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2023-07-11 22:46:23




2023-07-11 17:57:394


想象力: 1. fancy2. imagination (通常用)3. vision4. ideality例句与用法: 1. 她有灵活的想象力。 She has an active imagination. 2. 我女儿是一个想象力活跃的孩子。 My daughter is a child with vivid imagination3.他是个富有想象力的作家。 He is an imaginative writer
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2023-07-11 17:58:293


既可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。译成“想象物”是不可数,译成“幻想”是可数。译成“想象力”多用于可数,也可以用于不可数。如:she"d never been blessed with a vivid imagination.她从来就无福拥有生动的想像力。 imagination例句 1、Antonia is a woman with a vivid imagination 安东尼娅是个想象力丰富的女人。 2、Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my imagination. 早在我真正踏足之前很久,非洲就已在我的脑海中活灵活现了。 3、Italian football captured the imagination of the nation last season. 上个赛季意大利足球吸引了全国上下的注意。 4、Their films are exciting and really stretch the imagination. 他们的电影非常精彩且发人深省。 5、Alistair had a logical mind, and little imagination 阿利斯泰尔逻辑思维能力很强,但缺乏想象力。
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2023-07-11 18:00:031

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:Etta James专辑:Time After TimeI sit aloneWishing that you were hereI pick up the phone and no one"s even thereBut I hear your voiceAnd it sounds so clearAnd I"m telling you just how I feelWishing that you"d come and make it so real(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you really right here tonight?Are you gonna make everything right?)Why you standing here inmy doorAre you the one that I wished for, yeahI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationNow you will mean more than the word to meIf we could be more than a fantasyI do believe one day that you will be realityJust you and meBeing everything I knew me could be(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you walked into my life?Are you really right here tonight?(Are you gonna make everything right?)Standing right here in my doorAre you the one that I wished for?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationWhen you"re in my thoughts(I know in my heart)You were made for meThat"s why we have to start(Making our love so true and...)Making a love for two(So make my dreams come true tonight)I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Did you really walk in my life?Are you reallt right here tonight?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination
2023-07-11 18:00:101


