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answer 有答案的意思吗

2023-07-11 09:22:31


KK: []

DJ: []


1. 回答;答复;复信

I"m waiting for an answer to my letter.


2. 答案;解决办法

What"s the correct answer to this arithmetic question?


3. 反应

He said good night to her but she gave no answer.


4. 对等的人;对应物

He"s said to be China"s answer to Sherlock Holmes.



1. 回答;答复

Ann asked many questions and I did my best to answer them.


2. 回答说;答道[+that]

He answered that he knew nothing about it.


3. 接(电话);应(门)

Who answered the telephone?


4. 符合,与...相符

Her qualifications answer the requirements of the job.


5. 合乎;满足

The room will answer our needs well.



1. 回答;答复

I knocked at the door but no one answered.


2. 答辩

How would you answer the criticism made of your work?


3. 适用;符合

He answers to your description.






答案, 回答, 答辩, 抗辩


回答说, 答复说, 符合, 反响, 响应










2023-07-11 06:30:241


ang(第一声) se(轻声)
2023-07-11 06:30:331


2023-07-11 06:30:503


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2023-07-11 06:31:135


[英] [04ɑ:ns05] ,answers 是answer的复数 ,在后面加上“s”的读音即可,再来个中文标的吧,直观点,“安舍斯”,再不行在就用金山词霸吧,可以听的。
2023-07-11 06:31:271


answers用英语的读音为:[u02c8ɑu02d0nsu0259z]。answer,英语单词,英文发音为[u02c8ɑu02d0nsu0259(r)],动词、名词,意思是答复、回答。answer用法:1、answer用作动词的基本意思是“回答,答复”,可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,还可以用行动回答,视宾语的不同可灵活翻译。2、answer用作及物动词时,可接人、物或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语(两个宾语都是直接宾语),作“符合,满足”解时宾语主要是need,hope,purpose等抽象名词。3、answer用作不及物动词时主要表示“回答,负责,保证,成功,奏效,适应,符合”。双语例句:1、I have no answer of these at all.对于这些,我也不知道答案。2、Do you like this answer?你喜欢这个答案吗?。3、How should you answer?你应该如何作答?
2023-07-11 06:31:491


直接加s. answers.表示答案,复数.如:this question has two answers.这个问题有两个答案. answer答案,单数.如:this question has one answer.这个问题只有一个答案. 但通常所说的the answer to the question,因为quesiton前面有表示指定的the,所以answer前面也要加the,而且question是单数,所以前面的answer也要用单数,这样才前后一致.
2023-07-11 06:32:261


answer:1、回答;解答例句:Could you answer the questions?你能回答那些问题吗?2、接听例句:Could you answer the phone?你能接一下电话吗?
2023-07-11 06:32:364

No one answers 还是 answer

2023-07-11 06:32:576

Miss May I的《Answers》 歌词

歌曲名:Answers歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -AnswersIs everything what you think it is?How have we ever made it this far?Oh why isn"t this how its supposed to be?Don"t you feel like you"ll never wake up?Where am I?Where is everyone in my life?Isn"t this supposed to be questioned?Then why haven"t you found the answers yet?Where are the answers?Is it not supposed to be like this?Who had the nerve to you that?Do you think they have seen you lately?When will they find you?Will you forgive them?Died you ever think it would feel like this?Should we wait for the rest of them?Where am I?Where is everyone in my life?Isn"t this supposed to be questioned?Then why haven"t you found the answers yet?Where are the answers....Can you find the answers?Can you find me?Did this help you?Do you really know yourself?May you listen again?Is this really happening?I think the answers in you?
2023-07-11 06:33:101

Submersed的《Answers》 歌词

歌曲名:Answers歌手:Submersed专辑:Immortal VersesMiss May I -AnswersIs everything what you think it is?How have we ever made it this far?Oh why isn"t this how its supposed to be?Don"t you feel like you"ll never wake up?Where am I?Where is everyone in my life?Isn"t this supposed to be questioned?Then why haven"t you found the answers yet?Where are the answers?Is it not supposed to be like this?Who had the nerve to you that?Do you think they have seen you lately?When will they find you?Will you forgive them?Died you ever think it would feel like this?Should we wait for the rest of them?Where am I?Where is everyone in my life?Isn"t this supposed to be questioned?Then why haven"t you found the answers yet?Where are the answers....Can you find the answers?Can you find me?Did this help you?Do you really know yourself?May you listen again?Is this really happening?I think the answers in you?
2023-07-11 06:33:171


通常用于字符串的比较,返回类型为boolean,一般用为if (){}else {} 的判断条件比如 answer是一个String类型的变量,String answer = "abc"://将返回falseanswer.equals("bca");//将返回trueanswer.equals("abc");
2023-07-11 06:33:262


