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2023-07-11 10:28:32
TAG: 英文 单词




例如的事业兴旺发达。: His business is prosperous


prosperous 繁荣的 的意思


Wish you can succeed and be with tail in the water 祝兴旺发达






Prosperous is developed



prosperous美 ["prɑsp(u0259)ru0259s]英 ["pru0252sp(u0259)ru0259s]adj.繁荣的;成功的;兴旺的 昌盛的;兴盛;繁荣昌盛的例句筛选1.A stable and prosperous region serves the interests of every country.一个稳定繁荣的区域符合每个国家的利益。2.To begin with, let me be clear: America wants a strong, peaceful, andprosperous Russia.首先,我要清楚表明:美国希望有一个强大、和平和繁荣的俄罗斯。
2023-07-11 09:21:561


  prosperous英 [u02c8pru0252spu0259ru0259s] 美 [u02c8prɑ:spu0259ru0259s]  adj.富裕的; 繁荣的,兴旺的; 幸福的,运气好的; 良好的;  [例句]The youngest son of a relatively prosperous British family  一个相对富裕的英国家族中最小的儿子  [其他]形近词: asperous
2023-07-11 09:22:041


prosperous[英][u02c8pru0252spu0259ru0259s][美][u02c8prɑ:spu0259ru0259s]adj.富裕的; 繁荣的,兴旺的; 幸福的,运气好的; 良好的; 例句The youngest son of a relatively prosperous British family一个相对富裕的英国家族中最小的儿子
2023-07-11 09:22:122


prosperous ["pru0254spu0259ru0259s]adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的方框乱码了 就是 拼音的 ao。
2023-07-11 09:22:211


2023-07-11 09:22:303


prosperous 英["prɒsp(ə)rəs] 美["prɑspərəs]adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的
2023-07-11 09:23:013


prosperous是形容词,有富裕的;繁荣的意思 意为繁荣的时与flourishing是同义词 flourish的形容词形式是flourishing,意思是繁荣的,茂盛的。flourished是动词flourish的过去式形式。
2023-07-11 09:23:412


问题一:热闹。用英文怎么说 很难表达,属于我国文化特有产物,具体语境具体分析。你要表达很闹很激动就可以excitement,要说人多了好玩可以说fun,要表达说气氛活跃可以说warm up,等等 问题二:热闹的这个词的英文 看你要形容什么了。 如果你要形容人很多的话,就是busy, eg: 1. 苏州有条禁令, 不准在这条热闹的街上停车。 Suzhou has a ban on parking cars in this busy street. 2. 是的。 一年的这个时候故宫总是非常热闹。 Yes, it can be very busy at this time of year. 如果你要形容气氛,lively。 eg: 1. As you might imagine, this is a very lively group. 正如你所能想象的,这是个非常活跃的团队。 2. Liquor was a kind of liquid food to him and made his mind lively. 酒对他而言是一种液体的食物并且可以使他的思维活泼。 问题三:很热闹用英语怎么说 very lively是很热闹的意思! 问题四:热闹用英语怎么翻译 热闹 lively bustling with noise and excitement boisterous 例: a food market bustling with activity; a busy food market; 热闹的菜市场 The street is bustling. 大街上热闹得很。 问题五:繁华的 用英语怎么说 繁华的英语: prosperous; luxuriant; 例句: 3英里长的 *** 队伍弯弯曲曲地穿过了首都最繁华的街道。 The three-mile procession snaked its way through the richest streets of the capital. 问题六:繁华的 用英语怎么说 繁华_百度翻译 [词典] bustling; prosperous; busy; flourishing; [例句] 这一带越来越繁华了。 This district is getting more and more prosperous and bustling. 问题七:我喜欢热闹 用英语怎么说 我喜欢热闹 I enjoy crowds. 问题八:哇!里面真热闹用英语怎么说的? 英文原文: Wow! It is really busy 英式音标: [wa?] [?t] [?z] [?r??l?] [?b?z?] 美式音标: [wa?] [?t] [?z] [?ri??li? ?rili] [?b?zi]
2023-07-11 09:24:191


congratulate make a pile
2023-07-11 09:24:309

繁华的 用英语怎么说

2023-07-11 09:24:475


2023-07-11 09:25:002


2023-07-11 09:25:2315


【近义词】richwealthy用作形容词 (adj.)At no time has the country been more prosperous than at present.我国任何时候都没有现在这样繁荣。There are some areas of poverty, but the country as a whole is fairly prosperous.这个国家有些地区比较贫困, 但总的来说是相当富裕的。
2023-07-11 09:25:461


