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Micheal Jackson

2023-07-11 09:07:15

因为他是king of pop,是神,有人能厉害过神吗?



2023-07-11 05:59:411


2023-07-11 06:00:045

Micheal Jackson是谁?

2023-07-11 06:00:2015

micheal jackson的歌里面,有一首的歌词中有anny are you ok这句话,歌名是什么

歌名叫Smooth Criminal As He Came Into The Window It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo He Came Into Her Apartment He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet She Ran Underneath The Table He Could See She Was Unable So She Ran Into The Bedroom She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK Are You OK, Annie Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK Are You OK, Annie Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK? Are You OK, Annie? Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie? (Annie Are You OK?) (Will You Tell Us That You"re OK?) (There"s A Sign In The Window) (That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie) (He Came Into Your Apartment) (He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet) (Then You Ran Into The Bedroom) (You Were Struck Down) (It Was Your Doom) Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK? Are You OK Annie? Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK? Are You OK Annie? Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK? Are You OK Annie? You"ve Been Hit By You"ve Been Hit By -v A Smooth Criminal So They Came Into The Outway It Was Sunday - What A Black Day Mouth To Mouth Resus - Citation Sounding Heartbeats - Intimidations Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK? Are You OK Annie? Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK? Are You OK Annie? Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK? Are You OK Annie? Annie Are You OK? So, Annie Are You OK Are You OK Annie? (Annie Are You OK?) (Will You Tell Us That You"re OK?) (There"s A Sign In The Window) (That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie) (He Came Into Your Apartment) (He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet) (Then You Ran Into The Bedroom) (You Were Struck Down) (It Was Your Doom) (Annie Are You OK?) (So, Annie Are You OK?) (Are You OK Annie?) (You"ve Been Hit By) (You"ve Been Struck By - A Smooth Criminal) Okay, I Want Everybody To Clear The Area Right Now! Aaow! (Annie Are You OK?) I Don"t Know! (Will You Tell Us, That You"re OK?) I Don"t Know! (There"s A Sign In The Window) I Don"t Know! (That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie) I Don"t Know! (He Came Into Your Apartment) I Don"t Know! (Left Bloodstains On The Carpet) I Don"t Know Why Baby! (Then You Ran Into The Bedroom) I Don"t Know! (You Were Struck Down) (It Was Your Doom - Annie!) (Annie Are You OK?) Dad Gone It - Baby! (Will You Tell Us, That You"re OK?) Dad Gone It - Baby! (There"s A Sign In The Window) Dad Gone It - Baby! (That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie) Hoo! Hoo! (He Came Into Your Apartment) Dad Gone It! (Left Bloodstains On The Carpet) Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! (Then You Ran Into The Bedroom) Dad Gone It! (You Were Struck Down) (It Was Your Doom-Annie!) Aaow!!! 其他好听的如 beat it, Little Susie, Earth Song。
2023-07-11 06:01:012


一直以来,Micheal Jackson 都以这样的经典造型示人,黑色和白色始终是他身上的主打色▼其中最有争议的点在于,他总是穿着 黑皮鞋配白袜子。在型男界,这一直是被不可触碰的绝对领域。和你的颜值高低无关,只要你穿着这样的黑白组合配饰优雅的腿毛,就触犯了时尚教条▼那为什么 Micheal Jackson 就可以这样明目张胆的穿呢?难道就真的只是因为他叫 Micheal Jackson?当然不是。几乎会在所有的表演中出现,当年就是穿着黑白配色,演绎了这一段堪称伟大的舞蹈——「Dangerous」▼渐渐的,这样的搭配组合竟然成为了 Micheal Jackson 的独家 LOGO。哪怕只是一张简笔画,也一看就知道是他▼可是他为什么要选择这样的穿法呢?难到真的是为了舞台作秀?不是这样的。MJ 这样做是为了 更好的展现舞蹈效果,大家都知道,MJ 在舞蹈方面堪称一绝,太空步、顶胯等动作都是他的原创经典▼在这样的舞蹈动作中,脚步的移动非常关键。为了让观众们能够 看清那酷炫的舞步,Micheal Jackson 想到了 黑白 这种醒目的配色,来吸引观众的注意力,凸显自己的舞步▼但是他觉得光是有颜色的对比,还不够强烈。干脆在 袜子上绣上了小亮片,灯光照在上面闪闪发亮,目的就是要让你看清楚他每一个脚上的动作▼而且为了 让自己能更好的进入状态,跳出最酷的舞步,对于跳舞的时候穿的皮鞋,Micheal Jackson 也有着自己的偏好。他在跳舞的时候最喜欢穿 Florsheim 生产的乐福鞋,不仅是因为鞋子本身舒服,还因为他从小跳舞就穿着这个牌子的皮鞋,有一种熟悉的味道▼不过准确的说起来,会这样黑白配的,并不只有 Micheal Jackson。在他之前,猫王就已经尝试过,虽然我也没觉得猫王的舞步有多么屌,但是这样的穿法在六七十年代,倒也是挺前卫的▼但其实这种白袜子配黑皮鞋的穿法,即使是在当时,也 并不被大多数人接受。当被人问及为什么会这样搭配的时候,多少有些叛逆的 Micheal Jackson 说:“ 只要是时尚禁忌的东西我都会去尝试 ”不过在这里还是要认真的和大家强调一遍黑皮鞋配白袜子一定不要在日常生活中出现▼以前西方社会讲究 穿皮鞋必须打鞋油,如果黑鞋油沾到白袜子上则会影响美观,沿用至今,就形成了大家默认的「礼仪」。 要说 MJ 在时尚造型方面的天赋,可远远不止黑白配这么简单,他创造的时尚经典还有很多。在「BAD」这张专辑封面上,MJ 就以一身 融合了哥特风格的机车造型 出现▼上身的短款夹克,以及上面的 金属拉链元素,领口的扣带,是明显借鉴了机车的风格。专辑里的一首「Speed Demon」MV中,MJ 直接坐在机车上,十分有范儿▼另一方面,在这身造型中也透露出强烈的哥特风格。全身的黑色,皮质绑带、金属搭扣,包括黑色的眼线,这些都是典型的 80s 兴起的 哥特风的元素▼不过要说 MJ 怎么会喜欢这种哥特风格,除了当时兴起的哥特风之外,我倒是觉得多少和他 缺乏安全安的心理有关。MJ 从小就一直曝光在聚光灯下,生活里基本上没有什么隐私可言,接近他的人相当一部分也都是为了名利,他的私生活中透露出的,似乎更多的是孤独▼绑带这时候就成了心理上的给他安全感的元素。之后的哥特造型,也一定程度上借鉴了这种绑带的元素,一下子从脚踝绑到大腿根,比如摇滚巨星 玛丽莲 · 曼森▼而且 MJ 还将这种造型渗透进了电影里。据说他当时和「剪刀手爱德华」的导演 Tim Burton 探讨过相关造型的设定。最终爱德华的造型中,就出现了大量金属绑带的元素,和 MJ 在「BAD」专辑封面的造型有着几分相似▼除此之外,Micheal Jackson 还对军装有着强烈的兴趣。Micheal Jackson 不管是在舞台上还是生活里,军装都是出镜率非常高的造型▼就连和美国总统里根站在一起的时候,套一件 军装夹克 的 MJ 气质也完全不输▼而在种类繁多的军装中,MJ 最喜欢穿这种 拿破仑时代的轻骑兵夹克▼这个时代的军装可以说是整个人类历史上,军装设计制作 最浮夸的时代。不仅 用料高档,大多会用羊毛制作,而且在剪裁上都是贴身设计,各种 装饰作用的花纹 也不计其数,你确定穿这么屌是去打仗的?▼MJ 身上常见的 肩章、排扣、武装带 等军装元素,都是取自拿破仑时期▼在自己的新专辑 「History」的宣传影片中,MJ 干脆直接将军队搬上了荧幕,自己穿着军装走在当中,当之无愧的「King of Pop」▼MJ 会喜欢上这种军装,除了自己对军装的迷恋之外,还有一些 追星情节 在里面,他曾经也是披头士的铁粉儿。披头士在后期的造型,由一开始的英伦风格明显转向了 嬉皮士的感觉,在专辑「Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band」中,穿的就是拿破仑风格的军装,只不过换上了嬉皮士们最喜欢的彩虹色▼总的来说呢,不管是这样的军装,还是哥特,或者是黑白配,这些造型,都是 MJ 作为一个 艺术家的身份,为舞台效果准备的。而平日在生活里的他,基本上还是以简单舒适的服装居多,他说这样可以更集中精力在创作上▼然而有些人也喜欢标新立异一般的“穿出自我”,不过有时候我是真的不太看得懂:有这样的▼有这样的▼还有这样的▼不管你是怎么看别人穿衣服的,但是至少在自己学别人穿衣服这件事情上,「 真的懂,才是真的潮 」祝 Micheal Jackson 8.29生日快乐。——————————本篇欢迎转发和转载请自觉标明出处来源即可欢迎来我们的公众号找我们玩:diaosixingge我们明天再见
2023-07-11 06:01:161

