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2023-07-11 23:33:12
TAG: 翻译 英汉

5、 别忘了come to有“终于、逐渐、开始”的意思!

I believe that the United Nations alone can authorize the use of military force across internationally recognized borders. Any NATO action not approved by the United Nations should therefore be considered illegal -- including "preventive wars" like that in Iraq.

However, should this new principle of the preventive use of force come to be seen as legitimate in international affairs, Russia will have no choice but to adapt as well, and to act in order to ensure its national interests.








1、原译没有把英语习语come to译出来,而这个习语在这里有“终于、逐渐、开始”的意思。《英语习语大词典》列出的come to的第十个义项是“终于;逐渐;开始”,并举例如下:

He had come to see the problem in a new light.他终于对这个问题获得新的认识。

During her years at the school, Mary came to know that road well. 在学校的那些岁月里,玛丽逐渐熟悉了那条路。

When she came to count her money,she found that she was ten shillings short. 当她开始数钱的时候,她发现短少了10个先令。(注:本语用于此义时,后面接原型动词。)



2023-07-11 19:54:495


prevent的名词形式为prevention和preventive。prevent,英语单词,主要用作及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“预防,防止;阻止”,作不及物动词时意为“妨碍,阻止”。一、短语搭配1、Prevent Restore:彻底删除文件;彻底删除文件工具;强力文件删除软件;卸载软件。2、prevent desertification:防止荒漠化;防止沙漠化。3、Wash prevent:防锈漆。二、双语例句1、You have to do something to prevent their loss, not try to replace it.你必须做些什么来防止他们的损失,而不是试图取代它。2、If our sins do not prevent us, we may rejoice in You as You rejoice in us.如果我们不能预防我们的罪,我们可以因你感到欣喜就像你因我们感到欣喜一样。3、We should not focus on how to fight each other but how to prevent military action.我们不应该将注意力集中在该如何作战而应放在如何阻止军事行动。
2023-07-11 19:55:041


防范英语为:prevent;take precautions against;guard against。防范的相关词组:1、take special precautions.(采取特殊的预防措施)2、prevent a disease from spreading.(预防疾病蔓延)3、precautionary measure/preventive measures.(预防措施)4、prevent disease.(预防疾病)5、preventative.(预防的)6、by way of prevention.(为预防起见, 作为防预)7、ward off mitigate.(防范化解)8、electronic protection.(防范技术)9、containment facility.(防范设施)10、the prevention of natural disaster.(防范天灾)11、safety guard system.(防范系统)12、precautionary principle.(防范原则)13、risk prevention.(风险防范)防范英语例句:1、We must prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following the guidelines on social distancing and using masks.(我们必须遵循社交疏远和佩戴口罩的指导方针,防止COVID-19的传播。)2、It"s important to take precautions against identity theft by using strong passwords and not sharing personal information online.(采取预防措施,使用强密码并不在网上分享个人信息,以防止身份盗窃。)3、The soldiers were ordered to guard against surprise attacks by setting up watchtowers and patrolling the perimeter.( 士兵们被命令设置岗哨塔和巡逻周界,以防意外袭击发生。)4、The best way to prevent accidents in the workplace is to provide proper training and safety equipment to all employees.(预防职场事故最好的方法是为所有员工提供适当的培训和安全设备。)5、As a doctor, I always take precautions against infections by washing my hands frequently and wearing gloves when necessary.(作为医生,我总是保持警惕,在必要时频繁洗手并戴手套以防感染。)6、The government is taking precautions against the spread of a new virus by quarantining all travelers from high-risk areas.(政府正在采取预防措施,通过隔离所有来自高风险地区的旅行者来预防新病毒的传播。)
2023-07-11 19:55:261

preventive 和precautionary都是“预防的”意思,那么它俩有什么区别吗?

2023-07-11 19:56:311


做好防护的英文短语: 1、take preventive measures 2、adopt preventive measures 3、take preventive steps 扩展资料   We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area.   我们必须采取预防措施来减少这个地区的.犯罪。   Please take preventive measures in your markets.   请对你们的市场做好预防措施。   Objectives: To analyze the causes leading to faults in pharmacy of outpatient department and to adopt preventive measures.   前言:目的:分析门诊药房差错产生的原因及防治措施。   Promote awareness amongst the community and security industry and enlist their support to adopt appropriate preventive measures.   提高市民及保安业对这类罪案的警觉性,争取他们的支持以采取适当的防盗措施。   Data on soil moisture, rain and vegetation cover could help officials forecast droughts, enabling farmers and governments to take preventivesteps.   其它数据,例如泥土的潮湿度、雨量等,则有助预测旱灾,让农民和政府部门有足够的时间作好准备及防范。
2023-07-11 19:56:381

preventive care是什么意思

2023-07-11 19:56:521


4P医学是指:医疗保健具有可预测性(predictive)、可预防性(preventive)、个体化(personalized)和参与性(participatory)。4P医学模式即将开启医学科学新时代,4P是4个以P开头的英文单词的简称。这4个P分别为:  PersonalizedMedicine【个体化医学】:根据不同人群与不同个体的特殊健康需求提供最合适的更具针对性的保健服务。  PredictiveMedicine【预测医学】:根据不同人群与不同个体的遗传与表观遗传背景及生活方式,预测其可能出现的健康问题,进而提出相应的保健干预措施。  PreventiveMedicine【预防医学】:在未出现严重健康问题和未罹患疾病之前,提出预防疾病的相关策略与处置方案,防病于未然。  ParticipatoryMedicine【公众参与医学】:通过公众与社区的健康教育及健康管理,充分调动公众自主参与健康促进的意识,以期用最少的投资取得最大的收益。 4P医学的发展:进入新世纪以来,世界物质财富不断增长,人们的生活质量也不断提高,期望寿命也明显提升。然而,在人类面临的问题也随之而来。肥胖、糖尿病、心血管疾病、癌症等等疾病不断进入我们的视野。曾经我们谈癌色变,糖尿病这种慢性病长期起来都被认为是“富贵病”。我国糖尿病患者比例为13%这一数据公布于众,这些传统观念也逐渐改变。因为这些疾病似乎不分贫富贵贱,俨然已经成为全球公共卫生的重要威胁。然而,我们注意到,这些疾病随着生活节奏的加快以及环境污染,由于不良生活习惯、不健康饮食、精神压力所共同导致的疾病发生率都在迅速增加。曾有观点认为“疾病是治不完的,也是治不好的”。这一观点虽有夸张和悲观的成分,但是也提醒我们,医疗模式的着眼点不仅仅是“治”,还应该在于“防”。因为,许多慢性疾病与平时的生活方式、饮食习惯等有关。随着预防医学的不断演进,被称为“4P”医学的模式逐渐浮出水面并受到人们的重视。
2023-07-11 19:57:111

preventive maintenance是什么意思

2023-07-11 19:57:583


问题一:预防疾病用英语怎么说? prevent illness 问题二:避免用英语怎么说 avoid 及物动词 vt. 1.避开, 避免, 预防 I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽可能地躲开他。 Try to avoid accidents. 尽量防止事故。 He avoided answering my questions. 他避而不答我的问题。2.【法律】宣布(判决、抗辩等)无效;使无效;废止,撤销 3.躲开,避开(人、事物、地方),回避 问题三:防止用英语怎么说 To prevent 问题四:预防传染疾病用英语怎么说 Prevention of infectious diseases. 问题五:避免这种情况的发生用英语怎么说 avoid this kind of situation from happening 问题六:建筑节能的效果 建筑主体采用钢框架结构,可100%回收与重复利用;建筑表面采用双层玻璃的智能型呼吸式幕墙,利用液压通风系统让风在两层玻璃之间形成的空腔内流动,以降低夏季室内温度,方便通风换气;屋面采用倒置式节能屋面和上人屋顶绿化系统,墙面大面积种植绿化植物,有效的防止太阳辐射,调节局部生态环境。区域内建有生态雨水收集系统,把地面、屋顶的雨水收集起来,注入人工湖, 改善微系统环境,创造良好的人文景观,同时,收集起来的雨水经过处理还可以用 来洗车、浇灌;水处理系统中采用毛管渗滤污水处理技术,充分利用土壤的毛细血管表面张力原理,实现污水的有效处理和净化;区域内的路灯都装有太阳能光电板,白天吸收太阳能,以储备晚储所耗的电能;连接各个建筑物之间的道路被架起一段距离,把道路人为地与草坪隔开,保证道路下面的生物流畅地交流。这些先进技术的运用将有效改变目前传统的办公方式中人流密集、资源浪费、空气污染的弊端. 问题七:打预防针用英语怎么说? preventive injection 预防针通常take or give an injection 就是打针的意思 求采纳 问题八:"预防医学系"用英文怎么说阿 预防医学系英文一般翻译为Department of Preventive Medicine 公共卫生学院英文一般翻译为School of public health 问题九:防止弄丢用英语怎么说 15分 in case of losing it prevent it from being lost 希望能有帮助。。
2023-07-11 19:58:081


所谓PM是预防性维护(Preventive Maintenance)和生产维修(Productive Maintenance)的英文首字母的略语,在日本设备工程协会的PM用语集上有如下定义。 -是提高设备生产效能的最经济的维修方法。其目的在于从设备的设计、制造、使用以致维修的全过程,换言之,也就是在设备的一生之中,设法减低设备本身价值和维修等有关设备使用的一切维修费用,以及由于设备劣化而带来的损失等全部费用,用以提高企业的生产效能。作为它的手段,有预防维修,事后维修,改善维修和维修预防。我国最初引进PM的时候(约在1951年),对于事先防止设备故障的活动,叫做“预防维修”,其后,约在 1954年,自从美国GE社特别强调提高生产效能以来,也就是提倡意味着赚钱维修的生产维修以来,PM就形成含有两种意义的词汇,而今天说PM就只是意味着“生产维修”。关于“预防维修”在日本语中多用预防保全一词。
2023-07-11 19:58:161

