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2023-07-11 20:55:18


Healthy Relationships

Nothing is as critical and crucial as the healthy relationships around us, let alone study or career, for the sake of people"s life.

On one repect, family relationship plays an indispensable role in our daily life. The harmonious environment similar to a calm harbour in the violent ocean will promote the family" unity and thus create an active atmosphere for family member to communicate, entertain and relax. On the contrary, the quarrel and battles among the family will bring the family into the desert, which will divorce each other and even lead to serious injury both physically and mentally. Hence, It is an art to balance the relationship in the family.

On the other respect, it is also essential to keep a healthy social connection with the community and society. Friends are who we need confronted with difficulties, failure or adversities, who we can resort to and who we should treasure. Workmates and colleagues are those that work with us, endeavor with us and cooperate with us, the teamwork from whom will make tremendous achievement. Moreover, as the proverb goes, a good neighbor is better than a brother far off. Neighbours will give a hand to you in terms of facing some dangers or dilemmas.

To sum up, it is of profound significance to build healthy relationships with others. First and foremost, it is suggested that you are required to help others while they are in great need . Moreover, more communication will facilitate the improvement of relationships. Last but not the least, certain amount of entertainment, teamwork or other mutual experience with others will boost the relationship to a large extent.




relationships关系双语对照词典结果:relationships[英][ru026a"leu026au0283nu0283u026aps][美][ru026a"leu026au0283nu0283u026aps]n.(事物之间的)关系( relationship的名词复数 ); (人、团体、国家之间的)关系; 情爱关系; 血缘关系; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Develop trust to establish powerful relationships. 通过信任建立强有力的关系。
2023-07-11 12:58:071


relationship[英][ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap][美][ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap]n.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系; 复数:relationships以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Comedy can also help a relationship. 喜剧也对经营一段关系有帮助。
2023-07-11 12:58:171


relationship 英[ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap] 美[ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap] n. 关系;联系;浪漫关系;血缘关系 名词复数:relationships [例句]Comedy can also help a relationship.喜剧也对经营一段关系有帮助。更多示例用法>>
2023-07-11 12:58:262


  relationship的中文意思   英 [rlenp] 美 [rlenp]   第三人称复数:relationships   基本解释   名词 关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系   相关例句   名词   1. What is your relationship to the victim?   你是受害者的什么人?   2. Mary is not ready for a new relationship yet.   玛莉对进入新的恋爱关系还没有准备。   3. The teacher has a very good relationship with her students.   这位老师和学生们关系很好。   4. The children learned about the relationship between the moon and the tides.   孩子们弄懂了月球与潮汐的"关系。   relationship的词典解释   1. (人、团体等之间的)关系,关联   The relationship between two people or groups is the way in which they feel and behave towards each other.   e.g. ...the friendly relationship between France and Britain...   法国和英国之间的友好关系   e.g. relationships.   家庭关系   2. 恋爱关系;性关系;感情关系   A relationship is a close friendship between two people, especially one involving romantic or sexual feelings.   e.g. We had been together for two years, but both of us felt the relationship wasn"t really going anywhere.   我们在一起已经两年了,但我们双方都觉得这段感情不会有什么结果。   3. (事物之间的)关系,关联,联系   The relationship between two things is the way in which they are connected.   e.g. There is a relationship between diet and cancer.   饮食结构和癌症之间有一定关联。   e.g. analysis of market mechanisms and their relationship to state capitalism and political freedom.   对于市场机制及其与国家资本主义和政治自由之间关系的分析。   relationship的双语例句   1. I will really like to have a good relationship with you.   我真的想和你良好的关系。   2. I don"t want Ichigo and Rukia to confess their love and run off into the sunset, namely because it"s out of character and their intense connection, their relationship of mutual understanding and support is what I love so much about them, I don"t see the need to throw romance into the mix.   我并不想看见一露互相表白然后奔向夕阳的场景,换句话说,就是因为这不符合他们的个性和他们之间深厚的羁绊。一露之间相互理解、支持的这种关系正是我如此喜欢他们的一个原因,我不认为一定要加入什么浪漫元素到这样的感情里。   3. Of course, it"s difficult to ensure the relationship between caustion and result.   当然,这一奇闻怪事的疑难之处在于无法确定因果关系。   4. A biologist could, in a very general way, speak about the relationship between the height of trees in a particular forest and the wingspan of the resident birds.   一个生物学家可以非常大概地,举例来说,指出一片森林中树木的高度与这片森林中栖息鸟类翼展的关系。   5. It is alsodifficult to build reliable relationship between test results and actual bearing capacityof single pile by indirect methods such as Dynamic Method, Standard PenetrationTest and Osterberg Method because of differences between load bearing mechanismsin reality and ones of those methods.   动测法、标准贯入度法、Osterberg测桩法等间接方法由于与单桩实际受力机理的差异,很难在试验成果与单桩实际承载力指标间建立可靠的联系。
2023-07-11 12:58:331


relationship [ri"leiu0283u0259nu0283ip]n.联系;关系亲属关系某种具体关系[委婉语](男女苟合的)暧昧关系,男女关系,肉体关系以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》A good relationship is built on trust. 一种好的关系是以信任为基础的。《21世纪大英汉词典》His relationship with Mary went through four stages. 他与玛丽的关系经历了四个阶段。《21世纪大英汉词典》Their first exchange set the tone for a new relationship. 他们初步交换意见, 为建立新关系定了调子。《新英汉大辞典》
2023-07-11 12:58:422


relationship[英][ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap][美][ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap]n.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系; 复数:relationships例句:1.Washington has been cementing a strategic relationship with india. 华盛顿近年在巩固与印度的战略关系。2.The ruling communist party has an ambivalent relationship with overseas chinese. 中国执政的共产党对待海外华人的心态颇为矛盾。
2023-07-11 12:59:282


