barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 16:22:56





KK: []

DJ: []


1. 私生子,庶子

2. 杂种

3. 劣等货;赝品

4. 讨厌鬼;坏蛋

He is a prize bastard.


5. 人,家伙;可怜虫

Poor bastard! He"s been had.



1. 私生的

2. 杂种的;品种低劣的

3. 外形(或式样)异常的,尺码特殊的

bastard sizes


4. 外形相像的;近似然而不典型的

Gneiss is called bastard granite.


5. 假冒的;劣的

houses of bastard design


以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供





Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.


Vulgar Slang A person, especially one who is held to be mean or disagreeable.

【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 态度傲慢且令人讨厌的人,自私的人

Born of unwed parents; illegitimate.


Not genuine; spurious:


a bastard style of architecture.


Resembling a known kind or species but not truly such.



Middle English


from Old French

源自 古法语

[probably of Germanic origin] ; akin to Old Frisian b½st [marriage]

[可能起源于日耳曼语的] ;类似于 古佛里斯兰语 b½st [婚姻]






bastard 英[ˈbɑ:stəd] 美[ˈbæstərd] n. 私生子,杂种; 代用品,假冒品; 态度傲慢且令人讨厌的人; adj. 杂种的,不纯粹的; 伪的,假的; 奇形怪状的,异常的; [其他] 复数:bastards
2023-01-03 02:50:391


有很多哦,都是一些不太文雅的用语bastardwretchassholepervertson of bitchmotherfuckerdickhead
2023-01-03 02:50:4511


坏蛋的英文:badass、bad egg。1、badass读音:["bædæs] 意思:坏蛋例句:My badass, action figure daughter is afraid to draw a teensy little drop of blood. 我到处惹是生非的小坏蛋女儿害怕采一丁点的血?2、bad egg读音:英 [bæd eg]  美 [bæd ɛɡ] 意思:坏蛋;不可信任的人例句:The latest film spells bad news for this bad egg. 最近这部影片给这个坏蛋带来了坏消息。扩展资料:1、同义词:villain读音:英 ["vɪlən]  美 ["vɪlən] 意思:坏人,恶棍;戏剧、小说中的反派角色;顽童;罪犯例句:Can you give me a quick villain master class? What do I need to do? 你能给我上一节快速的恶棍大师课吗?我需要做什么?2、反义词:good person读音:英 [gʊd "pɜːs(ə)n]  美 [ gʊd"pɝsn] 意思:好人。例句:However, a a good person has many good characters and abilities, so I cannot list them all out. 然而,一个很好的人,有许多好的特性和能力,所以我无法一一列举出来。
2023-01-03 02:51:256

you"re not even as good as garbage! bastard是什么意思?

2023-01-03 02:51:594

Bastard 什么意思?

2023-01-03 02:52:133

you little bastard 什么意思?

you little bastard英文翻译成汉语为:你这个小杂种。bastard 发音音标:英 [ˈbɑːstəd]   美 [ˈbæstərd]  bastard 释义:1、杂种;混蛋;恶棍例句:He"s a real bastard.翻译:他是个十足的恶棍。例句:You bastard! You"ve made her cry.翻译:你这个混蛋!你把她弄哭了。2、(认为别人走运或不幸时说)家伙,可怜虫例句:What a lucky bastard!翻译:真是个走运的家伙!例句:You poor bastard!翻译:你这个可怜虫!3、 讨厌的事物;麻烦事例句:It"s a bastard of a problem.翻译:那是个挺麻烦的问题。4、 私生子(可能具冒犯意味)例句:King Arthur"s bastard son, Mordred.翻译:亚瑟王的私生子莫德雷德扩展资料:词根词缀后缀-ard 表名词,“人”,含贬义bastardn. 私生子bast 原意“结婚”,后指不结婚而同居 + ard 人 → 私生子cowardn. 胆怯者cow 威胁 + ard 人 → 胆怯者drunkardn. 醉鬼drunk 醉的 + ard 人 → 醉鬼laggardn. 落后者lag 落后 + ard 人 → 落后者niggardn. 吝啬鬼niggle 做事小气 + ard 人 → 吝啬鬼sluggardn. 懒鬼slug 偷懒 + ard 人 → 懒鬼
2023-01-03 02:52:246

bastard 什么意思?

