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2023-07-12 14:52:01
TAG: 金属

盼望对你有帮助,有用请采取。 楼上的两位真风趣呢......2010年新出的旋律逝世都不错,旋律逝世经典专辑不晓得你是否都听过,总之还是都提一嘴吧,假如你听过的话就略过, ARCH ENEMY(大敌)跟 CHILDREN OF BODOM(博多之子)还有IN FLAMES(烈焰中)应当不必多说了,这仨当初是最大牌的三个旋律逝世了,而且都来过中国 大敌推荐选集,前期男主唱的嗓音固然很多人都接收不了,但歌曲的攻打性比后期要强,后期旋律性很好,女主唱的嗓音很不错,我个人非常爱好的乐队,是在跳不出那张不好,所以就都推荐了 博多之子后期仿佛是玩腻了偏POWER的风格,改变了很多,实际上他们最驰名的就是早期三张偏POWER式的旋律逝世专辑,分辨是《Follow the Reaper》、《Hatebreeder》、《Something Wild》 IN FLAMES早期跟 后期变更非常大,早期的专辑堪称斯堪的纳维亚式旋逝世的代表,后期专辑变的古代化了,加了很多元素,具体爱好哪个看你了,推荐专辑《THE JESTER RACE》、《CLAYMAN》等 再说说没那么大牌的,DARK TRANQUILLITY(沉寂黑暗),也是瑞典的旋律逝世亡金属,算是很标准的哥登堡旋律逝世亡金属,后期参加了键盘,然而跟博多之子的感到完全不同,算是为数未多少的在旋律逝世中参加键盘成分而又不会显得俗气的乐队,推荐专辑《CHARACTER》、《FICTION》; Ensiferum(维京圣剑),正如他们的名字所表述,他们是有很强烈维京风格的旋律逝世亡,维京风格的金属广泛都很大气,就像是在战场上一样,然而缺乏邪劲,也可能说不够狠,不知会不会对你胃口 AMON AMARTH(厄运之山),也来过中国,被很多爷们所爱好,也是因为他们的歌曲听着很有气概,推荐专辑《Once Sent From The Golden Hall》、《With Oden On Our Side》(因为我只听过这两张,感到还都不错,实际上他们也是张张都很出色) KALMAH(池沼之王),同博多之子一样属于芬兰派旋律逝世,然而跟 博多之子那种偏POWER METAL式的旋律逝世不同的是,他们更加偏向于黑金属,其中轮拨的的段落很多,歌曲速度更快,嗓音也更加偏于黑嗓,推荐专辑是《They Will Return》跟 《The Black Waltz》 再说两个非常大牌的旋律逝世乐队,不过他们因为属于早期旋律逝世启蒙乐队,因此他们的经典旋律逝世专辑都在2000年以前,受限于那时的录音程度,后果不可能会像当初这些新出的专辑那么猛,然而作为旋逝世乐迷,经典的货色不能落下啊 AMORPHIS(无定形物),芬兰早期旋律逝世的代表,最经典的一张专辑莫过于《Tales from the thousand lakes》(千湖之国的传说),他们的这张专辑是我听过的最早的把民族化的旋律跟 逝世亡金属结合到一起的专辑,其开创性可想而知,在当时也是引起了很大的轰动,固然其中有些歌曲的键盘的音色以当初的目光 看来有些“愣”,但这涓滴影响不了他们旋律逝世亡金属前驱的地位,后来他们转型为传统重金属,也去掉了低吼转为旋律化的演唱,所当前期的好专就不像你推荐了 另一个就是SENTENCED(受审),他们1995年的专辑《AMOK》也是旋律逝世历史上非常重要的一笔,固然不像AMORPHIS那么民族化,然而他们的歌曲更加的重型,旋律更冲动 ,他们后期也转为了传统重金属,可听性也非常强 再说说新的乐队 最近比较火的是一个瑞士的乐队叫Eluveitie 比较驰名的歌曲是<INIS MONA>不知你听没听过,他们的2010新专非常非常好,就仿佛05年DARK THRANQUILLITY的那张<Character>一样的惊艳,他们你就听吧,毫不会懊悔的 旋律逝世我听的未多少,我个人更爱好老洪流,不知你有兴趣没,我倒是可能像你推荐一大堆 至于逝世亡么......我感到残逝世往往切分跟 变速很多,很难达到你说的那种节奏感特别强烈,所以我就按节奏个特别强烈给你推荐多少个吧 DEICIDE(弑神者),也是我非常爱好的乐队,不知复杂为何物,直接就是他们的代名词,对他们来说歌曲只有够猛就行了,不过07年ICED EARTH(冰封大地)的吉他手参加了他们乐队,给他们带来了很多旋律化的段落跟 SOLO,使可听性大增,强烈推荐啊!!推荐专辑《The Stench Of Redemption》、《Till Death Do Us Part》跟 《Scars of the Crucifix》 VADER(我不晓得中文咋翻译),来自波兰,波兰的乐队都很猛,VADER是有点偏黑的逝世亡金属的代表,BEHEMOTH(巨兽)则是偏逝世亡的黑金属的代表,Decapitated则是逝世亡金属中的代表,这多少个乐队把猛这个字发挥到了极致,我切实是找不着啥词能形容他们了,太盖了,你就听吧推荐专辑:VADER 《Litany》 Decapitated 《Winds of Creation》 Behemoth 《The Apostasy》(这张不怎么逝世亡) KATAKLYSM(巨变),来自加拿大,早期也是非常纯粹的逝世亡金属,后期转为旋律化的逝世亡金属,并且非常的偏新派,不知你会否爱好,推荐专辑《In The Arms Of Devastation》、《Shadows & Dust》 先说这些吧,不知你听过多少,假如可能的话盼望你能说的再具体点,毕竟每个人的感到都不一样,对“节奏感强”跟 “有豪情”之类的懂得也都不同,最好是举个例子说你爱好听某个乐队,盼望推荐些跟他们同类的,这样的话应当会比较费事~~ 另外我感到应当把专辑作为一个整体去听,毕竟每个乐队都可能会写一些好歌,然而代表不了那个乐队,挺明显的一个例子就是丹麦的MERCENARY(雇佣兵),他们04年的专辑《11 DREAMS》里有一首《FIRESOUL》堪称神作,然而他们的其余歌曲跟 这首很不雷同,程度也远没达到那首歌的高度,假如推荐那个单曲不免会误导很多人,另外很多乐队非常多元化,切实是找不到某首歌能代表这个于对,所以没给你推荐单曲而是向你推荐专辑,望懂得


瑞典的HYPOCRISY 推荐你fire in the sky这首.RIFF凶狠又不失旋律

美国的SIX FEET UNDER.明星阵容不用多说了听下就晓得了

美国的MORBID ANGEL是我听过的第一只死亡金属乐队推荐他们的第一张专集altars of madness

DEATH 死亡金属里可以说是先行者了推荐symbolic跟the sound of perseverance这两张

杀手 SLAYER 敲击 并不能算完全死金.不过死金是鞭挞的衍生.我觉得可以说是个中间形态非常有代表性了 听下reign in blood的angel of death.虽然不是纯粹的死亡.但是这张专集的评价非常高.当然这是我最喜欢的乐队~







discharge or dismissal
2023-07-12 03:06:072

Scream bloody Gore 歌词

歌曲名:Scream bloody Gore歌手:Death专辑:Scream Bloody GoreDecapitated head licking your cuntSucking all the blood from your stumpIntestinal guts taking their holdLeaving you dead, stiff and coldControlling the minds of the bloodthirsty deadUnholy seizure slicing through your headWho will survive only time will tellDripping from your mouth comes a rancid smellLobotomised corpse shredding your fleshDeathLeaving your body a bloody messScream bloody goreScream bloody goreInject the reborn terror, the blood comes spurting outAnother to control, add it to your countOrders to destroy, rip and tear apartWishing for the end, your death is just the startControlling the minds of the bloodthirsty deadUnholy seizure slicing through your headWho will survive only time will tellLobotomised corpse shredding your fleshLeaving your body a bloody messScream bloody goreScream bloody goreArmies of the deadHail their leader"s headHungry for the fleshWhile it"s warm and freshThrough the smoke who will seeWho will come out alive?Now it"s your turn to feel the painNow it"s your turn to die
2023-07-12 03:06:201


形容白费心机的成语 【成语】: 枉费心机 【拼音】: wǎng fèi xīn jī 【解释】: 枉:白白地,徒然。白费心思。 【出处】: 元·无名氏《隔江斗智》第二折:“你使这般科段,敢可也枉用心机。” 形容白费心机的四字词语 【枉费心思】:指白费心思。同“枉费心机”。 【抟沙作饭】:抟:把散碎的东西捏聚成团。将沙粒捏聚成饭团。比喻白费心思,全无可能。 【水底摸月】:比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。同“水中捞月”。 【前功尽弃】:功:功劳;尽:完全;弃:丢失。以前的功劳全部丢失。也指以前的努力全部白费。 【枉费心机】:枉:白白地,徒然。白费心思。 【枉用心机】:指白费心思。同“枉费心机”。 【水中捞月】:到水中去捞月亮。比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。 【枉使心机】:枉:徒然。空用心计,白费力气。形容毫无收效。 【徒劳无益】:白费劲,没有一点用处。 【雕冰画脂】:在冰上雕刻,在凝固的油脂上绘画。比喻白费工夫,劳而无功。 【妆嫫费黛】:比喻帮助人不看对象,白费力气。 【枉费唇舌】:白费言辞,不起作用。 【炊沙作糜】:煮沙子作饭。比喻徒劳无功,白费气力。 【猿猴取月】:比喻愚昧无知。也比喻白费力气。 【枉费心力】:犹言枉费心机。指白费心思。 【入海算沙】:①到海底数沙子。比喻白费功夫。②又喻用力精勤。 【水底捞月】:比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。同“水中捞月”。 【海底捞月】:到水中去捞月亮。比喻去做根本做不到的事,只能白费力气。 【费力不讨好】:指白费功夫,没有取得成效,相反带来坏的影响。 【冷灰爆豆】:在冷灰中爆豆。比喻方法不对,白费力气。或比喻事情凭空突然发生。亦作“冷锅中豆爆”。 【韩卢逐块】:比喻白费精力。 【枉费心计】:指白费心思。同“枉费心机”。 【炊沙作饭】:煮沙子作饭。比喻徒劳无功,白费气力。 【前功尽灭】:功:功劳;尽:完全;灭:废弃。以前的功劳全部废弃。也指以前的努力全部白费。 【海中捞月】:比喻劳而无功,白费气力。 【枉费口舌】:白费口舌。 【井底捞月】:捞:从液体中取物。从井底捞月亮。比喻做事白费力气,根本达不到目的。 【水底捞明月】:到水底去捞月亮。比喻去做根本做不到的事情,只能白费力气。 【炊砂作饭】:砂,同“沙”。煮沙子作饭。比喻徒劳无功,白费气力。 【寒底捞月】:捞:从液体中取物。从井底捞月亮。比喻做事白费力气,根本达不到目的。 【竹篮打水】:比喻白费气力,劳而无功。 【徒费无益】:徒:徒然。白费劲,没有一点用处。 【前功尽废】:以前的一切努力完全白费。 【出力不讨好】:指白费功夫,没有取得成效,相反带来坏的影响。 【白费心机】:白费心思,形容徒劳无益。 关于成语(白费心机)的成语解释和意思 【拼音】: bái fèi xīn jī 【解释】: 白费心思,形容徒劳无益。 和成语(白费心机)意思相反的四字词语 没有 扩展阅读:用成语(白费心机)写一句话造句子带有中英文翻译 1 你对这种丧尽天良的人讲仁义道德,岂不是方枘圆凿,白费心机吗? Is it not in vain for you to speak of virtue and righteousness to such a man as is bereaved? 2 白露到了,天气好了,祝福来了;我愿你:烦恼=白费心机,忧愁=白花心血,痛苦=白费口舌;我祝你:心地=白壁无暇,事业=白日上升,夫妻=白头偕老;祝福你,白露节安好! Here comes Bailu, the weather is fine, and the blessing is coming. I wish you: worry = wasted effort, sorrow = wasted effort, pain = wasted words; I wish you: heart = white wall, career = rising day by day, hu *** and and wife = grow old together; I wish you a happy Bailu day! 3 我们试图解决他们的分歧,然而却是白费心机. We tried to settle their differences in vain 4 他企图贿赂老师让他过关却白费心机. He tried in vain to bribe his teacher to pass the test 5 帕姆想组织剧团巡回演出,无疑是白费心机.很明显没有人感兴趣. Pam"s attempt to organize a tour of the theatre was in vain. Obviously no one was interested 6 他试图欺骗他的父母,但是白费心机 He tried to deceive his parents, but in vain 7 我们试图使他改变主意,结果是白费心机. We tried to change his mind in vain 8 川木健太先生,你不用再白费心机了,我绝对不会答应你们的条件。 Mr. chuanmujiantai, you don"t have to waste any more time. I will never agree to your terms. 9 你不用白费心机了!这影响不到我的,还是投降吧!你赢不了我! You don"t have to waste your time! If it doesn"t affect me, surrender! You can"t win me! 10 曾世泽暗吁了一口气,叶璇身上的设置总算没有白费心机:“看吧,我就说你份量不够,这家伙看不上你!”。 Zeng Shize breathed a sigh, but ye Xuan"s settings were not in vain: "look, I say you don"t have enough weight, this guy can"t see you!". 11 不用白费心机了,这本修罗秘法就和你的血八卦一样,已经认主了,你不修炼它,它就永远在你的手中,把手砍下来都没用。 It"s no need to waste your time. This cultivation secret is just like your blood gossip. You have already recognized the Lord. If you don"t cultivate it, it will always be in your hands. It"s useless to cut it off. 12 噗嗤,看来有些人是白费心机了。 12 Pooh, it seems that some people are in vain. 13 孙策,别白费心机了,这军帐里只有断头将军,没有投降将军。 Sun CE, don"t waste your time. There are only decapitated generals in this army account, not surrendering generals. 14 还有啊,你不要白费心机了,我没打算嫁给你。 Besides, don"t waste your time. I"m not going to marry you.
2023-07-12 03:06:281


