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2023-07-11 23:22:39
TAG: 英文 医生


The doctors here are very willing to help patients in need.


very willing强调意愿,表示非常地乐意。

in need是有需求,有需要就会帮,不一定加,不过句子要变成:

The doctors here are very willing to help the patients.



The doctors here are happy to help the patients.




patients[英]["peu026au0283u0259nts][美]["peu026au0283u0259nts]n.患者( patient的名词复数 );接受治疗者;受动着;承受者双语例句1.This drug is contraindicated in patients with asthma.这种药哮喘病人禁用。2.Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early.病人都过早获准出院。3.Many of our patients need help with dressing.我们的许多病人需要有人帮助穿衣。4.Patients with the disease should be isolated.这种病的患者应予以隔离。5.This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients.这种作用在年轻一些的病人身上尤为明显。
2023-07-11 19:17:111

patients 是什么意思

2023-07-11 19:17:182


patients读作:英[u02c8peu026au0283nt];美[u02c8peu0283u0259nt] 。短语搭配patient monitor[医]病人监护仪 ; 医疗监视器 ; 监护仪 ; 监视器。Patient history病历 ; 既往症 ; 病史 ; 有耐性的。English Patient英国病人 ; 英伦情人 ; 书名 。patient monitor[医]病人监护仪 ; 医疗监视器 ; 监护仪 ; 监视器。Patient history病历 ; 既往症 ; 病史 ; 有耐性的。English Patient英国病人 ; 英伦情人 ; 书名。双语例句1、Patient: What should I do, doctor?病人: 医生,我该做些什么呢?。2、Patient: Because you have your hand on my wristwatch.病人:因为你把手放在了我的手表上。3、Their confidence in him should be like that of a patient in his doctor.他们对他的信心应该像一个病人对医生的信心那样。
2023-07-11 19:17:391


staminalstick-to-itive例句与词语【例句用法】1. 他是这样没有耐心的司机,所以他闯红灯了。He was such an impatient driver (=He was so impatient a driver) that he went through the red light. 2. 我认为我是一个相当有耐心的人。I think I am quite a patient person. 3. 我对别人是有耐心的。I am patient with others.
2023-07-11 19:17:581


patients 报错 英 ["peu026au0283(u0259)nts] 美 ["peu0283u0259nts] 全球发音 跟读 口语练习n. [医] 病人(patient的复数形式)网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 患者 病患 病者 病人短语Dialysis Patients 肾衰竭 ; 洗肾患者 ; 肾衰歇needy patients 有需要的病人surgical patients 手术患者 ; 过敏性鼻炎 ; 外科患者 ; 外科病人
2023-07-11 19:18:252

patients怎么读 英语patients怎么读

1、patients英[u02c8peu026au0283u0259nts]美[u02c8peu026au0283u0259nts],n.接受治疗者,病人(尤指医院里的); (某个医生或牙医等的)病人; 受动者;patient的复数。 2、[例句]The patients were observed over a period of several months.这些病人被观察了数月之久。
2023-07-11 19:18:331


2023-07-11 19:18:422


patient 英["peu026au0283nt] 美[u02c8peu0283u0259nt] adj. 有耐性的;能容忍的 n. 患者;病人;病号 名词复数:patients [例句]( Advanced icu charges hospitals a per patient fee .)(高级ICU公司按患者数量向医院收费)。
2023-07-11 19:18:491


可数啊n. [医] 病人(patient的复数形式)
2023-07-11 19:19:112


patient 英[u02c8peu026au0283nt] 美[u02c8peu0283u0259nt] adj. 有耐性的; 能容忍的; n. 病人; 患者; 病号; [例句]The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient"s chances病人越早接受治疗,康复的可能性就越大。[其他] 复数:patients
2023-07-11 19:19:271


