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2023-07-11 09:07:08
TAG: 翻译

Qi Jing is fair to swim in the sea and the music of the June, not to return, to control said: " dare to speak to the deadly sins." Yan Chu hasten voice said: "Jun Yue put to sea in June to return, he unexpectedly a ruler, Jun and Andhra along the sea!" Jing aid halberd will chop, Yan Chu hasten, Fu Yi to say: " you how don"t chop? Xi Jie kill Guan Longfeng, Zhou slaying Prince Bigan, Jun Xian this two Lord, his wood, nor the two sons also, Jun Xi don"t chop? His visit to the two people, do not be?" Jing said, then return。就是这个,你是不是要翻译英语?


Qi Jing is fair to swim in the sea and the music of the June, not to return, to control said: " dare to speak to the deadly sins." Yan Chu hasten voice said: "Jun Yue put to sea in June to return, he unexpectedly a ruler, Jun and Andhra along the sea!" Jing aid halberd will chop, Yan Chu hasten, Fu Yi to say: " you how don"t chop? Xi Jie kill Guan Longfeng, Zhou slaying Prince Bigan, Jun Xian this two Lord, his wood, nor the two sons also, Jun Xi don"t chop? His visit to the two people, do not be?" Jing said, then return,



2023-07-11 05:58:591


位于:黑龙江大庆市龙凤区龙凤区面积510平方千米。人口16万人(2004年)。区人民政府驻地邮编:163711。代码:230603。区号:0459。拼音:Longfeng Qu。行政区划龙凤区辖5个街道、1个镇:龙凤街道、兴化村街道、卧里屯街道、东光街道、三永街道、(开发区)黎明街道、龙凤镇。共有25个社区、8个村委会。(合计数字不包括黎明街道及其所辖社区在内。黎明街道由开发区管理) 龙凤街道辖6个社区(凤祥社区、龙化社区、建安社区、街园社区、炼厂社区、动力社区)。兴化村街道 辖5个社区(化祥社区、兴化社区、街心社区、化谊社区、新兴社区)。卧里屯街道 辖4个社区(化中社区、虹桥社区、丽园社区、建华社区)。东光街道辖6个社区(上林社区、沁园社区、光明社区、东光社区、龙北社区、石油分站社区)。三永街道辖3个社区(东岗社区、澳龙社区、龙兴社区)。龙凤镇辖1个社区、8个村委会(永泉社区、前进村、刘高手村、向阳村、英勇村、久青村、建兴村、铁东村、保田村)。黎明街道辖3个社区(黎明社区、天贺社区、学苑社区)。(社区行政村名录由根据“大庆市代码”整理,估计为2004年资料)历史沿革“龙凤”,传说,修筑中东铁路设站时,以铁路两名监工名字的尾字组成,意为“吉祥如意”。原属安达县第三区,人烟稀少。1960年由于大庆油田的开发建设,人口逐渐增多,同年6月安达市设立龙凤办事处。1961年7月,省人民委员会批准,设立安达市龙凤区,1965 年改为龙凤镇(县级)。1968年3月,将安达县龙凤公社的3个生产大队等划归安达市管辖,隶属龙凤镇。1974年7月2日,省革命委员会批准,恢复龙凤区,隶属安达市。1979年12月,安达市更名为大庆市,隶属大庆市管辖。1992年,龙凤区 大庆市管辖的市辖区。位于市境东部,东、北与安达市接壤,西与萨尔图区毗邻,南与红岗区相连。全区总面积510平方公里,其中草原、苇塘面积可达100平方公里。城区面积为15平方公里。全区分设龙凤、向阳、前卫、自强、兴化、卧里屯等6个街道办事处和龙凤乡。1992年末全区总人口14.3万人,其中非农业人口11.5万人;回、满、朝鲜等少数民族人口约占3%。区政府驻地龙凤大街东段路北。 (以上摘自《黑龙江省志·地名录》)2000年,龙凤区辖6个街道、1个镇。总人口233881人;其中各镇(街道)人口为: 龙凤街道 45457 兴化街道 44427 自强街道 20218 卧里屯街道 21239 东光街道 12765 三永街道 15158 龙凤镇 47609 大庆高新开发区虚拟街道 27008 (根据第五次人口普查数据;单位:人)2001年,龙凤区辖5个街道、1个镇:卧里屯、龙凤、东光、三永、兴化(副处级)5个街道,龙凤镇。将10个行政村调整为8个。面积416平方千米。2017年2月21日,龙凤区上榜2016年全国义务教育发展基本均衡县(市、区)名单。
2023-07-11 05:59:051


2023-07-11 05:59:152


不是。龙凤原名郑龙凤,国际魔术师,催眠师,导演,逃生术表演专家和特技表演家, 魔术师龙凤不是骗子,龙凤(chain-longfeng) 国际魔术师‘ 刘德华师兄,国粹变脸大师传世人。
2023-07-11 05:59:221


2023-07-11 05:59:281

关于介绍大庆的英语作文100字 求

作文1:Introduction to DaqingDaqing is a city located in the northeast of China. It is known for its rich oil reserves and is one of the largest oil production cities in the country. The city has a population of more than 2 million people and is a major industrial center in the region. In recent years, Daqing has also developed its tourism industry, with attractionsqing"s unique the Saertu District is a popular destination for visitors looking to experience the city"s local culture and history.大庆市位于中国东北部,以其丰富的石油资源而闻名,是该国最大的石油生产城市之一。该市拥有超过200万人口,是该地区的重要工业中心。近年来,大庆市还发展了旅游业,拥有大庆油田博物馆和生颖国家森林公园等景点。大庆市独特的萨尔图区是游客体验当地文化和历史的热门目的地。作文2:History of DaqingDaqing has a rich and important history, particularly in the context of China"s oil industry. The city was founded in the 1950s when oil was discovered in the region, and quickly became a major center for oil production. The discovery of oil in Daqing played a significant role in China"s economic development and was a major milestone in the country"s history. Today, Daqing takes pride in its history and has established attractions, such as the Daqing Oil Field Museum, for visitors to explore and learn about the city"s past.大庆市有着丰富而重要的历史,特别是在中国的石油工业背景下。该市成立于1950年代,当时在该地区发现了油,并迅速成为了一座重要的石油生产中心。大庆的石油发现在中国经济发展中发挥了重要作用,是该国历史上的重要里程碑。如今,大庆以其历史为傲,并建立了旅游景点,如大庆油田博物馆,供游客探索和了解该市的过去。作文3:Culture of DaqingDaqing has a unique and vibrant culture that is heavily influenced by its history and status as an important industrial center. The city is known for its rich food culture, with specialty dishes such as Daqing Fried Rice Cakes and Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms. Daqing is also home to a number of festivals and events throughout the year, such as culture is also reflected in its architecture, with many buildings featuring a of traditional Chinese and Soviet-style design. 大庆市拥有独特而充满活力的文化,这主要源于它的历史和作为一个重要工业中心的地位。该市以其丰富的美食文化而闻名,如大庆炸米饼和松茸鸡。大庆还是一年中许多节日和活动的主办地,如冰雪节和大庆国际啤酒节。该市的文化也反映在其建筑风上,许多筑采用传统中国和苏联风格融合的设计。
2023-07-11 05:59:363


哈尔滨市龙峰冰雪雕塑有限公司英文:Harbin Longfeng ice and snow sculpture Co., Ltd.
2023-07-11 06:00:221


你说的是不是 龙凤呈祥?龙凤呈祥 Longfengchengxiang龙凤呈祥香烟诞生于1997年,先后获得全国卷烟优等品、中华包装精品、重庆市著名商标等多项殊荣。 龙凤呈祥系列品牌的包装设计,以红色为底,嵌上传统的“龙凤呈祥”图案,蕴含吉祥如意、喜庆祥瑞。广告语“龙凤呈祥,地久天长”,同样包蕴了民族的传统文化,契合了民众的心理习惯,“龙凤呈祥”已成全国公认的喜烟。 龙凤呈祥从产品的设计、备料、加工、控制四个环节力求精细化,确保生产的每一支烟都是精品,出厂的每一批烟都是样品。因此,龙凤呈祥从它诞生的那一天起,内在品质和外观包装一直保持稳定,多年来一、二、三级站抽检合格率均为100%。
2023-07-11 06:00:301


一河南网民,以自己将要结婚的切身感受创作了名为《龙凤呈祥》的中国"婚礼进行曲",继而大胆向大作曲家赵季平的同名作--《龙凤呈祥》发出挑战. <br><br>“龙风呈详”歌词 <br><br> <br><br>(男)美丽的鲜花放在你的身旁, <br><br>亲爱的妹妹别让我太心慌, <br><br>捧着你的小手放在我心上, <br><br>求你从今以后做我的新娘。 <br><br> <br><br>(女)缠绵的歌声萦绕在我耳旁, <br><br>亲爱的哥哥别让我太慌张, <br><br>粉红的彩云飞上我的脸庞, <br><br>哥哥要做妹妹的新郎。 <br><br> <br><br>(女)欢乐的歌声飞出我的心房, <br><br>喜庆的钟声啊打在我心上, <br><br>(男)偷偷握着你的手放在我身旁, <br><br>妹妹快要做我的新娘。 <br><br> <br><br>(男)美丽的新娘坐在我的身旁, <br><br>(女)妹妹的心啊跳的实在慌, <br><br>(男)掀起你的盖头捧着你的脸庞, <br><br>(合)从今以后你是我唯一的新郎(新娘)。 <br><br> <br><br>(齐)花好月圆龙凤呈祥, <br><br>比翼双飞地久天长, <br><br>相亲相爱永志不忘, <br><br>真心为爱地老天荒。 <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br>点击视频欣赏:mms://
2023-07-11 06:00:385


