barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-11 23:57:41






2023-07-11 20:54:133


是plate吗? plate丨pleu026at丨 普雷特
2023-07-11 20:54:483


2023-07-11 20:54:554


盘子是plate,所以盘子的复数形式是plates。名词的复数形式,一般是在单数形式后面加词尾-s构成,但是以-s、-z、-ch、-sh、-x和辅音加元音字母-o结尾的名词,后面要加-es。如果名词是辅音字母加-y结尾,我们把y变为i加上-es,当y前面出现了qu时,因为qu可以看作是一个辅音字母组合,读作/kw/,所以还是要把y变成i加-es,但是以y结尾的专有名词例外,可以直接加-s,如:There were two Februarys in 2004. 2004年有两个二月。以f或fe结尾的名词,我们把f或fe改成对应的浊音v,再加-es,读的时候读成/vz/。还有一些名词是不规则变化,大多是变内部元音,或变结尾的元音,或者加词尾-en或-ren,如mouse——mice、louse——lice、tooth——teeth、foot——feet、goose——geese、child——chidren、ox——oxen、crisis——crises、phenomenon——phenomena、alumnus——alumni、cactus——cacti。
2023-07-11 20:56:071


2023-07-11 20:56:175


does she have plates?
2023-07-11 20:56:321

请问plate的复数加s,后面读【iz】还是【ts], cigarette 读【iz】还是【ts], picture 读【z],还是【iz]呢

plates: [ts]cigarettes: [ts]pictures: [s]
2023-07-11 20:56:402


是plates吗, /pleɪts/ 盘子的复数
2023-07-11 20:56:481

desk,plate,edition 怎么读

2023-07-11 20:56:562


2023-07-11 20:57:042

do they have plates这个句子怎么读?

how many bags do they have?他们有多少包?how many[英][hau ?meni][美][ha? ?m?ni]几何;几;多少;几多;
2023-07-11 20:57:121

pasta怎么读 pasta用英语怎么读

1、pasta[英] [u02c8pɑ:stu0259] 2、I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.我将意大利面滤干,然后平分到两个盘子里。 3、Drain the pasta as soon as it is cooked.意大利面煮熟以后立即将水沥干。 4、He used to cook up great cauldrons of pasta.他以前常常煮几大锅的意大利面。 5、Serve hot, with pasta or rice and French beans. 趁热,把意大利面、米饭以及四季豆一起端上桌。
2023-07-11 20:57:301

tread plates什么意思

2023-07-11 20:57:382


“洗碗”用英语来说是:wash the dishes洗碗,洗盘子You wash the dishes and I"ll dry. 你洗盘子,我来擦干。Must I wash the dishes at once? 我必须立刻洗盘子吗?You never wash the dishes or cook. 你从不洗碗也不煮饭。
2023-07-11 20:58:311


dessert英 [du026au02c8zu025c:t] 美 [du026au02c8zu025c:rt]n.甜品;餐后甜食
2023-07-11 20:58:402


