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谁知道can you feel the love tonight(狮子王)的歌词翻译?

2023-07-12 14:13:43

《Can you feel the love tonight》中文名《今夜爱无限》,是动画电影《狮子王》的插曲。

作曲:Elton John 作词:Tim Rice

演唱:Elton John 发行:C1994 迪斯尼音乐公司


There"s a calm surrender to the rush of day


When the heat of the rolling wind can be turned away


An enchanted moment, and it sees me through


It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you


And can you feel the love tonight


It is where we are


It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer


That we got this far


And can you feel the love tonight


How it"s laid to rest?


It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best


There"s a time for everyone if they only learn


That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn


There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors


When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours


And can you feel the love tonight


It is where we are


It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer


That we got this far


And can you feel the love tonight


How it"s laid to rest?


It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best



Can You Feel the Love Tonight (今晚你感受到爱了吗?)





















































第二种: 你是我唯一所爱





美丽纯洁的爱情 这夜晚多么美



这夜晚爱情到来 充满美丽温馨



我想要说声爱你 不知该怎么说



不要害怕说爱我 我心正在等待



这夜晚爱情到来 充满美丽温馨



这夜晚爱情到来 充满美丽温馨

这一刻 快闭上眼睛


从今以后 剩我们俩


在我心底 你是我好朋友




There"s a calm surrender to the rush of day


When the heat of the rolling world can be turned away


An enchanted moment


and it sees me through


It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you


And can you feel the love tonight


It is where we are


It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer


That we got this far


And can you feel the love tonight


How it"s laid to rest


It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best


There"s a time for everyone if they only learn

That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn




There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors


When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours



Can You Feel The Love Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel The Love Tonight歌手:nazca专辑:Movie Experience: Pan Flute SongsCan you see the love tonightElton JohnWritten By Jin YiThere"s a calm surrender.To the rush of day.When the heat of the rolling world.Can be turned away.And enchanted moment.And it sees me through.It"s enough for this restless warrior.Just two be with you.And can you feel the love tonight ?It is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer.That we got this far.And can you feel the love tonight.How it"s laid to rest ?It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds.Believe the very best.There"s a time for everyone.If they only learn.That the twisting kaleidoscope.Moves us all in turn.There"s a rhyme and reason.To the wild outdoors.When the heart of this star-crossed voyager.Beats in time with you.And can you feel the love tonight ?It is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer.That we got this far.And can you feel the love tonight.How it"s laid to rest ?It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds.Believe the very best.It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds.Believe the very best.
2023-07-12 01:27:372

狮子王主题曲can you feel the love tonight的绝对正确歌词?

Can You Feel The Love Tonight (狮子王插曲:今夜爱无限) 歌手: Elton John 作曲:Elton John 作词:Tim Rice 发行:C1994 walt disney music company(SACAP) 歌词: There"s a calm surrender To the rush of day When the heat of the rolling world Can be turned away And enchanted moment And it sees me through It"s enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight How it"s laid to rest? It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best There"s a time for everyone If they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope Moves us all in turn There"s a rhyme and reason To the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager Beats in time with your And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far Aan cna you feel the love tonight How it"s laid to rest? It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best 中文意思:有一股宁静臣服在白昼的匆忙之下 当狂风中的热息也转了方向 喜悦的时刻里,那洞悉了我的内心 奋战不懈的战士与你同在 那已足够 今晚,你感受到爱了吗? 就在我俩四周 对瞠目结舌的流浪者来说,那已足够 我们已拥有这许多 今晚你感受到爱了吗? 它准备要躺下休息了 能让国王与流浪者崇信最佳人选 那已足够 每个人都有机会,只要他们明了 变幻的美丽景致依序感动著我们每个人 狂野的户外自有其存在意义 当航向十字星的航海人的心 与你的心一起跳动《狮子王》———迪士尼的经典之作,一个动画电影史上的奇迹! 这是一部充满冒险和传奇色彩的动画片,是迪士尼的影片制作者们用他们的智慧和创造力,经过四年精雕细琢所创造的奇迹。 《狮子王》1994年6月24日在美国上映,以其活泼可爱的卡通形象、震撼人心的壮丽场景、感人至深的优美音乐,以及其所描述的爱情与责任的故事内容,深深的打动了许多人。《狮子王》不仅创造了票房上的巨大成功,也使人重新定义了动画电影。在95年的第67界奥斯卡颁奖晚会上,《狮子王》荣获最佳电影配乐及最佳电影原作歌曲两项大奖。 《狮子王》这股热浪随后席卷世界各地。此片配置了27中不同语言,在46个国家和地区都受到观众的热烈欢迎。在欧洲、拉美和非洲的20多个国家,该片成为历史上最受欢迎的英语影片,《狮子王》现在是电影史唯一进入票房排名前十名的卡通片,总票房收入现已超过7亿5千万美元! 剧情是电影中不可缺少的重要部分。迪斯尼公司制作《狮子王》请了许多专业人士为其编写剧本。《狮子王》的背景取材于莎士比亚的著名作品《哈姆雷特》(王子复仇记),而《狮子王2--辛巴的荣耀》则取材于《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。整个剧情跌宕起伏,富有文学色彩。相信看过的朋友一定会有深刻的印象。 旭日在非洲草原上升起, 在荣耀石上, 琪拉雅——辛巴和娜娜的女儿, 被拉菲奇高高举起。 她是未来的希望, 荣耀国迎来了崭新的世纪。 活泼的小公主喜欢东奔西跑, 与刀疤的继承人高孚成为莫逆之交。 但先辈的仇恨要打破这段友谊, 高孚的养母——吉娜, 要把他培养成杀害辛巴的工具。 于是,早已预谋的火灾, 在琪拉雅第一次捕猎是发生, 陷入危险的琪拉雅却被高孚救起, 辛巴收留了高孚, 却并不知他真正的目的。 几天的相处, 高孚与琪拉雅有了更加深厚的情谊, 这使高孚放弃了复仇的努力。 但吉娜并不会忘记过去, 她利用高孚袭击了辛巴。 受伤的辛巴误会了高孚, 将他赶回了蛮荒之地。 琪拉雅伤心的离家出走。 终于,她找到了高孚, 爱情指引他们重新走在一起。 战斗,最终在辛巴与吉娜间展开。 鲜血、生命、雷电、暴雨。 琪拉雅用真情感动了敌人, 顽固的吉娜葬身在湍急的河里。 一切,结束了。 在高高的荣耀石上, 伴随着一个声音:“我们是一家人!” 胜利的吼声响彻荣耀大地! 剧情简介 当太阳从水平线上升起,夜晚转成白昼,非洲苏醒了,万兽群集,荣耀欢呼,共同庆贺小狮子王辛巴的诞生。小狮子王辛巴在众多热情忠心的朋友的陪伴下,不但经历了生命中最光荣的时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,历经生、死、爱、责任等生命中种种的考验,最后终于登上了森林之王的……
2023-07-12 01:28:351

《can you feel the love toningt》是什么英文歌?