2023-01-03 02:52:579


bastard的本义是指私生子,因为常在骂人时使用,所以含有强烈的贬义,带有了卑劣的人等意思。"You dirty bastard," his friend said, and tried to kick me in the groin. More by good luck than good management I turned sideways. “你这个杂种”,他的朋友一边骂一边用脚踢我的下身。我事先并未料到,但却很幸运地躲开了。rascal指无赖、恶棍,如Every rascal is not a thief, but a thief be a rascal. 每个无赖不一定是盗贼;每个盗贼必定是无赖。不过,这个词也经常用来以玩笑的口吻来称淘气的孩子。"You little rascal,"he said,calling him by some strangesounding name. "你这个小坏蛋,"他说道,用听上去怪怪的名字叫它。
2023-01-03 02:53:266


2023-01-03 02:53:483


Spare the child the slur of being a bastard.不要让那孩子蒙受私生子的耻辱。He was a real bastard to his wife. 对他妻子来说他是个十足的混蛋。She"s a real bastard to work for.给她这个老板打工真讨厌。I"ve never met such bastard. 我从没遇到过如此讨厌的人。You lied to me, you bastard! 你居然对我说谎,你这个混蛋!This pan is a bastard to clean.这锅真难刷。很高兴能帮助到你。若满意记得“采纳为满意答案”喔!祝你开心~O(∩_∩)O~
2023-01-03 02:54:171

看英剧的时候听到一个单词意思是 混蛋 ,好像是busterd,有哪位大神知道是哪个单词吗

bastard 就是这个词
2023-01-03 02:54:235

Dope的《bastard》 歌词

歌曲名:bastard歌手:Dope专辑:american apathyLet"s start the showBacked out to save yourselfBut again left out againBailed out the whole to seeNow you better watch out for meBastardBastardBastardYou hear what I saidWhen we find your ass you"re deadYou"re deadBastardBastardAnd there ain"t no fucking wayThat you"re leaving here alive todayJust forget about itDon"t even think about itJust forget about itNo fucking wayJust forget about itDon"t even think about itJust forget about itYou"re gonna payBacked out to save yourselfLike a bitch talked shit againYou sold out your old friends and meFor a new found enemyBastardBastardBastardYou hear what I saidI"m gonna bash you in the headYou"re deadBastardBastardAnd there ain"t no fucking wayThat your faggot ass is gonna get awayJust forget about itDon"t even think about itJust forget about itNo fucking wayJust forget about itDon"t even think about itJust forget about itYou"re gonna payHello you"re going downHello you"re going downWho is thisIt"s me mother fuckerYou"re going downYou"re going downMotherfuckerYou"re going downYou"re going downThey say all good thingsCome to those who waitBastardBastardJust forget about itDon"t even think about itJust forget about itNo fucking wayCause there ain"t no fucking wayThat you"re leaving here alive todayJust forget about itDon"t even think about itJust forget about itNo fucking wayJust forget about itDon"t even think about itJust forget about itYou"re gonna payBastardBastardBastardBastardYou"re gonna payBastardYou hear what I saidWhen we find your ass you"re deadYou"re dead
2023-01-03 02:54:421

son of a gun 和 bastard和son of a bitch 有什么区别

不太懂你说的那个son of a gun。反正大体上没什么区别。bastard是个感叹词,混账的意思。都是骂人的话。想必你经常看国外电影或者美剧吧,在里边经常会出现的,具体的话就要看语境了。还有一些,像Holy crap,Damn it等等这一类的不是针对人来说的,就像我们平常的“我X”之类的一个道理。有说错的地方望谅解。
2023-01-03 02:54:473


2023-01-03 02:54:583

you bastard 请问这样讲符合语法吗,为什么?

2023-01-03 02:55:112

什么意思I am a bastard

2023-01-03 02:55:193


喂 拜托 有这个词吗?
2023-01-03 02:55:314


1、jackass ;渣男jackass的原义是“公驴”,另一个常用的意思是“混球”,在美剧中经常用来骂渣男。2、douchebag 渣男;同样也可以用来骂“渣男”。As long as I never have to date another douchebag again,I could do anything.只要我不必再和渣男约会,我啥都愿意做。3、son of a bitch ;渣男;愤怒这个词除了可以代替F开头的那个词来表示愤怒的情绪之外,还可以骂一个人渣男。How could you do that to me?You are son of a bitch!你怎么可以这样对我,你这渣男!4、two-timer 花心大萝卜;渣男two-timer形容那种对爱情不专一、一脚踏两船或者出轨的花心大萝卜,这比较符合的是恋爱关系中对“渣男”的定义。He is a real two-timer who had an affair with another woman when he was with me.他跟我在一起的时候出轨了另一个女人,他真渣男!5、playboy 花花公子花花公子不一定是渣男,渣男也不一定是花花公子,但是很多渣男确实是因为“花心”而成为渣的。playboy这个合成词很好地形容了花花公子的特点——爱玩。I think he is a playboy,because he always goes to bars.我觉得他是花花公子,他经常去酒吧。
2023-01-03 02:55:456