安(安昂)(Aang)(配音:Zach Tyler Eisen(动画原配)、Noah Ringer(电影原配)、魏晶琦(台湾)、中世明日香(日本))12岁,剧中主角,气和族最后一位御气师,是罗库的转世,也是当世神通。安在南极遇见卡塔拉时自称是12岁,由于他曾把自己冰封了100年,所以实际上他已经有112岁了。在永固城地底下的水晶监狱被阿祖拉的雷火击中,安原本已死了(第七道脉轮被截断),由于卡塔拉利用北极圣水治愈安昂,强制把他拉回来而复活。是个开朗,善良有趣的小和尚,对卡塔拉有好感,在《情人洞》差点与卡塔拉亲吻(二季2集)最后精通所有神功(御气,御水,御土,御火,闪电易向),并于傲宰(Ozai)决战中重新激活了第七道脉轮恢复了神通力,最终降伏了现世的烈火国国王傲宰,结束了100多年的烈火国战争。        卡塔拉(Katara)(配音:MaeWhitman(动画原配)、杨凯凯(台湾)、戸梶恵理子(日本))14岁,索卡的妹妹,早年丧母,南极水族里唯一残存的御水师(因为火烈国曾经大量捕捉过御水师),天资聪颖,自学御水术,早期功力极差,拜师后进步神速,曾是安的御水师傅,除了能自由操纵水以外,也拥有少数御水师才具有的治愈能力,能加速伤口愈合,后期在被哈玛的逼迫下学会了御血术(卡塔拉认为御血术违反“水善”的精神),能自由控制他人体内的血与水,满月时能力会大幅提升。总是随身携带水源,以发动宗术。安的心上人,热心肠,个性成熟,坚毅。索卡(苏卡)(Sokka)(配音:JackDeSena(动画原配)、魏伯勤(台湾)、粟野志门(日本))15岁,卡塔拉(katara)的哥哥,为人大大咧咧,天生一副吊儿啷当,十足的搞笑胚子,也是团队里最多鬼点子的人,可称的上是军师,是个普通人。初期武器是回旋镖(飞去来)、铁棍,后期拜师学习剑术,打造了一把陨石神剑【宇宙神剑】,还把剩下的陨石块送给拓芙当礼物。不相信任何元素能力,热衷于武器修炼。对妹妹很照顾,甚至是过于照顾。不过每次当危险来临,他总能意外脱险。具有领导者潜质,直觉敏锐。有点花心,总想吸引其他女生们的注意,但深爱苏姬(Suki)和月公主(Yue)。祖克王子(祖寇、苏科)(PrinceZuko)(配音:DanteBasco(动画原配)、ElijahRuncorn(幼年,动画原配)、林谷珍(台湾)、深津智义(日本))16岁,火凤凰帝国的皇子,据艾洛说法,身体里同时留着前世神通与火烈王的血液,非常受女性欢迎。有点火气旺盛,容易迁怒于人,但也有温柔和善的一面,曾伪装为“蓝灵”救下安,暗中擅长双刀。原本有个表面上算是幸福美满的家庭,四年的前夜晚因为不小心触犯到父亲的权威而遭放逐,亦在左脸上留下恐怖的烧伤。他以追捕神通为目标,和其伯父艾洛乘船寻找安。后来改邪归正,成为了安的御火师傅;打败了姐姐阿祖拉(有些翻译版本为祖寇妹妹),成为新的火烈王,停止长达百年的战争。因为本身无法学会纯青雷火,因此艾洛传授了“逆雷火”给祖克,后来曾借此反击烈火王傲赛。 爱龙皇叔(艾洛)(Iroh)(配音:Mako(动画原配,第一二季)、GregBaldwin(动画原配,第三季)、曹冀鲁(台湾))火凤凰国皇帝傲宰的哥哥,也是祖克的叔叔,由于亲生儿子龙腾战死,视祖克为亲生儿子。为人诚实善良又不乏幽默,兴趣是品茗和下百兽棋。事实上他是白莲教长老,武艺高强,能以一敌多,不轻易使用神功,但曾经为了加热冷茶而发功,因此被杰发现是火凤凰帝国人。博览群雄熟悉四大族,和四大族的长老交好,彼此同为白莲教的一员。研究御水术反制敌人力量的特性而创始了逆雷火,是少数能使用纯青雷火的高手,也是唯一同时会纯青雷火和逆雷火的御火高手。爱喝茶,爱下棋,爱泡温泉。性格大开大合,宽厚,心思缜密,对祖克影响极大。与太阳武士有交往,应该曾将最后的龙交给他们,并对外谎称将所有龙杀灭,从而保存了仅剩的两条火龙。有西方之龙美誉。阿祖拉(Azula)(配音:GreyDeLisle(动画原配),魏晶琦(台湾))14岁的火凤凰帝国公主,祖寇的妹妹,是少数能使用纯青雷火的御火天才,其父火凤凰帝国皇帝傲宰以自己的父亲——老火凤凰帝国皇帝阿祖龙之名为其命名,由此可见对她的偏爱。深受父亲的信任,侵略性极强,个性残暴冷酷,擅长冷嘲热讽刺激对手,即使在日全蚀之日功力尽失时,身体也相当敏捷,所振出的火焰为蓝色的(没有解释原因)。为人精明干练,诡计多端,心如蛇蝎,善于撒谎(甚至能骗过拓芙),一直不择手段地排挤哥哥祖寇成为新的火凤凰帝国女王;不相信任何人,利用恐惧控制梅和泰丽,登基大典当天甚至还驱逐了所有下人、戴笠和御用御火师;后来因为梅对祖克的爱及梅与泰丽的友情,胜过对她的恐惧而背叛她,导致精神开始崩溃,最后败在卡塔拉手里。北方拓芙(TophBeifong)(配音:JessieFlower(动画原配)、杨凯凯(台湾)、坂本梓马(日本))12岁,安的御土师傅,精通85种战斗计策劲中的中劲,是个御土天才。由于本身是盲人的缘故,只能借由土石所传递的震动来感知周遭环境,因此不穿鞋子,还能间接从地上知道他人是否说谎。虽然出生于土强王国富有的名门北方家族,但她仍抛弃了一切,随着安一行人踏上旅途。后期在被父亲所密派的人绑架回家途中,自创了御金术(金属是土的精炼物,因此可以操控,但以往没有人能做到),中途也学会了御沙术。阿帕(Appa)(配音:DeeBradleyBaker(动画和电影原配))已知最后存活的飞天蛮牛,安的坐骑,和安自小最要好的伙伴,是一辈子的家人,十分憨厚,脾气和顺,应该明白人类的语言。曾经在万事通图书馆被沙宗偷走并与安等人走失,后来历经磨难才重新回到安身边。喊“YipYip”即可命其飞行。传说气和族是从飞天蛮牛身上学到御气神功的。莫莫(Momo)(配音:DeeBradleyBaker(动画和电影原配))安的朋友,飞天狐猴,应该已绝种。安在南气和寺所发现,大大的眼睛。十分调皮活泼,不太明白人类的语言和肢体动作而出笑话。不过也总能关键时候帮助到人。 傲宰(Ozai)(配音:MarkHamill(动画原配)、CliffCurtis(电影原配))火凤凰帝国的皇帝,能使用纯青雷火,后来打算自立为火凤凰大帝,并把王位移交给阿祖拉。打算在“索辛彗星”降临之日,对永固城实施“焦土作战”,占领了永固城和整个土强国后与归来的安进行一场生死决斗,起初占上风,但安进入神通状态后大展神威,以夺神大法废了傲宰的御火术,将他变回一个普通人。梅(Mai)(配音:CricketLeigh(动画原配),杨凯凯(台湾))15岁,祖克的女友,跟祖克青梅竹马,小时候对他一见钟情。擅长使用各种暗器,尤其是飞刀。觉得生活太过拘束十分无聊,所以当阿祖拉邀请她一起追捕神通时二话不说就马上答应。后来为了让祖克从监狱逃走,与阿祖拉战斗,战败结果被关起来。梅原本会死的,幸亏泰丽对阿祖拉点穴才保住一条命。泰丽(TyLee)(配音:OliviaHack(动画原配),杨凯凯(台湾))14岁,家里有6个姐妹,因此不喜欢被比较,身子柔软、敏捷,懂得人体的弱点,可以利用点穴封住对方的御术。在监狱里因为帮助泰丽对抗阿祖拉而被关了起来,在监狱中认识了虚子武士们,所以大战结束时加入了虚子武士。本来很喜欢在马戏团里的生活,但在阿祖拉的逼迫下一起加入追捕神通的计划里。杰(Jet)(配音:CrawfordWilson(动画原配)、魏伯勤(台湾))17岁,自由战士领头,擅长使用双勾刀和叼着一棵干草。在他八岁时双亲被火凤凰帝国人杀死,对火凤凰帝国恨之入骨,因此不分青红皂白地攻击火烈国人,甚至炸毁水坝淹毁火宗平民的村庄,但被安一行人阻止。后来改邪归正并随难民前往永固城。在去土强王国永固城遇见祖克和艾洛,原本希望祖克能加入他们,但由于祖克不领情,再加上目睹艾洛用御火术将冷茶加热,知道他们是烈火国人后感到十分愤怒,坚持要拆穿他们。在茶馆与祖克发生冲突,后来被土强王国-永固城的士兵们带去劳改湖进行洗脑,变成永固城禁卫军-戴笠的傀儡,被长风控制强迫和安作战,好不容易成功抵抗催眠却遭到长风偷袭,结果身负重伤,是生是和死剧情未交代清楚。赵都督(AdmiralZhao)(配音:JasonIsaacs(动画原配)、AasifMandvi(电影原配))是一个十分脾气暴躁,具有很强野心的火凤凰帝国将军,总想让自己名留火凤凰帝国的历史中,十分鄙视祖寇,当得知祖寇追捕安之后,也想方设法同时追捕安。曾经在万事通图书馆得知月神海神是可被杀死的凡神,并销毁了图书馆里关于火凤凰帝国的资料(也令神灵万事通十分憎恨人类,而将图书馆封锁不让人类进入),所以当得知安到达北方水族王国时,决定攻打北方水族王国,并带人潜入王国中,杀死了月神,后来也被海神所杀。长风(LongFeng)(配音:ClancyBrown(动画原配))土强王国-永固城的宰相,也是戴笠的首领,掌握实权。为了是永固城的文化能继续传承下去而把各方关于战争的消息和谐掉。为了让神通住嘴,甚至偷走了他的飞天野牛。后来事情暴露被皇帝以叛国罪收监,但戴笠仍然效忠于他。为夺回权力不惜与阿祖拉联手打败神通。岂知戴笠们被阿祖拉气质打动纷纷倒戈,他只得跪倒在阿祖拉的膝下。布米(Bumi)(配音:AndréSogliuzzo(动画原配))是安在一百年前的朋友,已有一百一十二岁,是土强王国-奥玛舒的城主,疯疯癫癫、个性古怪。自称是最强的御土师,曾为了考验安抓住索卡与卡塔拉,将他们戴上生命晶体戒指,并出三道怪题目请安回答(出题数最后都超过),后来告诉安这是对其作为神通的考验,并希望他能完成神通的使命。在被烈火国攻城时选择投降,也拒绝安等人的救援,后来在日全蚀之日一人赶走烈火国军队,夺回奥玛舒城。同时也是白莲教的长老成员,在最后决战和其他白莲教长老一起夺回永固城。苏姬(Suki)(配音:JennieKwan(动画原配))15岁,虚子武士首领,喜欢索卡。刚开始常常和索卡赌气,后来与索卡陷入爱河。在阿帕走失时找到它并照顾它直到被阿祖拉等人袭击被捉。后来在索卡和祖克的劫狱下和哈库达一起逃出,并参加了最终决战中摧毁烈火国战艇。她的名字来源于日语的“好き”罗库(Roku)(配音:JamesGarrett(动画原配))安的前世,火凤凰帝国的神通;当安进入灵界时帮助安许多。之前好友火凤凰皇帝索辛想发动侵略战争时相当犹豫迟迟无法出手阻止,最后为了保护自己的家园免于火山爆发,被火山喷发的毒气毒死。后期时告诉安要当机立断,希望安不要像他一样因为犹豫不绝而犯下无法弥补的大错。凤龙是罗库的座骑,是神龙之一。当罗库被火山毒气所毒死时,围着他,与罗库埋葬在一起。卖卷心菜的老板(配音:JamesSie(动画原配))一个卖卷心菜的老板,十分倒霉的人,在第一二卷时经常到处去卖卷心菜,但他的卖卷心菜手推车多次直接或间接被安等人损毁。铮铮(JeongJeong)(配音:KeoneYoung(动画原配))叛逃的火凤凰帝国海军上将,60岁,十分了得的御火宗师,是赵都督和安(不完全)的振火术老师,白莲教长老之一。赵将军不认同他的教学方法而离开了他。参加了最后决战夺回永固城的行动。帕库(Pakku)(配音:VictorBrandt(动画原配))北方水善族的御水大师,白莲教的成员。深爱娜佳(卡塔拉和索卡的外婆)两人曾有婚约,但娜佳离开了北方水族,而前往南方,本来认为女性不能学御水术,后来知道自己和卡塔拉的关系后就没这个想法了。并指导安和凯塔拉的御水术。在最后决战中和其他白莲教长老夺回了永固城。月(Yue)(配音:JohannaBraddy(动画原配)、SeychelleGabriel(电影原配))14岁,北极水善族的公主,白发,索卡的初恋情人。出生时身体状况很不好,父母向月神请求而被月神救了一命,也因此父母用月神的名字替她命名。在水族面临浩劫时将生命归还给月神救了整个北极水族。后期曾作为月神显灵在安和索卡身边。虚子(Kyoshi)(配音:JenniferHale(动画原配))罗库的前世,土强王国的神通;女性,寿命有230岁,是虚子武士的始祖。在世时由于秦大王(秦始皇)扬言要征服世界扰乱和平,不同于罗库,为了保卫家园她用御术将高滨岛与大陆分离,间接杀死了秦大王。世界和平得以守住,之后带离一部分的国土及族人,该地区最后以她的名字命名,但也让部分秦大王的后人认为她亲手杀了秦大王,由于被提及时及雕像都画着妆,所以不清楚卸妆后的原貌。名字来源于日本俳人高滨虚子。在官方番外篇中,是她为了保证大地国民众与统治者的势力得到平衡而建立了大内禁卫军——戴笠。库拉克(Kuruk)(配音:JimMeskimen(动画原配))虚子的前世,水善族的神通。个性不羁。因为没有积极采取行动而使得爱人的容貌被太古(偷脸神)口(原型是“鬼一口”)夺走而感到十分懊悔。杨尘(Yangchen)库拉的前世,气和族的神通,女性。安以为她会了解他的心情,但杨尘却是最直接告诉安,神通无法远离俗世、世界有危险时必须放弃自己的精神追求用尽一切方法拯救世人。珍(June)(配音:JenniferHale(动画原配))20岁,赏金猎人,在第一卷中帮助祖克追捕神通,是个泼辣女人,喜欢赌博和金钱。饲有一匹灵鼻兽叫“Nyla”,被它舌头击中的生物都会被麻醉,误以为卡塔拉是祖克的女友。哈玛(Hama)安一行人在火凤凰帝国遇到的老奶奶,南极御水师。当年因火凤凰帝国军队侵略而被关进监狱,在监狱里练成御血术,利用御血术逃狱。为了报仇所以每当月圆时,控制火凤凰帝国人的血并逐一关进山洞里。遇见卡塔拉时很吃惊南极还有御水师,因此极力教导卡塔拉学习御血术,在最后控制安与索卡自相残杀,逼迫卡塔拉学会了御血术,并被控制了血,野心因此而结束,也算是达到目地了。阿祖龙傲宰之父,妻子为雅莎。死后被窜改遗书因而让傲宰当上了火凤凰帝国皇帝。雅莎傲宰之母,先生为阿祖龙。爱拉祖克之母,丈夫为傲宰。当祖克还小时,为了保护祖克而离开他,也是罗库的孙女。龙腾艾洛之子,但在攻打永固城时,死于战场。 安(神通):御气御水(第一章第九集)御土(第二章第九集)正统御火(第三章第十三集)闪电易向(第三章十八集)卡塔拉:御水御血术(第三章第八集)御植物术(漫画寻母记)附:还会水疗术拓芙:御土御沙术(第二章第十九集)御铁(金)术(第三章第十八集)祖克:御火闪电易向(第二章第九集)正统御火(第三章第十三集)索卡:对御术一窍不通,但会多种武器,擅长回力标。(第三章第四集)学会剑术 御术,点穴,剑术,扇子,气杖,暗器,三只眼御气术武功招式来源于八卦拳:其是一门以行步走转(走圈)为主的拳术。御水术或多或少的借鉴了“太极”中的一些招式,其更侧重于身法、呼吸以及和谐连贯的动作。御火术借鉴了北少林武功招式,它是一种强势且颇具动感的招式,拳脚功夫是它的长项。御土术借鉴了洪拳的武术招式,以其若脚底生根般的硬朗招式闻名,技术特点为刚劲有力。 对Azula控制闪电的能力解释:Lightningbending是Firebending的一个高级应用,其特点:⒈既有阳的成分,也有阴的成分。而一般的Firebending都是只有阳,没有阴。⒉既需要进攻型(暴躁 阴险)的性格,也需要保守型(平静 稳定)的性格。还有一种说法认为,闪电不具有进攻的性质,而是自然的表达。(可以这么理解,大自然产生闪电并不是为了进攻某个目标,只是自然流露出来的能量罢了。这与火是不同的。)⒊闪电被称为“冷血的火焰”。火是热的,闪电相对较冷。⒋闪电是蓝色的(冷色),火是红黄色的(暖色)。明白了这些,就知道了,为什么当初Iroh和Azula可以控制闪电,而Zuko不行。Azula是女性,所以天生有这方面优势;Iroh是心平气和的老者,后天培养出了Lightningbending所需的品质。同样也解释了为什么Heroes里面,控制闪电的两个人都是女性(Elle和Daphne)。在BitterWork这集中,Zuko开始练习Lightningbending,Aang开始练习Earthbending,他们都需要克服自己的天性,才能学会新的本领。Zuko的天性是暴躁、进攻型的,这使他能成为优秀的Firebender,但也恰恰是他的天性,阻止他学会如何控制闪电。所以,能够控制闪电的人都是天才,数量极少。
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  大脑是人体中枢,像交通指示灯一样,指挥着身体各项机能有序地运行。锻炼大脑不仅可以激发人体潜能,令人充满活力,还能延缓衰老。近日,日本“改变”网站介绍了几个“头脑体操”能帮你轻松激活大脑,防止早衰。  听音乐猜乐器。播放一首交响曲,闭上眼睛,认真从音乐中分辨来自不同乐器的声音,这样不仅可以陶冶情操,还能锻炼大脑。此外,演奏乐器要靠两手巧妙地配合,对照着乐谱演奏还会运用到大脑枕叶、顶叶以及前额叶,可以锻炼整个大脑。  做游戏。拼图、填字游戏、数独、拼魔方、猜字谜等智力游戏可刺激大脑,令大脑更活跃,并且还能促进大脑分泌多巴胺,令人感觉身心欣快轻松。  活动手指。手指神经密集,且与大脑联系密切,平时应多锻炼双手,比如两手同时活动或多活动平时不经常使用的小拇指、无名指等,也能锻炼大脑。  多算数。人们过度地依赖电脑,甚至连简单的加减乘除也不动脑算,久而久之,大脑就会衰退。因此,买菜、逛超市时不妨多用大脑来计算价钱,可以提高大脑的整体工作效率。  锻炼下巴。首先,放松肩颈肌肉,然后挺直背,收缩下巴,张大嘴发“啊”的音,再撅起嘴发“呜”的音,注意上下齿不要接触,这样每天坚持做十几遍,能锻炼下巴,促进颈部血液循环,从而改善大脑的血流状况。  画画。老人闲暇时不妨练习画画,能使负责艺术性创造活动的右脑得到充分的锻炼。不擅长画画的人也可以尝试信笔涂鸦,同样有效果。  自己做菜吃。做菜需要大脑将各个步骤进行合理安排,能锻炼前额叶,同时,做菜还需要灵活地运用双手,刺激大脑。  做喜欢的事。在大脑海马体的旁边,有一块区域,负责把喜厌等情绪传递给海马体。这些情绪会长久地留存在记忆中,并对记忆产生重要影响。因此,平时要多做自己喜欢做的事,使大脑能够多保存一些“良性”记忆。  尝试有挑战的事。老人平时可以试着做些有难度的事情,比如自己不太了解或不确定是否能做到的事情,这样可以刺激大脑分泌多巴胺,激发干劲。  散步。可以选择在陌生的公园散步,优美的风景能满足好奇心,刺激大脑,消除疲惫,振奋精神;也可以在熟悉的环境中散步,这样会让大脑产生“无聊感”,从而激发大脑的创造性。▲
2023-07-11 06:01:336


Initiates to this century 40"s, at that time spring bright road "Thick flower-scented green tea society " Zhang Guangwu and so onseveral waiters discussed the joint capital opens a won ton shop,gives when the shop name agrees " Thick " Pronunciation,also takes " Longfeng is a good omen " Meaning, chooses aname is " Long chao shou " . The long chao shou maincharacteristic is: The cover is thin ya , the stuffing are tender, Soup Tasty . Won tonPi Yong is the top grade bread flour adds the little ingredient, thinrubs the hands slowly rubs, Pressure makes " Thin like paper, thinlike silk " Translucent shape. The meat stuffing delicate smooth,mellow is delicious. The long chao shou stock is with the chicken, theduck and on the pig body several spots meats, after fiercely cooksslowly simmers becomes. The stock white, thick, also is fragrant.
2023-07-11 06:01:492


  唐太宗李世民,是唐高祖李渊和窦皇后的次子,唐朝第二位皇帝,杰出的政治家、战略家、军事家、诗人。下面是我为你整理的李世民英文简介,希望对你有用!   唐太宗李世民简介   Tang Taizong Li Shimin (January 28, 598 [a said 599 January 23] - AD 649 July 10), native of Longxi Cheng Ji, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan and sinus Queen"s second son, the Tang Dynasty Two emperors, distinguished politicians, strategists, military strategists, poets.   Li Shimin juvenile army, went to Yanmen off to save the Emperor. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin official residence Shangshu order, right Wuhou big general, by the closure of Qin Guogong, after the seal for the Qin Wang, has led his troops to settle the Xue Rengao, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande, Wang Shicong and other warlords, in the Tang Dynasty to establish and unify the process Neutral under the illustrious military exploits.   AD 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June fourth day), Li Shimin launched Xuanwu Men of change, to kill his brother Prince Li Jiancheng, four brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji and two sons, was established Prince, Tang Gao Zu Li Yuan soon abdicated, Li Shimin ascended the throne, change Yuan Zhenguan.   Li Shimin after the emperor, and actively listen to the views of the ministers, to the text of the rule of the world, modesty remonstrance, the implementation of conservation, to persuade farmers mulberry, so that people can recuperate, peace and prosperity, and created a famous Chinese history of Zhenguan governance. To open up the territory of the extension of the earth, attack the East Turkic and Xue Yantuo, conquered Gaochang, Kuchi, Tuyuhun, hit Goguryeo, the establishment of Anxi four towns, the people get along well, by the people of all ethnic groups known as the days of Khan, later Tang Dynasty Years of prosperity to lay an important foundation.   On July 10, 649 AD, the Li Shimin died in the windy temple at the age of twenty-three years, the temple was Taizong and was buried in Zhaoling. The Li Shimin love literature and calligraphy, there are ink handed down.   唐太宗李世民人物生平   Early experience   Li Shimin in the year 598 (Sui Wendi emperor seventeen years) lunar calendar in December Wu Wu day (one that 599 AD, open emperor eighteen years in December Wu days), was born in the martial arts of the House Museum, Father is then the Sui Dynasty officials of the Li Yuan, the mother is the Northern Zhou Dynasty tribe. Li Shimin 4 years old, the family came to a self-proclaimed scholar, his father Li Yuan said: "When you see Li Shimin, the scholar actually said:" Longfeng posture, The day of the table, until the age of twenty, will be able to help the world. "Li Yuan will be" Ji Shi An Min "for the son named" the world ". Childhood Li Shimin smart decisive, informal, to accept Confucian education, learning martial arts, good riding and shooting.   AD 613 (Emperor of the great cause of nine years), Li Shimin married Gao Xilian"s nephew Sun"s wife. AD 615 years (great cause eleven years), Li Shimin to participate in the cloud of Xingxing army, go to Yanmen off the rescue by the Turks siege of the Emperor.   AD 616 years (great cause of twelve years), his father Li Yuan as Jinyang left behind, Li Shimin followed to Taiyuan and his father several times set off, flat service occurred in this province of Shanxi rebellion and the invasion of the East Turkic invasion.   Jinyang uprising   AD 617 (Yining first year), Li Shimin encouraged his father Li Yuan uprising, is for the Jinyang troops. Li Yuanfeng Li Shimin for the Dunhuang County public, right collar military governor, commander of the right army, troops attack Chang"an, and destroy the Sui. Li Shimin official worship Guanglu doctor, Tang history, resettlement Qin Guogong, food business million households.   AD 617 (Yining first year) Lunar New Year in December, Li Shimin for the right marshal, resettlement Zhao Guogong, led troops to attack the Sui Dynasty in the east of Luoyang, not yet, three-way ambush in the three tombs, beat Sui will reach. AD 618 (the first year of the military) lunar calendar in May, Li Yuan deposed Yang Yoo, emperor, change the country for the Tang, Feng Li Shimin for the Shangshu order, right Yiwei general, into the seal king.   Quartet war   After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the territory is limited to Guanzhong and Hedong area, has not yet fully ruled the country, therefore, Li Shimin often set off, and gradually eliminate the separatist forces around. Since AD 618 (the first year of the military), Li Shimin personally involved in four major campaigns.   First, broken Xueju, Sham Shui Po of the war put aside Longxi Xue Ren Gao (Xue Ju"s son), the eradication of the Tang Dynasty from the Western threat.   Second, beat Song Jinang, Liu Wu Zhou, recovered, and lost territory, to consolidate the north of the Tang Dynasty.   Third, in the war of war, in one fell swoop to annihilate the two separatist elements of the Central Plains: Henan Wang Shicheng and Hebei Doujian De Group, so that the Tang dynasty made control of North China.   Fourth, the creation of Dou Jiande Yu Liu and black Liu and Huang Yuan Lang.   Since then Li Shimin prestige day, especially in the war after the war of duty after returning to Beijing, Changan military and civilian by the grand welcome. AD 621 (Wende four years) lunar calendar in October, sealed for the day policy will be, lead singer, Shaanxi Road, Tai Tai Tai Shangshu order, located in the princes, the food increased to thirty thousand households. Li Yuan and then under the licensing of the days of the government set up their own official, Li Shimin opened a literary museum, received the Quartet Yan Shi admitted to the consultant, the museum and the Qin government combined, as if the formation of a small government agencies.   Basaltic change   Taiyuan troops is Li Shimin"s strategy, Li Yuan has promised him as a matter after he was Prince, but Li Yuan established after the Tang Dynasty, Li Jiancheng as Prince. After the world put down, Li Shimin fame, Li Jiancheng Li Yuanji then combined, exclusion Li Shimin. Li Yuan"s indecisive, but also to confrontation between the DPRK and China, to accelerate the philosophers of the soldiers meet each other.   Long brother and his wife Li Jiancheng Li Shimin know that Li Shimin finally refused to mercy, and Li Shimin also think that he laid the foundation of the Tang Dynasty founding, then with Li Jiancheng, four younger brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji suspicion deep, between the two factions between each other. Li Jiancheng had poisoned Li Shimin. Which prime minister Pei silence, counselor Wang Gui, Wei Zheng, East Palace Guardian General Xue Wancai follow Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji.   Qin government counselor Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling, generals Qin Shubao, Yuchi Jingde, Duan Zhixuan, Hou Junji, Wang Junlu and other follow Li Shimin. Prime Minister Chen Shouda, courtiers Sun Wuji and so secretly support Li Shimin. The remaining generals Li Jing, Xu Shi plot, Minister Yu Wen Shi and so remain neutral.   AD 626 (Wu De nine years), the Turkic invasion of the Tang border, Li Jiancheng to Li Yuan suggested that by Li Yuanji commander expedition to the Turks. In the East Palace of Prince Edward as the rate of more Cheng (in charge of the officials of the official) Wang Wang, has been Wang Li Shimin bought, as Li Shimin in the East Palace of the eyeliner, he quietly told Li Shimin: "Li Jiancheng would like to take control of the king of soldiers and horses, and Ready to set up soldiers in Kunming pool to kill the king. "So Li Shimin decided to pre-emptive.   AD 2 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June the first four days of China), Li Shimin in the imperial city of Chang"an City Miyagi near the Xuanwu Men shooting the Crown Prince Li Jiancheng, Qi Wang Li Yuanji, known as "Xuanwumen change." Later, Li Shimin killed Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji philosophers, and they removed from the membership. Li Yu-yuan was elected to the Crown Prince, under the imperial edict said: "since the military affairs, regardless of the size of the full appointment of the military, the Ministry of the People"s Republic of China, Prince, and then the emperor. "   September 6, 626 AD (Wu De nine years in early August Jiu Jiazi), Li Yuan retreat was called the emperor, Zen in Li Shimin. Li Shimin ascended the throne for the emperor, the following year to change the yuan concept.   Zhenguan of the rule   Due to the war in the Sui and the population dropped sharply, AD 628 (Zhenguan two years), the Tang Dynasty only 2.9 million population, Li Shimin often to death Sui for the ring, pay attention to exhort self-restraint desire, And the economy, the thin Fu is still thrifty, prudent for the government; also committed to the revival of culture and education, so that the turmoil in the Sui Dynasty to stabilize the Bureau of the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, Down.   Li Shimin attaches great importance to the civil service of the Ching Ming, had ordered the village of the province and redundant staff, sent Li Jing and other 13 dismissed ambassador to inspect the country, study wind assessment; and personally selected captaincy, provincial governor and other local officials, and its merits written in the palace On the screen, as the basis for ascension and punishment. Another provision for more than five items of Beijing official rotation value of the book in the province, so that at any time Ting see, ask the people suffering and governance gains and losses, Baiguan then self-reliance, directly improve the efficiency of the government.   In the military, Li Shimin many foreign troops, has put aside the Turks, Xue Yantuo, Huihe, Gaochang, Yanqi, Kuchi, Tuyuhun, etc., by the Tang Dynasty sound Wei broadcast, Quartet.   After 20 years of hard work, social stability, economic recovery and stable development, external martial arts prominent, to the year 652 (Tang Gaozong emperor emblem three years), population reached 3.8 million, lay the Tang Gaozong, Wu Zetian , Tang Xuanzong years of the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, known as Zhenguan of governance.   Emperor Fan   AD 643 (Zhenguan seventeen years) in April, Prince Li Cheng dry to conspiracy to be abolished, Tang Taizong then his ninth son Jin Wang Li Zhili as Prince, and Prince Edward strict teaching. Li Shimin in his later years, "Emperor Fan," a book to teach Prince Edward Lee governance, summed up his political experience, while self-evaluation merit.   AD 648 (Zhenguan twenty-two years) the first month, Tang Taizong will write his "Emperor Fan" twelve awarded to Prince Li Zhi, and told him: "You should be the ancient sage of the king as a teacher , As I am, it is absolutely impossible to follow, because if you take the law, only only one of them, if the law in the only one can only be the next I have since the base, the fault is a lot: The beads are not in the front, the palace Taiwan perennial rookie, dog horse eagle falcon no far, travel to the Quartet for trouble, all of these are the biggest mistakes I made, do not take me as an example to follow suit.   Died of illness   AD 649 (Zhenguan twenty-three years), Tang Taizong sick (one said to take Tianzhu long raw medicine lead to violence), treatment eventually invalid, life Li governance to Jinye door agent state affairs.   July 10, 649 AD (Zhenguan twenty-three years in May twenty-six has been days), Taizong died in the Zhongnanshan on the Cuiwei Palace containing the wind house. At the beginning of the emperor, the temple Taizong, buried in Zhaoling.
2023-07-11 06:01:571