2023-07-11 18:00:171

imagining 和imagination区别

想象想象力 imaginings应该可以用,表示多种想象
2023-07-11 18:00:264


Mr. Imagination想象大师George Kent乔治·肯特时间回到19世纪80年代。一个留着红胡子的大个子来拜访法国教育部长。接待员看了看他的名片,面露喜色。“凡尔纳先生,”他恭敬地说,“快请坐。您经历了那么多次的旅行,肯定很累了吧。”儒勒·凡尔纳的确应该累坏了。凭借想象力,他环游世界至少有100次了——有一次是在80天内完成的。他在海底航行了60000英里,急速掠过月球,在彗星上搭过便车,去地心探险,和非洲的食人族、澳洲的丛林居民交谈。世界上几乎没有什么地方是作家儒勒·凡尔纳凭着想象力没有去过的。儒勒·凡尔纳本人却是个不爱出门的人。如果他感到疲倦,那只不过是长时间写作导致的手指抽筋罢了。40年来,他一直都待在位于亚眠的家中的那个红砖楼的一间小屋子里,日复一日、年复一年地以每半年出一本书的速度进行着创作——总共出了100多本。凡尔纳本人曾游览过欧洲和北非,还曾在纽约州玩了六个星期。这就是他全部的旅行了。这个世界上最了不起的旅行家活了77岁,真正花在旅行上的时间却还不足一年。他的书中描写了很多打猎和捕鱼方面的活动,但儒勒只打过一次猎。那次,他举起枪,“砰” 的一声打中了猎场看守人帽子上的红丝带。他只在餐盘中用叉抓住过鱼。尽管儒勒·凡尔纳从未碰过试管,他却给实验室里的科学家们带来了鼓励和灵感。简易收音机发明之前,他的书中电视机已经能用了;他比莱特兄弟早半个世纪发明了直升机。实际上,他几乎预见了20世纪所有的惊人成就:霓虹灯、空调设备、摩天大楼、导弹、坦克、潜水艇和飞机。毋庸置疑,儒勒是科幻小说之父,他的预见比韦尔斯、柯南·道尔及其他伟大的幻想家们早很多年。他给人们带来的不仅仅是快乐。他对未来那些奇妙事物的描写详细确切,无可争辩,因此, 很多人都很认真地看待他的想法。学术界和他展开争论,数学家们花几周时间去验证他列出的数字。当他那本关于登月旅行的书出版时,500个人自告奋勇要参加下次探险。法国著名的马歇尔·利奥泰曾经说过,现代科学不过是把儒勒·凡尔纳书中想象的东西变为现实的过程。凡尔纳有生之年目睹了他的很多想象变为现实,他认为这不足为奇。他说:“只要有人能想出来,就有人能把它变为现实。”儒勒的父亲是一位律师,母亲是法国名门之后。他们的儿子于1828年出生在离南特不远的菲多岛上。那年,拿破仑刚去世;惠灵顿担任英国首相;第一条铁路还只有5年的历史;蒸汽船在大西洋上航行,但仍装有风帆以作为发动机的补充。从家里的窗户望出去,小儒勒可以看见帆船的桅杆,看到渔夫们晒网,可以闻到兽皮和香料的味道。11岁那年,他和一个童年玩伴在码头玩耍,她说,她想要一串珊瑚珠项链,和海员归航时带回来的一样。小儒勒郑重地许诺说她会有一串的。当天下午他就上了一艘开往印度的小船,还应征成为船上的一名听差。让凡尔纳后来的崇拜者庆幸的是:他家的一个朋友看到他上了船,告诉了他的家人。他父亲将他带回了家,打了一顿,就让他睡觉去了。18岁时,儒勒来到巴黎学习法律,但是他对写诗歌、剧本更感兴趣。一天晚上,因为腻烦了正在出席的时尚晚会,他突然离开。他高兴地沿着楼梯扶手往下滑。在扶手的末端,他掉了下来,恰巧撞在一个正准备上楼的胖绅士身上。儒勒不假思索脱口问道:“先生,吃过晚饭没有?”那人回答说吃了——很愉快地吃了一个南特风格的煎蛋。凡尔纳反驳道:“哼!巴黎没人会做那样的煎蛋!”“你会吗?”那个胖子问道。“我当然会啦——我是南特人,”儒勒说。“那太好了!下礼拜三来我家吃饭吧,给我们做些煎蛋。”说着,他递给这个年轻人一张名片,然后继续上楼去了。他就是亚历山大·大仲马,《三个火枪手》的作者。当时儒勒就惊呆了,那样子用一根面包棒就可以把他打翻在地。认识大仲马更使凡尔纳坚定了要当作家的想法。在这位长者的鼓励下,儒勒决定要在地理学领域进行创作,就像大仲马的写作集中在历史学范畴那样。他开始把时间都花在了看书和写作上,彻底忘记了他是来巴黎学法律的。他的父亲无法容忍他这样荒废学业,一怒之下,断了他的经济来源。儒勒在一家剧院找了一份报酬不高的工作,随后的几年过得很艰苦。他在给妈妈的信中这样写道:“我吃了牛排,这头牛几天前还在巴黎的大街上拉车呢。”他有一次一连吃了三天的梅干,因为他拿饭钱去买了一套莎士比亚全集。他衣衫褴褛、饥寒交迫。他这样对朋友说:“我的长袜好像蜘蛛网,里面一直睡着河马。”尽管父亲切断了他的经济来源,儒勒仍然是那个对家庭忠诚、对父母很孝顺的儿子。他经常给父母写信,甚至到了中年仍然如此。在信中,他与父母亲讨论他的书、他的计划和他的梦想,极少在征求父母意见之前采取行动。正是他对家庭深深的爱使他在巴黎这样一个热闹非凡、享乐至上的艳丽之都还保持着本色:一个去教堂按时做礼拜的虔诚教徒,一个过着清教徒般生活的人。儒勒英俊潇洒、气宇轩昂,对女孩子有着“难以抵挡的”魅力。于是他很快就坠入了爱河。从失恋的打击中恢复过来的凡尔纳先生很快又爱上了一个带着两个孩子的漂亮寡妇,这次他娶了她。在他父亲的帮助下,他成为一名股票经纪人。他的经济状况得到了改善,但他仍然住在阁楼里,仍然写作。他的第一部书是《气球上的五个星期》。15个出版商看过之后都嗤之以鼻,然后将书稿寄还给他。儒勒气坏了,把书扔进了火里。妻子把书稿从火里抢救出来,并让他答应再试一次。 于是儒勒卷起这本有点烧焦了的手稿,夹在胳膊底下,去找皮埃尔·黑泽尔,让他看看。出版商认真通读了一遍,年轻的作家在一旁不安地等待。黑泽尔说,如果儒勒愿意将这本书改写成小说的话,他就愿意出版。两个星期后,儒勒带着书稿回到出版社。《气球上的五个星期》成为最畅销的书并被译成多种文字。1862年,34岁的儒勒一举成名了。他的第二部书是《地心游记》。这个故事中,众多人物从冰岛的一个火山口下到地心,历尽千辛万苦,最后在意大利的一次火山爆发中随着岩浆来到了地面。也许凡尔纳的书中最著名的要数《八十天环游地球》了。这个故事在巴黎的《时代》杂志上连载的时候,书中主人公的命运引起了人们极大的兴趣,结果纽约和伦敦的通讯记者们每天都给自家报纸发电报,报道书中那位虚构的主人公菲力斯·福格的行踪。关于福格能否及时到达伦敦以赢得赌注这件事,欧洲各国的人都在打着赌。凡尔纳巧妙地使人们兴趣盎然地关注故事的进展:书中的男主人公把一个印度寡妇从死亡线上拉回来又爱上了她,险些因为她误了要搭乘的联运船;他在穿越美洲大平原时遭到了印第安人的袭击;等他赶到纽约时却看到那艘要把他带回伦敦的船已经远去,在地平线上成为一个小斑点。每家横渡大西洋的轮船公司都许诺给凡尔纳一大笔钱,只要他让菲力斯·福格搭乘他们公司的任何一艘船。但凡尔纳都拒绝了,他让他的主人公租了一艘船。当全世界都在屏息等待时,福格只提前了几分钟赶到了伦敦,赢得他和别人打的赌。在《海底两万里》中,凡尔纳描述了一种潜水艇,它不仅是双层外壳、由电推动,而且还能用海水发电。现代潜水艇之父西蒙·莱克认为凡尔纳给他的发明提供了蓝本。读凡尔纳的书,简直不能相信它们几乎是写于100年前。他那些幻想故事里的人用合成法造钻石,发明了一种在汽车、轮船和直升机之间自由转换的交通工具,他们发射的玻璃子弹中含有立即致命的电火花。儒勒·凡尔纳的晚年过得并不幸福。学术界对他冷嘲热讽。他没能当选为法兰西文学院院士。谣传说没有儒勒·凡尔纳这个人。俄国人宣称他是斯拉夫人、波兰人,是以写作为掩护的老牌间谍。意大利的知识分子们说儒勒·凡尔纳是一伙法国科学家的笔名,且派了一个小说家去法国寻找证据。那个人检查了手稿,离开的时候心悦诚服。他打电报告诉他的同事:“没有什么儒勒·凡尔纳团体——只有儒勒。”儒勒·凡尔纳死于1905年。社会各界的人们都参加了他的葬礼,包括所有原来鄙视他和散布谣言诋毁他的人、法国文学院的30名成员、外交人员、国王和总统们的特使。人们在他的葬礼上所说的那些溢美之词中,儒勒·凡尔纳也许最喜爱巴黎一家报纸上刊载的两句话:“一位故事大师离开了我们,就像圣诞老人一样地离去了。”
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2023-07-11 18:01:006


