barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-12 11:50:39
TAG: 英语

1.B 适应新环境

2.B 风俗习俗

3.B 有效果的

4.A 很勉强,不愿求助

5.C 被宠坏了

6.D 那把椅子是奶奶传下来的

7.C 查找字典,固定搭配

8.B 在那个年龄很正常

9.C 阻碍了公司的发展



























appropriately英 [u0259"pru0259u028apru026au0259tlu026a] 美 [u0259"prou028apru026artlu026a]adv.适当地适当地;恰当地;恰如其分地;合适地双语例句1. And Julie married Alec, dressed appropriately in virginal white. 朱莉穿着一件与此场合相称的纯白婚纱嫁给了亚历克。2. Dress appropriately and ask intelligent questions. 穿着要得体,提问要机敏。3. It"s entitled, appropriately enough, "Art for the Nation". 它被恰如其分地取名为“为了国家的艺术”。4. Appropriately, the press rode him hard. 新闻界对此严加批评是恰当的.5. Her singing of " Evening Waltz " was easy and lively, well - balanced and appropriately controlled in volume. 她唱的 “ 晚会圆舞曲 ” 轻松愉快, 层次分明,音量的控制也恰到好处.
2023-07-11 21:31:551


2023-07-11 21:32:043


合适的副词:appropriately 适当地;合适的;相称地; appropriate adj. 适当的;恰当的;合适的; vt. 占用,拨出(专款等) 扩展资料   Where appropriate, abbreviated forms are used.   适当的.地方用了缩写形式。   It is appropriate that Hispanic names dominate the list.   西班牙人的名字在这个名单中占主导地位是适当的。   The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.   对讲机嗡嗡地响起来,他按下了相应的开关。   In the circumstances, Paisley"s plans looked highly appropriate.   在那种情况下,佩斯利的计划看起来非常合适。   The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children.   这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。
2023-07-11 21:32:101


2023-07-11 21:32:182

适当地的英语翻译 适当地用英语怎么说

2023-07-11 21:32:263

当appropriately和 about都表示大约的时候,是否可以互换呢?先谢啦。

2023-07-11 21:33:065


About 最为通用,常可与almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。
2023-07-11 21:33:335


1.A 2.B. 3.B 4.C 5.A
2023-07-11 21:33:471

求帮助啊。 用单词的正确形式填空

1.advertised2.dismiss3.insurance4.come up with5.appropriately out
2023-07-11 21:33:552


2023-07-11 21:34:1710

I constantly worry if I am dressed appropriately,

你好!I constantly worry if I am dressed appropriately,that perhaps I"ve actually forgotten .我一直担心如果我穿着适当,也许我已经忘记了。
2023-07-11 21:34:452


1. advertised2. dismiss3. insurance4. come up with5. appropriately6. confusion7. run out of8. due9. emergency10. management
2023-07-11 21:34:522


We must make the comprehensive analysis to the question, can solve appropriately. In village everybody all like that small supermarket going shopping. We believed that, in under two city joint efforts, our two city cooperations further develops surely. The understanding is helpful in the past to the understanding present, understood the present will be helpful to the foreknowledge future.
2023-07-11 21:35:003

Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessar out
2023-07-11 21:35:093