answer/ˈɑːnsə/ CET4TEM4(answering,answered,answers)1.V-T/V-IWhenyouanswersomeonewhohasaskedyousomething,yousaysomethingbacktothem.(口头)回答例:Justanswerthequestion.只回答这个问题。Hepausedbeforeanswering.他在回答前停了下来。Williamsansweredthathehadnospecificproposalsyet.威廉斯回答说他还没有具体的提议。2.V-T/V-IIfyouansweraletteroradvertisement,youwritetothepersonwhowroteit.回复例:Didheansweryourletter?他回复你的信了吗?3.V-T/V-IWhenyouanswerthetelephone,youpickitupwhenitrings.Whenyouanswerthedoor,youopenitwhenyouhearaknockorthebell.应答例:Sheansweredherphoneonthefirstring.她在响第一声铃时就接了电话。4.N-COUNTAnswerisalsoanoun.应答例:Iknockedatthefrontdoorandtherewasnoanswer.我敲了前门,没有应答。5.V-TWhenyouansweraquestioninatestorquiz,youwriteorsaysomethinginanattempttogivethefactsthatareaskedfor.(书面)回答例:Alwaysreadanexamallthewaythroughatleastoncebeforeyoustarttoansweranyquestions.在开始回答任何问题之前总是把试卷从头到尾读至少一遍。6.V-T/V-IIfsomeoneorsomethinganswersaparticulardescriptionoranswerstoit,theyhavethecharacteristicsdescribed.符合例:TwomenansweringthedescriptionofthesuspectstriedtoenterSwitzerland.符合嫌疑犯特征的两个男人试图进入瑞士。7.N-COUNTAnanswerissomethingthatyousaywhenyouanswersomeone.回答例:Withoutwaitingforananswer,heturnedandwentinthroughthedoor.他没有等候应答,转身进了门。8.N-COUNTAnanswerisaletterthatyouwritetosomeonewhohaswrittentoyou.回信例:IwrotetohimbutIneverhadananswerback.我给他写了信,但是我从未收到回信。9.N-COUNTAnanswertoaproblemisasolutiontoit.解决方法例:Therearenoeasyanswerstotheproblemsfacingtheeconomy.经济所面临的问题没有简单的解决方法。10.N-COUNTSomeone"sanswertoaquestioninatestorquiziswhattheywriteorsayinanattempttogivethefactsthatareaskedfor.Theanswertoaquestionisthefactthatwasaskedfor.解答例:Simplymarkingananswerwrongwillnothelpthestudenttogetfutureexamplescorrect.只将某个解答判为错误不会帮助学生答对以后的例题。11.N-COUNTYouranswertosomethingthatsomeonehassaidordoneiswhatyousayordoinresponsetoitorindefenceofyourself.回应例:Inanswertospeculationthatshewouldn"tfinishtherace,sheboldlydeclaredherintentionofwinningit.作为对她不会完成赛程的推测的回应,她大胆地宣布了她获胜的意图。12.PHRASEIfyousaythatsomeonewillnottakenoforananswer,youmeanthattheygoontryingtomakeyouagreetosomethingevenafteryouhaverefused.不答应不罢休例:Sheistough,unwillingtotakenoforananswer.她很难对付,不答应不肯罢休。
2023-07-11 06:33:331


前者对......应答,反馈, 后者对......负责, 比如:there is no answer to the door.You have to answer for your deeds
2023-07-11 06:33:402


2023-07-11 06:33:482


2023-07-11 06:34:088

Final Fantasy XIV OST(主题曲) - Answers(lyrics):歌词+中文翻译

Final Fantasy XIV OST(主题曲) - Answers(lyrics):歌词+中文翻译(背景音)I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer我闭上双眼,告诉我们为何一定要承受这些苦难Release your hands for your will runs asunder你的意志若崩溃的话就松开你的双手吧My legs long tired, tell us where must we wander我的双腿已疲惫不堪,告诉我们必须走到哪才是终点How can we carry on with redemption beyond us我们要怎样才能持续地超越自我的极限(女声)To all of my children in whom life flows abundant让我所有的孩子享有丰沛的生命泉源To all of my children to whom death hath passed his judgment让我所有的孩子都知道他们为何而亡The soul yearns for honor and the flesh the hereafter灵魂都渴望著藏在血肉之躯下的荣耀 Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after看著先人走在前端带领著那些落後的人们向前Shining is the land"s light of justice大地闪耀著正义之光流Ever flows the land"s well of purpose流遍了大地直到全部布满为止Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe,信念让自由可以四处漫游The land"s alive, so believe所以相信大地仍充满生命(和声)Suffer [feel] (me) Lonely [face] (me) Weakness [teach] (me) Evil [Fear] (me)苦痛[感受](我)孤独[面容](我) 弱点[指导](我)邪恶[恐惧](我)although[feel] (me) one must [face] (me) stumble [teach] (me) listen [speak] 尽管[感受](我)一个人必须[面对](我)蹒跚[教导](我)聆听[诉说](我)(me)(Although we) [speak] we (might) [tell] them (we must) [tell] them (land of) (尽管我们)[诉说]我们(可能)[告诉]他们(我们必须)[告诉]他们(大地)[hope] hope希望 (Mother) [hope] hope (father) [wish] with (every) [wish] wish(has a) [roam] (母亲)[期许]希望(父亲)[愿望]愿望(每个)[愿望]愿望(都有个)[遨游]home家乡(we must go) [roam] go (listen) [roam] go (suffer) [roam] home (sanctum) (我们须前往)[遨游]前往(聆听)[遨游]前往(蒙受)[遨游]家乡(圣地)[swim] leap [游向]飞越(And as) [speak] we (wander) [sleep] sleep (answer) [sleep on] sleep on (on) (而当)[诉说]我们(飘移)[沉睡]沉睡(答案)[沉睡著]沉睡著(沉睡...)(女声)Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated打开你的双眼看看现在,我们的困境已经加倍的严重Still deaf to our cries lost in hope we lie defeated仍对我们的呐喊装作没听见而消失於希望之中,我们败於谎言之中Our souls have been torn and our bodies forsaken我们的灵魂被撕裂,我们的身躯也被遗弃了Bearing sins of the past for our future is taken过去的罪恶轴心竟变成我们的未来War, born of strife these trials dissuade us not战争源自於冲突,这些经验告诉我们不要再重蹈覆辙Words without sound these lies betray our thoughts无声的文字误导了我们的想法Mired by your plague of doubtful and cheap lore怀疑与不实的传说像瘟疫一般蔓延开来Judgment binds all we hold to a memory of scorn审判限制了我们并轻视了对於信念的执著Tell us why, given life, we are meant to die? help us in our cry!告诉我们为什麼,给了我们生命,我们仍然会死吗?拯救我们於泪水之中吧!(和声)witness (we) suffer (we) grovel (we) reason见证(我们)遭受(我们) 乞求(我们)理由(we) follow (we) struggle (we) wander (we) listen(我们)跟随(我们)斗争(我们)漂流(我们)聆听(we) whisper (we) shoulder (we) addle (we) weather(我们)低语(我们)肩负(我们)腐败(我们)侵蚀(please) answer (you) answer (me) answer together(恳求)解答(你)回答(我)全部答案(女声)My life is a riddle to bear rapture and sorrow承担著一切欢笑与悲伤是我生命的一个谜To listen to suffer to entrust unto tomorrow明天,是为了聆听别人的委托而存在的日子In one fleeting moment from the land doth life flow大地使者的生命在此刻稍纵即逝Yet in one fleeting moment for the new leaf doth grow然而在这消逝的瞬间,亦然会有新生In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die and know这瞬间,你必须了解何谓生与死...
2023-07-11 06:34:241