2023-07-11 18:01:241


2023-07-11 18:01:311

Animation/Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Animation/Imagination歌手:Tim Hagans专辑:Animation/ImaginationThere was a game we used to playWe would hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWe used to be so freeWe were living for the love we had andLiving not for realityJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There was a time I used to prayI have always kept my faith in loveIts the greatest thing from the man aboveThe game I used to playIve always put my cards upon the tableLet it never be said that id be unstableJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There is a game I like to playI like to hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWell always be this freeWe will be living for the love we haveLiving not for realityIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIt was...Not my imaginationNot my imaginationNot my imaginationIt was...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...My imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imagination...My imagination...
2023-07-11 18:01:381

Imagination 和daydreaming有什么不同

前者是想象的名词 强调想象力 中性后者意为白日梦 其实是有贬义的 但现在也不一定要用在贬义俩区别就是 想象力 和 白日梦 的区别 见汉语词典
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2023-07-11 18:02:054


名词的想像=imagination.I have an imagination.动词的想像=imagineI imagine that you are a girl.
2023-07-11 18:02:142


imagination什么时候加s 这一如其它名词. 是当你认为句子里含有多过一个 (想象力;空想;幻想物) 时即可加上"S"了. 例:This is beyond people"s imaginations.人们已是复数,当然是会多过一个想象力了,.所以要用复数.
2023-07-11 18:02:211