谁说preventive medicine 不能考usmle

个人专业及学历是否符合报考资格a) 具有“临床医学”专业本科学位的学生或毕业生具有USMLE考试资格。b) 本科是“妇幼保健”、“中西医”、“医学影像”、“麻醉”、“儿科”等学习内容与“临床医学”非常相近的专业,如果不是“Bachelor of Medicine”的话,肯定不能考;如果是,可能还会需要ECFMG(外国医学毕业生教育委员会)个案审查c) 本科不是临床医学,但研究生是临床医学的,没有考试资格;如果专升本,本科是临床医学的话是有考试资格的。d) “预防医学”、“药学”、“护理学”、“生物医学”、“医学工程”是不能报考的USMLE的。
2023-07-11 19:58:291


有关维生素pp的说法正确的如下:严格地说,它不是一种维生素,维生素PP又称抗癫痫皮病因子,包括烟酸,烟酰胺。维生素PP已经是很老的名字了,可能有些欧洲国家还在用。其实就是维生素B3(烟酸、烟酰胺),PP的意思是pellagra-preventive,预防糙皮病的意思,因为B3缺乏会引致糙皮病。抗结核药物异烟肼的结构与维生素PP十分相似,二者有拮抗作用,长期服用可能引起维生素PP缺乏。维生素PP为无色晶体,其性质稳定,不易受酸和热的破坏,对碱也稳定,在260nm处有一吸收峰维生素PP分布较广,在酵母、肝、瘦肉、牛乳、大豆中含量较多;在谷类皮层及胚芽中含量也很丰富;人、动物和细菌能利用色氨酸合成烟酸,在体内烟酸可转变为烟酰胺。大剂量烟酸具有扩张血管的作用及降低血浆胆固醇和脂肪的作用。此外,维生素PP对神经组织有维护作用,当缺乏维生素PP时表现出神经营养障碍,出现对称性皮炎,也称癞皮病。抗结核药物异烟肼应注意适当补充维生素PP。维生素PP可部分由尿排出,大部分在体内转变为其他物质。推荐摄入量:《中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量》(2013版)成年男性RNI为15mgNE/d,女性为12mgNE/d, UL为35mgNE/d。
2023-07-11 19:58:391


Current weather has entered the rainy season, also entered the flood of anti-Taiwan, and the management are also preparing the anti-flood work station. In order to effectively complete the flood prevention work better. Management Office recommends that you do the following preparations, and if you need our services, you can always contact us.1, clean water wells in the courtyard (250 yuan / time)2, the sewage pump maintenance and debugging, to ensure normal operation. (Labor costs 30 yuan / hour, excluding materials)If you have any questions, please contact with the block head
2023-07-11 19:59:193


疫情期间注意防护英语作文:Dear Peter,Knowing that the epidemic is getting worse in your city, I"m really worried about you and I"d like to provide you with some preventive measures.First and foremost, you should have proper personal protection, so make sure you wear a mask when going out. Secondly, keep a safe distance from others and avoid mass gathering. The last but not the least, you"d better wash your hands frequently to keep clean, and do some exercise to keep fit, thus reducing the chances of getting sick.By following the measures mentioned above, I"m sure you can win the battle against the epidemic.Please let me know if you need any help. I wish you good health.译文亲爱的彼得:知道你们城市的疫情越来越严重,我真的很担心你们,我想为你们提供一些预防措施。首先,你应该有适当的个人防护,所以出门时一定要戴口罩。其次,与他人保持安全距离,避免大规模聚集。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,你最好经常洗手以保持清洁,并做一些运动以保持健康,从而减少生病的机会。通过采取上述措施,我相信你能战胜这场流行病。如果你需要帮助,请告诉我。祝你身体健康。
2023-07-11 19:59:261


Preventive medicine is based on "environment - the crowd - health" model to the crowd as the research object in order to prevent the main guiding ideology and use of modern medical knowledge and methods of environment on the health effects of the law of human disease occurred in the formulation of preventive measures to achieve health promotion, prevention of disability and mortality for the purpose of a science. Preventive medicine features include: work targeting individuals and groups, the focus is healthy and asymptomatic patients, countermeasures are more positive preventive effect, more people health benefits, research methods, focus more on micro-and macro-combination of research priorities the environment and the relationship between population health.Preventive medicine and clinical difference is that she took the crowd for the object, rather than confined to the individual as the target. Medical trend is one of the development of medicine from the individual to a group of medicine, many of today"s real resolve medical problems, it is impossible to leave the group and group medical methods. The task of preventive medicine requires it must be able to face the future of medicine, from a strategic height to consider human diseases and health problems.The application of modern medicine and other disciplines of science and technology means to study human health and the relationship between environmental factors to develop disease control strategies and measures to achieve control of disease, to protect people"s health and prolong human life purposes. With the medical model of development, the profession increasingly shown its importance in medical science.The professional training in preventive medicine research and experimental work and the work has a certain level of health management of knowledge and foreign language health physician. Students to master the general theory of knowledge and skills in clinical medicine, based on the systematic grasp of the profession can be the basis of theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, able to use what they have learned the knowledge, skills, engaged in practical work and scientific research.Business training goal: This professional development with the basic theoretical knowledge of preventive medicine and health detection technology in health and disease prevention, environmental health or food health monitoring in preventive medicine institutions such as the work of senior medical professionals.
2023-07-11 19:59:431


预防措施 [词典] [化] preventive measure; [医] premunition; [例句]我们已意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施。We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution.
2023-07-11 19:59:511

帮忙翻译 谢谢

I will give you [Order No. 3423] [Order No. 2342] [return goods 20pcs detection report] [preventive measures to correct the report] a total of 4 documents Please note that check In addition the remaining products due to inability to repair without a refund. The products we will be March 25 at 300pcs 4 shipping on the remaining 10 day shipping 200pcs For questions contact at any time你看下..
2023-07-11 20:00:024