2023-07-11 19:19:592


  病人,指生病的人。尤指等候接受内外科医生的治疗与照料的人。其为多义项,古语里又有使人民困顿、扰乱为害人们等义。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    病人英语说法1:   patient    病人英语说法2:   invalid    病人英语说法3:   sick    病人英语例句:   听到收音机里传来的轻快乐曲,这个病人笑了。   The patient *** iled when he heard the sprightly music on the radio.   容纳不下的病人躺在地上和走廊里。   Overflow patients lay on the floors and in the corridors.   病人因出现并发症而死亡。   plications set in, and the patient died.   病人容易疲劳。   The patient fatigues easily.   病人正在输液。   The patient is on a drip.   这个病人不得不节制饮食。   The patient had to practice temperance in eating and drinking.   医生们以为医好了许多病人,其实是病人们只因觉得厌烦而不再来罢了。   Doctors think a lot of patients being cured who have simply quitted in disgust.   烧伤病人是创伤病人。   A burn patient is a trauma patient.   护士细心护理病人,病人很快恢复了健康。   The nurses took good care of the patient and he soon recovered.   95%的病人都知道他们的痴迷是不理智的。   95% of patients know their obsessions are irrational.   在佐贺县,所有救护车都用iPad快速定位病人需要转诊的地点。   In Saga Prefecture, all the ambulances uses iPad to quickly locate where the patient has to be transferred.   病人能走动了。   The invalid is able to get about now.   病人逐渐变得萎靡。   The sick person gradually falls into a torpor.   她的病床用屏风与其他病人隔开。   Her bed was screened off from the other patients.   我们给每个病人都做了一系列的检查。   We give a battery of tests to each patient.   他混入医院当上医生,结果因疏忽职守致使一名病人丧生。   He tricked his way into a job as a hospital doctor and killed a patient through lack of care.   她在病人与医护人员间充当沟通的桥梁。   She acts as a liaison between patients and staff.   尽管统计数字凿凿,仍有个别病人能够做到将它抛在一边,相信自己可以活下来。   Exceptional patients have the ability to throw statistics aside to say, "I can be a survivor".   并没有限制这位病人少吃东西。   The patient isn"t restricted to a meagre diet.   我对“好的晚期病人安养院”的定义是一个能让一些病人开始感到生有所恋的地方。   My definition of a good hospice is one where some of the patients start feeling too good to die.   扫描器将使病人免遭风险和痛苦。   The scanner will save risk and pain for patients.
2023-07-11 19:20:061


patient 英["peu026au0283nt] 美[u02c8peu0283u0259nt] adj. 有耐性的;能容忍的 n. 患者;病人;病号 名词复数:patients [例句]Anybody can be patient once.谁都可以保持一次耐心。更多示例用法>>
2023-07-11 19:20:141


不是的,已经加了S,代表是复数的“病人”,作为主语的时候后面动词一律跟着复数走。比如: -- These patients are hospitalized. -- 这些病人住院了。
2023-07-11 19:20:421


patient的用法包括用作形容词,用作名词。形容词表示有耐心的,后面通常接with,名词的意思是患者,病人,病号。They want their patients to suffer less他们希望病人少受苦。Please be patient请耐心点。He was endlessly kind and patient with children他对孩子们总是非常好,很有耐心。 扩展资料 patient的`用法包括用作形容词,用作名词。形容词表示有耐心的,后面通常接with,名词的意思是患者,病人,病号。例如They want their patients to suffer less他们希望病人少受苦。Please be patient请耐心点。
2023-07-11 19:21:031


Bpatient nurse耐心的护士patients 病人patiently 耐心地
2023-07-11 19:21:134


2023-07-11 19:21:236


上面的说的对,句子是现在进行时 因为有正在俩字注意下时态
2023-07-11 19:21:436


patient是一个adj.形容词,意思是耐心的(9A Unit 1 )它的反义词是impatient(意思是不耐心的,急躁的)原句:You are patient enough to wait for a long time without getting angry..~。。。(它也可以做n.名词.意思是患者、病人)
2023-07-11 19:22:013

patient的复数是什么?如题 谢谢了

2023-07-11 19:22:162


形容词 a. 1.有耐心的,能忍受的,能容忍的[(+with/of)]He"s a very patient man. 他是个很有耐心的人。 2.(人)勤奋的;(工作等)需要耐性的名词 n. 1.病人[C]The doctor is very patient with his patients
2023-07-11 19:22:402

patients读音 请问TS是读为/s /还是/c/ 的发音呀

2023-07-11 19:22:592


Patient翻译成中文是:adj. 有耐性的,能容忍的 n. 病人;患者…一般只是形容人,不能译为动物。兽医要医治的是什么动物,就用英文翻译成相关的动物名称即可。patient 英[u02c8peu026au0283nt] 美[u02c8peu0283u0259nt] adj. 有耐性的; 能容忍的; n. 病人; 患者; 病号; [例句]The earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient"s chances病人越早接受治疗,康复的可能性就越大。[其他] 复数:patients
2023-07-11 19:23:081


patient的比较级和最高级分别为more patient和most patient。patient的意思是接受治疗者,病人(尤指医院里的),(某个医生或牙医等的)病人,受动者。patient的例句:The patient was saved(病人得救了)。 扩展资料 patient的例句:She was tough but wonderful with her patients(她很严厉,但对患者却很好);The doctor told me on the quiet his patient had cancer(医生暗地对我说,那位病人患的是癌症)。
2023-07-11 19:23:161

patients episode 是什么意思啊

2023-07-11 19:23:233

英语作文 为什么我想成为医生

2023-07-11 19:23:332

护士的职责英语作文 (带翻译)

my dream i have a dream,i want to be a nurse when i graduate .now i am in grade 2 of a medical school.i study very diligently in order to make my
2023-07-11 19:23:524


