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2023-07-12 11:46:30




英 [u02c8tu:mstu0259u028an] 美 [u02c8tu:mstou028an]

n.墓碑; 墓石; (华尔街的)新上市股票[证券]发行公告

网 络


复数: tombstones



2023-07-11 21:27:002


美国镇名以及以该镇为背景创作的电影。墓碑镇(Tombstone),19世纪末美国西部亚利桑那州科奇斯郡的一个边境小镇,1879年建立,1877—1890年是该镇的繁荣发展时期,曾是亚利桑那州最大的银矿产地。后因种族对抗、劳资矛盾、犯罪横行等原因逐渐没落。现在以旅游业为主要经济来源。1电影《墓碑镇》以发生在这个小镇的著名的OK畜栏枪战(gunfight at the OK Corral)为背景编写剧本并拍摄,展现了美国西部的历史和风貌。
2023-07-11 21:27:091


如何调试分析Android中发生的tombstone Android中较容易出现以下三类问题:Force close / ANR / Tombstone前两者主要是查看当前的进程或者系统框架层的状态和堆栈就基本可以分析出来,本文主要讨论一下tombstone的情况。tombstone一般是由Dalvik错误、状态监视调试器、C层代码以及libc的一些问题导致的。当系统发生tombstone的时候,kernel首先会上报一个严重的警告信号(signal),上层接收到之后,进程的调试工具会把进程中当时的调用栈现场保存起来,并在系统创建了data/tombstones目录后把异常时的进程信息写在此目录里面,开发者需要通过调用栈来分析整个调用流程来找出出问题的点。基本工具:prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin在分析的时候仔细读取汇编会获得更多有用的异常发生时的信息。1.arm-eabi-addr2line 将类似 0x00012345的调用栈16进制值翻译成文件名和函数名 arm-eabi-addr2line -e 0x000123452.arm-eabi-nm 列出文件的符号信息 arm-eabi-nm -l -C -n -S > dvm.data3.arm-eabi-objdump 列出文件的详细信息 arm-eabi-objdump -C -d > libc.s通过以上工具的分析 ,我们可以得到较完整的调用栈以及调用逻辑的汇编码。然后需要结合ARM架构及ARM汇编的知识(有些情况下可能需要使用gdb)来分析出现tombstone的原因,以下是本人遇到过的一些tombstone的情况:1.无效的函数指针:指针为NULL或者已经被重新赋值2.strlen崩溃:导致不完全的栈信息,栈被破坏3.FILE操作:因为stdio并非线程安全的,多线程操作时,容易出现异常。 本文涉及到的tombstone处理的主要逻辑所在文件如下: -- frameworksaseservicesjavacomandroidserver Debuggerd.c -- systemcoredebuggerd -- libcorelunisrcmainjavajavalang
2023-07-11 21:27:221


2023-07-11 21:27:292


1.arm-eabi-addr2line 将类似 0x00012345的调用栈16进制值翻译成文件名和函数名 arm-eabi-addr2line -e 0x000123452.arm-eabi-nm 列出文件的符号信息 arm-eabi-nm -l -C -n -S > dvm.data3.arm-eabi-objdump 列出文件的详细信息 arm-eabi-objdump -C -d > libc.s通过以上工具的分析 ,我们可以得到较完整的调用栈以及调用逻辑的汇编码。然后需要结合ARM架构及ARM汇编的知识(有些情况下可能需要使用gdb)来分析出现tombstone的原因,以下是本人遇到过的一些tombstone的情况:1.无效的函数指针:指针为NULL或者已经被重新赋值2.strlen崩溃:导致不完全的栈信息,栈被破坏3.FILE操作:因为stdio并非线程安全的,多线程操作时,容易出现异常。
2023-07-11 21:27:372


2023-07-11 21:27:441

tombstone advertisement翻译成什么意思

tombstone advertisement证券发行公告;证券发行广告
2023-07-11 21:27:522


2023-07-11 21:28:002

Android之dropbox 分析

简介 adb查询 app接口 dropbox启动 dropbox日志路径:/data/system/dropbox 记录的系统错误 1.系统正常启动后的自检工作 1)SYSTEM_BOOT 开机一次,记录一次 2)SYSTEM_RESTART 如果system_server在设备运行过程中异常,则会有记录 3)SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG kernel异常。 pstore是persistent storage的缩写,内核发生异常通过此把异常日志记录下来,方便定位问题。 ramoops指的是采用ram保存oops信息(kernel 异常信息)的一个功能,利用pstore技术实现。 4)SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE TOMBSTONE 是 Android 用来记录 native 进程崩溃的 core dump 日志, 系统服务在启动完成后会增加一个 Observer 来侦测 tombstone 日志文件的变化, 每当生成新的 tombstone 文件, 就会增加一条 SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE 记录到 DropBoxManager 中. 5)SYSTEM_RECOVERY_LOG/SYSTEM_RECOVERY_KMSG SYSTEM_RECOVERY_KMSG:recovery kerenl日志 SYSTEM_RECOVERY_LOG:recovery 升级或恢复出厂设置等等日志 6)SYSTEM_FSCK 文件系统完整性校验日志 7)SYSTEM_AUDIT kernel 异常信息的查漏补缺日志 crash。-- crash/native_crash java/native层异常的区分在于eventType:crash/native_crash 3.anr 异常。-- anr 这里涉及广播、Service、Provider等组件的anr以及触摸按键事件的anr a Terrible Failure)。--- wtf, String),应用可调用布局异常点 5.strict mode。---**_strictmode 严格模式,主要为性能监测使用 StrictMode (严格模式), 顾名思义, 就是在比正常模式检测得更严格, 通常用来监测不应当在主线程执行的网络, 文件等操作. 任何 StrictMode 违例都会被 ActivityManagerService 在 DropBoxManager 中记录为一次 strict_mode 违例. 6.lowmem。低内存报告 7.watchdog 如果 WatchDog 监测到系统进程(system_server)出现问题, 会增加一条 watchdog 记录到 DropBoxManager 中, 并终止系统进程的执行. 8.其他 1)netstats_error/netstats_dump NetworkStatsService 负责收集并持久化存储网络状态的统计数据, 当遇到明显的网络状态错误时, 它会增加一条 netstats_error 记录到 DropBoxManager. 2)BATTERY_DISCHARGE_INFO BatteryService 负责检测充电状态, 并更新手机电池信息. 当遇到明显的 discharge 事件, 它会增加一条 BATTERY_DISCHARGE_INFO 记录到 DropBoxManager. 3)storage_benchmark/storage_trim StorageManagerService 负责存储设备管理,例如sdcard或usb mass storage fstrim提升磁盘性能,缓解Android卡顿 4)network_watchlist_report NetworkWatchlistService 5)incident frameworks/base/cmds/incidentd 6)keymaster system/security/keystore 参考学习
2023-07-11 21:28:191


2023-07-11 21:28:271


有一个“Available software sides“点击后在列表下面去找这个相同地址的那一项,要么使用找到的这一项安装ADT,要么把这项删除后重新新建一个。
2023-07-11 21:28:411

