计算机文化与应用。 这个回答还是比较简洁的把。 (4)酒店英语课程扩展阅读: 本专业培养掌握酒店经营管理,熟悉旅行社业务,具有良好的个人素养和语言表达能力,良好的服务接待和管理能力,能综合运用所学知识分析和解决经营管理中实际问题的一线管理人员和技术骨干。学生毕业后可面向星级酒店、移动公司、房地产公司、银行、保险等相关行业就业。 细分要求: 1、具有诚信、坚毅的品格和敬业、负责的职业道德与团队协作精神; 2、具有较高的专业基础知识和自学能力、进取创新意识; 3、掌握现代服务理念,了解现代服务业发展趋势; 4、熟悉酒店前厅、客房、餐饮、康乐等部门的业务知识; 5、熟悉我国酒店业发展的方针、政策和法规; 6、掌握酒店的前厅、客房、餐饮、康乐、会展等管理与基本服务技能; 7、具有较强的计算机操作、中英文表达能力以及对于突发事件的处理能力等。 Ⅳ 职业迷茫期,英语专业本科毕业三年,女生,做过酒店,销售,课程顾问 你准备干什么?找准一个点,你现在的基础就是英语和销售,你现在的情况要找一个行业(服装,家具,机械,日用品等)。多去其国内影响力大的展会,看看国内和国外行情,发展趋势等,注册一个公司,也可建个网站,这时你的结果会有意想不到的结果,,,祝你成功早些到来。 还有你做过酒店,现在餐饮业要么做大的,要么做小的,现在连锁的暂时不要做。。。 Ⅵ 商务英语与酒店英语的各自优势什么以及他们的课程或需要什么证书 两个不同的职业方向,酒店英语所涉及的知识和动手能力比商务英语的多,若不怕辛苦且想磨练自己的就选择酒店英语,相反如果自己的性格不适合做酒店或管理方面的专业就选择商务英语。 Ⅶ 酒店管理有哪些课程 主要课程酒店管理概论、现代酒店管理、酒店心理学、旅游学概论、前厅客房服务与管理、餐饮服务与管理、菜点与酒水、酒店英语、现代酒店营销、酒店财务管理、会议服务与管理、康乐服务与管理。 1. 主干课程:大学英语、旅游英语、旅游日语、旅游心理学、中外礼仪、旅游法规、饭店会计、餐饮运行与管理、前厅运行与管理、客房服务与管理、形体、导游业务、旅行社管理、现代宾馆管理、市场营销、计算机文化与应用。 2. 培养目标:培养全面掌握酒店的经营管理,熟悉旅行社业务,能综合运用所学知识分析和解决经营管理中实际问题的一线管理人员和技术骨干。 3. 各类证书:餐厅服务员中级证、客房服务员中级资格证、普通话导游证、计算机等级二级证、英语等级三、四级证、普通话二级证。 4. 就业方向:面向星级酒店、移动公司、房地产公司、物业管理公司等相关企业。 Ⅷ 酒店管理学英语 "北京第二外国语学院中瑞酒店管理学院的英语(酒店和商务英语方向)中国经济的腾飞和酒店产业的飞速发展,使得对英语人才的需求呈现逐年上升的趋势。学院秉承北京第二外国语学院深厚人文底蕴和外语教学优势,充分依托北京第二外国语学院雄厚的外语教学力量,以中瑞酒店管理学院国际化师资团队,参照洛桑酒店管理学院人才培养体系和模式进行富有特色的专业课程设置,为学生创造了良好的职业发展空间。 【培养目标和就业方向】本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展, 具有扎实的语言基础、语言技能和比较广泛的西方社会文化知识,掌握酒店、旅游和商务领域基础知识和理论,拥有较强的自主学习能力和实务操作能力,能够胜任旅游、酒店、外事、教育、经贸、翻译及其他与英语相关行业或部门工作的英语中、高级实用性人才。 【培养要求】本专业学生主要学习英语国家语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、社会文化等方面的基本理论和基本知识,兼修酒店、旅游、商务、跨文化交际、历史、文化、哲学、教育等方面的相关专业知识。接受英语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好训练,掌握一定的科研方法,具有从事翻译实践、教学、酒店、旅游、商务领域工作的业务水平及良好的素质和较高的能力。本专业毕业生应获得和具备以下方面的素质、知识和能力: 具有较强的政治思想和道德素质,良好的文化素养和人文素质; 具有较标准的语音,较扎实的英语语言基础知识,熟练掌握英语听、说、读、写、译五种基本技能; 具有较好的英、汉语沟通能力,特别是酒店英语和旅游英语方面的知识和能力 了解我国国情和英语国家的社会和文化; 了解我国有关旅游、酒店等领域的方针、政策和法规 较强的酒店实务操作能力 具有一定的第二外语实际应用能力和计算机应用能力 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步的科学研究能力和较强的实际工作能力 【主要课程】英语视听说,英语基础写作,英语口/笔译,英语国家社会与文化,旅游/酒店英语,商务英语,跨文化交际,商务沟通,商务礼仪,酒店房务管理与实务,组织行为学,人力资源管理与开发,旅游学,饭店管理原理,市场营销 【授予学位】文学学士学位。 【专业特色】 依托母体院校——北京第二外国语学院在语言专业人才培养上四十五年的本科办学历史和办学经验,全方位引进瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院的办学理念和人才培养模式,培养具有较深厚人文素质、跨文化意识和国际交际能力的复合型、国际化、应用型人才。其模式为:良好的听说读写译技能+酒店、旅游专业知识+商务基础知识+较强实践能力,同时强调动手、动口、礼仪接待和沟通能力,并将在学院自建四星级酒店、校外高星级酒店参与实践与实习,提前熟悉岗位工作,为学生毕业后在跨国企业、高星级酒店、油轮、 *** 等单位的高质量就业奠定了基础。" Ⅸ 本人一名大二英语在校生,想问一下大四还没毕业就申请读瑞士酒店管理学院的pgd课程可以吗 你好,是可以的,一般学校会提前1年开放申请,拿到录取后就可以在大四毕业入读了。 Ⅹ 跪求一些旅游酒店管理专业和英语专业课程的英文翻译 谢谢哦 很急呢 军训 经济数学 全国导游基础知识 旅游学概论 财经应用文写作 导游原理与实务 “毛邓三”概论 酒店前厅管理实务 酒店餐饮管理实务 旅行社经营与管理 会计实训 旅游法规 旅游地理学 企业经营实战演练 统计学实训 旅游心理学 形体礼仪 酒店与旅游英语 酒店客房管理实务 希腊罗马神话与西方文明 英语笔译实践 英汉语言对比研究 现代天文学概论--探索宇宙的奥秘 英语国家概况 传媒英语 公益劳动 英语教学法理论 Military training Economic Mathematics Basic knowledge of national tour guides Introction to Touri *** Financial application writing Principle and practice of tour guide An Introction to Mao Hotel lobby management practice Hotel catering management practice Travel agency management and management Accounting training Touri *** regulations Touri *** geography Business operations practical exercise Statistical training Travel Psychology Form etiquette Hotel & Travel English Hotel room management practice Greek and Roman mythology and Western civilization English translation practice A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese An Introction to Modern Astronomy - Exploring the Mystery of the Universe English country profile Media English public service English teaching theory
2023-07-12 04:44:101

免费升级酒店房间 英语怎么说

Free hotel room upgrade
2023-07-12 04:44:184


不知道你具体喜欢哪种,所以总结了一些! jaysean:down(签在lilwayne的唱片公司里是有发展) drake: bestieverhad(能在billboard里屹立至今很难得) forever(看看演唱阵容kanyewest,lil"wayne,eminem呵呵大家一起的合作超经典09新作) Pitbull:hotelroomservice(09年Pitbull的新作还不错) Fabolous:Throwitinthebag(今年9月出的不错的一首) MichaelFranti&Spearhead:SayHey(ILoveYou)(很活泼很可爱很好听) 经典篇: 2pac: Meandmygirlfriend(被jay-z和Beyonce翻唱过,但是绝对没有2pac的经典) Onlygodcanjudgeme(在词不在曲,好的rap是以歌词闻名的) Runnin"(和老死党biggiesmalls的经典合作曲目) Hit"emup(这首歌的beat和歌词都在当时堪称经典) hailmary(如果有人说2pac死后没有好作品了,这首就是回击) californialove(在90年代风靡全美的作品) doforlove(beat的效果很好) dearmama(匪帮里少有的亲情作品) lifegoeson(励志,感动写了一个年轻匪帮的生活) 50Cent: patientlywaiting(跟eminem的首次合作单曲) ManyMan(绝对的好听,词也不错) Indaclub(风靡酒吧的一首,也算是他的成名作) P.I.M.P(remix版和原版都是经典) 21Questions(看看MV就知道,有点幻想派) Unotlikeme(算是送给警察的一首歌和他的反对者) Justlil"bit(调调非常不错) getinmycar(MV里面大秀的他的兰博基尼,也是beat很牛的一首) whenitrainsitpours(在他的自传电影里面的一首经典) Peepshow(很有以前rap的味道哦) ayotechnology(挺动感和性感的一首歌) stillkill(和akon合作的匪帮经典) Dr.Dre: Nextepisode(在西海岸统治数年的歌曲,你听就知道了) stilld.r.e(这首歌是写给那些瞧不起DRE的人) Forgetaboutdre(eminem首次在dr。dre的唱片里献声,很好听) Bitchniggaz(很有西海岸的风格) what"sthedifference(和dr。dre好友xzibit还有eminem的经典曲目) boyzinthehood(这本来是N.W.A歌,但是年头太多就算是dre的吧) Blackeyedpeas: boomboompow(09最新单曲,引领了电子音乐的到来) igottafeeling(很潮流的一首club歌曲) alive(不听你会后悔) theaplsong(是表达对家乡思念的一首歌) whereisthelove(justin的制作不得不佩服) latingirls(很想让你对拉丁的女孩子们充满向往呵呵多元化的曲风) Eminem: stan(这个听过说唱的应该都知道) loseyourself(到底有好,听了才知道) whenimgone(很感人的一首) mockingbird(写给女儿的歌) encore(这个得听跟linkpark的remix版才叫过瘾) cleaninoutmycloset(非常有味道的歌曲) Beautiful(09年新专集的超级单曲) wemadeyou(在里面又是挖苦了很多明星) crackthebottle(新专集里的主打) Florida: sugar(写给女孩子的呵呵是电子音乐的先驱了) rightround(很不错的一首歌是他新专集的主打) finallyhere(是写给梦想的) low(成名作就是好啊) beonyou(neyo的实力使此歌更强) Twista: hope(写给那些已故的rapper) overnightcelebrity(比较有新意的歌曲) Lil"wayne: mr.carter(跟jay-z大哥的合作俩人都叫carter很爽) amilli(第一次听你会吐,但是确实相当不错) tiemyhand(kanyewest的制作一直我都很佩服) mrs.officer(很动听的一首) getmoney(和好兄弟t-pain的合作) lollipop(非常好听好玩呵呵,如果听听chop的remix版更爽) Nelly: flyaway(跟优秀的一部作品) dilemma(我认为是非常非常经典) countrygrammar(他的成名作) ridewitme(开车时必听) girlz(看看MV就知道呵呵很不错) bodyonme(新专集的主打) nas: ican(写给少年朋友的忠告,用献给爱丽丝做的beat很好) carryontradition(很不错的一首,以beat出名) hero(新专集就是不一样呵呵,和keri的合作也非常好) hip-hopisdead(我看也就他可以这么来指责说唱界) youcan"tstopusnow(很不错的一首oldschoolbeat) snoopdogg: smokinsmokinweed(最精典了吧,很不错很不错) that"sthat(很r。kelly的合作非常完美) gangstaparty(与2pac的首次合作演出) vato(比较loco的一首歌) roundhere(用thankyou的前奏做的beat呵呵挺民谣的) droplikeitshot(很经典的beat) ballin"(跟jazz的经典结合) Jay-Z encore(又是kanye制作的一首经典) momentofclarity(eminem操刀的制作也很不错) runthistown(超狠的一首09年9月新专集的主打) EmpireStateofMind(也是新专集的经典) izzo(很耐听的一首) T.I. whateveryoulike(08年转风后的主打) liveyourlife(和rihanna的经典改编了一首经典的舞曲) deadandgone(与JustinTimberlake的经典作品) PuffDaddy:i"llbemissingyou(写给biggie的,和biggie的老婆合唱) TheNotoriousB.I.G: warnnin"(很经典在badboy的力作) juicy(他的成名作很funk) respect(这首里的女生很吸引人呵呵) bigpoppa(这是他比较成熟的作品) whoshotya(传说是当年与2pac的仇源歌曲,但是,不是) Common: comeclose(最后一句实在太感人了,看看MV就知道) thepeople(少有的作品) KardinallOffishall: burnt(很火爆的一首经典) dangerous(和自己的老板akon的经典) numberone(rihanna在里面献唱很好) Jibbs:chainhanglow(借鉴了美国的一首童谣非常优秀的作品) CunninLynguists:Lynguistics(非常经典的beat,呵呵很惊艳) youngjeezy:puton(南方的经典) grits:OohAhh(呵呵福音说唱的经典) MobbDeep:shookonepartii(纽约的组合说唱精华) TheGame: thelax(有点伤感的一首,但是很经典) mylife(与lilwayne的合作很不错) oneblood(西海岸的典型风格) 下面推荐点R&B,同样是黑人歌曲的精华 akon: lonely(写出了失恋的无奈,你听得不是歌,是寂寞哈哈) gringo(很伤感的歌曲) lockedup(当年坐牢的感受) hollaholla(很滑荡的歌曲) beautiful(描写了一次经验邂逅) holdmyhand(跟michaeljackson的合作呵呵) sorry,puttheblameonme(写男人的责任) rightnow(新专集的主打) bewithyou(相当不错的一首爱情歌曲) iwannaloveyou(跟snoopdogg合作的歌曲) smackthat(跟eminem的合作) AceHood:Overtime(与akon和t-pain的合作,强烈建议看MV非常励志) T-pain: sprung(成名作) can"tbelieveit(很惊幻的一首呵呵) iminluv(witastriper)(放荡的故事) Neyo: closer(新专集主打) missindependent(写给那些很独立的很难追但很迷人的女性) partofthelist(新专集的经典) lietome(超级好听) becauseofyou(经典了不多说) sexylove(第一张的处子经典) mad(新专集最好听的) KeriHilson:knockyoudown(跟kanyewest和neyo的经典) Usher: burn(8连冠的R&B经典) yeah(同样是南方的经典) movemountin(新专集的经典) M.I.A:paperplane(JustinTimberlake力荐的女歌手) Aliciakeys:fallin"(成名作) Rihanna:cry(很动听,很感伤) Beyonce: ifiwereaboy(以对立的态度写爱情) dissapear(很含蓄的歌曲) avemaria(有点宗教歌曲味道但是很有味道的嗓音) Avant:lieaboutus Ciara:likeaboy Mario:letmeloveyou(Neyo的制作,8连冠歌曲) 另外我个人极力推荐的有:buttons(小野猫)apologize(onerepublic) rememberthename(2005年NBA)sexsells 推荐了这么多,希望能有你喜欢的!!
2023-07-12 04:44:531


