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straight away这个词组应该如何解释?

2023-07-12 14:47:25

straight away:立即,马上


1. She guessed the answer straight away.


2. Don"t expect him to approve of your design straight away.


3. I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away.


4. Come straight away after school.


5. The speaker came to the point straight away.



straight away=right away=right off=straight off




straight away:立即,马上


1. She guessed the answer straight away.


2. Don"t expect him to approve of your design straight away.


3. I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away.


4. Come straight away after school.


5. The speaker came to the point straight away.


























straight away是什么意思英语

名词: 直道。形容词 :直线行进的, 通俗易懂的, 立刻的。英语解释:名词 straightaway:a straight segment of a roadway or racecourse.同义词:straight形容词 straightawayperformed with little or no delay同义词:immediate, prompt, quick副词 straightaway
2023-07-12 02:54:151


2023-07-12 02:54:321


2023-07-12 02:54:402


2023-07-12 02:54:482


2023-07-12 02:55:091

straight away,after a while,after a time,late有什么区别

2023-07-12 02:55:172


  立刻、马上、麻利儿的~ 英文你只会at once?转眼就要发生的事儿,歪果仁都是咋形容哒?原来还有许多选择!   1. Straightaway   Straigthaway作名词当“直线跑道”讲,作副词表示不耽搁,“立即”。   例:She remembered straightaway what I had said.   她马上想起我对她说过的话。   2. (At) any minute (now)   分分钟都可能发生的事儿,还说不是近在眼前?   (At) any minute (now)意指 “马上”、“随时”。   例:Hurry up! He"ll be back any minute now.   快点儿!他马上就回来了!   3. On the double   美语里用on the double,英语(课程)里写作at the double,意思是赶紧、快快的   例:I need you back here on the double.   我要你现在赶紧回来。   4. In a flash   Flash有“闪光”、“瞬间”的含义,in a flash 形容一瞬间就发生了,有“突然”、“很快”之意。   例:I"ll be back in a flash.   我很快就回来。   5. Pronto    俚语 pronto在口语中也常碰到,表示“很快”、“立刻”。   例:He told me to get there pronto.   他让我马上到那儿。
2023-07-12 02:55:241


immediately;right away;at once
2023-07-12 02:55:326

straight away

straight away=right away=right off=straight off 表示毫不犹豫,毫不耽搁的做某件事情. 你要把它们分开理解吗?分开就不是这个意思了啊.
2023-07-12 02:56:131

straight away 与at once 二者都有马上的意思,有什么区别 最好举出具体例子

Let"s go to the meeting straight away.我们马上去开会吧 Do it at once!马上做. 没有什么区别. at once 有同时的意思 Don"t all speak at once!大家别一块儿说
2023-07-12 02:56:471

Straight Away (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Straight Away (Lp Version)歌手:Lee Konitz专辑:The Real Lee KonitzMat Kearney - Straight AwayThis moment right here is one we can"t suspendYour breath and mine tells me just where I have beenYou know the song of long lost causeWe"re running in circles and coming back againNow could I go the long wayTaking the easy way downIf I was wrong would you show meWhere all that I lost can be found"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight awayDon"t want to fight and you don"t want to lose controlWe"re losing light and the night is getting coldEveryone wants to hear their story toldWe"re not the only ones, we"re not the only onesAnd now could I go the long wayTaking the easy way downIf I was wrong would you show meWhere all that I lost can be found"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight awayAnd you wanted to fly and leave it behindBut you know it"s going to come back one day"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight away
2023-07-12 02:56:541