《Can you feel the love tonight》(《今夜爱无限》)是动画电影《狮子王》的插曲。Can You Feel The Love TonightElton JohnThere"s a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of a rolling wind can be turned awayAn enchanted moment, and it sees me throughIt"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with youAnd can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestThere"s a time for everyone if they only learnThat the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turnThere"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoorsWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very best
2023-07-12 01:28:431

狮子王主题曲can you feel the love tonight中文版是谁唱的

  狮子王主题曲canyoufeelthelovetonight的中文版是徐立德(丁满)、佟绍宗/马兆骏(彭彭)、李勇(成年辛巴)、林芳雪/陈秀珠(成年娜娜)演唱的。  作曲:EltonJohn  普通话(国语)版填词:王雨然  所属专辑:《狮子王原声带》  狮子王主题曲canyoufeelthelovetonight的中文版歌词:  当热烈的爱情降临,  我心甘情愿的完全屈服  当世上的喧嚣终于平静下来  在那迷人的时刻我明白了  只要能和你在一起对那不知疲倦的斗士就已经足够    今夜你能感受到我的爱吗?  这爱是我们的归宿  能得到这样的爱  对寻寻觅觅的人已经足够  你能感受到我的爱吗?  请停下寻寻觅觅的脚步  这爱已经足可以让无论国王还是流浪汉相信自己是世界上最幸福的人  如果你能细心体会  每个人都有机会  感受这五彩的世界带给你的感动  你会明白外面的世界的规则  遭受不幸的航行者的心和你一起跳动。  狮子王主题曲canyoufeelthelovetonight的中英文歌词:  there"sacalmsurrendertotherushofday当匆忙的一天渐入平静  whentheheatoftherollingworldcanbeturnedaway当旋转地球身上的燥热即将褪尽  andenchantedmomentanditseesmethrough那令人迷醉的时刻浸透我心  it"senoughforthisrestlesswarrior只要能和你在一起,  justtobewithyou永不停歇的斗士就已知足  andcanyoufeelthelovetonight?今夜你可感受到爱的来临?  itiswhereweare它如影随行  it"senoughforthiswide-eyedwanderer那恋慕足以将这个无邪的浪子与你  thatwegotthisfar牢牢地绑在了一起  andcanyoufeelthelovetonight?今夜你可感受到爱的来临?  howit"slaidtorest?心潮澎湃又怎能入睡?  it"senoughtomakekingsandvagabonds若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上  believetheverybest知足了  there"satimeforeveryone但愿人们能理解众生都似  iftheyonlylearn在万花筒般的世界里翻转  thatthetwistingkaleidoscopemovesusallinturn亦能明白人各有其时  there"sarhymeandreasontothewildoutdoors那旷野之中传来的阵阵节拍  whentheheartofthisstar-crossedvoyager正是落魄游侠的心  beatsintimewithyours为你而鸣  andcanyoufeelthelovetonight?今夜你可感受到爱的来临?  itiswhereweare它正与你我同行  it"senoughforthiswide-eyedwanderer那恋慕足以将这个无邪的浪子与你  thatwegotthisfar牢牢地绑在了一起  andcanyoufeelthelovetonight?今夜你可感受到爱的来临?  howit"slaidtorest?心潮澎湃又怎能入睡?  it"senoughtomakekingsandvagabonds若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上  believetheverybest知足了  it"senoughtomakekingsandvagabonds若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上  believetheverybest知足了
2023-07-12 01:28:501

狮子王主题曲can you feel the love tonight中文版是谁唱的?

2023-07-12 01:28:583

can you fell the love tonight狮子王歌词

Can you fell the love tonight歌手:elton john 所属专辑:the Lion KingsI can see what"s happ"ning and they don"t have a clue they"ll fall in love and here"s the bottom line our trio"s down to two the sweet caress of twilight there"s magic everywhere and with a this romantic atmosphere disaster"s in the air chorus can you feel the love tonight the peace the evening brings the world, for once,in perfect harmony with all its living things so many things to tell her but how to make her see the truth about my past?-impossible! she"d turn away from me he"s holding back, he"s hiding but what, I can"t decide why won"t he be the king Iknow he is the king Isee inside? chorus can you feel the ove tonight? the peace the evening brings the world,for once,in perfect harmony with all its living things can you feel the love tonight you needn"t look too far stealing through the night"s uncertainties love is where they are and if he falls in lovee tonight it can be assumed his carefree days with us are history in short,our pal is doomed
2023-07-12 01:29:132

can you feel the love tonight歌词和汉语翻译

歌手:《狮子王》 专辑:can you feel the lo [ti:can you feel the love tonight][ar:狮子王][al:can you feel the love tonight][by:eugene zheng][00:-0.50]can you feel the love tonightthere s a clam surrenderto the rush of daywhen the hear of a rolling windcan be turned awayan enchanted momentand it sees me throughit s enough for this restless warriorjust to be with you chorusand can you feel the love tonight?it is where we areit s enough for this wide-eyed wandererthat we got this farand can you feel the love tonight?how it"s laid to rest?it"s enough to make kings and vagabondsbelieve the very bestit s enough for this restless warriorthere s a time for everyoneif they only learnthat the twisting kaleidoscopemoves us all in turnthere s a rhyme and reasonto the wild outdoorswhen the heart of this star-crossed voyagerbeats in time with yours chorusand can you feel the love tonight?it is where we areit s enough for this wide-eyed wandererthat we got this farand can you feel the love tonight?how it"s laid to rest?it"s enough to make kings and vagabondsbelieve the very bestit"s enough to make kings and vagabondsbelieve the very best翻译:歌手:《狮子王》专辑:你能感受到瞧[钛:今晚你能感觉到爱][地勤︰狮子王][艾尔:今晚你能感觉到爱]尤金郑][:[00:-0.50]今晚你能感觉到爱有一个平静的投降到快节奏的一天当听到某钢厂风可以被拒之门外一个被施了魔法的时刻而且它把我及格了这是足够应付这件不安的战士只是为了和你在一起合唱今夜你是否感到爱吗?这是我们的位置这是足够应付这件即使一生漂泊我们获得了更大的进步今夜你是否感到爱吗?它是怎样休息?这足以使君王和一些流浪汉。相信最好的这是足够应付这件不安的战士有一段时间为每个人准备的如果他们只学习那扭曲的万花筒我们感动共轮回有在儿歌和理由的在户外田野的走兽当他们的心航行者的男子汉时间拍数与你的合唱今夜你是否感到爱吗?这是我们的位置这是足够应付这件即使一生漂泊我们获得了更大的进步今夜你是否感到爱吗?它是怎样休息?这足以使君王和一些流浪汉。相信最好的这足以使君王和一些流浪汉。相信最好的
2023-07-12 01:29:211

《Can you feel the love tonight》的歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 要写对,不能有一点错误 解析: Can You Feel The Love Tonight ? There"s a calm surrender To the rush of day When the heat of the rolling world Can be turned away An enchanted moment And it sees me through It"s enough fot this restless warrior Just to be with you And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight How it"s laid to rest? It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best * There"s a time for everyone If they only learn That the isting kaleidoscope Moves us all in turn There"s a rhyme and reason To the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager Beats in time with yours
2023-07-12 01:29:281