Wish you great fortune. 恭喜发财。恭喜发财还可以说:May you be prosperous.prosperous:美 [u02c8prɑ:spu0259ru0259s] 富有。新年快乐,恭喜发财可以说:Happy new year ,May you be prosperous.英语翻译技巧:1、合并法合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如最后会翻译成定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等等。2、拆分法当然,英译汉的时候,就要采取完全相反的战术——拆分法,即把一个长难句细细拆分为一个个小短句、简单句,并适当补充词语,是句子通顺。最后,注意还需要按照汉语习惯调整语序,达到不仅能看懂而且不拗口的目标。3、插入法就是把不能处理的句子,利用括号、双逗号等插入到所翻译的句子中,不过这种方法多用在笔译里面,口译用的非常少。总而言之,以上方法是翻译里面比较有用的方法,如果都掌握的话,那么可以有效地提高翻译水平。
2023-07-11 09:26:031

盛世 翻译成英文怎么拼写[高分悬赏]

Golden Age
2023-07-11 09:26:216


2023-07-11 09:26:594


繁荣,兴旺; 富裕;prosperous,<adj>,繁荣的,兴旺的; 富裕的; 幸福的,运气好的; 良好的
2023-07-11 09:27:191


2023-07-11 09:27:383

这两个英语 prosperous 和 wireless 怎么发音

prosperous 是动词 prosper(繁荣)的派生形容词,第一个音节重读,形容词后缀 -ous 发 [u0259s],可以谐音为 “扑若奥斯婆若斯”。wireless 是 wire(导线)的派生形容词,形容词后缀 less 发 [lu0259s],可以谐音为 “瓦艾呃勒斯”。
2023-07-11 09:27:471

prosperous 翻译

prosperous英文可翻译为繁荣的;成功的;富足的;兴旺的;带来成功的。短语搭配有prosperous future,繁荣的未来;prosperous society,繁荣社会;prosperous Economy,繁荣的经济;prosperous country,繁荣、昌盛的国家;prosperous year,繁荣的一年。prosperous的词根为prosper。同根词为prosper、prosperously、prosperity。prosperous作副词为prosperously,意为繁荣地;幸运地。prosperous作名词为prosperity,意为繁荣,成功。prosperous作动词为prosper,意为繁荣,昌盛;成功;使……成功;使……昌盛;使……繁荣。双语例句:1、We wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.祝你圣诞快乐,新年发达。2、A prosperous family who showed no signs of discord.一个没有一丝不和迹象的兴旺的家族。3、Prosperous merchants and clothiers had established a middle class.富裕的经销商和服装商形成了中间阶层。4、The once prosperous city has become a scene of desolation after the war.昔日繁华的都市战后已是满目苍凉。5、This once remote and backward place has now become a prosperous city.昔日的穷乡僻壤如今变成了繁华的城市。
2023-07-11 09:29:131