动词后接不定式或动名词   有些动词或词组如admit, appreciate, avoid, consale, defer, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, mention, mind, miss, quit, postpone, practise, resist, risk, (can‘t) stand, suggest, give up, put off等后面只能接动名词。例如:ue003   I enjoy playing football.ue003   I don‘t mind sleeping with the door open.ue003   有些动词如stop, remember, forget, try, mean等接不定式或动名词做宾语,意思各不相同。ue003   try doing sth试试看(没有付诸的行动)ue003   try to do尽力去做(已有行动)ue003   mean doing sth意味着ue003   mean to do sth打算ue003ue003   近义词辨析ue003   change, alter, convert, modify, varyue003   这组词均含有“变化”的意思。ue003   change   最常用,指任何一种变化过程,但多用于指某人或某物发生根本性转变,失去了原来的身份特征,前后完全不同。ue004   Years of hard work had changed her a great deal.多年辛苦劳作使她变了很多。ue003   alter   指对人或事物的某些特征进行某种程度的更改,但并没有使人或事物的性质发生根本改变。ue004   She had to ask the dressmaker to alter the dress for her.她不得不请裁缝把衣服改一下。ue003   convert   指使事物的条件、性质、功能等发生重要改变、转换、或转化。ue004   Scientists are trying to find cheaper ways to convert salt water to fresh water.科学家在努力寻找将海水淡化的更廉价的方法。ue003   modify   指在较小的范围内进行形式上的修改或调整。ue004   They have to modify the terms of their lease.他们不得不修改租赁条款。ue003   vary   可以指仅仅改变事物的外观,也可指使事物的内在性质发生变化,通常是在同一组事物中将一种情形改变为另一种情形。ue004   She varies the program each month to make it more attractive.每个月她都对节目做些变动,使它更吸引人。ue003ue003   全真模拟试题ue003   1. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its alw   ays ue008____ue009 with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.ue003   A. being combined B. having combined ue003   C. to combine D. combinedue003   2. Physics is the presentue011day equivalent of ue008____ue009 used to   be called natural philosophy, from ue008____ue009 most of presentue011day science arose.   A. which, what B. that, which ue003   C. what, which D. what, thatue003   3. On no account ue008____ue009 ever leave the baby at home alone.ue003   A. should you B. you should C. shall you D. you shallue003   4. ue008____ue009the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages.   A. It is the sun and not the earth ue003   B. That the sun and not the earthue003   C. Being the sun and not the earth ue003   D. The sun and not the earthue003   5. The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it ue008____ue009, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.   A. was turned out B. was being turned outue003   C. being turned out D. turned outue003   6. I‘d rather you ue008____ue009 by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow.   A. went B. should go C. will go D. goue003   7. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany u   ntil the rise of Nazism ue008____ue009 he was expelled from Germany becaus   e he was a Jew.   A. when B. who C. then D. whichue003   8. Nowhere but in the remotest region of the country ue008____ue009find a place to settle down.   A. can he B. he can C. he D. for him toue003   9. With one leg broken in that car accident, he cannot even walk, ue008____ue009 run.ue003   A. let alone B. that‘s to say ue003   C. not to speak D. not to mentionue003   10. ue008____ue009, she led a life of complete seclusion.ue003   A. Being disgraced B. Disgracedue003   C. Disgracing D. She was disgracedue003   11. Sometimes a bus ue008____ue009 gets on the bus to check the tickets.ue003   A. agent B. officer C. conductor D. inspectorue003   12. He made a quick ue008____ue009 from his illness.ue003   A. relief B. recovery C. survival D. relaxationue003   13. ue008____ue009 the stress of examinations are over, we can all relax.ue003   A. While B. Even though C. Now that D. Forue003   14. My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it‘s because she is ue008____ue009 child.   A. one B. a lone C. a single D. an onlyue003   15. ue008____ue009 the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives are misunderstood by others.   A. But for B. Except for C. Apart from D. Except thatue003   16. If the scheme is ue008____ue009 carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied.   A.relatively B. noticeably ue003   C. appropriately D. efficientlyue003   17. One day we all may find it useful to have a(n) ue008____ue009for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines.   A. receiver B. echo C. extension D. facilityue003   18. To their credit the Department of Energy ue008____ue009 these ideas and funded a detailed study.   A. took over B. took on C. took up D. took toue003   19. Feeling that she was in the right, she took ue008____ue009 at the dirty remark.   A. protection B. offense C. defense D. guardue003   20. They agreed to share in common any ue008____ue009 of funds after all expenses were paid in full.   A. sufficiency B. surpass C. excess D. surplusue003   21. He was ue008____ue009her in intelligence.ue003   A. below B. under C. beneath D. downue003   22. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ue008____ue009 plan.   A. bright B. clever C. brilliant D. ingeniousue003   23. In the refining process, rice and flour lose much of their ____ue009。   A. acid B. alcohol C. vitamin D. sulphurue003   24. Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn‘t see how the lines fit together. To me, the poem wasn"t ue008____ue009。   A. inherent B. coherent C. logical D. corporateue003   25. To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ue008____ue009experience.ue003   A. hysterical B. grievous C. gracious D. sensibleue003   试题答案与解析 ue003ue003   1. A) 「句意」 由于铝总是和其它元素结合在一起,最常见的是和氧气在一起,所以自然界中哪里也不会找到单独的铝元素。   「难点」 owing to 是介词,后应接名词或动名词,根据题意,应接被动   语态形式。ue003   2. C) 「句意」 当今的物理就是以前被称之为自然哲学的等同物,大多数现代科学都产生于自然哲学。   「难点」 what used to be called作定语,修饰natural philosophy,from which引导一个非限制性定语从句。   3. A) 「句意」 你决不应该把小孩一个人放在家里。   「难点」 on no account 意为“决不”属否定意义的词,引导倒装句,所   以只有A)项正确。ue003   4. B) 「句意」 太阳系的中心是太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为是异端邪说。   「难点」 That引导主语从句,全句的谓语是was considered.ue003   5. D) 「句意」 后来证明他的财产被国家没收的原因是,战争期间他参与了诈骗活动。   「难点」 it turned out (to be)这里作插入语,意为“证明ue008是…”。   6. A) 「句意」 我宁愿你乘火车去,因为天气预报说明天将有大雪。   「难点」 would rather 后接虚拟语气的从句,用一般过去时。ue003   7. A) 「句意」 爱因斯坦于1921年获诺贝尔奖金,在德国享有盛誉。后来随着纳粹主义的兴起,他被逐出德国,因为他是个*人。   「难点」 关系副词when引导的定语从句修饰名词词组the rise of Nazism.ue003   8. A) 「句意」 他只能在最遥远的地方找个安身之处。   「难点」 Nowhere是否定副词,位于句首引导倒装句。ue003   9. A) 「句意」 在车祸中,他的一条腿骨折,他连走路都不行,更不用说跑了。   「难点」 let alone意为“更不必说”;not to mention意为“再加上”;that is to say意为“也就是说”。   10. B) 「句意」 失宠后,她过着完全隐居的生活。   「难点」 disgraced在这里是过去分词作状语,表示伴随状态。ue003   11. C) 「句意」 有时,公共汽车检票员上车查票。   「难点」 bus conductor意为“公共汽车售票员”;agent意为“代理人,中介人”;officer意为“军官,官员”;inspector意为“检查员,视察员”。   12. B) 「句意」 他很快恢复了健康。ue003   「难点」 recovery意为“恢复,复苏”,后接介词from;relief意为“宽慰,安心”;relaxation意为“放松”;survival意为“生存”。   13. C) 「句意」 既然考试的紧张已经过去,我们现在可以放松了。   「难点」 now that意为“既然;由于”,用于新的事情的发生,接一般现   在时的句子。while意为“虽然”;even though意为“即使”,for意为“因为”,不能用于句首。   14. D) 「句意」 我表妹南希的情绪经常很糟,我想这是因为她是独生子的缘故。   「难点」 表示“独生子”的时候,只能说an only child.ue003   15. C) 「句意」 除了已经提及的因素外,有时人们感到不安全是因为他们的动机被他人误解。   「难点」 apart from是包含在内的“除了”;excepr for和except that是不包含在内的除了;but for意为“要不是”。   16. D) 「句意」 如果计划能在不浪费时间和精力的情况下得到有效实施,我将十分满意。   「难点」 efficiently意为“有效地”;relatively意为“相对地”;not iceably意为“显而易见地”;appropriately意为“恰当地”。   17. D) 「句意」 有朝一日我们会发现,拥有一个能通过电话线发送信息、绘制图片的设备是非常有用的。   「难点」 facility意为“设备”;receiver意为“电话听筒”;echo意为“回声;回音”;extension意为“分机”。   18. C) 「句意」 令他们感到光荣的是,能源部采纳了这些想法并为一个详细的研究报告作了资助。   「难点」 take up意为“采纳(观点)”;take over意为“接收,接管,占据”;take on 意为“承担”;take to意为“喜欢上”。   19. B) 「句意」 她觉得自己有理,因此,她对这样肮脏的话语十分恼怒。   「难点」 take offence意为“对…生气”;protection意为“保护”;defense意为“防卫”;guard意为“看守;警戒”。   20. D) 「句意」 他们同意在全部费用支出后共享剩余的资金。   「难点」 surplus意为“剩余,剩余额”;sufficiency意为“足量,充足”;surpass是动词,不适合本句;excess意为“超过”。   21. A) 「句意」 他的智力不如她。ue003   「难点」 below意为“(智力、地位、军阶等)低于”;under意为“(尺寸、   价值、数量、程度、标准等)少于,低于“;beneath意为”在…下方;(地位,级别等)低于,次于“;down意为”往…下端“。   22. D) 「句意」 想出这样一个天才的计划需要丰富的想象力。   「难点」 ingenious意为“(方法等)巧妙的;制作精巧的;bright意为”聪明的,机灵的“;clever意为”头脑机敏的,伶俐的“;brilliant意为”才华横溢的,有才能的“。   23. C) 「句意」 在加工过程中,大米和面粉失去大量维生素。   「难点」 vitamin是“维生素”,其它词义不符本题。acid是“酸”;alcohol是“酒精”;sulphur是“硫”。   24. B) 「句意」 这首诗的每个单行写得很美,但我不明白各行是如何联系在一起的。依我看,这首诗不连贯。   「难点」 coherent意为“连贯的,紧凑的”;inherent意为“内在的,固   有的“;logical意为”逻辑的“;corporate意为”社团的,法人的“。ue003   25. B) 「句意」 对十分敏感的儿童来说,一次简单的呵斥可能会成为极其痛苦的经历。   「难点」 grievous意为“极痛苦的”;hysterical意为“情绪暴躁不能控制的”;gracious意为“亲切的,有礼的”;sensible意为“明白事理的;合情理的”。
2023-07-11 21:35:251


