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2023-05-19 16:27:04
TAG: 翻译 句子

1. The typhoon is blowing heavily.

2. Come as early as possible!

3. The speed of this new software is very fast.

4. This company has designed a new type of car.

5. Which character do you like best in this movie?

6. The postman delivered a lot of letters this morning.



1.Typhoon is blowing strongly.

2.Come as early as possible.

3.The speed of this new software is very high.

4.This company created a new type of car.

5.Who is your favorite role in this movie?

6.The postman brought many mails this morning.


Typhoon blows roughly

Please come as soon as better

This new software has a quicker speed than before

This company makes a new kind of car

Which character do like best in this movie?

The postman has delivered many mails this morning


Typhoon blows hardly

come as early as possible

this kind of new software runs more faster

this company has designed a new type of car

which character do you like best in this movie?

this mailman delivered many mails this morning


1.the Typhoon blows violently.

2.please come as soon as possible.

3.this kind of new software runs faster.

4.This company created a new car

5.which role in this movie do you love best?

6.This postman send lots emails this morning




The typhoon is blowing violently


Early comes as far as possible!


This kind of new software speed is quicker.


This company has created one kind of new passenger vehicle


You most like in this movie that role?


This mailman this morning has delivered very many mails

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google翻译 想翻译什么翻译什么



furiously和violently的区别:读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同furiously:英 ["fjʊəriəsli]     美 ["fjʊəriəsli]。    violently:英 ["vaɪələntli]     美 ["vaɪələntli]。    2、意思相同furiously:adv. 狂怒地;有力地;猛烈地。violently:adv. 猛烈地;强烈地;暴力地。3、用法不同furiously既可指事物发展的猛烈程度,也可指情绪上的激烈,但一般特指与生气有关的情绪。She began furiously dabbing at it with a napkin.她开始狂怒地用纸巾擦。violently表示“猛烈地,强烈地”时有两层含义,一是与暴力相关,二是指感情。His face began to work violently.他的脸部开始剧烈的抽搐。
2023-01-03 04:01:531


violently和fiercely的区别:读音不同。violently 英 ["vaɪələntli]     美 ["vaɪələntli]    adv. 猛烈地;强烈地;暴力地。fiercely 英 [fɪəsli]     美 [fɪəsli]    adv. 猛烈地;厉害地。近义词:aggressively 英 [ə"ɡresɪvli]     美 [ə"ɡresɪvli]    adv. 侵略地;攻击地;有干劲地。One who deals aggressively in stocks or commodities.(在股市、商业界)积极交易的人。One who sells goods aggressively, especially by calling out.小贩尤指通过吆喝的方式主动兜售货物的人。
2023-01-03 04:02:031


violently[英][ˈvaɪələntli][美][ˈvaɪələntlɪ]adv.激烈地; 暴力地; 狂暴地; 极度地; 猛烈的,剧烈的; 猛烈的; 激烈地,猛烈地; 1Nausea surged in him and he retched violently.他突然觉得恶心,猛烈地干呕起来。2Corruption and backroom dealings have become the norm as the nation "s billionaire oligarchs violently protect their turf by any means necessary.腐败和暗箱操作已成为常态,俄罗斯的亿万富翁们必须采取一切必要的手段,暴力捍卫自己的利益。
2023-01-03 04:02:131


2023-01-03 04:02:182

fiercely 等于什么

你好!fiercely ["fiəsli] adv. 猛烈地;厉害地 同义词:badly, heavily, strong, hard, violently
2023-01-03 04:02:263


nauseanaupathiasickfeel like vomitingfeel nauseated希望对你有帮助
2023-01-03 04:02:384


  扰乱的英文:   disturb   perturb   harass   参考例句:   Disturbance:The act of disturbing.   "扰乱,骚乱:扰乱的行为."To agitate;disturb.   使骚动;扰乱It upsets the groove.   这扰乱了惯例。To unsettle;derange.   使混乱,扰乱;使心烦意乱To disrupt the composure of;disconcert.   打扰打乱…的安静;扰乱So few men were present to derange the harmony of the wilderness   极少有人去扰乱林子里的平静。Churn sth(up);cause sth to move violently; stir or disturb sth   使某物猛动;搅动;扰乱某物Monkey with; mess with   干预或扰乱他人的事物;对某人恶作剧The spectroscopic data muddy the picture further   分光观测资料进一步扰乱了这一图景。The news is sure to overset him(Charles Dickens)   这条新闻肯定扰乱他的思想(查尔斯·狄更斯)disturb是什么意思:   v. 妨碍,打扰;搅乱,扰乱;使心神不宁   emotional disturbance   情绪的困扰 It was considerate of you not to disturb us=You were considerate not to disturb us.   你不打扰我们真是考虑周到。There has been a disturbance in the street.   街上发生了一阵骚乱。perturb是什么意思:   v. 使混乱,不安;扰乱   He was making no attempt now to conceal his perturbation.   他已经不再企图掩饰自己的惶恐不安了。Otherwise the daily mean is perturbed appreciably by the lunar constituents   否则,日平均值就会明显地受到太阳分潮的"干扰。They perturb good social order with their lie and propaganda.   他们以谎言和宣传扰乱良好的社会秩序。harass是什么意思:   v. 侵扰;骚扰;反复袭击   He complain of police harassment or of harassment by the police.   他抱怨警察对他的不断侵扰。To annoy,pester,or harass.   惹怒,骚扰或纠缠A source of harassment,annoyance,or pain.   使人痛苦的东西骚扰,烦恼或痛苦的来源
2023-01-03 04:02:511


