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Scientific Reports在国内的认可度怎么样?

2023-07-11 20:23:46

我的感觉,对于工程领域,审稿很严。我做的是一个“在振动台上测试了典型的 HSR 桥梁,以评估在高强度地震(例如最大考虑地震 (MCE))中的抗震性能”的研究。审稿意见有54条。大家看看:

Reviewer Comments:

Reviewer 1


manuscript under consideration presents an investigate on the seismic

performance of typical RERSCSS concrete pier used in HSRB with varying

seismic strength and design parameters through a series of shaking table


The authors carried out a series of

shaking table tests on RERSCSS concrete piers (M1-M9). The similarity

relation between the test model and prototype is given based on

dimensional analysis. Displacement, acceleration and strain sensors were

deployed for model response acquisition.

The following points should be addressed before it can be considered for publication.

The analyses (part 3) should be further organized and underscored. The following issues require careful revision:

[1] The description of experimental phenomena should be supported by experimental photographs, such as part 3.1.


uf0d8The pictures given in the manuscript should be analyzed as necessary

rather than simply presented to the reader, such as Fig 11.


uf0d8Lines 351-358. The authors discussed the acceleration growth rates.

But the manuscript lacks the necessary description of the acceleration

growth rates. Only the peak acceleration of the top is given (Fig 12),

but the bottom is missing. This is very confusing.

[4] uf0d8The analysis of part 3.4 is meaningless. The difference in stiffness between the two directions is obvious.


uf0d8 Fig 14 is confusing. What"s the meaning of the pink line and the

shadow? The authors discussed the influence of longitudinal

reinforcement rate on the energy dissipation performance according to

M2, M3 and M7. While, they differ not only in factor of longitudinal

reinforcement rate, but also in factor of axial load ratio and

volumetric stirrup ratio. This should be further elaborated.


2. Some pictures in the article should be redesigned. Fig. 9, 14, 15,

19. What the authors want to reflect through the picture is not clear.

[7] 3. There is some overlap between the third part and the fourth part, please rearrange the structure of the article.

Reviewer 2


authors present an interesting experimental study to investigate the

seismic performance of typical high-speed rail (HSR) round-ended

rectangular-shaped cross-section solid (RERSCSS) concrete piers by

shaking table tests. Several piers design parameters were taking into

account. Seismic performance of 9 pier specimens was assessed by

analyzing the dynamic behavior from several points of view. The authors

collected a large variety of measurement data and the experimental study

was quite rich and complete. Nonetheless, the manuscript does not show

any theoretical or numerical model that would have helped the

comprehension of the results. The organization of the manuscript should

be improved. Some parts of the text, as well as some tables and figures,

are useless repetitions that do not add to the comprehension of the

study. The overall manuscript should be a little more concise. Some

figures do not match their captions and should be reorganized. Some

revision of the English is needed. Some specific comments are in the


[8] Page 7, line 119. Please, replace “…the actual results…” with “…the currently available results of…”


Page 7, lines 121-123. Here some papers by the earthquake researchers

who found such results should be added to the references, for


[10] Page 7, lines 125-130. Here

the authors make reference to the risk of building collapse and related

codes and practices in the US. Given that the authors are studying

Chinese infrastructures, please, explicitly explain the reasons of such

reference to the American context.

[11] Page

8, lines 131-132. This sentence makes no sense. Please improve the

English and reformulate this sentence. Do the authors mean that “Usually

concrete piers are characterized by quite different cross-section sizes

in the two horizontal directions, forming a wall pier”?


Page 8, lines 136-137. The authors state that the experimental research

on the seismic performance of HSR circular end concrete piers is still

insufficient. Please, provide some reasons why it is still insufficient.


Page 9, line 171. Please, explain what “the seismic fortification

intensity of the 8-degree zone” is. International readers may not be

familiar with the Chinese code…

[14] Page 9,

line 172-173. Please, replace 0.30g with 0.45g. Explicitly explain why

the study focused on the three seismic intensity levels 0.15g, 0.20g,

and 0.32g (corresponding to 0.45g, 0.60g, and 0.96g of shaking table

test PGAs). If the reason is that the utilized shaking table cannot

perform higher levels of PGA, please, state it explicitly for

transparency. However, this part should be better moved to section 2.7

‘Input motion and seismic hazard levels" for better manuscript

organization and readability.

[15] Page 9, line 174. Please, replace “Code” with “Chinese code”.


Table 1 should be better designed in order to be more readable. The

second column is not easily comprehensible, values should be better

spaced. Why 7-degree zone and 8-degree zone columns have double values?

While 9-degree zone has only a single value?

[17] Figure 3. This figure does not match its caption. Please check this figure!


Table 2. According to this reviewer, the Table 2 is useless. All the

design factors and variables here illustrated are better shown in Table

3. It seems that Table 2 is redundant and does not add to the

comprehension of the study.

[19] Page 13,

lines 203-205. Notes to Table 2 should be added to Table 3. Please,

check D values for pier models, they are probably in inverted order.

[20] Figure 4. This figure does not match its caption. Please check this figure!


Table 4. Similitude parameters related to material properties can be

hardily achieved. Please, explicitly explain how you achieved, and

checked, the scaled density values for reinforced concrete.

[22] Page 16, line 240. Please, replace “Kn” with “kN”.

[23] Page 17, line 254. Please, replace “represent” with “reproduce”.

[24] Page 17, line 255. Please, replace “reappear” with “represent”.


Figure 7. This figure is quite simplistic and incomplete. Where are the

sensors set at the bottom of piers? Please add in a new figure a few

photos of sensors installation setup to let readers better understand

the measurements that were carried out.


Page 18, lines 266-268. Explicitly explain the reason why you choose

this specific earthquake for shaking table motions… it would make more

sense to choose an earthquake recorded in China, given that the study

focused on Chinese infrastructures…

[27] Page

18, lines 269. Before “Three…” the authors should explicitly state that

ST tests are one-directional and that the vertical component was

neglected, adding the reasons of this choice. Moreover, they should

explicitly state which horizontal direction (i.e. N or E?) of the

recorded earthquake they chose to be used for the ST tests, and why.


Figure 9. The order of graphs in this figure might be confusing.

Please, consider reorder the graphs as a), c), d), b) clockwise.

Moreover, in this reviewer"s opinion, Fourier spectrum would be more

readable in linear scale of both axes (for frequencies use range 0-30 Hz

or similar).

[29] Section 3 ‘Test results

and analyses" and 4 ‘Experimental discussion" should be reformulated. In

the present form they are a bit confusing and repetitive.


Page 22, lines 320-322. Here the English is not good and the sentence

in not comprehensible. Please, reformulate the sentence.


Page 22, lines 322-323. The crack pattern description is too short.

Please, provide a wider description of cracks and add some descriptive


[32] Page 23, lines 332-343. Please,

specify which specimen is considered here. This reviewer suggests moving

Figure 17 and related text here. The overall section 3.2 should be

better reformulated.

[33] Section 3.3

‘Acceleration responses" and 4.2 ‘Effect of axial load ratio on

acceleration response" should be reformulated. In the present form they

are a bit confusing and repetitive. For example, acceleration growth

rate and acceleration increase rate are the same? Please, use one

nomenclature and define it the first time it appears in the text.


Figure 11. According to this reviewer, the photos embedded in the

graphs are very bad and not readable. It is suggested to put them apart

in a different figure with a proper caption describing what such photos

are about. Furthermore, in graph b) at 0.60g labels are in Chinese.

