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2023-07-12 13:23:36
TAG: 英语

问题一:各种食物的英文名称 食物英语大全,各种食物的英文翻译中式早点:

烧饼 Clay oven rolls 油条 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings

水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings 馒头 Steamed buns

割包 Steamed sandwich 饭团 Rice and vegetable roll

蛋饼 Egg cakes 皮蛋 100-year egg 咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg

豆浆 Soybean milk

饭 类:

稀饭  Rice porridge 白饭 Plain white rice 油饭 Glutinous oil rice

糯米饭 Glutinous rice 卤肉饭 Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg

地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee

面 类:

馄饨面 Wonton & noodles 刀削面 Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles

麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面 Duck with noodles 鳝鱼面 Eel noodles

乌龙面 Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles

牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles 板条 Flat noodles 米粉 Rice noodles

炒米粉 Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle

汤 类:

鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup 贡丸汤 Meat ball soup 蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤 Clams soup 牡蛎汤 Oyster soup 紫菜汤 Seaweed soup 酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤 Wonton soup 猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤 Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤 Squid soup 花枝羹 Squid thick soup

甜 点:

爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃 Longevity Peaches

芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花 Hemp flowers 双胞胎 Horse hooves

冰 类:

绵绵冰 Mein mein ice 麦角冰Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice

红豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰 Eight treasures ice 豆花 Tofu pudding

果 汁:

甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁Plum juice 杨桃汁Star fruit juice 青草茶 Herb juice

点 心:

牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐 Oily bean ......>>

问题二:所有食物都很美味的英语,怎么说? All the food is delicious

问题三:常见食物的英语表达有哪些? chicken 鸡肉 meat 猪肉 lettuce 生菜 mutten 羊肉 tofu 豆腐 oranger 橘子


string bean 四季豆

bean sprout 豆芽

cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜

celery 芹菜

leek 韭菜

caraway 香菜

spinach 菠菜

carrot 胡萝卜

loofah 丝瓜

pumpkin 南瓜

bitter gourd 苦瓜

cucumber 黄瓜

white gourd 冬瓜

needle mushroom 金针菇

tomato 番茄

eggplant 茄子

potato, 马铃薯

lotus root 莲藕

agaric 木耳

vinegar 醋

peanut oil 花生油

soy sauce 酱油

ginger 生姜


green pepper 青椒

pea 豌豆

bamboo shoot 竹笋

seasoning 调味品

green soy bean 毛豆

soybean sprout 黄豆芽

mung bean sprout 绿豆芽

kale 甘蓝菜

broccoli 花椰菜

mater convolvulus 空心菜

dried lily flower 金针菜

mustard leaf 芥菜

tarragon 蒿菜

beetroot 甜菜根

lettuce 生菜

preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜

salted vegetable 雪里红

lettuce 莴苣

asparagus 芦荟

dried bamboo shoot 笋干

water chestnut 荸荠

long crooked squash 菜瓜

gherkin 小黄瓜

yam 山芋

taro 芋头

champignon 香菇

dried musroom 冬菇

white fungus 百木耳

garlic 大蒜

onion 洋葱

wheat gluten 面筋

miso 味噌

caviar 鱼子酱

barbeque sauce 沙茶酱

tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱

mustard 芥末

salt 盐

sugar 糖

sweet 甜

sour 酸

bitter 苦

lard 猪油


breakfast 早餐

to have breakfast 吃早餐

lunch 午餐

to have lunch 用午餐

afternoon tea 下午茶(4-5点钟)

high tea 午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时)

dinner, supper 晚饭

to dine, to have dinner, to have supper 吃晚饭

soup 汤

hors d"oeuvre (正餐前的)开胃食品

entree 正菜

main course 主菜

sweet, dessert 甜食

snack 点心,小吃

helping, portion 份,客

sandwich 三明治,夹肉面包


meat 肉

beef 牛肉

veal 小牛肉

lamb 羊肉

sirloin 牛脊肉

steak 牛排

chop 连骨肉,排骨


问题四:食品用英语怎么说 1.foodstuff n. 食品,食物;粮食,食料 n. 食物;养料

3.provisions n. 规定(provision的复数);食品;预备

4.viands n. 食物;粮食(viand的复数形式)

5.pabulum n. 食物,营养;精神食粮

6.vivers n. 食品,食物(viver的复数)

问题五:各种食物的英文翻译 这是我教雅思期间整理出来的,希望对你有所帮助

1、drumsticks (lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken状似鼓槌部分) 小鸡腿

2、chicken wings 鸡翅膀

3、minced (to cut or chop into very *** all pieces) steak 绞肉

4、pig liver 猪肝

5、pig feet 猪脚

6、pig kidney 猪腰

7、pig heart 猪心

8、pork chop猪排

9、 *** oked meat/bacon 醺肉

10、fillet 无骨的肉片或鱼片


12、pork-pieces 一块块的C肉

13、lean meat 瘦肉

14、fat 肥肉

15、streaky pork 五花肉

16、pork dripping 猪油滴

17、lard 猪油

18、hock 蹄膀

19、veal 小牛的肉

20、lamb 羊肉

21、joint 有骨的大块肉

22、frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排

23、minced beef 牛绞肉

24、rump steak 大块牛排

26、leg beef 牛键肉

27、ox-tail 牛尾

28、ox-heart 牛心

29、ox-tongue 牛舌

30、pig bag 猪肚


1、salmon 鲑鱼/大马哈鱼/三文鱼

2、cod 鳕

3、tuna 吞拿鱼,金枪鱼

4、plaice 比目鱼/偏口鱼

5、octopus 章鱼 /八爪鱼

6、squid 乌贼 /鱿鱼

7、haddock 黑线鳕

8、trout 鳟鱼、适合蒸来吃

9、carp 鲤鱼

10、cod Fillets 鳕鱼块

11、conger /eel 海鳗

12、sea bream 海鲤

13、hake 鳕鱼类

14、Spanish mackerel 鲅鱼

15、hairtail/ribbonfish 带鱼

16、roe 鱼子

17、oyster 牡蛎 /蚝

18、clam 蛤蜊

19、razor clam 蛏子

20、scallop/fan shell 海扇贝

21、mussel 蚌

22、crab 螃蟹

23、prawn 对虾

24、shrimp 虾

25、lobster 龙虾

26、dried/shelled shrimps 虾米

27、dried *** all shrimps 虾皮

28、crab stick 蟹肉条

29、peeled prawns 虾仁

30、mantis shrimp/sauilla 虾虎

31、winkles 田螺


1、onion 洋葱

2、spring onions(Br)/green onion(Am) 葱

3、leeks 大葱

4、garlic 大蒜

5、ginger 姜

6、potato 马铃薯

7、carrot 胡萝卜

8、radish 萝卜/小萝卜

9、white radish 白萝卜

10、yam 山药

11、sweet potato/pachyrhizus 地瓜

12、taro 芋头

13、aubergine(Br)/eggplant(Am) 茄子

14、celery 芹菜

15、cabbage 卷心菜......>>

问题六:美味的食物用英文怎么说 delicious food

问题七:最好吃的食物用英语怎么说 the most delicious food


问题八:“我喜欢的食物是”用英语怎么写 My favorite food is



The food that I like is a milk and, chocolate.



What"s your favourite food? My favourite food is hamburger.



My favorite food is ice cream and salad, but I only can eat them in hot weather.



I the most favorite food is a mango, the most favorite color is purple and white.



I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine.

问题九:有许多好吃的食物用英语怎么说 there are a lot of delicious food


问题十:家里的食物用英语怎么说. 食物(food)


1.土豆 potato 2.番茄tomato 3。花椰菜broccoli 4.芹菜celery 5.蒜garlic 6.洋葱onion

7.豇豆cowpea 8.白菜cabbage 9.大豆soybean


1.苹果apple 2.梨pear 3.香蕉banana 4.桃子peach 5.西瓜watermelon 6.柠檬lemon

7.菠萝pineapple 8火龙果dragon fruit 9.猕猴桃yangtao 10.橘子orange

11.柚子grapefruit 12.杏apricot 13.椰子coconut 14枣jujube 15.哈密瓜hami melon



1.猪肉meat 2鸡肉chicken 3.牛肉beef 4.羊肉mutton 5.鱼fish 6.鸭肉duck

干果 dried fruit

1.花生peanut 2.核桃 nut 3.杏仁almond


1鸡蛋egg 2.鸭蛋duck egg 3.咸蛋salted egg 4.皮带preserved


艾滋病志愿者的红丝带,红丝带翻译为 Red Stick可以吗?

学过一篇文章 其中就有“the yellow ribbon”一词 是指飘扬的黄丝带这里的红丝带完全可以使用“the red ribbon”最好如楼上所说的用大写“Red Ribbon”
2023-07-11 23:06:202


2023-07-11 23:06:291

童年趣事英语作文 一段话 带翻译

童年是美好的,童年是欢乐的,童年是丰富多彩的,同年也是悲伤的…… Childhood is a good thing, childhood is pleasure, childhood is rich and colorful, in the same year is also sad...... 童年像一个五彩斑斓的大盒子,灰色的彩带是悲伤的化身,红色的彩带是高兴的化身,蓝色的彩带是傻傻的化身…… Childhood like a multicoloured big box, gray ribbon is the embodiment of sorrow, the red ribbon is happy incarnation, blue ribbon is silly incarnation... 许多童年的往事都如泡泡般的消失了,可是有一件蓝色的彩带——一件傻傻的童年往事还深深地印在我的脑海之中。 Many childhood past all, like bubbles of disappear, but have a blue ribbon - a silly childhood events is deeply imprinted on my mind in. 那是上幼儿园的时候,我干了一件非常好玩、愚蠢的傻事,现在想起来,都能让我捧腹大笑地笑个不停呢! That was in kindergarten, I did a very fun, stupid stupid, now that I think about it, can let me laugh to keep smile! 老爸每天出门都要对着镜子,乐悠悠的刮着胡子。 Dad will go out every day to the mirror, for the blowing beard. 当然,每天他都日复一日,只要一起床,就冲到卫生间里,拿起剃须刀,站到镜子前就美滋滋地刮起胡子来,然后就哼着小曲上班去了。 Of course, every day he all day after day, as long as a get up, rushed to the toilet, picked up the razor, stood in front of the mirror is very pleased with oneself to blowing beard, then hum a tune and went to work. 当然那天也不例外。 Of course that is no exception. 老天的命令谁都不可违背,他非让我做这件傻事,那我也无可奈何。 God commands everyone do not rebel against, he not let me do this crazy thing, that I also have no alternative. 当老爸用剃须刀把胡须刮掉了,那可多神奇呀! When dad with razor shave off the beard, and that can be more magical! 晚上,妈妈和爸爸都出去了,我虽然很笨,但是也没有笨的出奇。 In the evening, mom and dad are out, although I was stupid, but also have no a stupid remarkably. 我当然知道这是一个千载难逢的好机会。 Of course I know that this is a chance once in a blue moon. 他们前脚刚走,我后脚便是一个箭步冲到卫生间里。 They had just left foreleg, my foot is a dashed to the toilet. 拿起剃须刀,站到镜子前,抬起头,按动开关,正要刮,却突然发现一个问题——我没有胡子啊! Took the razor, stood in front of the mirror, raise head, pushing the button, was about to blow, but suddenly found a problem - I don"t have beard! 我失望的走出卫生间,苦思冥想。 I down out of the toilet, rack one"s brains. 突然,我惊奇地叫道:“原来我的胡子长到眼睛上啊!” Suddenly, I was surprised to call way: "originally my beard is long to eyes!" 我又返回了卫生间,用剃须刀三下两下便剃掉了一个眼睛上的眉毛(那时候我并不知道眉毛不是胡子)。 And I returned to the toilet, a razor three two times will shave off a eyes eyebrows (at that time, I do not know is not beard eyebrows). 又刮了一会儿,我刮完了我的所谓的“胡子”,便扔下了剃须刀。 And scraping for a while, I completed scraping my so-called "beard", then dropped a razor. 当天完全黑了下来,爸爸、妈妈便回来了。 The completely dark down, mom and dad will come back. 当妈妈看见我,惊讶地问:“楠楠,你的眉毛呢?” When my mother saw me, surprised to ask: "nannan, your eyebrows?" 我也摸不着头脑地说:“什么是眉毛?” I the foggiest ground to say: "what is the eyebrow?" 妈妈又说:“眉毛不就是长在你眼睛上的。” Mother said: "eyebrow is not long in your eyes." 我恍然大悟:“原来你说的眉毛就是我的“胡子”呀!我看它长的很密,所以把它用剃须刀刮掉了,怎么了?” Then it dawned on me: "so you say eyebrows is my" beard "ah! I see it long very tight, so using it razor shave off, what"s wrong?" 妈妈听了我的话,笑的眼泪都出来了。 Mom listened to my words, laugh tears come out. 过了好一阵,妈妈还笑个不停。 After some time, the mother still keep smile. 我便担心地说:“妈妈,您别笑死了。” I will worry ground to say: "mom, you don"t smile dead." 可是妈妈笑得更凶了,好一阵子后,妈妈才连笑带说的憋出来一句话:“我的傻楠楠呀,那是你的眉毛,它可以让你变得更漂亮,还可以吸收汗水。你刮短一点就行了,居然把它全刮了。” But mother laughed more ominous, good for a while, mother didn"t even smile belt said suppress out a words: "my silly nannan ah, is that your eyebrows, it can make you more beautiful, still can absorb sweat. You scrape the short line, incredibly get it all blow." 我似懂非懂的点了点头,说:“那我的眉毛还可以长出来吗?” I begin nodded his head, and said: "that my eyebrows can also grow?" 后来我的眉毛长出来了,我也懂了许多道理,并明白了眉毛不是胡子。 Later my eyebrows grow out, I also understand a lot of truth, and understand that the eyebrows not beard. 我以后不可以为了一时好玩,便干了一件好玩、愚蠢的事。 I later can"t to the fun, and it dried up a fun, stupid. 多么有趣的童年世界。 What an interesting childhood world. 它是多么好玩,愉快的回忆! It is a fun, happy memories! 它们像一串串风铃,微风一吹就发出银铃般的响声,浮现在我的眼前,让我大笑个不停。 They are like a string of bells, the wind blows out the sound of the bell, rose in my eyes, let me laugh incessantly. 它们也是一个七彩色的梦,这场梦是我快乐无比,令我一生难忘! They are also a seven color dream, the dream is my joy, to my lifetime!
2023-07-11 23:06:362


“蝴蝶结”用英语怎么说? 蝴蝶结[húdié jié]英语 1.bow 2.butterfiy knot 3.bowknot4.bow-tie 例句 1.Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow. 再用一段丝带,系个蝴蝶结。 2.A butterfiy knot symboiizes changes.蝴蝶结代表着变化。3.There is a pretty bowknot on her hat.她金色的头发向上梳着,头上戴着蓝色的蝴蝶结。 4.The wreath red bow tie and clear christmas lights in the picture below is part of the simplified decoration I made in my front yard.以下照片中的花环,红色蝴蝶结和圣诞节灯泡,都是我在前院做的简单装饰的一部份。 蝴蝶结的英语 蝴蝶结 bowknot ; 蝴蝶结的英语怎么说 bowknot 蝴蝶结用英文怎么讲啊? Bow蝴蝶结 1.BOW-TIE 2.bow 3.Butterfly knot 4.BOWKNOT结,花结,蝴蝶结 1.knot蝴蝶结通心粉 1.bowtie macaroni 2.bowtiemacaroni甜美蝴蝶结 1.Bow蝴蝶结领结 1.bow tie 2.bowtie 蝴蝶结的英语怎么说的啊 蝴蝶结 bowknot 请问各位学霸,蝴蝶结用英语怎么说? bowknot 蝴蝶结怎么编用英语怎么说 蝴蝶结怎么编? 翻译为: How to tie the butterfiy knot ? “漂亮的发套、领结(或蝴蝶结,领带)”用英语怎么说 beautiful/ Pretty/ nice:漂亮 hair net 发套tie 领带 bow 蝴蝶结 ribbon 彩带 hair band 头带 例如 a beautiful bow, a nice tie, a pretty hair band, a pretty ribbon 等 蝴蝶结的英文到底是哪个比较准确? 应该bowknot较好。 蝴蝶结的英文是什么 bowknot,蝴蝶结, bow tie,蝴蝶结领结
2023-07-11 23:06:441


【 #小学英语# 导语 】我的妹妹是一个非常有意思的小朋友,我的妹妹英语作文大家会写吗?接下来我很荣幸能向你们介绍我的妹妹。本篇文章是 考 网为您整理的《小学英语作文范文【我的妹妹】》,供大家阅读。 小学英语作文范文【我的妹妹】篇一   I have a little sister,is the aunt"s daughter,this two and a half years old,big eyes,black eyes,long eyelashes,angry,crooked head,eyes wide,but see you,happy eyes narrowed.Her jet-black hair,small nose,a good sense of smell.She is very beautiful,saw her mother dress,put on her dress and her mother than,then walk model step.She also loves to let Grandma with red ribbon to her with a small braids.   Sister "s fight with me.Pen to fight with me,the book also to fight with me,if I do not give,she followed the ass with me.Dad said:" is not a thing.Give her!" I feel younger sister is really" trouble",reluctantly to her.   She is" learning to love," cried every day to carry bag to school,also mimicking my homework.   My sister is not satisfied with what,you will cry,will roll.Once,she asked to see the "cat and mouse",we do not make,she was lying on the floor,he had to let go of" cat and mouse",she" bass" to climb up to look,I also took the opportunity to look at the past,saw the mouse tease the cat,we laughed.   Sister to eat so hard.When having a meal,I took the chopsticks,she also want chopsticks; I get a spoon,she also want to scoop.My mouth to eat,but she has little stuttering.Her every time.It will take at least thirty minutes,also eat while watch tv.   Sister sometimes very cute.She often took advantage of my dad,mom is not in,shouted:" down with funny uncle,aunt!" Sometimes down herself!My father got good stuff to coax her,and put up his hand,she followed the hands and shouted:" uncle,dad is not good!" We all laughed.She is so cute and innocent.   This is my sister,a very" trouble",and like children. 小学英语作文范文【我的妹妹】篇二   I have a sister. Her name is Alice . She is one year old. She has short hair. She has a fat face. It looks like a big red apple. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She has only one tooth, but she can eat cookies. Her arms and legs are fat, too. But she can crawl very fast on the floor.   我有一个妹妹。她的名字是爱丽丝。她一岁。她有短头发。她有一个胖胖的脸。它看起来像一个大红苹果。她有一双大眼睛和一个小嘴巴。她只有一颗牙齿,但她可以吃饼干。她的胳膊和腿都很胖,太。但她可以很快的在地板上爬行。   My sister is very naughty. She doesn"t sleep at night but sleeps at daytime. So my mother is tired to take care of her. She always crawls here and there, sofa, bed, chair, everywhere she likes to go. She likes to play with the toys. Bricks are her favourite. She likes to make different shapes with the bricks. Sometime it"s a house, sometimes it"s a bus. I think she is a smart girl. She likes to play with me. She likes my story-telling. She always asks me to tell stories for her.   我的妹妹很淘气。她晚上不睡觉而白天睡觉。所以我妈妈累了照顾她。她总是爬在这里和那里,沙发,床,椅子,到处都是她喜欢去。她喜欢玩玩具。积木是她最喜欢的。她喜欢用积木做不同形状。有时这是一所房子,有时它是一个总线。我认为她是一个聪明的女孩。她喜欢和我一起玩。她喜欢我的故事。她总是问我讲故事给她。   There is a cartoon “Present Sheep and Mr. Wolf” on TV. My sister likes it so much. Every time when I turn on the TV, she always says “present sheep” to me, asks me to watch the cartoon. And every time she hears the theme song of the cartoon, she will sing and dance on the floor. Actually she can not sing and dance, she just shakes her little body to show us she likes it very much. She is so cute.   有一幅漫画,电视上的“目前的羊和狼先生”。我妹妹喜欢它这么多。当我打开电视的时候,她总是说“羊”给我,叫我去看卡通。每一次她听到的卡通主题歌,她会在地板上唱歌和跳舞。其实她不会唱歌和跳舞,她只是摇了摇她的小身体向我们展示她非常喜欢它。她是如此可爱。   My sister is smooth-tongued. She likes to call me “sister”, call my dad “daddy”, call my mom “mummy”. She often call us many times a day.   我的姐姐是油嘴滑舌。她喜欢叫我“妹妹”,叫我爸爸“爸爸”,打电话给我的妈妈“妈妈”。她经常一天打多个电话给我们。   In my eyes, my sister is naughty, lovely and smart. I like her.   在我的眼里,我的妹妹很调皮,可爱和聪明的。我喜欢她。 小学英语作文范文【我的妹妹】篇三   Hello, everyone! I"m so glad to tell you something about my sister, whose name is Vane. She is 12 years old, she"s one year younger than me. She has two big eyes, a small mouth and long hair. Everyone who saw her always said she was very beautiful.   In my eyes, she is smart and funny. On weekends, I often listen to music with Vane. Vane"s favorite singing star is Vae. His Chinese name is Xu Song. But my favorite singing star is Vision. Vision"s Chinese name is Wei Chen. Vae and Vision are great singers. After that, we often go shopping. We all like shopping very much. Vane likes eating candies. I like candies, too. Because they"re so sweet. We all like sweet food. On the one hand, Vane and I are sisters, on the other hand, we"re friends, too.   Maybe you can"t imagine what a good girl she is, but it"s my pleasure to have such an excellent sister.   大家好!我很荣幸能向你们介绍我的妹妹。她的名字叫Vane。她12岁了,她比我小一岁。她长着两只大眼睛,一个小嘴巴,还有一头长发。每个见到她的人都会说她长得很漂亮。   在我眼里,她既聪明又风趣。每逢周末,我经常和Vane一起听音乐。Vane最喜欢的歌手是Vae。他的中文名是许嵩。但是我最崇拜的歌手是Vision,Vision的中文名是魏晨。魏晨和许嵩都是杰出的歌手。过后,我们会去购物,我们都非常喜欢购物。Vane喜欢吃糖,我也喜欢吃糖。因为糖很甜。我们都很喜欢吃甜的东西。我和Vane既是姐妹,又是朋友。   也许你无法想象她是一个多么好的女孩,而我却庆幸有这一个优秀的妹妹。
2023-07-11 23:06:511


February 14th is Valentine"s Day. Whatever the odd mixture of origins, St. Valentine"s Day is now a day for sweethearts. On Valentine"s Day people usually send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by. The affectionate message might be carried by a heart - shaped box of chocolate candies, or by a bouquet of flowers tied with red ribbon.
2023-07-11 23:07:004


2023-07-11 23:07:165

请推荐西部片(200高分) 经典不经典的都要。 请推荐吧。谁最多,给谁分

2023-07-11 23:07:3215

with 的用法有哪些

with介词 prep. 1.与...一起,偕同,和...She lives with her son. 她和儿子住在一起。 2.带着...;有...的The girl with long hair is my classmate. 长头发的女孩是我同学。 3.以(手段、材料),用(工具)My American friend is learning to eat with chopsticks. 我的一位美国朋友在学着用筷子吃饭。 4.符合,一致5.在...一边,赞成We are with you there. 在那一点上我们站在你这一边。 6.跟...,反对The Allied Forces fought with Germany. 盟军跟德国交战。 7.顺...方向,跟...一起8.加上,包括...在内His bank savings, with his wife"s jewels, amount to three million dollars. 他的银行存款加上他太太的首饰合计达三百万元。 9.随着,对应An independent man, Peter never goes with the tide. 彼得是个有主见的人,从不随大流。 10.在...身边,在...身上He had a gun with him. 他带了枪。 I have no money with me. 我身边没有钱。 11.与...(相比)12.跟...(分手)I parted with my brother in Paris. 我跟我兄弟在巴黎分手。 13.尽管有With all the setbacks, he did not lose heart. 尽管遭受种种挫折,他没有丧失信心。 14.由于,因为They were wild with joy. 他们欣喜若狂。 15.(与副词连用构成祈使句,表示强烈的愿望)Down with fascism! 打倒法西斯主义! with-前缀 pref. 1.表示"反对";"逆";"往回";"离去";"后方"祝学习进步,希望能帮到楼主。
2023-07-11 23:08:114