at once immediatelyright nowright away in no time
2023-07-12 02:57:023


近义词,是指词汇意义相同或相近的词语,下面我整理了立即的近义词,带大家重新认识这个词语。 备注: [拼音][lìjí] [释义]立刻;马上 [英文][immediately;instantly;soon;atonce;promptly;innotime;innothingflat;intwotwos;ontheinstantmoment;outofhand;rightaway;straightaway] 立即近义词: 即刻,当即,立刻,立时,顿时,马上 近义词注释: 1、即刻[jíkè] [解释]立即;马上;在很短时间之内 2、马上[mǎshàng] [解释] 1、立刻;立即 2、在马背上 3、顿时[dùnshí] [释义]立刻,一下子 4、立刻[lìkè] [解释]马上;立即 近义词马上造句: 1、老师刚提出问题,我就马上想到了答案。 2、世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是马上考试了,别人在复习,自己却在预习。更悲剧的是,人家预习都过了,你复习了却没过。 3、遇到挫折,要有勇往直前的信念,马上行动,坚持到底,决不放弃,成功者绝不放弃,放弃者绝不会成功。 4、杨燕撑起雨伞,提起一个挎包,放在肩上;想到马上要去上大学,像驾起了云头似的,畅快地大摇大摆走出家门。 5、只要你切开它,马上露出一大片鲜红的果肉,像小朋友常说的鲜红的太阳。走近一看,咦,太阳上面怎么有麻子呢?哈哈,原来是西瓜籽呀!难怪人们说:“看起来是绿色,吃起来是红的,吐出来是黑的。” 6、危险时时刻刻在身边,你不只要不注意防范它。它就会马上让你死。 7、行动是学习的指南,行动中学习,学习后马上行动。 8、因为马上要见美丽月亮婆婆拉。太阳公公羞红了脸慢慢的藏了起来。 9、笑声在空气中互相撞击,有碎了一丝丝的,再也聚不拢来,就让新的起来,追着未碎的那一个,又马上把它也撞碎了。 10、漫天的雪花飞舞,它们是那么的.悠然自动,那么的纯洁无暇。仿佛整个世界都被这种气息所笼罩。吹口气,好像马上要将你融化。窗外的银杏不情愿的飘落下那几片的叶子,挂上了这白茫茫的一片。 近义词立刻造句: 1、太阳跃出灰蒙蒙的海面,小半轮紫红色的火焰,立刻将暗淡的天空照亮了,在一道道鲜艳的朝霞背后,像是撑开了一匹无际的蓝色的绸缎。 2、一起来,这个山沟里的小小天地就会立刻改变容颜。眼前的一切全成了银白色的,地上、房上、树上、山上,无处不有雪的踪影。在这样的洁白空间里,会让您产生种种遐想,好像这雪是带着某种使命,突然来到人间似的。 3、从遥远的北方卷来了夹着沙土的狂风,立刻那高高的蓝蓝的深秋的天,就成为灰黄的颜色了。一切的景物变了色,太阳避的一点影子也看不出了。顶在头上的天,好像渐渐地成为沉重的,压了下来,要压在人的头上。 4、一阵微风吹过河面,河面上立刻荡漾起一圈圈波纹,阳光洒在河面上,河面亮闪闪的犹如长长的锦缎。 5、她摇醒了小树,小树立刻抽出新的枝条,长出嫩绿的叶子,像是披上了翠绿的春装。 6、切开西瓜,立刻露出了红色的瓜瓤,同时淌出了西瓜汁,只见瓜瓤里嵌着一颗颗乌黑的瓜籽。这时,我早已馋得口水直流,恨不得马上就咬一口。 7、女儿看见妈妈,立刻叫着跑了过去,抱住她的脖子,亲了一口,然后甜甜的笑起来。 8、进入森林,仿佛跳进了一个绿色的海洋,立刻便被它吞没了。
2023-07-12 02:57:111


right now!语气一定要像吵架那样
2023-07-12 02:57:203

马上的英文 once;2. right away; 3.on the moment; the run;5. in half a shake
2023-07-12 02:57:415


2023-07-12 02:57:551


7. straight away
2023-07-12 02:58:153

英语单项选择(希望有解释)() ,we went home straight away.A.The job has be?