持续改进英文怎么写   持续改进英文怎么写,持续改进是企业连续改进某一或某些运营过程以提高顾客满意度的方法,一般步骤包括确定改进目标、寻找可能的解决方法等,对于持续改进英文怎么写,可以下面的内容。   持续改进英文怎么写1    持续改进,Continuous Improvement   1、Insisting On Continuous Improvement,Raising Competitive Power Of Enterprise;坚持“持续改进” 提升企业竞争力   2、Discussion On Continuous Improvement Of Medical Quality;医疗质量持续改进的探讨   3、Discuss On Developing National Medical Quality And Continuous Improvement System;建立和完善国家医疗质量保障与持续改进体系的探讨    英文短句/例句   1、Study On Continuous Improvement Of Lean Process For Sustainable Building;可持续建筑的精益流程持续改进研究   2、Act: Take Actions To Continually Improve Process Performance、A 改进:采取措施以持续改进过程业绩。   3、Insisting On Continuous Improvement,Raising Competitive Power Of Enterprise;坚持“持续改进” 提升企业竞争力   4、Improvements Can Range From Small-Step Ongoing Continual Improvement To Strategic Breakthrough Improvement Projects、改进的范围可从渐进的日常的持续改进,直至战略突破性改进项目。   5、The Organization Shall Define A Process For Continual Improvement、组织应规定持续改进的过程、   6、Establishing Goals To Guide, And Measures To Track, Continual Improvement、建立目标来指导,测量来跟踪持续改进。   7、The Research In Sustaining Improvement Statics Of ERP ImplementationERP实施过程持续改进策略的研究   8、Establishing Continual Improvement As An Objective For Processes Of The Organization;将持续改进作为组织的过程的目标;   9、Delivering Continuous Improvement In Cost, Quality And Delivery、持续改进成本,质量和交付周期。   10、Monitor And Control Implementation And Continuously Improvement Of5 S In Production Line、监控生产线5S的实施与持续改进。   11、Continuous Improvement, Innovation And Embracing Change持续改进、不断创新、适应变革。   12、Attend The QC Project Team, Continue Improve The Quality Of Product、参与公司质量小组,持续改进产品质量。   13、The Schemes And Implementations Of Continuous Quality Improvement In Xinjin Gold Mine;新金金矿质量持续改进的方案与实施   14、Study Of Opportunity Identifying Technology In Project Quality Continual Improvement;工程质量持续改进机会识别技术研究   15、The Research On The Improvement Of The Quality Management System;LSDZ公司质量管理体系持续改进研究   16、The Influence Of Organizational Learning Upon Continuous Improvement Activities;组织学习对持续改进活动的影响研究   17、Sustainable Quality Improvement Projects Of BYQ Company Tank Shop;BYQ公司油箱车间质量持续改进方案   18、The Method Study On Wire Bonding Process Continuous Improve With DMAIC;焊线工序持续改进的DMAIC方法研究    相关短句/例句    Continual Improvement持续改进   1、Comprehension And Practice For Data S Analysis And Continual Improvement;对数据分析与持续改进的理解与实施   2、According To ISO 14000 Management System, We Should Abide To The Law, Prevent The Pollution And Do Continual Improvemen本文就广东某厂拟建年产 10万T漂白竹浆生产线项目 ,以ISO14 0 0 0环境管理体系的`要求为指导 ,制定该项目从原料到成品整个过程设计的环保方案 ,总思路就是遵守有关法律、法规及相关要求 ,持续改进和防治污染。   3、It Imcluded Regarding The Patient As The Center,Process Control,Revision Of Existing Procedures,Preventive And Corrective Action,And Continual Improvement、方法根据ISO 9001:2000标准要求,建立健全临床输血质量管理的文件系统:以病人为中心,程序控制,修正现有程序,预防和纠正措施,以及持续改进。    3)Sustainable Improvement持续改进   1、According To The Request Of Sustainable Improvement, The Assessment Of Effectiveness Of Safety Culture Is Put Forward For Following 10 Aspects And 40 Sub-Di、从管理层对安全的承诺、安全培训和安全意识、安全监督和检查、组织文化、沟通与交流、奖惩、采掘机运通生产系统的完善和安全投入、质量标准化工作和安全环境、风险评估、风险预控管理系统等10个方面的内容及40个分解内容,按照持续改进的要求,提出了安全文化的效果评价方法,并通过两个实例分析介绍了该安全文化评价模型的实际应用。   2、Validity Is The Basic Purpose Of ISO9000 Revision Of The 2000 Version, Which Can Only Be Ensured By The Sustainable Improvement, Thus It Is The Fundamental Of 9000 Series Standard Revision、2000版9000族标准的目的是有效性,而"有效性"的保证就是持续改进,因此,持续改进是2000版9000族标准的根本。   3、Then "Four Wants" And "Four Insistences" About Effective Operation And Sustainable Improvement Of Enterprise Quality Management System Have Been Put Forward By Means Of The Management Idea And Methods Of ISO 9000、以长庆油田通信企业为例,阐述了企业在运行ISO9001质量管理体系方面实现的"二个转变"和"一项成果";指出了当前企业在质量管理体系运行过程中存在的六个问题;运用ISO9000的管理思想和方法,提出了企业质量管理体系有效运行和持续改进的"四要"和"四坚持"。    4、Constant Improvement持续改进   1、The Practice Of Constant Improvement Of Nursing Quality Management In Emergency Department;急诊科护理质量管理与持续改进的实践   2、Application Of The Principle Of Constant Improvement In The Nursing Quality Management Of Sanatorium;持续改进原则在疗养院护理质量管理中的应用   3、The Nurs- Ing Department Carried Out And Fulfilled The Following Measures,Including Organizing The Nurses To Receive Training By Levels To Understand The Standards, Strengthening The Direction,Inspection And Supervision Of The Implementation Of The Standards,Comprehending The Connotation Of ISO9000 Standards,And Paying Close Attention To The Constant Improvement Of Quality,Which、实施办法:组织全体护士进行分层次培训,要求人人掌握标准;加强对标准落实的指导、检查和监督;深刻领会 ISO9000标准内涵,在质量持续改进上下功夫。    5、Sustained Improvement持续改进   1、Introduce Result Which Angang Shuitie QMS Makes,Point To Problems Exsiting In QMS Which Coming Up With Counter Measures Of Sustained Improvement Against These Problems、介绍安钢水铁的质量管理体系工作所取得的成绩,同时指出质量管理体系中存在的问题,针对这些问题提出一些持续改进的对策。   2、This Paper Reviews The Sustained Improvement And Revision Of Quality Management Systems ISO 9001(Edition 1994) And ISO 9001(Edition 2000) During The Implementation By PDI(China Communications Planning & Design Institute For Water Transportation)、简要回顾了我院实施“ISO9001(1994版)”和“ISO9001(2000版)”质量管理体系的持续改进和修订换版过程,进入体系的业务范围拓展过程,员工质量意识的不断增强和质量管理取得的部分成绩。   3、This Article Conjoin With The Realistic Of Jianshan Iron Mine Quality Management,Systermly Clarify The Principle And Method Jianshan Iron Mine Quality Management,Base On Paying Attention To The Need Of Customer,Strengthen The Control And Management Of Quality Process,Make Sustained Improvement,Arrive To Satisfy The Customer In The End、本文结合尖山铁矿质量管理的实际,系统阐述了尖山铁矿质量管理的原则和方法,从关注用户需求出发,强化质量过程控制与管理,不断持续改进,最终实现用户满意。    6、Continued Improvement Layer持续改进层   持续改进英文怎么写2   原句:质量持续改进   翻译:sustaining improvement of quality ;continuous quality improvement   质量持续改进法Continuous quality improvementmethod   供应商质量持续改进Supplier quality continuous improvement   持续质量改进CQI;continuous quality improvement   探讨持续质量改进continuous quality improvement   应用持续质量改进continuous quality improvement   用持续质量改进Continuous Quality Improvement   提出持续质量改进continual quality improvement   运用持续质量改进Continuos qualityimpr ovemet   的持续质量改进Continuous quality improvement   持续改进英文怎么写3    改进体系架构    编辑 语音   持续质量改进的组织机构就是从事质量活动的人们协作体系,持续质量改进需要有人具体组织,协调,需要有人去策划和进行技术指导,也需要有人去评估,评审改进的效果。    策划部门   持续质量改进策划部门的职责,各个层次存在的质量问题,分析问题的原因。寻求解决问题的办法,持续质量改进策划部门应由企业抽调组织管理人员、技术人员、员工参加,按矩陈结构的组织形式组成,各类人员的抽调依据改进问题的特点,便于持续质量改进的策划实施。持续质量改进策划部门的工作任务就是为创新本组织的产品质量,工作质量和工程质量而策划持续质量改进活动。    组织部门   持续质量改进组织部门的职能是负责组织资源,制定持续质量改进程序,协调持续质量改进活动中的各种关系,企业现设的质量管理部首就是企事业持续质量改进活动的具体组织部门,质量管理部门的业绩主要表现在本组织产品质量持续改进,工作质量持续改进,体系质量持续改进的效果上。    评审部门   持续质量改进评审是为确定持续质量改进活动是否遵守了持续质量改进计划安排,以及持续质量改进活动结果是否达到了预期目标所做的系统的,独立的检查和评审,持续质量改进活动的评审部首是由个人素质,教育程度,工作经验,管理能力以及业务培训等方面,具备一定资格,且与被评审对象对无直接责任的人员组成,持续质量改进评审的具体业务工作主要由质量管理部门负责,它的工作就是为达到持续质量改进目标,使持续质量改进活动顺利、有效地进行。    持续改进模式   目的通过持续质量改进的实施与效果评价,全面提高护理质量。方法借鉴美国卫生保健组织鉴定联合委员会(JCAHO)10步持续质量改进流程模式,定义出11个重要的护理方面特一级基础护理、皮肤护理、护理记录、急救药品管理等。按照医院评审要求,结合医院实际情况,制定测量标准,建立阈值,评价护理质量。结果医院护理质量管理在推行持续质量改进模式的4年中,护理质量始终呈平稳上升趋势。结论持续质量改进是护理质量管理的一个永恒目标
2023-07-11 20:00:111


预防措施 preventive action为消除潜在不合格或其他潜在不期望情况的原因所采取的措施注1:一个潜在不合格可以有若干个原因。注2:采取预防措施是为了防止发生,而采取纠正措施是为了防止再发生。
2023-07-11 20:00:191

遵守法规 满足要求 预防污染 持续改进 预防为主 安全第一 用英语怎么说?

abide by the laws and rulesmeet demandprevent pollutioncontinuous improvementprevention rulessafety comes first
2023-07-11 20:00:293