目录 1 拼音 2 英文参考 3 概述 4 疾病名称 5 英文名称 6 酒精性心肌病的别名 7 分类 8 ICD号 9 流行病学 10 酒精性心肌病的病因 11 发病机制 11.1 发病机制 11.1.1 酒精(乙醇)的吸收、分布及代谢 11.1.2 对心肌损害 酒精及其代谢产物的直接毒性作用 营养效应 吸烟史 其他原因 11.2 病理 12 酒精性心肌病的临床表现 12.1 心脏扩大 12.2 充血性心力衰竭 12.3 心律失常 12.4 胸痛 12.5 血压改变 12.6 其他 13 酒精性心肌病的并发症 13.1 对心脏的损害 13.1.1 心律失常 13.1.2 充血性心力衰竭 13.2 对心脏以外器官和脏器的损害 13.2.1 酒精性肌病 13.2.2 酒精性肝硬化 13.2.3 营养不良及维生素缺乏 14 实验室检查 15 辅助检查 15.1 X线检查 15.2 心电图 15.3 超声心动图 15.4 心导管检查和心血管造影 15.5 放射性核素检查 16 酒精性心肌病的诊断 17 鉴别诊断 17.1 扩张性心肌病 17.2 维生素B1缺乏性心脏病 18 酒精性心肌病的治疗 19 预后 20 酒精性心肌病的预防 21 相关药品 22 相关检查 附: 1 治疗酒精性心肌病的穴位 1 拼音 jiǔ jīng xìng xīn jī bìng 2 英文参考 alcoholic cardiomyopathy 3 概述 长期大量饮酒,可导致心肌病变,呈现酷似扩张型心肌病的表现,称为酒精性心肌病(alcoholic cardiomyopathy,ACM)。1995年世界卫生组织及国际心脏病学会联合会(WHO/ISFC)工作组专家委员会关于心肌病定义和分类的报告中,将酒精性心肌病列为特异性心肌病中的过敏性和中毒反应所致的心肌病。在西方国家它是继发性非缺血性扩张型心肌病的主要类型,约占临床扩张型心肌病的1/3,我国近年来的发病率有增加趋势。 酒精性心肌病是由于乙醇及其代谢产物乙醛等对心肌直接毒害的结果。起病隐匿,多发生于30~55岁的男性,通常有10年以上过度嗜酒史,临床表现多样化,主要表现为心功能不全和心律失常。需与扩张型心肌病、维生素B1缺乏性心脏病等鉴别。 长期大量饮酒对人体的损害可分为:对心肌的损害,出现心力衰竭、心律失常等;对人体其他器官、脏器的损害。治疗的关键是戒酒。病程早期即戒酒可使充血性心力衰竭的临床表现消除,心脏大小可恢复正常。即使心脏明显扩大伴有严重心力衰竭者,戒酒治疗仍可使预后得到改善。 4 疾病名称 酒精性心肌病 5 英文名称 alcoholic cardiomyopathy 6 酒精性心肌病的别名 alcoholic myocardiopathy;酒精性心脏病;酒精中毒性心肌病 7 分类 心血管内科 > 心肌病 8 ICD号 I43.8﹡ 9 流行病学 研究表明,饮酒与心肌损伤的关系是明确的,饮酒量与心肌损伤程度也是平行的。但究竟多少量的乙醇(酒精)可致心肌损伤,并最终发展为酒精性心肌病,可能由于存在较大个体差异,目前尚难以确定。国内多数资料认为,日饮白酒150ml,持续5年以上可导致酒精性心肌病的发生。UrbanoMarquez等(1989)对50例长期饮酒的男性病人作超声心动图检查,所有入选者均无临床症状,平均饮酒史16年,日消耗乙醇(酒精)(243±13)g,与20例无饮酒的健康人相比,两者射血分数(EF)分别为59%和67%,其中饮酒组1/3的病人<55%,平均左心室舒张末容积分别为51ml和49ml,平均左心室重量分别为123g/m2和106g/m2,两组之间有显著性差异。对6例EF<50%的饮酒病人作心肌活检,提示已有心肌病变。研究结果还发现,饮酒量与EF呈负相关(r0.58,P<0.001),而与左心室重量呈正相关(r0.59,P<0.001)。Schwarz(1984)报道酒精性心肌病约占临床扩张性心肌病的1/3,而Roberts等(1987)的尸检资料认为,酒精性心肌病约占扩张性心肌病的45%。Cerqueira等(1991)对25例无临床症状而长期饮酒者作了一系列有关检查,试图了解亚临床型酒精性心肌病的发病情况。所有入选者年龄均小于40岁,每周饮酒至少0.568L(1品脱)威士忌或1箱(36瓶)啤酒,饮酒史在5年以上。对他们行放射性核素心室显像测定静息及运动时心室的收缩及舒张功能,超声心动图检测左心室室壁厚度及重量指数,结果发现,静息时饮酒组与对照组各参数相似,但运动时饮酒组有3例病人EF不能相应提高。由此认为亚临床型酒精性心肌病在40岁以前发病率低。但迄今为止,关于40岁以上亚临床型酒精性心肌病的发病率尚未见报道。 10 酒精性心肌病的病因 酒精性心肌病是由于乙醇及其代谢产物乙醛等对心肌直接毒害的结果。酒精对心肌细胞的直接毒性作用主要表现在以下几方面: 1.损害心肌细胞膜的完整性,系通过酒精脂溶性的生物学特性,侵袭细胞膜引起液化作用及改变细胞膜脂肪成分和分子构型,使膜表面离子分布和膜电位失控,影响细胞间信息传递和离子交换。 2.影响细胞器功能,包括线粒体、肌浆网等细胞器功能失调,以致心肌能源供应减少。 3.影响心肌细胞离子的通透性,从而使钾、磷酸盐或镁从心肌中丢失,而心肌细胞内钙离子超载,可导致心肌收缩力下降,是引起酒精性心肌病心功能不全的重要原因。 4.酒精代谢时引起中间代谢的改变,使三羧基酸循环中某些酶如天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(谷草转氨酶)、苹果酸脱氢酶、异枸橼酸脱氢酶、乳酸脱氢酶和醛缩酶从心肌细胞中逸出,必影响心肌细胞功能,使它不能有效地利用脂肪酸产生能量,并使三酰甘油在心肌中堆积,脂肪运转异常和肌原纤维的三磷酸腺苷酶活性改变,对心肌本身具有直接抑制作用。 5.长期饮酒可变更调节蛋白(原宁蛋白和原肌凝蛋白)的结构,影响心肌舒缩功能。 6.长期大量饮酒尚可造成人体均衡营养失调,易导致维生素缺乏,尤其是维生素B族缺乏,也可加重心功能不全。此外,酒类的某些添加剂中含有钴、铅等有毒物质,长期饮用可引起中毒或心肌损伤。由于上述原因的相互作用和影响,最终可导致酒精性心肌病的发生。 11 发病机制 11.1 发病机制 11.1.1 (1)酒精(乙醇)的吸收、分布及代谢 酒精为一简单的二碳化合物,饮用后在整个胃肠道尤其是十二指肠以单纯扩散的方式很快吸收,浓度越高吸收越快,而后在肝脏乙醇脱氢酶的作用下氧化为毒性产物乙醛,再由乙醛脱氢酶氧化为醋酸盐,进入三羧酸循环,继续氧化成二氧化化碳和水。 11.1.2 (2)对心肌损害 长期大量饮酒可致心肌损害,但也有研究认为酒精性心肌病的发病与饮酒时间及量效关系不大,并存在个体差异,酒精究竟是致病病因或仅是条件致病因素尚不明确,酒精致心肌损害的机制亦不完全清楚。目前认为,酒精主要通过以下几方面引起心肌损害。 ①酒精及其代谢产物的直接毒性作用 酒精及其代谢产物乙醛具有以下心肌毒性: A.干扰线粒体呼吸,影响心肌细胞膜对离子的通透性,抑制钙离子的结合转运及其与肌原纤维之间的相互作用,干扰兴奋收缩耦联,从而抑制心肌的收缩性。 B.抑制钠泵活性,使钾、镁从细胞内丢失增加,引起除极和复极不均,传导减慢,成为折返和自律性电生理异常的基础。 C.使三羧酸循环中某些酶如谷草转氨酶、苹果酸脱氢酶、异枸橼酸脱氢酶、乳酸脱氢酶及其醛缩酶从心肌细胞中逸出,使心肌细胞对脂肪酸的利用障碍,心肌细胞内三酰甘油、磷脂酰乙醇、脂肪酸乙酰酯等堆积,造成心肌不可逆损伤,使心肌细胞兴奋性增高,易致心律失常。 D.可促进儿茶酚胺释放,心肌长期受高浓度儿茶酚胺 *** 可使心肌肥厚并发生心律失常。 E.兴奋交感神经, *** 冠状动脉上的α肾上腺素能受体,引起冠状动脉痉挛,造成心肌缺血。 ②营养效应 长期饮酒可致营养障碍;B族维生素及叶酸不足可造成硫胺素缺乏,后者也是引起心肌病变的一个重要因素。 ③吸烟史 饮酒者多数有吸烟史,大量尼古丁吸入可促进左心室心肌硬化及胶原纤维聚集,在心肌病的形成中起一定的作用。 ④其他原因 可能与酒精饮料中的添加剂(钴)所致的心肌毒性作用有关。 11.2 病理 酒精性心肌病的病理改变无特异性,类似于原发性扩张型心肌病。心脏体积增大,重量增加,以左室为主各心腔均有扩张,心肌苍白松弛,心内膜可见纤维瘢痕形成及斑片样增厚。光镜下可见心肌细胞肥大,脂肪堆积,心肌纤维排列紊乱和溶解坏死,细胞内大空泡形成及程度不等的间质纤维化。冠状动脉小分支内膜增生、水肿。电镜常显示心肌细胞肿胀,心肌脂肪小滴及糖原过多,肌浆网排列紊乱和线粒体异常等。 12 酒精性心肌病的临床表现 酒精性心肌病起病隐匿,多发生于30~55岁的男性,通常有10年以上过度嗜酒史,临床表现多样化,主要表现为心功能不全和心律失常。 12.1 心脏扩大 心脏扩大可为酒精性心肌病最早的表现,部分病例临床症状不明显,常在体检、胸部X线或超声心动图检查时偶然发现。心脏多呈普大型,伴有心力衰竭者室壁活动明显减弱,当心腔有明显扩大时可伴有相对性瓣膜关闭不全性杂音。早期病例治疗后心影可于短期内迅速缩小,晚期患者心影常难以恢复正常。 12.2 充血性心力衰竭 长期嗜酒者常存在心功能轻度减退现象,甚至在出现心功能不全的临床症状之前就已存在。早期酒精性心肌病病人可无自觉症状,或仅表现为心悸、胸闷、疲乏无力等。严重者以充血性心力衰竭为突出表现,通常为全心衰竭,但以左心衰竭为主,出现呼吸困难、端坐呼吸及夜间阵发性呼吸困难等症状,亦可有颈静脉怒张、肝淤血、下肢水肿及胸腔积液等。病情较轻者戒酒后常可好转,但再饮酒时病情可再次加重。 12.3 心律失常 心律失常亦可为酒精性心肌病的早期表现,最多见为心房颤动,其次是心房扑动、频发室性期前收缩、房性期前收缩及心脏传导阻滞;心律失常多需要药物治疗或电复律,但少数可自行恢复窦性心律;同一种心律失常可反复发生。由于心律失常多于周末或假日大量饮酒之后发生,故称为“假日心脏综合征”。对嗜酒后出现不能解释的心律失常时应考虑本病之可能。酗酒者发生的猝死,可能与心室颤动有关。 12.4 胸痛 除非同时伴有冠心病或主动脉瓣狭窄,一般不会发生心绞痛,但可出现不典型胸痛;亦有以心绞痛为突出表现者,这可能与乙醛促进儿茶酚胺释放, *** α肾上腺受体导致冠状动脉痉挛有关。 12.5 血压改变 酒精性心肌病患者血压偏高者常见,特别是舒张压增高,而收缩压正常或偏低,称之为“去首高血压”(decapitated hypertension),此点有别于原发性扩张型心肌病。 12.6 其他 长期大量饮酒可同时累及脑、神经系统、肝脏、骨骼肌等靶器官,出现相应症状。 13 酒精性心肌病的并发症 长期大量饮酒对人体的损害可分为:对心肌的损害,出现心力衰竭、心律失常等;对人体其他器官、脏器的损害。 13.1 对心脏的损害 13.1.1 (1)心律失常 乙醇对心肌的损伤可表现为心律失常,以室上性心律失常出现较多,其中房颤最常见。 13.1.2 (2)充血性心力衰竭 乙醇导致弥漫性心肌损伤、心排血量降低,可出现全心衰竭,多以左心衰竭症状明显,但同时往往也有右心衰的表现。 13.2 对心脏以外器官和脏器的损害 13.2.1 (1)酒精性肌病 酒精对骨骼肌产生损伤。 13.2.2 (2)酒精性肝硬化 由于乙醇80%~90%在肝脏内代谢,其中代谢产物乙醛对肝细胞有较大的损害,它可使肝细胞膜脂肪过氧化,破坏肝细胞的微管结构,损伤线粒体,促使肝间质的纤维组织增生,并引起肝内炎性细胞浸润。肝细胞的长期损伤及纤维组织增生常导致肝硬化的发生。 13.2.3 (3)营养不良及维生素缺乏 大量饮酒者往往不食或少食其他食物,长期下去蛋白质和部分维生素便得不到充足的补充。 14 实验室检查 心肌心内膜活检很难发现与酒精性心肌病有关的特异性改变,但其线粒体与冠状动脉内壁的水肿出现率高,对诊断有一定的帮助。 15 辅助检查 15.1 X线检查 心影普遍增大,心胸比率>0.55,合并心力衰竭时可有肺淤血、肺水肿甚至胸腔积液。随着治疗和戒酒,增大的心影可在短期内明显缩小。 15.2 心电图 可有多种心电图异常,最常见为左室肥厚伴STT异常。亦可见低电压、心房颤动、室性期前收缩、房性期前收缩、房室传导阻滞和室内传导阻滞等心电图改变,部分病人可见病理性Q波。 15.3 超声心动图 主要为左室重量增加,早期室间隔及左室后壁轻度增厚,不伴有收缩功能减退,左室舒张内径正常。出现充血性心力衰竭时,各房室收缩和舒张内径均增加,室壁运动减弱,左室射血分数减低。超声心动图对早期诊断及判断预后有重要价值。 15.4 心导管检查和心血管造影 酒精性心肌病亚临床状态时就可有血流动力学改变,常表现为射血分数减低,心室舒张末压增高,舒张末容积和张力增加。心室造影可见左心室扩大,弥漫性室壁运动减弱,心室射血分数下降。 15.5 放射性核素检查 用111铟标记的单克隆抗心肌抗体检查发现,扩张型心肌病和酒精性心肌病病人在心功能恶化时放射性核素摄取量增加,而临床症状改善时摄取减少。虽然这对酒精性心肌病的诊断无特异性,但其摄取量与饮酒量密切相关,并可根据摄取量进行预后判断。 16 酒精性心肌病的诊断 目前,酒精性心肌病尚无特异性诊断方法及标准。 1.有大量饮酒史(纯乙醇量125ml/d,即啤酒4瓶或白酒150g),持续10年以上,出现心脏病的症状和体征。 2.能排除其他心脏病即应考虑酒精性心肌病。强制性戒酒4~8周,积极治疗后病情迅速改善亦支持酒精性心肌病的诊断。 17 鉴别诊断 酒精性心肌病与扩张型心肌病、维生素B1缺乏性心脏病等鉴别。 17.1 扩张性心肌病 酒精性心肌病与扩张型心肌病酷似。有学者将两者组织学及临床进行比较,结果显示:扩张型心肌病的部分患者系心肌炎演变而来,故其心肌细胞肥大、纤维化程度以及细胞核等改变均较酒精性心肌病明显。此外,后者在临床测得的心胸比值、心脏指数以及收缩压测值/收缩末期容积,在停止摄取酒精饮料后明显获得改善,而前者不明显。 17.2 维生素B1缺乏性心脏病 酒精性心肌炎表现的心腔扩张、心动过速、静脉压增高以及下肢水肿等易与维生素B1缺乏性心脏病(脚气病性心脏性心脏病)相混淆。然而,前者多为心室收缩力降低致低心排量状态,而后者则为高心排量状态,临床可资鉴别。 18 酒精性心肌病的治疗 酒精性心肌病治疗的关键是戒酒。病程早期即戒酒可使充血性心力衰竭的临床表现消除,心脏大小可恢复正常。即使心脏明显扩大伴有严重心力衰竭者,戒酒治疗仍可使预后得到改善。 有轻度心力衰竭时,限制体力活动,低盐饮食及适当利尿治疗即可使心功能得以改善;中、重度充血性心力衰竭时,其治疗同原发性扩张型心肌病,以利尿药、洋地黄、血管扩张药和ACEI为主,并注意纠正电解质紊乱,包括低血钾和低血镁。 有单纯房性或室性期前收缩时,可不必处理;但若出现快速性房性或室性心律失常时,应给予相应的抗心律失常药物治疗。因儿茶酚胺在酒精致心律失常中起重要作用,故可首选β受体阻滞药。 当合并酒精性心肌病、酒精性肝硬化、营养不良或维生素缺乏等并发症时,除戒酒外,还应给予高蛋白、高热量、低脂肪饮食,补充缺乏的维生素及微量元素等。在戒酒的同时,积极劝说戒烟,以改善预后。 19 预后 酒精性心肌病的预后优于扩张性心肌病。Prazak等(1996)随访了23例酒精性心肌病病人,其1年、5年和10年的生存率分别为100%、81%和81%,而对照组52例特发性扩张性心肌病病人则分别为89%、48%和30%,如果去除心脏移植因素影响,两者差异则更大。Demakis等(1974)对64例酒精性心肌病病人作了4年的随访,发现戒酒的病人病死率为9%,而没有戒酒的病人病死率为50%。Nethal等(1994)用111In标记的抗心肌抗体检查受试者,发现心肌对111In摄取的多少与饮酒量有关,并认为可根据摄取的多少来决定预后,因此戒酒与否明显影响酒精性心肌病的预后。 20 酒精性心肌病的预防 酒精性心肌病预后优于扩张型心肌病。决定预后的关键是早期诊断和戒酒。早期酒精性心肌病戒酒后可使病情逆转,扩大的心脏可望恢复正常;晚期心力衰竭患者预后较差,死亡原因多为难治性充血性心力衰竭和严重心律失常。 21 相关药品 甘油、三磷酸腺苷、腺苷、氧、醋酸、二氧化碳、磷脂、肾上腺素、叶酸、胶原、洋地黄 人体体表面积计算器 BMI指数计算及评价 女性安全期计算器 预产期计算器 孕期体重增长正常值 孕期用药安全性分级(FDA) 五行八字 成人血压评价 体温水平评价 糖尿病饮食建议 临床生化常用单位换算 基础代谢率计算 补钠计算器 补铁计算器 处方常用拉丁文缩写速查 药代动力学常用符号速查 有效血浆渗透压计算器 乙醇摄入量计算器 医学百科,马上计算! 22 相关检查 苹果酸脱氢酶、儿茶酚胺、叶酸、抗心肌抗体 治疗酒精性心肌病的穴位 太冲 值显著降低(P0.05)。结论:电针治疗能抑制非酒精性脂肪肝CYP1A1表达的上调,减轻脂质过氧化反... 大冲
2023-07-12 03:06:341