Can You Feel The Love Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel The Love Tonight歌手:Maria Arredondo专辑:Sound Of MusicalsMaria Arredondo - Can You Feel the Love TonightThere"s a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of a rolling wind can be turned awayAn enchanted moment and it sees me throughIt"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with youAnd can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestThere"s a time for everyone if they only learnThat the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turnThere"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoorsWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very best
2023-07-12 01:29:462

求狮子王中can you feel the love tonight的英文对唱版 MP3下载 和 歌词上面的网址中可以直接下载,歌词也有,我还是把歌词贴出来好了icanseewhat"shapp"ningandtheydon"thaveacluethey"llfallinloveandhere"sthebottomlineourtrio"sdowntotwothesweetcaressoftwilightthere"smagiceverywhereandwithathisromanticatmospheredisaster"sintheairchoruscanyoufeelthelovetonightthepeacetheeveningbringstheworld,foronce,inperfectharmonywithallitslivingthingssomanythingstotellherbuthowtomakeherseethetruthaboutmypast?-impossible!she"dturnawayfrommehe"sholdingback,he"shidingbutwhat,ican"tdecidewhywon"thebethekingiknowheisthekingiseeinside?choruscanyoufeeltheovetonight?thepeacetheeveningbringstheworld,foronce,inperfectharmonywithallitslivingthingscanyoufeelthelovetonightyouneedn"tlooktoofarstealingthroughthenight"suncertaintiesloveiswheretheyareandifhefallsinloveetonightitcanbeassumedhiscarefreedayswithusarehistoryinshort,ourpalisdoomed这样行吗?
2023-07-12 01:29:531

Can you feel the love tonight的歌词

2023-07-12 01:30:025

谁有《can you feel the love tonight》 的五线谱和吉他谱?最好配有歌词。还有《卡萨布兰卡》也要。

can you feel the love tonight-------------------------------------Elton John – Can You Feel The Love TonightTabbed by Charlie BanksAny corrections - but I think it"s almost 100% right.Capo on the thirdEADGBE Standard Tuning===============================================Intro:========G | D/F# | C/G | G/D | C | G/B | D/F#G | Am7G/B Verse 1:============C GThere"s a calm surrenderC GTo the rush of dayC GWhen the heat of the rolling worldAm7 DCan be turned awayC GAn enchanted momentC GAnd it sees me throughC EmIt"s enough for this restless warriorF DJust to be with youChorus:==========G D/F #Em C And can you feel the love tonight?G C A DIt is where we are C G Em G CIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer Am G C A DThat we got this farG D/F #Em C And can you feel the love tonight?G C A DHow it"s laid to rest? C G Em G CIt"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Am G C C/G G Believe the ve - ry bestInterlude:============G | D/F# | C/G | G/D | C | G/B | D/F#G | Am7G/B| Verse 2:==========C GThere"s a time for everyoneC GIf they only learnC GThat the twisting kaleidoscopeAm DMoves us all in turnC GThere"s a rhyme and reasonC GTo the wild outdoorsC EmWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyagerF DBeats in time with yoursChorus:=========G D/F #Em C And can you feel the love tonight?G C A DIt is where we are C G Em G CIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer Am G C A DThat we got this farGD/F#EmC And can you feel the love tonight?GCADHow it"s laid to rest? CGEmGCIt"s enough to make kings and vagabonds AmGCC/GG Believe the ve - ry bestEnding (slow):==================CGEmGCIt"s enough to make kings and vagabonds AmGCC/GG Believe the ve - ry best--------------------------------------
2023-07-12 01:30:161

谁知道can you feel the love tonight的歌词啊?

[ti:今夜爱无限][ar:奥斯卡]Can U feel the love tonight-Elton JohnThere"s a calm surrender.To the rush of day. When the heat of the rolling world.Can be turned away.And enchanted moment.And it sees me through.It"s enough 4 this restless warrior.Just 2 be with U.And can U feel the love tonight ?It is where we areIt"s enough 4 this wide-eyed wanderer.That we got this far.And can U feel the love tonight.How it"s laid 2 rest ?It"s enough 2 make kings & vagabonds.Believe the very best.There"s a time 4 everyone.If they only learn.That the twisting kaleidoscope.Moves us all in turn.There"s a rhyme & reason.To the wild outdoors.When the heart of this star-crossed voyager.Beats in time with Urs.以后装个千千静听,就可以一边听歌一边下歌词啦:)
2023-07-12 01:30:384


2023-07-12 01:30:524

有can you feel the love tonight的中文翻译吗

2023-07-12 01:31:015

当年疯狂找这首歌的歌词《 Can you feel the love tonight》

There"s a calm surrender To the rush of day When the heat of a rolling wave Can be turned away An enchanted moment And it sees me through It"s enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we"ve got this far And can you feel the love tonight? (Tonight) How it"s laid to rest? It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best There"s a time for everyone If they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope Moves us all in turn There"s a rhyme and reason To the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager Beats in time with yours And can you feel the love… 当年,买了一张英文歌碟,里面有一首歌,歌名就是《 Can you feel the love tonight》,演唱者好像是碧昂斯,当时一听就喜欢上了这首歌。 当时可没有看什么卡通片《狮子王》,也没有什么途径去了解影视资料。记得当年问了很多的朋友,这首歌的歌词。 其实当时只是单纯的想要学英文,想从英语歌里面学习正确一点儿的发音,找来找去也无果,只好作罢。 以后一定会找到的 没有想到现在这么方便,上网的搜索功能那么强大,在上网搜索了一遍,看着视频,听着音乐,又没有当年的那种音乐环绕的感觉,那种迫切想要学习的感觉。在音乐也不过如此,罢了! 当年的冲动劲已经没有了。
2023-07-12 01:31:151

can you feel the love tonight--Jackie evancho歌词

There"s a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of the rolling wind can be turned awayAn enchanted moment,and it sees me throughIt"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with youChorus:And can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestThere"s a time for everyone if they only learnThat the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turnThere"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoorsWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonight?It is where we areIt"s enough for this wide eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonight?How it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very best有一股宁静(那是平心的屈服,)臣服于一日的繁忙(于那穿梭的时光。)何时这喧嚣的风(当这运转不止的风之灼)才能褪尽它的灼热(已事不关己。)而这美妙的时刻(魔幻的霎那)却突然洞悉了我的内心(我已神魂颠倒。)或许仅仅能够与你同在(那魔力足以使这个永不止歇的战士停下脚步)便足以安抚我这战士烦躁的心灵(只与你长相守。)今晚,你感受到爱了吗?(你感受到今夜的爱恋了吗?)它是如此如影随行(它与你我同在。-字面)更喜欢它如影随行要让那流浪者叹讶长久(那恋慕足以将这个无邪的浪子与你)我们的爱已然足够(牢牢地绑在了一起。)今晚,你感受到爱了吗?(你感受到今夜的爱恋了吗?)它是如何烟消云散(它怎能安枕而眠。-字面)更喜欢它岂能烟消云散要让无论贫富都坚信这是至善(那恋慕足以使所有王者及浪迹天涯的人们)我们的爱已然足够(相信其至美之触。)也许有一天(每个人都会经历,只要他们愿意畅怀接受)当每个人都能够明白时变幻的美丽景致(接受那变幻着的万花筒,它将把我们逐个感染,)也将回来感动着我们那狂野的天地都将产生了美好的韵律和意义(万物皆顺其韵理。)也许我只是落航员但只要我的心能与你一起跳动(当这不幸的旅子心脏与你同步之时)今晚,你感受到爱了吗? 叠段:(你感受到今夜的爱恋了吗?)它是如此如影随行(它与你我同在。-字面)更喜欢它如影随行要让那流浪者叹讶长久(那恋慕足以将这个无邪的浪子与你)我们的爱已然足够(牢牢地绑在了一起。)今晚,你感受到爱了吗?(你感受到今夜的爱恋了吗?)它是如何烟消云散(它怎能安枕而眠。-字面)更喜欢它岂能烟消云散要让无论贫富都坚信这是至善(那恋慕足以使所有王者及浪迹天涯的人们)我们的爱已然足够(相信其至美之触。)
2023-07-12 01:31:211