广东菜 英文名

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来自维基百科。。。Pengzhou (Chinese: 彭州; pinyin: Péngzhōu), formerly Peng County or Pengxian, is a county-level city in Sichuan, China, some 19 km (11.81 mi) northwest of Chengdu. There is an expressway that connects Pengzhou to Chengdu.It has an area of 1420 square kilometers and a population of 803,400 in 2009.[1] Pengzhou is famous for being one of the three national bases of peony plantation and one of the five national bases of vegetable plantation and merchandise. Pengzhou"s industry varies from pharmaceutical to petrochemical. The newly built oil refinery attracts a total investment of 38 billion yuan, considered to be the biggest single investment of Sichuan Province since 1949.[2] Like other regions around the area, Pengzhou was badly affected by the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake.Contents [hide] 1 Administrative divisions2 History3 Education4 Sister cities5 References6 External linksAdministrative divisions[edit]Pengzhou has 20 towns:Tianpeng (天彭镇)Longmenshan (龙门山镇)Xinxing (新兴镇)Lichun (丽春镇)Jiuchi (九尺镇)Mengyang (濛阳镇)Tongji (通济镇)Danjingshan (丹景山镇)Longfeng (隆丰镇)Aoping (敖平镇)Cifeng (磁峰镇)Guihua (桂花镇)Junle (军乐镇)Sanjie (三界镇)Xiaoyudong (小鱼洞镇)Hongyan (红岩镇)Shengping (升平镇)Bailu (白鹿镇)Gexianshan (葛仙山镇)Zhihe (致和镇)History[edit]Pengzhou area is believed to have been habituated since Western Zhou. Empress dowager Wu Zetian first set up Pengzhou in 686 AD (Tang Dynasty). In 1337 AD, Hongwu Emperor (Ming Dynasty) reduced Pengzhou to Pengxian, or Peng County (Chinese: 彭县; Pinyin: Péngxiàn). Peng County later became Pengzhou City in 1993 (People"s Republic of China).[3]As of late, Pengzhou is still occasionally referred to as Pengxian, or Peng County, even in official publications.[4]Education[edit]Xihua University Pengzhou Campus is located at the south part of the city.
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长沙6号地铁站所有的站点:1、谢家桥站,英文站名:Xiejiaqiao2、象鼻窝站,英文站名:Xiangbiwo3、中塘站,英文站名:Zhongtang4、一师范西校区站,英文站名:Hunan First Normal University (West Campus)5、长庆站,英文站名:Changqing6、和馨园站,英文站名:Hexinyuan7、长丰站,英文站名:Changfeng8、麓谷体育公园站,英文站名:Lugu Sports Park9、麓谷公园站,英文站名:Lugu Park10、涧塘站,英文站名:Jiantang11、湖南工商大学站,英文站名:Hunan University of Technology and Business12、白鸽咀站,英文站名:Baigezui13、湘雅三医院站,英文站名:The Third Xiangya Hospital14、六沟垅站,英文站名:Liugoulong15、文昌阁站,英文站名:Wenchangge16、湘雅医院站,英文站名:Xiangya Hospital17、烈士公园南站,英文站名:South Martyrs Park18、迎宾路口站,英文站名:Yingbin Road19、窑岭湘雅二医院站,英文站名:Yaoling & The Second Xiangya Hospital20、朝阳村站,英文站名:Chaoyangcun21、芙蓉区政府站,英文站名:Furong District Government22、人民东路站,英文站名:Renmin East Road23、花桥站,英文站名:Huaqiao24、隆平水稻博物馆站,英文站名:Longping Rice Museum25、农科院农大站,英文站名:Acad.of Agri-Sciences & Agri-University26、东湖站,英文站名:Donghu27、韶光站,英文站名:Shaoguang28、龙华站,英文站名:Longhua29、檀木桥站,英文站名:Tanmuqiao30、曹家坪站,英文站名:Caojiaping31、龙峰站,英文站名:Longfeng32、大路村站,英文站名:Dalucun33、木马塅站,英文站名:Mumaduan34、黄花机场T1T2站,英文站名:Huanghua Airport T1 & T2
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椒房之宠形容宠爱有加。古代的皇帝的洞房用椒墙,因为辣椒又红火,里面又多子,而且还杀菌。所以椒房成为古代后宫的称呼。英文翻译The favorite of pepper houses侍寝陪伴睡觉英文翻译Sleep in bed嫁娶习俗男婚女嫁的风俗Marriage custom撒帐旧时婚俗,新婚夫妇交拜毕,并坐床沿,妇女散掷金钱彩果英文翻译throw gifts to newly weds seated on a bed红烛火红的蜡烛,喜庆的象征。Red candle龙凤花烛历史悠久的民俗工艺品。在中国传统婚嫁习俗中,点花烛是必不可少的环节。用于是在新人婚礼上使用,“花烛”通常由龙、凤和花等图案组成,代表着龙凤呈祥的美好祝愿。因此,这种专门为婚礼使用的“花烛”被成为“龙凤花烛”。Longfeng candle白头到老夫妻相亲相爱,一直到老。white hairs of old age
2023-07-11 06:03:044


夏桀既英文名: Jie of Xia 夏朝的英文名称: Xia Dynasty 桀的英文名称: Jie 其他有关资料: King Jie (Chinese: 桀; pinyin: Jié; Wade-Giles: Chieh) was the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty of China and is blamed for its fall. Jie of Xia his given name is Gui(癸). He got his throne in the year of Renchen(壬辰) and his capital was in Zhenxun(斟鄩) same place where Tai Kang lived. In the 3rd year of his regime he built a tilt palace(倾宫). He destroyed the pyramid of Rong(容台). There were a rebellion from the Feiyi(畎夷) people after they entered Qi(岐) which is close to Fen(邠). In the 6th year of his regime the Qizhong(歧踵戎) people sent envoy to Xia. In the 10th year of his regime the five plas shown on the sky together there was also a Meteor Shower. Earthquake happened and the river of Yi(伊) and Luo(洛) dried. In the 11th year of his regime he called all his vassals but Youmin(有缗氏) did not e so he sent army and conqured Youmin. In the 13th year of his regime he moved his capital from Zhenxun to Henan(河南). This is the first time he invented Nian(辇) as shown in the picture as he was carried by people. In the 14th year of his regime he sent troops to Minshan(岷山). He found o daughters of the King in Minshan called Wan(琬) and Dan(琰) not married very beautiful so he renamed them as Zhao(苕) and Hua(华). He abandoned his original wife Meixi(妹喜) and built a pyramid on top of the tilt palace for them to live. In the 15th year of his regime the Shang vassal moved their capital from Lu(履)to Hao(亳). In the 17th year of his regime Shang sent their minister Yinyi as envoy to Jie. In the 20th year of his regime Yinyi returned to Shang and met Ruhong(汝鸠) and Rufang(汝方) at the North Gate(北门). In the 21th year of his regime Youluo(有洛) people had an corrupted king and their power became declined. The army of Shang defeated Youlluo led by Tang(汤). Then Shang attacked Jing(荆) and later the Jing people surrendered Tang awarded them with cattle. In the 22th year of his regime Tang of Shang came to worship Xia Jie Imprisoned him at Xia pyramid(夏台). In the 23rd year of his regime Tang was released and most other vassals of Xia came to visit and Comfort Tang. In the 26th year of his regime Shang conqurred Wen(温). In the 28th year of his regime Kunwu(昆吾) attacked Shang. Shang gethered other vassals in Jinghao(景亳). Then Shang conqured Wei(韦) and then sent army to Gu(顾). The Grand Historian of Xia his name is Zhong Gu(终古) Escaped Xia and ran to Shang. In the 29th year of his regime Shang army conqurred Gu(顾). In October winter Jie digged a river to pass through the moutain of Qu(瞿山). In the 30th year of his regime the moutain of Qu(瞿山) collapsed. He killed his minister Guan Longfeng(关龙逢). Nature Disaster happed at Linsui(聆隧) in winter. In the 31st year of his regime Shang sent troops from Er(陑) to attack Xia and Kunwu(昆吾) at same time. Shang conqurred Kunwu. The big battle happend at Mingtiao(鸣条) beeen Xia and Shang in heavy thunder storm. Xia Army was defeated Jie escaped and fleed to Sheng(三朡). Shang followed Jie to Pi(郕) led by general Wuzi(戊子) and captured Jie at Jiaomen(焦门). Later Jie was release in Nanchao(南巢). Xia dynasty ended. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Jie_%28ruler%29 en. *** /wiki/Xia_Dynasty
2023-07-11 06:03:231


  求职 简历 是用人单位了解求职者有关情况的重要途径和方式。那关于 市场营销 人员的 英文简历 有哪些呢?下面是我为你整理的市场营销人员的英文简历 范文 ,希望你喜欢。   市场营销人员的英文简历范文篇1   Personal Information   Name?eric zou   Gender: MALE   Date of Birth: 1971-6-20   Residency: SHANGHAI   Work Experience: >10 years   Address: GuDai Road   Zip Code: 201102   Mobile: 139*********   Home Tel: 086-021-********   Email?********   Current Salary: **********RMB /Year   Career Objective   I have 10 years work experience in sales and at least 8 years experience in a managerial position in a fast-paced growth environment. I deeply understand the Chinese market and realities. I have full of experience in marketing?sales?distributor manager, and have strong leadership capabilities, able to manage a large sales team. I have strong work responsibility and can travel frequently.   Work Experience   2005/03--Present?HengTai Consumables Group Shanghai HengLian trade co.,ltd   Position: Sales center Sales Manager of Center   Responsibility of?   1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the companyu2019s strategic and policy, and achieve target sales goals.   2. Management the 28 distributors in the national, participate in the important sales project, exploit the important customer relationship and industry cooperation.   3. Constitute the sales management system and flow system, exploit the sales market, increase the market rate.   4. Manage sales team, distribute the sales task, enhance the capacity of mid-managers and the whole team.   5. Manage the sales budget and distribute the sales resource rationally.   Outstanding achievement?   The total sale of this company is 6.8 million in 2004, and increased to 16.8million in total 2005 after I join this company.   2003/06--2004/12?Shanghai Brightdairy   Position: Regional Sales Manager   Responsibility of?   1. Constitute the sales strategic and sales plan follow the companyu2019s strategic and achieve target sales goals.   2. Operation and management the whole WuXi filiale:   Accomplish the sales task and manage the distributors;   Constitute sales promotion plan and supervise performance?   Team recruit?Training and evaluating?   Management the HR?admin?account?sales?logistic?storage Dept and so on.   Outstanding achievement?   1. Over 6million sales per month and 100million per year during my hold a post.   2. The sales in the first quarter increased 44% after I join the company, and I gained the especially premium twice by CEO.   1995/12--2000/07?Shanghai Goodfoods Company   Position: Sales Supervisor   Responsibility of?   1. Manage the sales of “LONGFENG” freeze foods in 4 regionals: hongkou?uangpu?zhabei?yangpu.   2. Manage the most important 9 distributorsz.   市场营销人员的英文简历范文篇2   Resume number:469334802   Updating date: 2012-03-19 15:53:23   Name: Mr. G   Nationality:China (Mainland)   Current Place:Shenzhen   Height/Weight:180 cm?70 kg   Marital Status:Single   Age:27 years   Career Objective   Application type:Jobseeker   Preferred job title:Trade: Mechaniser 、 : 、 :   Working life:4Title:Middle title   Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a month   Expected salary:¥5,000--¥8,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou Shenzhen   Work experience   Companys name:American Architectural Materials ., LLCBegin and end date: 2007-08-2012-04   Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Paper Making/Printing   Job Title: Purchasing specialist   Job description: 1, Check and digest the drawing, totally understand the specifications.   2, Make category to the project, analyze the product characteristic and technical standard, sourcing for vendors to match.   3, Send inquiry documents to vendors and push quotation. Analyze 3-5 sets of available price, make sure price is reasonable and vendors totally understand the specifications of order.   4, Making quotation spreadsheet, give comments to the quotation and report to chief executive in China.   5 Meeting with the factory director,getting to know each other and built trust.,trying to get the target price by negotiation.   Have resouce of qualified hotel furniture factories in China and keeping good business relationship. Have experience in buying stone & Marble, ceramic tile, glass and hardware. Good understanding in hotel project sketch and professionally in hotel furniture; Know very much in Fire-rated door comply with UL standard and in LEED standard for all architectural materials.   Reasons for leaving:   Companys name:Hongkong Taikooyuen Hotel Furniture Company.,Ltd.Begin and end date: 2006-02-2007-08   Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Paper Making/Printing   Job Title: Manager of Export dept   Job description: 1.Atending the furniture fair in Donggan , Guangzhou and Shenzhen, seaking for customers;   2.Meeting with overseas customers, seaking for cooperation opporunity;   3.Assist the designer to produce CAD drawing according to customersu2019 demand;   4.Inspect the production, check every steps, ensure everything is accordant with the demand;   5.Dealing with many trading documents;   6. Coordinate the relationship among factory, trucking company, customs and forwarder.   7. In charge of asking for the balance;   8.Balance the benefit of customers and factory, providing after-sale service.   Conclusion:During my working period, my team members and I achieved 20Million RMB. I rewarded precious trust from my customers.
2023-07-11 06:03:291


2023-07-11 06:03:4013

谁能把这段翻译成英文 很急!

FireworksStarrainLanternSleepless "Lightingmyself!" Twilighthas notcompletely cover thesky,fine snowsparsefloat in the airintheearly springbreeze.Seelightsarrived earlyQianmen Street..Thesix oneovertwogiantSaatchirevolving door"lituptosix meters,twenty thousandlanternslit!Qianmen Street,six hundred yearsof history,suddenlybecomeajoyocean.Youwatch therevolving door,paintedthe Three Kingdoms,Water Margincharacters,somemade ofthezodiacshape,Longfengshelvesofthestreets,hangingwritetheriddlesoflight yellowmemo,thelittle girl whowavedwindmill,thecolorof thefan bladesrotate,ThesmallshiguissueatheblahCuixiang.Blownsugarstallfull of peoplebefore,undertheskillful handsofveteran artists,vividSunmonkeys,basketschildattractedonlookersbursts ofpraise.Bowlsofhottea,Lantern,fieryfestive atmosphereto a climax.
2023-07-11 06:04:163


2023-07-11 06:04:231

My Ideal Life英语作文

My ideal life including ideal、freedom、love. First of all,my ideal is twenty to twenty-five years old get advertising professional or calligraphy professional degree,and every summer vacation to a company practice,and go to a city tourism study and appreciate the local culture.twenty-five to thirty years old advertisement major ,graduate student degree pass,and advertising intern.In my twenty-eight years old and my long-term boyfriend get married.,thirty years old before birth,the best is longfeng births and the top entreprises in my thirty years old become advertising company advertising executive or PR director.Like a year ago to a city travel.In my thirty years old and my family settled in Britain,into the top enterprise Marketing Department and in thirty-five years becom marketing director.If I can ,captured British famous university degree.Once a year a national travel and learn the local culture.After thirty-five study tradition Chinese medicine、medicine food and go to Korea to two-four years studying Chinese medicine、medicine food,still a year travelling.Fifty years later,traveled all over the world,all countries learning diet,feel the world culture and weite a book about my life experience to biography. Second,about freedom .I hope I can be free to do what I want to do go where I want to go ,free holds up my ideal life. finally ,the most important is love .Often with my family and friend,have a dinnal 、chat、sport and travel.Every weekend schedule a day family day ,every year ,a family collective travel.Every year Spring Festival family dinner together.Once a year and my sisters travel .I like leehom ,the hope can become good friends ,have time to see his concerts,for him to do some things and become his co-workers,help him to concerts.Love makes us together.Love is to support the everything to me .affecting、love 、friendship,love give me the courage free to pursue my ideal life .Have a love of life is happiness.
2023-07-11 06:05:051