  地铁是现代很便利的一种交通工具,复杂的交错在城市的地底下,那么你知道地铁的英文怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于地铁的英语知识吧。    地铁的英文读法   metro英 [u02c8metru0259u028a]美 [u02c8metrou028a]   subway英 [u02c8su028cbweu026a]美 [u02c8su028cbu02ccwe]   underground英 [u02c8u028cndu0259grau028and]美 [u02c8u028cndu0259rgrau028and]   地铁相关 同义词 辨析   underground, subway, tube   这些名词均可表示"地铁"之意。   underground : 一般用词,指城市中的地铁,主要用于英国。   subway : 指城市中的地铁或通道,主要用于美国。   tube : 主要用于英国口语中。   地铁的例句   1. The new Metro is designed to run on unleaded fuel.   新的地铁系统设计为使用无铅燃料。   2. The metro is efficient and spotlessly clean.   地铁非常快捷,而且一尘不染。   3. Can you reach the park by metro?   你可以乘地铁到达那个公园 吗 ?   4. After failing a singing audition at the Metro-politan Opera, she turned to musical comedy.   在大都会歌剧院的试唱失败后,她转而投身歌舞喜剧。   5. The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable.   乘地铁返回市中心又热又不舒服。   6. When travelling at bus or metro, please hold the handrail.   坐公交或地铁时, 请抓紧扶手.   7. B And there will be new metro lines and transport systems.   而且到时将有新的地铁线路和新的交通系统开始运行.   8. So far, Harbin Aijian Metro project trust problem has remained unsolved.   至今, 爱建信托哈尔滨新城项目的问题仍未能解决.   9. The northern extension of Metro Line 3 began operating last Monday.   轨道交通3号线的北延伸段已于本周一投入营运.   10. Wheel wear is a concern on most metro systems.   对大部分地铁系统来说车轮磨损事关重大.   11. A And there will be new metro and transport systems.   还将有新的地铁和交通系统.   12. The full project about measuring the stability of metro bogie was presented.   给出了测试地铁转向架平稳度的完整方案.   13. But what really sets Metro Bank apart is its state - of the - art It"system.   但是能让首都银行分开的是其最顶尖的信息技术系统.   14. Johnny : You really wanna help me in the Metro Organization?   你真的想插手帮忙地下组织?   15. Its advertisement was all over in the Metro carriage.   因为满地铁的车厢里都是它的 广告 .   地铁的英语 句子 带翻译   1. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.   放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。   2. They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement.   他们被指控组织并资助地下青年运动。   3. The inves-tigators found that the underground pipes were badly corroded.   调查人员发现地下管道严重腐蚀。   4. An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion.   一个地下组织已经声称对这起炸弹爆炸事件负责。   5. Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.   公共汽车线路和地上地下路轨都在该站交汇。   6. He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw.   他是波兰地下组织的情报员,被空降到华沙。   7. He recently decapitated a tramp on the London Underground.   他最近在伦敦地铁里将一个流浪汉的头砍了下来。   8. The underground is ideal for getting to work in Milan.   在米兰,乘地铁去上班非常便捷。   9. There"s an underground passageway that connects the five buildings.   有一条地下通道连接着那5栋大楼。   10. He crossed London by underground.   他乘地铁穿过伦敦。   11. a secret underground passage   地下秘密通道   12. an underground resistance movement   地下抵抗运动   13. They caved in the roof of the underground passage with powerful explosives.   他们用强大的炸药把地下通道的顶部炸塌陷了.   14. The spy never told his family about his underground activities.   那个间谍从来不把他的地下活动告诉他的家人.   15. During the blitz we spent the night in underground shelters.   空袭期间,我们在防空洞过夜. 猜你喜欢: 1. 地铁用英语怎么说 2. “地铁票价”英语怎么说 3. 旅游常用英语:乘坐地铁套用单句 4. 乘坐地铁的英文是什么 5. 出口处用英语怎么说 6. “地铁扶梯”英语怎么说
2023-07-12 03:06:411

为什么书名叫做《a severed head》

这个要问作者- -
2023-07-12 03:06:502


Marilyn Manson吧,听的时候不要忘记阅读歌词,相当变态
2023-07-12 03:06:5915


世界四大乐队 ,WMF(世界音乐先锋组织)评选出 世界最佳艺术家:猫王 世界四大乐队:The Rolling Stones(滚石乐队)The Beatles(甲壳虫乐队) Eangle(老鹰乐队)BEYOND(超越乐队) 世界第一吉他手:艾力*克普敦(吉他皇帝)世界第二吉他手:黄贯中(吉他至尊)世界第三吉他手:桑塔那(吉他高高手) 终身金针奖:Thebeatles乐队主唱:约翰*列农BEYOND乐队主唱:黄家驹 最佳歌曲:老鹰乐队:<<加洲旅馆>>甲壳虫乐队:<<黄色潜水艇>>BEYOND乐队:<<光辉岁月>>猫王:<<何去何从>>
2023-07-12 03:07:461

2023-07-12 03:08:146


2023-07-12 03:08:438


中英文对照的A Mummy is a corpse whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme coldness, very high humidity, or lack of air when bodies are submerged in bogs. Presently, the oldest discovered (naturally) mummified human corpse was a decapitated head dated as 6,000 years old and was found in 1936. [1] Mummies of humans and other animals have been found throughout the world, both as a result of natural preservation through unusual conditions, and as cultural artifacts to preserve the dead.木乃伊是在人工防腐情况下或自然条件下可以长久保存的尸体。木乃伊一词源自波斯语,原义为蜡,欧洲人用来指古埃及涂抹防腐香料保存至今的尸体,中国自明代以来将其音译为木乃伊。古埃及人认为人死后可以复活,而复活的条件是保存尸体。制作木乃伊需要先将尸体挖去内脏,浸过盐水,在腹腔填以乳香、桂皮等香料,缝合后把尸体浸入特制的防腐液中,经70天取出,再裹上麻布,填以香料,涂上树脂,就做成了木乃伊。有些科学家希望未来能取得木乃伊的基因后,透过复制技术,把它们的基因复制至新的活人。
2023-07-12 03:10:201


Luoyang Subway;Luoyang Metro;
2023-07-12 03:10:273


  subway表地铁; 地下通道的意思,那么你知道subway的 同义词 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了subway的同义词,希望能帮到大家。   subway的同义词辨析   underground, subway, tube   这些名词均可表示"地铁"之意。   underground : 一般用词,指城市中的地铁,主要用于英国。   subway : 指城市中的地铁或通道,主要用于美国。   tube : 主要用于英国口语中。   subway的词组习语   go down the tube (或tubes)   1. (非正式)一败涂地,完全失败   这个国家正缓慢而不可挽回地走向绝境。   the country is going slowly and surely down the tubes.   down the tubes 或 down the tube &I{【 俚语 】}   1. 失败或毁掉   看到她所有的计划付之东流   saw all her plans go down the tubes.   subway的例句   1. The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway.   大多数人在走地下通道时都感到害怕。   2. A 15-year-old girl was attacked at knifepoint in a subway.   一名15岁的女孩在地铁里遭持刀袭击。   3. Steps lead down to the subway from the upstream side.   上游那边有台阶通向地铁。   4. The subway was covered in graffiti.   过街地道里涂满了乱七八糟的图画和文字。   5. the New York subway   纽约地铁   6. Many of the city"s populace travel to work by subway or bus.   许多城市的平民都是坐地铁或公共汽车上下班.   7. Go by subway — it"ll take you forever if you go by bus.   坐地铁去吧!要是你乘公共汽车去,得花很长的时间.   8. Cross by the subway please.   请走地下人行通道.   9. He goes to work on the subway.   他坐地铁上班.   10. The new subway is now being laid.   新的地铁正在铺设中.   11. After the second explosion, all of London"s main train and subway stations were shut down.   第二次爆炸后,伦敦所有的主要火车站和地铁站都关闭了。   12. Trains are thundering in and out all the time at a subway station.   地铁车站上列车进进出出,整天轰隆轰隆地响个不停.   13. "I could take the subway and have David pick me up at the station." — "Nothing doing."   “我可以坐地铁,然后让戴维到车站接我。”——“不行。”   14. Diego noticed Pamela when she got on the subway train.   在帕梅拉走进地铁的时候,蒂亚哥看到了她.   15. Ray used to sing and play the guitar in the subway.   雷经常在地铁里边唱边弹吉他.   subway的同义词例句   1. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.   放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。   2. They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement.   他们被指控组织并资助地下青年运动。   3. The inves-tigators found that the underground pipes were badly corroded.   调查人员发现地下管道严重腐蚀。   4. An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion.   一个地下组织已经声称对这起炸弹爆炸事件负责。   5. Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.   公共汽车线路和地上地下路轨都在该站交汇。   6. He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw.   他是波兰地下组织的情报员,被空降到华沙。   7. He recently decapitated a tramp on the London Underground.   他最近在伦敦地铁里将一个流浪汉的头砍了下来。   8. The underground is ideal for getting to work in Milan.   在米兰,乘地铁去上班非常便捷。   9. There"s an underground passageway that connects the five buildings.   有一条地下通道连接着那5栋大楼。   10. He crossed London by underground.   他乘地铁穿过伦敦。   11. a secret underground passage   地下秘密通道   12. an underground resistance movement   地下抵抗运动   13. They caved in the roof of the underground passage with powerful explosives.   他们用强大的炸药把地下通道的顶部炸塌陷了.   14. The spy never told his family about his underground activities.   那个间谍从来不把他的地下活动告诉他的家人.   15. During the blitz we spent the night in underground shelters.   空袭期间,我们在防空洞过夜.   1. The only baseball he saw was on the tube.   他看过的唯一一场 棒球 赛是在电视上看的。   2. The secondary current sets up a magnetic field inside the tube.   二次电流在管子内部会产生磁场。   3. That"s Warwick Road, just opposite Earls Court tube station.   那是沃里克路,就在伯爵宫地铁站对面。   4. He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine.   他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。   5. I took the tube then the train and came straight here.   我先乘地铁,然后坐火车直奔这里。   6. He travelled by tube.   他乘地铁旅行。   7. I work in the extruded tube business.   我做挤压管生意。   8. a tube of glue   一管胶水   9. An examination is carried out before the insertion of the tube.   插入导管前先要进行检查。   10. to squeeze a tube of toothpaste   挤牙膏   11. a bike"s inner tube   自行车内胎   12. With the words he handed Professor Wang a tube.   说着他交给王教授一个试管.   13. The fore end tube plate of the condenser has cracked beyond repair.   冷凝器前端破裂得无法 修理 了.   14. The doctor introduced a tube into the sick man"s wound.   医生把一根导管插入病人的伤口.   15. You may get to the railway station by tube.   你可以乘地铁到火车站. 猜你喜欢: 1. subway赛百味加盟要求有哪些 2. subway的同义词是什么 3. subtle的同义词是什么 4. succeed的同义词是什么 5. subway怎么加盟
2023-07-12 03:10:341


Three travelers(标题用斜体) The third one chose a comparatively safer and less difficult road, and that"s why he didn"t fall. Finally, there is a saying that "we never fall upon our defects; we fall upon our advantages." Sure it is reasonable. Galloping horses often miss steps; Canary bird gets caged for its heartful songs; The brave Xiang Yu died under his own sword; The smart Ma Su got decapitated for his smartness... 说实话,我觉得你的汉语原文语句混乱,思维不清,而且,我很不认同你无过便是功的观点……
2023-07-12 03:11:242

the time is now歌词翻译

2023-07-12 03:11:323


更多中文名:狂飙与怒狮国家/地区:美国对白语言:英语发行公司:MGM/UA Distribution Company上映日期:1975年5月22日 美国 肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery ....Mulay Achmed Mohammed el-Raisuli the Magnificent坎迪斯·伯根 Candice Bergen ....Eden Pedecaris约翰·休斯顿 John Huston ....John Hay, Secretary of StateBrian Keith ....Pres. Theodore "Teddy" RooseveltGeoffrey Lewis ....GummereSteve Kanaly ....Capt. Jerome, USMCVladek Sheybal ....The Bashaw of TangierNadim Sawalha ....Sherif of WazanRoy Jenson ....Adm. ChadwickDeborah Baxter ....Alice RooseveltJack Cooley ....Quentin RooseveltChris Aller ....Kermit RooseveltSimon Harrison ....William PedecarisPolly Gottesmann ....Jennifer PedecarisAntoine Saint-John ....Von Roerkel (as Antoine St. John)Aldo Sambrell ....Ugly ArabLuis Barboo ....Gayaan the TerribleDarrell Fetty ....Vice Consul RichardMarc Zuber ....The Sultan of MorocoBilly Williams ....Sir JosephShirley Rothman ....Edith RooseveltRusty Cox ....Marine SergeantLarry Cross ....Sen. Henry Cabot LodgeAlexander Weldon ....Elihu Root, Secretary of WarDr. Akio Mitamura ....Japanese GeneralFrank Gussman ....President"s AideAudrey San Felix ....Miss HitchcockBen Tatar ....Sketch ArtistMichel Damian ....President"s SecretaryCharly Bravo ....Decapitated ArabDeborah Burnett ....Arabian WomanEduardo Bea ....Philippe (uncredited)Robert Case ....British Military Advisor (uncredited)Juan Cazalilla ....Chef (uncredited)Mariano Ciudad ....3rd Secret Service Man (uncredited)Anita Colby ....Station Woman (uncredited)James Cooley ....2nd Secret Service Man (uncredited)Rupert Crabb ....Mountain Man (uncredited)Howard Hagan ....Diplomat (uncredited)Art Larkin ....1st Secret Service Man (uncredited)David V. Lester ....2nd Reporter (uncredited)Leon Liberman ....2nd Aide (uncredited)约翰·米利厄斯 John Milius ....The one-armed military advisor (uncredited)James Mitchell ....Gummere"s Aide (uncredited)Ricardo Palacios ....Torres (uncredited)Carl Rapp ....1st Station Man (uncredited)Paul Rusking ....3rd Reporter (uncredited)Allen Russell ....3rd Aide (uncredited)Felipe Solano ....Pock-faced Arab (uncredited)Charles Stalmaker ....1st Reporter (uncredited)制作人 Produced by:Herb Jaffe ....producerPhil Rawlins ....associate 影片讲述在一1904年的中东沙漠地带,一名美国寡妇(坎迪斯·伯根饰)及她的儿女被阿拉伯大盗头子绑架,导致美国政府紧张不已,罗斯福总统决定派兵将她夺回。最后寡妇以行动感化了大盗头子(辛康纳利饰),免却了一场杀身之祸。
2023-07-12 03:12:041