2023-07-11 21:35:3512


I"ve actually forgotten to put on a skirt and walked outside in the T-shirt and underwear I sleep and live in.我甚至忘记了穿裙子,穿着t恤和内衣出门睡觉和生活。
2023-07-11 21:36:222


Dress appropriately
2023-07-11 21:36:572

英语作业 急

advertiseddismissinsurancecome up withappropriatelyconfusionrun out ofdueemergencymanagement
2023-07-11 21:37:422

句子成份?parents, as a family, as a part of community and as individuals ...

parents主语 as a family, as a part of community and as individuals in the society定语 should be谓语 in action 表语appropriately 状语so as to deliver a message to their kids in which what should be respected and cherished in lives is highly highlighted.目的状语in which what should be respected and cherished in lives is highly highlighted.定语从句(对message的修饰) what should be respected and cherished in lives 宾语从句
2023-07-11 21:37:561


标准型用英语怎么说 标准型 [词典] normalized form; standard form; [例句]同时,可根据客户的要求设计和制造非标准型电气产品。 At the same time, according to the requirements of customers design and manufacture of non-standard electrical products."不符合标准的" 英语怎么说 Do not conform to the standards或者Non-pliant 羚羊用英语怎么说? 羚羊 [释义] antelope [例句]研究的对象是尼罗河驴羚,一个濒危的羚羊品种。 The study in question was of nile lechwe , an endangered antelope . 保证正确率,望采纳 如有疑问,请追问 二进制,八进制,十进制,十六进制的英语单词是什么 二进制 Binary system 八进制 Octal number system 十进制 Decimal system 十六进制 Hexadecimal 123,221,200英语怎么说 123,221,200这三个数字的英语表达如下 123:one hundred and twenty-three 221:two hundred and twenty-one 200:two hundred 把下面的翻译成英文,谢谢 Abstract: The fuel tank of the tank roof structure depends on the ponents installed on it. 箱顶上一般要设置空气滤清器,注油口,空气滤清器通常为附带注油口的结构,取下通气帽可以注油,放回通气帽即成空气滤清器。 To set the box on top of the general air filter, fuel injection port, usually with oiling the air filter structure of the mouth, remove the ventilation cap can be oiling, back into the ventilation cap is needed for the air filter. 对于钢板焊接的油箱,箱顶上安装液压泵组时,侧板厚度应适当加大。 For welded steel tank, installation of pump set top box, the side panel thickness should be appropriately increased. 为了延长油液在油箱中逗留的时间。 Oil in the fuel tank in order to extend the time of stay. 促进油液在油箱中的环流,使更多的油液参与系统的循环,从而更好地发挥油箱的散热、除气、沉淀等功能,油箱中,尤其在油液容量超过100L的油箱中应设置内部隔板,隔板要把系统回油区隔开,并尽可能使油液在油箱内沿着油箱壁环流。 To promote the circulation of oil in the tank, so that more oil involved in the cycle of the system to better play to the cooling tank, in addition to gas, precipitation and other functions, the tank, particularly in the oil capacity of more than 100L of fuel tank should be Set the internal partitions, partitions should separate the system back to oil and oil as much as possible within the tank along the tank wall in the circulation. 隔板缺口处要有足够大的过流面积,使环流流速为0.3-0.6m/s。 Partition must be large enough gap in the over flow area so that circulation flow rate of 0.3-0.6m / s. 隔板结构有溢流式标准型、溢流式和回流式等多种型式,溢流式隔板的高度不应低于液面高度的2/3,隔壁下部应有开缺口,以使吸油侧的沉淀物经此缺口至回油侧,并经放油口排口关键词;液压油箱结构辅助元件表面处理 Clapboard structure standard overflow, overflow and the return type and many other ty......
2023-07-11 21:38:031


回答和翻译如下 :41Do you have a restricted number of access gates for better monitoring of incoming and outgoing traffic?42Do you have a designated parking area for private passenger vehicles that is not within the cargo handling or storage areas?43Are your buildings constructed of material that will resist unlawful entry?44Do you perform periodic inspections on your buildings to ensure the integrity of the structure is appropriately maintained?41四十一Do you have a restricted number of access gates for better monitoring of incoming and outgoing traffic?您是否有限制数量的出入门,以便更好地监控进出的交通?42四十二Do you have a designated parking area for private passenger vehicles that is not within the cargo handling or storage areas?是否有指定的私家车停泊区,不在货物装卸或存放区内?43四十三Are your buildings constructed of material that will resist unlawful entry?你的建筑是用抵抗非法入境的材料建造的吗?44四十四Do you perform periodic inspections on your buildings to ensure the integrity of the structure is appropriately maintained?你们是否定期对建筑物进行检查以确保结构的完整性得到适当的维护?
2023-07-11 21:38:101