最新27卷于2012年3月19日发售。在同一天,由古桥秀之执笔的同名小说外传「BASTARD!!暗黑破坏神 NINJA MASTER 格拉外传」也同时发售。「BASTARD!!暗黑破坏神」DS),围绕着君临巨大黑暗军团顶点、心高气傲、自视甚高、阴险好色的传说中的古代大魔法师达克・修那依达(黑灵神与唯一可以骂黑灵神而黑灵神不敢反抗的大神官的女儿洋子而展开的一部黑暗幻想漫画。目前在「ULTRA JUMP」(集英社)上进行不定期的连载,曾经于1992年以OVA的形式展现在屏幕上,其中黑灵神DS由以低沉沙哑而极具爆发力的嗓音而闻名、饰演过「超兽机神断空我」的藤原忍、「机动战士高达ZZ」的捷多‧阿斯塔、「海贼王」弗兰奇等角色的老牌声优矢尾一树担当。另外,日本游戏公司TECMO也曾以其世界观为题材,制作了美少女网游「Bastard Online」。此次的第27卷是时隔2年半的新刊。在3月19日同一天发售的同名小说外传「BASTARD!!暗黑破坏神 NINJA MASTER 格拉外传」,由创作过「超妹大战」、「某一天,炸弹从天而降」等优秀轻小说的古桥秀之撰写,是讲述重要角色之一的忍者格拉在到达约定之地“墓谷”之前的冒险故事。其中的插画,交由原作者萩原一至绘制。
2023-01-03 02:56:161

Lucky bastard!! 翻译中文

2023-01-03 02:56:286

bastard 这个词只能是用来骂男人用的吗?

通常是这样的,但也可以来说小孩子,可以翻译做中国的 小兔宰子
2023-01-03 02:57:112


2023-01-03 02:57:533


bastard ["bɑ:stəd, "bæs-] adj. 私生的 n. 私生子汉语近似音:巴斯特德。
2023-01-03 02:58:031


一、表达意思不同1、hybrid:混合物;杂种;混合动力车,油电混合车;混合词,混种词;混合的;杂种的,杂交成的。2、bastard:私生子;卑鄙小人,讨厌鬼;家伙;极棘手的事,极讨厌的事;私生的;杂种的,低劣的;(字迹、字体)不合标准的,混杂的。二、用法不同1、hybrid:hybrid通常形容物。2、bastard:bastard通常形容人。近义词介绍:mixture读音:[ˈmɪkstʃə(r)] 表达意思:混合体,结合体;混合物,混合料;混合;混合物;混合气;混合音栓。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。例句:After the pot is dipped in this mixture, it is fired. 这个壶在混合料里浸过之后,就进行烧制。
2023-01-03 02:58:081


bastard[英][ˈbɑ:stəd][美][ˈbæstərd]n.私生子,杂种; 代用品,假冒品; 态度傲慢且令人讨厌的人。adj.杂种的,不纯粹的; 伪的,假的; 奇形怪状的,异常的。 复数:bastards例句:1.Life can be a real bastard at times.有时生活会变得麻烦多多。2.He"s a real bastard.他是个十足的恶棍。3.He was never concerned about being born a bastard.他从不介意自己是私生子.
2023-01-03 02:58:172


You bastard!You son of a bitch/You SOB!You scumbag!You jerk!You trash!
2023-01-03 02:58:2512

you bastard 请问这样讲符合语法吗,为什么?

2023-01-03 02:59:062

you bastard 是什么意思

2023-01-03 02:59:143


萩原一至:漫画「BASTARD!!暗黑破坏神」第27卷2012/03/19发售 440日元 集英社古桥秀之:小说「BASTARD!!暗黑破坏神 NINJA MASTER 格拉外传」2012/03/19发售 720日元 集英社
2023-01-03 02:59:241

You bastard!是什么意思?