Unit10:Health care 保健   Part One: Expressions   1. I have a horrible toothache.   我的牙痛得要命。   2. I hate dentists.   我讨厌牙医。   3. Stop being such a baby.   别象个孩子似的。   4. She"s broken up about it.   她无法承受此事。   5. That"s very sad.   真令人难过。   6. I"m glad she"s reaching out for help.   我很欣慰她能够求得援助了。   7. You should have one every year.   你应该每年(检查)一次。   8. Your eyes and ears look fine.   你的眼睛和耳朵情况良好。   9. I just can"t seem to kick the habit.   我好像不太可能戒掉这个习惯。   10. I"ll give you more information before you leave.   在你离开之前我会更详细地跟你说。   Part Two: Dialogues   1.Tootacke 牙痛   A: Oh!!! I have a horrible toothache.   B: You should go to the dentist.   A: I hate dentists.   B: Well, suffer then. If you have a toothache, you have to go to the dentist.   A: It always hurts. I hate going.   B: Stop being such a baby. If it really hurts that much, just let them knock you out.   A: O.K., O.K., I"ll go.   B: Good. You feel better after you do.   A: 哦,我的牙痛死了。   B: 你该去看看牙医。   A: 我讨厌看牙医。   B: 那么,你就忍着吧。如果你牙痛,你应该去看牙医的。   A: 它老是痛个不停,我讨厌去(看牙医)。   B: 别象个小孩子似的。如果牙真的那么痛的话,就让医生治疗。   A: 好了好了,我会去的。   B: 那才好。去了之后你会觉得好受一些的。   2.Psychological Counseling 心理咨询   A: One of my students told me she was very depressed today.   B: Why?   A: Her father is dying.   B: Oh, that"s very sad.   A: Yeah, she"s broken up about it, poor kid.   B: What did you do?   A: I talked to her for a while, but she"s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.   B: That"s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He"s better trained to handle these sorts of things.   A: Yeah, that"s what I told her. I"m glad she"s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.   B: Yeah, me too.   A: 我的一个学生告诉我她今天心情很坏。   B: 怎么了?   A: 她的爸爸快死了。   B: 哦,真令人难过。   A: 是呀,她无法承受这件事,真可怜。   B: 你怎么做的?   A: 我跟她谈了一会儿,但是她还很沮丧。所以,我便为她约了学校的咨询顾问。   B: 这个办法不错。顾问是心理学家。对于处理这些事情他受过良好的培训。   A: 是,我也是这样和她说的。我很高兴她可以求援而不是自己一个人承担了。   B: 是的,我也有同感。   3.check-up 身体检查   A: Hi, Mr. Smith. I"m Dr. Hawkins. Why are you here today?   B: I thought it would be a good idea to get a check-up.   A: Yes, well you haven"t had one for…five years. You should have one every year.   B: I know. I figure as long as there"s nothing wrong, why go see the doctor?   A: Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So, try to come at least once a year for your own good.   B: O.K.   A: Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith?   B: Yes.   A: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit.   B: I"ve tried a hundred times, but I just can"t seem to kick the habit.   A: Well, we have classes and some medications that might help. I"ll give you more information before you leave.   B: O.K., thanks, doctor.   A: 你好,史密斯先生。我是霍金斯医生。你今天怎么来了?   B: 我想做个检查还是好一些。   A: 是呀,那么…你有5年一次检查也没有做过,你应该每年检查一次的。   B: 我知道。我想只要没有什么不舒服的话,哪里要看什么医生。   A: 哦,避免患上严重疾病的的方法是早点发现它,所以,为了你自己,还是每年至少来一次。   B: 好的。   A: 让我来检查检查。眼睛和耳朵情况良好。深呼吸一下。你吸烟吗,史密斯先生?   B: 吸烟。   A: 你知道,吸烟是得肺癌和心脏病的最主要因素。你应该戒烟。   B: 我试了100次了,但是好像不太可能戒烟。   A: 那么,我们开设了一些课程,并会发放一些药物,可能会有些帮助。你离开的时候我再详细地跟你说说。   B: 好的,谢谢你,医生。   Part Three: Substitution Drills   1. I have a horrible (toothache/ Headache/ Stomachache).   我的(牙/头/肚子)痛得要命。   2. I hate (dentists/ cleaning/ being sick).   我讨厌(看牙医/搞卫生/生病)。   3. Stop being such (a baby/ wimp/ crybaby).   别(象个小孩子似的/这么没用/那么易哭)。   4. She"s (broken up/ depressed/ torn up) about it.   对于这件事她(无法承受/感到心情沮丧/心碎欲裂)。   5. That"s (very sad/ horrible/ terrible).   真(令人难过/可怕/糟糕)。   6. I"m glad she"s (reaching out/ asking for/ seeking) for help.   我很欣慰她可以(伸手求援/寻求帮助/寻求援助)了   7. You should have one (every year/ every day/ every other year).   你应该(每年/每天/每隔一年)(检查)一次。   8. Your (eyes and ears/ mouth and throat/ teeth) look fine.   你的(眼睛和耳朵/口腔和咽喉/牙齿)情况良好。   9. I just can"t seem to (kick the habit/ to stop/ to give it up).   我好像不太可能(戒掉/放弃/改掉)这个习惯   10. I"ll give you more information (before you leave/ when we finish/ before you go home).   (你离开之前/我们做完了/你回家之前)我再仔细跟你说说。   Part Four: Monologue Carl"s Note:   Americans often go to their doctor and dentists when they are not sick. They hope to prevent being sick by having their teeth cleaned and their health checked. Therefore, they see the doctor and dentist for check-ups. Doctors check their breathing, heartbeat, ears, eyes, and throat, their weight, take samples of patient"s fluids to run tests, and look for signs of more serious illnesses. Dentists clean a patient"s teeth, and take x-rays to see if any teeth are going bad. More and more, Americans and the people who take care of their health are practicing this kind of preventive medicine. 卡尔的话:   美国人在身体健全的时候也经常去看医生或者看牙医。他们希望通过清洁牙齿和检查身体来预防疾病。因此,他们会找医生或者牙医进行检查。医生通常会检查他们的呼吸情况、心跳、耳朵、眼睛和咽喉,还会测量体重、取病人的尿样进行检测,同时还会查找可能患严重疾病的征兆。牙医则会帮助清洁病人牙齿,并且用激光检测是否有坏牙。越来越多的美国人和关心自己健康的人正加入这种预防医学的行列。   Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrases   ——horrible 可怕的,糟透的   ——toothache 牙痛   ——suffer 遭受;经历   ——knock out使失去知觉   ——depressed 沮丧的,消沉的,忧郁的   ——appointment (尤指正式的)约会   ——psychologist 心理学家   ——check-up核对,调查   ——illness 患病(状态);身体不适   ——cause 原因;起因
2023-07-11 20:01:211


问题一:避免用英语怎么说 avoid 及物动词 vt. 1.避开, 避免, 预防 I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽可能地躲开他。 Try to avoid accidents. 尽量防止事故。 He avoided answering my questions. 他避而不答我的问题。2.【法律】宣布(判决、抗辩等)无效;使无效;废止,撤销 3.躲开,避开(人、事物、地方),回避 问题二:预防用英语怎么说 预防: 1. to prevent 2. to take precautions against 3. to protect 4. to guard against 例句与用法: 1. 请吃些预防药吧。 Please take some preventive medicine now. 2. 这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病. The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection. 3. 预防胜于治疗(治病不如防病)。 Prevention is better than cure. 4. 我们不得不采取预防措施。 We had to take preventive measures. 5. 该报道对缺乏安全预防措施一事严加指责. The report was scathing about the lack of safety precautions. 问题三:防止弄丢用英语怎么说 15分 in case of losing it prevent it from being lost 希望能有帮助。。 问题四:避免这种情况的发生用英语怎么说 avoid this kind of situation from happening 问题五:避免接近用英语怎么讲 prevent contact with...避免与……接触 prevent getting close to...避免与……靠得太近 有问题请追问,没有问题希望能采纳,谢谢O(∩_∩)O~ 问题六:阻止用英语怎么说?词组 stop *** from doing sth阻止某人做某事
2023-07-11 20:04:251

preventive care是什么意思

preventive care预防措施,预防保健
2023-07-11 20:04:323

preventive healthcare汉语是什么意思

2023-07-11 20:04:392


2023-07-11 20:04:508


问题一:“杜绝” 英语怎么说 ban forbid 问题二:避免用英语怎么说 avoid 及物动词 vt. 1.避开, 避免, 预防 I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽可能地躲开他。 Try to avoid accidents. 尽量防止事故。 He avoided answering my questions. 他避而不答我的问题。2.【法律】宣布(判决、抗辩等)无效;使无效;废止,撤销 3.躲开,避开(人、事物、地方),回避 问题三:拒绝用英语怎么说? to reject to refuse to decline 问题四:预防用英语怎么说 预防: 1. to prevent 2. to take precautions against 3. to protect 4. to guard against 例句与用法: 1. 请吃些预防药吧。 Please take some preventive medicine now. 2. 这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病. The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection. 3. 预防胜于治疗(治病不如防病)。 Prevention is better than cure. 4. 我们不得不采取预防措施。 We had to take preventive measures. 5. 该报道对缺乏安全预防措施一事严加指责. The report was scathing about the lack of safety precautions. 问题五:避免接近用英语怎么讲 prevent contact with...避免与……接触 prevent getting close to...避免与……靠得太近 有问题请追问,没有问题希望能采纳,谢谢O(∩_∩)O~ 问题六:避免处于尴尬之中 用英语怎么说 you make me so embarrassed you really make me embarrassed you embarrassed me a lot embarrassed 形容词、 adj. 困窘的, 局促不安的, 不好意思的 embarrass 动词 使(某人)觉得不自然、 忸怩、 尴尬或害羞: I was embarrassed by his ments about my clothes. 他评论我的衣服使我很尴尬. * Are you trying to embarrass me? 你是想让我难堪吗? 问题七:避免给你带来麻烦 用英语怎么说 avoid bringing you trouble 问题八:防止弄丢用英语怎么说 15分 in case of losing it prevent it from being lost 希望能有帮助。。
2023-07-11 20:05:171

hazard assessment and preventive controls plan什么意思

hazard assessment and preventive controls plan危害评估和预防控制计划hazard assessment危害评价preventive预防; 防止; 预防措施; 预防药; 预防的; 防止的controls控制( control的名词复数 ); 限制; 管理权; 控制键; 控制( control的第三人称单数 ); 管理;
2023-07-11 20:05:431


问题一:阻止用英语怎么说?词组 stop *** from doing sth阻止某人做某事 问题二:阻止 做 用英语怎么说 stop *** from doing sth keep *** from doing sth prevent *** from doing sth 问题三:禁止用英文怎么说 forbid prohabit 问题四:阻止某人做某事怎么用英文怎么说 Stop *** . From doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 Belay-通常的意思是把什么东西捆起来,不过海盗们用来阻止某人做某事。 Belay-Usually means to tie something down but pirates used it to prevent someone to do something.
2023-07-11 20:05:503