Micheal Jackson个人资料

补一条。Michael Jackson。除我爸。 是我最爱的男人。
2023-07-11 06:04:481


麦克尔·杰克逊(MichaelJackson)迈克尔·杰克逊是80年代美国最令人瞩目的超级歌星,1958年生于一个多子女的黑人家庭。父亲曾是乐队的吉他后,杰克逊与4个哥哥自幼喜欢摆弄乐器,弹唱娱乐。在父亲的培育下,他7岁就与兄长一起首次登台演唱,12岁时,“杰克逊五兄弟”演唱组已经是闻名全美,唱片售出数百万张。   1982年,迈克尔在昆西·琼斯导演的黑人音乐片《小天才》中,扮演角色,并在昆西·琼斯的帮助下灌录了第一张个人专辑唱片《离开大墙(OffTheWall),发行量1300万张。当年12月,他的歌曲《颤栗者》(Thriller)轰动整个西方流行乐坛,其单曲唱片的发行量达3000万张,创世界最高纪录,并获各国赠送的黄金和白金唱片100多张。迈克尔第年都要到世界各地巡回演出,并以他独创的新颖奇特的“太空舞步”(MoonWalk)使千万乐迷为之倾倒。他的MTV《周末夜晚的狂热》(SaturdayNightFeaver)也创MTV录像带的销售纪录。迈克尔出唱片的频率不快,到1987年,他的第2张个人专辑《真棒》(Bad)才发行,世界各国再度括起一阵迈克尔的旋风。他的第三张专辑唱片《危险》(Dangerous)直到1991年岁末才迟迟推出,其中的歌曲《黑人和白人》(BlackandWhite)3个星期内就即售出1000万张,再创单曲唱片发行的世界纪录。   1995年,他推出了第4张个人专辑《历史:过去、现在和未(Historyast、PreseentandFuture,bookI)。迈克尔以他独特的嗓音,夸张而出色的舞姿,富有个性的服饰和表演,多年来称霸流行乐坛,1985年,迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂纳尔·里奇共同谱写,由美国45位歌星联合演唱,昆西·琼斯负责制作的,为求援非洲饥民而义卖的唱片《天下一家》(WeAreTheWorld),震撼了亿万人的心,风靡全球。迈克尔·杰克逊主演的电影《比利·吉恩》(BillieJean)曾获奥斯卡最佳短片奖。
2023-07-11 06:05:121

Micheal Jackson 是什么时候出生的?和什么时候逝世的?

1958.08.29 12:132009.06.25 14:26
2023-07-11 06:05:263

求 Micheal Jackson-You are not alone的歌词,谢了

another day has gonei"m still all alonehow could this beyou"re not here with meyou never said goodbyesomeone tell me whydid you have to goand leave my world so coldeveryday i sit and ask myselfhow did love slip awaysomething whispers in my ear and saysthat you are not alonefor i am here with youthough you"re far awayi am here to staybut you are not alonefor i am here with youthough we"re far apartyou"re always in my heartbut you are not alone"lone,"lonewhy,"lonejust the other nighti thought i heard you cryasking me to comeand hold you in my armsi can hear your prayersyour burdens i will bearbut first i need your handthen forever can begineveryday i sit and ask myselfhow did love slip awaysomething whispers in my ear and saysthat you are not alonefor i am here with youthough you"re far awayi am here to stayfor you are not alonefor i am here with youthough we"re far apartyou"re always in my heartfor you are not alonewhisper three words and i"ll come runnin"and girl you know that i"ll be therei"ll be thereyou are not alonefor i am here with youthough you"re far awayi am here to stayfor you are not alonefor i am here with youthough we"re far apartyou"re always in my heartfor you are not alonefor i am here with youthough you"re far awayi am here to stayfor you are not alonefor i am here with youthough we"re far apartyou"re always in my heartfor you are not alone... 酷我音乐盒里有
2023-07-11 06:05:354