问题一:“您需要我们酒店送站吗?”用英语怎么说? 您需要我们酒店送站吗? 互ou need our hotel send to station? 问题二:我们把你送到另一家酒店,会有人来接你用英语怎么翻译 W场 will send you to another hotel, and there will be someone to pick you up. 问题三:请问"宾馆馈赠"的英文怎么写! 各位让一让让一让好吗?专家来了!呵呵 实话难听哈,看着这些翻译让人心痛!这是我来回答的唯一原因。我对五星级酒店了如指掌. 答案:With the pliments of/the hotel. 当然你要结合语境去使用。但是pliment或plimentary不可缺少。请参考下文: ―――――――― Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English的释义: with the pliments of somebody/with our pliments:formal used by a person or pany when they send or give something to you 例:1.With the pliments of J. Nocuold & Son. 2.Please accept these tickets with our pliments. plimentary :given free to people 例1.There was a plimentary bottle of champagne in the hotel room.(注意hotel一词) 2. I"ve got some plimentary tickets for the theatre tonight. ―――――― 英汉大词典: With pliment from John 约翰敬赠 No charge, miss. pliments(或With the pliments)of the pany.小姐,不必付钱,公司的一点小意思。 ―――――――― 您还可以看看牛津高阶、剑桥,MW等等。 问题四:酒店英语送餐服务英语怎么说 回答和翻译如下 : 酒店英语送餐服务 Hotel English room service 问题五:机场接机用英文怎么说? “接机”等同于把人接回来,所以英文通常讲pickup at the airport. “送机”如果是朋友,就用see off,但是你们是做生意的,通常只做到送到机场就完事,所以要用send to the airport就够了,多了就太过造作了。 The hotel will make arrangements to pick you up at the airport on your arrival, and send you to the ai埂port on your departure date. 问题六:酒店英语:送餐服务英语怎么说 Room service 英[] ru:m ?s??v?s 美[] rum "s?v?s 词典释义 delivery service 例句 全部delivery service 这家旅馆一般不提供客房送餐服务。 The hotel did not normally provide room service 问题七:英文翻译 想给酒店发邮件问:你们酒店会不会为客人提供送机服务?是 Your hotel will send machine service for the guests?Is free?How to charge fees?How much is per person? 问题八:你们要车子送你们回酒店吗英文怎么翻译 中文:你们要车子送你们回酒店吗 英文:Do you want the car to take you back to your hotel 您的问题已经为您解答,如对您有帮助,请采纳!
2023-07-12 04:45:001

有一首英文歌 歌词中有一段叫什么at the hotel hotel

hotel room service Pitbull
2023-07-12 04:45:182

想知道一首歌的名字,歌词大概就是这个you can take your boy friends 秘密 in the hotel.....

Hotel Room Service Pitbull 是这个把~ 应该是的 歌词应该是you can take your boy friend meet me at the hotelroom
2023-07-12 04:45:262

跪求!!!上海酒吧音乐经常放的音乐 最好是LD GAGA酒吧 就是八万人体育馆(上海体育馆)那家

poke face
2023-07-12 04:45:363

Party Electro Pop 曲风歌曲的推荐 bitch-David Guetta ft.Akon(上海MUSE/MUSE2/MT的镇店歌曲)2.beautiful-Akon3.right now-Akon4.i gotta feeling-Black Eyed Peas(相信我,任何夜店都会放的)5.Abracadabra-Brown Eyed Girls6.Forever-Chris Brown(欧美夜店很多,中国的很少听到)7.Good Girls Go Bad-Cobra Starship8.Insomnia-Craig David(08年夜店的经典)9.In The Ayer-Flo Rida(所有夜店都放的,我都听了至少100遍了- -)10.Sugar-Flo Rida11.Stronger-kanye west(夜店都是混音的,原版的也很好听)12.TiK ToK-Ke$Ha(最新的夜店歌噢~)13.Take It Off-Ke$Ha(同上)14.Party At A Rich Dude"s House-Ke$Ha(同上)15.Kiss N Tell-Ke$Ha(同上)16.Bad Romance-Lady Gaga17.Poker Face-Lady Gaga18.Just Dance-Lady GaGa feat. Kardinal Offishall19.Hotel Room Service-Pitbull(20.I Know You Want Me-Pitbull22.Fire Burning-Sean Kingston 23.Sorry Sorry-Super Junior(不用多解释了吧- -)24.Bo Peep Bo Peep-T-ara25.Boom Boom Pow -Black Eyed PeasGAGA 的还是经典先放一点吧Bad romance 旋律很难忘记 一直缠着我 完美 夜店魅音porkr face 不用说了 完美 夜店魅音Telephone 和beyonce 合唱也是完美 特别喜欢前奏接中间的时候 HIGH 夜店魅音Just dance 会摇摆 旋律太拉风了 夜店魅音paparazzi 会摇头 我喜欢的旋律 夜店魅音beautiful dirty rich 节奏感很好 夜店魅音love game 太high了 跳舞再好不过了 夜店魅音speechless 证明唱功的伟作 转音很好听 (有兴趣可以看看mv)chillin 和wale合唱的 很清晰 好听 your negativity 很重的味道 个人比较喜欢GAGA 除了摇滚 抒情歌也很多 她的唱功真的不错哦再来AkonI wanna love you 很现实 不做作 唱出大家所想 夜店魅音right now (na na na) 有朋友说 这是毒药 会上瘾 脑袋 全是clubbing的气氛 夜店魅音No more you 轻松的旋律 很喜欢 夜店魅音what you got 总是给人一种霸气 旋律让我堕落 我会一直循环这首歌dangerous 一个个音符的升华 爽 跳舞绝对好 夜店魅音sexy chick 和 David guetta 悉尼夜店最爱 赖赖的感觉 夜店魅音beautiful 绝对经典了 夜店魅音keep you much longer 喜欢这感觉 舞动 夜店魅音Sorry, Blame It On Me 总有那么几个音符能让我陷入Against the Grain 很耐听的曲子sunny day 轻松 抒情歌曲Troublemaker 肯定经典了 总是带着野性Body On Me 和Ashanti Feat. Akon & Nelly合唱的 好听smack that 夜店魅音 还有T.I.的也很不错,希望可以帮到LZ =)
2023-07-12 04:45:431


2023-07-12 04:45:5111


推荐你 德国战车!!
2023-07-12 04:46:148


银员退房收银对话酒店收银员退房收银对话 展开写回答有奖励 共11个回答微排房务部2017-12-15 TA获得超过426个赞关注收银员:请问有什么可以帮您?客人:我要退房。收银员:请出示您的房卡及押金单。请问是****房间的***先生吗?客人:是的收银员:好的,请稍等三分钟,客房需要查房,客人:好的收银员:您在住期间是否对酒店各方面还满意?有没有意见或建议,可以为我们指出。帮我们填写一下宾客意见报。客人:非常不错,谢谢。收银员:感谢您对我们酒店的支持,您的房间已经查完房了,房间没有任何问题,您总共入住**天,总消费**元,这是您的账单,请您核实后签字。客人:没问题,收银员:好的,这是您的账单、发票和退您的押金。期待您下次光临!展开剩余55% 0 50更多回答(10)超市收银 系统 智百威 提供收银系统解决方案根据文中提到的酒店收银员为您推荐超市收银 系统智百威 威云SaaS,一款在线的云端Saas收银软件,让门店收银速度提升30%..深圳市智百威科技发展有限公司广告银豹收银系统,上天猫电器城,品类齐全,品质之选!根据文中提到的酒店收银员为您推荐天猫电器城-银豹收银系统,爆款行货,新潮外观,海量数码好货低至9.9起,现在下单更..杭州易宏广告有限公司广告银饰收银软件_操作简单_免费使用值得一看的银饰收相关信息推荐银饰收银软件支持加盟批发,原料,委外接口,财务接口,微信接口,小需求免费开发定..深圳时代珠宝软件科技有限公司广告为您推荐宾馆收银员询问客人是否退房的礼貌用语,,,,如果说退房怎么说比较有礼貌点,宾馆要求是两点之前退房,您好,请问您需要续住吗?不需要请在两点之前来前台办理退房 25 浏览1046 2016-07-02宾馆前台收银员,别人定房间和退房间的具体内容步骤是什么1订房先给客户推荐房间类型以及相应的价格、楼层、房间的基本情况, 2 客户确定后,要出示身份证,核 1 浏览530 2017-09-16是这样的,我在酒店做收银,有个客人经理说让我早点催费,我们这是两点钟退房,我一点半就打电话催费了.首先,客人是2点退房,你是1点半催费的,不存在超时催费问题,如果客人是自己逃账的,首先我们是不是无押 1 浏览171 2017-09-12酒店总台收银员在为客人办理退房手续时,接到客房查房结果:发现客人房间里的一条毛巾染有血迹,要求客人如果客人真的受伤了,就不要太计较了。 一条毛巾而且,只要血迹是刚沾上的还是能洗掉的。 另外找张创 1 浏览1304我是做酒店收银的,客人退房时,我就只收了一张房卡,忘记问客人索要押金单,就把押金退了。
2023-07-12 04:46:3215