Preventive medicine
2023-07-11 20:05:572


medicine 不可数
2023-07-11 20:06:073


  N   nation n. 民族,国家 national a. 国家的,全国性的,民族的 nationality n. 国籍   natural a. 自然的 nature n. 自然, 性质,种类   necessary a. 必需的,必要的 necessity n.必要,需要   negotiate v.谈判,协商 negotiation n. 谈判,协商 negotiator n. 谈判代表   nervous a. 紧张不安的 nervousness n. 神经过敏   O   occupy v.占用,占领;使忙碌,使从事 occupation n.职业,占有 be occupied with...忙于...   officer n. 军官;公务员,官员;警察,警官 official n.官员 ,高级职员 a.官方,政府 officially官方地,正式地   operate v. 做手术,运转;实施,负责, 经营,管理 operation n. 手术,操作 operator   optional a. 可选择的,选修的 option n. 选择   organize(美organize) vt. 组织 organiser (organizer) n. 组织者 organization/organization n. 组织,机构 organised有组织的   P   pain n. 疼痛,疼 painful a. 使痛的,使痛苦的   participate v. 参加,参与 participation n. 参加   patience n. 容忍;耐心 patient a. 有耐心的 n.病人   percent n. 百分之…… percentage n. 百分率   perform v. 表演,履行;行动 performance n. 演出,表演 performer n. 表演者,执行者   permission n. 允许,许可,同意 permit vt.许可,允许;执照 n.许可证   person n. 人 personal a. 个人的,私人的 personally ad. 就自己而言   physical a. 身体的;物理的 physician n.(有行医执照的)医生   (un) pleasant a. 令人愉快的,舒适的 please v.使人高兴,满意 pleased a. 高兴的 pleasure n. 高兴,愉快   poem n. 诗 poet n. 诗人 poetic a.诗歌的   poison n. 毒药 poisonous a. 有毒的,致命的   pollute vt. 污染 pollution n. 污染 pollutant n. 污染物 polluted a. 被污染的   popular a. 流行,大众,受欢迎的 popularity n. 流行,欢迎   possess vt. 占有;拥有 possession n. 所有,拥有;财产,所有物   practical(ly)a. 实际的,适用的 practice n. 练习 practise(美practise) v.练习,实践   press vt.压,按 n.新闻界,出版社 pressure n. 压迫,压力,压强   prevent vt. 防止, 预防 prevention n. 防止,预防 preventive a. 预防的   produce vt. 生产;制造 product n. 产品,制品 production n. 生产;制造 productive a.生产的,多产的   profession n.职业 professor n. 教授 professional(ly)a. 专业的,职业的 n. 专业人员   promote v.促进,推动,促销,晋升 promotion n. 促进,推动,晋升   pronounce vt. 发音 pronunciation n. 发音   proper a. 恰当的,合适的 properly ad. 适当地   protect vt. 保护 protection n. 保护 protective a. 保护的 protector n.保护者   prove vt. 证明 proof n. 证据   Q   qualification n. 资格,学历 qualify v. 有资 (un) qualified a. (不)合格的,   R   real(ly)a. 真实的,确实的 reality n. 现实 realistic a. 现实(主义)的   reason vi.评理,劝说n.理由,原因 (un) reasonable a. 合乎情理的 unreasonably   refusal n. 拒绝 refuse vi. 拒绝,不愿   regard v. 把……看作 regardless a. 不顾,不加理会   reject v. 拒绝 rejection n. 反对,拒绝   relate vi. 有关;涉及 relation n. 关系;亲属 relative(ly) n. 亲戚,关系词 a.相对   relax v. (使)放松,轻松 relaxation n. 放松,缓和   (un)reliable a. 可信赖的,可依靠的 rely v. 依靠,依赖,信赖   relief n. 轻松,解脱,缓和,救济 relieve v. 减轻,解除   religion n. 宗教 religious a. 宗教的   repeat vt. 重说,重做 repeatedly 重复地   represent vt. 代表 representative n.代表,典范人物   require vt. 需求;要求 requirement n. 需要; 要求; 必要的条件   resist v. 抵抗;挡开 resistance n. 抵抗,反抗 resistible a. 可抵抗的   respond v.回答,回应,作出反应 (ir)responsibility n. 责任,负责 (ir)responsible a. (不)负责的   restrict v. 限制 restriction n. 限制,约束 restrictive(ly)a. 限制性的   ripe a. 成熟的,熟的 ripen v. 成熟   S   sad a. (使人)悲伤的 sadness n. 悲哀,忧伤 sadly   (un)safe a. 安全的 n. 保险柜 safety n. 安全,保险   salt n. 盐 salty a. 盐的,咸的,含盐的   satisfaction n. 满意 satisfy vt. 满足,使满意 (un) satisfied a. (不)满意的   secure a.安心的,有把握的,牢靠的 security n. 安全,平安   self n. 自己,自我,自身 (un) selfish(ly) a. 自私的 (Un)selfishness n. 自私自利   sense n. 感觉,认识 sensitive(ly)a. 敏感的 sensitivity n. sensible a. 有感觉的,明智的   separate v. 使分开,分离a. 单独的,分开的 separately ad. 单独地,各自地 separation n. 分离,隔离   settle vi. 安家,定居 settlement n. 新拓居地;(美)部落,村落 settler n. 移居者,开拓者   shame n. 遗憾的事;羞愧 shameful (ly)a. 丢脸的,不体面的 shameless(ly) a. 不知羞耻的   sharp a. 锋利的,尖的 sharpen v. (使)变锐利,削尖   sign n. 符号,标记 signal n. 信号,暗号   (in) significance n. 重要性,意义 (in)significant a. 重要的,有意义的   simple a. 简单的,简易的 simplify v. 使简化,使简易 simply ad.简单地,(加强语气)的确   skill n. 技能,技巧 skilled a. 熟练的;有技能的 skillful a. 熟练,精湛的,灵巧的   skillfully ad. 精湛地,巧妙地   social a. 社会的;社交的 socialism n. 社会主义 socialist a. 社会主义的 society n. 社会   special a. 特别的,专门的specially adv. specialist n. (医学)学者;;专业人员 specialty n. 专业,特色   spirit n. 精神 spiritual a. 精神的; 心灵的   starvation n. 饥饿; 饿死 starve v. 饿死   strength n. 力量,力气 strengthen vt. 加强,增强 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的   succeed vi. 成功 success n. 成功 successful (ly) a. 成功的,有成就的   suggest vt. 建议,提议 suggestion n. 建议   suit vt. 适合 n.一套(衣服) suitable a. 合适的,适宜的   survival n. 存活,幸存 survive v.生存,存活,幸免于难 survivor n. 幸存者   sympathy n. 同情 sympathetic a. 有同情心的 sympathetically adv. 同情地,怜悯地   system n. 体系;系统 systematic a.系统的,有条理的
2023-07-11 20:06:551


How to prevent fires 1, How to prevent electrical fires caused by To prevent electrical fires, including the four aspects: First, the choice of electrical appliances, and the other is the choice of wire, and the third is to install and use, not to the unauthorized use of four high-power electrical appliances. Electrical appliances should be chosen on the brand-name manufacturers to produce qualified products, to comply with the provisions of the installation, use the Manual in accordance with the requirements, do not wire乱拉. Teaching must be used when a larger electrical power to ask a professional electrician to install a dedicated line, shall not be mixed with other electrical appliances at the same time. Are normally not power, it is necessary to cut off power supply. Here are some commonly used to prevent electrical fires: (1) TV"s fire prevention measures Open for 4-5 hours of television will take off to rest a while, especially in high temperature season. Not near the heat source, do not watch the television coverage of TV TV cover. To prevent liquid or insects into the TV. Outdoor antennas have a lightning protection devices and grounding facilities, with outdoor antenna television thunderstorm days, do not open. Do not watch the television to cut off power supply. (2) Washing machine fire prevention measures Do not let water electrical short circuit, not more than clothing or a hard object stuck boring machine electrical phenomena caused by fire resulting in fever. Do not use gasoline, ethanol, electric washing the dirt. (3) fire prevention measures refrigerator High temperature heat sink refrigerator, do not put back in refrigerator flammable liquids. Fridge not keeping flammable liquids such as ethanol, as the refrigerator starts producing sparks. Do not use washing refrigerator, refrigerator components in order to avoid a short circuit ignited. (4) cotton-padded mattress electric fire precautions Do not fold so as not to damage wire insulation, causing a short circuit caused the fire. Do not use electric blanket a long time, must be left off to avoid overheating in case of fire. (5) of the fire prevention measures electric iron High temperature electric iron can ignite the material in general. Therefore, it must be using an electric iron hand care, electricity should not be too long a time, must run out of power, heat insulation on the shelves of natural cooling, heat to prevent fire. (6) PC"s fire prevention measures To prevent moisture and liquids into the computer to prevent the insects in the way of computer. Computer time should not be too long, the cooling fan to keep air open window. Do not contact the heat source to maintain good contact interface plugs. Attention to eliminating the hidden dangers. Computer room electrical lines, and complex equipment, materials for flammability of materials, personnel gathered, mobility, management and other issues are potential confusion, there should be specific to the implementation of preventive measures. (7) lighting the fire protection measures The lamp switch, socket, lighting appliances near flammable materials should be to ensure that insulation, cooling measures. When the current through the incandescent lamp can produce the high-temperature 2000-3000 degrees Celsius and luminous, as the light bulb filled with inert gas can be in thermal conductivity, so the temperature of the glass surface is also very high, the greater the power, the faster the temperature increase, incandescent and Fuel distance should be larger than 0.5 meters, light bulbs should not be put under the fuel. Learning to read at night, do not put blankets on the lighting. 2, How to prevent fires caused by smoking Cigarette butts, though small, can be harmful, and its surface temperature between 200-300 degrees Celsius, the center temperature of about 700-800 degrees Celsius, the general fuel (such as paper, cotton, firewood, timber, etc.) are in the ignition, 130 between -350 degrees Celsius, the temperature is below the cigarette butts, cigarette butts can ignite so most of the material, it can easily lead to throw cigarette butts fire. End tobacco smoking after cigarette butts should be "strangled", on an ashtray or metal, glass and other non-flammable equipment inside, do not arbitrarily throw, but can not ban smoking.
2023-07-11 20:07:011


不得不的英文为have to,过去式为had to
2023-07-11 20:07:116

corrective and preventive action是什么意思

corrective and preventive action 纠正和预防措施;矫正与预防措施;矫正及预防措施例句筛选1.e. Manage all customer complain and investigate root cause. Reply customer on finding and implement corrective and preventive action.处理客户投诉并追根溯源。及时与客户沟通并实施预防及纠正措施。2.Involve in the corrective and preventive action参与预防及整改措施
2023-07-11 20:07:551


