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2023-07-12 14:31:34

So what are the risks of smoking? Here"s what tobacco"s critics say: CANCER The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says cigarette smoking is responsible for 151,322 cancer deaths annually in the United States. Most of those--116,920--are from lung cancer. The CDC says men who smoke are 22 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. Women who smoke are 12 times more likely to die from the disease. Statistical studies have long shown that people who don"t smoke live longer than people who do and scientists have seen statistically the correlation between smoking and incidences of lung cancer since the 1950s. But a study earlier this year by Gerd Pfeifer of the Beckman Research Institute pinpointed specific carcinogens in cigarette smoke that target parts of a gene already known to be prominent in some cancers. Pfeifer wrote in Science that cigarette smoke causes changes in the gene p53, which protects against cancer when normal but promotes cancer growth when mutated . Another study, published by the American Cancer Society, said that low-tar cigarettes offered no relief from the potential of cancer, and in fact were responsible for a type of cancer that reaches deeper into lung tissue. Other cancers are also affected by cigarette smoke. An American Cancer Society researcher reported earlier this year that smoking increased men"s risk of dying of prostate cancer, while other studies have linked tobacco use to increased risk of other cancers, including throat, breast and bowel cancer. 那么吸烟究竟有什么危害呢?还是听听烟草批评家们的说法: 癌症 疾病防治中心说,吸烟是导致美国每年151322位癌症患者死亡的罪魁祸首。这些死亡者中的大多数——116990人是死于肺癌。疾病防治中心认为,男性烟民死于肺癌的可能性是非吸烟者的22倍。女性烟民死于肺癌的可能性是非吸烟者的12倍。 统计数据研究早就表明,不吸烟的人比烟民长寿,而且自20世纪50年代以来,科学家们通过统计资料,已经发现了吸烟和肺癌发病率之间的相互关系。 而今年早些时候,贝克曼研究所的格尔德·普法伊费尔所作的一项研究确切地指出了卷烟烟雾中固有的致癌物,这些致癌物袭击的目标是一种基因的某些部分,人们已经发现,这种基因在一些癌症中很突出。 普法伊费尔在《科学》杂志上写道,吸烟使p53基因发生改变,这种基因在正常情况下起着防癌的作用,但在发生突变时,就会加快癌症的发展。 美国癌症协会发表的另一份研究报告说,尼古丁含量低的卷烟并不能减少患癌症的可能性,它们实际上是引起一种进入到肺组织深层的癌症的罪魁祸首。 而其他的癌症也受吸烟的影响。今年年初,美国癌症协会的一份研究报告表明,吸烟使男性死于前列腺癌的危险增加了,而其他的一些研究把吸烟同患上其他癌症(包括喉癌、乳腺癌和结肠癌)的危险的增加联系到了一起。 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES [13] Smoking also has been linked time and again to cardiovascular diseases. Among these, the biggest killer is heart disease: according to the CDC, smoking triples the risk of dying from heart disease among middle-aged men and women. [14] Studies also show an increased risk of death from stroke, aneurysms, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular illnesses. RESPIRATORY DISEASES [15] Smoking is cited as a risk for dying of pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema. The CDC says people who smoke increase their risk of death from bronchitis and emphysema by nearly 10 times. OTHER ILLNESSES [16] A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased the risk of developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) by more than three times. [17] Studies have pointed to smoking as a risk in vision loss among older people, mental impairment later in life, Alzheimer"s disease and other forms of dementia. EFFECT ON PREGNANCY [18] Pregnant women who smoke can pass nicotine and carbon monoxide to their baby through the placenta. Research indicates this can prevent the baby from getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs to grow--potentially leading to fetal injury, premature birth, or low birth weight. According to the American Lung Association, smoking during pregnancy accounts for an estimated 20 to 30 percent of low birthweight babies, up to 14 percent of premature deliveries, and about 10 percent of all infant deaths. 