hotel introduction, dining services, roon services
2023-07-12 04:47:275


  在高考以前练习听力,除了听听力以外我们还可以记住一些常在听力出现的英语词汇。下面是我给大家带来高考 英语听力 必背词汇,供大家参阅!   高考英语听力常见词汇   月份、星期、交通、、货币(钱)、地点(情景用语)等词汇。   1、月份   January Jan. February Feb.   March Mar. April Apr.   May May. June Jun.   July Jul. August Aug.   September Sep(t). October Oct.   November Nov. December Dec.   2、星期   Sunday Sun. Monday Mon.   Tuesday Tue. Wednesday Wed(s).   Thursday Thu. Friday Fri.   Saturday Sat.   3、交通   Traffic, plane, bus, car, train, subway(underground), boat, ship, taxi, transportation, timetable, journey, speed,   4、货币(钱)   U. S Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar (HK$), yuan, RMB¥ , pound (£), pocket change, coin, check, cash, credit card, bank,   5、地点(情景用语)   餐馆(restaurant)用语:   meal, menu, bill, order, tip, hamburger, sandwich, soup, dish, beer, soft drink, fully booked(客满),等;   医院(hospital)用语:   take medicine, temperature, pill, headache, fever, blood pressure, waiting room, 等;   宾馆(hotel)用语:   single room, double room, room number, room service, check in, check out, lift / elevator等;   邮局(post office)用语:   mail, deliver, stamp, envelope, telegram, postage等;   机场(airport)用语:   flight, take off, land, luggage, China Airline, information desk, boarding, customs, departure time, arrival,等;   车站(station)用语:   round trip, single trip, sleeping car, ticket, fair, conductor, 等;   商店(shop)用语:   on sale, size, color, price, change, customer, expensive, cheap, discount, 等;   学校(school)用语:   exam, course, dining hall, playground, library, lab, degree, foreign language, optional course, required course等。   家庭(family)用语:   relatives, relationship, reunion, uncle, parents, aunt, family-get-together, generation,   6、节日   holiday, festival, Mid-autumn Day, May Day, National Day, Teachersu2019 Day, Childrenu2019s Day, Mother(Father)u2019s Day, New Year, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter ,Halloween, Valentineu2019s Day,   7、体育   Basketball, football ,volleyball, baseball, tennis, table-tennis, badminton running , swimming, shooting, fishing, surfing ,skating ,rock climbing, jumping, gym, stadium,   8、娱乐   talk show, concert, show, exhibition, film, movie, play, theatre, museum, music, entertainment, band, chess, amusement park, nightclub, picnic, bowling,   9、职业   clerk , secretary, manager , boss, professor, lawyer, businessman, driver, doctor nurse, headmaster, headmistress, librarian, engineer, technician, farmer, policeman policewoman, coach,   10、健康(问题)   health, gain weight, lose weight, keep fit, balanced diet, smoking, go on a diet, take exercise, gym   高考英语听力必备词汇   1、时间   Century, year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, yesterday, today, tomorrow, weekend,   At noon, morning, afternoon, evening, night,   The moment/minuteu2026一u2026(就u2026)   2、科目   Chinese Mathematics English   Physics Chemistry Biology   Politics History Geography   Arts Music Physical Education (P E)   3、国籍(nationality)   Chinese, Japanese, German, French, American, Australian, Englishman, Russian, New-Zealander,   Canadian, Italian, Spanish,   4、主要国家、地区、城市   The Peopleu2019s Republic of China,Beijing ,The United States of America,USA ,New York,Chicago ,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ,U.K,London,France,Paris, Germany, Berlin, Australia, Canberra / Sydney, Japan, Tokyo, Canada ,Toronto/ Ottawa, Italy , Rome, Spain , Madrid , Russia , Moscow, Europe,   5、数(量)词   Million, thousand, hundred, dozen, score, decade, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth,   6、科技   computer, surf the Internet, technology, science, information, e-mail, download, on line, off line, clone, robot, cell phone/ mobile phone, satellite, spaceship   7、Clothes(衣物)   clothing , dress, suit, evening dress, jacket, shirt ,skirt, T-shirt, trousers pants, shorts, blouse, sweater, coat, overcoat, tie, socks, stockings, shoes, boots hat , cap ,uniform   8、Food and drinks(食物与饮料)   hamburger, sandwich(es), bread, flour, milk, pork, beef, lamb, chicken , fish, rice, vegetable, black-tea, green-tea , coffee, black coffee, wine, alcohol, soft drinks   9、听力句型:   1)Thatu2019s settled. 【就这么定了】   2)Take your time/Take things easy.【别慌】.   3)Anything but cheap【并不便宜】.   4)No wonderu2026   5)Itu2019s a deal【一言为定】.   6)Youu2019re kidding.【你开玩笑吧】   7)Can we make itu2026?【我们可把时间定在u2026?】   8)Thatu2019s the way it is.【事情就是这样的】   9)It depends. 10)Itu2019s not intended for scientists, either.【也不是为科学家而准备的】   10) Itu2019s far from easy.【一点也不容易】   11)You canu2019t be serious !【别开玩笑了】   12.Thatu2019s beyond my imagination.【这超出我的想象】   高考英语听力十大场景常见词汇   (一)餐馆场景:   May I take your order now? 现在点菜吗?order 点菜 serve 上菜 change 零钱 Keep the change! 不用找零钱了! tip 小费 treat 请客 (This is my treat! 我请客!)go Dutch AA制 (Letu2019s go fifty fifty. ) steak 牛排 cheese奶酪   sandwich 三明治 bacon 腌肉 soup 汤 doughnut 多纳圈 appetizer 开胃物 dessert甜品,go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 snack bar 小吃街;大排挡 hamburger 汉堡包 coke 可口可乐 French fries 炸薯条 dining hall ;coffee shop ;restaurant ;cafeteria ;canteen; buffet 自助餐   (二)邮局场景:   stamp, envelope, package / parcel 包裹 overweight 超重 extra postage 额外邮资 send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄 /发信 express mail 快件 airmail 航空信件 open an account 开一个账户postman/mailman, delivery   (三)图书馆场景:   library card; borrow; lend; keep; renew; bookshelf; novel; science fiction科幻小说;magazine; periodical期刊; reference book; librarian 图书管理员 pay a fine 交罚款 Can I help you? / What can I do for you?   (四)医院及健康场景:   aspirin 阿司匹林 regular doctor 私人医生 emergence department 急诊室 ICU (= intensive care unit)特护病房 treatment 治疗手段 take oneu2019s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压medicine: pills / tablets药丸/药片 heart attack 心脏病 cold / flu 流感:have/catch a cold; pain; headache; stomach-ache; backache; sore-throat喉咙痛 cough; fever。Whatu2019s up? (多用于男生之间)How is it going? How are you? 回答:Iu2019m fine. / I feel good/terrific. / I couldnu2019t be better. / Nothing is very wrong with me. 好。 I am not feeling good. / I feel terrible/horrible/awful. / I am not myself these days. 不好。 (注意听语气:身体好的时候,语调上扬,语气非常欢快;身体不好的时候,降调,语气非常郁闷。)   (五)、电话场景:   The line is bad/ busy / engaged. It kept a busy line. 电话占线。long distance call 长途电话 put through 接通电话 hold on / up Hold the line, please. Hello! This is u2026speaking. Whou2019s speaking? / telephone/ ring/ phone sb. ;give sb. a call/ ring Iu2019ll call back later / again. Iu2019ll ring him / her up again. I couldnu2019t get through. Sorry, Iu2019m afraid you have the wrong number.   (六)、酒店场景:   make a reservation 预定房间 reception desk 接待处 check in 入住 check out 结账 single room单间 suite套间 Do you have a reservation Sir? Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?)有空房间吗?All the room are occupied. 房间已满。Can I have a suite please? How much do you charge for that? Smoking or non-smoking? Meals included. 包括饮食。Can I show you your room? / Can I carry your luggage?   (七)、超速场景:   speeding May I see your license, please? You will be fined by $20.   (八)、购物场景:   store 杂货店 department store 百货商场 shopping center 购物中心 商品信息:size; color; style; price What color/size/kind do you want? 商品论贵贱expensive, cheap 价格论高低high, low 。bargain便宜货 popular / fashionable 流行的 in fashion 流行,时尚 out of fashion 过时的brand 品牌 counter 柜台 pay in cash 用现金支付 pay in check 用支票支付 credit card 信用卡shop assistant 商店营业员 out of stock 脱销/缺货 in stock 有货   (九)、天气场景:   cloudy 阴天 thunder 打雷 strong/ high wind 大风 tornado 龙卷风 typhoon 台风storm 风暴 blizzard暴风雪 It rains cats and dogs.(=The rain is pouring.)下着倾盆大雨。downpour倾盆大雨 shower 阵雨 clear up 天空放晴 。 经常和天气相联系的情况:vacation 和 flight(航班) (be delayed/cancelled by the bad weather)   (十)、机场场景:
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1u3001In this hotel,tea and coffee are easy to get__D__A In the bar B In the lobby C at the Reception Office D in all the bedrooms2u3001The car park is _C_A not available to any guestsB available only to the guests in the hotel and the hotel takes the responsibility to look after cars left in it.Cu3001available to all the guests but the hotel takes no responsibility to look after cars left in it Du3001available to the staff working in the hotel2u3001We can clean shoes__C_A on the fifth floorB On the second floorC A,B,and DD at weekends, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm3u3001It is suggested that guests should keep their valuables__B_A in their bedroomsB at the Reception officeC by themselvesD with the help of Nights Porters4u3001Who should be contacted in a medical emergency?(B)A a hospital in the cityB The House Keeper or the Reception Office of the hotelC a hospital next to the hotelD the Hall porter of the hotel
2023-07-12 04:47:531


多少个星级数? 用星表示旅游涉外饭店的等级和类别,星级用五角星表示,用一颗五角星表示一星级,两颗五角星表示二星级,三颗五角星表示三星级,四颗五角星表示四星级,五颗五角星表示五星级。旅游国外饭店划分为五个星级,即一星级、二星级、三星级、四星级、五星级。星级越高,表示饭店档次越高。本标准的标志按有关标志的标准执行。 法国:官方的评鉴采「星」为符号,从一颗星、两颗星、三颗星、四颗星到豪华四星,没有五星这一级,是因为旅馆为了节税,而自动降级。非官方以「米其林轮胎公司观光部门」为依据,住宿以「洋房」为等级,餐饮则以「汤匙及叉子」为标帜 美国:(1)美国汽车协会(AAA)采用「钻石」为标帜,从一颗钻、两颗钻、三颗钻、四颗钻到五颗钻。(2)汽车旅游指南--五星:全国最好的之一;四星:出色的、值得一游;三星:特佳的;两星:非常好;一星:好 英国:英国汽车协会(AAGB),住宿以「星星」为标帜,从一颗星、两颗星、三颗星、四颗星到五颗星,餐饮则以「蔷薇」为标帜 台湾:国际观光旅馆分为五朵梅花级和四朵梅花级,一般观光旅馆为三朵梅花级和二朵梅花级 准则是谁定的? 由各国家旅 *** 政管理部门制定的 由谁评审? 分成三种类型 1由各国 *** 或 *** 委托的单位评鉴:例如台湾是由观光局来执行评鉴工作,中国大陆、义大利、韩国也是 2由旅馆业相关组织评鉴:例如美国汽车协会(AAA) 3.由旅客、旅行业或旅游相关杂志所进行评鉴 世界各地酒店的星级数是根据甚么准则评定的? 以五个星级来划分旅游饭店的依据有如下五项︰ 1饭店的建筑、装横、设备、设施条件; 2饭店的设备设施的维修保养状况; 3饭店的管理水准; 4饭店的服务质量; 5饭店的服务项目。 酒店是否一定要做评审? 开业一年以上的酒店可自愿选择做评审与否(包括宾馆、旅馆、度假村)都可以申请接受评审 英文 *** 全书对酒店的星级及分级有以下解释: Stars are often used as symbols for classification purposes. They are a mon me of ranking things by reviewers such as movies TV shows restaurants and hotels. For example a set of one to five stars is monly employed to categorize hotels. A "five star hotel" However regardless of what public or private agency performs the classification the term five star hotel is always associated with the ultimate luxury (and by implication expense). The lack of standardisation has allowed marketing-driven inflation with some hotels claiming six stars; at one point the Burj al-Arab marketed itself as "the world"s first seven-star hotel". Well-established prestige hotels are usually content to claim the traditional five. General meaning of hotel rating by stars The five categories can be described (loosely) as follows: * (one star) — low budget hotel; inexpensive; may not have maid service or room service. ** (o stars) — budget hotel; slightly more expensive; usually has maid service daily. *** (three stars) — middle class hotel; moderately priced; has daily maid service room service and may have dry-cleaning Inter access. **** (four stars) — first class hotel; mostly expensive (by middle-class standards); has all of the previously mentioned services; has many semi "luxury" services (for example: massages or a health spa). ***** (five stars) — luxury hotel; high price ; numerous extras to enhance the quality of the client"s stay such as a private golf course or air strip. The AAA and their affiliated bodies use diamonds instead of stars to express hotel and restaurant ratings levels. Traditional systems rest heavily on the facilities provided which is often disadvantageous to *** aller hotels whose quality of acmodation could fall into one class but the lack of an item such as an elevator would prevent it from reaching a higher categorization. Six star ratings While "six star" rating systems are known in rating the energy efficiency or water efficiency of electrical appliances and in some fields of construction and engineering some members of the hospitality industry have been known to claim a "six star" rating for their operation. One example is the Crown Macau casino on Taipa Island in the Chinese territory of Macau. Another is the St. Regis Shanghai Hotel in China. The Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast in Australia is described by Australian Traveller magazine as meriting "six star" rating though that level of rating is not used in Australia. 参考: 英文 *** 全书 酒店的星级是除了根据酒店的服务外 还要睇下其酒店的设施 房间数量、大小、类别 床上的枕头数量 是否有餐厅商店 是否有泳池及大小...等。 国际酒店的评级最高为五星 而有些酒店标榜自己为六星七星 是表达其酒店之水准超过或远超过国际五星的标准 目的是吸引客人去选择。 国内有计多都话自己系五星级酒店 其实都系国内所定的评级标准 一般比起国际评级低一至两级。 日本有许多靓的酒店 服务又好 但系都系取不到国际五星的评级 原因系房间比较细 亦由于经常有地震关系 酒店亦不会太高 最重要系一个标准泳池都欠缺。但随着科技进步 一些防地震的建筑已做得很多 所以依家日本都多左好多国际五星级的酒店了。
2023-07-12 04:48:021


Our hotel to the six floor on the fourth floor has a sweet and comfortable standard room, the room has two X2 meters 1.2 meters bed two zhang and a 32 inch LCD TV, each room has free wireless Internet and 24 hour hot water service, put inside the Minibar in the room there are several hours and drinks for you to enjoy, in the chest can free use within the hotel also has safe!
2023-07-12 04:49:421