维护 servicing [科技] upkeep [科技]
2023-07-11 20:08:042


1、防火须不放过一点火种,防事故须勿存半点侥幸。 Fire prevention must not let off a kind of ignition, accident prevention must not save a little luck. 2、建筑施工安全为先,漫长人生平安是福。 Safety of construction is the first, and safety of long life is a blessing. 3、把安全抓出新常态,让监管成为进行时。 We should take safety out of the new normal and make supervision in progress. 4、预防保养按时做,生产顺畅不会错。 Preventive maintenance is done on time and *** ooth production is not wrong. 5、高高兴兴上学,平平安安回家。 Happy to go to school and go home safely. 6、只有大意吃亏,没有小心上当。 Only careless loss, not cautious deception. 7、安全从点点滴滴做起,事故从细小甚微防范。 Safety starts with little drops and accidents are prevented from little to little. 8、快刀不磨会生锈,安全不抓出纰漏。 The quick knife will rust if it is not grinded, and the leak will not be caught safely. 9、安全编织幸福的花环,违章酿成悔恨的苦酒。 Safety weaves the wreath of happiness, and violations brew bitter wine of regret. 10、不讲安全搭上命,挣座金山有啥用。 What"s the use of earning a golden hill without talking about safety? 11、什么事都只有活着才能干,所以平安最重要。 Everything can be done only by living, so safety is the most important. 12、有妻有子有家庭,没有安全等于零。 Having a wife and children and a family, no security is equal to zero. 13、企业效益最重要,防火安全第一条。 Enterprise efficiency is the most important, fire safety first. 14、饱带干粮晴带伞,安全防范不可懒。 With dry grain and umbrella, safety precautions should not be lazy. 15、安全施工莫大意,亲人嘱咐要牢记。 Safety construction is not careless, relatives told to bear in mind. 16、爱家就要爱生命,重情更应重安全。 Love your family, love your life, love your safety. 17、麻痹是最大的隐患,失职是最大的祸根。 Paralysis is the greatest hidden danger and dereliction of duty is the greatest cause. 18、安全和效益结伴而行,事故与损失同时发生。 Safety and efficiency go hand in hand, accidents and losses occur simultaneously. 19、宁为安全操碎心,不让事故害工人。 Better worry about safety than let accidents harm workers. 20、心明眼亮查隐患,防止事故保平安。 Keep an eye on hidden dangers to prevent accidents and ensure safety. 21、遵章是安全的先导,违章是事故的预兆。 Compliance is the precursor of safety, and violation is the omen of accidents. 22、不绷紧安全的弦,就弹不出生产的调。 Without tightening the safety strings, the production tune cannot be played. 23、文明行车千里共婵娟,遵纪守法万家得团圆。 Civilized driving for thousands of miles, a total of Juan, law-abiding family reunion. 24、道路牵着你我他,安全系着千万家。 The road leads you, me and him, and safety ties tens of millions of homes. 25、危险物品,隔离放置,标识清晰,注意防火。 Dangerous goods, placed in isolation, clearly marked, pay attention to fire prevention. 26、千条线,万条线,安全红线是底线。 Thousands of lines, tens of thousands of lines, safety red line is the bottom line. 27、安全在于细节,事故出于疏忽。 Safety lies in details, and accidents are due to negligence. 28、安全常随监管在,事故总因疏忽来。 Safety is often supervised and accidents are always caused by negligence. 29、爱家就是爱生命,重情更应重安全。 To love one"s family is to love one"s life, but to love one"s life is more important than to be safe. 30、质量是安全基础,安全为生产前提。 Quality is the basis of safety and safety is the premise of production. 31、生命可贵当珍爱,丝毫麻痹都是害。 Life is precious and precious, and the slightest paralysis is harmful. 32、管理基础打得牢,安全大厦层层高。 The management foundation is well laid and the safety building is high. 33、出门挣钱不容易,安全千万要注意。 It"s not easy to make money when you go out. You should pay attention to your safety. 34、日复一日重安全,年复一年保平安。 Every day is safe and every year is safe. 35、安全事故哪有彩排,美好生命不能重来。 Where there is rehearsal in safety accident, good life can not be restored. 36、以人为本,平安为先,加快建设平安校园。 People-oriented, safety first, accelerate the construction of safe campus. 37、千忙万忙出了事故白忙,千苦万苦受伤害者最苦。 Busy and busy, the accident happened in vain, and the victims suffered the most. 38、安全伴我在校园,我把安全带回家。 Safety acpanies me on campus. I take safety home. 39、安全生产勿侥幸,违章蛮干要人命。 Safety in production should not be a fluke. Violation of rules and regulations can kill people. 40、我们的城市有你的血汗,你的平安是我们的心愿。 Our city has your sweat and blood, your peace is our wish. 41、查患纠违从我做起,行为安全时刻牢记。 Check the trouble and rectify the violation from me, always keep in mind the safe behavior. 42、为了你的幸福,请你注意安全。 For your happiness, please pay attention to safety. 43、重视安全硕果来,忽视安全遭祸害。 Attention should be paid to the success of safety and neglect the disaster of safety. 44、君行万里,一路平安。遵规守纪,防微杜渐。 The King travels thousands of miles and has a safe journey. Comply with the rules and regulations, guard against the slightest. 45、走人生安全之路,从文明施工起步。 Take the road of life safety and start with civilized construction. 46、安全是增产的细胞,隐患是事故的胚胎。 Safety is the cell of increasing production, and the hidden danger is the embryo of accident. 47、安全生产筑起中国梦,职工健康走好复兴路。 Safety in production has built up the Chinese dream, and workers are well on the road to recovery. 48、质量是企业的生命,安全是职工的生命。 Quality is the life of an enterprise and safety is the life of an employee. 49、头脑清醒珍惜生命,安全生产警钟长鸣。 Sober mind cherishes life, safety alarm bell rings. 50、安全第一,预防为主。生命宝贵,安全第一。 Safety first, prevention first. Life is precious, safety first. 51、一线工人请注意,品质效率在于你。 First-line workers, please note that quality and efficiency depends on you. 52、井然有序谋求和谐交通,车水马龙共创平安大道。 Pursue harmonious traffic in an orderly manner, and create safe Avenue with traffic and water. 53、沾沾自喜事故来,时时警惕安全在。 Be placent about accidents and always be alert to safety. 54、保安全千日不足,出事故一日有余。 Security is insufficient for more than a thousand days, and accidents occur more than one day. 55、安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。 Safety es from long-term vigilance, and accidents e from instantaneous paralysis. 56、不比快只求稳,平安回家才是本。 No sooner than to seek stability, safe home is the essence. 57、绊人的桩不在高,违章的事不在小。 The stumbling pile is not high, the violation is not *** all.
2023-07-11 20:08:351


2023-07-11 20:08:432


PCQI是预防性控制措施资质的人员(Preventive Controls Qualified Individual)的简称。是由食品安全预防控制联盟(FSPCA)推出的人类食品预防性控制措施培训课程。
2023-07-11 20:09:052


   措施 是针对某种情况而采取的处理办法。那么你知道措施用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    措施英语说法1:   measure    措施英语说法2:   step    措施的英语例句:   你的初步措施是什么?   What are your preparatory measures?   这些措施正由内政部部队实施。   The measures are being enforced by Interior Ministry troops.   政府已答应采取措施来帮助失业者。   The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.   机场当局已答应重新检查他们的安全措施。   The airport authorities have promised to review their security measurements.   我们不得不采取预防措施。   We had to take preventive measures.   有一些有力的论据反对这些措施。   There are strong arguments against these measures.   政府还没有找出对付失业的有效措施。   The government hasn"t worked out the effectual measures to combat unemployment.   我们也已经采取一些措施,并着手出台进一步的措施。   We have taken some action already and we are prepared to look at further action.   植物措施是排土场复垦初期既经济又有效的水土保持措施。   Vegetation is a economic effective control of soil and water conservation.   封育措施是一种主要的草场恢复和重建的措施。   Exclusion has been applied as a main measure for revegetation.   再强的系统和措施也可能被为追求利益而不择手段的人挫败。   The strongest systems and measures can be foiled by people who are motivated to attain profit by any means possible.   各公司需要采取积极措施增加出口。   Companies need to take active steps to increase exports.   政府急忙布置了防卫措施抵御空袭。   The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.   国会对政府打击犯罪的新措施提出了批评。   Congress has criticised new government measures to combat crime.   行业清理整顿需要严厉的措施。   Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.   在安全措施上抠手抠脚可能会打错算盘。   Scrimping on safety measures can be a false economy.   新措施旨在加强现行的制裁。   The new measures are aimed at tightening existing sanctions.   一套大力控制通货膨胀的紧缩性经济措施   A set of very austere economic measures to control inflation   可以采取疫苗接种和其他预防措施。   Vaccination and other prophylactic measures can be carried out.   那些措施包括对媒体报道的严格管制。   The measures include tight control of media coverage.   他公布了限制货币供应的严厉措施。   He announced tough measures to limit the money supply.   首都采取了严密的安全措施。   Strict security measures are in force in the capital.   这些措施也就是装装门面,一旦投资者认真探究,就会原形毕露。   The measures are little more than window dressing that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them.
2023-07-11 20:09:231


二级预防的措施包括:1、定期对居民进行心理健康调查,确认引起心理障碍的危险因素和相关因素。指导居民按社区医护人员的要求进行心理健康的自我评定,提高居民早期识别心理障碍的能力,尽早发现心理异常者;2、对可能患有心理障碍(或精神疾病)的人,指导其及时就诊,接受咨询和治疗。心理卫生人员要定期进行家庭访问,提供相应的指导和必要的干预,消除不良的家庭因素,教会家庭成员观察病情,防止暴力行为和意外事件发生;3、给予精神疾病患者及时有效的药物和心理治疗及护理,尽可能缩短住院时间,使患者尽早地返回家庭和社会。二级预防的目标是对心理障碍患者的早期发现、早期诊断和早期治疗,以争取良好的预后并防止复发。因为我们不可能做到总能防患于未然,心理障碍在各种人群中都会出现,这是难免的。预防的3个不同层次1、一般性预防干预(universal preventive interventions) 服务的对象是一般公众或整体人群,如向他们宣传、普及精神卫生知识,提高公众的精神卫生水平。2、选择性预防干预(selective preventive interventions) 服务的对象是具有易患精神障碍危险因素的亚人群,如教育因感染艾滋病病毒(HIV)而引起精神障碍的人群等。3、指征性预防干预(indicated preventive interventions) 服务的对象是具有精神障碍的早期表现或具有精神障碍素质因素,但尚不符合诊断标准的个体。因此,根据具体实际情况及可利用的资源,有的放矢地针对整体人群、亚人群、个体开展预防性干预。以上内容参考自百度百科-二级预防
2023-07-11 20:09:331


纠正,纠正措施,预防措施英文翻译Corrective actions, corrective actions, preventive measures
2023-07-11 20:09:481

英语达人帮忙翻译这篇留学动机信顺便看看有没有错误 很着急!!!!!!!

