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The Goldebriars的《Shenandoah》 歌词

2023-07-12 00:00:32
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歌手:The Goldebriars
专辑:The Goldebriars

Oh, Shenandoah, I long to see you
Way hey, you rolling river
Oh, Shenandoah, I long to see you
Away, I"m bound away across the wide Missouri.
For seven years I courted Nancy
Way hey, you rolling river
No other girl would suit my fancy
Away, I"m bound away across the wide Missouri.
She would not have me for her lover
Way hey, you rolling river
But I never courted any other
Away, I"m bound away across the wide Missouri.
One day she went to Kansas City
Way hey, you rolling river
And there she had a little baby
Away, I"m bound away across the wide Missouri.
She must have had another lover
Way hey, you rolling river
It must have been that cavalry soldier
Away, I"m bound away across the wide Missouri.
Oh Shenandoah, I loved your daughter
Way hey, you rolling river
Though she"ll never cross your shining water
Away, I"m bound away across the wide Missouri.




The leave of his girl friend makes alan feel desperate . even worse , his friend set him up to force him to marry a girl that he doesn t love 花仔伦被女友抛弃,被灌醉与友 一丈红 之妹结合,伦悉内情后感懊恼。 Its garden , too , glowed with flowers : hollyhocks had sprung up tall as trees , ppes had opened , tupps and roses were in bloom ; the borders of the pttle beds were gay with pink thrift and crimson double daisies ; the sweetbriars gave out , morning and evening , their scent of spice and apples ; and these fragrant treasures were all useless for most of the inmates of lowood , except to furnish now and then a handful of herbs and blossoms to put in a coffin 一丈红 拔地而起,高大如林,百合花已开,郁金香和玫瑰争妍斗艳,粉红色的海石竹和深红的双瓣雏菊,把小小花坛的边缘装扮得十分鲜艳。香甜的欧石南,在清晨和夜间散发著香料和苹果的气味。但这些香气扑鼻的宝贝,除了时时提供一捧香草和鲜花放进棺材里,对罗沃德的人来说已毫无用处。
2023-07-11 21:08:141

爱之花园 - 威廉·布莱克

婚姻是什么? 钱钟书老先生说:“婚姻像围城,城里的想出去,城外的想进来。”培根说“婚姻是爱情的坟墓。”托尔斯泰说:“幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。”太多的名人、名家对婚姻有着自己经典的解释,但是若婚姻由爱来堆砌,这些都将成为“诬蔑之词”。钱钟书与杨绛的爱情故事大家肯定都知道,她们结婚六十余年,琴瑟和鸣,相伴到老,他就是告诉我们婚姻是围城的人,但他身处其中数十年甘之如饴。 相信爱,终有一天,它会在你的心里开出繁花一片。接下来就为大家朗诵布莱克的《爱之花园》,一起品味深藏于诗人心底的爱情之苦吧!I went to the Garden of Love,我前往爱的花园, And saw what I never had seen; 一切都是那般新鲜: A Chapel was built in the midst, 一座教堂建在花园中央, Where I used to play on the green. 原是草地我曾玩耍其间。 And the gates of this Chapel were shut, 教堂的大门关着,And "Thou shalt not," writ over the door; 门口写着:“不许入内”;So I turned to the Garden of Love 我只好转悠到爱之花园,That so many sweet flowers bore; 很多美丽的花朵盛放在里面。And I saw it was filled with graves, 但在本该开遍鲜花的地方,And tombstones where flowers should be; 我发现到处都是坟茔和墓碑:And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, 黑衣牧师一圈圈盘桓,And binding with briars my joys and desires. 用石楠捆绑我的欢乐和念想。
2023-07-11 21:08:201


1.需要十首以死亡为主体的英文诗歌 中英诗歌中的爱情与死亡1 尽管我年轻无辩 本.琼生 如我之年青,无法细辨, 死亡的本意和爱的真谛, 尝闻二者皆带箭头, 双双的目标是人的心脏。 复又听说,各有德性, 爱伤于火,死伤于冰; 我似恍然有所觉悟, 感受的极端结果却一途。 恰如断壁残垣, 或灰飞或塌坍; 又好比我之消亡, 似潮退又似闪电; 因知爱之燃烧的箭杆, 亡我之速有如死神冰冷的魔手; 惟有爱火的炽热尚存, 惊散坟墓中寒气逼人的霜雾。 Though I am Young and Cannot Tell Ben Jonson Though I am young, and cannot tell Either what death or love is well, Yet I have heard they both bear darts, And both do aim at human hearts. And then again, I have been told Love wounds with heat, as Death with cold; So that I fear they do but bring Extremes to touch, and mean one thing. As in a ruin we it call One thing to be blown up, or fall; Or to our end like way may have By a flash of lightning, or a wave; So love"s inflamed shaft or brand May kill as soon as Death"s cold hand; Except Love"s fires the virtue have To fright the frost out of the grave中英诗歌中的爱情与死亡3 歌 克里斯蒂娜。罗赛蒂 在我死了以后,亲爱的, 不要为我唱哀歌; 不要在我头上栽种玫瑰, 也不要栽种成荫的松柏; 但愿你成为雨露滋润的绿草, 铺盖着我坟墓上的山坡。 如你愿意就怀念我, 如你愿意就忘记我! 我将看不见松柏玫瑰, 也感觉不到草地洒满了雨水; 我将听不到夜莺的啼唱, 彻夜诉说心中等苦悲。 我住在不生不灭的混沌世界, 没有黑夜,也没有日出的光辉。 也许我偶然想起谁, 也许我偶然忘了谁! Song Christina Rossetti When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: Be the green grass above me With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou wilt, remember, And if thouwilt, forget. I shall not see the shadows, I shall not feel the rain; I shall not hear the nightingale Sing on, as if in pain: And dreaming through the twilight That doth not rise nor set, Haply I may remember, And haply may forget.中英诗歌中的爱情与死亡2 葡萄牙十四行诗 (第43首) 伊丽莎白.勃郎宁 我究竟怎样爱你?让我细数端详。 我爱你直到我灵魂所及的深度、广度和高度,我在视力不及之处 摸索着存在的极致和美的理想。 我爱昵象最朴素的日常需要一样, 就象不自觉地需要阳光和蜡烛。 我自由地爱昵,像人们选择正义之路, 我纯洁地爱昵,像人们躲避称赞颂扬。 我爱你用的是我在昔日的悲伤里 用过得那种激情,以及童年的忠诚。 我爱你用的爱,我本以为早以失去 (与我失去的圣徒一同);我爱你用的笑容、眼泪、呼吸和生命!只要上帝允许, 在死后我爱你将只会更加深情。 How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday"s Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood"s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints--I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death中英诗歌中的爱情与死亡4 爱的乐园 威廉姆.布莱克 我曾访问爱的乐园, 目睹了我前所未见: 殡仪馆矗立其中, 那里是我曾嘻戏的草地。 而殡仪馆的大门紧闭, 门上大书‘行人止步"; 我只好转向爱的乐园, 那里曾有无数美丽鲜花开放, 映入眼帘的却是遍地坟茔, 墓碑取代了鲜花林立: 黑袍牧师们蜿蜒绕行, 用荆棘捆绑着我的欢乐和欲望。 The Garden of Love William Blake I went to the Garden of love, And saw what I never had seen: A Chapel was built in the midst, Where I used to play on the green. And the gates of this Chapel were shut, And "Thou shalt not" writ over the door; So I turn"d to the Garden of Love, That so many sweet flowers bore, And I saw it was filled with graves, And tomb-stones where flowers should be: And Priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, And binding with briars my joys & desires. -。 2.求一个关于有关生命和死亡句子的英文翻译 昏迷 不知道不要乱翻译,有得真是令人哭笑不得。 我看见的,只有这这个还不错: ----------------------------- 惟有死亡能让人了解生命的真谛。(Only alone death can let people comprehend the true meaning of life.) 我所能给你的惟有死亡 (Only death is all that I can give you.) 这个还满意吗?还要什么尽管说。 回答者:55398175 - 兵卒 一级 12-25 16:00 ------------------ 另外我自己的翻译是: 惟有死亡能让人了解生命的真谛。我所能给你的惟有死亡 It"s death,only death,which can let you understand the true meanings of life,and it"s also only death which I can give to you. 3.求一首写关于死的英文诗 Death Be Not Proud by John Donne Death be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so, For, those, whom thou think"st, thou dost overthrow, Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me; From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow, And soonest our best men with thee do go, Rest of their bones, and soul"s delivery. Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men, And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell, And poppy, or charms can make us sleep as well, And better than thy stroak; why swell"st thou then? One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. 死神,你莫骄傲 死神,你莫骄傲,尽管有人说你 如何强大,如何可怕,你并不是这样; 你以为你把谁谁谁打倒了,其实, 可怜的死神,他们没死;你现在也还杀不死我。 休息、睡眠,这些不过是你的写照, 既能给人享受,那你本人提供的一定更多; 我们最美好的人随你去得越早, 越能早日获得身体的休息,灵魂的解脱。 你是命运、机会、君主、亡命徒的奴隶, 你和毒药、战争、疾病同住在一起, 罂粟和咒符和你的打击相比,同样, 甚至更能催我入睡;那你何必趾高气扬呢? 睡了一小觉之后,我们便永远觉醒了, 再也不会有死亡,你死神也将死去。 (杨周翰 译) (这首诗选自约翰-多恩的《神圣十四行诗》。诗中说明死亡是瞬间的,而死后的欢乐则是永恒的。) 注释:dost:动词do的第二人称单数现在时的古用法。 canst:情态动词can第二人称单数现在时的古用法。 swell"st:swell第二人称单数现在时形式。 4.关于死亡、珍惜生命的英文诗歌,附加翻译 michael There comes a time when we heed a certain call有一天当我们听到一个呼唤When the world must come together as one当世界团结如一人There are people dying不断有人死去And it"s time to lend a hand to life和它的时候伸出手的生活The greatest gift of all所有的最伟大的礼物We can"t go on pretending day by day我们不能日复一日的伪装下去That someone,有人说,Somewhere will soon make a change一些地方将很快改变We are all a part of god"s great big family我们都是上帝的大家庭And the truth, you know, love is all we need而真理,你知道,爱是我们都需要的We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and me这是我们真的可以创造更美好的明天,只有你和我Oh Send them your heart so they"ll know that someone cares哦,献出你的爱心,让他们知道有人在关心And their lives will be stronger and free他们的生命会更坚强和自由As god has shown us by turning stones to bread上帝把石头变成面包来给我们So we all must lend a helping hand所以我们必须伸出援助之手We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and me这是我们真的可以创造更美好的明天,只有你和我When you"re down and out,there seems no hope at all当你穷困潦倒,似乎没有任何希望But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall但如果你相信我们不会失败Let us realize that a change can only come让我们认识到,改变只能When we stand together as one当我们站在一起作为一个We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and me这是我们真的可以创造更美好的明天,只有你和我We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and me这是我们真的可以创造更美好的明天,只有你和我We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and me这是我们真的可以创造更美好的明天,只有你和我We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and me这是我们真的可以创造更美好的明天,只有你和我We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and me这是我们真的可以创造更美好的明天,只有你和我We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true we"ll make a better day, just you and me这是我们真的可以创造更美好的明天,只有你和我We are the world, we are the children我们是世界,我们是孩子We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving我们要创造光辉灿烂的一天,所以让我们开始给予There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives这才是我们的选择,我们在拯救我们自己的生命It"s true。 5.求一个关于有关生命和死亡句子的英文翻译 昏迷 不知道不要乱翻译,有得真是令人哭笑不得。 我看见的,只有这这个还不错:-----------------------------惟有死亡能让人了解生命的真谛。(Only alone death can let people comprehend the true meaning of life.) 我所能给你的惟有死亡 (Only death is all that I can give you.) 这个还满意吗?还要什么尽管说。 回答者:55398175 - 兵卒 一级 12-25 16:00------------------另外我自己的翻译是:惟有死亡能让人了解生命的真谛。我所能给你的惟有死亡 It"s death,only death,which can let you understand the true meanings of life,and it"s also only death which I can give to you。
2023-07-11 21:08:271


