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为什么是 a university那个 a和 an 到底怎么用?

2023-07-11 10:00:11

a放在辅音开头的词前an放在元音开头的词前 ,但是元音发音有两种:1、元音字母开头,2、辅音字母开头




U虽然是元音字母,但是它的音素是辅音 [ j ],不能和元音音素混淆。

一所大学: a university

尽管开始是u字母,也在前面用 a。

原因就是 university 的第一个音素是 辅音[ j ]



2023-07-11 08:03:163


2023-07-11 08:03:275


an和it的用法:通常来说,a 是用在以辅音开首的词前面,an 是用在以元音开首的词前面;可数名词前面用 a(或 an),不可数名词前面不可用a(或 an),如可以说 a healthy boy,却不可以说 a health。在特定情况下,a(或 an)可以用在复数形式前面:习语中有a few (books),a great many (books)等表示方法。在表示时间或款项的短语前面,如 a further five minutes。用it作人称代词,可替代无生命的东西或事情,在性别不详或无所谓时,也可指代人,尤其是指婴儿。it作主语时,可指自然现象、季节、时间、距离、环境等。it可以作先行词,用于强调句型中,强调主语、宾语、时间状语、地点状语、介词宾语或从句等,强调句型中的it一般指已发生过的事,而不指尚未发生或提及的事。近义词:thing 英 [θu026au014b]     美 [θu026au014b]    n. 东西;事情。(复)things: 所有物;用具;情况。That was the only thing they could count on.那是他们唯一依靠的东西。I happened on just the thing I"d been looking for.我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。
2023-07-11 08:03:431