Motivation:Epidemiology is a study population distribution of disease and health status and influencing factors, to explore how disease prevention and control, the promotion of public health science, which is an important branch of preventive medicine. With the medical model and the changes in disease spectrum, people"s concepts of health have also changed, epidemiology and clinical medicine has become a discipline closely linked with each other has been more and more widely appreciated. I very much hope to conduct epidemiological studies. First, it"s wide range of research areas,Not only involves the study of infectious diseases such as influenza A H1N1 influenza, SARS, tuberculosis and some chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and even smoking, obesity can become its study. In addition, epidemiological studies for the public health importance to the health, is one able to directly provide services to the public subject. Through the epidemiological study and research, I can understand the disease in time and space, as well as the distribution of population (through statistical data to support) and thus the health status of population control, disease control provide clues for the study, provide a reference for the formulation of health policy.Experience:I passed five years of study and practice of the medical profession a solid grasp of the medical knowledge of the basic theory. In particular, preventive medicine, infectious diseases, statistical mathematics and other related disciplines, I have achieved good results. This brings me to disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and imaging findings of an initial and a clear understanding. I have several panel discussions on topics of participating schools, involving topics such as "Northeast iodine intake and thyroid disease, epidemiological studies of the relationship," "college students psychological pressure and chronic fatigue syndrome, relationship." Through research and consulting, and case-control study analysis,I understand that the above-mentioned diseases, the relationship between factors and their access to the research of practical experience, such as the use of computers for data analysis. The most important is to develop its own pre-release medicine (epidemiology) interest. In addition, I have since September 2009 Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine in the clinical internship, during which accumulated a wealth of clinical experience, the consolidation of the medical theory of knowledge, has been commended by the instructor. These are areas in the epidemiological studies done a solid groundwork.Interests:Study the disease and its influence factors of relevance, such as diabetes and the link between eating habits. In addition, the scope and speed of the spread of disease prediction and control, such as how to effectively immunize against the crowd in order to avoid the spread of certain diseases.Work:Because my parents were in hospital and health departments, I was influenced by them, want to engage in medical and health work. Therefore, I intend to return to their studies in the hospital or a disease prevention and control centers. In addition, the executive branch in case of statistical or epidemiological aspects of disease prevention and control work is also my ideal career direction.
2023-07-11 20:09:564

dental unit中文翻译

Dentistry - dental units - water and air supply 牙科学.牙科装置.供水和供气 Oral - maxillofacial surgery and dental unit 口腔颌面外科及牙科部 Dentistry - dental units - part 2 : water and air supply 牙科学.牙科综合治疗设备.第2部分:水和空气供给 Dental units in hospitals 医院牙科部 Popular dental unit 普及型牙科治疗机 The dental unit provides both preventive and curative services , as well as dental prosthesis 牙科提供诊治服务、牙病预防措施及义服务。 The dental unit provides both preventive and curative dentistry work , as well as dental prosthesis 牙科部提供诊治服务、牙病预防及义齿服务。 Dentistry - dental units - part 2 : water and air supply iso 7494 - 2 : 2003 ; german version en iso 7494 - 2 : 2003 牙科学.牙科综合治疗设备.第2部分:水和气的供给 Basically the medical and preventive service is free of charge . the dental unit charges a nominal fee 由保健处提供的医疗服务,除牙科服务外,一般均不收费用。 Dentistry - dental units - part 1 : general requirements and test methods iso 7494 - 1 : 2004 ; german version en iso 7494 - 1 : 2005 牙科学.牙科装置.第1部分:一般要求和试验方法 Basically the medical and preventive service is free of charge . the dental unit charges a nominal fee for consultation service 由保健处提供的医疗服务,一般均不收取费用,唯牙科则须收费。 Basically the medical and preventive service is free of charge . the dental unit charges a nominal fee for consultation service 由保健处提供的医疗服务,一般均不收取费用,唯牙科则须酌量收费。 With high - quapty products and excellent after - sale service , the sales of our integral dental units are keeping ahead in this pne in china and our products have been exported to many countries 优质的产品完善的售后服务使公司产品销售已名列国内同行业前? ,并远销泰国印度尼西来沙特阿拉伯土尔其俄罗斯等国家。 Foshan joinchamp medical device co . , ltd is a professional manufacturer speciapzed in the products design , the production and distribution of the medical machine china and abroad . with our brand new developing concept , scientific management system , experienced and excellent technical staff , we are keeping far ahead in this pne . introducing latest techniques , high - quapty material and continuous improving techniques to keep our products up to date , our zc series integral dental units and table - top steripzers can satisfy all kinds of requirements from our cpents 中创医疗器械有限公司是一家专业从事医疗器械产品开发生产销售的高科技实体企业,以全新的产品开发理念科学的管理体制,高素质和稳定的技术队伍完善的销售体系而备受同行瞩目公司引进最新技术,采用优质材料以及不断改良工艺,务求使产品品质与时并进,生产出满足不同群体需要的系列科医疗设备,最大限度地减少病人的痛苦,为客户带来更高的经济效益。 Registration services for medical and healthcare professionals , pharmaceutical services , registration and pcensing services relating to chinese medicines , special preventive programme on hiv aids and viral hepatitis , school dental cpnics , dental units in hospitals , sai ying pun dermatological cpnic and chai wan social hygiene cpnic 医护专业人员的注册服务药剂事务中医药注册和发牌事务特别预防计划爱滋病病毒爱滋病和病毒性肝炎学童牙科诊所医院牙科部西营盤皮肤科诊所及柴湾社会生科诊所
2023-07-11 20:10:031


2023-07-11 20:11:023


2023-07-11 20:11:222


How to prevent fires 1, How to prevent electrical fires caused by To prevent electrical fires, including the four aspects: First, the choice of electrical appliances, and the other is the choice of wire, and the third is to install and use, not to the unauthorized use of four high-power electrical appliances. Electrical appliances should be chosen on the brand-name manufacturers to produce qualified products, to comply with the provisions of the installation, use the Manual in accordance with the requirements, do not wire乱拉. Teaching must be used when a larger electrical power to ask a professional electrician to install a dedicated line, shall not be mixed with other electrical appliances at the same time. Are normally not power, it is necessary to cut off power supply. Here are some commonly used to prevent electrical fires: (1) TV"s fire prevention measures Open for 4-5 hours of television will take off to rest a while, especially in high temperature season. Not near the heat source, do not watch the television coverage of TV TV cover. To prevent liquid or insects into the TV. Outdoor antennas have a lightning protection devices and grounding facilities, with outdoor antenna television thunderstorm days, do not open. Do not watch the television to cut off power supply. (2) Washing machine fire prevention measures Do not let water electrical short circuit, not more than clothing or a hard object stuck boring machine electrical phenomena caused by fire resulting in fever. Do not use gasoline, ethanol, electric washing the dirt. (3) fire prevention measures refrigerator High temperature heat sink refrigerator, do not put back in refrigerator flammable liquids. Fridge not keeping flammable liquids such as ethanol, as the refrigerator starts producing sparks. Do not use washing refrigerator, refrigerator components in order to avoid a short circuit ignited. (4) cotton-padded mattress electric fire precautions Do not fold so as not to damage wire insulation, causing a short circuit caused the fire. Do not use electric blanket a long time, must be left off to avoid overheating in case of fire. (5) of the fire prevention measures electric iron High temperature electric iron can ignite the material in general. Therefore, it must be using an electric iron hand care, electricity should not be too long a time, must run out of power, heat insulation on the shelves of natural cooling, heat to prevent fire. (6) PC"s fire prevention measures To prevent moisture and liquids into the computer to prevent the insects in the way of computer. Computer time should not be too long, the cooling fan to keep air open window. Do not contact the heat source to maintain good contact interface plugs. Attention to eliminating the hidden dangers. Computer room electrical lines, and complex equipment, materials for flammability of materials, personnel gathered, mobility, management and other issues are potential confusion, there should be specific to the implementation of preventive measures. (7) lighting the fire protection measures The lamp switch, socket, lighting appliances near flammable materials should be to ensure that insulation, cooling measures. When the current through the incandescent lamp can produce the high-temperature 2000-3000 degrees Celsius and luminous, as the light bulb filled with inert gas can be in thermal conductivity, so the temperature of the glass surface is also very high, the greater the power, the faster the temperature increase, incandescent and Fuel distance should be larger than 0.5 meters, light bulbs should not be put under the fuel. Learning to read at night, do not put blankets on the lighting. 2, How to prevent fires caused by smoking Cigarette butts, though small, can be harmful, and its surface temperature between 200-300 degrees Celsius, the center temperature of about 700-800 degrees Celsius, the general fuel (such as paper, cotton, firewood, timber, etc.) are in the ignition, 130 between -350 degrees Celsius, the temperature is below the cigarette butts, cigarette butts can ignite so most of the material, it can easily lead to throw cigarette butts fire. End tobacco smoking after cigarette butts should be "strangled", on an ashtray or metal, glass and other non-flammable equipment inside, do not arbitrarily throw, but can not ban smoking.
2023-07-11 20:11:291


corrective action and preventive action 简称 CAPA
2023-07-11 20:11:431


三级预防的主要对象是患病人群。三级预防(tertiary prevention)是心理卫生领域预防工作之一。对于已经出现精神疾病者进行的工作,其目标直接指向出现问题的个人,尽可能地减轻损害,促进康复,致力于将疾病的持久性与破坏性降至最低。三级预防亦称临床预防。是对已知患某种疾病的患者,采取措施,积极治疗,防止病情进一步发展和恶化。对于慢性病,通过加强医学监护,防止并发症,防止伤残;对于已丧失劳动能力或伤残者,通过康复治疗,以提高其生活能力。由于三种预防措施是连续的梯次性预防措施,故称为三级预防。三级预防的实施,有赖于必要的物质条件、高超的医疗科技和十分关注患者的爱心。在疾病的病前(易感期)、病中(发病前期)和病后(发病期和转归期)各个阶段采取相应预防措施称为三级预防。三级预防是预防医学工作的基本原则与核心策略。第一级预防又称病因预防,即在发病前期,针对致病因素(生物因素、心理因素、社会因素等)所采取的根本性预防措施,是预防医学的最终奋斗目标。预防的层次:一般性预防干预:一般性预防干预(universal preventive interventions)服务的对象是一般公众或整体人群,如向他们宣传、普及精神卫生知识,提高公众的精神卫生水平。选择性预防干预:选择性预防干预(selective preventive interventions)服务的对象是具有易患精神障碍危险因素的亚人群,如教育“三陪女”使用“安全套”以避免或减少因感染艾滋病病毒(HIV)而引起精神障碍。指征性预防干预:指征性预防干预(indicated preventive interventions)服务的对象是具有精神障碍的早期表现或具有精神障碍素质因素,但尚不符合诊断标准的个体。因此,根据具体实际情况及可利用的资源,有的放矢地针对整体人群、亚人群、个体开展预防性干预。
2023-07-11 20:12:451