2023-07-12 03:12:293

Korn的《Love Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Song歌手:Korn专辑:See You On The Other SideMother!You"re holding my heart screamingMotherfucker!They left me broken, bleedingSon of!The man you loved and left forThe son of a bitch!Who tried to show me death"s doorEverything"s eliminatedEverything is dedicatedTried to leave this life i hated?Never get what"s over-ratedLove song for the dear departedHead stone for the broken heartedArms to killOr flowers to stealHead trip for the mortal earthboundOne sip of the blood that I foundLying hereIm dying hereAs in!Obituaries rain downAnd some of them!Were lying naked face downWasn"t it decapitated?Can you see me fascinated?Your the only thing I"ve damagedWhat you get to be mis-managedLove song for the dear departedHead stone for the broken heartedArms to killOr flowers to stealHead trip for the mortal earthboundOne sip of the blood that I foundLying hereIm dying hereDon"t bring me daffodilsBring a Boquet of PillsSee some geraniumCracked to the craninumProtect me when I canRespect me when I amDyingLove song for the dear departedHead stone for the broken heartedArms to killOr flowers to stealHead trip for the mortal earthboundOne sip of the blood that I foundLying hereIm dying hereLove song for the dear departedHead stone for the broken heartedArms to killOr flowers to stealHead trip for the mortal earthboundOne sip of the blood that I foundLying hereIm dying here
2023-07-12 03:12:361

灵魂飞翔的《Gladiator》 歌词

歌曲名:Gladiator歌手:灵魂飞翔专辑:EnslavedCommon - GladiatorThey say he"s a radical, he don"t fit the gameA heart full of glory and a fist of painA couple of battle scars but shit"s the sameAre you not entertainedSo all the onlookers and the bystandersWait til intermission, run buy your cameraRecord the moment, cause it"ll be platinumAnd you could say you seen Common rock the stadiumI was told by a wise old to come from the heartThough I might"ve did The Light, I don"t run from the darkThe dark knight to spark mics, and start fightsThe warrior archetype like Kimbo SliceIt"s strength in the beard, am I loved or fearedA beast amongst boys like Paul I"m reveredVroof, vroof vroof vroof vroof Vroof vroof wellLike Jacob Jewel, I keep clienteleYou frail on the mic like you might break a nailI might smoke a joint but I won"t take the LI knew a fat girl who broke the scaleStill touched down cause I was off ArtellHad dreams of breaking Mike Vick out of jailTook the underground rail to the end that failedI rebel, NYSLHere to leave a trail like Nelson Mandelanothing you could doMy words is the sword, my skill is the shieldMy life is the style I stay dressed to killA legend like Will Smith with the steelI could save the world when shit get for realSkinny George Foreman, all in your grillMy rhyme style is blind, it"s all in the feelTouch it and watch the blood fall with the steelThe weak raps you wrote you could call that your willMy drive VROOM is how I stay the livestYour guys got you gassed, my flow is a hybridCrashed I survived it, gashes over eyelidsYou easy to take out cause you hot garbageI"m amped like wattage, the truth nigga honestAny moment opponents drop out like collegeKneel and pay homage to the rap Ziggy StardustStadium hands in the air fists balled upFeet in the dirt, blood on the shirtScars over bars, symbols of the workTight clothes the armor, center of the dramaDefeat your whole army like this is SpartaSo don"t violate or you"ll get violatedSome of you model bitches is so overratedDon"t mean to underrate it but damn it I made itIn the water I waded on the corner I paintedDraw blood like we relatedMCs get de-decapitatedSyncopated is the style that I fight with, write withMr. Excitement, change your face up like a white chickThen light shit up like a dread with the herbsGet sex in the city and head in the burbsThese are the words of a radicalThe crowd applaud, I"m bowed, I"m proudTo be the gladiator
2023-07-12 03:12:501


  地铁是现代很便利的一种交通工具,复杂的交错在城市的地底下,那么你知道吗?现在跟我一起学习关于地铁的英语知识吧。    地铁的英文读法   metro英 [u02c8metru0259u028a]美 [u02c8metrou028a]   subway英 [u02c8su028cbweu026a]美 [u02c8su028cbu02ccwe]   underground英 [u02c8u028cndu0259grau028and]美 [u02c8u028cndu0259rgrau028and]   地铁相关同义词辨析   underground, subway, tube   这些名词均可表示"地铁"之意。   underground : 一般用词,指城市中的地铁,主要用于英国。   subway : 指城市中的地铁或通道,主要用于美国。   tube : 主要用于英国口语中。   地铁的例句   1. The new Metro is designed to run on unleaded fuel.   新的地铁系统设计为使用无铅燃料。   2. The metro is efficient and spotlessly clean.   地铁非常快捷,而且一尘不染。   3. Can you reach the park by metro?   你可以乘地铁到达那个公园 吗 ?   4. After failing a singing audition at the Metro-politan Opera, she turned to musical edy.   在大都会歌剧院的试唱失败后,她转而投身歌舞喜剧。   5. The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and unfortable.   乘地铁返回市中心又热又不舒服。   6. When travelling at bus or metro, please hold the handrail.   坐公交或地铁时, 请抓紧扶手.   7. B And there will be new metro lines and transport systems.   而且到时将有新的地铁线路和新的交通系统开始执行.   8. So far, Harbin Aijian Metro project trust problem has remained unsolved.   至今, 爱建信托哈尔滨新城专案的问题仍未能解决.   9. The northern extension of Metro Line 3 began operating last Monday.   轨道交通3号线的北延伸段已于本周一投入营运.   10. Wheel wear is a concern on most metro systems.   对大部分地铁系统来说车轮磨损事关重大.   11. A And there will be new metro and transport systems.   还将有新的地铁和交通系统.   12. The full project about measuring the stability of metro bogie was presented.   给出了测试地铁转向架平稳度的完整方案.   13. But what really sets Metro Bank apart is its state - of the - art It"system.   但是能让首都银行分开的是其最顶尖的资讯科技系统.   14. Johnny : You really wanna help me in the Metro Organization?   你真的想插手帮忙地下组织?   15. Its advertisement was all over in the Metro carriage.   因为满地铁的车厢里都是它的广告.   地铁的英语句子带翻译   1. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.   放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。   2. They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement.   他们被指控组织并资助地下青年运动。   3. The inves-tigators found that the underground pipes were badly corroded.   调查人员发现地下管道严重腐蚀。   4. An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion.   一个地下组织已经声称对这起炸弹爆炸事件负责。   5. Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.   公共汽车线路和地上地下路轨都在该站交汇。   6. He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw.   他是波兰地下组织的情报员,被空降到华沙。   7. He recently decapitated a tramp on the London Underground.   他最近在伦敦地铁里将一个流浪汉的头砍了下来。   8. The underground is ideal for getting to work in Milan.   在米兰,乘地铁去上班非常便捷。   9. There"s an underground passageway that connects the five buildings.   有一条地下通道连线著那5栋大楼。   10. He crossed London by underground.   他乘地铁穿过伦敦。   11. a secret underground passage   地下秘密通道   12. an underground resistance movement   地下抵抗运动   13. They caved in the roof of the underground passage with powerful explosives.   他们用强大的炸药把地下通道的顶部炸塌陷了.   14. The spy never told his family about his underground activities.   那个间谍从来不把他的地下活动告诉他的家人.   15. During the blitz we spent the night in underground shelters.   空袭期间,我们在防空洞过夜. 1.地铁用英语怎么说 2.“地铁票价”英语怎么说 3.旅游常用英语:乘坐地铁套用单句 4.乘坐地铁的英文是什么 5.出口处用英语怎么说 6.“地铁扶梯”英语怎么说
2023-07-12 03:12:571

if i was a serial killer 歌词

歌曲名:if i was a serial killer歌手:Insane Clown Posse专辑:the tempestIf I was a Serial KillerThey would find all my victim"s headsIn funky ass gas station toiletsAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would be strange and derangedAnd I would never changeIf I was a Serial KillerI"d be known as the smokerCause I"d cut off and smoke all they hairand if I was a Serial KillerI would sleep on broken glass and thumbtacksand I would smoke mad crackFirst thing I would do is kill a couple hottiesThey"d always get some mustard up decapitated bodiesDumped on State police law just before dawnTo let em know my ritual had begunI"d crack a 40 with the devil tell him dig me a holecause I"m coming when I die until them I"m in controlThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I aintbut if I was I"d do my walls all blood red with blood paintThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I aintBut if I was I"d never stop cause I know I can"tIf I was a Serial KillerI would drive a black vanAnd I would ride around on college campusAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would walk among us and gain trustUntil I needed that rushI"d park outside these bitches homes and then drive awayThen come back with my lights off this time I"m here to stayI"d wear human bones around my neck and have my ceremoniesThen go back upstairs and microwave some macaronisYou know what"s all up in my trunkSo don"t ask me to pop itOnce I get out to my cabinThen I"ll finally unlock itThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I"m notBut if I was I"d snap a photo once they died on the spotThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I"m notBut if I was I"d know that I can"t so I would never stopAnd I don"t know myself anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I don"t know who to be anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I don"t know what to think anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)Except that I am strange and deranged(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I will never changeI wanna hold up this hatchetPsychopathic Records shit we"ll burn the whole planet downI wanna run with this hatchetWe gotta always kick the wicked shit we"ll always be the sameI wanna hold up this hatchetFuck the world take me under bitch we trying to rule the tunnels,The Tempest raining lightning balls of fire rainICP with Mike E Clark againI wanna run with this hatchet(Wicked Clowns, Blaze, Twiztid, Boondox and LotusHolding down the underground and you know thisI wanna run with this hatchetYou know thisChop it on downChop it on downI wanna run with this hatchetI wanna run with this hatchetI wanna hold up this hatchetPsychopathic Records shit we"ll burn the whole planet downI wanna run with this hatchetWe gotta always kick the wicked shit we"ll always be the sameI wanna hold up this hatchetFuck the world take me under bitch we trying to rule the tunnels,The Tempest raining lightning balls of fire rainICP with Mike E Clark againI wanna run with this hatchetWicked Clowns, Blaze, Twiztid, Boondox and LotusHolding down the underground and you know thisI wanna run with this hatchetYou know thisIf I was a Serial KillerI would bury all my special projectsunderneath the garden in my grandmother"s backyardAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would be strange and derangedAnd I would rock my hatchet chain
2023-07-12 03:13:171

NBA2K12里选择球队模式时Eminem的一首歌的歌名,歌词里有句kiss me...paradise.

阿姆的Fast Lane.歌词如下。 First verse, uh  I"m on "til I"m on a island  My life"s ridin" on the Autobahn on autopilot  Before I touch dirt, I"ll kill you all wit" kindness  I kill ya, my natural persona"s much worse  You"ve been warned if you"ve been born or if you can form  Slap up a cop and then snatch "im out of his uniform  Leave him wit" his socks, hard bottoms and bloomers on  And hang him by his balls from the horn of a unicorn  Y"all *****" intellect mad slow, y"all fags know  Claimin" you bangin", you flamin"  Bet you could light your own cigarette witcha asshole  Me and Shady deaded the past, so that basically resurrected my cashflow  I might rap tight as the snatch of a fat dyke  Though I ain"t wrapped tight  My blood type"s the "80s!  My "90s was like the Navy, you was like the Bradys  You still fly kites daily!  Eminem  Catch me in my Mercedes  Bumpin" "Ice, Ice Baby," screamin" Shady "til I die  Like a half a pair of dice, life"s crazy  So I live it to the fullest "til I"m Swayze  And you only live it once, so I"m thinkin" "bout this nice, nice lady  Wait, no, stop me now "fore I get on a roll (Damn)  Let me tell you what this pretty little dame"s name is, "cause she"s kinda famous  And I hope that I don"t sound too heinous when I say this  Nicki Minaj, but I wanna stick (My penis in your anus!)  You morons think that I"m a genius  Really I belong inside a dang insane asylum, cleanin", try them trailer parks  Crazy, I am back, and I am razor-sharp, baby  And that"s back wit" a capital B wit" an exclamation mark, maybe  You should listen when I flip the linguistics  "Cause I"m"onna rip this mystical slick shit  You don"t wanna become another victim or statistic of this shit  "Cause after I spit the bullets, I"ma treat these shell casings like a soccer ball  I"ma kick the ballistics! So get this dick, I"ma live this  (Hook)  Livin" life in the fast lane  Movin" at the speed of life and I can"t slow down  Only got a gallon in the gas tank  But I"m almost at the finish line, so I can"t stop now  I don"t really know where I"m headed, just enjoyin" the ride  Just gon" roll "til I drop and ride "til I die  I"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)  I"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)  Royce  My whole goal as a poet"s to be relaxed in orbit  At war wit" a bottle, this Captain Morgan attacks my organs  My slow flow is euphoric, it"s like I rap endorphins  I made a pact with the Devil that says "I"ll let you take me  You let me take this shovel, dig up the corspes, Jack Kevorkian"  Go "back and forth in more beef that you can pack a fork in  I"m livin" the life of the infinite enemy down  My tenement, too many now, to send my serenity powers  Spin "em around, enterin" in the vicinity  Eminem  Now, was called Eminem, but he threw away the candy and ate the rapper  Chewed him up (Pt!) and spitted him out  Girl, giddy-up, now get, get down  He"s lookin" around this club and it looks like people are havin" a shit fit now  Here, little t-t-trailer trash, take a look who"s back in t-t-town  Did I s-st-stutter, motherfucker? Fuck them all, he"s just  A whole motherfuckin" Walmart d-d-down every time a-r-r-round  And he came to the club tonight wit" 5"9″ to hold this bitch down  Like a motherfuckin" chick underwater, he tryna d-dr-drown  Shawty, when you dance, you got me captivated  Just by the way that you keep lickin" them dicks like lips, I"m agitated, aggravated  To the point you don"t suck my dick, then you"re gonna get decapitated  Other words, you don"t fuckin" give me head, then I"m have to take it  Royce  And then after takin" that, I"ma catch a case, it"s gon" be fascinatin"  It"s gon" say "The whole rap game passed away" on top of the affadavit  Graduated from master debater slash massive masturbator  To Michael Jackson" activator (Woo!)  Meanin" I"m on fire off the top, might wanna back up the data  To Michael Jackson" activator (Woo!)  Meanin" I"m on fire off the top, might wanna back up the data  Runnin" over hip-hop in a verbal tractor-trailer  Homie, this sick, you can normally ask a hater  Don"t it make sense, these shell casings is just like a bag of paper  Drop in the lap of a tax evader (Homie, they spent)  [Eminem]  Now make that ass drop like a sack of potatoes  What, girl, I"m the crack-a-lator  Brung ya lay to this party, be my penis ejaculator later  Tell you boyfriend that you just struck paydirt  You rollin" wit" a player, you won"t be exaggeratin" when you sayin"  [Hook]  Livin" life in the fast lane  Movin" at the speed of life and I can"t slow down  Only got a gallon in the gas tank  But I"m almost at the finish line, so I can"t stop now  I don"t really know where I"m headed,just enjoyin" the ride  Just gon" roll "til I drop and ride "til I die  I"m livin" life in the fast lane  (Pedal to the metal)  I"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)
2023-07-12 03:13:241