2023-07-11 06:34:334

2023-07-11 06:34:551


回答 答案 答辩
2023-07-11 06:35:036


  answer表示答复; 解答的意思,那么你知道answer的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了answer的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!  answer的短语   answer with(v.+prep.)   1.适用,奏效 be suitable to   answer with sb/sth   In ideological work, we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers with one person may not answer with another.做思想工作时,必须学会“一把钥匙开一把锁”,因为适用于一个人的 方法 不一定适用于另一个人。   2.以u2026作出回应respond with   answer sb/sth with sth   The crowd answered him with prolonged applause.群众对他报以长时间的掌声。   answer back(v.+adv.)   1.顶嘴,回嘴 retort with mouth, answer impolitely   〔说明〕 answer back不用于被动结构。   answer back   Don"t answer back like that.不许这样顶嘴。   Don"t answer back; it"s not polite.不要顶嘴,这样不礼貌   answer for(v.+prep.)   1.对u2026负责; (为u2026)担保; 因u2026而受责备 undertake responsibility, guarantee; be punished or blamed for   〔说明〕 answer for通常不用于进行体。   answer for sb/sth   I will answer for him.我可以替他负责。   You must answer for her.你必须对她负责。   2.符合(u2026需要) answer purpose, etc.   answer for sth   This tool will answer for our needs.这工具将满足我们的需要。   3.充当u2026,起u2026作用 serve for   answer for sth   This box will answer for a chair.这个箱子可以当椅子用。   answer to(v.+prep.)   〔说明〕 answer to通常用于一般时态,不用于被动结构,一般也不用于进行体。   1.适应,符合 match (sth usually a description); accord with, conform to   answer to sth   That answers precisely to our needs.这正好适合我们的需要。   answer up (v.+adv.)   answer up (to sth)   1.迅速回答,清晰地讲 answer quickly; talk clearly   Answer up,I cannot hear what you say.讲清楚点,我听不清你的话。   answer相关 同义词 辨析   answer, reply, respond, retort, return   这些动词均有"回答"之意。   answer :常用词,指用书面、口头或行动对他人的请求、询问、质问等作出回答或反应。   reply :较正式用词,较少用于口语。侧重经过考虑的较正式答复。   respond :正式用词,指即刻的,以口头或行动对外来的号召、请求或刺激等作出回答或响应。   retort :指对不同意见、批评或控诉作出迅速、有力的回答,即"反驳"。   return :正式用词,从本义"归来,回去"引申作"回答、答辨"讲时,含反驳或反唇相讥之意。   answer的短语例句   1. "I can"t give you an answer now," he hedged.   “我现在不能回答你,”他闪避道。   2. Two historical questions — you can answer them how you like.   两个历史问题——你可以随便回答。   3. Two men answer-ing the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland.   与描述的疑犯样子相符的两名男子试图进入瑞士。   4. He grimaced slightly, obviously expecting no answer to his rhetorical question.   他微微皱了下眉头,显然并不期待任何人回答他的反问。   5. I don"t quite know what to say in answer to your question.   我不太清楚如何回答你的问题。   6. I"ll be happy to answer any questions if there are any.   如果有问题,我很乐意回答。   7. She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.   她很强硬,不达目的誓不罢休。   8. The answer had come to him in a flash.   他一下子就有了答案。   9. The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar"s desk to answer the call.   管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。   10. I"m afraid I have to answer a call of nature.   抱歉我要去趟洗手间。   11. This drug could be the answer to our prayers.   这种药或许可以满足我们的祈望。   12. That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.   那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。   13. She had rung off before he could press her for an answer.   他还没来得及催她回答,她就挂断了电话。   14. He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes.   他必须为他的严重罪行付出代价。   15. Privatisation and gimmickry are not the answer to improving Britain"s rail service.   私有化和那些哗众取宠的做法并不能改进英国铁路运输。 猜你喜欢: 1. answer的用法与搭配归纳 2. congratulate的用法和短语例句 3. praise的用法和短语例句 4. occupy的用法和短语例句 5. bridge的用法和短语例句 6. realize的用法和短语例句
2023-07-11 06:35:221


vt. 符合;回答vi. 符合;回答n. 答案;回答;答辩
2023-07-11 06:35:308


权威回答:选C answer the telephone 意思就是接电话!单独一个answer在这里就是接电话的意思!answer的确有回答问题的意思!但要看语境!像你描述的,很明显就是打电话情景!所以这里的answer是接电话的意思!你并不能理解为answer如果是接电话的意思,那后面的the telephone不就重复了吗?其实,在英语中有很多省略!单独一个answer有时也和整个answer the telephone所以表达的意思是一样的!再假如这题选A,那在answer the telephone 这个短语意思就解释不通了!它问什么要在这篇短文问这个answer是什么意思?就是要考你的对词语在不同语境的灵活运用!所以在这里选C.真诚回答!希望帮到你!
2023-07-11 06:35:541

The Answer和Answer有什么区别?

这要看词性the answer n. 比如 Tell me the answeranswer v. 比如 Answer my question希望你明白
2023-07-11 06:36:044


answers answer 做名词的时候是可数的an answer
2023-07-11 06:36:252

为什么0 answers的answer加s?