心血管疾病 [13]吸烟还被一再地和心血管疾病联系在一起,其中最大的杀手是心脏病。根据疾病防治中心的说法,吸烟使中年男女烟民死于心脏病的危险增至3倍。 [14]研究还表明,死于中风、动脉瘤、高血压和其他心血管疾病的危险也有所增加。 呼吸系统疾病 [15]吸烟被引证为导致死于肺炎、慢性气管炎或肺气肿的一种隐患。疾病防治中心说,吸烟的人死于支气管炎和肺气肿的危险比不吸烟的人高出将近10倍。 其他疾病 [16]美国《流行病学杂志》最近发表的一份报告表明,吸烟使人们患非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病的危险增加了3倍多。 [17]研究指出,吸烟有导致老年人中的失明、晚年大脑损伤、早老性痴呆病和其他类型的痴呆病的危险。 吸烟对妊娠的影响 [18]抽烟的怀孕女性会通过胎盘把尼古丁和一氧化碳传给胎儿。研究表明,这会妨碍胎儿获得发育所需要的氧气和营养物质,这可能对胎儿造成伤害,引起早产或胎儿体重不足。根据美国肺器官协会的说法,估计有20%至30%的体重不足的婴儿,多达14%的早产以及约10%的婴儿死亡都是由于女性在孕期吸烟引起的。吸烟的母亲还有可能通过喂母乳把尼古丁传给婴儿。 SECONDHAND SMOKE [19] The studies didn"t just point to the ill effects of smoking on those who smoke--non-smokers, too, are apparently affected by the smoke from their friends, family members and strangers who light up in their presence. [20] A steady stream of reports documented the statistical risks of contracting cancer or suffering from heart disease, even if you"ve never put a cigarette to your lips. [21] The American Heart Association last fall released a seven-year study showing that never-smoking spouses of smokers have more than a 20 percent greater chance of death from coronary heart disease than those who have never smoked who live with non-smokers. That study gave more impetus to the drive to make workplaces and other public areas smoke-free. [22] The effects of smoking are hard on the children of smokers as well, the studies say. Dr. Claude Hanet of the St. Luc University Hospital in Brussels, Belgium, said earlier this year that a baby born to a smoking mother "should be considered an ex-smoker", [23] Hanet"s study cautioned that cigarette smoke was more detrimental with decreasing age. [24] And a University of Birmingham, England, study, published in the British Journal of Cancer showed a possible link between fathers who smoked and an increased incidence of cancels in their children, while studies in the U.S. showed a possible link between smoking and DNA damage. 被动吸烟 [19)研究不光指出了吸烟给烟民自己造成的危害,还指出了非吸烟者显然也会受到他们吸烟的朋友、家人或在他们面前吸烟的陌生人的伤害。 [20]持续不断的报告通过统计数字证明,即使你从来就没有吸过烟,也有患癌症或心脏病的危险。 [21]去年秋季,美国心脏协会发表丁一份历时7年的研究报告,该报告指出,烟民的配偶虽然从不吸烟,但是和那些与非吸烟者生活的配偶相比,他们死于冠心病的危险要高出20%。这项调查进一步推动了在工作场所和公共场所禁烟活动的开展。 [22]调查还表明,烟民的孩子也深受吸烟之害。今年年初,比利时布鲁塞尔圣·卢卡大学医院的克劳德·哈内特博士说,吸烟的母亲生下的孩于“应被看作是有吸烟史的人”。 [23]哈内特的研究提请人们注意:年龄越小,吸烟的危害越大。 [24]《英国癌症杂志》发表的一份英格兰伯明翰大学的报告显示,吸烟的父亲与其孩子患癌症比率的增加可能有联系;同时美国的研究则显示吸烟和脱氧核糖核酸受损可能有关系。 SECONDHAND SMOKE ADDICTION [25] Of all the diseases associated with smoking, addiction is perhaps the one that receives the least attention. But President Clinton declared nicotine an addictive drug last August. In March, the Liggett Group, makers of Chesterfield and Lark brand cigarettes, admitted that cigarettes were addictive and cause cancer and agreed to pay about $750 million total to 22 states that had filed suit to force tobacco companies to pay for Medicaid for smoking-related illnesses. [26] Scott Harshbarger, the Massachusetts attorney general and president of the National Association of Attorneys General, told reporters that the Liggett deal "will produce information that indicates major tobacco companies were fully aware that the product they were selling is addictive, that the product they were selling had great impact on public health". [27] Other tobacco companies are clearly none too keen on the Liggett deal. For them, nicotine remains what they call a harmless flavor enhancement. 烟瘾 ]在所有和吸烟有关的疾病中,也许人们最容易忽略的就是吸烟上瘾。然而,去年8月,克林顿总统宣布尼古丁为使人上瘾的麻醉药物。今年(指2000--编者注)3月,生产切斯特菲尔德和云雀牌香烟的利格特集团承认吸烟使人上瘾并会引发癌症,并且同意向22个州支付总额为7.5亿美元的赔偿金,这22个州提起了诉讼,要求烟草公司向治疗与吸烟有关的疾病的医疗补助制度进行赔偿。 [马萨诸塞州首席检察官、全美首席检察官协会会长斯哥特·哈什伯杰对记者说,对利格特集团的处理“将带来这样一个信息,那就是,大烟草公司充分意识到了他们出售的产品会使人上瘾,他们出售的产品对大众的健康影响极大”。 很显然,其他烟草公司中没有一家对利格特集团的处理感兴趣。对他们来说,尼古丁仍然是他们所称的无害的提味剂。