2023-07-11 06:05:436


Hello everyone, today I"ll introduce a very famous people, I think everybody should know him, MaiKeJieKeXun, is the elvis Presley after, western pop music"s most influential musicians. Their achievements beyond elvis Presley, the beatles, known as the King of Pop music, King of Pop) (" the world"s most famous man "is the most people with fans.He is an excellent music all-rounder, lyricist, composer, arranger, making, scene singing, dancing, instrument playing all have very outstanding achievement. The circle is pop singer of greatness, and most influential.Family and marriageMichael Jackson in August 29 born in 1958, the home has nine brothers and sisters, ranking the first 7. HeOnly five years old, MaiKeJieKeXun 1960 had and four brother formed jackson5, he is, and they are very successful singer in the world, and performance.In 1970, MaiKeJieKeXun began his solo career.In total he married twice, the first wife is elvis Presley"s daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, but this marriage lasted less than two years, the second wife Deborah Rowe, Jeanne is they had two children, a man and a woman prince Michael Jackson and Paris Katherine Jackson micheal, they also divorced, in 1990.musicHe is a total of 35 album,1982 M released an album (thriller) inside mix of music form, return the first pioneered the mv and is the longest mv since nine minutes, space step, mechanical dance, it makes it ZhangCheng to the world"s most popular album was also one of the national library, collection.There are some of the very famous songs, such as Beat it, Billie Jeans. "Thriller" was also the first album, the total sales albums has amounted to 1.1 million tickets, ranked second AC/DC "Back in Black" only it"s half.He through thriller became the first appeared on MTV"s black singer, it brought to the black music really mainstream world.cosmeticMaiKeJieKeXun were four cosmetic surgery, three times in the dance was nose surgery because of injury, another is the scalp burns, he also opened a groove in the chin. Many people believe that his skin is through the surgery or drug turned white, but this is wrong, he suffered from severe skin vitiligo, which made him the melanin slowly disappear, it makes him look like a white.He has been pride myself is black.awardsGenerally seen as being and the beatles and elvis, listed the all-time greats of pop singer.25 since broke all the music sales global music and prizes records.30 years old to obtain the "King of Pop music" (King of Pop) this great title.The first in the area outside the United States to sell 100 million album artist.History in a year into the millions of dollars earned the artist in history, but also the highest reward artist (in 1989, only from the single and album sales is cleared $125 million).The United States single list champion won the most young singer (11 years old, Jackson five band boyzone).The first single issue that the first week of music list champions won American singer (" You Not Alone "). HeroIn the United States on top of the longest champion throne Thriller, "the album (37 weeks).The most successful music video (" Thriller "and sold one million sets).The world of the highest amount accumulative total charitable artist (to 2006, individual charitable donations have as much as $300 million).The history of the world"s most successful artist (the "guinness book of world records" especially for Michael calendar year countless great accomplishment in the guinness book of world records awarded authentication).In the Netherlands has a giant sculpture to commemorate him.neverlandIn 1988 MaiKeJieKeXun took seventeen million buy this a person of extraordinary powers curtilage, covering 3400 square meters, there are many large recreation equipment, he often and some children play, in which after his death, the manor is being put up for sale, $50 million worth $~ 1.died2009.6.25 MaiKeJieKeXun died in Los Angeles at age 50, his home. The police are sure he is killed, his personal doctor Morray Conrad has great suspicion because he MaiKeJieKeXun injection too much to heart attacks and tranquilizer led to his death.Read 2009.7.7 his condole of Loving with ceremony, In Jackson, Michael King of Pop In Los Angeles at, at the ceremony he was awarded "world history"s most successful artist" title, global more than 31 million people watching.Input content has reached length limitation can input 1-9999 word
2023-07-11 06:05:596

Micheal Jackson的歌词(不需要中文)

快快伸出援助的手,将死之人最需要。 对生命,这礼物才是最好。 不要幻想我们听到了一声召唤, When the world must 1)come together as one 全
2023-07-11 06:06:162

Micheal Jackson的婚姻生活到底是怎样的?“毯毯 ”Prince Michael Jackson II 普里斯·迈克尔二世,到底

他的私生活确实有很多的争议吧,他第一任妻子是猫女,俩人没有小孩,结婚一年后,两人离异了。 后来MJ因治疗白癜风与护士黛比相遇,然后两人步入婚姻殿堂,结婚三年后也离婚了,留有2个男孩一个女孩,最小的弟弟就是毯毯了(毯毯母亲是墨西哥的代孕女子,MJ有给她钱)。但世人对MJ的第二次婚姻也产生怀疑,认为MJ因为喜欢小孩才和黛比结婚,认为黛比是生产工具,不过后来黛比接受采访时表示她因承受不了生活压力而选择离开。 总之,关于他的消息都是媒体传播开来的,没有绝对的真假,我们还是给予MJ一点私人空间吧。
2023-07-11 06:06:243

micheal jackson 为什么要植皮成为"白人"

6楼的说话注意方式 你是人是猪 你猪脑压你
2023-07-11 06:06:3215


2023-07-11 06:07:0815

求micheal jackson最经典的20首歌

2023-07-11 06:07:312

Micheal Jackson的一首歌,MV中还有埃及艳后,是什么歌啊?

remember the time
2023-07-11 06:07:593

我最崇拜的人micheal jackson演讲稿

2023-07-11 06:08:082

micheal jackson 为什么拥有那么多歌曲版权,怎么拥有,过程是如何?谢谢!

  大概在八几年, MJ投资顾问建议他做地产方面的生意,并告诉他投资地产可以赚很多钱,估约能赚个几千万......不过MJ没有理会投资顾问的建议,据旁人透露他似乎有自己的打算,他对投资地产不感兴趣,而是看好了猫王和披头士等人的版权问题. 尽管涉及到音乐领域作为投资顾问对这块前景也不甚了解,但MJ似乎看起来胸有成竹,最后也没有采纳投资顾问的意见,而是按自己的想法收购了音乐版权.  万事总有先兆,导致MJ收购音乐版权的原因需追溯于MJ收购音乐版权前的时间发生的事情.  著名的摇滚乐队披头士成员"麦卡特尼"在披头士解散后想通过各种手段竞争到拥有自己乐队的歌曲版权,因为他们觉得自己创作的歌曲却没被他们合法拥有,这让他们不太爽,但最终由于诸多原因,导致他们竞争力并没有敌过澳洲商人,最终还是被他人夺取了ATV拥有权.  在澳洲奸商拥有ATV后,公司内部作出了一系列变动,解雇了很多老员工,并欲再次转让公司,而在此期间,MJ在和麦卡特尼正在英国为后者的新歌say say say做专辑录制,他们是好朋友. 当时MJ住在麦卡特尼和他老婆Linda的家里,某一天晚上一起用膳时, 麦卡特尼向MJ显摆了一个他自己拥有的全部歌曲的小册子,并得瑟的跟MJ说:"音乐发行可是个赚钱的好东西 ! " MJ就跟麦卡特尼说,哪天他要把披头士的歌全买回来.麦卡特尼大笑到:"好极了,哥们儿你真幽默!"  很快,MJ的律师通知MJ,他打算购买的歌曲版权正在代价而沽,虽然之前已经被告之歌曲版权的出售会是很多人竞争的目标,但MJ决定购买的意志非常坚定.(当年大概27岁左右).首先MJ的律师代MJ出面询问了自己的竞争对手披头士麦卡特尼是否有意向竞价,麦卡特尼的律师代表说觉得太贵了,不买~而在之前麦卡特尼几年前就有意想和披头士主唱列侬的遗孀大野洋子共同分摊各出1000万美元购买披头士的歌曲版权,但大野洋子也回绝了,因为觉得价格太高了. 最终,经过多月谈判,MJ的律师BRANCA代表MJ谈妥了买卖,并最后以4750万成交了该项生意.  洛杉矶时报在对那次收购的一篇分析中评论,如果披头士的歌曲<<Yesterday>>一年在版税上能挣10万美金,列侬产业(estate)和麦卡特尼将分得收入的50%,即每人2.5万美金。而版权人,即MJ,将取得另外50%,即5万美金。评论还特别指出,Yesterday每年收益上的可不止10万美金。版权人还包括可以支配歌曲在电影、广告以及艺术产品上的应用。MJ后来将披头士的歌用在很多广告中,认为那样能够使新一代的歌迷享受音乐。麦卡特尼----自己曾将自己乐队的那首<<Buddy Holly>>用于广告。  而私下里,据报道称MJ也曾对麦卡特尼的态度表示恼火,他认为音乐家应该为自己写的歌花钱(意指成为自己歌曲版权的拥有者)。当时,麦卡特尼是世界上最有钱的艺人之一,身家为5.6亿美金,并拥有4100万美金的版税收入。MJ认为:“如果他不愿意投资4750万美金买他自己的歌,那么他现在就不该冲我嚷嚷”。(因后来披头士的歌曲版权果然被MJ买走后麦卡特尼就开始抓狂了...)  最终由MJ投资的sony/atv在生意上获利颇多,MJ的私人投资顾问最后也坦承MJ确实在商业上有着非凡的头脑和眼光,因为MJ购买的音乐版权在每年的收益上都远比他当时建议的投资地产要挣得多的多.
2023-07-11 06:08:181