这个是因为answer这个词作为名词时,要么就是an answer(一个答案)或者用其他的时间()answers
2023-07-11 06:36:311


2023-07-11 06:36:407

the answers to problems问题的答案。为什么英文这么翻译?

the answer to…是固定用法,译为…的答案
2023-07-11 06:36:554


  answer的中文意思我们知道是回答的意思,那么它有什么用法或者搭配呢?以下是我给大家带来answer的用法详解与搭配,以供大家参阅!   answer的动词用法   【 用作动词,除表示“回答”“答复”外,还可表示“接(电话)”或对门铃等声响作出反应等(常与call, bell, telephone, door, door-bell等连用)。】如:   I canu2019t answer the telephone. I am having a bath. 我不能接电话,我正在洗澡。   Nobody answered my call for help. 没有人理会我的呼救。   Donu2019t expect her to answer the doorbell at eight ou2019clock on Sunday morning. She wonu2019t be up. 星期日早上8点钟时,别指望她听见门铃响会来开门。她那时还没有起床呢。   answer的名词用法   3. 用作名词,表示“回答”“答复”“答案”“回应”等,注意以下各例中 answer 后接的介词是 to 而不是 of:   He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash. 他一下子就猜中了谜底。   I wish I knew the answer to your question. 我但愿知道你的问题的答案。   My answer to his threat was to hit him on the nose. 我对他的威胁的回答是照他的鼻子打去。   answer的in answer to搭配与用法   【用于 短语 in answer to(作为回应)。】如:   He came at once in answer to my phone call. 他一接到我的电话就来了。   In answer to your recent inquiry, the book you mention is not in stock. 您近日询问的书暂时无货,谨此奉复。   5. 比较answer与reply:两者均可表示“回答”,但answer 属常用词,多用于一般性应答,而reply则较正式,多指经过考虑而作出答复,若不细分,两者可换用。但是,answer可自由地用作及物或不及物动词,而reply除后接that从句或引出直接引语是及物动词外,一般只用作不及物动词,其后若接名词或代词作宾语,应借助介词to:answer [reply to] a question 回答问题。   answer的短语搭配与用法   【注意以下两个有用短语的用法】   (1) answer to的用法:   ① 对u2026u2026负责,向某人解释。如:   Who do you answer to in your new job? 你做的新工作要向谁负责?   ② 对u2026u2026有反应,顺从。如:   The dog answers to his name. 这狗听到自己的名字就有反应。   ③ 由u2026u2026控制:The plane answered smoothly to the controls. 这架飞机操纵自如。   (2) answer for 的用法:   ① 对u2026u2026负责。如:   Youu2019ll have to answer for your carelessness. 你得对你的疏忽负责任。   ② 对u2026u2026受责,承担u2026u2026的后果。如:   All these things are to be answered for. 所有这一切都是要偿还的。   ③ 代表某人或支持某事物而讲话。如:   I agree but I canu2019t answer for my friends. 我同意,但我不能代表我的朋友也同意。   Knowing her well I can certainly answer for her honesty. 我很了解她,当然能担保她诚实。   其后可接名词或代词,一般不接 that 从句,若要接这类从句,通常应先接形式宾语 it。如:   I canu2019t answer for his honesty.= I canu2019t answer for it that he is honest. 我不能保证他是诚实的。
2023-07-11 06:37:011

have the answers为什么用复数

2023-07-11 06:37:092


question-and-answer问题和答案双语对照例句:1.Then last week announced that it would focus on itsquestion-and-answer feature, outsourcing search to an unspecifiedthird party. 上周,ask.com宣布公司未来将专注于问答方面的服务,并将其搜索引擎外包给了未经证实的第三方。
2023-07-11 06:37:173


2023-07-11 06:38:394


1、answers,v.答复; 回答; 适合; 符合; 比得上; 相配;2、[词典]answer的第三人称单数;3、[例句]The report was not expected to provide any answers.人们没有指望这个报告会提供什么答案。
2023-07-11 06:39:242


answer KK:[] DJ:[] n.[C][(+to)] 1.回答;答复;复信 I"m waiting for an answer to my letter. 我正在等候回信. 2.答案;解决办法 What"s the correct answer to this arithmetic question? 这道算术难题的正确答案是什么? 3.反应 He said good night to her but she gave no answer. 他向她道晚安,而她却毫无反应. 4.对等的人;对应物 He"s said to be China"s answer to Sherlock Holmes. 他被认为是中国的福尔摩斯. vt. 1.回答;答复 Ann asked many questions and I did my best to answer them. 安妮问了许多问题,我尽可能地回答. 2.回答说;答道[+that] He answered that he knew nothing about it. 他答道他不知道这件事. 3.接(电话);应(门) Who answered the telephone? 谁接的电话? 4.符合,与...相符 Her qualifications answer the requirements of the job. 她的资历符合该项工作的要求. 5.合乎;满足 The room will answer our needs well. 这房间很适合我们的需要. vi. 1.回答;答复 I knocked at the door but no one answered. 我敲了门,但无人应答. 2.答辩 How would you answer the criticism made of your work? 你对针对你的工作提出的批评作何辩解? 3.适用;符合 He answers to your description. 他与你的描述相符.
2023-07-11 06:39:322


2023-07-11 06:39:534


2023-07-11 06:40:0911


answers是回答的意思。answers作为名词表示答案,回答(answer的复数)。作为动词表示回答(answer的三单形式)的意思。相关例句:He had all the answers off pat所有的答案他都胸有成竹。No one has the answers to life。 Most of us just make it up as we go没有人知道生活的答案。我们大部分都是走一步看一步。
2023-07-11 06:41:401


answers是回答的意思。answers作为名词是答案‘"回答的意思,(answer的复数)。作为动词是回答的意思(answer的三单形式)。固定搭配有answer to the questions回答问题、answers for对什么担保、fixed answers固定答案。
2023-07-11 06:42:051


2023-07-11 06:42:334


answers是回答的意思。answers作为名词是答案‘"回答的意思,(answer的复数)。作为动词是回答的意思(answer的三单形式)。固定搭配有answer to the questions回答问题、answers for对什么担保、fixed answers固定答案。
2023-07-11 06:42:531