Beyond Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Beyond Imagination歌手:Stockman专辑:The World Of AzquanThere was a game we used to playWe would hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWe used to be so freeWe were living for the love we had andLiving not for realityJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There was a time I used to prayI have always kept my faith in loveIts the greatest thing from the man aboveThe game I used to playIve always put my cards upon the tableLet it never be said that id be unstableJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There is a game I like to playI like to hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWell always be this freeWe will be living for the love we haveLiving not for realityIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIt was...Not my imaginationNot my imaginationNot my imaginationIt was...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...My imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imagination...My imagination...
2023-07-11 18:02:281

imagining 和imagination区别 那我们可以这样用么:imaginings

1:imagining,是动词imagine的动名词的形式 用于介词后面.或是口语里:Just imagining 、、、 2:imagination 是imagine的名词形式,想象,想象力,创造力
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一、表达意思不同1、fantasy:幻想,想象;想象产物,幻想作品;虚拟比赛(游戏);幻想曲,集成曲;期望。2、imagination:想像力,想像;幻觉,空想,幻想物;兴趣;创造力,创作力。二、词性不同1、fantasy:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。2、imagination:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。三、固定搭配不同1、fantasy:high fantasy严肃奇幻 ; 主流奇幻 ; 高幻想 ; 奇幻文学。2、imagination:nurture imagination培育想象力。
2023-07-11 18:04:401

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:The_AIU专辑:MINORITYimaginationThe_AIU作词:Aiu Ratna作曲:SohichiI can feel the wayEverytime I want to call youI fall deep down insideI can feel the wayHow much pain my love does to my heartI can feel the wayWhen I"m feeling weird...I can"t help to see your face everydayThere"s no other waythat"s my love...For youI won"t give upI know I love you but too bad you don"tI want to meet youWant to hug youAnd thats not enoughJust in my imagination...If I could...I"ll be with you and kiss youAnd give shelter in the stormI"ll take your sideEven if, you are the one who"s wrongJust to prove our love is strong...I won"t give upI know I love you but too bad you don"tI want to meet youWant to hug youAnd thats not enoughJust in my imagination...If I could...I"ll be with you and kiss youAnd give shelter in the stormI"ll take your sideEven if, you are the one who"s wrongJust to prove our love is strong...I won"t give upI know I love you but too bad you don"tI want to meet youWant to hug youAnd thats not enoughJust in my imagination...If I could...I"ll be with you and kiss youAnd give shelter in the stormI"ll take your sideEven if, you are the one who"s wrongJust to prove our love is strong...
2023-07-11 18:05:221

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:Ironlung专辑:Patrol EPThere was a game we used to playWe would hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWe used to be so freeWe were living for the love we had andLiving not for realityJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There was a time I used to prayI have always kept my faith in loveIts the greatest thing from the man aboveThe game I used to playIve always put my cards upon the tableLet it never be said that id be unstableJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There is a game I like to playI like to hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWell always be this freeWe will be living for the love we haveLiving not for realityIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIt was...Not my imaginationNot my imaginationNot my imaginationIt was...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...My imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imagination...My imagination...
2023-07-11 18:05:301


2023-07-11 18:05:371

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:The Saints专辑:A Little Madness To Be FreeThere was a game we used to playWe would hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWe used to be so freeWe were living for the love we had andLiving not for realityJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There was a time I used to prayI have always kept my faith in loveIts the greatest thing from the man aboveThe game I used to playIve always put my cards upon the tableLet it never be said that id be unstableJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There is a game I like to playI like to hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWell always be this freeWe will be living for the love we haveLiving not for realityIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIt was...Not my imaginationNot my imaginationNot my imaginationIt was...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...My imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imagination...My imagination...
2023-07-11 18:05:541


2023-07-11 18:06:021


1.可数或不可数[C;U]the ability to imagine想象力: The story shows plenty of imagination.|a vivid/fetile imagination 2.可数[C]the mind 脑子想出来的事,想象;空想:The difficulties are all in your imagination. 3.不可数[U]infml someting only imagined and not real[非正式]想象出来的东西;幻想物:Her pains are mostly pure imagination
2023-07-11 18:06:101