肆意的英文是abandon oneself to。参考例句:1、Act of violently interfering with sth.肆意损坏某事物。2、Humboldt riotously picketed Von Trenk but the play was a hit.尽管洪堡肆意破坏《冯特伦克》的上演,然而这个剧还是轰动一时。3、A hopeless distortion of the truth.肆意歪曲真理。4、Wanton cruelty,damage,waste.肆意的暴虐行为、破坏、浪费。5、There is no need to indulge in such heroics.根本没有必要这样肆意夸张。6、It is not allowed to borrow freely from other writers.肆意抄袭其他作者的作品是不允许的。7、There"s too much mud-slinging by irresponsible journalists.不负责任的新闻工作者肆意诽谤的事太多了。8、There"s too much mud-slinging by irresponsible journalists.不负责任的新闻工作者肆意诽谤的事太多了。9、The whole urban sprawl of Ankara contains over 2.6m people.安卡拉整个肆意扩展的城区容纳了260多万人口。10、Indulged in outrageous Behavior;indulged in all the latest fads.肆意地作出粗暴的行为;纵情享受最新时尚。11、resort to wanton insults.肆意侮辱。12、ridicule unscrupulously.肆意嘲弄。13、wanton mischief.肆意胡闹。14、freely squander.肆意挥霍。15、indulge in looting.肆意劫掠。16、use scurrility;call sb.all kinds of names;indulge in scurrilities.肆意谩骂。17、Potshot.肆意抨击。18、wanton destruction.肆意破坏。19、do what one wishes without restraint.肆意妄为。20、wantonly slander.肆意诬蔑。
2023-01-03 04:02:561

英语He fell violently in love with her怎么翻译?

He fell violently in love with her. 他强烈地爱上了她。fell in love 爱上...violent 形容词,violently 副词 暴力地,猛烈地,极端地
2023-01-03 04:03:367


2023-01-03 04:04:174

die violently什么意思

die violently网络释义相关词条die a violent death1. 遭遇意外而死亡to violently die1. 惨死violently生词本去背诵英 [ˈvaɪələntli] 美 [ˈvaɪələntlɪ]adv.激烈地; 暴力地; 狂暴地; 极度地网 络猛烈地;剧烈地;激烈地;粗暴地
2023-01-03 04:04:301


House started shaking
2023-01-03 04:04:364


2023-01-03 04:04:502


翻译:savage; furiousa furious attack猖狂的攻击reckless provocation猖狂的挑衅savage onslaught猖狂进攻act violently without due consideration猖狂忘行
2023-01-03 04:04:581


shake[英][ʃeɪk][美][ʃek]vt.动摇; 摇头; 使发抖; 使心绪不宁[烦恼,惊吓]; vi.摇(出),抖(掉); 握手; (嗓音)颤抖; n.摇动; 震动; 哆嗦; 混合饮料;
2023-01-03 04:05:065


2023-01-03 04:05:252


2023-01-03 04:05:343


我吻了无效和爬直抵心脏这金色的/只. . 我去吗?我祈祷再次听到那蛇首歌希望它是当爱开始死亡它开始于一个吻猛烈地舒缓和温暖当爱开始死亡当爱开始死亡我也一样(所以做我)所以我这是正确的我的脚让我失望?在心脏和石头仍在等待你的感冒当爱开始死亡它开始于一个吻猛烈地舒缓的和温暖的当爱开始死亡当爱开始死我也一样(我也一样)哦爱是一个圆吗?像天使翅膀当爱开始死亡它开始于一个吻暴力安慰和温暖的当爱开始死亡当爱开始死亡所以我所以我死当爱开始死亡当爱开始死亡所以我
2023-01-03 04:05:593


2023-01-03 04:06:102

It shook violently( )it touched the ground.括号中应填as还是while,为什么?