pass的读音是:英[pɑ?s]。pass的读音是:英[pɑ?s]。pass的详尽释义是v.(动词)通(过),经过,穿过超过,越过,超出,超越(使)及格,合格度过,度(日),过(时间)宣布排泄变化,转化推移,流逝(被)批准,获得通过延伸传开,传递,传达,传播,相传转让发生使流通提出掠过前进,使行进横过渡过使移过终止消失离开死亡。pass的意思是v.通过;经过;度过;传递;发生;n.通行证;及格;乘车券;传球;关隘,山口。一、详尽释义点此查看pass的详细内容v.(动词)通(过),经过,穿过超过,越过,超出,超越(使)及格,合格度过,度(日),过(时间)宣布排泄变化,转化推移,流逝(被)批准,获得通过延伸传开,传递,传达,传播,相传转让发生使流通提出掠过前进,使行进横过渡过使移过终止消失离开死亡n.(名词)及格,及格分数,合格证书关口,山隘,要隘通行证,入场证,通行许可,免票护照山路,狭路,横路,小路传球动作海峡通过河口二、双解释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. 走过; 经过 get or go through, across, over or betweenvt. 递给; 传 give especially by handvt. 度过; 花费 spend (time), especially in a way that does not seem too long or dullvt. & vi. 通过,批准 succeed in (an examination); be approvedn.(名词)[C]越过,通过 an act of moving past[C]通行证,许可证 paper or card giving sb permission, e.g. to enter, leave or be absent form a place[C]通道,山口 a way by which one may move or travel through or over a place, especially over a range of mountains三、英英释义Noun:(baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls;"he worked the pitcher for a base on balls"(military) a written leave of absence;"he had a pass for three days"(American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate;"the coach sent in a passing play on third and long"the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks;"we got through the pass before it started to snow"any authorization to pass or go somewhere;"the pass to visit had a strict time limit"a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions;"the media representatives had special passes"a flight or run by an aircraft over a target;"the plane turned to make a second pass"a bad or difficult situation or state of affairsa difficult juncture;"a pretty pass""matters came to a head yesterday"one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer);"it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass"you advance to the next round in a tournament without playing an opponent;"he had a bye in the first round"a permit to enter or leave a military installation;"he had to show his pass in order to get out"a complimentary ticket;"the star got passes for his family"a usually brief attempt;"he took a crack at it""I gave it a whirl"(sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team;"the pass was fumbled"success in satisfying a test or requirement;"his future depended on his passing that test""he got a pass in introductory chemistry"Adjective:of advancing the ball by throwing it;"a team with a good passing attack""a pass play"Verb:go across or through;"We passed the point where the police car had parked""A terrible thought went through his mind"move past;"A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window""He passed his professor in the hall""One line of soldiers surpassed the other"make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation;"They passed the amendment""We cannot legislate how people spend their free time"pass by;"three years elapsed"place into the hands or custody of;"hand me the spoon, please""Turn the files over to me, please""He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point;"Service runs all the way to Cranbury""His knowledge doesn"t go very far""My memory extends back to my fourth year of life""The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets"travel past;"The sports car passed all the trucks"come to pass;"What is happening?""The meeting took place off without an incidence""Nothing occurred that seemed important"go unchallenged; be approved;"The bill cleared the House"pass time in a specific way;"how are you spending your summer vacation?"pass over, across, or through;"He ran his eyes over her body""She ran her fingers along the carved figurine""He drew her hair through his fingers"transmit information ;"Please communicate this message to all employees""pass along the good news"disappear gradually;"The pain eventually passed off"go successfully through a test or a selection process;"She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now"be superior or better than some standard;"She exceeded our expectations""She topped her performance of last year"accept or judge as acceptable;"The teacher passed the student although he was weak"allow to go without comment or censure;"the insult passed as if unnoticed"transfer to another; of rights or property;"Our house passed under his official control"pass into a specified state or condition;"He sank into nirvana"throw (a ball) to another player;"Smith passed"be inherited by;"The estate fell to my sister""The land returned to the family""The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead"cause to pass;"She passed around the plates"grant authorization or clearance for;"Clear the manuscript for publication""The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography"pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life;"She died from cancer""The children perished in the fire""The patient went peacefully""The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"eliminate from the body;"Pass a kidney stone"四、例句The bill passed and became law.议案通过后成了法律。I passed the store on my way to the library.我在去图书馆的路上经过了那家商店。Where did you pass the vacation?你在什么地方度过假期的?Pass the salt, please.请递给我盐瓶。What happened after three months pass?三个月过去后发生了什么?It came to pass in those days that there went out a decree.一桩违犯法令的事在那些日子里发生了。A sergeant asked the stranger to show his pass.警官要求这个陌生人出示通行证。She got a pass in math.她数学及格了。Please show me your monthly bus pass.请出示公共汽车月票。五、常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)The parade passed.游行队伍走过去了。The road was too narrow for cars to pass.这条路太窄,车子过不去。Because of the large crowd in the street the car was unable to pass.汽车因马路上站着一大群人而开不过去。The Bill passed and became law.法案通过了,成了法律。This coin will not pass here.这种硬币这里不通用。A week passed quickly.一星期很快就过去了。The time passed pleasantly.很愉快地过了那段时间。Two weeks has passed since the new term began.开学已有两个星期了。Months have passed and nothing happened.过了好几个月,什么事也没有发生。Six months passed and still we had no news of them.六个月过去了,我们还没有关于他们的消息。King Arthur passed in peace.亚瑟王在平静中死去。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.I have been standing here for an hour but no one has passed me.我在这儿站了一个小时,但没有人从我的身旁走过。Did you pass the words?这话你捎过去没有?Dick passed the football quickly.狄克传球迅速。How will you pass your holiday?假日你打算做什么?Paul passed his time in doing nothing.鲍尔整天什么也不做。What can we do to pass the time?我们能做些什么来消磨这段时间呢?All of us have passed the examination in English.我们所有的人都通过了英语考试。I hope I will pass all the subjects.我希望通过所有科目的考试。All students have to pass the entrance examination before being admitted into the university.所有的学生都得通过入学考试才能进入大学。The UN General Assembly passed the draft resolution.联合国大会通过了这项决议草案。If you break the window, do not pass the buck; admit that you did it.如果你打破了窗子,不要推卸责任,要承认是你做的。用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Pass me some butter, please.请递一些黄油给我。He passed her the bread.他把面包递给她了。Please pass me the plate, the salt and the butter.请把盘子、盐和黄油递给我。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.Read this and pass it to your neighbour.请阅读并传给你的邻居。The fruit-picker in the tree passed the fruit to the man who stood at the foot with a basket.在树上摘水果的人把水果传递给站在树下拿着篮子的人。He passed his property to his heir.他把财产传给他的继承人。He passed the news to his wife.他把这一消息传给他的妻子。He is the kind to pass the buck to his subordinates.他是那种把责任推卸给下属的人。用作名词(n.)The aircraft made a few passes over the enemy camp, but didn"t drop any bombs.飞机几次飞越敌营,但没有丢炸弹。He only got a pass for his physics.物理考试他刚刚及格。She got seven passes.她在考试中有七门及格。The man handed out his pass and showed it to the guard.那个人拿出证件出示给门卫。The guard won"t let anyone through the gate without a pass.卫兵不让任何没有通行证的人通过大门。The place was well guarded, and you couldn"t get in without a pass.那地方警卫森严,没有通行证不能进入。We had to show our passes to the security guard.我们得向警卫员出示通行证。All visitors must show their passes before entering the building.参观者需出示通行证方可进入该建筑物。Tom gave him a free pass on the railway.汤姆给了他一张火车免费乘车券。On Sunday the train would be full of soldiers on weekend passes.星期日,火车总是满载持周末休假证的士兵。I lifted my head and looked up.Red flags were flying from the pass.我抬头望去,只见山口处红旗招展。He threw a long pass into the corner.他把球长传到那个角落里。六、情景对话Football-(美式橄榄球)B:Wow, American football is more exciting than I thought.哇,美式足球可比我想象的刺激多了。pass的翻译A:You"re in America now, my British friend. We just call it football.我的英国朋友,你现在可是在美国,我们叫它橄榄球。B:Oh, right. So, I can"t quite follow what"s going on…who"s winning?哦,对了。哦,我不知道情况怎么样了,谁赢了?A:The Giants are up by three points because of the field goal they kicked, but the Redskins have the ball and there pretty close to the end zone.因为射门得分,巨人队领先3分。但现在是红人队控球,而且很接近底线区了。B:Wow! What a hit!哇,瞧这球!A:Yeah, he tackled him so hard his helmet came off.是呀,他拼命抢球头盔都掉了。pass的意思B:Is he ok?他没事吧?A:It looks like it, he"s getting up.好像是,他站起来了。pass的翻译B:I guess he hit him too hard; the referee just called a penalty on the home team.我猜他强得太凶,裁判判罚主队。A:The Giants?你是说巨人队?passB:Yeah.是呀。pass的反义词A:Well, here we g
2023-07-11 20:59:011


reptile 英[u02c8reptau026al] 美[u02c8ru025bptu026al, -u02cctau026al] n. 爬行动物;卑鄙的人 adj. 爬虫类的;卑鄙的 名词复数:reptiles [例句]Days before the year of the snake begins , there has been little affection for the slithering reptile.而在蛇年即将到来之时,人们对于这种蠕动的爬行动物却没什么喜爱之情。
2023-07-11 20:59:162