2023-07-12 04:50:132


男服务员: hotel waiter / 女服务员: Hotel waitress
2023-07-12 04:50:3014

急需酒店前台的英语专业术语和对应解释那些 越多越好

01) We have single rooms,double rooms,suites and deluxe suites in our hotel.我们宾馆有单间、双人间、套间和豪华套间。02) Did you have a reservation with us?您在我们这儿预订房间了吗?03) Did you make a reservation?您预订房间了吗?04) How long do you expect to stay?你想待多长时间。05) Room 707 on the 7th floor is vacant.七楼707房间没人住。06) I"m sorry,we don"t have any single rooms left,would you like a double room?对不起,我们没有剩余的单间了,你想要双人间吗?07) I"m sorry,we"re rather full at the moment.can I recommend you to another hotel?对不起,我们这儿目前客满?我将为您推荐到另一家宾馆好吗?08) The price lf one single room id 70 dollars per day.单间是每天70美元。09) Would you please fill in this registration form?您填写一下这张登记表好吗?10) Would you please show me your passport?请出示一下您的护照好吗?11) I"ll get a attendant to send your luggage up.我会叫服务员把您的行李拿上去的。12) Could you please show me your room card?请让我看一上您的房卡好吗?13) Here"s your room key.这是您的房间钥匙。14) I"ll show you to your room. This way,please.我会领您去您的房间的,这边请。15) Channel 6carries programs in English.第6频道播放英语节目。16) For local telephone calls,please press 9 first and then dial the number.若打本地电话,请按9,然后再拔号。前台词汇: company 陪伴,同伴 single room 单人房 double room 双人房 intend 想要,打算 party (参加共同活动的)一批,一组,一组人 date 日期,日子 kind 种,类 bath 浴室 shower 淋浴 suite (一套)房间 deluxe 豪华的 presidential 总统的,总统职务的 available 可用的,合用的,可得到的,可到达的 fully 完全地,彻底地 name 名字,姓,姓名,名称 address 地址 the phone number 电话号码 be able to 能,会 guarantee 保证,担保,包,管 occupancy 占有,占用 peak 最高的,高峰的 arrival 到来,到达 departure 启程,离开,出发 book 预定,定 hotel 旅馆 offer 提出,提供 discount 折扣 vacancy 空,空房间 solid 全部地 be full up 全满 include 包括,包含 major 较大范围的,主要的 international 国际的,世界的 provide with 提供 mini-bar 小冰柜 sort 种类,类别 price 价格,价钱 dollar 美元 service 服务,服侍 of course 当然 rate 价格,费用 tax extra 另加税金 look forward to 期待,希望 receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客 welcome to 欢迎到来 bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员 madam 夫人,女士,太太 trip 旅行,旅程 take care of管理,照看 baggage 行李, carry 运送,手提 suitcase 手提箱,衣箱 show 带领,指引,给 看 lead 带领,引领,领路 give sb.a hand帮...的忙 allow 允许,准许 wish 愿,希望 pleasant 令人愉快的,舒适的 enjoy 享受 a good time 快乐时光 pleasure 快乐,愉快,高兴 not at all 不用谢,没关系 mention 提及,提到 registration登记,注册 at one"s service 为...服务 behind 在后面,在...背后 remember 记住,记得 return 送还,还归 firmly 稳固地 go to bed 上床睡觉 check 检查,核对 list 名单,一览表 fill to 填写 form 表格 have a look 看一看 passport 护照 mind 介意,反对 fill out 填写 prepare 准备,预备 key card 出入证 seat 座位 file 档案 identification身分的证明 straight 马上,立刻 separately 单独地 opposite 在...的对面 gift 礼品,礼物 elevator [美]电梯 directly 直接地 straight 笔直的 traffic 交通 distance 直接地 intersection 交叉点,十字路口 饭店交流用语之欢迎、问候用语 1、Good morning(afternoon, evening), sir(madam) 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 2、How do you do? 您好!(初次见面) Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到您。 3、How are you? 您好吗? Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢。您好吗? 4、Welcome to our hotel (restaurant, shop). 欢迎到我们宾馆(餐厅、商店)来。 5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. 愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时) I hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间) I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时) 7、Have a good time! 祝您过得愉快! 8、***hotel, front desk. Can I help you? ***饭店,前厅。您找谁? 9、Sorry, I"ve dialed the wrong number. 对不起,我拨错号了。 10、May I speak to your general manager? 能和你们总经理说话吗? Speaking. 我就是。 11、Sorry, he is not in at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在。 Would you like to leave a message? 您要留口信吗? 12、Pardon. 对不起,请再说一遍,好吗? 饭店交流用语之前厅和客房部用语 1、Have you a reservation? 您预定过了吗? 2、May I know your name and room number? 您能告诉我您的名字与房间号吗? 3、Here is your room key. 给您房间钥匙。 4、Please pay at the cashier"s desk over there. 请去那边帐台付款。 5、Are these your baggage? 这些是您的行李吗? May I take them for you? 我来帮您拿好吗? 6、Housekeeping, may I come in? 客房服务员,我可以进来吗? 7、Leave your laundry in the laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door. 请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋中。 8、I hope I"m not disturbing you. 我希望没有打扰您。 9、One moment, madam. I"ll bring them to you right away. 等一会儿,夫人。我马上送来。 10、I"ll send for an electrician( doctor, ……) 我给您请电工(大夫……)。
2023-07-12 04:51:091


C:房里有中央空调,电话,电视等。There is air conditioner,phone,TV set.后面应该加上and soon实际上一句汉语用英语可以译出很多种不必太按书上的去做
2023-07-12 04:51:334

hotel room service的中英文歌词

I want everybody to stop what they"re doing. 我要所有人都停下手上的事Now if you know you"re with somebody you"re gonna take the hotel room tonight, 如果你今晚准备和谁去酒店开房make some noise... 就 开 始 欢 呼吧~~~~Meet me at the hotel room 在酒店房间等我Forget about your boyfriend 忘了你的男朋友 and meet me at the hotel room, 在酒店房间等我 you can bring your girlfriends 你可以带上你的闺蜜and meet me at the hotel room. 在酒店房间等我We at the hotel, motel, holiday inn. 我们在酒店,汽车旅馆,假日酒店 she like that freaky stuff 她喜欢刺激的玩意2 and the O, 1 in the I, that kinkee stuff, 两个圆的,一个I字形的 刺激的玩意you nasty, but I like your type 你真淫荡,但我就爱你这型and like T.I. it"s whatever you like. 我就像T.I.,《随你喜欢》Bring your girls, it"s whatever tonight, 带上你的闺蜜,哪晚都行your man just left,i"m the plumber tonight,你的男人一离开,我就是你今晚的“水管工”let me check your pipes,让我看看你的“管子”oh, you"re the healthy type. 哦,你是健康型的Well, here goes some egg whites. 嗯,再来点蛋白质吧Now gimme that sweet, that nasty gooshy stuff, 给我来点甜甜滑滑的东西let me tell you what we gon" do.让我告诉你接下来咱们干吗2 + 2, i"m gonna undress you. 2 + 2, 我要脱了你衣服Then we"re gonna go 3 and 3 you gon" undress me. 然后是3 3 ,你脱了我衣服Then we"re gon" go 4 and 4,然后是4 4,we gon" freak some more, but first! 我们要疯狂刺激,但是首先~~~~Forget about your boyfriend 忘了你的男朋友 and meet me at the hotel room, 在酒店房间等我 you can bring your girlfriends 你可以带上你的闺蜜and meet me at the hotel room. 在酒店房间等我We at the hotel, motel, holiday inn. 我们在酒店,汽车旅馆,假日酒店 after party in hotel lobby, 楼下的派对一完事then we off to the room like voom, 我们嗖的一下就回了房间with them fingers in yo mouth or open up yo blouse,解开你的上衣,手指放进你嘴里and pull that g-sting down south (ouhh) 把丁字裤扔一边去OKay shawty, 1"s company, 2"s a crowd, and 3"s a party. 好了,美女,1人是一对,俩人是一群,三人是派对if your girl ain"t with it, I got somebody, 1个不够,就再拉一个and by nature she"s naughty.她天生就是这么淘气Now gimme that sweet, that nasty gooshy stuff, 给我来点甜甜滑滑的东西let me tell you what we gon" do.让我告诉你接下来咱们干吗2 + 2, i"m gonna undress you. 2 + 2, 我要脱了你衣服Then we"re gonna go 3 and 3 you gon" undress me. 然后是3 3 ,你脱了我衣服Then we"re gon" go 4 and 4,然后是4 4,we gon" freak some more, but first! 我们要疯狂刺激,但是首先~~~Forget about your boyfriend 忘了你的男朋友 and meet me at the hotel room, 在酒店房间等我 you can bring your girlfriends 你可以带上你的闺蜜and meet me at the hotel room. 在酒店房间等我We at the hotel, motel, holiday inn. 我们在酒店,汽车旅馆,假日酒店 这歌词,真H真暴力
2023-07-12 04:52:031

meet me at the hotel room是哪首歌的歌词

2023-07-12 04:53:243


神话之旅11月英文MUSIC(DJ_ZPKY_MIX).320k/mp3【115盘/138M/60分钟】曲目1 (开场版)ring_my_bells2 Fantasy_of_love_kty_dj_MIX3 Activ - Without You (DJ Anxiao Remix)4 hotel room service- dj charrlz5 Jump (Original Horny Mix)6 The_Pussycat_Dolls_-_Hush_Hush_(Dave_Aude_Extended_Mix)7 人妖打排球现场版 - DJ阿游8 sex On The Beach9 DJ Maddie Q Ft Eddy Wata - I Like The Way (Simple Mix)10 Epiphony - Mr Charming (djmusic Edit 自用)11 Colours Of The Rainbow (Dirty Bears Extended Remix12 Edward_Maya_and_Vika_Jigulina_-_Stereo_Love_(Paki_Jaro_Remix_Extended)13 Foreign Music World (DJ AGou Remix)[125Bpm]
2023-07-12 04:53:311

欧美男歌手 光头 唱的什么 hotel hotel

Pitbull - Hotel Room Service
2023-07-12 04:53:512

求一首dj舞曲..歌词里有hotel hotel hotel 这样..男声 夜店里常放的~

中文歌还是英文歌?是hotel room service吗??
2023-07-12 04:53:581

2023-07-12 04:54:062


看样子很喜欢玩酒吧 交个朋友 我的号码就是我的 sexy bitch-David Guetta ft.Akon(上海MUSE/MUSE2/MT的镇店歌曲)2.beautiful-Akon3.right now-Akon4.i gotta feeling-Black Eyed Peas(相信我,任何夜店都会放的)5.Abracadabra-Brown Eyed Girls6.Forever-Chris Brown(欧美夜店很多,中国的很少听到)7.Good Girls Go Bad-Cobra Starship8.Insomnia-Craig David(08年夜店的经典)9.In The Ayer-Flo Rida(所有夜店都放的,我都听了至少100遍了- -)10.Sugar-Flo Rida11.Stronger-kanye west(夜店都是混音的,原版的也很好听)12.TiK ToK-Ke$Ha(最新的夜店歌噢~)13.Take It Off-Ke$Ha(同上)14.Party At A Rich Dude"s House-Ke$Ha(同上)15.Kiss N Tell-Ke$Ha(同上)16.Bad Romance-Lady Gaga17.Poker Face-Lady Gaga18.Just Dance-Lady GaGa feat. Kardinal Offishall19.Hotel Room Service-Pitbull(20.I Know You Want Me-Pitbull21.Move Shake Drop-Pitbull22.Fire Burning-Sean Kingston 23.Sorry Sorry-Super Junior(不用多解释了吧- -)24.Bo Peep Bo Peep-T-ara
2023-07-12 04:54:151


030 hotels,Words Facilities swimming pool reception(ist) porter/bell hop waiter/waitress tip mini bar maid Wake-up call plimentary concierge luggage/baggage Phrases Book a room make a reservation check into a hotel check out of a hotel order room service Use the facilities book in advance pay the bill turn down service inter assess business centre Beauty parlor,Beginner A; good morning! The hingland hotel. How may I help you? B: good morning. I"d like to book a room for Friday night and Saturday night. A: certainly. What kind of room would you like? B: a single room please. I hope you"re not fully booked. A; a single room? That"s fine. In whose name shall I make the booking? B; jones. According to your website, the nightly rate is $50, including breakfast. A: we offer a 20% discount for guests staying of Friday and Saturday. The total cost will be $80, including breakfast. B: thank you very much. I look forward to seeing you on Friday. A; could I just take your credit card number please? I should mention that there is a cancellation charge of $20. B: that"s fine. My credit card number is …,Intermediate A; did you enjoy your weekend at the highland hotel? I heard it"s and excellent place to stay and has good facilities. B: I had a wonderful time. The rooms are not very big, but they are well furnished. The restaurant is excellent and reasonably priced. There"s a sauna a Jacuzzi. A: do they have a swimming pool? B: no, they don"t. they have a beauty parlor, but I didn"t go there. A: what"s the service like? B; it"s very good. Check in and check out only took a few minutes. The wait staff is very good. A waiter remended their baked fish, which tasted wonderful. The hotel was quite full, so I"d suggest making a reservation if you intend to go there. The hotel offers a discount at the weekends. A: it sounds perfect. Did you have any plaints at all? B; there was a problem with the inter access, so I couldn"t check my email, but I didn"t plain about it to the management. A; I suppose you were happy to fet about the outside world. B; yes, I was. Here"s their business card. A; thanks. Was there a mina bar in the room? B; no, there wasn"t. there is a bar on the ground floor and of course you can buy drinks in the restaurant to go with your meal. A: one of the things I dislike about hotels is that everyone expects tips. B: I know. At the hingland hotel, they have an interesting policy. When you check out, you put some money in a special box at reception. Each evening, the money in the box is shared equally by the hotel staff.
2023-07-12 04:54:221


