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2023-07-11 09:07:36
TAG: 美国


道恩·强森(Dwayne Johnson),1972年5月2日出生于加州海沃德市,美国男演员、职业摔跤手。2001年,他出演了第一部电影《木乃伊归来》。2002年,主演动作片《蝎子王》。2011年4月,强森回归摔跤狂热大赛的大擂台。2013年,主演《特种部队2:全面反击》和《速度与激情6》。2015年4月主演《速度与激情7》在中国大陆上映。5月19日在好莱坞的TCL中国剧院门前留下手印。主演的《末日崩塌》于2015年6月2日在中国大陆上映。














t开头的英文男名1、toryn(托林)toryn作为小男生的名字,这个英文名不仅看起来特殊,但拼写起来是很音律优美,作为小男生名字,展现纯洁讲道理坦率的品格特点。toryn在国外,认为具有百折不挠、妙趣横生的品格,这个名字在国外比较少见。托林的意思是酋长。2、titus(提多,泰特斯)此英文名字,中文音译为提多,该名整体看起来很霸气,也很好听,作为小男生的名字显得是直捷了当、谨慎的!titus源自拉丁语、宿务语,这个名字在国外较为常见!提多历史寓意是巨大的,安全的。3、tyrese(泰里斯,泰瑞斯)tyrese作为男人子的名字,该名看起来很纯洁,听起来也很优美悦耳,把这个单词当作男人子的英文名字,会给人一种独特、好学上进的感觉!tyrese历史上最早出现于英语,这个名字在国外较为常见!泰里斯的意思是。4、theron(西伦,塞隆)该名读音是[theron],这个英文名不仅看起来最新,但拼写起来是很优美悦耳,尤其对于工作中需要英文名的男人来说,运用此英文名非常合适。theron在国外,认为具有伟大、实际的品格,这个名字在国外较为常见。哈,这是比亨特更好的选择,意思是一样的。5、thoma(托梅)该名读音是[thoma],该名由2个音节组成,看起来炫酷常用,作为男孩子名字,展现豪放刚直执著的品格特点!thoma在国外评论中,认为这个人是有创造力的,这个名字在国外流行度尚可。托梅代表孪生。6、Tavin(塔文)此英文名字,中文音译为塔文,该名是由5个字母组成的,听来优美悦耳又与众不同,把这个单词当作男性的英文名字,会给人一种特别、有效率的感觉。Tavin来源于爱尔兰语、德语,这个名字在国外比较少见。塔文包含古斯塔夫皇室幕僚的昵称的寓意。7、 theon(西昂)此英文名字翻译为西昂,该名整体看起来很大气,也很经典,尤其对于工作中需要英文名的男孩来说,运用此英文名非常合适。theon给人的印象是伟大、虔诚,这个名字在国外比较少见。这个名字是一个男孩的名字起源于希腊,意思是“敬虔”。8、thurl(瑟尔)此英文名字,中文音译为瑟尔,英文名整体来说“thurl”长度为5,精练、响亮大气,作为男孩的名字显得是古怪精灵、有影响力的。thurl历史来源于爱尔兰语,这个名字在国外比较少见!瑟尔的意思是坚固的堡垒。9、tyrell(泰里尔,蒂雷尔,泰勒)tyrell音标为[tyrell],该名整体看起来很炫酷,也很寓意好,此外,这个英文名字还有很好的印象,象征男孩子诚心诚意、外向。tyrell在国外,认为具有无畏、勇敢的品格,这个名字在国外较为常见!泰里尔包含雷霆统治者的寓意。10、teppo(特普)音标为[teppo],中文读作特普,共有2个音节,听起来好看柔和,作为男人的名字显得是知难而上、青春的。teppo历史出自芬兰语、宿务语,这个名字在国外超级流行!斯蒂芬源于希腊语,意思是“有皇冠的人”。更多t开头的英文男名tadao(塔岛)tadao中文音译为塔岛,整体音律优美顺口,是一个洋气的英文名,把这个单词当作男生的英文名字,会给人一种高风亮节、稳健的感觉!tadao在国外评论中,认为这个人是精力充沛、多才的,这个名字在国外比较少见!塔岛代表自满;满意。travion(特拉维翁)travion作为男性的名字,读起来动人又响亮大气,且该名由7个字母组成,给男性起名是指很有原则,守纪律、充满活力!travion出自威尔士语、英语,这个名字在国外比较少见。特拉维翁代表Trevelyan的缩写。tyrel(泰瑞尔)tyrel中文音译为泰瑞尔,该名由3个音节组成,看起来顺口清新,男孩提取英文名tyrel取名,彰显出男孩耿直特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子耿直,耿直。tyrel历史出自爱尔兰语、英语,这个名字在国外小众少见。泰瑞尔代表。terriss(特瑞斯)此英文名字翻译为特瑞斯,该名是由7个字母组成的,听来柔和又简单,男人提取英文名terriss取名,彰显出男人刚正不阿特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子刚正不阿,刚正不阿。terriss在国外评论中,认为这个人是浪漫的,这个名字在国外比较少见。特瑞斯包含特伦斯之子的寓意。thurston(瑟斯顿)此英文名字翻译为瑟斯顿,共有3个音节,听起来与众不同好听,作为男人名字,展现骠悍纯真见多识广的品格特点。thurston来源于挪威语、英语,这个名字在国外小众少见。瑟斯顿历史寓意是雷神的宝石。
2023-07-11 05:53:261


  名字会跟随孩子一生,取名的时候需要谨慎,要注意八字、五行。随着时代的发展,相信许多男生都会有英文名。为了避免重复度过高人们会选择冷门的英文名。想知道适合男生的冷门英文名有哪些吗?一、Blake 音译名:布莱克 涵义:繁荣富贵,必成大器   二、Harris 音译名:哈里斯 涵义:哈里之子   三、Bertrand 音译名:伯特兰 涵义:辉煌腾达   四、Gianpaolo 音译名:詹保罗 涵义:上帝是仁慈的   五、Vicente 音译名:维森特 涵义:胜利者,胜利的   六、Samir 音译名:萨米尔 涵义:健谈,外向的   七、Stephen 音译名:斯蒂芬 涵义:王冠,高高在上   八、Tyrese 音译名:泰里斯 涵义:热心的,开朗的   九、Sean 音译名:肖恩 涵义:上帝是仁慈的   十、Wilf 音译名:威夫 涵义:和平,温暖
2023-07-11 05:53:501