"成熟"的英文翻译为 "maturity"."maturity"的解析如下:一、发音:英式发音:[mu0259u02c8tju028au0259ru026ati]美式发音:[mu0259u02c8tu0283u028aru026ati]二、释义:名词,指人或事物发展到完全发育、完善或稳定的状态。也可指个体在智力、情感或行为方面的成熟程度。三、词形变化:复数:maturities四、含义拓展:"maturity"表示在个人或事物的发展过程中达到一种稳定、完善或充分发展的状态。它可以指身体上的成熟、智力上的成熟以及情感上的成熟。成熟通常与成长、经验和时间的积累相关,代表了一个人或事物逐渐变得更加稳定、可靠和有能力处理复杂情况的过程。五、例句:1. With age and experience, he gained wisdom and maturity.(随着年龄和经验的增长,他获得了智慧和成熟。)2. The fruit reaches maturity when it is fully ripe and ready to be eaten.(水果在完全成熟、可食用的时候达到成熟阶段。)3. Emotional maturity involves understanding and managing one"s own emotions effectively.(情感成熟包括有效地理解和管理自己的情绪。)4. The financial investment will reach maturity in five years and can be redeemed at that time.(这项金融投资将在五年后到期,届时可以赎回。)常用短语:- emotional maturity: 情感成熟- physical maturity: 身体成熟- financial maturity: 金融到期- maturity date: 到期日
2023-07-11 21:38:292


2023-07-11 21:38:477


1、The acting chairman did everything appropriately.代理主席把每件事都做得恰如其分。2、There is positive proof that he did it.有确切的证据证明他做了此事。3、She did not believe in his professions of love.她不相信他的爱情表白是真的。4、He did that to gratify his girlfriend"s vanity.他做那事是要满足他女友的虚荣心。5、He did that to gratify his girlfriend"s vanity.他做那事是要满足他女友的虚荣心。扩展资料过去式——过去式(past tense)是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。一般过去式的动词通常用动词原形的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。1、过去发生的而已经结束的动作需要用一般过去式来表示。2、表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。
2023-07-11 21:39:041


作业受访的重要因素是什么?和为什么?选择两个或更多的讨论。l 适当服饰l 获取准备问题 l 了解有关公司l 个人的外观l 创建一个良好的第一印象l 准时
2023-07-11 21:39:283


穿着得体 [网络] dress appropriately; Being properly dressed; dress properly; dress well; [例句]他们需要注意行为是否恰当——比如说,穿着得体。They will be concerned to do the right thing — to dress properly, for instance.
2023-07-11 21:39:551

酒店行业中 “跑单”或者是“逃单”就是点了不付钱的意思。 用英语怎么说?

你说的也很对,看下面几个例句Escaped single例句:在奥地利的另一个村庄,该村被恰当地称为Villach村,新婚夫妇和30位宾客在一家饭店享用完炸肉排和烤猪之后甩手逃单。In another Austrian village, appropriately called Villach, newlyweds and 30 guests stuffed themselves with schnitzel and pork roast at an inn and fled without paying保持镇静,不要慌乱,稳住各区域内的客人,防止跑单。Keep calm, not flurried, live firmly the guest inside each area, prevent to run odd.不是买方犹豫就是卖方犹豫,我们在旁边也很尴尬,不催着签就可能跑单,逼得紧了人家会说你只为自己利益着想。Is the seller not the buyer hesitation hesitation, we are also very embarrassing side, can not run into a single Cuizhao, forced tight for the people will say you only own interests as well.
2023-07-11 21:40:161


Do you usually say, “I"m going to the toilet” in English?   你是否常用“I"m going to the toilet”来表达上厕所呢?   Although saying this can be correct in some contexts, it can be overly direct or even rude–especially in American English。   虽然某些情况下这是对的,但是这种说法有点太过直接,甚至粗鲁了——尤其在美式英语中。   It"s not necessary to restrict yourself to just this literal phrase when in English we have so many varieties of expressing this phrase。   其实你大可不必只使用这一个短语,英文中还有很多用来表达相同意思的语句。   Today, I"m going to teach you everything from the most polite ways to say this, to the crass [rude] expressions that you"ll only want to say around the closest of friends。   今天,我就教大家英文中所有关于表达“去上厕所”的短语,从最礼貌的方式到最粗鲁、只能同最亲密的朋友说的方式一应俱全。   Are you ready to learn some fun, and extremely useful English? Then let"s go!   准备好学习最有趣、最实用的英语了吗?我们开始吧!   The following 22 toilet related vocabulary and expressions are sorted from the most polite, to the rudest and most vulgar。   下面这22个和厕所有关的词汇和表达是按照从礼貌到粗俗来排序的。   Formal   正式   The following are appropriate in any situation:   下面这些表达适用于任何场合:   Bathroom   卫生间   Example: I"m gonna [going to] go to the bathroom。   例:我要用一下卫生间。   Restroom   洗手间   Example: Where is the restroom?   例:请问洗手间在哪?   Little boy"s/girl"s room   男/女厕所   Example: I"ll be right back, I need to use the little girl"s room。   例:我马上就回来,我想去一下洗手间。   Powder my nose   去洗手间(注:由女士去卫生间补妆引申而来)   Example: Excuse me, I need to powder my nose。   例:不好意思,我想去一下卫生间。   Familiar   熟悉   The following are appropriate with family or friends:   下面这些表达适合同家人或朋友说:   Pee   撒尿   Example: Where" the bathroom? I need to pee。   例:卫生间在哪儿?我要尿尿。   Tinkle (mostly used by older women)   尿尿(一般为较年长的女性使用)   Example: I drank too much water! I have to go tinkle。   例:我喝了太多水!我要去尿尿。   Go (when used in context)   方便一下(在语境中使用)   Example: Where"s the bathroom, I really have to go!   例:厕所在哪,我真的要去方便一下了!   Potty (Generally used by children)   上厕所(一般儿童使用)   Example (noun): Where"s the potty?   例(名词):厕所在哪?   Example (verb): Mama, I have to potty。   例(动词):妈妈:我要上厕所。   Take a 1/2 (number 1 refers to peeing, number 2 to pooping)   大小便(1指的是小便,2指大便)   Example: Person 1 – I have to go to the bathroom。   例:甲——我要上厕所。   Person 2 – Number 1 or number 2?   乙——小便还是大便?   My bladder is bursting (when you really have to go)   我的膀胱要炸了(真的憋不住的时候使用)   Example: Stop the car! My bladder is bursting。   停车!我憋不住了。   Rude   粗鲁   The following are appropriate only with friends:   下面这些表达只能和朋友说:   John   茅坑   Example: Where"s the John? I have to take a number 2.   例:茅坑在哪?我要大便。   Loo (UK - can be familiar or rude, depending on where you are)   厕所(英式英语——根据不同的场合,这个词可以表现亲密,也可以表现粗鲁)   Example: I"ll be right back, I"m gonna go to the loo。   例:我马上回来,我要去厕所。   Crapper   厕所   Example: Hey man, where"s the crapper?   例:嘿,哥们儿,厕所在哪?   Take a leak   上厕所   Example: He has to take a leak, where"s your bathroom?   例:他要尿尿,厕所在哪?   Pee oneself (when you really have to go)   尿裤子(憋不住的时候使用)   Example: I"m about to pee myself, let"s go home。   例:我要尿裤子了,回家吧。   Can   厕所   Example: Do you mind telling me where"s the can?   不介意告诉我厕所在哪吧?   Vulgar   粗俗   The following should only be used with close friends, if ever. Also remember that it is more common for men to use these expressions than women。   可以的话,下面这些只能对最最亲密的朋友说。记住一般男性比女性更常使用这些表达。   Shit   拉屎   Example: Man, where"s the can, I need to go shit。   例:喂,厕所在哪,我要去拉屎。   Dump   拉屎   Example: He went to take a dump。   例:他去拉屎了。   Shitter   马桶   Example: I"ve gotta [got to] use your shitter。   例:我要用下你马桶。   Piss   小便   Example: We drank a lot of beer and now we all have to piss。  例:我们酒喝多了,现在要去小便。   Pisser   厕所   Example: Mind if I use your pisser?   例:不介意我用下你厕所吧?   Piss oneself (same as pee oneself, but cruder)   尿裤子(和pee oneself一样,但更粗俗一点)   In Conclusion   总结   Having a rich vocabulary is important, especially if you want to sound like a native. However, it"s perhaps even more important to know when to appropriately use these phrases, and not to sound rude in a second language。   丰富词汇量很重要,尤其是你想要将英语说得和母语一样流利时。但是知道如何正确的使用这些词汇短语并且听起来不粗鲁更重要。
2023-07-11 21:40:231