Holiday Inn is a brand of hotels forming part of the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG). The Holiday Inn brand includes several sub-brands covering different market segments, including Holiday Inn Express, Holiday Inn Resorts, Holiday Inn Club Vacations, and Holiday Inn Select.
2023-07-12 04:54:312

heart hotel的歌词

Well there"s too many windowsin this old hotelAnd rooms filled with reckless prideAnd the walls have grown sturdyAnd the halls have worn wellBut there is nobody living insideNobody living inside...Fogelberg DanGonna pull in the shuttersOn this heart of mineRoll up the carpets and pullin the blindsAnd retreat to the chambers thatI left behindIn hopes there still may beLove left to findStill may be love left to find.Seek inspiration in daily affairsand requires repairsAnd the voices you hear at thetop of the stairsAre only echoes of unanswered prayersEchoes of unanswered prayers.Well there"s too many windowsin this old hotelAnd rooms filled with reckless prideAnd the walls have grown sturdyAnd the halls have worn wellBut there is nobody living insideNobody living inside...
2023-07-12 04:54:382


  1) Good morning. This is Room reservation. May I help you?   早上好,客房预订处,我能为您做什么?   2)What kind of room would you like to reserve?   您想订哪种类型的房间?   3)A single room or a double room?   要单人间还是双人房间?   4) For which dates do you want to book the rooms?   您想订哪几天的房间呢?   5) What time will you be arriving?   您将在何时到达?   6) May I know your name?   您能告诉我您的名字吗?   7)How long will you be staying?   您将要住多久?   8)Iu2019d like to confirm your reservation.   我要确认一下您的预订。   9) Iu2019ll check the room availability.   我查查客房预订情况。   10) You should pay a deposit of US$1000 beforehand.   您应预期付1000美元的定金。   11)There is a 10 per cent discount.   10%的折扣。   12)What kind of room would you be prefer?   您要什么样的房间?   13) Have you got a booking?   您预订了吗?   14) Weu2019ll extend your reservation for you.   我们将会按您的要求作相应的更改。   15) We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.   愿您在我们饭店过得愉快!   16) Please donu2019t leave anything behind.   请不要遗忘你的东西。   17) Mind (or watch) your step!   请走好!   18) We wish you a pleasant journey.   祝您旅途愉快!   19) Have a nice trip!   一路平安!   20) Thank you for coming.   谢谢您的光临。   21) Thank you for staying in our hotel.   感谢您在我们饭店下榻。   22) Iu2019m very grateful to you.   非常感谢您。   23) Itu2019s very kind of you.   谢谢,您真客气。   24) You are (most) welcome.   不用谢,不用客气。   25) Not at all.   不用谢。   26) Donu2019t mention it.   不用谢。   27) My pleasure.(or with pleasure)   很高兴能为您服务。   28) Glad to be of service.   很高兴为您服务。   29) At your service.   乐意为您效劳。   30) Iu2019m sorry.   很抱歉。   31) Excuse me.   对不起。   32) Iu2019m terribly sorry. Itu2019s my fault.   非常抱歉,那是我的过错。   33) Iu2019m awfully sorry for my carelessness.   对于我的粗心大意我非常抱歉。   34) Sorry to have kept you waiting.   对不起,让您久等了。   35) Sorry to interrupt you.   对不起,打扰了。   36) Thatu2019s all right.   这没什么。   37) Never mind.   不要紧,没关系。   38) Letu2019s forget it.   算了吧!   39) What can I do for you?   我能为您干点什么?   40) Can I help you?   我能为您干点什么?   41) Is there anything I can do for you?   有什么能为您效劳的吗?   42) Just a moment, please.   请稍等一下。   43) Iu2019ll switch you to Room 1120.   我马上给您接301房间。   44) What number are you calling?   请问对方什么电话号码。   45) Who would you like to talk to?   请问受话人姓名?   46) Could you hold the line, please?   请(拿着话筒)稍等一会好吗?   47) My hearty congratulations!   衷心祝贺您!   48) As you wish(or like)   随您的便。   49) Certainly./Of course.   当然可以。 当然可以。   50) Please donu2019t smoke here.   请不要在这里抽烟。
2023-07-12 04:54:561


I m your service,I would dutifully clean the room during your staying in the hotel. I hoestly wish you go lucky with everything.if there is any need plz call 8123 to keep me informed.
2023-07-12 04:55:041

酒店英语怎么打morning call

2023-07-12 04:55:111


loving suggestion The hotel elevator is operated by room card. please scan (晃一下的那种卡)或者 insert (插的那种卡)your room card first when you use it. if you need any help ,just call 3118. We will help you any time any where.
2023-07-12 04:55:224


PThe ITC Maurya has been the preferred residence of visiting heads of state and global business leaders for over 25 years. This extraordinary hotel combines an historic aura with contemporary facilities to create an unrivalled luxury hotel experience.BRBRBRBRSituated in the heart of the exclusive Diplomatic Enclave and surrounded by views of Delhi"s green belt the forested ridge, our business hotel is a convenient 14 kilometers 25 minutes from Indira Gandhi International Airport DEL. An imposing structure of timeless luxury boasts inspiring architecture and a majestic ambiance a tribute to the age of the great Mauryan Dynasty, which created the golden era of Indian history.BRBRBRBROur 437 rooms, including 24 uniquelydesigned suites, are available in a variety of room categories, from the Executive Club, which pioneers a tradition in corporate hospitality, to the Towers" eight luxurious floors of elegance and tranquility. The Luxury Room combines the best of opulence, space, and service standards, and the ITC One our premium room category offers magnificent decor, impeccable service, and the latest in modern conveniences and amenities.BRBRBRBROne of the most popular dining destinations in the city, ITC Maurya additionally offers an assortment of internationally acclaimed cuisine. Kaya Kalp, the Spa is a haven of unparalleled peace and indulgence. An array of traditional Indian and Westernstyle therapies, along with lavish hair and beauty services, are intertwined into an experience that is relaxing, rejuvenating, and rebalancing to body, mind, and soul.P飞猪上还可以查看更多有关于新德里ITC孔雀王朝豪华精选酒店的介绍和玩法还有周边的景点
2023-07-12 04:55:301


Writing this article, China"s Tanabata Festival has quietly come. If the lovers can now see Xiang Wei months, even if the autumn wind becoming cooler, which is also heat and wishful heart. And if a foreign country, to go to school every day, working alone, quietly go home, TV inside the hive of activity it is only another hard learned the language - then this festival, how many will be a bit lonely bar. I am in a quiet hotel room from time to time and TV comparison, TV, and the window is the fickle English weather and clouds, I feel the U.S. does, so they took the camera shot down and listen to the TV talk for the next time the weather. San Mao wrote in the book before the winter, open windows to sleep wrapped in blankets, cold wind came the moment of sober. Monet like a day before sitting next to the castle, only changes in light and shadow in painting and detailed record of life-time. Relaxed state of mind are a bit lazy, are a bit odd. Only in London do not love so lonely. A weekend of sunshine a shed, the south-facing room instant dazzling. As a result, starting it, to look at heat and festive, not the same as London. Walking London"s bus station license To go out walking a few steps away on the lost its way, but ignoring that, with feeling, towards the road signs. Quickly and saw a station called Montague Street, was surprised to want to write about Shakespeare Romeo Montague Is not a living here? Street at the foot of the winding alleys on the cross, on-street shops have their own characteristics, appearances are heavy makeup Dan Ma, flowers and clusters. Restaurants, cafes, mini-bar 35 Step 1, put a few outdoor tables and chairs, black board written menu, and polite waiting for you. London people like wandering in such a bar, not to mention the countless foreign tourists. Have a large family or Hupenghuanyou, Tuibeihuanzhan laughing. As a result, the language of crackling heard countless emerge from all corners of the ears busy enjoying themselves. London chamber circumflex circumflex is clearly not good enough, and it seems that only Germany, France and Spain battle with only listened enjoyable. These words where viscous pops up a clean, refreshing and high will be in Chinese. By bus bar, cheap. Hei hei. Warm feeling suddenly came. Sun hot and clean, as quoted in I went to a middle of the street park, the British called the Square. Large areas of lawn trees, there are birds and sailing to fly. People have become peaceful and carefree, find a chair to sit down or lie on the grass the sun directly. So not even see many of the tourists with suitcases are lying under a tree, afternoon nap is sleep soundly. Estimate has yet to find shelter, or simply to save money. The dream of that moment I suppose was very calm. Visit To attract tourists from around the world the British Museum 4 weeks in one Square, renowned British Museum to stand in front of me. Used to be friends of that time was led by a feeling of tremendous respect to the feelings of a Bubuxiaoxin into the. This was so sudden, I found a bit surprised and flattered. Visitors are still many, scattered in front of the main building on the steps of nibbling sandwiches, and sat chatting on the lawn, in the courtyards facing camera in various positions. Museum free of charge and what everyone can see. The really seen the legendary "grab from China to the" do-lun"s to hide the fine goods, the mind a bit bumpy. I pay attention to read the product description of those who hide and concise, what marked the first time under capacity by whom donated to the British Museum, there are some rather sensitive. I look forward to one day, one of China"s ordinary children can witness these cultural roots, and do not have to be painstakingly, traveling at sea. The British Museum is like the door to a walk after dinner can be easily courtyard. This concept is the temptation to want to come feel. Which is more than just those too. If a walk farther, go visit the Queen"s home Buckingham Palace, and then walk in English (forum) literary ancestors Chaucer"s resting place Westminster Abbey, or to try to figure out the National Gallery trying to figure out how Van Gogh painted sunflowers. London is the cultural melting into the bottom of their hearts to the distant. Like literature, art, even if it is Harry Potter, in this casual walk around the city take a look at it, walking the election Xia Yimiao direction. Is also not afraid of getting lost to see the same as the no-smoking signs in London subway, got into to the bar. Colorful subway route map to tell you, in theory, there is always a combination of line program can send you home. So I recognize the side of the road side of the labyrinth. In the Victoria and Albert Museum, wandered close, it gives the impression of a deep personality. China and Japan exhibits a very beautiful, minimalist sculpture, there are bright Eve, Flor, the European aristocratic life of unspeakable luxury. Museum preserves history, traces of the wall was damaged during World War II, as well as garden-based people"s loyalty to the commemorative plaque engraved with the dog. Children in the light of the small pond bottom water fight fun, but that moment, the sky is soft and thick clouds to cover the sun. Sightseeing The Queen"s Royal Guard, under the resident"s Twilight London summer evening at eight or nine the sun was setting. Six more proposed projects, the street was a brilliant. Then to Green Park and Queen"s palace in the direction of the sun in the background under the long shadow projection. Both inside and outside the fence of the palace are two of the world, a lively one alone. Visitors facing the fence frantically taking pictures inside the guard was quietly looking out. Chien Chung-shu"s "Besieged City" do not know also said that this reasoning. Walk the palace where the royal guard, praising the young red guards guarding a man standing there alone with a Xumiao glory. Visitors take pictures of his reckless side, he stood motionless. Landscape in London, we have two faces, the endless stream of visitors is a wholehearted participation of the input of eat, drink plus photographs, vivid may appear a few minutes a group of red double-decker bus; the other is quiet, do right static. Palaces, churches, Green Park, the bridge across the calm lake, distant castle-like buildings and looks very little good as gold the London Eye. Perhaps this time in London is complete. It is sometimes clear and sometimes rain, sometimes noisy and sometimes silent. Finally, after listening to the Westminster church after the priest"s sermon go back. Religion is necessary to understand the ways of a Western city. The church steeple towering into the clouds to earth and sent clouds of the trivial and the priest finally said that God loves us all, regardless of race, language, political differences. I suddenly thought of the corridors of BBC World Service building side of the wall read one sentence: One world, many voices. In this world full of strife, the Greek to see this is a Greek look. A person in London, due to a colorful world, so it can no longer covered with the Greek view alone.
2023-07-12 04:55:391

throughout weekend stays是什么意思

2023-07-12 04:55:473

WebService java问题

2023-07-12 04:56:063

chick-in 可以用来表示登机检查吗?