谁有gotta get you的歌词(中英文对照) Tyrese唱的。

Tyrese从14岁开始在洛杉矶市Watts区(他的家乡附近)的明星秀中表演。他人生中最大的转折点是为可口可乐公司拍的广告,之后,在1998年,由RCA公司出版了他的第一张由自己创作的同名专辑《Tyrese》。 十几年来,Tyrese Gibson不折不扣地捣腾着他的多才多艺。这家伙不唱歌,就做模特,不做模特,就演戏,不演戏,做个主持也算过把瘾。最近,在出演好莱坞大片(其中包括 Michael Bay Transformers的宽银幕版本—明年夏天公演)的间隙,他又忙里偷闲,在他的音乐目录里添加了个新专辑,Alter Ego(改变自我),算得上是他最显耀和很娴熟的作品,该专辑由2张CD组成,一张由他演唱,另一张则是Black-Ty的说唱。 不知道粉丝们会对自己的演唱作何反应,Tyrese精心策划了一个大胆的举措,制作了一个被人们津津乐道的混制录音:Black-Ty,并放在网上供免费下载。Tyrese和Headquarter Entertainment公司他的合作者们真的是精通舍不得孩子套不着狼的经商之道,他们知道这样的吊胃口一定会让他们挣得个盆满钵盈。 这场血本还真值了,领衔单曲One在它11月的始发周内就在全美的电台里频频亮相,二重唱单曲(来自专辑hip-hop的CD)Get In It则以Method Man和由Scott Storch制作来吸引眼球。那么,Tyrese的说唱强于他的歌唱吗?West Coast native Bishop Lamont认为是这样的,“Tyrese也许会说他的说唱和他的歌唱一样好。然而事实是,这家伙,牛!” 在被"s DJ “Z,”的采访中,Tyrese解释了他为什么一直等到他的第四张专辑发行后才放出他的alter ego,他怎么能长期以来用悠闲放松去调整他忙碌的时间表,以及什么样的合作者帮助Black-Ty找到了西岸的真感觉。 ti:Gotta Get You] [ar:Tyrese] [al:Alter Ego] [by:快乐重生] [00:01.89]Tyrese - Gotta Get You [00:05.89](lyrics by 快乐重生@终极R&B) [00:10.89]「终极R&B」- Maximal r&b - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music! [00:15.57] [00:32.00]I got something to tell you [00:33.93]Listen... [00:35.04] [00:35.26]You know that I like it baby [00:36.83]I don"t try to hide it baby [00:38.79]You be tryna fight it baby [00:40.75]But wassup wassup [00:42.58]Its so hard to take it baby [00:44.63]You say it"s the matrix baby [00:46.53]Why we gotta fake it baby [00:48.50]Oh... wassup wassup [00:50.12] [00:50.32]You let the little things [00:51.60]Like the fact that I make mistakes [00:53.57]Get in all between [00:55.19]What I wanna do with ya [00:56.67]Where I wanna take ya, baby [00:58.62]You say that im pressed [00:59.90]And that I"ve had my chance [01:02.19]I say it"s comeback [01:04.03]That"s how I know I gotta get it [01:06.21] [01:06.42]I gotta get it [01:07.47]I gotta make you understand what im feeling (what Im feeling) [01:11.22]And girl I should be your man [01:12.97]And you know that the boy ain"t playin round [01:16.80]And I"d go that extra mile [01:18.86]Just to put you down [01:20.76]But you don"t get It (you don"t get it) [01:22.76]So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winnin) [01:26.76]If you get on my team [01:28.72]And you know that the boy ain"t gonna change [01:32.51]Till I get it gotta get it baby just let me get it [01:36.30] [01:36.50]Now when we talk (it never fails) [01:38.42]You always wanna talk about how I got a girl [01:40.33]How I be here and there [01:41.94]We always going round and round [01:43.89]But if you gonna talk [01:45.25]Let"s talk about how when you need me I"m always around [01:47.88]How it ain"t nothing for me to say yes to you [01:49.63]Play games like the rest of these niggas do [01:52.09]Baby all im tryna say to you is [01:55.28]I adore everything about you please believe me [01:59.32]You say that im pressed [02:01.88]And that I"ve had my chance [02:04.25]I say it"s come back [02:05.79]That"s how I know I gotta get it [02:08.29] [02:08.48]I gotta get it [02:09.40]I gotta make you understand what im feeling (what Im feeling) [02:13.25]And baby i should be your man [02:15.04]And you know that the boy ain"t playin round [02:18.63]And I"d go that extra mile (girl I go that extra mile) [02:22.99]But you don"t get It (you don"t get it) [02:24.73]So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winning) [02:28.59]If you get on my team [02:30.61]And you know that the boy ain"t gonna change [02:34.35]Til I get it gotta get it baby just let me get it [02:38.97] [02:39.26]Theres no need for trippen [02:40.54]How can it be wrong [02:42.39]To make the right decision [02:44.40]Its clear where you belong [02:46.13]Right here where you"re treated like the best thing ever [02:49.62]And you never have to worry [02:53.31] [02:53.56]Think out yourself [02:55.90]Im right here beside you [02:58.21]Girl I want what"s best [02:59.82]I"m around to guide you [03:02.13]Guide you where you need to be....yeahhhh [03:05.33] [03:05.87]Ohhhhh....I gotta get it (I gotta get it) [03:11.18]Gotta make ya understand what im feeling (what Im feeling) [03:15.04]That i wanna be your man [03:17.37]And you know that the boy ain"t playin round [03:20.81]And I"d go that extra mile [03:22.87]Just to put you down [03:24.69]But you don"t get It (you don"t get it) [03:26.66]So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winning) [03:30.55]If you get on my team [03:32.60]And you know that the boy ain"t gonna change (gonna change baby) [03:36.61]Til I get it gotta get it baby just let me get it [03:40.21] [03:40.51]Bababababa Bababababa [03:49.32] [03:57.42]Babababa Babababa [04:04.22] [04:04.97]You gotta gotta get it gotta get it gotta get it...yeah [04:11.86] [04:13.00]I gotta get it, ya know [04:18.38]I mean I"d do whatever it takes. 中文的,我还是没找到。找到了我再给你发。
2023-07-11 05:53:571

Tyrese的《for always》 歌词

歌曲名:for always歌手:Tyrese专辑:2000 WattsSomething about the way, words to describe who I cannnot say,I"m going outta my mind thinking of you at times,Cause you make me feel so wonderful.My heart is willing, won"t you stay with me.Promise to me love for always.You know there"s nothing, I won"t do for you.I want you in my life, for always.You were made for my touch,TyreseNo one but you ever loved me this much.You are one of a kind, someone I"m truly blessed to find.So much happiness I found with you.My heart is willing, won"t you stay with me.Promise to me love for always.You know there"s nothing, I won"t do for you.I want you in my life, for always.Baby you, have taken your love and made a dream come true.I find it in you.Promise me, you"ll stay with me, ever and always.Promise to me love for always.You know there"s nothing, I won"t do for you.I want you in my life, for always.Don"t you take your love away.My heart is willing, won"t you stay with me.Promise to me love for always.You know there"s nothing, I won"t do for you.I want you in my life, for always.(To do whatever it takes to keep you, baby)(I"ll be there for you, always baby)I"ll love you for always.
2023-07-11 05:54:041


美国。泰瑞斯·吉布森,1978年12月30日出生于美国加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶南部沃茨附近,是美国血统,演艺经历 十几年来,TyreseGibson不折不扣地捣腾着他的多才多艺。
2023-07-11 05:54:111


2023-07-11 05:54:2913


“76人”马克西于2022年12月31日复出。北京时间12月31日,NBA常规赛继续进行,76人客场挑战鹈鹕。马克西本场比赛伤愈复出,但被安排在了替补席上。马克西在连续缺席18场比赛后终于迎来复出,但球队并没有让他进入首发。EmbiidHarden在76人队打得很好。其中,恩比德得到20分6篮板,哈登得到12分5助攻,马克西是获得复出了,不过他整体的状态并不是很好,也就10中4,而且三分命中率为3中1,保持了足够的低迷,他的状态需要持续寻找一下了。那段时间,球队完全处于被动状态,需要慢慢找回节奏。马克西简介泰里斯·马克西(Tyrese Maxey),2000年11月4日出生于美国得克萨斯州达拉斯,美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,效力于NBA费城76人队。2018年,泰里斯·马克西代表美国国家男子篮球队参加国际篮球联合会(FIBA)U18美洲杯并获得冠军。在2020年NBA选秀中,泰里斯·马克西于首轮第21顺位被费城76人队选中。12月24日,在76人队以113-107战胜华盛顿奇才队的比赛中,泰里斯·马克西替补出场11分钟,得到6分、2篮板和2助攻,完成个人NBA生涯首秀。
2023-07-11 05:55:091

Jewel tyrese 中英文歌词

歌手名:tyrese歌曲名:make it lastTyrese feat. Jewel - Make It Last (Prod. by Babyface)There"s not a day i don"t wake upThinking about the one i loveNow that you"re here i don"t know whatAlmost afraid to even touch youCos my heart is bleeding so fast i can barely breatheIf this is real then why am i dreaming now(i know) i know that we can just hold on(i know) i know that we can just stay strong(i know) i know, i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)And i know, i know if we keep this thing together baby (forever babe)We can so make this moment go foreverIf we just hold on i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)There"s not a night i don"t think boutThe way i feel when you"re aroundAnd i can"t believe it"s going downGod knows my head is spinning roundAnd round and in and outMy soul is lifting off the groundIf this is real then why am i dreaming now(i know) i know that we can just hold on(i know) i know that we can just stay strong(i know) i know, i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)And i know, i know if we keep this thing together baby (forever babe)We can so make this moment go foreverIf we just hold on i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)Lets freeze this moment, lets stop time(we can make this)Forever yours, forever mineAnd i know that we can make it last (yeah)(i know) i know that we can just hold on(i know) i know that we can just stay strong (we can just hold on baby)(i know) i know, i know that we can make it last(we can make it last) (yeah yeah yeah)(all we gotta do is stay here)And i know if we keep this thing together babyWe can so make this moment go forever babyIf we just hold on i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)(oh oh oh)(i know) i know that we can just hold on(i know) i know that we can just stay strong(i know) i know, i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)(oh oh oh)And i know we keep this thing together baby (forever babe)We can so make this moment go foreverIf we just hold on i know that we can make it last(yeah yeah yeah)Make it last (oh oh)Make it last, lastMake it last
2023-07-11 05:55:221