relationship[英][riu02c8leiu0283u0259nu0283ip] [美][ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap] n.关系;联系;浪漫关系;血缘关系 复数:relationships;
2023-07-11 12:59:531


relationship是可数。relationship是可数名词,其复数形式是relationships。relationship主要用作名词,意思是“关系;(人、团体、国家之间的)联系;情爱关系;(事物之间的)关联”。常见句型1、Is there any relationship between them?它们之间有联系吗?2、They are not of the same family relationship.他们不属于同一血统。3、They aren"t married, but they have a pretty close relationship.他们没有结婚,但关系很密切。4、We have a working relationship.我们是工作上的关系。blood relationship 血缘关系 relationship chart 关系图precedence relationship 先后关系 genetic relationship 语系关系time relationship 时间关系 map relationship 接图表causal relationship 因果关联 Relationship problems 人际关系marketing relationship 营销关系 positive relationship 正相关
2023-07-11 13:00:001

relationships 可数吗

2023-07-11 13:00:142

we are relationships什么意思

2023-07-11 13:00:213


2023-07-11 13:00:315


"Relation" 和 "Relationship" 都可以翻译成 "关系",但它们在使用上略有不同。"Relation" 通常指的是两个或多个事物之间的联系或相互作用。例如,我们可以说两个人之间有一种商业关系,或者说一件物品与另一件物品之间存在某种关系。"Relationship" 则更多地强调人与人之间的联系或互动,通常指的是家庭、友谊或爱情等方面的关系。例如,我们可以说两个人之间有一种亲密的关系,或者说一家人之间存在着紧密的关系。总的来说,"relation" 更加通用,可以用于描述任何两个或多个事物之间的联系,而 "relationship" 则更加强调人与人之间的关系。
2023-07-11 13:00:572

坚持分享65天。 双重关系(dual relationships)是指,当心理咨询师与某位来访者建立了职业性的关系时,同时与该来访者有其他关系; 或者,同时与“该来访者有亲密关系,或其他关系的人”具有其他角色关系; 或者,确定未来即将进入某种角色,将与“来访者或来访者有关系的人”具有某种关系。 如果除专业关系以外,还存在两种或两种以上的社会关系,就称为多重关系(multiple relationship)(邓晶,钱铭怡, 2017)。
2023-07-11 13:01:111


relationship 英[ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap] 美[ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap] n. 关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系; [例句]We had been together for two years, but both of us felt the relationship wasn"t really going anywhere.我们在一起已经两年了,但我们双方都觉得这段感情不会有什么结果。[其他] 复数:relationships
2023-07-11 13:01:301


Relation和relationship是两个常用的英语单词,它们的区别在于:一、含义解释:Relation([ru026au02c8leu026au0283n])通常指家庭、亲戚、朋友之间的联系,也可以指两个或多个事物之间的关系;Relationship([ru026au02c8leu026au0283u0259nu0283u026ap])则指两个或多个人、组织或事物之间的互动、联系或关联。二、语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:Relation通常作为一个名词来使用,而relationship则既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词使用,表示“建立关系”或“与某人有密切关系”。另外,relationship通常更加正式和具体,而relation则更加广泛和抽象。三、具体用法举例:John和Mary有着密切的RELATIONSHIP,他们是好朋友。(John and Mary have a close relationship, they are good friends.)我们需要建立一种长期的RELATIONSHIP,以便共同合作。(We need to establish a long-term relationship to work together.)我们研究了这两种物质之间的RELATION,但是没有发现任何联系。(We studied the relation between these two substances, but we found no connection.)她和他建立了一种亲密的RELATIONSHIP,但是最终还是分手了。(She had a close relationship with him, but they eventually broke up.)在商业环境中,公司之间的RELATIONSHIP至关重要,可以决定业务成功或失败。(In the business world, relationships between companies are crucial and can determine the success or failure of a business.)四、区别总结:Relation通常指家庭、亲戚、朋友之间的联系,也可以指两个或多个事物之间的关系;relationship则指两个或多个人、组织或事物之间的互动、联系或关联。Relation通常作为一个名词来使用,而relationship既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词使用,表示“建立关系”或“与某人有密切关系”。Relationship通常更加正式和具体,而relation则更加广泛和抽象。在实际应用中,我们需要根据上下文和具体情况选择使用relation还是relationship。例如,当我们要描述两个人之间的感情时,通常会使用relationship;当我们要探讨两个事物之间的联系时,则会使用relation。五、补充说明:需要注意的是,relation有时候也可以用于表示家庭成员之间的关系,例如father-son relation(父子关系),mother-daughter relation(母女关系)等等,但是这种用法比较少见,通常更多的是使用relationship来表示家庭成员之间的联系。六、使用建议:为了更好地理解和正确使用这两个单词,建议我们多读英语原文、查阅英语词典,以及在实际语言交流中多加练习。此外,还需要注意以下几点:理解上下文。在使用relation和relationship时,需要根据具体上下文来选择合适的单词,避免使用不当造成歧义。多练习。通过阅读、写作、口语等各种方式,不断练习使用这两个单词,以提高自己的语言水平和表达能力。注意发音。为了避免出现发音不准确的问题,建议我们在学习这两个单词时,多听多说多读,熟悉它们的发音规则。合理使用。在正式场合或写作中,我们需要注意单词的正式程度和语气,避免使用过于口语化或不恰当的用词。总之,关于relation和relationship的区别,我们需要注意它们的含义、语法和使用方法,并根据具体情况灵活运用,这样才能更好地掌握和应用这两个单词。
2023-07-11 13:01:372