can you feel the love tonight音译

2023-07-12 01:31:414

狮子王插曲今夜爱无限can you see the love tonight是谁唱的?求详细资料

Made on Merseyside - The Beatles刚刚帮你看了下,有你想要的哦,就在我的看我简介呀。…里哦
2023-07-12 01:31:503

can you feel the love tonight原唱是

是Elton John
2023-07-12 01:31:572


我知道译文的,中文版的没听过呢给你留个译文吧~~~Can You Feel the Love Tonight 今夜你是否感受到爱There"s a calm surrener to the rush of day 与日子奔忙中 平静举降 when the hit of the rolling world can be turned away 直到转动世界的愤激 终于被抛开 And enchanted moment and it sees me throught 一瞬的魔法 将我遁形 It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you 它足以让不眠战士 与你同在 And can you feel the love tonight 今夜你是否感受到爱 It is where we are 它 如影随形 It"s enought for this wide-eyed wanderer 它足以让博览世观的游子 that we got this far 带我们 走到这里 And can you feel the love tonight 今夜你是否感受到爱 How it"s laid to rest? 它静谧安眠It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds 它足以让国王 与流浪者Believe the very best 相信此为至佳There"s time for everyone if they only learn 每人 都会为生存而努力过That the twisting kaledoscope move us all in turn 旋转万花筒 将我们尽数交互渐变There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors 如诗韵理 身居旷野 When the heart of this star-crossed voyager 直到这穿越群星之心 beats in times with yours 与你的一同跳动 And can you feel the love tonight 今夜你是否感受到爱 It is where we are 它 如影随形 It"s enought for this wide-eyed wanderer 它足以让博览世观的游子 that we got this far 带我们 走到这里 And can you feel the love tonight 今夜你是否感受到爱 How it"s laid to rest? 它静谧安眠 It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds 它足以让国王 与流浪者 Believe the very best 相信此为至佳 It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds 它足以让国王 与流浪者 Believe the very best 相信此为至佳
2023-07-12 01:32:052

歌词can you feel the love tonight the sky is not the limit有点像舞曲

  Can You Feel The Love Tonight《狮子王》插曲 今夜爱无眠  歌手: Elton John  作曲:Elton John  作词:Tim Rice  发行:C1994 walt disney music company(SACAP)  歌词:  There"s a calm surrender to the rush of day  When the heat of the rolling wind can be turned away  An enchanted moment, and it sees me through  It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you  Chorus:  And can you feel the love tonight  It is where we are  It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer  That we got this far  And can you feel the love tonight  How it"s laid to rest  It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds  Believe the very best  There"s a time for everyone if they only learn  That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn  There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors  When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours
2023-07-12 01:32:111

狮子王-今夜爱无限的 简介?

《今夜爱无限》(《Can you feel the love tonight》)是动画电影《狮子王》的插曲,荣获了1995年奥斯卡和金球奖最佳原著音乐和最佳电影歌曲两项大奖。中文名:今夜爱无限外文名:can you feel the love tonight歌 手:Elton John作 曲:Elton John作 词:Tim Rice发 行:C1994 迪斯尼音乐公司歌词(中英对照):There"s a calm surrender to the rush of day有一股宁静臣服于一日的繁忙When the heat of the rolling wind can be turned away何时这喧嚣的风才能褪尽它的灼热An enchanted moment, and it sees me through而这美妙的时刻却突然洞悉了我的内心It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you或许仅仅能够与你同在便足以安抚我这战士烦躁的心灵And can you feel the love tonight今夜,你可否感受到爱?It is where we are它是如此如影随行It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer让那流浪者叹讶长久那已足够That we got this far这爱已然足够And can you feel the love tonight今夜,你可否感受到爱?How it"s laid to rest?心潮澎湃,岂能入睡?It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best无论贫富都坚信这是至善那已足够There"s a time for everyone if they only learn也许有一天当每个人都能够明白That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn变幻的美丽景致也将回来感动着我们There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors那狂野的天地都将产生了美好的韵律和意义When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours皆因祈求幸运的航海者之心能够与你共舞[1] And can you feel the love tonight今夜,你可否感受到爱?It is where we are它是如此如影随行It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer让那流浪者叹讶长久那已足够That we got this far这爱已然足够And can you feel the love tonight今夜,你可否感受到爱?How it"s laid to rest?心潮澎湃,岂能入睡?It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best无论贫富都坚信这是至善那已足够《狮子王》1994年6月24日在美国上映,以其活泼可爱的卡通形象、震撼人心的壮丽场景、感人至深的优美音乐,以及其所描述的爱情与责任的故事内容,深深的打动了许多人。《狮子王》不仅创造了票房上的巨大成功,也使人重新定义了动画电影。在95年的第67届奥斯卡颁奖晚会上,《狮子王》荣获最佳电影配乐及最佳电影主题曲两项大奖。
2023-07-12 01:32:283

狮子王主题曲can you feel the love tonight中文版是谁唱的?