Finally, in the caption x and y directions seem inverted…

[35] Page 25, lines 353-358. These lines seem to describe the results shown in Figure 18 and not the ones in Figure 12…

[36] Figure 12. For better readability, please, consider increasing the spacing between each bar and related acceleration value.


Page 27, lines 365-366. Check the statement “its top moved more in the

cross-bridge direction than it did in its cross-bridge direction”...

[38] Figure 14. Legend and related lines in the graphs are not clear…

[39] Page 29, line 384. Please check section numbering 4.6…

[40] Page 30, line 391. Delete “significant”.

[41] Page 30, line 400. Define “hoop ratio”...

[42] Page 31, line 409. Replace “Fig.Fig.” with “Fig.”.

[43] Page 33, lines 435-439. These lines seem to describe the results shown in Figure 12, if so make reference to Figure 12 …

[44] Page 33, line 439. Delete “are the absolute weights of the two samples”. Possible typo.

[45] Page 34, line 444. Replace “a bit” with “ a little”.

[46] Figure 19. Graphs a) and b) are the same as in Figure 11. Useless repetition. Further comments are the same as in Figure 9…

[47] Page 36, lines 484-487. Please, check repetitions of “cross-bridge direction”…

[48] Page 37, line 496. Consider deleting “…seismic simulation…”. Useless repetition.

[49] Page 37, line 499. Consider replacing “…substantial…” with ”… severe…”.

[50] Page 37, line 503. Consider replacing “…visible …” with ”… significant…”.

[51] Page 37, lines 507-508. Consider deleting “For this reason,…”.


Page 37, lines 509-510. According to this reviewer, the sentence “which

means that the pier is less vulnerable to damage in the y-direction” is

controversial, and should be eliminated or better justified. In fact,

seismic vulnerability depends on the considered seismic input spectrum…


Page 38, lines 513-514. Consider replacing “… bigger than the

displacement in the bridge"s cross-sectional direction” with “… bigger

in the cis-bridge direction than in the bridge"s cross-sectional


[54] Page 38, lines 514-517. The

final sentence of 5 Conclusions is not comprehensible, please,

reformulate it in a better English.

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


PNAS创刊100多周年,背后是美国国家科学院,在每年总引用量仅次于Nature,高于Science。而scientific report的水准现在基本和APS的PR(A-E)系列持平,算不上一线期刊,拍马也赶不上PNAS.唯一有可能冲击PNAS是的是Nat.Comm。

Scientific Reports”是Nature Publishing Group (NPG)出版的一份开放存取的在线期刊,SCIE收录。2013年的IF为5.078。



Articale;《Science》:Research articale;(2)研究报道:《Nature》:









2023-07-11 11:41:314

分析化学中nbs analyses什么意思

nbs analyses国家统计局分析-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-11 11:41:433

analysis 是什么意思?

2023-07-11 11:41:571

analysis 是什么意思?

2023-07-11 11:42:041

讲一讲孟德尔随机化分析中的敏感性分析(sensitivity analyses)

很多人问过我敏感性分析的问题,说明大家对敏感性分析普遍是有疑问的,我之前的推文中也没有详细的讲过,因此决定写这一篇补充一下敏感性分析的工作。 敏感性分析定义:敏感度分析是研究数学模型或系统(数值或其他)输出中的不确定性如何在其输入中被分配到不同的不确定性来源 ——摘自维基百科。 我知道这段拗口的定义让人看了,感觉跟没看一样。 所有的文字都认识,但是连起来就读不懂是什么意思了。 所以我直白的翻译一下,敏感性分析就是通过一些手段鉴定结果是否靠谱的一项分析。 前面回答了敏感性分析的定义,显而易见,它的作用包括以下三项: 1)评估结果是否稳健,结论是否靠谱; 2)评估结果是否有潜在的偏倚(比如基因多效性,数据异质性); 3)评估是否存在某一个工具变量严重影响结局变量; 广义的敏感性分析包括以下三项: 1)基因多效性检验; 2)异质性检验; 3)“leave-one-out”法; 侠义的敏感性分析指的是“leave-one-out”法。 现在大多数的孟德尔随机化研究提到敏感性分析的时候指的是“leave-one-out”法。 基因多效性和异质性检验会单独拎出来讲。 1)基因多效性检验; 关于基因多效性的文章我之前有讲过,见推文 使用MR-PRESSO检验水平基因多效性(孟德尔随机化分析) 。 我这里就不再赘述了。 2)异质性检验; 来自不同的分析平台、实验、人群等的工具变量(IV,一般指SNP)可能存在异质性,最终影响结果。 异质性检验我之前也写过的,见推文 有相关性就有因果关系吗,教你玩转孟德尔随机化分析 命令很简单,就一句 mr_heterogeneity(dat) 异质性检验的结果看P值,P值大于0.05说明纳入的 IVs 不存在异质性,研究结果不需要考虑异质性造成的影响。 3)“leave-one-out”法; “leave-one-out”法指的是逐步剔除每个SNP,计算剩余SNP的meta效应,观察剔除每个SNP后结果是否发生变化,如果剔除了某一个SNP后,结果改变很大,说明存在某一个SNP对结果影响很大,这是我们不愿意看到的情况。 理想的情况应该是逐步剔除某个SNP后结果变化不大。 如下图所示,剔除每个SNP后,总体的误差线变化不大(所有的误差线均在0的右侧或者所有的误差线在0的左侧),说明结果是靠谱的。 这期就讲到这啦,如果你有什么疑问,欢迎进群交流(见公众号菜单栏)或者向我提问,我会结合大家的需求考虑是否发推文统一解答。
2023-07-11 11:42:331


题目:红外热测量系统的评价模型为基础的热显示热计量系统的设计和金属制品业,以协助验证热模型的特点皮肤温度在手对象相互作用。红外测量系统被用来克服所施加的限制接触热传感器。它能够衡量温度分布在手指垫联系,连同接触面积和接触力。 执行这项制度是评估标定试验结果表明,该系统能够提供准确的温度测量。有了这个系统,分析皮肤温度变化的函数的联系压力进行。这些分析允许验证热模型中提出的前一研究结果表明,热模型能够预测期间接触皮肤温度。那个模型可以模拟不同的属性材料的热显示。
2023-07-11 11:43:133


你的界面定制成简化版了,在Options中去选择Simplified version
2023-07-11 11:43:211


1.浅析苔丝悲剧的根源 2.摩登时代中的《最后的公爵夫人》 3. 浅析《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的报复 4.《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻态度 5.浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 6.《傲慢与偏见》人物性格对比 7.带刺的玫瑰--《红楼梦》王熙凤与《名利场》贝姬·夏普之对比 8.《了不起的盖茨比》-- 美国梦破产的故事 9.《推销员之死》中的表现主义 -- 美国梦 10.《肖申克的救赎》所体现的美国精神 11.《傲慢与偏见》呈现的女性和婚姻 12.《红字》中的象征主义 13.论苔丝的悲剧 14.《雾都孤儿》的意义 15.浅析《飘》中的人物形象 16,英语典故和英国习俗 17.欧 亨利其短篇小说的艺术活力 18.论《傲慢与偏见》的主题 19.论《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中的恋父情结 20.浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻 21.论《白鲸》中象征主义的运用 22.《老人与海》所反映的海明威的人生哲学 23.《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的人物特点 24.简 奥斯汀在表征中使用的对比手法 25.萨克雷《名利场》中的上层社会 26.简·奥斯汀和张爱玲的女性意识比较分析 27.情态动词的语用功能 28.论翻译实践中使用到的目的理论
2023-07-11 11:43:294

moderator analyses 是什么意思?