2023-07-11 13:01:568


relation 表示普通意义上的任何一种关系relationship在美国通常指谈恋爱
2023-07-11 13:02:266


邻里关系英文是:neighborhood relations。Neighborhood Relations" refers to the interactions and cooperative relationships among people living in the same community. In many communities and societies, good neighborhood relationships serve as the foundation for a harmonious, stable, and happy social development.。good neighborly relationships are crucial to stable communities and harmonious social development. Building good neighborly relationships through cooperation, trust, and mutual assistance not only improves living environments, but also enhances community cohesion and fosters a sense of shared development。building and maintaining good neighborly relationships is essential to creating a positive community atmosphere and improving the quality of life for residents。邻里关系注意事项1、保持尊重和礼貌:尊重他人、遵守社区法规是建立良好邻里关系的基石。2、思考邻居的感受:意识到自己的行为可能会影响到周围邻居的生活,努力保证不影响邻居的安宁和安全。3、处理噪声问题:噪音可以是邻里关系中最常见的争议点之一。适当降低噪音水平,特别是在晚上和早上,以避免打搅到你的邻居。4、管理垃圾:避免产生垃圾给您的邻居和社区带来不良影响。注意正确的垃圾分类和垃圾丢弃方式,以保持你的社区清洁卫生。5、避免干扰邻居:尽可能避免影响到邻居的生活,如在夜晚打扰邻居、过分依赖邻居等,这会影响到与他人的关系,破坏邻里和睦。遵守社区规定,注意邻居的感受,合理处理邻里问题,这些都是建立良好社区关系的基础。同时,注重邻里关系的维护并倡导互帮互助、共同发展的社区文化,也可以帮助我们打造友好、和谐的社区环境。
2023-07-11 13:02:421

Shallow relationships 是什么意思?

2023-07-11 13:03:061


  同学你好,-ship,表示的是一种关系,是抽象的关系,内在的关系。这两个词,概括来说,指关系时是相同的,尤其用于指事物之间的关系:  Some doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.有些医生认为吸烟与肺癌有关连。  Scientists have researched into the relationship between smoking and lung cancer.科学家曾研究吸烟与肺癌的关系。  There is no proof of the relation of crime to TV violence.无证据显示罪案是和电视上的暴力有关的。  I am doubtless about the relationship of diligence to success.我绝不怀疑勤奋与成功的关系。  “What relation is he to you?”“He is nephew to me./He is my nephew. ”“他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。”  “What is his relationship to/with you?”“他和你有何关系?”  (注:这句不能说成:“What is his relation to you?”)  在以上情况下,relation侧重形式上的关连,而 relationship却侧重密切的交往。例如:John"s relation with Mary is father and daughter.约翰和玛丽是父女关系。  John"s relationship with Mary has improved.约翰和玛丽的关系已改善了。  relation和relationship最大分别在于relation用于较广,可带别的涵义,如:  (一)加了s,变成复数的relations指密切交往上的关系而非形式上的关系。例: family relations、 business relations、foreign relations、friendly relations(但也可写成friendly relationship、a love-hate relationship).  (二)解作“亲属”,相等于relative。但一般已多用relative代替 relation:My niece is my near relation/relative.我的侄女是我的近亲。  (三)用在固定词组里,如:in relation to(有concerning的含义):  He was arrested in relation to the murder case.他涉及那桩谋杀案被拘捕。  Questions have been raised in relation to the legality of abortion.对于堕胎的合法性有人提出质疑。
2023-07-11 13:03:131

"亲情、友情、爱情和事业"怎么用英语说最合适?relationships,friendships,loveness and jobs?

family, firends, lover and career
2023-07-11 13:03:212


可数,但是一般是指“人际关系”,不特指某种特定的关系,所以可以用复数,如:a god relationshipa close relationshipa close relationship with sbrelationship可数,一些表示人际关系的名词也是可数的,如:friends,relationships betwen people,etc.但是如果是表示两人之间的关系,则不可数,如:a close relationshipa close relationship with sb如:Ihave a close relationship with myfather.Ihave a close relationship with myfriend.
2023-07-11 13:03:291


The relationship will get better and better.
2023-07-11 13:03:504


relationship 侧重 人际关系 亲缘关系 血缘 和 xing关系而connection 侧重 人与人之间的 其他关系 比如 走后门那个“关系” 就是这个词
2023-07-11 13:03:584


  relationship: Father或者Mother。就是家庭关系。
2023-07-11 13:04:202


需要加s如果不加 s则前面须加 the或a 或其他限定词
2023-07-11 13:04:271


relationship[英][ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap][美][ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap]n.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系; 复数:relationshipsrelationships[英][ru026a"leu026au0283nu0283u026aps][美][ru026a"leu026au0283nu0283u026aps]n.(事物之间的)关系( relationship的名词复数 ); (人、团体、国家之间的)关系; 情爱关系; 血缘关系;
2023-07-11 13:04:341

developing relationships是什么意思

developing relationships 发展关系
2023-07-11 13:04:412


relationship英 [ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap] 美 [ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap] n.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系复数: relationships1We had been together for two years, but both of us felt the relationship wasn"t really going anywhere. 我们在一起已经两年了,但我们双方都觉得这段感情不会有什么结果。2There is a relationship between diet and cancer. 饮食结构和癌症之间有一定关联。
2023-07-11 13:05:161