2023-07-11 20:59:243

plates怎么读 英语plates怎么读

1、plates英[ple?ts]美[ple?ts],n.盘子; 碟子; 一盘所盛之量; 一盘; 一道主菜;v.电镀(尤指镀金、镀银); 为…加设护板; (用金属板等)覆盖;plate的第三人称单数和复数。2、[例句]Dont touch that plate ─ its hot!别碰那个盘子,烫手!
2023-07-11 21:00:111


plate 英[pleu026at] 美[plet] n. 盘子,盆子;金属板;均匀厚度的片状硬物体;[摄]底片,感光版 vt. 镀,在…上覆盖金属板;覆盖;电镀;[印]给…制铅板 第三人称单数:plates;过去分词:plated;名词复数:plates;现在分词:p... [例句]Hanfeng glanced down at his plate.瀚峰低头看着自己的盘子。
2023-07-11 21:00:181


盘子的英文读" dish"谐音:滴是
2023-07-11 21:01:233


2023-07-11 21:01:515


please 和 plate 读音有区别
2023-07-11 21:02:064


2023-07-11 21:02:154

plastic plates请问最准读音用中文怎么读,文字表达

2023-07-11 21:02:233


2023-07-11 21:02:323


英文原文:how many plates怎么读英式音标:[hau028a] [u02c8menu026a] [pleu026ats] 美式音标:[hau028a] [u02c8mu025bni] [plets]
2023-07-11 21:02:531


How many plates有多少盘子
2023-07-11 21:03:032


2023-07-11 21:03:091

How many plates?怎么读

好麦内 普累吃
2023-07-11 21:03:281

how many plates什么意思

2023-07-11 21:03:364


2023-07-11 21:04:077


porcelain英式读 [u02c8pu0254:su0259lu026an],美式读[u02c8pu0254rsu0259lu026an]。作名词译为n.瓷,瓷器;作形容词译为adj.瓷制的;精美的;脆的,易碎的。复数:porcelains。词组短语:pottery and porcelain陶瓷;陶瓷器、blue and white porcelain青花瓷;青花瓷器、red porcelain紫砂、.porcelain tile瓷砖、porcelain ware瓷器、porcelain clay n. 瓷土porcelain enamel搪瓷;瓷釉、porcelain insulator瓷绝缘体,瓷隔电子、ancient porcelain古瓷、porcelain crucible瓷坩埚、glazed porcelain玻璃瓷、porcelain cup瓷杯,瓷盆porcelain dish瓷皿,瓷蒸发皿、household porcelain日用瓷。双语例句:The museum displays the specimen of ancient Chinese porcelain.这个博物馆展出中国古瓷器标本。I don"t know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates.我不太懂得瓷器,估计不出这些盘子的价钱。The porcelain is fine and glossy.瓷质细润。There is a porcelain figure on the table.桌子上有一个瓷像。
2023-07-11 21:05:171


policeman读音:英[pu0259u02c8liu02d0smu0259n] 美[pu0259u02c8liu02d0smu0259n]翻译:n.警察;男警察例句:1.A policeman was injured in the line of duty yesterday.昨天有一名警察在执行公务时受伤。2.Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman. 暴乱中有六人死亡,包括一名警察。3.As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman. 他并不是真的警察,我一直就觉得不像。4.He blasted the policeman right between the eyes. 他对着那个警察的鼻梁就是一拳。5.The policeman asked me to blow into the breathalyser. 警察要我对着呼吸检测仪吹气。6.A policeman would not live one year if he obeyed these regulations.警察如果遵守这些规定的话,一年都活不了。7.Eight policemen then spent two years combing through the evidence. 之后8位警察花了两年时间搜寻证据。8.One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars.能清楚地看到一名警察记下了经过车辆的车牌号。
2023-07-11 21:06:021


China英文发音:[u02c8tu0283au026anu0259]中文释义:n.中国例句:It demonstrated the brilliance of China"s ancient culture.它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。短语:1、China Today 今日中国 ; 本日中国 ; 当代中国 ; 今天中国2、China privatization 中国民营化 ; 中国私有化 ; 中国私营化 ; 中公民营化3、China proper 中国本土 ; 中本部4、China Customs 中国海关 ; 中国风俗 ; 海关总署 ; 中国海关总署5、Western China 中国西部 ; 西部地区 ; 中国西部地区 ; 西部China的同根词:Chinese英文发音:[tu0283au026au02c8niu02d0z]中文释义:n.中国人;华裔;华人;中国话;汉语;中文例句:The chef, staff and managers are all Chinese.厨师、工作人员和经理都是中国人。短语:1、in chinese 用汉语2、traditional chinese 繁体中文3、chinese medicine 中医4、chinese people 中国人5、chinese government 中国政府
2023-07-11 21:06:222


英文原文:fresh est英式音标:[freu0283] [u02cciu02d0esu02c8tiu02d0] 美式音标:[fru025bu0283] [u02cciu02d0esu02c8tiu02d0]
2023-07-11 21:07:261


policeman读:英[pu0259u02c8liu02d0smu0259n]、美[pu0259u02c8liu02d0smu0259n]双语例句:1、A policeman would not live one year if he obeyed these regulations.警察如果遵守这些规定的话,一年都活不了。2、Eight policemen then spent two years combing through the evidence.之后8位警察花了两年时间搜寻证据。3、One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars.能清楚地看到一名警察记下了经过车辆的车牌号。4、He waited for a policeman to stop the traffic and wave the people on.他等着警察来让车辆停下,指挥人们前行。5、One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates.一位年轻的警察在大门紧闭的使馆外站岗。6、I shall not try to reproduce the policemen"s English.The policeman wanted to see all our documents.警察想查看我们所有的证件。我不会试图去模仿那个警察讲的英语。7、Another policeman has been injured as fighting continued this morning.今早又有一名警员在冲突中受伤。
2023-07-11 21:07:331

google earth怎么读

Google [英]["ɡu:ɡl][美]["ɡu:ɡl]earth 英[u025c:θ] 美[u025c:rθ] Google Earth [释义] 谷歌地球; [例句]The tectonic plates shift so violently scientists can almost see them on GoogleEarth.地球各大洲板块平移很剧烈,科学家们看,就像看谷歌地球一样。
2023-07-11 21:08:311