1. 消防安全的英语怎么写 消防安全的英语:fire safety 英文发音:[u02c8fau026au0259(r) u02c8seu026afti] 例句: Is obviously a temporary high-pressure water supply system, do not meet fire safety requirements. 明显是临时高压给水系统,不符合防火规范要求。 词汇解析: 1、fire 英文发音:["fau026au0259] 中文释义: n. 火;火灾;炮火;炉火;热情; *** ;磨难 vt. 点燃;解雇;开除;使发光;烧制;激动;放枪 vi. 着火;射击;开枪;激动;烧火 例句: They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky. 他们看到一道强光和一个巨大的火球直冲天空达几百英尺。 2、safety 英文发音:["seu026aftu026a] 中文释义:n. 安全;保险;安全设备;保险装置;安打 例句: People scurried for safety as the firing started. 人们在交火发生时急忙跑向安全地带。 扩展资料 与消防安全有关的名词: 1、fire hydrant 英文发音:[u02c8fau026au0259 hau026adru0259nt] 中文释义:[安全] 消防栓;灭火龙头 例句: Mr. Huang used water that had leaked out of a fire hydrant to wash his motor scooter. 黄先生利用从消防栓外漏的水清洗他的摩托车。 2、firemen 英文发音:["fau026au0259mu0259n] 中文释义:n. 消防员 例句: It took firemen two hours to cut through the drive belt to free him 消防员花了两个小时才把传动带切断,把他救了出来。 3、fire fighting truck 英文发音:[u02c8fau026au0259(r) u02c8fau026atu026au014b tru028ck] 中文释义:消防车 例句: Article 36 Fire truck, fire boats and fire control devices, equipage and facilities shall not be used for purposes other than fire fighting and rescue work. 第三十六条 消防车、消防艇以及消防器材、装备和设施,不得用于与消防和抢险救援工作无关的事项。 2. 跪求 防火安全常识 英语作文 People know the dangers of fires. It"s good for us to know how to protect us from fire. Firstly, get a *** oke alarm in the house. It can make a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house immediately in case of emergency. Secondly, have an escaping plan. Make sure we all know where is the safety exit of your house. In case of fire emergency, everyone should follow the right way to escape. Last but not least, it is necessary for every family to buy a fire extinguisher, better safe than sorry. And also make sure that every family member know how to use it. 3. 跪求 防火安全常识 英语作文 Forest fire is everyone"s responsibility Forest as the renewable natural resources and the main body of the terrestrial ecosystem, in the survival and development of mankind history plays an irreplaceable role. The forest has the reputation of lung of the earth, it can greatly absorb carbon dioxide, and constantly create a human and other organi *** s need oxygen. The forest is the oxygen factory, is a dust filter, is a natural reservoir, is a natural air conditioning 。 。 The forest gives us the inexhaustible benefits! The forest is whole countryman economy lasts, fast, healthy development of the foundation, it is in the national economic construction has irreplaceable status and role.The forest and the people"s production and life are closely linked, but the forest is facing the threat of fire! Fire can make valuable natural resources e to nothing! Fire can cause people to lose the precious life! The number of human civilization in the fire disappear? How many precious wealth in the fire disappear?Please see the following terrible lesson: in 2004, a town in Fujian province a hill. Because there was a farmer in a field of weeds in burned accidentally cause of forest fires, the affected forest area of 28 hectares, the fire lasted 19 hours, the fire direct cost 26000 yuan! Causing the death of 8 people! In 2006, a state-owned forestry centre for the village because *** oking cause of forest fires. Forest Lawn victimization area of 1000 mu, 4 firefighters died!Forest fires occur due to human factors and natural factors two, wherein, the human factors account for a major proportion of. Human factors are the main field and open up wasteland; field and keep warm by the fire; fire flooding wild beast; field littered cigarette and *** oke. Fire and water have no mercy., is not a joke, there is old saying goes: those who play with fire will burn! One careless move, can bring to the forest crowning calamity to human beings themselves, bring endless grief! People are weak awareness of fire prevention has led to a disastrous consequences!As a pupil of what we can do? I think I should start from our own, strictly abide by the rules for primary school students, not in the wild fire. And to do *** all forest fire propagandist work, into their own village, and protect the forest uncle aunts a, publicity the importance of fire, tell people to forest fire prevention. To help improve people"s consciousness of fire prevention. I want to you uncle aunt call: forest fire protection is everyone"s responsibility! Prevention of forest fire prevention in!。 4. 翻译成英文: 1.讲消防安全知识 2.必须 为你解答。 1 讲消防安全知识 tell something about fire safety 2.必须____ 禁止 must-mustn"t 3.必须小心 must be careful 4.玩火柴 play with matches 5.在火边玩耍 play by the fire 6.一场大火 a big fire 7.在一个乡村公园里 in a country park 8.到处 here and there 9.在火上浇水 drop water on the fire 10.在火中燃烧 burn in the fire 11.勇敢地灭火 put out the fire bravely 12.受伤 get hurt 13.使用了大量水 use a lot of water 14.放了一块标牌 put up a sign 15.在我们的洞里有一个火堆。 There is a campfire in our cave. 16.给某人某物 give *** sth 17.好吃 taste good 18.喜欢____憎恨(反) like-hate 19.把它扔到火堆里去 throw it into the fire 20.闻起来香 *** ell good 21.把所有的肉放在火上烧 put all the meat on the fire 22.快速地出去 get out quickly 23.不要用电梯 don"t use the lift 24.危险的___ 安全的(反) dangerous-safe 25.到处是烟雾弥漫。 There is *** oke everywhere. 26.捂住你的嘴 Cover your mouth 27.快速地爬出去 crawl out quickly 28.知道做什么 know what to do 29.听消防员的 listen to the firefighters 5. 防火通知英语作文加翻译 Hello everyone. Fire safety is very important to us . If our building is on fire, how should we do? First, we should keep calm and follow the teacher"s arrangement to keep the order, . Next , If the *** oke is thick, we should use a wet towel to cover our mouths and noses. At the same time, we have to try to keep low to the floor in the *** oke.Finally, we should walk quickly to the nearest exit. 你们好,消防安全对我们每个人都很重要。 如果我们的房子着火了,我们应该怎么做?首先,我们应该保持冷静,听从老师的 保持顺序的安排,。其次,如果浓烟,要用湿毛巾盖我的嘴巴和鼻子。同时,我们要尽量保持低到地板上。最后,我们应该尽快走到最近的出口。 本文来自"英语汇作文网" 欢迎分享本文,转载请保留出处! 6. 消防四个能力详细内容 英文翻译 1. To determine the fire safety manager in charge of the unit"s fire safety management, clear responsibility of employees in post fire2. Units a month to conduct a prehensive fire safety inspection, and plete inspection records3. Units daily fire safety inspections, and inspection personnel to determine the content, location and frequency; public places during business hours should be at least once every two hours of fire safety inspections; hospitals, nursing homes, boarding schools, nurseries and kindergartens should be undertaken night fire safety inspections4. Unit employees a day before classes, after classes check the status of fire safety5. Units of fire prevention inspection, inspection of fire hazards found, check the inspectors to immediately urge the rectification, rectification can not spot, fire safety manager to report to develop corrective action plans, specific corrective measures, the rectification period, the deadline to eliminate, and to take preventive measures, to ensure the safety of the rectification period6. Shall be set up full time fire brigade enterprises and institutions to establish a full-time fire department; with security forces unit to establish a "security consumer one" fire brigade; other units of the establishment of the voluntary fire brigade7. The fire control room staff on duty trained certificates, familiar with the fire fighting equipment, and master fire and starting the fire facilities and equipment disposal procedures and methods8. According to its practical development of fire fighting and emergency evacuation, fire fighting and emergency evacuation and a clear organizational structure, personnel, disposal procedures and practices; unit organizations at least once every six months fire fighting and emergency evacuation drills and exercises continued to improve according to plan9. The control unit employees should be extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire-fighting facilities and equipment are used. In the event of fire, the fire site and the adjacent staff positions staff positions to quickly take advantage of fire fighting equipment10. Employees to master the basic skills to help themselves escape fire, escape routes and guide familiar with evacuation procedures. A. carry safety equipment, evacuation, and immediately rushed to the responsibility of cleaning up the safety position B. rapid export organizations to help guide the evacuation corridor C. evacuation operations not to escape11. Units on each floor of the building, evacuation passageway and safety officers to clear evacuation guide12. Fire facilities equipment to set norms, eye-catching logo, text or illustrations indicate the operation with use of13. Key positions, an important place and evacuation passageway and safety to set the "prompt", "No" Class fire logo14. Unit employees annually organize a fire safety education and training, public gathering places once every six months training. New posts and the new staff positions to conduct pre-service fire training, most employees to "know the three will be three" requirements。
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