relationship 与relationships的用法有什么不同

在表示“the way in which two people ,groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other”的意思时,relationship是可数名词relationship[英][ru026au02c8leu026au0283nu0283u026ap][美][ru026au02c8leu0283u0259nu02ccu0283u026ap]n.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系; This was the first sexual relationship I had had.这是我第一次与人发生性关系。relationships[英][ru026a"leu026au0283nu0283u026aps][美][ru026a"leu026au0283nu0283u026aps]n.(事物之间的)关系( relationship的名词复数 ); (人、团体、国家之间的)关系; 情爱关系; 血缘关系; In the last 30 years, both sexes have performed a somersault in terms of expectations, roles and relationships.最近30年里,男性和女性在个人期望、社会角色和人际关系方面都发生了180度的大转变。
2023-07-11 13:05:341

relationship 与relationships的用法有什么不同

同学,你好。这里用复数形式,在表示“the way in which two people ,groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other”的意思时,relationship是可数名词
2023-07-11 13:05:441


relation 和relationship区别 relation 和relationship区别,在学习英语过程中英语也会有单词演变,比如说relation 和relationship,但是有不少人对于这两个单词的运用不太熟悉,今天为大家一一讲解relation 和relationship区别。 relation 和relationship区别1 这两个词都表示同样的事物(两个或多个人、群体、国家等之间谈话、交往、处理事务的方式),它们有些用法是重叠的,但是这两个词有不同的隐藏含义。 Relation用在更为正式的书面语中,往往用在国家或大的群体之间的交往上(伊拉克和美国之间的Relations、黑人和白人之间的Relations)。 Relations会用在diplomatic relations、international relations等这样的搭配中。如果将Relations用在具体的人身上,这是一种非常正式的、表示交往的用法。说I am in relations with him是不正确的。 在这个例子里,我们要使用relationship。Relationship通常更广泛地用于描述具体人或小群体之间的交往。如果用于具体的人,Relationship往往表示一种恋爱关系(I am in a relationship with him),除非文中指明了另一种关系类型(her relationship with her coworkers、the parent-child relationship)。因为Relationship没有Relations正式,所以在有关国家或大群体的书面语中,Relationship没有Relations用得多,但是这种用法,比如the relationship between Iraq and the U.S.,并不罕见,也比较地道。 relation 和relationship区别2 relation和relationship的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、意思不同 1、relation:关联,亲戚,亲属。 2、relationship:关系,联系,情爱关系。 二、用法不同 1、relation:relation用作不可数名词时,表示人或事物与他者的“关系,联系,关联”。表示人、团体、种族、国家等之间的“关系,联系,交往”时,常用复数形式。 2、relationship:relation也可表示“亲戚,亲属”,如兄弟,表亲,祖父母等,用作可数名词, 还可表示“亲戚关系,亲属关系”,用作不可数名词。 三、侧重点不同 1、relation:侧重于仅仅是陈述有关系,并未突出情感。 2、relationship:侧重于之间的亲密感情,尤其当中有爱情成分存在的。 relation 和relationship区别3 汉语有《说文解字》,英语也有单词演变。从单词演变角度,relation是从动词relate来的。可能大家想象不到,relate的一个含义是tell(a story etc to somebody); give an account of(facts, adventure),也就是“讲故事”的意思。比如, He related to his wife some of amusing stories about his employer, 意思是“他向他老婆讲述了他的员工趣事”,绝不是“他把他老婆与他的员工趣事联系起来了”。 再比如, Strange to relate, I once met Christopher inBeijing, 意思是“难以置信(说出),我有次在北京遇到了Christopher”。 “讲故事”要在情理之中,所以relate to 和relate with就有了“在思想上或意义上关联”的意思,比如It is difficult to relate these results with/to any known cause(很难把这些结果与已知的原因关联起来)。 relate (to)的第三个意思,就是“与...有关”了, 比如She is a girl who notices nothing except what relates to herself(她是只关心与自己有关的事情)。 relate的第四个用法是“ be related (to)”,这表示因家庭而关联起来的,比如I am not related to him in any way(我与他没有任何亲戚关联)。 综上 “relate to/with”与汉语的“关联”更接近。比如 relate A to/with B, 则A和B是不同质的,但是A和B之间有内在的逻辑关联。 当relate变成relation时,后者仍旧侧重“讲故事“,进而是“关联”。比如材料力学的“本构关系”是constitutive relation。 relation进一步有“connection”意思,不过这种connection更侧重“内秉关联” (事物原本就有的`关联性)。后缀-ship表示"quality, condition or condition; office, rank,status, position; art, power, skill,craft; a collective body”的语义,具有抽象和升华感。 由于抽象化,relationship侧重两者之间的关系,如 relationship between A and B, 那么A和B可以是同质的,也可以是不同质的,而relation更倾向于不同质的, 如relation between weather and the crops。不过在这个意义上,relationship和relation大多可以互换。对此意项,relationship和relation都是不可数。 relation也有"家庭而关联起来(或婚姻或生育)"的意思。但因为人与人之间之间的同质强,所以现在用relationship更常见. 亲属或亲戚可用relative(relation是亲属关系)。由于relationship侧重的关系是同质的,故双方可以interaction(relation不可以interaction)。所以如果有强调人与人之间的互作引起的关系,要用relationship. 比如: "She has a good relationship with her mother-in- law"(她和她婆婆关系很好)。 再比如对一对双胞胎,他们的relation(亲属关系:内秉关联)是sibling, 但是他们的relationship则指二者平时相处的关系(互作关系:衍生关联)。 由于-ship的抽象作用,使得relationship的外延更大。比如Every individual forms many relationships with others while at school,neighborhood or workplace. These relationships may range from casual acquaintance to deep friendship and love. 但是relation侧重的是前面所述的“内秉关联”。 当relationship指具体“关系”或特定的“关系”时,也是可以数的(countable)。 在一个国家或团体与另外一个国家发生具体交往和事务,一般用relations, 比如the friendly relations between my country and yours(我国同你国的友好往来关系)。 总之,当作关系理解时,relation倾向中文的"内秉关联", 不强调两个关联对象的同质性,关联比较具体。Relationship倾向中文的“关系”,比较抽象,侧重于两个同质对象之间的关系,以及有互作等。 英语中还有一个词“interrelation”(mutual relationship, 相互关系),这也表明relation的单向性比较强。 最后拽一句:狭义相对论的翻译是special theory of relativity. 此处的relativity是relative的名词。这里的相对(relative)是指测量量相当于某个参考量,而不是相对于某个绝对静止(或0)的量--这叫绝对量。这与哲学上的“绝对和相对”有点距离。
2023-07-11 13:06:131