tgt是什么的英文缩写如下:TGT is a supergroup formed in 2007 that consists of successful R&B singers Tyrese, Ginuwine, and Tank. The three are friends and Tyrese was best man at Ginuwine"s wedding, but this represents their first collaboration.一档汽车类电视节目,由亚马逊视频投资。由W. Chump and Sons公司制作。由杰瑞米·克拉克森、理查德·哈蒙德和詹姆斯·梅主持,由安迪·威尔曼担任制片人。节目从2016年11月18日开始至2017年2月3日连续十二周每周五在亚马逊视频(Amazon Video)播出。节目背景:曾经,BBC出品的Top Gear作为世界上最好的汽车节目,一度吸引了全世界众多的观众,然而后来,三名主持人之一的Jeremy Clarkson因与制片人在餐食准备上的失误导致克拉克森与制片人发生肢体冲突,后BBC决定辞退克拉克森,另两人也相继离职。离职后,三人与亚马逊Prime签约,开录新节目。新的节目终于有了一个正式的名字—“The Grand Tour”,已经于2016年秋季面向亚马逊Prime服务订阅用户开播。
2023-07-11 05:55:401


希亚·拉博夫ShiaLaBeouf-SamWitwicky  变形金刚2女主角:梅甘·福克斯MeganFox-MikaelaBanes  乔什·杜哈明JoshDuhamel-CaptainLennox  约翰·特托罗JohnTurturro-AgentSimmons  雷曼·罗德克里兹RamonRodriguez-Leo  泰瑞斯·吉布森TyreseGibson-TechSergeantEpps  马修·马斯登MatthewMarsden-SASGraham  伊莎贝尔·卢卡斯IsabelLucas-Alice  主要配角:  凯文·邓恩KevinDunn-RonWitwicky  朱莉·怀特JulieWhite-JudyWitwicky  雷恩·威尔森RainnWilson-CollegeProfessor  妮娜·杜波夫NinaDobrev-CollegeStudent(rumor)  亚伦·希尔AaronHill-CollegeStudent(rumor)除了这些之外还有擎天柱他们。
2023-07-11 05:55:521


Ann 安的寓意
2023-07-11 05:56:013


目前正在参加夏季联赛的费城76人新星马西克(Tyrese Maxey)对新赛季更换NBA比赛用球的话题并没有太大的兴趣。 NBA官方此前已经正式宣布,新赛季开始NBA将结束与斯伯丁的官方合作,从2021-22赛季开始将使用威尔胜的篮球,而威尔胜的比赛用球已经在夏季联赛中开始使用。 虽然更换比赛用球引起了不少讨论,但是费城76人球星马克西(Tyrese Maxey)则对此并不感冒,他表示球不是最重要的事情,马克西说:“我从来不觉得篮球是阻碍比赛发挥的因素,所以我(Tyrese Maxey)对这个新闻没有什么感觉。” “归根结底,那只是一个篮球,它最终都会被投进篮筐,所以更换什么样的篮球对我来说都不重要,最重要的永远都是自己的表现和训练,所以我会继续专注于比赛和训练。”
2023-07-11 05:56:411

一个美国的 飙车电影

2023-07-11 05:56:494


2023-07-11 05:56:5814


第一部《速度与激情》拍摄于2001年,小成本的制作,以至于在当时环球影视的内部,也很少有人看好这部片子。但谁也没想到,在16年之后,《速度与激情》系列会成为环球影视的代表作。 在上映的首个周末,《速度与激情8》就已经达到了5.32亿美元的票房。当然,这个记录也打破了星球大战的首周票房成绩。 制片人Neil Moritz(尼尔 莫里茨)是剧组里唯一一名参加过所有8部《速度与激情》电影拍摄的人 在接受采访的时候,莫里茨表示:虽说参与过《速度与激情》全部拍摄的演员将近上万,但是他是唯一一名参与过整个8部摄制的人,而如果服装师算上的话,化妆师Sanja Hayes也能算一名。或许,许多人以为保罗沃尔和范迪塞尔也是,但是范迪塞尔没有出现在第二部和第三部中(尽管他面对的是高达2500万美金的片酬),而保罗沃克则没有出现在东京漂移里。 Timothy Olyphant是扮演Domenic Toretto角色的最初选择 同样在采访的时候,莫里茨还透露:开始“唐老大”并不打算让范迪塞尔来演,而是让出演《欲望都市》的Timothy Olyphant来主演此片。 库尔特·罗素也不应该演“无名氏”先生 说起从《速度与激情》7里出现的无名氏先生,很多人都会觉得他并没有存在感;但同样,这个位置也并不打算让库尔特 罗素来演,而是著名的奥斯卡最佳男演员丹泽尔 华盛顿。不过,由于“无名氏”先生对于丹泽尔华盛顿来说角色过于“渺小”,但同时也难想象,正是因为丹泽尔华盛顿的缺席,才导致由罗素出演的“无名氏”先生有那么一丝搞笑的成分。假如丹泽尔 华盛顿出演,那么速8团队的头发密集程度恐怕要更低了。 布莱恩奥康纳曾也不是由保罗沃克来演? 对于片中的绝对主角布莱恩奥康纳来说,保罗沃克也并不是当初最初的人选。根据不同网站的传言来看,候选名单有Mark Wahlberg,Christian Bale,甚至Eminem。而“唐老大”的妹妹米娅也不是唯一人选,因为有很多人都非常像“唐老大”的妹妹。 “韩”的全名是什么? 在电影中大部分观众都不知道韩的全名是什么,唯独在第五部被通缉的时候,才隐晦的透露他的姓名为:Han Seoul-Oh。看到这个名字,应该不难发现他的真名叫“韩首尔”或者“韩汉城”。 保罗沃克在监狱的名字源自他的两位同伴 或许有不少人还记着,保罗沃克曾为了获取情报而进了监狱,并将名字改为:“T Bridge”。其实这个名字是源于他的两个同伴Tyrese Gibson和ChrisBridge的姓氏组合而来的。 速度与激情6的跑道在现实中需要29英里 网上有大神算过,如果按照《速度与激情》6电影画面里时间来计算,那么想要完整地拍完整个镜头,则需要一条长达29英里的跑道。若这条跑道存在,那么,它的长度将是世界上最长跑道的8.5倍,甚至比半铺设半土路的加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的跑道还要长四倍。 土屋圭市居然在《速度与激情》中露过脸 或许很多人都知道,当《东京漂移》中肖恩在渔场练习漂移的时候,旁边的钓鱼大叔其实就是目前地球上漂移技术最好的土屋圭市。在影片中,他穿着大长袍像个渔夫一样在边上钓鱼,而随着电影的发展,也慢慢透露出满意的微笑。 加利福尼亚州Boyle Heights的Toretto房屋,现在是一个旅游胜地 在速度与激情第一部中“唐老大”的房屋位于722 E Kensington Rd,Los Angeles,CA 90026。你有机会去的时候可以去照照相。 速5发生在巴西,却是在波多黎各拍摄的 由于拍摄成本和安全因素的考虑,尽管电影场景设定在了里约,但是大多数场景都是波多黎各的圣胡安所拍摄。这些场景中最为显著的就是拱顶建筑,而街道追逐是在亚特兰大拍摄,当然,里约也有一些场景,比如标志性的平民窟追逐。 日本动漫是《速度与激情》2背后的灵感 在《速度与激情》2的里充斥着许多爆炸场景,这便是导演将日本动漫、视频和游戏充分融合起来的结果。这就是真实版的极品飞车。 巨石强森是在Facebook被选定出来的 当范迪塞尔琢磨速5的时候,他便在自己的官方页面询问粉丝们的想法。有人建议,将巨石强森加入演出阵容。即使影片已经着手开始制作,但在制作组找到巨石强森之后,强森当时就决定要加入到速5的阵容中。 米歇尔·罗里格斯甚至不知道她所扮演的角色最后还活着,直到看到“快速五”的片尾彩蛋。 莱蒂的扮演者米歇尔·罗德里格斯,直到速5的结尾才发现自己还“活着”。有趣的是,当速5发布的时候,制片人给她打了电话,她表示将不再出演后续电影;但如果没有莱蒂,后三部电影的故事也将无法发生。不过,莱蒂绝对算是《速度与激情》系列女性颜值的最低点了。
2023-07-11 05:57:441