人名前。answer用作动词时:1.answer用作动词的基本意思是“回答,答复”,可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,还可以用行动回答,视宾语的不同可灵活翻译。2.answer用作及物动词时,可接人、物或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语(两个宾语都是直接宾语),作“符合,满足”解时宾语主要是need, hope, purpose等抽象名词。
2023-07-11 06:43:001


2023-07-11 06:43:061

answer和 answered的差别

answer 可做名词也可作动词 answered 作后置定语
2023-07-11 06:43:154


  answer有答案;回答;答复等意思,那么你知道answer的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习answer的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    answer的用法   answer的用法1:answer用作动词的基本意思是“回答,答复”,可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,还可以用行动回答,视宾语的不同可灵活翻译。   answer的用法2:answer用作及物动词时,可接人、物或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语(两个宾语都是直接宾语),作“符合,满足”解时宾语主要是need, hope, purpose等抽象名词。   answer的用法3:answer用作不及物动词时主要表示“回答,负责,保证,成功,奏效,适应,符合”。   answer的用法4:answer表示用语言、文字或行动对问题进行回答,是一最常用词; 用于转义表示“符合,适应”等义时,是较正式的用法; answer to the name则是口语用法。   answer的用法5:answer for表示“受责备”时可用于被动结构,表示“许诺,答应别人”时也常用于被动结构,表示其他意思时均常用于一般时态。作“对u2026负有责任”解时,通常不用于进行体。   answer的用法6:“回答某人某事”应该说answer sb sth,不能说answer sth to〔for〕 sb。   answer的用法7:answer用作可数名词时主要表示用口头或书面作出的“回答,答复,答辩”或表示最初不知道而经过思考之后才得出的“答案,解答”。   answer的用法8:answer前一般须有冠词、数词或其他能修饰可数名词的限定词(语),其后可接表示“针对u2026的”介词短语to sth (to不可换成表示所有关系的of或表示目的的for等介词)。   answer的用法9:know all the answers意为“(自以为)精通一切”。    answer的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   answer back (v.+adv.)   answer for( v.+prep. )   answer to( v.+prep. )   answer up ( v.+adv. )   answer with( v.+prep. )   用作名词 (n.)   answer to   in answer to    answer的用法例句   1. "I can"t give you an answer now," he hedged.   “我现在不能回答你,”他闪避道。   2. Two historical questions — you can answer them how you like.   两个历史问题——你可以随便回答。   3. Two men answer-ing the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland.   与描述的疑犯样子相符的两名男子试图进入瑞士。   4. He grimaced slightly, obviously expecting no answer to his rhetorical question.   他微微皱了下眉头,显然并不期待任何人回答他的反问。   5. I don"t quite know what to say in answer to your question.   我不太清楚如何回答你的问题。   6. I"ll be happy to answer any questions if there are any.   如果有问题,我很乐意回答。   7. She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.   她很强硬,不达目的誓不罢休。   8. The answer had come to him in a flash.   他一下子就有了答案。   9. The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar"s desk to answer the call.   管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。   10. I"m afraid I have to answer a call of nature.   抱歉我要去趟洗手间。   11. This drug could be the answer to our prayers.   这种药或许可以满足我们的祈望。   12. That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.   那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。   13. She had rung off before he could press her for an answer.   他还没来得及催她回答,她就挂断了电话。   14. He must be made to answer for his terrible crimes.   他必须为他的严重罪行付出代价。   15. Privatisation and gimmickry are not the answer to improving Britain"s rail service.   私有化和那些哗众取宠的做法并不能改进英国铁路运输。 猜你喜欢: 1. answer的用法与搭配归纳 2. answer的同义词是什么 3. answer的短语 4. answer的第三人称单数和例句 5. congratulate的用法和短语例句
2023-07-11 06:43:481


Answer是一个常用的英语单词,它的基本意思是“回答、答案”。除了基本用法之外,它还有一些拓展用法和常见的固定搭配。以下是Answer的详细介绍。1.基本用法Answer作为动词时,表示“回答、答复、回应”。例如:Can you answer my question? (你能回答我的问题吗?)He answered the phone immediately. (他立刻接起了电话。)She answered with a smile. (她微笑着回答了。)Answer作为名词时,表示“答案、回答、解答”。例如:What"s the answer to this question? (这个问题的答案是什么?)I don"t know the answer. (我不知道答案。)The teacher gave us the answer. (老师给了我们答案。)2.拓展用法除了基本用法之外,Answer还有一些拓展用法,例如:Answer for:表示“对……负责、为……负责”。例如:He has to answer for his mistakes. (他必须为自己的错误负责。)Answer to:表示“回答、对……负责、听从于……”。例如:She answers to the manager. (她向经理负责。)Answer back:表示“回嘴、顶嘴、反驳”。例如:Don"t answer back to your parents. (不要对父母顶嘴。)Answer the call:表示“接电话”。例如:Can you answer the call for me? (你能替我接电话吗?)3.常见固定搭配Answer还有一些常见的固定搭配,例如:Answer the door:开门。例如:Can you answer the door, please? (你能开门吗?)Answer the question:回答问题。例如:Please answer the question on the board. (请回答黑板上的问题。)Answer the phone:接电话。例如:Can you answer the phone, please? (你能接电话吗?)Have an answer for:对……有答案。例如:Do you have an answer for this problem? (你对这个问题有答案吗?)
2023-07-11 06:43:551


2023-07-11 06:44:144


answer是可数名词。 answer: n.答复;回答;(试题、练习等的)答案,正确答案;(问题的)解决办法,答案。 v.答复;回答;适合;符合;比得上;相配。 第三人称单数: answers现在分词: answering过去式: answered过去分词: answered 扩展资料   I can"t easily give an answer to your question.   你的"问题我难以回答。   Nine times out of ten she gives the right answer.   她的答案十有八九是对的。   I called several times, but only got the answering machine.   我打了几次电话,但只有电话答录机答话。   Do you know the answer to question 12?   你知道第12题的答案吗?   Did you get the answer right?   你回答得正确吗?
2023-07-11 06:44:211