Tombstone Blues 歌词

歌曲名:Tombstone Blues歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Original Album ClassicsThe sweet pretty things are in bed now of courseThe city fathers they"re trying to endorseThe reincarnation of Paul Revere"s horseBut the town has no need to be nervousThe ghost of Belle Starr she hands down her witsTo Jezebel the nun she violently knitsA bald wig for Jack the Ripper who sitsAt the head of the chamber of commerceMama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesThe hysterical bride in the penny arcadeScreaming she moans, "I"ve just been made"Then sends out for the doctor who pulls down the shadeSays, "My advice is to not let the boys in"Now the medicine man comes and he shuffles insideHe walks with a swagger and he says to the bride"Stop all this weeping, swallow your prideYou will not die, it"s not poison"Mama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesWell, John the Baptist after torturing a thiefLooks up at his hero the Commander-in-ChiefSaying, "Tell me great hero, but please make it briefIs there a hole for me to get sick in?"The Commander-in-Chief answers him while chasing a flySaying, "Death to all those who would whimper and cry"And dropping a bar bell he points to the skySaving, "The sun"s not yellow it"s chicken"Mama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesThe king of the Philistines his soldiers to savePut jawbones on their tombstones and flatters their gravesPuts the pied pipers in prison and fattens the slavesThen sends them out to the jungleGypsy Davey with a blowtorch he burns out their campsWith his faithful slave Pedro behind him he trampsWith a fantastic collection of stampsTo win friends and influence his uncleMama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesThe geometry of innocence flesh on the boneCauses Galileo"s math book to get thrownAt Delilah who sits worthlessly aloneBut the tears on her cheeks are from laughterNow I wish I could give Brother Bill his great thrillI would set him in chains at the top of the hillThen send out for some pillars and Cecil B. DeMilleHe could die happily ever afterMama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone bluesWhere Ma Raney and Beethoven once unwrapped their bed rollTuba players now rehearse around the flagpoleAnd the National Bank at a profit sells road maps for the soulTo the old folks home and the collegeNow I wish I could write you a melody so plainThat could hold you dear lady from going insaneThat could ease you and cool you and cease the painOf your useless and pointless knowledgeMama"s in the fact"ryShe ain"t got no shoesDaddy"s in the alleyHe"s lookin" for the fuseI"m in the streetsWith the tombstone blues
2023-07-11 21:28:491


2023-07-11 21:28:561


Kremlin building this world-renowned group, enjoy the "eight wonders of the world" The reputation of the tourist gets to the Department. 12 century leaves, Dolgoruky波罗维茨hilly on the Grand Duchy in the construction of a wooden structure of the castle - the Kremlin, Moscow, from the castle gradually developed. Red brick are now from 1485 to 1495 built. Roughly triangular in shape. Wall length of 2235 meters, 5-19 m high, ranging from 3.5 to 6.5 m thick. A total of 19 4 of Shing Mun and Song of the floor, pointed tower. The famous "bell of the Kremlin", from the Bass Facta自鸣钟upstairs, from 1851 to 1852 are installed. School and the Observatory"s clock linked to the most accurate timekeeping. Towers 67.3 meters, the following is the gate to enter the Kremlin"s main channel, but, in the past all the people inside should be the hat, otherwise you will bow fined 50 times. Do not be afraid, do not call you into the! West of the Kremlin, Alexander Garden, and the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Newlywed couples have come here to lay flowers. Many bride, so that you spoiled for choice. 马涅什now built underground shopping malls and plazas, and gardens seamless. Fountains, sculptures can be seen everywhere. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier seems solemn, built in 1967, before the win is in order to commemorate the sacrifice of the people during World War II. Tombstone long open flame, self-ignited combustion has to this day. Tombstone inscribed: "Nobody knows your name, your deeds live forever." Foreign leaders, we must come here to lay flowers. There are country"s changing of the guard ceremony on the 1st post. Yes, very high leg lift. Kremlin visit, subject to "塔菲娅Library Tower." First of all, are meeting to see the building, which is a modern building, has 6000 seats, luxurious interior decoration style, with the exception of meetings, the place is also a high level of performance. Currently held in the Kremlin concert singers are the smallest vitas, he is a well-known Russian artist. There were only 19 years old.
2023-07-11 21:30:023

栽墓碑落下技(TombStone Piledriver)为什么要列为禁招呢?

Tombstone Piledriver(墓碑石钉头)不是禁招啊,现在Undertaker(送葬者)依然在使用它,没有被禁用,一直都是Undertaker(送葬者)的终结技,虽然这招的确很厉害,但也没有把它列入禁招范围内~
2023-07-11 21:30:201


Undertaker(送葬者) 性别:男 身高:208cm 体重:139kg 绰号:死神、地狱魔王、棺材佬 本名:Mark William Calaway 出生日期:1965年3月25日 首次登台:1984 现状:Kane(卡恩)发展兄弟反目剧情 曾用名:Cain the Undertaker,The Punisher 加入WWE时间:1990年 出生地:得克萨斯州休斯顿 现居地:得克萨斯州奥斯汀 婚姻:第一任妻子Jodi Lynn,第二任妻子Sara(已离婚),第三任妻子WWE女子选手Michelle Leigh McCool 教练:Don Jardine 终结技:TombStone Piledriver(墓碑石钉头) ChockSlam(喉轮落) Last Ride Power Bomb(最后的旅程,就是扎弹摔) Triangle Choke(三角锁腿) 口头禅:“Rest in peace!”(请安息吧) “This is my yard!”(这是我的地盘) 夺得冠军头衔次数: 1次USWA Unified世界重量级冠军、1次USWA德州重量级冠军、6次世界双打冠军、1次硬核冠军、4次WWE冠军以及3次世界重量级冠军~ 简介: The Undertaker(送葬者)于1984年就在World Class Championship Wrestling开始了他的摔角生涯。1989年他以"Mean" Mark Callous的擂台名加入下World Championship Wrestling (WCW)。1990年,WCW并未与Undertaker(送葬者)续约,所以在当年11月他转投了WWE的前身World Wrestling Federation(WWF),擂台名The Undertaker(送葬者)。此后就一直呆在公司,现在已经是公司元老级的选手,他是现在公司内曾在第一期Monday Night Raw上亮相过的唯一一个人,之前还有Shwan Michaels(HBK)。 The Undertaker(送葬者)扮演过两个角色:死神(Deadman)和美国混蛋(American Bad Ass)。跟The Undertaker(送葬者)相关的赛事有棺材比赛、活埋比赛、著名的地狱铁笼比赛。The Undertaker(送葬者)和他的兄弟Kane(卡恩)组成了毁灭兄弟组合。另外,The Undertaker(送葬者)在WrestleMania上保持着18比0的辉煌记录,而且是7次世界冠军:包括4次WWE冠军,3次世界重量级冠军。同时,他还是2007年Royal Rumble(皇家大战)的30人皇家淘汰赛的赢家,这也让他成为了有史以来第一个第30个入场然后赢得比赛的人。 WWE终结技太多了,说不完的~ John Cena(约翰塞纳) - Attitude Adjustment(就是以前的F-U) STF Triple H(HHH) - Pedigree(名门攻击) Shawn Michaels(HBK) - Sweet Chin Music(下颚粉碎踢) Randy Orton(兰迪奥尔顿) - RKO Edge(埃及) - Spear(飞冲肩) Chris Jericho(克里斯杰里科) - Codebreaker(密码破解) Wall Of Jericho(杰里科长城) Undertaker(送葬者) - TombStone Piledriver(墓碑石钉头) ChokeSlam(喉轮落) Last Ride Power Bomb(最后的乘坐) Kane(卡恩) - ChokeSlam(喉轮落) Big Show(大秀哥) - KO Punch(KO重拳) CM Punk(CM朋克) - Go To Sleep(GTS,永久沉睡) Rey Mysterio(雷尔) - 619 Matt Hardy(马特哈迪) - Twist of Fate(命运之轮) Jeff Hardy(杰夫哈迪)- Swanton Bomb(圆月弯刀) Twist of Fate(命运之轮)
2023-07-11 21:30:291