prosperous英文可翻译为繁荣的;成功的;富足的;兴旺的;带来成功的。短语搭配有prosperous future,繁荣的未来;prosperous society,繁荣社会;prosperous Economy,繁荣的经济;prosperous country,繁荣、昌盛的国家;prosperous year,繁荣的一年。prosperous的词根为prosper。同根词为prosper、prosperously、prosperity。prosperous作副词为prosperously,意为繁荣地;幸运地。prosperous作名词为prosperity,意为繁荣,成功。prosperous作动词为prosper,意为繁荣,昌盛;成功;使……成功;使……昌盛;使……繁荣。双语例句:1、We wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.祝你圣诞快乐,新年发达。2、A prosperous family who showed no signs of discord.一个没有一丝不和迹象的兴旺的家族。3、Prosperous merchants and clothiers had established a middle class.富裕的经销商和服装商形成了中间阶层。4、The once prosperous city has become a scene of desolation after the war.昔日繁华的都市战后已是满目苍凉。5、This once remote and backward place has now become a prosperous city.昔日的穷乡僻壤如今变成了繁华的城市。
2023-07-11 09:30:091


prosperous翻译为:兴旺的、繁荣的、昌盛的、成功的、富裕的、有利的、顺利的。一、同义词:flourishing、wealthy、favourable。二、由前缀+词根+后缀构成:1、前缀 pro,表示“forward,forth(向前)或 out(出)”,例如:(1)propel vt.推进、驱使。(2)progress n.进步,发展。(3)profess vt.自称、公开表示。2、词根 sper/spair,表示“希望”的意思,例如:(1)prosper vi.繁荣、昌盛。(2)prosperity n.繁荣、成功。(3)despair n.绝望、令人绝望的人或事。例句:1、They have a very prosperous family business.他们有一个蒸蒸日上的家族企业。2、After their misfortunes the family slowly became prosperous.灾难过后,他们家又慢慢地兴盛起来。3、We are going to Build an economically prosperous country.我们要建设经济繁荣的国家。4、The district is getting more and more prosperous.这一带越来越繁华了。5、May our posterity last forever and their families be prosperous!愿我们子孙代代永远相传,家庭繁荣昌盛!
2023-07-11 09:31:161

prosperous 翻译

prosperous ["pros·per·ous || "prɑspru0259s /"pru0252-]adj. 成功的, 顺利的, 繁盛的
2023-07-11 09:32:141


prosperous英文可翻译为繁荣的;成功的;富足的;兴旺的;带来成功的。短语搭配有prosperous future,繁荣的未来;prosperous society,繁荣社会;prosperous Economy,繁荣的经济;prosperous country,繁荣、昌盛的国家;prosperous year,繁荣的一年。prosperous的词根为prosper。同根词为prosper、prosperously、prosperity。prosperous作副词为prosperously,意为繁荣地;幸运地。prosperous作名词为prosperity,意为繁荣,成功。prosperous作动词为prosper,意为繁荣,昌盛;成功;使……成功;使……昌盛;使……繁荣。双语例句:1、We wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.祝你圣诞快乐,新年发达。2、A prosperous family who showed no signs of discord.一个没有一丝不和迹象的兴旺的家族。3、Prosperous merchants and clothiers had established a middle class.富裕的经销商和服装商形成了中间阶层。4、The once prosperous city has become a scene of desolation after the war.昔日繁华的都市战后已是满目苍凉。5、This once remote and backward place has now become a prosperous city.昔日的穷乡僻壤如今变成了繁华的城市。
2023-07-11 09:32:261


prosperous是形容词,有富裕的;繁荣的意思 意为繁荣的时与flourishing是同义词 flourish的形容词形式是flourishing,意思是繁荣的,茂盛的。flourished是动词flourish的过去式形式。富裕的实质是人们获取生存和生活资料、资源的能力和效率,集中体现在是否拥有充足的休闲时间,是建立在一定劳动生产率的基础之上的。在当今以资本为主导的社会,富裕不能仅仅以收入多少来衡量,而是收入扣除生活成本后的余额。过去式(past tense)是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。动词的过去式可分为规则动词和不规则动词。一般动词直接加-ed,e.g.look-looked;以e结尾的动词直接加-d,;辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i再加ed,;以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母(字母w,y,x除外),双写这个辅音字母加-ed,e.g.skip-skipped;以l结尾的动词,若以非重读音节结尾,则末尾的字母l双写与不双写均可。其中不双写的是美式拼写。。部分以-p结尾的动词同样遵循第5条,这类词多由“前缀+名词”构成。e.g.worship-worshipped/worshiped(U.S.)、handicap-handicapped/handicaped(U.S.)。参考资料.百度百科[引用时间2017-12-19]
2023-07-11 09:34:001