叫做 布鲁斯.李
2023-07-11 05:57:522


冷门又高级的男孩名字英文名   冷门又高级的男孩名字英文名。名字好坏,会影响着孩子的气运,当宝宝出生之后,很多父母会为取名问题而烦恼,很多爸妈为宝宝取了个好的名字都花费很多时间,下面是冷门又高级的男孩名字英文名。   冷门又高级的男孩名字英文名1    1、 (阿普)   音标为[ ],整体顺口音律优美,是一个冷酷的英文名,把这个单词当作女士的英文名字,会给人一种婉风流转、可爱的感觉。 来源于英语,这个名字在国外超级流行。阿普的寓意是。    2、Master(大师)   音标为[mɑ:st(r)],中文读作大师,该名看起来很好记,听起来也很简单,男人提取英文名master取名,彰显出男人英明果断特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子英明果断,英明果断!master历史来源于英语,这个名字在国外小众少见。大师代表。    3、Weir(韦尔)   此英文名字翻译为韦尔,一共4字母,是一个大气的英文名,作为男生子的名字显得是不屈不挠、敢作敢当的!weir历史上最早出现于英语,这个名字在国外比较少见。韦尔包含坝,堰的寓意。    4、Brier(布里尔,布赖尔)   brier中文音译为布里尔,该名是由5个字母组成的,听来简单又与众不同,把这个单词当作男孩的英文名字,会给人一种自觉、坚贞不渝的感觉。brier在国外,认为具有颇具才干、理智的品格,这个名字在国外比较少见!布里尔的意思是。    5、Azan(阿赞)   此英文名字翻译为阿赞,该名整体看起来很气质,也很中性,尤其对于工作中需要英文名的小男性来说,运用此英文名非常合适!azan给人的"印象是温厚、鲜艳,这个名字在国外比较少见。阿赞的意思是。    6、 minard(米纳德)   此英文名字,中文音译为米纳德,共有3个音节,听起来好看动人,小男孩提取英文名minard取名,彰显出小男孩健谈特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子健谈,健谈。minard历史出自英语,这个名字在国外比较少见。米纳德的寓意是勇敢。   冷门又高级的男孩名字英文名2    【earl】额尔   源于古英语eorl含有“贵族,战士”的意思,引申为有敏锐、智慧的高贵领导者。男孩子用该英文名起名字,不仅时尚洋气,而且能彰显出他阳刚、霸气的气概,并且隐喻他聪明、杰出。    【greg】格雷戈   来自希腊,含义为“警觉之人”,引申为严谨、做事认真的人,而这些也是稳重的表现。突出了男孩子未来的气概特点,想必这也是很多家长对男孩子的期望与祝愿。对此我把greg在这里为大家分享,希望大家喜欢。    【ben】班   由3个字母组成的英文名字,既简短又易记、易读。带有“山峰”的含义,引申为杰出、稳重、有担当之义。突出了男子气概,非常杰出有内涵。    【eden】伊登   音标[idn]时尚洋气、朗朗上口。来自“希伯来”,有着“伊甸园,光芒与快乐”的意思。展现出男孩子阳光、乐观的个性特点。家长们运用该英文名给男孩子起名字,虎给人一种独立,有自信,创造力强,喜欢运动的印象。    【john】约翰   本身源自希伯来语名字(yochanan)意思是“yahweh是仁慈的”。现含义为“仁慈的”引申为男孩子品性善良。想必这也是每一位家长所期望的。不仅有寓意内涵,而且英文名字整体,简单易写。    noah诺亚   ——noah作为男孩英文名是少见的,其音译的中文名字是“诺亚”,发音为[nu],看起来还是比较简洁大方的,读起来也朗朗上口。该词汇有幸存者或者长寿者之意,因此作为男孩的名字寓意也很好,指男孩健康、吉祥。    samuel塞缪尔   ——samuel在希伯来文中的意思是向神请求,也指幸运或被祝福的人,是非常有气势、寓意很好的名字,但很少见。可能是大家觉得其音译的中文“塞缪尔”寓意不好。用该英文做男孩名字,很有味道,给人男孩非常热情、慷慨的感觉。    amos阿莫斯   ——amos这一名字出自《圣经》,是“十二个小先知”之一,作为英文名字在现实中不常见到。amos来源于希伯来语,可音译成中卫“阿莫斯”,非常有洋气感。用该名字作为男孩英文名,可寓意男孩有勇往直前的精神,勇敢果决。    archibald阿奇柏德   ——类似字母比较多的英文名字一般是容易被人们忽视的,所以如果能出其不意地采用这样的名字,会是非常少见的,archibald这一英文名字就是这样的。该名字可翻译为“ 阿奇柏德”,很大气,本身有勇敢的,高贵的意思,可寓意男孩能力强、杰出优秀。    01、【Alan】   中文名:艾伦,含义“英俊的,好看的”    02、【Albert】   中文名:艾伯特,含义“高贵的聪明”    03、【Andrew】   中文名:安德鲁,含义“勇敢的,骁勇的”    04、【Andy】   中文名:安迪,含义“勇敢的,骁勇的”   冷门又高级的男孩名字英文名3    一、Blake   音译名:布莱克   涵义:繁荣富贵,必成大器    二、Harris   音译名:哈里斯   涵义:哈里之子    三、Bertrand   音译名:伯特兰   涵义:辉煌腾达    四、Gianpaolo   音译名:詹保罗   涵义:上帝是仁慈的    五、Vicente   音译名:维森特   涵义:胜利者,胜利的    六、Samir   音译名:萨米尔   涵义:健谈,外向的    七、Stephen   音译名:斯蒂芬   涵义:王冠,高高在上    八、Tyrese   音译名:泰里斯   涵义:热心的,开朗的    九、Sean   音译名:肖恩   涵义:上帝是仁慈的    十、Wilf   音译名:威夫   涵义:和平,温暖
2023-07-11 05:58:001