2023-01-03 02:59:323

Bastard (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Bastard (Live)歌手:Ian Hunter专辑:Welcome To The ClubSecret(
2023-01-03 02:59:431


bastardy英 ["bɑ:stədɪ] 美 ["bɑ:stədɪ] bastardy 基本解释名词私生子,庶出; 非婚生
2023-01-03 02:59:511


2023-01-03 02:59:576


1. jerk 渣男jerk这个词作为动词时是“猛拉;抽搐”的意思,作为名词时一般用来骂人,美剧中常常出现这个词来骂人。The guy is such a jerk! He only cares about himself. 这家伙真渣男!他只关心他自己。2. asshole 混蛋;渣男asshole本身是“肛门”的意思,通常用来骂人“蠢货;混蛋”,用这个词来翻译“渣男”还是挺贴切的。You were such an asshole when you broke up with me. 你和我分手时真渣男!3. bastard 混蛋;渣男bastard可以表示“杂种;私生子”的意思,在《权力的游戏》中琼·雪诺就被称为bastard。除了这个意思之外,这个词还可以用来骂人“渣男”。That bastard dumped me after he took advantage of me. 那个渣男利用完我就把我甩了。4. trash 垃圾;废物;人渣trash一般是形容社会阶层低、你不尊重的人。美国人常说的white trash是讽刺是白人里面那些社会阶层低、没接受过什么教育、文化素质低、只是凭着自己白人的身份以为自己高人一等的人。He dissed that white trash, because he was so arrogant and vulgar. 他怼了那个“白人瘪三”,因为他很傲慢、很粗俗。
2023-01-03 03:00:191


1. dork 呆子,呆瓜;当一个人做了某些傻事的时候,就可以骂他dork,虽然是呆子的意思,但实际上并不是说他智力低下,有时在情侣间,一方做错了某事,也咳说dork来责怪他,有“真傻”的意思。2. nerd/geek 讨厌鬼 nerd表示“讨厌的人”也有“蠢货”的意思,和dork类似;geek是“讨厌鬼”,两个词的用法大同小异。3. dammit 该死,真***;直接说damn也可以,另外还常说damn it all!见鬼!真糟糕! 真气死人!4. fuсk ***;这个词是英语骂人里最重的一个,而且很不雅观,不建议(经常)使用,特别是女孩子,会让人觉得很没教养。She is the first one who speak out "fuсk" from her little pink tone. 这是很经典的一本小说Summer Sister里的一句话,形容了女主角之一的性格。5. dirty... 脏的、卑鄙的、下流的、淫猥的;只是这一个词还不能称之为骂人,但后面接上一些词就不同了,例如dirty lier 卑鄙的骗子(今年Oscar获奖影片Chicago中女主角愤怒至极,开枪的一瞬间喊的就是U dirty lier!);还有一个很恶心,但很常用的组合就是dirty asshole,关于它的中文翻译是什么我就不在这里详述了,ass是什么hole是什么,像中文一样那么一组合,自然就知道骂的是什么了。6. bitch 泼妇,XXXXX,贱丨人;这是英语骂人Top10里唯一一个分公、母的,是不是由于妇女解放运动才有这个词的呢,呵呵,开玩笑。但现在英语里仿佛雌雄分的越来越清楚了,大家在动物等词的前面加上了he/she来区分雌雄,例如用she-dog,she-cat形容母的。如果想用分雌雄的词骂男的,只能用jackass了,意思是“公驴;笨蛋;傻瓜”例如:The silly jackass!这个蠢驴!7. phycho 神经病;形容一个人的行为反常,不正常的令人讨厌的意思。美语里还常说freak,意思是怪人、行为怪异。8. shit 狗屁,胡说八道;用于表示惊奇、愤怒或极其不高兴等情感,是很常用的脏字。 eg. You big shit!你这个大笨蛋!9. dense/stupid/foolish 傻瓜;dense是笨的理解力慢的、笨脑瓜的,stupid和dense意思很类似,但平时更常用stupid,因为stupid只是说人做了傻事,并没有贬低他人智商的意思,但是dense和foolish就有智障的意思了。10.bastard 混蛋, 讨厌鬼;很常用的一个词,原来的意思是“私生子”,现在俚语里当“混蛋”用,但有时两个朋友开玩笑的时候也可当“家伙”来理解,并不一定是骂人哦。其实还是不骂人的好
2023-01-03 03:00:321


王八tortoise更多释义>>[网络短语]王八  Cuckold;Tortoise;Bastard王八犊子  Du bastard;King eight calf王八炸弹  Bombing Bastards   
2023-01-03 03:00:381


rat bastard 彻头彻尾的大混蛋rat英 [ræt]美 [ræt]n. 鼠;卑鄙小人,叛徒vi. 捕鼠;背叛,告密n. (Rat)人名;(法、意、印、瑞典)拉特;(泰)叻更多释义>>[网络短语]rat 老鼠,大家鼠,鼠Rat race 激烈的竞争,亡命夺宝,激烈竞争Black rat 黑鼠,屋顶鼠,黑家鼠bastard英 ["bɑːstəd; "bæst-] 美 ["bæstɚd] adj. 私生的n. 私生子n. (Bastard)人名;(法)巴斯塔尔;(英、德、罗)巴斯塔德
2023-01-03 03:00:431