ANTI是韩国娱乐圈一个特有的反粉丝团 在韩国臭名昭著的Anti-Fan即反粉丝团体兴风做浪多年,早前曾有东方神起成员允浩遭Anti-Fan毒手一事震惊娱乐圈而反粉丝团体公然宣称下一个目标就是韩国人气组合superjunior中的韩庚在韩国,韩庚就屡遭Anti-Fan骚扰,公司即安排其将工作重心转到中国避难,没想到Anti-Fan追到中国,令他痛不欲生,避难不成又遭殃 变态意识作祟 据知情人透露,近日来内地做活动的韩庚,参加完电视台录制后回酒店,在路上遇见自称是其fans的歌迷送礼物其不流利的中文引起了身旁工作人员的警惕,当歌迷送完礼物和蛋糕表示要和偶像照相时,工作人员怕出事以韩庚身体不适为由婉转拒绝了韩庚礼貌性的接受后就赶紧离去,回到酒店,众人拆开礼物才发现里面全是装满鲜血的小袋子,以及被用刀恶意刻划的韩庚的照片,附带有一把尖刀韩庚立刻明白是Anti-Fan所为,而蛋糕中后经检测混有不名药粉因为此次来中国避难一事,是属于公司机密,所以这件事韩庚并没有向任何媒体透露 当初为开拓中国市场,SM公司特意安排韩庚加入歌迷对这个唯一的华人表现了浓厚的兴趣,其人气也是居高不下,这本是好事,但在Anti-Fan团体眼里却觉得韩庚到韩国来抢本土艺人的饭碗,令其十分不满于是变态的Anti-Fan打着维护韩国艺人权利的旗号,对韩庚进行攻击给他制造丑闻,让民众对他失望,进而退出韩国 年初,Anti-Fan借歌迷的名义给公司寄信件,表示对韩庚的不满公司最初以为真是Fans的意思,随即减少韩庚的一些活动,但是却招致庚饭们的强烈反对,他们组织粉丝在SM公司门口示威,更大声喊口号:除掉Anti-Fan团体公司其后对类似于此类信件一盖置之不理Anti-Fan团体一招不成又使一招,积极制造事件破坏韩庚的形象,混入庚饭中与其打成一片,打探饭们的近期活动,以便做好应对措施据一名SM公司工作人员透露,今年2月,庚饭为其举行的生日会上,就有Anti-Fan团体的人藏匿其中,在上台做节目时,对韩庚出口不逊,大骂叫他滚回中国随后保安将其带下,随即对现场粉丝搜查,竟在一个粉丝身上搜出硫酸瓶,事后证实只是加了药粉的水而公司为免事态扩大随后封锁消息 但随后Anti-Fan在网上对此事件大肆渲染,不过绝口不提私藏硫酸瓶和出言侮辱韩庚之事,而是以现场歌迷身份大肆批评韩庚的不友善以及SM公司对歌迷的不人道措施对此,公司也懒得回应,此事也就不了了之不能实质打击到韩庚的反粉丝团体又使出狠招,就是利用在其他明星身上也使用过的利用摩托车快递含有安非他命毒品的注射针管及恐吓信的包裹到经纪公司进行勒索,随后向媒体爆料韩庚卷入毒品事件,破坏其名声事后,韩庚主动去检验尿液证明清白,但是此事却已经使民众对他产生了阴影 同人策略惹祸 同人文是在粉丝中兴起的新鲜事物,明星的粉丝为表达自己对某明星的狂热追捧,满足对明星的幻想,经常会为其配对,编写爱情故事,但往往主角是同性在superjunior中,韩庚的粉丝为他找的就是平日与他关系密切的公主金希澈,庚饭们对他俩在节目中的亲密小动作平日所穿的情侣服甚至连唱歌时偶尔的对视都能大肆意淫一番在网上的关于他俩的同人文更是数不胜数,两人的人气也是组合中最高的 在日本杰尼斯事务所,同志暧昧是其一惯使用的讨歌迷欢心的方法看着同志暧昧如此被歌迷受用,一直以杰尼斯为榜样的SM公司特意让两人在公共场玩暧昧,在演唱会上互摸,而调皮的公主更是时不时给韩庚一个惊喜,不是突然跳到他身上,就是偷亲他两人玩得开心,歌迷看得更是尖叫连连,这也成为SM公司现在常用的宣传策略 但是,在思想保守的韩国,民众对韩庚此作法十分厌恶Anti-Fan随即作出反应,命人在韩庚的官方网站发布恶意攻击的帖子,称其为中国种马,不要脸之类恶意中伤的言论公司随即删帖进行管理但是Anti-Fan化身黑客潜入网站,投放病毒,致使网站一度陷入瘫痪4月,甚至有李姓男Anti-Fan给韩庚寄自己的裸照及jing液让韩庚十分难堪 何为Anti-Fan? Anti-fan起源于韩国,指那些反对特定艺人并进行攻击的观众群简单地说就是专门为了反对某个艺人而建立的组织,会对他们所反对的那个人做出恐吓或伤害的事情,或在网络上散布谣言以中伤这个人据了解,反明星组织的流行,是韩国娱乐圈的特有现象,遭遇诋毁的大多以歌手为主,而唱歌一般以舞蹈形象出位的歌手最容易招惹这类疯狂人士的攻击 Anti-Fan的疯狂行径 1999年,女子组合BABYVOX的成员简美妍因和H.O.T的文熙俊传出绯闻,收到带血的剃刀和恐吓信文熙俊连续三年在网上遭遇毫无理由的疯狂谩骂,以至于他一度不敢出门,不敢参加除了与音乐有关的综艺节目的录制 2003年,权相宇一直遭Anti-Fan恐吓,近期更是将其性爱录影带曝光 2007年,东方神起成员允浩喝下喝下反粉丝团体给的加入黏合剂的饮料,被送往医院抢救 2007年,女演员郑多彬自杀身亡后,其父母表示不相信女儿是自杀,怀疑与Anti-Fan有关,警方已介入调查中 2007年,Anti-Fan质疑super junior成员李东海演出时走音,甚至在其父亲的丧礼上大声欢呼表示不满 前一段时间.有ANTI饭在公主的CY上捣乱.MS是用语言攻击他的父母. 无奈下公主把CY关闭了. 不过最近已经又开了好象.还联合了韩国的公主饭一起打击ANTI采纳哦
2023-07-11 08:03:581


简单说下that 指示代词,那个(指离自己稍远的物品,与this相反)a 冠词,用于辅音打头的单数名词前,表一个an 冠词,在元音打头的单数名词前,一个one 一个,用于单数名词前,指一类物品中的泛指一个it 代词 指代上文提到过的名词,一类物品中特指的一个,经常与one同考
2023-07-11 08:04:071


2023-07-11 08:04:151

anit-social beings什么意思?

anit-social beings反社会人
2023-07-11 08:04:232


2023-07-11 08:04:321


2023-07-11 08:04:418

He works for an IT company. 这句子中work为什么要加s,谓语是什么?