建议你去百度百科查查 那里还有很多迈克尔杰克逊的资料
2023-07-11 06:08:2613


2023-07-11 06:08:588

请问:micheal jackson 的 的背景介绍,以及开头那段独白的词~

前面女孩子说的话:think about um..the generation...and say we wanna make a brighter day for our children and children"s the day day days....think we"ll make a better world and....we"ll make a better place...
2023-07-11 06:09:154

太空步是Micheal Jackson自创的么?

2023-07-11 06:09:221


There"s A Place InYour HeartAnd I Know That It Is LoveAnd This Place CouldBe MuchBrighter Than TomorrowAnd If You Really TryYou"ll Find There"s No Need To CryIn This Place You"ll FeelThat There"s No Hurt Or SorrowThere Are WaysTo Get ThereIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Little SpaceMake A Better Place...Heal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeIf You Want To Know WhyThere"s A Love ThatCannot LieLove Is StrongIt Only Cares ForJoyful GivingIf We TryWe Shall SeeIn This BlissWe Cannot FeelFear Or DreadWe Stop Existing AndStart LivingThen It Feels That AlwaysLove"s Enough ForUs GrowingSo Make A Better WorldMake A Better World...Heal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeMicheal JacksonAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Dream We WereConceived InWill Reveal A Joyful FaceAnd The World WeOnce Believed InWill Shine Again In GraceThen Why Do We KeepStrangling LifeWound This EarthCrucify Its SoulThough It"s Plain To SeeThis World Is HeavenlyBe God"s GlowWe Could Fly So HighLet Our Spirits Never DieIn My HeartI Feel You Are AllMy BrothersCreate A World WithNo FearTogether We CryHappy TearsSee The Nations TurnTheir SwordsInto PlowsharesWe Could Really Get ThereIf You Cared EnoughFor The LivingMake A Little SpaceTo Make A Better Place...Heal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeHeal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeHeal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeYou And For MeMake it a better placeYou And For MeMake it a better placeYou And For MeMake it a better placeYou And For MeMake it a better placeYou And For MeHeal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for our childrenYou And For Me Heal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for our childrenYou And For MeHeal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for the childrenYou And For MeHeal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for the childrenYou And For MeHeal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for the children有一个地方你的心我知道那就是爱这个地方可以多比明天更明亮如果你真的努力你会发现没有必要哭在这个地方你会感觉有没有伤害或悲伤有办法到达那里如果你足够关心为生活做一个小小的空间做一个更好的地方…治愈世界做一个更好的地方为你为我和整个人类种族不断有人死去如果你足够关心为生活做一个更好的地方为你为我如果你想知道为什么有一种爱不撒谎爱是坚强的它只关心快乐的给予如果我们尝试我们将看到在这幸福我们感觉不到害怕或恐惧我们现有的,你给我站住开始生活那爱的感觉爱是不够的我们的成长所以创造一个更好的世界做一个更好的世界…治愈世界做一个更好的地方为你为我迈克尔·杰克逊和整个人类种族不断有人死去如果你足够关心为生活做一个更好的地方为你为我我们的梦想设想显现快乐的面容和我们的世界曾经相信的将再次闪耀在恩典中那么我们为什么要继续扼杀生命伤害了这个地球扼杀它的灵魂虽然这是显而易见的这个世界是神圣的就是上帝的荣光我们可以飞的如此高让我们的精神永远不死在我的心里感觉你是我的所有我的兄弟创造一个世界没有恐惧我们一起哭幸福的眼泪看到许多国家把他们的剑为犁头我们真的可以到达那里如果你足够关心为生活做一个小小的空间做一个更好的地方…治愈世界做一个更好的地方为你为我和整个人类种族不断有人死去如果你足够关心为生活做一个更好的地方为你为我治愈世界做一个更好的地方为你为我和整个人类种族不断有人死去为生活做一个更好的地方为你为我治愈世界做一个更好的地方为你为我和整个人类种族不断有人死去如果你足够关心为生活做一个更好的地方为你为我不断有人死去如果你足够关心为生活做一个更好的地方为你为我不断有人死去如果你足够关心为生活做一个更好的地方为你为我你和我做一个更好的地方你和我做一个更好的地方你和我做一个更好的地方你和我做一个更好的地方你和我我们生活的世界你和我为了我们的孩子而拯救它你和我我们生活的世界你和我为了我们的孩子而拯救它你和我我们生活的世界你和我保存它的孩子你和我我们生活的世界你和我保存它的孩子你和我我们生活的世界你和我保存它的孩子
2023-07-11 06:09:402


传说中滴神啊神啊!额滴神啊! 呵呵
2023-07-11 06:09:516

找 michael jackson 所有歌曲歌词及翻译

2023-07-11 06:10:075


2023-07-11 06:10:223

MICHEAL JACKSON的利比里亚女郎(Liberian Gir )

Liberian Girl (Michael Jackson/ BAD) 导演: Jim Yukish 制作:Paul Flattery 监制:Michael Jackson 和 Larry Stessel 拍摄地点及时间: 1989.4 片长: 5"33 分. 首映日期: 1989.7 主要演员: Michael Jackson, Beverly Johnson, Malcolm Jamal Warner, Sherman Hemsley, Brigitte Nielsen, Paula Abdul, Carl Weathers, Whoopie Goldberg, Quincy Jones, Jackie Collins, Amy Irving, Jasmine Guy, Rosanna Arquette, Billy Dee Williams, Lou Diamond Phillips, Olivia Newton-John, John Travolta, Corey Feldman, Steven Spielberg, Debbie Gibson, Rick Schroeder, Blair Underwood, Weird Al Yankovic, Bubbles, Suzanne Somers, Lou Ferrigno, Don King and "Son", Mayim Bialik, Virginia Madson, David Copperfield, Richard and Emily Dreyfuss, Danny Glover, Olivia Hussey, Dan Aykroyd 和 Steve Guttenberg. 评论:一大帮明星苦等MJ就为在他的MV中争取一个镜头,而他则躲在幕后用摄影机捕捉着明星的一切举动。 该片献给Elizabeth Taylor
2023-07-11 06:10:301