There are many arguments between studying alone and studying with a well-qualified teacher. However, I tend to learn using the second way.

For one thing, the teacher has a wide knowledge and knows what to teach, what you have to learn, she can also provide you some useful advice to learn better. While you are learning, you can ask some questions to find out anything you missed out so that you can understand the lessons more deeply. If you have a new idea, you can share it with your teacher and she will tell you how to make it come true. If you study alone, it is hard to do so.

Besides, your speed and rate of learning are higher when you learn with a teacher than learning alone. You do not have to find extra exercises or other books because you teacher has chosen it for you and support you to do and read them. For example, you have a difficult math problem, although you have figured out the solution, but your answer is wrong. You must spend a lot of time to identify your mistakes while the teacher can do that faster than you, even she can explain the reason why your answer is not correct. That not only saves time but also improves the efficiency of your study.

However, self-study also has advantages. You are more independent when you are self-studying, there is no waiting for exercises from the teacher, and you can control your own time to study whenever you think it is suitable. While you study, you can find your own method of study which is effective, so that you can have better result at the end of the semesters. In addition, we also know that the knowledge of the teacher is limited though she is a good teacher. Because of that, students should learn more from books, the Internet... by themselves. There are many things to learn.

Therefore, I think we should combine the two methods of learning. While you have a teacher supporting you, you also have to learn more from other sources.



As an adult student,I think self-study is very important.

You are more independent when you are self-studying, and you can control your own time to study whenever you think it is suitable. While you study, you can find your own method of study which is effective.

But everything have two haves.Fist, I speed and rate of learning are higher when learn with a teacher than learning alone. Second,I do not have to find extra exercises or other books, I must spend a lot of time to identify my mistakes.

Although Self-study is very hard ,I will hold on it .