stop the violence 歌词

歌曲名:stop the violence歌手:boogie down productions专辑:by all means necessaryWorldwide bdp are the freshest!Worldwide! worldwide! worldwide!One two three, the crew is called bdpAnd if you want to go to the tip topStop the violence in hip-hop, y-oTime and time again, as i pick up the penAs my thoughts emerge, these are those wordsI glance at the paper to know what"s going onSomeone"s doing wrong, the story goes onMary lue"s had a baby someone else decapitatedThe drama of the world shouldn"t keep us so frustratedI look, but it doesn"t coincide with my booksSocial studies when i speak upon political crooksIt"s just the presidents, and all the money they spentAll the things they invent and how the house is so immaculateThey paid missiles, my family"s eating gristleThen they get upset when the press blows the whistleOf course the main profiles are kept lowYou temper with some jobs, now the press is controlledNot only newspapers, but every single stationYou only get to hear the president is on vacationBut ehrm, stay calm, there"s no need for alarmYou say "go back" to your mom, and you"re off to vietnamYou shoot to kill, come back and you"re a veteranBoogie Down ProductionsBut how many veterans are out there pedaling?There"s no telling, "cause they continue sellingAs quiet as it"s kept, i won"t go into depthYou can talk about nigeria, people used to laugh at ya.Now i take a look, i say "usa for africa?!"Huh.What"s the solution, to stop all this confusion?Rewrite the constitution, change the drug which you"re usingRewrite the constitution or the emancipation proclamationWe fight inflation, yet the president"s still on vacationBdp posse!I say: one two three, the crew is called bdpAnd if you wanna go to the tip topStop the violence in the hip-hop, y-oThis might sound a little strange to youWell here"s the reason i came to youWe gotta put our heads together, and stop the violenceCause real bad boys move in silenceWhen you"re in a club, you come to chill outNot watch someones blood just spill outThat"s what these other people want to seeAnother race fight endlesslyYou know we"re being watched, you know we"re being seenSome wish to destroy this scene called hip-hopBut i won"t dropNot i or scott larockHip-hop will surely decayIf we as a people don"t stand up and say:"stop the violence!""stop the violence!""stop the violence!""stop the violence!""stop the violence!"I say: one two three, the crew is called bdpAnd if you wanna go to the tip topStop the violence in the hip-hop, y-oBdp and meWe step into the party top celebritySay when we"re coming to dance, we never have to pay a feeCause that"s where we got r-e-s-p-e-c-tI have this one wife, her name is miss melodyI know i"m from the bronx, she from the brooklyn posseI tell ya look a little like this, then i tell you some that iSometimes i got my gear on, sometimes i wear a hatSometimes i"m in a mercedes and sometimes i"m in a plainSometimes i find myself upon the number two trainSome people look at me and see negativitySome people look at me and see positivityBut when i see myself i see creativitySo if i can create, well then i make some moneySha man, just put your hands up if you"re out here gettin" paidSha man, just put your hands up if you"re out here gettin" paidOne two three, the crew is called bdpAnd if you wanna go to the tip topStop the violence in the hip-hop, y-o
2023-07-12 03:13:311

Nothing To Do 歌词

歌曲名:Nothing To Do歌手:The Tourists专辑:Greatest HitsNothing to doEminemCurtain Call: The Hits{Royce} What? Uhh..{Em} The Bad..{Royce} Yeah..{Em} The Evil..{Royce} Right, yo{Em} put em together(Yo) if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to strip(and)If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewI"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to do(I am bored!!!!!)I came in the diner with skateboarders, and placed ordersAte hors d"oeuvres, and hit the waiter with plate warmersLet you inhale the glock smell, while I"m rippin your wallet offAnd slippin a Molotov in your Cocktail (take that)Burnin your contracts, punch your A&R in the faceSmash his glasses and turn em to contactsI"m on some shook shit, if it"s missin I took it (whoops!)Nurse look at this straightjacket, it"s crooked!I go to jail and murder you from a cellPut a knife in an envelope and have you stabbed in the mail (Fed Ex)So how do you describe someone, with a decapitated headWhen the rest of his body"s still alive RUNNING?Comin with five gunmen, waitin to do a drive-bySo when you see the black 500 (what?) hide from itFor every hundred MC"s rhymin about birdsOnly about two-thirds"d really set it without wordsYo you ain"t a thug, I can make you bitch upPick the fifth up, cock, spit, you would swear it"s rainin slugs (what?)I"m the hottest shit in the industry (uh)I got every thug on the block that get a wind of me defendin meYou lack class and respect, get a direct backblastThe Bad and Evil mad rap, I cover the Bad halfYou know how a thug in this shit"ll end upSpit a round, lift your chin up, you get hit, ten down and ten up (what?)I take it if you run your mouth, then you wanna get sent upHeat it up, you be leakin blood and spittin phlegm upNow we rivals, cause of a small name or titleYou stepped, got devoured and left with a flower and bible(Yo) if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to strip(and)If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewI"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to do(Yo) if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to strip(and)If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewI"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to doyawns Forget a chorus -- my metaphors are so complicatedIt takes six minutes to get applause (yay)And by the time you all catch on, I"ma end your careerAnd walk away with the whole floor so you have nothin to fall back on!I"ll throw you off of ten floors .. AHHHHHHHPull a fuckin headache outta my head, and put it in yours (take this)I"m indoors, waitin for this acid to seep in my skin poresTo go outdoors and do some in-storesThis bitch wanted to blow me, I said, "It oughta happen.You swallow cum bitch?" "No, but I brought a napkin"Gettin skullie while I"m autographinGot my daughter laughin cause I sent her mother Withewater raftinI"m not a fact, I"ma proven fearMr. Rogers blocked up my U-haul screamin,"Wait, wait, wait.. you ain"t movin here!"Lorena Bobbitt, c"mere, want a souveneir?I"ve been high as fuck, since I was a juvi-neerJuvenile? Same difference -- I need some "caineCause I ain"t sniffed since I woke up the seven slain infants(Oh my God!) Brain implants and they say there"s a slim chanceI won"t stay the same cause I traded brains with a chimpanz"Walkin in swamp water with an M-16, out for the bloodShove a gun in the mouth of a thugTo break braces, you say grace and make facesI"ll display hate and break you in eight places (what?)Take paces, turn around draw in a standoffPrecise aim, icin my fame, blowin your hand offDancin with the Devil leadin - I won"t die, I"m never leavin (what?)I pledge allegiance to forever breathinStreet niggaz with nuts, what? My meat"s bigger (what?)Fake-ass thugs with toy guns and cheap triggersWith a deathwish, thinkin I"m the nigga to mess withLet the tech lift, direct chest hit, melt your necklaceFor instance, you just a henchmen, on tough soil (what?)A follower never had heart, he just loyalThugs is glass doors, I see through em, put the heat to emBe careful you might get what you ask for(Yo) if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to strip(and)If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewI"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to do(Yo) if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to strip(and)If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewI"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to doThe Bad.. the Evil..The Bad.. the Evil..GREEDNUT整理.
2023-07-12 03:13:381


Any trends can"t afford some hard foam. In China"s new literature, sometimes can see 12 article boringJunto, or common colourful sad short poems. However, these gadgets just bubble, in the absence of any note when causedWeathering itself shattered. Conversely, in the art of the climax, no matter it is how thick turbidity crazy and complete, whether it is the rapids or graduallyEnter, cried or sneer at, its voice is always Shouting revolution and struggle. China"s new literature always pose, self-confident, acquires,The powerful weapon is revolutionary struggle. This serious attitude, and hard struggle enthusiasm, has been kept for more than 20 years. In this is notVery short period of time, has produced no an article for the miss pastime detective novels master; Only there on the market thisWith the great detective, what is the murder by British and American literary commodity translated.This time in shock jumping, meet the sacred wenxin resistance and very natural to prove it can become guns and FriedPlay. The so-called articles, this article to army countryside is this step of IP in Anti-Japanese War wenxin the responsibility of all struggle to more confidence and sinceThe shunt. Self-confidence, because China bottom XieGu have fought literature for more than 20 years; They fear the revolution and recruit of killing, tooYou aren"t afraid to spear invaders; They believe so, and then put it out, and 4000050 million confidence promote the sameCells are also believe; 4000050 million people in a must-win beliefs up Sunday is a struggle between the greatest power in the worldVolume. Motivated, motivated for introspection: a aging countries meet extremely violent sadistic aggression, of course, to introspection; The roost forNational condemn the literary and art workers, no doubt, will be the first time below self review to no purpose.See, for more than twenty years, literary exactly go where? Well, it"s been pounding the feudal ideology, in culturesRevolutionary spirit, is really set up many merits. However, this is what the problem but not answer did itWhat point. If it"s only in campaigns and construction of a small circle, so even though it"s walk is serious, the heartAffection is warm, it also cannot but admit it this one quite beautiful flowers ah, although beauty, and fragile. It has no many seeds,The wind spread into the distance, and is only enough to himself a quite beautiful flowers just. This unsettling review, but met with ironGeneral evidence. Look, there are so many people even word also doesn"t know! Look, in a 400-500 households village can can not findA new literary works! Yeah, no wonder everyone"s royalty income is so poor pitiful ah! This fact makes people angerAnger, especially that passion and simple literary young people; They shouted: there is such a thing? Can a village even lu xunThe electrum names are not know? But, anger is useless, the facts are the facts. Everybody by the war, and the armyExiled, gone with beiping in Shanghai shut door books. They met with people and army -- oh, it"s not confess that the new literature and artPoor masses yo! This time, it is thought that somehow, and beheaded lu xun will also silence the enthusiast, and want how"Trying to" make people know lu xun; Otherwise would have how many words, decapitated head be born?KuiHui is conscience activity. New literary weaknesses, in the enemy"s killing, it is recognized that the -- it"s idea, itLanguage, its form, always with Western Europe, so it is to imitate the literary revolution only, and to the unfinished revolution literary taskTravel. Revolutionary literature should be active in folk literature and art, that cannot be people accept the novel thing is taking doesn"t revolutionary tasksAh! This is a very valuable discoveries, or also say, is great KuiHui. And so, in the all-china petty-bourgeois anti enemiesAssociation of the founding conference when open countryside and articles, this article the slogan was army to ask.The two slogans, in Anti-Japanese War made of literature and art is at least (a) negative make XieGu are realized, twenty years newLiterary also sent a deep and far sow power, for twenty years to everyone"s effort seems to be spent on the study, but haven"t byNational colors to create a national own literary. (2) positive, comprehensive resistance must mobilize all the people. fineGod"s food must common to trenches with the country within. In the circumstances, how there. We would rather to lacking some gunCannon, and not lack of fighting spirit; The fighting spirit of resistance is the engine of literature. The former, intentional or unintentional make fightWar of words since there were new tendencies - to simple, clear, lively, war of literature and art is not to make style and word,But to quickly radiation, such as cannon powerful. Such literature to folk and army natural achieved in the story and vocabulary toPeople"s language recognizes Sunday and the construction of public sacrifice and feat - this, broke the "Shanghai" copy, and literary twoConfide gives the flame of national culture. The latter, because need urgent and produce the street play, posters, and use of private inherent poemLiterary form and reshape novels, guci, etc. The students participated in this movement in the village, the village, they will have a wallNewspaper; They arrive front, front had songs, and mimeograph tabloid look. The government also noted that this movement and in the ministry of education,Edit the bright light reading, equipped with commissioner; With political department, it keeps large department of printing propaganda brochures. peopleGroups, like the sino-soviet culture association, national art association, also with front moulding for soldiers. The drama of the development is breathtaking more,Originally only Shanghai and Peiping talents have seen 64 drama but now in suiyuan, ningxia and other waste far place also can seeStage and lights; Even ZhongTiaoShan qinling and there is also the youths with people for soldiers in the programme. These new, half new and a halfThe old, or completely old, form, not necessarily all good, but since the start of resistance in different passion and Posting. The excitation degreeThe effect of shunt people. Yes, these works and way, not necessarily all good, but it"s certainly a big
2023-07-12 03:13:481

Love Song (Live) () 歌词

歌曲名:Love Song (Live) ()歌手:Korn专辑:Live & UngluedMother!You"re holding my heart screamingMotherfucker!They left me broken, bleedingSon of!The man you loved and left forThe son of a bitch!Who tried to show me death"s doorEverything"s eliminatedEverything is dedicatedTried to leave this life i hated?Never get what"s over-ratedLove song for the dear departedHead stone for the broken heartedArms to killOr flowers to stealHead trip for the mortal earthboundOne sip of the blood that I foundLying hereIm dying hereAs in!Obituaries rain downAnd some of them!Were lying naked face downWasn"t it decapitated?Can you see me fascinated?Your the only thing I"ve damagedWhat you get to be mis-managedLove song for the dear departedHead stone for the broken heartedArms to killOr flowers to stealHead trip for the mortal earthboundOne sip of the blood that I foundLying hereIm dying hereDon"t bring me daffodilsBring a Boquet of PillsSee some geraniumCracked to the craninumProtect me when I canRespect me when I amDyingLove song for the dear departedHead stone for the broken heartedArms to killOr flowers to stealHead trip for the mortal earthboundOne sip of the blood that I foundLying hereIm dying hereLove song for the dear departedHead stone for the broken heartedArms to killOr flowers to stealHead trip for the mortal earthboundOne sip of the blood that I foundLying hereIm dying here
2023-07-12 03:13:551

呼啸山庄第一章的简要(概括) 英文版。 急需。。。

u3000u3000Basically, this is a futuristic romp through the Russian tundra. The book starts innocently enough with a bone-Shilling tale of how Bigfoot married a beautiful duckling, but then the overall tone of the story gets really dark. Sasquatch snatches a child off the streets of London and eats it. He keeps doing this, wrapping wandering orphans in his trench coat and carrying them into the woods to feast on their delicious earwax, until one day mean ol" Sasquatch is seduced by an ample young boy known as Baby Ruth Cliff. Baby Ruth tries to bargain with the hairy beast by offering a sacrifice of twenty Heathbars by the next full moon. Sasquatch accepts and they part ways for a while. Baby Ruth goes on a new rampage through London, snatching up women right and left. Baby Ruth grows strong in this part of the story and by the time he"s "acquired" his twenty virgins, he has also grown hairy and large. He meets Sasquatch in the town square at sundown and the two strip like they mean it. In the next scene, Baby Ruth has decapitated Sasquatch and fisted the neck hole of the carcass. Most English teachers agree that this is a transparent metaphor for how crocodiles aren"t whipped enough. On the other hand, most historians see this metaphor as a desperate plea from the author to the world saying to please create some new fangled whips because there aren"t enough whips in this world.
2023-07-12 03:14:031