只是把四个词放在一起了而已, 应该是"You are a bastard"意思是「你是个。混。蛋。」骂人的。
2023-01-03 03:00:482


2023-01-03 03:00:562

混蛋 英文怎么说 b开头的

Bad Ass
2023-01-03 03:01:045


2023-01-03 03:01:2314

Time Is Money (Bastard) 歌词

歌曲名:Time Is Money (Bastard)歌手:swans专辑:Redefining The PrologueAkon Feat. Big Meech - Time Is MoneyIntro - Big MeechThis Big Meech from the richest black muthafucking gang in the worldMy nigga always say, there"s only two things a nigga can do for youYou either got time or money, can"t have em bothNigga with money, dont have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyWe don"t have a lot of time around here - cause time is moneyTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyNigga with money, don"t have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyNigga with money, don"t have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyVerse 1 - AkonGive me one minute, cause you trippingToo much time on your hands, you slippingWhy you focused on all this dealing?When niggas coming in through the back door stealing?Crib on the hill,now that"s good livingHarder to reach when you make your first millionSo much money gotta stack to the ceilingAnd I"mma keep doing this forever, God-willingReal niggas like me don"t catch feelingsOnly broke niggas be out there grillingSay you getting money but you ain"t even tippingA big-booty girl in front of you dippingFronting like you really doing all that shippingMan you gotta be, gotta be kiddingDon"t even try cause my weapon is hiddenMy nigga is ready to do some killingHook - AkonI"mma tell you just one time,give me what"s mineCause I don"t have time to wasteI"ll be on my grind, money on my mindAnd I won"t stop getting paidLiving this life of mineI don"t know if you really got what it takesHustling"s in my blood and it just won"t go awayTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyNigga with money, don"t have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyNigga with money, don"t have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyVerse 2 - AkonKon live in one year, made millionsEverybody got money,nigga, we chillinAin"t got no time,it"s some bad feelingsEspecially when you want a little sexual healingGirlfriend"s pulling, family"s pullingIn every direction, everybody need moneyMy lifestyle redefine how they all livingIf I keep it up I"ll be broke in a minuteMy kinfolk"s on the block and they dealingAll my goons are still out there killingMan I be running, got no time to be skippingTrying to hit a home run in the 9th inningMeech locked up, copped out, for a killingTaking care of mine, San Quen chillingThat"s my homie, you can trust that niggaJust a matter of time before I get back with himHook - AkonI"mma tell you just one time,give me what"s mineCause I don"t have time to wasteI"ll be on my grind, money on my mindAnd I don"t stop getting paidLiving this life of mineI don"t really know if you really got what it takesHustling"s in my blood and it just won"t go awayTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyTime, money, time, moneyNigga with money, don"t have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyNigga with money, don"t have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyVerse 3 - AkonGotta look out for haters if you wanna be blockin"Look out for stick up kids that be robbin"Look out for ladies with their hands in your pocketIf you don"t, you"ll be the next hot topicDon"t wanna be the next one dropping6 feet deep like conans coffinI"d rather see you out there flossingLove to see another brother getting it poppinChase that paper, don"t you wait upGet your money nigga, f-ck them hatersEverybody complain about your timeYou aint got none? Find a way to make it up laterCause I aint got time for all thatAnd you aint got time for all thatAnd I don"t wanna waste your timeOn behalf of BMF bring Meech back!Time is money, time is moneyTime is money, time is moneyTime money, time moneyTime is moneyTime money, time moneyNigga with money, don"t have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyNigga with money, don"t have no timeNigga with time, don"t have no moneyEndAkon Feat. Big Meech - Time Is Money
2023-01-03 03:02:121

you bastard,是什么意思

2023-01-03 03:02:172


2023-01-03 03:02:255

“你是大混蛋”这样翻译吗?You is big bastard ,对吗?

2023-01-03 03:03:362


son of a bitch
2023-01-03 03:03:466

baby bastard如何翻译

baby bastard这是一句骂人的词句。还是不翻译的好。
2023-01-03 03:04:141

you bastard!什么意思?

2023-01-03 03:04:214


2023-01-03 03:04:381


2023-01-03 03:04:441