instructionn.指示, 用法说明(书), 教育, 指导, 指令
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instructions指令双语对照词典结果:instructionsn.操作指南; 用法说明; 指示; 命令( instruction的名词复数 ); (计算机的)指令; 教导; 教诲; adj.说明用法的,操作指南的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Instead, mr ho this week repeatedly changed his instructions. 然而,何鸿在一周内却反复更改指令。
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instructionsn.操作指南; 用法说明; 指示; 命令( instruction的名词复数 ); (计算机的)指令; 教导; 教诲;
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instructions n. 指示; 操作指南; 用法说明; 命令; ( instruction的名词复数 ) (计算机的) 指令; 教导; 教诲;adj. 说明用法的,操作指南的;[网络] 要求; 注意事项; 用法;[例句]Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give?劳驾你服从我要给出的指令好不好?[其他] 形近词: destructions obstructions constructions
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instruction  n.  讲授, 教导[育]; 教诲  [pl. ]指令[示]; 命令; 通知  程序, 说明书, 细则, 规程  码  give instruction in English  教授英语  an instructionbook  说明书  习惯用语  askfor instruction 请示  give instruction in 讲授  give instructions 指挥[命令](做某事)  give instructions to do sth. 指挥[命令](做某事)  receive in instruction 接受教导
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instruction既是可数名词,也是不可数名词。表示“讲授”“指导”“教导”等,是不可数名词。表示“命令”“指示”等,是可数名词,多用复数形式。表示“说明”“须知”等,通常只用复数形式。复数名词instructions表示“操作指南,用法说明”,只与复数动词或代词连用。其后常接由介词on,for或about引起的短语。近义词direction读音:英[du0259u02c8reku0283n],美[du0259u02c8reku0283n]。释义:n. 方向;方位;趋势;动向;方面;目的;用法说明;管理;(电影导演的)指点,指示。例句:She has lost all sense of direction in her life.她完全丧失了生活的方向。复数:directions。
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instructionsn.指示; 操作指南; 用法说明; 命令( instruction的名词复数 ); (计算机的)指令; 教导; 教诲; adj.说明用法的,操作指南的; 例句:1.They are harried, sending out instructions to companies and schools. 他们苦恼不已,不断向公司和学校发出各种指令。
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instruction[英][u026anu02c8stru028cku0283n][美][u026anu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]n.授课; 教诲; 传授的或获得的知识,课程; [计算机科学]指令; 复数:instructions 双语例句 “ Pearl,” said he, with great solemnity,“ thou must take heed to instruction, that so, in due season, thou mayest wear in thy bosom the pearl of great price.“珠儿,”他郑重其事地说,“你应当留心听取教诲,这样,到时候你才可能在胸前佩戴价值连城的珠宝。
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fruit, all the nicest things in this world would
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  1、instruction的基本意思是“命令,指示”,多用复数形式,常可接动词不定式或that从句作定语或同位语。   2、instruction也可作“讲授,指导,教学”解,是不可数名词,其后常与介词in搭配使用,instruction后接的that从句中往往要用现在时。   3、复数名词instructions表示“操作指南,用法说明”,只与复数动词或代词连用。
2023-07-12 01:56:101