2023-07-11 11:43:474


2023-07-11 11:43:561


名词单数变复数的原则:1)单数名词加s: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers.� 2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches.� 3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.�4)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s, chiefs.� 5)以o结尾的名词,有些加es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes.其它加s: radio s, zoos, pianos, photos.� 6)不规则名词:foot→feet, goose→geese, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→me n, woman→women, sheep→sheep, deer→deer, mouse→mice. 7)某些外来词变复数:datum→data, medium→media, bacterium→bacteria, curriculum→curricula, criterion→criteria, phenomenon→phenomena. (�um/�on→a)�analysis→analyses, basis→bases, crisis→crises, diagnosis→diagnoses.(�is→es )� 8)复合名词变复数:以不可数名词结尾的复合名词无复数形式,如:homework.� 以man或woman为前缀的复合名词变复数,前后两个名词都变复数,如:manservant→menservants, woman student women students.� 其它复合名词变复数:grown�up→grown�ups, brother�in�law→brothers�in�law, stand�by→stands�by.� 9)复合形容词做定语时,其中的名词保持单数:a six�year�old boy,a two�hundred�page book名词复数:)~~ 英语中名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词在应用时有单数和复数形式。表示一个用单数,表示两个或两个以上用复数。复数名词的构成分为规则变化和不规则变化。 1.规则变化: 1) 一般在名词词尾加s, ① map—maps地图,bird—birds鸟, orange—oranges 桔子, bike—bikes自行车; 2) 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词加es, ① box—boxes盒子,class—classes班级,watch—watches手表, dish-dishes盘,碟子,餐具; 3) 以O结尾的名词后面加s或es ① photo—photos相片 radio—radios收音机 zoo—zoos动物园 tomato—tomatoes西红柿 potato—potatoes土豆 4) 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i+es ① baby—babies婴儿 family—families家庭; 以元音字母加y结尾的名词直接加s ① boy—boys男孩 toy—toys 玩具; 5) 以fe或f结尾的名词,把fe或f变为ves ① knife—knives小刀 wife—wives妻子 leaf—leaves树叶。 二:名词复数的不规则变化 1)child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth mouse---mice man---men woman---women 注意:与 man 和 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women。 如: an Englishman,two Englishmen. 但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。 2)单复同形 如: deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin 但除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如: a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters 3)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。 如: people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说 a person,a policeman,a head of cattle,the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用。如: The Chinese are industries and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。 4)以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,如: a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。 b. news 是不可数名词。 c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。 The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。 d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。 "The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book. <<一千零一夜>>是一本非常有趣的故事书。 5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes 若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers 6) 另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,如:goods货物,waters水域,fishes(各种)鱼 看看这个网站吧: 我是从这上面得的答案!!!只不过删除了一些没有用的!!!
2023-07-11 11:44:054


analyse的名词:analysis n.(对事物的)分析,分析结果;(对物质的)分析 复数: analyses 扩展资料   例句:The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.   习惯上要把所有的"样品分析记录在案。   The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis.   该中心在语篇分析研究方面成果丰硕。   Analysis and interpretation is a very personal thing.   分析与说明是个很主观的事情。
2023-07-11 11:45:061

什么叫categorical analyses

categorical analyses是“分类分析”的意思。
2023-07-11 11:45:221


此翻译杜绝机译,请楼主审阅 Infrared Thermal Measurement System for Evaluating Model-Based Thermal Displays(这是题目) 用于评价基于模型的热显示器的红外测温系统 A thermal measurement system was designed and fabricated to assist in the validation of a thermal model in characterizing skin temperature during handobject interactions. 设计和制造了一种测温系统,用来帮助验证手-物相互作用过程中表征皮肤(表皮)温度中的热模型。An infrared measurement system was used to overcome the limitations imposed by contact thermal sensors. 我们采用红外测温系统来克服接触式热传感器带来的限制。 It is able to measure the temperature distribution across the fingerpad during contact, together with contact area and contact force. 它能测量接触过程中跨手指垫的温度分布,以及接触面积和接触力。 The performance of this system was evaluated with calibration tests and the results indicated that this system is capable of providing accurate temperature measurements. 这种系统的性能通过校准试验得到了评价,结果表明,此系统能够提供精确的温度测量。With this system, analyses of the changes in skin temperature as a function of contact pressure were conducted. 采用这一系统,对皮肤(表皮)温度随接触压力的函数变化进行了分析。These analyses permitted the validation of a thermal model proposed in a previous study and the results indicate that the thermal model is able to predict skin temperature during contact. 这些分析可以验证以前研究中提出的热模型,而结果表明,该热模型能够预测接触过程中的皮肤(表皮)温度。The model can simulate the properties of different materials in a thermal display.该模型可以模拟不同材料在热显示器中的性质。
2023-07-11 11:45:415

一篇关于撒旦的英文性格分析Analyses of the Character Satan

Analyses of the Character Satan in The Mysterious In The Mysterious Stranger, Satan claimed himself an angel. But the misfortunes that haunted the village thereafter aroused suspect on him—is he simply an angle named Satan or the devil that no mortal mouth could have dare to spell his name? Angels in bible are messengers from god and they sometimes appear as warriors or guardians. But the angel named Satan in The Mysterious Stranger doesn"t seem to carry any of these missions.Satan the Rebel As an angel, Satan is, ironically, the anti-god and anti-Christian power in the short story. He never mentioned in the story that he was sent by god. On the contrary, he is behaving according to his own interest.The finger-size men and women made by Satan in Chapter 2 reminded the readers the splendid bible story of God creating the world and human. But Satan, the creator of the crowd of little human, killed them without mercy when they locked themselves in quarrels and fighting and finally annoyed him. The bloody scene sent chill to the three little witnesses as well as the readers—Is human race also the result of god"s impulse? Are we doomed to be smashed into dirt when the Creator grew tired of us? Satan here is not others but an ironic image of the Creator, creating fears in the readers and arousing suspect of God"s existence.With the presence of Satan, comes the misfortune for the villagers. And the villains are those who have been closest to god—Father Adolf and the astrologer. Father Adolf the god"s server, who claims to have met Satan the devil more than once, spends most of his time find fault in father peter instead of serving the villagers. Another priest, Father Peter, though being respected by the villagers and helped by Satan, ran into ill-fortunes and was finally insane, which Satan said to be the best career for him. Satan"s existence here displays the underlying questioning to the Christian church. Throughout the story, however, Satan himself is the mysterious power that controls the lives of the human race. He told Theodor Fischer that human life is a chain in which a tiny move will wholly changed one"s life and that “a man will never drop a link in his chain” (Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger, Ch7) and that it wasn"t God that order human"s career. But at the same time, he himself changed people"s life chains. He said that Nicholas will die in 12days of intending to save a drowning girl, and the boy died exactly the time he told Theodor Fischer. And he changed the career of a number of the villager to be better, he claims. But to a human, the better life in Satan"s words is only shorter life span and sudden deaths.Satan the ReminderBy showing, telling and condemning the social phenomenon Satan reminds Theodor Fischer, the story teller, of the flaws in human race.This story is powerful not because Mark Twain tells the readers the flaws in the “Damned Human Race”(Mark Twain,The Damned Human Race) but because it shows the flaws and we realize that it is what really happens in real life and that we ourselves are exactly what Satan said the only race with “Moral Sense” –who doesn"t even deserve the word “brutal”.Satan is the guide showing us around the world to see all the stupid things done by the “Damned Human Race”:He showed the suspicions among people when Father Peter hesitated in taking the money for his fear of being trapped by his enemies. He showed the cruelty of human in the torture chamber where instruments are collected for executions. He showed the cowardice of human with his condemnation that human race is “made up of sheep” and “governed by minorities”.Satan the Writer: Mark TwainWhen Theodor Fischer, the little boy who is telling the story, displays the cowardice in Mark Twain, the character Satan in this story is the tougher part of him, showing his disappointment towards God and Christianity, his ambiguity of the mysterious power over human"s life, and his harsh critic of the “Damned Human Race”. And the surprising ending of the story where Satan tells Theodor Fischer that “life itself is only a vision, a dream.” (Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger, Ch7) mirrors Mark Twain"s famous remark: “There"s nothing. There"s no god, and no universe. There is only empty space, and in it a lost, homeless and wondering and companionless and indestructible thought. And I am that thought. God and the universes and time and life and death and joy and sorrow and pain only a grotesque and brutal dream evolved from the frantic imagination and that insane thought.”
2023-07-11 11:45:571