Although both his sisters married into important families with numerous connections in the area, for ten years he resided in Longzhong Commandry (in present-day Hubei province) with his elder brother Zhuge Jin (who later served the Wu Kingdom) in a simple peasant life - farming by day and studying by night. He got to know a group of friends among the intellectuals of the area. His reputation soon grew, and he was named the Crouching (or Sleeping) Dragon, wise among his peers in many areas. At the meantime, he married the daughter of another renowned scholar Huang Chenyan. His wife"s name is rumored to be Huang Yueying. The Huang Family was also connected to several other well established clans in the region.
2023-07-12 03:14:102

鲁迅21岁到30岁的英语作文 120字左右就够啦

Zhou Lu Xun"s original name, is one of China"s well-known writer, born in Zhejiang in 1881, when 21-year-old to go to Japan to study and started writing in May 1909, October 19, 1936 Shanghai died. . .Short-story writer, essayist, critic, and literary theorist who is considered to be one of the greatest figures in 20th-century Chinese literature. Lu Xun, hailed as "commander of China"s cultural revolution" by Mao Zedong, is typically regarded as the most influential Chinese writer who was associated with the May Fourth Movement. Lu Xun"s acclaimed short stories appeared in three collections between the years 1923 and 1935. He also produced sixteen volumes of essays, reminiscences, prose poetry, historical tales, some sixty classical-style poems, and a dozen volumes of scholarly research, and numerous translations.
2023-07-12 03:14:192

the bible and the breathalyzer 歌词

歌曲名:the bible and the breathalyzer歌手:The Mars Volta专辑:a missing chromosomeAmong the tattered welding of the new found homein the furthest cramped cornersat the shell of a goat headstrangled in copper wire,scraped of it"s insides,unwashed behind the ears,fuming it"s crooked names spoken on hinges.To a thinning cowlick"s fat his crippled limp,dragging along the hump of the floor.Sobbing from the smacking mouth of the demagogue wells,making wisecracks,spilling from the corners with their pink flinches,second glancing their every move.It ate pickled nose cartilage that fell from the ceilings,a porkskin drizzle unnerving the humans,while it read aloud from it"s favorite books,in glossylalia slang and hierospecks truths,following a slow and patient wait,a mocking their hair as it was glued to their upper lip combover.Under the wall,the chips smeared by faithfully talkingthe magnum fanatics and their bottles of scalp soup.They cooked up the tardy smudge on their eyes,a lunar antidotepowdered underneath the oncoming pestilence of their idling themes.It wrote them a seance,penetrated their every dependant hacked off the central headpiece of the collective.It wrote them a message in the marrow of the knife,with the extension of backward transfusion.Glued to the animals,perversions of their former selves,patiently biting their fingernails looking for a soon as it failed to appear,the faithful fell under the spell of public execution.It had been an eternity of useless ritual,all for nothing, promising salvation,but only flags flew around for a better taste.What was left were the scraps,dressed in animal skin,defiled servants holding their breath,fatherless culprits blaming their kin,waiting for an answer.They thought a day would come,or a giraffe might choke in midair squeal,some sort of indication.Only it was the hands of the followersthat had left their markings in neatly packeddunes filled with the decapitated remains,found sealed in sand.It only stained the conscious for a brief moment,then came disgust.Realizing there was nothing to it,people began collapsing in collective states of drought.Palm-size vents heating in the chest,cluttering the graph,a bladder full of remains.Nothing became of them because nothing was the reason,an apathetic display dripping into vats of obesity.The feud had been sucking teeth for some time now,but the only baggage that paraded aboutwas the curtain epidermis unfolded in an inebriated suit.The fit came suffocating,feathering the boa-constricted paleness,frostbitten, and shovel-faced.It came before them in utter confidence,flares of pink owls in the nest of albino eyelidsblinking out chemical impurities to the blind.It bloomed into a hemmorrhaged contraptionthat impopulated the disenchanted, one by one.All the churches were converted into quarantine facilities,inside them grew bacterial stubblecompacted by larvae, contracting and teething.A newborn litter degradively sufficient,running from the horse collarbone,amongst the murmuring femurs wimpering in fractures."Are you the polaroid shot you thought you were?",it said with a coy smirk.With the position now vacant,it waltzed right in and made itself at home.Seduced by the empty nominations at the altar of broken ballot boxes,closer to that nothingness that everyone seemed to embrace.As it pissed all over them,the sigh of relief steamed off the soaking depressants,an impending sleep was on it"s way.
2023-07-12 03:14:371

求Eminem新单Fast Lane的歌词

First verse, uhI"m on "til I"m on a islandMy life"s ridin" on the Autobahn on autopilotBefore I touch dirt, I"ll kill you all wit" kindnessI kill ya, my natural persona"s much worseYou"ve been warned if you"ve been born or if you can formSlap up a cop and then snatch "im out of his uniformLeave him wit" his socks, hard bottoms and bloomers onAnd hang him by his balls from the horn of a unicornY"all *****" intellect mad slow, y"all fags knowClaimin" you bangin", you flamin"Bet you could light your own cigarette witcha assholeMe and Shady deaded the past, so that basically resurrected my cashflowI might rap tight as the snatch of a fat dykeThough I ain"t wrapped tightMy blood type"s the "80s!My "90s was like the Navy, you was like the BradysYou still fly kites daily!EminemCatch me in my MercedesBumpin" "Ice, Ice Baby," screamin" Shady "til I dieLike a half a pair of dice, life"s crazySo I live it to the fullest "til I"m SwayzeAnd you only live it once, so I"m thinkin" "bout this nice, nice ladyWait, no, stop me now "fore I get on a roll (Damn)Let me tell you what this pretty little dame"s name is, "cause she"s kinda famousAnd I hope that I don"t sound too heinous when I say thisNicki Minaj, but I wanna stick (My penis in your anus!)You morons think that I"m a geniusReally I belong inside a dang insane asylum, cleanin", try them trailer parksCrazy, I am back, and I am razor-sharp, babyAnd that"s back wit" a capital B wit" an exclamation mark, maybeYou should listen when I flip the linguistics"Cause I"m"onna rip this mystical slick shitYou don"t wanna become another victim or statistic of this shit"Cause after I spit the bullets, I"ma treat these shell casings like a soccer ballI"ma kick the ballistics! So get this dick, I"ma live this(Hook)Livin" life in the fast laneMovin" at the speed of life and I can"t slow downOnly got a gallon in the gas tankBut I"m almost at the finish line, so I can"t stop nowI don"t really know where I"m headed, just enjoyin" the rideJust gon" roll "til I drop and ride "til I dieI"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)I"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)RoyceMy whole goal as a poet"s to be relaxed in orbitAt war wit" a bottle, this Captain Morgan attacks my organsMy slow flow is euphoric, it"s like I rap endorphinsI made a pact with the Devil that says "I"ll let you take meYou let me take this shovel, dig up the corspes, Jack Kevorkian"Go "back and forth in more beef that you can pack a fork inI"m livin" the life of the infinite enemy downMy tenement, too many now, to send my serenity powersSpin "em around, enterin" in the vicinityEminemNow, was called Eminem, but he threw away the candy and ate the rapperChewed him up (Pt!) and spitted him outGirl, giddy-up, now get, get downHe"s lookin" around this club and it looks like people are havin" a shit fit nowHere, little t-t-trailer trash, take a look who"s back in t-t-townDid I s-st-stutter, motherfucker? Fuck them all, he"s justA whole motherfuckin" Walmart d-d-down every time a-r-r-roundAnd he came to the club tonight wit" 5"9″ to hold this bitch downLike a motherfuckin" chick underwater, he tryna d-dr-drownShawty, when you dance, you got me captivatedJust by the way that you keep lickin" them dicks like lips, I"m agitated, aggravatedTo the point you don"t suck my dick, then you"re gonna get decapitatedOther words, you don"t fuckin" give me head, then I"m have to take itRoyceAnd then after takin" that, I"ma catch a case, it"s gon" be fascinatin"It"s gon" say "The whole rap game passed away" on top of the affadavitGraduated from master debater slash massive masturbatorTo Michael Jackson" activator (Woo!)Meanin" I"m on fire off the top, might wanna back up the dataRu
2023-07-12 03:14:441

some people后接动词三单式吗?

2023-07-12 03:14:535


In Roman and Greek Mythology; Medusa is one of three terrible Gorgon sisters. She has snakes in her hair and bronze claws on her hands. Anyone who looks directly at Medusa immediately turns to stone.Medusa began her life as a beautiful human, admired for her long, flowing hair. when the sea god Neptune (the Greek god Poseidon) began to fall in love with her, the goddess Minerva (the Greek goddess Athena) became jealous and changed Medusa into a hideous Gorgon, a creature with a head full of snakes. Years later Minerva completed her destruction of Medusa when she helped the young hero Perseus slay the hideous Gorgon.In order to save his mother, Perseus was ordered by Polydectes, the cruel king of the island Seriphos to kill and behead Medusa. Minerva helped him by giving him her shield as protection.After days of traveling, Perseus finally spotted Medusa. To avoid being turned to stone, Perseus looked at the monster through her reflection in Minerva"s shield. As he moved nearer, he grew more and more horrified by her repulsive appearance. With one sweep of his sword, Perseus severed Medusa"s head from her body. Perseus quickly stuffed Medusa"s head inside his sack.When Perseus decapitated the gorgon Medusa, she was already pregnant by the sea god Poseidon who had visited her in the form of a stallion. As her body fell to the ground, the two offspring of this union. Pegasus and the warrior Chrysaor leapt fully developed from her body.The young hero took flight for the island of Seriphos in the winged sandals given to him by the god Dis (the Greek god Hades). When Perseus arrived on Seriphos, he rescued his mother from Polydectes by turning him to stone with Medusa"s still deadly head. He then gave the head to the goddess Minerva, who attached the head to her shield to help her in future battles.
2023-07-12 03:15:203


李继侗一生在高等院校任教,他学识渊博,治学严谨,为人师表,诲人不倦,是一位卓有成效的教育家。他讲课言辞生动,概念清晰,条理分明,发人思考,所有听讲者无不为之吸引,受益匪浅。他讲授的植物生态学课程,说明植物与环境的关系,从植物的生态系列到植物的垂直分布,从植被的作用、群落演替到破坏森林、水土流失的危害,并以实地考察所看到的事实为例,增加学生的感性认识,做到理论联系实际。他培养了许多优秀人才,著名的植物生理学家殷宏章、娄成后等,著名的植物学家吴征镒、王启无,著名的生物化学家沈同等都是他的学生。他不但在学术上享有盛誉,他的秉公无私,大义凛然的品德以及艰苦朴素、勇挑重担、严谨治学、辛勤耕耘的作风,赢得了我国生物学界的广泛爱戴和尊敬。 1 李继侗.青岛森林调查记.森林,1921,1(3). 2 Li Tsi-tung.Soil Temperature as Influenced by Forest Cover.Yale Univ,1926.3 Li Tsi-tung.The Effect of Intense Sunlight on Tree Seedlings.Lingnan Science Journal,1928,6(4):315—321.4 Li Tsi-tung.The Immediate Effect of change of Light on the Rate of Photosynthesis(1928).Annals of Botany,1929(43):588—601.5 Li Tsi-tung.Effect of Climatic Factors on Suction Force.The Quarterly Review of Biology,1929,4(3):401—414.6 Li Tsi-tung.The Appearance of the New Physiological Tip of the Decapitated Coleoptiles of Avena sativa.Proceedings Koninklijke Akademie von Welenschappente Amsterdam,1930,33(10).7 李继侗.燕麦子叶去尖后之生理的再发作用.清华学报,1930,6(2).8 李继侗.植物气候组合论.清华周刊,1930(12、13合刊).9 李继侗.植物与水分之关系.清华周刊,1930(12、13合刊).10 Li Tsi-tung.Light and Leaf Development in Ginkgo biloba.Contributions from the Botanical Laboratories of National TsingHua University,1934(4).11 Li Tsi-tung.The Development of Embryo of Ginkgo biloba.Contributions from the Botanical Laboratories of National Tsing Hua University,1934(5).12 Li Tsi-tung,Chen S M.Temperature and the Development of Ginkgo biloba.Contributions from the Botanical Laboratories of National Tsing Hua University,1934(6).13 Li Tsi-tung.The Development of Ginkgo biloba Embryo in Vitro.Contributions from the Botanical Laboratories of National Tsing Hua University,1934(7).14 Li Tsi-tung,Shen tang.The Effect of“Pantothenica Acid”on the Growth of the Yeast and on the Growth of the Redical of Ginkgo biloa Embryo in Artificial Media.Contributions from the Botanical Laboratories of National Tsing Hua University,1934(8).15 Li Tsi-tung.Phototropism of Decapitated Coleoptile of Avena sativa.Sci.Rept.National Tsing Hua Univ.Ser.B,1934(2).16 李继侗.普通植物学(上册).北京:北京大学出版部,1950.17 李继侗.关于现行初中植物学教科书的商榷.中国植物学杂志,1951,5(4).18 李继侗.植物生态学教学大纲(1956),综合大学动物、植物专业教学大纲(四年制).北京:高等教育出版社,1956.19 李继侗.植物地理学、植物生态学和地植物学的发展.北京:科学出版社,1958.20 李继侗.《植物生态学与地植物学资料丛刊》第一辑编者的话及编后记,1958.21 李继侗,李博,杨澄.北京市的植被.北京大学学报(自然科学),1959(2).22 李继侗文集.北京:科学出版社,1986.
2023-07-12 03:15:281


2023-07-12 03:15:436

on the underground是什么意思

on the underground在地铁拼音双语对照双语例句1He recently decapitated a tramp on the London Underground.他最近在伦敦地铁里将一个流浪汉的头砍了下来。2That sign means: we mustn"t eat or drink on the underground.那个标牌意思是:地铁内不准吃喝。
2023-07-12 03:15:591