此题填as,因为是短暂性的。while 后面接延续性行为,但这个动作肯定和主句动作时间不一样长。如:he was talking to me while he was watching the tv。应该说“看电视”比“谈话”时间长。而as通常两个动作一直相随,很可能时间相同。如:he was thinking of a question as watching the tv。这两个动作就是一直相随的。 as意为“一边……一边……”或“与……同时”,重在表示动作同时发生、伴随进行。while只指“时间段”,不指“时间点”,从句的动词只限于持续性动词。 1 从句表示"随时间推移"连词能用as,不用while。 As the day went on, the weather got worse. 日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。 2 as引导短暂性动作的动词。 Just as I stopped my car, a man came up to me.
2023-01-03 04:06:191


rush violently at sth/sb 冲向某物[某人]*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳回答】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************
2023-01-03 04:06:251


Rashly without careful consideration of the possible consequences; impetuously没有仔细想过可能发生的结果;鲁莽冲动地Roughly in a manner lacking gentleness; harshly or violently以一种欠缺温和的方式;严厉地或暴力地参考:New Oxford American dictionary
2023-01-03 04:06:304

i felt my heart beating violently中为什么用beat的现在分词

这儿beating是作宾语my heart 的补足语,表示正在进行的动作,意思是"正在剧烈地跳动"。全句汉义:我感觉我的心在剧烈地跳动。
2023-01-03 04:07:041


2023-01-03 04:07:137

fuck me more violently please什么意思

2023-01-03 04:07:404


2023-01-03 04:07:597


paper, sheeptiger, sheetdig, dadkite, like, cake, blackgive, legfive, knifezoo, loseabout, China, teacher, doctor, chocolatepleasure, treasurorange, bridge, jeep ,moon, farmnice, nine
2023-01-03 04:08:414


2023-01-03 04:08:554


vividly 生动地 清晰地violently 暴力地
2023-01-03 04:09:092

the volcano,erupted

A,come through脱险 火山猛烈爆发,但它山脚下的村庄却没事(脱险)
2023-01-03 04:09:171


这个要看上下文哦,仅就中文意思来说,可以使violently, fiercely等等
2023-01-03 04:09:232


fiercely, violently, terribly, fearfully, cruelly, maliciously, malevolently, fiendishly, viciously, villainously
2023-01-03 04:09:324


2023-01-03 04:09:467


2023-01-03 04:10:311


Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volcano for very long. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time. He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later. This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.
2023-01-03 04:10:372


fly off the handle, flip out, act out violently
2023-01-03 04:10:454


knock at the window violently
2023-01-03 04:10:591


belabored by sb
2023-01-03 04:11:053


knock at the window violently
2023-01-03 04:11:171


2023-01-03 04:11:222


c,d,d,d,d,b,b,a,b,c (should be "turn off")
2023-01-03 04:11:356

a violently odyssey是什么衣服牌子?

2023-01-03 04:11:571

shake violenty是什么意思

violenty肯定掉了个字母 l : shake violently 猛烈地摇动
2023-01-03 04:12:031


blow heavily
2023-01-03 04:12:344


  飙升的意思:   急剧的上升,形容上升的速度快   英文解释   soaring; surge; rise violently;   【词语】:飙升   【注音】:biāo shēng   【释义】:   1、(价格、数量等)急速上升   2、急剧的上升,形容上升的速度快   【例子】:石油价格飙升。中档住宅的销量一路飙升。   中英例句   失业飙升令工人们无力要求更高的薪水。   Soaring unemployment gives workers less power to demand higher wages.   苹果一路飙升的股价可能已经使该公司许多高管发家致富。   Apple"s soaring stock has likely made many executives rich.   棉花和咖啡的价格今年均飙升至创纪录水平。   Both cotton and coffee prices soared to record levels this year.   格力就是省外投资飙升的一个例证。 故事飙升   Gree is one example of the investment surge.   西方国家和印尼等国石油产量的不断飙升,将导致这些国家被边缘化。   These nations will be marginalised by surging oil production in the west and in countries such as indonesia.
2023-01-03 04:12:481

我可以感觉到 英文是怎么写?

I can feel it
2023-01-03 04:12:576


打破,粉碎撞击击溃扣杀(网球)英文解释:smash / smæʆ /1[intransitive and transitive] to break into pieces violently or noisily, or to make something do this by dropping, throwing, or hitting itVandals had smashed all the windows. Firemen had to smash the lock to get in. Several cups fell to the floor and smashed to pieces .2[intransitive,transitive always + adverb/preposition] to hit an object or surface violently, or to make something do thisA stolen car smashed into the bus. He smashed his fist down on the table.3smash a recordto do something much faster, better etc than anyone has done beforeThe film smashed all box office records.4[transitive] to destroy something such as a political system or criminal organizationPolice say they have smashed a major crime ring.5[transitive] to hit a high ball with a strong downward action, in tennis or similar gamessmash something ↔ down phrasal verbto hit a door, wall etc violently so that it falls to the groundsmash something ↔ in phrasal verbto hit something so violently that you break it and make a hole in itThe door had been smashed in. smash somebody"s face/head in (=hit someone hard in the face or head) I"ll smash his head in if he comes here again!smash something ↔ up phrasal verbto deliberately destroy something by hitting itHooligans started smashing the place up.
2023-01-03 04:13:201


2023-01-03 04:13:262


2023-01-03 04:13:447


2023-01-03 04:14:092