由于厌倦了朝圣者,现在在休息,高兴地拥抱他的沉默的鸟巢,他浪费了四肢现在所在的充分软认为, mirey步骤走过多次,祝福他认为,当他的危险,过去, travails工作要做。燃烧的太阳,没有更多的应热,也没有风雨雨对他应跳动。该布里亚斯和荆棘,没有更多的应从零开始,也不是饥饿的狼在他应急起直追。为水域冷,他doth不长,为渴,没有更多的应parch他的舌头。没有坚固的石头他的双脚应胆,也不树桩,也不岩石的原因,他正在下降。所有关心和恐惧,他道别和手段,在安全,现在不再赘述。朝圣者,我在地球上困惑与捷联惯导系统,与关心和悲伤vext ,按年龄和带来的痛苦,以衰变,而我的粘土内务mold"ring消失。哦,我如何,只要是在休息和飙升的高之间的blest 。这个机构应在保持沉默的睡眠,排雷的眼睛没有更应以往任何时候都流泪,没有昏厥,应适合我assail ,也不磨削的痛苦,我的身体是风烛残年,与关心和恐惧ne"er cumb"red得到的损失,也不知道,也不悲伤见。是什么,虽然我的肉体应在有消费,这是基督的床没有香水,和当一个几年应走了,这致命的,应穿。腐败的胴体下来,它的谎言,光荣bodyu它须起立。在的弱点和拒付播下,在电力"运输资讯系统所提出的基督单。然后的灵魂和机构应团结一致,他们的制造商有在望。这种持久的欢乐应看哪有耳ne"er听到,也没有舌头e"er告诉。上帝让我准备这一天,然后来,亲爱的朋友,新郎来了。
2023-07-11 21:08:341


  浓缩版的《八十天环游世界》  Around the World in 80 days  Jules Verne  Phileas Fogg lived at NO.7, Saville Row in London. He wasn"t a Londener, but he was a typical English gentelman. He was always well-dressed, he went to his club called the "Reform Club" every evening, and he had quiet a lot of money. Was he a businessman?Was he a banker? Was he a landowner? He was a mystery! Nobody know what he did, but everybody know he like to gamble!  One evening, someone knocked at Phileas Fogg"s door. "My name"s Passepartout," said the young man,"I understand you need a manservant."  "Are you a good manservant?"Fogg asked.  "Yes,yes," the man answered."I can do anything!I can sing, I can dance, I can do acobatics, I can stand on my head very well!"  "But can you tell me the time?"the Englishman asked.  "Parden?" said Passeportout stupidly.  "What time is it?" asked Mr.Fogg.  "It"s half past six,"said the manservant, looking at his watch.  "No!It isn"t!It"s 31 minutes past six. Your watch is wrong!"said Fogg.  ...  ...  ...  ORZ~~受不了了~~~我还有作业,好多作业~~~我发我空间上,你下来自己去看吧~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023-07-11 21:08:492

帮忙找找 中 英文诗歌 对比 鉴赏
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CPU : AMD Athlon64 X2 5600+ 散 1400块 主板: 磐正 超磐手AF570 Ultra 800块 显卡: 讯景 8600GTS 1800块 硬盘: ST 160G 7200转 460块 内存: 金邦1G*2 DDR667 650块 光驱: 明基DVD光雕20* 260块 机箱: 金河田7606B 320块 音箱: 三诺322 150块 鼠标: 多彩光电套 50块 上述都是大概价格 根据各地区的价格上下浮动不多 绝对强悍型!不到6000
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第百十八回 哭祖庙一王死孝 入西川二士争功
2023-07-11 21:10:235

old boy歌词(知道Empylver、A.J.ALEX的进)

Old Boy老男孩是否还记得曾经共度的患难在命运的面前我们捍卫过尊严一起捍卫过尊严永远别忘记那些赤诚的少年在动荡的岁月里和我用肝胆相照和我用肝胆相照Old boy 如今你安在你是否渡过了 这苍海你是否渡过了 这苍海是否还记得曾经共度的患难在命运的面前我们捍卫过尊严一起捍卫过尊严永远别忘记那些赤诚的少年在动荡的岁月里和我用肝胆相照和我用肝胆相照Old boy 如今你安在你是否渡过了 这苍海你是否渡过了 这苍海 Old Boy Old BoyDo you remember The trouble was to spend In front of the fate of We defended the dignity of Defended with dignity Never forget Sincerity of those young In the turbulent years And I utter devotion And I utter devotion Old boy is now safe in you You through this Aomi You through this Aomi Do you remember The trouble was to spend In front of the fate of We defended the dignity of Defended with dignity Never forget Sincerity of those young In the turbulent years And I utter devotion And I utter devotion Old boy is now safe in you You through this Aomi You through this Aomi
2023-07-11 21:10:432

Bees In the Shed 歌词

歌曲名:Bees In the Shed歌手:Amanda Shires专辑:Carrying LightningAmanda Shires - Bees In The ShedBriars and brush in the sunset"s hushThere"s never enough moneyBut there"s bees in the shedBiting horse flies and wasps in the troughRolls of old fencing and bailing wireYou don"t need to cryThere"s no reason to crySure it stings for a minuteBut it all goes by, byBeer in the fridgeWeed on the plateMoney down the sinkAnd nothing in the the bankPopsicle sticksTears in the driveYou"re a pretty penny babyDon"t you cryShining in the sunA green water-hoseCotton mouth hanging "round the watering holeSticky pine splitting in the heatEar to wall and all you hear is beesTraps and tack old paint cansNext to Cameo"s bridleAnd all those bees in the shed.
2023-07-11 21:10:501