C 表示一种状态,或者也可以理解成是一种条件 英语句子中,一个句子只含有一套句子主干,若有两套以上应该在逗号后面加and,ABD均可排除,9,选A 理由如下: 选项中 B的表达本身就是错误的 要在原选项上改的话应该改be为is C选项应该用被动式而不能用过去分词形式,因为做完工作是人主动做而不是工作自己做完,D选项如果选上去,那么原题干就会出现两个相同的主语,犯了主语重复的大忌...,0,A, 过去完成式的被动语态 与后面的过去时吻合,0,c a应该用过去完成时表示finish这个在went之前完成 b的be动词为啥用原型。。。不懂。。 d同样应该用过去完成时,而且前后句都有we,重复,0,英语单项选择(希望有解释) () ,we went home straight away. A.The job has been finished B.The job be finished C.The job finished D.We have finished the job
2023-07-12 02:58:221


2023-07-12 02:58:303

right away,right now,soon区别

right away/off 1. 马上 He didn"t answer right away. 他没有马上回答。 right now ph. 1. 就是现在 He is crying right now. 他现在正在哭。两者没有严格的区别,都是立刻的意思,right away作为副词短语可以用在句尾,right now比较口语化,一个短语就是一个句子,原版影片中经常看见。soon:不久 (以后)soon after 不久后,稍后 没见过 right after
2023-07-12 02:58:392

“立即”和“马上”这两个词的英文词组有好多个, 还有“照顾”的词组

立即: at once,instantly,instantaneously,promptly,right away,right now,without delay,unhesitatingly,without hesitation,forthwith,this instant,directly,in a wink,in a second,in a minute,tout de suite,instanter,straightaway 马上:x09 immediately,right off the bat,straightaway,without delay 照顾:1.take care of some consideration 3.attend to 4.look after
2023-07-12 02:59:081


2023-07-12 02:59:161

谁帮我把Jesse McCartney的《invincible》的歌词翻译成中文啊

2023-07-12 02:59:231

Lesson Learned 歌词

歌曲名:Lesson Learned歌手:Alicia Keys&John Mayer专辑:As I Am - The Super EditionOTH S409Well the truth it fell so heavyLike a hammer through the roomThat I could choose another over herYou always said I was an actor, babyGuess in truth you thought me just amateurThat you never saw the signsThat you never lost your gripOh, come on nowThat"s such a childish claimNow I wear the brand of traitorDon"t it seem a bit absurdWhen it"s clear I was so obviously framedWhen it"s clear I was so obviously framedNow you act so surprisedTo hear what you already knowAnd all you really had to do was askI"d have told you straight awayAll those lies were truthAnd all that was false was factNow you hold me close and hardBut I was like a statue at mostRefusing to acknowledge you"d been hurtNow you"re clawing at my throatAnd you"re crying all is lostBut your tears they felt so hot upon my shirtBut your tears they felt so hot upon my shirtWell the truth it fell so heavyLike a hammer through the roomThat I could choose another over herYou always said I was an actor, babyGuess in truth you thought me just amateurWas it you who told me onceNow looking back it seems so realThat all our mistakes are merely grist for the millSo why is it now after I had my fillThat you steal from me the sorrow that I"ve earnedShall we call this a lesson learned?Shall we call this a lesson learned?
2023-07-12 02:59:411

right away 的同义词

at once, directly, forthwith
2023-07-12 02:59:516

at once 的同义词是?

right now , right away,
2023-07-12 03:00:086


i am eager to
2023-07-12 03:00:2411

请有哪些英语单词包含了 G.W.Y三个字母?顺序要一致,

大概有30+个: carriageway cogway edgeways gangway gateway gawkily gawkishly gawky gawsy getaway giveaway glowfly glowingly gowany greenway growingly growlingly growly growthy guideway highway highwayman highwaymen lengthways logway mulligatawny passageway steerageway straightaway straightforwardly straightway superhighway thoughtway throughway
2023-07-12 03:00:551