没有这个字,只有woodpecker这个字,意思是啄木鸟。啄木鸟科(学名:Picidae):是鸟纲鴷形目的1科,约有221种。体长 90~560毫米。该科鸟类头亦大,但颈较长,嘴强硬而直,呈凿形,舌长而能伸缩,先端列生短钩;脚稍短,具3或4趾;尾呈平尾或楔状,羽干坚硬富有弹性,在啄木时支撑身体。共有约34属221种。除大洋洲和南极洲外,均可见到。啄木鸟可以在树上凿孔钩虫,它的嘴巴又长又尖又硬,能一直插进坚硬的木质部,舌头又长又细,长了许多倒刺,表面布满一层粘液,可以准确无误地把害虫钩出来。主要吃隐藏在树干内部蛀食的天牛、透翅蛾、吉丁虫等害虫。被称为“森林医生”。该科鸟类头亦大,但颈较长,嘴强硬而直,呈凿形,鼻孔裸露;角舌骨延成环带状,两侧自咽喉绕过枕部至上嘴基。舌长而能伸缩,先端列生短钩;脚稍短,具3或4趾;初级飞羽9片。头骨为蜥腭型,锄骨被一些成对的骨片所代替,颌腭骨细小远离两侧,胸骨后端每侧有2切刻,胸骨柄分叉。腿肌肉缺栖肌和副股尾肌;尾呈平尾或楔状,尾羽大都12枚,羽干坚硬富有弹性,在啄木时支撑身体。 啄木鸟最为常见的是绿啄木鸟和斑啄木鸟。绿啄木鸟体羽主要是绿色,下体污灰色带有绿色沾染。雄鸟的头顶为红色,非常鲜艳。斑啄木鸟的体形略小,上体羽色是黑底有白斑,以翅膀上居多,下体棕白色,尾下部是红色,雄鸟的头的后部也是红色。还有一种体形更小的啄木鸟叫蚁鴷,也较为常见,它的羽色比较特别,上体是淡银灰色的底色,密布着暗褐色的斑纹,好像蛇皮的花纹,下体近白色。它不会攀登树木,也不啄木捕虫,却在地上觅食蚂蚁,所以也叫地啄木鸟。啄木鸟有极为高超的捕虫本领,它的嘴强直而尖,不仅能啄开树皮,而且也能啄开坚硬的木质部分,很像木工用的凿子,它的舌细长而柔软,能长长地伸出嘴的外面,还有一对很长的舌角骨,围在头骨的外面,起到特殊的弹簧作用,舌骨角的曲张,可以使舌头伸缩自如,舌尖角质化,有成排的倒须钩和粘液,非常适合钩取树干上的昆虫及幼虫。它们用嘴敲击树干,在寂静的林中发出“笃,笃……”的声音,如果发现树干的某处有虫,就紧紧地攀在树上,头和嘴与树干几乎垂直,先将树皮啄破,将害虫用舌头一一钩出来吃掉,将虫卵也用粘液粘出。当遇到虫子躲藏在树干深部的通道中时,它还会巧施“击鼓驱虫”的妙计,用嘴在通道处敲击,发出特异的、使害虫产生恐惧的击鼓声,使害虫在声波的刺激下,昏头转向,四处窜动,往往企图逃出洞口,而恰好被等在这里的啄木鸟擒而食之。它们一般要把整株树的小囊虫彻底消灭才转移到另一棵树上,碰到虫害严重的树,就会在这棵树上连续工作上几天,直到全部清除害虫为止。啄木鸟啄食的害虫包括森林中鞘翅目的象甲、伪步行甲、天牛幼虫、金龟甲,鳞翅目的逼债蛾、螟蛾,以及花蝽象、臭蝽象、蝗虫、蚂蚁、蛴螬、小囊虫、天牛幼虫、蛴螬、白蚁等。啄木鸟每天敲击树木约为500—600次,啄木的速度极快,几乎是音速的两倍,这样它的头部则不可避免地要受到非常剧烈的震动,但它既不会得脑震荡,也不会头痛。原来在啄木鸟的头上至少有三层防震装置,它的头骨结构疏松而充满空气,头骨的内部还有一层坚韧的外脑膜,在外脑膜和脑髓之间有一条狭窄的空隙,里面含有液体,减低了震波的流体传动,起到了消震的作用。由于突然旋转的运动比直线的水平运动更容易造成脑损伤,所以在它头的两侧都生有发达而强有力的肌肉,可以起到防震、消震的作用。这种精妙的防震设置原理,给防震工程学提供了安全运动防护帽和防震盔的正确设计方案,现代的防护帽都具有一个坚硬的外壳,里面为一个松软的套具,它们之间留有一定的空隙,帽中再加上一个防护领圈,以防止在突然碰撞时造成旋转运动。由于啄木鸟为保护树木所作出的巨大贡献,人们称它们为“森林卫士”或“树木医生”。在k国的一些古书里,很早就有关于啄木鸟啄木食虫的记载,例如《禽经》中有“ 志在木”,《异物志》中有“穿木食蠹”的记载,明朝李时珍的《本草纲目》则指出:“此鸟斫裂树木取蠹食故名”,还指出:“(啄木鸟)刚爪利嘴,嘴如锥,长数寸,舌长于嘴,其端有针刺,啄得蠹,以舌钩出”。此外还有“南山有鸟,其名啄木。饥则啄树,暮则巢宿。无干于人,惟志所欲,性清者荣,性浊者辱。”,以及“丁丁向晚急还稀,啄遍庭槐未肯归。终日为君除蠹害,莫嫌无事不频飞。”等歌咏啄木鸟的诗作,可见啄木鸟自古就受到人们的喜爱和赞美。元音字母组合oo在单字里发短元音/u028a/的音,发音时,舌后部抬高,舌位中高,牙床半合,双唇呈圆形,小而突出,这个音大多出现在字中,也常出现在非重读的字末,但很少出现在字首,如:book 书wood 木头cookie 甜饼干,曲奇wool 羊毛foot 脚,英尺(英制长度单位)cook 烹调hook 钩住look 看希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-07-11 21:08:391