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A1200): 数值超出范围

公共语言运行库将已知的 HRESULT 转换为 .NET 异常,这使得 COM 对象能够将有意义的错误信息返回给托管客户端。HRESULT 到异常的映射也可以反方向使用,将特定的 HRESULT 返回到非托管客户端。有关映射的详细信息,请参见 如何:映射 HRESULT 和异常。当运行库遇到未知的 HRESULT(没有特定对应异常的 HRESULT)时,将引发 COMException 类的一个实例。此通用异常将公开与任意异常相同的成员,并包含一个公共 ErrorCode 属性,其中包含由被调用方返回的 HRESULT。如果运行库获得错误信息(从 IErrorInfo 接口、Visual Basic 中的 Err 对象,或某些情况下从操作系统获得),则该信息将被返回到调用方。但是,如果 COM 组件开发人员没能提供错误信息,则运行库将返回 8 位的 HRESULT 替代消息字符串。获得 HRESULT 使调用方可以确定一般异常的起因。虽然可以使用 COMException 类将特定的 HRESULT 返回到非托管客户端,但引发特定 .NET 异常比使用一般异常要好。考虑到托管客户端与非托管客户端一样可以使用 .NET 对象,向托管调用方引发 HRESULT 就不如引发异常更利于理解。
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2023-07-11 11:46:222


This paper is based on the essential issue of buildings and discusses on how buildings follow continental climate in China. The following five parts are included in the paper: Chapter 1 first analyses the influence of continental climate on buildings in China, then presents an idea that buildings change their configurations based on the continental climate. Chapter 2 puts forth concepts of the climate-responsiveness of buildings. (After comparing the procedure of lives" evolution of configurations to buildings", the paper points out the principles, mediums, and approaches for building"s climate- responsiveness.这句看不懂:把中文放上,我可以帮你翻。)。 Chapter 3 first defines “spatial boundary” and its (function is permselectivity - 不懂,是不是“function of insolution”?). We build spatial boundaries to prevent unfavorable enviornmental element while at the same time let the preferred environmental elements in. The later part of this Chapter describes some ways for climate-responsiveness of spatial boundary. Chapter 4 analyses the climate characteristics of defferent building styles. Then the paper describes the reasons why atriums and underground buildings adapt to continental climate and how we can bring their superiority to modern cities. Chapter 5 provides some thoughts on climate-responsiveness of buildings from other views. The paper contains about 120,000 words and 100 figures.
2023-07-11 11:46:311

leave-one-out sensitivity analyses这个是什么实验

2023-07-11 11:46:391

sensitivity analyses是什么意思

sensitivity analyses敏感性分析;敏感度分析很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O
2023-07-11 11:46:581

大哥你好 我想用SPSS分析 问卷中男女不同性别对同一问题的答案有何差别 应该怎么弄啊?谢谢~

应该用独立样本的t检验吧,analyses——compare means ——independent sample t test,答案为检验的变量,性别是分组变量…… 我的回答是错误的,现在发现不正确,希望没有误导楼主。independent sample t test是有前提的:1.方差齐性2.正态性3.独立性还有就是要求因变量是定距变量。感谢qiannboy的指导
2023-07-11 11:47:162

multisim打开analyses and simulation后窗口无法关闭是什么原因

我是进入Interactive Simulation这个tab里,点击“save”,然后再运行电路可以了。
2023-07-11 11:47:341

The data show that中show为什么不加“s"?

因为data是datum的复数形式。参考资料:可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。这和汉语不同。在汉语中,我们说一个苹果,那就是一个苹果,没什么特殊变化。你要说三个苹果,只需把“一”换成“三”就可以了。而在英语中,一个苹果是one apple,三个苹果是 three apples。不尽数量词变化了,名词也有相应的变化。名词变复数的规则:分为规则变化和不规则变化。第一部分:规则变化一般情况(包括以e结尾的名词)加-s-s在清辅音[p][t][k] [f]后读[s]在浊辅音和元音后读[z]在辅音[s][z][d ]后读[iz]口诀:清清浊浊元浊e.g. Cups, cats, cakes, roofs, flags, keys, faces以s,x,ch,sh结尾加-es在[s][z][?][t?]后读[iz]Classes, boxes, watches, brushes以辅音+y结尾变y为i,加es读[z]Cities, countries, studies以元音+y结尾加-s读[z]Boys,rays,days有人还把以下两个加入了名词有规则变复数的行列。以o 结尾加-es读[z]e.g. Heroes,tomatoes,potatoes,Negroes加-s读[z]Bamboos,radios,zoos,photos,pianos以f,fe结尾变f,fe为v,再加-es读[vz]Leaf-leavesLife-livesWife-wives加-s读[s]Roofs, proofs, chiefs第二部分:不规则变化我们经常会看到有些名词变复数时并没有遵循上述规则。这就是名词的不规则变化。我们经常看见的有man-men,woman-women,child-children等等。还有一些名词,单复数是同一个形式的。不过,我们还是可以通过一些比较,发现其中的一些奥妙。一、 以-us结尾的名词(多为外来词),通常将-us改变为-i构成复数。读音变化:尾音[Es]改读[ai],其中[kEs]要改读为[sai],[gEs]要改读为[dVai].例:fungus→fungi; abacus→abaci; focus→foci; cactus→cacti; cestus→cesti二、 以-is结尾的名词,通常将-is改变为-es.读音变化:尾音[is]改读[i:z].例:axis→axes; basis→bases; naris→nares; hypothesis→hypotheses; restis→restes三、 以-ix结尾的名词,通常将-ix改变为-ices,但有例外.读音变化:尾音[iks]改读[isi:z].例:matrix→matrices; directrix→directrices; calix→calices; appendix→appendices 反例:affix→affixes四、以-um结尾的名词,将-um改变为-a.读音变化:去掉鼻尾音[m].例:forum→fora; stadium→stadia; aquarium→aquaria; datum→data; vacuum→vacua五、以-a结尾的名词,在该词末尾加上后辍-e.读音变化:尾音[E]改读[i:].例:larva→larvae; formula→formulae; ala→alae; media→mediae; hydra→hydrae六、部分单词的复数形式不变.读音变化:保持原音.例:fish→fish; sheep→sheep; cattle→cattle; deer→deer; salmon→salmon七、极少数单词,其复数形式没有任何规律.读音变化:没有规律.例:man→men; woman→women; child→children; person→people; ox→oxen八、一些单数词得加en才能变成复数词:例:ox→oxen; child→children; brother→brethren九、一些单数词得改头换面一番,才能变成复数词例:analysis→analyses分析; basis→bases基础; datum→data数据; foot→feet;formula→formulae/formulas公式; goose→geese; louse→lice虱子; man→menmouse→mice; medium→media/mediums媒介; memorandum→memoranda/memorandums备忘录;parenthesis→parentheses 圆括号; phenomenon→phenomena现象; radius→radii 半径tooth→teeth; woman→women十、有些名词是单数、复数不分的例:deer; fish; cannon; sheep; salmon 鲑鱼; trout 鳟鱼十一、一些名词虽分单数、复数,但出现次数多的总是单数词例:abscence; clothing; film; help; furniture家具; machinery机械; news; scenery风景; sugar;traffic交通十二、另一些名词则以复数词出现的机会较多例:bellows风箱; clothes; police; shorts短裤; scissors剪刀; spectacles眼镜; shears大剪刀trousers长裤; wages工资十三、compound nouns,这类复数词是以主要的名词来表示例:daughter-in-law→daughters-in-law 媳妇; father-in-law→fathers-in-law岳父man-of-war→men-of-war兵舰; maid-servant→maid-servantsstep-son→step-sons晚子; son-in-law→sons-in-law十四、若表达具体数目,要借助数量词例:pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers十五、另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,例:goods货物,waters水域,fishes(各种)鱼十六、除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式.例:a dollar,two dollars;  a meter,two meters
2023-07-11 11:47:483

