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谁帮我总结一下:give up give away give in等几个有关give 的短语,谢谢

2023-07-11 23:28:02

give up 放弃,表示“戒”烟等也可以用。


I give up; tell me what the answer is.

You ought to give up smoking; I gave it up last year.

give away 舍弃,出卖,泄露,正式婚礼中新娘的父亲把新娘交送给新郎。


He decide to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.

He was given away by one of his accomplices.

Don"t give away to the public when we will start.

give in 屈服,让步


The enemy were forced to give in.

give on 面对,朝向


The bedroom windows give on to the street.

give out 分发


He has refused to give out any information on the matter.

give off 发(光等),排除


As motor vehicles burn fuel, they give off carbon monoxide as a waste.

give for 牺牲,交换

give into 通向



give up放弃

give away赠送,分发,泄露

give in屈服,投降

give back归还

give off放出

give out分发



givein的意思是:屈服。一、短语搭配1、give in to让步;屈从于;放弃。二、双语例句1、Neither side was willing to give in. / Each side held its own ground.双方互不相让。2、You give in too much to the children. / You humour the children too much.你太就合孩子了。3、Don"t assume that I"ll give in if you wrangle with me.别以为你们这么胡搅一下,我就会让步。4、Even if circumstances become more difficult, we will not give in.纵使条件再艰苦,我们也要坚持下去。5、He was so persistent that I had to give in.我别不过他,只好答应。三、近义词give way to sb给某人让路;yield to屈服于。
2023-07-11 19:35:111

give in什么意思中文翻译

让步;屈服;交; 投降
2023-07-11 19:35:335

give in 是什么意思

2023-07-11 19:35:505

give in 和give on 什么意思

give in英 [ɡiv in] 美 [ɡɪv ɪn] 词典:让步; 屈服; 交; 投降例句:1.If you always give in to others you will end up feeling like a doormat. 如果你总是屈服于人,你最终会觉得自己像一个受气包。2.Under no conditions should we give in. 无论如何我们不应屈服。3.The number of red roses represent how much you expect to give in a relationship.红玫瑰的数量代表了你在一段恋爱关系中付出多少。give on英 [ɡiv ɔn] 美 [ɡɪv ɑn] v.(门、窗等)向着例句:1.He urged them not to give up on peace efforts. 他力劝他们不要放弃对和平的努力。2.Never put off or give up on a goal thats important to you. 永远不要推迟和放弃对你来说很重要的目标。3.Thats not to say you should give up on the people you love. 这不是说你要放弃那些你爱的人。
2023-07-11 19:36:061


您好,我是精锐小刘老师,希望我的回答对你有帮助give up 与give in 都有“放弃,让步”之意,但give up 指行为者碰到某种困难或原因而自己主动放弃;give in指行为者屈于某种压力而被迫按别人的要求去做,侧重于屈服。give up可作vt., 后接名词或动名词作宾语;而give in只作vi. ,后不接宾语。如: They decided to give up their plan. 他们决定放弃计划了。 What a heavy smoker you are! Give up smoking and take more care of yourself !你个烟鬼,把烟戒了,多关心一下自己吧! His mother gave in and bought him a new bike. 他母亲拗不过他,只得给他买了一辆新自行车。
2023-07-11 19:36:251

give in和give up的区别是什么?

give in和give up的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、give in:屈服。2、give up:放弃。二、语法不同1、give in:give接双宾语时,间接宾语是人,双宾语的句型可以转变为跟to短语的句型,但当间接宾语是物时,则间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后的位置是固定的,不可以转换。2、give up:give接双宾语时的被动结构可把间接宾语变为主语; 也可把直接宾语变为主语。但人们通常对人(或动物)比对物更感兴趣,所以用人作主语比较多。三、侧重点不同1、give in:侧重于按照对方的想法做。2、give up:侧重于表达不做了。
2023-07-11 19:36:321

give in的用法和例句

give in和give up都有“放弃”之意。give in是不及物动词词组,后面不接宾语。例句: Officials say they wont give in to the workers demands. 官员们表示他们不会向工人的要求让步。 扩展资料   My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight   家里人坚持认为我不应让步,而应该留下来继续抗争。   The rebels were forced to give in.   叛乱者被迫投降。   Neither side would give in [ yield].   双方相持不下。
2023-07-11 19:36:501

