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Last Dollar (Fly Away) 歌词

2023-07-11 08:20:59
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歌曲名:Last Dollar (Fly Away)
歌手:Tim Mcgraw
专辑:Greatest Hits 3

Tim McGraw - Last Dollar (Fly Away)
When I"m down to my last dollar
I walk right threw my shoes
Just a small reminder of the hell that I"ve gone through
But look at me still smiling
Cause I"m wondering what I"ll do
Since I ain"t got nothing
I got nothing to lose
Everybody say HaHaHa, HaHaHa
My Friends are always giving me
Watches, Hats, and wine
That"s how I know this is serious
That"s how I know its time
I don"t have to worry about things that I don"t have
Cause if I ain"t got nothing
I got nothing to hold me back
1-2-3 Like a bird I sing
Cause you giving me the most beautiful set of wings
And I"m so glad you"re here today
Cause tomorrow I might have to go and fly away
Fly away, Fly away
There"s nothing that"s worth keeping me
From places I should go
From happyville to lovingland
I"m gonna tour from coast to coast
I"m leaving everything behind
There"s not much that I need
Cause If I ain"t got nothing
I could lose a fancy freed
1-2-3 Like a bird I sing
Cause you giving me the most beautiful set of wings
And I"m so glad you"re here today
Cause tomorrow I might have to go and fly away
Fly away, Fly away
Look at me so free
Nothings holding me down(down)
Look at me so free
Can"t keep my feet on the ground
1-2-3 Like a bird I sing
Cause you giving me the most beautiful set of wings
And I"m so glad you"re here today
Cause tomorrow I might have to go and
1-2-3 Like a bird I sing
Cause you giving me the most beautiful set of wings
And I"m so glad you"re here today
Cause tomorrow I might have to go and fly away
Fly away, Fly Away,
Fly away, Fly away
Fly away!!



Greatest Hits 意思?