墓碑的解释(1) [tombstone;ledger]∶平放在坟墓上的碑文石;坟墓的台石 (2) [gravestone]∶树于坟墓 之上 或附近的石碑,其上刻有死者姓名和 纪念 死者的碑文 详细解释 立在坟墓前面或后面的石碑。 《礼记·檀弓下》 有“公室视丰碑”之语。 秦 以前碑为木制, 汉 以后改用石制,碑上多刻文字,以垂久远。 唐 韩愈 《曹成王碑》 :“先王薨於二十五年,吾昆弟在,而墓碑不刻, 无文 。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异七· 沧溟 见梦》 :“ 施愚山 在 济南 时,为 沧溟 先生 作墓碑文,且为立后奉祀。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·房玄龄 名字 》 :“ 欧阳 公 《集古録》 中,有 玄龄 墓碑。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》 第十六章五:“我们把他埋葬在 桂林 城外的 冷水亭 ,是我替他写的墓碑。” 词语分解 墓的解释 墓 ù 埋葬死人的地方:墓穴。墓地。墓园。墓道。墓碑。坟墓。墓 志铭 。 部首 :土; 碑的解释 碑 ē 刻上文字纪念事业、功勋或作为标记的石头:石碑。丰碑。墓碑。口碑。碑文。碑碣。碑刻(刻在碑上的文字或图画)。碑拓(?)。碑帖。碑林。 里程碑 (a.设于道路旁边用以 记载 里数的标志;b.喻在历史发展进
2023-07-11 21:30:361


回答和翻译如下:不要在我的墓碑前哭泣,我不在那里。Don"t cry in front of my tombstone. I"m not there.
2023-07-11 21:30:462


副域机器挂掉,修复后, AD域控就无法复制了, 这个信息是主域上面报的错, 但副的机器上,并没有报错, DNS服务,启动正常, 可以相互复制和解析啊此计算机与命名的源计算机上一次复制的时间间隔太长。 与此源的复制间隔时间已超过 tombstone 生存时间。 与此源的复制已停止。不允许继续复制的原因是两个 DS 上可能包含延迟 对象。已从 Active Directory 域服务分区删除并垃圾收集的对象,如果 仍存在于相同域的其他 DS 的可写分区中,或林中其他域的全局编录服务器的只读分区中, 则被称作“延迟对象”。如果允许本地目标 DS 与源 DS 复制,这些可能的 延迟对象将在本地 Active Directory 域服务数据库中重新创建。上一次成功复制的时间:2012-12-14 00:40:08 源目录服务器的调用 ID:e89153d6-a5d0-4b6c-a5d2-ac3dcf77d2e3 源目录服务器的名称:4b8e0055-5f91-4eb3-975e-b42578aa1752._msdcs.ingce.local tombstone 生存时间(天):180 复制操作已失败。用户操作: 从此错误恢复的操作计划可在 找到。如果源 DC 和目标 DC 都是 Windows Server 2003 DC,则安装包含在安装 CD 中的支持工具。 若要查看要删除但实际上不执行删除 操作的对象,请运行 “repadmin /removelingeringobjects <源 DC> <目标 DC DSA GUID> <NC> /ADVISORY_MODE”。 源 DS 上的事件日志将枚举所有延迟对象。若要从源域控制器删除延迟对象,请运行 “repadmin /removelingeringobjects <源 DC> <目标 DC DSA GUID> <NC>”。如果源 DC 或目标 DC 是 Windows 2000 Server DC,则可 在 找到有关如何删除 源 DC 上的延迟对象的更多信息,或从 Microsoft 支持专家获得这些信息。如果需要 Active Directory 域服务复制立即执行(不计成本)且没有 时间删除延迟对象,通过将以下注册表项设置为非零值来启用复制:注册表项:HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSParametersAllow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt Partner共享公共分区的 DC 之间的复制错误可能导致 DC 之间的用户 和计算机帐户、信任关系、他们的密码、安全组、安全组成员 关系和其他 Active Directory 域服务配置数据不同,这将影响登录、 查找相关对象和执行其他关键操作。解决复制错误后, 这些不一致将立即解决。未能在 tombstone 生存时间内入站复制删除的 对象的 DC 将保持不一致,除非管理员手动从每个本地 DC 删除延迟对象。此外,设置此注册表项后复制可能继续被阻止, 取决于是否立即找到延迟对象。其他用户操作:强制降级或重新安装断开连接的 DC。
2023-07-11 21:30:531


2023-07-11 21:31:133

请问Gun-fight in OK Corral是什么事件?