  音乐能激发或抚慰情怀,绘画使人赏心悦目,诗歌能动人心弦,哲学使人获得智慧,科学可改善物质生活。下面是我带来的励志英文诗歌朗诵带翻译,欢迎阅读!   励志英文诗歌朗诵带翻译精选   the human seasons   four seasons fill the measure of the year;   there are four seasons in the mind of man:   he has his lusty spring, when fancy clear   takes in all beauty with an easy span:   he has his summer, when luxuriously   spring"s honied cud of youthful thought he loves   to ruminate, and by such dreaming high   is nearest unto heaven: quiet coves   his soul has in its autumn, when his wings   he furleth close; contented so to look   on mists in idleness--to let fair things   pass by unheeded as a threshold brook.   he has his winter too of pale misfeature,   or else he would forego his mortal nature.   人生四季   四季轮回构成了一年,   人的心灵也有四季更替:   他有生机勃勃的春天,   在幻想中把所有美景一览无余;   在那奢华繁盛的夏天,   他爱把春天采集的花蜜细细品尝,   沉浸在甜美的青春思绪中,   他高高飞扬的梦想几乎升上天堂;   秋天他的心灵栖息在宁静的港湾,   他收拢了疲倦的羽翼,   悠闲而满足地透过雾气遥望,   任美好的事物像门前的小溪不经意地流逝。   他终将走进冬天的苍凉晚境,   不然他就失去了凡人的本性。   励志英文诗歌朗诵带翻译阅读   人们经常是不讲道理的、没有逻辑的和以自我为中心的   不管怎样,你要原谅他们   People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;   Forgive them anyway.   即使你是友善的,人们可能还是会说你自私和动机不良   不管怎样,你还是要友善   If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;   Be kind anyway.   当你功成名就,你会有一些虚假的朋友   和一些真实的敌人   不管怎样,你还是要取得成功   If you are successful, you will win some false friends   And some true enemies;   Succeed anyway.   即使你是诚实的和率直的,人们可能还是会欺骗你   不管怎样,你还是要诚实和率直   If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;   Be honest and frank anyway.   你多年来营造的东西   有人在一夜之间把它摧毁   不管怎样,你还是要去营造   What you spend years building,   Someone could destroy overnight;   Build anyway.   如果你找到了平静和幸福,他们可能会嫉妒你   不管怎样,你还是要快乐   If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;   Be happy anyway.   你今天做的善事,人们往往明天就会忘记   不管怎样,你还是要做善事   The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;   Be good anyway.   即使把你最好的东西给了这个世界   也许这些东西永远都不够   不管怎样,把你最好的东西给这个世界   Give the world the best you have,   And it may never be enough;   Give the world the best you have anyway.   你看,说到底,它是你和上帝之间的事   而决不是你和他人之间的事   You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;   It is never between you and them anyway.   励志英文诗歌朗诵带翻译学习   o captain!my captain!   啊,船长!我的船长!   walt whitman (瓦尔特.惠特曼)   o captain!my captain!our fearful trip is done,   啊!般长!我的船长!可怕的航程已完成;   the ship has weather"d every rack, the prize we sought is won,   这船历尽风险,企求的目标已达成。   the port is near, the bells i hear, the people all exulting,   港口在望,钟声响,人们在欢欣。   while follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;   千万双眼睛注视着船——平稳,勇敢,坚定。   but o heart!heart!heart!   但是痛心啊!痛心!痛心!   o the bleeding drops of red!   瞧一滴滴鲜红的血!   where on the deck my captain lies,   甲板上躺着我的船长,   fallen cold and dead.   他倒下去,冰冷,永别。   o captain! my captain!rise up and hear the bells;   啊,船长!我的船长!起来吧,倾听钟声;   rise up -for you the flag is flung -for you the bugle trills,   起来吧,号角为您长鸣,旌旗为您高悬:   for you bouquets and ribbon"d wreaths-for you the shores crowding,   迎接您,多少花束花圈——候着您,千万人峰拥岸边;   for you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turing;   他们向您高呼,拥来挤去,仰起殷切的脸;   here, captain!dear father!   啊,船长!亲爱的父亲!   this arm beneath your head;   我的手臂托着您的头!   it is some dream that on the deck   莫非是一场梦:在甲板上   you "ve fallen cold and dead.   您倒下去,冰冷,永别。   my captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,   我的船长不作声,嘴唇惨白,毫不动弹;   my father does not feel my arm , he has no pulse nor will;   我的父亲没感到我的手臂,没有脉搏,没有遗言;
2023-07-11 23:08:191

词组辨析 ...out

B辨认出It"s easy to pick him out in a crowd because he is very tall.很容易从人群中辨认出他,因为他个子很高。
2023-07-11 23:08:322


2023-07-11 23:08:391


With 是附属结构
2023-07-11 23:08:483


2023-07-11 23:09:1712


red mullet 红鲣 red snapper 红鲷鱼 ribbonfish 带鱼. salmon 三文鱼(也叫?鲑鱼?或大马哈鱼 sea bream 海鲤 shark 鲨鱼 swordfish 剑鱼, swordfish-剑鱼, tilapia 罗非鱼,又叫吴郭鱼,非洲鲫鱼, tilapia-鲷鱼, trout-鳟鱼,跟salmon是亲戚 tuna-吞拿鱼、金枪鱼, whitefish-白鱼, squid-乌贼,鱿鱼, scallop-扇贝肉,鲤鱼 carp 鳗鱼eel 章鱼octopus 三文鱼salmon 鱿鱼 squid 金枪鱼 tuna 基围虾shrimp 虾prawn 大虾king prawn 龙虾lobster 螃蟹crab (crab stick 蟹肉条 ) 贻贝, 蚌类 mussel 牡蛎, 蚝oyster 田螺winkle seal海豹
2023-07-11 23:09:433


carp鲤鱼cod鳕鱼mackerel 鲐鱼pike狗鱼plaice鲽鱼salmon鲑鱼squid 鱿鱼trout鳟鱼turbot大菱鲆crab蟹eel鳗鱼hetring鲱鱼lobster龙虾sardine沙丁鱼shark鲨鱼 望采纳!
2023-07-11 23:09:582


Bass 海鲈鱼, BELTFISH-带鱼, BUFFALOFISH-水牛鱼, CARP-鲤鱼 catfish 鲶鱼, CATFISH-鲶鱼, cod 鳕鱼, Cod Fillets 鳕鱼块 COD-鳕鱼, Conger (Eel)鳗鱼 Corvina黄花鱼 Croaker 白花鱼,跟黄花鱼是一类,肉质很嫩,清蒸 Dace鲮鱼 DRUMFISH-鼓鱼 flounder 比目鱼,又叫龙利, FLOUNDER-龙利, 比目鱼一类的鱼, grouper 石斑鱼 Haddock 北大西洋鳕鱼 Halibut 大比目鱼 Herring 青鱼,鲱 , Herring roes 鲱鱼子 Mackerel 鲭 MILKFISH-虱目鱼 mullet 胭脂鱼 orange 香橙鱼 Octopus 鱆鱼 perch 河鲈鱼 Plaice欧蝶鱼 Red Mullet 红鲣 red snapper 红鲷鱼 ribbonfish 带鱼. salmon 三文鱼(也叫?鲑鱼?或大马哈鱼 Sea Bream 海鲤 shark 鲨鱼 swordfish 剑鱼, SWORDFISH-剑鱼, tilapia 罗非鱼,又叫吴郭鱼,非洲鲫鱼, TILAPIA-鲷鱼, TROUT-鳟鱼,跟SALMON是亲戚 TUNA-吞拿鱼、金枪鱼, WHITEFISH-白鱼, SQUID-乌贼,鱿鱼, SCALLOP-扇贝肉,
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2023-07-11 23:10:471


1. 关于剪纸的英语作文50子 Let the Chinese traditional culture is profound, deep is far stream long. Today, I want to introduce the traditional culture is the paper-cut! There are many kinds of paper-cut, such as: the window, like flowers, fireworks, shoes, flowers, door raft, bay state cloth, measures of worship, the paper-cut, QiFan paper-cut, the paper-cut characters, the paper-cut, pictures, etc. My times just introduce paper-cut pictures and characters and paper-cut QiFan paper-cut. Paper-cut picture is on a piece of paper cut out a picture. You see first that "scholar", one is carrying on the reading a book, Mr. He is a scholar of the way, Look at this picture again, show peony "phoenix" is a phoenix on playing on a peony, like a child playing。 Paper-cut characters is first, and then take out a piece of paper on top of some Chinese cut out, still can cut art words! I have cut, very beautiful, not letter, you try! You look nice would say, because this is the prequel down? I have done QiFan paper-cut, according to their way (is) I first took a 1 FenMi stick, grab a piece of paper, it into a triangular shape beeen yourself and see this cut (how) the final paper is stuck up again. Would you try and made! China still has a lot of traditional culture, such as calligraphy, embroidery, etc. How, we Chinese have many traditional culture? 咱们的中国传统文化博大精深,渊远流长。今天,我要向大家介绍的就是传统文化——剪纸啦! 剪纸的种类有很多,比如:窗花、喜花、礼花、鞋花、门筏、湾州布影、斗香花、剪纸团花、剪纸旗幡、剪纸汉字、剪纸图画等等。我次就只介绍介绍剪纸图画、剪纸汉字和剪纸旗幡。 剪纸图画就是在一张纸上剪出一副画来。你先看看这幅“书生”,上面有一位正在拿着书在读的先生,一看他的样子就是一位书生;再看看这幅“凤凰戏牡丹”,上面有一只凤凰在一朵牡丹上玩耍,活像一个小孩在玩耍…… 剪纸汉字也是先拿出一张纸,然后在上面剪出一些汉字,还可以剪艺术字呢!我也曾经剪过,非常的漂亮,不信,你自己试试!你看了准会说很好看,因为这是以前传下来的吗! 剪纸旗幡我也做过,(是照自己的方式做的)我先拿来一条1分米的棍子,再拿来一张纸,吧之间成一个三角形的形状,(自己看一下该剪多大)最后再把纸粘上去。就做成了,你试试吧! 中国还有很多传统文化,比如:书法、刺绣等等。怎么样,咱们中国是不是有很多传统文化? 2. , 写一篇关于介绍剪纸的英语作文 Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China. Many people, no matter young or old, are fond of it. People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut. They cut paper into different shapes, like birds, animals, flowers and so on. I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful. People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interested in it. I hope you"ll e to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day. 3. 剪纸 英文作文 急 1.Paper-cut depicted image lifelike, lifelike. Such as "seven fairies". Four fairy expression is different, dance dance, their arms enined by is lightsome and silky ribbons, are swing gently with the wind. And "squirrel vintage". Shook loose big tail little squirrel, *** all eyes riveted on purple YingYing of great grapes, away from other *** all animals give away. How exquisite paper-cutting! What a fondle admiringly. 2.A pair of scissors and a piece of paper, can make? After dexterous hands, it can bee exquisite design oh. Paper cutting has a long history, it can be traced back to the earliest han period. Then the folk women with tinsel and colored silks shear auspicious patterns ornamental such as, stick in face of both sides. Modern paper-cut mostly out of the hand of rural women, they cut the pattern is mostly farmers most yearned for something, such as: poultry, livestock, flowers, birds, crops, the stories and auspicious patterns, etc. Stick on the window is grilles, posted on the door is the door to sign, a few as wall flower, flower, hei flowers, ceiling and embroidery snuff pattern. Besides paper-cut are being used ancestor worship and offerings of ornamental. Fairy used Paper-cut tricks and place also have close relations, and the north paper-cut tricks are mostly opera characters, and the southern paper-cutting exquisite beauty, much as inwrought base. Paper-cut, you are the essence of traditional Chinese culture. 两个你可以找个简单的写(=^ ^=) 4. 写剪窗花的英语作文怎么写 春节剪纸的来历 Is the traditional Chinese paper-cut folk art. It is a paper cut with scissors to a variety of decorative patterns, so called "paper-cut." From jOOzone. Originated in the Chinese paper-cutting. In the Han and Tang dynasties, that is, the use of non-governmental women"s silver and gold color silk cut flower for the decoration attached to the temples of culture. Later, during the festive season with a variety of colored paper cut flowers, stories such as animals or people, and pasted on the window called "window", posted on the door referred to as the "door sign" for the celebration known as the " hi to spend. " Tang Li Shangyin were "days that matter," the poem, the "golden thread for custom Jing Chuan-sheng, Jin wind from the ribbon-cutting people," the sentence, but also records the history of paper cutting. 请参考作文地带提供中文翻译: 剪纸是中国传统的民间艺术。它是用剪刀将纸剪成各种装饰图案,故称为“剪纸”。 剪纸起源于汉。在汉、唐时代,民间妇女即有使用金银箔和彩帛剪成花鸟贴在鬓角为饰的风尚。后来,在节日期间用彩色纸剪成各种花草、动物或人物故事等,贴在窗上的称为“窗花”,贴在门上的称为“门签”,用于喜庆的称为“喜花”。 唐诗人李商隐《人日即事》诗中,有“缕金作胜传荆俗,剪彩为人起晋风”之句,也记载了剪纸的历史。 5. 有关中国剪纸的英语作文 原发布者:阿笨和果子 中国剪纸ChinesePapercutsu2022Papercutsrefertohandicraft *** adebycuttingpaperwithscissorstoformdifferentpatternsandpastingthemonwalls,windows,doorsandceilings.u2022剪纸,顾名思义,就是用剪刀把纸剪出各种图形,并且把它们贴在墙上、窗户、门和天花板上的一种手工艺品。u2022Withtheirlonghistory,papercuts,whichoriginatedinChina,havebeenverypopularamongtheordinarypeopleofChina.ThefirstpapercutcanbetracedbacktotheNorthernandSouthernDynasties(386~581)period.TheinitiationandspreadofpapercutshadacloserelationshipwithChineseruralfestivals.Peoplepastedpapercutsonwalls,windowsanddoorsaeddingceremoniesorfestivalstoenhancethefestiveatmosphere.起源于中国的剪纸,历史悠久,一直深受中国老百姓的欢迎。第一幅剪纸作品可以追溯到南北朝时期(公元386-581).剪纸的产生和传播与中国农村的节日有着密切的联系。人们在婚礼或过节时在墙上、窗户、门上贴上剪纸以增强节庆的气氛。u2022Chinesepapercutsarerichincontent.Theauspiciousdesignssymbolizegoodluckandtheavoidanceofevil.Thechild,lotusandbottlegourddesignssuggestafamilywithalargenumberofchildrenandgrandchildren.Domesticbirds,l 6. 关于剪纸艺术的英语作文 Papercut is an art, but few understand it. Now I want to introduce to you the paper-cut! Paper-cut is one of the most popular folk art in China, according to the textual research, confirmed its history can be traced back to 1600 BC in 1100. Paper-cutting used for folk activities and religious ceremony. Now, paper cutting is more used to decorate, also can be used as a gift to friends and relatives. Because of the regional customs, history and culture, etc, throughout the country has different style, paper-cut and guangdong foshan paper-cut is one of them. Foshan paper-cut has a long history, originated in the song dynasty, Ming dynasty period. Since the Ming dynasty in foshan paper-cut art in the civil widely circulated, and exported to southeast Asian countries. Foshan paper-cut according to its production raw material ?。 7. 关于剪纸的名人英语作文加翻译 Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival.People paste patterns on the window,door lintel or desks for the festival atmosphere.It"s difficult to tell when it originated.One saying is that it originated from the religious ceremony or offering sacrifices.The ancient people cut papers into animals or people.They either buried them with the dead or burned them on the funerals,wishing that things that paper stand for could be with the dead.A thousand years ago,paper cut was used for decoration.According to historic books,women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cut as headdress.In the Song Dynasty,it was the decoration of the gifts.People pasted on windows or doors or used it as decorations on walls,mirrors or lanterns.Some people made a living by it.Paper cutting is all made by hand.It is easy to learn the rudiments.Non-craft *** en need only a knife and paper.For craft *** an,they need knives and gravers of various types to make plicated patterns.It can be one piece of paper or many pieces.Simple patterns can be cut with a knife.For plicated patterns,people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then used various kinds of knives to make it.No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work would fail.Paper cutting covers nearly all topics,from flowers,birds,animals,legendary people,figures in classic novels,to types of facial make-up in Peking opera.Paper cutting has various styles in different parts of China.In the past,women living in the countryside gathered in their free time to make paper cutting,which is a way to judge their skillfulness.As society develops,fewer and fewer people learn this skill while there are some who still regard it as a profession.At present,there are factories and associations for paper cutting in China.Exhibitions and exchanges are held regularly and books of this kind are published.Paper cutting has changed from decoration to a kind of art.At the same time,paper cutting also appears in cartoons,on stage,in magazines or in TV series.。 8. 有关中国剪纸的英语作文 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:阿笨和果子 中国剪纸ChinesePapercutsu2022Papercutsrefertohandicraft *** adebycuttingpaperwithscissorstoformdifferentpatternsandpastingthemonwalls,windows,doorsandceilings.u2022剪纸,顾名思义,就是用剪刀把纸剪出各种图形,并且把它们贴在墙上、窗户、门和天花板上的一种手工艺品。 u2022Withtheirlonghistory,papercuts,whichoriginatedinChina,havebeenverypopularamongtheordinarypeopleofChina.ThefirstpapercutcanbetracedbacktotheNorthernandSouthernDynasties(386~581)period.TheinitiationandspreadofpapercutshadacloserelationshipwithChineseruralfestivals.Peoplepastedpapercutsonwalls,windowsanddoorsaeddingceremoniesorfestivalstoenhancethefestiveatmosphere.起源于中国的剪纸,历史悠久,一直深受中国老百姓的欢迎。第一幅剪纸作品可以追溯到南北朝时期(公元386-581).剪纸的产生和传播与中国农村32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333433623736的节日有着密切的联系。 人们在婚礼或过节时在墙上、窗户、门上贴上剪纸以增强节庆的气氛。u2022Chinesepapercutsarerichincontent.Theauspiciousdesignssymbolizegoodluckandtheavoidanceofevil.Thechild,lotusandbottlegourddesignssuggestafamilywithalargenumberofchildrenandgrandchildren.Domesticbirds,l。 9. 邀请别人参加中国剪纸的英语作文 Spring Festival is our most important holiday. All the family members get together for dinner in the New Year. At the same time, each person of each other to celebrate The first morning in a year, it posted on the door-fu. Some of the windows of the house put a red paper-cut Spring sustained 15 days. Therefore, in 15 days, we always visit our relatives Children at that time the most happy, they from their parents, grandfather or grandmother, uncle, aunt and so many red packets. The last day of the Spring Festival is the Festival of Lights。 10. 写剪窗花的英语作文怎么写 Is the traditional Chinese paper-cut folk art. It is a paper cut with scissors to a variety of decorative patterns, so called "paper-cut." From jOOzone. Originated in the Chinese paper-cutting. In the Han and Tang dynasties, that is, the use of non-governmental women"s silver and gold color silk cut flower for the decoration attached to the temples of culture. Later, during the festive season with a variety of colored paper cut flowers, stories such as animals or people, and pasted on the window called "window", posted on the door referred to as the "door sign" for the celebration known as the " hi to spend. " Tang Li Shangyin were "days that matter," the poem, the "golden thread for custom Jing Chuan-sheng, Jin wind from the ribbon-cutting people," the sentence, but also records the history of paper cutting.
2023-07-11 23:11:111


在使命召唤手游中有一些特殊武器,这些武器和普通的武器比起来普遍要强一截,但是获取也是需要一定的技巧的,很多玩家还不知道要怎么获得,下面我们就来一起看一下吧。使命召唤手游特殊武器有哪些 特殊武器介绍一、突击步枪 ASM10-Black Gold天赋:大幅提升武器射程。第二天赋:提升10%经验值获取。获取方式:使用20000C币购买。二、突击步枪 AK47-Red Action天赋:大幅提升武器射程。第二天赋:获得新的击杀效果(效果未知,推测为类似正作的名片)。获取方式:购买高级战斗通行证,并升至100级后解锁。三、轻机枪 M4LMG-Ribbon Explosion天赋:当弹夹弹量较低时,稍微提升装弹速度。获取方式:战斗通行证30级时解锁四、冲锋枪 HG40-Black Gold天赋:取得双杀会立刻为弹夹填装一些子弹。第二天赋:获得新的击杀效果(效果未知,推测为类似正作的名片)。获取方式:使用20000C币购买。
2023-07-11 23:11:301