应该是Check-in登机检查和入住宾馆都可以用。相对的是Check out
2023-07-12 04:56:132


  如果是对一个外国人,就可以简单的说i apologize for our/my negligence of service.what else i can do for you?关键是态度要诚恳。以下是我整理的关于给国外客户的道歉信范文。欢迎大家参考!   给国外客户的道歉信(一)   Mr. Ulrich Niemann.   Director   People-People Exchange Co.   Dear Sir or Madam: Friday 22nd September   Many thanks for your fax dated 7th September address to General Manager concerning the problems you experienced during your last visit from 29th-30th August. Mr. Ford, our General Manager is away on leave at present and therefore I have taken the liberty of replying to you on his behalf.   Mr. Niemann, please accept our sincere apologies for the problems you have experienced - our policy, which you were unfortunately wrongly informed as a newnpolicy, stands that those Golden Circle members who are eligible for upgrades may book through any channel, subject of course to room availability. I have subsequently taken appropriate steps to ensure that none of our other eligible Golden Circle guests are similarly inconvenienced in future.   I have also noted your comments concerning our housekeeping Staff and their lack of English and basic courtesy and I assure you that we will be intensifying our training efforts in both those areas in an effort to improve our standards.   It is only through feedback such as your own that we can judge ourselves honestly and enhance the overall experience for you, our valued guest and therefore I thank you for taking the time to put pen top paper.   We are normally very proud of the service which we offer at China World, and thus, in an effort to redeem ourselves, we would like to offer you one night"s complimentary accommodation when next you visit Beijing. To this end, I would be grateful if would contact me personally and I will gladly make the necessary arrangements on your behalf along with any specific requirements you may have.   My apologies once again and I look forward to welcoming you back to China world Hotel in the near future.   Regards   Alfred Zhuang   Front Office Manager   给国外客户的道歉信(二)   Dear (写客户的名字),   Please allow me to take this opportunity to apologise for the wrong delivery of your order. We at (写本公司的名字)always try to ensure that our orders arrive promptly and will do our best to ensure that this never happens again.   Thank you for your patience and understanding and once again please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience which resulted from the wrong delivery of your order.   If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.   Best regards,   (写本人的名字)   (日期)   给国外客户的道歉信(三)   Dear customer,   I am the GM of the hotel.I am sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let me thank you for your coming to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite customer.Second,I would like to make an apology to you for our bad service. A few days ago you went to our hotel.When you got there,our waiters didn"t help you with the baggage quickly,which you had complained about for many times.As soon as I knew about that,I felt very angry.How can we do that for customers?Now I am glad to tell you that something has been done .   The waiters who were on duty that day have been criticized.They have made a promise that would not happen from now on.So I hope you can forgive us and come to our hotel again.   As we know,customer is the God.If you have any questions or suggestions,please call us anytime anywhere.   Thank you again.   给国外客户的道歉信(四)   Dear customer,   I am the GM of the hotel.I am sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let me thank you for your coming to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite customer.Second,I would like to make an apology to you for our bad service.   A few days ago you went to our hotel.When you got there,our waiters didn"t help you with the baggage quickly,which you had complained about for many times.As soon as I knew about that,I felt very angry.How can we do that for customers?Now I am glad to tell you that something has been done .   The waiters who were on duty that day have been criticized.They have made a promise that would not happen from now on.So I hope you can forgive us and come to our hotel again. As we know,customer is the God.If you have any questions or suggestions,please call us anytime anywhere. Thank you again.
2023-07-12 04:56:201

急!!!圣诞节的由来 英语的

How did Christmas start? Since about 400 AD, Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus. "Christ" means "Messiah" or "Anointed One" - the title given to Jesus - and "Mass" was a religious festival. In the West today, the real meaning of Christmas is often forgotten. It has become a non-religious holiday! More children believe in Father Christmas than in Jesus. Christmas Day is a time for eating and drinking too much and watching television. But the real Christmas story is found in the Christian Bible. It is told in two different books: Matthew and Luke chapters 1 and 2. If you have no Bible, you can read these chapters online. You may think that the story of the birth of Jesus, and the way that the West celebrates Christmas today, do not seem to have many connections.Mary says "yes"copyright New Tribes These chapters tell how Jesus was born as a baby to Mary. This was no ordinary birth! She was not married, she was a virgin, (yes, really!) and an angel had told her she would bear a special baby. Her husband-to-be, Joseph, did not believe her at first. Who would? Then an angel told him in a dream that it was true! Probably no one else believed it. So when they had to travel from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem (near Jerusalem), to register their names with the ruling Roman government, they probably escaped many hard words from other people. Arrival in Bethlehem brought worry and upset: there was no room for them to stay at the hotel. There was only space in the stable - the animal house for travellers" donkeys and horses. Jesus was born that night, and as they had no bed for him, they used an animal feeding box filled with the dry grass the animals ate. Christmas cards and pictures today make it all seem very nice. In truth, it must have been dirty and frightening for a young couple, far from their home and families. Possibly the birth was premature after the stress of the journey. This was a very poor place for Jesus to start his life on earth. God"s plan? Christians believe that it was exactly God"s plan that things happened this way. They say that it shows that Jesus came as a humble, poor person and not as a strong, rich king. They also claim that the birth of Jesus was told many years before in the books of the prophets. Five hundred years before, the prophet Micah had said, "But you Bethlehem, though you are small, out of you will come for me, one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times." The prophet Isaiah had written, "A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, "Wonderful Counsellor," "Mighty God," "Eternal Father," "Prince of Peace." His royal power will continue to grow; his kingdom will always be at peace.... He will rule as King David"s successor, basing his power on right and justice, from now until the end of time." These are only two of many prophetic words that told of the birth and life of Jesus, written hundreds of years before His birth.The shepherds are frightened copyright New Tribes At that time, sheep farmers were seen by other people as low and of no value. Yet it was to these shepherds that the birth of Jesus was first announced in an amazing dramatic way: "That night there were some men looking after sheep in the fields nearby. Suddenly they saw a great light. It was an angel, who said, "Don"t be afraid. I have good news for you, and for all people. Someone great has been born today. He is Christ, the great King you have been waiting for. He will save you from all that is wrong and evil. You will find him dressed in baby clothes, lying on a bed of dry grass."" The story of the wise men After Jesus was born, wise men came to look for Him, from an area which is now in either Iran or Saudi Arabia. Although they are often called the "Three Kings", the Bible does not say how many there were, or that they were kings. Three is only a guess because they brought with them three gifts. Gold, Frankincense and MyrrhThey were certainly men of learning - probably today we would call them philosophers or scientists. They had seen an unusual new star in the sky, and knew that it told of the birth of a special king. (The star they saw was probably a exploding "supernova" and is known from astronomical records.) They followed the direction of the star and eventually found the place where Mary, Joseph and Jesus were staying. To bring honour to the child, they brought rich gifts: gold, frankincense (a resin which burns with a beautiful smell), and myrrh (plant oil with a very strong sweet smell). These gifts tell us in pictures three key things about Jesus: Gold: a gift fit for a King Frankincense: burnt in worship of God Myrrh: a sign of mortal human-ness - it was used to bury the dead Jesus a refugee Herod, the evil king of the area, heard about the child, saw Him as a threat, and sent soldiers to kill Jesus. But God told Joseph in a dream to take Mary and the baby and escape to Egypt. They lived there till King Herod died and then went back to live in Nazareth. We read nothing more about the life of Jesus, except for one story when he was 12, until He reached 30. By the way - note one important thing: Jesus was not a white European, and Christianity is not a Western religion. Christmas cards from different countries often show Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the landscape of that country, and with the racial appearance of that nationality, be it black African, Indian, or Japanese. This is good and right - Jesus came to identify with every racial group. He is "Everyman" for us all.
2023-07-12 04:56:302


酒店行业常用的各类指标   酒店行业常用的各类指标大家知道有哪些吗?下面,我为大家分享酒店行业常用的各类指标,希望对大家有帮助!   1.LNR"当地"公司协议价Local Negotiated Rate   Sign Contract with hotel directly (直接与酒店签订协议)   Big amount of account and lower contribution from each (客户多,但是每一个公司的间夜量少)   Higher contract rate than KNR mostly (通常比KNR的合同价格高)   Renew contract by Sales(通过销售人员续签合同)   Priority focus in 2007 (是2007年的重点)   2.RFP合作协议申请 Request for Proposal   Mostly sign or renew on yearly basis (大多数每年签订或续签一次)   NSO/RSO often provide assistance (中国区/地区销售办公室会提供协助)   Applied major from KNR (主要应用于KNR(重要公司协议价))   Available to accounts worldwide (适用于全球范围的客户)   3.GOP总经营利润 Gross Operating Profit   计算公式:酒店各生产营业部门营业毛利总和(包括Room,F&B and other)-非营业部门总费用(包括A&G,S&M,Engineering and Energy).   各生产营业部门营业毛利=收入-直接成本-营业费用。   4.RevPAR平均每间可卖房间的收入Revenue Per Available Room   公式为:RevPAR= Total Room Rev.房间总收入   Total Available Room可卖房总数   5.RGI收入产生指数Revenue Generation Index   公式为:RGI=酒店RevPAR(平均每间可卖房收入)   市场的RevPAR(市场每间可卖房收入)   市场RevPAR=所有酒店房间收入总和   所有酒店的可卖房总数   6. GSTS宾客意见调查系统 Guest Satisfaction Tracking System   GSS= Guest Satisfaction Index. (A key measure within GSTS).   A guest overall evaluation of the quality of service received during their stay.   GSS宾客满意程度指数(衡量GSTS的一个重要指标)。是宾客对入住期间所接受的"服务的总体评价。   7.ESPS员工满意度调查Employee Satisfaction Pulse Survey   ESS= Employee Satisfaction Index(员工满意指数)衡量员工对公司及岗位的整体满意程度。   Key Driver Report (关键项目报告)最影响ESS分值的五个问题。   8.TQM全面质量管理 Total Quality Management   TQM is focusing on process improvement and innovations and the purpose is to find the problem root cause so that to meet guest overall satisfaction. (TQM 致力于程序的改进和创新,目的是从根本上发现问题,从而最终提高客人的总体满意度。)   9 steps of TQM project (TQM的九个步骤 ):   1) Project selection (项目选择)   2) Setup data collection system(建立数据搜集系统)   3) Data analysis (数据分析)   4) Diagnosis (诊断)   5) Solution (解决方案)   6) Confirmation (确认)   7) Standardization (标准化)   8) Setup maintenance system (建立维护系统)   9) Review (回顾)    10.SOP标准经营程序 Standard Operating Procedures   There are 2 types of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) used by Hotels Group, namely (i) Training SOPs and (ii) Flow Chart SOPs. Each hotel will be required to use this framework and customized the SOPs accordingly to suit their individual hotel requirements.   每一酒店需根据各自要求使用此结构及定制 SOP。   All the SOPs can be download from website.所有的SOP都可以从集团网站上下载。   11.KNR重要公司协议价Key Negotiated Rate   Responsible by Global Key Account Manager (由集团全球客户经理负责)   Offer special rate generally (通常价格较低)   Renew contract by RFP (由总部统一续签合同)   Proper strategy apply and control (需要制定正确的策略)   11.ARI平均房价指数 Average Rate Index   是指房间平均房价在市场上所占比例。   计算公式为:酒店平均房价/ 市场平均房价   备注:市场平均房价=所有竞争酒店的房间收入总和   12.CTP营业利润贡献 Contribution to Trading Profit   计算公式为:IHG营业利润贡献=IHG管理费+IHG奖励管理费   IHG管理费=酒店总收入*合同约定的比率   IHG奖励管理费=酒店GOP*合同约定比率    13.PMS酒店经营管理系统 Property Management System   酒店主要使用Lanmark, Fidelio, Opera等。   14.FIT 散客 Fully Independent Traveler   Book room individually, no organizer, clear account directly by him/herself when check-out.   个人订房,没有组织者,退房时直接与酒店结算。   15.DND 请勿打扰Do Not Disturb   DND light (DND灯亮)   DND signage (悬挂DND标志牌)   16.VIP 非常重要的人 Very Important Person   Hotel has different standard for different VIP set up, including fruit basket, flower etc.(酒店对不同的VIP级别有不同的标准,包括果盘,鲜花等。)   Hotel has VIPA,B,C(酒店有VIPA、B、C 不同的设定)   VIPA mainly Government leaders, company CEO etc. PCR platinum member is VIPB, Golden member is VIPC.(VIPA 主要包括政府首脑,官员,公司CEO,及社会名流等, 白金会员是VIPB,黄金会员是VIPC)   17.QES质量评估系统Quality Evaluation System   To ensure that we are consistently meeting guest expectations and continuously improving our products and services, we need to measure our performance to understand where we are, and what we need to improve on. The Quality Evaluation System is a tool that fulfills the role; it measures the consistency and compliance of our hotels & resorts to Product and Service Standards of our brands.   品牌是公司资产的一部分。品牌承诺是指按照先前设定的标准提供产品和服务。品牌服务的一贯性是首要的,否则顾客将失去品牌信任,因为他们不知道将在我们酒店得到什么。在产品和服务标准上的不连贯性将会极大的影响顾客的忠诚度,甚至降低收入。   为确保我们能不断的满足客人期望,提高产品和服务,我们需要适时的自查一下,明确我们处在什么位置,哪些地方需要提高。QES作为自查工具,能较好的检查集团品牌产品服务标准的执行情况及灵活性。   18.IBP综合经营计划 Integrated Business Plan   Hotel complete figure/information system, including operational and non-operational data, involved in rooms, F&B and all the other department. From IBP you can clearly see the budget, actual, forecast numbers, hotel strategies and other quality control performance, such as TQM, ESPS, GSTS, PCR enrollment. To make the information correct and alive, need to update in time.IBP是酒店完整的数据信息综合系统,包括经营的及非经营的数据资料。涉及客房,餐饮及所有的其它部门。通过IBP可以清楚的看到酒店的预算、实际及预测数据,酒店的经营策略以及其它质量控制方面的表现,例如TQM, ESPS, GSTS, PCR会员发展等。为了保证IBP信息的正确性及活跃性,必须及时更新数据。 ;
2023-07-12 04:56:451