双解释义vt. & vi.1.回答,答复; 解答; 答辩speak or write words in return to a questionvt.2. 回信,应答,响应act in return to a letter,bell,call,signal,etc.vt. & vi.3. 符合,适应,满足be suitable or satisfactoryvi.4. 成功,奏效succeed; be effective基本要点⒈answer用作动词的基本意思是“回答,答复”,可以用言语回答,也可以用文字回答,还可以用行动回答,视宾语的不同可灵活翻译。⒉answer用作及物动词时,可接人、物或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语(两个宾语都是直接宾语),作“符合,满足”解时宾语主要是need,hope,purpose等抽象名词。⒊answer用作不及物动词时主要表示“回答,负责,保证,成功,奏效,适应,符合”。⒋answer表示用语言、文字或行动对问题进行回答,是一最常用词; 用于转义表示“符合,适应”等义时,是较正式的用法; answer to the name则是口语用法。⒌answer for表示“受责备”时可用于被动结构,表示“许诺,答应别人”时也常用于被动结构,表示其他意思时均常用于一般时态。作“对…负有责任”解时,通常不用于进行体。搭配~+名词answer a query回答质问answer a question回答问题answer a riddle解谜底answer a speech致答词answer an accusation对谴责作详细的答辩answer examination paper答卷answer examination questions回答考题answer nothing不作回答answer sb"s request答复某人的要求answer the problem解决问题answer the reporter"s question回答记者的问题answer the teacher回答老师的提问answer a letter回信answer alarm对警报作出反应answer an advertisement应聘answer the bell开门,应门answer the call应召,响应号召answer the door开门,应门answer the phone接电话answer the provocations of sb 还击某人的挑衅answer the telephone接电话answer a description of与…描述相符answer all common emergencies符合日常的急救answer blows with blows以牙还牙answer claims符合要求answer sb"s expectations符合某人的期望answer sb"s hopes符合某人的希望answer sb"s needs适应某人需要answer sb"s purposes符合某人的目的answer sb"s words与某人所言相符answer the demand符合要求answer the job适应工作的要求answer the prayer满足了祈祷者的愿望answer the requirements of适应…的需要~+名词answer now即刻回答answer off-hand即席回答answer right now马上回答answer very well很好地回答answer wrong答错answer absolutely坚决地回答answer accurately准确地回答answer admirably极为成功地回答answer affectionately深情地回答answer affirmatively肯定地回答answer aptly恰当地回答answer bewilderedly令人手足无措地回答answer bitterly痛苦地回答answer bluntly率直地回答answer bravely勇敢地回答answer breathlessly喘不过气地回答answer briefly简略地回答answer carelessly粗心地回答answer casually漫不经心地回答answer challengingly具有挑战性地回答answer coldly冷淡地回答answer completely圆满地回答answer comprehensively全面地回答answer confusedly混乱地回答answer correctly正确地回答answer courteously有礼貌地回答answer curtly草率无礼地回答answer darkly无知地回答answer definitely明确地回答answer deftly巧妙地回答answer directly直接地回答answer doggedly教条地回答answer economically节省地回答answer effectively给人印象深刻地回答answer emphatically有力地回答answer energetically精力旺盛地回答answer excitedly激动地回答answer explicitly清楚地回答answer faithfully忠实地回答answer falteringly支吾地回答answer fantastically荒谬地回答answer firmly坚决地回答answer fitly适度地回答answer frankly坦率地回答answer fully充分地回答answer glibly油嘴滑舌地回答answer gravely严肃地回答answer guardedly谨慎地回答answer hastily草率地回答answer hoarsely沙哑地回答answer hotly激烈地回答answer hysterically歇斯底里地回答answer immediately立即回答answer impolitely毫无礼貌地回答answer indignantly愤慨地回答answer knowingly老练地回答answer laughingly笑着回答answer listlessly焦躁地回答answer mechanically机械地回答answer mildly温和地回答answer nervously不安地回答answer orally口头回答answer passionately热情地回答answer perfectly完善地回答answer persistently固执地回答answer philosophically镇静地回答answer pointedly中肯地回答answer politely有礼貌地回答answer promptly迅速地回答answer proudly自豪地回答answer quickly很快地回答answer readily做好准备地回答answer relevantly中肯地回答answer reluctantly勉强地回答answer respectfully尊敬地回答answer rudely粗鲁地回答answer sensibly明智地回答answer seriously认真地回答answer sharply厉声回答answer sheepishly胆怯地回答answer shortly唐突地回答answer simply简单地回答answer slowly慢条斯理地回答answer snappishly辛辣地回答answer stubbornly顽强地回答answer tartly尖刻地回答answer thoughtfully若有所思地回答answer triumphantly得意洋洋地回答answer truthfully真诚地回答answer uncomfortably不自在地回答answer unconcernedly漠不关心地回答answer uninterestingly无趣地回答answer vehemently激烈地回答answer verbally口头回答answer warmly热情地回答answer worthily值得回答answer back顶嘴,回嘴answer up清楚地回答,直言不讳地回答~+介词answer by以…方式回答answer by cable拍电报答复answer by telephone打电话答复answer in以某种工具或态度回答answer in the affirmative肯定地答复answer in the negative作否定回答answer in writing form书面回答answer with以…方式回答answer with a blow以拳作答answer with an unhesitating negative断然给予否定的答复answer with applause报以掌声answer with hard work以努力工作来回报answer for对…负责,用作,保证answer for one"s actions对某人的行动负责answer for safety对安全负责answer for sb"s honesty保证某人诚实answer for the consequences对后果负责answer to听从,(与…相)符合,与…一致answer to sb for sth 因某事对某人负责answer to sb"s needs适合某人的要求answer to the description与描述的情况相符answer to the door闻声开门answer to the purpose of符合…目的,足以代替…之用常用短语answer back顶嘴answer tovt. 符合(回答)...answer for对 ... 负责 为 ....answer upvt. 迅速回答...answer to the name ofvt. 名叫(叫作)...answer sheet答案纸automatic answer自动应答answer supervision应答监视answer bus应答总线dusty answer不能令人满意的回答...answer signal应答信号;回答信号...answer lamp应答信号灯;应答指示灯...manual answer人工应答answer print校正拷贝answer mode应答方式answer byte回答字节pulse answer脉冲响应night answer夜间应答服务...answer holding保持应答answer delay应答时延辨析answer for,answer to⒈这两个短语都可表示“符合…需要”,其区别是:接needs,wishes,hopes,description等词时用answer to; 而接purpose时则只能用answer for。⒉这两个短语都可表示“负责”,其区别是:answer for表示对事负责; 而answer to则表示对人负责。试比较:I will answer for him.他的事情由我负责。I will answer to him.我将对他负责。answer sth,answer to sth及物动词和“不及物动词+to”,这里有个语言史的问题,即有些动词过去带to而现在不带,而有些动词过去不带to而现在带,如listen; 还有些动词两者都能用,如approach。不过不带to的情况更普遍。answer的情况是用于“回答,答复”等直义时一般用作及物动词,即不带to。例如:Answer my question,please.请回答我的问题。用于“符合,适合”等转义时,两种用法均可,不过不带to时直接性较强。例如:This dictionary answers (to) my needs.这本词典符合我的需要。to answer,be an answer to英语中系动词与动作动词相比,其语气往往显得较弱,所以下面两个句子,第一个显然更常用。她脸上的表情就足以回答我的问题了。Her facial expression alone answered my question.Her facial expression alone was an answer to my question.answer,reply,respond这三个词意思相近,常可通用。例如:I don"t know what to answer〔reply,respond〕.我不知道该怎么回答。它们之间的区别是:⒈词源不同,answer来自古英语; reply来自古法语; respond来自拉丁语。⒉answer和reply可指口头、书面或行动上的回答,而respond则偏重于用行动回答或响应。⒊answer既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,还可用作名词; 而reply通常只用作不及物动词,但其后可接直接引语或that引导的宾语从句,用作及物动词时,宾语只能是所说的话; respond既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词,其名词形式是response。