2022年清明节扫墓祭祖英语作文及翻译(精选6篇)   在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是我收集整理的2022年清明节扫墓祭祖英语作文及翻译,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   清明节扫墓祭祖英语作文及翻译 篇1   Once a year the Tomb-sweeping Day to Tomb-sweeping Day, is China"s traditional festivals, is also the most important festival is the ancestor worship, ancestor worship, an activity has mourn the passing of a loved one. This day, Grandma had been ready to give grandpa grandma and grandpa too too grave for something, uncle drove the car, we soon came to the mountain. First we went to the great grandfather"s grandma"s grave and put flowers, and burn some paper money. Then to Grandpa"s tomb, the tomb they are not far away, we take out the grandpa"s love of alcohol and tobacco, put in my grandfather"s tomb, the grandfather to burn some money, so as to express our thoughts and wishes to relatives! And pray for them silently in my heart, bless them on the other side of the heaven and we can live happily.   In a flash, grandpa has been dead for four years. Grandpa died due to illness, when the time is still very young, I vaguely remember some of the pictures I played with my grandfather when I was young, I can not help but feel a bit more missing and sad.   One day the grave would end this way. On this special day, I realize the value of life.   一年一度的清明节到了,清明节是我国的传统节日,也是最重要的祭祖节日,是祭拜祖先,悼念己逝去亲人的一种活动。这一天,奶奶早早地就准备好了给太爷爷太奶奶和爷爷上坟用的东西,叔叔开着车,我们很快就到了山上。我们先去了太爷爷太奶奶的墓前,放上鲜花,又烧了些纸钱。然后又到了爷爷的墓前,他们的墓离的不远,我们把爷爷最喜欢的烟酒拿出来,摆在爷爷的墓前,在给爷爷烧上一些纸钱,借以表达我们对亲人的思念和祝福!并在心里默默地为他们祈祷,祝福他们在天堂的那一边也能够和我们一样幸福快乐地生活着。   转眼间,爷爷已经去世四年了。爷爷是因病去世的,走的时候还很年轻,我隐约记得一些我小时候和爷爷一起玩的画面,心里不由得多了几分思念与伤感。   一天的扫墓就这样结束了。在这个特殊的日子里,让我认识到了生命的珍贵。   清明节扫墓祭祖英语作文及翻译 篇2   Today is the traditional festival of our country - Tomb Sweeping day. The day dawn, we will follow the one family go to the mountains to the worship of ancestors. The street is already crowded, heavy traffic, people came from all sides have from the grave. On both sides of the road is a large pear, white flowers in the spring breeze blowing, like a white butterfly dance; yellow winter jasmine like willow like Daochui on either side the river, a good school Spring is in the air. scene.   One to the foot of the mountain, even more people, one in a long team, there are a lot of police in order to maintain the tension. To the mountains, winding mountain road is very narrow, I pulled out the fearless spirit, Chengcheng to climb, but before long, my legs felt like footsteps filled with lead, more and more slowly, the old man is learning percussion - out of breath. A short rest, looking all over the mountains and plains azalea, I summon the spirit to go on board...... Finally came to a very grave, suddenly feel refreshed, down view the following views: a car like the beetle crawling on the road; a building section and low buildings well-proportioned; a river like crystal ribbon is embedded in the earth, very beautiful!   Pay homage to several ancestors, under the sky from the spring rain, we a pious ancestors to worship, go home.   今天是我国的传统节日——清明节。天蒙蒙亮,我们一家人便踏着晨雾前往山上祭奠祖先。马路上,已然是车水马龙,热闹非凡,人们纷纷从四面八方赶来扫墓。路的两旁是大片的梨园,白色的梨花在春风的吹拂下,好似一只只白色的蝴蝶翩翩起舞;黄色的迎春花像柳枝似的倒垂在河岸两旁,好一派春意盎然的景象。   一到山脚,人就更多了,一个个摩肩接踵,排着很长的队伍,有很多警察叔叔在紧张地维持着秩序。开始上山了,蜿蜒曲折的山路十分狭窄,我拿出初生牛犊不怕虎的精神,噌噌往上爬去,但没过多久,我的双腿就像灌满铅似的,脚步越来越慢,已经是老头子学吹打——上气不接下气了。稍稍休息了一下,望着满山遍野的映山红,我又鼓足精神,向上登去……终于来到了阿太的坟墓前,向下鸟瞰,顿时觉得神清气爽,下面的景色一览无余:一辆辆汽车像甲壳虫似的在马路上爬行;一栋栋节次鳞比的楼房错落有致;一条条河流像晶莹的飘带镶嵌在大地之中,美丽极了!   祭奠好几位祖先,天空中下起了绵绵的春雨,我们一家便虔诚地向祖先跪拜后,回家了。   清明节扫墓祭祖英语作文及翻译 篇3   清明节是一个拜祖先的日子,也就是给祖先烧点食物的,烧给他们。   4月5日星期六,是清明节,我和爸爸妈妈一大早就起床,连早餐都没吃,就从横沥开车回老家扫墓。一回到老家,我们都把鞋换成拖鞋,因为去扫墓祖先的路是一条水泥路很脏,换完鞋我们就出发了,来到第一个地方时就看见有许多人在把草挖开,这里每年都会这样的到处都是草,所以每次来这里都得挖草,挖完之后,我们就开始给祖先苹果、包子……的食物,然后我们拜这位祖先的每一个家庭就轮流的烧鞭炮,有几个家庭都烧大的鞭炮,所以他们最后一个烧,鞭炮一个接一个,很响,特别是大的鞭炮,烧完鞭炮后,爸爸就叫我去拜一下祖先。拜完之后,我们就去第二个地方拜另一位祖先。   第二个地方那里有许多个祖先,其中最里面的第二行其中一个就是我们的祖先,首先是烧些食物给祖先,然后烧一些拜钱给他,最后烧鞭炮,做完这些以后,我就上前去拜拜祖先,并双手拿着水壶倒茶给祖先喝。拜完之后,我们就去第三个地方拜另外两位祖先。   第三个地方去的路全是水泥,把我的脚弄脏了。我上前去问爸爸:“爸爸,是不是拜完第三个地方就回家了。”爸爸回答说:“是呀!然后12点准时出发去吃饭。”我听完之后就在去的路上摘了许多花,因为我想把这些花送给祖先,希望他能保佑我身体健康,步步高升。来到之后,我看见有两位祖先,我仔细看了看水泥上的字,原来他们是一对夫妻,我们还是按老规据给这对夫妻送上水果,烧一些钱和烟给他们,还有茶和白酒,最后烧鞭炮,做完以上这些工作,我就去拜拜他们,把所有剩下的.茶倒给他们喝,并把我刚才在路上摘的鲜花送给他们,希望他们在天堂能更加相爱。   拜完所有祖先后,我们就回家,然后12点出发一起吃饭,把我们买的烧猪吃掉,看到大家津津有味吃着美味的烧猪,我感到无比的高兴。这次清明节我一定会把发生过的事情永远记到脑子里,这次清明节让我终身难忘。   清明节快到了,星期天我和爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶、舅爷爷、阿姨一家人,去给姥姥扫墓,顺便去踏青游玩。 一路上,我看到小鸟在枝头唱歌,河水清澈见底,空气湛蓝深远,鸟语花香,一片春天的景象。扫完墓后,我们就向目的地出发了,我们今天踏春游玩的地点是金井茶园。一下车,就闻到一阵清香,我们迫不及待的进去了。看到这里风景优美,鸟语花香,我们走啊走啊,看到了好多茶树,绿油油的。我们摘了一大袋,还拍了照想留住这美好的一天。我们继续往前走,半路上,看到了一个很大的池塘,水里还有许多鲫鱼浮在水面晒太阳,像在欢迎我们的到来。池边,看到了粉红色映山红,我摘了几朵来,送给了我的妈妈。我们走啊走啊,转了个圈,又回到了原地。在回家的路上,我们经过一片草莓地,顺便摘了点草莓,一吃,好甜。我们就开开心心的准备回家了,今天的踏春多么难忘啊!   Qingming Festival is coming. On Sunday, my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts and I will go to the grave for grandma and go for a outing.   Along the way, I saw birds singing in the branches. The water was clear, the air was blue and far-reaching, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, a picture of spring.   After sweeping the tomb, we set out for our destination. Today, we are going to visit Jinjing tea garden in spring. As soon as we got out of the car, we could not wait to enter. Seeing the beautiful scenery and the fragrance of birds and flowers, we walked and walked, and saw a lot of tea trees, green. We picked a big bag and took photos to keep the beautiful day. We went on, half way, saw a big pond, there are many crucian carp floating in the water to bask in the sun, as if to welcome our arrival. By the pool, I saw the pink reflection of the mountain. I picked some and gave them to my mother. Let"s go, go, turn around, and go back to where we were.   On the way home, we passed a strawberry field and picked some strawberries by the way. It was sweet. We are happy to go home, how unforgettable today"s spring outing!   清明节扫墓祭祖英语作文及翻译 篇4   天灰了,人散了。街道上传来一声声敲打的声音,原来是人们在做好吃的清明果呀!雨下了起来,滴在做清明果的容器里,滴在那绿绿的.面团上,显得更加诱人了。   雨细细的,就像千万根尖针落下来,变成一个个深浅不一的小土坑。让我不由得想起了唐代诗人杜牧《清明》“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 一位大爷手拿一个粗长的棍子用力地敲打着面团,一边敲,一边还念着一首诗还是一个童谣,节奏感很好,旋律也很美妙,只可惜我一个字也没听懂。大爷敲打,大娘揉面,真是“男女搭配,干活不累。” 我在一旁呆呆的看着他们,自己也想“玩一玩”。我迫不及待地跑过去拿起那粗壮的棍子,拿棍子可真重呀,就算我使出全身的力气,它还是得意洋洋,纹身不动地站在那里,还时不时对着我坏笑。 我拿它没办法,只好去帮他们印清明果。这“印”可不是把什么东西印在清明果上,而是把清明果面团放在一个容器里,让它成形。 看着自己制作的清明果心里别提多高兴,再咬一口更是美滋滋的。这个清明节过得真是滋味!   The sky is grey and the people are scattered. There is a sound of knocking on the street. It turns out that people are making delicious qingmingguo! It began to rain, drop in the container of qingmingguo, drop on the green dough, it seemed more attractive.   Rain thin, like tens of thousands of needle down, into a small pit of varying depths. I can not help but think of the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu"s "Qingming", "Qingming season rain one after another, passers-by want to break their souls."   A big man was beating the dough with a thick and long stick. He was still reading a poem or a nursery rhyme. He had a good sense of rhythm and melody, but I didn"t understand a word. I beat and knead. It"s true that "men and women work together, but I"m not tired."   I was staring at them, and I wanted to play. I can"t wait to run over and pick up the thick stick. It"s really heavy. Even if I put all my strength into it, it"s still triumphant. The tattoo stands still and laughs at me from time to time.   I can"t take it, so I have to help them print the qingmingguo. This "seal" is not to print something on Qingming fruit, but to put Qingming fruit dough in a container and let it take shape.   Looking at the qingmingguo made by myself, I"m not too happy. It"s even more beautiful to take another bite. This Qingming Festival is really delicious!   清明节扫墓祭祖英语作文及翻译 篇5   The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China.   On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors" tombs. Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs. The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs. The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It"s a symbol of the offspring"s respect to the ancestors. People believe that the forbears will share the food with them. The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true.In some provinces of China, people use different activities to commemorate this day, for instance, spring-outing, swinging, tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan, but its colour is green. Mix the Ay Tsaojuice with the rice powder, then make it into small balls. The Ay Tsao rice ball is done.   People believe that eating Ay Tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly. Other activities such as spring outing, tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing, it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing, we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.   清明节是中国的传统节日之一。   从每年的4月5日开始,人们就开始去祭拜自己的祖先。一般来说,人们会带一些自制的食品,冥币和祭品烧给他们的祖先。当人们开始拜祖的时候,就会点燃蜡烛和香火,在坟墓周围挂上鲜花。最重要的事情是把祭祀的食物摆在坟墓前。这些食物,又称之为祭品,通常由一只鸡、一条鱼、一些猪肉组成。这是后代对祖先所表示的一种尊重。人们认为老祖宗会和他们一同分享美食。后代们献上食物和钱财表示他们对先人的爱和关心。晚辈们则会跪在坟前,说出自己的心愿,向先人祷告,让祖宗保佑自己的愿望得以实现。在中国的某些省份,人们通过举行不同的活动来纪念清明节。例如,春游、荡秋千、植树以及做特殊的食物。其中一种特别的小吃叫艾粑粑。艾粑粑看起来像汤圆,但它的颜色的是绿色的。把艾草汁和糯米粉混合在一起,搓成小球,艾粑粑就做好了。   人们认为吃艾粑粑能祛除邪气,让诸事顺利。其余的活动,例如春游、植树都是纪念先人的方式之一。一方面,这些活动告诉人们要展望未来,拥抱希望;另一方面,我们希望先人能安息。   清明节扫墓祭祖英语作文及翻译 篇6   中文:   “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”今年的清明节是4月4日星期四,我们全家一大早就开车前往老家—潮阳谷饶去扫墓祭祖,一路上的车排成了车龙,都往墓地赶着。   我是第一次要去扫墓,在路上我心里总是猜测着山上的墓地到底是怎样的很是期待,终于到了目的地,我迫不及待的冲了上去,可是雨天的山坡路太滑了,“扑通”我摔了一个嘴啃泥。我爬了起来,妈妈看了说:“大烨,心急吃不了热豆腐,山坡路得慢慢走的”。我听了妈妈的话,慢慢地走着。山上有许多果树:杨梅树、苹果树、香蕉树、橄榄树……一颗颗小杨梅挂在树上,有的苹果红得像喝了许多酒的小孩,香蕉像一只只小船挂在树上。空气清鲜极了!   走呀走,终于到了祖奶奶的墓前,我们把墓前的杂草清除干净后再把贡品和纸钱放到祖奶奶的墓前,点了香烛,开始祭拜了,妈妈嘴里念念有词的也不知在念叨着什么,拜好了把香烛插在土里,然后我们拿了几根木材点火,再把纸钱放进火里去烧,最后我们点起了炮竹,磕三拜之后把东西收好回家。   山上的祭祖人真多,到处都是钱纸和炮竹的回声,今天的山上可真热闹呀!   回家后,我全身湿淋淋的可我还是很开心,因为从这次扫墓让我懂得了许多许多。   英文:   "Qingming Festival" in succession, the pedestrian on the road." This year"s Qingming Festival is on Thursday, April 4th, and our family drove to the old house early in the early morning to go to the hometown of Chaoyang to visit the tomb for the ancestor. The cars on the road were dragons to the cemetery.   I was the first time to visit the grave, on the way to my heart, I always guessed what the mountain cemetery was really looking forward to, finally to the destination, I can"t wait to rush up, but the raining mountain road is too slippery, "flop" I fell a mouth mud. When I got up, my mother looked at him and said, "big ye, impatient to eat hot tofu, and walking on the hillside." I listened to my mother"s words and walked slowly. There are many fruit trees on the hill: bayberry, apple, banana and olive. A little Yang Meigua is on the tree. Some apple is red like a kid who drinks a lot of wine. The banana is like a small boat hanging on a tree. The air was very fresh!   Walk and go, finally to the tomb of grandmother"s grandmother, we cleared the weeds in front of the tomb, and then put the tribute and paper money before the tomb of grandmother"s grandmother. Put the paper into the fire to burn, finally we lit firecrackers, knock three times after put things away home.   So many mountain worship, there are echoes of paper money and firecrackers, today the mountain can be really fun ah!   After returning home, I was wet, but I was still very happy, because I learned a lot from this tomb sweeping. ;
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问题一:没有你以后我灵魂失控英语 My soul could be out of control without you. 问题二:英文歌词翻译 into the distance, a ribbon of black 远远地一条黑带向天边隐去 stretched to the point of no turning back 渐行渐远 缩成了一个点 a flight of fancy憨on a windswept field 被风扫过的天空中 那正是我所渴望的飞行 standing alone my senses reeled 我神情呆滞 感觉有点晕旋 a fatal attraction holding me fast, 我的心兀地被抓紧 how can i escape this irresistible grasp? 我如何才能摆脱困境? can"t keep my eyes from the circling skies 我的双眼被旋转的天空深深吸引使我无暇顾及左右 tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, i 我感到目瞪口呆 天眩地转 ice is forming on the tips of my wings 机翼的末端已经结冰 unheeded warnings, i thought i thought of everything 控制系统报警我已无暇顾及 我想我开始都准备好了 no navigator to guide my way home 没有导向器指引我回家的路 unladened, empty and turned to stone 我感到自己没了主意,变的僵硬 a soul in tension that"s learning to fly 学着去飞行 我神情紧绷 condition grounded but determined to try 状态失控 我决定去尝试 can"t keep my eyes from the circling skies 旋转的天空深深抓住了我的双眼 使我无暇顾及左右 tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit 我感到目瞪口呆 天眩地转 问题三:失控的灵魂不灭的心灵什么意思求解答 失控的灵魂不灭的心灵的意思是: 就算自己精神失常了,心里的念头也不会消失 希望能够帮到你。 问题四:英语句子翻译 1.Yet here he was,lying in the grass,hidden by trees from the house,waiting for an innocent,red-haired,two-year-old girl to e within reach. 然而他在这儿,躺在草地上,被树木遮掩,与房子隔开,等待一个天真的,红头发的两岁女孩来到他旁边。 2.At fourteen he dropped out of Greenwood School and hit the road. 14岁时他从格林伍德学校退学,开始旅行。 3.Harlan couldn"t win for losing,as they said. 正如他们所说,哈伦无法为了输而赢。 4.But,this one day,she did not e out to play ,so his chain of failures remained unbroken. 但是这天,她没出来玩,所以他的一连串的失败还唬没有被打破。 5.And then his expected life span ran out. 他预期的寿命结束了。 6.The bluebird of happiness,or whatever,had always flown just out of reach. 幸福的蓝鸟,或者不论什么,总是飞走,不可触及。 7.On the road to excellence,nothing can hold back a creative spirit. 在通往卓越的路上,没有什么能使有创造力的灵魂退缩。 8.In those early years,he was exposed to bavely half a dozen books. 在早些年,他读了六本书。 9.Yet it should be remembered how many failures and defeats marked his early life and how humble and unpromising his early beginning were然而应该被记住的是他早年的生活中有多少的失败以及他的起步是多么的卑微无望。
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JIUZHAIGOU ONLINE INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE CO., LTD Address : Chengdu, Sichuan, China West Second Ring Road 3 on the 30th of the three-storey hotel in Jiuzhaigou http : / / telephone : 0086-28-68205954 68205965 13881884788 13708 086881Fax : 68205954 Zip code : 610036 Jiuzhaigou, Huanglong, Ruoergai, Wu Shuang spent on the 7th travel itinerary : the number of days meals transport trips D1 Ford Transit aircraft to fly to Beijing from Chengdu, After the arrival of the three tour spots Wuhou Temple, and at night to watch the famous Sichuan opera, to experience the essence of Sichuan opera "transform" the fun. California Exhibition International Hotel D2 aircraft Ford Transit Shuangliu International Airport set and took flights from the airport to fly to nine yellow, Upon arrival by car to as "Paradise" reputation -- Huanglong Scenic Area tour, not just an entrance pool, washing own hole Jinsha shop, cliff-flow, Huanglong Temple, and other Wucaiche landscape. Swim followed to Jiuzhai Paradise rest, in the evening enjoy the natural paradise Spa (pay 158 yuan / person). (In the present Asia"s largest indoor hot spring-spa shower bath days, the lifting of travel fatigue). 1, Chengdu-Jiuzhaigou flying time (40 minutes) 2. Airport-Huanglong about travel time (two hours or so) (sooner or later) places : Jiuzhai Paradise D3 Ford Transit car after breakfast to visit Jiuzhaigou, Tour Jiuzhaigou three Ditch : tree-ditch; Japan will ditch; Jardine will swamp groove, visits to the shooting Journey to the West-Pearl Beach, the ancient Young Hero to the viewfinder -- zheng - sea and ancient windmills, Tour Lake has long sea, Wucaiche, tree-waterfall, the sea tigers, rhinoceroses Wonderful and Beautiful scenery of the sea and other natural landscape. After the return of Jiuzhai Paradise Hotel rest. 1, after dinner to enjoy strong ethnic charm of Tibetan song and dance soiree. 2, at noon in the groove Connaught Japanese restaurant meals Lang 3, Jiuzhai Paradise - Jiuzhaigou about Mizoguchi Hiroyuki (30 minutes) (early) places : Jiuzhai Paradise D4 Ford Transit after breakfast from Jiuzhaigou, crossing Lama Ling, all the way to enjoy mountain gorge scenery, Ruoergai arrived in town. 1, the way to enjoy lunch. 2. Jiuzhaigou - Ruoergai about travel time (seven hours) (early) Ruoergai Ridge Ga more Hotels (Semi-4) the best local D5 Ford Ruoergai starting all obedient to the lake to spend on the road, the scenery charming way to the thermal Dole Prairie dam within a variety of wild flowers in bloom. featuring green grass, not something which could be seen side a dam within the various wild animals, there are a dam sea son, we called her the "Flower Lake" Huli because flowers grow lush pastures of the summer, all those weeds will blossom, a troupe, a very beautiful cluster. You spend End Lake, arrived in the first nine Yellow River Bay is the afternoon, after the sun sets in the first nine of the Yellow River Bay even more beautiful. boarded sightseeing kiosks, the distance to the source, the S-shape of the Yellow River in the setting sun like a ribbon of blood red, the color a dark, with a sky full of Hongxia mutual pure and beautiful to the extreme. 1, the way to enjoy lunch. 2, the day trip to the grassland and enjoy the scenery of the grassland Aba. (Early) Hongyuan Hotels (quasi-three best local) D6 red Ford full obedience original, the original town from the Red 3 km, Yueliangwan on arrival. Nobody would have thought that crossed tempestuous Prairie such an unexpectedly Bay gentleness of water. Bay because of the water, the entire landscape of the original red all together ... after a moderate return of LNG rest. 1, the way to enjoy lunch. 2, the original red-Utilization (early) Minjiang River Source International Hotel D7 aircraft from the car after breakfast to nine Huang International Airport, traveling on scheduled flights back to Chengdu. Upon arrival, the hotel occupancy rest. California Exhibition International Hotel Price : 1, the fee : 3,400 yuan per 2, the fare : 1,650 yuan per3 I. service fees : 750 yuan per4, travel agency services costs : 100 yuan per5, tickets : Wuhou Temple 60 yuan per Sichuan opera faces 180 yuan per Huanglong 200 yuan per person ropeway 120 yuan per Jiuzhaigou 310 Yuan per Lake spend 60 yuan per 9 60 yuan per Jiuzhaigou of Tibetan song and dance soiree 180 yuan per Total : 1170 yuan per 6, Chengdu / Jiuzhaigou 2,160 yuan round-trip air fare per 7, paradise for a dinner 120 yuan per Total : 9,350 yuan per service standards : 1,a trip itinerary included in the hotel accommodation. 2, the entire car for the Ford Transit 15. 3, English tour guide services. 4, the itinerary included attractions tickets. 5, travel agents liability insurance. 6, Chengdu / Jiuzhaigou round-trip air fare.Delivery costs : 1, Jiuzhai Paradise Spa costs. 2, the personal consumption. 3, the only difference 1,700 yuan per. 4, Beijing / Chengdu round-trip air fare. Note : This whole trip has not advanced to shop, and the other because of this small group wholly self-catering, guided by their own meal arrangements for the guests
2023-07-11 23:12:061