instruction 英[u026anu02c8stru028cku0283n] 美[u026anu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n] n. 授课; 教诲; 传授的或获得的知识,课程; [计算机科学] 指令; [网络] 说明书; 教育; 要求; [例句]Two lawyers were told not to leave the building but no reason for this instructionwas given.两名律师被告知不得离开大楼,但对这一命令并没有提供任何理由。[其他] 复数:instructions 形近词: restruction destruction substruction
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n.授课; 教诲; 传授的或获得的知识,课程; [计算机科学]指令;
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instruction 来自【柯林斯高阶英汉词典】 1.N-COUNT 指示;命令An instruction is something that someone tells you to do. Two lawyers were told not to leave the building but no reason for this instruction was given. 两名律师被告知不得离开大楼,但对这一命令并没有提供任何理由. 2.N-UNCOUNT 教学;讲授If someone gives you instruction in a subject or skill,they teach it to you. Each candidate is given instruction in safety... 向每位申请人都讲授了安全知识.All schoolchildren must now receive some religious instruction. 现在所有的在校儿童都必须接受一定的宗教教育. 3.N-PLURAL 用法说明;操作指南Instructions are clear and detailed information on how to do something. Always read the instructions before you start taking the medicine. 在服药之前一定要先阅读说明书.
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instruction的词汇用法讲解   众所周知,“instruction”是操作的意思,除此之外还有什么含义呢?下面是我为大家整理了instruction的词汇用法讲解,希望能帮到大家!   What, you"re set to be a philosopher or a king or fucking Shakespeare, and this is all they give you? This? What? 20-odd years of school, which is all instruction in how to be ordinary.   ——The Gambler   你注定要当个哲学家、国王或是莎士比亚,而这都是他们给你的,20几年的教育, 教导 你如何变成平庸之才。   ——《赌棍》    一、关于instruction,你应该知道的用法有    n.    1. 用法说明;操作指南 [C]   I read the instructions on the bottle.   我读了瓶子上的用法说明。    2. 指示;命令 [C]   If I give you an instruction, you must obey it.   如果我给你一项指示,你必须听从。    3. (计算机的)指令 [C]   A microprocessor will check for interrupts at the end of every instruction.   微处理器将在每一个指令末尾检查有无中断。    4. 【正式】教授;教导;传授 [U]   He turned a deaf ear to the instruction given by his teacher.   他对老师的"教导塞耳不闻。    二、词义辨析:哪些词汇能表示“命令”的意思?    command, order, direction, instruction   这些名词均含“命令”之意。   command较正式用词,强调权威性、全局性和强制性。   order普通用词,侧重指具体的命令。   direction正式用词,指口头或书面的指示或命令。内容不一定详尽,语气较缓和,不太强调强制性。也可指指导性的说明。   instruction书面用词,指不容违反、不容推翻的命令。也多指包含具体说明的指示。    三、你知道instruction和哪些词更搭吗?   instruction book   说明书   instruction manual   n. 指令手册,使用手册,用户说明   reduced instruction set computer   精减指令集计算机   course of instruction   教程   macro instruction   广义指令, 宏指令   supervisor call instruction   管理程序调入指令, 访管指令    四、接下来,做个小测试巩固一下   Always read the ____________ before you start. 使用前务请阅读操作说明。 ;
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My HobbyDifferent people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes playing computer games,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on. I have many hobbies, such as reading,running,singing, and listening to music.,and so on.But reading is my favorite hobby. I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colourful and without time and space limit, Through reading, I can trace back. to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization. It can bring myself to the United states, a glamorous land I have been longing to visit. Secondly, reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon. In the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from books. I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on scithee, politics, life and society. Thirdly, reading bridge the gap between my dream and my goal. In ordcr to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practising. Reading has become part of my life. Every day, I spend some time reading books, newspapcrs and magazines. At night, I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand.ufeff
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Fellow students,We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow.We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot.Take your pens and notebooks with you.We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum.Please don"t make any noise in the museum and don"t take any picture.Everyone should have to hand in a report about the visit next Monday.
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my favorite TVprogrammy favorite TVprogram is Animal is a program about animals.i watch it at 7:00 every tells us a lot about animals" life and it also tells something about their living habits ,eating habits and living environment.i think it is the most interesting Tv program in China,because i love animals so can help me increase my knowledge,i can learn alot of knowledge that i can"t learn from also help me broden my horizonand know the natural surroundings.Animal World is a good Tv program ,i hope that everybody likes it.
2023-07-12 01:58:513


instruction表示“讲授”“指导”“教导”等,是不可数名词。表示“命令”“指示”等,是可数名词,多用复数形式。表示“说明”“须知”等,通常只用复数形式。 扩展资料   例句:   I gave you specific instructions.   我给过你明确的指示。   Do you understand the instructions?   你懂得这些指令的.意思吗?   Are these instructions clear enough?   这些说明够清楚了吗?   I don"t understand the instructions.   我不懂这些指令的意思。   The instructions look very complicated.   这说明书看起来很难懂。
2023-07-12 01:58:581

instructions 前加什么动词

2023-07-12 01:59:192


In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has typical Asian features: yellow skin and black hair, but what catches the attention of people is her eyes. Her eyes are as clear and bright as the night sky, and whenever she smileds, they would glow up and shine like a million twinkling stars. Nobody could possibly stay angry or depressed under such a smile, and even a heart of stone would crumble under her shine.She is also the gentlest person alive. Once, when I scraped my knee by accident, she flew like a wirlwind to my side, and took out a piece of alcohol swab to clean the cut. It stung like I was being bit by a bee, so she started blowing the red rash on my knee. The light gust of wind coming out of her mouth soothed the pain, and suddenly I had the courage to stand up again. I looked up into her eyes, eyes filled with concentration and gentleness.I love my mother for all that she has given me, and I love her for ever.
2023-07-12 01:59:391