【 #小学英语# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是 无 为大家整理的《小学生四年级英语阅读材料【五篇】》 供您查阅。 【第一篇:狗狗宝贝打嗝了】 1. Emily gets up in the morning for breakfast. Hic-hic-HICCUP! What"s that sound? Hic-hic-HICCUP! Clifford is having hiccups. Up pop the plates and cups. Up pops the orange juice -right onto Mr. Howard"s head. "Maybe the vet can help Clifford," says Mrs Howard.   Emily 早上起来去吃早饭。嗝……嗝喽!什么声音?嗝……嗝喽!Clifford 接连打嗝。盘子、杯子弹了起来,橘子汁溅了出来,正好洒在 Howard 先生的头上。“也许兽医能治好Clifford,” Howard 太太说。   2. Dr. Dihn checks Clifford"s breathing. Hic-hic-HICCUP! "Clifford just has the hiccups," Dr Dihn says. "Sooner or later, they will go away."   Dihn 医生查了查Clifford 的呼吸。嗝……嗝喽!“Clifford 就是打嗝,没别的毛病,” Dihn 医生说。“打嗝迟早会停止的。”   3. Outside the doctor"s office, Clifford sees his friends T-Bone and Mac. Hic-hic-HICCUP! "I know how to make your hiccups go away," Mac says to Clifford. "Follow me."   在医生办公室外面,Clifford 看到了他的朋友 T-Bone 和 Mac。嗝……嗝喽!“我知道怎么让你不再打嗝,” Mac 对 Clifford 说。“跟我来。”   4. They come to a kid"s pool. "Close your eyes, hold your ears, then turn upside down, and drink!" says Mac.   他们来到一个幼儿泳池前。“闭上眼睛,攥住耳朵,躺在地上,把水喝掉!”Mac 说。   5. Clifford begins to drink. "Boo!" T-Bone jumps out of the pool! And Clifford"s hiccups stop!   Clifford 开始喝了。“嘭!” T-Bone 从泳池里跳了出来,Clifford 的打嗝就停了!   6. "We did it!" says T-Bone and Mac. Hic-hic-HICCUP! "My hiccups didn"t go away, but I feel good because you helped me so much," says Clifford.   “我们成功了!” T-Bone 和 Mac 说。嗝……嗝喽!“我的打嗝没停住,但是我感到高兴,因为你们如此努力地帮助了我,” Clifford 说。   7. Just then, Emily comes over and asks Clifford: "How are your hiccups?" Everyone listens. Then they listen some more. Clifford"s hiccups are finally gone.   这时,Emily 走过来,问 Cliffod:“你的打嗝怎样了?”大家在听,接着再听。Clifford 终于不打嗝了。 【第二篇:狗狗我要学雷锋】 1. Hello! I"m Emily. This is my dog, Clifford. One day a boy named Tim says, "I try to do a good deed every day. If I have Clifford, I can help a lot of people." I say, "Let"s do some good deeds together."   你好!我是 Emily。这是我的狗狗Clifford。有一天,一个叫 Tim 的男孩说:“我每天要做一件好事。如果有 Clifford 帮忙,我可以帮助许多人。” 我说:“让我们一起来做好事吧!”   2. A man is cleaning leaves. Then we help him. But the leaves make Clifford sneeze.   一个男人在扫树叶,我们去帮他。但是,树叶使得 Clifford 打了个喷嚏。   3. Then we see a lady painting her house. We help her and she thanks us. Clifford feels very happy. He wags his tail. White paint splatters all over her house. Nothing seems to go right.   然后,我们看见一位女士在油漆房子。我们帮了她,她谢谢我们。Clifford 很开心,就摇摇尾巴,溅得整座房子都是白漆。好象什么事都不顺。   4. Suddenly we hear a cry: "Help! Fire!" Clifford runs to the burning house. There are two kids upstairs. With Clifford"s help, we get them out.   突然,我们听到一声大叫:“救命!失火了!” Clifford 朝着火的房子跑去。楼上有两个小孩,在 Clifford 的帮助下,我们把小孩救了出来。   5. There is a swimming pool in front of the house. Clifford uses the water to put out the fire.   房子前面有一个游泳池,Clifford 用水把火扑灭。   6. That afternoon the mayor gives us each a medal for our good deeds. Of course, Clifford gets the biggest medal of all.   那天下午,市长给我们每人发一个奖章,表扬我们做了好事。当然,Clifford 得到的奖章! 【第三篇:狗狗运动会英雄】 1. Hi, I"m Emily. This is my dog, Clifford. I take him to school for our sports day. First is a sack race. Clifford wants to try. The coach says his feet have to be in one bag.   嗨,我是Emily。这是我的狗狗Clifford。我带他去学校参加运动会。首先是套袋跑。Clifford想试试。教练说他的四只脚必须放在一个口袋里。   2. I find a very big sack. The game begins! At last Clifford gets an A!   我找到一个很大的口袋。比赛开始啦!最后Clifford得了一个“A”!   3. Clifford sees some kids jumping over hurdles. It looks like fun. Clifford tries it too. Crash! It isn"s an easy job.   Clifford看见一些孩子在进行跨栏比赛,这看起来很有趣,Clifford也去试了一下。哐!跨栏并不是件容易的事。   4. After that, we have a tug-of-war. Clifford sees my team is in trouble. He helps us.   之后,我们进行拔河比赛。Clifford看到我的队有麻烦,他帮了我们。   5. The other kids think it"s not fair. The coach says Clifford can"t play anymore. Then it"s a softball game. Clifford can only watch.   其他的孩子认为这不公平。教练说Clifford不能再比赛了。接下来是垒球比赛。Clifford只能观看。   6. I know he wants to help my team, but he listens to the coach. He doesn"t catch the ball.   我知道他想帮助我的队,但是他听教练的话。他没有接球。   7. But he catches the boy, just in time!   但是他接住了那个男孩,非常及时!   8. Clifford is the hero of our sports day. Good work, Clifford!   Clifford 成了我们运动会的英雄。真棒,Clifford! 【第四篇:狗狗工地闹翻天】 1. Hi, I"m Emily. Every school day, I ride Clifford to school. Usually he waits for me in the schoolyard. One day, he sees his pals. They invite him to a construction site to play.   嗨!我是Emily。每天,我骑着我的Clifford去学校。通常,Clifford在校园里等我。有一天,他看到几个朋友,他们邀请他去一个建筑工地玩。   2. Some workers are knocking down old walls with a big ball. Clifford thinks it will be fun to play with the ball.   一些工人正在用一个大球撞倒旧墙。Clifford 想这个大球一定很好玩。   3. The workers don"t think it"s fun. Clifford and his pals run away fast.   工人们并不觉得好玩。Clifford和他的朋友飞快地跑了。   4. Next Clifford"s pals find some big pipes to play inside. Clifford also tries to play in the pipe. But he is too big. The pipe breaks into pieces.   接着Clifford的朋友发现了一些大管子,就在里面玩。Clifford也想在里面玩。但是他太大了,管子裂成了好几片。   5. The workers are angry. They put Clifford"s pals in a pen. Clifford finds a way to help his pals.   工人们生气了。他们把 Clifford 的朋友关在一个围栏里。Clifford 找到了一个办法来救他的朋友。   6. Now the workers are more angry. They put Clifford in a big strong net.   现在,工人们更加生气了。他们把Clifford罩在一个牢固的大网里。   7. His pals cut the ropes with their teeth to help Clifford.   他的朋友用牙齿咬断绳子来救Clifford。   8. They all run back to the schoolyard. Clifford and his pals never will play near a construction site again.   他们都跑回校园。Clifford 和他的朋友再也不会在建筑工地附近玩了。 【第五篇:狗狗遭遇暴风雨】 Emily 的奶奶住在海边,她家遭遇了一场非常猛烈的暴风雨,大树都被连根拔起,可是奶奶的房子却安然无恙。为什么呢?快来看看勇敢机智的Clifford是如何勇战暴风雨的吧!本文适合小学四年级学生阅读。   a. Hi, I"m Emily. On Saturday, my dog Clifford takes me to visit my Grandma. After lunch, the radio says a big storm is coming.   嗨,我是Emily!星期六,我的狗狗Clifford带我去看望奶奶。午饭后,收音机说一场大暴风雨即将来临。   b. We have to move to a safer place.   我们不得不搬去一个较安全的地方。   c. Now we are safe. But Clifford knows Grandma is worried about her house.   现在我们安全了。但是Clifford知道奶奶在担心她的房子。   d. He hurries back to Grandma"s house. The storm is too big. Trees are falling down. But it can"t stop him.   他匆忙往奶奶家赶。暴风雨太大,树都倒了,但是这并不能阻止他。   e. Grandma"s house is in great danger. Clifford has to do something.   奶奶的房子处在极大的危险中,Clifford必须做点什么。   f. First he picks up some trees.   首先,他捡起一些树。   g. Then he puts the trees behind Grandma"s house. He covers them with sand. He builds a sand hill to save Grandma"s house.   然后,他把树放在奶奶的房子后面,再用沙把树盖住。他堆起了一座沙山来保住奶奶的房子。   h. The storm stops. Grandma and I go back to the house. We are so happy to be together again.   暴风雨停了。我和奶奶回到了家。我们又在一起了,真高兴啊!
2023-07-11 21:09:091