东京猫猫中的桃宫莓姓名:桃宫莓(桃宫草莓)   声优:中岛沙树   别名:小莓猫猫(草莓猫猫)   变身:小莓 Mew Mew   年龄:12岁   出生日期:4月6日   星座:白羊座   身高:154cm   体重;45kg   喜欢颜色: 粉红色 桃宫莓所在年级:国中一年级(初中一年级)   喜欢科目:体育   喜欢的人:青山雅也   被喜欢的人:青山雅也 奇修 白金稜   讨厌科目:数学   合体动物:西表山猫   武器:草莓铃   魔法术语:Ribbon 小莓 Check(核对)! Ribbon 小莓 Splices(拼接)! Ribbon 水晶石 Drops(滴落)!   属性:魔法+ 防御   专长:没有   喜欢的食物:鱼,炒饭, 甜的东西   讨厌的食物:苦的东西   目前最想要的东西:青山雅也的爱   简介:一个非常活泼开朗的国中一年级学生,喜欢青山,最后如愿以偿。   东京猫猫队的第一个成员。蓝泽薄荷  姓名:蓝泽薄荷(蓝菊薄荷)   声优:嘉数由美 蓝泽薄荷别名:薄荷猫猫   变身:薄荷 Mew Mew   年龄:12岁    所在年级:国中一年级(初中一年级)   出生日期:10月3日   星座:天枰座   身高:150cm    体重:39kg   喜欢颜色:蓝色和水色    喜欢科目:英文、音乐   喜欢的人:哥哥   讨厌科目:理科   合体动物:白喉鹦鹉   武器:薄荷弓箭   魔法术语:Ribbon 薄荷 Echo(反射波;回声)!   属性: 命中+ 攻击   专长:芭蕾舞、日本传统舞蹈、钢琴   喜好的食物:法国料理、专属特厨做料理、烤饼干、专属的厨师做的零食   目前最想要的东西:身为蓝泽家族的女儿,所需要具备的实力与才能   简介:是一个性格严谨个性好强的千金大小姐,但内心是一位天真纯朴的国中一年级学生。   东京猫猫队的第二个成员。   偶像:藤原石榴。碧川莴苣  姓名:碧川莴苣 (碧川香菜)    碧川莴苣别名:莴苣猫猫   声优:佐久间红美   变身:莴苣 Mew Mew   年龄:14岁   出生日期:4月29日   星座:金牛座   身高:168cm   体重:36kg   喜欢颜色:绿色   所在年级:国中二年级   喜欢科目:英文   喜欢的人:白金稜   被喜欢的人:阿派   讨厌科目:社会   合体动物:江豚   武器:莴苣响板   魔法术语: Ribbon 莴苣 Thrash(痛击)!   属性:防御+ 魔力   专长:做料理、烤饼干、制作布娃娃   喜好的食物:卤味、鲜奶油蛋糕、可乐饼和咖啡   讨厌的食物:香菇   目前最想要的东西:勇气   简介:个性文静寡言爱发呆对自己很没有自信,家境较富裕,学习优秀,待人却很温柔是个很贴心的人。是个很温柔的国中二年级的女生。   东京猫猫队的第三个成员。黄步玲  姓名:黄步铃   声优:望月久代    黄步玲别名:布丁猫猫   变身:布丁 Mew Mew   年龄:11岁   出生日期:8月7日   星座:狮子座   身高:138cm   体重:32kg   喜欢颜色:金黄色、橙色   所在年级:小学六年级   喜欢科目:体育   喜欢的人:无   被喜欢的人:蛋挞(蛋蛋)   讨厌科目:没有   合体动物:金狮狨   武器:步铃环   魔法术语:Ribbon 步铃环 Inferno(地狱之火)!   属性: 敏捷+ 力量   专长:杂技、拳法   喜好的食物:板栗、布丁、泡芙   目前最想要的东西:能跟猴子住一起的家,可以跟蛋塔成为好朋友.   简介:活泼乐观有朝气,是一个身手敏捷的拜金女,有6个弟弟妹妹,脸上永远保持着微笑。   黄猿寺拳法的继承人。   东京猫猫队的第四个成员。藤原石榴  姓名:藤原石榴   声优:野田顺子   别名:石榴猫猫(喵喵石榴)   变身:石榴 Mew Mew 藤原石榴年龄:18岁   出生日期:9月6日   星座:处女座   身高:172cm (腿长106cm)   体重:49kg   喜欢颜色:紫红 喜欢科目:英文   喜欢的人:无   讨厌科目:社会   合体动物:雪狼   武器:石榴回旋棒(石榴回旋鞭)   魔法术语:Ribbon 石榴 Pure(纯净)! Ribbon 石榴 Check(检查)! 属性:攻击+ 敏捷   专长:会说六国语言 (日文、英文、德文、中文、西班牙文、法文) 、拳法、舞蹈   喜好的食物:西瓜、牛奶、起司蛋糕   讨厌的食物:纳豆(石榴的天敌)   目前最想要的东西:无   简介:国中三年级学生,是一个著名的模特儿,也是国际级的女星。   东京猫猫队的第五个成员。   是蓝泽薄荷的偶像。赤井苹果  姓名:赤井苹果 别名:苹果猫猫   变身:苹果 Mew Mew   合体动物:加拉帕戈斯企鹅   武器:苹果棒   魔法术语:Mew Berry Rod   只在游戏中和漫画的番外篇(睡美人和七个小矮人)出现过。   青山雅也 青山雅也  姓名:青山雅也 声优:绪方恵美 年龄:14岁   个人简介: 是小莓非常喜欢的人,国中一年级学生,品学兼优人长的又帅又是剑道高手,运动也是十项全能,对生态学非常有兴趣,养有一只小狗叫来福。也喜欢小莓。另一个身份是蓝骑士,也是蓝影者。雅咪剧情介绍:地球,这个无比美丽的蔚蓝色星球上生存着100多万种生命。 但是现在,2580种动物和它们的生活环境正遭受着新的威胁。我们…… 要拯救所有动物和自己身为人类的命运!    猫猫五人组一个混乱的早晨,桃宫莓和全校女生都爱慕着的青山雅也在Red-Date动物展约会时,一只西表山猫溶进了小莓的心脏,并像血液一样循环到了四肢百骸.当她惊叫出声时,才发 觉自己在约会时睡着了。那也许并不是梦,因为小莓变的非常奇怪, 从1层高的护栏摔下时,居然可以稳当着陆;会像猫一样叼住碗里的鱼;和朋友说话时不停发出“Mew-Mew”的叫声.满怀疑惑的小莓只能重回猫猫咖啡馆寻找答案,却不幸遇到了一只攻击人类的巨型变体灰黑色湿老鼠.青山来找小莓,被黑色的湿老鼠甩晕。眼看老鼠的利爪要撕碎青山时,一个酷酷的金发男孩从天降??他唤醒小莓身体里的西表山猫力量,使其变身恶战后,和金发男孩同一组织的赤坂圭一郎告诉小莓,她现在已经是人类DNA+西表山猫DNA的女孩了,希望她可以一边做女服务员,一边做信息收集来帮助他们寻找可以拯救地球的猫猫水晶石。未来的日子还会不断出现4位各怀绝技的伙伴,最终大家一起结合一切正义的力量来对抗外星变种生物。
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外星人的祖先在三亿年前生活在地球上,后来因为环境恶化而被逼迁往另一星球,但那里的环境原来比地球更糟,他们想返回地球,却无能为力,现在他们当中有几个人来到地球,打算消灭人类,让同胞迁回地球。“喵喵咖啡屋”的主人白金棱和友人赤坂圭一郎为了阻止外星人的行动,展开“喵计划”,把Red Data Animals的DNA注入五个女孩体内,令她们在变身后有神奇的力量对抗外星人。五个女孩组成“东京喵喵”,跟外星人战斗,为地球的未来而努力。喵喵咖啡屋是棱和圭一郎的基地,以咖啡屋作掩饰,东京喵喵的女孩平日在那里兼职侍应,等待棱和圭一郎的命令出动。最后“东京喵喵”成功保卫了地球,外星人也找到改善自己星球环境的方法。 姓名:桃宫莓(桃宫草莓)声优:中岛沙树别名:小莓猫猫(草莓猫猫)变身:小莓 Mew Mew年龄:13岁出生日期:3月15日星座:双鱼座身高:154cm体重:43kg喜欢颜色:红、黑喜欢科目:体育讨厌科目:数学合体动物:西表山猫武器:草莓铃魔法术语:Ribbon 小莓 Check! Ribbon 小莓 Splices! Ribbon 水晶石 Drops!属性:魔法+ 防御+专长:和任何人都能愉快相处喜欢的食物:巧克力(朱古力)、鱼、菠萝 、草莓、所有甜食讨厌的食物:酸的东西目前最想要的东西:青山雅也的爱简介:一个非常活泼开朗的国中一年级学生,喜欢青山,最后如愿以偿。是第一个东京猫猫成员。 姓名:蓝泽薄荷(蓝菊薄荷)声优:かかずゆみ别名:薄荷猫猫(猫猫薄荷)变身:薄荷 Mew Mew年龄:12岁出生日期:6月10日星座:双子座身高:150cm体重:38kg喜欢颜色:蓝色和紫色喜欢科目:英文、音乐讨厌科目:理科合体动物:白喉鹦鹉武器:薄荷弓箭魔法术语:Ribbon 薄荷 Echo!属性: 命中+ 攻击+专长:芭蕾舞、日本传统舞蹈、书法、珠算、钢琴喜好的食物:法国料理、专属特厨做料理、烤饼干、专属的厨师做的零食目前最想要的东西:身为蓝泽家族的女儿,所需要具备的实力与才能简介:是一个性格严谨个性好强的千金大小姐,但内心是一位天真纯朴的国中一年级学生。是第二个加入东京猫猫队的人。 藤原石榴是她的偶像。 姓名:碧川莴苣(碧川香菜)别名:莴苣猫猫(猫猫香菜)声优:佐久间红美变身:莴苣 Mew Mew年龄:13岁出生日期:5月5日星座:金牛座身高:154cm体重:43kg喜欢颜色:绿色(水绿)喜欢科目:英文讨厌科目:社会合体动物:江豚武器:莴苣响板魔法术语: Ribbon 莴苣 Thrash!属性:防御+ 魔力+专长:做料理、烤饼干、制作布娃娃喜好的食物:卤味、鲜奶油蛋糕、可乐饼和咖啡讨厌的食物:香菇目前最想要的东西:勇气简介:个性文静寡言爱发呆对自己很没有自信,待人却很温柔是个很贴心的人。是个很温柔的国中二年级的女生,喜欢白金棱。她是第三个加入东京猫猫队的。 姓名:黄步铃声优:望月久代别名:布丁猫猫(猫猫布铃)变身:布丁 Mew Mew年龄:10岁出生日期:8月7日星座:狮子座身高:134cm体重:30kg喜欢颜色:金黄色、橙色喜欢科目:体育讨厌科目:没有合体动物:金狮狨武器:步铃环魔法术语:Ribbon 布铃环 Inferno!属性: 敏捷+ 力量+专长:杂技、拳法喜好的食物:板栗、布丁、泡芙目前最想要的东西:能跟猴子住一起的家,可以跟蛋塔成为好朋友.简介:活泼有朝气,是一个身手敏捷的拜金女,脸上永保持着微笑。黄猿寺拳法的继承人.是第四个加入东京猫猫队的小学六年级女孩。 姓名:藤原石榴声优:野田顺子别名:石榴猫猫(喵喵石榴)变身:石榴 Mew Mew年龄:18岁出生日期:9月6日星座:处女座身高:172cm (腿长108cm)体重:50kg喜欢颜色:浅紫(紫红)喜欢科目:英文讨厌科目:社会合体动物:雪狼武器:石榴回旋棒(石榴回旋鞭)魔法术语:Ribbon 石榴 Pure!Ribbon 石榴 Check!属性:攻击+ 敏捷+专长:会说六国语言 (日文、英文、德文、中文、西班牙文、法文) 、拳法、舞蹈喜好的食物:西瓜、牛奶、起司蛋糕讨厌的食物:纳豆(石榴的天敌)目前最想要的东西:无简介:超酷的国中三年级学生,是一个著名的模特儿,也是国际级的女星。是最后一个加入东京猫猫队的人,也是蓝泽薄荷的偶像。 姓名:白雪红莓别名:红莓猫猫变身:红莓 Mew Mew年龄:12岁生日:5月25日星座:狮子座合体动物:奄美黑兔和安第斯山猫武器:红莓杖魔法术语:喵喵缎带 小红莓闪光!Ribbon 小红莓 Flash!专长:法语(爷爷直接传授)可以一次吃好几份饼干兴趣:收集可爱的东西和衣服喜好的食物:红萝卜座右铭:有活力是最重要的☆个人简介:一个活力十足元气满满的国中一年级生,是第2部的女主角,也是东京MewMew的小队长。在不知不觉中对青梅竹马小郁产生了爱慕之情。赤井苹果姓名:赤井苹果别名:苹果猫猫变身:苹果 Mew Mew合体动物:加拉帕戈斯企鹅武器:苹果棒魔法术语:Mew Berry Rod只在游戏中和漫画的番外篇(睡美人和七个小矮人)出现过。
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World AIDS Day is observed every year on December 1st.u3000u3000Do you know AIDSuff1f AIDS is a terrible disease. Right now, it is a deadly disease and so far, it cannot be cured.There is no pill, no vaccine, no surgery to make you better. HIV and AIDS has decimated the world we live in, and things are only going to get worse.So it is called "super killer".u3000u3000At last estimate by UNAIDS, 40 million people have been infected with AIDS around the world.Every minute, five people get infected with AIDS! It is terrible, isn"t?u3000u3000Do you know about this red ribbon?It is called the "AIDS Ribbon".On this day people wear red ribbons to show their support and to raise awareness. This started as a grassroots effort and there is still not one main manufacturer for the ribbons. The Red Ribbon united people to fight against AIDS.u3000u3000You won"t get AIDS if you:u3000u3000work, eat and drink together with AIDS patients;u3000u3000shake hands with them or hug them;u3000u3000talk face to face with them;u3000u3000use the same toilet as them;u3000u3000swim with them.u3000u3000What do you think about AIDS? Show us your ideas.
2023-07-11 23:13:291


for1. 为,为了They fought for national independence.他们为民族独立而战。This letter is for you.这是你的信。2. 代替;代表We used boxes for chairs.我们用箱子当椅子坐。3. 因为,由于I am sorry for what I said to you.我后悔不该对你讲那些话。4. 在(指定时间)The meeting is arranged for 9 o"clock.会议安排在九点钟。5. (表示时间、距离等)达,计You can see for miles from the roof.你站在屋顶上可以看到数英里之外。6. 对于,关于;在...方面I am too old for the job.我年纪太大,做不了这工作。7. 为得到,为赢得He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes.他让侍者去拿一盒香烟。8. 以...为代价;以...交换He sold his car for 500 dollars.他以五百元把车卖了。9. 当作,作为Do you take me for a millionaire?你是不是把我当百万富翁?10. 赞成;支持;倾向于Are you for the government or against it?你是支持还是反对政府?11. 朝...方向去;往,向He left for Taipei.他出发去台北。12. 就...而言She is sophisticated for her age.就年龄而言她是世故了一点。conj.1. 因为,由于We must start early, for it will take two hours to drive to the airport.我们得早点动身,因为开车去机场得花两个小时。With是个介词,基本的意思是“用”,但它也可以协助构成一个极为多采多姿的句型,在句子中起两种作用;副词与形容词。 with在下列结构中起副词作用: 1.“with+宾语+现在分词或短语”,如: (1) This article deals with common social ills, with particular attention being paid to vandalism. 2.“with+宾语+过去分词或短语”,如: (2) With different techniques used, different results can be obtained. (3) The TV mechanic entered the factory with tools carried in both hands. 3.“with+宾语+形容词或短语”,如: (4) With so much water vapour present in the room, some iron-made utensils have become rusty easily. (5) Every night, Helen sleeps with all the windows open. 4.“with+宾语+介词短语”,如: (6) With the school badge on his shirt, he looks all the more serious. (7) With the security guard near the gate no bad character could do any thing illegal. 5.“with+宾语+副词虚词”,如: (8) You cannot leave the machine there with electric power on. (9) How can you lock the door with your guests in? 上面五种“with”结构的副词功能,相当普遍,尤其是在科技英语中。 接着谈“with”结构的形容词功能,有下列五种: 一、“with+宾语+现在分词或短语”,如: (10) The body with a constant force acting on it. moves at constant pace. (11) Can you see the huge box with a long handle attaching to it ? 二、“with+宾语+过去分词或短语” (12) Throw away the container with its cover sealed. (13) Atoms with the outer layer filled with electrons do not form compounds. 三、“with+宾语+形容词或短语”,如: (14) Put the documents in the filing container with all the drawers open. 四、“with+宾语+介词短语”,如: (15) The young lady with a red ribbon on her head is my former maths teacher. (16) Do you know the gentleman with both hands in his pockets? 五、“with+宾语+副词虚词,”如: (17) Is there any water in the kettle with this cover off ? (18) Out went the boy scouts with their uniforms on
2023-07-11 23:13:361


  镂  (镂)  lòu  (1) ㄌㄡˋ  (2) 雕刻:~花。~刻。~空。~骨铭心(喻感激或牢记不忘)。~月裁云(喻巧夺天工的制作)。~尘吹影(喻徒劳)。  (3) 可供刻镂用的刚坚的铁。  (4) 古同“漏”,孔穴。  (5) 郑码:PUZM,U:9542,GBK:EFCE  (6) 笔画数:14,部首:钅,笔顺编号:31115431234531  详细注解  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  镂  镂  lòu  〔名〕  (1) (形声。从金,娄声。本义:可供雕刻的坚铁)  (2) 金刚钻 [diamond]  厥贡璆、铁、银、镂、砮磬。——《书·禹贡》。孔传:“镂,刚铁。”  (3) 釜,烹饪用的锅 [cauldron]  镂,釜也。——《说文》  (4) 通“漏”。孔穴 [hole]  生禹于石纽,虎鼻大耳,两耳参镂。——《宋书》  (5) 姓  词性变化  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  镂  镂  lòu  〔动〕  (1) 雕刻 [engrave;carve]  锲而不舍,金石可镂。——《荀子·劝学》  器不彤镂。——《左传·哀公元年》  流苏金镂鞍。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》  (2) 又如:镂冰(于冰上雕刻。比喻徒劳而无功);镂板(本指雕刻以印书的木板,引申为雕板印刷);镂花(雕刻花纹);镂金(雕刻金箔用为装饰);镂象(雕刻象牙为饰的车子)  (3) 凿通 [tunnel through; bore]  镂灵山,梁孙原。——《汉书·司马相如传下》  (4) 铭记 [engrave on one"s mind;always bear in mind]。如:镂心(铭记在心)  (5) 雕金为饰 [carve and polish]。如:镂膺(马胸前的雕花金属饰品带子)  常用词组  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  镂簋朱绂  lòuguǐ-zhūfú  [engraved bowl and red ribbon in hat] 用刻有花纹的簋和红色的帽带。镂,刻。簋,盛食物的器具。朱,用如动词,涂上红彩。绂,古代帽子的系带  管仲镂簋朱绂。——宋·司马光《训俭示康》  镂刻  lòukè  (1) [engrave; carve]∶瑑刻,在木、石、塑料等物上刻凿出所需的图案  镂刻雕花床  (2) [remember by heart]∶牢记  这个事镂刻在我心中  镂空  lòukōng  [hollow out] 雕刻出穿透物体的花纹或文字  镂空的象牙球  镂月裁云  lòuyuè-cáiyún  [elaborately wrought] 能雕刻月亮、剪裁云彩。喻镂刻或裁剪的手艺高超精巧
2023-07-11 23:13:441

with of for to 的区别与用法。

with 带有…;伴随…;和…一起of …的;for 为了…;to 去;向;到…
2023-07-11 23:13:522


Chinese Astronaut Marvels Over Space Trip By Ted AnthonyAssociated Press Writerposted: 07:30 am ET16 October 2003BEIJING (AP) -- Fresh from a history-making trip into orbit, China"s newly minted space hero proclaimed his amazement Thursday at "the greatest day of my life,"" while his leaders announced they would push forward in their exploration of the cosmos. "I saw our planet. It"s so beautiful,"" Lt. Col Yang Liwei, China"s first astronaut, marveled to his family after making it safely home, gently touching down his Shenzhou 5 spacecraft on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia as a crisp dawn broke. The time of landing: 6:23 a.m. The prestige at home and abroad brought by becoming the world"s third spacefaring nation along with Russia and the United States is difficult to measure. China"s communist leaders have poured their hopes and billions of dollars into it, hoping for just such a splashy success _ and the bragging rights that accompany it. Within hours, officials announced that China"s space dreams would continue with another Shenzhou mission, possibly within two years, and with plans to eventually send up a space station. They ruled out building an American-style space shuttle. Yang approached his targeted landing spot from the west, sweeping over the rugged mountains of China"s border with Central Asia, where an observation post spotted him descending. As Shenzhou"s parachute unfurled, rescue trucks and helicopters hurried in preparation. Within minutes, Yang was on the ground. He was said to be carrying weapons for protection against wild animals, but he didn"t need them: Mission control said he landed 2.4 miles from his target and was quickly located, encircled, retrieved. Filmed by state television, he clambered from the kettle-shaped capsule on his own power, grabbing the hatch and pulling himself out as he waved at rescuers and shook the sluggishness of space away. ``It is a splendid moment in the history of my motherland -- and also the greatest day of my life,"" he said after removing his helmet and emerging into the breaking day that brought China its prize. Medical tests showed Yang was healthy, the government said. He was hustled to Beijing by helicopter and taken away in a minibus wrapped in a red ribbon as crowds gathered for celebration in a public plaza and newspapers published color-drenched extra editions that sold briskly. "Great Leap Skyward,"" the state-controlled China Daily newspaper enthused. People across the country basked in the accomplishment _ from a grinning Premier Wen Jiabao, who spoke with Yang after the "taikonaut"" landed, to ordinary Chinese on the Gobi Desert plateau where Shenzhou 5 was launched Wednesday morning. Taikonaut (TYE"-koh-nawt) is an English nickname based on the Chinese word for space, "taikong."""See how China is growing and developing? Now everybody is watching,"" said Zheng Tao, a machinery salesman from the western Chinese city of Yinchuan. Yang, 38, a second-generation People"s Liberation Army fighter pilot, became an instant celebrity, lauded by a state-controlled press that downplayed the fact that China"s space program is linked to its military and thus cloaked in secrecy. During his 21 1/2 hours in space and 14 orbits, Yang"s canonization unfolded on national TV with each tiny action in his cramped craft _ holding up Chinese and United Nations flags, vowing to do a good job, talking to his 8-year-old ``dear son"" back home. Li Jinai, head of China"s manned space program, called Yang a ``space hero."" And the program"s chief engineer, Xie Mingbao, offered the entire nation"s thanks. "Today, the 16th of October, is a day the Chinese people will remember and treasure. For this is the first time that we achieved manned spaceflight,"" Xie said. International congratulations also poured in. NASA, whose space shuttle Columbia was lost in February, called it ``an important achievement in the history of human exploration."" Aboard the International Space Station, American astronaut Edward Lu, whose parents were born in China, spoke in Chinese as he addressed these wishes to Yang: "Welcome to space."" His colleague, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, told U.S. Mission Control in Houston: ``I am glad to have somebody else in space instead of me and Ed. Also, I know it was great work by thousands and thousands of people from China."" The Shenzhou, or ``Sacred Vessel,"" is based on the three-seat Russian Soyuz capsule, though with extensive modifications. Shenzhou 5 had 52 engines for precise calibrations, the government said, and traveled 370,000 miles. Yang, an astronaut since 1998, was picked for the flight from three finalists. They trained for years, and the field was narrowed from 14 in recent weeks. His trip came after four test flights, beginning in 1999, of unmanned Shenzhou capsules. China has had a rocketry program since the 1950s. It launched a manned space program in the 1970s amid the political upheaval of Mao Zedong"s 1966-76 Cultural Revolution but later abandoned it. The program was relaunched in 1992 under the code name Project 921. The budget for the manned space program has long been secret, but Xie said Thursday -- for the first time publicly -- that it has cost $2.18 billion so far -- a major commitment for China, where the average person makes $700 a year. Yang"s successful flight came four decades after the former Soviet Union and the United States pioneered manned spaceflight. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in April 1961. Less than one month later, the United States launched Alan B. Shepard Jr. As for Yang, he didn"t seem the worse for wear. On the
2023-07-11 23:13:591


关于职业的英文歌曲如下:Oh I wish I was a doctor who could heal your broken heart。我希望我是一名医生,能修护你破碎了的心。Analyze each bruise and hear your story from the start。对你的每次挫伤进行解析,听你把故事从头开始说。And stitch up every tie nigh tear。With a ribbon and a bow。用丝带和蝴蝶结缝合你领带上的每条裂痕。Just grab you some new medicine。给你抓一些新的药物。That makes you feel less alone。让你感觉不那么孤单。No I am not a doctor。不,我不是医生。Just an ordinary girl。只是一个平凡的女孩:An all the way you chest aches。你的胸口疼痛。The way your head swirls。你的脑袋眩晕。And a bonded beat and broken down。By the one who knew you best。都会被最懂你的人治好。I was sleeping when he cut my veins。我正在睡觉,他却触动我的血脉。To feel only knew our life away。只是让我再惊觉:我俩生活已是过去式。No I am not a doctor。不,我不是医生。But I"ve got some extra time。但我有了多余的时间。I"ve got some drugs。我弄了些麻痹自己的药丸。I keep in the stock called vodka and red wine。我屯了些伏特加与红酒。We both know that your not gonna sleep tonight。我们都知道你今晚不会睡。I am not a doctor。我不是医生。But maybe you could let me try。但也许你可以让我试试。So I put my hand against your head。所以把我的手放你额头。I recommend that you stay in bed。我建议你呆在床上。Your temperature is getting pretty high。因为你额头温度已经很高了。Well I hope you get them dress to pit your drink on ice。好吧,我希望你冰敷一下自己。No I"ll never be a doctor。不,我永远成不了医生。I hated science class。我讨厌自然科目。My parents liked to say how。我爸爸妈妈过去常说我。I picked up new skills pretty fast。我是如何如何快速地掌握新本领。And they back me down。他们唤起我的回忆。We both got talents to yet discover。我们都有还等待去开发的天赋。So let"s buckle down get to work。因此,让我们认真的开工吧。Help you recover。帮你复原!So I put my hand against your head。我把我的手放你额头。I recommend that you stay in bed。我建议你呆在床上。Your temperature is getting pretty high。因为你额头温度已经很高了。Help you get them dressed。帮你把冰块包好。To put your drink on ice。让你冰敷一下。I could be the doctor you could be the patient。我可以当个医生,你可以当这病人。Instead of operation。不做手术。Built to any temptation。不搞暧昧。There were things she wouldn"t do。有些事她不会愿意:Baby boy this night。宝贝男孩,今晚。It"s all about you。今晚只是关于你(我只是想陪着你并祝愿你)。Get better soon。早点好吧!
2023-07-11 23:14:131

country music介绍及经典曲目有哪些

Country musicPopular music based on the folk style of the southern rural United States or on the music of cowboys in the American West.Also called: country and westernRed River Valley(红河谷) Take Me Home,Country Road(故乡的路) Elcondor Pasa(神鹰歌) Five Hundred Miles(五百里路) Love Is Blue(蓝色的爱) River Of Babylon(巴比伦河) Sad Movies(伤心电影) Puff(波夫) Green Sleeves(绿袖子) Top Of The World(世界之颠)Tennessee Waltz(田纳西华尔兹) Blowing In The Wind(随风飘去) When A Child Is Born(孩子诞生时) Rose,Rose,I Love You(玫瑰,玫瑰,我爱你) Morn Then I Can Say(爱你在心口难开) Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree(老橡树上的黄丝带)
2023-07-11 23:14:361