..你说的bigbang是??韩国的那个组合么? 好像没有关于这方面的消息..
2023-07-11 06:10:385

"we are the world " 是迈克尔 杰克逊哪首歌

歌名就是We are the world.歌曲:we are the world歌手:micheal jackson[by:ronen liwski]we are the worldwritten by michael jackson and lionel richiethere comes a time when we heed a certain callwhen the world must come together as onethere are people dyingand it"s time to lend a hand to life,the greatest gift of allwe can go on pretending day by daythat someone, somewhere will soon make a changewe are all a part of god"s great big familyand the truth you know love is all we needwe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mesend them your heart so they"ll know that someone caresand their lives will be stronger and freeas god has shown us by turning stones to breadso we all must lend a helping handwe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and memichael - when you"re down and outmichael - there seems no hope at allbut if you just believe there"s no way we can falllet us realize that a change can only comewhen we stand together as onewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the children
2023-07-11 06:10:523

找一首歌 开头是带有 迈克尔杰克逊 然后是一阵 嘿嘿的笑声

heal the world
2023-07-11 06:11:005


歌曲:we are the world歌手:micheal jackson [ti:we are the world][ar:micheal jackson][by:ronen liwski]we are the worldwritten by michael jackson and lionel richiethere comes a time when we heed a certain callwhen the world must come together as onethere are people dyingand it"s time to lend a hand to life,the greatest gift of allwe can go on pretending day by daythat someone, somewhere will soon make a changewe are all a part of god"s great big familyand the truth you know love is all we needwe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mesend them your heart so they"ll know that someone caresand their lives will be stronger and freeas god has shown us by turning stones to breadso we all must lend a helping handwe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and memichael - when you"re down and outmichael - there seems no hope at allbut if you just believe there"s no way we can falllet us realize that a change can only comewhen we stand together as onewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the childrenwe are the ones who make a brighter dayso let"s start givingthere"s a choice we"re makingwe"re saving our own livesit"s true we"ll make a better dayjust you and mewe are the worldwe are the children the world 打印此页 歌手:micheal jackson 专辑:history There"s A Place InYour HeartAnd I Know That It Is LoveAnd This Place CouldBe MuchBrighter Than TomorrowAnd If You Really TryYou"ll Find There"s No Need To CryIn This Place You"ll FeelThat There"s No Hurt Or SorrowThere Are WaysTo Get ThereIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Little SpaceMake A Better Place...Heal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeIf You Want To Know WhyThere"s A Love ThatCannot LieLove Is StrongIt Only Cares ForJoyful GivingIf We TryWe Shall SeeIn This BlissWe Cannot FeelFear Or DreadWe Stop Existing AndStart LivingThen It Feels That AlwaysLove"s Enough ForUs GrowingSo Make A Better WorldMake A Better World...Heal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeMicheal JacksonAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Dream We WereConceived InWill Reveal A Joyful FaceAnd The World WeOnce Believed InWill Shine Again In GraceThen Why Do We KeepStrangling LifeWound This EarthCrucify Its SoulThough It"s Plain To SeeThis World Is HeavenlyBe God"s GlowWe Could Fly So HighLet Our Spirits Never DieIn My HeartI Feel You Are AllMy BrothersCreate A World WithNo FearTogether We CryHappy TearsSee The Nations TurnTheir SwordsInto PlowsharesWe Could Really Get ThereIf You Cared EnoughFor The LivingMake A Little SpaceTo Make A Better Place...Heal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeHeal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeHeal The WorldMake It A Better PlaceFor You And For MeAnd The Entire Human RaceThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeThere Are People DyingIf You Care EnoughFor The LivingMake A Better PlaceFor You And For MeYou And For MeMake it a better placeYou And For MeMake it a better placeYou And For MeMake it a better placeYou And For MeMake it a better placeYou And For MeHeal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for our childrenYou And For Me Heal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for our childrenYou And For MeHeal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for the childrenYou And For MeHeal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for the childrenYou And For MeHeal the world we live inYou And For MeSave it for the children
2023-07-11 06:11:142


个人简介 迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)被誉为流行音乐之王(King of Pop),是继猫王之后,西方流行乐坛最具影响力的音乐家。是出色的音乐全才,作词,作曲,场景制作,编曲,演唱,舞蹈,都有着卓越的成就。他融合了黑人节奏蓝调与白人摇滚的独特的MJ乐风,时而高亢愤疾、时而柔美灵动的嗓音,空前绝后的高水准音乐录影,规模宏大的演唱会无不在世界各地引起极大轰动,他在全球范围内拥有亿万歌迷,其唱片总销量数以亿计,被载入“吉尼斯世界大全”。他魔幻般的舞步更是让无数的明星效仿。2006年,吉尼斯世界纪录颁发了一个最新认证:世界历史上最成功的艺术家。他一个人支持了世界上39个慈善救助基金会,保持着2006年的吉尼斯世界个人慈善纪录,是全世界以个人名义捐助慈善事业最多的人。他患有白癜风皮肤病,皮肤呈白色。有人说迈克尔杰克逊是一个神奇的怪物,浑身上下充满了一股神秘的力量,在音乐响起时他的节奏能带动全世界的脉搏。全 名:Michael Joseph Jackson中译名:迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊其他译名:台湾译名:麦可·杰克森;香港译名:米高积逊 ;米高积臣简称:MJ性别:男出生日期:1958年8月29日中午12:13 星座:处女座 出生地点:美国 印第安纳州 加里市 Jackson街21号(Gary, Indiana, USA)现今居所: 美国 加利福尼亚州 圣芭芭拉市郊 Los Olivos镇,Neverland 河谷牧场(Nederland Valley Ranch, Los Olivos, California,USA) 主要音乐风格:新杰克摇摆舞曲(New Jack Swing),俱乐部舞曲(Club/Dance),流行/摇滚(Pop/Rock),摩顿黑人音乐(Motown),都市流行(Urban),放克(Funk),节奏布鲁斯(R&B)主要歌唱特色:假声,痉挛,活力,热情,伤感,警醒,快乐,自信,丰富,时髦,真诚,盛典,神秘,口技主要舞蹈风格:现代舞、太空步、机械舞、霹雳舞、踢踏舞 个人详细资料身高:5英尺10英寸 (178公分) 体重:130磅(60公斤左右) 视力:远视 眼珠色:深棕 发色:黑色 鞋码:美国10号(欧洲:42) 学历:毕业于美国黑人联合大学。并于1988年获得了有色人种联合大学基金会(UNCF)颁发的Fisk大学人道文学博士荣誉学位。职业:歌手、歌曲作者、音乐制作人、舞蹈家、编舞、演员、导演、企业家 兴趣爱好 业余爱好:阅读、油画、素描、武术(功夫、柔道、空手道)、舞蹈、游乐园、旅行、购物、看电影、看卡通、打电子游戏收集爱好:油画、雕塑、电影大事记、古董服饰 热爱关心的事物:儿童(尤其是身痪绝症以及贫穷的儿童),动物 亲属父亲:Joseph Jackson(出生日期:1929年7月26日) 母亲:Katherine Jackson(出生日期:1930年5月4日) 大姐:Rebbie (又名:Maureen Reilette,出生日期:1950年5月29日) 大哥:Jackie (又名:Sigmund Esco, 出生日期:1951年5月4日) 二哥:Tito (又名:Toriano Adaryll,出生日期:1953年10月15日) 二姐:LaToya Yvonne (出生日期:1956年5月29日) 三哥:Jermaine (又名:Lajaun, 出生日期:1954年12月11日) 四哥:Marlon David (1957年3月12日) 小弟:Randy (又名:Steven Randall, 1961年10月31日) 小妹:Janet Damita Jo(出生日期:1966年5月16日) 婚姻 第一任妻子:Lisa Marie Presley (1994年5月26日——1996年1月) 附注:Lisa Marie Presley出生于1968年,职业:歌手,是“猫王”Elivis Presley的独生女。她在同MJ婚姻之前曾同音乐人Danny有过一段婚姻并育有一子一女。 第二任妻子:Deborah Rowe (1996年11月14日——1999年10月) 附注:Deborah Rowe,又称Debbie Rowe ,出生于1960年,德国同爱尔兰混血,金发碧眼,职业:皮肤科护士。她在MJ婚姻之前曾同一名职业为中学教师的男子有过7年的婚姻,但无子嗣。子女长子:Prince Michael Jackson, Jr(出生日期:1997年2月13日,Debbie Rowe所生) 长女:Paris Michael Katherine Jackson(出生日期:1998年4月3日,Debbie Rowe所生) 次子:Prince Michael Jackson II(出生日期:2002年3月,生母不详) 教子: Michael Gibb (“Bee Gees”乐队成员 Barry Gibb的儿子 )
2023-07-11 06:11:332