1. 唔~哪位朋友可以介绍一下,哪里有有关中国古代战神刑天的故事的地 中国古代神话传说中的人物。 又称形天。据《山海经·海外西经》记载:“刑天与天帝争神,帝断其首,葬之常羊之山。 乃刑天以乳为目,以脐为口,操干戚以舞。”因此 ,刑天常被后人称颂为不屈的英雄。 东晋诗人陶渊明《读山海经》诗:“刑天舞干戚,猛志固常在。”即咏此事,借寓抱负。 【神话传说——刑天舞干戚】 刑天原是一个无名的巨人,因和黄帝争神座,被黄帝砍掉了脑袋,这才叫刑天。“刑天”这个名字的意思就是:天者,颠也;刑者,戮也。 天就是天帝,“刑天”就表示誓戮天帝以复仇。 当炎帝还是统治全宇宙的天帝的时候,刑天是炎帝手下的一位大臣。 他生平酷爱音乐,曾为炎帝作乐曲《扶犁》,作诗歌《丰收》,总名称为《卜谋》,以歌颂当时人民幸福快乐的生活。 后来炎帝被黄帝推翻,屈居到南方做了小小一名天帝.虽然炎帝忍气吞声,不敢和黄帝抗争,但他的子孙和手下却不服气。 当蚩尤举兵反抗黄帝的时候,刑天曾想去参加这场战争,只是因为炎帝的坚决阻止没有成行。蚩尤和黄帝一战失败,蚩尤被杀死,刑天再也按捺不住他那颗愤怒的心,于是偷偷地离开南方天廷,径直奔向中央天廷,去和黄帝争个高低。 刑天左手握着长方形的盾牌,右手拿着一柄闪光的大斧,一路过关斩将,砍开重重天门,直杀到黄帝的宫前。黄帝正带领众大臣在宫中观赏仙女们的轻歌曼舞,猛见刑天挥舞盾斧杀将过来,顿时大怒,拿起宝剑就和刑天搏斗起来。 两人剑刺斧劈,从宫内杀到宫外,从天庭杀到凡间,直杀到常羊山旁。 常羊山是炎帝降生的地方,往北不远,便是黄帝诞生地轩辕国。 轩辕国的人个个人脸蛇身,尾巴缠绕在头顶上。两个仇人都到了自己的故土,因而战斗格外激烈。 刑天想,世界本是炎帝的,现在被你窃取了,我一定要夺回来。黄帝想,现在普天下邦安民乐,我轩辕子孙昌盛,岂容他人染指。 于是各人都使出浑身力量,恨不得能将对方一下杀死。 黄帝到底是久经沙场的老将,又有九天玄女传授的兵法,便比刑天多些心眼,觑(qu)个破绽,一剑向刑天的颈脖砍去,只听“咔嚓”一声,刑天的那颗像小山一样的巨大头颅,便从颈脖上滚落下来,落在常羊山脚下。 刑天一摸颈脖上没有了头颅,顿时惊慌起来,忙把斧头移到握盾的左手,伸出右手在地上乱摸乱抓。他要寻找到他那颗不屈的头颅,安在颈脖上再和黄帝大战一番。 他摸呀摸呀,周围的大小山谷被他摸了个遍,参天的大树,突出的岩石,在他右手的触摸下,都折断了,崩塌了,还是没有找到那颗头颅。他只顾向远处摸去,却没想到头颅就在离他不远的山脚下。 黄帝怕刑天真的摸到头颅,恢复原身又来和他作对,连忙举起手中的宝剑向常羊山用力一劈,随着“轰隆隆”“哗啦啦”的巨响,常羊山被劈为两半,刑天的巨大头颅骨碌碌地落入山中,两山又合而为一,把刑天的头颅深深地埋葬起来。 听到这异样的响声,感觉到周围异样的变动,刑天停止摸索头颅。 他知道狠毒的黄帝已把它的头颅埋葬了,他将永远身首异处。他呆呆地立在那里,就像是—座黑沉沉的大山。 想象着黄帝那洋洋得意的样子,想象着自己的心愿未能达到。他愤怒极了。 他不甘心就这样败在黄帝手下。突然,他一只手拿着盾牌,一只手举起大斧,向着天空乱劈乱舞,继续和眼前看不见的敌人拼死搏斗起来。 这种景象是多么壮观啊!失去头的刑天, *** 着他的上身,似是把他的两乳当作眼,把他的肚脐当作口,他的身躯就是他的头颅。那两乳的“眼”似在喷射出愤怒的火焰,那圆圆的脐上,似在发出仇恨的咒骂,那身躯的头颅如山一样坚实稳固,那两手拿着的斧和盾,挥舞得是那样的有力。 看着无头刑天还在愤怒地挥舞盾斧,黄帝心里一阵颤栗,不由自主地害怕起来。他不敢再对刑天下毒手,悄悄地溜回天庭去。 那断头的刑天,至今还在常羊山的附近,挥舞着手里的武器呢。 几千年后,晋朝的大诗人陶渊明在《读山海经》中写诗赞颂说:“精卫衔微木,将以填沧海。 刑天舞干戚,猛志固常在。同物既无类,化去不复悔。 徒设在昔心,良辰讵可待!”,赞扬刑天虽然失败,仍然战斗不已的精神。诗中的“干”就是盾,“戚”就是斧的意思。 刑天,象征着一种精神:永不妥协! 【历史资料】 在甲骨文和金文的记戴,刑天为一人形符号,为氏族部落的象征图腾。刑天原本是华夏族无名神祗,被断首后才被称作“形天”。 在《山海经》的原本记戴,称作“形天”,而“刑天”之得名,相信为陶渊明所改,根据《太平御览》引用《陶靖节集读山海经诗》,“刑天”意为“形体夭残”,但可能传抄错误而有“刑天舞干戚”与“形夭无千岁”二说。 千年以来,文人们皆争辩陶渊明用“刑天”或“形夭”,北宋时曾紘表示“形夭无千岁”才是正确,但南宋时的周必大则提出反驳,认为“形夭无千岁”用在诗词上逻辑不通,故“刑天舞干戚”才是正确。 然而到了清代,陶澍则倾向曾紘之说,到了中华民国和中华人民共和国,鲁迅及郭沫若认为“形夭”及“形天”则达不到此意,故用“刑天”。 【引申意义】 到了后世,刑天成为勇猛将士的象征,各朝各代之中,更是被比喻作战斗之神。 几千年后,晋朝的。 2. 刑天争神 全文翻译 《山海经·海外西经》:“刑天至此与帝争神,帝断其首,葬之常羊之山;乃以乳为目,以脐为口,操干戚以舞。” 刑天为炎帝近臣,自炎帝败于阪泉,刑天一直伴随左右,居于南方。但刑天不甘心失败,他一人手执利斧和盾牌,直杀上中央天帝的宫门之前。黄帝亲自披挂出战,双方杀得天昏地暗。刑天终于不敌,被黄帝斩下了头颅。黄帝把它的头颅埋在常羊山里。没了头颅的刑天却突然再次站起,把胸前的两个 *** 当作一双眼睛,把肚脐当作嘴巴,左手握盾,右手持斧,向着天空猛劈狠砍,战斗不止 3. 战神刑天英文介绍 Xing Tian is a Pre-Qin Dynasty mythological headless giant appearing in the Shan Hai Jing, Oracle Bones and also mentioned in the Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era. Xingtian fought against [Huang] Di. Di cut off his head, and the head was buried in the Changyang Mountains. But Xingtian, with his breasts as eyes, and his navel as mouth, continued to fight with his spear and shield. According to oracle bones, during ancient times the giant Xíng Tiān was originally a follower of the Emperor Yán. After the victory of the Yellow Emperor over Yán at the Battle of Banquan, Xíng Tiān followed his master to exile in the south. At this time, the giant had no name. After the Yellow Emperor defeated and executed Chi You, Xíng Tiān went forth with an axe and shield (some description gave a blade instead) against the Yellow Emperor. He forced his way to the southern Gate of the Celestial Court and issued a challenge to the Yellow Emperor for a duel. The Yellow Emperor came forth and the o engaged in a ferocious bat, sword (昆吾剑) against axe, all the way down to earth to ChángYáng Mountain (常羊之山). In a final blow, the Yellow Emperor distracted his opponent with a trick and lunged 。 and in a flash decapitated Xíng Tiān, whose head rolled all the way to the foot of the mountain and created a thunderous roar. Instead of dying, Xíng Tiān was able to continue moving and began groping about for his head. The Yellow Emperor raised his sword to strike the mountain. The mountain split open, the head rolled within and the mountain closed again. Xíng Tiān gave up looking for his head, and instead used his nipples as eyes that could not see, and navel as a mouth that could not open. He began striking about wildly, giving rise to the saying "刑天舞干戚,猛志固常在" (undying resolution). Thereafter, the headless giant got his name, which meant "He whose head was chopped off". 希望能帮助你。 4. 求:冀教版语文初一年级上册复习文言文重点 《与朱元思书》赏析 《与朱元思书》赏析文珍《与朱元思书》是南朝吴均写给朋友的一封叙说旅行所见的信,有的选本也把它写作《与宋元思书》。 南北朝是帝王贵族左右文坛的时代,作家大部分迎合统治阶级的旨趣,以华丽纤巧的形式掩盖空虚贫乏的内容,骈文这种特别注重形式美的文体,自然受到当时文 这是我国最早的著名神话之一,讲的是夸父追赶太阳、长眠虞渊的故事。 夸父是古代神话传说中的巨人,是幽冥之神后土的后代,住在北方荒野的成都载天山上。 他双耳挂两条黄蛇、手拿两条黄蛇,去追赶太阳。当他到达太阳将要落入的禺谷之际,觉得口干舌燥,便去喝黄河和渭河的水,河水被他喝干后,口渴仍没有止住。 他想去喝北方大泽的水,还没有走到,就渴死了。夸父临死,抛掉手里的杖,这杖顿时变成了一片鲜果累累的桃林,为后来追求光明的人解除口渴。 夸父追日的神话,曲折地反映了远古时代人们向大自然竞胜的精神。《山海经》记载这个神话时说他“不量力”,晋代陶潜在《读山海经》诗中却称赞说“夸父诞宏志,乃与日竞走”。 夸父神话故事主要见于《山海经·海外北经》和《大荒北经》。《列子·汤问》在手杖化桃林的细节上稍有不同,说夸父“弃其杖,尸膏肉所浸,生邓林”。 关于邓林,据清人毕沅考证,邓、桃音近,邓林即《山海经·中次六经》所说“夸父之山,……北有……桃林”的桃林。此夸父之山,郝懿行说一名秦山,与太华相连,在今河南灵宝县。 后代以“夸父”名山的还有一些地方,其中也多有与夸父追日相联系的传说。 [编辑本段]【古文】 夸父与日逐走,入日;渴,欲得饮,饮于河、渭;河、渭不足,北饮大泽。 未至,道渴而死。弃其杖,化为邓林。 [编辑本段]【意思】 《尚书?尧典》:“分命和仲,宅西,曰昧谷,寅饯纳日,平秩西成,宵中星虚,以殷仲秋”。“纳日”,即“入日”。 《史记?五帝本纪》正作“入日”。纳日即“以殷仲秋”的祭礼,同时还有观察秋分时节日影长短的实际意义。 《五帝本纪》作“以正仲秋”,即此义。商代甲骨文中有不少“出日”与“入日”(或连言“出入日”)的记载。 据宋镇豪先生的考证,有以下数事与本文密切相关:(1) 甲骨文的出日、入日与《尧典》的“寅宾出日”和仲秋“寅饯纳日”意义一致,是祭日出与日入的祭仪,同时,它已类似于后代登台 日的祭祀,是测日影序四时和四方的行为,带有测度日影的早期天文学性质;(2) 商代“出日”与“入日”,有其比较固定的日期与地点。通常在春秋季的相关月份内举行。 有一例卜辞说“出日”在禺地,与《尧典》东方禺夷相同。 [编辑本段]【成语】 词目: 夸父逐日 拼音: kuā fǔ zhú rì 解释:夸父:古传说中的人名。 夸父拼命追赶太阳。比喻人有大志,也比喻不自量力。 出处:《山海经·海外北经》 近义词: 夸父追日、自不量力 用法: 作宾语、定语;比喻人有大志,也形容自不量力。 示例:南朝·宋·僧愍《戎华论折顾道士夷夏论》:“真谓~,必渴死者也。” 这个神话出自《淮南子·览冥训》,全文如下: 往古之时,四极废,九州裂,天不兼覆,地不周载;火爁焱而不灭,水浩洋而不息,猛兽食颛民,鸷鸟攫老弱。于是女娲炼五色石以补苍天,断鳌足以立四极,杀黑龙以济冀州,积芦灰以止 *** 。 苍天补,四极正; *** 涸,冀州平;狡虫死,颛民生。 [编辑本段]【成语——女娲补天】 成语:女娲补天女娲补天图 解释:神话故事,伏羲的妹妹女娲炼五色石补天。 形容改造天地的雄伟气魄和大无畏的斗争精神。 出处:西汉·刘安《淮南子·览冥训》:“于是女娲炼五色石以补苍天。” 用法:主谓式;作主语、定语;形容改造天地的雄伟气魄 。 示例:传说雨花石是~留下的石头。 [编辑本段]【相关记载】 《太平御览》:女娲在造人之前,与正月初一创造出鸡,初二创造狗,初三创造羊,初四创造猪,初六创造马,初七这一天,女娲用黄土和水,仿照自己的样子造出了一个个小泥人,她造了一批又一批,觉得太慢,于是用一根藤条,沾满泥浆,挥舞起来,一点一点的泥浆洒在地上,都变成了人。 为了让人类永远的流传下去,她创造了嫁娶之礼,自己充当媒人,让人们懂得「造人」的方法,凭自己的力量传宗接代。 另一种传说《独异志》是:女娲是与伏羲为兄妹。当宇宙初开时,天地之间只有他们兄妹二人,在昆仑山下,而天下未有其它人民。 相议想为夫妻,又自觉羞耻。兄即与妹上昆仑山,咒曰:「天若同意我兄妹二人为夫妻,请您将天上的云都合起来一团,要不就把云散了吧。 」以是天上的云立即合起来,他们俩就成了夫妻,中华民族都是他们俩的子孙后代。 《风俗演义》中就有女娲造人之说,凡有女娲庙的地方,都盛行到女娲庙求子的习俗。 虽然,这是没有科学依据的,却浸透着一种原始生殖崇拜文化。原始时代,部落战争十分残酷、频繁,而且全靠人力对抗,死亡者众多。 所以,人们期望女性大量生育,使氏族人丁兴旺,才能避免灭亡的命运。于是,“女娲补天”应运而生。 在“女娲补天”神话中,女娲所补的天,是自己头上的天;所撑的地,是自己脚下的地;所创造的是一个让人类和平生存。
2023-07-12 03:16:201

英语翻译下下面的话,不要百度翻译不要机翻 鲁迅一开始学的是医学,

Lu Xun began to learn medicine with the purpose of curing physical diseases. During the period of his study in Japan, when watching a movie about a Chinese as a Russian spy , who was beheaded, while other Chinese got no emotions, which made him aware that the actual origin of the Chinese nation disease was psychological,not physical,he finally changed his mind from healing the human body to savating the whole nation‘s soul.
2023-07-12 03:16:272

诸葛亮英文简介 3分钟的

2023-07-12 03:16:365

上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆 英语简介

Madame Tussauds Wax Museumby Jodi WallaceWhere can you go to see movies and TV stars, pose with singers and sports players? No not at a live concert or a celebrity"s party, yet this place is as star-studded as the red carpet for the Grammy Awards. Stop guessingu0160 it is no other than Madame Tussauds Wax Museums on 42nd street in Manhattan. Here the celebrities have to pose with you for your camera and you get to spend as much time as you"d like with them (because they"re wax), that"s probably why so many tourists flock to this museum. I"ve personally gone to the museum 3 times and each time they"ve had different people greeting you at the door such as Whoopi Goldberg and President Bush. 应该有500子了吧
2023-07-12 03:17:012

represented as 后面可以加句子吗

虽然大多数情况下,后面直接接名词.但是有时也可以接句子.例如:He is represented as a headless body holding its decapitated in its hands.(人们把她描绘成手持自己首级的无头之躯。)
2023-07-12 03:17:081