2023-07-11 23:14:552

At the Insect Museum 作文40字

Both sides of the door in the museum, were two mighty big dinosaurs, as if to welcome our arrival, into the museum, we first toured the aquarium. Aquarium lights are shining dark blue, wavy line on the wall there is a road, as if we are deep guest. "Look! Sturgeon!" I do not know who shouted. I looked, and sure enough! Sturgeon in the tank a long sleeping when the bottom tightly. Down the corridor, we saw a ribbon-like electric eel like swimming in the water. "I"ve heard it can help people with electric shock was lost consciousness it!" My good friend Liu Bowen said. I nodded, "Hey, what is the fish? Really beautiful!" I said. Liu Bowen explains: "Although it is very beautiful red and white pattern, can someone give it the name of security do not how to - clown fish!" "Poor little thing!" Out of the aquarium, we came to the Museum of Entomology. "Disgusting! Look at the long centipede!" Liu Chang spit out his tongue. This insect museum insect specimens and television through the video to us in detail introduced insect World. We walked down the floor, came to my long-awaited dinosaur world. The scene before and I imagine, there are many electric dinosaur roar of terror issue. "Look! This is my favorite dragon sword!" I pointed to a green dinosaur that Liu Bowen was looking at the other tall, formidable dinosaur, said: "T. rex and more fun!" Liu Chang again We both pulled out of a winged, standing before the dinosaurs branches called: "Look, look at the fishing master pterodactyl!" Out of the dinosaur world, we also visited a green home, cell house, one of the origin of such content-rich exhibition hall. We are not happy afternoon in the teacher"s request, we left it attracts the eye of the Beijing Museum of Natural History. Today, we not only long experience, they know a lot of knowledge, which makes it a desire to learn more
2023-07-11 23:15:021


  People say; "there is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou, are brilliantly illuminated than it is in Shanghai!" Today, I have the honor to come to Shanghai, to watch the sea of light!"  I hope, came to the most beautiful places in Shanghai, the Oriental pearl. When the sun sank slowly to the west, sunset over the Oriental Pearl Tower, the sunset like a girl with the beautiful ribbon, gradually, the night came, suddenly, Shanghai became a sea of light, for a time, all lit up, standing on the bridge, looked to the the Bund side, I saw a the Golden Hall in moving slowly, the tour guide told us that it is the Huangpu River in the ship and then look to the west, they see the Oriental Pearl Tower, through the night, especially eye-catching, with the flash of a neon light, suddenly like a rainbow, on top of the "satellite" Twinkle, like a pearl light. Around the oriental pearl shining changes......  Time flies like the past, we set foot on the way home, sitting in the car, through the window, see the lights of Shanghai, she is like a sleeping girl, so quiet, so charming...  Suddenly, a red light lit up, all the cars are stopped, I think looked out of the window, a piece of red. Looking far like car inlaid with red gems, exceptionally dazzling.  Gradually, I fell asleep in the car, the dream appeared in the beautiful scenery of Shanghai......
2023-07-11 23:15:111

It has always puzzled me __ the old man lied a red silk ribbon on the young tree.

puzzle 就是表示 不确定如果你接了that 后面的陈述就一定是肯定的比如:I know that he is intellegentIt puzzles me why he is intellegent.不懂欢迎追问希望能帮到你~
2023-07-11 23:15:193


日期 节目列表 周日 守护甜心 家庭教师 BLASSREITER 绝对可怜小孩 叛逆的鲁路修 狐仙大人 狂乱家族日记 药师寺凉子 周一 海贼王 隐之王 特优生 噬魂师 企鹅娘 零之使魔 高岭的自行车 新安琪莉可 无限之住人 周二 记忆女神的女儿们 名侦探柯南 夏目友人帐 毁灭世界的六人 周三 驱魔少年 死神 潜脑调查室 秘密 一骑当千 幻影少年 恋姬无双 周四 今天开始魔王 秀逗魔导士 致命紫罗兰 鹦鹉女神 魔法使的注意事项 周五 火影忍者 宠物小精灵 Kirarin Revolution 艾莉森与莉莉娅 Macross To Love 银魂 强袭魔女 西洋古董洋果子店 向阳素描 乃木坂春香的秘密 周六 恶作剧之吻 蓝龙 军曹 铁腕巴迪
2023-07-11 23:15:285


【 #日记# 导语】现代中国将“元旦”称为公历新年,将“春节”称为农历新年。新年,即一年的第一天,为世界多数国家通行的节日。世界各国,特别是古代,新年都有不同的日期,现代世界多数国家定为公元制纪年的1月1日。距离2021年元旦还有不到一个月的时间, 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考,希望对你们有帮助! 【篇一】有关元旦的英文日记   The history of the New Year"s day.   chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival.we also call it the spring is on lunar january 1st.   on new year"s eve,all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner.there are some vegetables,some fish,some meat,some fruits and some drink like juice,coke,pepsi and some nice wine.overall,this is a good and delicious dinner.after dinner,we always watch TV new year progammes. we have a wonderful evening on new year"s eve.   On the first day of the spring festival,most of people get up early and say “happy new year”to each other.for breakfast,people often eat dumplings and baozi. after breakfast,people often make many delicious foods,and children often play cards,computer games and fireworks.on the second and third day,we visit friends and relatives.   everyone is busy on chinese new year,and everyone is happy,too. 【篇二】有关元旦的英文日记   On New Year"s Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap. Then, the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quick-witted.   He shouted our, "The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." The hall After that, they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there, the other three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:"The dog stands out among a group of chickens."   Then we all sang and played games until it was eleven o"clock at night. The old man on night watch came to turn off the lights. We had to tear ourselves away from the party. From this activity, I discovered that many of our classmates are really talented singers. 【篇三】有关元旦的英文日记   New Year"s day is coming, it"s a New Year! It"s a vibrant year! Today, we bathed in sunlight, fresh step to walk on the street.   On New Year"s day, under the snow! Everyone heart fly out. The house is so warm, you still can"t help but to experience the joy of the snow. Show the eye looks, good The northland scenery! Snow, the earth covered with white shirt, the sky become more open. At the same time, the conifers, houses, farmland, also started to "live". Who says all things fade in winter? With the snow, everything was vibrant. The children warm heart warm this world. Their arms and legs no longer cold, all nice and warm. Even adults have no release of childishness, scrambling to run into the snow started to snow battle.   New Year"s day is coming, the street is not busy! The bustling crowd, the Lantern Festival color of supermarket, building, flags waving, the noise continually. People"s face is permeated with festive celebrations. Clothing store, all kinds of people in to buy beautiful clothes. As yuan Denier is a grand ball, do not wear bright clothing will not be able to express their joy of New Year.   New Year"s day the benefit of the children. The adults holding their hands, walking in the street merrily. Their eyes revealed the curiosity. Went to the east, and west, but their parents are very tired. Can parents also let children at this time, they also immersed in a festival festival!   Go to the mall, go into the street, a busy everywhere, is lively, is full of festive atmosphere. 【篇四】有关元旦的英文日记   Into the campus, I was the colourful buildings got a fright, my god! This is a place full of knowledge? Now it everywhere is full of festive atmosphere.   Everything in class is taken on a new look, the window of snow, ribbon, all herald the coming of 2021, the clock pointed to the eight hour hand already, celebration began, under the host announce voice thrilled. Lin Boyu performance is the most ridiculous dance, the dance attracted 100% of our heads, I believe that if we use eyes to roast an ant, ant has long been our to roast. Click, this photo will always be in my heart, let the passage of time does not forget forever.   The black and white upside down casy number guessing game with ms shen, incredibly wrong guess, if right, turn head to 360 °, side turn YinChu song poems even, uh... Ok, I admit it is not poetry, but the back, but no matter what the taste is predictably, hao of the more unfortunate poor guessed right, the next round, the lottery is Wang Yueyue, this but kill her! She want to back? Goose goose goose? Surprise time, although I didn"t wear glasses, but I am very surprised, Wang Yueyue back is bed Ming moonlight, even though a lot of people will carry on the back, but from Wang Yueyue mouth says, can saying is the sun were to rise in the west. The most sad is kai, a guess the remaining number one by one, the ms shen called him up and the teacher is good or bad! Click, this moment was time the camera took down, printed in my heart. 【篇五】有关元旦的英文日记   Today is New Year"s day, I, mother and grandmother go to the supermarket. Go out have a look at the weather, just like put a lot of smoke, the foliage.   In the supermarket, mother first thing is to give my grandmother to buy clothes, buy out again to buy her, I think when I turn? Are more than two hours, finally see the toys, I ran past picked out a box of kitchen utensils and appliances model, the grandmother bought me a box, we happily go back. At home, my grandmother give me cut a little stir, I put in a small pot, pour some water, put on my home appliance heaters, hot, put some sesame seeds, salt, for my mother to eat.   Start her don"t eat, at my request, she didn"t eat "rice", she also try not to eat to feel! Ha ha. 【篇六】有关元旦的英文日记   january 1st is new year"s day. it"s a great day for all the people throughout the world. as the saying goes, "a good beginning is half the battle". so, many people go all out to celebrate the important day. on that day, i went to the book city with my classmates. we bought a lot of useful reference books and interesting story books. i believe "knowledge is power". i hope i can learn a lot from these books and improve my study. in the evening, my family had a big dinner party. all the members in my family wished me a good luck in the new year. 【篇七】有关元旦的英文日记   It"s New Year"s Day today. This morning when I got up, I heardsomebody singing a love song. It was mum! Ifelt very strange because Iknew mum didn"t enjoy popular songs. And I didn"t think it was suitable formy middle-aged mother to sing any love songs. What"s more, dad wasfollowing what mum was singing. "What had happened to them?" Then Inoticed a box with a small card on the table. I got close to it carefully andunderstood then. As a matter of fact, it was their 15th marriage anniversarytoday. That"s why they were so happy. When seeing their happiness, I also felt happy. 【篇八】有关元旦的英文日记   At the first day of New Year, I was so excited that I got up very early in the morning. But Mother was earlier than me, and she had gotten the breakfast ready. Dumplings, that"s my favourite. After the wonderful breakfast, I left home with my parents to visit our relatives. On the way, I said "Happy New Year" to everyone that I met and they all said that back to me. Everyone is happy and friendly. In my relatives" house, they prepared many sweets and snacks for visitors. They are all very delicious. The more exciting thing was that I got some money from my relatives. I had a fine day in my relatives" family. 【篇九】有关元旦的英文日记   How time flies, the twinkling of an eye is the beginning of 2021, New Year"s day today.   New Year"s day, the day the bitter, make the person feels chilly, home to many people, however, is chill weather, become lively again. Grandma bought some pork chops, come back later, grandma just handed the task of stewed pork ribs to my uncle. After a while aunt came also, my mother and aunt and grandma make dumplings together, and after a while, dumplings cooked, ribs stew also ok, we will happy to eat the rice.   In the afternoon, we went to a city, because we were going to buy things, in the city can be noisy, sell it, sell it, let people overwhelmed, dazzling! There are many people on the road, the old man; Have students; There are young men. Big New Year"s day who want to buy cheap things, sell things and had a fierce quarrel customers, customers have been cut down, buy things are desperately trying to delay, the disorderly became a sound. When adults led the children to go to the city, is the worst time to adults, because kids see red sugar-coated berry and cartoon characters printed balloon, took to adult, if don"t meet their demands and then pull a long face, even cry. When the adults to those who sell price, those people who die down, because they know that the adults will buy. In hand so adults had to buy, the children, was so happy!   This year"s New Year"s day is a how is festival, lively, happy holiday! I believe that next year"s New Year"s day will be like this. 【篇十】有关元旦的英文日记   yesterday my mother asked me a question, which makes me a joji monk - scratching their heads. she asked what i want new year"s day gift, i said: i want to eat a lot of good food. mom heard shook his head and says: i did not that necessary, you change one. i yanzhuyizhuan, said: i want to go out play. my mother said: i do not have time, and so have time to talk. then i also mentioned several wishes, mother did not agree. toss this one night, thought of going to school the next day but also had to stop there either. so i harbored an uneasy feeling to sleep.   today, math teacher took a card into the classroom, i think: who is it? who will do it good luck card before? read to the teacher suddenly pondered: baby zhang qi won to your greeting cards. i was very surprised, i thought of classmates were just not thought of himself, i harbored doubts take over the card carefully and remembered feelings above the words happy baby zhang qi children a happy festival!
2023-07-11 23:15:421


死亡诗社中的优美诗句 I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.        We don"t read and write poetry    because it"s cute.    我们读诗写诗,非为它的灵巧      We read and write poetry because    we are members of the human race...    我们读诗写诗   因为我们是人类的一员      and the human race    is filled with passion.    而人类充满了热情      And medicine, law, business,    engineering...    医药,法律,商业,工程      these are noble pursuits    and necessary to sustain life.    这些都是高贵的理想   并且是维生的必需条件      But poetry, beauty...    romance, love...    但是诗,美,浪漫,爱      these are what we stay alive for.    这些才是我们生存的原因      To quote from Whitman...    引用惠特曼的诗      “O me, O life of the questions    of these recurring...    “啊!我!”    “这个问题不断重演的生命”       of the endless trains    of the faithless...    “在戴运无信者的绵延车厢中”       of cities filled with the foolish.    “在充满愚人的城市之中”       What good amid these    “身处其中的意义为何?”       O me, O life?”    “啊!我!啊!生命!”          =======================================          I went to the woods    我步入丛林      because I wanted to live deliberately,    因为我希望生活有意义      I wanted to live deep    我希望活得深刻      and suck out all the marrow of life,    吸取生命中的所有精华   把非生命的一切都击溃      and not when I had come to die,    以免当我生命终结      discover that I had not lived.    却发现自己从未活过                  Just when you think you know something,    you have to look at it in another way.    当你认为你知道某件事时   必须再以不同角度看它      Even though it may seem silly    or wrong, you must try!    即使那看来似乎愚笨或错误   你们都必须试试      Now, when you read, don"t just consider    what the author thinks...    当你阅读时   别只想到作者的见解      consider what you think.    想想你的见解      Boys, you must strive to find    your own voice.    孩子们,你们必须…    努力寻找自己的声音      Because the longer you wait to begin,    the less likely you are    to find it at all.    因为你等候起步的时间愈长   便愈不可能找到它      Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives    of quiet desperation.”    梭罗说“大多数人都生活在平静的绝望中”       Don"t be resigned to that.    Break out!    别听任此事发生   要突破!      Don"t just walk off the edge    like lemmings. Look around you.    别像旅鼠般盲目由崖边跳下   环顾四周      ---Gather ye rosebuds while ye may 及时采拮你的花蕾     Old time is still a flying 旧时光一去不回     And this same flower that smiles today 今天尚在微笑的花朵     Tomorrow will be dying. 明天便在风中枯萎      ---Because we"re food for worms, lads! 因为我们是蛆虫的食物   Because we"re only going to experience a limited number of springs, summers, and falls. One day, hard as it is to believe, each and every one of us is going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die!Stand up and peruse the faces of the boys who attended this school sixty or seventy years ago. Don"t be timid, go look at them.      They"re not that different than any of you, are they?There"s hope in their eyes, just like in yours. They believe themselves destined for wonder        O Captain! My Captain!     O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;   The ship has weather"d every rack, the prize we sought is won;   The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,   While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:   But O heart! heart! heart!   O the bleeding drops of red,   Where on the deck my Captain lies,   Fallen cold and dead.     O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;   Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;   For you bouquets and ribbon"d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;   For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;   Here Captain! dear father!   This arm beneath your head;   It is some dream that on the deck,   You"ve fallen cold and dead.     My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;   My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;   The ship is anchor"d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;   From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;   Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!   But I, with mournful tread,   Walk the deck my Captain lies,   Fallen cold and dead.     --Walt Whitman       To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time     Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,   Old Time is still a-flying;   And this same flower that smiles today,   To-morrow will be dying.     The glorious lamp of heaven, the Sun,   The higher he"s a-getting;   The sooner will his race be run,   And nearer heòs to setting.     That age is best, which is the first,   When youth and blood are warmer;   But being spent, the worse, and worst   Times still succeed the former.     Then be not coy, but use your time,   And while ye may, go marry;   For having lost but once your prime,   You may for ever tarry.     --Robert Herrick         One Art   The art of losing isn"t hard to master;   so many things seem filled with the intent   to be lost that their loss is no disaster,     Lose something every day. Accept the fluster   of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.   The art of losing isn"t hard to master.     Then practice losing farther, losing faster:   places, and names, and where it was you meant   to travel. None of these will bring disaster.     I lost my mother"s watch. And look! my last, or   next-to-last, of three beloved houses went.   The art of losing isn"t hard to master.     I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,   some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.   I miss them, but it wasn"t a disaster.—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture   I love) I shan"t have lied. It"s evident   the art of losing"s not too hard to master   though it may look like (Write it!) a disaster.     --Elizabeth Bishop         O Me! O Life!     O ME! O life!... of the questions of these recurring;   Of the endless trains of the faithless—of cities fill"d with the foolish;   Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I and who more faithless?)   Of eyes that vainly crave the light—of the objects mean—of the struggle ever renew"d;   Of the poor results of all—of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me;   Of the empty and useless years of the rest—with the rest me intertwined;   The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?     --Walt Whitman       The Prophet     Teach me to Love? go teach thyself more wit;   I chief Professor am of it....     The God of Love, if such a thing there be,   May learn to love from Me.   He who does boast that he has been   In every Heart since Adamòs sin,   I"ll lay my Life, nay Mistress on"t that"s more;   I teach him thing he never knew before;     --Cowley         The Eagle     He clasps the crag with crooked hands;   Close to the sun in lonely lands,   Ring"d with the azure world, he stands.   The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;,...   He watches from his mountain walls,   And like a thunderbolt he falls.       --Alfred Lord Tennyson         Ulysses     ...Come, my friends,   ‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world...   for my purpose holds   To sail beyond the sunset,...   and tho"  We are not now that strength which in old days   Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;   One equal temper of heroic hearts,   Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will   To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.     --Tennyson           An Excerpt From Walden     I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to confront only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God, and have somewhat hastily concluded that it is the chief end of man here to “glorify God and enjoy him forever.”     --Henry David Thoreau         The Road Not Taken     Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,   And sorry I could not travel both   And be one traveler, long I stood   And looked down one as far as I could   To where it bent in the undergrowth;     Then took the other, as just as fair,   And having perhaps the better claim,   Because it was grassy and wanted wear;   Though as for that the passing there   Had worn them really about the same,     And both that morning equally lay   In leaves no step had trodden black.   Oh, I kept the first for another day!   Yet knowing how way leads on to way,   I doubted if I should ever come back.     I shall be telling this with a sigh   Somewhere ages and ages hence:   Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--   I took the one less traveled by,   And that has made all the difference.     --Robert Frost         Fire and Ice     Some say the world will end in fire,   Some say in ice,   From what I"ve tasted of desire   I hold with those who favor fire.   But if it had to perish twice,   I think I know enough of hate   To day that for destruction ice   Is also great   And would suffice     --Robert Frost
2023-07-11 23:16:021


2008 Beijing Olympic Games gold medal diameter of 70 mm, 6 mm thick. Positive for the reunification of the International Olympic Committee under the logo - plug in the wings standing Greece and the Greek goddess of victory Panna Xin Cashier Arena. Beijing Olympic Games gold medal back from a set in ancient China Longwenyubi modeling Yubi, the center of the back of the metal graphics on the Beijing Olympic emblem engraved. Beijing Olympic Games gold medal by linking traditional Chinese Wen Huang Po-yu Ssangyong developed from. The medal distinguished elegance, with strong Chinese characteristics, not only embodies the praise of the winner, image interpretation of the Chinese nation since ancient times "-" than "moral" values, is the Chinese civilization and the Olympic spirit in the visual image of the Beijing Olympic Games Works of another "Chinese and Western." International Olympic Committee for the Olympic Games medals and recognition of the material, weight, size, design, and so have stringent requirements. Olympic sport champion and runner-up for the texture of the silver medal, the championship medals to plating not less than six grams of pure gold. Olympic medals in the past, the use of the material did not break through, while the Beijing Olympic Games medals will be a creative way of jade inlay. This design not only in line with the relevant provisions of the International Olympic Committee, also illustrates the "Jade" noble quality, Yu show the Chinese traditional culture in "Jinyuliangyuan", embodies the Chinese people to the Olympic spirit of praise and respect for the athletes To褒奖.1, The sound design According to the practice of the summer Olympic Games, Summer Games medals in addition to the material Jinyin Tong, the material does not generally make the breakthrough, and the Beijing Olympic Games medals from the symbol of noble virtues and the "gold", "-" a combination of materials. To this end, to ensure the gold medal, silver and bronze recognition of the At the same time, highlight the "Jade" the characteristics of the "Golden" and "Jade" visual materials to achieve the perfect combination, revise and improve medal team in the sign face of jade The proportion of a number of adjustments to try to the end, the back medals from the metal edge the width of 6 mm to 3.5 mm, thus highlighting the medal metal texture, increase the identification of the medals. 2, technology, process improvement According to previous Olympic experience, some athletes get medals, in the excited state, will be medals into the air, may have damaged the medals. In particular the Beijing Olympic medals inlaid jade, which requires more medals factor of safety. In order to increase the impact medal performance, and further improve the structural strength, revise and improve the design team medals on the medal metal and jade combination of technology and security, and so on a number of technical tests. November 29, 2006, revised and improved design team medal in the professional laboratory simulation of the situation on three different structural design of the medals for the drop test, the medals were in a different perspective from the 1-meter, 1.5 meters, 1.9 meters to freedom Drop-in, through experiments clearly three different structural design of the medals of different performance and adjust the medal thickness and internal structure. December 9, 2006, 15 and 28, the medal design team have been revised and improved in the Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Design Studio to do the second drop test of the three medals, medals were to be different from the perspective of 1.5 meters, two meters do Ziyoulati , To ensure requirements of the medals at the same time, ensure the safety of medals. 3, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games medal ribbon design concept that Beijing Olympic medal ribbon formed by weaving, crafts exquisite, Zhu and moire, happy Auspicious.4, validation approval stage January 11, 2007 Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee through the 77th Executive Committee of the Beijing Olympic Games medals programme. February 8, 2007, the International Olympic Committee through the Executive Committee of the Beijing Olympic Games medals programme.
2023-07-11 23:16:092