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:Ike Quebec专辑:BalladsI sit aloneWishing that you were hereI pick up the phone and no one"s even thereBut I hear your voiceAnd it sounds so clearAnd I"m telling you just how I feelWishing that you"d come and make it so real(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you really right here tonight?Are you gonna make everything right?)Why you standing here inmy doorAre you the one that I wished for, yeahI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationNow you will mean more than the word to meIf we could be more than a fantasyI do believe one day that you will be realityJust you and meBeing everything I knew me could be(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you walked into my life?Are you really right here tonight?(Are you gonna make everything right?)Standing right here in my doorAre you the one that I wished for?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationWhen you"re in my thoughts(I know in my heart)You were made for meThat"s why we have to start(Making our love so true and...)Making a love for two(So make my dreams come true tonight)I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Did you really walk in my life?Are you reallt right here tonight?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination
2023-07-11 18:06:311

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:Chet Baker专辑:The Best Of Chet Baker PlaysI sit aloneWishing that you were hereI pick up the phone and no one"s even thereBut I hear your voiceAnd it sounds so clearAnd I"m telling you just how I feelWishing that you"d come and make it so real(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you really right here tonight?Are you gonna make everything right?)Why you standing here inmy doorAre you the one that I wished for, yeahI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationNow you will mean more than the word to meIf we could be more than a fantasyI do believe one day that you will be realityJust you and meBeing everything I knew me could be(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you walked into my life?Are you really right here tonight?(Are you gonna make everything right?)Standing right here in my doorAre you the one that I wished for?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationWhen you"re in my thoughts(I know in my heart)You were made for meThat"s why we have to start(Making our love so true and...)Making a love for two(So make my dreams come true tonight)I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Did you really walk in my life?Are you reallt right here tonight?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination
2023-07-11 18:06:511

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:siam shade专辑:Siam ShadeThere was a game we used to playWe would hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWe used to be so freeWe were living for the love we had andLiving not for realityJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There was a time I used to prayI have always kept my faith in loveIts the greatest thing from the man aboveThe game I used to playIve always put my cards upon the tableLet it never be said that id be unstableJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There is a game I like to playI like to hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWell always be this freeWe will be living for the love we haveLiving not for realityIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIt was...Not my imaginationNot my imaginationNot my imaginationIt was...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...My imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imagination...My imagination...
2023-07-11 18:07:021

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:Gunnar Svenssons Orkester&Monica Zetterlund专辑:Swedish Jazz Masters: Swedish SensationThere was a game we used to playWe would hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWe used to be so freeWe were living for the love we had andLiving not for realityJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There was a time I used to prayI have always kept my faith in loveIts the greatest thing from the man aboveThe game I used to playIve always put my cards upon the tableLet it never be said that id be unstableJust my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...Just my imaginationJust my imaginationJust my imaginationIt was...There is a game I like to playI like to hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until SundayWell always be this freeWe will be living for the love we haveLiving not for realityIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIts not my imaginationIt was...Not my imaginationNot my imaginationNot my imaginationIt was...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...Not my... Not my... Not my... Not my...My imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imaginationMy imagination...My imagination...
2023-07-11 18:07:281

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:Roll & Tumble专辑:Roll & TumbleimaginationThe_AIU作词:Aiu Ratna作曲:SohichiI can feel the wayEverytime I want to call youI fall deep down insideI can feel the wayHow much pain my love does to my heartI can feel the wayWhen I"m feeling weird...I can"t help to see your face everydayThere"s no other waythat"s my love...For youI won"t give upI know I love you but too bad you don"tI want to meet youWant to hug youAnd thats not enoughJust in my imagination...If I could...I"ll be with you and kiss youAnd give shelter in the stormI"ll take your sideEven if, you are the one who"s wrongJust to prove our love is strong...I won"t give upI know I love you but too bad you don"tI want to meet youWant to hug youAnd thats not enoughJust in my imagination...If I could...I"ll be with you and kiss youAnd give shelter in the stormI"ll take your sideEven if, you are the one who"s wrongJust to prove our love is strong...I won"t give upI know I love you but too bad you don"tI want to meet youWant to hug youAnd thats not enoughJust in my imagination...If I could...I"ll be with you and kiss youAnd give shelter in the stormI"ll take your sideEven if, you are the one who"s wrongJust to prove our love is strong...
2023-07-11 18:07:411

Imagination 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination歌手:Keely Smith专辑:The Very Best Of Keely SmithI sit aloneWishing that you were hereI pick up the phone and no one"s even thereBut I hear your voiceAnd it sounds so clearAnd I"m telling you just how I feelWishing that you"d come and make it so real(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you really right here tonight?Are you gonna make everything right?)Why you standing here inmy doorAre you the one that I wished for, yeahI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationNow you will mean more than the word to meIf we could be more than a fantasyI do believe one day that you will be realityJust you and meBeing everything I knew me could be(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you walked into my life?Are you really right here tonight?(Are you gonna make everything right?)Standing right here in my doorAre you the one that I wished for?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationWhen you"re in my thoughts(I know in my heart)You were made for meThat"s why we have to start(Making our love so true and...)Making a love for two(So make my dreams come true tonight)I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Did you really walk in my life?Are you reallt right here tonight?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination
2023-07-11 18:07:531