it analyses the association between two or more people. 4178 什么意思?

2023-07-11 11:47:552


The In"the Vector-Space of the Document Ranking and the Model, " Dik Lee, Huang Chuang, the Seamons present of the and Kent a clear, thoughtful explanation of how they used measures of recall and precision to assess the effectiveness of different retrieval techniques. The In Karama Kanoun of"the Assessment of the Quantitative Reliability of the Qualitative and, ", Mohammed Kaaniche, and Jean-Claude Laprie give us practical advice on how to improve the quality of our reliability-related data. They also demonstrate how failure data can be used
2023-07-11 11:48:111


示例数据:本人自编,仅供软件学习练习使用。假设对一个试验对象进行两个指标的测定,指标1重复测定20次,指标2重复测定15次。数据如下。 打开GraphPad9.0,在左侧栏New table&graph选择Column,在Data table中选择Enter or import data into a new table创建新的工作表,下面的Options选择Enter replicate values,stacked into columns,完成后点击右下角的Create。录入数据。重命名数据表文档名为简单箱线图。在软件左侧栏导航栏Graphs中点击简单箱线图,软件主界面会自动跳出图形类型选择框。 选择Box and violin。下面有供选择的图形展示类型,可自行选择。这里我选择第2种,带误差线的箱线图。Plot选择了line at median。选好后点击ok。这样简单箱线图就做好了。 双击图形,跳出参数设置界面,逐一对图坐标,图形边框线条粗细等进行调整。若想绘制点和箱图共存图,可以在Style选项卡中的Whiskers中选择Min to Max. Show all points。也可依次对箱体颜色进行设置。 点击导航栏Data Tables中简单箱线图,调出数据表,再点击Analyze,在column analyses下选择t tests。因为这里我的示例数据是2组,因此要比较2组的差异,应选用t test。选择参数,因为是非配对差异比较,因此选择unpaired,符合高斯分布,选择use parameter test,假设方差齐性,因此选择Unpaired t test,Assume both populations have the same SD。 分析结果报告如下: 点击图形,再点击软件上方操作栏Draw下添加显著性标注按钮,在下拉菜单中有自动添加按钮Atomically add pairwise comparisons。 接着可以对图形进行进一步的美化。 示例数据:为本人自编,仅供软件学习实例操作使用。2个nitrogen水平记为N1和N2,4个玉米品种(maize variety),分别记为M1、M2、M3、M4,指标index测定3次重复,分别记为index1、index2、index3。可在Excel中整理数据如下。 打开Graphpad 软件,进入数据表选择界面,选择Grouped,Data Tables选择Enter or import data into a new table,Options选择Enter 3 repeate values in side-by-side subcolumns,表示重复测定的3个值录入子列中。 数据录入如下: 返回导航栏点击Graphs下分组箱线图。基本图成形。双击图形,跳出参数设置界面,进行参数设置,美化图形。 返回数据表,点击analyze,在Grouped analyses中选择Two-way ANOVA,右侧Analyze which data sets将数据全部勾选。 这里Matching by which factor选择第二项。表示每一行是一个因素,重复值录入子列。 Repeated Measures选项卡中选择Repeated measures ANOVA。 Factor names可对行和列对应的因子名称进行设置。 Multiple Comparisons选择进行多重比较的方式。 Options选择多重比较的方法。这里选择Tukey。全都设置完后点击ok。可以点击导航栏Results中对应的文件查看分析结果报告。 也可以自动将显著性标注添加到图上,方法同简单箱线图,可是自动添加会把多重比较的结果全部加到图中,不美观。我选择字母标注,并且将两因素方差分析结果的p值手动添加到图中。结果如下:
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在图2b中,层间漂移和水平位移侧推和动态 分析比较,考虑到1.0%的总漂移。可以看出,层间漂移 从动态分析得到的是在三楼最大,接近取得成果 第一种形式和DAP分析。比较静态对动态结果,在这两个词 容量曲线以及跨层漂移型材,得出的结论是displacementbased 侧推自适应功能的最大潜力,更好地再现了增量结果 (一)(二) (一) (二) 动态分析。在表2,位移延性(μ),作为最终的比例计算之间 顶位移(相当于最终实现混凝土压应变)及其 产量对应(对钢筋的屈服应力风云程度)的报告。 在图3所示的框架结构被认为是第二次和第三次的个案研究。 材料的机械性能报告表1。垂直分布荷载的梁 等于20千牛顿/米图4a,为第二个案研究,比较的结果之间的推覆 程序和增量动态分析显示。请注意,反而第一的个案研究, 不以动态分析得到的所有值都在两个封闭的区域 从传统的推覆分析能力曲线[6]。对于这个个案研究中,所有推覆曲线 分组紧密,因此没有明显的胜者可以识别。在图4b中,为第三案 研究结果比较
2023-07-11 11:48:471