1.ARI平均房价指数 Average Rate Index是指房间平均房价在市场上所占比例。计算公式为:酒店平均房价/ 市场平均房价备注:市场平均房价=所有竞争酒店的房间收入总和2.CTP营业利润贡献 Contribution to Trading Profit计算公式为:IHG营业利润贡献=IHG管理费+IHG奖励管理费IHG管理费=酒店总收入*合同约定的比率IHG奖励管理费=酒店GOP*合同约定比率3.GOP总经营利润 Gross Operating Profit计算公式:酒店各生产营业部门营业毛利总和(包括Room,F&B and other)-非营业部门总费用(包括A&G,S&M,Engineering and Energy).各生产营业部门营业毛利=收入-直接成本-营业费用。4.RevPAR平均每间可卖房间的收入Revenue Per Available Room公式为:RevPAR= Total Room Rev.房间总收入Total Available Room可卖房总数5.RGI收入产生指数Revenue Generation Index公式为:RGI=酒店RevPAR(平均每间可卖房收入)市场的RevPAR(市场每间可卖房收入)市场RevPAR=所有酒店房间收入总和所有酒店的可卖房总数6. GSTS宾客意见调查系统 Guest Satisfaction Tracking SystemGSS= Guest Satisfaction Index. (A key measure within GSTS).A guest overall evaluation of the quality of service received during their stay.GSS宾客满意程度指数(衡量GSTS的一个重要指标)。是宾客对入住期间所接受的服务的总体评价。7.ESPS员工满意度调查Employee Satisfaction Pulse SurveyESS= Employee Satisfaction Index(员工满意指数)衡量员工对公司及岗位的整体满意程度。Key Driver Report (关键项目报告)最影响ESS分值的五个问题。8.TQM全面质量管理 Total Quality ManagementTQM is focusing on process improvement and innovations and the purpose is to find the problem root cause so that to meet guest overall satisfaction. (TQM 致力于程序的改进和创新,目的是从根本上发现问题,从而最终提高客人的总体满意度。)9 steps of TQM project (TQM的九个步骤 ):1) Project selection (项目选择)2) Setup data collection system(建立数据搜集系统)3) Data analysis (数据分析)4) Diagnosis (诊断)5) Solution (解决方案)6) Confirmation (确认)7) Standardization (标准化)8) Setup maintenance system (建立维护系统)9) Review (回顾)9.PMS酒店经营管理系统 Property Management System酒店主要使用Lanmark, Fidelio, Opera等。10.SOP标准经营程序 Standard Operating ProceduresThere are 2 types of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) used by Hotels Group, namely (i) Training SOPs and (ii) Flow Chart SOPs. Each hotel will be required to use this framework and customized the SOPs accordingly to suit their individual hotel requirements.每一酒店需根据各自要求使用此结构及定制 SOP。All the SOPs can be download from website.所有的SOP都可以从集团网站上下载。11.KNR重要公司协议价Key Negotiated Rate- Responsible by Global Key Account Manager (由集团全球客户经理负责)- Offer special rate generally (通常价格较低)- Renew contract by RFP (由总部统一续签合同)- Proper strategy apply and control (需要制定正确的策略)12.LNR当地公司协议价Local Negotiated RateSign Contract with hotel directly (直接与酒店签订协议)Big amount of account and lower contribution from each (客户多,但是每一个公司的间夜量少)Higher contract rate than KNR mostly (通常比KNR的合同价格高)Renew contract by Sales(通过销售人员续签合同)Priority focus in 2007 (是2007年的重点)13.RFP合作协议申请 Request for Proposal- Mostly sign or renew on yearly basis (大多数每年签订或续签一次)- NSO/RSO often provide assistance (中国区/地区销售办公室会提供协助)- Applied major from KNR (主要应用于KNR(重要公司协议价))- Available to accounts worldwide (适用于全球范围的客户)14.FIT 散客 Fully Independent TravelerBook room individually, no organizer, clear account directly by him/herself when check-out.个人订房,没有组织者,退房时直接与酒店结算。15.DND 请勿打扰Do Not Disturb- DND light (DND灯亮)- DND signage (悬挂DND标志牌)16.VIP 非常重要的人 Very Important Person- Hotel has different standard for different VIP set up, including fruit basket, flower etc.(酒店对不同的VIP级别有不同的标准,包括果盘,鲜花等。)
2023-07-12 04:57:011