问题一:哪里有速度较快的免费空间? 5分 3326很好用的 问题二:发达用英语怎么说 1.developed 先进的;发达的;成熟的 例句: Developed countries all attach great importance to the recycling of the obsolete and waste. 发达国家都很重视收旧利废。 He has visited most developed countries. 他访问了大多数的发达国家。 2.advanced 先进的;开明的 例句 It is possible for us to outstrip the advanced countries in the world. 点击发音 我们能超过世界上先进的国家。 收藏 China is transforming from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country. 点击发音 中国正在从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国。 3.flourishing 繁荣的;欣欣向荣的 例句 Our great motherland is flourishing with each passing day. 我们伟大的祖国蒸蒸日上。 A flourishing and prosperous panorama spread out before our eyes. 一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们的眼前。 4.prosperous 繁荣的,昌盛的;成功的;富裕的 例句 He is running a prosperous business. 他的事业经营得很成功。 It is in China"s vital interest to keep Hong Kong prosperous and stable. 保持香港的繁荣稳定是符合中国的切身利益的。 问题三:"发达的经济"用英语怎么说 发达的经济 [词典] advanced economy; [例句]一个发达的经济体要求在政治和思想领域存在竞争。 An advanced economy requires petition in politics and ideas 问题四:发达国家用英语怎么说 developed / advanced country发达国家 The United States is the most developed country and China is the largest developing country. 美国是最发达的资本主义国家,中国是最大的发展中国家。 The USA is an advanced country. 美国是一个发达的国家。 As we all know, Japan is an advanced country. 我们都知道,日本是一个发达的国家。 问题五:发达国家用英语怎么说 the developed countries 问题六:科技越来越发达用英语怎么说 科技越来越发达 Technology is being more and more advanced 重点词汇释义 越来越increasingly; more and more 发达developed; advanced; flourishing; develop; prosperous 问题七:随着科技越来越发达 用英语怎么写 With the development of science and technology
2023-07-11 09:34:151


Kung Hei Fat Choi !
2023-07-11 09:34:236


prosperousadj. 繁荣的;兴旺的短语Prosperous Armenia 繁荣亚美尼亚 ; 亚美尼亚繁荣党prosperous some 繁荣一些 ; 一些繁荣 ; 繁荣的一些Prosperous times 繁荣时代 ; 繁荣时期例句But it is also one of the most prosperous. 但是这里也是该国最繁荣的小镇之一。flourishedn. 兴旺;茂盛;挥舞;炫耀;华饰vt. 夸耀;挥舞vi. 繁荣,兴旺;茂盛;活跃;处于旺盛时期And Flourished 而兴盛flourished thrived 茂盛 ; 繁茂Flourished Arts 文艺风例句:1.. 繁荣; 兴旺例:Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day.生意兴隆,6个月中他们每天挣18000卢布。2. 繁荣的; 兴旺的 flourishing例:Boston quickly became a flourishing port.波斯顿迅速成为一个繁荣的港口。3.. (动植物因环境适宜而) 旺盛例:The plant flourishes particularly well in slightly harsher climes.这种植物在较为恶劣一点的气候中长得特别茂盛。4.繁盛的 flourishing...a flourishing fox population.…不断繁衍的狐狸群。5.. 挥舞例:He flourished the glass to emphasize the point.他挥舞着杯子来强调这一点。6.. 挥动例:He took his cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.他挥手从腋下取出帽子,拉低帽檐盖住眼睛。
2023-07-11 09:34:451

prosperous; flourishing 中文翻译是什么?