⒋answer接letter,question等词时用作及物动词,即不加to,而reply和respond只能用作不及物动词,即必须加to。⒌answer可接双直宾语,而reply和respond则不能。⒍answer后可接人或物; reply的对象一般不能是人,而只能是物。⒎answer多指对问题的回答; reply一般用于对某一陈述或主张的回答,特别是对相反意见、议论等的答复; 而respond通常指对号召、职责等作出响应或反应。⒏answer后接a letter时只指复信表示收到来信; 而reply to a letter则指要答复来信中所提出的全部问题或提请注意的各点。⒐作“给出答案”解时只能用answer,不能用reply和respond。⒑表示“作出相应反应”,可用answer和respond,不能用reply。⒒answer最普通,最常用; 而reply和respond都是正式用语,口语中少用。正误辨析一周前我给她回了信。[误]I answered her letter for a week.[正]I answered her letter a week ago.[正]It is a week since I answered her letter.[析]answer是瞬间动词,不表示持续动作,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。 双解释义C1. 回答; 回音 words spoken or written in returnC2. 答案 solution to a problemU3. 反应 gesture or act done in return基本要点⒈answer用作可数名词时主要表示用口头或书面作出的“回答,答复,答辩”或表示最初不知道而经过思考之后才得出的“答案,解答”。⒉answer前一般须有冠词、数词或其他能修饰可数名词的限定词(语),其后可接表示“针对…的”介词短语to sth (to不可换成表示所有关系的of或表示目的的for等介词)。⒊know all the answers意为“(自以为)精通一切”。搭配address answer致答词appeal answer呼吁答复approve answer批准答辩ask for an answer要求答复avoid an answer回避答复be ready with an answer随时可作答复bring back an answer带来答复burden answer承担回答任务combat answers反驳答复confine answer限制答复consider answer考虑回答decide one"s answer决定某人的答复defend answer答辩deign no answer不屑回答demand an answer要求答复disturb answer搅乱了回答draw answer from从…得出答案echo answer回音evade answer逃避回答evolve answer推论出答案expect an answer希望〔期待〕答复express answer表示答复extort answer歪曲答复fire back answer回击get an answer得到答复give an answer给予答复give sb an answer给某人一个答复have an answer得到答复hit upon answer请求回答make answer (to)回答…merit answer值得回答mock answer嘲弄observe answers观察offer an answer给予答复prepare an answer准备回答press for an answer催促答复protest answer抗议provide an answer给予答复receive an answer接到答复reject answer拒绝回答respond with answer回答return an answer来了答复send an answer给予回答send sb an answer by以…方式答复某人signal answer用信号发出回答snap answer急促地回答study answer研究解决办法sweeten answer使回答听起来悦耳volunteer answer志愿提供回答wait for an answer等待回答want an answer (to)要求对…作出答复write an answer作出书面回答write back an answer写回信choose an answer选择答案come up with the answer找到答案constitute answer制定答案correct an answer改正答案cultivate answer培植答案dig an answer找答案examine answer检查答案exhibit answer展示答案find an answer找出答案furnish an answer提供答案guess the answer猜出答案justify answer证实答案know the answer知道答案owe answer to把答案归功于…supply answer提供答案supply an answer to the question提供问题的答案形容词+~accurate answer准确的回答adequate answer恰当的回答admirable answer令人崇敬的回答affirmative answer肯定的回答amazing answer令人吃惊的回答ambiguous answer模棱两可的回答apt answer恰当的回答arrogant answer傲慢的回答authoritative answer权威性的答复bad answer坏的回答best answer最好的回答brave answer大胆的答复brief answer扼要的回答broken answer支离破碎的回答candid answer坦率的回答careful answer小心的回答categorical answer斩钉截铁的回答cautious answer谨慎的回答civil answer有礼貌的回答clear answer清楚的回答clever answer聪明的回答,精明的回答comforting answer令人欣慰的回答complete answer全面的回答comprehensive answer全面的回答conclusive answer决定性的回答concrete answer具体的回答confident answer自信的回答contemptuous answer卑劣的回答convincing answer令人信服的答复correct answer正确的回答courteous answer有礼貌的回答curt answer草率无礼的回答daring answer大胆的回答definite answer明确的回答different answer不同的回答diplomatic answer圆滑的回答direct answer直接的回答discouraging answer令人沮丧的回答distinct answer清楚的答复dramatic answer戏剧性的答案dubious answer含糊其词的回答dusty answer不能令人满意的回答efficient answer有效的回答equivocal answer含糊的回答evasive answer含糊其词的回答explicit answer明白的回答favourable answer满意的回答fit answer合适的回答flippant answer轻佻的回答foolish answer愚蠢的回答forceful answer有力的回答frank answer坦率的回答full answer圆满的回答funny answer可笑的回答good answer好的回答guarded answer谨慎的回答harsh answer苛刻的答案heedless answer漫不经心的回答immediate answer立即答复impatient answer不耐烦的回答impertinent answer不相干的回答impressive answer给人以深刻印象的回答incorrect answer错误的回答indefinite answer含糊其词的回答indignant answer愤怒的回答inevitable answer不可避免的回答instant answer立即回答insulting answer侮辱性的回答intelligible answer易懂的答案irrelevant answer不对题的回答laconic answer简洁的回答lengthy answer啰唆的回答logical answer逻辑的回答long answer冗长的回答meaningless answer无意义的回答measured answer有分寸的答案mechanical answer机械的回答mild answer温和的回答model answer标准的答案modest answer谦逊的回答negative answer否定的回答no answer未作回答no certain answer不肯定的回答only one answer唯一答案oral answer口头回答partial answer不公正的答案patient answer耐心的回答perfect answer完善的答案persuasive answer有说服力的答案pleased answer满意的答复poor answer拙劣的回答positive answer正面的回答practical answer实际的回答prevaricating answer支支吾吾的回答prompt answer及时回复proper answer适当的答复proud answer傲慢的答复provocative answer挑衅性的答复questionable answer有问题的回答quick answer迅速的回答quiet answer温和的回答ready answer脱口而出的回答respectful answer恭敬的回答right answer正确的答案satisfactory answer令人满意的回答sharp answer尖刻的回答short answer简短的回答shrewd answer机敏的回答shuffling answer搪塞的回答significant answer有意义的答复simultaneous answer同时的答复skillful answer巧妙的回答snappish answer不耐烦的回答soft answer温和的回答,委婉的回答straight answer直接的回答stubborn answer执拗的答复succinct answer简洁的回答sufficient answer充分的回答tentative answer试探性的回答thoughtless answer轻率的回答ultimate answer最后的回答unexpected answer意外的答复uninteresting answer索然无味的回答unsatisfactory answer不能令人满意的回答unwilling answer不情愿的回答vague answer含糊的回答verbal answer口头回答wise answer聪明的回答witty answer机智的回答wrong answer错误的回答~+介词answer about关于…的答复answer by以…方式回答answer by word of mouth口头回答answer for对…的回答answer for question对问题的回答answer from sb 要某人回答answer in written书面答复answer of…的答案answer of the exercise练习的答案answer to对…的回答answer to a letter回信answer to problem答案answer to question答案词语辨析answer,reply这两个词的共同意思是“回答,答复”,都可用作名词或动词。其区别在于:⒈answer主要指用语言文字回答问题、指责或争论,也可能是以行动满足要求或应付情况; reply则主要指用语言文字给予回答,进行解释等,也可指用行动回答。⒉answer作为名词时,其后常接介词to; reply作为名词时,其后往往接介词to或者for。例如:The Western answer to this move was the use of plane to supply food.西方对这一建议的答复是用飞机提供食品。They gave her a reply for her claim.他们对她的要求做了答复。⒊answer是普通用语,用得比较广泛; reply则较为正式。
2023-07-11 06:45:181