St Elmo S Fire 歌词

歌曲名:St Elmo S Fire歌手:Brian Eno专辑:Desert Island Selectionbrown eyes and i was tiredWe had walked and we had scrambledThrough the moors and through the briarsThrough the endless blue meanders.Brian EnoIn the blue august moonIn the cool august moonOver the nights and through the firesWe went surging down the wiresThrough the towns and on the highwaysThrough the storms in all their thundering.In the blue august moonThen we rested in a desertWhere the bones were white as teeth sirAnd we saw st elmo"s fireSplitting ions in the ether.In the blue august moonIn the cool august moonIn the blue august moonIn the cool august moon.
2023-07-11 21:10:571


2023-07-11 21:11:151

The Goldebriars的《My Song》 歌词

歌曲名:My Song歌手:The Goldebriars专辑:The GoldebriarsMy SongTVアニメ「Angel Beats!」挿入歌作词:麻枝 准/作曲:麻枝 准/编曲:光収容歌:Girls Dead Monster苛立(いらだ)ちをどこにぶつけるか探(さが)してる间(ま)に终(お)わる日(ひ)空(そら)は灰色(はいいろ)をしてその先(さき)は何(なに)も见(み)えない常识(じょうしき)ぶってる奴(やつ)が笑(わら)ってる 次(つぎ)はどんな嘘(うそ)を言(い)う?それで得(え)られたもの 大事(だいじ)に饰(かざ)っておけるの?でも明日(あす)へと进(すす)まなきゃならないだからこう歌(うた)うよ泣(な)いてる君(きみ)こそ孤独(こどく)な君(きみ)こそ正(ただ)しいよ人间(にんげん)らしいよ落(お)とした涙(なみだ)がこう言(い)うよこんなにも美(うつく)しい嘘(うそ)じゃない本当(ほんとう)の仆(ぼく)らをありがとう叶(かな)えたい梦(ゆめ)や届(とど)かない梦(ゆめ)がある事(こと)それ自体(じたい)が梦(ゆめ)になり希望(きぼう)になり人(ひと)は生(い)きていけるんだろ扉(とびら)はある そこで待(ま)っているだから手(て)を伸(の)ばすよ挫(くじ)けた君(きみ)にはもう一度(いちど)戦(たたか)える强(つよ)さと自信(じしん)とこの歌(うた)を落(お)とした涙(なみだ)がこう言(い)うよこんなにも汚(よご)れて丑(みにく)い世界(せかい)で出会(であ)えた奇迹(きせき)にありがとう终わり
2023-07-11 21:11:221

He Was A Friend Of Mine 歌词

歌曲名:He Was A Friend Of Mine歌手:The Goldebriars专辑:The GoldebriarsHe was a friend of mineHe was a friend of mineEvery time I think about himI just can"t keep from cryin""Cause he was a friend of mineHe died on the roadHe died on the roadI just kept on movin"To pay his room or boardAnd he was a friend of mineI stole away and criedI stole away and cried"Cause I never had too much moneyAnd I never been quite satisfiedAnd he was a friend of mineHe never done no wrongHe never done no wrongA thousand miles from homeAnd he never harmed no oneAnd he was a friend of mineHe was a friend of mineHe was a friend of mineEvery time I hear his name lordI just can"t keep from cryin""Cause he was a friend of
2023-07-11 21:11:291

The Goldebriars的《Noah》 歌词

歌曲名:Noah歌手:The Goldebriars专辑:The GoldebriarsTHE KIDDIE-NOAH词
2023-07-11 21:11:351

Battle Of New Orleans 歌词

歌曲名:Battle Of New Orleans歌手:Nitty Gritty Dirt Band专辑:Best Of The Nitty Gritty Dirt BandBattle Of New OrleansArtist : Johnny HortonIn eighteen-fourteen we took a little tripAlong with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp"We took a little bacon and we took a little beansAnd we fought the bloody British in the town of New OrleansWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWe looked down the river and we seed the British comeAnd there must"ve been a hundred of "em beatin" on the drumThey stepped so high and made their bugles singWe stood beside our cotton bails and didn"t say a thingWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoOld Hickory said we could take "em by surpriseIf we didn"t fire our muskets till we looked "em in the eyesWe held our fire till we seed their faces wellThen we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave "em hellWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoYeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWell we fired our cannon till the barrel melted downThen we grabbed an alligator and we fought another roundWe filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behindAnd when we touched the powder off the "gator lost his mindWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoThey ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico..........................本版编排:王竹华,郭治豪
2023-07-11 21:11:421

folk bloodbath这首歌的歌词是什么意思

Folk Bloodbath歌手:Josh Ritter所属专辑:So Runs The World AwayLouis Collins took a trip out westWhen he returned, little Delia had gone to restThe angels laid her awayLouis said to Delia"That"s the sad thing with life,There"s people always leavin" just as other folks arrive"The angels laid her awayWhen the people heard Delia was deadAll of them gentlemen they dressed in redThe angels laid her awayAngels laid her awayLaid her six feet under the clayThe angels laid her awayLouis went downtown for a new suit of clothesHe"s gonna dress up for Delia like a fine red roseThe angels laid him awayHe brought a ten-gallon StetsonIt was ox blood redStacker Lee shot Louis in the back of the headThe angels laid him awayOh Stacker Lee said to Louis,"Oh now don"t you grieve. I"m sending you to Delia, you won"t ever have to leave."The angels laid him awayAngels laid him awayThey laid him six feet under the clayThe angels laid him awayWell the judge was a mean oneHis name was Hangin" Billy LyonsHe said "You"ve always been a bad man, Stack, you gonna hang this time.The angels lay you away."And the jailer said to Stacker Lee "What"s the problem with you?""Aw jailer, Louis Collins" ghost brought Delia"s with him, too."The angels laid them awayAngels laid him awayThey laid him six feet under the clayThe angels laid him awayWell they buried little DeliaIn the church yard deepWith Louis Collins at her headStacker Lee at her feetThe angels laid them awayAnd out of Delia"s bed came briarsOut of Louis"s bed a roseOut of Stacker Lee"s came Stacker Lee"s cold lonely little ghostAngels laid them awayAnd I"m looking over rooftopsAnd I"m hoping that it ain"t trueThat the same God looks out for them Looks out for me and youAngels laid them awayAngels laid them awayAngels laid them away
2023-07-11 21:11:491

Battle Of New Orleans 歌词

歌曲名:Battle Of New Orleans歌手:Nitty Gritty Dirt Band专辑:Stars And Stripes ForeverBattle Of New OrleansArtist : Johnny HortonIn eighteen-fourteen we took a little tripAlong with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp"We took a little bacon and we took a little beansAnd we fought the bloody British in the town of New OrleansWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWe looked down the river and we seed the British comeAnd there must"ve been a hundred of "em beatin" on the drumThey stepped so high and made their bugles singWe stood beside our cotton bails and didn"t say a thingWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoOld Hickory said we could take "em by surpriseIf we didn"t fire our muskets till we looked "em in the eyesWe held our fire till we seed their faces wellThen we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave "em hellWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoYeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWell we fired our cannon till the barrel melted downThen we grabbed an alligator and we fought another roundWe filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behindAnd when we touched the powder off the "gator lost his mindWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoThey ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico..........................本版编排:王竹华,郭治豪
2023-07-11 21:12:031

跪求歌词:lost river(注意!不是那首神曲!是Nitty唱的!)。跪求了,怎么都找不到,英

Battle Of New OrleansArtist : Johnny HortonIn eighteen-fourteen we took a little tripAlong with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp"We took a little bacon and we took a little beansAnd we fought the bloody British in the town of New OrleansWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWe looked down the river and we seed the British comeAnd there must"ve been a hundred of "em beatin" on the drumThey stepped so high and made their bugles singWe stood beside our cotton bails and didn"t say a thingWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoOld Hickory said we could take "em by surpriseIf we didn"t fire our muskets till we looked "em in the eyesWe held our fire till we seed their faces wellThen we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave "em hellWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoYeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWell we fired our cannon till the barrel melted downThen we grabbed an alligator and we fought another roundWe filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behindAnd when we touched the powder off the "gator lost his mindWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoThey ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
2023-07-11 21:12:091

Battle Of New Orleans 歌词

歌曲名:Battle Of New Orleans歌手:Craig Douglas专辑:The Best Of The Emi YearsBattle Of New OrleansArtist : Johnny HortonIn eighteen-fourteen we took a little tripAlong with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp"We took a little bacon and we took a little beansAnd we fought the bloody British in the town of New OrleansWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWe looked down the river and we seed the British comeAnd there must"ve been a hundred of "em beatin" on the drumThey stepped so high and made their bugles singWe stood beside our cotton bails and didn"t say a thingWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoOld Hickory said we could take "em by surpriseIf we didn"t fire our muskets till we looked "em in the eyesWe held our fire till we seed their faces wellThen we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave "em hellWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoYeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWell we fired our cannon till the barrel melted downThen we grabbed an alligator and we fought another roundWe filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behindAnd when we touched the powder off the "gator lost his mindWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoThey ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico..........................本版编排:王竹华,郭治豪
2023-07-11 21:12:161