要了解他当然是要他的档案了啊 ~!!!原 名:迈克尔-约瑟夫-杰克逊英 文 名:Michael Joseph Jackson出生日期:1958年8月29日出生地点:美国印地安那州盖里城星 座:处女座 身高:5英尺10英寸 (178公分) 体重:130磅(60公斤左右) 视力:远视 眼珠色:深棕 发色:黑色 鞋码:美国10号(欧洲:42) 学历:高中毕业 职业:歌手,歌曲作者,音乐制作人,舞蹈家,编舞,演员,导演,企业家 兴趣爱好: 业余爱好:阅读,油画,素描,武术(功夫,柔道,空手道),舞蹈,游乐园,旅行,购 物,看电影,看卡通,打电子游戏 收集爱好:油画,雕塑,电影大事记,古董服饰 热爱关心的事物:儿童(尤其是身痪绝症以及贫穷的儿童),动物 偶像: 1,查理-卓别林(Charlie Chaplin,好莱坞默片时代最伟大的戏剧大师); 2,弗雷德-阿斯泰尔(Fred Astaire,好莱坞歌舞片巨星,一代舞王); 3,金-凯利(Gene Kelley,亦是好莱坞歌舞片巨星,踢踏舞王); 4,白瑞-葛迪(Berry Gordy,向世界推广黑人文化和音乐的Motown唱片公司创办人和前总裁); 5,昆西-琼斯(Quincy Jones,超级黑人制作人,创作家,音乐家,一代爵士乐传奇); 6,"三个伙计"(Three Stooges,即是Moe,Larry,Curly,他们与自己的经典作品——系列喜剧《三个伙计》联系在一起.在五,六十年代的美国,《三个伙计》是人们生活的一部分,伴随了整整一代人的成长.他们疯狂夸张的表演,经常被折磨得死去活来的狼 MJ之最 ----------------------------------------------------------- 最好的朋友:伊莉莎白-泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor,著名美国女影星) 最喜欢的颜色:红与黑 最喜欢的服饰:黑色软呢帽 最喜爱的香水:"Opium"香水("Opium"香水——即鸦片香水,1977年由法国"Ynes Saint Laurent"公司推出,风靡整个欧美,并成为1979年世界上销量最大的香水品种之一,至今仍受到广大消费者的青睐) 最喜爱的糖果:Skittles ,M&Ms 最喜爱的矿泉水:依云(Evian) 最喜爱的饮料:矿泉水,橙汁,胡萝卜汁,佳得乐(Gatorade,运动型饮料,演唱会运动会专用) 最喜爱的食物:墨西哥菜,异国情调的辛辣素食,寿司,比萨饼,鸡,鱼,新鲜水果,爆米花,甜面包加香草冰块,向日葵种子,油炸卷饼,加霜片的牛奶…… 最爱的快餐:肯德基(KFC) 最喜欢的蛋糕品种:带有巧克力糖霜的蛋黄蛋糕 最喜欢的棋盘游戏:"垄断者" 最喜爱的电视节目:Malcom In The Middle(一个博得6~34岁的观众青睐的家庭节目), The Simpsons(动画片《辛普森一家》),Seseme Street(儿童益智节目《芝麻街》),Discovery(《探索》), Flip Wilson Show, Brady Bunch(情景喜剧《布雷迪家庭 》),Road Runner Show 最喜爱的迪斯尼人物:米老鼠(Mickey Mouse),小飞侠彼得-潘(Peter Pan),和木偶皮诺曹(Pinocchio) 最喜爱的文学作品: James Matthew Barrie的"Peter Pan"(詹姆斯-巴里《彼得-潘》), Richard Bach的"Jonathan Livingstone Seagull"(里查德-巴奇《乔纳森-利文斯东的海鸥》), Ernest Hemingway的"The Old Man And The Sea"(海明威《老人与 海》) 孩童时期最喜爱的歌曲:诱惑乐队的 "Tobacco Road", "You Are My Sunshine","Cloud Nine" 最喜欢的音乐类型:古典乐,歌剧 最喜欢的歌手:James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Smokey Robinson, Sammy Davis Jr.,The Temptations和Diana Ross 最想合作的歌手: 爵士歌王纳特·金·科尔(Nat King Cole), 著名女歌手惠特妮·休斯顿(Whitney Houston) 最喜爱的古典乐作曲家: Claude Debussy (德彪西,"Afternoon of the Fawn"), PjotrI ljitsch Tschaikowsky(柴科夫斯基) Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev(谢尔盖-谢尔盖耶维奇-普罗科菲耶夫) 最喜爱的电影演员: 秀兰-邓波尔(Shirley Temple,著名童星), 伊莉莎白-泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor), 凯瑟琳-赫本(著名女影星,4次奥斯卡影后,Katherine Hepburn), 摩根-弗里曼(Morgan Freeman,著名黑人影星,代表作《肖申克的救赎》) 马龙-白兰度(演技之神,好莱坞之王 Marlon Brando) 最喜爱的电影: "Peter Pan"(《小飞侠》),"E.T."(《ET外星人》),"Star Wars"(《星球大战》) 最喜爱的艺术家: Michaelangelo(米开朗其罗), Leonardo Da Vinci(达-芬奇) 最喜爱的自创歌曲:Earth Song 最喜爱的J5时期的作品:"ABC","I"ll Be There","Never Can Say Goodbye" 最喜爱表演的曲目:"Billie Jean" 最喜爱的MV:"Thriller","Smooth Criminal" 最想居住的地方:英国白金汉宫 最遗憾的事:至今未能完成一幅油画 最讨厌的事物:小报 最自豪的事:7次被载入吉尼斯世界纪录 第一部电影: "The Wiz"(《新绿野仙踪》,1978) 第一张购买的唱片:Smokey Robinson与Miracles乐队的"Micke"s Monkey" 第一张录制的唱片: "Big Boy" (Steel Town Records) 签约公司: Motown,Epic Records (Sony Music) 自己的厂牌:MJJ Music 著名的合唱者: Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Janet Jackson 小知识: ----------------------------------------------------------- Michael的名字是其母亲根据他祖母的建议而取的. Michael在9个兄弟姐妹中名列第7,在6个兄弟中名列第5. Joseph Jackson (Michael的父亲)曾经和一个名叫"The Falcons"的乐队进行表演. Michael的母亲Katherine年轻时会吹单簧,弹钢琴,弹吉他. 是Gladys Knight发掘的Jackson Five乐队(至于原先Diana Ross发掘的J5一说,是唱片公司的宣传手段) Michael在5岁时第一次登台,演唱的是"Climb Every Mountain" The Jackson 5乐队第一次登台亮相的地方叫"Mr. Lucky"s"酒吧,J5的成员每人获得1美元的酬金. Michael小时候喜欢往姐姐LaToya的被子里藏蜘蛛. Tatum O"Neal是Michael的初恋. Michael非常怕痒. Michael的绰号叫"Smelly" Michael捐建了迪斯尼冒险乐园. Michael最喜欢玩的迪斯尼乐园项目是"加勒比海盗". "Come Together"是Michael最喜欢的Beatles(甲壳虫)乐队歌曲之一. Michael画的米老鼠被选入一本名为《米老鼠艺术》的出版物. 1984年11月20日,Michael在好莱坞"星光大道"上留名. 1987年,Michael开始了他第一次个人巡回演唱会以宣传他的新专辑《Bad》. 巡演期间,Michael在表演中会失去10磅水份. 为了保持清晰声线,Michael一般会先在一杯热水里加入两滴"利口乐"(Ricola)后才喝掉. 1992年, Michael在加蓬象牙海岸的西非村获封为"King Sani"(萨尼王,Sani——土星) 在迪斯尼世界的皇家酒店里有一豪华套房以Michael Jackson命名. Michael的自传《月球漫步》("Moonwalk")当年是美英两国畅销书冠军. Sample TextSample Text 迈克尔·杰克逊作品销售统计综述 [日期:2005-02-05] 来源:MJCFC 作者:Keen [字体:大 中 小] 各大专辑世界销量 《Off The Wall》:1900万张* 《Thriller》:5900万张* 《Bad》:2800万张* 《Dangerous》:2900万张* 《HIStory》:1800万套(双专辑,乘以2,即3600万张) 《Blood On The Dance Floor》:600万张 《Invincible》:1100万张 《Number Ones》:600万张 各大专辑美国国内销量 《Off The Wall》:700万张 《Thriller》:2600万张 《Bad》:800万张 《Dangerous》:700万张 《HIStory》:350万套(双专辑,乘以2,即700万张) 《Blood On The Dance Floor》:100万张 《Invincible》: 200万张 《Number Ones》:100万张 【注】以上的总销量数字基于官方数据统计。带 * 号的数字表示其中包括有该专辑重新发行的特别版的销量在内。关键数字 在美国排行榜上,Michael Jackson是销量第7高的艺人(在500位艺人中的排名); 在美国排行榜上,Michael Jackson是80年代的最高销量的艺人; 在美国排行榜上,Michael Jackson是90年代销量第22高的艺人; 在美国排行榜上,Michael Jackson是拥有冠军单曲数目第4多的艺人(总共13首); 在美国排行榜上,Michael Jackson是在冠军位置上停留时间第5长的艺人; 在美国排行榜上,Michael Jackson与Stevie Wonder和妹妹Janet Jackson一样,是拥有Top 10单曲第5多的艺人(总共28首)。迈克尔.杰克逊身上的全球之最!!!最早出道:年仅5岁;最早成名:年仅8岁;最早出唱片:年仅10岁;最年轻的美国历史上的冠军歌曲的歌手:年仅12岁;25岁打破了乐坛所有的销售和获奖记录;30岁被誉为“流行音乐天王”;最多才艺于一身的艺术奇才:作词、作曲、编曲、制作、乐器弹奏演唱、舞蹈;最闪耀的全球之星;最多项目的吉尼斯世界记录:8个项目;最难超越的艺人;最畅销的唱片:颤栗者(全球超过6000万张);最多冠军曲目的专集拥有者:BAD专集才11首就有5首是冠军单曲;世界记录上全球捐献慈善机构最多的人士;拥有全球最多歌迷的艺人:全球上亿万;舞步最独创:太空舞步;一生最具传奇的歌手;非洲最伟大的人士之一;3首歌曲被评为最伟大的歌曲
2023-07-11 06:11:423