英语翻译 对待这个问题,我们应该采取理智的态度,适当的使用,成为它的主人,而不是被它束缚.

Facing this problem, we should stand on a rational position, and use it appropriately, to become its master not slave.
2023-07-11 21:40:321


Because the fleeing, die from collectors appropriately
2023-07-11 21:40:424


电视是一种最具实力、广泛今天大规模杀伤性的交际阳离子。它直接影响着我们的生活同时短期和长期的基础;世界形势带来进家门,它提供了很多机会为了获得更高的教育,并完成这些任务,在一个方便的呢有效的方式。我们都知道应用广泛接受电话evision,特别是相对于娱乐、新闻广播。电话evision,然而,也无人驾驶的一个很重要的环节在深太空探险在提供区域的异象是出于风险(如方法或环境放射性材料在水下的研究,在看暴风雨跨越一个大城市区(相机外壳被放在一个顶部附近weather-protective塔),等。地球”年代也使用气象卫星电视镜头的云层覆盖,并观察mov从20000年的英里的银行在空间。红外过滤器(红外线滤色镜)用于夜晚的观点,一个维数个系统包括一个spinningmirror安排允许观点。光从相机上。实现无限的应用为今天的电视,这个人就可以逻辑思考的真正利益围大多数我们的视频ctivities。对大众娱乐领域传统的电视广播在美国中心fre周围艾凡企业所有权。这需要资金赞助商,一个能够产生收入,因此业务功能的方式。电视在USSR-subjected(前苏联控制的)地区,相反,是一个governmemt-owned和government-maintained安排。Whi勒安排拒绝需要商业赞助,它也有吨他可能限制了类型的节目可观众。一个高度改变形式的电视称为Slow-Scan电视是目前处于使用许多业余无线电爱好者提供直接的视觉沟通和铝多数任意方面所作的重大贡献。这个独特的视觉模式最近允许人们在t型他微小的南太平洋岛屿的国家来查看皮特克恩,这是有史以来的第一次他们的生活,边远地区和全世界的人们。首席业余无线电爱好者皮特克恩通讯官,顺便说一句,汤姆教徒传说n——大的礼物却留给,伟大的孙子汤姆基督教的“叛变的赏金”(《叛舰喋血案》)名声。广播在许多国家爱好者一起工作了几个月建立visual c为Pitcairners apabilities。结果证明了满意的,但视觉能力只有被用于健康教育、福利事业之用。Commercial电视还不知道那个小国土著人。许多其它形式的电视和视觉传达也被使用在一个semi-restricted基础。这表明许多闲置的视频和区域电视可能很快就会出现在一个更广泛的基础。
2023-07-11 21:40:535


proper or appropriate造个句:He dresses very appropriate for his interview.他面试穿的很恰当。
2023-07-11 21:41:093

以"How to dress properly"为题的英语作文.要有中文意思.

How to dress properlyWear clothes,but also should pay attention to,such as color,style and so on,I"ll tell you about it!First of all,in fact,the first is the right size clothes,wearing a neat,or no ma...
2023-07-11 21:41:193