He是第三人称。 如果是 I 或者 You 就不用
2023-07-11 08:05:107


2023-07-11 08:05:352

He works for an IT company这里的work为什么要加s呀?

2023-07-11 08:05:436

关于super junior金基范受伤的事。

2023-07-11 08:06:5915


2023-07-11 08:07:231

aniticorodal 什么材料

anticorodal 高强度耐蚀铝合金,高强耐蚀铝合金,耐蚀铝合金; 铝基硅镁合金
2023-07-11 08:08:141


2023-07-11 08:08:342

opan it and see,是什么意思

应该是 open 打开它,看一看
2023-07-11 08:08:505


哇,八级,好羡慕你耶给我做家教辅导吧 嘻嘻 上网查查吧,一般的翻译公司找兼职最好有人事部的笔译或口译资格证书,8级只是理论的缺乏实践,不过你
2023-07-11 08:09:075


2023-07-11 08:09:252


这上面貌似不能画图 书上有例题 你好好看下 很简单的
2023-07-11 08:09:354

歌词里好像有一句just to late 要不就是it is to late的是什么歌了

是just one last dance 吗
2023-07-11 08:09:554


It takes him half an hour to get to school
2023-07-11 08:10:192


SB2=X0 X20上限位, X21下限位,下面是梯形图:LD X0OR M1 ANI T0 OUT M1LD M1 OUT T0 K1500 ANI X20 ANI Y1 OUT Y0LD T0 OR X21 OUT M2LD M2 ANI Y0END下面是梯形图:向左转|向右转
2023-07-11 08:10:392

请问it girl ,it boy是什么意思?好像在说模特时提到过

2023-07-11 08:10:462

英语单词an 的同类词

a the
2023-07-11 08:10:563


对的。根据句子意义,只要有两个单数可数名词元音开头,或者形容词修饰名词,前面用anIt"s an old building, but that doesn"t qualify it as an ancient monument! 这是一座老建筑,但不足以称为古迹。《牛津词典》
2023-07-11 08:11:031

It is 回答的时候什么时候用a什么时候用an?

2023-07-11 08:11:111


2023-07-11 08:11:204


it is nice and ciean
2023-07-11 08:11:274

英语中“It girl”是什么意思

她有无法抵挡的魅力。她的态度、她的经历,当然还有她的style,永远都是媒体关注的焦点。她就是我们要说的It girl。An It girl or It-girl is a charming, sexy young woman who receives intense media coverage unrelated or disproportional to personal achievements. The reign of an "It girl" is usually temporary; some of the rising It girls will either become fully-fledged celebrities or their popularity will fade. The term "It boy", much less frequently used, is the male equivalent. This term is unrelated to the abbreviation IT.It girl(或It-girl)指受到媒体密切关注、魅力无限、性感迷人的年轻女子,她们受到的关注与她们个人的成就没有太多关联,或者关注度与其个人成就极不匹配,中文多译作“物质女孩”或“名门无良女”。It girl当红的时间一般都比较短,受到瞩目的It girl,有点可能会蜕变成真正意义上的名人,有的可能就此销声匿迹了。与其相对应的It boy指同样境况的年轻男子。这里的It跟我们通常所说的信息工程(information technology)这个词的缩写IT一点关系都没有。The term was coined by English romance novelist and screenwriter Elinor Glyn to describe actress Clara Bow as she appeared in the 1927 Hollywood silent film It. Glyn described the term thus:"IT" is that quality possessed by some which draws all others with its magnetic force. With "IT" you win all men if you are a woman—all women if you are a man. "IT" can be a quality of the mind as well as a physical attraction.这个说法最初是由英国爱情小说家及剧作家艾琳娜61格林提出的,她在形容1927年好莱坞无声电影《It》中女演员克莱拉61鲍的时候用了这个词。格林是这样说的:“It”是有些人身上具有的一种特质,这种特质独有的吸引力能够让这些人得到所有人的关注。如果你是女人,有了“It”,你就可以赢得所有的男人——如果你是男人,有了“It”,你就可以赢得所有的女人。“It”可以是精神上的吸引力,也可以是肉体上的吸引力。相关阅读英语中“闰日”怎么说英语中“打呼噜”怎么说
2023-07-11 08:11:351

it is [ ]"n" 是填a还是填an?

an n的发音含有e
2023-07-11 08:11:454

求diddy dum歌词!