yield to 和give in有区别吗

yield to 1.让步于, 屈服于; 使自己受到…的支配 We shall never yield to a conqueror.我们永远不会向征服者低头。She yielded to her daughter"s request.她同意女儿的要求。You will meet much evil in life; try not to yield to temptation.你将在生活中遇到许多罪恶, 千万不可受其诱惑。2.(使)陷入 It"s best to yield to your grief for a time, then you will be able to deal with your feelings.眼下你最好不要遏制自己悲痛的心情, 之后才能够处理自己的情绪。Yielding himself to his feelings of worthlessness, he tried to kill himself.他总是觉得自己一无是处, 便企图自杀。3.接替, 替换 I"m leaving the firm after all these years as I feel that I should yield to a younger man.在该公司任职这么些年后, 我就要离开了, 因为我觉得应当给比我年轻的人让位。The long cruel winter came to an end at last, yielding to a gentle warm spring.漫长的严冬终于结束, 随之而来的是温暖的春天。give in1.屈服; 投降; 让步 The defenders were outnumbered and had to give in.抵抗者寡不敌众, 只能投降。As neither management nor labour would give in, the union organized a strike.由于劳资双方互不让步, 工会组织了一次罢工。2.交; 上交; 递交; 呈送;呈交 All papers should be given in before 12 o"clock.12点以前必须交论文。
2023-07-11 19:36:581

give in 中in 是介词,还是副词?

2023-07-11 19:37:296

give in 什麽意思

屈服; 投降; 让步;呈交
2023-07-11 19:37:455

give in等于什么

2023-07-11 19:37:591

give in to 与 give in 的区别和用法?

give in 意思是“屈服,投降”,不及物动词 give in to 意思是“屈服于”,及物动词, 两者的区别是由于他们的词性而定的,因为give in本身是一个不及物动词短语,后面不可以加名词或代词.因此假如要加上名词或代词,必须在其后面带上to,转变成一个及物动词短语.
2023-07-11 19:38:061

give in和give up的区别.

give in 屈服,投降,侧重于"失败" give up 侧重于"放弃" hehe~~
2023-07-11 19:38:165

give in to 与 give in 的区别和用法??

2023-07-11 19:38:332

give up 和give in意思一样吗

give up指行为或努力受挫或别的原因而主动放弃,可用作及物动词,跟名词或v-ing作宾语;也可作不及物动词;give in指不再坚持自己的行为或观点等,而按别人的要求去做,即屈服的意思一般作不及物动词give up sth/doing放弃某事/做某事.如:David gave up his work/smoking yesterday.give in (to sb)(向某人)屈服.如:Liu Hulan never gave in to the enemy
2023-07-11 19:38:443

give in和 give in to区别

give in to 投降,屈服give in 让步,呈交
2023-07-11 19:38:535

give in to 与 give in 的区别和用法??

give in to sb是表示向……屈服;give in是表示放弃
2023-07-11 19:39:093

give in用法give in后面接宾语时需要接介词的什么形式

2023-07-11 19:39:271

give in是什么意思?用法

2023-07-11 19:39:415

give in 和 give way的区别

give way To retreat or withdraw. 退却或撤退 To yield the right of way: 让路: gave way to an oncoming car. 给一辆即将过来的汽车让路 To relinquish ascendancy or position: 放弃优势或地位: as day gives way slowly to night. 白天渐渐转为黑夜 To collapse from or as if from physical pressure: 倒塌来自外界的压力或好象来自外界压力下倒塌: The ladder gave way. 梯子塌了 To yield to urging or demand; give in. 放弃激励或要求;屈服,让步 To abandon oneself: 放纵自己: give way to hysteria. 变得歇斯底里 give up To surrender: 投降: The suspects gave themselves up. 这些嫌疑犯投降了 To devote (oneself) completely: 将(自己)完全奉献: gave herself up to her work. 献身于她自己的工作 To cease to do or perform: 停止做或执行: gave up their search. 停止他们的搜查 To desist from; stop: 停止;结束: gave up smoking. 戒烟 To part with; relinquish: 让出;放弃: gave up the apartment; gave up all hope. 让出公寓;放弃所有的希望 To lose hope for: 对…失去希望: We had given the dog up as lost. 最后我们当那只狗已经走失了而不再存有指望 To lose hope of seeing: 没有希望见到: We"d given you up an hour ago. 一个小时前我们就以为见不到你了 To admit defeat. 承认失败 To abandon what one is doing or planning to do. Often used with on: 中止放弃某人正在做的或打算做的。常与 on一起用: gave up on writing the novel. 放弃写小说了 give in To hand in; submit: 递交;呈送: She gave in her report. 她递交了报告 To cease opposition; yield. 停止反对;投降
2023-07-11 19:39:561

give in和give up的区别是什么?