这个句子的翻译为:主要终点是在肿瘤细胞表达的PD-L1 CPS值高于或等于10(CPS10亚组),PD-L1 CPS值高于或等于1(CPS-1亚组)以及意向治疗人群中的总生存期和进展期无疾病生存期(之前已经报道过PD-L1进展无疾病生存期)。这个句子的语法分析如下:"The primary end points were progression-free survival (reported previously) and overall survival":主语是"the primary end points"(主要终点),谓语动词是"were"(表示过去时态的"be"动词),其中还包括两个主语补语,分别是"progression-free survival"(无进展生存期)和"overall survival"(总生存期)。"among patients whose tumors expressed PD-L1 with a CPS of10 or more (the CPS10 subgroup), among patients whose tumors expressed PD-L1 with a CPS of1 or more (the CPS-1 subgroup), and in the intention-to-treat population":这是名词性短语做介词短语的补语,介词是 "among",主语是"patients"(患者),修饰"patients"的是两个定语从句和"in the intention-to-treat population"这个介词短语。其中,"whose tumors expressed PD-L1"是定语从句,修饰"patients",意思是"肿瘤细胞表达PD-L1的患者";"with a CPS of10 or more"是另外一个定语从句,修饰"PD-L1",意思是"PD-L1 CPS值高于或等于10",类似的,"with a CPS of1 or more"是另外一个定语从句,修饰"PD-L1",意思是"PD-L1 CPS值高于或等于1"。"in the intention-to-treat population":介词短语,修饰"the primary end points",意思是"意向治疗人群中的"。
2023-07-11 19:24:161

____(treat) patients,doctors of traditional Chine

这里应该是to treat,动词不定式表示目的目标,为了治疗病人,中医会使用许多方法
2023-07-11 19:24:393


He wants to help the sick.或He wants to help patients.
2023-07-11 19:24:494


2023-07-11 19:25:493


patient名词的意思是:(某个医生或牙医等的)病人;接受治疗者(尤指医院里的);受动者。patient的英音是/u02c8peu026au0283nt/,美音是/u02c8peu026au0283nt/。含有patient的双语例句1、There is one particular patient I"d like you to see.我想让你见一个病人。2、There was no change in the patient"s condition overnight.病人整夜病情不变。3、Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.有些住院病人十分焦虑不安。4、Patients can become conditioned to particular forms of treatment.病人会习惯某些治疗方式。5、Cuts in the health service could have tragic consequences for patients.减少公共医疗卫生服务可能对病人造成悲惨的后果。
2023-07-11 19:25:561


病人的英语patient。短语搭配:1、paralytic瘫痪病人;take care of patients招呼病人;visit a patient看望病人;;a patient一位病人;inpatient住院病人。2、emergency case急诊病人;critically ill person危重病人;nurse a patient监护病人;attend to a patient照看病人;look after a patient侍候病人。3、look after a patient陪病人;patient monitor病人监护仪;take care of the sick看顾病人;private patient自费病人;treat a patient治疗病人。4、outpatient; clinic patient门诊病人;sweat a patient使病人出汗;visit the sick in hospital探望住院病人;dying patient垂危的病人;take private patients接诊自费病人。5、A congenital idiot,syphilitic,etc先天性白痴、梅毒患者等;An obsessive - compulsive person.一个强迫性神经症患者。病人的双语例句:1、病人网站不太可能有这样的直觉。It"s unlikely that a patient website will have such intuition.2、移除病人鼻子和耳朵上的东西。Removing objects from patients"noses and ears.3、疗养院的一个大问题是病人的饮食。One big problem at the sanitarium was the patients"diets.4、他用不同的病人测试了机器人。He has tested robots with different patients.5、它告诉我们医生正在对病人做什么。It tells what doctors are doing to the patient.6、他尽一切可能把病人当作朋友。He treated his patients as friends in every way possible.7、她还可以帮助病人说话和记忆。She can also help patients with their speaking and their memory.8、医生应该改变他们治疗病人的方式。Doctors should change their ways to treat their patients.
2023-07-11 19:26:191

be patient to sb.和be patient with sb.的区别是什么?

be patient with 对某人`事有耐心be patient to 要对某人.事有耐心...后者有更强调的语气
2023-07-11 19:27:062


2023-07-11 19:27:251


2023-07-11 19:27:348

he is very patients with me中的patient要加s吗?