朋友你是迪肯的吧。。。哈哈 都在做大作业
2023-07-11 21:41:464


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Isn"t it interesting how different colors and shades of these colors can invoked different ideas and emotions within us? For example, white is always used as a symbol of purity and innoncence in literature. Red is loud, bold, and sometimes sexual. Green means birth and yellow means dealth and blue is calming and peaceful. The Magical Blue Blue is the world "s favorite color. It is also the color most often associated with intellect and authority. Most uniforms are blue. In Greek and Roman mythology, blue is the color of sky gods. In the Old Testament, God is represented by deep blue. Blue and the turquoise is represented by the Islamic religion. It is the dominant color in the mosques of the world. Blue symbolizes truth, peace and cooperation. It is the color of flag of the United Nations and of Europe. As the coolest color of the spectrum, it is the hue most likely to have a receding effect. As in the skies and water that surround us, blue is seen as a peaceful and refreshing color. Blue light has seen to lower blood pressure by calming the nervous system hence relaxing the body and mind. Blue creates large airy spaces. It makes rooms bigger. The wrong shade of blue can be unfortable. It can also be cold and sterile unless balanced with warmer colors. Blue bedrooms are restful. Blue bath rooms are appropriately watery. Blue acquires depth with greens and reds. Light and soft blue make us feel quite and protected from the bustle and activity of the day. Dark blue represents the night making us calm. The deeper the blue, the more relaxing the room. Blue"s apparently calming effect makes it the perfect tone for the quieter zones of you living space. 解析: 不同色调,不同深浅的颜色怎么就能引导不同思维,影响人的心情呢?想必你也觉得这很有意思吧!比如,白色是纯洁通透的象征,红色是劲爆火热的象征,绿色是生命活力的象征,黄色是富贵华丽的象征,蓝色是和平安详的象征,等等等等. 魔幻篮: 蓝色是全世界普遍喜欢的颜色.同样,蓝色也象征着智慧和威严.制服大多是蓝色的.在古希腊古罗马神话中,蓝色是天神之色.在基督教的<旧约全书>中,天蓝色是上帝之色. 蓝色和青绿色是 *** 教的"信奉之色",全世界所有 *** 寺的主色调都是青蓝色的. 蓝色是和平,真理的象征.它是英国和其他某些欧洲国家国旗的主色调. 蓝色是所有颜色中的最冷色,因此它也是最容易带来消极情绪的颜色. 蓝色是天空和流水的颜色,因此蓝色显得静谧,宜人. 蓝色能舒张神经,因而它有降血压之效.同时,蓝色能扩展空间:房间若被漆成蓝色,显得宽敞百倍. 过深的蓝色,同样让人觉得不舒服.要是不跟些暖色调搭配起来,会给人强烈的"荒""冷"之感. 以蓝色为主色调的卧室给人以宁静的感觉.蓝色的浴室则给人以"雨意"感.蓝色若与绿色或者红色搭配,显得更有深度. 淡蓝色给人宁静的感觉,它能让你淡忘一天的忙忙碌碌.深蓝色是深夜的颜色,蓝色越深,卧室越有夜的静谧感. 记住,蓝色是永远的"宁静"之色,它永远是你卧室色调的首选.
2023-07-11 21:41:531


2023-07-11 21:42:002


2023-07-11 21:42:093


responded意思是口头或书面回答,回应。一、responded词性与用法1、responded作动词,意思是作出反应、响应、反应灵敏、作出正确反应。2、respond的过去分词和过去式是responded。3、responded原型是respond。二、responded短语搭配1、responded quickly - 快速回应。2、responded positively - 积极回应。3、responded appropriately - 适当回应。4、responded with enthusiasm - 热情回应。5、responded in kind - 奉承回应。6、responded to feedback - 对反馈做出回应。7、responded in agreement - 意见一致回应。responded例句:1、When the customer submitted an issue to the support team, the leader responded quickly and professionally, providing a solution to the problem within just a few hours.当客户提交问题给支持团队时,领导快速并专业地回复了,仅仅几个小时内提供了问题的解决方案。2、The government responded positively to the public"s outcry for more access to affordable housing, implementing new policies and initiatives to help achieve this goal.政府对公众要求更多可负担房源的呼吁做出了积极回应,实施了新的政策和计划以帮助实现这一目标。3、After receiving some constructive feedback from John"s colleagues on John"s presentation skills, John responded to the feedback by taking a public speaking course and enlisting the help of a mentor to improve these skills.在同事们对演讲技巧提出建设性反馈后,约翰通过上公开演讲课程并宣布自己寻求导师的帮助来回应反馈并改进这些技能。
2023-07-11 21:42:171


The problem of domestic violence in the event takes place every day every day going over the newspapers always will see the different forms of domestic violence reported. Acts of violence may take the form of human harm including physical abuse sexual violence psychological abuse and so on. In fact in addition to the physical and psychological harm on the far-reaching implications. Therefore spouse abuse child abuse and elder abuse issues such as domestic violence we really can not be ignored. Regardless of any person violations of the use of violence to others are wrong both these acts affect the munity&amp;amp;#039;s health but also social and economic pay a heavy price. I mean not only a healthy life and there is no physical pain in fact spiritual and social ects of health are equally important. Battering as an example to children abused children will often fight insomnia nigares low self-image self-esteem is damaged often isolate themselves and even to resist contact with *** s. When they grow up there will be a tendency to abuse others. This growth of children with very far-reaching consequences. In fact children may not be able to grow up normally into society. Agreed with "byc8111". Seems all of the above trlation are not well enough. Seemed proper word of 家庭暴力问题 should be: Family abusing problems...... Problems of Domestic Violence happens everyday. When you read the newspaper you will read the various forms of domestic violence reports. Violent acts can harm the person in many different ways including physical sexual mental torture e Furthermore it has remote damages to one"s mindset. Therefore we cannot neglect those cases of torturing spouse children and the eldery. Usage of violence to attack the others is wrongful which will affect the image of the entire society and it will pay a hefty price on the economy and the society. A healthy life is not only one doesn"t have any physical illness actually the mentality and socializing are equally important. Take torturing children as an example the tortured child will suffer from insomnia nigares lack of self-esteem and damage of self-dignity. Because of these sufferings they will isolate themselves and keep away from other *** s. And they will have a tendency to torture the others when they grow up. This will have significant effects on the growth of the children. Actually they cannot be assimilated into the society appropriately when they grow up. The problem of domestic violence in the event takes place every day every day going over the newspapers always will see the different forms of domestic violence reported. Acts of violence may take the form of human harm including physical abuse sexual violence psychological abuse and so on. In fact in addition to the physical and psychological harm on the far-reaching implications. Therefore spouse abuse child abuse and elder abuse issues such as domestic violence we really can not be ignored. Regardless of any person violations of the use of violence to others are wrong both these acts affect the munity"s health but also social and economic pay a heavy price. I mean not only a healthy life and there is no physical pain in fact spiritual and social ects of health are equally important. Battering as an example to children abused children will often fight insomnia nigares low self-image self-esteem is damaged often isolate themselves and even to resist contact with *** s. When they grow up there will be a tendency to abuse others. This growth of children with very far-reaching consequences. In fact children may not be able to grow up normally into society. 希望帮到你!!!!!!!!!!! 参考: name.longwin/trlate
2023-07-11 21:42:511