2023-07-11 21:31:223


中文名:送葬者英文名:Undertaker曾用名:TexasRed、The Commando、The Punisher、“Punisher” Dice Morgan、Master of Pain、“Mean”Mark Callous、Kane the Undertaker 、The American Badass、The Phenom真名:马克·威廉·卡拉威(Mark William Calaway)绰号:死神(Dead Man)、棺材佬、鬼神之人(The Penom),地狱魔王出生日期:1965年3月24日(美国时间)身高:208 cm(6英尺8英寸)体重:136 kg(299磅)现居地:美国德克萨斯州,奥斯汀婚姻:已婚妻子:Michelle Leigh McCool(Michelle McCool)教练:Don Jardine首次登台:1984年现状:在摔跤狂热29战胜CM朋克,创下了21:0的不败记录,传闻即将在摔跤狂热30对战布洛克.莱斯纳。出场音乐*New Japan Pro Wrestling(NJPW)《Miracle Man》作者:Ozzy Osbourne*National Wrestling Alliance(NWA)《China White》作者:Scorpions*World Championship Wrestling(WCW)《China White》作者:Scorpions*World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment(WWF/WWE)《Funeral March》作者:Jim Johnston(based off Chopin"s piece) (肖邦曲目,1990年11月19日 – 1994年1月22日使用过)《The Grim Reaper》作者:Jim Johnston (1994年8月29日 – 1995年11月13日使用过) 《Graveyard Symphony》作者:Jim Johnston (1995年11月19日 – 1998年7月20日以及1999年1月11日 – 1999年3月22日期间使用过)《Dark Side》作者:Jim Johnston (1998年7月26日 – 1998年12月13日使用过)《Ministry》作者:Jim Johnston (1999年3月28日 – 1999年9月23日使用过)《American Bad Ass》作者:Kid Rock (2000年5月21日 – 2000年12月4日使用过)《Rollin" (Air Raid Vehicle)》作者:Limp Bizkit (2000年12月10日 – 2002年5月6日以及2003年3月30日使用过)《Ain"t No Grave (Gonna Hold This Body Down)》作者:Johnny Cash (2011年3月7日 – 2011年4月3日使用过)[1]终结技The Heartpunch (WCW)、Iron Claw (pre-1995)、Tombstone Piledriver、Chokeslam from Hell、Last Ride Power Bomb、Hell"s gate常用招式Heatseeking Missile (WCW)、Takin Care of Business (Dragon Sleeper)、Oldschool (Walking the ropes axe handle)、Inverted Russian Leg Sweep 、Leg Drop Across Ring Apron、Leaping Somersault Lariat 、The Flying Lariat、Running Corner Lariat、Balistic Punches、Fujiwara Armbar、The Big Boot、Running DDT、The Clothesline、The Sideslam、Suicide Dive采纳啊
2023-07-11 21:31:291


无意识的刷优酷,无意识的看到郑爽了,然后就看到这个节目了--《这就是铁甲》。 以前没了解过铁甲,刚开始看的时候,好担心,无厘头的担心。铁甲,指古代用铁片连缀成的战衣;用钢板制成的车船的外壳,现代是指用铁片等坚韧材料制成的武器机器人,起源于扫地机器人。 明星+钢铁战队+格斗铁甲的 3 维“强硬派”综艺节目。第一期开始选机,盲选,如果没有机械人基础知识,就只能看颜值和感觉了。优秀的铁甲需要无械可击的造型和技术娴熟的操作者。组建一支铁甲队伍也需要考虑“海陆空”,可攻可守。 四位明星经济人在选机过程中也表现出了各自的特色,还挺有趣。吴尊在选机的过程中一直犹豫,侠客说他:犹豫徘徊,等于白来。郑爽看铁甲的颜值和个人感觉,女人的直觉真可怕,基本上把顶级的铁甲收入囊中。撒贝宁感觉智商不在线,一直在搞怪与搞笑,选的铁甲也很一般。张一山是只要自己选择的就是好的,不是好的也要把它变成好的。 第二期,在学习的时候,不了解铁甲的外行,只需要了解它能打谁,它最怕谁,这样直接明了。铁甲小知识: 1.旋转型铁甲: 1)偏置水平旋转武器机器人,用高速水平旋转的武器攻击对手。 优点:具有几乎最长的攻击距离和超高的攻击力,以攻代防,基本不需要防卫,节省护甲重量。 缺点:武器巨大的威力很容易在攻击对手时造成自身的失衡并发生自损。 代表:tombstone 2) 顶置水平旋转武器机器人,用位于顶部的高速水平旋转的武器攻击对手。 优点:具有超高的攻击力,实现攻击和防御的完美结合。 缺点:武器巨大的威力很容易在攻击对手时造成自身的失衡,翻倒后几乎无法复位。 代表:怀特之子 3)全身旋转武器机器人,它以自身高速旋转的外壳为武器攻击对手,集所有旋转类的优缺点于一身。 优点:武器与机身护甲合二为一,实现360度攻击和防御。 缺点:一旦被掀翻复位较难。 代表:megabyte 4)竖直旋转机器人,具有超高的攻击力,高行驶稳定性,高结构强度,战斗时能将对手直接打飞。 缺点:高速旋转带来的陀螺效应使自身转向困难 代表:bite force 5) 旋转鼓武器机器人,也称滚筒型机器人,使用高速旋转的转鼓为武器攻击对手。 优点:具有超高和攻击力,自身较宽可提供很大面积的防御,机器人结构简单,性能较稳定。 缺点:由于武器转速过快,打击效率比较底,攻击效果没有着力点时攻击效果会很差。 代表:牛头人2. 弹射型铁甲 气动弹射型机器人,在任何一个级别的格斗比赛中都是佼佼者,是许多铁甲的天敌。攻击方式就是将其它铁甲掀翻或是弹出场外。同时可采用弹射功能复位自己。 英式弹射一般两个轮子,保证灵活性。美式弹射一般四个轮子,保证牵引力。 代表:bronco 3. 抓举型铁甲 抓举型铁甲就是将对手抓举起来,通过掀翻或是扔出场外的形式使对手毫无还手之力。但是它要通过增加自身的稳定性来实现,同时可增加侧边的装甲来抵御攻击。 代表:贪吃蛇 4. 凿击型铁甲 凿击型铁甲的武器就是长长的大斧子或者重锤,攻击力不算强。动力来源分两种:1)超高压气体,2)电机。 代表:蓝调,beta 5. 穿刺型铁甲 穿刺型铁甲是从侧面进行正面冲撞,将前铲铲入对方机器人底部,使对手失去行动能力,然后将尖刺刺入,催毁对方的电气系统使其瘫痪。对操作者的技术要求很高。 代表:利箭画外音: 1.只要有铲子的铁甲备用铲子一般是十个左右 2. 从出发地到目的地还要考虑热胀冷缩,需要在不同的地方调节平衡。如从东北到上海,矛与盾的转壳就变形了。 3. 有些铁甲(如:钨)每天要用钢丝刷给机器人抛光,不然会生锈。
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动作冒险游戏神奇101重制版5月19日已经登陆steam平台,游戏中玩家可以操作大规模友方部队与敌人作战,下面来看看游戏中的合体变形技一览这里的商店截图放出了所有一周目可以买到的合体变形技,笔者会基于一周目实用度以及自己使用心得来打分,当然是笔者一人的感觉,可能有更优解。首先一定要先买的是Unite Guts和Unite Spring,这两个必须先买,因为这两个都是主要的防御技能:Unite Guts就是变成布丁,可以反弹一切打击系伤害:拳击,脚踢,锤子还有不带刺的炮弹,反弹后会对敌人造成硬直或者是伤害,当然前提是你的队友多得能承受足够的攻击;而Unite Spring就是变成弹簧可以闪避一切攻击,当然,闪避布丁能反弹的伤害明显不划算,所以一般是用来闪避带刺攻击、斩切系攻击。推荐:5星。而这两反击闪避的升级版:Unite Spikes和Unite Drill Spring分别都是让这档格和闪避成立的时候同时能对附近的敌人造成更多的伤害:Unite Spikes是Unite Guts反弹成功后会突刺对附近所有敌人造成伤害;Unite Drill Spring就是在Unite Spring的头部(Leader处)多加一个有伤害的钻头。这个可以因人而异,就是多点伤害而已,在一周目其实需求不大,玩家可以根据自己需求购买,因为确实有点贵。推荐:2.5星。Unite Blade Glider:变成滑翔机之后能打人,个人感觉完全没用处,一周目完全没必要买。推荐:0星。Unite Ball 和 Unite Spike Ball:连按两下ZR/RT/R2会变成一个球,滚得贼快,然后就没有;而升级Unite Spike Ball之后会有刺,带刺的球会有攻击判定,但伤害并不高,纯粹用来打花。推荐:United Ball:2星,Unite Spike Ball:0星。Unite Rocket 和 Unite Tombstone:这两个都是主动攻击的变形技能,所以放在一起说。Unite Rocket是连打B/A/叉的时候会变成一个火箭,形成一个升龙拳一样的向上打的多段效果;Unite Tombstone是按ZL+ZR/LT+RT/L2+R2的时候队员变成一个墓碑,在空中变的话会下落造成伤害并且着地的时候会有个巨广的AOE,当然在平地变的话同样有这样的效果,甚至着地的AOE伤害会变成瞬发;一般这两个变形会组成一个很简单的combo:Rocket之后接Tombstone。但是笔者个人认为其实Tombstone无论攻击效果,泛用性还是易用性都远比Rocket高,Tombstone的AOE伤害简直是消杂兵的一大利器。推荐:Unite Rocket:3星;Unite Tombstone:4星。Unite Camp:这是一个很难界定的技能,个人觉得在高强度战斗的情况下很难用上,但他的特性其实看着还不错:长按Y/X/正方形 5秒,电池槽会立刻回满,而此时会有个银色的槽慢慢往上涨,当然中途可以取消。而电池槽中有银色部分的时候,会优先消耗掉银色的部分,而且那时候无论画出来的武器有多大,默认会变成当前队伍可以变成的最大形态。这技能如果抛弃掉5秒这个前提,或者缩短会很不错,毕竟立即充满电池槽,至于武器是不是最大化其实不是很重要,因为有插件可以干类似的事情。再加上这帐篷要50万,在金钱比较短缺的一周目,还是相对不推荐的。推荐:1.5星。
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Tombstone,又叫Deal gift ,Deal toy,形式上也就是国内人们常说的奖杯、奖牌,纪念铭座、铭牌等。在资本市场,主要应用于纪念公司的融资/投资银行(Coporate Finace / Investment Banking)项目顺利完成,比如首次公开发行股票(上市)、发债、再融资、并购等,以彰显公司(投行、保荐机构、券商等)的实力与丰功伟绩,以及承载项目伟大光辉的纪念意义。
2023-07-11 21:32:051