Charlie Mariano的《Barsac》 歌词

歌曲名:Barsac歌手:Charlie Mariano专辑:Boston All-Stars56 Bars (Intro)T.I.(Lyrics By 柠檬Grace-送给白巧克力)Yeeaaaa...Hey, hey, hey, hahahahaAight Toomp man, this what the folkes been waitin on I guess,That"s rightLet"s give it to "em babyGrand Hustle nigga,Aye man they been waitin on this shit since "What You Know" huh?YeaaaaIt"s the king bitchAight my nigga, the wait is over niggaHey, heyOne for da money, two for da show dawg,Three for the niggas hatin" on da low, ya"llknow a picture worth a million words I"ma show ya"llDeath before da son, a family before allWitout da braids I"m da closest thing to O-DawgMinus the testimony,Say it ain"t so, homie!Hey,Shawty like that, don"t he?World hopped off my jock, I got him right back on itOH!Step back brush myself off,Pick business back up, right where I left off,I can show my dope, dat other guy just talk,Aye, where I live just as big as yo projects, dogAye, hahaBetter check my swaggaHow I walk, how I talk, how I stack dat chedda,What I drive, how I dress, nigga looks just betta,Hundred stacks on that nigga I"m just...BettaHahahahahaSomebody better tell "em mayneThey swag owe my swag everythingVery plain to see you study me awful hardTo the point that my swag need a bodyguardI"d like to thnik to thank you cuz uhh ya"ll oughta beHavin" ya"ll swags sendin mines an apologyA lot of little mes, I see, got beefBut what"s the possibility, stop, see, you not meHardly work for hella beams,Step up to the guillotineGet decapitated,Don"t see how half you rappas made itSay good...bye to the fame and the fortuneSay la viWhat the game need with you, nigga? They got meI ride through the city so clean,Seat really low, auto-mobillies, so pretty, but I"m illy thoNo comparisonAin"t a nigga mo" thorough than this gangsta americanFlow, dope or da heroin,King like Evalyn,Champaigne mayneSo durranged and buligerantRanked up there with BenjaminWho? Andre 3K, B.I.G., Jay-Z, UGK, Scarface, Machievelli the great,Wayne, Common, Kanye andLupeYou welcome to ask who you made,Bet they say as of today,I"m back on top like a toupeHeyAll objections overruledIt"s overdue both high,and sober too, I"m so highup over you,Same guy you see in the streets it"s as fly as here in the booth,So don"t be surprised when you meet me to see that I"m really the truth,OoooSo uncoofNigga, who want proof?Must agree that shit idea,Can"t no one undo,I stay on my 1,2Nigga who want 2?Turn a brunch into a brawl,Do what you gon" do,I"m wiredHot as a bitch and still,Cool as a fridge and dear,This year I"m on a mission dear,
2023-07-12 03:17:271

推荐重金属摇滚 多多益善 如德国战车类型

战车的工业金属阴暗 节奏强 要说出名的同类倒不多 可以去找找地下摇滚虽然粗糙了点但风格有很多类似的 具体的楼上那位的可以参考
2023-07-12 03:17:382


2023-07-12 03:17:452

Nuttin To Do(Feat Bad Meets Evil) 歌词

歌曲名:Nuttin To Do(Feat Bad Meets Evil)歌手:Eminem专辑:Eminem Is BackBad Meets Evil - Nuttin" to DoRoyce: What? Uhh..Em: The Bad..Royce: Yeah..Em: The Evil..Royce: Right, yoEm: put em togetherChorus: Royce the 5-9 & EminemRoyce: Yo if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to stripEm: If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewRoyce: Yo..Both: I"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to doEminem:I am bored!!!!!I came in the diner with skateboarders, and placed ordersAte hors d"oeuvres, and hit the waiter with plate warmers {crash sound}Let you inhale the glock smell, while I"m rippin your wallet offand slippin a Molotov in your Cocktail (take that)Burnin your contracts, punch your A&R in the face {punch sound}Smash his glasses and turn em to contactsI"m on some shook shit, if it"s missin I took it (whoops!)Nurse look at this straightjacket, it"s crooked!I go to jail and murder you from a cellPut a knife in an envelope and have you stabbed in the mail (FedEx)So how do you describe someone, with a decapitated headwhen the rest of his body"s still alive RUNNIN?Royce:Comin with five gunmen, waitin to do a drive-bySo when you see the black 500 (what?) hide from itFor every hundred MC"s rhymin about birdsonly about two-thirds"d really set it without wordsYo you ain"t a thug, I can make you bitch upPick the fifth up, cock, spit, you would swear it"s rainin slugs (what?)I"m the hottest shit in the industry (uh)I got every thug on the block that get a wind of me defendin meYou lack class and respect, get a direct backblastThe Bad and Evil mad rap, I cover the Bad halfYou know how a thug in this shit"ll end upSpit a round, lift your chin up, you get hit, ten down and ten up (what?)I take it if you run your mouth, then you wanna get sent upHeat it up, you be leakin blood and spittin phlegm upNow we rivals, cause of a small name or titleYou stepped, got devoured and left with a flower and bibleChorus: Royce the 5-9 & EminemRoyce: Yo if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to stripEm: If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewRoyce: Yo..Both: I"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to doRoyce: Yo if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to stripEm: If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewRoyce: Yo..Both: I"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to doEminem:Forget a chorus -- my metaphors are so complicatedit takes six minutes to get applause (yay)And by the time you all catch on, I"ma end your careerand walk away with the whole floor so you have nothin to fall back on!Pull a fuckin headache outta my head, and put it in yours (take this)I"m indoors, waitin for this acid to seep in my skin poresto go outdoors and do some in-storesThis bitch wanted to blow me, I said, "It oughta happen.You swallow cum bitch?" "No, but I brought a napkin"Gettin skullie while I"m autographinGot my daughter laughin cause I sent her mother whitewater raftinI"m not a fact, I"ma proven fearMr. Rogers blocked up my U-haul screamin,"Wait, wait, wait.. you ain"t movin here!"Lorena Bobbitt, c"mere, want a souveneir?I"ve been high as fuck, since I was a juvi-neerJuvenile? Same difference -- I need some "cainecause I ain"t sniffed since I woke up the seven slain infants(Oh my God!) Brain implants and they say there"s a slim chanceI won"t stay the same cause I traded brains with a chimpanz"Royce:Walkin in swamp water with an M-16, out for the bloodShove a gun in the mouth of a thugTo break braces, you say grace and make facesI"ll display hate and break you in eight places (what?)Take paces, turn around draw in a standoffPrecise aim, icin my fame, blowin your hand offDancin with the Devil leadin - I won"t die, I"m never leavin (what?)I pledge allegiance to forever breathinStreet niggaz with nuts, what? My meat"s bigger (what?)Fake-ass thugs with toy guns and cheap triggerswith a deathwish, thinkin I"m the nigga to mess withLet the tech lift, direct chest hit, melt your necklaceFor instance, you just a henchmen, on tough soil (what?)A follower never had heart, he just loyalThugs is glass doors, I see through em, put the heat to emBe careful you might get what you ask forChorus: Royce the 5-9 & EminemRoyce: Yo if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to stripEm: If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewRoyce: Yo..Both: I"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to doRoyce: Yo if it wasn"t for your whip, I"d have nothin to stripEm: If it wasn"t for a wrist, I"d have nothin to slitIf it wasn"t for the shrooms, I"d have nothin to chewRoyce: Yo..Both: I"m just fuckin with you, cause I got nothin to doEm:The Bad.. the Evil..The Bad.. the Evil.EndBad Meets Evil - Nuttin" to Do
2023-07-12 03:17:521


1.今天我们要讲的习惯用语都由talk这个词开头。大家一定知道talk是谈话,所以这几个习惯用语都关系到谈话。   我们要学的第一个习惯用语是: talk one"s ear off。 Talk one"s ear off要是按照字面意思来解释就是: 跟一个人说话说掉了他的耳朵。你一定明白这是夸张的说法,就好比中文俗语:这话听得我耳朵都长茧了。这其实是在形容没完没了反反复复地对你说这话。那么talk one"s ear off究竟是什么意思呢?   我们听个例子来琢磨。这个人要告诉我们他在火车上跟一个人相处时的经历。我们听听他这位火车旅伴说话有什么特别的地方。   例句-1:On the train to New York I sat next to a man who talked my ear off about himself. He didn"t even stop to catch his breath. It was the longest three hours I"ve spent in my life.   他说:他在去纽约的火车上身边的旅伴跟他大谈特谈自己,而且说个没完没了,甚至连喘气的工夫都没有,使他觉得在车上渡过的那三小时简直长得漫无止境。   这个偶然相遇的人竟然一口气跟他谈了三个钟头,所以他说: talked my ear off,意思一定是对我喋喋不休地说个没完。   ******   Talk one"s ear off是没完没了地长谈。我们再学个习惯用语。它虽然有相近的意义,但是却不完全一样: talk a blue streak。 A blue streak,原来指闪电,闪电一闪即逝,是非常迅速的过程,所以常用来描述快速的行动。例如在这个习惯用语里描述是说话其快无比。   我们来听个例子。说话的小伙子好不容易鼓起勇气约了他班上的漂亮姑娘Susan出来吃饭,结果却很失望,小伙子也不打算再接再厉了。我们听他说说那是为什么。   例句-2:Susan is lovely, but she has one problem - she talks a blue streak. At dinner she chattered away so fast I couldn"t get in a word edgewise. I doubt I"ll ever ask her out again.   他说:Susan长得虽然可爱,但是她有一个问题: 说话快得像放连珠炮。吃饭的时候,她劈里啪啦一个劲儿地说,快得叫我半句嘴都插不上。我想我再也不会约她出来了。   这段话里的talk a blue streak意思一定是说话又快又多叫人招架不住。   ******   再学个习惯用语。它也表示没完没了地说话,但是还另有一层意思。这个习惯用语是: talk till you"re blue in the face。 Talk till you"re blue in the face,按照字面来解释是: 一直说到脸色发青。   不知你有没有见过闹脾气的小娃娃直着嗓子大哭,直哭喊到接不上气来脸色发紫,才算罢休。这也许就是这个习惯用语的出典。因为有时成人也会滔滔不绝地谈,直讲得口干舌燥,声嘶力竭。   听个例子吧。这是个父亲在说自己怎样规劝儿子。   例句-3:I talked to my son until I was blue in the face about how he needed to make good grades in high school to get into college. But his grades show that he wasn"t really listening.   他说:我劝导儿子为了进大学就必需在高中拿好成绩,直说得筋疲力尽,但是儿子的分数却说明他没真的听进去。   这里的talked to my son until I was blue in the face,意思是跟儿子直谈得筋疲力尽。   2. 我们今天要说的三个习惯用语都用来描绘人的忠诚可靠,不偏不倚和品行端正。第一个是: straight arrow。 Straight是直的,而arrow是箭,straight arrow从字面上看是笔直的箭,straight arrow,宁折不弯,当然它作为习惯用语有它的比喻意义。   Straight arrow早年曾经专指白人信赖的刚直的印第安勇士,现在straight arrow被用来泛指任何值得信赖,道德高尚的人。   我们听个例子,说话的人跟朋友谈起了国会选举。他正告诉朋友自己这回打算选谁当议员:   例句-1:I"ve decided to vote for Mary instead of that old guy who has been in Washington so long. Mary tells the truth and she keeps her promises - she"s a straight arrow all right.   他说:我已经决定投票推选Mary,不再选已经在华盛顿呆了这么久的那个老家伙了。Mary忠诚老实,而且说到做到。她真是个正直坦率的人。   这里的straight arrow指正直坦率的人。   ******   有时候straight arrow也可以说那种一板一眼,过于死板的人。这种人虽然正派可靠,但是也不怎么讨人喜欢。比方说Bob就是这样一个小伙子。   例句-2:Bob is a real straight arrow: he doesn"t smoke, drink or chase girls. I guess I should admire him. But I have to tell you one thing: he sure isn"t much fun at a party.   他说:Bob真是个古板的人。他烟酒不沾,又不追女朋友。我想我该赞赏他的为人,但是我得告诉你一件事: 要是让他参加个聚会可真叫人腻味。   这里的straight arrow指过于古板而不合群的人。   ******   再学个有类似含义的习惯用语: straight shooter。 Shooter是射手,枪手,而straight在这儿的意思是“正直的。” Straight shooter这个习惯用语把我们带回美国西部的拓荒生活,人不离枪的西部英雄除暴安良,最讲究信义。开发西部的年代早已成为过去,但是这些腰上佩着手枪专打抱不平的好汉: straight shooters, 却留在人们的记忆里,于是人们用straight shooters指那些刚直公正,仗义助人的人。   我们听个例子,有人问他喜不喜欢他工作的银行里新来的那位主管。我们听听他怎么说。   例句-3:Well, he makes sure we do our work right, but I think he"s a straight shooter. He tells us the truth, he"s very fair and he"s always ready to help if someone has a problem.   他说:当然,他对我们的工作钉得很紧。 但是我觉得他是个仗义的人,他口无虚言,极其公正,而且不论谁有问题他都大力相助。   这里的straight shooter指正直仗义的人。   ******   再学个意义相近的习惯用语: true blue。 True blue原意是纯蓝色,或者说是不褪色的蓝色。这个习惯用语来自五百来年前英国的一个城镇。那里用特殊的蓝色染料印染的布无论经过多少次洗涤都不会褪色,于是人们就借用true blue来指久经考验而忠诚不渝的正人君子了。   好,我们听个例子。这是一位公司总裁在答复他的人事部主任的请示。人事部主任想要解雇老员工 Ed,因为他年迈退化而工作不力。   例句-4:Look, when we met rough times and our other workers were deserting us, Ed was true blue. He stayed loyal and worked hard for us. I say he can stay here as long as he wants.   他说:瞧,在我们的困难时期当别的职工都纷纷离弃我们的时候,Ed却对我们忠心耿耿。他坚守岗位为我们兢兢业业地工作。我认为只要他愿意他可以一直留在公司里。   这段话里的true blue用来说忠心耿耿,始终如一的人。
2023-07-12 03:07:401


ZYXEL华勒合勤642端口映射Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile Rem Node Name= ChangeMe Route= IPActive= Yes Bridge= NoEncapsulation= PPPoE Edit PPP Options= NoMultiplexing= LLC-based Rem IP Addr= Edit IP/IPX/Bridge= NoRem Login=Rem Password= ********Outgoing: Session Options:My Login= czz7205800@adsl Edit Filter Sets= NoMy Password= ******** PPPoE Idle Timeout(sec)= 0Authen= CHAP/PAP PPPoE Service Name=Schedule Sets=Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:注意在 Edit Filter Sets= No 空格键改为YES后,进入以下菜单:Menu 11.5 - Remote Node FilterInput Filter Sets:protocol filters=6device filters=Output Filter Sets:protocol filters=device filters=Call Filter Sets:protocol filters=device filters=Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:将出现的 6 空格键去掉后回车存盘返回后 Edit Filter Sets= No 不要管它,回车存盘后设置15进15之后选2进去之后再选1Menu 15.2.1 - NAT Server Setup (Used for SUA Only)Rule Start Port No. End Port No. IP Address---------------------------------------------------1. 21 21 4661 4669上面的例子1是把21端口映射到192.168.1.10例子2是把4661到4669的端口全部映射到192.168.1.10Rule Start Port No. End Port No. IP Address---------------------------------------------------1. Default Default这个是把所有端口全部都映射到192.168.1.10我的例子:Menu 15.2 - NAT Server SetupRule Start Port No. End Port No. IP Address---------------------------------------------------1. Default Default 21 21 80 80 2300 2400 47624 47624 4661 4661 4662 4662 6881 6999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:我的IP是192.168.1.5
2023-07-12 03:07:401

Family name 与 given name 的区别是什么??《别...

Family name 是姓,given name是名(Tom Green中Tom是given name,Green是Family name),Nickname
2023-07-12 03:07:442


2023-07-12 03:07:346


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2023-07-12 03:07:332