instruction指令双语对照词典结果:instruction[英][u026anu02c8stru028cku0283n][美][u026anu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]n.授课; 教诲; 传授的或获得的知识,课程; [计算机科学]指令; 复数:instructions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There is nothing more valuable than great classroom instruction. 没有什么能比好的课堂教学更有价值。2.But the order issuing this instruction also called for a review. 但下达这一指示的命令还需再做评估。
2023-07-12 01:59:472


2023-07-12 02:00:026


2023-07-12 02:00:182

instructions表示用法说明 可数吗

2023-07-12 02:00:321


表示“讲授”“指导”“教导”等,是不可数名词。表示“命令”“指示”等,是可数名词,多用复数形式。表示“说明”“须知”等,通常只用复数形式。instruction,主要用作名词,意为“指令,命令;指示;教导;用法说明”。 instruction基本含义 英[u026anu02c8stru028cku0283n] 美[u026anu02c8stru028cku0283n] n.用法说明; 操作指南; 指示; 命令; 吩咐; (计算机的) 指令; adj.说明用法的; 操作指南的; 复数:instructions instruction双语例句 Each candidate is given instruction in safety 向每位申请人都讲授了安全知识。 We execute that instruction, we move to the next one. 我们执行那个指令,我们继续下一轮。 She gave me all kinds of instruction on how to do this and that . 她给了我各种各样的指导,告诉我如何这样那样的事。 I do have one instruction for you, General. Do something about that damned football team. 将军,我还有一个指令要给你。为那天杀的足球队做些事吧!
2023-07-12 02:00:461


instructionn.指示, 用法说明(书), 教育, 指导, 指令
2023-07-12 02:00:544


instruction[英][u026anu02c8stru028cku0283n][美][u026anu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]n.授课; 教诲; 传授的或获得的知识,课程; [计算机科学]指令;复数:instructions谐音:因斯抓克莘
2023-07-12 02:01:024


instructions n. 指示; 操作指南; 用法说明; 命令; ( instruction的名词复数 ) (计算机的) 指令; 教导; 教诲;adj. 说明用法的,操作指南的;[网络] 要求; 注意事项; 用法;[例句]Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give?劳驾你服从我要给出的指令好不好?[其他] 形近词: destructions obstructions constructions
2023-07-12 02:01:201


2023-07-12 02:01:282


为您解答instructionsn.操作指南; 用法说明; 指示; 命令( instruction的名词复数 ); (计算机的)指令; 教导; 教诲; adj.说明用法的,操作指南的; 您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-12 02:01:353


instruction英[u026an"stru028cku0283n]美[u026anu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]n. 授课;教诲;传授的或获得的知识,课程;[计算机科学]指令名词复数:instructions
2023-07-12 02:01:423


2023-07-12 02:01:503


instructions n. 指示; 操作指南; 用法说明; 命令( instruction的名词复数 ); (计算机的) 指令; 教导; 教诲; adj. 说明用法的,操作指南的; [例句]Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give?劳驾你服从我要给出的指令好不好?
2023-07-12 02:01:561

instructions是什么意思 它怎么使用

1、instruction的基本意思是“命令,指示”,多用复数形式,常可接动词不定式或that从句作定语或同位语。 2、instruction也可作“讲授,指导,教学”解,是不可数名词,其后常与介词in搭配使用,instruction后接的that从句中往往要用现在时。 3、复数名词instructions表示“操作指南,用法说明”,只与复数动词或代词连用。
2023-07-12 02:02:101