  远处的英文:   distance   yon   参考例句:   Lightning flashed in the distance.   远处电光闪闪。Mountains look beautiful from a distance   远处看山山更美sleigh bells tinkled in the distance   从远处传来串串的雪橇铃响。We could hear the enemy guns booming (away)in the distance.   我们能听到远处敌人的大炮轰隆声.He sat on the playground listening to the distant croak   他坐在操场上,聆听远处的蛙鸣。Far out in the water there were water-lilies; nearer at hand, yellow irises in bloom   远处水面有睡莲,近处开着黄色的鸢尾花。Off in the distance the domes of the fair-tale palace of the maharajah showed against the burning sky   远处,神话似的大君宫殿的圆拱顶矗立在骄阳如火的天空。Far off, I could hear the wich-wich-wich of a yellow warbler and a locust"s somnolent buzz, otherwise silence   我只能听到远处一只小黄鸟在啁啾啁啾地歌唱,还有一只蝉在发出催眠的.叫声,不然就真是万籁俱寂了。From a distance;from afar   从远处The big guns boomed in the distance.   远处大炮声隆隆作响。 distance是什么意思:   n. 距离;远离;远处;疏远   v. 把…远远甩在后面;使远离   This is the straightaway distance.   这就是直线距离。over a long distance;far   远距离的;远的 long-distance gas   远程供应的煤气[天然气] The big guns boomed in the distance.   远处大炮声隆隆作响。 Friends agree best at distance   君子之交淡如水yon是什么意思:   a.   ad. 那里,那边,远处   Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your tricks.   你只能欺骗还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。These magazines were the most pitiful burlesque stuff that yon could imagine   这些杂志是些拙劣的东西,要多荒唐有多荒唐。Sometimes yon go into what I call a bubble boom. Every bubble bursts.   有时候你们会进入一种我把它称之为泡沫式的繁荣。泡沫终究是要破灭的。I"d welcome the opportunity to meet with yon in person to explain my credentials more fully.   我希望能亲自和你见面,更加详细地谈谈我的任职条件。
2023-07-12 03:01:021


  你知道放学后的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   放学后的英文释义:   after school   放学后的英文例句:   孩子们放学后没有回家,我非常担心。   I was anxious about the children when they didn"t e back home from school.   杰克放学后就到店铺里帮一把。   Jack helps out in the store after school.   孩子们放学后在花园里嬉戏。   The children froliced in the garden after school.   放学后直接回家。   e straight away after school.   老师放学后把他关晚学了。   The teacher kept him in after school.   上周五下午放学后他直奔回家。   He lined out for home after school last Friday afternoon.   孩子们表现极差,所以放学后老师把他们留下来。   The children behaved badly and so the teacher kept them after school.   放学后,你必须做你的家庭作业。   After school, you have to do your homework.   所以我们在放学后就一直和他待在一起,从下午两点到五点。   So we began to stay after school with him from two o"clock until five.   他们原可以在他放学后、午餐时或者周末找他谈话。   They could have talked to him after school or during lunch or on the weekend.   我生长在华盛顿特区,每天放学后,周末和暑假,我都能去外面玩,并且没有监督。   C. , I had the chance to play outside, unsupervised, every day after school,during weekends and all summer long.   孩子们过去习惯于放学后到外面去玩然后独立解决自己的难题。   Kids used to go out and play after school and resolve problems on their own.   那是隆冬的一天,放学后我仍然留在学校,因为要参加舞蹈演出的一次排练。   It was in the middle of winter and I was staying after school to rehearse for adance production I was in.   当他的妈妈希望他在放学后能够睡上一小会的时候,他却会偷偷溜出去在雅加达污浊的街道上玩耍,偶尔还会停下来和当地孩子一起在肮脏的小池塘里游泳。   When his mother wanted him to take a nap after school, he would sneak out toplay in the muddy lanes of Jakarta, stopping for a swim with the local boys in thedirty pond known as the "empang".   比赛结束后,我们接着聊了起来,他的态度和自信给我留下了深刻的印象,因此我提出定期为他在放学后上英文课。   After the game we continued our conversation and I was so impressed by hisattitude and poise that I offered to give him regular English lessons after school.   我每天放学后都打篮球。   I play basketball everyday after school.   过去的孩子放学后常常在户外活动并且愿意自己解决问题。   Kids used to go out and play after school and resolve problems on their own.   我的孩子们今天放学后会去哪?   Where did my children go today after school?   如果他们知道自己早晨和放学后能看个电视节目,相对于抑制他们看电视的习惯,要容易得多仅仅举个例子。   It is much easier to limit their viewing habit if they understand that they can onlywatch one show in the morning and one show after school as just an example.   放学后还有许多工作,需要把工作带回家。   Many work after school and then take work home.   小马丁内斯的老师看到了小马丁分数之外的潜能,并承诺如果他每天放学后留下来参加生物俱乐部,并坚持三个月,考试就算通过。   The teacher saw beyond the grade to Martinez"s potential and promised he could pass the class by staying after school for the next three months and joining the Eco Club.   在办公室你用眼睛审视周围,而放学后我们通过简讯来检视伙伴们的动态。   You can scan your office with your eyes. You can scan your buddies after schoolby SMS.   你的孩子完成每周两次的足球训练了吗,是放学后直到晚餐时吗?   Does your child realize that soccer practice is twice a week, right after school untildinnertime?   于是,西蒙建议他的老板周五那天放学后给儿子一个特别的礼物,带儿子到工厂看他自己的新车轮子如何安装到车上。   So Simon suggested that his boss bring his son down to the factory after schoolon Friday for a special treat - to see his new car have its wheels fitted.
2023-07-12 03:01:091