1.有关我的家乡英语作文   My hometown is in Beilun. It is a dazzling pearl on the coast of the East China Sea. It has beautiful and charming scenery.   There are many flowers in Jiufeng Mountain, including plum blossoms, cherry blossoms and peach blossoms, among which there are many colors of plum blossoms: red, white and pink... It"s very beautiful! Some of them are open, and some are still flowers and bones. They are really diverse! If you are full of physical strength, I suggest you climb to the top of the nine peaks to experience the unique scenery of "being the top of the mountain and seeing the small mountains".   After watching the mountains and then the water, the 10000 person beach is a holy place for people to punch in in summer. As soon as you walk to Wanren beach, you feel as comfortable as walking on a blanket. The sand is soft and thin. The sea is blue, like a glittering sapphire. If you want to bring a shovel bucket, you can build a castle on the beach and play with sand. How interesting!   There is also a red bridge not far from the beach, just like a curved rainbow across the sea. Not far from the red bridge, flowers are in full bloom, colorful and beautiful. Beach, sea and red bridge constitute a beautiful picture of summer beach.   In fact, Beilun not only has many tourist attractions, but also has a lot of delicious food! Qingtuan, glutinous rice balls, Chaiqiao Shengjian, shrimp wax rice cake... You"ll have a good time when you come.   I love my hometown Beilun. I hope you can be a guest when you have a chance. 2.有关我的家乡英语作文   My hometown is very beautiful. There is a clear blue sky, clear rivers, fresh and clean air and large fields.   The blue sky of my hometown is blue, like a piece of blue sapphire. The clouds are diverse and changeable, just like cotton candy.   The river in my hometown is very important. It irrigates the fields in my hometown. The river is very beautiful, and the surrounding scenery is reflected in the ribbon like river, just like a colorful picture. Walking on the bridge, I saw the swimming fish and water plants at the bottom of the lake playing heartily. These fish are like playing hide and seek. When one fish turns around, the other fish hide behind the green water grass or reef. At this time, a group of ducks "quack" swam over, adding some vitality to the quiet river. Some of these ducks are swimming freely, some are lazily looking at the sun in the sky, as if they are sunbathing, and some ducklings even play with small fish and shrimps at the bottom of the river and talk quietly. Suddenly, the whole river was bustling.   Further ahead, there are large green fields. There are many rivers and canals in the fields, and many crops are planted in the fields: rice, potatoes, corn and so on. The chicken came out to play with his mother, and the farmer uncle was also working hard.   I love the river, field and sky in my hometown 3.有关我的家乡英语作文   My hometown is Xiazhai, Langya village, Xuanwei town. It is a beautiful place with beautiful scenery, beautiful mountains and rivers, clear rivers and lush trees.   In spring, the trees on the mountain take out new branches and grow tender green leaves. However, my favorite is willow. It has beautiful green hair and shakes its beautiful branches in spring.   In summer, lotus leaves float on the lake, and pink lotus flowers grow on the lotus leaves, which is very beautiful. In the morning, the frog jumped on the edge of the lotus leaf and croaked. At noon, the fish swam under the lotus leaf to enjoy the cool, because the water was too hot. In the evening, when the lotus withered, the frog jumped to the edge of the field to eat pests, and it was getting dark.   In autumn, the rice in the field is ripe, and the corn, radish and sweet potato in the soil are also ripe. Farmers" uncles are busy harvesting rice, and farmers" grandma are busy harvesting melons and fruits in the soil! In autumn, the mountains are lively. There are little squirrels, little foxes and little monkeys. I"m afraid there are wild boars!   In winter, it snowed. Snowflakes are flying in the air. It puts a pure white coat on the earth and feels like a fairy tale world. We can also enjoy snowball fights, make snowmen and skate. It"s so interesting!   This is my beautiful hometown. I live here happily every day. If you like it, you are welcome to my hometown. 4.有关我的家乡英语作文   Today, my mother took me to my hometown.   As soon as I entered the gate of my hometown, the breeze blew to me. Suddenly, I felt refreshed.   Ah! Hometown here is like a unique and charming landscape: the sky of hometown is blue and far-reaching, the air is fresh and sweet, and there are colorful small fish in the clear lake of hometown. Some small fish also spit out a few strings of small bubbles from time to time, as if to say, "Hello! Did you come to see me specially?"; Some little goldfish seem to be shy. They show their heads a little and immediately retract. There are colorful pebbles in the lake. Isn"t it beautiful!   The trees in my hometown are lush, as if they had been dyed with green dye. Some, like an open umbrella; Some, like Fairies in green, are nodding and smiling at us.   The flowers in my hometown are very beautiful and vibrant. They are much brighter than potted plants. There are roses, Impatiens, roses... Red, white, yellow... Colorful. This is a colorful world!   Hometown has beautiful scenery, flowers in full bloom, willows and flowers, birds crowing, step by step. Although there are no places of interest in your hometown, it is still worth visiting. Hometown, no matter what season or place, has a unique and charming landscape painting. 5.有关我的家乡英语作文   My hometown is Guanyin hall. There are beautiful mountains and rivers, flowers bloom all the year round, and white clouds like marshmallows are in the blue sky. Standing high, you can see golden wheat fields, small houses and cars shuttling back and forth on the road. The Shihao ancient road, one of the four world heritage sites, runs through it. It is the only way for the silk road. It can prosper the market economy and is the main artery of national prosperity.   My hometown is famous for its spiced beef. Once, my father took me to a restaurant for dinner and ordered spiced beef. I only ate one bite. It was delicious. Ah! This is the spiced beef of Guanyin hall. It"s really beautiful in color, smell and taste. It"s well-known at home and abroad.   In recent years, earth shaking changes are taking place in my hometown. The narrow road has become wider. Wide cement highways crisscross and extend in all directions, and endless streams of cars drive by quickly on the highway. People come and go on both sides of the road. At night, street lamps are like day. Buildings and all kinds of shops rise on both sides of the street. Large supermarkets have sprung up in front of people like mushrooms. There are a wide range of goods in the store, which makes people dizzying. There are really everything. The customers in the store come in an endless stream, which has brought great convenience to people"s life.   This is my hometown Guanyin hall. I love this fertile land that raises me and makes me grow up happily.
2023-07-11 23:16:161


有关春天的英语句子   春天来了,大地上的每一个角落者充满了春天的气息。以下是我整理的有关春天的英语句子,欢迎阅读。   1、春季像一位画家,涂满了蓬勃的色彩。   Spring is like a painter, painted with a vibrant color.   2、山朗润起来了,水涨起来了,太阳的脸红起来了。   The hills get clear, the rivers rise, and the sun blushes。   大凡刚刚开始的雨,雨滴必是很大的。因此,雨滴在下降过程中,已不成为圆球体,而成为扁平的球体了。在它的下面,可裹着空气,若下落到河面上,这空气从河水中选出,就成为气泡。因为这种气泡是见于开始下的大雨滴的,所以象征着大雨正在开始。   3、春天来了!你看万紫千红的花开了,把可爱的草,树木,鸟,兽,虫,鱼。   Spring is coming! You see a riot of colour of the flowers, the lovely grass, trees, birds, beasts, insects, fish.   4、我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望!   秋风,送来了凉爽;秋风,送来了沉甸甸的果实;秋风,使树叶翩翩起舞。而秋天的树林,更是美不胜收,令人陶醉!   I love the spring, because the spring is full of vitality, full of new hope!   5、河水中,一只只小蝌蝌顽皮地游着,好像在找它的妈妈,可爱极了。   在这火伞高张的中午,大地到处都是滚烫滚烫的。一阵风吹来,地上卷起一股热浪,火烧火燎的,让人难以呼吸。   The river, only a naughty little tadpole swam, as if looking for its mother, very cute.   6、人间,顿时,大地万物复苏,乌语花香,呈现出一派生气。   不一会儿天上乌云密布好像是要塌下来似的,闪电带着雷鸣声铺天盖地、席卷而来,像整个天空被劈开似的,风也不甘落后,它呼呼地吹着,吹起了翩翩起舞的树叶,吹歪了树根。   Earth, suddenly, the earth all things recovery, the Ukrainian language flowers, showing a faction angry.   7、布谷鸟在春天的舞台上,奏响了一支美妙动听的乐曲。   The cuckoo in the spring on the stage, playing a wonderful music.   8、春天的雨是柔和的,只见春雨在竹枝、竹叶上跳动着。   Is a gentle spring rain, and the rain was beating in the bamboo, bamboo leaves.   9、天气突变,春雨淅淅沥沥地下起来。   The weather changed, xixilili spring up underground.   10、春光明媚,春意盎然,绿茵遍野,嫩草像绿宝石一般发出悦目的.光彩。   Bright spring days, Spring is in the air., green everywhere, like a beautiful emerald grass.   11、春姑娘来到人间,为大地披上绿衣。   Spring girl came to the earth, the earth covered with green.   12、新春的太阳还不十分暖,可是一片晴光增加了大家心中的与身上的热力。   The spring sun is not very warm, but a light increases your heart and body of the heat.   13、布谷鸟在清彻透亮的田间歌唱,娇艳的杜鹃花在躁动不安的春风里献媚。   Cuckoo singing in the field clear, beautiful azaleas flatter in restless spring.   14、田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。   The wheat fields, vast expanse of green, as if the green wave.   15、春天的景色真美啊!空气真清新,我爱这里的春天。   Spring scenery is really beautiful ah! The air is so fresh, I love the spring here.   16、春天来了,带着它特有的声音,轻迈碎步,缓缓而来。   Spring came, with its unique sound, light to slowly come then.   17、春天的风是轻柔的,像妈妈的双手抚摸孩子的脸。   Spring wind is gentle, like the mother"s hands to touch the child"s face.   18、眉叶细,舞腰轻。宿妆成。一春芳意,三月如风,牵系人情。   Eyebrow thin, dance waist. Su Zhuangcheng. A Chun Fang, March wind, set.   19、柳树抽出了细细的柳丝,上面缀洁了淡黄色的嫩叶。   成语又是一种现成的话,跟习用语、谚语相近,但是也略有区别,下面是为大家搜集的描写景物的成语大全,供大家参考,欢迎大家借鉴。   Willow out a thin, top decorated with a pale yellow leaves clean.   20、一切都象刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。   谚语恰当地运用谚语可使语言活泼风趣,增强文章的表现力。以下是由为大家收集整理出来的描写秋天的谚语2016,希望能够帮到大家。   All look like just waking up, joyfully to open the eyes.   21、柳树的枝条向下垂着,就像一条条线挂在树上。   The branches of the willows hang down, just like a line hanging on a tree.   22、河面的雪融化了,雪水汇成小溪,淙淙地流着。   The snow melted snow, Huicheng streams, gurgling stream.   23、春季像一首瑰丽的诗,如梦般甜蜜,如酒般香醇。   Spring is like a beautiful poem, dream like sweet, mellow as a wine.   24、生物在春晨中醒来,展示着生命的可贵、诱人。   Life in the spring morning wake up, showing the value of life, attractive.   25、远处的群山连绵起伏,变得苍绿了。   The distant mountains rolling, pale green.   26、长堤上种满了桃树和柳树。一到春天,堤上桃红柳绿,如同一条锦带。   The causeway is full of peach and willow. In the spring, on the banks of the pink, like a ribbon.   27、这春天,既给人以新的生命,也给人以新的希望,我爱这美丽的春天。   This spring, not only to give people a new life, but also give new hope, I love this beautiful spring.   28、山桃花展瓣吐蕊,杏花闹上枝头,梨花争奇斗艳。   Mountain peach blossoming apricot go show petal, pear trees, flowers.   29、暮春时节,正是满树的花吐蕊飘香的时候,那四溢的清香,的确令人陶醉。   The spring season, it is a tree full of flowers TuRui fragrance, the fragrance overflowing, really intoxicated.   30、蜜蜂嗡嗡地飞来飞去,忙着采花酿蜜。   The bees buzzing, busy flowers honey.   31、春天来了,万物从沉睡中苏醒,青草、树木开始抽出嫩芽。   Spring is coming, everything from slumber, the grass, the trees begin to bud out.   32、小草偷偷地从土地里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。风轻悄悄的,草软绵绵的。   The grass grow from the land, tender, green. The wind is soft and soft, and the grass is soft.   33、碧绿的小草开满树旁,就像是树的毯子似的。   The green grass covered with trees, is like a tree like a blanket.   34、春,还像一个调皮的孩子,用他的眼泪,变成了春雨。   Spring, but also like a naughty child, with his tears, into the spring rain.   35、夹在柳树中间的桃树也开出了鲜艳的花朵,绿的柳,红的花,真是美极了!   Caught in the middle of the peach tree willows also open bright flowers, green willow, red flowers, is really beautiful!   36、春天真是让人舒服的春天,春天的景色真美啊!   Spring is really comfortable spring, spring scenery is really beautiful ah!   37、迎着和煦的春风,青蛙打了个哈欠,伸了个懒腰,走出家门。   In the gentle spring breeze, the frog yawned and stretched out of the house.   38、春天,万物奏起了一曲令人心旷神怡的交响曲!   Spring, all played a delightful symphony!   39、小草开始发芽了,大地上到处都显现出欣欣向荣的景象。   The grass began to sprout, and the earth was everywhere.   40、春天来了,大地上的每一个角落者充满了春天的气息。   Spring is coming, every corner of the earth is filled with the breath of spring.   41、春天打扮的花枝招展的微笑的向我们走来。   Spring dressed to the nines smiling to us.   42、我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱。   I love spring, I love to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the tree"s green, listening to the songs of birds.   43、春天像刚落地的娃娃,从头到脚都是新的,它生长着。   Spring is like a newly born baby, it is new from head to toe.   44、身上长满很软的小毛,像一只只毛毛虫真有趣。   The body is covered with soft hairs, like a caterpillar is really interesting.   45、春天戴着花冠,披着绿裳,踏着彩霞,兴致勃勃地到来了。   Spring wearing a crown, dressed in green clothes, with rosy clouds, in the best of spirits is coming.   46、春天真的来了,在池塘里,在田野上,在天空中,到处都焕发着勃勃生机。   Spring is coming, in the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere is full of vigor and vitality.   47、娇艳的杜鹃花在躁动不安的春风里献媚。布谷鸟在清彻透亮的田间歌唱。   The beautiful azaleas flatter in restless spring. Cuckoo singing in the field is clear and the.   48、春天像位爱美的姑娘,让世界姹紫嫣红。   Spring is like a beauty girl, let the world brilliant purples and reds.   49、春天是一个富有生命力的季节,也是一个美丽神奇,充满希望的季节。   Spring is a full of vitality of the season, is also a beautiful and magical, hopeful season.   50、一眼望去,到处都是一片绿景象,就像一幅水彩画。   夏日里,清清的小河成了孩子们避暑的好去处,你看,他们在水中嬉闹着,一会儿打水仗,一会儿扎猛子摸鱼,玩得十分开心。   At a glance, everywhere is a piece of green, like a watercolor painting.   51、盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。   Looking forward to, looking forward to, the wind came, the footsteps of spring near.   52、春晚绿野秀,岩高白云屯春游--东风知我欲山,吹断檐间积雨声。   The Spring Festival evening show green, East Rock High - I want to know the spring Tun Baiyun Mountain, blow off the product between the rain.   53、桃红柳绿的春天,花繁叶茂的夏天,枫红菊香的秋天,松青雪白的冬天。   The colorful spring, summer andflourishing, red maple chrysanthemum autumn, winter is white pine green.   54、春天来了,春风吹绿了小草,吹开了小花。多美的春光啊!   Spring has come, the spring breeze blowing green grass, blowing the flowers. What a beautiful spring ah!   55、春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖。   Spring of the south is beautiful, the wind is very soft, the air is fresh, the sun is very warm.   56、踩在她松软的泥土上,才知道生命的温床可以如此地平实,只要季节的老。   Step in her soft soil, the only know life can be such a hotbed of earth, as long as the old season.   57、春姑娘带着春天的问候悄然无息的来了。   Spring girl with the greetings of spring quietly come.   58、春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。   谚语恰当地运用谚语可使语言活泼风趣,增强文章的表现力。以下是由为大家收集整理出来的描写秋天的谚语2016,希望能够帮到大家。   Spring is like a little girl, dressed, smiling and walking.   59、冬爷爷送走了大地的严寒,春姑娘踏着轻盈的脚步来到了人间。   Grandpa winter off the cold spring, the footsteps of the girl came to the earth.   60、春天的夜晚,淡月笼纱,娉娉婷婷。有风拂过脸颊,掠起长发。   Spring night, Danyue cage yarn, Ping Ping ting. The wind blowing over the cheek, swept hair.   老师,离别虽然久长,而您那形象仿佛是一个灿烂发亮的光点,一直在我的心中闪烁。Teacher, parting although long, but you that image is like a brilliant bright points of light, has been in my heart。   61、春天的景色太美了,春天里人们的心情更美。   Spring scenery is too beautiful, people"s mood is more beautiful in spring.   62、春秋满四泽,夏云多奇峰,秋月扬明辉,冬岭秀孤松。   The spring and autumn full size, summer cloud multi peaks, moon bright winter Yang, Ling Xiu pine.   63、然的神奇歌手,唱着清脆悦耳的歌,向前奔流。   However, the amazing singer, singing clear and melodious song, forward.   64、春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线,轻轻地落到地上,沙沙沙,沙沙沙。   Spring rain, like the spring girl spun out of the line, gently fell to the ground, sand, sand, sand.   65、桃树杏树梨树,红的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪。   Peach and apricot pear, red as fire, as the Xia powder, white as snow.   66、春,就像一个美丽的仙女,轻轻地轻轻地,把所有的生物都叫醒了。   Spring, like a beautiful fairy, gently and gently, all the creatures are awakened.   67、春风一吹,它们就左右摇摆,好像在给春风点头呢,有趣极了。   The spring breeze blows, they seem to sway in the spring breeze nod, very interesting.   68、一天傍晚,我外出散步,忽然觉得自己被笼罩在一种奇丽的景色之中。   One evening, I went out for a walk, suddenly feel that they are shrouded in a beautiful scenery.   69、肥胖的小叶儿,像一个个刚刚睡醒的胖娃娃。   Obese children like a leaflet, just wake up the baby.   70、近处山坡上的小草也悄悄地钻出地面,它们嫩生生,绿油油的。   Near the hillside grass quietly drilled the ground, they are very tender, green. ;
2023-07-11 23:16:251