以t开头的英文名男生 t开头的男生英文名字

取名字是一项挑战,取一个好听的男生英文名则更加有难度了,但是也不难发现身边总是有那么几个男生的英文名很好听,那么以t开头的英文名男生,t开头的男生英文名字怎么取? 以t开头的英文名男生一: Tab 塔伯 条顿 卓越,睿智。 Taylor 泰勒 英国 做裁缝的人。 Ted 泰德 古英国 有钱的监护人。 Ternence 泰伦斯 拉丁 温和稳重或温柔的人;高塔。 Theobald 希尔保特 拉丁 勇敢的神。 Theodore 希欧多尔 希腊 神的赠礼或上帝的赠礼。 Thomas 托玛士 英国,拉丁 太阳之神;一对孪生子。 Tiffany 帝福尼 法国 显示上帝的神圣形象。 Tim 堤姆 希腊 敬神或畏神。 Timothy 帝摩斯 希腊 敬神或畏神。 Tobias 托拜西 希腊 上帝是我信仰的神。 Toby 托比 希腊 上帝是我信仰的神。 Todd 陶德 英国 狐狸;指聪明狡猾的人。 Tom 汤姆 英国,拉丁 一对孪生子太阳之神。 Tony 汤尼 拉丁 值得赞美的,很受尊重的。 Tracy 特瑞西 英国 市场小径,收获。 Troy 特洛伊 法国 居住于卷发人群里的人。 Truman 杜鲁门 英国 信仰很忠诚的人。 Tyler 泰勒 英国 建盖屋顶的人,制砖瓦的人。 Tyrone 泰伦 希腊 领主或统治者。 Thompson 汤普森 英语 托马斯之子 Thomas 托马斯 英语 太阳之神 Taylor 泰勒 英语 做裁缝的人 Turner 金属 英语;中世纪英语 Tucker 塔克 英语 Tyler 泰勒 英语 制砖瓦的人 Trevino 特雷维诺 Travis 特拉维斯 英语 旅游 Townsend 汤森德 古英语;中世纪英语 Todd 托德 英语;中世纪英语 Tillman 蒂尔曼 古英语;德语 有权势的人 Thornton 桑顿 古英语 Terry 特丽 拉丁语;古英语 喜欢追求乐趣的 Terrell 特雷尔 英语 Tate 泰特 英语 愉快的 Tanner 覃纳 英语 Tyson 泰森 英语 Tuttle 塔特尔 英语 Trotter 特罗特 中世纪英语 Tripp 特里普 英语 旅行者 Trimble 特林布尔 爱尔兰语 Trent 特伦特 英语 Tracy 特雷西 英语 有勇气的 以t开头的英文名男生二: Tompkins 汤普金斯 英语 汤普金之子 Tomlinson 汤姆林森 亚拉姆语;英语 汤姆林之子 Tolbert 托尔伯特 德语 著名的 Tobin 托宾 古英语;希伯来语 Tobias 托拜厄斯 希伯来语 上帝是仁慈的 Titus 泰特斯 拉丁语;古英语 荣誉 Tipton 蒂普顿 古英语 Tinsley 廷斯利 古英语 Timmons 蒂蒙斯 盖尔语 柔软的 Tilley 蒂利诺曼底 古英语 Thurston 瑟斯顿 古英语;古诺斯语 雷神的,宝石 Thurman 瑟曼 挪威语;中世纪英语 Thorpe 索普 古英语;古诺斯语 Thorne 索恩 古英语 Thomson 汤姆森 英语 汤姆之子 Thomason 托马森 亚拉姆语;英语 托马斯之子 Tharp 撒普 英语 Thacker 撒克 中世纪英语 Temple 坦普尔 英语 Teague 蒂格 苏格兰语;凯尔特语 貌美的 Tatum 泰特姆 英语 带来欢乐的人 Talbot 塔尔博特 英语 Tabor 泰伯 希伯来语;中世纪英语 Truman 杜鲁门 英语 忠实的 Troy 特洛伊 法语;古英语 Tracey 特蕾西 英语 勇敢的 Tomas 托马斯 西班牙语;英语 太阳之神 Tom 汤姆 古英语;希腊语 太阳之神 Timothy 蒂莫西 古英语;希腊语 荣耀的 Tiffany 蒂芬妮 女孩 希腊语;中世纪英语 神圣的 Theodore 西奥多 古英语;希腊语 Tandy 坦迪 拉丁语 Tam 塔姆 苏格兰语;越南语 Tzurit 楚里特 女孩 希伯来语 Tyus 泰厄斯 美式英语;英语 Tyshawn 泰肖恩 希伯来语;非洲语 上帝是仁慈的 Tyrone 蒂龙 古英语;盖尔语 Tyron 泰伦 古英语;盖尔语 Tyrique 泰里克 美式英语;英语 Tyriq 泰里克 美式英语;英语 Tyrese 泰里斯 英语 热心 Tyrell 蒂雷尔 英语 Tyreke 泰雷克 美式英语;英语 Tyrek 泰雷克 美式英语;英语 Tyreese 泰里斯 美式英语;英语 Tyreek 泰里克 美式英语;英语 Tyree 泰里 美式英语;英语 Tyre 泰尔 英语
2023-07-11 05:58:191


1、styles of beyond - nine thou (superstars remix)2、monkey business(黑眼豆豆)3、love you like mad(经典歌曲)4、Tokyo Drift Fast & Furious Teriyaki Boyz.(经典歌曲)第4首肯定是了,前几首在电影里也出现过,不过你找的应该是最后一首 !!
2023-07-11 05:58:262


2023-07-11 05:58:421


展开全部朴正洙(利特)、朴有天、朴孝信、朴明秀、朴宰范、朴建日、朴政玟、朴海镇、朴智星、朴信阳、朴忠载(JUN JIN)、朴振英、朴正哲已赞过已踩过你对这个回答的评价是?评论收起  展开全部朴宰范,朴智旻,朴明秀已赞过已踩过你对这个回答的评价是?评论收起  展开全部朴正哲,朴孝信,朴健衡,朴忠宰,朴赞旭,朴政玟,朴俊亨,朴信阳,朴勇河已赞过已踩过你对这个回答的评价是?评论收起  展开全部`朴有天` `朴海镇 ` `朴勇河```朴勇宇```朴尚元```朴俊奎```朴海日```已赞过已踩过你对这个回答的评价是?评论收起  天堂鸟Believe We Can Fly 加盟天盟娱乐签约仪式及新歌发布记者会  天盟娱乐旗下三人男子组合BOP天堂鸟三位成员叶灏基(Gordon)、许俊豪〈Lincoln〉及欧乔锋(Tyrese)出道至今一直努力打拼,过去两年更成功打入内地巿场,展开歌影视多元发展。  12小时新闻网讯 (通讯员 任逍遥) 男子组合像是有一种不死的魔力,每个年代总有人才弹出,2014年由Gordon(叶灏基)、Lincoln(许俊豪)、Tyrese(欧乔锋)三人组成的男子组合B  8月1日,因为电视剧《亲爱的,热爱的》第39集中存在"问题地图",将该剧两位主演李现跟杨紫推上了风口浪尖。其中,饰演女主角"佟年"的杨紫还因
2023-07-11 05:58:502


BOP天堂鸟1是2014香港乐坛全新最瞩目唱跳男子组合,平均年龄22岁,平均身高183cm,成员包括Gordon(叶灏基),Lincoln(许俊豪)和Tyrese(欧镇源),他们于2013年签约“创富文化集团有限公司”,经过一年的训练期,于2014年3月正式出道,以劲歌热舞做主打,以及香港首屈一指的排舞师Sunny Wong(黄国荣),筹备超过一年的全新跳唱男子组合。
2023-07-11 05:58:591

给大黄蜂配音的是谁?如题 谢谢了

2023-07-11 05:59:291


2023-07-11 05:59:372


2023-07-11 05:59:5213


2023-07-11 06:00:154


必胜球探演员表:1、亚当·桑德勒Adam Sandler饰Stanley Beren2、胡安乔·埃尔南戈麦斯Juancho Hernangomez饰Bo Cruz3、罗伯特·杜瓦尔Robert Duvall4、奎恩·拉提法Queen Latifah5、本·福斯特Ben Foster6、贾里尔·怀特Jaleel White饰Blake7、劳尔·卡斯提洛Raúl Castillo饰Oscar8、里昂·贝克维思Lyon Beckwith饰Fruit Vendor at Market9、博班·马里亚诺维奇Boban Marjanovic饰Boban Marjanovic10、玛丽亚·博托María Botto饰Paola Cruz11、海蒂·加德纳Heidi Gardner12、安德里娅·舒Andrea Sooch13、莱曼·陈Lyman Chen饰Agility Official14、艾迪·巴克Eddie Buck饰Airport Traveler / NBA Personnel15、伊万·罗萨多Evan Rosado饰Social Media Teen16、乔恩·科林·巴克利Jon Collin Barclay饰Hans Larsson17、肯尼·史密斯Kenny Smith18、妮可·科内特Nicole Kornet饰助理教练19、阿隆·戈登Aaron Gordon饰Aaron Gordon20、塞斯·库里Seth Curry饰Seth Curry21、道格·里弗斯Glenn "Doc" Rivers饰Doc Rivers22、柯克·凯利Kirk Kelly饰International Traveler23、托拜厄斯·哈里斯Tobias Harris饰Tobias Harris24、Mark Jackson Mark Jackson饰Mark Jackson25、泰瑞斯·马克西Tyrese Maxey饰Tyrese Maxey26、卢卡·东契奇Luka Doncic27、阿伦·艾弗森Allen Iverso
2023-07-11 06:00:222

Tyrese的《One》 歌词

歌曲名:One歌手:Tyrese专辑:Alter EgoLet me start by sayin" that your the oneCause" this the first time I felt like this players done (ohh)Your the only number that I dial (from other chicks)Your the only sex im gettin" now (ain"t that a trip)But it don"t matter (cause" your in it)And it don"t matter (but then I get it)Cause" your the only oneImma" be good with just one girlOne girlThats all I needImma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsCause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is oneAin"t nothing gonna stop me from lovin" youAnd wife"in youSpendin" all my life with youBabyIm so commitedThis one on one im with itIts so damn goodAll the sex you want without no hat (imagine that)Got a real nigga thats gon" have your back (imagine that)Thats just the way it isAnd thats just how its gon" goAnd you gon" be that oneImma" be good with just one girlOne girlThats all I needImma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsCause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is oneGirl I ain"t gonna front about it down and tell the truth about it (way gone)Way goneAin"t nothin I wont give up just to make you that oneBaby that one girlOne stepOne breathOne loveOne nameSo its one meOne ringOne churchAnd one preacherOne choirTwo little wordsI doImma" be good with just one girlJust oneOne girlOne girlOne girlThats all I needBaby all I need is one (all i need is one)Imma" be straight with just one crib And two whipsOne girl (one)Cause" im grown and thats all that I needIs the one ghetto girl make my babies withOne ghetto girl im shakin" all of my chicksThats why im down on one knee with one ringBaby all I need is one..
2023-07-11 06:01:021

what am i gonna do 歌词

歌曲名:what am i gonna do歌手:Tyrese专辑:2000 WattsWhat Am I Gonna Do - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)
2023-07-11 06:01:091