越狱中最后的 tombstone是什么意思?

2023-07-11 21:32:134


2023-07-11 21:32:203


Android中较容易出现以下三类问题:Force close / ANR / Tombstone前两者主要是查看当前的进程或者系统框架层的状态和堆栈就基本可以分析出来,本文主要讨论一下tombstone的情况。tombstone一般是由Dalvik错误、状态监视调试器、C层代码以及libc的一些问题导致的。当系统发生tombstone的时候,kernel首先会上报一个严重的警告信号(signal),上层接收到之后,进程的调试工具会把进程中当时的调用栈现场保存起来,并在系统创建了data/tombstones目录后把异常时的进程信息写在此目录里面,开发者需要通过调用栈来分析整个调用流程来找出出问题的点。基本工具:prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin在分析的时候仔细读取汇编会获得更多有用的异常发生时的信息。1.arm-eabi-addr2line 将类似 0x00012345的调用栈16进制值翻译成文件名和函数名 arm-eabi-addr2line -e 0x000123452.arm-eabi-nm 列出文件的符号信息 arm-eabi-nm -l -C -n -S > dvm.data3.arm-eabi-objdump 列出文件的详细信息 arm-eabi-objdump -C -d > libc.s通过以上工具的分析 ,我们可以得到较完整的调用栈以及调用逻辑的汇编码。然后需要结合ARM架构及ARM汇编的知识(有些情况下可能需要使用gdb)来分析出现tombstone的原因,以下是本人遇到过的一些tombstone的情况:1.无效的函数指针:指针为NULL或者已经被重新赋值2.strlen崩溃:导致不完全的栈信息,栈被破坏3.FILE操作:因为stdio并非线程安全的,多线程操作时,容易出现异常。本文涉及到的tombstone处理的主要逻辑所在文件如下: -- frameworksaseservicesjavacomandroidserver Debuggerd.c -- systemcoredebuggerd -- libcorelunisrcmainjavajavalang
2023-07-11 21:32:271


Android中较容易出现以下三类问题:Force close / ANR / Tombstone前两者主要是查看当前的进程或者系统框架层的状态和堆栈就基本可以分析出来,本文主要讨论一下tombstone的情况。tombstone一般是由Dalvik错误、状态监视调试器、C层代码以及libc的一些问题导致的。当系统发生tombstone的时候,kernel首先会上报一个严重的警告信号(signal),上层接收到之后,进程的调试工具会把进程中当时的调用栈现场保存起来,并在系统创建了data/tombstones目录后把异常时的进程信息写在此目录里面,开发者需要通过调用栈来分析整个调用流程来找出出问题的点。基本工具:prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin在分析的时候仔细读取汇编会获得更多有用的异常发生时的信息。1.arm-eabi-addr2line 将类似 0x00012345的调用栈16进制值翻译成文件名和函数名 arm-eabi-addr2line -e 0x000123452.arm-eabi-nm 列出文件的符号信息 arm-eabi-nm -l -C -n -S > dvm.data3.arm-eabi-objdump 列出文件的详细信息 arm-eabi-objdump -C -d > libc.s通过以上工具的分析 ,我们可以得到较完整的调用栈以及调用逻辑的汇编码。然后需要结合ARM架构及ARM汇编的知识(有些情况下可能需要使用gdb)来分析出现tombstone的原因,以下是本人遇到过的一些tombstone的情况:1.无效的函数指针:指针为NULL或者已经被重新赋值2.strlen崩溃:导致不完全的栈信息,栈被破坏3.FILE操作:因为stdio并非线程安全的,多线程操作时,容易出现异常。望采纳。
2023-07-11 21:32:341


ndroid中较容易出现以下三类问题:Force close / ANR / Tombstone前两者主要是查看当前的进程或者系统框架层的状态和堆栈就基本可以分析出来,本文主要讨论一下tombstone的情况。tombstone一般是由Dalvik错误、状态监视调试器、C层代码以及libc的一些问题导致的。当系统发生tombstone的时候,kernel首先会上报一个严重的警告信号(signal),上层接收到之后,进程的调试工具会把进程中当时的调用栈现场保存起来,并在系统创建了data/tombstones目录后把异常时的进程信息写在此目录里面,开发者需要通过调用栈来分析整个调用流程来找出出问题的点。
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2023-07-11 21:32:501