  狮子王主题曲canyoufeelthelovetonight的中文版是徐立德(丁满)、佟绍宗/马兆骏(彭彭)、李勇(成年辛巴)、林芳雪/陈秀珠(成年娜娜)演唱的。  作曲:EltonJohn  普通话(国语)版填词:王雨然  所属专辑:《狮子王原声带》  狮子王主题曲canyoufeelthelovetonight的中文版歌词:  当热烈的爱情降临,  我心甘情愿的完全屈服  当世上的喧嚣终于平静下来  在那迷人的时刻我明白了  只要能和你在一起对那不知疲倦的斗士就已经足够    今夜你能感受到我的爱吗?  这爱是我们的归宿  能得到这样的爱  对寻寻觅觅的人已经足够  你能感受到我的爱吗?  请停下寻寻觅觅的脚步  这爱已经足可以让无论国王还是流浪汉相信自己是世界上最幸福的人  如果你能细心体会  每个人都有机会  感受这五彩的世界带给你的感动  你会明白外面的世界的规则  遭受不幸的航行者的心和你一起跳动。  狮子王主题曲canyoufeelthelovetonight的中英文歌词:  there"sacalmsurrendertotherushofday当匆忙的一天渐入平静  whentheheatoftherollingworldcanbeturnedaway当旋转地球身上的燥热即将褪尽  andenchantedmomentanditseesmethrough那令人迷醉的时刻浸透我心  it"senoughforthisrestlesswarrior只要能和你在一起,  justtobewithyou永不停歇的斗士就已知足  andcanyoufeelthelovetonight?今夜你可感受到爱的来临?  itiswhereweare它如影随行  it"senoughforthiswide-eyedwanderer那恋慕足以将这个无邪的浪子与你  thatwegotthisfar牢牢地绑在了一起  andcanyoufeelthelovetonight?今夜你可感受到爱的来临?  howit"slaidtorest?心潮澎湃又怎能入睡?  it"senoughtomakekingsandvagabonds若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上  believetheverybest知足了  there"satimeforeveryone但愿人们能理解众生都似  iftheyonlylearn在万花筒般的世界里翻转  thatthetwistingkaleidoscopemovesusallinturn亦能明白人各有其时  there"sarhymeandreasontothewildoutdoors那旷野之中传来的阵阵节拍  whentheheartofthisstar-crossedvoyager正是落魄游侠的心  beatsintimewithyours为你而鸣  andcanyoufeelthelovetonight?今夜你可感受到爱的来临?  itiswhereweare它正与你我同行  it"senoughforthiswide-eyedwanderer那恋慕足以将这个无邪的浪子与你  thatwegotthisfar牢牢地绑在了一起  andcanyoufeelthelovetonight?今夜你可感受到爱的来临?  howit"slaidtorest?心潮澎湃又怎能入睡?  it"senoughtomakekingsandvagabonds若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上  believetheverybest知足了  it"senoughtomakekingsandvagabonds若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上  believetheverybest知足了
2023-07-12 01:33:031

求一首歌曲。中间一直循环着一句就是can you feel that是一个男生唱的。非常抒情。几乎整曲歌曲都是can

2023-07-12 01:33:116

郭峰的心会跟爱一起走是否抄袭Can You Feel the Love Tonight

Can you feel the love tonight 《122.心会跟爱一起走(郭峰/陈洁仪)you> 戴伦海斯 4.<stan> 公认的
2023-07-12 01:33:361

有can you feel my love tonight的英文歌词吗

Can Yon Feel The Love Tonight Elton John There"s a calm surrender To the rush of day When the heat of the rolling world Can be turned away An enchanted moment And it sees me through It"s enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight How was laid to rest ? It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best There"s a time for everyone If they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope Moves us all in turn There"s a rhyme and reason To the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager Beats in time with yours And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight How was laid to rest? It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best
2023-07-12 01:33:454

前几天听见一首英文歌 是个女歌手唱的 高潮好像是can you feel 什么什么oh ca

can you feel it??
2023-07-12 01:33:536

求一首英文歌 歌词大意不记得了好像是什么 让我爱你就在今夜之类的

Can you feel the love tonight ???
2023-07-12 01:34:085

中国歌手有谁翻唱过翻唱Careless Whisper 张国荣有没有,或者是旋律一样的

粤语Rod Stewart的《Sailing》,后被张国荣用粤语翻唱成《全赖有你》。 Wham的《 Careless whisper》(无心的呢喃),后被蔡国权用粤语翻唱成《无心快语》,梅艳芳用粤语翻唱成《梦幻的拥抱》 Casablanca(Bertie Higgins) 张国荣《片断》Right here wating(Richard Marx) 钟镇涛《红叶斜落我心寂寞时》Walking In The Air(Snowman) 再等一个晚上(林子祥)My heart will go on/Celine Dion 《系我心弦》(叶倩文)The look(Roxette) (谭咏麟《你知我知》Dreams(Cranberries) (王菲《梦中人》) Know who you are at every age(Cocteau Twins) (王菲《知己知彼》) Greatest love of all(Whitney Houston) (陈百强《至爱》) Take my breath away(Berlin) (林忆莲《激情》) Save the best for last(Vanessa Williams) (关淑怡《为何是我们》) Always(Atlantic Starr) (林子祥《结伴同航》) 国语Hero(Mariah Carey) (林忆莲《英雄》)Can you feel the love tonight(Elton John) (巫启贤《心世界》)Let it be(Beatles) (郑智化《让他去》).Lemon tree(Fool"s Garden) (苏慧伦《柠檬树》) Summer kisses winter tears(Elvis Presley) (凤飞飞《多少柔情多少泪》) Beyond the sea(Robbie Williams) (孙楠《飞越海洋》)+Hotel California(Eagles) (齐秦《加洲旅馆》) Hey Jude(Beatles) (孙燕姿《hey jude》)Colors of the wind(Vanessa Williams) (辛晓琪《风之彩》) Will you still love me tomorrow(Whitney Houston)(童安格《明天你是否依然爱我》) Beauty and the beast(Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson) (成龙 陈淑桦《守住永远》)The power of love(Celine Dion) (柯以敏《爱的力量》)
2023-07-12 01:34:331

谁知道Elton John,能介绍一下吗?