etc 即Et cetera是"and so forth", "and so on"或者"and other things"的缩写,也用于描述一系列没有一一列举的实物。比如:We could use cupcakes, cookies, etc. ,这句话说明他们可以使用任意种类的点心,也可以写成We could use cupcakes, cookies, and so on.其他的和et cetera意思一样的用法。你既可以用"and so on",你也可以用"..."来表示。无论你用哪种方式,它们的用法和意思都是一样的。在"etc"的末尾应该有一个点(如果你用的是现代省略标点符号法就不要加点,它有专门的符号)。是不是很简单?先别急着回答,如果它出现在句子中,那么你还要加上一个逗号。如果已经是句子最后了,那就以句子的标点来结尾,不要再加别的标点了,要是还有话要说,那就再点一个逗号。比如:"They ate cookies, cakes, peanuts, fairy floss, etc., and it"s little wonder they ended up with stomach aches."
2023-07-11 21:09:581

求雅思剑桥4-7阅读答案详解 ~~急!

2023-07-11 21:10:334


2023-07-11 21:10:411

TIDY PLATES 如何设置敌对全红色,职业小图标

2023-07-11 21:10:492

《The Marvelous Landof Oz》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Marvelous Land of Oz (Books of Wonder)》(L. Frank Baum)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 6xkp书名:The Marvelous Land of Oz (Books of Wonder)作者:L. Frank Baum豆瓣评分:7.8出版社:HarperTrophy出版年份:2001-09-01页数:320内容简介:Few fantasy lands have captured our hearts and imaginations as has the marvelous land of Oz. For over four generations, children and adults alike have reveled in the magical adventures of its beloved folk. Now, for the first time in over seventy years, the second book about Oz is presented here in the same deluxe format as the rare first edition, complete with all 16 of the original John R. Neill color plates, its colorful pictorial binding, and the many black-and-white illustrations that bring it to joyous life.</P>First issued in 1904, L. Frank Baum"s The Marvelous Land of Oz is the story of the wonderful adventures of the young boy named Tip as he travels throughout the many lands of Oz. Here he meets with our old friends the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman, as well as some new friends like Jack Pumpkinhead, the Wooden Sawhorse, the Highly Magnified Woggle-Bug, and the amazing Gump. How they thwart the wicked plans of the evil witch Mombi and overcome the rebellion of General Jinjur and her army of young women is a tale as exciting and endearing today as it was when first published over eighty years ago.</P>Afterword by Peter Glassman. A facsimile of the rare first edition, complete with all 16 original color plates, a colorful pictorial binding, and over 125 of Neill"s drawings. A Books of Wonder(R) Classic.
2023-07-11 21:10:561