MY father"s family name being Pirrip, and my christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip. So, I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip. I give Pirrip as my father"s family name, on the authority of his tombstone and my sister - Mrs Joe Gargery, who married the blacksmith. As I never saw my father or my mother, and never saw any likeness of either of them (for their days were long before the days of photographs), my first fancies regarding what they were like, were unreasonably derived from their tombstones. The shape of the letters on my father"s, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair. From the character and turn of the inscription, `Also Georgiana Wife of the Above," I drew a childish conclusion that my mother was freckled and sickly. To five little stone lozenges, each about a foot and a half long, which were arranged in a neat row beside their grave, and were sacred to the memory of five little brothers of mine - who gave up trying to get a living, exceedingly early in that universal struggle - I am indebted for a belief I religiously entertained that they had all been born on their backs with their hands in their trousers-pockets, and had never taken them out in this state of existence. Ours was the marsh country, down by the river, within, as the river wound, twenty miles of the sea. My first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things, seems to me to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening. At such a time I found out for certain, that this bleak place overgrown with nettles was the churchyard; and that Philip Pirrip, late of this parish, and also Georgiana wife of the above, were dead and buried; and that Alexander, Bartholomew, Abraham, Tobias, and Roger, infant children of the aforesaid, were also dead and buried; and that the dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard, intersected with dykes and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it, was the marshes; and that the low leaden line beyond, was the river; and that the distant savage lair from which the wind was rushing, was the sea; and that the small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry, was Pip. `Hold your noise!" cried a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the graves at the side of the church porch. `Keep still, you little devil, or I"ll cut your throat!" A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung by nettles, and torn by briars; who limped, and shivered, and glared and growled; and whose teeth chattered in his head as he seized me by the chin. `O! Don"t cut my throat, sir," I pleaded in terror. `Pray don"t do it, sir." `Tell us your name!" said the man. `Quick!" `Pip, sir." `Once more," said the man, staring at me. `Give it mouth!" `Pip. Pip, sir." `Show us where you live," said the man. `Pint out the place!" I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church. The man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. There was nothing in them but a piece of bread. When the church came to itself - for he was so sudden and strong that he made it go head over heels before me, and I saw the steeple under my feet - when the church came to itself, I say, I was seated on a high tombstone, trembling, while he ate the bread ravenously. `You young dog," said the man, licking his lips, `what fat cheeks you ha" got." I believe they were fat, though I was at that time undersized for my years, and not strong. `Darn Me if I couldn"t eat em," said the man, with a threatening shake of his head, `and if I han"t half a mind to"t!" I earnestly expressed my hope that he wouldn"t, and held tighter to the tombstone on which he had put me; partly, to keep myself upon it; partly, to keep myself from crying. `Now lookee here!" said the man. `Where"s your mother?" `There, sir!" said I. He started, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder. `There, sir!" I timidly explained. `Also Georgiana. That"s my mother." `Oh!" said he, coming back. `And is that your father alonger your mother?" `Yes, sir," said I; `him too; late of this parish." `Ha!" he muttered then, considering. `Who d"ye live with - supposin" you"re kindly let to live, which I han"t made up my mind about?" `My sister, sir - Mrs Joe Gargery - wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, sir." `Blacksmith, eh?" said he. And looked down at his leg. After darkly looking at his leg and me several times, he came closer to my tombstone, took me by both arms, and tilted me back as far as he could hold me; so that his eyes looked most powerfully down into mine, and mine looked most helplessly up into his. `Now lookee here," he said, `the question being whether you"re to be let to live. You know what a file is?" `Yes, sir." `And you know what wittles is?" `Yes, sir." After each question he titled me over a little more, so as to give me a greater sense of helplessness and danger. `You get me a file." He tilted me again. `And you get me wittles." He tilted me again. `You bring "em both to me." He tilted me again. `Or I"ll have your heart and liver out." He tilted me again. I was dreadfully frightened, and so giddy that I clung to him with both hands, and said, `If you would kindly please to let me keep upright, sir, perhaps I shouldn"t be sick, and perhaps I could attend more." He gave me a most tremendous dip and roll, so that the church jumped over its own weather-cock. Then, he held me by the arms, in an upright position on the top of the stone, and went on in these fearful terms: `You bring me, to-morrow morning early, that file and them wittles. You bring the lot to me, at that old Battery over yonder. You do it, and you never dare to say a word or dare to make a sign concerning your having seen such a person as me, or any person sumever, and you shall be let to live. You fail, or you go from my words in any partickler, no matter how small it is, and your heart and your liver shall be tore out, roasted and ate. Now, I ain"t alone, as you may think I am. There"s a young man hid with me, in comparison with which young man I am a Angel. That young man hears the words I speak. That young man has a secret way pecooliar to himself, of getting at a boy, and at his heart, and at his liver. It is in wain for a boy to attempt to hide himself from that young man. A boy may lock his door, may be warm in bed, may tuck himself up, may draw the clothes over his head, may think himself comfortable and safe, but that young man will softly creep and creep his way to him and tear him open. I am a keeping that young man from harming of you at the present moment, with great difficulty. I find it wery hard to hold that young man off of your inside. Now, what do you say?" I said that I would get him the file, and I would get him what broken bits of food I could, and I would come to him at the Battery, early in the morning. `Say Lord strike you dead if you don"t!" said the man. I said so, and he took me down. `Now," he pursued, `you remember what you"ve undertook, and you remember that young man, and you get home!" `Goo-good night, sir," I faltered. `Much of that!" said he, glancing about him over the cold wet flat. `I wish I was a frog. Or a eel!" At the same time, he hugged his shuddering body in both his arms - clasping himself, as if to hold himself together - and limped towards the low church wall. As I saw him go, picking his way among the nettles, and among the brambles that bound the green mounds, he looked in my young eyes as if he were eluding the hands of the dead people, stretching up cautiously out of their graves, to get a twist upon his ankle and pull him in. When he came to the low church wall, he got over it, like a man whose legs were numbed and stiff, and then turned round to look for me. When I saw him turning, I set my face towards home, and made the best use of my legs. But presently I looked over my shoulder, and saw him going on again towards the river, still hugging himself in both arms, and picking his way with his sore feet among the great stones dropped into the marshes here and there, for stepping-places when the rains were heavy, or the tide was in. The marshes were just a long black horizontal line then, as I stopped to look after him; and the river was just another horizontal line, not nearly so broad not yet so black; and the sky was just a row of long angry red lines and dense black lines intermixed. On the edge of the river I could faintly make out the only two black things in all the prospect that seemed to be standing upright; one of these was the beacon by which the sailors steered - like an unhooped cask upon a pole - an ugly thing when you were near it; the other a gibbet, with some chains hanging to it which had once held a pirate. The man was limping on towards this latter, as if he were the pirate come to life, and come down, and going back to hook himself up again. If gave me a terrible turn when I thought so; and as I saw the cattle lifting their heads to gaze after him, I wondered whether they thought so too. I looked all round for the horrible young man, and could see no sings of him. But, now I was frightened again, and ran home without stopping.
2023-07-11 21:13:091

Battle Of New Orleans (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Battle Of New Orleans (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nitty Gritty Dirt Band专辑:Symphonion Dream (World)Battle Of New OrleansArtist : Johnny HortonIn eighteen-fourteen we took a little tripAlong with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp"We took a little bacon and we took a little beansAnd we fought the bloody British in the town of New OrleansWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWe looked down the river and we seed the British comeAnd there must"ve been a hundred of "em beatin" on the drumThey stepped so high and made their bugles singWe stood beside our cotton bails and didn"t say a thingWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoOld Hickory said we could take "em by surpriseIf we didn"t fire our muskets till we looked "em in the eyesWe held our fire till we seed their faces wellThen we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave "em hellWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoYeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoWell we fired our cannon till the barrel melted downThen we grabbed an alligator and we fought another roundWe filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behindAnd when we touched the powder off the "gator lost his mindWe fired our guns and the British kept a comin"There wasn"t nigh as many as there was a while agoWe fired once more and they began to runnin"On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of MexicoThey ran through the briars and they ran through the bramblesAnd they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn"t goThey ran so fast that the hounds couldn"t catch "emOn down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico..........................本版编排:王竹华,郭治豪
2023-07-11 21:13:161