一般情况,加s, .ch结尾加es。以辅音字母加y把y变i加es。
2023-07-11 11:48:585


2023-07-11 11:49:265


你这种专业问题,得给出比较多的信息才可能得到准确的帮助。我使用过ABAQUS多年,根据你的描述,有好几种可能的原因,其中最可能的原因是:你在运行ABAQUS的时候,生成Fil文件的时候的频率太低,导致得到的数据是过分稀疏的结果。因此结果不全。解决办法是加大数据输出的频率,关键字是:*EL FILE, FREQUENCY=1**Data lines to define element integration output to the results file节点变量输出是一样的,都要加大采集频率。*NODE FILE**Data lines to define nodal output to the results file你的数据不全,有可能使用了如下的关键字。*EL FILE, MODE, LAST MODE另外,附送关于关键字*EL FILE输出的详细说明以及使用格式如下,请参考。5.1 *EL FILE: Define results file requests for element variables.This option is used to select the element variables that will be written to the results (.fil) file in anAbaqus/Standard analysis or to the selected results (.sel) file in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis. In anAbaqus/Explicit analysis it must be used in conjunction with the *FILE OUTPUT option.Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAEType: History dataLevel: StepAbaqus/CAE: Unsupported; Abaqus/CAE reads output from the output database file only.References:u2022 “Output to the data and results files,” Section 4.1.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User"s Manualu2022 *FILE OUTPUTOptional parameters:DIRECTIONSThis parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.This parameter is used to obtain the directions of local element or material coordinate systemswhen component output is requested. The directions are written as a separate record for each pointat which a local coordinate system is used. See “Results file output format,” Section 5.1.2 of theAbaqus Analysis User"s Manual, for a detailed description.Set DIRECTIONS=NO (default) if the local coordinate directions should not be written.Set DIRECTIONS=YES if the local coordinate directions should be written.ELSETSet this parameter equal to the name of the element set for which this output request is beingmade. If this parameter is omitted, the output will be written for all elements in the model. Inan Abaqus/Explicit analysis, output will also be written for all of the rebars in the model. TheREBAR parameter must be included in an Abaqus/Standard analysis to obtain rebar output.FREQUENCYThis parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.Set this parameter equal to the output frequency, in increments. The output will always bewritten to the results file at the last increment of each step unless FREQUENCY=0. The default isFREQUENCY=1. Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output.LAST MODEThis parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.This parameter is useful only during eigenvalue extraction for natural frequencies (“Naturalfrequency extraction,” Section 6.3.5 of the Abaqus Analysis User"s Manual) and for eigenvaluebuckling estimation (“Eigenvalue buckling prediction,” Section 6.2.3 of the AbaqusAnalysisUser"sManual). Set this parameter equal to the highest mode number for which output is required.The default value is LAST MODE=N, where N is the number of modes extracted. If theMODE parameter is used, the default value is LASTMODE=M, whereMis the value of theMODEparameter.MODEThis parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.This parameter is useful only during eigenvalue extraction for natural frequencies (“Naturalfrequency extraction,” Section 6.3.5 of the Abaqus Analysis User"s Manual) and for eigenvaluebuckling estimation (“Eigenvalue buckling prediction,” Section 6.2.3 of the AbaqusAnalysisUser"sManual). Set this parameter equal to the first mode number for which output is required. Thedefault is MODE=1. When performing a *FREQUENCY analysis, the normalization will followthe format set by the NORMALIZATION parameter. Otherwise, the normalization is such that thelargest displacement component in the mode has a magnitude of 1.0.POSITIONThis parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.Set POSITION=AVERAGED AT NODES if the values being written are the averages ofvalues extrapolated to the nodes of the elements in the set. Since variables can be discontinuousbetween elements with different properties, Abaqus/Standard breaks the output into separate tablesfor different element property definitions within the element set specified. Abaqus/Standard willalso output elements of differing types separately. Thus, averaging will occur only over elementsthat contribute to a node that have the same type.Set POSITION=CENTROIDAL if values are being written at the centroid of the element (thecentroid of the reference surface of a shell element, the midpoint between the end nodes of a beamelement).Set POSITION=INTEGRATION POINTS (default) if values are being written at theintegration points at which the variables are actually calculated.Set POSITION=NODES if the values being written are extrapolated to the nodes of eachelement in the set but not averaged at the nodes.REBARThis parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.This parameter can be used to obtain output only for the rebar in the element set specified;output for the matrix material will not be given. It can be used with or without a value. If it is usedwithout a value, the output will be given for all rebar in the element set. Its value can be set to thename assigned to the rebar on the *REBAR option to specify output for that particular rebar in theelement set.
2023-07-11 11:49:411