Imagination (Chilled Out Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Imagination (Chilled Out Mix)歌手:Deni Hines专辑:Remix Your ImaginationI sit aloneWishing that you were hereI pick up the phone and no one"s even thereBut I hear your voiceAnd it sounds so clearAnd I"m telling you just how I feelWishing that you"d come and make it so real(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you really right here tonight?Are you gonna make everything right?)Why you standing here inmy doorAre you the one that I wished for, yeahI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationNow you will mean more than the word to meIf we could be more than a fantasyI do believe one day that you will be realityJust you and meBeing everything I knew me could be(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Have you walked into my life?Are you really right here tonight?(Are you gonna make everything right?)Standing right here in my doorAre you the one that I wished for?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationI wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imaginationWhen you"re in my thoughts(I know in my heart)You were made for meThat"s why we have to start(Making our love so true and...)Making a love for two(So make my dreams come true tonight)I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination(Are you just a vision in my mind?)Did you really walk in my life?Are you reallt right here tonight?I wished upon a tonightThat you will grant my wish tonightAnd take me to the one in my imaginationI wish I may, I wish i mightHave a wish I wish tonightTake me to the one in my imagination
2023-07-11 18:08:151

imagination 是可数名词么

2023-07-11 18:08:221


2023-07-11 18:08:581

image imagination是什么意思

2023-07-11 18:09:062


"丰富的想象力"用英语怎么说? rich imagination 你的想象力真丰富。用英文怎么说? you "re imaginative! 你想像力很丰富用英语怎么说? Your imagination is very rich 作者的想象力很丰富 用英语怎么说 The author"s imagination is very rich想象力用英文怎么说 想象力: 1. fancy 2. imagination (通常用) 3. vision 4. ideality 例句与用法: 1. 她有灵活的想象力。 She has an active imagination. 2. 我女儿是一个想象力活跃的孩子。 My daughter is a child with vivid imagination 3.他是个富有想象力的作家。 He is an imaginative writer 开动脑筋英语怎么说 开动脑筋:mulling things over 展开丰富的想弗: make a fertile imagination 激发你的想象力:arouse your imagination 打开思路:open up your train of thought use your brain/think hard use/expand your imagination stimulate your imagination broaden your thoughts 激发想象力的英文怎么说? Stimulate your imaginary ability (or power). Enhance your imaginary ability (or power). Excite your imaginary ability (or power).
2023-07-11 18:09:281


2023-07-11 18:09:421

为什么是by imagination而不是 imaginin

2023-07-11 18:09:491

imagination 与fancy的区别

2023-07-11 18:09:572

sociological imagination是什么意思

sociological imagination社会学的想象力很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问
2023-07-11 18:10:181

英语谚语:Imagination is sometimes more vivid than reality 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Imagination is sometimes more vivid than reality 中文意思: 想像有时比现实生动得多。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Without practice hopes will be reduced to zero 没有实践,希望会化为乌有。 Without respect love cannot go far 如不相互尊重,爱情就难发展。 Without wisdom wealth is worthless 如果没有智慧,财富就无价值。 With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry bees satin 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 Wit once bought is worth twice taught 亲身一次的经验,抵得上老师两次的教导。 Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit 仅有机智而无真才实学,犹如一棵大树不结果。 Woe to him that is alone 孤独的人最苦恼。 Women in mischief are wiser than men 妇女在受危害时比男子机智。 Wonders are many and nothing is more wonderful than man 奇迹很多,但没有一件东西比人更为奇妙。 Words are but wind 耳闻不如一见。 英语谚语: Imagination is sometimes more vivid than reality 中文意思: 想像有时比现实生动得多。
2023-07-11 18:10:251

imagine ;imagination ;imaginary 这英语在美音中怎么读,求谐音的??

诶美真 诶美真内审 诶美真乃瑞
2023-07-11 18:10:322

image、imagine 、imagination

选A 因为image有“形象”的意思
2023-07-11 18:10:461

有关imagination and creativity的英语作文

2023-07-11 18:10:552

Use your imagination是什么意思

2023-07-11 18:11:055