2023-07-11 19:40:212

give in。hand in。turn in都是上交的意思。有什么区别吗?

2023-07-11 19:41:052

Give up和give in是分别什么意思

2023-07-11 19:41:142

英语有关give in的问题

yes如果不好记话就楼主给两个句子listen to me :上交:You must give in your examination papers now.屈服:He was compelled to give in.还有一点,give in to sb ,向某人屈服。吼吼~~不懂欢迎来问哦----
2023-07-11 19:41:232

give in 和give 的区别是什么?

上面那位同志说错了。简单点说一个是单词一个是短语。give意思不用说了,give in有放弃、投降的意思,而决没有呈交的意思。handle in则有呈交、上交的意思
2023-07-11 19:41:325

give in。hand in。turn in都是上交的意思。有什么区别吗?

2023-07-11 19:41:592

give up与give in的区别

2023-07-11 19:42:088

give in。hand in。turn in都是上交的意思。有什么区别吗?

这三个词组用在“上交”的意思时,用法是一样的。hand in:上交give in :上交;登记;投降;塌陷turn in:上交; 上床睡觉;履行,执行
2023-07-11 19:42:242

give in和give away的区别

2023-07-11 19:42:322

give的短语搭配 这些常用用法建议收藏

1、give in。 读音:英 [ɡ?v ?n]美 [ɡ?v ?n]。 释义:屈从,让步。 语法:give in指行为者屈于某种压力而被迫按别人的要求去做,侧重于屈服。 2、give off。 读音:英 [ɡ?v ?f]美 [ɡ?v ??f]。 释义:释放,放出。 语法:give off强调是用尽,如热量全部发散。give off通常用来表示“散发,发出”某种气体或气味。 3、give out。 读音:英 [ɡ?v a?t]美 [ɡ?v a?t]。 释义:释放,放出,发出。 语法:give out强调的是动作,give out则通常用来表示“散发”某种光,声,热,信号等物理现象。
2023-07-11 19:42:381

give in/give away/give sb a hand/give back/give out 的区别

2023-07-11 19:42:464

give in 和 give way的区别

GIVE IN 屈服give way 让路,让步 The cars gave way to the pedestrians
2023-07-11 19:42:553

hand in 和give in的区别(急急急!!)

hand in 是上交,交上give in 是投降,屈服,让步,宣布,也有交上的意思,但很少用此意
2023-07-11 19:43:041

give in 和give on 什么意思

2023-07-11 19:43:322

give in什么意思

givein的意思是:屈服。一、短语搭配1、give in to让步;屈从于;放弃。二、双语例句1、Neither side was willing to give in. / Each side held its own ground.双方互不相让。2、You give in too much to the children. / You humour the children too much.你太就合孩子了。三、近义词give way to sb给某人让路;yield to屈服于。
2023-07-11 19:43:381

give in和give up的区别是什么?

give up 与give in 都有“放弃,让步”之意,但give up 指行为者碰到某种困难或原因而自己主动放弃;give in指行为者屈于某种压力而被迫按别人的要求去做,侧重于屈服。give up可作vt., 后接名词或动名词作宾语;而give in只作vi. ,后不接宾语。x0dx0a如: x0dx0a They decided to give up their plan. 他们决定放弃计划了。 x0dx0a His mother gave in and bought him a new bike. 他母亲拗不过他,只得给他买了一辆新自行车。
2023-07-11 19:44:091

give in造句

give in 1.让步 He has given in to my views. 他已让步,接受了我的看法. 2.呈交 Please give in your examination papers now. 现在请交上试卷.
2023-07-11 19:44:291

give in和give up有什么不同

give up 与give in 都有“放弃,让步”之意,但give up 指行为者碰到某种困难或原因而自己主动放弃;give in指行为者屈于某种压力而被迫按别人的要求去做,侧重于屈服。give up可作vt., 后接名词或动名词作宾语;而give in只作vi. ,后不接宾语。如:They decided to give up their plan. 他们决定放弃计划了。His mother gave in and bought him a new bike. 他母亲拗不过他,只得给他买了一辆新自行车。
2023-07-11 19:44:497