各位大侠 求助菜名翻译!请大家多多帮助哦!以下是菜名

2023-07-11 06:05:202


2023-07-11 06:05:316


华北古陆东南缘新元古代地层丰富的古生物化石为我们提供了又一个窥探地球早期生命演化的窗口。根据野外统计,该区已发现的宏体碳质化石90%以上属于元古宙世界性广泛分布的Chuaria-Tawuia类型,仅少数标本为具横纹或/和端部构造(其中有的是固着器)的Sinosabellidites,显然后者无疑是多细胞的后生生物(郑文武,1980;汪贵翔,1982;邢裕盛等,1985;Sun et al.,1986;钱迈平等,2000)。与Chuaria-Tawuia类型占绝对优势状况相匹配的是,同层位的微生物化石也有超过90%的是光球疑源类(可能主要是一些浮游蓝细菌或/和绿藻类,阎永奎,1982;Yin & Sun,1993)。而不像新元古代震旦纪庙河生物群(陈孟莪,萧宗正,1992;丁莲芳等,1996)和蓝田生物群(阎永奎等,1992;Yuan[袁训来]et al.,1999)那样,以大量出现具分枝的多样化复杂类型宏体碳质压膜化石(可能包括绿藻、红藻及褐藻等类)及微体的带刺疑源类(大多可能是沟鞭藻类)为特征,暗示该区新元古代生物群的总体演化水平尚低于后者。尽管如此,这些宏体碳质压膜化石所传达的信息表明,地球早期生命多细胞化的进程可能早已开始。另一方面,该区非常发育的叠层石以其较高的分异度和丰度,以及由Baicalia、Conophyton、Acacialla及Jurusania为主要代表构成的特征明显区别于震旦纪已开始衰败的叠层石,说明它们是形成于震旦纪以前叠层石的较繁盛时期(曹瑞骥,2000)。迄今报道的最古老宏体碳质化石是美国密歇根州约21亿年的古元古代Negaunee组受交代作用而保存欠佳的螺旋形标本(Han & Runnegar,1992),保存较好的螺旋形标本,如Grypania则主要产于中元古代地层(Hofmann,1992;杜汝霖等,1986)。可能代表原始微生物聚合体的破片形压膜,如Morania及Beltina出现于约19亿年的北美古元古代页岩中(Hofmann,1992)。在中国华北约17亿年的团山子组发现带型的Vendotaenia与圆型的Chuaria(或许是Morania)共存于同一层位(Hofmann & Chen[陈晋镳],1981),而没有疑问的Chuaria则广布于世界许多地区的新元古代地层。具细柄的圆形化石Longfengshania等仅见于中国华北(杜汝霖,田立富,1985)及加拿大西北部(Hofmann,1992)个别地点,微体的类似物Caudosphaera则仅在西伯利亚东部上里菲统Lakhanda群等几处有报道(1989)。分枝的片形压膜,如Eoholynia等,出现于新元古代,并延续进入显生宙(Hofmann,1992)。表面具细密规则排列横纹的化石,如Sinosabellidites等仅分布于中国华北几个地点的新元古代地层,而Sabellidites则仅见于俄罗斯西北部几处的元古宇顶部(也许是寒武系一底部)。上述诸多类型除了结构简单的Grypania,Morania,Beltina,Vendotaenia,Chuaria,Longfengshania及Tawuia是否属于多细胞生物化石尚难确定外,其他较复杂的类型,如Sinosabellidites,似乎无疑是多细胞生物的遗留物。多细胞的后生生物从单细胞的原生生物演化而来,这一基本的推论早已得到18SrRNA(Woese,1987),28SrRNA(Gouy & Li,1989;Perasso et al.,1989)基质及其亲缘分支系统研究的有力支持,特别是rRNA分子的一级及次级单位核苷酸系列似乎暗示三大主要类型的光合作用原生生物的分异发生于临近后生植物爆发事件的激烈分异时期(Perasso et al.,1989)。从宏体碳质化石记录证据得知,无根、茎、叶分化的原植体植物至少在17亿年以前就已存在(Walter et al.,1990;Runneger,1994;Hofmann,1994)。然而,尽管一些元古代化石的藻类亲缘关系仍有疑问(Vidal,1989;Walter et al.,1990),但不少记录暗示后生植物绿藻和红藻在新元古代,或许在中元古代就已存在(Hofmann,1985;Butterfield et al.,1988;Zhang[张昀],1989;Hofmann,1994;Sun[孙卫国],1994),似乎证实了分子生物学的推理(Perasso et al.,1989)。正如我们所见,绝大多数宏体碳质化石明显地在形态特征上反映出可能属于藻类的原植体植物在元古代不但确实存在而且相当繁盛,并暗示它们生活的方式不但有浮游的,如Chuaria及Tawuia,而且有固着的,如 Sinosabellidites 及Longfengshania。浮游类型由于其分布的广泛性而成为世界各地元古代地层中较常见的化石(Walcott,1899;Тимофеев,1969;Vidal,1976;Hofmann,1985,1994;Mathur,1983;Amard,1992;Hofmann & Rainbird,1994;Steiner,1996),在区域地层对比上有一定的价值。而固着类型因受水深、光照、营养及底质等环境因素的限制,仅见于局部地区(汪贵翔,1982;Sun[孙卫国]et al.,1986;杜汝霖,田立富,1985;Hofmann,1992,1994;钱迈平等,2000),但其在生物演化上的意义却非同小可。这些原植体植物无论是浮游的还是固着的,其外貌特征及沉积环境似乎显示它们是相当复杂的好氧性光合作用生命体,其中保存程度较好的外囊遗留物已足以说明它们的多细胞性质。甚至有的类型还可鉴别出具特征性的细密横纹的营养体和端部的固着构造(钱迈平等2000),以及可能的生殖构造(Videl,1994),进一步表明它们中的少数类型已达到一定的器官分化水平。另一方面,尽管固着类型在当时尚属少数,但由于它们发育了专门的固着结构而具备了自主选择有利生长环境定居的功能,更适合于向较高等的藻类植物发展,为后来的震旦纪具分枝的更复杂多样化藻类植物(陈孟莪,萧宗正,1992;阎永奎等,1992;丁莲芳等,1996;Yuan[袁训来]et al.,1999)的大量涌现奠定了必要基础。华北古陆东南缘新元古代宏体碳质化石中具横纹的囊状及管状结构标本,如Sinosabellidites,被一些学者描述为蠕虫类多细胞后生动物,并将其中有的类型所具有的端部构造解释为吻口或吸盘(郑文武,1980;汪贵翔,1982;邢裕盛等,1985,1990),而Tawuia中呈C,U及8字形出现的标本也可能是扭曲运动状态下被埋藏的动物化石(笔者与郑文武非正式谈话,2001)。然而,所有关于该区新元古代后生动物的论点都缺乏过得硬的证据。因为有关的标本虽然较好保存了它们柔软结构的外“皮”痕迹,却未见有同样属于柔软结构的消化道、肌肉、神经及血管等动物特征构造痕迹保存。此外,至今也未在这套地层中发现动物遗迹化石,因此它们较大程度上可能是后生植物化石。相比之下,虽然新元古代埃迪卡拉生物群许多标本的动物性质尚存在争议(Seilacher,1983,1984,1992;Glaessner,1984;Conway Morris,1993;Runnegar,1995;Wray et al.,1996),难以用现代生物学概念进行解释,但其中保存的具典型骨针网盘状六射海绵(Gehling & Rigby,1996)、蠕形动物虫管及其他遗迹化石已足以说明当时后生动物的确存在,而早寒武世澄江动物群的证据更是确凿无疑(Chen[陈均远]& Erdtmann,1991;Hou[侯宪光]et al.,1991;Shu[舒德干]et al.,1996)。微生物化石中很大一部分可能是由细菌、蓝细菌及藻类的浮游营养体和游动孢子生命阶段的遗留物构成,它们在世界各地的中元古代、新元古代及古生代各时期的海相沉积中是十分丰富的。虽然可能的最古老微生物化石尚存疑问(Schopf & Walter 1983),但叠层石(Walter,1983)和稳定同位素(Hayes,1983)的证据似乎暗示光合作用蓝细菌可能在太古宙时期就已形成局部的层状微生物席群落。元古宙沉积岩中保存的三萜烷和无环异戊间二烯化合物生物标志均为真细菌和古细菌的遗留物(Hayes et al.,1992;Hayes & Ourisson,1994)。相对而言,元古宙蓝细菌化石的记录要丰富得多,它们包含了许多形态上、生态上及生理上与现生蓝细菌相似的类群(Golubic & Hofmann,1976)。已有的资料表明,元古宙蓝细菌的化石记录明显地远好于后来的地质时代。其实是一种假象,这是因为元古宙比后来的时代有更适于保存它们的环境,如广泛分布的叠层石及硅质沉积。高盐环境中的早期硅化成岩作用(Strother et al.,1983)构成了元古宙蓝细菌记录的大部分,而其中最普遍的是通常难以保存的浅海细粒屑沉积环境中的柔软而精致的蓝细菌生物群(Яанкаускас,1989),它们是被硅质胶体包裹沉淀才得以保存的。尽管一些燧石化叠层石切片中也发现了由密集的丝状微生物化石构成的席状层(曹瑞骥等,2001),但是,即使它们在形态上与非叠层石层位燧石结核及燧石条带中的微生物化石完全相同,却显然二者之间并没什么直接关系,往往燧石结核及燧石条带发育的层位是没有叠层石的。新元古代地层中的后生生物化石总体面貌在广泛分布的冰碛岩上下存在巨大的差异,显示了新元古代大冰期之后生物有一次演化水平的飞跃。冰期之后的晚新元古代—震旦纪后生生物爆发性分异表现出的复杂程度是空前的,特别是庙河地区(陈孟莪,萧宗正,1992;丁莲芳等,1996)及蓝田地区(阎永奎等,1992;Yuan et al.,1999)的材料反映出高度的分异水平和发达的生态系统。而相比之下,冰期之前的华北古陆东南缘新元古代后生生物无论丰度还是分异度都处于较低水平。震旦纪后生生物如此重大的演化辐射必须具备坚实的物质基础,显然此前可能有一个漫长的隐性变异积累过程,在这种内在的积累达到一定水平时,一旦外部环境发生重大变化就可能引发显性的辐射分异,而新元古代的大冰期——即“雪球(Snowball Earth)”事件(Kirschvink,1992;Hoffman et al.,1998),可能正是引发震旦纪生物大分异的重要因素。长期以来,地质学家们曾难以解释距今600Ma左右沉积地层中普遍存在的奇怪现象:1)多层冰川沉积出现在靠近赤道的海平面附近(Harland,1964),而今天赤道附近的冰川仅存在于高出海平面5000m以上的地方,如非洲的乞力马扎罗山及肯尼亚山顶峰。2)冰碛物中混杂反常的富铁或/和富锰沉积物,通常它们仅在缺氧的情况下才能形成。然而,经过至少20多亿年海洋有氧光合作用生物的演化活动,新元古代地球大气中氧气浓度实际上已达到相当高的水平(Kirschvink,1992)。3)形成于温暖浅海的碳酸盐岩却直接整合覆盖在冰川沉积物之上,即冰川刚一消融,碳酸盐就开始沉淀,而且冰川沉积的开始和结束都是突然的(Hoffman et al.,1998)。4)冰碛岩之上几米厚的碳酸盐岩(称为盖帽碳酸盐岩,Cap Carbonate)中,δ13C值接近火山喷出值,表明当时的生命活动处于衰落期(Hoffman et al.,1998)。J.L.Kirschvink(1992)的“雪球说”(Snowball Earth Hypothesis)认为这些现象是当时全球陷入大冰期造成的,并由此推论:根据Budyko能量-平衡气候模式(Budyko[Будйко],1969),当冰川从两极向低纬度扩展时,随着冰雪面积的扩大将越来越多地反射掉太阳辐射,促使地球降温。一旦越过南纬及北纬30°,即冰川覆盖地球表面超过50%,则会导致地球一发不可收地以加速度冷却,即产生逃逸反射反馈效应(runaway albedo feedback),直至全球表面冻结。此后,地球板块构造活动不断产生的火山排放CO2,而侵蚀岩石和形成碳酸盐岩所需的水都结成了冰,CO2得不到消耗就积累起来,最终达到产生极其强大的温室效应足以溶化“雪球”的超高浓度。这个过程也许至少要经历数百万年,所以,冰封了上百万年的全球海洋,因大气中的氧无法溶入冻结的冰面而长期缺氧,使海底火山排出的铁得以溶解在水中并积累起来。一旦“雪球”解冻,大气中的氧又会溶入海水,使大量的铁析出与冰碛物一起沉积。P.F.Hoffman等人(1998)通过对非洲纳米比亚Skeleton沿海新元古代地层剖面的研究认为,距今600Ma前后,地球曾多次陷于突发性全球规模持续上千万年的严寒,以及随之而来的几千年酷热。逃逸反射反馈效应造成零下约50℃的年平均气温(现代地球年平均气温约18℃),使洋面冰层厚度达1000m以上。水循环基本上已停滞,几乎已无降水作用。由于严寒,消耗CO2的化学循环也基本上停止,火山释放的CO2在大气中逐渐积累,直到350倍于目前水平的超高浓度,强大的温室效应又使地球开始解冻。随着冰雪消融面积超过地球表面50%,就会产生与逃逸反射相反的反馈效应以加速度解冻,也许几百年即可完成。接踵而来的是当时超高浓度CO2大气造成的年平均气温高达50℃的酷热及暴雨,促进了岩石的侵蚀、矿物的溶解及碳酸盐类的大量沉淀,形成了特征性的“盖帽碳酸盐岩”。通常情况下,火山排入海洋的CO2中约有1%是δ13C,其余是δ12C。由于生物光合作用需消耗δ12C,因此用于形成碳酸盐岩的δ13C要高于火山喷出值。而纳米比亚新元古代岩石的测定结果却是,冰川沉积前δ13C值陡降到几乎是火山源头水平,暗示地球处于“雪球”临界点边缘时生物生产力的大幅度降低。冰期之后迅速形成的“盖帽碳酸盐岩”,起初δ13C仍接近火山喷出值,似乎反映了急剧转换的酷热环境下生物生产力仍然低下。在其上几百米处才逐渐回升,可能记录了生物的复苏。越来越多的化石记录证据显示,“雪球”前长期缓慢演化的多细胞生物在“雪球”后却呈爆发性演化。这究竟是“雪球”本身的恶劣环境诱发了生物基因大突变,还是“雪球”之后温和环境的恢复为生物大分异创造了有利条件,还是二者皆有呢?可能的情况是,“雪球”期间生物数量及生存区域萎缩,残存的生物退缩到彼此隔离的少数很局限的可生存环境(如热泉附近等),它们在“雪球”前数亿年间漫长的地质时间里积累了众多的隐性变异中一些适宜当时特别恶劣环境的特性得以发挥作用,迅速发扬光大并转化为显性变异。此后由于数百万至上千万年因地理分隔而各自演化分异。当同源的不同居群彼此长期不能实施基因交流又分别处于不同环境时,基因的变异可能趋于不同,达到一定值就会产生新物种。随着“雪球”过后环境逐渐趋于温和,“雪球”时期在各生物残留区幸存下来并各自演化的一些居群重新繁盛起来,迅速占领“雪球”时期生物大绝灭留下的空白区,并与其他生物残留区扩展出来的另一些居群相互交融。每次冰期后发生的居群重组,都会使剧烈变化环境压力下出现的新居群与残存的原居群大相径庭,这将有利于新物种的涌现。也就是说,新元古代的多期“雪球”事件导致的严寒和酷热剧烈转换环境,对各种居群的隔离、变异、分异及重组起到了推波助澜的作用,很可能引发了此后的晚新元古代震旦纪陡山沱生物群、埃迪卡拉生物群大辐射及寒武纪生命大爆发。华北古陆东南缘新元古代生物群以繁盛于距今8亿年前后的Chuaria-Tawuia类型宏体碳质化石、原始的光球状浮游微生物及可大规模形成叠层石的底栖微生物席占绝对优势,尽管Sinosabellidites这样的少数类型已达到毫米级的多细胞后生生物,但总体面貌比起晚新元古代震旦纪陡山沱期的庙河生物群及蓝田生物群要原始得多。另一方面,该区新元古代地层均为炎热干旱气候条件下沉积的浅海及滨海相碳酸盐岩及碎屑岩,显然应属新元古代大冰期前的产物,与近年测定的Sr、C同位素年龄数据850~700Ma(杨杰东等,2001)基本上吻合。该区新元古代确凿无疑的宏体后生生物虽然在生物群中所占的比例很小,但却显露出地球早期生命大型化及多样化的曙光,预示着新的爆发性演化将要来临。
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  首都北京是我朝思暮想要去旅游的城市。北京是一个怎样的城市呢?你知道怎么写一篇暑假北京旅游的 英语 作文 吗?下面是我给大家精心挑选的暑假去北京的英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!   暑假去北京的英语作文篇1   In Beijing, I visited many places of interest: the Great Wall, the tiananmen square, the monument to the people"s heroes, the imperial palace, the Summer Palace... It is. But what impressed me most was the Forbidden City.   The Forbidden City is the place where the emperors lived and ruled the Ming and qing dynasties, and it is said to have 9,999 rooms. It lies on the central axis of Beijing, in tiananmen square, and in jingshan park.   Enter the gate of the Forbidden City, and you will find that there are dragons carved on the buildings here, and there is no place to reveal the extraordinary status of the former master. The columns over there are thick too, and we have two little children in arms.   The Palace Museum buildings contain ancient gold fire water and geomantic elements. Scarlet beams is a fire, roof tiles, like yellow, high beam with gilded carved longfeng pattern, the whole building is built of wood with thick. There is also an outdoor meadow with two large copper tanks.   We also visited the treasure house. On display over there imperial crown and rockhopper, profound and thorough jade green, the gigantic has weathered pearls, like cat eyes cat acrylic stone, long court beads... Those jewels are beautiful.   Finally, we visited the imperial garden, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Forbidden City and the flowing water.   I was reluctant to leave the Forbidden City. It is the testimony of thousands of years of Chinese civilization and the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation.   暑假去北京的英语作文篇2   Beijing is the capital of our nation, and I have long wanted to see the presence of our capital   Now, I"m coming to Beijing!!   We finally arrived in Beijing on August 2, after a few days of ups and downs.   The next day, we didn"t want to waste our time, and we started the first day of the Beijing 13-day tour. We came to the Great Wall, and under the Great Wall, we saw that the Great Wall was indeed like a flying dragon winding in the mountains. Is better than a lot! As the saying goes, "no Great Wall, no good man!" We decided to go to the end to prove that we were all good guys. Not today is determined not to return. We just went to the Great Wall. The slope of that step was a little less than that, and it made us very frightened, and we felt a little bit cold.   How far is it no matter how steep how high you can achieve success as long as you can as long as there is a will stick to my brother, my aunt and I three people finally reached the end of the Great Wall at that time, I really want to yell 1 let people all over the world to hear. "I went to the Great Wall and I went to the end of the Great Wall and I was a good man. Are you?"   北京是我们中华民族的首都万城之都而我很早以前就想目睹我们首都的风采了可一直没有机会   现在,北京我来了!!   在8月2号的时候我们经过几天的波折总算到了北京。   在第二天,我们不想浪费时间,就开始了北京13日游中的第一日游了。我们则来到了万里长城,在长城之下,看见长城确确实实像一条飞龙蜿蜒在山峰中,雄伟豪迈。胜过万千!俗话说得好啊“不上长城非好汉!”我们为了证明我们都是好汉,我们决定一走到底。不到今天坚决不回。我们刚上长城往前望。那坡那台阶还差那么一点点就是笔直的了使我们心惊胆颤,不觉感到几分的凉意。   不管有多高有多陡有多远只要有意志只要能坚持一定能获得成功我和我的弟弟我的阿姨三人最终到了长城的尽头在那时候,我真想大喊一声让全世界的人们都听到。“我登上了长城我到了长城的尽头我是好汉了。你们是吗?”   暑假去北京的英语作文篇3   On April 11, we took a train to Beijing, the capital of China.   In Beijing, it was already dark, various, different colors of lights up, the city with very light is very bright, big TV also began to play the station square.   Together the next day, we went to tiananmen square, chairman MAO as one of the tiananmen square, on both sides and "long live the People"s Republic of China, the people of the world long live the great unity", tiananmen two now is kind of a lot of flowers and plants, and then we went to the Forbidden City, listen to mom and dad said that the Forbidden City is the ancient royal palace, with the emperor, empress live inside, the imperial concubine, etc.   In the afternoon, we went to the temple of heaven park, there is a wall, the wall is round, can stand in the far, far away mutual dialogue, my father told me that this is the echo wall, and then we went to the dome, there is a highest point, called as stone, my father and I were standing in the above took a "flying" photo, in the end, we went to the temple of heaven park the third attraction - "QiNianDian", in here, I made a wish...   I"m back. I"m so happy.   >>>下一页更多精彩“暑假去北京的英语作文”
2023-07-11 06:06:031