Gotta Get You 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Get You歌手:Tyrese专辑:Alter EgoTyrese - Gotta Get YouI got something to tell youListen...You know that I like it babyI don"t try to hide it babyYou be tryna fight it babyBut wassup wassupIts so hard to take it babyYou say it"s the matrix babyWhy we gotta fake it babyOh... wassup wassupYou let the little thingsLike the fact that I make mistakesGet in all betweenWhat I wanna do with yaWhere I wanna take ya, babyYou say that im pressedAnd that I"ve had my chanceI say it"s comebackThat"s how I know I gotta get itI gotta get itI gotta make you understand what im feeling (what Im feeling)And girl I should be your manAnd you know that the boy ain"t playin roundAnd I"d go that extra mileJust to put you downBut you don"t get It (you don"t get it)So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winnin)If you get on my teamAnd you know that the boy ain"t gonna changeTill I get it gotta get it baby just let me get itNow when we talk (it never fails)You always wanna talk about how I got a girlHow I be here and thereWe always going round and roundBut if you gonna talkLet"s talk about how when you need me I"m always aroundHow it ain"t nothing for me to say yes to youPlay games like the rest of these niggas doBaby all im tryna say to you isI adore everything about you please believe meYou say that im pressedAnd that I"ve had my chanceI say it"s come backThat"s how I know I gotta get itI gotta get itI gotta make you understand what im feeling (what Im feeling)And baby i should be your manAnd you know that the boy ain"t playin roundAnd I"d go that extra mile (girl I go that extra mile)But you don"t get It (you don"t get it)So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winning)If you get on my teamAnd you know that the boy ain"t gonna changeTil I get it gotta get it baby just let me get itTheres no need for trippenHow can it be wrongTo make the right decisionIts clear where you belongRight here where you"re treated like the best thing everAnd you never have to worryThink out yourselfIm right here beside youGirl I want what"s bestI"m around to guide youGuide you where you need to be....yeahhhhOhhhhh....I gotta get it (I gotta get it)Gotta make ya understand what im feeling (what Im feeling)That i wanna be your manAnd you know that the boy ain"t playin roundAnd I"d go that extra mileJust to put you downBut you don"t get It (you don"t get it)So I gotta make you see that you"re winnin (that you"re winning)If you get on my teamAnd you know that the boy ain"t gonna change (gonna change baby)Til I get it gotta get it baby just let me get itBababababa BababababaOhhhhh..ohhhh...ohwhyohwhy....babyBabababa BabababaYou gotta gotta get it gotta get it gotta get it...yeahI gotta get it, ya knowI mean I"d do whatever it takes.
2023-07-11 06:01:171

tell me tell me 歌词

歌曲名:tell me tell me歌手:Tyrese专辑:tyresetell me, tell me作词:岸本早未 作曲?编曲:藤末树止まる事ない时间(とき)に名前をつけるなら きっと砂时计その砂が果てるまで私达 何を残していけるんだろう楽しそうだねって言われる度に笑わなきゃって思っていただけど本当に强い人なんてきっとどこにも居ないんだ(tell me, tell me)寂しさの理由(ワケ)を永远(とわ)の眠りにつくまでどれだけ泣けばいいの(tell me, tell me)幸せの形を永远(とわ)の眠りにつくまでどれだけ笑えるの止めることできない爱は指の隙间そっと流れ出す砂时计その爱をつたうため私达 何度さまよって来たのだろう强いんだねって言われる度に泣いちゃダメだと思っていただけど结局君が居ないと何もできない私なのに(tell me, tell me)この爱の理由(ワケ)を永远(とわ)の眠りにつくまでどんな爱を知ればいいの?(tell me, tell me)この爱の果てを永远(とわ)の眠りにつくまでどれだけ爱されるのこんなに强く思ってもどうして言叶では言えないのこの砂が果てるまでにだれか…教えてよ…教えてよ寂しさの理由(ワケ)は?朝が来れば笑えるとそう信じているけど(tell me, tell me)明日への道をこうして一人で泣けるのに一人じゃ笑えない(tell me, tell me)寂しさの理由(ワケ)を永远(とわ)の眠りにつくまでどれだけ泣けばいいの(tell me, tell me)幸せの形を永远(とわ)の眠りにつくまでどれだけ笑えるの
2023-07-11 06:01:231

求tyrese的gotta get you歌词翻译

苍白,安静和疲倦,尝试着浅忆不快的往事picking at a worried seam通过电话,我想让你为我疯狂面红耳赤,激情似火,我被儿时的歌谣带走我想乘上阳光回来,再也不离开再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒再多的再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你必须拥有你长路慢慢变冷今天里的六月感觉不到春天的气息我就像那只敞开心扉咕咕轻啼的小鸡哦这样的首席女角为我自己难过但是绿色,这也是夏天我不会觉得一丝温暖,除非躺在你的臂弯再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒再多的再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你必须拥有你莫失莫忘.我穿越时空看到这一切吉他衣箱还有温暖的外套躺在蓝色的小船上,轻轻的哼唱humming a tune...再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒再多的再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你必须拥有你再多的咖啡再多的尖叫再多的威士忌再多的美酒再多的再多的一切也不能替代我必须拥有你必须拥有你我必须拥有你必需拥有你我必须拥有你
2023-07-11 06:01:301