哇 那不是网上一大堆吗!
2023-07-11 06:11:503


2023-07-11 06:11:5810

迈克尔杰克逊 所有专辑 以及发行年份? 还有著名的演唱会有哪些?

2023-07-11 06:12:224

micheal jackson 共出过几张专辑 分别叫什么?速求答案

MICHAEL JACKSON 成年后个人正式专集有7张~ 英文名称:OFF THE WALL 中文名称:墙外 发行时间:1979年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第一张个人专辑。 英文名称:THRILLER 中文名称:颤栗 发行时间:1982年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第二张个人专辑,此专辑影响巨大,奠定了MICHAEL歌王的地位,BILLIE JEAN连续数十周排行榜首,是有史以来最成功的歌曲。 英文名称:BAD 中文名称:真棒 发行时间:1987年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第三张个人专辑,此时的MICHAEL正走在人生的巅峰时期。 英文名称:DANGEROUS 中文名称:危险之旅 发行时间:1991年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第四张个人专辑,这张专辑的音乐创作水平堪称音乐界的极至 英文名称:HISTORY-PAST,PRESENT AND FUTURE BOOK I 中文名称:历史-过去,现在和未来 第一辑 发行时间:1995年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第五张个人专辑,共两辑,第一辑为以往专辑中的超级金曲,第二辑为新曲。专辑中的音乐超强震憾,再一次证明了歌王的地位无人能及。 英文名称:BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR 中文名称:赤色风暴 发行时间:1997年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第六张个人专辑,第一次打破了MICHAEL每隔四年发行一张专辑的惯例。此辑前五首为新歌,后八首为历史专辑部分歌曲超级混音版。 英文名称:INVINCIBLE 中文名称:无敌 发行时间:2001年 专辑简介:此专辑为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第七张个人专辑,据称,这将是MICHAEL发行的最后一张全新歌曲的正式专辑。
2023-07-11 06:12:471