请中文翻译成英文 要求准确 谢谢

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邮编:163000龙凤区面积510平方千米。人口16万人(2004年)。区人民政府驻地邮编:163711。代码:230603。区号:0459。拼音:Longfeng Qu。行政区划龙凤区辖5个街道、1个镇:龙凤街道、兴化村街道、卧里屯街道、东光街道、三永街道、(开发区)黎明街道、龙凤镇。共有25个社区、8个村委会。(合计数字不包括黎明街道及其所辖社区在内。黎明街道由开发区管理) 龙凤街道辖6个社区(凤祥社区、龙化社区、建安社区、街园社区、炼厂社区、动力社区)。兴化村街道 辖5个社区(化祥社区、兴化社区、街心社区、化谊社区、新兴社区)。卧里屯街道 辖4个社区(化中社区、虹桥社区、丽园社区、建华社区)。东光街道辖6个社区(上林社区、沁园社区、光明社区、东光社区、龙北社区、石油分站社区)。三永街道辖3个社区(东岗社区、澳龙社区、龙兴社区)。龙凤镇辖1个社区、8个村委会(永泉社区、前进村、刘高手村、向阳村、英勇村、久青村、建兴村、铁东村、保田村)。黎明街道辖3个社区(黎明社区、天贺社区、学苑社区)。(社区行政村名录由根据“大庆市代码”整理,估计为2004年资料)历史沿革“龙凤”,传说,修筑中东铁路设站时,以铁路两名监工名字的尾字组成,意为“吉祥如意”。原属安达县第三区,人烟稀少。1960年由于大庆油田的开发建设,人口逐渐增多,同年6月安达市设立龙凤办事处。1961年7月,省人民委员会批准,设立安达市龙凤区,1965 年改为龙凤镇(县级)。1968年3月,将安达县龙凤公社的3个生产大队等划归安达市管辖,隶属龙凤镇。1974年7月2日,省革命委员会批准,恢复龙凤区,隶属安达市。1979年12月,安达市更名为大庆市,隶属大庆市管辖。1992年,龙凤区 大庆市管辖的市辖区。位于市境东部,东、北与安达市接壤,西与萨尔图区毗邻,南与红岗区相连。全区总面积510平方公里,其中草原、苇塘面积可达100平方公里。城区面积为15平方公里。全区分设龙凤、向阳、前卫、自强、兴化、卧里屯等6个街道办事处和龙凤乡。1992年末全区总人口14.3万人,其中非农业人口11.5万人;回、满、朝鲜等少数民族人口约占3%。区政府驻地龙凤大街东段路北。 (以上摘自《黑龙江省志·地名录》)2000年,龙凤区辖6个街道、1个镇。总人口233881人;其中各镇(街道)人口为: 龙凤街道 45457 兴化街道 44427 自强街道 20218 卧里屯街道 21239 东光街道 12765 三永街道 15158 龙凤镇 47609 大庆高新开发区虚拟街道 27008 (根据第五次人口普查数据;单位:人)2001年,龙凤区辖5个街道、1个镇:卧里屯、龙凤、东光、三永、兴化(副处级)5个街道,龙凤镇。将10个行政村调整为8个。面积416平方千米。2017年2月21日,龙凤区上榜2016年全国义务教育发展基本均衡县(市、区)名单。
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Like father,like son.这是一句谚语. 有其父必有其子 与这句意思相似 直译:龙生龙凤生凤,老鼠生儿打地洞 Lung Health and Health Longfeng Fung,a rat hole fetus
2023-07-11 06:07:311


2023-07-11 06:07:383


Surging Yangtze River, always pour in into the sea is about 10,000 ares waves, she slowed down the pace of the eastbound carriageway of a hurry, with sweet warm milk nourishing a beautiful historical and cultural city - Taizhou. Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, is located in the middle along the Yangtze River, Yangtze River Delta economic zone for the 16 central cities. Long from north to south and east-west the city"s narrow, straight-line distance between the North and the South"s largest about 124 kilometers from east to west about 19 kilometers narrowest, widest point is only 55 km. The city"s total area of 5793 square kilometers, of which four hundred and twenty-eight square kilometers of urban area. The total area, the land area accounts for 82.74%, 17.26% area of the waters. Phoenix has a reputation of Taizhou, with 2100 years of history,古称Haiyang, Hailing, the early Han Dynasty home county, the Eastern Jin Dynasty set up county, Nantang statehood, our ancestors hope "to be tranquil and peaceful, Longfeng phoenix", the name of Taizhou and from the beginning. Known as "the Han and Tang Dynasties Gogun, Huaihai District" of the ancient Hailing and Jinling Nanjing, Yangzhou Guangling, Lanling Changzhou Huaxia famous, renowned in China. Jiang海交会here, magnificent, marvel in the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei: "floating in淮泗, Haoran Tianbo, sea spray in the course of events, Jiangcheng vast change in the Yang."
2023-07-11 06:07:461