艾尔顿·约翰既是知名的流行音乐家又是无人不晓的摇滚乐艺术家,在二十世纪七十年代中期舞台表演上,他被其他演员不同程度地效仿。 约翰原名德怀特 (Riginald Kenneth Dwight),1947年3月25日出生于伦敦近郊,从4岁起便开始学习钢琴,一直过着一种常人的家庭和学校生活,曾就读于伦敦音乐学院。1958年他在皇家音乐学院比赛中获业余学士奖,到60年代早期,他优秀的学业已被摇滚所代替。布鲁斯是他首先爱上的曲式,在1961年他成为R&B乐队布鲁斯独唱乐队的一个新成员,在伦敦的俱乐部内演奏,为美国的一些灵歌手伴奏。1965年,乐队已经开始由业余组织转向由美国各种资助的演出团体。在全英巡回演出的R&B阵容中包括枚洁·当斯 (Major Lance)、帕提·拉贝尔 (Patti LaBelle)、因克·斯鲍茨 (The Lnk Spots) 及其他人士。 德怀特在1967年改名为艾尔顿·约翰,取自萨克斯管手艾尔顿·迪恩和约翰·巴德利个人的名字,有了这个艺名,他作好了大大发展的准备。在同年,约翰答应在一家英国音乐公众交易公司负责歌曲广告,此事是由自由唱片公司安排的。那时他和一位与他一样不出名的抒情诗人伯尼·拖平 (1950年5月22日生于林肯郡) 搭档。在被自由唱片公司解聘后,两人同曾供事于披头士乐队的音乐出版商迪克·吉姆斯(Dick James)一起开始合作演出。到1968年,他们同菲利普唱片公司签约,并推出了约翰的第一支单曲《我已经深爱了你很久》(I"ve Been Loving You Too Long),但在冲击排行榜是以失败告终。1969年推出的《撒玛莎女士》也遭此 厄运,不过它引起英国DJM公司的兴趣。于是专辑《空阔的天空》(Empty Sky)在英国问世,虽然销路还是不佳,但电台却反复播放了其中的曲子。10天后,《艾尔顿·约翰》录制完毕,英国唱片公司对此兴趣不大,但它却引起了美国MCA 公司的注意。于是,在70年代伊始,艾尔顿·约翰声名雀起,这张唱片很快在美国打响,登上了排行榜,也赢得了评论界的好评。 到了1970年,约翰的歌曲在排行榜上的位置开始了一个缓慢却不断上升的趋势。在美国同尤尼唱片公司签约后,他推出单曲《边境之歌》(Border Song),最终到达了排行榜第四位,而且他的音乐开始引起摇滚出版社的注意。当他的专辑在同年10月推出时,也取得了排行榜第4位的好成绩。这个专辑以管乐为许多歌曲的背景音乐,几乎都是严肃高雅的作品。同月,第一个艾尔顿·约翰翻唱乐队成立,核心人物是墨瑞 (David Murray Uates,1946.4.3生于伦敦) 和奥尔森 (Ollson,1949.2.10生于Wallasey,Merseyside)。由于这个乐队, 约翰录制了一个以古老西部为主题的特别专辑《风滚草的联结》(Tumblewed Connection),受到了巨大的欢迎。正是由于这张专辑的经济效益,乐队开始进行巡回演出,约翰、墨瑞和奥尔森开始展示他们狂野古怪的音乐风格,这也成了二十世纪七十年代约翰舞台形象的根。这种风格典型的最后一场演出便是《火烧大使馆》(Burn Down The Mission),约翰的领唱使得乐队导入披头士乐队《卷土重来》(Get Back)翻唱歌中以及其他一些优秀摇滚乐中,而在演出过程中,约翰狂热地高站在他的钢琴上狂舞不已。 到1972年,约翰的音带和演出在乐迷中产生了令人心醉神迷的反响。专辑《淌水的疯子》爬上了排行榜第八位,同时此专辑的主打歌曲《雁鸣庄园》(Honky Chateau)高居排行榜首长达5周之久。这样约翰很快成为音乐明星。1973年,约翰组建了自己的唱片公司"火箭",由于他认为到自己的公司里灌制唱片会有碍于来公司录音的其他音乐家,所以他从未在自己公司里灌制过唱片。他的下一个专辑《再见,黄色的砖路》仍是在MCA录制,它成为约翰最畅销的专辑,其中最走红的歌曲是首灵歌风格的《班尼和"喷气机"》,它在1974年1月登上冠军宝座。在随后的几年里,约翰成为世界上最大的摇滚乐演出者,那段时间他灌制了7个专辑,包括《不要攻击我,我只是一个钢琴演奏者》、《再见吧,康庄大道》、《疯狂上将和肮脏牛仔》,都高居榜首且达几周之久。 他在舞台上的狂野形象得到了近似疯狂的欢呼回应,他的演出一宣布门票便顷刻脱销。1975年,约翰成为自披头士后第一个到洛杉矶道格尔体育馆演唱的摇滚乐艺术家。这一年他也参加了谁人乐队的摇滚话剧《英国兵托米》的拍摄。1976年,他打破了滚石乐队在纽约曼迪巡广场花园的卖座率,连演7晚场场爆满,收入超过了100万美元。 在1977年,约翰宣布他将隐退舞台。1978年他的专辑《单身汉》不令听众们满意,第二年的纯迪斯科风格的《爱的受害者》的情况更加糟糕。也是在这一年,约翰结束了与拖平的合作。1978年他演唱了列弄的最佳歌曲《你一夜所的一切》,他还翻唱了披头士乐队的经典曲目《天空中戴钻石的露西》,并到了排行榜首位。在1980年夏天他的《小珍尼》再次出现在排行榜上。由于在70年代末80年代初兴起了"旁客"音乐和"新浪潮"摇滚,所以艾尔顿·约翰的时代已经成为历史。而他本人对此在态度上却十分明朗。他说:"我觉得摇滚乐已成为一种工业,作为开创人之一的我,我恨这一切。"又一个十年来临了,1983年,他的单曲《我猜那是他们叫它布鲁斯的原因》居排行榜第四位,1984年《悲伤的歌曲说出了许多》排行第五位,1985年他在自己的唱片公司出了专辑《火上的冰》。在这之后他的一些流行歌曲逐渐诞生,1986年的《尼吉他》 排名第七,1987年的《风中摇曳的烛光》排名第六,1988年的《我不想和你如此继续下去》排名第二。 在随后的80年代的日子里, John的专辑总是销量喜人。但是他却染上了毒瘾并酗酒。为此, 他花了两年时间来征服他们。在1991年, 他成立了Elton John爱滋病基金, 同时他宣布将为基金捐出所有的单曲销售所得。 艾尔顿·约翰的职业生涯一直到二十世纪九十年代仍未减弱。他于1990年4月底在伦敦近郊举办了一个户外音乐会,这是英国歌坛续1985年7月13日由鲍伯·盖尔多夫主办的援助非洲的现场音乐会之后规模最大的一次。次此活动吸引了近12万歌迷。1990年对于他来说是个吉祥之年,专辑《与过去同眠》售出了100万张,首次夺得白 金唱片奖。1991年,约翰出版了总结他过去20余年音乐生涯的精选作品集《艾尔顿·约翰最佳歌曲集》从中听众们可以清晰地体会这位唱片总销量逾一亿张的巨星的艺术发展道路。在1992年, John录制的新专辑大获全胜,在他漫游世界的巡回演出遨游,在美国很受欢迎,而且他的音带不管是新的还是旧的都成了各家电台争相播放的最佳选择。在1994年, John为迪斯尼公司出品的动画片《狮子王》创作了歌曲《今夜感觉我的爱》(Can You Feel The Love Tonight) 和《生生不息》(Circle Of Life),其中配乐插曲《今夜感觉我的爱》(Can You Feel The Love Tonight)夺得了奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖, 以及格莱美最佳男流行歌手奖。John 在1995年推出的专辑Made In England在英国排行榜上名列第三, 在美国名列第13 。这张唱片售得白金唱片。1997年,约翰为纪念英国不幸早逝的王妃戴安娜演唱了一曲《风中之烛》,使他又一次成为大红大紫的人物
2023-07-12 01:34:412

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2023-07-12 01:34:471

求《can you feel the love tonight 》歌词以及中文翻译

《can you feel the love tonight 》原唱:艾尔顿·约翰填词:蒂姆·莱斯谱曲:艾尔顿·约翰编曲:托马斯·克里斯歌词:There"s a calm surrender to the rush of day有一种平静的屈从,以应付一天的匆匆忙忙。When the heat of a rolling wind当滚转的风的热量can be turned away可以被拒绝An enchanted moment而这美妙的时刻And it sees me through它看穿了我It"s enough for this restless这就足够了Warrior just to be with you和你在一起的勇士And can you feel the love tonight今晚你能感受到爱吗It is where we are我们就在这里It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer要让那流浪者叹讶长久That we got this far我们走了这么远And can you feel the love tonight今晚你能感受到爱吗How it"s laid to rest如何休息It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds足以使国王和流浪汉Believe the very best相信最好的There"s a time for everyone每个人都有时间If they only learn如果他们只学习That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn扭曲的万花筒轮流移动我们There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors户外运动有一个节奏和原因When the heart of this star-crossed当这颗星星的心穿过Voyager beats in time with yours旅行者与你的时间节拍And can you feel the love tonight今晚你能感受到爱吗It is where we are我们就在这里It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer要让那流浪者叹讶长久That we got this far我们走了这么远And can you feel the love tonight今晚你能感受到爱吗How it"s laid to rest如何休息It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds足以使国王和流浪汉Believe the very best相信最好的It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds足以使国王和流浪汉Believe the very best相信最好的扩展资料:《Can You Feel the Love Tonight》是动画电影《狮子王》的插曲,由英国歌手艾尔顿·约翰演唱,由艾尔顿·约翰作曲、蒂姆·莱斯作词,收录在电影《狮子王》的原声带中,发行于1994年5月12日。该首歌曲在法国SNEP音乐排行榜取得了第一的成绩。1994年到1995年,艾尔顿·约翰凭借该首歌获得第67届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创歌曲奖、第37届格莱美音乐奖奖最佳流行男歌手奖、第52届金球奖最佳原创歌曲奖。
2023-07-12 01:35:074