surrender与succumb,give in的区别?大学英语

give up 与give in 都有“放弃,让步”之意。一、但give up 指行为者碰到某种困难或原因而自己主动放弃;give in指行为者屈于某种压力而被迫按别人的要求去做,侧重于屈服。二、give up可作vt., 后接名词或动名词作宾语;而give in只作vi. ,后不接宾语。如: 1、They decided to give up their plan. 他们决定放弃计划了。 2、 What a heavy smoker you are! Give up smoking and take more care of yourself !你个烟鬼,把烟戒了,多关心一下自己吧! 3、His mother gave in and bought him a new bike. 他母亲拗不过他,只得给他买了一辆新自行车。希望帮到你 谢谢 加油
2023-07-11 19:45:051

give in和give up有什么不同

give up是放弃(主动) give in是屈服 (被迫)
2023-07-11 19:45:145

give in to 与 give in 的区别和用法?

give in 意思是“屈服,投降”,不及物动词 give in to 意思是“屈服于”,及物动词, 两者的区别是由于他们的词性而定的,因为give in本身是一个不及物动词短语,后面不可以加名词或代词.因此假如要加上名词或代词,必须在其后面带上to,转变成一个及物动词短语.
2023-07-11 19:45:301

give in和give up的区别

2023-07-11 19:45:392

give in和give up表上交有什么区别吗

give in和give up两者都可表示“交给”,但有区别:give in 主要表示将某物(如报告、试卷等)呈交给有权受理此物的人;而 give up 通常只是 一般性地表示将某物让给、交给或献给他人或用作他用.如:Give in your examination papers now.现在把考卷交上来.Names of contestants must be given in before the end of the month.参赛者的名单必须在月底以前报上来.He gave up his seat to an old man.他给一位老人让座.He gave up his life for his country.他为祖国献身了.The second floor was given up to sleeping rooms.二楼划作寝室用.注:表示“呈交”的 give in 在美国英语中通常用 hand in 代之.另外,若 give up 后接反身代词,可指“投案自首”.如:He gave himself up to the police.他向警察自首了.
2023-07-11 19:45:461

give in和 give in to区别

2023-07-11 19:45:531

give in和give up表上交有什么区别吗

  give in和give up  两者都可表示“交给”,但有区别:give in 主要表示将某物(如报告、试卷等)呈交给有权受理此物的人;而 give up 通常只是 一般性地表示将某物让给、交给或献给他人或用作他用.  如:  Give in your examination papers now.现在把考卷交上来.  Names of contestants must be given in before the end of the month.  参赛者的名单必须在月底以前报上来.  He gave up his seat to an old man.他给一位老人让座.  He gave up his life for his country.他为祖国献身了.  The second floor was given up to sleeping rooms.二楼划作寝室用.  注:表示“呈交”的 give in 在美国英语中通常用 hand in 代之.另外,若 give up 后接反身代词,可指“投案自首”.  如:He gave himself up to the police.他向警察自首了.
2023-07-11 19:46:111

give in.hand in.turn in都是上交的意思.有什么区别吗?

give in :to deliver;hand in 递交,呈交,(一般是上级……)hand in:to deliver;give by hand 一般是上交、交给……(上级、长辈,或者平辈都可以)turn in:1、交回、交还行的上交,you must turn in your gun when y...
2023-07-11 19:46:171

give up,give in,give out,give off有什么区别

give up,1.让出,2.放弃 give in ,1.让步,2.呈交 give out,1.分发,2.用尽,3.公布 give off,发散 意思基本完全不同的
2023-07-11 19:46:251


2023-07-11 19:46:321

give in和give up表上交有什么区别吗

give in和give up 两者都可表示“交给”,但有区别:give in 主要表示将某物(如报告、试卷等)呈交给有权受理此物的人;而 give up 通常只是 一般性地表示将某物让给、交给或献给他人或用作他用. 如: Give in your examination papers now.现在把考卷交上来. Names of contestants must be given in before the end of the month. 参赛者的名单必须在月底以前报上来. He gave up his seat to an old man.他给一位老人让座. He gave up his life for his country.他为祖国献身了. The second floor was given up to sleeping rooms.二楼划作寝室用. 注:表示“呈交”的 give in 在美国英语中通常用 hand in 代之.另外,若 give up 后接反身代词,可指“投案自首”. 如:He gave himself up to the police.他向警察自首了. 祝开心,
2023-07-11 19:46:391

give in和give up有什么不同?

give in 屈服give up 放弃
2023-07-11 19:47:056