用复数的时候多数与公共关系,外交关系等这样的意思想联系。relations也可以指亲属的复数形式。relations: n. 关系;交往;事务business relations 业务关系diplomatic relations 外交关系economic relations 经济关系Public Relations Specialist 公共关系专员Greece has established full diplomatic relations with Israel.希腊已经和以色列建立了全面的外交关系。单数多用于感情关系,与...的联系等:relation: n. 关系;叙述;故事;亲属关系love and relation ship 最爱书籍world love relation 世俗情缘in relation to 关于;涉及direct relation 直接联系Tom and Judy decided their relation. 汤姆和朱迪确认了他们的关系。
2023-07-11 13:06:392


2023-07-11 13:06:582


relation 和relationship区别 relation 和relationship区别,在学习英语过程中英语也会有单词演变,比如说relation 和relationship,但是有不少人对于这两个单词的运用不太熟悉,今天为大家一一讲解relation 和relationship区别。 relation 和relationship区别1 这两个词都表示同样的事物(两个或多个人、群体、国家等之间谈话、交往、处理事务的方式),它们有些用法是重叠的,但是这两个词有不同的隐藏含义。 Relation用在更为正式的书面语中,往往用在国家或大的群体之间的交往上(伊拉克和美国之间的Relations、黑人和白人之间的Relations)。 Relations会用在diplomatic relations、international relations等这样的搭配中。如果将Relations用在具体的人身上,这是一种非常正式的、表示交往的用法。说I am in relations with him是不正确的。 在这个例子里,我们要使用relationship。Relationship通常更广泛地用于描述具体人或小群体之间的交往。如果用于具体的人,Relationship往往表示一种恋爱关系(I am in a relationship with him),除非文中指明了另一种关系类型(her relationship with her coworkers、the parent-child relationship)。因为Relationship没有Relations正式,所以在有关国家或大群体的书面语中,Relationship没有Relations用得多,但是这种用法,比如the relationship between Iraq and the U.S.,并不罕见,也比较地道。 relation 和relationship区别2 relation和relationship的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、意思不同 1、relation:关联,亲戚,亲属。 2、relationship:关系,联系,情爱关系。 二、用法不同 1、relation:relation用作不可数名词时,表示人或事物与他者的“关系,联系,关联”。表示人、团体、种族、国家等之间的“关系,联系,交往”时,常用复数形式。 2、relationship:relation也可表示“亲戚,亲属”,如兄弟,表亲,祖父母等,用作可数名词, 还可表示“亲戚关系,亲属关系”,用作不可数名词。 三、侧重点不同 1、relation:侧重于仅仅是陈述有关系,并未突出情感。 2、relationship:侧重于之间的亲密感情,尤其当中有爱情成分存在的。 relation 和relationship区别3 汉语有《说文解字》,英语也有单词演变。从单词演变角度,relation是从动词relate来的。可能大家想象不到,relate的一个含义是tell(a story etc to somebody); give an account of(facts, adventure),也就是“讲故事”的意思。比如, He related to his wife some of amusing stories about his employer, 意思是“他向他老婆讲述了他的员工趣事”,绝不是“他把他老婆与他的员工趣事联系起来了”。 再比如, Strange to relate, I once met Christopher inBeijing, 意思是“难以置信(说出),我有次在北京遇到了Christopher”。 “讲故事”要在情理之中,所以relate to 和relate with就有了“在思想上或意义上关联”的意思,比如It is difficult to relate these results with/to any known cause(很难把这些结果与已知的原因关联起来)。 relate (to)的第三个意思,就是“与...有关”了, 比如She is a girl who notices nothing except what relates to herself(她是只关心与自己有关的事情)。 relate的第四个用法是“ be related (to)”,这表示因家庭而关联起来的,比如I am not related to him in any way(我与他没有任何亲戚关联)。 综上 “relate to/with”与汉语的“关联”更接近。比如 relate A to/with B, 则A和B是不同质的,但是A和B之间有内在的逻辑关联。 当relate变成relation时,后者仍旧侧重“讲故事“,进而是“关联”。比如材料力学的“本构关系”是constitutive relation。 relation进一步有“connection”意思,不过这种connection更侧重“内秉关联” (事物原本就有的`关联性)。后缀-ship表示"quality, condition or condition; office, rank,status, position; art, power, skill,craft; a collective body”的语义,具有抽象和升华感。 由于抽象化,relationship侧重两者之间的关系,如 relationship between A and B, 那么A和B可以是同质的,也可以是不同质的,而relation更倾向于不同质的, 如relation between weather and the crops。不过在这个意义上,relationship和relation大多可以互换。对此意项,relationship和relation都是不可数。 relation也有"家庭而关联起来(或婚姻或生育)"的意思。但因为人与人之间之间的同质强,所以现在用relationship更常见. 亲属或亲戚可用relative(relation是亲属关系)。由于relationship侧重的关系是同质的,故双方可以interaction(relation不可以interaction)。所以如果有强调人与人之间的互作引起的关系,要用relationship. 比如: "She has a good relationship with her mother-in- law"(她和她婆婆关系很好)。 再比如对一对双胞胎,他们的relation(亲属关系:内秉关联)是sibling, 但是他们的relationship则指二者平时相处的关系(互作关系:衍生关联)。 由于-ship的抽象作用,使得relationship的外延更大。比如Every individual forms many relationships with others while at school,neighborhood or workplace. These relationships may range from casual acquaintance to deep friendship and love. 但是relation侧重的是前面所述的“内秉关联”。 当relationship指具体“关系”或特定的“关系”时,也是可以数的(countable)。 在一个国家或团体与另外一个国家发生具体交往和事务,一般用relations, 比如the friendly relations between my country and yours(我国同你国的友好往来关系)。 总之,当作关系理解时,relation倾向中文的"内秉关联", 不强调两个关联对象的同质性,关联比较具体。Relationship倾向中文的“关系”,比较抽象,侧重于两个同质对象之间的关系,以及有互作等。 英语中还有一个词“interrelation”(mutual relationship, 相互关系),这也表明relation的单向性比较强。 最后拽一句:狭义相对论的翻译是special theory of relativity. 此处的relativity是relative的名词。这里的相对(relative)是指测量量相当于某个参考量,而不是相对于某个绝对静止(或0)的量--这叫绝对量。这与哲学上的“绝对和相对”有点距离。
2023-07-11 13:07:051