To attain peace and harmony,stay focused on the oneness of Infinity.Infinity is the intangible potential of all things;intangible yet manifesting all images,intangible yet manifesting all substance.Within the Infinite void resides theInfinite potential of all things.All tangible things are a manifestation of theInfinite essence.From the present, forever into the past,forever into the future,Infinity is the homogenous essence.The potential of all things forever manifestand forever disintegrate within the Infinite.How can I know the manifestations of Infinity?Because I am at one with Infinity.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you accept all things by refusing to distinguishgood and bad,you overcome the confusion of the physicalrealityand live in harmony with the Infinitemanifestations.If you bend as you are impacted by manifestations,your path of peace and harmonywill remain straight and true.If you empty your mind of knowledge,you will fill with the experienceof oneness with the Infinite.All manifestations constantly disintegrate andremanifest.As your body wears out, your spirit isreborn.Possess little in goods and thoughts andmaintain your vision of oneness withInfinity.Possess much and become lost in the confusionthat the physical reality is the true reality.Therefore, remain focused on the oneness ofInfinityand become a beacon for all beings.Do not distinguish the selfand manifest the oneness of Infinity for allto see.Do not assert the self and others will follow.Do not bolster the self and other will give theirrespect.Do not allow the self to bragand others will bestow their praise.Do not allow the self to be quarrelsomeand experience peace with all beings.Is not it true that if you accept all thingsby refusing to distinguish good and bad,you overcome the confusion of the physicalreality and live in harmony withthe Infinite manifestations?Flow with the peace and harmony of the onenessof Infinity and experience immortality.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To seldom speak is the essence of simplicity.The winds do not last all morning.The rain does not last all day.The earth that manifests the winds and the rainis itself a manifestation of change.All things change, nothing is eternal but change.All the manifestations of humanity are fleetingas is the entire physical universe.Keep your focus on the oneness of Infinity,manifesting the potential of all thingsand disintegrating all the manifestations.Flow in the peace and harmony of eternalchange.Focus on goodness and virtue and you losesight of the oneness of all people.Focus on failure and your life becomes failure.Focus on peace and harmony, the essence ofInfinity, and experience peace and harmony.Embrace change and live in peace.Embrace the experience of the moment,refuse to distinguish good and bad,happy and sad, difficult and easy.What you distinguish comes to you for a time.When it comes embrace itand when it leaves let it go.This is living within the oneness of the Infinite.This is the key to peace and harmony.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stand on your toes and you will not maintain yourbalance.Run and you will have to rest.Keep a harmonious paceand you can circumnavigate the earth.Draw attention to yourself and others mayconsider you a fool.Become self-righteous and others will avoid you.Boasting impresses no one.Brag and you may be put to the test.Within the oneness of Infinity,all these are delusions of the physicalworld.They do not bring peace and harmony.Be at one with Infinity and keep these inperspective.They are transient excesses in a transientuniverse.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before the physical universe existed,the potential of all thingspermeated time and space.It was silent and empty, loud and pregnant.Solitary in its oneness, crowded in its potential,static and dynamic, hot and cold, light anddark.The potential of all things,for lack of another name,I call it Infinity.It permeates all things and non-things.It manifests realities and disintegrates thoserealities.All things are birthed from itand all things return to it.Infinity is marvelous.The physical universe is marvelous.The earth is marvelous.Human beings are marvelous.These are the four realities.Human beings are a manifestation of theearth;the earth, a manifestation of the physicaluniverse;the physical universe, a manifestation ofInfinity;Infinity, the potential of all things.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinity is the source of all physicalmanifestations.The Infinite stillness is the creator of thechurninguniverse.The sage travels all day over the land and seabut does not lose sight of Infinity.Though the manifestations of the earth arewondrous and beautiful,she remains indifferent because she remainscenteredin the Infinite oneness.The leader of multitudes cannot afford tolose her perspective.Indulging in the physical manifestationsresults in a loss of focus on theInfinite.To be caught up in distinguishing things,narrows the leader"s perspectiveto that of her followers.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A proficient traveler leaves no evidence of hisjourney.A proficient speaker is impeccable in hispresentation.A proficient accountant needs no tally sheet.A functional door has no lockbut can only opened by the owner.A perfect binding has no knotsyet only the binder can loosen it.The sage is the light of all human beingsand rejects no one.She efficiently uses all thingsand discards nothing.This is called manifesting Infinity.What is a sage but a guide to peace and harmony?What is a materialistic traveler but thesage"s focus?For the student not to value the teacheror the teacher not to love the studentor for the followers not to acknowledge theleaderor the leader not to care for thefollowers,is the cause of great confusion.This is a key to peace and harmony,teachers and leaders remind others of whothey areand their oneness with Infinity.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Integrate the male and the femaleand travel the peaceful path of oneness.Be at one with Infinity.Being at one with Infinity,do not become confusedin distinctions of male and female.Experience the onenessas an undistinguishing child.See the white and the black as one.Be a guiding light to the world.As a guiding light to the world,standing firm in the truth of oneness,mirror Infinity for all to see.Remember that honor and humility are one.Be a vessel of Infinity.As a vessel of Infinity,be a resource to all beings.Become as a piece of uncarved wood;available for any purpose.When a piece of wood is carved, it becomes useful.When the sage flows in oneness, he becomes usefulas king.Therefore, the sage is careful in using what heneedsbut avoiding kingship.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you think you can control the world?I do not believe it can be done.The world is a manifestation of changeand cannot be controlled.If you try to control it, you will end up deceivingyourself.If you treat it like an object, it will overwhelmyou.The world is a manifestation of change;sometimes ahead, sometimes behind,sometimes dynamic, sometimes static,sometimes vigorous, sometimes feeble,sometimes manifesting, sometimesdisintegrating.Therefore, refuse to distinguish excesses andextremes.See only oneness.Flow with Infinityand exist in peace and harmony.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever you have an opportunity to advise aleaderregarding Infinity, advise her not to useforceto try to gain control of the world.Why?Because force attracts resistanceand the greater the forcethe greater the resistance.Briars grow where armies have beenand hard times are the legacy of a great war.Conclude hostilities as soon as possibleand do not continue to use excessive forceafter victory.Fulfill your purpose but never glory in inhumaneacts.Fulfill your purpose but never boast ofbloodletting.Fulfill your purpose but never take pride inkilling.Fulfill your purpose but avoid violence.Fulfill your purpose by flowing withinthe oneness of Infinity.The use of force dissipates life.Force is not the way of peace and harmony.That which goes against peace and harmonyis short lived.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-07-11 21:13:231