1. 关于高雅情趣的诗句 关于高雅情趣的诗句 1. 关于高雅情趣的诗歌 《诗经·蒹葭》 蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。 所谓伊人,在水一方!溯洄从之,道阻且长。溯游从之,宛在水中央。 蒹葭凄凄,白露未晞。所谓伊人,在水之湄。 溯洄从之,道阻且跻,溯游从之,宛在水中坻。 蒹葭采采,白露未已。 所谓伊人,在水之涘。溯洄从之,道阻且右。 溯游从之,宛在水中沚。 [编辑本段]【注释】 蒹葭(jiān jiā):芦苇. 苍苍:茂盛深色状. 伊人:那人. 方:旁一方,即一旁. 溯洄:逆流向上. 从:追寻,探求. 阻:险阻;崎岖. 溯游:顺流而下. 宛:好像,仿佛. 凄凄:同萋萋,茂盛状. 晞:干. 湄:水草交接处,即岸边. 跻(jí):高起,登上高处. 坻(chí):水中小沙洲. 采采:众多的样子. 已:停止. 涘(sì):水边. 右:向右转,道路弯曲. 沚(zhǐ): 水中小沙滩, 比坻稍大些. [编辑本段]【译文】 芦苇密密又苍苍,晶莹露水结成霜。 我心中那好人儿,伫立在那河水旁。逆流而上去找她,道路险阻又太长。 顺流而下去寻她,仿佛就在水中央。 芦苇茂盛密又繁,晶莹露水还未干。 我心中那好人儿,伫立在那河水边。逆流而上去找她,道路崎岖难登攀。 顺流而下去寻她,仿佛就在水中滩。 芦苇片片根连根,晶莹露珠如泪痕。 我心中那好人儿,伫立在那河水边。逆流而上去找她,路途艰险如弯绳。 顺流而下去寻她,仿佛就在水中洲。 Do not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) Do not go gentle into that good night. Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light: Though wise man at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright They frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men, who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze likemeteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 不要温顺地走入那个良宵, 龙钟之年在日落时光也要燃烧并痛斥; 要咆哮、对着光明的消泯咆哮。 人生终点的智者明白黑暗的合理公道, 他们的话不再能够激发出闪电,尽管如此 也不会温顺地走入那个良宵。 善良的人,当最后一浪扫过,会吼叫 说他们脆弱的善举本可在绿色海湾舞得白炽, 并咆哮、对着光明的消泯咆哮。 狂暴的人会抓紧飞驰的太阳高唱,知道 他们已经令它悲伤了一路,虽说明白得太迟 但不会温顺地走入那个良宵。 阴沉的人临近死亡视界会刺目般独到 失明的眼睛像流星般闪光而荡漾着欣喜, 并咆哮、对着光明的消泯咆哮。 而您,我的父亲,升到了悲哀的至高, 尽管以纵横的老泪诅咒我、祝福我,但求你 决不要温顺地走入那个良宵, 要咆哮、对着光明的消泯咆哮。 When you are old(爱情感人诗歌经典中的经典) Yeats 叶芝 When you are old and gray and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire,take down this book, And slowly read,and dream of the soft look, Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep. How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face. And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur,a little sadly,how love fled, And paced upon the mountains overhead, And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. 当你年老时 傅浩译 当你年老,鬓斑,睡意昏沉, 在炉旁打盹时,取下这本书, 慢慢诵读,梦忆从前你双眸 神色柔和,眼波中倒影深深; 多少人爱你风韵妩媚的时光, 爱你的美丽出自假意或真情, 但唯有一人爱你灵魂的至诚, 爱你渐衰的脸上愁苦的风霜; 弯下身子,在炽红的壁炉边, 忧伤地低诉,爱神如何逃走, 在头顶上的群山巅漫步闲游, 把他的面孔隐没在繁星中间。 振奋的: Oh, Captain! My Captain! ---By Walt Whitman Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather"d every rack, the prize we sought is worn, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red! Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills, For you bouquets and ribbon"d wreaths--for you the shores crowding, For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here, Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck You"ve fallen cold and dead. My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still, My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse 。 2. 关于高雅情趣的名人名言 夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 —— 诸葛亮 人生最大的敌人是自己。人生最大的失败是自大。人生最大的愚蠢是欺骗。 人生最可怜的是嫉妒。人生最大的错误是自卑。人生最大的痛苦是痴迷。 人生最大的羞辱是献媚。人生最危险的境地是贪婪。人生最烦恼的是争名利。 人生最大的罪过是自欺欺人。人生最可怜的性情是自卑。人生最大的破产是绝望。 人生最大的债务是人情债。人生最大的罪过是杀生。人生最可恶的是淫乱。 人生最善良的行为是奉献。人生最大的幸福是放得下。人生最大的欣慰是布施。 人生最大的礼物是宽恕。人生最可佩服的是精进。人生最大的财富是健康。 人生最高的享受是学佛。人生最大的快乐是念佛。 2. 一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。 3. 生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。原谅别人,就是善待自己。 4. 未必钱多乐便多,财多累己招烦恼。清贫乐道真自在,无牵无挂乐逍遥。 5. 静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人非,能受苦乃为志士,肯吃亏不是痴人,敬君子方显有德,怕小人不算无能,退一步天高地阔,让三分心平气和,欲进步需思退步,若着手先虑放手,如得意不宜重往,凡做事应有余步。持黄金为珍贵,知安乐方值千金,事临头三思为妙,怒上心忍让最高。切勿贪意外之财,知足者人心常乐。若能以此去处事,一生安乐任逍遥。 6. 处事不必求功,无过便是功。为人不必感德,无怨便是德。 7. 平安是幸,知足是福,清心是禄,寡欲是寿。 8. 人之心胸,多欲则窄,寡欲则宽。 9. 宁可清贫自乐,不可浊富多忧。 10.受思深处宜先退,得意浓 时便可休。 11.势不可使尽,福不可享尽,便宜不可占尽,聪明不可用尽。 12.滴水穿石,不是力量大,而是功夫深。 13.平生不做皱眉事,世上应无切齿人。 14.须交有道之人,莫结无义之友。饮清静之茶,莫贪花色之酒。开方便之门,闲是非之口。 15.多门之室生风,多言之人生祸。 16.世事忙忙如水流,休将名利挂心头。粗茶淡饭随缘过,富贵荣华莫强求。 17.“我欲”是贫穷的标志。事能常足,心常惬,人到无求品自高。 18.人生至恶是善谈人过;人生至愚恶闻己过。 19.诸恶莫做,众善奉行,莫以善小而不为,莫以恶小而为之。 20.莫妒他长,妒长,则己终是短。莫护己短,护短,则己终不长。 21.做事不必与俗同,亦不宜与俗异。做事不必令人喜,亦不可令人憎。 22.世上有两件事不能等:一、孝顺。二、行善。 23.存平等心,行方便事,则天下无事。怀慈悲心,做慈悲事,则心中太平。 24.心量狭小,则多烦恼,心量广大,智慧丰饶。 25.平生无一事可瞒人,此是大快。 26.“恶”,恐人知,便是大恶。“善”,欲人知,不是真善。 27.扶危周急固为美事。能不自夸,则其德厚矣! 28.遇顺境,处之淡然,遇逆境,处之泰然。 29.是非天天有,不听自然无。 30.五官刺激,不是真正的享受。内在安祥,才是下手之处。 31.人为善,福虽未至,祸已远离;人为恶,祸虽未至,福已远离。 32.不妄求,则心安,不妄做,则身安。 33.不自重者,取辱。不自长者,取祸。不自满者,受益。不自足者,博闻 3. 陋室铭中描写室主人情趣高雅的句子是 陋室铭中描写室主人情趣高雅的句子:无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形。 拓展 1、原文 《 陋室铭》 刘禹锡 唐代 山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵。斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青。谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。可以调素琴,阅金经。无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形。南阳诸葛庐, 西蜀子云亭。孔子云: 何陋之有? 2、译文 山不在于高,有了神仙就出名。水不在于深,有了龙就显得有了灵气。这是简陋的房子,只是我住屋的人品德好就感觉不到简陋了。长到台阶上的苔痕颜色碧绿;草色青葱,映入帘中。到这里谈笑的都是知识渊博的大学者,交往的没有知识浅薄的人,可以弹奏不加装饰的古琴,阅读佛经。没有奏乐的声音扰乱双耳,没有官府的公文使身体劳累。南阳有诸葛亮的草庐,西蜀有扬子云的亭子。孔子说:“有什么简陋的呢?” 3、作品概述 《陋室铭》选自《全唐文》卷六百零八集为刘禹锡著。“铭”本是古代刻于金属器具和碑文上用以叙述生平事迹的一些赞颂或警戒性的文字,多用于歌功颂德与昭申鉴戒。后来逐渐发展演变为一种独立的文体,这种文体一般都是用韵的。由于这种文体独特的历史渊源,使这种文体具有篇制短小、文字简约、寓意深刻等特点。 根据古文体的分类, “铭”是应用文。明白了铭的意思,也就明白题意,即对陋室描述,通过陋室对论语进行歌颂。实际上也就是借陋室之名行破迷开悟,引人入圣,这才是作者真正的意思。托物言志,以此阐明作者的生活态度和人生观。这一点与《爱莲说e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333365656533》颇为相似。此处陋室是刘禹锡于长庆四年任和州刺史时所建。
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1. 关于风的英文诗句 关于风的英文诗句 1. 描写风的英文诗 <THE WIND&gt; 风 (Part I) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌? Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际, The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过。 (Part II) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔? Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际, The wind is passing by. 风正从那里经过。 &lt;另一诗人的风之歌> O wind , why do you never rest, 风啊!为何你永不休止 Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸 Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨 From the dim north bringing snow? 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪。 2. 有没有关于风的英文诗歌 风 (Part I) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌? Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际, The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过。 (Part II) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔? Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际, The wind is passing by. 风正从那里经过。 O wind , why do you never rest, 风啊!为何你永不休止 Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸 Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨 From the dim north bringing snow? 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪。 风中蔷薇花 郭沫若 译 THE ROSE IN THE WIND James Stephens Dip and swing, Lift and sway; Dream a life, In a dream, away. Like a dream In a sleep Is the rose In the wind; And a fish In the deep; And a man In the mind; Dreaming to lack All that is his; Dreaming to gain All that he is. Dreaming a life, In a dream, away Dip and swing, Lift and sway.O Sailor, Come Ashore啊!水手,上岸吧(Part I) O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧 What have you brought for me? 你给我带来什么?Red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚,Coral from the sea. 红的,白的。(Part II) I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我从地下挖的,Nor pluck it from a tree; 也不是从树上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴风雨的海裹 英语诗歌《友谊如微风》 Friendship Is Like the Breeze by Terri Fanning Friendship is like the breeze, You can"t hold it, Smell it, Taste it, Or know when it"s coming, But you can always feel it, And you"ll always know it"s there, It may come and then go, But you can know it"ll always be back。 友谊如微风 特里·范宁 友谊如和煦的微风, 你握不住它, 闻不到它, 尝不到它, 无法知道它何时光临, 不过你总能感觉到它, 而且总能意识到它的存在, 它可能会来了而又走开, 但你知道它总会回来。Windflowers Windflowers,windflowers my father told me not to go near them He said he feared them always and he told me that they carried him away Windflowers,beartiful windflowers I couldn"t wait to touch them to smell them I held them closely And now I cannot break away Their sweet bouquet disappears like the vapor in the desert So take a warning ,son Windflowers ,ancient windflowers their beauty capture every young dreamer who lingers near them But ancient windflowers, I love you 风飞花,风飞花, 父亲对我说别走近它 他说他总有些害怕 他说他迷恋过它 风飞花,美丽的风飞花 我急切地要抚摸它 贴近脸颊闻久嗅 如今我已无法自拔 它的芳香犹如水汽 沙漠中蒸发 所以,孩子,听句劝告吧 风飞花,古老的风飞花 美丽迷惑了每个年轻的梦人 久久的徘徊在它的身旁 而我爱你,古老的风飞花 BlowinintheWind Blowin" in the Wind Lyrics How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand How many times must the cannonballs fly Before they are forever banned The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind How many years must a mountain exist Before it is washed to the sea How many years can some people exist Before they"re allowed to be free How many times can a man turn his head And pretend that he just doesn"t see The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky How many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry How many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind 英语诗歌:Blow,Blow,Thou Winter Wind Blow, blow, thou(你,尔,汝) winter wind,Thou art not so unkind As man"s ingratitude(忘恩负义) ; Thy(你的) tooth is not so keen(敏锐的,渴望的) Because thou art not seen,Although thy breath be rude.Heigh ho! sing heigh ho! unto(到,直到) the green holly:Most friendship is feigning(假装) , most loving mere folly; Then, heigh ho! the holly!This life is most jolly.Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,That dost not bite so nigh(在附近的,直接的) As benefits forgot:Though thou the waters warp(弯曲,偏见) ,Thy sting(刺痛,讽刺) is not so sharp As friendship remember"d not.Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly:Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly(愚蠢,荒唐事) ; Then, heigh-ho! the holly!This life is most jolly.不惧冬风凛冽,风威远难遽及 人世之寡情;其为气也虽厉,其牙尚非甚锐,风体本无形。 噫嘻乎!且向冬青歌一曲:友交皆虚妄,恩爱痴人逐。噫嘻乎冬青!可乐惟此生。 不愁冱天冰雪,其寒尚难遽及 受施。 3. 描写风英文文章 Ode to the West Wind 西风颂 I O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn"s being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave,until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Her clarion o"er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odours plain and hill: Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear! 哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸! 你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫, 有如鬼魅碰上了巫师,纷纷逃避: 黄的,黑的,灰的,红得象患肺痨, 呵,重染疫疠的一群:西风呵,是你 以车驾把有翼的种子催送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里, 象是墓中的死尸,冰冷,深藏,低贱, 直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起 她的嗽叭,在沉睡的大地上响遍, (唤出嫩芽,象羊群一样,觅食空中) 将色和香充满了山峰和平原: 不羁的精灵呵,你无处不运行; 破坏者兼保护者:听吧,你且聆听! 4. 形容男人风诗句英语 篇一:古代形容男子的句子 形容男子的成语: 逸群之才 品貌非凡 惊才风逸 颜如宋玉 貌比潘安 才比子键 才高八斗 轮廓分明 剑眉星目 剑眉入鬓 眉目疏朗 丰采高雅 神明爽俊 面如冠玉 目如朗星 鼻若悬胆 唇若涂脂,长身玉立 温文尔雅 淑人君子 雅人深致 雅量非凡 清新俊逸 翩翩少年 风度翩翩 风流倜傥 谈笑风生 玉树临风 英俊潇洒 血性男儿 正义之士 英勇好斗 昂藏七尺 彪形大汉 惨绿少年 弟男子侄 高大威猛 断袖之宠 断袖之癖 断雁孤鸿 傅粉何郎 蜂迷蝶猜 蜂识莺猜 寡鹄孤鸾 孤鸾寡鹄 鳏鱼渴凤 华封三祝 狂蜂浪蝶 旷夫怨女 邻女窥墙 面如冠玉 南户窥郎 匹夫无罪 噙齿戴发 秋风团扇 弃旧怜新 桑弧蓬矢 色衰爱弛 沈腰潘鬓 上烝下报 投梭折齿 投梭之拒 萧郎陌路 须眉男子 莺俦燕侣 掷果潘安 掷果潘郎 坐怀不乱 坐上琴心 醉玉颓山 面如傅粉 形容男子的句子: ——姿容既好,神情亦佳昳丽。 ——萧萧肃肃,爽朗清举。 ——肃肃如松下风,高而徐引。 ——乱卒挥白刃,纵挥间,噤不忍下,更引而出之数矣。 ——如同天上降魔主,真是人间太岁神。 ——一顾惜朝误终生,不顾惜朝终生恨。 ——身长七尺八寸,美词气,有风仪,而土木形骸,不自藻饰,人以为龙章凤姿,天质自然 身躯凛凛,相貌堂堂。一双眼光射寒星,两弯眉浑如刷漆。胸脯横阔,有万夫难敌之威风。 语话轩昂,吐千丈凌云之志气。心雄胆大,似撼天狮子下云端。骨健筋强,如摇地貔貅临座上。 ——“琐兮尾兮,流离之子。叔兮伯希,裦如充耳。” 男子既年轻,又秀丽,比琉璃玉还美;好弟弟啊好哥哥,年轻英俊如琐玉。 ——“硕人俣俣,公庭万舞。有力如虎,执辔如组。” 魁梧英武的男子,在宗庙前表演万舞,身强力壮如猛虎,手执缰绳如执组。这是要求男子魁梧雄壮,有男子气概。 5. 描写大风的带有修辞的英文句子 Their faces burned in the wind. 他们的脸被风吹得发烫。 The bitter wind cut through his jacket. 刺骨的冷风吹透了他的夹克衫。We must paper out the cold wind in winter. 冬天我们必须用纸糊起来挡御寒风。 The post on the building staggered violently in the wind. 楼上的标杆在风中猛烈的摇晃着。There was no wind and everything was quiet. 没有风, 一切都是静悄悄的。 The candle flickered in the wind. 烛光在风中闪烁不定。His overcoat was swollen like a full balloon by the wind. 他的大衣被风吹得鼓成了一个圆气球的样子。 His heavy coat besteaded him against the chilly north wind. 他的厚外衣有助于他抵御寒冷的北风。A sudden gust of wind from the open window puffed the candle out. 从开着的窗户吹来一阵急风,吹灭了蜡烛。 The wind blows easterly. 风从东方吹来。Wind bellied the sails. 风把帆张满了。 The flag was ribboned by the wind. 旗子被风吹成条条碎片。A strong head wind lashed the river into waves. 一股顶头风在河中掀起了波浪。 Wind began to pipe around the tall building. 风在高层建筑四周呼啸起来。The kite grounded because the wind stopped. 由于风停了,风筝摔落在地。 The dry branch snapped in the wind. 在大风中干树枝啪地一声折断了。A change of wind checked the fire. 风向的转变阻止了火势的蔓延。 A strong side wind caused the merchant ship to lie along. 一股强劲的侧风使商船朝一边倾斜。The clouds are fleeting before wind. 云在风前飞驰而过。 The northwest wind will spring up this evening. 今天傍晚将开始刮西北风。The deviation made by the wind could be straightened by the computer. 由风引起的偏差可由计算机予以校正。 As the wind blows we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees. 刮风时,我们能听见树上的叶子发出飒飒的声音。The wind roared all night. 大风怒号了整整一夜。 His bicycle was blown over by the wind. 他的自行车被风吹倒了。The little boat rolled down the river,with the wind behind it. 小船借着风在后面的推动,顺流而下。 We had to lie to because of the storm wind. 由于碰上暴风我们只得顶风停船。A sailing boat is propelled by wind. 帆船是由风力推进的。 The old sailor"s skin has desiccated from years of being out in the sun and the wind. 由于老水手长年在外受日晒,饱经风霜,他的皮肤变干燥了。The wind dishevelled her hair and skirt. 风吹乱了她的头发和裙子。 The wind arched the trees over the road. 风使树成拱形覆盖公路。 6. 古诗《风》翻译 风 《风》 李峤(唐) 解落三秋叶, 能开二月花。 过江千尺浪, 入竹万竿斜 作品注释: 三秋:晚秋,指农历九月。 二月:早春,农历二月。 简析: 注释:风吹落了很多的秋叶 催开了早春二月的鲜花 吹过江,卷起千层高的大浪 吹入竹林,吹歪了万竿的竹子 注释:解落:散落。三秋:秋季三个月,即指整个秋天。 诗意: 秋风一吹来,便会使枝叶零落,令人感到萧瑟、凄凉;但是一到了二月,和煦的春风一起,花朵绽放花蕾,大地又充满了生机。有时大风从江面上吹过,掀起千尺巨浪,有时微风吹入竹林,千万根竹子随著风东倒西斜,又是另一番景象。 内容赏析: 这是一首歌咏风的诗。在诗人眼中,风是有生命、有感情的,会随著时间、地点的不同,而有各种不同的面貌,给人不一样的感受。诗中所描述的,便是作者平日的观察。 这首诗让人看到了风的力量:风,能使晚秋的树叶脱落,能催开早春二月的鲜花,它经过江河时能掀起千尺巨浪,刮进竹林时可把万棵翠竹吹得歪歪斜斜。 另外您的要求有点高,每个字都要翻译?那是不现实的要求。有的翻译只能是词语,怎么可能精细到每一个字呢。 7. 古诗《风》翻译 风 《风》 李峤(唐) 解落三秋叶, 能开二月花。 过江千尺浪, 入竹万竿斜 作品注释: 三秋:晚秋,指农历九月。 二月:早春,农历二月。 简析: 注释:风吹落了很多的秋叶 催开了早春二月的鲜花 吹过江,卷起千层高的大浪 吹入竹林,吹歪了万竿的竹子 注释:解落:散落。三秋:秋季三个月,即指整个秋天。 诗意: 秋风一吹来,便会使枝叶零落,令人感到萧瑟、凄凉;但是一到了二月,和煦的春风一起,花朵绽放花蕾,大地又充满了生机。有时大风从江面上吹过,掀起千尺巨浪,有时微风吹入竹林,千万根竹子随著风东倒西斜,又是另一番景象。 内容赏析: 这是一首歌咏风的诗。在诗人眼中,风是有生命、有感情的,会随著时间、地点的不同,而有各种不同的面貌,给人不一样的感受。 诗中所描述的,便是作者平日的观察。 这首诗让人看到了风的力量:风,能使晚秋的树叶脱落,能催开早春二月的鲜花,它经过江河时能掀起千尺巨浪,刮进竹林时可把万棵翠竹吹得歪歪斜斜。 另外您的要求有点高,每个字都要翻译?那是不现实的要求。有的翻译只能是词语,怎么可能精细到每一个字呢。 8. 形容男人风诗句英语 篇一:古代形容男子的句子 形容男子的成语: 逸群之才 品貌非凡 惊才风逸 颜如宋玉 貌比潘安 才比子键 才高八斗 轮廓分明 剑眉星目 剑眉入鬓 眉目疏朗 丰采高雅 神明爽俊 面如冠玉 目如朗星 鼻若悬胆 唇若涂脂,长身玉立 温文尔雅 淑人君子 雅人深致 雅量非凡 清新俊逸 翩翩少年 风度翩翩 风流倜傥 谈笑风生 玉树临风 英俊潇洒 血性男儿 正义之士 英勇好斗 昂藏七尺 彪形大汉 惨绿少年 弟男子侄 高大威猛 断袖之宠 断袖之癖 断雁孤鸿 傅粉何郎 蜂迷蝶猜 蜂识莺猜 寡鹄孤鸾 孤鸾寡鹄 鳏鱼渴凤 华封三祝 狂蜂浪蝶 旷夫怨女 邻女窥墙 面如冠玉 南户窥郎 匹夫无罪 噙齿戴发 秋风团扇 弃旧怜新 桑弧蓬矢 色衰爱弛 沈腰潘鬓 上烝下报 投梭折齿 投梭之拒 萧郎陌路 须眉男子 莺俦燕侣 掷果潘安 掷果潘郎 坐怀不乱 坐上琴心 醉玉颓山 面如傅粉 形容男子的句子: ——姿容既好,神情亦佳昳丽。 ——萧萧肃肃,爽朗清举。 ——肃肃如松下风,高而徐引。 ——乱卒挥白刃,纵挥间,噤不忍下,更引而出之数矣。 ——如同天上降魔主,真是人间太岁神。 ——一顾惜朝误终生,不顾惜朝终生恨。 ——身长七尺八寸,美词气,有风仪,而土木形骸,不自藻饰,人以为龙章凤姿,天质自然 身躯凛凛,相貌堂堂。 一双眼光射寒星,两弯眉浑如刷漆。胸脯横阔,有万夫难敌之威风。 语话轩昂,吐千丈凌云之志气。心雄胆大,似撼天狮子下云端。 骨健筋强,如摇地貔貅临座上。 ——“琐兮尾兮,流离之子。 叔兮伯希,裦如充耳。” 男子既年轻,又秀丽,比琉璃玉还美;好弟弟啊好哥哥,年轻英俊如琐玉。 ——“硕人俣俣,公庭万舞。有力如虎,执辔如组。” 魁梧英武的男子,在宗庙前表演万舞,身强力壮如猛虎,手执缰绳如执组。这是要求男子魁梧雄壮,有男子气概。
2023-07-11 23:16:451


【马赛克孔雀鱼】 马赛克的原文是指“镶嵌细工做成的物品”。在此却是形容孔雀鱼尾部的众多色彩和花样。马赛克孔雀的花纹分成两种:一种是镶嵌状的花纹,另一种则是略呈环状排列的花纹。 马赛克孔雀的特色:尾鳍基部与身体交接处有一块“深蓝”色的色块,这点也可以用来与草尾孔雀作区别。 马赛克孔雀的标准要求:尾鳍纹路鲜明,背鳍越宽大越好,并且纹路最好和尾鳍一致。 【草尾孔雀鱼】 草尾孔雀是由日本水族专家人工改良出来的品种。草尾孔雀按尾鳍色泽不同,分成两种:一种是标准尾鳍的草尾,底色不拘;另一种则是玻璃尾,尾鳍较为透明,因而上面的斑点就象喷点状的分布,朦胧之美犹如“纱丽”。 草尾孔雀的特色:宽大的尾鳍上布满黑色圆形的细小斑点,花纹细致如草皮。 草尾孔雀的标准要求:尾鳍一定要宽大,背鳍也一样,更要有厚实的感觉,花纹也应该和尾鳍一致。鱼身上呈现的色块呈自由均匀分布。 【礼服孔雀鱼】 礼服是指孔雀鱼的后半身为黑色、深蓝色或其他的纯色调,而尾鳍上应该没有任何杂色斑点或花纹,整体感觉素雅大方,如穿着晚礼服的美人雍荣华贵。 礼服孔雀的特色:尾鳍要比其他品系的孔雀鱼更为宽大且长。 礼服孔雀的标准要求:尾鳍部分的色泽要均匀,绝对不可掺杂任何斑点或花纹,整体的色泽需要单一化以及色彩的纯净。 【蛇王孔雀鱼】 蛇王孔雀鱼身上布满复杂纹路构成的图案,看起来就如同蛇类的皮肤斑纹,总体纹路与马赛克孔雀很相近,只是更为细致。 蛇王孔雀的特色:鱼身体表的色泽呈现蓝、绿等具有金属质感的色泽,配以细密的花纹,极为夺目。 【金属孔雀鱼】 金属孔雀鱼是由俄国水族专家人工改良出来的迷人品种。 金属孔雀的特色:鱼身前半部分呈现出特殊的金属蓝。在水质状况不佳或者鱼体不适的时候,这块金属蓝的色块会转变成为黑色提醒饲养者引起注意。 【豹纹孔雀鱼】 豹纹孔雀鱼是从草尾孔雀中分划出来的品系。 豹纹孔雀的特色:和草尾孔雀的差别在于尾鳍底色一般呈黄色,鱼体与尾鳍交界部分的纹路为“三”之类的流水纹。其次,豹纹孔雀的起源为德系黄尾礼服孔雀,因而它们的吻部呈黄色。 【剑尾孔雀鱼】 剑尾孔雀的特色:是指尾鳍如剑般笔直伸出,根据延伸的部位不同分为双剑尾、上剑尾、下剑尾等等不同形式。 剑尾孔雀的标准要求:剑尾末端尖锐,体色纹理呈自然表现状,具有大自然原始的风味。 【白金孔雀鱼】 白金孔雀鱼具有另类的欣赏风格。 白金孔雀的特色:强调鱼体的特殊颜色,分为金色、银白色或者白金色等等。 白金孔雀的标准要求:鱼体表覆盖的白金色应该均匀,并且最好连胸鳍、背鳍、腹鳍、尾鳍均能覆盖。 【单色孔雀鱼】 单色孔雀的标准要求:当然是鱼体色泽干干净净,不含任何杂色。 【古老系孔雀鱼】 古老系孔雀鱼并不是指那些原始的古老孔雀品种,它是一个新的孔雀鱼品系。 古老系孔雀的特色:尾鳍上具有类似马赛克的斑纹,但纹路模糊不清,而鱼体表面有着类似蛇纹的纹路,却不似蛇纹那样具有凸突感相反具有凹陷感。 【其他品系孔雀鱼】 孔雀鱼按纹理色泽的大致分类应该为以上的10种,这也非常粗浅的分类方法。 虽然以上这些品种的孔雀鱼都已经定系而按此遗传繁殖,但是在众多水族专家日益改良的今日,出现某个新品系并不是不可能的事情。另外,在杂交改良过程中,一大部分孔雀鱼同时具有了2个或者2个以上的品系特征,因此,将这些种类暂时分列为其他品系孔雀鱼。参考资料:
2023-07-11 23:17:237