性别:男   身高:208 cm   体重:136 kg   中文名:送葬者   本名:Mark William Calaway   出生日期:1965-3-25   首次登台:1984年   现状:休战中,成就19:0神话   绰号:死神(Dead Man)、棺材佬(The Phenom),地狱使者,送葬者   昵称:Taker(天使,使者的意思)招牌动作  黑暗压制(dark pin): 黑暗压制送葬者的压制方式与一 送葬者近照般摔角选手不同,他在压制对手时会将对手 UNDERTAKER的双手放在胸口(代表替对手送葬的意思),并以类似柔道的上四方固的姿势挺起上半身,约定成俗地以招牌翻白眼、吐出长长得舌头示威。   墓碑钉头:(TombStone Piledriver): 墓碑钉头送葬者自从加入WWE以来就持续使用的必杀技。化身美国恶棍时代也会在重大比赛时祭出这招。当他摆出割喉动作时就是使出此招的前兆。现在使用的是改良过的版本,顶多让对手的头顶稍微用力撞在擂台(或其他地方),让对手有晕眩感而已。   锁喉抛摔(Choke Slam): 喉咙落抓住对手脖子,直接以这个姿势举起后将对手摔在擂台等平面上。送葬者出招时的特征在于会大幅度地举起右手且停留。    最终旅程最后乘坐(Last Ride Power Bomb):也就是超高角度的炸弹摔。由于栽墓碑落下技遭WWE列为禁招的关系,送葬者因而创造出的招式。他会在举起对手后,用双手抓住对手的裤子两侧,再高高地举到超过送葬者头顶的高度,然后用力往下砸的终结技。 比赛图片(20张)   三角锁腿三角锁腿(Triangle choke):对现实生活中身为综合格斗忠实观众的送葬者来说,是再适合也不过的隐藏招式。这招很厉害,受到此招攻击的选手很多都只好认输。送葬者就曾用此招逼Great Kahli投降。
2023-07-11 21:33:003


gravestone, monument, tombstone
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作家姓名:Thomas Wolfe性别:男出生日期:1900-10-3国家:美国作家简介:Wolfe was born in Asheville, North Carolina where his mother was a successful real estate speculator and his father was a tombstone carver. He studied at the University of North Carolina, and was a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Also, he was a member of the UNC Dialectic Society, acted with the Carolina Playmakers, and received his Masters in playwriting at Harvard University. Unable to sell any of his plays, Wolfe found his writing style was more suited to fiction than to the stage. He took a temporary job teaching at New York University, but left after a year for Europe to continue writing. On his return voyage in 1925, he met the married Aline Bernstein who was twenty years his senior. They soon began a turbulent and sometimes combative affair. He dedicated his first novel, Look Homeward, Angel, to Bernstein. Soon after its publication, he fled to Europe once more, thereby ending his affair. Look Homeward, Angel is the edited version of Wolfe"s original novel O Lost, which was over a hundred pages longer and considerably more experimental in character. The editing was done by Maxwell Perkins, the most prominent book editor of the time, who also worked with Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Initially, Wolfe was grateful for the extreme editing conditions he worked under with Perkins at Scribner"s. However, the second novel Wolfe submitted to Scribner"s was The October Fair, a multi-volume epic roughly the length of Marcel Proust"s In Search of Lost Time. Perkins, after considering the commercial possibilities of releasing the book in full, opted to cut it down extremely and to create a single, best-seller-sized volume, which would be called Of Time and the River.The painful editing led Wolfe to abandon Perkins and Scribner"s, and to switch publishers to Harper and Row. However, on a 1937 trip to the West, Wolfe was stricken with pneumonia. Complications arose, and he eventually was diagnosed with tuberculosis of the brain. He was treated at Johns Hopkins Hospital, but the attempt at a life-saving operation revealed the disease had overrun the entire right side of his brain. He died three days later, never regaining consciousness.Despite his disagreements with Perkins and Scribner"s and Sons, on his deathbed Wolfe wrote a deeply moving letter to Perkins. In the letter, he acknowledged that Perkins had helped to realize his work and had made his labors possible. In closing he wrote, "Let"s think of the day we walked over the Brooklyn Bridge together, and the book had been published, and the first reviews were coming in, and the world with all its glory and beauty lay before us, and we were happy. That"s the way I think of you now. I"ve met the dark man, and I don"t think I was too afraid of him. But I know I have to go and I wanted you to get this before that happened."After his death, two further novels, The Web and the Rock and You Can"t Go Home Again were published posthumously, editorially mined out of the October Fair manuscript by Edward Aswell of Harper and Row. He was buried in Asheville, NC beside another famous writer, O. Henry.Recently, O Lost, the original "author"s cut" of Look Homeward, Angel, has been reconstructed by Matthew Bruccoli and published. Unfortunately, the October Fair manuscript was so scattered among editors during their various operations upon it, that it cannot be reconstructed, and readers will never know what Wolfe intended for that immense work.After Wolfe"s death, William Faulkner said that Wolfe was his generation"s best writer; Faulkner listed himself as second. Wolfe"s influence extends to the writings of famous Beat writer Jack Kerouac, and he remains one of the most important writers in modern American literature.
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白色鬼魂 White Ghost 身边的墓碑 A tombstone stand besidequovt. 【古】说
2023-07-11 21:33:342


Heart.弃心 Tired 累了 Dumb(哑) Tired(累了) Edwad゛过客 Regre(悔) Helpless 无助 Sad(伤心) From(离人) Pity(怜悯) Agoni(痛苦) Chill(失意) Heart(心疤) Waive(放弃) Perish(死亡) Sorrow(伤心) 奢望(Expect) Deceive(欺骗) Monologue 独角戏 NothingRecky.窒息 Soulless(失魂者) Tears°(眼泪) Fracture(破碎) Solitary(孤僻) Tombstone(墓碑) FaultTiredness(疲惫) Screaming 声嘶力竭 Without(没有你) Perfunctory(敷衍) °interment(埋葬) Levels(无法自拔) Lovemove on (离开) Next Life(下辈子) FetterDelusion(妄念) Let Her Go(任她离去) Lost Heart Hurts 失心疼 Laugt Me Alone(笑我孤独) Go To DieAutism゛孤独患者
2023-07-11 21:33:411