2023-07-11 13:07:131

relation 和relationship 的区别

relation范围更广泛relationship -ship 指抽象的、内在的关系有些固定搭配只有relation
2023-07-11 13:07:232


"Relation"和"Relationship"都有关系、关联之意,但在使用上还是有一些区别的。"Relation"是一个比较普遍的词,它主要用来描述两个或多个事物之间的联系或相互作用。例如,我们可以说:The relation between income and health is complex.There is a close relation between the use of fossil fuels and climate change."Relation"强调的是两个或多个事物之间的相互关系,可以是正面的、负面的,甚至是中性的。它通常用于较为正式的场合,例如学术论文、政府报告等。"Relationship"则更多地指人与人之间的关系,比如家庭关系、友谊、恋爱关系等。例如:He has a good relationship with his sister.The key to a successful marriage is a strong relationship between partners."Relationship"强调的是人与人之间的情感、互动和交往,通常在日常口语和书面语中使用。除了描述亲密的感情关系之外,还可以用来描述各种类型的人际关系,例如合作关系、业务关系等。总之,"relation"和"relationship"都可以表示两个或多个事物之间的关系,但"relation"更多地用于描述非人际关系,而"relationship"则强调人与人之间的情感和互动。
2023-07-11 13:07:303


relation 和relationship区别 relation 和relationship区别,在学习英语过程中英语也会有单词演变,比如说relation 和relationship,但是有不少人对于这两个单词的运用不太熟悉,今天为大家一一讲解relation 和relationship区别。 relation 和relationship区别1 这两个词都表示同样的事物(两个或多个人、群体、国家等之间谈话、交往、处理事务的方式),它们有些用法是重叠的,但是这两个词有不同的隐藏含义。 Relation用在更为正式的书面语中,往往用在国家或大的群体之间的交往上(伊拉克和美国之间的Relations、黑人和白人之间的Relations)。 Relations会用在diplomatic relations、international relations等这样的搭配中。如果将Relations用在具体的人身上,这是一种非常正式的、表示交往的用法。说I am in relations with him是不正确的。 在这个例子里,我们要使用relationship。Relationship通常更广泛地用于描述具体人或小群体之间的交往。如果用于具体的人,Relationship往往表示一种恋爱关系(I am in a relationship with him),除非文中指明了另一种关系类型(her relationship with her coworkers、the parent-child relationship)。因为Relationship没有Relations正式,所以在有关国家或大群体的书面语中,Relationship没有Relations用得多,但是这种用法,比如the relationship between Iraq and the U.S.,并不罕见,也比较地道。 relation 和relationship区别2 relation和relationship的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、意思不同 1、relation:关联,亲戚,亲属。 2、relationship:关系,联系,情爱关系。 二、用法不同 1、relation:relation用作不可数名词时,表示人或事物与他者的“关系,联系,关联”。表示人、团体、种族、国家等之间的“关系,联系,交往”时,常用复数形式。 2、relationship:relation也可表示“亲戚,亲属”,如兄弟,表亲,祖父母等,用作可数名词, 还可表示“亲戚关系,亲属关系”,用作不可数名词。 三、侧重点不同 1、relation:侧重于仅仅是陈述有关系,并未突出情感。 2、relationship:侧重于之间的亲密感情,尤其当中有爱情成分存在的。 relation 和relationship区别3 汉语有《说文解字》,英语也有单词演变。从单词演变角度,relation是从动词relate来的。可能大家想象不到,relate的一个含义是tell(a story etc to somebody); give an account of(facts, adventure),也就是“讲故事”的意思。比如, He related to his wife some of amusing stories about his employer, 意思是“他向他老婆讲述了他的员工趣事”,绝不是“他把他老婆与他的员工趣事联系起来了”。 再比如, Strange to relate, I once met Christopher inBeijing, 意思是“难以置信(说出),我有次在北京遇到了Christopher”。 “讲故事”要在情理之中,所以relate to 和relate with就有了“在思想上或意义上关联”的意思,比如It is difficult to relate these results with/to any known cause(很难把这些结果与已知的原因关联起来)。 relate (to)的第三个意思,就是“与...有关”了, 比如She is a girl who notices nothing except what relates to herself(她是只关心与自己有关的事情)。 relate的第四个用法是“ be related (to)”,这表示因家庭而关联起来的,比如I am not related to him in any way(我与他没有任何亲戚关联)。 综上 “relate to/with”与汉语的“关联”更接近。比如 relate A to/with B, 则A和B是不同质的,但是A和B之间有内在的逻辑关联。 当relate变成relation时,后者仍旧侧重“讲故事“,进而是“关联”。比如材料力学的“本构关系”是constitutive relation。 relation进一步有“connection”意思,不过这种connection更侧重“内秉关联” (事物原本就有的`关联性)。后缀-ship表示"quality, condition or condition; office, rank,status, position; art, power, skill,craft; a collective body”的语义,具有抽象和升华感。 由于抽象化,relationship侧重两者之间的关系,如 relationship between A and B, 那么A和B可以是同质的,也可以是不同质的,而relation更倾向于不同质的, 如relation between weather and the crops。不过在这个意义上,relationship和relation大多可以互换。对此意项,relationship和relation都是不可数。 relation也有"家庭而关联起来(或婚姻或生育)"的意思。但因为人与人之间之间的同质强,所以现在用relationship更常见. 亲属或亲戚可用relative(relation是亲属关系)。由于relationship侧重的关系是同质的,故双方可以interaction(relation不可以interaction)。所以如果有强调人与人之间的互作引起的关系,要用relationship. 比如: "She has a good relationship with her mother-in- law"(她和她婆婆关系很好)。 再比如对一对双胞胎,他们的relation(亲属关系:内秉关联)是sibling, 但是他们的relationship则指二者平时相处的关系(互作关系:衍生关联)。 由于-ship的抽象作用,使得relationship的外延更大。比如Every individual forms many relationships with others while at school,neighborhood or workplace. These relationships may range from casual acquaintance to deep friendship and love. 但是relation侧重的是前面所述的“内秉关联”。 当relationship指具体“关系”或特定的“关系”时,也是可以数的(countable)。 在一个国家或团体与另外一个国家发生具体交往和事务,一般用relations, 比如the friendly relations between my country and yours(我国同你国的友好往来关系)。 总之,当作关系理解时,relation倾向中文的"内秉关联", 不强调两个关联对象的同质性,关联比较具体。Relationship倾向中文的“关系”,比较抽象,侧重于两个同质对象之间的关系,以及有互作等。 英语中还有一个词“interrelation”(mutual relationship, 相互关系),这也表明relation的单向性比较强。 最后拽一句:狭义相对论的翻译是special theory of relativity. 此处的relativity是relative的名词。这里的相对(relative)是指测量量相当于某个参考量,而不是相对于某个绝对静止(或0)的量--这叫绝对量。这与哲学上的“绝对和相对”有点距离。
2023-07-11 13:07:581