专辑曲目 : 01 Miracle -M TO M(你来自哪颗星) 02 是泪吧-张慧珍(精彩的一天) 03 只要有你-Love Holic(精彩的一天) 04 Perhaps Love-HowL.&.J(MBC宫) 05 你…我是傻瓜 -Stay(MBC宫) 06 鹦鹉 -HowL(MBC宫) 07 只能爱 -李贤宇(火花游戏) 08 Tomorrow -Fany(跨越彩虹) 09 Never Say Goodbye -Mario.and.Nasty(我的女孩) 10 one-东方神起(青春漫画) 11 姻缘-李善姬(王的男人) 12 想象-高耀太(青春漫画) 13 Daisy-Hey(雏菊) 14 永远的爱-李承哲(我们的幸福时光) 15 在身边-Jiteun(阿娘) 16 恋人-赵壮赫(恋人) 17 Holding Back The Tears-东方神起(VACATION) 18 我们现在该怎么办-金贤哲&蜘蛛(秋天) 19 爱情那样的事-Sweet Sorrow(不需要爱情) 20 Sunshine-Boa(不需要爱情) 21 初雪爱 -姜成民(雪之女王) 22 Come Back To Me-T.B《屋塔房上的小猫》 23 一般的爱情-气候《嫂嫂十九岁》 24 双鱼座 -李安(那小子真帅) 25 最强罗曼史 -李东旭、玄英(最强罗曼史) 26 Miracle - HowL(宫S) 27 Perhaps Love -赵奎灿(如果,爱) 28 初恋 -金炳和(1%的可能性) 29 The Story -SG Wanna Be(魔术) 30 告白 -李秀勋(狼的诱惑) 31 请不要相信她 -朴慧京(请不要相信她) 32 Love song -朴其英(刑事) 33 请不要放开我的手-车太贤(悲伤电影) 34 记忆-I(悲伤电影) 35 夜来香.韩文版 -文根英(舞者的纯情) 36 With U -Rain(电子人也无所谓) 37 Maria -金亚中(美女的烦恼) 38 Beautiful Girl -金亚中(美女的烦恼) 39 如果记忆乾涸 -Maybee(中天) 40 指甲月 -辉星(中天) 41 Bless You -Loveholic(顺其自然) 42 Funky Dance!! -Crying Nut(Hello!小姐) 43 每天我..(Love Theme) -Brian(Hello! 小姐) 44 H.I.T -Super Junior(H.I.T) 45 痛症 -蜘蛛(H.I.T) 46 祈祷 -郑一荣(蓝色生死恋) 47 越爱越... -韩成民(假如爱有天意) 48 我对于你你对于我 -自行车的风景(假如爱有天意) 49 Must Say GoodBye -金贤哲(触不到的恋人) 50 童话 -蜘蛛(我脑海中的橡皮擦) 51 忘了我吧 -蜘蛛(我脑海中的橡皮擦) 52 雪之花 -朴孝信(对不起我爱你) 53 就这回 -任宰范(布拉格恋人) 54 在你身旁 -曹诚模(巴黎恋人) 55 只有你 -曹诚模(巴黎恋人) 56 One Love -Loveholic(春天华尔兹) 57 Be My Love -Clazziquai(我的名字叫金三顺) 58 春日 -I(春日) 59 My Love -郑哲(尚道上学去) 60 渴症 -尹健(我们应对离别的姿态) 61 向着我走来的路 -徐俊(饼乾老师星星糖) 62 回想 -成诗京(菊花香气) 63 跟我说爱我 -M TO M(跟我说爱我) 64 I.F -纪念日(feat. Amin.J)(我的野蛮女老师2) 65 Copido -MC Sniper(爱情与灾难) 66 春天来临 -MC Sniper(伤城) 67 Green Rose -Just(绿蔷薇) 68 一日月 -东方神起(空城) 69 Simple Life -MaxSweet Sorrow(钱的战争) 70 愚蠢的心 -M.C.the.(狗与狼的时间) 71 被遮住的天空 -张慧珍(狗与狼的时间) 72 承受不起的爱 -SS501(外科医生奉达熙) 73 Fly Again -Star(9局下2出局) 74 哭泣 -孙昊英(旧庭院) 75 再见,桥 -车太贤(蒙面达浩) 76 从开始到现在 -Ryu(冬季恋歌) 77 Super Hero -李承焕(KBS诈骗信用调查所) 78 现在的爱 -李东健(现在与相爱的人一起生活吗?) 79 Wonder Boy -Super Junior(花美男连锁恐怖事件) 80 相似的爱情 -徐贞英(kbs九尾狐外传) 81 陷入爱情 -Howl&Runa(MBC宫) 82 初雪爱 -姜成民(KBS雪之女王) 83 尽管这样还是爱 -申承勋(KBS雪之女王) 84 我爱你知道吗 -基灿(sbs不良情侣) 85 White Love Story+海之行 -As one&李宣筠(咖啡王子1号店) 86 lalala, It"s Love! -The Melody(咖啡王子1号店) 87 White Love Story+海之行 -As one&李宣筠(咖啡王子1号店) 88 如果你是我 -Due(黄真伊) 89 生命是旅行 -李尚恩(初雪) 90 哀想 -朴孝信(KBS大祚荣) 有太多了,我觉得还是MV的好,给你个地址到这里下载吧,想听MP3格式,自己转一下就好了。 群星-《韩国影视MV合辑》下载地址: 韩剧热线发布 群星-《韩国群星MV&Live合辑一》1-100[HDTV] 专辑曲目 : 2005年6月6日至7月8日 1 - 李孝利(Lee.Hyori).-.[Animotion].MV 2 - Morning.Musume.-.[The.Manpower!!!].[Another.Edition].MV 3 - Morning.Musume.-.[Renai.Revolution.21].MV 4 - Morning.Musume.-.[The.Manpower!!!].MV 5 - Unee.-.[Call.Call.Call].Live 6 - U;NEE.-.[Call.Call.Call].[MV] 7 - Unee.-.[GO].LIVE.[SBS.03.07.06] 8 - Unee.-.[Trick2].LIVE.[SBS.2003.08.24] 9 - U;nee.-.[GO].MV 10 - 米娜(MINA).-.[旋转.(Turn)].LIVE.(SBS.2004.07.25) 11 - 李玟(CoCo.Lee).-.[].LIVE 12 - 蔡妍(Chae.Yeon).-.[两个人].LIVE.[MBC.05.02.05] 13 - 李贞贤(Lee.Jung.Hyun).-.[Heaven.&.Come.On].LIVE.[Bshi.05.02.05](1024x576) 7月9日-7月30日更新 14 - Eugene.-.[Cha.Cha].Live.[SBS.2003.08.10] 15 - Jewelry.-.[Superstar].LIVE.[HDTS.05.04.10] 16 - Jewelry.-.[Passion].LIVE.(MBC-05-06-11) 17 - 李贞贤(Lee.Jung.Hyun).-.[Music.Part.Special].LIVE.KBS.(15minute) 18 - Jewelry.-.[Passion.&.Superstar].LIVE.(SBS 人气歌谣 2005-03-20) 19 - Jewelry.-.[Passion].LIVE.[MBC Music Camp 05-07-02] 20 - 雨(Rain).&.李孝莉(Lee.Hyolee).-.[百老汇歌舞].(KBS.2003.12.30) 21 - U;nee.-.[GO].LIVE.[SBS.人气歌谣.03.06.15] 22 - 李贞贤(Lee.Jung.Hyun).-.[月啊.月啊].MV 23 - Jewelry.-.[Super Star].MV 24 - 李孝莉(Lee.Hyori).-.[10 Minutes].LIVE.(09-12-2003 HDTV) 25 - 河丽秀(Harisu).-.[Come.Back.SPECIAL].LIVE.[SBS.Poplura.Song.2004.01.25] 26 - 蔡妍(Chae.Yeon).-.[危险演出].MV 8月7日-8月30日更新 27 - 米娜(Mina).-.[接电话].MV 28 - 朴贞雅.&.Baby.VOX.-.[Chicago].Musical.[KBS.2003.12.30] 29 - 米娜(Mina).-.[接电话.(Answer The Phone)].LIVE.(SBS 03-01-05) 30 - 白智英(Baek.Ji.Young).-.[Woo! Ah].2004.Music.ON.Concert.[SBS.04.10.24] 31 - 米娜(Mina).-.[接电话].LIVE.(SBS 02.11.03) 32 - 蔡妍(Chae Yeon).-.[危险的方向].[SBS.03.08.24].[LIVE] 33 - 李孝利(Lee.HyoLee).-.[I"m.Glad.& 10.Minutes.&.Hey.Girl].Live.[MBC.十佳歌谣大赏.03.12.31] 34 - 米娜(Mina).-.[旋转].LIVE 35 - 李孝莉(Lee.HyoLee).-.[Prologe & 10minutes & One Two Three N Four].LIVE.(SBS 人气歌谣 2003.08.17) 36 - 朴志胤(Park Ji Yoon).-.[成人礼].LIVE.(MBC 音乐阵营 00.08.12) 37 - 米娜(MINA).-.[梦想成真].LIVE 38 - 朴志胤(Park Ji Yoon).-.[成人礼].LIVE.(M.NET) 39 - 朴志胤(Park Ji Yoon).-.[DJ].LIVE.[SBS 人气歌谣 03.03.09] 40 - Jewelry.-.[Passion].MV 41 - Bada.-.[Music].LIVE.(Mbc 音乐阵营 2003.11.15) 42 - Jewelry.-.[Be My Love].LIVE.(MBC 音乐阵营 2003.10.25) 43 - 蔡妍(Chae.Yeon).-.[TAGAWA].LIVE.[MBC.05.04.09](1024x576) 44 - 河丽秀(Harisu).-.[Angel Eyes].LIVE 45 - 河丽秀(Harisu).-.[Foxy.Lady].MV 46 - 蔡妍(Chae.Yeon).-.[爱情感觉].LIVE.[SBS.人气歌谣.03.12.28] 47 - 盛恩(Sungeun).-.[诱惑].MV 48 - 盛恩(Sungeun).-.[诱惑].LIVE.[SBS 人气歌谣 05.06.12] 49 - 河佑善(Ha Yoo Sun).-.[Question].MV 50 - 河佑善(Ha Yoo Sun).-.[Question].LIVE.[SBS.人气歌谣.05.04.17] 51 - 蔡素妍(Chae So Yeon).-.[反转].LIVE.(MBC.音乐阵营.2003.09.06) 52 - 天上智喜(Cheon.Sang.Ji.Hi).-.[Boomerang].LIVE.(MBC 音乐阵营 05.07.16) 53 - 白智英(Baek.Ji.Young).-.[Smile].(Live SBS 2003.09.07) 54 - Kil.Gun.-.[蚂蚁王后].LIVE.[KBS2.Music.Bank.05.06.19] 55 - Jewelry.-.[I.Really.Like.You].LIVE.[SBS.2003.06.29] 56 - Kil.Gun.-.[Real].LIVE.(SBS 人气歌谣 04-09-26) 9月1日-9月30日更新 57 - Ivy.-.[Tonight One].LIVE.(SBS 人气歌谣 05.08.14) 58 - Baby.Vox.-.[Xcstasy].MV 59 - 米娜(Mina).-.[Kiss Kiss].PV 60 - Perfume.-.[It"s Alright].MV 61 - Ivy.-.[今晚的事].Live.(SBS 人气歌谣 05-08-28) 62 - Perfume.-.[It"S Alright].Live.[SBS 人气歌谣 05.04.10] 63 - 张佑赫(Jang Woohyuk).-.[不落的太阳].Live.(2005.09.15 M Countdown) 64 - 张佑赫(Jang Woohyuk).-.[Flip Revers.&.不落的太阳].(SBS 人气歌谣 05.09.11).mpg 65 - Perfume.-.[野心].Live.(KM Show!MusicTank 050827) 66 - 天上智喜(Cheon.Sang.Ji.Hi).-.[Boomerang].MV 67 - Chae Yeon,Jewelry,Byul.-.[Dance Battle].LIVE.(KBS2 Music Bank 2005.06.26).[SDTV] 68 - Kil.Gun.-.[健忘症].LIVE.(SBS 人气歌谣 050828) 69 - Unee.-.[写真拍摄现场] 70 - Star Dance Battle.-.[Unee VS Kil Gun].Clip.[MBC.05.09.17] 71 - 米娜(Mina).-.[Kiss Kiss].Live.(2005.09.15 M Countdown) 72 - Perfume.-.[野心].MV 73 - 李彩.-.[诱惑].MV 74 - Fin.K.L.-.[Medley].(Live at 2000 MBC 歌谣大赏) 10月2日-10月31日更新 75 - Cleo - [In & Out].[KMTV Show! Music Tank 04.08.20] 76 - Ivy.-.[今晚的事].MV-hyoka2hu 77 - [李彩-诱惑] [Maxi boom-Fly High] [Kil Gun-蚂蚁王后] [天上智喜-Boomerang].Live 78 - 米娜(Mina).-.[最高].Live.(KM Show!MusicTank 04.09.24) 79 - Bin.-.[Love Somebody].Live.(MBCHD 03.08.24 Very Sexy) 80 - WAX - [Money].MV 81 - Bin - [2A.M].Live.(05.09.29 M-net M!cowntdoun) 82 - 柳真(Eugene).-.[暴风之丘 & Windy].Live.[SBS Comeback Special 04.08.15] 83 - Cleo.-.[In & Out].Live.(SBS 人气歌谣 04.07.18) 84 - Cleo.-.[In & Out].Live.[KMTV Show! Music Tank 04.08.06] 85 - Sugar.-.[Secret].Live.(SBS 人气歌谣 04-10-03) 86 - 神话.-.[Brand New].Live.(SBS 人气歌谣 04-09-26) 87 - 全慧彬(Jeon Hye Bin).-.[2-00AM].Live.(KBS2 Music Bank 05.10.02) 88 - Jewelry - [Again].Live.(SBS 人气歌谣 02-09-29 ) 89 - 倖田来未(Koda.Kumi) - [Cutie Honey] (Live At Music Station Super Live 2004) 90 - 盛恩(Sungeun).-.[I.Only.Wanna.Be.With.You].Live.(KM.Show!MusicTank 05-09-17) 91 - Star Dance Battle 2005 - [Bin vs 洪秀儿(Hong Soo A)].Clip.(05.09.17) 92 - 盛恩(Sungeun).-.[I Only Wanna Be With You].Live.[ M Countdown 05.09.01] 93 - 蔡正安(Chae Jung Ahn) - [信].Live.[TVRip] 94 - 李玟(Coco Lee).-.[No Doubt].MV 95 - Cleo.-.[束].Live.[Showking].(TVRip) 96 - 全慧彬(Jeon HyeBin).-.[2.00AM].(人气歌谣 2005.10.02) 97 - Cleo - [In & Out].MV.( 98 - Lulu.-.[Return] [kmtv Show!MusicTank 04.07.23] 99 - 蔡正安(Chae Jung Ahn) - [无情] [KMTV Show!MusicTank] 100 - Redsox - [LaLaLa].MV.( 下载地址:
2023-07-11 21:11:561