安卓就像是操作系统,刷机什么的就像是为手机重装个系统,相信当年大家都还记得,如果一个人会为电脑重装系统那么他肯定就是一个高手,这个定义曾经深入人心。现在安卓也出现了这样的情况,如果一个人会刷机那么他手机一定玩得很好。其实就像电脑拥有通过修改系统文件来带来特殊效果的技巧,安卓其实也有,今天小编就来为大家介绍一下,安卓进阶篇systemuild.prop可以做到什么。    通过修改systemuild.prop这个文件,可以做很多事,下面是对照解释,希望可以为大家了解安卓系统提供更多的帮助。    #beginbuildproperties(开始设置系统性能)通过设置形成系统信息)版本ID)版本号)版本增量)版本)版本代号)系统无需修改,也可改为3.0装装B)制作者制作的时间,可修改2011年X月X日某某某制作)  ro.product.model=HTCWildfire(HTC内部手机代号也就是手机名,改为大鸡巴)  ro.product.brand=htc_wwe(手机品牌,改为中国山寨机)手机正式名称,改为小鸡巴)  ro.product.device=buzz(采用的设备,改为ChinaG8)  ro.product.board=buzz(采用的处理器,改为China800.8Ghz)  ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v6j(cpu的版本)  ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi(cpu的品牌)  ro.product.manufacturer=HTC(手机制造商,改为中国智造)  ##############上面是扯蛋的,别乱改##############  ro.product.locale.language=en(手机默认语言,把en改为zh)  ro.product.locale.region=US(地区语言,美国毛多呀美国,干掉US改为CN)  ro.wifi.channels=(WIFI连接的渠道)  ro.board.platform=msm7k(主板平台);usero.product.device(旧代码,使用代码ro.product.device)建立产品)不要试图修改description和fingerprint)用户的KEY)机身码的啥玩意)  #endbuildproperties(性能代码完毕)  #  #system.propforbuzz(系统技术支持由BUZZ提供)  #  #DensityinDPIoftheLCDofthisboard.ThisisusedtoscaletheUI(高密度的液晶的DPI板。这是用来大规模UI的)  #appropriately.Ifthispropertyisnotdefined,thedefaultvalueis160dpi.(appropriately.如果这个属性没有定义,缺省值是160dpi的分辨率)    ro.sf.lcd_density=240(显示屏分辨率,数值越大分辨率越底,240就是800*480的)    #ViewconfigurationforQVGA.(屏幕的设置)  view.fading_edge_length=8  view.touch_slop=15(触摸屏灵敏度,数值越大越灵敏)  view.minimum_fling_velocity=25(滑动速度)  view.scroll_friction=0.008(滑动误差)  #RILspecificconfiguration.(特定设置)  rild.libpath=/system/lib/,93,94,BT全称HighSpeedDownlinkPacketAccess中文意思:高速下行分组接入,设置的数越大传输越快)打开AGPS服务支持,可改为改后能省电但GPS定位速度会变慢)设置)  #ForHSDPAlowthroughput(HSDPA低输量)关闭电源)  #ModifyMMSAPNretrytimerfrom5sto2s.(修改短信的APN设置5秒为2秒)  ro.gsm.2nd_data_retry_config=max_retries=3,2000,2000,2000  #Timebetweenscansinseconds.Keepithightominimizebatterydrain.(扫描在几秒之内,可降低用电量)  #Thisonlyaffectsthecaseinwhichtherearerememberedaccesspoints,(这个修改仅能影响此文件)  #butnoneareinrange.(但是没有一项是在范围内的)  wifi.interface=eth0(WIFI界面)  wifi.supplicant_scan_interval=45(WIFI扫描间隔时间,这里设置是45秒。把这个时间设置长点能省电)  #Mobiledatainterfaces(移动数据的接口)  mobiledata.interfaces=rmnet0,rmnet1,rmnet2  #Allowordenytethering.(允许和拒绝绑定)  ro.tether.denied=false  #Defaultnetworktype.(默认的网络类型)  #0=>WCDMAPreferred.(0=WCDMA优先)  ro.telephony.default_network=0  #EnableGoogle-specificlocationfeatures,(谷歌特定地点的设置)  #likeNetworkLocationProviderandLocationCollector.(如网络服务器提供商和服务器位置)  #TheOpenGLESAPIlevelthatisnativelysupportedbythisdevice.(开放式绘图介面)  #Thisisa16.16fixedpointnumber.(界面有16个点,16个不动点数量)  ro.opengles.version=65536(开放式绘图介面参数)  #Disablefscheckonbootbydefault.(开机时默认禁用FS检查)  sys.checkfs.fat=false  #Performancesettings.(性能设置)  dalvik.vm.execution-mode=int:jit  dalvik.vm.heapsize=24m(虚拟内存大小,可设置为16m或24m或32m或48m)  persist.sys.use_dithering=1  persist.sys.purgeable_assets=1  #IncreaseSKIAdecodememorycapabilityforprogressivejpgfile.  #  #ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES(其他性能设置)  #  keyguard.no_require_sim=true(手机卡保护设置)  ro.rommanager.developerid=cyanogenmodnightly(固件管理器开发者是CM大神)谷歌客户身份)用户名单)  ro.setupwizard.enterprise_mode=1(默认情景模式)默认时间格式,改为yyyy-MM-dd,显示效果就是XXXX年XX月XX日)漫游设置)  ro.config.ringtone=Playa.ogg(默认铃声设置,文件在/system/media/audio/ringtones把喜欢的铃声放这里,比如123.MP3放入ringtones文件夹中,这里代码改为ro.config.ringtone=123.mp3)  ro.config.notification_sound=regulus.ogg(默认提示音,文件在/system/media/audio/notifications修改方法同上)  ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Beep_03.ogg(默认闹铃,文件在/system/media/audio/alarms修改方法同上)  ro.modversion=CyanogenMod-7-06192011-NIGHTLY-buzz(版本信息,改这个能让你大名出现系统关于中,改为ro.modversion=小鸡巴大神-G8版)  ro.setupwizard.mode=OPTIONAL(安装向导模式)系统名称)  dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt    就像当初安卓PC系统的技巧已经普及了,现在安卓的刷机也在普及中,那么自诩为高手的你怎么能甘愿与和曾经什么都不懂的小白持有同样的技巧?高他们一筹才是高手应有的素质,那么就来深入了解一下被大家刷了又刷的安卓system吧!
2023-07-11 21:43:001


it"s a new term,im not satisfied with my result in last,i"ll try my best to make a great efforts to study in the vacation. As for love , i"ll handle appropriately.Hope:roll up and your wish come ture.
2023-07-11 21:43:303