今晚你是否感受到了爱? (呵呵 不知是否这个意思 好怀念噢 那时似乎除了奥特曼以外 可看的动画片不多 后来才多了起来的 比如今的好看不知多少 现在有些的还是炒冷饭的 唉 如今的孩子 他们的童年。。。)
2023-07-12 01:35:222

狮子王主题曲can you feel the love tonight的绝对正确歌词?

Elton John(埃尔顿·约翰)<Can You Feel the Love Tonight>(《今夜你是否感受到爱》)There"s a calm surrener to the rush of day(与日子奔忙中平静举降)When the hit of the rolling world can be turned away(直到抛开转动世界的愤激)And enchanted moment and it sees me throught(一瞬的魔法将我遁形)It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you(它让不眠战士与你同在)And can you feel the love tonight(今夜是否感受到爱)Tonight(今夜)It is where we are(它如影随形)It"s enought for this wide eyed wanderer(它足以让博览世观的游子)That we got this far(带我们走到这里)And can you feel the love tonight(今夜是否感受到爱)Tonight(今夜)How it"s laid to rest(它静谧安眠)It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds(它足以让国王与流浪者)Believe the very best(相信此为至佳)There"s time for everyone if they only learn(每人都会为生存而努力过)That the twisting kaledoscope move us all in turn(旋转万花筒将我们尽数交互渐变)There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors(如诗韵理身居旷野)When the heart of this star-crossed voyager(直到这穿越群星之心)Beats in times with yours(与你的一同跳动)And can you feel the love tonight(今夜是否感受到爱)It is where we are(它如影随形)It"s enought for this wide eyed wanderer(它足以让博览世观的游子)that we got this far(带我们走到这里)And can you feel the love tonight(今夜是否感受到爱)Tonight(今夜)How it"s laid to rest(它静谧安眠)It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds(它足以让国王与流浪者)Believe the very best(相信此为至佳)It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds(它足以让国王与流浪者) Believe the very best(相信此为至佳)
2023-07-12 01:35:302

Can You Feel The Love Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel The Love Tonight歌手:Elton John专辑:The Greatest Hits 1970-2002Can You Feel The Love TonightElton JohnThere"s a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of a rolling wind can be turned awayAn enchanted moment, and it sees me throughIt"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with youAnd can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestThere"s a time for everyone if they only learnThat the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turnThere"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoorsWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very best
2023-07-12 01:35:371

请问can you feel the love tonight的中文歌词(最好一句一译)

英文:There"s a calm surrender to the rush of day An enchanted moment, and it sees me through It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you And can you feel the love tonight It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight How it"s laid to rest It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best There"s a time for everyone if they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager中文:在突发的一天,冷静的放弃 什么时候这世界的高温 才会被制止住 一个迷惑的时刻 能将我看透 这对一个疲惫的战士来说 已足够 只要和你在一起 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗 它就在我们所在的地方 这对一个天真的流浪者来说 已足够 我们走得如此远 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗 躺下歇歇怎样 让国王与难民相信最好的已足够 如果每个人都会有 得到教训的一刻 象旋转的万花筒 让我们轮番旋转 在这野生世界里 有一种韵律与理由 当一颗时运不济流浪的心 与你的一同跳动 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗 它就在我们所在的地方 这对一个天真的流浪者来说已足够 我们走得如此远 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗 躺下歇歇怎么样 让国王与难民相信最好的 已足够
2023-07-12 01:35:454

Can You Feel the Love Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel the Love Tonight歌手:David Huntsinger专辑:Once Upon a Time: Cherished Songs from Animated Movie Classics「Can You Feel the Love Tonight」FILM「The Lion King」INLysric:Tim RiceMusic:Elton JohnSinger:Elton JohnThere"s a calm surrener to the rush of day【与日子奔忙中 平静举降】when the hit of the rolling world can be turned away【直到转动世界的愤激 终于被抛开】And enchanted moment and it sees me throught【一瞬的魔法 将我遁形】It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you【它足以让不眠战士 与你同在】And can you feel the love tonight【今夜 是否感受到爱】It is where we are【它 如影随形】It"s enought for this wide-eyed wanderer【它足以让博览世观的游子】that we got this far【带我们 走到这里】And can you feel the love tonight【今夜 是否感受到爱】How it"s laid to rest?【它静谧安眠】It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds【它足以让国王 与流浪者】Believe the very best【相信此为至佳】There"s time for everyone if they only learn【每人 都会为生存而努力过】That the twisting kaledoscope move us all in turn【旋转万花筒 将我们尽数交互渐变】There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors【如诗韵理 身居旷野】When the heart of this star-crossed voyager【直到这穿越群星之心】beats in times with yours【与你的一同跳动】
2023-07-12 01:35:521

Can You Feel The Love Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel The Love Tonight歌手:Thingamakid专辑:Love Songs And Lullabiesand they don"t have a cluethey"ll fall in love and here"s the bottom lineour trio"s down to twothe sweet caress of twilightthere"s magic everywhereand with a this romantic atmospheredisaster"s in the airchoruscan you feel the love tonightthe peace the evening bringsthe world, for once, in perfect harmonywith all its living thingsso many things to tell herbut how to make her seethe truth about my past?-impossible!She"d turn away from mehe"s holding back, he"s hidingbut what, i can"t decidewhy won"t he be the king I know he isthe king I see inside?choruscan you feel the love tonight?the peace the evening bringsthe world, for once, in perfect harmonywith all its living thingscan you feel the love tonightyou needn"t look too farstealing through the night"s uncertaintieslove is where they areand if he falls in l
2023-07-12 01:35:591


Can You Feel the Love TonightI can see what"s happening(What?)And they don"t have a clue(Who?)They"ll fall in love and here"s the bottom lineOur trio"s down to two.(Oh.)The sweet caress of twilightThere"s magic everywhereAnd with all this romantic atmosphereDisaster"s in the airCan you feel the love tonight?The peace the evening bringsThe world, for once, in perfect harmonyWith all its living thingsSo many things to tell herBut how to make her seeThe truth about my past? Impossible!She"d turn away from meHe"s holding back, he"s hidingBut what, I can"t decideWhy won"t he be the king I know he isThe king I see inside?Can you feel the love tonight?The peace the evening bringsThe world, for once, in perfect harmonyWith all its living thingsCan you feel the love tonight?You needn"t look too farStealing through the night"s uncertaintiesLove is where they areAnd if he falls in love tonightIt can be assumedHis carefree days with us are historyIn short, our pal is doomed作词: Tim Rice作曲: Elton John演唱: Joseph Willams & Sally Dworsky相关CD:The Lion King OST | 狮子王 电影原声带The Lion King: Special Edition Soundtrack | 狮子王 特别版 电影原声带And The Winner Is... | 得奖的是...Disney Forever | 永远的迪士尼
2023-07-12 01:36:061