Relation 和relationship区别是什么?

Relation 和relationship的区别为:一、指代不同1、Relation:关系,联系。2、relationship:情爱关系。二、侧重点不同1、Relation:侧重于表示(群体、组织或国家之间公开的)关系。2、relationship:侧重于表示小群体之间的关系或人际关系等,与私人情感相关的那种关系.三、引证用法不同1、Relation:relation用作不可数名词时,表示人或事物与他者的“关系,联系,关联”。表示人、团体、种族、国家等之间的“关系,联系,交往”时,常用复数形式。2、relationship:除表达抽象意思外,还表示特别亲密的关系,relation和relationship都可表示事物之间的联系,有时可通用。但relation更强调事物之间有 关联(connection)有共同点。而relationship则更 具体, 更强调事物之间的关系本身,指事物之间是如何影响彼此的那种关系。
2023-07-11 13:08:161


Destroy relationships.
2023-07-11 13:08:354


There are different kinds of relationships in our life, such as the relationships between parents and children, between teachers and pupils, between friends, between colleagues and even between strangers on the streets. For example, parents look after and give their love and care to children, and children look up to and ask for the guidance of parents. When you meet with problems at study, you need the help and instruction of teachers. When you are lost, a stranger may point you in the right direction. As social beings, we could not live without dealing with various relationships. Then which relationship is most important to us? I think that this depends on at what stage you are at the moment. When you are at home, the parent-child relationship is obviously the major one; when you are at school away from your parents, you may need teachers, friends, even strangers for support. Since relationships are so important to us, how can we cope with them well? First, you need to show your love and respect for those who help you; then you need to pay them in love and care. Only with mutual help and support, can our society develop healthfully.
2023-07-11 13:08:561

Shallow relationships 是什么意思?