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2023-07-11 21:11:562

口语课考试,how to learn foreign language,上台演讲

how to learn a foreign language well It is not difficult to learn a foreign language well as long as you get the keys. There are four most important things in learning a foreign language that are reading, writing, listening and speaking. Reading is a process of accumulating knowledge and words and from reading articles we get not only the main idea of the article but also the rules of writing. During reading we can feel the writing habits of local writers and make clear how the sentences are composed. And as you read on and on, you will become a fast reader that means you can read fast and you can get the meaning quickly. After having become a good reader, you can try to write on your own. To write doesn"t mean simply to use your pen, before you write you must get an idea of what you want to express or what you want to tell the reader. It is not easy to be an excellent writer but if you can make everybody understand your purpose you win. Moreover, writing can help training your thought. The same as talking to others, writing needs to choose proper words and organise them in a certain way, and during writing your thought can be improved. listening is also a nacessary part of learning a foreign language, besides, it is an important way of getting information. A lot of people like to listen to tapes, and this is a good way that I want to introduce to all of you. Don"t be dumb when learning a foreign language. When you communicate with other people you need to speak out. But some research show that most learners are afraid of opening their mouths especially at the very begining of their study. How to conquer it?Remember how did you write? Then just calm down and think and organise your sentences quietly and say it out just as you read from your mind. Easy? As a conclusion, to learn a foreign language is not difficult.Just try to be brave and self-confident and keep the above words in mind.
2023-07-11 21:11:541


get on意为“上(汽车、飞机、火车等)”其反义词为get off.该句的时态为一般过去时,所以when引导的时间状语从句和主句都用的是一般过去时。老师在这里提一下主句中的found的动词原形find的另一个意思“寻找”经常和look for“寻找”作对比。Find着重指“找到”的结果;look for着重强调“寻找”的过程。)
2023-07-11 21:11:542


2023-07-11 21:11:515

我想要boom shake the room的歌词。。。

Will SmithBoom! Shake The Roomby N/Ayo back up now and give a brother roomthe fuse is lit and I"m about to go boommercy mercy mercy memy life is a cage but on stage I"m freehyped up syched up ready for wil"in"standing in a crowd of girls like an islandI see the one I wanna sic come here cutieI flip "em around and then I work that bootywork the body work work the bodyslow down girl you"re "bout to hurt somebodyoh and yo let"s get just one thing clearthere"s only one reason why I came hereya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go)ya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go)ya really done want me to tig-a-tig-a-tig-a tell ya wassup (go)I came here tonight to hear the crowd goChorus:Boom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomBoom! shake-shake-shake the roomtic-tic-tic-tic Boom!well yo are yall ready for me yet(pump it up prince)well yo are yall ready for me yet(pump it up prince)well yo are yall ready for me yet(pump it up prince)well here I go here I go here I here I go yodance in the aisles when the prince steps to itthe rhyme is a football y"all and I went and threw itout in the crowd and yo it was a good throwhow do I know? because the crowd went hooooin response to the way that I was kicking itsmooth and individual rhymes always originallike the Dr. Jekyl man and this is my Hyde sideI am the driver and you"re on a rap rideso fellas (yeah) are yall wit me (yeah)I said fellas (yeah)are yall wit me (yeah)why don"t you tell the girls what y"all wanna doya wanna ooh-ahh-ahh-ahh-ahh--oooohthat"s right yo and I"m in the flowso pump up the volume along with the tempoI want everybody in the house to knowI came here tonight to hear the crowd goChoruspump it pump it come on nowrepeat 5Xyeah, come on nowchorushere I gothe the f-f-f-f-fresh p-p-p-prince is who I amso tell my mother that I never wrote a whack jambut some times I get n-nervous and start to stutterand I f-fumble every word for word I utterso I just try to ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chill but it gets worse-a but worse-a but-but-but worse stillI need the c-c-c-crowd to k-k-k-kick it to methey help me calm down and I can get through itso higher higherget ya hands to the ceilinglet it go y"all don"t fight the feelingmic in a strangle hold sweat pourin"and like Jordan yo I"m scoringyeah that"s right y"all and I am in the flowso pump up the volume along with the tempomany have died tryin" to stop my showI came here tonight to here the crowd goChorus we go we go we go a little sumthin like dis like
2023-07-11 21:11:482


2023-07-11 21:11:481

如何使Windows Media Player默认为64位

那就去设置默认软件,控制面板里面有设置默认程序的,然后选择64位的Windows Media Player位默认启动软件就好了
2023-07-11 21:11:443