麦克尔·杰克逊(MichaelJackson)迈克尔·杰克逊是80年代美国最令人瞩目的超级歌星,1958年生于一个多子女的黑人家庭。父亲曾是乐队的吉他后,杰克逊与4个哥哥自幼喜欢摆弄乐器,弹唱娱乐。在父亲的培育下,他7岁就与兄长一起首次登台演唱,12岁时,“杰克逊五兄弟”演唱组已经是闻名全美,唱片售出数百万张。   1982年,迈克尔在昆西·琼斯导演的黑人音乐片《小天才》中,扮演角色,并在昆西·琼斯的帮助下灌录了第一张个人专辑唱片《离开大墙(OffTheWall),发行量1300万张。当年12月,他的歌曲《颤栗者》(Thriller)轰动整个西方流行乐坛,其单曲唱片的发行量达3000万张,创世界最高纪录,并获各国赠送的黄金和白金唱片100多张。迈克尔第年都要到世界各地巡回演出,并以他独创的新颖奇特的“太空舞步”(MoonWalk)使千万乐迷为之倾倒。他的MTV《周末夜晚的狂热》(SaturdayNightFeaver)也创MTV录像带的销售纪录。迈克尔出唱片的频率不快,到1987年,他的第2张个人专辑《真棒》(Bad)才发行,世界各国再度括起一阵迈克尔的旋风。他的第三张专辑唱片《危险》(Dangerous)直到1991年岁末才迟迟推出,其中的歌曲《黑人和白人》(BlackandWhite)3个星期内就即售出1000万张,再创单曲唱片发行的世界纪录。   1995年,他推出了第4张个人专辑《历史:过去、现在和未(Historyast、PreseentandFuture,bookI)。迈克尔以他独特的嗓音,夸张而出色的舞姿,富有个性的服饰和表演,多年来称霸流行乐坛,1985年,迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂纳尔·里奇共同谱写,由美国45位歌星联合演唱,昆西·琼斯负责制作的,为求援非洲饥民而义卖的唱片《天下一家》(WeAreTheWorld),震撼了亿万人的心,风靡全球。迈克尔·杰克逊主演的电影《比利·吉恩》(BillieJean)曾获奥斯卡最佳短片奖。
2023-07-11 06:12:551

求歌词:拯救地球 杰克逊

Heal The World —Micheal JacksonThere"s a place in your heart and I know that it"s loveAnd this place could be much brighter than tomorrow And if you really try you"ll find there"s no need to cryIn this place you"ll feel there"s no hurt or sorrowThere are ways to get there, if you care enough for the livingMake a little space, make a better placeHeal the world, make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human raceThere are people dying. If you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for meIf you want to know why, there"s a love that cannot lieLove is strong, it only cares for joyful givingIf we try we shall see: In this bliss we cannot feel fear or dreadWe stop existing and start livingThen it feels that always love"s enough for us growingSo make a better world, make a better worldHeal the world, make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human raceThere are people dying. If you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for meAnd the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful faceAnd the world we once believed in will shine again in graceThen why do we keep strangling life? Wound this earth crucify its soul?Though it"s plain to see this world is heavenly be god"s glowWe could fly so high let our spirits never dieIn my heart I feel you are all my brothersCreate a world with no fear together we"ll cry happy tearsSee the nations turn their swords into plowsharesWe could really get there if you care enough for the livingMake a little space, to make a better placeHeal the world, make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human raceThere are people dying. If you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for me (Repeat)There are people dying. If you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for me (Repeat)You and for me, you and for me……
2023-07-11 06:13:103


全国M·j 粉丝网站
2023-07-11 06:13:306

迈克儿 杰克逊的成名作罪恶

heal the world
2023-07-11 06:13:469

求Micheal Jackson -Mind Is The Magic歌词

Come in to meI know mystical gardenOrchards and violetsAll mysteries are partedLife is a mirageghostImaginationPure inspiration called justificationNothing"s impossibleNothing"s concealedEverything here is for realWhat gives fantastic ghouls all in your head?Who creates wonders like nobody can?Chorus:Siegfried & RoyYou know it"sSiegfried & RoySo be itSiegfried & RoyI"m gonna...Siegfried & RoyWhen it"s Siegfried & RoyIt"s the mind of a magic in trueYour own thoughts play the gameIn the magical wonders they doThe mind in the magic is youMove of the headAnd I"ll change your emotionsStrange things appearFrom euphorics, devotionsEverything"s happeningNothing"s unrealHallucinating the mind in the realSeeing black panthersThat suddenly flyWhite tigers stalking your mindHallucinating the things that you seeThis kind of magic"s so hard to believe[Chorus]"Cause when it"s Siegfried & RoyIt"s the mind of a magic in trueYour own thoughts play the gameIn the magical wonders they doThe mind in the magic is youWhen it"s Siegfried & RoyIt"s the mind of a magic in trueWhen it"s Siegfried & RoyIt"s the mind of a magic in true(Seeing is believin"...)When it"s Siegfried & RoyIt"s the mind of a magic in trueHallucinationsThe game of this kindThis kind of magicThrows mind[Chorus]在我来的我知道神秘的花园果园和紫罗兰所有的秘密都分开了生命是一mirageghost想象力正当灵感称为纯净什么是不可能的,没有一件事是隐蔽这里的一切都是真实的什么使奇妙的日子在你的脑海中?谁创造了奇迹吧,犹如无人可以吗?合唱:齐格弗里德和罗伊你知道它的齐格弗里德和罗伊就这么定了齐格弗里德和罗伊我要…齐格弗里德和罗伊当它齐格弗里德和罗伊这是一个神奇的真实你自己的想法来玩这个游戏在魔法奇迹会发生这样的事心灵的魔法是你移动的头部我将改变你的情绪奇怪的东西出现从euphorics、无私奉献发生的一切没有一件事是虚幻产生幻觉中的真实看到黑色豹这突然飞跟踪你的头脑白虎你看到的事物产生幻觉这种魔力太令人难以置信[合唱]因为当它齐格弗里德和罗伊这是一个神奇的真实你自己的想法来玩这个游戏在魔法奇迹会发生这样的事心灵的魔法是你当它齐格弗里德和罗伊这是一个神奇的真实当它齐格弗里德和罗伊这是一个神奇的真实(看的是believin "…)当它齐格弗里德和罗伊这是一个神奇的真实幻觉在这样的比赛这种类型的魔法投掷头脑
2023-07-11 06:14:001

micheal jackson 有一个有很多人黑人一起跳舞的MTV是什么歌??节奏感相当强的一首

我认为是black or white
2023-07-11 06:14:086

有个游戏就叫Micheal Jackson的游戏,是控制迈克尔杰克逊跳舞的。

2023-07-11 06:14:242

找歌词里有 迈克尔杰克逊 名字出现的歌~

2023-07-11 06:14:322


2023-07-11 06:14:404

传奇的Michael家族,micheal 家族是一个有血缘的家庭还是就名字里有micheal?

迈克尔 舒马赫迈克尔 乔丹 迈克尔 约翰逊 迈克尔 皮蓬 迈克尔 菲利普斯 靠!我还以为楼主你要叫迈克尔的名人。。RT,害我想半天!
2023-07-11 06:14:484


2023-07-11 06:14:598

micheal jackson的you are my life的中英文歌词

我记得他 没唱过这歌有you are not alone she"s out my lifeyou are my lonely one 就没you are my life你找找上边那三首是哪个
2023-07-11 06:15:252