2023-07-12 02:02:174

instructions是什么意思 它怎么使用

1、instruction的基本意思是“命令,指示”,多用复数形式,常可接动词不定式或that从句作定语或同位语。 2、instruction也可作“讲授,指导,教学”解,是不可数名词,其后常与介词in搭配使用,instruction后接的that从句中往往要用现在时。 3、复数名词instructions表示“操作指南,用法说明”,只与复数动词或代词连用。
2023-07-12 02:02:241


instruction是个常用英语单词,一般是名词和形容词。n.名词时表示用法说明;操作指南;指示;命令;吩咐;(计算机的)指令;教授,adj.形容词时表示说明用法的;操作指南的。例句:Follow the instructions on the packet carefully.仔细按照包装上的说明操作。The plant comes with full instructions on how to care for it.这棵植物附有详尽的护养说明。Always read the instructions before you start.使用前务请阅读操作说明。I"m under instructions to keep my speech short.我接到指示讲话要简短。
2023-07-12 02:02:491


My favourite sportMy favourite sport is basketball. It is a very popular game in many countries,and both children and adults can play it. We can play it indoors or outdoors. It is much funnier than walking . And it"s also easier than skiing. It is good for our health. So now many Chinese people like to play basketball in their free time . My favourite player is Yao Ming. He plays basketball wonderfully. I hope I can play basketball as well as him. 试题分析:这是一篇提纲作文。主要写作者动员运动的原因,全文主要用一般现在时。【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,例如 both... and, indoors or outdoors, in their free time , as well as; 比较级如 much funnier than,easier than;宾语从句 I can play basketball as well as him.以及固定句型如It is good for our health.文章层次清晰,内容饱满,表达流畅。
2023-07-12 02:04:011


Fellow students,We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot. Take your pens and notebooks with you. We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum. Please don"t make any noise in the museum and don"t take any picture. Everyone should have to hand in a report about the visit next Monday.
2023-07-12 02:04:081


instruction 核心词汇 读音:英 [u026an"stru028cku0283n]     美 [u026an"stru028cku0283n]    n. 指令;教学;教诲;说明。The robot follows the instructions given by the computer.机器人听从计算机给出的指令。Under no circumstances should we neglect the quality of instruction at vocational secondary schools.任何时候都不要忽略职业中学的教学质量问题。语法:instruction的基本意思是“命令,指示”,多用复数形式,常可接动词不定式或that从句作定语或同位语。instruction也可作“讲授,指导,教学”解,是不可数名词,其后常与介词in搭配使用。instruction后接的that从句中往往要用现在时。复数名词instructions表示“操作指南,用法说明”,只与复数动词或代词连用。其后常接由介词on, for或about引起的短语。
2023-07-12 02:04:151


introduction介绍; 正式引见instruction 教学, 讲授; 教育brief 简报所以用:company brief
2023-07-12 02:04:333


instruction来自【柯林斯高阶英汉词典】1.N-COUNT指示;命令An instruction is something that someone tells you to do.Two lawyers were told not to leave the building but no reason for this instruction was given.两名律师被告知不得离开大楼,但对这一命令并没有提供任何理由。2.N-UNCOUNT教学;讲授If someone gives you instruction in a subject or skill, they teach it to you. Each candidate is given instruction in safety...向每位申请人都讲授了安全知识。All schoolchildren must now receive some religious instruction.现在所有的在校儿童都必须接受一定的宗教教育。3.N-PLURAL用法说明;操作指南Instructions are clear and detailed information on how to do something.Always read the instructions before you start taking the medicine.在服药之前一定要先阅读说明书。
2023-07-12 02:05:081


My Favourite Food x09I like many different kinds of foods, among them, egg is my favorite. Egg contains a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body. Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color. Egg is the basic ingredient to many dishes, like omelet and French toast. You can easily get eggs at any supermarket, and they are sold for a very cheap price too. Besides the cheap price, egg contains lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy. In conclusion, egg is my favorite food.
2023-07-12 02:05:162


2023-07-12 02:05:342

introductions 与instructions 有什么不同

introduction:介绍, 引见;引言, 导论;引进, 传入; 采用,,多用于书本导入,简介. instructions操作指南;用法说明,,买个新产品,里面的说明书就是用这个了。
2023-07-12 02:05:411

instructions 意思是说明书时和指示时 后谓语动词分别是用单数还是复数?

2023-07-12 02:05:492