【 #英语资源# 导语】清明节是传统的重大春祭节日,扫墓祭祀、缅怀祖先,是中华民族自古以来的优良传统,不仅有利于弘扬孝道亲情、唤醒家族共同记忆,还可促进家族成员乃至民族的凝聚力和认同感。清明节融汇自然节气与人文风俗为一体,是天时地利人和的合一,充分体现了中华民族先祖们追求“天、地、人”的和谐合一,讲究顺应天时地宜、遵循自然规律的思想。以下是 无 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.关于清明节的英语作文   Today is the Qingming Festival, a traditional festival in China, and the most important festival of sacrifice. It is the day of ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.   I can"t wait to go with my father to burn paper for Grandpa. Dad"s hometown is Dongda. There are many people selling burning paper on both sides of the road today. Dad bought some burning money, some paper clothes and candles on the way.   Grandpa"s graveyard is in a peach garden. The peach blossoms are pink and dazzling. Dad"s uncles, and aunts came to the cemetery one after another. Everyone put the sacrificial items they bought in front of the tombstone. There are fruits, cakes and candles. Then put the burning paper together and light it. There was an aunt lying in front of the tomb crying sadly. I think she must miss her relatives. 2.关于清明节的英语作文   Today is April 5, the Tomb Sweeping Day. On that day, I went back to my hometown to go to my grandmother"s grave.   It"s already more than 4:00 p.m. when I got there, I went to the cemetery with my father, mother, aunt, second grandfather and second grandmother. When we got there, we first went to the grave of the deceased grandfather and grandmother, and then to the grave of the deceased grandfather and my grandmother. I felt very sad to see the sad faces of the adults.   Tomb Sweeping Day is a day to remember our ancestors. Through this experience, I found that it is a custom in my hometown that people should bring wine, food, fruits, paper money and other things to the cemetery. Offer food to his relatives" graves, burn paper money to him, cultivate new soil for the cemetery, and then kowtow to worship. 3.关于清明节的英语作文   Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival and one of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar. On every tomb sweeping day, people will go to worship their ancestors and visit the tombs of revolutionary martyrs.   This year"s Tomb Sweeping Day was cloudy early in the morning. After a while, there was a light rain in the sky. My grandfather, my second grandfather... My aunt, they all bought fruits, flowers and other sacrifices to go to the grave and sweep the grave for grandpa to express their nostalgia for their dead relatives.   I once recited a poem called Qingming. Two of them are written like this, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." These two poems properly describe the special atmosphere of Qingming Festival.   This special atmosphere makes people"s nostalgia linger in their hearts, makes people remember and carry forward the fine traditions of their predecessors, and encourages people to cherish the beautiful life now. 4.关于清明节的英语作文   Time is like an arrow. It"s another year"s Qingming Festival. It"s drizzling in the sky. Me and my parents. My aunt drove back to her hometown to sweep the grave for Grandpa.   On the road, I saw the "diamond poplar" standing tall and straight by the roadside through the window. Its gray body was light green, and its branches spit out dense buds, swinging gently in the humid breeze. The charming and colorful weeping willows have long hair and dance in a whirl. The green wheat field in the distance can"t be seen at a glance. There was a constant stream of vehicles on the road, and everyone hurried to sweep tombs and go for an outing.   When I came to grandma"s house, according to the custom of my hometown, grandma inserted willow branches on both sides of the gate. Me and my father. Uncle prepared burning paper to sweep grandpa"s grave. People in twos and threes were all going to sweep the grave. Mother fried leek dumplings when she came back. 5.关于清明节的英语作文   Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. In the morning, our family hurried to Meitou to sweep the grave. We climbed to the grave of a Tai. I picked up the broom to clean the ground. It was almost done. I picked up the fake money and kept burning it. My brother and I were sweating and worshipped in the grave. Grandma said, "well, well, I"m going to the old man"s grave!"   As we walked, my brother said, "sister, let"s run." I agreed. We started the race and I ran forward quickly. Dad said, "it"s better to jog like this. It"s time for you to exercise at your age." I sighed and said, "I see." After sweeping the grave, I want to buy ice cream. My father said, "today is also your hard work." I bought an ice cream. It"s colorful and delicious.   I will visit the grave again next year. 6.关于清明节的英语作文   Today is the Qingming Festival. Let me introduce to you how my hometown celebrated the Qingming Festival!   My hometown is in Jiangxi. The first thing to do during the Qingming Festival there is to wrap glutinous rice balls. People mix green lettuce leaves with glutinous rice, and then add oil and salt to make a rice ball. After steaming, you can eat it. It tastes delicious and smooth.   The most important thing during the Qingming Festival is to offer sacrifices to ancestors. Bring fire, firecrackers, incense and paper money when offering sacrifices to ancestors. When people came to the mountain, they first set off firecrackers, then knelt down to their ancestors three times, and then drew a circle on the ground to prevent other ghosts from stealing money. After burning paper money, we should clean the graves of our ancestors and remove weeds. This is tomb sweeping.   There is a poem that says "it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". It rains almost every year on Qingming Festival. This rain may have fallen for our ancestors. 7.关于清明节的英语作文   Since I can remember, every year on the day of Tomb Sweeping Day, my father takes me back to my hometown to visit my grandfather"s grave. This year is no exception.   Early in the morning, there were a lot of traffic on the suburban roads. I guess they all went to worship their relatives. Unknowingly, they drove into the country road and rode on the asphalt road in the country. Through the window, the rural air was so fresh. The wheat seedlings in the field fluctuated up and down by the spring wind, like the waves of the sea. The orchards on the side of the road were full of white pear flowers and pink peach flowers, which was a beautiful picture, It"s a paradise.   We soon arrived at Grandpa"s tomb. I first swept the tombstone for Grandpa, burned paper money, poured a glass of wine and set off firecrackers before leaving. I said to grandpa in my heart, "Grandpa, I"ll come to see you next year"s Tomb Sweeping Day." 8.关于清明节的英语作文   Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. As soon as I finished breakfast this morning, my father asked me to break some wickers in the wild and put them on the gate. I said, "OK."   When I came to the willow tree in the wild, I saw the wicker flying all over the sky by the spring girl. I climbed up the tree, carefully folded many wickers and went home. When my father saw me coming back, he asked me to insert the wicker on the gate. I took the ladder, climbed up the gate and inserted it with force. The wicker broke. My father said below, "don"t use too much force, gently." I gently inserted it according to my father"s method. Sure enough, I inserted it. I succeeded! 9.关于清明节的英语作文   Today, my father, my mother and my aunt went to the grave for my dead grandfather. I put the sheep"s stomach gouged out by my grandmother into grandpa"s grave, and then burned paper money for Grandpa. As soon as it was lit, a gust of wind suddenly blew and burned to the sheep"s stomach. The sheep"s stomach was lit. My father hurried to save the sheep"s stomach. The sheep"s stomach was not saved and fell on the firewood nearby.   Soon the hay was also lit, and the fire quickly burned to the next big tree. I hurried to my uncle"s home and took a shovel to my father quickly. Then he went home and carried a bucket of water. My grandmother saw the busy question, "what"s wrong?" I said, "fire." grandma also took a shovel to the fire. When I sent water, the fire was not saved, but I was also burned with water. Grandma saw me sweating and praised me as the bravest man!   Ah! It"s safe at last. Do you think it"s dangerous today! 10.关于清明节的英语作文   Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Our school has a three-day holiday. After lunch, I asked my grandmother, "grandma, did we sweep the grave?" "No!" Grandma answered. "We"re ready to go next."   I can"t wait to go with my family to sweep the grave. On the way, I suddenly had a question, "why do you want to sweep the tomb during the Qingming Festival?" So I asked my father. My father talked endlessly: "Qingming is the first solar term in March of the lunar calendar. It is the time when spring returns and the sky is clear." The father paused and then said, "the custom of Tomb Sweeping on Tomb Sweeping Day began after the Qin and Han Dynasties. On the one hand, he missed his dead relatives, on the other hand, he offered sacrifices to his ancestors, hoping that their ancestors would bless the happiness and health of future generations."   When I saw people coming and going to visit tombs and help the old and the young, I couldn"t help but think of Zhang Zeduan"s picture of the river during the Qingming Festival in the Song Dynasty. It"s really "rainy in Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls".
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Michael Jackson所演的《 鬼屋 》 里面所有的插曲和主题曲叫什么名字