ls-dyna 建part时提示说the edpa is only valid for explicit dynanc analyses

2023-07-11 11:49:481


  此题为因果倒置。  【相关资料】  逻辑错误,一般指思维过程中违反形式逻辑规律的要求和逻辑规则而产生的错误。  如“偷换概念”、“偷换论题”、“自相矛盾”等。  (一)典型的逻辑错误有:  1.同语反复  例如:乐观注意者就是乐观地对待生活的人。  2.循环定义  例如:如果把丈夫定义为妻子的爱人,那么,妻子就是丈夫的爱人。  3.概念不当并列  例如:音乐分为古典音乐、乡村音乐、流行音乐和民乐等。  4.偷换概念  例如:司马光夫人说:“我要去看花灯。”  司马光说:“家中这么多灯,何必去看?”  司马光夫人说:“我要去看游人。”  司马光说:"家中这么多人,何必出去看?"  5.转移论题  例如:“我以为中学生没有必要学习地理。整个国家的地形和位置完全可以和这个国家的历史同时学习。我主张可以把历史课和地理课合并,这样对学生是方便的。”  6.自相矛盾  例如:“这件事情我没有问过,只是侧面了解一下情况,提点意见,仅供参考。”  7.两不可  例如:“这篇文章的观点不能说是全面的,也不能说是片面的。”  8.以偏概全  这是不正确构造简单枚举归纳推理时出现的逻辑错误。  9.循环论证  这种错误发生在一个论证中,论据的证明需要依赖前提的情况。  10.倒置因果  例如:为了加快我国的发展,必须大力发展航天工业。因为在发达国家,航天工业发展很快。  常见逻辑错误例析  摘要:逻辑有其自身的规律,如果违反其规律,人们的思维就会出现错误.常见的逻辑错误有偷换概念、  偷换论题、自相矛盾、模棱两可、循环定义、同语反复、概念不当并列、因果倒置、循环论证、推不出等。  关键词:逻辑错误;例析  中图分类号:B812.2 文献标识码:B  Analyses of Some Examples of Common Logical Mistakes  Zhang Hang  (Henan Architectural Adult University,Henan Architectural Engineering School,Zhengzhou 450007,China)  Abstract: Logic has its own law,people will make mistakes in thinking if they violate the law. Some common mistakes are: change the concept secretly; change the proposition secretly; contradict oneself be equivocal; define in a circle; invert the cause and effect and so on.  Key words:logical mistakes; analyses of examples  逻辑有其自身的规律,不管使用什么概念和命题,进行何种推理和论证,都必须遵守最基本的逻辑规律.  否则,人们的思维就会出现错误。常见的逻辑错误有偷换概念、偷换论题、自相矛盾、模棱两可、循环定  义、同语反复、概念不当并列、因果倒置、循环论证、推不出等。  一、偷换概念、偷换论题  在同一思维过程中,每一个思想必须与其自身保持同一,这是同一律的要求。可用公式表示:A是A,  A表示 一个概念或命题。一个概念反映什么对象就反映什么对象,在同一语言环境中,它不能既反映这类对  象,又反映彼类对象。在概念上有意识地违背同一律的要求而出现的逻辑错误,逻辑上称之为“偷换概念”.  其特点是有意不明确某个概念的含义,进而在这个概念中塞进新的含义。商家“买一赠一”的促销广告,  玩的就是“偷换概念”的把戏。两个“一”的概念内涵大不相同,“买一”的“一”是你要买的东西,比如  一件西服,“赠一”的“一”,如果你也理解成一件西服,那就太幼稚了。这个“一” 有可能是一根领带  或一个精美的袋子而已,决不会是一件西服。  在概念的运用方面,有的人是不了解某个概念的确切含义,以至在后面运用这一概念时改变了这一概念  的含义。这种错误叫做"混淆概念"。  同一律还要求,在同一思维过程中一个命题肯定什么就肯定什么,否定什么就否定什么。一个命题必须  具有确定的“真”、“假”意义。我们把不自觉地违背同一律的逻辑错误称为“转移论题”。其表现为在说  话或论述中,把所要说明或论证的问题无意识地变成了另外的问题。比如小孩子讲话,前言不搭后语,即属于此。  对于在命题上有意识地违背同一律的要求而出现的逻辑错误,逻辑上称之为“偷换论题”。其表现是有  意识地改变论题内容,偷梁换柱,从而达到某种目的。例如清朝时,某一书生坐于高台之上读书,台高风大,  吹得书页哗哗乱翻,书生随口吟出两句诗:“清风不识字,何故乱翻书?”居心叵测之人有意歪曲“清”  字的含义,诬陷书生讽刺清廷没文化,犯了大不敬罪。  二、自相矛盾  在同一思维过程中,两个互相矛盾或互相反对的思想不能都是真的,其中必有一个是假的,这是矛盾律  的要求。可用公式表示:A不是非A,A表示一个概念或一个命题。一个概念不能既是它,又不是它,就好像  一个人,不能既是人又不是人;一个命题不能既肯定某一对象又否定这一对象。违反矛盾律的要求而出现的  逻辑错误,称之为“自相矛盾”。比如那个著名的卖矛与盾的楚人的笑话:他夸口自己的盾非常坚实,任何  东西都不能穿过;又夸口自己的矛锐利无比,能刺穿任何东西。他犯的错误就是典型的自相矛盾。再如有人  说“一个月来,这个问题时刻缠绕着我,而在非常繁忙或心情非常好的时候,我又暂时抛开了这一问题,顾  不上去想它了。”既是“时刻缠绕着我”,就不会出现“顾不上去想它”的情况说话人也犯了“自相矛盾”  的错误。  三、模棱两可  两个相互矛盾的思想不能都是假的,其中必有一个是真的,这是排中律的要求。可用公式表示:A或者  非A,A表示一个概念或一个命题。在同一思维过程中,如果A不反映某一对象,那么非A便反映这个对象。比  如这个人是学生,他要么属于“中专生”,要么属于“非中专生”,二者必居其一,不能同假。  任何命题或者肯定某对象具有某种情况,或者否定某对象具有这种情况,二者必居其一,两个相互矛  盾的命题不能同假。它要求在两个相互矛盾的思想中,必须旗帜鲜明地承认一个是真的。如果违背了这一要  求,既不承认这个,又不承认那个,含混模糊,那就犯了“模棱两可”的逻辑错误。由于这种逻辑错误的特  征是对两个相互矛盾的思想都予以否定,因此,又有人把这种错误称为“模棱两不可”。  楚人夸口自己的矛与盾,当别人反问他:用你的矛穿你的盾如何时,他既没有做出“我的矛能穿过我的  盾”的回答,也没有回答“我的矛不能穿过我的盾”,这就表示他既否定了A又否定了非A,从逻辑上讲,他  的沉默就违反了排中律。也就是说,楚人回答任何一句都违反了矛盾律,一句不回答又违反了排中律。  当人们对一组矛盾的命题缺乏足够的认识时,不能明确地肯定什么或否定什么,这种情况不能诊断为  违背了排中律。比如“火星上有生命”,“火星上没有生命”,这是一组矛盾命题。虽然其中必有一真,但  人们却不能明确表态。另外,对于不是矛盾关系的概念或命题,都加以否定,也不是违反了排中律。如“今  天不会下雨也不会下雪”。“下雨”或“下雪”不具有矛盾关系,所以可以同时否定。  四、循环定义、同语反复  定义是揭示概念内涵的逻辑方法,就是用简明的语句概括地说明对象的本质属性。定义由被定义项、定  义项和定义联项三部分组成。被定义项就是通过定义来揭示其内涵的概念;定义项就是用来揭示被定义项内  涵的概念;联结被定义项和定义项组成定义的概念是定义联项。下定义有一定的规则,它要求定义项不能直  接或间接地包含被定义项。如果直接包含被定义项,那就犯了“同语反复”的逻辑错误;如果间接包含被定  义项,那就犯了“循环定义”的逻辑错误。例如“顶针就是一种运用顶针手法的修辞格”。用“顶针手法”  去说明“顶针”,这等于什么也没有说。这一定义就犯了“同语反复”的错误。再如“如果把‘奇数"定义  为‘偶数加一",那么‘偶数"是‘奇数加一"得到的数”。用“偶数”解释“奇数”,用“奇数”解释“  偶数”,这一定义就犯了“循环定义”的错误。  五、概念不当并列  概念并列问题属于概念划分的范围。所谓划分,是明确概念外延的逻辑方法,即依据某一概念,把一个  属概念分为若干子概念。划分由三部分组成,即划分的母项、划分的子项和划分的标准。其中,被划分的对  象称为划分的母项;从母项中划分出来的概念,称为划分的子项;划分的依据通常是事物的某一属性,称为  划分的标准。在对一个属概念进行划分时,可以把划分后得到的子概念作为母项再进行划分,这称之为“连  续划分”。不管把一个概念划分成多少层次,每一次划分都必须遵循划分规则,即在一次划分中必须遵循同  一个标准。根据不同标准划分的概念不可以并列,如果在同一次划分中并列了不同层次的概念,就会犯“概  念不当并列”的逻辑错误。例如“我喜欢读外国作品、古典作品、小说、散文、唐诗等”。这句话对作品的  分类用了多个标准,它把用不同标准划分的概念并列在了一起,犯了“概念不当并列”的错误。  六、因果倒置  因果关系是事物之间普遍联系的一种方式。如果一个现象的存在必然引起另一种现象发生,那么这两个  现象就具有因果关系,其中,引起某一种现象产生的现象叫做原因,被引起的现象叫做结果。原因和结果在  因果链中是相对的,此事的结果可能是彼事的原因,但就这一对因果来说,它又是绝对的,原因就是原因,  结果就是结果,既不能倒因为果,也不能倒果为因。例如,19世纪英国有一位改革家发现,每个勤劳的农夫,  都至少拥有两头牛;那些没有牛的,通常是些好吃懒做的人。因此,他的改革方式便是国家给每一个没有  牛的农夫两头牛,这样,整个国家就没有好吃懒做的人了。这位改革家就犯了因果倒置的错误。农夫因勤劳  才拥有两头牛,不是因拥有两头牛而变得勤劳。这种改革的结果自然还是勤者自勤,懒者亦懒。  七、循环论证  论证就是用几个真实命题确定另一命题真实性的过程。论证有一条重要原则,即论据的真实性不应依赖  论题的真实性。论题能否确立依赖论据的真实性来论证,如果论据的真实性反过来以论题的真实性为依据,  那就等于什么也没有论证。违反这一规则所犯的逻辑错误,称为“循环论证”。例如,曾经有人反对哥白尼  的太阳中心说,他们认为宇宙是有限的。其论据是宇宙在一昼夜之间绕地球一周,而论据的真实性又依赖“  宇宙是有限的”这一论题(因为如果宇宙是无限的,就不能理解为什么无限的宇宙能在一昼夜之间绕自己的  中心——地球运转一周)。这就犯了“循环论证”的错误。  八、推不出  论证的另一条重要规则是要求从论据出发能合乎逻辑地推出论题,即论据和论题之间要有必然的联系。  违反这条规则就会犯“推不出”的逻辑错误。有以下几种常见的情况:  (一)推理形式不正确。  从论据不能必然地推出论题。例如:“他近视得很厉害,一定很聪明。”“近视”跟“聪明”之间没  有必然的联系,我们不能以近视为依据,证明他是否聪明。这个论证实际上运用了如下推理:  所有的聪明人都是近视眼,  他近视得很厉害,  所以,他一定很聪明。  这一推理违反了三段论的推理规则:中项至少要周延一次。两个前提中的“近视”,表述方式都是肯  定的,均不周延,所以这个推理形式是无效的。  (二)论据和论题毫不相干。  即论据和论题在内容上毫无关系。例如:“他学习不用功。因为,只有学习用功,才能考上大学。”在  这个论证中,论据“没有考上大学”是真实的,但论据和论题没有逻辑上的必然联系,所以从此论据出发是  推不出“他学习不用功”的结论的。  (三)论据不足。  即所引用的论据对于确定论题的真实性而言是必要的,但不是充分的。例如“如果天下雨,地就会湿.  现在地湿了,因此,一定是下雨了”。“下雨”是“地湿”的充分条件,但“地湿”不是“下雨”的充分  条件,不能依据“地湿”这个条件,推出“下雨”的结论。  (四)理由虚假。  论证论题的理由虽摆出来了,但是虚假的。例如:《狼和小羊》这则寓言故事,狼要吃小羊的理由是,  小羊站在下游喝水污染了它在上游的水。这个理由显然是站不住脚的。
2023-07-11 11:49:571