速度与激情2 推荐看 速度与激情3 --东京漂移```很不错的说``
2023-07-11 06:01:382


第一部《速度与激情》拍摄于2001年,小成本的制作,以至于在当时环球影视的内部,也很少有人看好这部片子。但谁也没想到,在16年之后,《速度与激情》系列会成为环球影视的代表作。 在上映的首个周末,《速度与激情8》就已经达到了5.32亿美元的票房。当然,这个记录也打破了星球大战的首周票房成绩。 制片人Neil Moritz(尼尔 莫里茨)是剧组里唯一一名参加过所有8部《速度与激情》电影拍摄的人 在接受采访的时候,莫里茨表示:虽说参与过《速度与激情》全部拍摄的演员将近上万,但是他是唯一一名参与过整个8部摄制的人,而如果服装师算上的话,化妆师Sanja Hayes也能算一名。或许,许多人以为保罗沃尔和范迪塞尔也是,但是范迪塞尔没有出现在第二部和第三部中(尽管他面对的是高达2500万美金的片酬),而保罗沃克则没有出现在东京漂移里。 Timothy Olyphant是扮演Domenic Toretto角色的最初选择 同样在采访的时候,莫里茨还透露:开始“唐老大”并不打算让范迪塞尔来演,而是让出演《欲望都市》的Timothy Olyphant来主演此片。 库尔特·罗素也不应该演“无名氏”先生 说起从《速度与激情》7里出现的无名氏先生,很多人都会觉得他并没有存在感;但同样,这个位置也并不打算让库尔特 罗素来演,而是著名的奥斯卡最佳男演员丹泽尔 华盛顿。不过,由于“无名氏”先生对于丹泽尔华盛顿来说角色过于“渺小”,但同时也难想象,正是因为丹泽尔华盛顿的缺席,才导致由罗素出演的“无名氏”先生有那么一丝搞笑的成分。假如丹泽尔 华盛顿出演,那么速8团队的头发密集程度恐怕要更低了。 布莱恩奥康纳曾也不是由保罗沃克来演? 对于片中的绝对主角布莱恩奥康纳来说,保罗沃克也并不是当初最初的人选。根据不同网站的传言来看,候选名单有Mark Wahlberg,Christian Bale,甚至Eminem。而“唐老大”的妹妹米娅也不是唯一人选,因为有很多人都非常像“唐老大”的妹妹。 “韩”的全名是什么? 在电影中大部分观众都不知道韩的全名是什么,唯独在第五部被通缉的时候,才隐晦的透露他的姓名为:Han Seoul-Oh。看到这个名字,应该不难发现他的真名叫“韩首尔”或者“韩汉城”。 保罗沃克在监狱的名字源自他的两位同伴 或许有不少人还记着,保罗沃克曾为了获取情报而进了监狱,并将名字改为:“T Bridge”。其实这个名字是源于他的两个同伴Tyrese Gibson和ChrisBridge的姓氏组合而来的。 速度与激情6的跑道在现实中需要29英里 网上有大神算过,如果按照《速度与激情》6电影画面里时间来计算,那么想要完整地拍完整个镜头,则需要一条长达29英里的跑道。若这条跑道存在,那么,它的长度将是世界上最长跑道的8.5倍,甚至比半铺设半土路的加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的跑道还要长四倍。 土屋圭市居然在《速度与激情》中露过脸 或许很多人都知道,当《东京漂移》中肖恩在渔场练习漂移的时候,旁边的钓鱼大叔其实就是目前地球上漂移技术最好的土屋圭市。在影片中,他穿着大长袍像个渔夫一样在边上钓鱼,而随着电影的发展,也慢慢透露出满意的微笑。 加利福尼亚州Boyle Heights的Toretto房屋,现在是一个旅游胜地 在速度与激情第一部中“唐老大”的房屋位于722 E Kensington Rd,Los Angeles,CA 90026。你有机会去的时候可以去照照相。 速5发生在巴西,却是在波多黎各拍摄的 由于拍摄成本和安全因素的考虑,尽管电影场景设定在了里约,但是大多数场景都是波多黎各的圣胡安所拍摄。这些场景中最为显著的就是拱顶建筑,而街道追逐是在亚特兰大拍摄,当然,里约也有一些场景,比如标志性的平民窟追逐。 日本动漫是《速度与激情》2背后的灵感 在《速度与激情》2的里充斥着许多爆炸场景,这便是导演将日本动漫、视频和游戏充分融合起来的结果。这就是真实版的极品飞车。 巨石强森是在Facebook被选定出来的 当范迪塞尔琢磨速5的时候,他便在自己的官方页面询问粉丝们的想法。有人建议,将巨石强森加入演出阵容。即使影片已经着手开始制作,但在制作组找到巨石强森之后,强森当时就决定要加入到速5的阵容中。 米歇尔·罗里格斯甚至不知道她所扮演的角色最后还活着,直到看到“快速五”的片尾彩蛋。 莱蒂的扮演者米歇尔·罗德里格斯,直到速5的结尾才发现自己还“活着”。有趣的是,当速5发布的时候,制片人给她打了电话,她表示将不再出演后续电影;但如果没有莱蒂,后三部电影的故事也将无法发生。不过,莱蒂绝对算是《速度与激情》系列女性颜值的最低点了。
2023-07-11 06:01:451


tgt是什么的英文缩写如下:TGT is a supergroup formed in 2007 that consists of successful R&B singers Tyrese, Ginuwine, and Tank. The three are friends and Tyrese was best man at Ginuwine"s wedding, but this represents their first collaboration.一档汽车类电视节目,由亚马逊视频投资。由W. Chump and Sons公司制作。由杰瑞米·克拉克森、理查德·哈蒙德和詹姆斯·梅主持,由安迪·威尔曼担任制片人。节目从2016年11月18日开始至2017年2月3日连续十二周每周五在亚马逊视频(Amazon Video)播出。节目背景:曾经,BBC出品的Top Gear作为世界上最好的汽车节目,一度吸引了全世界众多的观众,然而后来,三名主持人之一的Jeremy Clarkson因与制片人在餐食准备上的失误导致克拉克森与制片人发生肢体冲突,后BBC决定辞退克拉克森,另两人也相继离职。离职后,三人与亚马逊Prime签约,开录新节目。新的节目终于有了一个正式的名字—“The Grand Tour”,已经于2016年秋季面向亚马逊Prime服务订阅用户开播。
2023-07-11 06:02:021


2023-07-11 06:02:243

there for me 歌词

歌曲名:there for me歌手:Tyrese专辑:2000 WattsYeahI just wanna thank youFor always bein there for meIn times of good and then in times of badCheck it outI know sometimesIt might seem hardAnd you might thinkthat I ain"t got no heartMake no mistakeit isn"t trueIf I"m not there it doesn"t mean that Im not feelin" youBaby I"m a man and I can fathom some moTyreseYou must understand I"m strong enough to take the loadIt"s because of you, girlI can face this world girlBaby I just want u to knowOhhhBaby, baby, you"re the only thing that makes makes any sense to meShorty you"re always down with meBaby, baby, wanna thank you girl for lovin" meRight or wrong your love is always there for meI know sometimesYou wanna talkBut wonder why I don"t return your callLooking back that it is youI tell u baby nothing could be farther from the truthBaby I"m a man and I got this on my mindIt"s b/c of u girl that I can face the world girlBaby I just want u to knowBaby, baby, you"re the only thing that makes makes any sense to meShorty you"re always down with meBaby, baby, wanna thank you girl for lovin" meRight or wrong your love is always there for meBaby girl I know that I, I cannot be fooledYou"re the only one that I can say that toThat"s why I feel so much love for youIt"s b/c of you I can itBaby girl I want you to knowOhhhBaby, baby, you"re the only thing that makes makes any sense to meShorty you"re always down with meBaby, baby, wanna thank you girl for lovin" meRight or wrong your love is always there for me
2023-07-11 06:02:311

Better To Know 歌词

歌曲名:Better To Know歌手:Tyrese专辑:Alter EgoTyrese - Better to Knowgotta believe its betta to knowlisten...I know you havin other friends, am im wit chu,ain"t gotta keep it on the low cuz im wit chu,I told ya girl, I understand,aint gon be trippin on no other man,(girl)You be actin like we all up love, and baby,I be knowin we aint all up in love, and thats cool,and you can keep them otha niggaz, and thats cool,as long as i can hit it,It"s better to know,Don"t front like it"s all about me,Cuz it"s better to know,Be straight up, if thats how you wanna be,Yeah its better to know,you got yours and I got mine,But whenever we roll,I"ll still treat you like my wife,Ain"t no shame in the game, what we doin is the samegirl our thing won"t changeIt"s just better to know,You can still push the coup if you wanna,You can swipe my black card if you wanna,Them wifey things i still own,what you do on the side is your business cuz your grown,You be actin like we all up love, and baby,I be knowin we aint all up in love, and thats cool,and you can keep them otha niggaz, and thats cool,as long as i can hit it,It"s better to know,Don"t front like it"s all about me,Cuz it"s better to know,Be straight up, if thats how you wanna be,Yeah its better to know,you got yours and I got mine,But whenever we roll,I"ll still treat you like my wife,Ain"t no shame in the game, what we doin is the samegirl our thing won"t changeIt"s just better to know,You can keep it real, its cool with me,ya i know you be all out there doin big things,aint you aint gotta hide (girls its alright)Im still gon make good love to you every other night,Girl there aint no pressure,ohh there"s only pleasure,cuz the way you put it down girl I aint mad at you,so we gon let this ride,you aint gotta lie,tell me cuz its"s better to know,Don"t front like it"s all about me,Cuz it"s better to know,Be straight up, if thats how you wanna be,Yeah its better to know,you got yours and I got mine,But whenever we roll,I"ll still treat you like my wife,Ain"t no shame in the game, what we doin is the samegirl our thing won"t changeIt"s just better to know,better, better, better ta know....
2023-07-11 06:02:431


速度与激情1主演 范·迪塞尔(Vin Diesel)保罗·沃克(Paul Walker)乔丹娜·布鲁斯特(Jordana Brewster)速度与激情2主演 保罗·沃克(Paul Walker)伊娃·门德斯(Eva Mendes)泰瑞斯·吉布森(Tyrese Gibson)速度与激情3主演 纳塔莉·凯利(Nathalie Kelly)卢卡斯·布莱克(Lucas Black)布莱恩·泰(Brian Tee)速度与激情4主演 范·迪塞尔(Vin Diesel)保罗·沃克(Paul Walker)乔丹娜·布鲁斯特(Jordana Brewster)米歇尔·罗德里格兹(Michelle Rodriguez)速度与激情之A2狂飙主演 亚历桑德娜·内尔德尔弗兰茨·丁达科琳·费尔南德兹Luke WilkinsNiels-Bruno Schmidt
2023-07-11 06:02:511