回答和翻译如下 :plate .盘子 。
2023-07-11 21:11:161


  1、什么是窄告?  窄告是一种新型的网络广告模式,不仅适合于各行各业推广宣传品牌、产品等,也适合各种规格的网络广告发布商。  窄告就是“窄而告之”、“专而告之”。指客户投放的窄告直接投放到与之内容相关的网络媒体上的文章周围,同时窄告还会根据浏览者的偏好、使用习性、地理位置、访问历史等信息,有针对性地将窄告投放到真正感兴趣的浏览者面前。  2、窄告能为我带来什么?  窄告以其特有的优势与服务,给投放商的宣传带来了更多的回报,如节约了更多的资源,宣传推广范围与力度得到强有力的提升,最重要的是为窄告投放者带来了更多有效的客户,从而也带来了更高的宣传回报。  3、谁需要窄告服务?  窄告适用于各行各业各种类型的公司、厂家、企业、事业、机关,只要您想在互联网上做相关宣传均可投放窄告。例如:宣传自身产品、品牌形象、宣传促销活动、招聘等等。  4、为什么投放窄告?  窄告以其特有的优势,使得窄告投放力度大大增强,传播范围扩大,同时,窄告可以直接命中有效的客户,使得广告的回报率提高,也在一方面为我们节约了更多资源。同时,窄告的投放对投放商来说是一个可控的过程,投放商可以根据窄告的效果、自己的业务需求,随时改变窄告的投放方式,包括:宣传目标、文字、画面等。除此之外,窄告做为新生的服务,在向客户提供服务的同时,也提供了一套专业、完善的服务,因此,窄告是目前广告投放商另一个最佳的宣传途径。  5、窄告可以投放到哪些媒体上?  窄告将直接投放到窄告联盟所有的合作媒体上,这些媒体包括全国性、行业性、地方性各媒体网站,基本上能够覆盖各个地方与行业,其中包括新浪、163, TOM,新华网,北青报,中国新闻网、东方热线、赛迪网、中青在线、深圳热线等300余家重要媒体网站上。合作媒体一直在不断增加。  6、窄告的投放模式是什么?  窄告以多种投放方式有机结合的方式,形成业界独有的广告推广模式:  A.按语义投放:通过对窄告与网站正文内容的进行语义分析,窄告投放到与之语义相匹配的正文周围,使得窄告与正文的内容具备相关性、延续性;  B.按地区投放:网络没有时间与空间的区分,但窄告可以通过对访问者所在地域的判断,能自动将窄告投放给指定的目标人群  C.按访问者投放:系统可以根据访问者访问历史,确定访问者的职业、兴趣、偏好等,然后通过这些特性,系统有针对性地为其展示适合的窄告;  D.全国性投放:只要在窄告联盟任意推广伙伴网站开设帐户,定制窄告,就可以将窄告投放到所有的或者任何一家窄告联盟合作媒体上,目前窄告联盟的合作媒体已经涵盖了中国所有主要的内容网站上。  7、窄告的表现形式是什么?  目前窄告的表现形式主要是文字连接与文字描述相结合的方式,用户可以通过窄告简洁的文字描述对窄告发布者有个整体认识,也可以点击文字连接,进入相应网站或页面进一步了解。随着窄告技术的不断发展,窄告也很有可能会有旗帜、Banner等其它更加丰富的表现形式。  8、窄告与传统的广告有什么区别?  类 别 传统广告 窄 告  正文匹配 投放的内容和正文没有关系 与页面正文相关,保证了网页内容的延展性  文字描述 一般只有客户公司名称,没有相关描述 每条文字链后面附有企业描述  可控性 任何调整都需要经过发布媒体 任何设置由投放人自己设定、控制,当时可以生效  投放过程 投放过程很大程度取决于广告发布媒体,整个投放过程较长 由投放人自主投放,并且当时可以生效,过程很短  投资回报 费用昂贵,且受众中感兴趣的人所占比例小,投资报回报率低 以浏览收费,且基本上能直接命中感兴趣的客户,投资回报率高  投资空间 可投放的空间有限 投放空间无限增大  9、窄告与竞价排名有什么区别  实际上,窄告与竞价报名有着本质上的区别,二者属于不同的范畴,但在许多方面实际上是互补的。总的来说,窄告与竞价有如下区别:  1)、投放的形式:竞价排名是被动地被人查找后显示,而窄告是主动地显示在目标客户面前。  2)、显示的位置:竞价排名是显示在查询结果中,而窄告显示在网页正文周围,  3、适用性:竞价排名适用于搜索引擎,只有通过搜索才能看到,而窄告只要上网浏览信息就机会看到,它同时能渗透于搜索结果之中。  10、同一时间同一页面展示的窄告一样吗?  窄告展示除了与网页文章相匹配外,还要考虑访问者的使用习惯、爱好、地理位置、职业等因素,可以说窄告是因人而宜的展示,因此,即使在同一时间同一个页面,所展示的窄告也有可能不一样。  11、窄告的投放的位置在哪里?  通过语义分析技术,窄告发布与之内容相关的各大媒体正文周围,具体位置可以因媒体不同而异,可以在正文两侧、上下方,也可以在正文中间。可以点击查看展示效果。  12、窄告采用什么样的收费方式?  窄告采用按窄告展示或点击的次数收费的方式,这种收费的方式,更大程度上避免了做无用广告的支出,为投放客户节约了资金,也使众多的中小企业终于可以做自己的广告。  13、网站太多我自己怎么监控?  窄告有自己的管理后台,在进入管理后台后可以方便的有针对性的选择投放区域及各行业型网站。  14、窄告是如何防范恶意点的?  在统计点击时,我们考虑访问者IP、检索词、提交检索的网站、被链网页等四个因素。如果在5分钟内,上述参数完全相同,则无论有多少点击都会只计算一次,以防止恶意点击或程序自动点击,最大程度保证了科学性和合理性;  15、我能否可以控制我的窄告投放费用和投放目标?  可以。在客户的管理后可以任意填写日消费限额,可以通过区域来选择网站。  16、我是否可以修改我的窄告告内容?  可以。用户都有自己独立的帐户,因此可以随时根据需要修改窄告的样式和内容,以达到最理想的表现形式。不过,用户所修改的内容同样还需要通过评估与审核,因此用户修改后,一般需要在1个工作日内生效。  17、窄告限制关键词吗?  对关键词数量没有限制。但对关键词与网站的经营内容要相关,否则不予审核通过。  18、窄告的描述有字数限制吗?描述中可否出现电话号码?  窄告标题,窄告描述最多都是24个字符。