邮编:1300002014年10月20日,国务院批复了吉林省人民政府关于撤销九台市设立长春市九台区的请示。这是自1995年双阳撤县设区后,长春行政区划的又一次重大调整,九台撤市设区后,除执行市辖区管理体制外,现行财政体制和相应管理权限保持不变,继续享受县市的各项政策。邮编:130500 代码:220181 区号:0431 九台市位于吉林省中部,长春东部,西距长春49千米,东离吉林市76千米。东与舒兰市隔江相望,西与长春市相连,南与双阳区毗邻,北与德惠市接壤。总面积2875平方千米。总人口83万人(2004年)。2005年行政区域调整前:北纬43°51′-44°32′、东经125°24′-126°30′,市境南北宽75千米,东西延长87.15千米,总面积3375.27平方千米。市人民0驻九台大街67号。全市辖3个街道、10个镇、2个民族乡:九台街道、营城街道、九郊街道、沐石河镇、城子街镇、其塔木镇、上河湾镇、西营城镇、土们岭镇、苇子沟镇、兴隆镇、纪家镇、波泥河镇、胡家回族乡、莽卡满族乡。注:卡伦湖镇、龙嘉镇、东湖镇划归二道区管辖,目前仍由九台市代管。东南部多山,地势较高;西北部多平原,中部丘陵起伏,海拔200-250米。主要河流有松花江、沐石河、饮马河、雾开河等。属半湿润温带大陆性季风气候。年均气温4.7℃,年日照时数2615.5小时.无霜期139天左右,年平均降水量573.2毫米。行政区划(街道乡镇简介)营城街道(Yingcheng Jiedao)代码:220181004 邮编:130502面积29.24平方千米。人口51376人。办事处驻营城。辖:营城村、火石岭村、胜利社区、前进社区、南岭社区、富民社区、文化社区、新兴社区、中心社区、曙光社区、矸等。因驻地名称得名。前身是营城镇,1988年10月九台撤县设市,营城镇分九台街道(Jutai Jiedao)代码:220181006 邮编:130500面积26.6平方千米。办事处驻兴华社区。辖等。1989年1月由原九台镇0分成工农、团结、南山3个街道办事处,2001年8月由团结、工农、南山街道九郊街道(Jujiao Jiedao)代码:220181007 邮编:130500位于九台市0西北一千米处,东和市区相连,南与二道沟、西营城接壤,北和春阳为邻,西和饮马河为界。面积112.87平方千米。人口33138人。办事处驻民康路86号。辖马家岗子村、莲花泡村、拉他泡村、新合村、沿河村、小河沿子村、永富村、吴家店村、聂家村、杨木林子村、新等。建于1958年,为城郊人民公社,1961年为九郊人民公社,1984年为九郊人民0,1988年为九台其塔木镇(Qitamu Zhen)代码:220181102 邮编:130513面积208.04平方千米。人口46865人。镇0驻其塔木。辖其塔木村、刘家村、红旗村、更新村、黎明村、马场村、三兴村、解放村、北山村、成家村、张大村、冯家村、双等。明朝永乐六年我国东北设奴尔十部沟管理护卫此地三条河,其塔木河是其中一条,当时叫奇塔穆。中华民国时属永吉县二区其塔木乡,1947年解放设其塔木乡上河湾镇(Shanghewan Zhen)代码:220181103 邮编:130515面积250.47平方千米。人口51628人。镇0驻金河大路135号。辖等。传说有位猎人在河湾子里打伤一只老虎,便叫此地为伤虎湾,后译音为上河湾。王氏祖先王民于清康熙十八年从山东迁至此地,在吉林省城北永智社九甲落户,1987年为上河湾镇至今。土们岭镇(Tumenling Zhen)代码:220181105 邮编:130501面积203.87平方千米。人口29736人。镇0驻土们岭。辖土们岭村、南苇村、尤家村、丁家村、李家村、民主村、马安山村、二道沟村、小二道沟村、罗群村、大屯、石龙等。远古时期,现镇驻地南北各一对峙山峰,似马鞍驼,当地依满语命名为土们岭。1961年从二道沟公社分离,成立临时生产领导班子,1968年成立土们岭人民公社,1983年为土们岭乡。沐石河镇(Mushihe Zhen)代码:220181100 邮编:130508面积385.25平方千米。人口61079人。镇0驻沐石河大街。辖横道村、康家村、张家村、于家村、常家村、桦树村、永安村、河南村、沐石河村、拉腰子村、木河村、八家子村等。明代女贞族满语为穆苏石河,沿用之谐音为沐石河。2000年末撤乡并镇。城子街镇(Chengzijie Zhen)代码:220181113 邮编:130517面积274.47平方千米。人口51723人。镇0驻城子街。辖城子街村、清泉村、秀水村、铜匠沟村、百合村、长岭村、陈家村、样子边村、王家岭村、七台村、城东村、义和等。因街南有辽金时古城址得名。1949年为德惠县城子街0,1950年为德惠县第四区公所,1955年为德惠县城子街区,1956年为苇子沟镇(Weizigou Zhen)代码:220181109 邮编:130519面积253.29平方千米。人口57673人。镇0驻杨家烧锅屯。因屯底洼,沟墉中生出茂盛芦苇得名。建于康熙六年,2001年合乡并镇为苇子沟镇。兴隆镇(Xinglong Zhen)代码:220181110 邮编:130522东隔饮马河和德惠大青咀乡相望,北与德惠长阳乡接壤。面积187.41平方千米。人口41322人。镇0驻新兴村赵朝阳沟屯。辖新兴村、大荒村、头道村、韩家村、东岗村、五家村、兴隆村、金川村、小荒村、马安村、龙凤村、新村、闫家村等。取兴旺发达吉利之意得名。1950年为双庙子区兴隆乡管辖,1958年为朝阳人民公社管辖,1961年从朝阳人民公社分出为兴隆人民公社辖区:东岗子村[Donggangzi Cun] 小荒地村[Xiaohuandi Cun] 大荒地村[Dahuangdi Cun] 新兴村[Xinxing Cun] 五家子村[Wujiazi Cun] 朝阳村[Chaoyang Cun] 闫家村[Yanjia Cun] 龙凤村[Longfeng Cun] 马鞍村[Maan Cun] 新春村[Xinchun Cun] 姜家炉村[Jiangjialu Cun] 沟外村[Gouwai Cun] 和新村[Hexin Cun] 韩家村[Hanjia Cun] 金川村[Jinchuan Cun] 前岗子村[Qiangangzi Cun] 头道村[Toudao Cun] 兴隆村[Xinglong Cun] 白家村[Baijia Cun] 春光村[Chunguang Cun]西营城镇(Xiyingcheng Zhen)代码:220181104 邮编:130524面积133.08平方千米。辖西营城村、榛秸泡村、石头口门村、烧锅村、董家村、官马山村、盘道岭村、万家村、古榆树村、石人沟村、榆树等。因辽金时代在此做过兵营,因当时地处九台市南,为南营城子,解放后为区别于东营城煤矿,改名为西营城。民国时属二道沟四区,解放后设西营城0,1952年为九台县第十二区,1958年为西营城公社,1984波泥河镇(Bonihe Zhen)代码:220181211 邮编:130525面积291.49平方千米。人口37052人。镇0驻波泥河街。辖王家瓦房村、平安卜村、锦绣村、板石村、东大地村、金家岗村、波兴村、清水村、卞家村、马兴村、太平社村等。因当时此地杂草丛生,一条河从此流过,小势较大,带着大量的泥土向西流去,因河底无沙得名。原属吉林县,1931年九台设县后为九台县波泥河村,解放后为九台县十四区,1956为九台县波泥河乡,辖区:董大林村[Dongdalin Cun] 建乡村[Jiangxiang Cun] 下洼子村[Xiawazi Cun] 连道湾村[Liandaowan Cun] 加工河村[Jiagonghe Cun] 庙岭村[Miaoling Cun] 太平庄村[Taipingzhuang Cun] 板石村[Banshi Cun] 卞家村[Bianjia Cun] 大营城子村[Dayingchengzi Cun] 茂林村[Maolin Cun] 奋发村[Fenfa Cun] 锦乡村[Jinxiang Cun] 东大地村[Dongdadi Cun] 平安堡村[Pinganpu Cun] 王家瓦房村[Wangjiawafang Cun] 马兴村[Maxing Cun] 波泥河村[Bonihe Cun] 黄家店村[Huangjiadian Cun] 张家店村[Zhangjiadian Cun] 金家岗村[Jingjiagang Cun] 大顶子村[Dading Cun] 三道岭村[Sandaoling Cun] 清水泉村[Qingshuiquan Cun]纪家镇(Jijia Zhen)代码:220181114 邮编:130523面积179.58平方千米。人口35331人。镇0驻盛水泉村。辖陶家村、二十家子村、腰窝堡村、永增福村、纪家村、盛水泉村、姜家村、分水村、腰房村、大榆树村、尹家村等。因姓氏得名。建于2001年。辖区:盛水泉村[Shengshuiquan Cun] 腰房村[Yaofang Cun] 姜家村[Jiangjia Cun] 赫家村[Hejia Cun] 纪家村[Jijia Cun] 大榆树村[Dayushu Cun] 腰窝堡村[Yaowopu Cun] 分水村[Fenshui Cun] 鸡鸣山村[Jimingshan Cun] 西挖村[Xiwa Cun] 石家村[Shijia Cun] 盛家村[Shengjia Cun] 坐山村[Zuoshan Cun] 太平村[Taiping Cun] 双杖子村[Shuangzhangzi Cun] 尹家村[Yinjia Cun] 永增福村[Yongzengfu Cun] 陶家村[Taojia Cun] 二十家子村[Ershijiazi Cun]胡家回族乡(Hujiahuizhu Xiang)代码:220181206 邮编:130511面积169平方千米。人口23981人。乡0驻宝山村。辖周家村、小韩村、宝山村、罗古村、葛家村、蜂蜜村、二泉村、红石村、稗子村共9个村。因驻地得名。1947年解放后,成立胡家派出所,1952年建立民族民主联合0,1958年建立东风人民公社,辖区:稗子村[Beizi Cun] 红石村[Hongshi Cun] 二泉村[Erquan Cun] 蜂蜜村[Fengmi Cun] 葛家村[Gejia Cun] 罗鼓村[Luogu Cun] 宝山村[Baoshan Cun] 周家村[Zhoujia Cun] 小韩村莽卡满族乡(Mangkamanzhu Xiang)代码:220181207 邮编:130512面积152.73平方千米。人口33022人。乡0驻舍岑村。辖莽卡村、舍岑村、三道村、七家子村、松江村、石屯村、塔库村、邱家村、谢家村、江西村、东哈村、张庄子村。系满语。1983年建立满族乡。辖区:谢屯村[Xietun Cun] 塔库村[Taku Cun] 江西村[Jiangxi Cun] 邱家村[Qiujia Cun] 石屯村[Shitun Cun] 张庄村[Zhangzhuang Cun] 莽卡村[Mangka Cun] 三道村[Sandao Cun] 七家子[Qijiazi Cun] 松江村[Songjiang Cun] 舍岭村[Sheling Cun]原 卡伦湖镇(Kalunhu Zhen)代码:220181108 邮编:130507面积168.75平方千米。人口58000人。镇0驻卡伦湖大街57号。辖大泉村、魏家村、南岗子村、红星村、东风村、任家村、和气村、十里村、镇郊村、三盛村、利民村、龙泉村、王等。卡伦系满语,音译为边卡、盘查之意。1998年更名为卡伦湖镇。原 龙嘉镇(Longjiapu Zhen)代码:220181107 邮编:130504面积230.25平方千米。人口55424人。辖龙家堡村、袁家村、和平村、腰屯村、二道村、翻身村、草城子村、四家子村、南泉村、新民村、临河村、水乡村等。因有人在此搭窝棚居住得名龙家窝棚,中华民国改名为龙家堡。解放前为长春县卡伦八区,解放后为九台县第十六区,1958年为龙家堡公社,1984年为龙家堡乡,原 东湖镇(Donghu Zhen)代码:220181112 邮编:130505面积118.88平方千米。人口25028人。镇0驻金牛大街127号。辖黑林村、双山村、五一村、羊草村、腰站村、放牛沟村、甘家岭村、小岭村、荆家村、团山村、新盛村共11个村。因镇西北有卡伦湖,东有石头口门水库得名。1913年民国制定行政区,归长春县第一区卡伦湖管辖,1932年伪满时期归双阳县第五区新安堡管辖。辖区:黑林村[Heilin Cun] 双山村[Shuangshan Cun] 五一村[Wuyi Cun] 羊草村[Yangcao Cun] 腰站村[Yaozhan Cun] 放牛沟村[Fangniugou Cun] 甘家岭村[Ganjialing Cun] 小岭村[Xiaoling Cun] 荆家村[Jingjia Cun] 团山村[Tuanshan Cun] 新盛村[Xinsheng Cun]地图链接历史沿革清朝统治者把东北视为他们的发祥地,因此清入关后,了巩固后方根据地,不使汉人占据、开发,以保护清朝统治者独占东北特产的权益,于康熙九年至二十年(1670-1681年)在吉林省境内修筑柳条边(俗称边墙〕,防止汉人和蒙古人进入,并在境内设有四个边门,沿边墙四个边门,共置二十八个边台,今九台县就是这二十八个边台之一,是北数第九台。九台分上九台、下九台。县城设在下九台,后改为九台。成为县名。两汉时期为扶馀国的属地;扶馀灭亡后,从南北朝到隋唐初期,属__地;唐代,接受渤海国称号时,属渤海的扶馀府(今农安)辖境;辽代为东京道黄龙府(今农安)辖境;金代为上京路济州(即辽代的黄龙府)辖境;大定二十九(1189年〕济州改为隆州,贞和初(1214-1217年)为隆安府(即今农安),今九台县亦随之归属隆安府;元代属开元路辖境(开元路曾在黄龙府,后又迁到今开原);明代属奴儿干都司管辖。清康熙二十年(1681年)把这一带封为0,在吉林省境内修筑柳条边墙,并在封0的“紧要关口”安设卡伦(为卡哨之意)或“设立封堆”,以防汉人和蒙古人进入。至咸丰十年(1860年)由于国内外形势的逼迫,才完全开放。光绪四年(1878年)设立垦务局,并积极鼓励开发垦种。光绪三十三年(19O7年)改将军为行省。民国初年改东三省总督为奉天都督,不兼辖吉、黑两省,这时东北三省开始分治。伪满大同元年(1932年)由地方纳商请准设制,从永吉县、长春县、德惠县的部分地区析置为九台县,隶属吉林省。民国三十六年(1947年)六月五日正式公布东北新省区方案,正式批准设立九台县,隶属于吉林省。1945年九台解放,设县人民0,1955年改为县人民委员会,1968年改为县革命委员会。1980年复称县人民0。1988年,撤销九台县,设立九台市。1945年10月,隶属于吉合区行政委员会长春地区,成立九台镇0。1946年1月,九台镇0转移,-军队进入九台。1946年2月,划归吉林省吉林分省管辖。3月,九台镇0返回九台;5月,再次转移。1946年1月、5月,-在九台两次设县0,统治这个地方。此后九台属敌占区,归吉林省吉北专区管辖。1947年10月17日,九台解放,置县0。同年将四家子区划归双阳县管辖,双庙子区划归长春县管辖。设城关区等9个区。1948年3月,划归吉林省吉北专区管辖。调整为20个区,增卢家区等。区下设村。1948年7月,划归为吉林省直辖县。1949年,九台县0更名为九台县人民0。同年将长春县双庙子区划回九台县管辖。增升阳区。改为22个区,198个村。1950年,将各区名重新按序数命名。1955年,九台县人民0更名为九台县人民委员会。同年,将长春市卡伦区划归九台县管辖。1955年,改为23个区,212个村。1956年7月3日,设立怀德专区。九台县划归怀德专区管辖。10月6日,怀德专区更名为公主岭专区。1956年,改为4个镇、77个乡。1957年,将泡子、吉家、布海、双庙子、升阳、长山乡划归德惠县管辖,德惠县太合、义合、城子街乡划归九台县管辖。1958年初,改为2个镇、30个乡。撤销卡伦镇等。此后又划分为九台镇、营城镇、沐石河、其塔木、上河湾、土们岭、龙家堡、波泥河、朝阳、城子街、卡伦11个公社。1958年10月23日,撤销公主岭专区,九台县划归长春市管辖。1960年,增舍岭、加工河、饮马河、西营城、放牛沟、胡家、卢家、庆阳、城郊9个公社,改为20个公社。1961年,增六台、苇子沟、三台、纪家、鸡鸣山、兴隆、二道沟7个公社,改为27个公社。1964年,撤销胡家人民公社,增胡家回族乡。改为2个镇,1个民族乡,24个公社。1965年,增卡伦镇。辖3个镇,1个民族乡,24个公社。1966年2月,设立德惠专区。九台县划归德惠专区管辖。1968年,撤销九台县人民委员会,成立九台县革命委员会。1969年7月3日,撤销德惠专区,九台县划归长春市管辖。1969年,仍为3个镇,25个公社(民族乡在成立革委会时撤销)。1976年,撤销城郊、朝阳、舒岭3个公社,增九郊、春阳、沿江3个公社。1980年,撤销九台县革命委员会,成立九台县人民0。1981年,撤销胡家人民公社,增设胡家回族乡公社。改为3个镇、1个民族乡、24个公社。1983年,撤销沿江乡,增奔卡满族乡。改为3个镇、23个乡、2个民族乡。1984年。撤销上河湾、其塔木、土们岭、河石河、西营城、饮马河、城子街乡,增上河湾、其塔木、土们岭、沐石河、西营城、饮马河、城子街镇。改为10个镇、16个乡、2个民族乡。1985年,撤销卡伦、龙家堡乡,增龙家堡镇。改为11个镇、14个乡、2个民族乡。1988年4月26日,经省0批准,撤销营城镇,将其所辖区域并入九台镇。改为10个镇、14个乡、2个民族乡。1988年9月15日,吉林省人民0“吉政函[1988]第175号文件”通知:民政部1988年8月30日“民[1988]行批18号”文件批复,经国务院批准,撤销九台县,设立九台市(县级市),以原九台县的行政区域为九台市的行政区域,由省直辖,长春市代管。1989年,撤销九台镇,增团结、工农、南山、火石岭、营城街,改为5个街道、9个镇、14个乡、2个民族乡。1992年,撤销兴隆、苇子沟、放牛沟乡、增兴隆、苇子沟、放牛沟镇,改为5个街道办事处、12个镇、11个乡、2个民族乡。1998年3月4日,经吉林省人民0批准,卡伦镇更名为卡伦湖镇。2000年6月30日,经吉林省人民0批准,九台市放牛沟镇更名为东湖镇。2000年,九台市辖5个街道、12个镇、13个乡。 根据第五次人口普查数据:总人口799729人,其中:团结街道 39094人、工农街道 38910人、南山街道 28242人、营城街道 28028人、火石岭街道 28121人、沐石河镇 32564人、城子街镇 25185人、其塔木镇 46386人、上河湾镇 27655人、西营城镇 23541人、土们岭镇 14265人、饮马河镇 22439人、龙家堡镇 33326人、卡伦镇 48992人、苇子沟镇 28419人、兴隆镇 21562人、东湖镇 25287人、九郊乡 36361人、春阳乡 17172人、纪家乡 17063人、庆阳乡 27756人、卢家乡 24524人、六台乡 24285人、胡家乡 22605人、莽卡乡 30820人、三台乡 21994人、二道沟乡 13125人、加工河乡 17199人、波泥河乡 17176人、鸡鸣山乡 17633人。2002年,九台市辖3个街道、13个镇、2个民族乡。总人口83.2万人.其中非农业人口19.8万人。2003年,九台市辖:九台街道、营城街道、九郊街道、土们岭镇、西营城镇、沐石河镇、其塔木镇、上河湾镇、龙家堡镇、卡伦湖镇、东湖镇、城子街镇、兴隆镇、苇子沟镇、纪家镇、莽卡满族乡、波泥河镇、胡家回族乡。2004年,九台市辖:九台街道(办事处驻曙光大街)、九郊街道(办事处驻团结街)、营城街道(办事处驻营城街)、卡伦湖镇(镇0驻卡伦街)、上河湾镇(镇0驻上河湾)、其塔木镇、土们岭镇、沐石河镇、西营城镇、城子街镇、龙家堡镇、苇子沟镇、杨家浇锅)、兴隆镇(镇0驻赵朝阳沟)、东湖镇(镇0驻放牛沟)、纪家镇(镇0驻青云堂)、波泥河镇、胡家回族乡(乡0驻胡家屯)、莽卡满族乡(乡0驻舍岭)。2005年,将九台市的卡伦湖镇、龙嘉镇(原龙家堡镇)、东湖镇3个镇划归长春市二道区管辖。截至2006年底,九台市辖3个街道、10个镇、2个乡,10个社区、310个村。主要资料出处:“吉林省行政区划网站”、“吉林省情网”。其他出处以及相关注意事项请阅读本站“使用声明”。(行政区划网站·)2021年4月,九台区上榜2021中国最美乡村百佳县市榜第81名。2020年11月,“2020中国乡村振兴百佳示范县市”榜单新鲜出炉,九台区位列第91名。2019年12月,农业农村部推介九台区为全国农村创新创业典型县。2019年1月,农业农村部认定九台区为全国第三批率先基本实现主要农作物生产全程机械化示范县(市、区)。2019年,农业农村部推介九台区为第二批全国农村创业创新典型县。 2016年2月,九台区上榜2015年全国义务教育发展基本均衡县(市、区)名单。2005年,九台区位列2005年度全国肉类生产百强县第22名。2004年,九台区位列2004年度全国粮食生产百强县第18名。
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属于:吉林省长春市九台区2014年10月20日,国务院批复了吉林省人民政府关于撤销九台市设立长春市九台区的请示。这是自1995年双阳撤县设区后,长春行政区划的又一次重大调整,九台撤市设区后,除执行市辖区管理体制外,现行财政体制和相应管理权限保持不变,继续享受县市的各项政策。邮编:130500 代码:220181 区号:0431 九台市位于吉林省中部,长春东部,西距长春49千米,东离吉林市76千米。东与舒兰市隔江相望,西与长春市相连,南与双阳区毗邻,北与德惠市接壤。总面积2875平方千米。总人口83万人(2004年)。2005年行政区域调整前:北纬43°51′-44°32′、东经125°24′-126°30′,市境南北宽75千米,东西延长87.15千米,总面积3375.27平方千米。市人民0驻九台大街67号。全市辖3个街道、10个镇、2个民族乡:九台街道、营城街道、九郊街道、沐石河镇、城子街镇、其塔木镇、上河湾镇、西营城镇、土们岭镇、苇子沟镇、兴隆镇、纪家镇、波泥河镇、胡家回族乡、莽卡满族乡。注:卡伦湖镇、龙嘉镇、东湖镇划归二道区管辖,目前仍由九台市代管。东南部多山,地势较高;西北部多平原,中部丘陵起伏,海拔200-250米。主要河流有松花江、沐石河、饮马河、雾开河等。属半湿润温带大陆性季风气候。年均气温4.7℃,年日照时数2615.5小时.无霜期139天左右,年平均降水量573.2毫米。行政区划(街道乡镇简介)营城街道(Yingcheng Jiedao)代码:220181004 邮编:130502面积29.24平方千米。人口51376人。办事处驻营城。辖:营城村、火石岭村、胜利社区、前进社区、南岭社区、富民社区、文化社区、新兴社区、中心社区、曙光社区、矸等。因驻地名称得名。前身是营城镇,1988年10月九台撤县设市,营城镇分九台街道(Jutai Jiedao)代码:220181006 邮编:130500面积26.6平方千米。办事处驻兴华社区。辖等。1989年1月由原九台镇0分成工农、团结、南山3个街道办事处,2001年8月由团结、工农、南山街道九郊街道(Jujiao Jiedao)代码:220181007 邮编:130500位于九台市0西北一千米处,东和市区相连,南与二道沟、西营城接壤,北和春阳为邻,西和饮马河为界。面积112.87平方千米。人口33138人。办事处驻民康路86号。辖马家岗子村、莲花泡村、拉他泡村、新合村、沿河村、小河沿子村、永富村、吴家店村、聂家村、杨木林子村、新等。建于1958年,为城郊人民公社,1961年为九郊人民公社,1984年为九郊人民0,1988年为九台其塔木镇(Qitamu Zhen)代码:220181102 邮编:130513面积208.04平方千米。人口46865人。镇0驻其塔木。辖其塔木村、刘家村、红旗村、更新村、黎明村、马场村、三兴村、解放村、北山村、成家村、张大村、冯家村、双等。明朝永乐六年我国东北设奴尔十部沟管理护卫此地三条河,其塔木河是其中一条,当时叫奇塔穆。中华民国时属永吉县二区其塔木乡,1947年解放设其塔木乡上河湾镇(Shanghewan Zhen)代码:220181103 邮编:130515面积250.47平方千米。人口51628人。镇0驻金河大路135号。辖等。传说有位猎人在河湾子里打伤一只老虎,便叫此地为伤虎湾,后译音为上河湾。王氏祖先王民于清康熙十八年从山东迁至此地,在吉林省城北永智社九甲落户,1987年为上河湾镇至今。土们岭镇(Tumenling Zhen)代码:220181105 邮编:130501面积203.87平方千米。人口29736人。镇0驻土们岭。辖土们岭村、南苇村、尤家村、丁家村、李家村、民主村、马安山村、二道沟村、小二道沟村、罗群村、大屯、石龙等。远古时期,现镇驻地南北各一对峙山峰,似马鞍驼,当地依满语命名为土们岭。1961年从二道沟公社分离,成立临时生产领导班子,1968年成立土们岭人民公社,1983年为土们岭乡。沐石河镇(Mushihe Zhen)代码:220181100 邮编:130508面积385.25平方千米。人口61079人。镇0驻沐石河大街。辖横道村、康家村、张家村、于家村、常家村、桦树村、永安村、河南村、沐石河村、拉腰子村、木河村、八家子村等。明代女贞族满语为穆苏石河,沿用之谐音为沐石河。2000年末撤乡并镇。城子街镇(Chengzijie Zhen)代码:220181113 邮编:130517面积274.47平方千米。人口51723人。镇0驻城子街。辖城子街村、清泉村、秀水村、铜匠沟村、百合村、长岭村、陈家村、样子边村、王家岭村、七台村、城东村、义和等。因街南有辽金时古城址得名。1949年为德惠县城子街0,1950年为德惠县第四区公所,1955年为德惠县城子街区,1956年为苇子沟镇(Weizigou Zhen)代码:220181109 邮编:130519面积253.29平方千米。人口57673人。镇0驻杨家烧锅屯。因屯底洼,沟墉中生出茂盛芦苇得名。建于康熙六年,2001年合乡并镇为苇子沟镇。兴隆镇(Xinglong Zhen)代码:220181110 邮编:130522东隔饮马河和德惠大青咀乡相望,北与德惠长阳乡接壤。面积187.41平方千米。人口41322人。镇0驻新兴村赵朝阳沟屯。辖新兴村、大荒村、头道村、韩家村、东岗村、五家村、兴隆村、金川村、小荒村、马安村、龙凤村、新村、闫家村等。取兴旺发达吉利之意得名。1950年为双庙子区兴隆乡管辖,1958年为朝阳人民公社管辖,1961年从朝阳人民公社分出为兴隆人民公社辖区:东岗子村[Donggangzi Cun] 小荒地村[Xiaohuandi Cun] 大荒地村[Dahuangdi Cun] 新兴村[Xinxing Cun] 五家子村[Wujiazi Cun] 朝阳村[Chaoyang Cun] 闫家村[Yanjia Cun] 龙凤村[Longfeng Cun] 马鞍村[Maan Cun] 新春村[Xinchun Cun] 姜家炉村[Jiangjialu Cun] 沟外村[Gouwai Cun] 和新村[Hexin Cun] 韩家村[Hanjia Cun] 金川村[Jinchuan Cun] 前岗子村[Qiangangzi Cun] 头道村[Toudao Cun] 兴隆村[Xinglong Cun] 白家村[Baijia Cun] 春光村[Chunguang Cun]西营城镇(Xiyingcheng Zhen)代码:220181104 邮编:130524面积133.08平方千米。辖西营城村、榛秸泡村、石头口门村、烧锅村、董家村、官马山村、盘道岭村、万家村、古榆树村、石人沟村、榆树等。因辽金时代在此做过兵营,因当时地处九台市南,为南营城子,解放后为区别于东营城煤矿,改名为西营城。民国时属二道沟四区,解放后设西营城0,1952年为九台县第十二区,1958年为西营城公社,1984波泥河镇(Bonihe Zhen)代码:220181211 邮编:130525面积291.49平方千米。人口37052人。镇0驻波泥河街。辖王家瓦房村、平安卜村、锦绣村、板石村、东大地村、金家岗村、波兴村、清水村、卞家村、马兴村、太平社村等。因当时此地杂草丛生,一条河从此流过,小势较大,带着大量的泥土向西流去,因河底无沙得名。原属吉林县,1931年九台设县后为九台县波泥河村,解放后为九台县十四区,1956为九台县波泥河乡,辖区:董大林村[Dongdalin Cun] 建乡村[Jiangxiang Cun] 下洼子村[Xiawazi Cun] 连道湾村[Liandaowan Cun] 加工河村[Jiagonghe Cun] 庙岭村[Miaoling Cun] 太平庄村[Taipingzhuang Cun] 板石村[Banshi Cun] 卞家村[Bianjia Cun] 大营城子村[Dayingchengzi Cun] 茂林村[Maolin Cun] 奋发村[Fenfa Cun] 锦乡村[Jinxiang Cun] 东大地村[Dongdadi Cun] 平安堡村[Pinganpu Cun] 王家瓦房村[Wangjiawafang Cun] 马兴村[Maxing Cun] 波泥河村[Bonihe Cun] 黄家店村[Huangjiadian Cun] 张家店村[Zhangjiadian Cun] 金家岗村[Jingjiagang Cun] 大顶子村[Dading Cun] 三道岭村[Sandaoling Cun] 清水泉村[Qingshuiquan Cun]纪家镇(Jijia Zhen)代码:220181114 邮编:130523面积179.58平方千米。人口35331人。镇0驻盛水泉村。辖陶家村、二十家子村、腰窝堡村、永增福村、纪家村、盛水泉村、姜家村、分水村、腰房村、大榆树村、尹家村等。因姓氏得名。建于2001年。辖区:盛水泉村[Shengshuiquan Cun] 腰房村[Yaofang Cun] 姜家村[Jiangjia Cun] 赫家村[Hejia Cun] 纪家村[Jijia Cun] 大榆树村[Dayushu Cun] 腰窝堡村[Yaowopu Cun] 分水村[Fenshui Cun] 鸡鸣山村[Jimingshan Cun] 西挖村[Xiwa Cun] 石家村[Shijia Cun] 盛家村[Shengjia Cun] 坐山村[Zuoshan Cun] 太平村[Taiping Cun] 双杖子村[Shuangzhangzi Cun] 尹家村[Yinjia Cun] 永增福村[Yongzengfu Cun] 陶家村[Taojia Cun] 二十家子村[Ershijiazi Cun]胡家回族乡(Hujiahuizhu Xiang)代码:220181206 邮编:130511面积169平方千米。人口23981人。乡0驻宝山村。辖周家村、小韩村、宝山村、罗古村、葛家村、蜂蜜村、二泉村、红石村、稗子村共9个村。因驻地得名。1947年解放后,成立胡家派出所,1952年建立民族民主联合0,1958年建立东风人民公社,辖区:稗子村[Beizi Cun] 红石村[Hongshi Cun] 二泉村[Erquan Cun] 蜂蜜村[Fengmi Cun] 葛家村[Gejia Cun] 罗鼓村[Luogu Cun] 宝山村[Baoshan Cun] 周家村[Zhoujia Cun] 小韩村莽卡满族乡(Mangkamanzhu Xiang)代码:220181207 邮编:130512面积152.73平方千米。人口33022人。乡0驻舍岑村。辖莽卡村、舍岑村、三道村、七家子村、松江村、石屯村、塔库村、邱家村、谢家村、江西村、东哈村、张庄子村。系满语。1983年建立满族乡。辖区:谢屯村[Xietun Cun] 塔库村[Taku Cun] 江西村[Jiangxi Cun] 邱家村[Qiujia Cun] 石屯村[Shitun Cun] 张庄村[Zhangzhuang Cun] 莽卡村[Mangka Cun] 三道村[Sandao Cun] 七家子[Qijiazi Cun] 松江村[Songjiang Cun] 舍岭村[Sheling Cun]原 卡伦湖镇(Kalunhu Zhen)代码:220181108 邮编:130507面积168.75平方千米。人口58000人。镇0驻卡伦湖大街57号。辖大泉村、魏家村、南岗子村、红星村、东风村、任家村、和气村、十里村、镇郊村、三盛村、利民村、龙泉村、王等。卡伦系满语,音译为边卡、盘查之意。1998年更名为卡伦湖镇。原 龙嘉镇(Longjiapu Zhen)代码:220181107 邮编:130504面积230.25平方千米。人口55424人。辖龙家堡村、袁家村、和平村、腰屯村、二道村、翻身村、草城子村、四家子村、南泉村、新民村、临河村、水乡村等。因有人在此搭窝棚居住得名龙家窝棚,中华民国改名为龙家堡。解放前为长春县卡伦八区,解放后为九台县第十六区,1958年为龙家堡公社,1984年为龙家堡乡,原 东湖镇(Donghu Zhen)代码:220181112 邮编:130505面积118.88平方千米。人口25028人。镇0驻金牛大街127号。辖黑林村、双山村、五一村、羊草村、腰站村、放牛沟村、甘家岭村、小岭村、荆家村、团山村、新盛村共11个村。因镇西北有卡伦湖,东有石头口门水库得名。1913年民国制定行政区,归长春县第一区卡伦湖管辖,1932年伪满时期归双阳县第五区新安堡管辖。辖区:黑林村[Heilin Cun] 双山村[Shuangshan Cun] 五一村[Wuyi Cun] 羊草村[Yangcao Cun] 腰站村[Yaozhan Cun] 放牛沟村[Fangniugou Cun] 甘家岭村[Ganjialing Cun] 小岭村[Xiaoling Cun] 荆家村[Jingjia Cun] 团山村[Tuanshan Cun] 新盛村[Xinsheng Cun]地图链接历史沿革清朝统治者把东北视为他们的发祥地,因此清入关后,了巩固后方根据地,不使汉人占据、开发,以保护清朝统治者独占东北特产的权益,于康熙九年至二十年(1670-1681年)在吉林省境内修筑柳条边(俗称边墙〕,防止汉人和蒙古人进入,并在境内设有四个边门,沿边墙四个边门,共置二十八个边台,今九台县就是这二十八个边台之一,是北数第九台。九台分上九台、下九台。县城设在下九台,后改为九台。成为县名。两汉时期为扶馀国的属地;扶馀灭亡后,从南北朝到隋唐初期,属__地;唐代,接受渤海国称号时,属渤海的扶馀府(今农安)辖境;辽代为东京道黄龙府(今农安)辖境;金代为上京路济州(即辽代的黄龙府)辖境;大定二十九(1189年〕济州改为隆州,贞和初(1214-1217年)为隆安府(即今农安),今九台县亦随之归属隆安府;元代属开元路辖境(开元路曾在黄龙府,后又迁到今开原);明代属奴儿干都司管辖。清康熙二十年(1681年)把这一带封为0,在吉林省境内修筑柳条边墙,并在封0的“紧要关口”安设卡伦(为卡哨之意)或“设立封堆”,以防汉人和蒙古人进入。至咸丰十年(1860年)由于国内外形势的逼迫,才完全开放。光绪四年(1878年)设立垦务局,并积极鼓励开发垦种。光绪三十三年(19O7年)改将军为行省。民国初年改东三省总督为奉天都督,不兼辖吉、黑两省,这时东北三省开始分治。伪满大同元年(1932年)由地方纳商请准设制,从永吉县、长春县、德惠县的部分地区析置为九台县,隶属吉林省。民国三十六年(1947年)六月五日正式公布东北新省区方案,正式批准设立九台县,隶属于吉林省。1945年九台解放,设县人民0,1955年改为县人民委员会,1968年改为县革命委员会。1980年复称县人民0。1988年,撤销九台县,设立九台市。1945年10月,隶属于吉合区行政委员会长春地区,成立九台镇0。1946年1月,九台镇0转移,-军队进入九台。1946年2月,划归吉林省吉林分省管辖。3月,九台镇0返回九台;5月,再次转移。1946年1月、5月,-在九台两次设县0,统治这个地方。此后九台属敌占区,归吉林省吉北专区管辖。1947年10月17日,九台解放,置县0。同年将四家子区划归双阳县管辖,双庙子区划归长春县管辖。设城关区等9个区。1948年3月,划归吉林省吉北专区管辖。调整为20个区,增卢家区等。区下设村。1948年7月,划归为吉林省直辖县。1949年,九台县0更名为九台县人民0。同年将长春县双庙子区划回九台县管辖。增升阳区。改为22个区,198个村。1950年,将各区名重新按序数命名。1955年,九台县人民0更名为九台县人民委员会。同年,将长春市卡伦区划归九台县管辖。1955年,改为23个区,212个村。1956年7月3日,设立怀德专区。九台县划归怀德专区管辖。10月6日,怀德专区更名为公主岭专区。1956年,改为4个镇、77个乡。1957年,将泡子、吉家、布海、双庙子、升阳、长山乡划归德惠县管辖,德惠县太合、义合、城子街乡划归九台县管辖。1958年初,改为2个镇、30个乡。撤销卡伦镇等。此后又划分为九台镇、营城镇、沐石河、其塔木、上河湾、土们岭、龙家堡、波泥河、朝阳、城子街、卡伦11个公社。1958年10月23日,撤销公主岭专区,九台县划归长春市管辖。1960年,增舍岭、加工河、饮马河、西营城、放牛沟、胡家、卢家、庆阳、城郊9个公社,改为20个公社。1961年,增六台、苇子沟、三台、纪家、鸡鸣山、兴隆、二道沟7个公社,改为27个公社。1964年,撤销胡家人民公社,增胡家回族乡。改为2个镇,1个民族乡,24个公社。1965年,增卡伦镇。辖3个镇,1个民族乡,24个公社。1966年2月,设立德惠专区。九台县划归德惠专区管辖。1968年,撤销九台县人民委员会,成立九台县革命委员会。1969年7月3日,撤销德惠专区,九台县划归长春市管辖。1969年,仍为3个镇,25个公社(民族乡在成立革委会时撤销)。1976年,撤销城郊、朝阳、舒岭3个公社,增九郊、春阳、沿江3个公社。1980年,撤销九台县革命委员会,成立九台县人民0。1981年,撤销胡家人民公社,增设胡家回族乡公社。改为3个镇、1个民族乡、24个公社。1983年,撤销沿江乡,增奔卡满族乡。改为3个镇、23个乡、2个民族乡。1984年。撤销上河湾、其塔木、土们岭、河石河、西营城、饮马河、城子街乡,增上河湾、其塔木、土们岭、沐石河、西营城、饮马河、城子街镇。改为10个镇、16个乡、2个民族乡。1985年,撤销卡伦、龙家堡乡,增龙家堡镇。改为11个镇、14个乡、2个民族乡。1988年4月26日,经省0批准,撤销营城镇,将其所辖区域并入九台镇。改为10个镇、14个乡、2个民族乡。1988年9月15日,吉林省人民0“吉政函[1988]第175号文件”通知:民政部1988年8月30日“民[1988]行批18号”文件批复,经国务院批准,撤销九台县,设立九台市(县级市),以原九台县的行政区域为九台市的行政区域,由省直辖,长春市代管。1989年,撤销九台镇,增团结、工农、南山、火石岭、营城街,改为5个街道、9个镇、14个乡、2个民族乡。1992年,撤销兴隆、苇子沟、放牛沟乡、增兴隆、苇子沟、放牛沟镇,改为5个街道办事处、12个镇、11个乡、2个民族乡。1998年3月4日,经吉林省人民0批准,卡伦镇更名为卡伦湖镇。2000年6月30日,经吉林省人民0批准,九台市放牛沟镇更名为东湖镇。2000年,九台市辖5个街道、12个镇、13个乡。 根据第五次人口普查数据:总人口799729人,其中:团结街道 39094人、工农街道 38910人、南山街道 28242人、营城街道 28028人、火石岭街道 28121人、沐石河镇 32564人、城子街镇 25185人、其塔木镇 46386人、上河湾镇 27655人、西营城镇 23541人、土们岭镇 14265人、饮马河镇 22439人、龙家堡镇 33326人、卡伦镇 48992人、苇子沟镇 28419人、兴隆镇 21562人、东湖镇 25287人、九郊乡 36361人、春阳乡 17172人、纪家乡 17063人、庆阳乡 27756人、卢家乡 24524人、六台乡 24285人、胡家乡 22605人、莽卡乡 30820人、三台乡 21994人、二道沟乡 13125人、加工河乡 17199人、波泥河乡 17176人、鸡鸣山乡 17633人。2002年,九台市辖3个街道、13个镇、2个民族乡。总人口83.2万人.其中非农业人口19.8万人。2003年,九台市辖:九台街道、营城街道、九郊街道、土们岭镇、西营城镇、沐石河镇、其塔木镇、上河湾镇、龙家堡镇、卡伦湖镇、东湖镇、城子街镇、兴隆镇、苇子沟镇、纪家镇、莽卡满族乡、波泥河镇、胡家回族乡。2004年,九台市辖:九台街道(办事处驻曙光大街)、九郊街道(办事处驻团结街)、营城街道(办事处驻营城街)、卡伦湖镇(镇0驻卡伦街)、上河湾镇(镇0驻上河湾)、其塔木镇、土们岭镇、沐石河镇、西营城镇、城子街镇、龙家堡镇、苇子沟镇、杨家浇锅)、兴隆镇(镇0驻赵朝阳沟)、东湖镇(镇0驻放牛沟)、纪家镇(镇0驻青云堂)、波泥河镇、胡家回族乡(乡0驻胡家屯)、莽卡满族乡(乡0驻舍岭)。2005年,将九台市的卡伦湖镇、龙嘉镇(原龙家堡镇)、东湖镇3个镇划归长春市二道区管辖。截至2006年底,九台市辖3个街道、10个镇、2个乡,10个社区、310个村。主要资料出处:“吉林省行政区划网站”、“吉林省情网”。其他出处以及相关注意事项请阅读本站“使用声明”。(行政区划网站·)2021年4月,九台区上榜2021中国最美乡村百佳县市榜第81名。2020年11月,“2020中国乡村振兴百佳示范县市”榜单新鲜出炉,九台区位列第91名。2019年12月,农业农村部推介九台区为全国农村创新创业典型县。2019年1月,农业农村部认定九台区为全国第三批率先基本实现主要农作物生产全程机械化示范县(市、区)。2019年,农业农村部推介九台区为第二批全国农村创业创新典型县。 2016年2月,九台区上榜2015年全国义务教育发展基本均衡县(市、区)名单。2005年,九台区位列2005年度全国肉类生产百强县第22名。2004年,九台区位列2004年度全国粮食生产百强县第18名。
2023-07-11 06:08:071