当然不能加s原句意思是他对我非常有耐心这里 patient adj.是形容词加了spatients就只能是个名词n.患者
2023-07-11 19:28:021


1.cured 2.blindness 3.patients 4.mostly 5.treat,cure 6.afford 7.patient 8.interviewer 9.proud 10.development11.most 13.further 14.blindness 15.operation16.mostly
2023-07-11 19:28:333


2023-07-11 19:28:433

patient website是什么意思理解

意思是:患者网站。重点词汇:patient。英['peu026au0283(u0259)nt]释义:adj.能忍耐的,有耐心的。n.病人,患者;(语言学)受动者,承受者。【名】(Patient)帕迪恩特(人名)。[复数:patients;比较级:more patient;最高级:most patient]短语:The English Patient英国病人;别问我是谁。词语使用变化:patientadj.(形容词)1、patient的意思是“忍耐的,有耐心的”,指能镇静地承受痛苦或考验,经受困难,也指对挑衅或曲解表现出克制的态度,能宽容别人的缺点或冒犯。2、patient在句中可用作定语或表语。3、patient无比较级和最高级。
2023-07-11 19:28:501


2023-07-11 19:29:085

lonely patients的反义词

Lonely patients孤独患者注:这是个名词词组,没有反义词。lonelyadj. 寂寞的; 孤独的,孤单的;荒凉的,幽静的;在孤单中度过的;patientsn. 患者;接受治疗者;受动着;承受者。
2023-07-11 19:29:241

Lonely patients是什么意思

2023-07-11 19:29:322

my paients

my paients悬赏分:0 - 离问题结束还有 4 天 8 小时用my paients造8句话,怎么造 paients?patients?
2023-07-11 19:29:402

翻译Patients recovering from broken limbs are housed in the hopital’s orthopedic ward.

2023-07-11 19:30:144

文献中常出现的consecutive patients 啥意思?怎么理解?在线等。多谢!

2023-07-11 19:30:332

英语作文 一名好医生应该具有怎样的品质

结尾就自己写吧。。。。参考地址: and other health professionals play an essential role in the treatment of arthritis. It is important that you feel comfortable with the person managing your health care so make your decision carefully. Here is my views on doctor qualities.1. Experience: Inquire about the doctor"s credentials and experience. It is useful to know the doctor"s specialty and subspecialty. If you have multiple health problems or comorbid conditions, experienced doctor can diversify enough to handle the entire situation.2.Board Certification: The doctor should be board certified. A doctor who is board-certified has taken several extra years of specialty training and passed a rigorous board examination. Some boards also require continuing education and periodic recertification.3.Effective Communication:Good doctors understand that a sick or injured patient is highly vulnerable. Being respectful goes a long way toward helping that patient explain symptoms, take responsibility for decision-making, and complying with instructions. He/she should has the ability to share information in terms her patients can understand and not interrupt or stereotype her patients. Listening carefully and respectfully will go a long way toward better outcomes for the patient.4.Alternative Remedies:Many alternative treatments have gained in popularity and serve to complement more traditional therapies. Some alternative approaches have questions regarding their efficacy and safety. Many doctors are not open to alternative treatments and as a result, are not helpful in guiding patients away from unproven arthritis remedies which may be non-effective or harmful.
2023-07-11 19:30:571

帮助病人的三个句式怎么翻译?(英文) 11年后的二个句式怎么翻译?(英文) 你认为……怎么样 怎么翻译?

Help patients11 years laterHow do you think
2023-07-11 19:31:132


2023-07-11 19:31:232

Most AIDS patients are too sick to be transmitting the virus

嗯,两个都用的是被动语态。之所以用被动语态,是因为你这两个例子里面的主语都不是谓语动词的直接实施者。一个一个来说。首先是patients are too sick to be transmitting the virus.主语是病人patients,谓语动词本来应该是传播transmit。但是病人不是主动的要传播病毒。。。所以是病毒被传播了,因此只能被动语态。问题补充里的例子更是这样,我不知道你原句by后面是什么,但是为了说得更明白点假设是不洁输血。补全这个句子就是The virus is being spread largely by contaminated blood transfusions.主语是病毒virus,谓语动词本来该是散布spead,这里不是想说病毒自己散布出去,而是想说散布病毒的是宾语“不洁的输血过程”,所以只能用被动语态了。再给个更简单的例子,The piano is being lifted by me.钢琴被我抬起。主语是钢琴,宾语是我,但是只能我抬钢琴不能钢琴抬我,所以只能被动语态了。=)希望对你有帮助
2023-07-11 19:31:311