1. 酒店专业知识小故事(酒店励志小故事600字) 酒店专业知识小故事(酒店励志小故事600字) 1.酒店励志小故事600字 《曼谷酒店的服务绝招》 名美国游客在泰国曼谷度假。清晨酒店一开门,一名漂亮的泰国小姐微笑着和他打招呼:“早上好,杰克先生。”这名美国游客非常惊讶,没有料到这名旅馆的楼层服务员竟然知道自己的名字。服务员解释说:“杰克先生,我们每一层的当班小姐都要记住每一个房间客人的名字。”美国客人一听,非常高兴。 在服务员的带领下,这位美国客人来到餐厅就餐,服务人员上菜时,都尊敬地称呼他杰克先生。这时来了一盘点心,点心的样子很奇怪,美国人就问站在旁边的服务员:“中间这个绿色的是什么?”那个服务员看了一下,后退一步并作了解释。当美国客人又提问时,她上前又看了一眼,又后退一步才作回答。原来这个后退一步就是为了防止她的口水会溅到菜里,美国客人对这种细致的服务非常满意。这位美国游客退房准备离开酒店时,酒店服务员把收据折好放在信封里,还给这位客人的时候说:“谢谢你,杰克先生,真希望第6次再看到你。”第6次再看到,原来那次是这位美国客人第5次去泰国曼谷。 过去很久了,有一天这个美国人收到一张卡片,发现是泰国曼谷酒店寄来的,上面写着:“亲爱的杰克先生,公司全体上下都很想念您,下次经过泰国如果方便请来看看我们。”下面写的是,“祝杰克先生生日快乐!”原来这一天是这个美国人的生日。 结论:一家五星级的大酒店,竟然对客人的每个细节如此的体察入微,真是令人钦佩。这种细致入微的优质服务无疑赢得了美国顾客的心。不要忽略每一个细节。也许,影响全局的就是这一细微之处。我们不缺少雄伟略的战略家,缺少的是精益求精的执行者。我们必须进行科学、细致的观察和研究,才能防患于未然,任何麻痹和对细节的忽视都会带来难以想象的后果。与细节的疏忽会毁坏一个宏伟的规划一样,细节的准确、生动也是可以成就一件伟大的作品的,甚至还能起到锦上添花的效果。 2.求几篇关于酒店的故事/好的文章 有个很好的朋友,因为他亲人得了重病,急需大笔钱,他跑到了我们合肥市的一个五星级酒店去应聘 *** !他已经没有钱了,但那边要他交押金,他凑了很长时间,终于凑齐了酒店的要求,原以为他就可以去做他的“鸭”了,但酒店自称是李经理的人却让他再拿500块红包,否则就不能去上班!后来他实在没有500块钱,就跟那个李经理说他不去了,可以把他交的470块钱退给他吗?那个人说可以,但拖了10天以后,那个人却说不给了!呵呵,470块钱,是我那朋友的救命钱啊!但酒店确说不给了,结果把这么一个善良的人给逼上了绝路!我们大家评论一下,这是什么社会啊,他奶奶的,酒店可以光明正大的招“鸭”,就算这正常,他奶奶的,这个酒店也太差劲了吧!我看我那朋友的遗书中说:他实在没有办法了,他说他想报复那个经理,但他实在没有力气了,他说他已经4天没有吃饭了!我实在想哭,在这样的时候,我那朋友也没有给我讲他的处境!要不然我那朋友也不会就这样的去了!我在这里愿意把这个酒店公布出来,绝对是事实,不相信的人可以咨询那个“李经理”!酒店是合肥市外商国际俱乐部酒店,那个经理的号码是013206688867!请看了这个帖子的朋友给一点声援,帮助顶一下,为了我那在另一个世界的善良朋友,谢谢你们。 3.对酒店的认识的小短文 300字左右 在线等高分 酒店(HOTEL)一词来源于法语,当时的意思是贵族在乡间招待贵宾的别墅,在港澳地区及东南亚地区被称为“酒店”,在台湾被称为“酒店”,在中国大陆被称为“酒店”、“饭店”、“宾馆”、“旅店”、“旅馆”的。 我们从酒店的称谓与功能,可以找到对酒店的定义。然而,时至今日,对酒店的定义也是五花八门,众说纷纭的。 一个具有国际水准的酒店首先,要有舒适安全并能吸引客人居住的客房,具有能提供有地方风味特色的美味佳肴的各式餐厅,还要有商业会议厅,贸易洽谈时所需的现代化会议设备和办公通讯系统,旅游者所需要的康乐中心。游泳池、健身房、商品部、礼品部,以及综合服务部,如银行、邮局、电传室、书店、花房、美容厅等等。 同时,各单位要有素质良好的服务员,向客人提供一流水平的服务。今日的国际酒店业被称为“旅游工业”。 所谓工业,它该表达式大量的、科学的、专业以及有效率的事业。归纳起来,现代所谓的酒店,应具备下列基本条件: 1、它是一座设备完善的众所周知且经 *** 核准的建筑。 2、它必须提供旅客的住宿与餐饮。 3、他要由为旅客以及顾客提供娱乐的设施。 4、还要提供住宿、餐饮、娱乐上的理想服务。 5、它是营利的,要求取得合理的利润。 4.求发生在酒店大堂里的故事 职场故事:我在酒店大堂里“捡”来的工作 那年,同乡阿紫带我一起到广州找工作。 一天,我正在屋里看报纸上的招聘启事,在外面跑了一上午的阿紫走进门,高兴地对我说,“我找到工作了,在一家五星级的大酒店,我应聘的是大堂经理。他们要求可严格了,要大学学历,相貌美丽,有工作经验,刚好我都符合条件,人事经理对我很满意的,我想应该不会有问题了。” 听了阿紫的话,我很替她高兴,也很羡慕。但我也只能羡慕,谁让我和她相比,各方面都不如她呢,这样好的工作自然不会落到我的身上。 吃过午饭,我和阿紫一同来到她应聘的那家酒店参加复试。其他两个参加复试的女孩子也陆续来了。人事经理走出来说,总经理现在还没到,让阿紫她们先等一会儿。我们听了,便在大厅拐角处的沙发上坐了下来。 等了一个多小时,总经理还没有来,阿紫和另外两个女孩显得有些急躁起来,她们站起来在大厅来回走动着。因为我是陪阿紫来的,所以并不着急,只是悠闲地坐着看酒店内外的景色。 这时我看见一位60岁左右农村打扮的老人,不时朝酒店里我们这边张望。过了一会儿,他小心翼翼地推开门,向我们这边走过来。他的步履显得有些蹒跚,穿着一件现在已经很少有人穿的中山装,脚下是一双普通的黑布鞋。阿紫和另外两个女孩见老人朝她们走去,都纷纷让出一条路来,好像是怕沾染上老人身上显示出来的农村人的卑微和俗气。老人却径直向阿紫她们走去,问:“小姐,这家酒店的巴黎厅在哪里,我要找个人。” 因为总经理到现在还不来,阿紫早已经等得有些不高兴了,她不耐烦地说:“我又不是这里的人,我哪里知道?你问别人去!”听阿紫这么说,老人有些失望。他转身向另外两个女孩望去,两个女孩也都摇了摇头。 见阿紫她们这样对老人,我有些气愤。我拉住老人的手,说:“大伯,你等一下,我到前台帮你打听一下,再带你去。”很快,我就在前台小姐那里打听到了巴黎厅的地址,然后领了老人去了那里。 从巴黎厅回来,阿紫和另外两个女孩都笑我,说我多事,跟这种老头有什么好打交道的。我正要跟她们辩解,人事经理走过来说,复试已经结束,总经理录取了这位女孩,说着,用手指了指我。阿紫和另外两个女孩愣住了,我也被弄得一头雾水。人事经理解释说,刚才向你们问路的那位老人便是我们的总经理。他扮成一位农村人的模样,是来考验你们的耐心和热忱的。在酒店工作,对顾客要有充分的耐心,而且要非常热忱,可你们三人都没有做到,而这位慧子小姐,虽然没有参加初试和笔试,可是她却做到了我们酒店的要求,所以被总经理破格录取了。 我没有想到,仅仅因为自己一个不经意的举动,便“捡”来一份工作。通过那次应聘,也更使我懂得:生活中,你伸出了热情的手面对别人,面对生活,别人也会伸出同样的手对你,生活也会给予你同样真诚的回报。 5.酒店的小知识有哪些 酒店的含义 早在1800年《国际词典》一书中写到:酒店是为大众准备住宿、饮食与服务的一种建筑或场所;一般来说就是给宾客提供歇宿和饮食的场所。 具体地说酒店是以它的建筑物为凭证,通过出租客房、餐饮及综合服务设施向客人提供服务而获得经济收益的组织。 2、酒店类型 国际上,饭店被分成deluxe、luxury、upscale、midscalewithF&B、limitedservice、motel等类型,而LimitedService类型饭店下又分为midscalewithoutF&B、Economy和budget三种类型 国内酒店类型为: 按客户需求划分:商务型会议型度假型青年旅馆 按管理性质划分:集团管理连锁经营自主经营 3、酒店主要房型 按设施及规格分 按级别分 按朝向分 特殊房型 单人间SingleRoom 双人间TwinRoom/DoubleRoom 大床间Double, 标准间Standard(Single,DoubleorTwin) 三人间Triple 四人间Quad 套间Suite 公寓Apartment 别墅Villa经济间EconomicRoom 普通间StandardRoom 高级间SuperiorRoom 豪华间DeluxeRoom 商务标间BusinessRoom 行政标间ExecutiveRoom 行政楼层ExecutiveFloor朝街房FrontViewRoom 背街房RearViewRoom 城景房CityViewRoom 园景房GardenViewRoom 海景房SeaViewRoom 湖景房LakeViewRoom 山景房MountainViewRoom不限房型RunoftheHouse 无烟标准间NonSmokingRoom 残疾人客房HandicappedRoom 带厨房客房RoomwithKitchen 相邻房AdjoiningRoom 连通房ConnectingRoom 4、酒店服务一览 预订服务:预订房间,预订机票、火车票,如客人需要可?明预订旅游团 住宿服务:酒店提供床位、被褥、衣柜、洗浴、饮用水、电视、空调…… 谘询服务:在酒店大堂前厅部,客人有人旅途和住宿问题都可以谘询 清洁服务:房间清洁,衣物清洁 安全服务:磁卡房门,闭路监视器(电梯、走廊、大堂、秘密频道等公众场合)保安人员,防火措施(烟雾感应器、灭火器、逃生门……) 餐饮服务:酒店内有餐厅、咖啡厅和酒吧,也提供房间内订餐,每个房间内提供一定的饮料、小食品。 康乐服务:酒店内部康乐服务有健身,球类项目,游泳,卡拉OK,桑拿…… 医疗服务:成规模的星级酒店设有医疗室,只是治疗一些常发性小疾病,对诊断没把握和临床大病需要急时送往附近医院。 交通服务:酒店可以帮客人订车,同时还有运载客人去机场的巴士。 6.服务制胜小故事 有这样一个寓言故事,有几个小孩子希望自己能够变成天使,上帝知道后,就给他们每人发了一个烛台,要求他们每天勤于擦拭,一定要保持烛台的干净光洁。 刚开始的时候,每个孩子都把烛台擦得很干净,然后等着上帝来。然而让孩子们失望的是,上帝始终都没有再出现,时间一长,孩子们再也不去管烛台了,烛台也蒙上了厚厚的灰尘。 只有一个小孩,每天都坚持擦拭。有一天,上帝突然造访这里,发现这个与众不同的小孩,最后就让他做了天使。 或许这个孩子并非有意为之,然而正是这样的“无意”最终让他得到上帝的奖赏。我们今天要说的意识恰恰是这样的“无意”。 它看不见、摸不着,但却通过一颦一笑、一言一行、一举一动表现出来。甚至可以毫不夸张地说,我们有什么样的“意识”,我们就会有什么样的人生。 在服务行业,我们能找到最好的证据。在这个同人打交道的行业里,只有拥有主动的服务意识,并以客户喜欢的行为方式表现出来,才能赢得更多的客户。 主动永远都是成功人生的主题。如果说“主动”是台前表演的木偶,那“意识”就是指挥它的提线。 那个小孩之所以在最后能够变成天使,主动的意识功不可没。他没有把擦烛台当成一件任务,一份工作,而是当成自己的责任,形成了习惯。 在这样的意识支配下,即使没有监督,他也可以独自完成任务。 服务行业最重要的就是这种主动服务意识。 如果没有意识,等到客户要求了再去做,主动就会变成被动,最终在激烈的竞争中被淘汰。 服务意识的内涵就是,发自服务人员内心的,主动地去为他人服务,并让这种意识形成一种本能和习惯。 我们只有具备这种主动的服务意识,才会赢得更多客户的喜欢。 有这样一个故事,美国一个公司的大总裁,在出差前,就让自己的手下在酒店预订好了房间。 在入住酒店的前一天他亲自打电话查询自己所预订的房间。 7.服务态度的小故事 有个老木匠向老板递了辞呈,准备离开他熟悉的建筑业,回家与妻子儿女享受天伦之乐。 他是全国最著名的几位木匠之一,手艺高超。老板舍不得这样的好员工离开,问他能否帮忙建造最后一座房子,老木匠欣然允诺。 但是,显而易见,他的心已不在工作上,他用的是废料,出的是粗活。等到房子竣工的时候,老板亲手把大门的钥匙递给他并对他说:“这是你的房子,也是我送给你的礼物。” 他震惊得目瞪口呆,羞愧得无地自容。如果他早知道是在给自己建房子,他怎么会这样漫不经心、敷衍了事呢?现在他只好住在这幢粗制滥造的房子里! 热忱的力量 【故事】美国著名的人寿保险销售员法兰克·派特刚转入职业棒球界不久,就遭到有生以来最大的打击,他被开除了。 他的动作无力,因此球队的经理有意要他走人。球队经理对他说:“你这样慢吞吞的,哪像是在球场混了二十年?我告诉你,无论你到哪里做任何事,若不提起精神来,你将永远不会有出路。” 法兰克离开原来的球队以后,一位名叫丁尼·密亨的老队员把他介绍到新凡去。在新凡的第一天,法兰克的一生有了一个重要的转变。 因为在那个地方没有人知道他过去的情形,他就决心变成新凡最具热忱的球员。为了实现这点,当然必须采取行动才行。 法兰克一上场,就好像全身带电。他强力地投出高速球,使接球的人双手都麻木了。 记得有一次,法兰克以强烈的气势冲入三垒,那位三垒手吓呆了,球漏接,法兰克就盗垒成功了。当时气温高达摄氏39℃,法兰克在球场奔来跑去,极可能因中暑而倒下去,但在过人的热忱支持下,他挺住了。 这种热忱所带来的结果,真令人吃惊。 由于热忱的态度,法兰克的月薪增加到原来的七倍。 在往后的两年里,法兰克一直担任三垒手,薪水加到三十倍之多。为什么呢?法兰克自己说:“就是因为一股热忱,没有别的原因。” 后来,法兰克的手臂受了伤,不得不放弃打棒球。接着,他到菲特列人寿保险公司当保险员,整整一年多都没有什么成绩,因此很苦闷。 但后来他又变得热忱起来,就像当年打棒球那样。 再后来,他是人寿保险界的大红人。 不但有人请他撰稿,还有人请他演讲自己的经验。他说:“我从事推销已经15年了。 我见到许多人,由于对工作抱着热忱的态度,使他们的收入成倍地增加起来。我也见到另一些人,由于缺乏热忱而走投无路。 我深信惟有热忱的态度,才是成功推销的最重要因素。” 不是小木屋蛋糕,是别墅蛋糕! 潘贞霓 糕饼零售业 我们经营的是一家面包蛋糕专门店,在还没有进入这行之前,从没做过一天门市小姐,对於本身产品毫无认识,完全是慢慢累积经验,从中摸索。 从前一直是消费者的角色,进入到服务业,最初的认知只是把它想成是:如果我是消费者,我需要怎样的服务。从这个角度切入,反而赢得消费者的肯定,生意日渐步上轨道,然而,我还是历经过一次令人沮丧的服务他人的经验。 一次,有位 *** 前来订制一个6吋的小蛋糕,并表示希望上面有一栋花园别墅。我说在6吋蛋糕上要画一栋别墅可能有点困难,希望能加大一点,方便师傅挥洒的空间,於是我们协调成了7吋。 我又说:「深怕您心中的花园别墅,和我们画出的别墅可能会有落差,希望您能提供图片。」她说一时难找,由我们发挥吧! 订单交到师傅手上,画了几次,觉得平面还是没有立体好看,於是画了一款在本店销售一直很好的「圣诞小木屋」,除了一栋小木屋、还有树林、小鹿、马车,营造出一个写实的圣诞美景。 师傅心想这应该可以交代的过去了。 傍晚,那妇人前来提货,看见圣诞小木屋她没有赞赏,反而说我们是敷衍,几番争执,她说:「我是请你们画一栋别墅,因为我们今天刚订下一个房子要庆祝,而你们拿了一个饼乾房子就打发了,是不是你们爱做怎样,我们就要照单收下?」此时正在交涉的我和她说:「真的很抱歉,可能您常在大型的专卖店消费,自有其水准,而今师傅也曾反覆修正,觉得没有把握之下,只好拿出本店销售最好的一款,但没想到您还是不甚满意。 如果您不愿取货,我们不便勉强,退钱即是,只怪我们做不出您想要的蛋糕。」她说:「说都不能说呀!」提了货便离开。 后来,她先生打电话进来指责我们服务态度恶劣,而我所有解释,他均一一驳斥,并扬言他有足够的能力让我们在此地无法生存。从此我再也没见过这位客人了,而那时的我只觉得,为什麽花了最大的努力,还不能满足顾客需要,心中充满了挫折感。 一年前,参加了一场服务的讲习,了解原来顾客的满意度,其实是来自顾客对我们服务的期待。当期待落空或不如预期,自然顾客会不满。 虽然我们自认为很努力,但期待的差距仍是我们应该努力的目标。我们必须试图缩短顾客期望的差距,甚至超越顾客的期望。 有了这样一个观念,厘清了我的盲点,也不再为此事感到挫折与无奈。虽然我再也没有见过这个客人,但我相信同样的事件,类似的客人还是会每天不断的上演著,而我也有足够的能力去处理了。 走出阴霾看见阳光 北极红 餐饮业 我算得上是资深的服务人员,刚开始,带著自卑的心态,从事餐饮的工作,总觉得这项工作,任何人、甚至於没读书的人,都可以做!然。 8.酒店管理的知识 你是什么职位,学什么相关性酒店管理知识 * 酒店管理的三个方面 * 做一个合格的酒店管理者 * 酒店经营者的五把“金钥匙” * 酒店高管九大戒律 * 酒店管理50条铁律体会 * 现代酒店的需求管理方法 * 创建酒店服务文化 促进宣宾加快发展 * 什么是酒店最有效的现场管理? * 酒店管理经验之谈 * 酒店创新经营见管理 用心服务显真情 * 酒店意识种类 * 酒店管理智慧 * 酒店管理中的十大经典理论 (02-03) * 酒店个性化 锅碗瓢盆一应俱全 (12-30) * 酒店管理中的首问负责制 (12-22) * 酒店管理工作的“刚”与“柔” (12-22) * 酒店管理执行力=三多+三快+创新 (12-16) * 饭店管理基础理论与基本方法一 (12-15) * 酒店人的标准观 (12-15) * 100个管理原理(原理、定律、原则) (12-15) * 一位国际酒店女老总的几个观点 (12-15) * 酒店质量管理 (12-01) * 酒店质量管理创新 (12-01) * 酒店管理注意事项 (11-25) * 酒店管理基础知识 (11-23) * 酒店的基础知识 (11-06) * 酒店管理基础知识和定义 (11-06) * 酒店管理者常犯的36项错误 (07-18) * 管理酒店让三个客人满意 (07-08) * 酒店管理—细节与成功的关系 (07-08) * 酒店总经理职业化标准 (07-08) * 酒店总经理怎样处理好与副总经理的关系 (07-08) 这是酒店管理知识中的一部份 9.谁能告诉一些关于酒店管理的事 目前,全世界已有17个国际酒店管理集团在上海投资或管理高星级酒店,酒店行业在不断扩充,对人才的需求也不断增加,每年都需要数以千计的国际化酒店管理人才。三年内北京酒店也将达800家,高级酒店管理人才抢手。 酒店管理专业 是全球十大热门行业之一,高级酒店管理人才在全球都是一直很紧缺的,近年来,在国际人才市场上,酒店管理人才出现了供不应求的局面。随着2008北京奥运会,2010上海世博会和越来越多的国际大型活动将在中国举行,中国对旅游、酒店管理专业人才的需求也日益增大,所以你大可不必为就业犯愁。预计到2010年,高级酒店管理人才将成为职场上炙手可热的高薪阶层。国内酒店从业人员,以高薪阶层为多。酒店管理人员在中国十大百万年薪职业中排名第六。酒店、旅游业将成为上海服务产业的支柱。目前,全世界已有17个国际酒店管理集团在上海投资或管理高星级酒店,酒店行业在不断扩充,对人才的需求也不断增加,每年都需要数以千计的国际化酒店管理人才。三年内北京酒店也将达800家,高级酒店管理人才抢手。 培养目标与要求 本专业培养拥护党的基本路线,适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的,德智体美等全面发展的中等职业技术应用性专门人才。要求学生掌握经济管理基础理论,酒店、餐饮与旅游基础知识,具备酒店基本管理与服务能力。学生毕业后主要去各饭店、酒店、宾馆从事酒店基层管理及餐饮、客房服务工作。 本专业注重学生综合素质的培养,主要学习经济管理基础知识、酒店基本理论。本专业突出技能培训,学生在学习期间,将接受酒店、宾馆的餐饮、客房顶岗实习实训等多方面的技能训练。 主要课程 酒店管理概论、现代酒店管理、酒店心理学、旅游学概论、前厅客房服务与管理、餐饮服务与管理、菜点与酒水、酒店英语、现代酒店营销、酒店财务管理、会议服务与管理、康乐服务与管理。 编辑本段三、毕业应掌握的技能与就业方向 1、具有诚信、坚毅的品格和敬业、负责的职业道德与团队协作精神; 2、具有较好的专业基础知识和自学能力、进取创新意识; 3、掌握现代服务理念,了解现代服务业发展趋势; 4、熟悉酒店前厅、客房、餐饮、康乐等部门的业务知识; 5、熟悉我国酒店业发展的方针、政策和法规; 6、具有酒店的前厅、客房、餐饮、康乐、会展等管理与基本服务能力; 7、具有较强的计算机操作、文字表达、人际沟通能力以及一定的职业外语表达能力。 学生毕业后可从事以下工作:各类酒店、饭店、宾馆的门迎、前厅接待人员和客房服务人员;各类旅游公司,旅游管理部门工作人员;各类酒店、饭店、宾馆楼层管理、大堂管理、咨询、会展等工作;各类酒店、饭店、宾馆的商务部门从事业务洽谈、对外联络服务工作;各类酒店、饭店、宾馆的商务部门从事市场调查、情报、信息服务等工作。
2023-07-12 04:57:251

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