my ideal life in 20 years英语作文

my ideal life in 20 years英语作文 My ideal life including ideal、freedom、love. First of all,my ideal is enty to enty-five years old get advertising professional or calligraphy professional degree,and every summer vacation to a pany practice,and go to a city touri *** study and appreciate the local cultureenty-five to thirty years old advertisement major ,graduate student degree pass,and advertising intern.In my enty-eight years old and my long-term boyfriend get married.,thirty years old before birth,the best is longfeng births and the entreprises in my thirty years old bee advertising pany advertising executive or PR director.Like a year ago to a city travel.In my thirty years old and my family settled in Britain,into the enterprise Marketing Department and in thirty-five years be marketing director.If I can ,captured British famous university degree.Once a year a national travel and learn the local culture.After thirty-five study tradition Chinese medicine、medicine food and go to Korea to o-four years studying Chinese medicine、medicine food,still a year travelling.Fifty years later,traveled all over the world,all countries learning diet,feel the world culture and weite a book about my life experience to biography. Second,about freedom .I hope I can be free to do what I want to do go where I want to go ,free holds up my ideal life. finally ,the most important is love .Often with my family and friend,have a dinnal 、chat、sport and travel.Every weekend schedule a day family day ,every year ,a family collective travel.Every year Spring Festival family dinner together.Once a year and my sisters travel .I like leehom ,the hope can bee good friends ,have time to see his concerts,for him to do some things and bee his co-workers,help him to concerts.Love makes us together.Love is to support the everything to me .affecting、love 、friendship,love give me the courage free to pursue my ideal life .Have a love of life is happiness. My life in 20 years 英语作文 My life in enty years will be fantastic and wonderful. I will have a job that I like. I will be married and have children. I will get my favourite cars and drive my family around in the city. I will get the most beatiuful in town for my family. They are the things that will happen to me after 20 years. 英语作文《my ideal life in the future》 I have a dream for the life in the future. If we can invent roborts, then we will have less work to do and gain more free time to relax. For example, it will bee more convenient at home if roborts can help us with the housework and our homework as well. As a result, we can have more time to focus on what we are interested in. I am looking forward to this wonderful life in the future; however, in order to fulfill my dream, I need to study hard and work hard so that I could invent my own roborts. my ideal school life英语作文 My ldeal School Life~My ldeal School Life School is not only a place where students gather together to attend class,to take in knowledge,but also a place where we spend our whole youth.What I mean is that my ideal school should definitly be equipmented with modern facilities.And added on that it should also provide students with a good living conditions. My ideal school life is pretty much normal and regular.I will attend every class and concentrate on all my subjects.Learning is always the theme of school life.But we shouldn"t put all our time in learning.I would like to join in the anization which I am interested in.I would like to join the student union too.Social munication ablity is as impotant as leaning knowledge. Actually I think it is not important what your school is like,but whether you are going to learn hard in your school.So we should take full advantage of what our school provides to us and learn hard 英语作文 my ideal school life 60字 I‘m Zhou Jinru,a student of Class 4,Grade 7.At school ,my teachers are very friendly to me.My school life is very interesting.I like it very much. Classes begin at 8:00a.m,I have four classes in the morning.In the afternoon,I have four classes,too.I study English 、math 、history 、art and some other subjects.English is my favorite subjet,and I often speak English with my clas *** ates.But I don"t like math.I think it"s a little difficult and boring my. ideal. life. style英语作文 First of all,myideal is enty to enty-five years old get advertising professional or calligraphy professional degree,and every summer vacation to a pany practice,and go to a city touri *** study and appreciate the local cultureenty-five to thirty years old advertisement major ,graduate student degree pass,and advertising intern.In my enty-eight years old and my long-term boyfriend get married.,thirty years old before birth,the best is longfeng births and the entreprises in my thirty years old bee advertising pany advertising executive or PR director.Like a year ago to a city travel.In my thirty years old and myfamily settled in Britain,into the enterprise Marketing Department and in thirty-five years be marketing director.If I can ,captured British famous university degree.Once a year a national travel and learn the local culture.After thirty-five study tradition Chinese medicine、medicine food and go to Korea to o-four years studying Chinese medicine、medicine food,still a year travelling.Fifty years later,traveled all over the world,all countries learning diet,feel the world culture and weite a book about mylife experience to biography. Second,about freedom .I hope I can be free to do what I want to do go where I want to go ,free holds up myideallife. finally ,the most important is love .Often with my family and friend,have a dinnal 、chat、sport and travel.Every weekend schedule a day family day ,every year ,a family collective travel.Every year Spring Festival family dinner together.Once a year and my sisters travel .I like leehom ,the hope can bee good friends ,have time to see his concerts,for him to do some things and bee his co-workers,help him to concerts.Love makes us together.Love is to support the everything to me .affecting、love 、friendship,love give me the courage free to pursue myideallife .Have a love of life is happiness. 急!英语作文 My life in ten years in ten years ,i think i"ll be a report,because,i want to meet a lot of interesting people,and i"ll live in a big house with my best friends ,because i don"t like living alone ,i also think i"ll have a pet dag,and i don"t have dag now,because,my mom hates it,and my home is *** all ! i"ll probably to go swimming every day ,during the week ,i"ll be able to dress more beautiful.oh!last i "ll visit france i belive my dream will e true My life in 10years(英语作文) 十年后我的生活 初中英语作文my ideal city life My ideal city life I think that our city life is enjoyable. But I would like to see it being more enjoyable. I would like to have more activities and trips in our city. I would like to see more trees and flowers in our city. It would be nice to have more activities and trips in our city. It would be necessary to have more trees and flowers. I"m looking forward to seeing these changes. I think our city life is very nice But I think there are also many kinds of pollution in our city So, I hope there will be less pollution Then our city will be more and more beautiful And I hope there will be more green plants I think it is difficult to have less pollution in our city I think it is necessary to have more green plants Do you agree with me? I think our city is not good enough. I would like to have more green plants. For example, we can plant more trees, flowers, green grass and so on. It would be convenient to have more under ground stations. There is too much pollution. For example, there is air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. So we should keep our city clean. Then our city will be much better. 三选一吧 My life in 20 years 英语作文不少于80字 My life in 20 years Soon over enty years, I have bee a writer, this time may have been great changes in Ningbo. Look - I just want to go out, the robot "Polly" came over, handed me a bag of misfortunes pill, said: "Master, you can go." I took the pill misfortunes, said "Thank you" to hurry away. Do not overlook this package misfortunes pills, it can make you on the road to eliminate all disaster. Do not believe ah, look! I now walk in the street below the bridge, when o cars were approaching from the left and right to me, I hurry, as usual to go my way. Suddenly, o cars collided with my result, how about it? Results ah, I have no problem with other o vehicles, emerged unscathed, how, now that ward off the bad balls instead. To Dr. home, I gently press the press the doorbell, doorbell, said: "I"m sorry, the owner was not at home, please e back tomorrow, thank you"; I heard the doorbell, then back away. You must feel strange for you, why the doorbell would say that? Let me tell you, that time because our science and technology developed, every household has a doorbell on the new *** art sensor, which entered the family"s fingerprints, so the owner just click the doorbell, the doorbell will be judged aording to the fingerprint Can open the door. If to the guests will politely answer the doorbell, the doorbell if the thief would e he kept calling. Visitors and thieves who are not home, the doorbell Why can distinguish it? The original bell in the possession of a micro-camera, it captured the faces e, the thief took the tools to mit crimes, and guests are respectfully at the door, so the judge after the sensor can distinguish beeen them. Unconsciously, I returned home, I rang the doorbell, the door will automatically open, the robot "Polly" is cleaning house, I went into the bedroom, turn on the TV looked up and saw a plane flying out of , then ran straight down to the ground, surrounded by a group of French people next to the original lawless Americans now play France again, and why TV can be turned into something real it? We had invented a XVC China"s new light-day boat, this boat to fly through the XVC sun light up, and from there back to Earth Magic and the television can be implemented. How? My life is right now, there are also many strange things, one by one I will not say, goodbye!
2023-07-11 06:08:161

my ideal family life写一篇英语作文

Myideallife including ideal、freedom、love. First of all,myideal is twenty to twenty-five years old get advertising professional or calligraphy professional degree,and every summer vacation to a company practice,and go to a city tourism study and appreciate the local culture.twenty-five to thirty years old advertisement major ,graduate student degree pass,and advertising intern.In my twenty-eight years old and my long-term boyfriend get married.,thirty years old before birth,the best is longfeng births and the top entreprises in my thirty years old become advertising company advertising executive or PR director.Like a year ago to a city travel.In my thirty years old and myfamily settled in Britain,into the top enterprise Marketing Department and in thirty-five years becom marketing director.If I can ,captured British famous university degree.Once a year a national travel and learn the local culture.After thirty-five study tradition Chinese medicine、medicine food and go to Korea to two-four years studying Chinese medicine、medicine food,still a year travelling.Fifty years later,traveled all over the world,all countries learning diet,feel the world culture and weite a book about mylife experience to biography. Second,about freedom .I hope I can be free to do what I want to do go where I want to go ,free holds up myideallife. finally ,the most important is love .Often with my family and friend,have a dinnal 、chat、sport and travel.Every weekend schedule a day family day ,every year ,a family collective travel.Every year Spring Festival family dinner together.Once a year and my sisters travel .I like leehom ,the hope can become good friends ,have time to see his concerts,for him to do some things and become his co-workers,help him to concerts.Love makes us together.Love is to support the everything to me .affecting、love 、friendship,love give me the courage free to pursue myideallife .Have a love of life is happiness.
2023-07-11 06:08:261


Surging Yangtze River, always pour in into the sea is about 10,000 ares waves, she slowed down the pace of the eastbound carriageway of a hurry, with sweet warm milk nourishing a beautiful historical and cultural city - Taizhou. Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, is located in the middle along the Yangtze River, Yangtze River Delta economic zone for the 16 central cities. Long from north to south and east-west the city"s narrow, straight-line distance between the North and the South"s largest about 124 kilometers from east to west about 19 kilometers narrowest, widest point is only 55 km. The city"s total area of 5793 square kilometers, of which four hundred and twenty-eight square kilometers of urban area. The total area, the land area accounts for 82.74%, 17.26% area of the waters. Phoenix has a reputation of Taizhou, with 2100 years of history,古称Haiyang, Hailing, the early Han Dynasty home county, the Eastern Jin Dynasty set up county, Nantang statehood, our ancestors hope "to be tranquil and peaceful, Longfeng phoenix", the name of Taizhou and from the beginning. Known as "the Han and Tang Dynasties Gogun, Huaihai District" of the ancient Hailing and Jinling Nanjing, Yangzhou Guangling, Lanling Changzhou Huaxia famous, renowned in China. Jiang海交会here, magnificent, marvel in the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei: "floating in淮泗, Haoran Tianbo, sea spray in the course of events, Jiangcheng vast change in the Yang."
2023-07-11 06:08:451

泰州旅游景点英语介绍 英语介绍泰国景点

泰国旅游景点英文介绍1,曼谷泰国大王宫(Grand palace, Bangkok, Thailand)Bangkok Thailand"s grand palace, also known as the Palace Museum, is the palace of the king of Thailand"s Bangkok dynasty king I to king viii.(曼谷泰国大王宫又称故宫,是泰国曼谷王朝一世王至八世王的王宫。)The grand palace covers a total area of 218,400 square meters and is located in the center of the capital Bangkok.(大王宫的总面积为21.84万平方米,位于首都曼谷市中心。)Nestled beside the chao phraya river, it is the most spectacular collection of ancient buildings in Bangkok.(依偎在湄南河畔,是曼谷市内最为壮观的古建筑群。)2,玉佛寺(The jade Buddha temple)Jade Buddha temple is located in the northeast corner of Bangkok grand palace.(玉佛寺位于曼谷大王宫的东北角。)It is the most famous buddhist temple in Thailand and one of the three national treasures of Thailand.(是泰国最著名的佛寺,也是泰国三大国宝之一。)The jade Buddha temple, built in 1784, is part of the grand palace of Thailand.(建于1784年的玉佛寺是泰国大王宫的一部分,面积约占大王宫的1/4。)3,普吉岛(Island of phuket)Phuket, the "pearl" of the andaman sea and the largest island in Thailand, is a typical tourist resort in southeast Asia.(泰国最大的岛屿、安达曼海的“珍珠”普吉岛是东南亚具有代表性的旅游度假胜地。)4,芭堤雅(pattaya)Pattaya, famous for its sunshine, sand beach and seafood, is known as the "Oriental Hawaii" and is a world famous new seaside resort.(芭堤雅,以阳光、沙滩、海鲜名扬天下,被誉为“东方夏威夷”,是世界著名的新兴海滨旅游度假胜地。)5,皮皮岛(phi)phi island is about 20 kilometers southeast of phuket, Thailand.(皮皮岛位于泰国普吉岛东南约20公里处。)It is a sister island of two main islands, the big pipi in the north and the small pipi in the south.(是由两个主要岛屿(北部的大皮皮岛和南部的小皮皮岛)组成的姐妹岛。)参考资料来源:百度百科-泰国求对泰州特色(景点,人物,小故事)的英文介绍,越多越好。Peach Orchard(桃园)Wanghailou(望海楼)Plum(梅园)Yuan Boyuan(园博园)Flower garden(花博园)我的家乡在泰州,求一篇介绍泰州的英语短文Surging Yangtze River, always pour in into the sea is about 10,000 ares waves, she slowed down the pace of the eastbound carriageway of a hurry, with sweet warm milk nourishing a beautiful historical and cultural city - Taizhou. Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, is located in the middle along the Yangtze River, Yangtze River Delta economic zone for the 16 central cities. Long from north to south and east-west the city"s narrow, straight-line distance between the North and the South"s largest about 124 kilometers from east to west about 19 kilometers narrowest, widest point is only 55 km. The city"s total area of 5793 square kilometers, of which four hundred and twenty-eight square kilometers of urban area. The total area, the land area accounts for 82.74%, 17.26% area of the waters. Phoenix has a reputation of Taizhou, with 2100 years of history,古称Haiyang, Hailing, the early Han Dynasty home county, the Eastern Jin Dynasty set up county, Nantang statehood, our ancestors hope "to be tranquil and peaceful, Longfeng phoenix", the name of Taizhou and from the beginning. Known as "the Han and Tang Dynasties Gogun, Huaihai District" of the ancient Hailing and Jinling Nanjing, Yangzhou Guangling, Lanling Changzhou Huaxia famous, renowned in China. Jiang海交会here, magnificent, marvel in the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei: "floating in淮泗, Haoran Tianbo, sea spray in the course of events, Jiangcheng vast change in the Yang."求一篇一百字的英语作文 《my hometown》 江苏泰州My hometown is in jiangsu taizhou. My parents was born there and grew up, I was born there and grew up, too. So I like my hometown very much. My hometown has a lot of tourist attractions, such as taizhou old street, there are a lot of delicious, such as some characteristics snacks, at night, people also more special. A lot of people off work at night to walk there. Of course, water is essential in jiangsu, in taizhou, there is a lake called Qin lake. So, my hometown is very good. If you come to taizhou, yo can come to visit me.
2023-07-11 06:08:521