  你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   答案的英语说法1:   answer   答案的英语说法2:   solution   答案的英语说法3:   key   答案的相关短语:   练习答案 Key to the exercises ; Key to written exercises ; Keys to Exercises ; Answer key   终极答案 an Answer to Everything ; Answering The Ultimate Question   标准答案 Model Answer ; Standard Answer ; standard answer ; model answer   答案错误 Wrong Answer   答案卷 Answer Sheet ; Scantron Answer Sheet   问题答案 the answer to the question ; Question Answer ; A wers ; the key to the exerxise   汇出答案 derived solution   答案的英语例句:   1. The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8.   正确答案在第8页末尾。   2. They try to tease out the answers without appearing to ask.   他们试图不动声色地套出答案。   3. He was disturbed by the inaccuracy of the answers.   很多答案都不准确,为此他感到很烦恼。   4. So many of these questions simply don"t have answers.   这些问题有很多根本就没有答案。   5. The answer had e to him in a flash.   他一下子就有了答案。   6. He framed this question three different ways in search of an answer.   为了寻求答案,他以3种不同方式提出了这个问题。   7. Below are printed the answers to the Brain of Soccer 1993 quiz.   以下所印的是1993年“脑力足球”小测验的答案。   8. Well, we can hazard a guess at the answer.   噢,我们可以猜一猜答案。   9. Answers can be found at the bottom of page 8.   在第8页末尾可以找到答案。   10. I tend to have a different answer, depending on the family.   根据家庭的不同,我往往会给出不同的答案。   11. He asked a few more questions, to which he received unsatisfactory answers.   他又问了几个问题,得到的答案都不令人满意。   12. I didn"t have a ready answer for this dilemma.   我没有想出解决这个困境的现成答案。   13. Send your answers on the back of a postcard.   将答案写在明信片背面寄出。   14. Aha! Here at last, the answer to my question.   啊哈,我的问题到这儿终于有了答案。   15. The answer, Segal says, was a resounding yes!   西格尔说,答案是一个响当当的“是!”
2023-07-11 06:46:131