1. 观察景物的作文150字 Beautiful scenery During the summer vacation, my mother took me to the south of the Yangtze River touri *** .The good, the beautiful scenery, I still can not fet.One morning, I watch the sunrise on the Bank of the river, that river deep blue is blue eyes. Not for a moment, Water-day phase transfer line of golden light, the sky aglow. Clouds are red.The sky, the sun seems to carry the burden of a longitudinal vertical upward, finally out of water, with a dazzling light, to open her eyes. At this time, as long as we raised his head can see the birds in the sky fly.Riverside flowers also seems to be in the sun with the bright colors: orange, red, pink, purple·· · · · ·they were open to us *** iling.At this time, the golden Canna will water bearing on the blue river lining up, looks so sweet and charming, is really indulge in pleasures without stop. Look at it from a distance, like a blue ribbon.The scenery is so beautiful, so an indulge in pleasures without stop! 江南美景 暑假里,妈妈带我去江南旅游。 江南可美啦,那美丽的风景至今我还无法忘记。 一天早晨,我在江边观看日出,当时江水深蓝色好是蓝蓝的 眸子。不到一会,水天相接的交接线出现了金色的亮光,天空一片通红。白云也被染红了。 天边,太阳好像负着重担似的一纵一纵往上升,最后终于跳出水面,射出一道道刺眼的光芒,使人睁不开眼睛。此时,只要我们抬起头就可以看见雁群在天上自由的飞。 江边的鲜花似乎也被太阳染上了鲜艳的色彩:橘黄的、红的、粉红的、紫红的······它们竟相开放向我们露出灿烂的笑容。 这时,那金黄的美人蕉将的江水承托起蓝蓝的江水衬托起,显得那么甜静迷人,真令人流连忘返。从远处看它,好似一条蓝蓝的绸带。 江南景色是那么美,那么令人流连忘返! 2. 作文,写你观察的景物或某个现象,题目自拟150左右的字 我爱冬天的校园 伴飘飘落下的雪花,跟呼呼吹来的 她----冬姑娘,踏着六角型的小精灵,悄悄地来到了金川公司三校。 在校门口,冬姑娘洒下了一层滑滑的水晶冰,让师生们不由自主地滑一滑、乐一乐。走进校园,教学楼被冻的瑟瑟发抖,下水管口也被冬姑娘冻上了 亮晶晶地好看。靠近教学楼的小路也被冬姑娘洒上了一层薄薄的冰, 里的小花早就娇气地回到土地妈妈的怀抱里冬眠去了;而小草比小花坚强多了,直挺挺地站在那里,冬姑娘的冷水浴,小草的上半身弯了下去,但下半身依然挺直,仿佛仰面向寒冷示威:我不会害怕的,我能够!再看看小树,树枝被冬姑娘追逐的左右打架,树叶也被冻得抽巴到了一起。惟有那铁栏杆,冻得不停地打颤,但花草树木不被人糟蹋,仍然坚强地在为它们站岗。几个扫雪的老师和同学,忘记了冬姑娘设下的陷阱,拿着 和铲子忘情地扭起了迪斯科…… 冬姑娘在天寒地冻的校园里尽情地舞蹈,而只能缩在厚厚的棉衣中欣赏她的 ……春天脚步的临近,冬姑娘渐渐告别了舞台,等待着下冬天的到来。 冬姑娘春姑娘的娇嫩,夏姑娘的艳丽,秋姑娘的丰硕,但她的晶莹无暇一样给世界带来了另风采,也许这我喜欢有冬姑娘跳舞的校园的原因吧。 午后, , 雪白的云彩密布,遮住了 3. 写景作文150字左右 我们的校园美丽极了。操场旁两排小叶榕,青翠欲滴;水池中艳丽的荷花,绚烂无比;综合楼后粗壮的大树,高大挺拔。美丽之物应有尽有,但我最爱的,还是那个美丽的小花园。 走进小花园,首先看见的是一个花坛。湿润的土质,培育出一丛丛、一簇簇鲜艳、芬芳的花朵。可爱的玫瑰、 *** 的杜鹃丛中缀满了不知名的绿草、白花,显现出无限的生机。这个美丽的花坛像一个大大的三层蛋糕,但比每一个蛋糕都香、都美。 从花坛向下走,便看见两对双杠。每到大家有空时,就爱来这儿翻杠。同学们矫健的身子、有力的双腿、灵活的手臂在快掉漆的双杠上一次次的翻越。不知过了多久,终于见到了一张胜利的脸——流着些汗,露出爽朗、带些疲乏而又透着些霸气的微笑。 再往下走,就能看见些梨树。春天时,梨花如一道雪白、薄薄的轻纱遮住了梨树光秃秃的枝干。走道梨树旁,一股沁人心脾的芬芳扑鼻而来,让你沉醉其中,无法自拔。 小花园,我爱你!美丽的校园,我爱你。 记得采纳啊 4. 写一处景物的作文150字左右 在我家的小区里,有着一个梦幻般的花园,它是那么美丽,又是那么奇妙。 走进花园,首先映入眼帘的是一片翠绿的竹林。一株株竹子高大挺拔,让人不禁想起“咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中”的诗句。再瞧瞧那碧绿的草地和一朵朵随风摇曳的可爱小花,真是美不胜收。几只娇艳的蝴蝶在翩翩起舞,似乎是在和小花比美。草地边,假山旁,还有一个清澈见底的小池塘。水草在粼粼水波中闪动,似乎在跳一曲曲美妙的舞蹈。那轻盈的舞姿,让人自叹不如啊!水草中,小鱼们在敏捷地游动着,穿梭着,似乎在躲迷藏,又似乎在和水草一起跳舞。池塘边还有一株杨柳树,柳枝随着微风摆动,舞姿倒影在水中,似乎也在和大家一起跳舞。 走进花园深处。那景色更是让人应接不暇。一朵朵花朵争相竟艳,夏天是玫瑰,冬天是腊梅,秋天是桂花,而春天是我最爱的桃花。每当春天来的时候,桃花们连成一片,像天上大片大片的云彩,美极了。细细看来,有的还是花骨朵,小小的蓓蕾就像人脸上的小豆豆,惹人喜爱;有的半开半合,看到它就想到了何为含苞待放;有的已经完全灿烂了,就像一个个穿着粉色裙子的小女孩,婀娜的身姿让人遐想。 微风中,传来阵阵花香,时有时无,你得集中精神,才能分辨是什么花的香味,花香来自何处…… 这就是我家的小花园,不是很大,也不是很壮观,但却有自己的味道,让你看后难以忘怀…… 5. 人物外貌描写和景物描写 150字左右 她的脸上有一双带着稚气的、被长长的睫毛装饰起来的美丽的眼睛,就像两颗水晶葡萄。 这孩子黑虎头似的脸上,生着一对铜铃一般的大眼睛,十分精神。 他的眉毛时而紧紧地皱起,眉宇间形成一个问号;时而愉快地舒展,像个感叹号。 他那红嘟嘟地脸蛋闪着光亮,像九月里熟透地苹果一样。 他地耳朵白里透红,耳轮分明,外圈和里圈很匀称,像是一件雕刻出来地艺术品。 她那张小嘴巴蕴藏着丰富的表情:高兴时,撇撇嘴,扮个鬼脸;生气时,撅起的小嘴能挂住一把小油壶。从这张嘴巴说出的话,有时能让人气得火冒三丈,抽泣不止,有时却让人忍俊不禁,大笑不已。 李老师有一头漂亮得头发,乌黑油亮,又浓又密,她站在阳光下,轻轻地一摇头,那头发就会闪出五颜六色地光环。 我地同学萧红,梳着一条大辫子,黑亮黑亮的,浓浓的眉毛下嵌着一双乌黑发亮的大眼睛,看起来蛮漂亮的。 他今年7岁,个人不算高,比较瘦,但看起来却很有精神。他留着很短的头发,俊俏的脸上长着一双又黑又亮的眼睛,鼻梁高高的,像个小红萝卜似的。到过他家的人都说他五官端正,是个好看的男孩子。 我的妹妹长得很可爱,她已经3个月了。前几天是我妹妹的百天纪念日,我妈开着车抱着宝宝妹妹去“爱你宝贝”照了几张照片。我的妹妹长着一双小而亮晶晶的眼睛,脸鼓鼓的,嘴显得特别小。她有一对可爱的耳朵,一双小手紧握着拳头,不时地摆动着。你瞧!那肉嘟嘟像小馒头似的小脚,可爱极了!我爱我的妹妹。 在我们班里我最喜欢的同学就是小帅哥耿豪了,你瞧!他的个子不高,但长得很敦实,他的胳膊和腿真像成熟的玉米棒。他喜欢穿外套不扣扣子,听他说:“那样会更显得威风。”耿豪的头长得圆圆的,红扑扑的脸蛋是圆圆的,巧的是他那双乌黑发亮的眼睛也是圆圆的。我最喜欢他笑,他一笑那乌黑发亮的眼睛就变成两个弯弯的月牙了。他那红红的小嘴最爱说笑话,他的笑话总是在我们没笑出声之前先把自己逗笑了,这时那弯弯的月牙又出现了。 我的爸爸是远洋公司商船的大副。他高高的个儿,微黄的头发自然卷曲,白净的方脸上嵌着一双充满智慧的眼睛,高高的鼻梁下,一双鼻孔显得特别大。小时侯,我常常望着他的鼻孔问:“爸爸,您的鼻孔为什么这么大?”他总是笑着回答;“选马就要选鼻孔大的马,因为大鼻孔的马跑得快。爸爸小时侯在学校就是短跑冠军,不信你问妈妈。”这时,我和妈妈就会望着他的大鼻孔哈哈大笑起来。 爸爸长得瘦瘦的,中等个,长着一双不大不小的眼睛,留着小平头,高挺的鼻子显得更有精神。棱廓分明的嘴唇上长满了像钢针似的胡子。爸爸的知识可多了,经常给我讲许多神奇有趣的科学小故事,想出许多方法来锻炼我。 在我们班里有这样的一个小男孩,他个子不高,身体就像一棵小树,四肢就像刚长出的小树枝。他瘦瘦的身体却撑着一个大大的脑袋,真让人担心弱小的身体能撑的住吗?他的脸白白的,最引人注目的要属他那双水汪汪的大眼睛了,瞪得圆圆的,有时候真能让人想起西游记中孙悟空的火眼金睛。人们都说:“眼睛是心灵的窗户。”他那大大的脑袋中装满了丰富的知识让人羡慕。他还有一张灵巧的小嘴,红红的,他唱出来的歌非常动听呢!大家了解他了吧?想知道他是谁吗?他就是我们班的王禹锡同学。 我的表妹今年5岁了,别看她才5岁,可有时候我都说不过她,得让她三分。表妹很可爱,胖嘟嘟的脸上有两个小酒窝。有时候我们对她笑,她就会说:“我知道你们笑什么,你们在笑我的酒窝。”说着,就用胖乎乎的手指捅捅她的酒窝,很得意的样子。表妹最招人喜欢的地方是她的眼睛,她的黑眼珠特别大,几乎占满了真个眼睛,而且漆黑漆黑的,仿佛看不到底。当她对你有什么要求时,就用两只眼睛企求地望着你,你的心一下就软了,她要什么就给什么。 6. 观察景物作文二百字 轻轻地睁开双眸,春风俏皮地拨动着我的眼眉,并旋着轻快的舞姿在发梢尖跳起了巴蕾,我的心跟着风儿起舞,春意就这样一点一点在心中荡漾开来 春天的雨有着醉人的缠绵,淅淅沥沥的小雨,把路边的野花装扮得分外清秀,把睡得正酣的树枝轻轻淋醒,把叫得正欢的小鸟沐浴自然的赐予,把大地的盛装轻轻洗礼一番。想起了古人的诗:“天街小雨润如酥, 草色遥看近却无,最是一年春好处, 绝胜烟柳满皇都”“沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风”“ 春雨断桥人不渡,小船撑出绿荫来”……,给这个春天带来了一种灵动的泉涌,站在雨中,一不小心就能捡起串串雨珠,我猜想,那里每一粒定然都写有一段缠绵的爱情故事。 春日迟迟,卉木萋萋;仓庚喈喈,采蘩祁祁。深情款款地春天就这样不经意间来到了你我的身边。来吧,亲爱的朋友,就请与我一起走进春天,在花儿与绿叶的山丛中,扑进春天的最深处,独自去品味着春天与自然的絮语,他们窃窃私语也好,默默相看也罢,且不论谁是谁的听者,谁又是谁的倾诉者,你什么也不要想,什么也不要做,做一个聆听者,听他们倾诉情怀。 7. 要一段对景物的描写,150字左右 轻松的周末,总会有些氛围沉淀为惆怅。 走在热闹的街道上,悄眼打量路过的行人,竟发现他们也如自己一样,若有所思,似笑非笑的神态立刻就让人有了一种共鸣,终于明白了,为什么人一进入茫茫人海中就很难找到,原来,就因为那些大同小异的思想,给人们的脸上镶上了一样的光泽,共处在蓝天下,走近的依然是心情。 笑容轻轻地滑过脸颊,也就为自己的平凡有些释然了,生命对于人来说只有一次,所以不必让它负重太多,每天给它一定的时间放风,给它足够的阳光照射,即使它并不算很精彩,但它依然会很灿烂,因为,我们一直在善待它,用热爱生活的心,用无悔的每一天。 四季交流的只是风,而日子交替里的花絮,却令每个季节丰富多彩。 一直在强调自己的普通,却又总在追求里注入一些新奇的梦想。 有梦想就有希望。有希望就有寄托,有寄托就有动力。 即使这梦想永远只是梦想,也知足了,没有梦想的生活,如一潭死水,在固定的轨道作机械的运动,失去光泽的,何止只是额头、脸上?人的心,也会在日子的简单堆砌中麻木起来。当抚着今天看昨日时,留给自己的,只是茫然的目光和迷惘的回忆,这是任何人都不想接受的。 有人问:有没有平淡的爱?如小溪般地随岁月流淌。我的回答是:有的,有的爱虽然一开始轰轰烈烈,但最后的结局还是平淡;而有些爱,开始时平淡,最后还是平淡。 第一种情况,会让当事人有些失落,如果把握不住,或许会中止;后一种呢,虽然缺少 *** ,但更经得起岁月的考验。不过,这并不是说自己可以选择的,一切都是缘在操纵着。 但是不论是哪种爱,都是对人的一种恩赐,都应用心去对待,即使最后无缘牵手,那么,有一种美好的回忆也是一笔财富。 人的一生,大都这么平淡地走过,虽然生活方式各有不同,但目的大都相同,都希望自己和亲人朋友快乐健康地度过生活中的分分秒秒。 曾认为承诺许下后就不能更改的,只是,当这种承诺对自己来说是郑重的,而对于对方来说,只是轻描淡写的一句话,这种承诺还有存在的必要吗?付出应该是相互的,只求索取只会让另一人寒心,当无法将当时的承诺兑现时,才发现,它有时真的如撕毁一张白纸那么简单,因为,它对于自己来说是一种解救。 江南的春天,已渐渐远离了雨水;江南的春天,因此更象春天。 薄冰虽然无法承载重量,但它见了阳光后就可化为清清的水,场面也就简单了不少。人与人之间,重在坦诚相待,就如这天气,当一切告别了蒙蒙明朗起来的时候,自然离自己是那么的近,春天也就在不经意间一脚迈进了人的心里。 参考资料:天纵网 资料来源 。 8. 景物描写作文150字 1、蔚蓝的天空中,相嵌着一朵朵洁白无瑕的云朵。 它们没有线条,就像只用颜料渲染一般,相互混合着。在微风的吹拂下,有的犹如绵羊似的在蔚蓝的草原上奔跑着;有的又如万马奔腾,灰尘如浪;有的则如一条玉龙在空中腾飞,那威严的态度,那惊人的速度,那惊心动魄的吼叫声,令人心神未定!在遥远之处,隐隐约约可见一座座青山。 它们连绵不断,犹如一个个青少年手牵着手,在酣畅淋漓的歌颂春天的灿烂!在微风中,一只只五彩缤纷的蝴蝶伴随着柳丝一起舞蹈;一颗颗火红般的桃树更是为着光彩夺目的春天增添了几分秀色与生机。那灼灼入伙、皑皑如雪的花儿竞相开放,散发出阵阵芳香。 青青的小草,随着风的吹拂,拉着手,也为春天歌唱。这是我想起了诗人白居易的诗句“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。” 这更是显示出了青草的生机。还有那嫩绿的叶子,动物们的勃勃生机,那各色鲜艳的花朵,都像赶集似的相聚一起,凑成了一个五彩斑斓的春天。 9. 春天景物描写150字,摘抄用 春 草 (片段一) 你听,那是什么声音?那是小草翻动泥土的声音。 你看,那是什么东西?那是刚钻出土地的一棵棵嫩绿的小草。哦,春天来了!放眼望去,冰雪已经融化,草木开始发芽,漫步田野间,一望无际的土地上如同夜空一般,繁星点点。 清新的空气中夹杂着缕缕清香,红红的朝阳从地平线上冉冉升起。草尖上的滴滴露珠,在朝阳的映照下,如珍珠翡翠般,闪闪烁烁。 那顽强的毅力,那旺盛的生命力,不正是每一株小草都拥有的吗? 刘娜、杜枫、陈志峰、曹雨佳 (片段二) 春天是万物复苏的季节,是一切生命的源头。春天的到来,万物为之欣喜:大树挺直了他强健的身躯,花儿摆弄着她芳香的脸庞,小鸟买弄着她动听的歌喉……再看,清晨的露珠一滴一滴的从青草上滑落,在朝阳的映衬下,使那原本生机勃勃的春草更焕发出了青春的活力。 一阵微风轻盈的掠过,它不禁摇晃着身子跳起了优美的舞来。啊!春意盎然,满眼绿色,漫步在丛林间,多么诗情画意啊! 蔡亮、陈佳浩、陆溢娇、顾鑫浩 晨曦初绽露红颜,旭日东启尽昂扬,冷露凝语注眼眸,春叶无痕细绵长。 哦,我看见了什么?华彩铺就薄纱,春女踏纱而来。放眼望去,冰雪已经消融,万物尽展新颜,红紫芳菲,橙黄橘绿,娇莺洽啼…… 听,那是什么声音?那是泥土翻动的心之音,它触动了我的心弦,好像在呐喊:我要奋发,我要奋发,我要奋发!这预示着什么?是一株株春草如竹笋般破土而出的前奏曲?是它抽芽吐绿的协奏曲?对了,草尖上划过的滴滴露珠,闪烁着生命的光华,在霞光的映射,绿树的掩映,变得如珍珠般圆润、翡翠般透亮、玛瑙般炫目!那熬过酷暑,度过萧秋,闯过寒冬的小小草种,有多么顽强的毅力,不正是每一株小草都拥有的吗?不为别的,只为春日里那一抹淡淡的新绿!陈嘉欣 春 花 (片段一) 春天到了!她迈着轻盈的步伐向我们走来了。 你瞧,她把桃花染得粉红,把迎春花染成金黄,把梨花变得雪白……大地在她的神笔点缀之下,显得生机勃勃!清晨,第一滴露珠把沉睡中的迎春花惊醒了,她舒展着自己的身子,晾出了美丽的花朵,尽情享受着阳光带来的舒适与温暖。一阵微风吹过,她左右摇摆着自己纤细的枝条,与不远处刚刚抽出新芽的柳条跳起了优美的华尔兹。 小鸟在枝头歌唱,花儿绽放了笑容,好像都在细细品味着春的旋律。春天一到,春花便在大自然的怀抱中尽情的展示着自己。 五颜六色的花朵装点着大地,不仅如此,香气扑鼻的鲜花还受到了蝴蝶蜜蜂的追捧。你瞧,那边翩翩起舞的蜂蝶不正在忙碌的采蜜吗?可是,谁又知道,美丽的花朵也曾遭受过长时间的风吹雨打,不然又怎会如此艳丽呢? 刘溢、吴家辉、季雪婷、杨天意 (片段二) 还曾记得一片凄凉寂静的冬天,哪知转眼生机勃勃的春天已经到来。 百花竞相开放,绽放出灿烂的笑容,给人们带来了股股暖意。春花,虽没有夏天荷花的秀美,没有秋天桂花浓香,更没有冬天梅花的玉洁冰清,但它却有一股说不出的奔放。 随着冬花的衰败,春花将大地再次唤醒了,各种花儿的芳香,聚在一起,给人们带来了新的希望。蝴蝶、蜜蜂在香气中翩翩起舞,百灵、喜鹊在枝头尽情歌唱,看着眼前的美景,听着悦耳的歌声,你叫我怎能不爱呢? 刘涛、朱辰、季笙笛、侯文佳 (片段三) 是那串震撼天地的爆竹邀来了您,还是和煦温暖的东风送来了您—春天?要不,一定是您不忍万物被西北风无情地摧毁!您知道吗?您的到来,让我们重新又有了新的希望。 花,娇弱的身躯在大街两旁随处可见,矮矮的,瘦瘦的,是那样的平凡。一阵春风吹过,她那纤细的身躯在风中左右摇摆,显得那么无助。 轻轻抚摸,她又是那么的软弱,仿佛稍稍用力就会把她撕破,让人不禁为她感到可怜,更萌生出想要保护它的冲动。但仔细一想,不,她不会那样脆弱,她是春天派来的使者,她是您撒下的希望种子,不久的将来,她定会傲然挺立地展现她那柔美的身姿,芳香扑鼻,蜂蝶翩飞。 花儿是春天的希望,我们是祖国的花朵,那就让我们珍惜这宝贵的春光努力吧,努力创造出更美好的祖国的春天。季紫薇、季烜禾、丁静艳、黄瑶 春 风 (片段一) 春风,她带着浓浓暖意唤醒了沉睡的生灵,冰冻的湖面慢慢张开了笑脸,灰暗的天空逐渐开始湛蓝。 她混着泥土的气息,伴随着花草的清香扶过我的脸庞,像婴儿那稚嫩的皮肤,像母亲温暖的双手。听,那是什么声音?那是溪水“叮咚”声,那是树叶的“沙沙”声,那是小鸟“叽叽喳喳”的鸣叫声。 枝头的花儿在风中翩翩起舞,两岸的垂柳也摇摆着它妩媚多姿的身姿,像一位天真烂漫的孩子在向行人招手。她轻轻地吹着,吹醒了青蛙,吹来了燕子,吹绿了大地,股股芳香沁人心脾,轻轻的,柔柔的,暖暖的。 刚从南方赶来的小燕子,栖息在几根细线连着的电线杆之间,谱写了一曲春天的乐章,池塘里小音乐家们正在用它们清脆的喉咙尽情歌唱。 陶红、黄芳、秦天毫、吕晨浦 (片段二) 春风吹过大地,叫醒了沉睡许久的小草;春风吹过大树,叫醒了生机勃勃的树叶;春风吹向天空,带着候鸟归来。 你看,一阵春风吹过,柳树摇摆起身子,湖水绽放出微笑,小草向我们招手,花儿向我们点头。
2023-07-11 23:17:451

通海旅游景点景区介绍英语 英语的景点介绍

英语介绍景点简单英文介绍旅游景点:长城 China"s Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization.中国的长城是人类文明史中最伟大的建筑工程。It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years _go.长城建造于两千年前的春秋战国时代。After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.秦国统一中国后,中国人把各个战国的长城连接起来。Two generations of wise people have constructed The Great Wall intensively. _ast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called _orld miracle.聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall"s _uins in offical _ays.You will not only could witness Great Wall"s apparance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , _reat wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘"World heritage Name list‘".它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘"世界遗产名录"中。介绍景点的常用英语句子优美的旅游景点能让人流连忘返,你知道怎么用英语 句子 来介绍景点吗?下面我为大家带来介绍景点的常用英语句子,欢迎大家学习。介绍景点的常用英语句子 spring is a lot of rain,summer is hot,autumn is the best season in a year,it is cool and busy ,winter is cold and sonetimes snowy. 春天是多雨的,夏天是炎热的,秋天是一年中最好的季节,它很凉爽而且忙碌,冬天是寒冷的,有时会下雪。 That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。 The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes. 游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。 Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles. 很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。 This extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent"s largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere 专门捕捉大自然美丽景色的导演高史林百格将会透过节目带大家融入这处仙境,享受大自然的真善美。 条条小河宛如蓝色的缎带缠绕着一望无际的绿色田野,远处一座座造型古朴色彩和谐的小屋,一派美丽动人的田园风光! A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery! 一座座古老的风车,风车的风叶像张开的翅膀,迎风转动,与绿草野花构成了独特的景致更为这童话般世界增添神奇色彩! An ancient windmill, windmill"s wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color! 一对对色彩鲜艳精致绚丽,象征着甜蜜爱情的木鞋!还有那华丽的郁金香倾倒无数情人 郁金香飘香的季节,娇艳妩媚的女孩的笑容如花传芬芳 幽幽湖边,风车,绿草,小房,多惬意 红红火火郁金香花田,阵阵芳香,风车悠悠转!这是梦吗? A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart ...... the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl"s smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly ...... Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream? 高高的建筑也是一种艺术品,古典优雅,像一幅浓郁的油漆彩画! 到处弥漫着绿色,连空气也飘着青草味 四周一片绿油油,绿色的惊艳,风车也停下来,陶醉在美景中 The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene ...... 春天使大地复苏。 Spring renews the earth. 春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。 The country is very green in spring The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun 我被眼前的景色深深吸引了 I am deeply impressed/attracted by the scene before me. Once three years ago, I went to Qingdao, three years later when I again set foot on this piece of land of Qingdao, I was deeply attracted by her beauty, such as the one after an absence of long-lover ... ... 青岛三面环水,一面环山,独特的地理环境,造就了她得天独厚的风景人文景观。 golden butterfly you! whom you are dancing in it not smile flowers, grasses lost their luster. oh, i see, you are in the garden that little daisy eyes. 金色的蝴蝶呀!你是在为谁而翩翩起舞呢花儿没有了笑容,青草失去了光泽。哦,我明白了,你是在为园子里那眨着眼睛的小雏菊。 however, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer. summer is the second season in a year. it is between spring and autumn. the sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world. autumn, the ripe fruit. the pears, the bright red apples, is the sparkling grape. a cool breeze blowing, fruit child nodded, emitting a scent attractive children. 秋天到了,果子熟了。黄澄澄的是梨,红通通的是苹果,亮晶晶的是葡萄。一阵凉风吹来,果儿点头,散发出诱人的香味儿。 all in all, i love summer very much! you should start practicing your english from now on. the rain was killing the last days of summer,you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago. 秋雨,带走了夏天的最后一丝余热,而你,也将我全部的爱都带走了。 that is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。 the trees were naked during autumn. 秋天里树木都是光秃秃的。 Summer is the second season in a year. It is between spring and autumn. The sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world. summer is students" the most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer. 介绍景点的常用英语句子精选 i like to collect russet autumn leaves. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。 i do not know when, you fall softly on my red sweater, you put a flower as i have it 不知什么时候,你轻轻地落在我鲜红的毛衣上,你把我也当成一朵花了吗 i think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn. 我觉得一年中最美丽的季节是秋天。 i feel a little cool in the autumnal night. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。 i love summer very much. in summer, it"s hot, and sometimes it"s rainy. people wear t-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. girls love to wear dresses and skirts.中国旅游景点介绍,(英语的)故宫,意为过去的皇宫,就是过去人们常说的紫禁城,位于北京市中心。故宫建成于明永乐十八年(1420年),占地72万平方米,建筑面积16万平方米,有宫殿建筑9000多间,是中国乃至世界现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past people often said that located at Beijing town center. the Imperial Palace completed the bright Yunglo 18 years in (in 1420), occupied a land area of 720,000 square meters, the floor space 160,000 square meters, had the palace to construct more than 9000, was Chinese and even the world extant most greatly most complete ancient times palace architectural complex.
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