2023-07-11 11:48:069


"Hold on"是一个英语短语,常常被用作鼓励、安慰、表达耐心等方面。它的中文意思是"坚持"、"耐心等待"、"别放弃"等。下面将从词汇来源、用法、表达方式和文化背景等方面介绍"Hold on"在中文中的含义和用法。词汇来源:"Hold on"的词源可以追溯到古英语中的"haldan",意思是"掌握"、"抓住"。在现代英语中,"Hold on"的意思扩展到了"坚持"、"耐心等待"等方面。用法:在中文中,"Hold on"通常用于鼓励、安慰和表达耐心等方面。例如,当别人在困难时,我们可以对他们说"Hold on",表示要坚持下去,别放弃。此外,"Hold on"也可以用于提醒自己要坚持下去,不要轻易放弃。表达方式:在中文中,"Hold on"的表达方式多种多样,可以是口头表达,也可以是书面表达。一些人会用手势来表示"Hold on",例如伸出手掌,表示要抓住机遇,坚持不懈。此外,一些人也会在社交媒体上或短信中用"Hold on"来表达鼓励和安慰。文化背景:"Hold on"在中文中流行的背景与当代社会的压力和挑战有关。当代社会的竞争越来越激烈,人们面临着各种各样的挑战和困难。在这种情况下,"Hold on"成为了一种流行的表达方式,鼓励人们要坚持下去,不要放弃。
2023-07-11 11:48:061

我在路由模拟器中输入spanning-tree 为什么显示incomplete command

incomplete 不完整的命令.应该是你少打了点什么,比如show spanning-tree或者spanning-tree mode之类,再者是有的模拟器可能对空格与横杠的分类不明确.试试spanning tree这样能不能行.希望以上能够帮到你.
2023-07-11 11:48:081


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2023-07-11 11:48:144

我就郁闷呢了,sat报名到交钱这一步之后钱被收走了 可是显示是incomplete。。我快疯了

2023-07-11 11:48:171

incomplete report中文翻译

It fails to meet the deadpne for submitting a financial statement , pst of assets or other related information , or submits false or inplete reports , or fails to make payment for an inspection / audit within the given time pmit 四逾期提报财务报告、财产目录或其他有关资料及报告,或提报不实、不全或未于规定期限内缴纳查核费用。 One point : students participated minimally in class discussions ; created an inplete report with pttle or none of the requested information ; were not able to measure indirectly , or adequately use deductive reasoning in mathematical proofs 1分:学生在班级讨论中极少参与其中;创建了一个不完整的报告,几乎没有包括所要求的信息;不会间接测量,不能运用逻辑推理于数学证明。
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2023-07-11 11:48:044

hold on,中文是什么

2023-07-11 11:47:594


(Banana Splits) The Dickies的Kick-Ass OST里的歌
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2023-07-11 11:47:541

incomplete model是什么意思

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流星雨什么时候有 流星雨时间表

流星雨时间表 象限仪座流星雨活跃期为1月1日到5日,极大期间在4号。 天琴座流星雨活跃期4月16日持续至25日,最大期在4月22日。 宝瓶座u03b7流星雨活跃期在4月19日至5月28日前后出现,于5月5日达到高潮。 南宝瓶座u03b4流星雨活跃期在7月14日-8月18日,极大时间在7月28/29日。 英仙座流星雨在7月20日至8月20日前后出现,于8月13日达到高潮。 金牛座南流星雨出现在9月至11月,爆发时间可能在10月10号左右。 金牛座北流星雨活跃期在9月13日到12月1日活动,极盛在11月13日。 狮子座流星雨活跃期在11月14日至21日,尤其是11月17日左右。 双子座流星雨活跃期在12月4日至17日,在14号左右会达到极大。 小熊座流星雨活跃期在12月17日至26日,在12月22日达到极大。 流星雨介绍 流星雨(Meteor Shower)的产生一般认为是由于流星体与地球大气层相摩擦的结果(流星体可以是小行星带上的小行星发生摩擦),流星群往往是由彗星分裂的碎片产生,因此,流星群的轨道常常与彗星的轨道相关。成群的流星就形成了流星雨。流星雨看起来像是流星从夜空中的一点迸发并坠落下来。这一点或这一小块天区叫作流星雨的辐射点。通常以流星雨辐射点所在天区的星座给流星雨命名,以区别来自不同方向的流星雨。 著名的流星雨 英仙座流星雨 英仙座流星雨是最有名的流星雨之一,因为它不但数量多,而且几乎从来没有在夏季星空中缺席,每年固定时间稳定出现,是最活跃、最常被观测到的流星雨,也是对非专业流星观测者来说最好的流星雨,为全年三大周期性流星雨之首。流星体都非常小,但是由于其速度惊人,每秒可达60公里,所以对于宇宙飞船或卫星仍有潜在的危险性。 双子座流星雨 双子座流星雨每年都会出现,属于较强的流星雨,仅次于“流星雨之王”——狮子座流星雨。它源自一颗1983年才被发现的小行星,属于燃尽的彗星遗骸。不过与短暂的狮子座流星雨不同,双子座流星雨通常可持续10天左右。 狮子座流星雨 狮子座流星雨并不是“狮子座”上的流星雨。“狮子座”上即使有流星雨,在地球上凭肉眼也看不到。“狮子座”流星雨是由一颗叫做“坦普尔-塔特尔”的彗星所抛撒的颗粒滑过大气层所形成的。因为形成流星雨的方位在天球上的投影恰好与“狮子座”在天球上的投影相重合,在地球上看起来就好像流星雨是从“狮子座”上喷射出来,因此称为“狮子座”流星雨。 猎户座流星雨 猎户座流星雨为世界七大流星雨之一,猎户座流星雨有两种,辐射点在参宿四附近的流星雨一般在11月20日左右出现。辐射点在u03bd附近的流星雨则发生于10月15日到10月30日,极大日在10月21日。而我们常说的猎户座流星雨是后者,它是由著名的哈雷彗星造成的,哈雷彗星每76年就会回到太阳系的核心区。 金牛座流星雨 出现时间:每年在10月10日至12月5日前后,它与恩克彗星相关联的流星雨,因为辐射点看似来自天空中的金牛座而得名。因为出现的时间适逢万圣节的时段,因此也被称为万圣节烟火。 天龙座流星雨 出现时间:每年在10月6日至10日天,由于其辐射点位置在天龙座因得名。人们比较熟悉的狮子座流星雨,其流星速度为每秒71千米,而天龙座流星雨,其流星速度每秒只有20千米,其动态是“慢腾腾”的。狮子座、英仙座流星雨各地最佳观察时间在凌晨,而观察天龙座流星雨最佳时间应在晚上。 天琴座流星雨 出现时间:每年的4月15日至4月28日,因辐射点在天琴座u03b1(织女星)附近,所以也称为天琴座u03b1流星雨,这个流星雨已经被观察了2,600年之久。
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