Straight Away 歌词

歌曲名:Straight Away歌手:Mat Kearney专辑:City Of Black & WhiteMat Kearney - Straight AwayThis moment right here is one we can"t suspendYour breath and mine tells me just where I have beenYou know the song of long lost causeWe"re running in circles and coming back againNow could I go the long wayTaking the easy way downIf I was wrong would you show meWhere all that I lost can be found"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight awayDon"t want to fight and you don"t want to lose controlWe"re losing light and the night is getting coldEveryone wants to hear their story toldWe"re not the only ones, we"re not the only onesAnd now could I go the long wayTaking the easy way downIf I was wrong would you show meWhere all that I lost can be found"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight awayAnd you wanted to fly and leave it behindBut you know it"s going to come back one day"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight away
2023-07-12 03:02:011


go straight 改过自新 straight up 直率地;真实地;(酒)不加冰块的 straight line 直线 straight out 直言地;坦率地;毫不犹豫的 straight ahead 一直向前;主流爵士乐 on the straight ◎成直线,笔直;平行 ◎[口语]老实地,正直地;改过自新 straight on 一直向前,往前直去 go straight ahead 一直往前走 straight in 直通 straight forward 直接了当;开门见山 keep straight (使)行为端正;(使)过正直生活;使循规蹈矩 straight face 不露表情的脸 straight through 直通的 get straight 了解;搞通;办好 straight from the shoulder 一针见血地;直截了当地;狠狠地 straight hair n. 直发 go straight on 直走 straight edge 直尺,平尺;校正装置,直棱 run straight ◎正正经经做人,做正直的人 ◎笔直地伸展出去 keep straight on 一直走下去
2023-07-12 03:02:083