描述中可以出现电话号码,描述一定要能吸引人!  19、关键词如何定制才好?  要与贵公司网站相关,一些行业词和产品相关词都可以,关键词不要是唯一的,可以适量多定一些,这样您的广告被浏览,点击的机率就越高,效果也就越好。  20、为何我定制的窄告没有通过审核?  1). 所表现的内容与形式不被国家相关法律法规所允许;  2). 表现的内容与其宣传的业务不相符合。如窄告表面宣传旅游,但投放窄告的单位主营业务与此不相关;  3). 用户所定制的窄告不合符相关语法规范;  4). URL链接打不开;  5). 网站没有完全建好,正在建设中的。  21、我定制的窄告何时生效?  只要定制了窄告,通过最多三个工作日的审核与评估,窄告即可以生效,同时如果帐户中有足够的金额,窄告可以随时发布。  22、没有网站的企业可以作窄告业务吗?  可以。用户也可以在管理后台选择窄告自带的创建网页的功能,建立自己的网页,在此网页上可以详细介绍单位、品牌、业务以及联系方式等,以便目标客户进一步了解并且联系到自己。  23、媒体窄告位置有限,是否能满足众多窄告客户的投放需求?  一般情况下每个媒体的每个网页能发布3-6条窄告,但由于媒体文章非常众多,点击量非常大,所以窄告的总展示机会是非常多的。同时,每篇文章分析出来的语义是无穷的,而客户投放的窄告语义也丰富多样,此外,系统还会根据到窄告客户的限额、访问者的习性、地理位置等因素发布窄告,因此,基本上每条窄告都有机会获得展示,所以说媒体的窄告位置是完全可以满足众多窄告客户的投放需求的。  24、是否可以查看窄告的投放情况?  在管理平台的最新展示中可以看到自己窄告发布的情况,但是需要在每日最高限额还没有到并且竞价领先的情况下才能看到。  25、通过搜索引擎可以看到我投放的窄告吗?  可以!窄告实际上可以渗透于搜索引擎之中的。窄告投放的目标位置是网页正文的周围。如果用户通过搜索引擎搜索到该网页,用户打开这个网页,同样可以看到网页上所发布的窄告。而且这些窄告仍然会根据访问者的相关情况,自动匹配生成。  26、可以指定窄告的浏览群体吗?  可以!窄告客户在定制窄告的时候,可以指定窄告的浏览群体,如访问者的地理区域、兴趣爱好、职业等。系统会根据用户的IP地址、cookie等,自动识别访问者的相关属性,从而将窄告投放给指定的群体。  27、可以指定窄告的投放媒体吗?  目前窄告联盟联合了全国各地各行业数百家网站投放窄告,用户所定制的窄告可以投放到所有这些媒体上,也有针对性有选择性地投放到某个行业、某些性质的媒体上。但是不能选择某个指定媒体。  28、为什么窄告创建后,还需要审核与评估?  客户投放窄告基本上是一种自助式的行为,在很多方面,用户有很大的自主性和随意性。由于窄告投放的媒体都是公开的,因此要保证窄告内容的合法性和安全性,必须都过必要的审核。其次窄告是通过匹配展示的,其效果都是通过匹配得到体现,因此,窄告的表现形式与内容一定要相符,否则有可能失去匹配效果;此外,有些客户还不熟悉窄告的各种设置,他们的设置可能有些不是很合理,而有可能导致窄告无法投放或投放效果不好。因此,窄告联盟安排了专门的评估审核人员,对窄告进行评审核与评估,这有利于窄告客户更加合理有效地投放窄告,也保障了发布媒体内容的安全性。  29、我如何提高我的窄告展示机率?  每条窄告的被展示的机会,是完全可以控制的。决定窄告的展示机率主要包括投放相关度、单位页竞价以及区域、媒体等因素。  相关度即窄告与之其所发布页面文章的相关匹配度,系统主要以百分数的表现形式,如果选择40%,则表示客户只希望把窄告投放到与之匹配度在40%以上的文章周围。相关度与窄告的展示机率呈反比,相关度设置得越低,其显示的机会就越高。  其次,窄告单位页竞价也是窄告展示机率的一个主要的控制因素,在其它条件相同,单位页竞价高的窄告,则优先显示。  此外,窄告的投放区域、浏览群体的条件设置得越低,其展示机会也会越大。  30、可以根据需要随时修改窄告的展示的样式吗?  可以。用户都有自己独立的帐号,因此可以随时根据需要修改窄告的样式和内容,以达到最理想的表现形式。不过,用户所修改的内容同样还需要通过评估与审核,因此用户修改后,一般需要在3个工作日内生效。  31、可以随时停止或者恢复窄告的投放吗?  可以。有些用户有时会因为阶段性目的,停止窄告的投放,只要进入到自己的帐号,将窄告设置为停止状态就可以了。同理,如果需要恢复窄告的展示,也只需进入到帐号进行简单状态设置即可。  32、我只想把窄告发布到正文内容十分相关的页面,可以吗?  可以。窄告是完全根据用户的设置发布到媒体上的。如果想把窄告只发布在与之十分相关的正文周围,用户可以在设置窄告的发布条件时,可以设置较高的相关度,不选择窄告的通配显示,在区域、媒体性质上也可以设置更有针对性的条件。  33、为什么系统不能提供全部的窄告展示URL?为什么系统提供的的窄告展示URL中,没有看到我的投放的窄告?  对于所展示的窄告,目前系统提供部分最新展示的URL。由于网站展示的URL是动态的,很多展示页面会因为各种因素如费用、时间、区域、浏览者特性等而变化,因此,系统只提供部分最新展示的URL,即使这样,客户在浏览这些页面时,也有可能改变,但是可以保证的是,窄告曾经在这些URL页面上展示过。  34、客户管理界面的优势,客户能自主管理哪些?  客户管理界面里,客户可以自由设置关键词、广告描述、每日最高消费和选择竞价金额。
2023-07-11 21:04:491

我电脑上的"Windows Media Player"无法打开,怎么办???

2023-07-11 21:04:5212


2023-07-11 21:04:461

get in、get into、get out、get away有什么区别

get in= 进入(形式/状态); get into=进入(实体空间); get out =出来, 离开, 泄漏(消息); get away= 逍遥法外;(做了错事而)安然无事 以上片语都必须配合前后文判断实际用法
2023-07-11 21:04:431