2023-07-11 21:11:432

get on 怎么读

盖特 噢嗯。。。。
2023-07-11 21:11:405


【实用】英文求职信模板集锦六篇   时间一晃而过,我们找工作的时间就要到来,是时候好好地琢磨一下写求职信的事情了哦。为了让您不再为写求职信头疼,以下是我帮大家整理的英文求职信6篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英文求职信 篇1 dear leaders:   hello, my name is xx, now studying in "xinhua technology school of fujian province" for car maintenance and repairing major detection. through for a long time of study and practice, to the knowledge of this field, also have a certain degree of understanding and grasp, especially to the requirement of modern technology talents, therefore, for hikes in the new era of me, strict with himself all the time.   the school for three years, whether in knowledge ability, or in terms of personal diathesis, i benefit a lot. i study hard, work hard, and achieved good results. vehicle maintenance and repair are: machinery foundation, mechanical drawing, electric equipment, etc   i used vacation, work-study programs, work in a factory, with their own ability to access their sweat, but whether it is a school, the practice work, also let me learn a lot of knowledge: unity, fraternity, positive enterprising, interpersonal communication on trust and so on! i think i have high comprehensive quality and higher working ability to adapt. i hope to step into society, burning desire for future jobs. but also an important basis for you to choose me. of course, there lack of practical work experience, and experience again, and all aspects are not mature enough, but i firmly believe that through my efforts, hard learning i will under your leadership, continuous progress.   endless pursuit, struggle and endless! i am nervous and excited mood to step into society, also is full of enthusiasm and look forward to the mood of looking for every opportunity, grasp every opportunity! please your company can give me this chance to show them, i will do my best to make more contribution for your company!   i very much look forward to enter your company and the company"s contribution to the development of a power of its own. i wish you success in his work. good health.   sincerely 英文求职信 篇2   dear leaders:   hello!   first of all, your hard work to extend my deep respect! thank you for taking the time to read my resume, i hope this enthusiasm, i can open a door of hope.   my name is xx, graduated from the yunnan vocational college of information science and technology 08 landscape engineering   technology. graduated in july XX, hoping to join your organization work and future work to realize their value, so the venture was to recommend your organization own.   "realistic, hard-working and innovation", is my motto. i, self-   confidence, optimism, courage to meet all challenges. although i am now just an ordinary college graduates, but the young is my capital, hard work is my nature, to be my responsibility, i firmly believe   that success will become inevitable. in the three years of university life, i know that knowledge is power, so in addition to studying expertise, i also strive to improve the professional theory and professional skills for the future of work and expertise has laid a solid foundation; at the university of three years, i learned the profession and relevant professional theoretical knowledge, and completed with honors the relevant courses, practical work for the future of professional and lay a solid foundation. rapid development in technology today, i followed the pace of technological development, and constantly learn new knowledge and proficiency in the basic theory and application of computer technology, and passed the national high-tech image processing photoshop image vocational qualification certificate, advanced certificate gardener , senior   garden green chemical evidence. more professional in the learning process not only improve their own professional knowledge,   professional practice skills and enhance my professional passion for gardening projects. in the meantime, in my spare time self   administration of yunnan university, undergraduate education, to enhance and improve their own and continuous efforts.   gentleman to self-improvement. years of off-site school career that i have formed self-reliance, self-confident, humble character, refining the hard work will. enrich the life experience, knowledge   accumulation process, the psychology and mentality are also maturing. career success requires knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities. only one of the good into the community to make self-worth can be achieved. others do not want to do, i will do the incumbent; others can do, i will make every effort to do better! play to their strengths, i sincerely hope that your organization can give me a play to realize the value of life opportunities. i will use my outstanding performance to prove my ability to prove that you regret the choice! !   finally, i sincerely hope that your organization can benefit down! sincerely,   salute! 英文求职信 篇3 technical engineer   sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing.   professional experience   1998-present technical engineer   mercer ine.,albany,ny   plan,coordinate, and execute hardware,software and network installation,configuration,maintenance,troubleshooting and repair operations for service contract clients.specialize in maintaining ibm and mac pcs,and peripherals with emphasis on networking environments.   develop and implement service schedules,systems and procedures to assure delivery of quality,cost-efficient technical services.   quickly diagnose causes of systems failures and malfunctions to ensure highest operating efficiencies,reliability,and quality performance standards.   respond immediately to emergency situations with sensitivity to deadlines and customer needs.   assist network engieers woth installation and trobleshooting of appleshare and novell systems.   analyze client equipment and operations to determine servicing and supply needs.   monitor and maintain cost-effective inventories of supplies,tools and materials.   investigate,test,and implement improvements to existing procedures.   consistently manage time and multiple tasks to meet deadline,established objectives,and quality performance standards.   foster clear communications and maintain excellent staff and client working relations.   1982-1988 manager of information systems   kritel associates,inc.,schnectady,ny   directed and supervised all mis,related activities for a financial services firm supplying critical,timely information to corporate client base.adminstered diston‘s 2 novell 2x networks,maintaining peak operating efficienclen and providing user training for all hardware and software applications.controlled budget costs for purchasing and operations.   licenses and certifications   candidate for certified netware engineer/c.n.e. certification in macintosh cpu. printer,and powerbook repaircertified in okidata epson laser an   d impact printerscertification in hewlett packard laser jet printers   technical expertise   hardware proficiencies:ibm:at,xt,ps2macintoshhp:ii-iiisi laser printers,color plottersokidataepsondest ocr scannersstorage dimensions e/o scsi drive.   networks:appletalkethertaldnovell netware 2x,3xcabling,nodes peripherals.   software applications:dos.mcintosh operating systemsms windows 3.0,3.1windows applications cwp 5.1 word excellotuswordperfect 5.1displaywrite 4quicken 3.0pagemaker 4.0 harvard graphics 3.3publish/text pac ocr nutshell plus iiparadox 3.0   notice:   professional licensure and certifications add weight to resume.   use of boldgace and itallcs provides a clean and crisp presentation. 英文求职信 篇4   dear leaders:   hello!   i sias international institute of zhengzhou university graduates, XX session. upon completion of their studies, about to enter the community, i need to find a suitable development. your organization now have the opportunity to job-seekers, i am very honored.   I majored in professional information management and information systems. the main learning the basics of information management, systems design and database maintenance and use of the function and use of computer-aided and web production. in addition, the economic specialist study, accounting, statistics knowledge, can be engaged in the maintenance of information systems, database maintenance, computer work, and site-building, systems, network maintenance and so on.   I have my have a strong sense of confidence on their own. university life, i learn to good results for the future work of the professional and lay a solid foundation. and to integrate theory with practice, and actively carry out professional practice, and test their own knowledge, so they have a strong analysis of issues and the practical ability to solve the problem. in order to meet the economic, scientific, technological and social development needs, i rounded all-round development, but also actively participate in various social activities. through a long period of study and training, and accumulated some experience. after all, it is not enough.   My lack of experience may allow you to hesitate, but ask you to believe that the drive is my hard work and efforts of the capital, honest and trustworthy is my moral standards of life, innovation and practical way is my way of thinking, which is sufficient to make up for my current inadequate. therefore i would like to join your group. i will do my job well, will do our best to obtain good results, with you through thick and thin, create a better future.   Thanks again for your busy schedule to give me concern, would like your company every success, achievements, and wish your business the next level! i eagerly look forward to hearing from you. 英文求职信 篇5 尊敬的领导:   您好!   我是xx国际旅行社出境部操作中心的员工, 做出境旅游三年多,曾经做过韩国部,欧美部的外省市销售经理,也做过团队机位的预定op,对航空公司的预定与操作有一定的了解。与上海,江苏,浙江,安徽等各大社都有良好的合作关系,与新航,马航,菲律宾航空,韩亚等航空公司也有着长期愉快的合作。比较熟悉整个旅游行业的动向,对团队机位销售有一定的了解。   本人毕业于**高等专科学校英文导游系 (现属**师范大学旅游系)英文四级,听说能力良好。上海户籍,性格活泼开朗,对待工作认真仔细,有计划,能吃苦耐劳,拒绝马虎草率; “鬼点子”多,善于学习和接受新鲜的"事物,并融入其中工作努力,积极进取,喜欢富有挑战性的工作状态,有良好的开拓精神,比较喜欢销售类以及旅行社操作方面的工作。   在实华国旅的3年中,学到了很多东西,但因为想有更大的发展空间,规划整体的一个职业生涯,所以,尝试换份新的工作。   非常想加入你们的的团队,共同创造一翻美好的事业!   此致 敬礼!   求职者: 英文求职信 篇6   274 Madison Avenue   New York, NY 10016   (212) 679-0139   February 20, 20xx   Mr. Richard K. Dean   Richard Dean & Associates   1490 Old Toll Road   Madison, Connecticut 06443   Dear Mr. Dean:   Presently, I am concluding a public acquisition for private investors--I selected the prospect, structured financing and negotiated arrangements with previous management, but have declined the permanent CEO position. Instead, I desire to continue to enjoy the "Thrill of the Hunt" in locating, acquiring and building high technology organizations. Several associates have mentioned your firm often represents technology-driven companies with strong growth/acquisition goals, and I understand you are searching now for a CEO or Executive VP who will make your client money.   My diverse background demonstrates exceptional officer-level sales, marketing, financial and leadership abilities in high tech areas:   --The technical, management, and executive team I identified recruited and trained boosted corporate revenues from $11 to $100 million in only five years, increasing ROI by an astounding 300%.   --Created a worldwide sales organization (affiliates and reps) in 40 countries and dominated those markets with new technologies in only 1-1/2 years; it took the competition over 3 years to respond.   --Assembled the capital and designed the equity structure at extremely favorable terms to the founders, completing the project in three quarters of the time called for by the strategic plan.   I enjoy the challenge of creating, building and growing a professional organization. Opportunities and potential are of paramount importance. I would be most pleased to discuss with you and your client how I would quickly duplicate these successes and build on them. Could we talk about it in the next week or ten days? My travel schedule picks up substantially late this month and I"ll be much more difficult to reach.   With enthusiasm,   Bridge ;
2023-07-11 21:11:401


paste用作名词时是可数名词,其发生形式为:pastes。 扩展资料   paste是什么意思   英语单词paste有以下两种词性:   paste用作名词时,基本意思是“面团”,可指肉或鱼等的“酱”,也可指“糨糊”。   paste用作动词时,基本意思是“粘贴,粘合,拼贴”,也可指“贴入,插入”。第三人称单数:pastes;现在分词:pasting;过去式:pasted
2023-07-11 21:11:391


2023-07-11 21:11:382