2023-07-11 09:35:171


恭喜发财 英文 各种语言 都怎么翻译出来May you be happy and prosperous Wishing you prosperity May you be prosperous congratulation Wish you prosperity
2023-07-11 09:35:362

prosperous prospering区别

2023-07-11 09:35:431

Wish you A Happy&Prosperous New Year是什么意思?有没错误

2023-07-11 09:35:522

flourishing prosperous

2023-07-11 09:36:111


富强民主文明和谐英语为:prosperous,democratic,ulturally advanced and harmonious。例句:1、Build a prosperous, strong,democratic and culturally advanced country.建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家。2、In a word,it is to build our country into a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced modern country.总起来说,就是要把中国建成富强民主文明的现代化国家。3、May you succeed in building up a strong and prosperous country.祝你们建成一个富强的国家。4、Promoting the civilization of the city,communities and citizens.加强文明城市、文明社区和文明市民的建设。5、Prosperity,Harmony,Democracy:Three Pillars of Human Civilization.富强、和谐、民主,人类文明的三大支柱。
2023-07-11 09:36:181


1.developed先进的;发达的;成熟的 例句:Developed countries all attach great importance to the recycling of the obsolete and waste. 发达国家都很重视收旧利废。 He has visited most developed countries. 他访问了大多数的发达国家。 2.advanced先进的;开明的 例句It is possible for us to outstrip the advanced countries in the world. 点击发音我们能超过世界上先进的国家。 收藏China is transforming from a backward agricultural country into an advanced industrial country. 点击发音中国正在从落后的农业国转变为先进的工业国。3.flourishing繁荣的;欣欣向荣的 例句Our great motherland is flourishing with each passing day. 我们伟大的祖国蒸蒸日上。A flourishing and prosperous panorama spread out before our eyes. 一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们的眼前。4.prosperous繁荣的,昌盛的;成功的;富裕的 例句He is running a prosperous business. 他的事业经营得很成功。 It is in China"s vital interest to keep Hong Kong prosperous and stable. 保持香港的繁荣稳定是符合中国的切身利益的。
2023-07-11 09:36:484


prosperous adj.繁荣的, 兴隆的, 昌盛的 ; 茂盛的, 顺利的a prosperous year 兴旺的一年a prosperous business 兴旺的事业thriving由动词thrive而来booming adj.趋于繁荣的; 突然兴旺的;发展迅速的; 暴涨的; 激增的发轰隆声的a booming market 繁荣的市场 booming waves 波涛澎湃flourishing adj.繁茂的, 繁荣的, 欣欣向荣的
2023-07-11 09:36:551


2023-07-11 09:37:056


2023-07-11 09:37:226

盛世 翻译成英文怎么拼写[高分悬赏]

2023-07-11 09:37:371

thriving and prosperous什么意思?

thriving and prosperous:繁荣昌盛
2023-07-11 09:37:573

It was the wealth of the _________ pioneer landowner John Harvard that made Harvard

这是选词填空吗?感觉这道题可能有上下文。现在没有,那就排除法做吧。precious宝贵的,curious好奇的,anxious焦虑的,prosperous繁荣的划线出要修饰的名词是pioneer landowner先锋地主,那么首先A、D都是不能用来形容人的,B、C中,选B,好奇的先锋的财富创造了哈佛。
2023-07-11 09:38:042


2023-07-11 09:38:124


形容城市的英文单词:prosperous city繁华的城市、beautiful city美丽的城市、depression of the city萧条的城市、a young city年轻的城市、developed city发达的城市、modern city现代化城市。 扩展资料   I guess Shanghai will become the most prosperous city in China.   我想上海将成为中国最繁华的城市。   In a beautiful and prosperous city, there is a family.   在一个美丽和繁荣的城市,这里有一个家庭。   He opined that Prague was the most beautiful city in Europe.   他认为布拉格是欧洲最美丽的城市。   After a joyous and restful three days, I left this beautiful city.   度过了愉快轻松的3天后,我离开了这个美丽的城市。   The Prevalence of Depression of the Elderly in Hefei City Community   合肥市城市社区老年抑郁症患病率调查   Changchun is a young city, which just has 200 years history since Changchun office was built.   长春是一个年轻的城市,从1800年建长春厅至今只二百多年的"历史。   Harbin is a young arisen city aroused following the Chinese eastern railway construction.   哈尔滨是伴随着中东铁路的修建而兴起的一座年轻的城市。
2023-07-11 09:38:251