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2023-07-12 03:03:151

The Wombats的《Techno Fan》 歌词

歌曲名:Techno Fan歌手:The Wombats专辑:iTunes Festival: London 2011The Wombats - Techno Fan.East London""s not a bomb siteIt is a treasure chestWe use our penguin costumesMore than our evening dressShe said I should come overThough the music""s not my typeDon""t you know I""d chop a limb offJust to have a good time.Shut up and move with me, move with me,or, or get out of my faceI didn""t queue for an hour to leave straight awayShut up and stay with me, stay with me,or, or let go of my handThe lasers fill our minds with empty plansI never knew I was a techno fan.This is not a weird weekendIt""s an angry wormholeI""m talking like a city boyAnd drinking with a northern soulShe said I should come overThough it""s carnage at timesIt still seems I""d chop a limb offBefore I put up a fight.Shut up and move with me, move with me,or, or get out of my faceI didn""t queue for an hour to leave straight awayShut up and stay with me,stay with me, or, or let go of my handThe lasers fill our minds with empty plansI never knew I was a techno.We are the 1980sWe are the Detroit lightsAnd I never wanna, I never wanna see this stopI""m in debt to youBut don""t feed me plant food.Just shut up and move with me, move with me,or, or get out of my faceI didn""t spend 20 sheets to not cut a shapeShut up and stay with me, stay with me,or, or let go of my handThe lasers fill our minds with empty plansI never knew I was a techno fan
2023-07-12 03:04:041


straight的音标为/streu026at/。straight的意思是“直的、直接的、诚实的、正直的、直截了当的”。关于“straight”的短语straighten:使变直、整理、纠正straightaway:立即、直接地straighten out:澄清、解决、整理straightforward:直截了当的、坦率的、易懂的straight edge:直边straight-faced:面无表情的、不露声色的straight talk:直言不讳、直言不讳的谈话straighten up:挺直身子、整理、清理straight-laced:极为正派的、清教徒式的straight shooter:坦率、诚实的人关于“straight”的句子She straightened her hair before the party.(她在派对前把头发弄直了。)You need to go straight to the point and tell him what you really think.(你需要直接点,告诉他你真正的想法。)I went straight home after work.(我下班后直接回家了。)He has a straight edge ruler for his drawings.(他用直边尺来画图。)The teacher gave us straightforward instructions for the assignment.(老师给我们布置作业时给出了简单明了的指示。)
2023-07-12 03:04:101


straight翻译为“直接的;笔直的;完全的;正确的;坦率的”。She only stood, straight and fine .她只是站着一动也不动,满不在乎。He always tackles problems straight away .总是一有问题就马上处理。Walden pked a man who could shoot straight .沃尔登喜欢坦率正直的人。The pner flew straight [directly] to nanjing .客机径直飞往南京。She disposed of the champion in straight sets .她一盘未输战胜了冠军。I do not think you are being straight with me .我认为你对我不够坦诚。He was sitting very straight in his chair .他直挺挺地坐在椅子上。He kept a straight face and remained speechless .他绷著脸不说话。The dog rushed straight through the flowerbed .那条狗直蹿过花坛。I"m glad to hear him talking straight .我高兴听到他直截了当地说话了。
2023-07-12 03:04:341