Oh ohI will lay down next to youStay in bed all afte
2023-07-11 08:13:062

lt takes years to really know who somebody is an it takes shared experiences

2023-07-11 08:13:221

a an the it的区别

a 不定冠词,用于辅音开头的名词前an 不定冠词,用于元音开头的名词前the 定冠词it 指示代词。 用于无生物、事物。
2023-07-11 08:13:311


2023-07-11 08:13:472

He works for an IT company. 这句子中work为什么要加s,谓语是什么?

2023-07-11 08:13:551


in 在...里 in the box in + 月 / 年it 指物 不可数名词 或可数名词单数 a + ( 非元音音标开头的)可数名词单数 a pen is 用于主语单数后 He is a boy .an ( 元音音标开头的)可数名词前。 an apple to 到...
2023-07-11 08:14:041

请教He__for an IT company.答案 B.woks C.working选哪一个?谢谢

B works for 表示客观事实,用一般现在时
2023-07-11 08:14:111


2023-07-11 08:14:322

急求the adventure of an it leader.pdf

make adventure 意思是 “进行冒险活动”, make adventure of 就是 “进行 ... 的冒险活动”或 “冒 ... 之险”。
2023-07-11 08:14:401

Akon的《Work It》 歌词

歌曲名:Work It歌手:Akon专辑:In My GhettoAkon Ft. Ray L - Work It(KONVICT)uhh yeahhhhKONVICTwooo owwwAKONwooo owwwL-RayRay L:I dont want it if it come to eazygotta make a nigga workgotta make a nigga sweatsee im loving how you frontin Likeyou aint gonne be the one that"s gonna give me love tonight,girl its on tonightlights, Cameras relefction"s, see you"r reactionwhen i get you alone, You tottal satisfactiongarante baby anit no maybee"s, it don"t fase methat youll be talking back, keep a nigga talking backPLEASE SHAWTY, make it hard for me if that"s all rightPLEASE SHAWTY, stop what you doing kuz that"s what i likeNO BOODY, don"t run out the club the way that you do,so come on make it do what it doWhile i watch you WORK IT, Now let me see that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA While i watch you WORK IT, Let me see them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGLet me see you WORK IT,while i watch that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA Let me see you WORK IT, A While i watch them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGAkon:uh-huhnah id a seen you sppining around doing you"r thang, Looking stunnyspin that boody downer, Taking everything form meGot that jelly runnin, I can tell that she want itIn the corner pocket fulla do that dame thang money,shaking your little kiddy, even though its forbideni no exaktualy what you doing going long with iti know your fatty booty shaking as need to quit itn let me hit it, if you wit it, ill show you how to get itPLEASE SHAWTY, make it hard for me if that"s all rightPLEASE SHAWTY, Got me sayin dat at the end of the nightNO BOODY, don"t run out the club the way that you do,so come on make it do what it doWhile i watch you WORK IT, Now let me see that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA While i watch you WORK IT, Let me see them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGLet me see you WORK IT,while i watch that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA Let me see you WORK IT, A While i watch them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGAkon:now to see the way that she works that flo-orhave them niggas tipping till they all run out the do-orlet me tell you it was well worth a sh-owi gotta have her when the club closeRay L:Now everytime she lean with it, then pop with itcan"t take no more n i lose controll, then i gotta get iti cant wait to get you in my back seatthen up and down like the kids in my jeep awwwPLEASE SHAWTY, make it hard for me if that"s all rightPLEASE SHAWTY, Got me sayin dat at the end of the nightNO BOODY, don"t run out the club the way that you do,so come on make it do what it doWhile i watch you WORK IT, Now let me see that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA While i watch you WORK IT, Let me see them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGLet me see you WORK IT,while i watch that booty bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGA Let me see you WORK IT, A While i watch them tites bouncing likeDOING DOING DOING DOING DOINGEndAkon Ft. Ray L - Work It
2023-07-11 08:15:021

an unforgettable person作文200字急······,要原创

An ungorgettable personEveryone has a wonderful life.And in the life, we can not forget something or someone. Now I an going to introduce a special man who i never forget to you.This man is my brother who is tall and strong. My brother is a fascinating man although he has alredy been 48 years old. His charm is from his intelligence. In my eyes, he is actually a PC. He can remember all the phone numbers of everyone that he knows. And his favorite hobby is bridge. Oh,no,I"m sorry. His fivorite hobby is beautiful lady. Just a kidding.My brother likes to watch documentary films。He always asks me to download these films from internet. And his demands are perfect. Sometimes I don"t know how to do because almost all the documentary films that he is interested in have been watched by him. My brother is realy anitpicked man.My brother is such a nice man.
2023-07-11 08:15:121