2023-07-11 13:09:042


Interpersonal communication is a human social life, self-important part of the development, psychological adjustment, information communication, in order to meet the needs of a variety of different levels, relationships coordination, can not be isolated from human relationships. Everyone wants to be good at communication, there is hope that through these exchanges, the establishment of a harmonious family relations, neighborhood relations, friendship, classmates and colleagues of those relationships ... ... a good social relationship can be warm and pleasant individual"s environment study, life and work. Teacher-student relationship is based on the basic premise of human nature. Modern education philosophy, human nature is positive, upward potential for the development and progress, our goal is to develop human potential, promoting people"s healthy development. Between teachers and students a good learning a positive, enthusiastic, relaxed, harmonious emotional state, to create a good learning environment, thereby enhancing student interest in emotional relationships. Positive interaction between teachers and students will allow students on the one hand the relationship of knowledge, on the other hand the exchange of teachers, the feeling of love, closer to teachers willing to work with teachers in various teaching activities to achieve the intended purpose of teaching. 4.2 in the classroom using a variety of methods to stimulate students to learn and improve students self-confidence self-interest Self-learning is a mode of learning is generally learners, the teaching objectives, macro regulation and control, under the guidance of teachers, according to its own conditions and specific learning objectives need to develop and improve the mode of learning is the core during the self-study as a learner initiative, autonomy, participation and creativity of teaching themes. For example, first of all, you can take full advantage of computers and the Internet functions, most students can map, text, audio and other content, the case of the problem to create, to develop students interest in learning. Download large amounts of information, pictures, web courseware from the Internet, so a lot of information on the one hand, the traditional teaching can not be compared. On the other hand, can also be filled in the classroom to stimulate student interest. These factors have also increased the daily life of students interested in the things in the use of multimedia network show to students, the students must be the mobilization of interest so that you can in the classroom so that students always have to listen to or watch, the next active state of mind. Second, in the classroom teachers should be good at the game smart, and guide students to speak English. Arrangements for more innovative and interesting class of small games, as well as the combination of teaching content and context of the game can be a vivid performance. Finally, teachers can also be songs, dances, performances and other fun activities to stimulate children"s interest in learning English, while the children can develop performance, memory and other functions. Self-confidence, is a personal right that he has done all necessary preparations for perceptual evaluation. Self-confidence is a necessary condition for success is a source of success. I believe his line, is a belief. Self-confidence is the people"s own strength and the conviction must be able to believe their own made something, to achieve the goal. Self-confidence can not stay in the imagination. To become self-confident person, we should like to act like a confident person. We are confidently in life and spoke confidently to do wrong, we can truly set up self-confidence. The face of the social environment, each of us a self-expression, self-confident gestures, self-confident speech can be a real psychological effect that we foster self-confidence. Broadly speaking, self-confidence is itself a positive, self-confidence is the positive attitude on self-evaluation. Narrowly speaking, self-confidence is closely related to a positive thing. There is no positive self-confidence, is weak, incomplete, low energy, and inefficient positive. Self-confidence is the same sense of self-affirmation and believe. Self-confidence in terms of interpersonal relationships, the career is still at work are very important. As soon as you believe in yourself and others will believe you. 这么多,打得我累死了.
2023-07-11 13:09:126

Shallow relationships 是什么意思?

shallow是浅的意思,但是只有引申到人的时候才是“肤浅”shallow relationships 有点像借喻,指的是人情浅薄,淡漠
2023-07-11 13:09:272

英文中的 close relationship 是指性关系吗?

2023-07-11 13:09:375

写一篇英语作文,题目为“human.relationships inourlife”

As teamwork is increasingly important in modern society,everyone should train his ability to cooperate(合作)with others. Today"s society is no longer a self off(封闭) one,and one in which all the people depend on each other for survival(生存).one can"t do without the ability to work harmoniously(和谐地) with others. We play with other children in kindergartens(幼儿园);we study with our classmates at schools;and we will work with our fellow workers or colleagues in factories or companies. To meet the needs of both personal improvement and the mazy(复杂的) society,we should learn to cooperate with each other and learn to each other.Only in this way can we achieve successes and satisfy ourselves as well as the society. As the saying goes ―Many hands make work lighter.‖ (众人拾柴火焰高)Personally,I could not agree with it any more.There is no doubt that teamwork plays an important role in our life.I believe in the strength(长处) of teamwork spirit(精神),especially in this competitive society.people working together could learn from each other and inspired(有灵感的) by others"creative ideas.In this way ,It is really provide us a platform (平台)to accomplish (完成) better.
2023-07-11 13:09:571


仔细找吧,有的,你没看到,你可以不用找到那个文件,openIV 进入编辑模式,进入common.rpf里边,直接把新文件拖进对话框里就可以,按照楼上的操作,shift+ctr+R defragment 就可以了
2023-07-11 13:10:052


What Is Friendship?Jan Wilson Friendships are relaxed, loyal relationships that involve intimacy, communication, and empathy. Friendship is a relief. Friends relate.Friendship is an in-depth, relaxed relationship!Friends relate.It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy. These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave. Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship. Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma"s for the week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was "I"m home. I can relax now." That"s what a friendship should be. You go out into the world and do your best. You have your ups and downs, your problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and you perform.Then you come "home" to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved. If you still have to be charming and/or performing, it"s not a relief. Friendship is a comfy situation like home. You get home, kick off your shoes, relax and sigh, "Ahh, home." Being able to trust and relax with your best friendis a big part of friendship. Friendships are relationshipsLinksSingles ProfilesConnectionsDating WebDating AgainDating HintsDating with KidsIntimacy-Opposite Gender Local Singles WebsLonelinessLying and DatingRelationshipsSafely SingleSelf-EsteemShySingles MeetSingles StoreSOLO for Singles Speed Dating Suddenly SingleAbuse Be a Matchmaker Birthday Book Blended FamilyBooksBoys: ParentingBreast Feeding Choose Personal MatchmakerCommunicationDiscipline Your ChildDivorceDr. LuvEating HealthyEsteem for ChildrenFamilyFitnessFriendshipGender UnderstandingGirls: ParentingGrandparentsHeart Express HomefrontKids" ActivitiesLove & ChemistryMenNutritionParenting Rainforest Recipes RomanceShopping PlaceSingle ParentsSpoiling an InfantSports & RecreationStepparentsStressTeens: by/for teens Teens: parentingTravelingTravel with KidsWheelsWomenYouCyberBizDFW e-MAGLiving TipsBeauty Tips Dating/Meeting Tips for Singles Happiness Love & Romance Tips Lunchbox Notes Math/Science Fun for KidsStay in Touch with Kids/Grandkids Free Email NewslettersCyberParent Singles GrandParentingEarth Friends DFW Happenings But no one can form a friendship until he/she realizes that the basis of being friends is meeting the needs of the other person. One must be a friend to have one. Never forget that friends relate. Relating is the basis of friendship.
2023-07-11 13:10:141


2023-07-11 13:10:232