问题一:恭喜发财的英文怎么写。 恭喜发财 [gōng xǐ fā cái] May you be happy and prosperous 问题二:“恭喜发财”的英文怎么说? Wishing you happiness and prosperity 问题三:恭喜发财用英语怎么说? May you be prosperous.(May在英语中可表示祝愿) 问题四:恭喜发财的英文怎么说 may prosperity be with you ! 来源:21st century 一帆风顺: wish you every success 名列前茅: always e first in examinations 鹏程万里: have a bright future 风调雨顺: timely wind and rain bring good harvest 国泰民安: wish our country flourishes and people live in peace 生意兴隆: wish your business success 大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success 龙马精神: may you be as energetic as a dragon and a horse 恭喜发财: may prosperity be with you 年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for 新年新气象: as the New Year begins, let us also start a new 万事如意: hope everything goes your way 岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round 财源广进: may a river of gold flow into your pocket 问题五:恭喜发财红包拿来用英语怎么说 Congratulations on getting rich red envelopes. 问题六:发财用英语怎么说 有多种说法,例如: get rich / bee rich 变得富有 make a fortune 获得财产 make a pile (of money) 积累财富 be fatten (on) (靠 ...)发家致富 acquire wealth 致富 achieve prosperity 达到财运亨通的目的bee prosperous 变得财运亨通 问题七:恭喜发财 英语怎么翻译? May you be happy and prosperous! 或者Wishing you p恭osperity 问题八:恭喜发财用英语标准的说法怎么说? 最贴切的用法: Wish you get rich.
2023-07-11 09:38:541


2023-07-11 09:39:022


2023-07-11 09:40:353


问题一:“晟”这个字是什么意思 就是很可爱的意思 叫这个名字的人也都人如其名 问题二:“晟”是个什么字?什么意思 晟shèng 1.光明。 2.旺盛,兴盛。 晟chéng 1.姓。 问题三:晟是什么意思? 晟 含义是旺盛,兴盛或者光明 问题四:晟这个字到底有什么含义? 晟 shèngㄕㄥA ◎ 光明。 ◎ 旺盛,兴盛。 其它字义 晟 chéngㄔㄥ@ ◎ 姓。 English: ◎ clear, bright; splendor, brightness 详细解释: 晟 shèng 〈形〉 (1) 光明炽盛 [bright] 昂头冠三山,俯瞰旭日晟。(朝阳光明炽盛。)――郝经《原古上元学士》 (2) 兴盛 [prosperous;thriving] 自秦创兴,于 周转晟。――《西陲石刻录u30fb周李君修佛龛碑》 康熙字典: 【辰集上】【日字部】 晟 【广韵】承正切【集韵】【韵会】【正韵】时正切,??音盛。【说文】明也。【正字通】日光充盛也。又炽也。又《大晟》,宋乐名。 又【集韵】时征切,音成。义同。 又饭匮也。 又【集韵】咨盈切。晶,或作晟。精光也。 说文解字: 【卷七】【日部】晟 明也。从日成声。承正切 English : 晟 Sh è ng Brilliance. Prosperous, prosperous. 晟 Ch é ng Surname. 如果您认为本词条还有待完善,需要补充新内容或修改错误内容,请 编辑词条 开放分类: 汉字、字典、中国字、汉语、造字 问题五:晟的意思字 1.?晟,读作shèng 本义:中午12点的日光。引申义:最高程度。最大程度。含义是旺盛,兴盛或者光明。 2.?晟,读作chéng 姓,在名字里亦可念chéng 。
2023-07-11 09:41:141

May you be happy and prosperous咩意思啊

2023-07-11 09:41:443


2023-07-11 09:43:399


DIY " do it yourself"paper-cut.(scissor-cut)
2023-07-11 09:43:596