How You Gonna Act Like That 歌词

歌曲名:How You Gonna Act Like That歌手:Tyrese专辑:Essential Rb; Massive Urban, Soul And Rnb CollectionIt seems like just the other day that we hooked up(I was drivin", you was walkin" and I swooped you up)From that moment on I knew you were the one, yeah(I was single, you was lonely and we fell in love)We would sit and talk for hours about anything(Baby, you hang up, no, you hang up, on three hang up)I bought your whip, I paid your rent, I gave you everything(Said you"d always be my baby then you bounce) How you gonnaHow you gonna up and leave me nowHow you gonna act like thatHow you gonna change it up, we just finished makin" upHow you gonna act like thatHow you gonna act like we don"t be makin" loveYou know we be tearin" it up, breakin" stuff, that ghetto loveHow you gonna trip, and how could you forgetHow you gonna act like thatGirl, I never thought that lovin" you would hurt(I did everything a good man would to make it work)Girl, you shoulda told me you had second thoughts(Like before I put the down on the house we bought)Now I"m thinkin" you and me was a mistake(But then it hits me and I"m missin" all the love we made)Girl, I know that we"ve been goin" through some things, yeah(But the sun is somewhere shinin" even when it rains, oh)I"ll be the one you kick it toI"ll be the one that misses youI"ll be the one to ease your painI"ll be the one you"ll want again andAnd you"ll be the one I can"t forgetYou"ll be the one that"s innocentYou"ll be the one I can"t lieYou"ll be the one that makes me cry, babyHow you gonna up and leave me now (Why you do)How you gonna act like that (Why you gotta act like that)How you gonna change it up (Whoa, ho, baby)we just finished makin" upHow you gonna act like that (But I need you)How you gonna act like we (Oh)Don"t be makin" love (Whoa…baby, baby)You know we be tearin" it up, breakin" stuff, that ghetto loveHow you gonna trip, how could you forgetHow you gonna act like thatYou know I"m willin" to do anythingJust to keep you in my heart {Keep you in my heart}I messed around and gave up everythingI thought we"d never part (Yes, I did, baby)I was a player and I made the choice to give my heart to youAnd I gotta keep it that way, ooh, babyHow you gonna up and leave me now (Ooh, baby)How you gonna act like that (Why you gotta treat me this way)How you gonna change it up(Why you treat me wrong), we just finished makin" upHow you gonna act like that(Can me somebody tell me why)How you gonna act (Why, why) like we don"t be makin" love (Hey)You know we be tearin" it up, breakin" stuff(Oh, oh, baby), that ghetto loveHow you gonna trip(All my friends became your friends)how can you forget(All my ends became your ends)How you gonna act like that
2023-07-11 06:02:581

Morning After 歌词

歌曲名:Morning After歌手:Tyrese专辑:Alter EgoDead By Sunrise - Morning AfterCaught up against the wall againTied and chained to the ball againIt never seems to amaze my mindSo I just sleep, sleep, sleepPlease don"tWake me until the morning afterWake me until the morning afterCut and bruised by the fall againLick my wounds like a dog againIs that light at the end of the tunnelThat I see, seePlease let it beBut don"tWake me until the morning afterWake me until the morning afterWake me until the morning afterI"m so tired there has got to be an endTo the pain I feel when I"m awake and aliveAlive, alive, alive and I"m dreamingCaught up against the wall againTied and chained to the ball againIt never seems to amaze my mindSo I just sleep, sleep, sleepPlease don"tWake me until the morning afterWake me until the morning afterWake me until the morning afterI"m so tired there has got to be an endTo the pain I feel when I"m awake and aliveAlive, alive, alive and I"m dreaming
2023-07-11 06:03:051

Falling In Love 歌词

歌曲名:Falling In Love歌手:Spokes H专辑:RafifiFalling in Love - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)
2023-07-11 06:03:131

What Am I Gonna Do? 歌词

歌曲名:What Am I Gonna Do?歌手:Irving Berlin专辑:From Avenue A To The Great White Way: Yiddish & American Popular Songs 1914-1950What Am I Gonna Do - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)
2023-07-11 06:03:201

Falling In Love 歌词

歌曲名:Falling In Love歌手:The Bus Boys专辑:American WorkerFalling in Love - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)
2023-07-11 06:03:391


 希安·拉博夫ShiaLaBeouf-SamWitwicky——饰演山姆  梅甘·福克斯MeganFox-MikaelaBanes——饰演米凯拉·贝恩斯  乔什·杜哈明JoshDuhamel-CaptainLennox——饰演擎天柱  约翰·特托罗JohnTurturro-AgentSimmons——饰演大黄蜂  雷曼·罗德克里兹RamonRodriguez-Leo——饰演威震天  泰瑞斯·吉布森TyreseGibson-TechSergeantEpps——饰演救护车  马修·马斯登MatthewMarsden-SASGraham——饰演霸天虎  伊莎贝尔·卢卡斯IsabelLucas-Alice——饰演红蜘蛛  主要配角:  凯文·邓恩KevinDunn-RonWitwicky  朱莉·怀特JulieWhite-JudyWitwicky  雷恩·威尔森RainnWilson-CollegeProfessor  妮娜·杜波夫NinaDobrev-CollegeStudent(rumor)  亚伦·希尔AaronHill-CollegeStudent(rumor)
2023-07-11 06:03:462

i wanna go there 歌词

歌曲名:i wanna go there歌手:Tyrese专辑:i wanna go thereYo, I wanna go there.I wanna take you there, just be ready.Sit back and relax let me do my thang, I"m about to go there for that old time swang.Anything that you want anything you desire babe just let me know cause you light my fire lady.I can tell that you want me tonight, all I came to do is make it right,Let"s get sweaty in front of the fireplace.(It"s on, bring it on, cuz I"m ready.)I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)Girl I know that this is new but keep an open mind.After I do this once your gonna want it all the time.Girl you got me babe, long as you keep it real.I see you like the appetizer here"s the main course meal.I can tell that you want me tonight.All I came to do is make it right.Let"s get sweaty in front of the fireplace.Your all I want and need.I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)The temperature is right and all I came to do is make you feel alright.Cause I came to please your body please your body.The way that we made love made meforget that it was me and your first night.And I wanna go there, I wanna go there.I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)Should lick my lipsOh Yeah Yeah YeahShould I grab on them hipsYeah YeahShould I start to do it real slowOh Yeah Yeah YeahAnd go where no one else could goYeah YeahShould I try to make you sweatOh Yeah Yeah YeahShould I try to take you all the way thereYeah YeahShould I try to make you bust once or twice.Girl I"m gonna give you bragging rights.Oh Yeah Yeah YeahI wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been,I wanna go there witchu. (I wanna go there.)
2023-07-11 06:03:531

Falling In Love (With My Best Friend) 歌词

歌曲名:Falling In Love (With My Best Friend)歌手:Matt White专辑:It"S The Good CrazyFalling in Love - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)
2023-07-11 06:04:011

Falling In Love (Uh-Oh) 歌词

歌曲名:Falling In Love (Uh-Oh)歌手:Miami Sound Machine专辑:The EssentialFalling in Love - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)
2023-07-11 06:04:071


tgt是什么意思介绍如下:TGT is a supergroup formed in 2007 that consists of successful R&B singers Tyrese, Ginuwine, and Tank. The three are friends and Tyrese was best man at Ginuwine"s wedding, but this represents their first collaboration.一档汽车类电视节目,由亚马逊视频投资。由W. Chump and Sons公司制作。由杰瑞米·克拉克森、理查德·哈蒙德和詹姆斯·梅主持,由安迪·威尔曼担任制片人。节目从2016年11月18日开始至2017年2月3日连续十二周每周五在亚马逊视频(Amazon Video)播出。节目背景:曾经,BBC出品的Top Gear作为世界上最好的汽车节目,一度吸引了全世界众多的观众,然而后来,三名主持人之一的Jeremy Clarkson因与制片人在餐食准备上的失误导致克拉克森与制片人发生肢体冲突,后BBC决定辞退克拉克森,另两人也相继离职。离职后,三人与亚马逊Prime签约,开录新节目。新的节目终于有了一个正式的名字—“The Grand Tour”,已经于2016年秋季面向亚马逊Prime服务订阅用户开播。
2023-07-11 06:04:161

Falling In Love 歌词

歌曲名:Falling In Love歌手:Balance专辑:BalanceFalling in Love - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)
2023-07-11 06:04:431