Can You Feel the Love Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel the Love Tonight歌手:Gheorghe Zamfir专辑:The Best Pan Pipes in the World...Ever!and they don"t have a cluethey"ll fall in love and here"s the bottom lineour trio"s down to twothe sweet caress of twilightthere"s magic everywhereand with a this romantic atmospheredisaster"s in the airchoruscan you feel the love tonightthe peace the evening bringsthe world, for once, in perfect harmonywith all its living thingsso many things to tell herbut how to make her seethe truth about my past?-impossible!She"d turn away from mehe"s holding back, he"s hidingbut what, i can"t decidewhy won"t he be the king I know he isthe king I see inside?choruscan you feel the love tonight?the peace the evening bringsthe world, for once, in perfect harmonywith all its living thingscan you feel the love tonightyou needn"t look too farstealing through the night"s uncertaintieslove is where they areand if he falls in love tonightit can be assumedhis carefree days with us are historyin short, our pal is doomed
2023-07-12 01:36:141

can you feel the love tonight汉语翻译

2023-07-12 01:36:246

美味情缘 Can You Feel the Love Tonight

2023-07-12 01:36:513

有can you feel my love tonight的英文歌词吗

Can You Feel The Love TonightElton JohnThere"s a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of a rolling wind can be turned awayAn enchanted moment, and it sees me throughIt"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with youAnd can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestThere"s a time for everyone if they only learnThat the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turnThere"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoorsWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonightIt is where we areIt"s enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it"s laid to restIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestIt"s enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very best
2023-07-12 01:36:582

can you feel the love tonight

2023-07-12 01:37:086

Can You Feel The Love Tonight歌词拼音助读《狮子王》的主题曲

狮子王主题曲 can youf eel the love to night 今夜爱无限歌词: There"s a calm surrender To the rush of day When the heat of the rolling world Can be turned away And enchanted moment And it sees me through It"s enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight How it"s laid to rest? It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best There"s a time for everyone If they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope Moves us all in turn There"s a rhyme and reason To the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager Beats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It"s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight How it"s laid to rest? It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best It"s enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best 中文意思:有一股宁静臣服于一日的繁忙何时这喧嚣的世界才能褪尽它的灼热而这美妙的时刻却突然洞悉了我的内心或许仅仅能够与你同在便足以安抚我这战士烦躁的心灵今晚,你感受到爱了吗?它是如此如影随行要让那流浪者叹讶长久我们的爱已然足够今晚,你感受到爱了吗?它是如何烟消云散要让无论贫富都坚信这是至善我们的爱已然足够也许有一天当每个人都能够明白时变幻的美丽景致也将回来感动着我们也许我只是落魄的航员但只要我的心能与你一起跳动那狂野的天地都将产生了美好的韵律和意义今晚,你感受到爱了吗?它是如此如影随行要让那流浪者叹讶长久我们的爱已然足够今晚,你感受到爱了吗?它是如何烟消云散要让无论贫富都坚信这是至善。
2023-07-12 01:37:381

谁知道can you feel the love tonight的中文歌词啊?

第一种:今夜你能感受到我的爱吗在突发的一天,冷静的放弃什么时候这世界的高温才会被制止住一个迷惑的时刻能将我看透这对一个疲惫的战士来说已足够只要和你在一起今夜你能感受到我的爱吗它就在我们所在的地方这对一个天真的流浪者来说已足够我们走得如此远今夜你能感受到我的爱吗躺下歇歇怎样让国王与难民相信最好的已足够如果每个人都会有得到教训的一刻象旋转的万花筒让我们轮番旋转在这野生世界里有一种韵律与理由当一颗时运不济流浪的心与你的一同跳动今夜你能感受到我的爱吗它就在我们所在的地方这对一个天真的流浪者来说已足够我们走得如此远今夜你能感受到我的爱吗躺下歇歇怎么样让国王与难民相信最好的已足够第二种: 你是我唯一所爱事实放在眼前(什么)你不必再犹豫(谁?)把眼睛闭起都会看出来,他们俩是一对(哦)美丽纯洁的爱情 这夜晚多么美让浪漫温馨充满每一处到处散发着爱这夜晚爱情到来 充满美丽温馨所有万物也同样感受到显得如此平静我想要说声爱你 不知该怎么说只有在心中告诉亲爱的你是我唯一所爱不要害怕说爱我 我心正在等待从你的双眼我看出来你是我唯一所爱这夜晚爱情到来 充满美丽温馨所有万物也同样感受到显得如此平静这夜晚爱情到来 充满美丽温馨这一刻 快闭上眼睛享受这平静从今以后 剩我们俩请你不要哭在我心底 你是我好朋友从今直到永远!
2023-07-12 01:37:441

can you feel the love tonight表达什么

2023-07-12 01:37:511

英语歌曲《今夜你能感受到我的爱吗》(狮子王主题曲) 的中英文歌词

Elton John(埃尔顿·约翰)<Can You Feel the Love Tonight>(《今夜你是否感受到爱》)There"s a calm surrener to the rush of day(与日子奔忙中平静举降)When the hit of the rolling world can be turned away(直到抛开转动世界的愤激)And enchanted moment and it sees me throught(一瞬的魔法将我遁形)It"s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you(它让不眠战士与你同在)And can you feel the love tonight(今夜是否感受到爱)Tonight(今夜)It is where we are(它如影随形)It"s enought for this wide eyed wanderer(它足以让博览世观的游子)That we got this far(带我们走到这里)And can you feel the love tonight(今夜是否感受到爱)Tonight(今夜)How it"s laid to rest(它静谧安眠)It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds(它足以让国王与流浪者)Believe the very best(相信此为至佳)There"s time for everyone if they only learn(每人都会为生存而努力过)That the twisting kaledoscope move us all in turn(旋转万花筒将我们尽数交互渐变)There"s a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors(如诗韵理身居旷野)When the heart of this star-crossed voyager(直到这穿越群星之心)Beats in times with yours(与你的一同跳动)And can you feel the love tonight(今夜是否感受到爱)It is where we are(它如影随形)It"s enought for this wide eyed wanderer(它足以让博览世观的游子)that we got this far(带我们走到这里)And can you feel the love tonight(今夜是否感受到爱)Tonight(今夜)How it"s laid to rest(它静谧安眠)It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds(它足以让国王与流浪者)Believe the very best(相信此为至佳)It"s enought to make kings and vagabonds(它足以让国王与流浪者) Believe the very best(相信此为至佳) 为什么还不采纳
2023-07-12 01:37:591

Can you feel The love Tonight原唱是谁?

原唱:Elton John《Can you feel the love tonight》(《今夜爱无限》)是动画电影《狮子王》的插曲。中文名今夜爱无限外文名can you feel the love tonight歌 手Elton John作 曲Elton John作 词Tim Rice发 行C1994 迪斯尼音乐公司
2023-07-12 01:38:061