2023-07-12 03:05:023


She only stood, straight and fine . 她只是站着一动也不动,满不在乎。 He always tackles problems straight away . 总是一有问题就马上处理。 Walden pked a man who could shoot straight . 沃尔登喜欢坦率正直的人。 The pner flew straight [directly] to nanjing . 客机径直飞往南京。 She disposed of the champion in straight sets . 她一盘未输战胜了冠军。 I do not think you are being straight with me . 我认为你对我不够坦诚。 He was sitting very straight in his chair . 他直挺挺地坐在椅子上。 He kept a straight face and remained speechless . 他绷著脸不说话。 The dog rushed straight through the flowerbed . 那条狗直蹿过花坛。 I"m glad to hear him talking straight . 我高兴听到他直截了当地说话了。 The wood- *** oke went up blue and straight . 木柴烟升起来又青又直。 He won"t talk straight from the shoulder . 他说话从来不直截了当。 Don"t go in a straight pne anywhere . 不要大模大样走到任何地方。 They were even as they reached the straight . 他们快到终点时还不分胜负。 I told him straight that i did not pke him . 我坦率地对他说我不喜欢他。 Hold your head up and keep your back straight . 请把头抬起来,腰直起来。 David stood there standing very straight . 戴维僵直地站在那儿。 She gave it to me straight from the shoulder . 她坦诚地批评我。 Nothing can go straight to a subject . 任何事情都不能单刀直入。 He went straight to new york without stopping anywhere . 他直接前往纽约。 The expressway goes [leads] straight to shenyang . 这条高速公路直通沈阳。 Sandy had been singing for an hour straight . 桑迪已经不停地唱了一个钟头。 I"m used to going a lot of hours straight . 我已习惯于长时间地连续工作了。 The whisky went straight to my head . 威士忌酒喝得我晕头转向。 She went straight from school to university . 她中学一毕业就马上进了大学。 This is a very straight place, you know . 这可是个十分正经的地方,你知道。 Stop cracking safes and pve straight . 别再砸保险箱了,规规矩矩过日子罢。 I have to keep you straight in your head . 我必须把你的思想调整得有条有理。 Radio waves travel in straight pnes . 无线电波是直线传播的。 Pablo stared straight at the table . 巴布罗直勾勾地望着桌子。 The arrow flew straight and true to its mark . 那箭不偏不斜地直朝目标飞去。 Stop cracking safes, and pve straight . 别再撬保险箱了,问心无愧地生活吧。 At this stage they sat straight and alert . 此刻,他们正警觉地、笔挺地坐着。 Stop flannelpng and give a straight answer ! 别再兜圈子了,直截了当地回答。 A jeep is heading straight for us . 一辆吉普车从对面开过来。 Her head was on fairly straight . 她却有一颗还算冷静的头脑。 It is time for some straight talking . 现在该坦率地谈谈了。 The ship was heading straight into the caribbean sea . 船只径直驶入加勒比海。 I bepeve i am thinking straight . 我相信我的思路是清晰的。 He repaired to her chamber, straight . 他一直奔往她的卧室。 There"s a lot of things we"ve got to get straight . 有许多事情我们需要搞清楚。 His accounts are found to be straight . 他的帐目正确无误。 He had a tiny nose, but it was very straight . 他的鼻子小巧玲珑,不过长得很直。 Gee, thanks. i"m glad to get that straight . 噢,谢谢。我真高兴把这事搞明白了。 Two straight whiskies , please . 请来两杯不加水的威士忌。 I "ll telephone him straight away . 我马上就打电话给他。 In a uniform medium pght travels in straight pnes . 在均匀介质中光沿直线传播。 She went straight up to the door and knocked loudly . 她径直走到门口重重地敲门。 Tell the manager the straight of it . 把实情告诉经理吧。 Get straight to the point. do n"t beat about the bush . 有话直说,别跟我捉迷藏。
2023-07-12 03:05:101


2023-07-12 03:05:171


wrote英 [ru0259u028at] 美 [rot] v.写信;( write的过去式 )1I wrote him a letter and posted it straightaway. 我给他写了封信,并马上寄了出去。
2023-07-12 03:05:251

我看不懂你写的是什么? 英文怎么说

翻译如下:我看不懂你写的是什么?I do not understand what you write?
2023-07-12 03:05:336


乐队的故事从2007年开始,由三个漂泊在北京的外国人组建了它:美国人Cody (lead singer),法国人Matt(bass guitar/vocal,前法国Punk乐队Straightaway乐队贝司手) ,还有法国人Jeremy(guitar/vocal)。起初,他们把一些经典的美国流行歌曲,如the Eagles, R Kelly, Stevie Wonder的歌曲,改编成Pop Punk/Hardcore风格。他们的创作受到美国大牌全明星乐队“Me First and the Gimme Gimmes”的强烈影响 。2008年春节,周永智(lead guitar/vocal)和侯锴(drum)加入了这支乐队,组成完整阵容。同时,乐队也开始选择中文歌曲进行改编,在华语流传最广泛的流行歌曲中加入“毒药”。
2023-07-12 03:05:571

right away 的同义词

2023-07-12 03:06:152