2023-07-11 21:43:415


你都四级了还不明白这个?//Acting appropriately to the situation楼上的为什么用机器???你翻译的根据疾病规定医学是什么意思??你翻译的什么??说!!!!
2023-07-11 21:44:004


大多数肥胖症能够预防或治愈。Most of obesity can be prevented or cured.雷锋一生致力于帮助那些需要帮助的人。Lei Feng"s life is dedicated to helping those in need of help那位科学家宁愿尝试失败也不愿意放弃他的计划。The scientist would rather attempt failed is not willing to abandon his plan.为了保持身体健康,我们每个人应该劳逸适度。In order to maintain good health, each of us should work and rest appropriately.比起太阳系里别的行星来说,火星的外表更像地球的外表。Compared to other solar system planets, the appearance of Mars like the Earth"s surface.
2023-07-11 21:44:101


Thanksgiving Day Wool scarf Cotton T-shirt Medium size Good and evil be designed to Dress appropriately In every occasion FashionIn the central in a messout of fashion
2023-07-11 21:44:172


摘 要:Strategic Enterprise Management is the use of strategies to manage the entire enterprise is a business day-to-day business decisions decision-making with long-term plan formed by the combination of a series of business management. Enterprises must strengthen the strategic awareness, strategic thinking and strategic management. To adapt to the changing external market environment of sustained competitive advantage, enterprises need to focus on the development of competitive strategy on the table, and the traditional cost management is often limited to a simple vision to reduce costs. There is no denying that in terms of cost management as a means of saving is unquestioned, but the fact that in the competitive business strategies in different circumstances, when the enterprise in order to ensure product differentiation (such as after-sales service) as the focus, you can appropriately increasing the cost to achieve the same objective of competitive advantage. Based on the cost management business strategy, the advocacy to focus on business strategy for the formulation of a competition up and use strategies to manage the entire enterprise, enterprises must strengthen the strategic awareness, strategic thinking and strategic management in order to adapt to the changing external market environment, continuing to obtain a competitive advantage.关键词:Strategic Management; Strategic Cost Management; Strategic Cost Management Application
2023-07-11 21:44:241

job seekers should consider a new mantra完型

Job seekers should consider a new mantra: “Give back, and you shall receive.” Including volunteer experience on your resume could help you land a job, according to a new survey.Some 41% of nearly 2,000 professionals said that when evaluating candidates" resumes, they consider volunteer experience to be equally as valuable as paid work experience, according to a survey from LinkedIn.“There"s a misconception that volunteer work doesn"t qualify as ‘real" work experience,” said Nicole Williams, connection director at LinkedIn and author of Girl on Top, a career guide that takes its lessons from the world of dating. What people need to keep in mind, Williams said, is that many qualities that make an applicant attractive, such as diverse, relevant skill-sets, can come from unpaid, part-time work.“When you have a competitive labor market, and a hiring manager has 10 to 15 equally qualified applicants, volunteering can be the thing that ends up differentiating you and getting you over the line,” she said. In fact, 20% of the hiring managers surveyed said they have made a hiring decision based on a candidate"s volunteer experience.Yet, only 45% of those surveyed actually include their volunteer experience on their resumes. To that end, LinkedIn has introduced a new feature, “Volunteer Experience and Causes,” a space for members to list volunteer work on their profiles.Nicole Kennedy, a Washington, D.C.-area non-profit industry professional, took on volunteer work after leaving a role in technology sales.“While I was looking for a non-profit job, my friend suggested I try volunteering in the interim,” she said. “Some organizations have a time commitment — such as a certain number of hours they"d like you to work each week — but I was in such a state of flux as a job seeker that I didn"t know what I wanted to commit to.”Kennedy began “microvolunteering” with, a San Francisco-based website which works to match the needs of charities with appropriately skilled
2023-07-11 21:44:431

求英语达人翻译 都是些简单句子 10分感谢

2023-07-11 21:44:503


去谷歌字典里翻译,虽然不大精确,但自己可以改改就能用了,如你的问题可以这样翻译:(自己再改改)性急的预测(令人陶醉的规划)对未来我国旅游行业还有助于解释这种疯狂(狂热)的酒店建设。已经是世界第四最受欢迎的旅游目的地,该国预计将进入第二个十年内的地位,据世界旅游协会。到2020年,中国预计将超过美国,成为世界上访问量最大的国家,吸引约130万人次一年。我国扩大国内旅游市场也很重要的计算酒店公司。到2010年,国内旅游人数预计将增长1.2亿至1.8亿美元。 这进一步加剧国内旅游热潮的急剧增加,汽车销售和快速建设国家高速公路网,使旅行更加实际和吸引力。我国大约有三点四○万公里的公路,这一数字预计将增加一倍以上,到2020年。 “城市的高速公路连接在内蒙古优于道之间的悉尼和墨尔本, ”奇迹布鲁斯麦肯齐,谁负责中国业务的总部设在英国的洲际酒店集团,这是最积极的国际球员中。它目前运行的酒店有54个,其中大部分是在假日酒店品牌,并计划在三,这个数字到2008年底。适当,假日酒店上升到突出在另一热潮,从中获利广泛公路建设全美第二次世界大战后。连锁酒店开始在孟菲斯四年于1952年,扩大到1000个左右的1968年。 “我们看到了机会,复制所发生的在美国说, ”麦肯齐。 这可能是10年前企业真正开始繁荣在一些二级城市目前正在有针对性的大都市一样合肥,哈尔滨和成都。但早期推动者如洲际希望获益地点的选择和更大的品牌知名度的交通第一。黄仲,物业部门分析师瑞银香港,指出: “如果我是一个大酒店的公司,问题是我应该等待十年来我厂旗在中国吗?大型连锁店都决定,并正处于旗种植比赛。 英语—检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 中文(简体)—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文(繁体)中文(简体) 互换
2023-07-11 21:45:053