请擅长英语的朋友帮我翻译一段英语谢谢 ,不要在线翻译。

2023-07-11 06:09:003


2023-07-11 06:09:072


1、秋风落叶轻拂过,宛如当年您敦厚的手、慈祥的话,给我最温柔的抚慰、最诚挚的教化。 The autumn wind and fallen leaves brush lightly, just like your generous hand and kind words, giving me the most gentle fort and sincere education. 2、多想再一次注视您的目光,多想再一次倾听您的讲课,多想再一次紧握您的双手。衷心道声谢谢,用我所有的真诚。 How much I want to look at you again, how much I want to listen to you again, how much I want to hold your hands again. Heartfelt thanks, with all my sincerity. 3、将来,无论我会成为挺拔的乔木,还是低矮的灌木,老师,我都将以生命的翠绿向您致敬! In the future, whether I will be a tall tree or a low shrub, teacher, I will pay tribute to you for the green life! 4、拨动真诚的心弦,铭记成长的辛酸,成功的道路上永远离不开您,亲爱的老师,祝您永远幸福!教师节快乐! Pull sincere heartstrings, bear in mind the bitterness of growth, the road to success can never be separated from you, dear teacher, I wish you happiness forever! Happy Teachers" Day! 5、春雨,染绿了世界,而自己却无声地消失在泥土之中。老师,您就是滋润我们心田的春雨,我们将永远感谢您。 The spring rain dyed the world, but silently disappeared into the earth. Teacher, you are the spring rain that moistens our hearts. We will always thank you. 6、也许,您不是最优秀的,但在我心中您是最棒的!节日快乐,老师! Perhaps you are not the best, but you are the best in my heart. Happy holidays, teacher! 7、敬爱的老师,素白的雪,是您的象征;献上为您编织的神圣光环,祝福您岁岁愉快,年年如意! Beloved teacher, plain white snow, is your symbol; dedicate the sacred aura woven for you, wish you a happy year and a happy year! 8、在人生的旅途上,是您为我点燃希望的光芒,给我插上理想的翅膀,翱翔在知识的海洋上。感谢您,老师! On the journey of life, it is you who kindles the light of hope for me, inserts the wings of ideal for me, and soars in the sea of knowledge. Thank you, teacher! 9、好的管理人才不是天生的而是培养起来的,我的成长与你的关心是分不开的,真心的感谢你,师长!教师节快乐! Good managers are not born but trained. My growth is inseparable from your concern. Thank you sincerely, teacher! Happy Teachers" Day! 10、一个个日子升起又降落,一届届学生走来又走过,不变的是您深沉的爱和灿烂的笑容。祝福您,亲爱的老师! Day by day, the students e and go, the same is your deep love and brilliant *** ile. Bless you, dear teacher! 11、是谁给了我们文明语言?是谁教会了我们人生的哲学?是谁教会我们怎样做人?是您!辛勤的园丁!祝您节日快乐! Who gave us the language of civilization? Who taught us the philosophy of life? Who taught us how to behave? It"s you! Hard gardeners! I wish you a happy holiday! 12、海上行船有灯塔所以不怕浪,人生路上有老师所以不迷茫,教师节到了,祝敬爱的老师节日快乐,身体健康,事事如意! There are beacons on the sea, so they are not afraid of waves. There are teachers on the way to life, so they are not confused. Teachers"Day is ing. I wish my beloved teachers a happy holiday, good health and good luck in everything! 13、我不是您最出色的学生,而您却是我最崇敬的老师。在您的节日,您的学生愿您永远年轻。 I am not your most outstanding student, but you are my most respected teacher. On your holiday, your students wish you forever young. 14、多想再一次注视您的目光,多想再一次倾听您的讲课,衷心道声谢谢,用我所有的真诚。 I would like to look at your eyes again, and listen to your lecture again. Thank you sincerely, with all my sincerity. 15、您给了我灿灿如金的生活真谛,经过岁月的磨洗,弥久而愈明。您用辛勤汗水,哺育了春日刚破土的嫩苗。谢谢你,老师! You have given me the true meaning of life like gold. After years of grinding, it has bee clearer and clearer. You have worked hard to nurture the springtime breaking soil. Thank you, teacher! 16、点一盏心灯,您为年少的我明亮方向;洒一腔热忱,您为教育事业奉献 *** 。教师节,祝亲爱的老师幸福安康,快乐无疆! Light a heart lamp, you bright direction for young me; sprinkle a cavity of enthusia *** , you dedicate passion for the cause of education. Teacher"s day, I wish my dear teacher happiness, health and happiness. 17、作为父母,我们深知您在我们孩子成长道路中的重要。谢谢您所做的一切,衷心感谢您,我孩子的恩师。 As parents, we are well aware of your importance in our children"s growth. Thank you for everything. I sincerely thank you for being my child"s teacher. 18、你的谆谆教导,是爱的清泉,将在我心灵的河床里,永远流淌。我们敬爱您,老师! Your earnest teachings are the spring of love, which will flow forever in the riverbed of my soul. We love you, teacher! 19、老师,我们诚挚的祝福,就像老树上的翠绿,浓浓密密,与岁月俱增。 Teachers, our sincere blessing, like the old trees on the green, thick and dense, and years of growth. 20、面对着壮阔的大海,让我们向您庄严宣誓:请您放心吧,亲爱的老师,没有什么风浪能挡住我们青春的脚步! Faced with the vast sea, let us solemnly swear to you: please rest assured, dear teacher, there is no wind and waves can block our steps of youth! 21、敬爱的老师,您为了教导我们,付出了太多血汗,在教师节来临之际,对您说声:老师,珍重! Dear teacher, in order to teach us, you have paid too much sweat and blood. When Teacher"s Day es, say to you: Teacher, treasure! 22、一切过去了的都会变成亲切的怀念,一切逝去了的方知可贵。我怀念您带我们走过的时光。 Everything that has passed will bee a kind of yearning. All those who have passed away will be valuable. I miss the time you took us through. 23、心灵的启蒙者,道德的传教士,我敬爱的老师,今天是您的节日,祝福您教师节快乐,祝愿您永远为祖国接班人导航! Enlightenment of the soul, moral missionaries, my beloved teacher, today is your festival, I wish you a happy Teacher"s Day, I wish you always for the successor of the motherland navigation! 24、我是一棵绿树,沐浴着智慧的阳光,在您知识的土壤里,茁壮成长。 I am a green tree, bathed in the sunshine of wisdom, thriving in the soil of your knowledge. 25、您的辛劳是我们的动力,我们的成功是您的骄傲,然而我们会为您自豪! Your hard work is our driving force, our success is your pride, but we will be proud of you! 26、当我们采摘丰收果实的时候,您留给自己的却是被粉笔灰染白的两鬓白发。向您致敬,敬爱的老师! When we harvest the fruits of harvest, what you leave behind is gray hair dyed with chalk and white. Salute to you, dear teacher! 27、或许有千里冰封,或许有万里雪飘,您的圣洁和温暖却使我们相信:生活里没有冬天。老师!我永远感激您!祝福您! Perhaps there are thousands of miles of ice, or thousands of miles of snow, but your holiness and warmth make us believe that there is no winter in life. Teacher! I am always grateful to you! Bless you! 28、教师节到了,祝福翻倍给你,祝你收入翻番职位一步登天,福到你家儿女龙凤吉祥洪福齐家,敬爱的恩师,节日快乐! Teacher"s Day is ing, I wish you double the blessings, I wish you a double ine position step by step, good luck to your children Longfeng auspicious Hongfuqi family, beloved teachers, happy holidays!
2023-07-11 06:09:201


My ideal life including ideal、freedom、love. First of all,my ideal is twenty to twenty-five years old get advertising professional or calligraphy professional degree,and every summer vacation to a company practice,and go to a city tourism study and appreciate the local culture.twenty-five to thirty years old advertisement major ,graduate student degree pass,and advertising intern.In my twenty-eight years old and my long-term boyfriend get married.,thirty years old before birth,the best is longfeng births and the top entreprises in my thirty years old become advertising company advertising executive or PR director.Like a year ago to a city travel.In my thirty years old and my family settled in Britain,into the top enterprise Marketing Department and in thirty-five years becom marketing director.If I can ,captured British famous university degree.Once a year a national travel and learn the local culture.After thirty-five study tradition Chinese medicine、medicine food and go to Korea to two-four years studying Chinese medicine、medicine food,still a year travelling.Fifty years later,traveled all over the world,all countries learning diet,feel the world culture and weite a book about my life experience to biography. Second,about freedom .I hope I can be free to do what I want to do go where I want to go ,free holds up my ideal life. finally ,the most important is love .Often with my family and friend,have a dinnal 、chat、sport and travel.Every weekend schedule a day family day ,every year ,a family collective travel.Every year Spring Festival family dinner together.Once a year and my sisters travel .I like leehom ,the hope can become good friends ,have time to see his concerts,for him to do some things and become his co-workers,help him to concerts.Love makes us together.Love is to support the everything to me .affecting、love 、friendship,love give me the courage free to pursue my ideal life .Have a love of life is happiness. -------------------------------------- What is life? LIFE to me means: Love,Idea, Freedom and Energy . Love to us is just like water to fish . We were born in it . We live by it . Love is so priceless that everyone should cherish it . And in my life , the best way to cherish love is to share love with my family ,my friends and other people around me . I have my own idea of my life .I have been being ideal to my life . In getting along well with people around me , I try my best to be honest, kind and easygoing . In dealing with the matters , I keep being active, optimistic and responsible . So, to have a happy and harmonious lifetime is my idea . No freedom and no life. To enjoy freedom is all my life . Freedom comes from my heart . So the real freedom to me is just let me do what I want to do and live without regret in my life . I am energetic . I love doing things . I love to go places and keeping my house clean . And I would love to help others whenever and wherever possible . I keep studying and working hard every day . So thanks for ENERGY to make me do all above . To share love , to be ideal , to enjoy freedom and to be energetic , that"s the life I want .
2023-07-11 06:09:271

Welcome to yellow River Scenic Spot英语作文?

Welcome to the Yellow River Scenic Area , with the towering Yueshan Mountain in the south and the surging Yellow River in the north . A series of unique geographical features , such as the magnificent scenery of the bug river , the long-standing cultural landscape , and the beginning of the "hanging river " on the ground , the end of the Loess Plateau . Make it a scenic spot that integrates sightseeing and promoting Chinese culture , and become the leading tourist destination of the Yellow River . She has witnessed the 5,000 year history and cultural changes of the Chinese nation , she is tho totem of the Chinese nation dragon , and she is the soul of the Chinese civilization .
2023-07-11 06:09:362

青溪三潭记 翻译

Three pond enterpriseLiYuanYangIn some MaLongFeng features of the south. We should try to university, swimming. XinChou jiajing, JunShou YangGong, Qiong Lai temple XuGong department to answer to gather in yulin, brook. C Calvin, Oregon, two horses county in any reserve guard saito deep poor source. Below, the source rock for deep pool poured boiling up MingYing, not hide needle. Small stone fruits, such as cloth, green white eggs as black, YuBaoYu, such as XiaQi fault. Just have fall leaves to pool surface, with the transition to birds. Beach three 厓 stone, its net as mop, not beautiful, playing time. But on the side of YaShi left Xia shelter, sit overlooking the pool, more to each other as drunk, unconsciously. "Yu hole right cliff" 2 words, Yang ccba. The pond, east, luxurious stone stream into the canal, the most slippery not enough. Who is gentle, there is always a foot down. Twenty cubits in deep ponds, with water, see more easily, more people know the onion. Under the deep blue light in the pool, pool light green color, the crows pool light green delighted. Water is the stone, the float above the ShiSe, lily.For each to the Hu grain, its shadow, printing dyeing god. Heart, A brook is involved in the world, and vision, tired months can not forget. Green streams of water, because of the ground which the forms, the round, as a mirror, the song again, each have posture, all can enjoy the fun to timnah. Horses, and two RAMS, and build ZhuoYing pavilion, this waste. The brook, 4 million mu of embellish inexhaustible stream, called DE cloud.
2023-07-11 06:09:471


Shen Congwen biography on December 28, 1902, our country renowned writers, the historian, archaeologist Mr. Shen Congwen was born in the phoenix old city in a camp street"s model south ancient central courtyard. 1917 to 1922 the excursion 1923 intruded Beijing in western Hunan Yuanshui basin , from 1923 to 1928 wrote in Beijing makes a living from 1928 to 1930, was appointed the lecturer in the Shanghai China College, concurrently "Da Gong Bao", "Profit World Newspaper" and so on literary newspaper supplements edited from 1931 to 1933 to be appointed lecturer in Qingdao University from 1934 to 1939 to edit national elementary and middle schools Chinese textbook in Beijing from 1939 to 1947 to be appointed Professor in the Kunming Southwest Union University from 1947 to 1949 to be appointed Professor in the Beijing University from 1950 to 1978 in Beijing China historyThe museum was appointed cultural relic Researcher from 1978 to 1988 in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Research institute to let researcher.the Mr. Shen Congwen"s literary work "Border town", "the Western Hunan", "from Article Autobiography" and so on, in domestic and foreign has the significant influence. his work translates into Japan, the US, Britain, the former Soviet Union and so on more than 40 national writing publications, and by the US, Japan, South Korea, Britain and so on more than ten countries or the area elects the university textbook, twice is nominated evaluates for the Nobel Literature Prize the candidate.Mr. Shen Congwen is not only the renowned writer, the renowned historian, the archaeologist, he composed has published "Chinese Silk Design", "the Tang Song Bronze mirror", "the Longfeng Art", "the Warring States Lacquerware", "China Ancient times Clothing Research" and so on academic monograph, specially the work "China Ancient times Clothing Research" affected is very big, has filled in our country cultural history blank.
2023-07-11 06:09:541


Summer vacation to Hengdian After three hours of turbulence, finally arrived. First of all, we came to GongYuan Ming and qing dynasties. Enter the scenic area, looking at the royal road, each HuaBiao, frequency, such as the history of many doors landscape, and geous imperial palace, magnificent palace square, music bridge waterside pavilion, rockery jungle, I as if through time and space, e to Ming and qing dynasties. A long at the imperial way, each tower 5, YuDaiQiao side by side in jinshui bridge across. In the magnificent, the status of the day before the door, and stand o a modelling grave, beautifully carved HuaBiao, a symbol of the dignity of the Chinese nation, in blue sky and white clouds in the set off of, look particularly solemn luxuriant. Then go inside, is located and orderly palace. The unique design and build, the broad and profound cultural connotation, give visitors bring great enjoyment. Walk, looked up and saw a piece of inscribed "full man hanquan banquet" grave plaque. Originally the inside all the empress dowager cixi taste of some exhibition wide variety of delicious food. Almonds, longfeng ChengXiang citron, PND tail-on shark fin, HuaGu duck palm, colorful beef fillet, orchard fines... All kinds of delicacies, everything. I see, drool, really want to be time to taste the empress dowager cixi, exactly is what taste dishes. The next day, we visit the painting scroll, graceful and exquisite pavilions, the antique houses. The curved little bridge, running brook, and concealed in the mountains in the distance the intersection together, is really a beautiful and moving, place oneself heaven-" the world of painting, as if MengHui into one thousand   横店圆明新园,内有100个花园,万千种奇花异草,故又名万花园。她汲取北京皇家御园圆明园盛时精华并进行了创新,是一座集中西方优秀造园艺术,融中华文化与世界多元文化于一体的辉煌壮丽的文化乐园。国衰园毁,盛世兴园。在中华民族伟大复兴实现“中国梦”征程中,在党中央建设文化强国精神指引下,在省、地、市各级党委、 *** 的关心支持和园区周边百姓的翘首期盼下,本着爱国、富民、美化家园的责任,横店集团创始人、横店共创共有共富共享工作委员会主席徐文荣,以一个中国农民的大智大勇,80高龄亲任总指挥,决策在横店建设圆明新园。北京电影制片厂德艺双馨的资深美术大师、横店影视城总设计师张先春担任总设计师。横店圆明新园分为新圆明园、新长春园、新绮春园、新畅春园(红楼梦园)四大园区(又分别称为春苑、夏苑、秋苑、冬苑),以及大型多媒体激光水秀《梦幻圆明》、欢乐夜瑶池、欢乐夜庙会、皇家动物乐园、皇家冰雪乐园、皇家自然宝藏观赏园等景区场馆,并配有世界一流多功能、全方位的高科技尖端游乐项目。横店圆明新园总占地7000余亩,总投资300亿元。2012年5月动工兴建,开山挖坡,筑坝围湖,通河架桥,造景修路,改善生态,美化环境,历尽艰辛,攻克万难,夜以继日,加紧建设,其中新圆明园赶在2015年北京圆明园被毁155周年之际建成,具有伟大爱国纪念意义。铭史记遗恨,聚力扬国威。全部景园仅用四年时间,于2016年相继建成,终圆梦想
2023-07-11 06:10:021

my. ideal. life. style英语作文

  First of all,myideal is twenty to twenty-five years old get advertising professional or calligraphy professional degree,and every summer vacation to a company practice,and go to a city tourism study and appreciate the local culture.twenty-five to thirty years old advertisement major ,graduate student degree pass,and advertising intern.In my twenty-eight years old and my long-term boyfriend get married.,thirty years old before birth,the best is longfeng births and the top entreprises in my thirty years old become advertising company advertising executive or PR director.Like a year ago to a city travel.In my thirty years old and myfamily settled in Britain,into the top enterprise Marketing Department and in thirty-five years becom marketing director.If I can ,captured British famous university degree.Once a year a national travel and learn the local culture.After thirty-five study tradition Chinese medicine、medicine food and go to Korea to two-four years studying Chinese medicine、medicine food,still a year travelling.Fifty years later,traveled all over the world,all countries learning diet,feel the world culture and weite a book about mylife experience to biography.  Second,about freedom .I hope I can be free to do what I want to do go where I want to go ,free holds up myideallife.  finally ,the most important is love .Often with my family and friend,have a dinnal 、chat、sport and travel.Every weekend schedule a day family day ,every year ,a family collective travel.Every year Spring Festival family dinner together.Once a year and my sisters travel .I like leehom ,the hope can become good friends ,have time to see his concerts,for him to do some things and become his co-workers,help him to concerts.Love makes us together.Love is to support the everything to me .affecting、love 、friendship,love give me the courage free to pursue myideallife .Have a love of life is happiness.
2023-07-11 06:10:241