急求IT专业英语翻译 谢谢各位大神 在线等三

Easier manageability andimproved uptime Virtualizationmakes administering and managing an IT environment much easier. Less physicalmachines mean that administrators have less hardware faults or issues to dealwith, this means that they can use their time on much more productive andbeneficial tasks. Multiple virtual machines can also be configured andmonitored from a single location. Again this makes things much easier foradministrators, as they do not have to go from physical machine to machine whenconfiguring updates or making changes. Backing up and restoringa virtualized environment is also much easier than a physical one. If there areproblems on one physical machine, an administrator can easily copy over entirevirtual machines to another physical machine. A business can then continueoperating with a minimum of downtime. Planned downtimecan also be implemented with a minimum of disruption. Again, all anadministrator has to do is copy over their virtual machines to another physicalmachine and then these virtual machines can continue operating as thoughnothing has happened. Maximum uptimefor modern day businesses is very important, even the smallest amount ofdowntime can cause a business to lose profits as well as their credibility withclients. Virtualization is one of the ways that a business can ensure they willbe running smoothly with an absolute minimum of downtime.
2023-07-11 08:15:191


It"s a/an +名词 如果名词是以元音字母开头发音的单词比如egg ,orange ,old就用an
2023-07-11 08:15:281

It Is A和It IS An的区别。为什么是An不是A?

2023-07-11 08:15:461


it is a/an xxxx. 表示:这是一个xxxx。a和an的选用得看xxxx的读音
2023-07-11 08:15:551


Unapologetic Bitch - MadonnaWoke up this morning feeling that you were goneHurt for a while, but I"m finally moving onSaid it, Did it, Hit it, Quit itThen you let it goSee you tried to call me,but I blocked you on the phoneIt took a minute, but now I"m feeling strongIt almost killed me, but I"m better off aloneNow you say it that you"re sorry,I don"t wanna knowBetter face the fact you had to goIt might sound like I"m an unapologetic bitchBut sometime you know I gotta call it like it isIt might sound like I"m an unapologetic bitchBut sometime you know I gotta call it like it isYou know you never really knewhow much you loved me "til you lost meDid you?You know you never really knewhow much your selfish bullshit cost meOr fuck youIt might sound like I"m anIt might sound like I"m anI know youd like it if I stayed home and criedBut that ain"t gonna happen,here"s the reason whyWhen we did it, I"ll admit it,wasn"t satisfiedWhen the gun was loaded youwere never on the sideI"m popping bottlesthat you can"t even affordI"m throwing partiesand you won"t get in the doorSaid it, Did it, Loved it, Hated itI don"t care no moreTell me how it feels to be ignoredIt might sound like I"m an unapologetic bitchBut sometime you know I gotta call it like it isIt might sound like I"m an unapologetic bitchBut sometime you know I gotta call it like it isYou know you never really knewhow much you loved me "til you lost meDid you?You know you never really knewhow much your selfish bullshit cost meOr fuck youIt might sound like I"m anIt might sound like I"m anYeah eaheah-ooooaohYeah eaheah-ooooaohYeah eaheah-ooooaohYeah eaheah-ooooaohIt might sound like immaIt might sound like Immalike Imma like ImmaIt might sound like I"m an unapologetic bitchBut sometime you know I gotta call it like it isIt might sound like I"m an unapologetic bitchBut sometime you know I gotta call it like it isYou know you never really knewhow much you love me,till you lost me?Did you?You know you never really knewhow much your selfish bullshit cost me?or fuck youIt might sound like I"m an unapologetic bitchBut sometime you know I gotta call it like it isIt might sound like I"m an unapologetic bitchBut sometime you know I gotta call it like it isIt might sound like ImmaIt might sound like Imma
2023-07-11 08:16:151

it an she哪个不同类?

an 不定冠词不同于it,she 这两个代词。
2023-07-11 08:16:231


are isn"t are spell playing Isin english;fineyour"s 第2个不清楚,desk 第4个不清楚 This is
2023-07-11 08:16:304


2023-07-11 08:16:422