这些是电影中所有的插曲 1.Superstition 2.Grim Grinning Ghosts 3.Somebody"s Watching Me 4.Spooky 5.Bump In The Night 6.Right Place,Wrong Time 7.Dead Men"s Party 8.Man With The Hex 9.Monster Mash 10.The Boogie Man 11.Tombstone 12.I Put A Spell On You 13.Overture From The Haunted Mansion 14.So Long
2023-07-11 21:34:041


莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。著名喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》《亨利五世》《查理二世》。正剧、悲喜剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼森称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。儒略历1616年4月23日(公历1616年5月3日)病逝,出生日期与逝世日期恰好相同。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先驱者伽利略同一年出生。被人们尊称为“莎翁”。初中选文《威尼斯商人》.高中选文《哈姆莱特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶(节选)》。The English poets, playwright Sha Shibiya was born in 1564 in England"s Stella luck city. He has the strong cultural base, but has not read the university. When 18 years old marries with 26 year old females, when not reach 21 years old had three children; After 3 years went to London to become the actor, the playwright; When 30 years old starts to be lucky; When 34 years old the family is well-to-do, art obtains the success, is recognized as the playwright which rises newly. Sha Shibiya alone lives in London"s 20 years, his wife lives continuously in the Stella luck. When nearly 40 years old, Sha Shibiya only then returns to the Stella luck until to die. 27 year old of that year, he wrote the historical drama "Henry Six Th" the trilogy, after the script performance has been welcome greatly the audience, and has won the very high prestige for him, let him come to a stop gradually in the London theatrical circle the heel. In 1595, Sha Shibiya has written a tragedy "Romeo And Juliet", after the script performance, Sha Shibiya famous tyrant London, the audience wells up generally like the tide to the theater looked this play, and moves has flowed off the tears. In 1599, Sha Shibiya poured into wrote the script with all one"s strength "Hamlet", also has obtained the huge success. In later several years, Sha Shibiya has written "Austria Xylenum", "Li You King" and "Mike Is white", they and "Hamlet" is called together Sha Shibiya"s four big tragedies. In 1616, Sha Shibiya because fell ill left the world, has lived 52 years old. In these 52 years profession, he has left behind 37 scripts for the common people, as soon as curls 14 lines of poems and two narrative 长诗. His script also performs until now in world each place. In his birthday that day, has many countries to perform his script every year to commemorate him. Sha Shibiya is on Europe Renaissance time England dramatic world"s "the giant". He inherits and develops the ancient Greece Rome play and the English folk play outstanding tradition, does not give a thought to "the unity of action" and so on the rules and regulations, the breakthrough comedy and the tragedy boundary, carries on the creative from the content to the form innovation. In view of the middle ages feudalism and asceticism fetter, he respects the woman, eulogy love, molds a series of idealizations the bourgeoisie new feminine lovable image. In the historical drama and the tragedy, he engraved has delimited a series of feudal tyrant"s image, heartlessly exposition and critique feudalism tyranny. He also in the play advocated the humanity by opposed the Middle Ages lively, compare with the human the deity, emphasized human great and strength, said the human is "the universe essence, the myriad things spirit is long". He also frequently exposes religious in the play the hypocrisy. The Sha Shibiya dramatic art characteristic, is the fantasy and the real ingenious union. Marx after 1848 in order to "wants to enable own English knowledge to achieve the consummation the region", once "all searched for the Sha Shibiya special style words and phrases performs to classify", carried on the study. His grave now nearby a his hometown chapel, every year has the photograph which ten million counts to go on a pilgrimage looks at reverently generally. Is engraving such inscribed text on his tombstone: "Looks on God"s surface, Please do not have to move my grave, The rash action will encounter the curse, The protector will receive the blessing."
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2023-07-11 21:35:031


Undertaker的绝招是TombStone(墓碑石钉头),还有Last Ride Power Bomb(最后旅程,电视上的翻译是最后的乘坐),还有Choke Slam(喉轮落)~锁技绝招是Triangle choke(三角锁腿)~这里是Undertaker的资料:这里也有:
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Tombstone Piledriver (墓碑石钉头)是Undertaker(送葬者)的终结技,但也没有说只有他才能使用吧,Kane(凯恩)也会使用Tombstone Piledriver (墓碑石钉头)啊,近几年Undertaker(送葬者)的WrestleMania(摔角狂热)比赛,对手也多次模仿使用过这招,例如Shawn Michaels(肖恩·迈克尔斯)、Triple H(HHH)、CM Punk(CM·朋克)等人~
2023-07-11 21:35:321


MidJourner关键词食尸鬼篇Ghoul - 食尸鬼Corpse - 尸体Undead - 不死生物Flesh - 肉体Cannibalism - 食人行为Cemetery - 墓地Graveyard - 墓地Death - 死亡Rotting - 腐烂Decay - 腐朽Hunger - 饥饿Blood - 血液Gore - 血腥Monster - 怪物Horror - 恐怖Pale - 苍白Eerie - 怪异Haunting - 鬼魅Macabre - 恐怖的Necromancy - 巫术Cursed - 被诅咒的Chilling - 寒冷的Rot - 腐烂Cadaver - 尸体Grave - 墓穴Tombstone - 墓碑Decompose - 分解Feast - 盛宴Morbid - 病态的Rotten - 腐烂的Undead Army - 不死军团Crypt - 地窖Mutilation - 残忍Pale Skin - 苍白的皮肤Eerie Atmosphere - 怪异的氛围Haunted House - 鬼屋Macabre Ritual - 恐怖仪式Cursed Curse - 被诅咒的诅咒Chilling Scream - 寒冷的尖叫Rotting Flesh - 腐烂的肉体Cadaverous Stench - 尸体的臭味Graveyard Silence - 墓地的寂静Tombstone Engraving - 墓碑的雕刻Decomposed Corpse - 分解的尸体Feast of Death - 死亡的盛宴Morbid Fascination - 病态的迷恋Rotten Decay - 腐烂的腐朽Undead Horde - 不死的军团Cryptic Mystery - 神秘的谜团Mutilated Body - 被肢解的尸体Pale Moonlight - 苍白的月光Eerie Shadows - 怪异的阴影Haunting Whisper - 鬼魅的低语Macabre Art - 恐怖的艺术Cursed Relic - 被诅咒的遗物Chilling Wind - 寒冷的风Rotting Bones - 腐烂的骨骼Cadaverous Visage - 尸体的面容Graveyard Ghost - 墓地的幽灵Tombstone Epitaph - 墓碑的碑文
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2023-07-11 21:38:041

ps2 wwe 送葬者招式问题

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