2023-07-11 03:53:383

ps4游戏上的greatest hits是什么意思 我在tb上买游戏光盘 有的有这个标志 有

精选的意思 就是精品
2023-07-11 03:53:461

Greatest Hits的歌手演艺生涯

说现年三十七岁的Keith Urban“来自澳大利亚”,其实也不是完全正确,因为他出生于新西兰,不过确实是在澳大利亚长大的,父亲是个鼓手,在家乡开设一家乐器行。Keith Urban六岁那年,一个年轻女人要求在他父亲的橱窗上张贴“吉他教学招生”的广告,他的父母同意了,但提出交换的条件,那个女人得免费指导四岁就开始喜爱音乐的KU,而他很快的就展现了天赋,不到两年后,就开始在许多才艺竞赛中夺得优胜了。而由于父亲热爱美国文化与乡村音乐,小KU很自然的也受到影响,年方七岁,就打定主意,将来要进军纳许维尔。除了吉他课程,他还加入一支少年剧团,学习歌舞与戏剧的表演,对他日后的演艺生涯有着许多的帮助。他从小崇拜葛伦坎伯(Glen Campbell)、桃莉芭顿(Dolly Parton)与唐威廉斯(Don Williams)等著名的乡村巨星,后来又迷上了“险峻海峡”(Dire Straits)的马克诺福勒(Mark Knopfler),以及“佛利伍麦克”(Fleetwood Mac)的林赛白金汉(Lindsey Buckingham)等人独特的吉他演奏风格,于是深入的研究,把他们的技巧融入到自己的表演中。90年代初期,澳大利亚的乡村音乐界开始出现改革的风潮,而年轻的Keith Urban也躬逢其盛。他在澳大利亚推出的首张专辑“1991”赢得了多项大奖,也再度唤醒了他儿时的旧梦,因此他不但经常远赴纳许维尔“朝圣”,跟好几位名家有过创作上的合作,更在1997年毅然决定移居乡村音乐的首都,并且跟另外两位同样来自澳大利亚的伙伴,共同组成了一支三人乐队“The Ranch”,开始到处表演,随即赢得合约,推出了首张专辑“The Ranch”,虽然得到相当好的评价,可惜销路并不是很理想,不过KU的吉他演奏表现却因此获得了广大的注意。乐队解散后,许多大牌歌手与团体,包括葛司布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks)和狄克西女子三人组(Dixie Chicks)等,都纷纷邀请他助阵参加演出,而纳许维尔王牌乐手之一的麦特罗林斯(Matt Rollings)也雇用他,参与自己当时正在负责制作的一张专辑录制的工作,由于合作愉快,KU邀请罗林斯利用自己在纳许维尔的人力资源,出任他下一张专辑“Keith Urban”的制作,在1999年推出,除了为杜埃特约肯(Dwight Yoakam)、费丝希尔(Faith Hill)和提姆麦克罗(Tim McGraw)等巨星的巡回暖场,也开始推出自己的演唱会,不但陆续打进乡村排行前五名,单曲“But for the Grace of God”更首度夺下冠军,就此一炮而红,同时以“Rollercoaster”里面精彩的吉他演奏,入围“最佳乡村演奏”的葛莱美奖。2002 年的十月,Keith Urban推出了他加盟Capitol之后的第二张专辑,也就是“Golden Road”,首支单曲“Somebody Like You”立刻夺下乡村排行的八周冠军,成了2002年在乡村冠军宝座上停留最久的单曲,同时跨界打入HOT 100,获得第二十三名。专辑全部的十二首歌曲中,KU独自或参与谱写的,就有八首。在“Somebody Like You”里面,我们可以听到KU畅快的吉他与班究琴演奏,非常的讨好。自从他以首张专辑崛起后,他的现场演出总是充满着独特的魅力,而在这张专辑里,他把那种“乐队”的特质发挥得更加的淋漓尽致,我们随处都可以听见他已经远近驰名的吉他演奏技巧,这也可以说是他的“理想”之一。专辑推出的第二首单曲“Raining on Sunday”,是一首充满真挚感情的抒情歌谣曲,也获得第三名。接着,他以快节奏而充满自信的“Who Wouldn"t Wanna Be Me”,再度夺下乡村排行的冠军。的确,此刻的他,真的是春风得意,也难怪他会说“谁不想变作我”呢。Keith曾说他从6岁时在澳大利亚就开始弹吉他了。那时,一位妇女想在Keith父亲的商店的橱窗中放广告,她同意给Keith上吉他课。于是Keith的父母和她达成了交易。Keith生来不凡并在8岁时赢得了一个天才表演奖项。他也加入了一家青年演出公司为他们演唱、跳舞和提词。这一切使他在今后的音乐生涯中能够在舞台上得心应手。Keith的父亲对美国文化以及乡村音乐非常感兴趣。所以,很自然的,Keith很早就被乡村音乐深深吸引,收到了诸如Glen Campbell、Dolly Parton和Don Williams等歌手以及写歌人Jimmy Webb (Galveston)的影响。十几岁时,他已经与一个乐队在酒吧中做短期表演,并对一些摇滚明星如Dire Straites、Mark Knoplfer和Fleetwood Mac Lindsey Buckingham的吉他演奏产生浓厚兴趣。在经过仔细研究和学习他们的技巧与无数次的练习之后,Keith将这些融入他自己的音乐之中。他以这种独特的、融合了摇滚风格的吉他演奏的乡村音乐在澳大利亚大获成功,共有3首单曲成为榜首歌曲,并出版了一个成功的个人专辑。Keith知道,想乡村音乐领域获得真正的成功,他就得去美国。在八十年代后期,他好几次去了纳什维尔旅行,并与“年度写歌人”排行榜上的写歌人Gary Burr、多次CMA获奖者Trey Bruce和乡村音乐名人堂成员Dave Loggins合作。很快他意识到他会长久留在纳什维尔勒。曾经有一次,他在那里与他的澳大利亚同伴--鼓手Peter Clarke一起组建了一个三人乐队。他们最初的贝司手很快返回了澳大利亚,但是来自西弗吉尼亚的Jerry Flowers很快适应了这个位置。他们的现场现场演出使Keith的吉他演奏大为热门,并导致了他们与Capital Nashville公司的一个录音合同,并与I.R.S.录音公司的创始人--警察乐队的经纪人签订了经纪合同。他们的同名专辑The Ranch在1997年推出后广受关注。1999年,Keith发行了同名个人专辑。在为宣传专辑的巡回演出中,他的首演名单上包括了向Dwight Yoakam、Faith Hill、Tim McGrow这样的名家。在首演上他极富魅力的个人演出在Yoakam/Hill/McGrow的观众中赢得了无数歌迷。他的天才勤奋的工作以及无数的访谈和对歌迷的友好太对使他的单曲It"s a Love Thing进入排行榜前15名,单曲your Everything进入前10名。07年全新精选辑Greatest Hits包括了首经典的歌曲:But For The Grace Of God, Somebody Like You, Days Go By, You"ll Think Of Me, Who Wouldn"t Wanna Be Me and more. 值得珍藏!
2023-07-11 03:53:531

玛丽亚 凯莉的Greatest Hits的和when you believe的歌词

when you believe-whitney houston mariah carey 当你充满信心(修斯顿)many nights we"are pray.很多夜里我们在祈祷着.with no proof anyone could hear.并不一定人人都听得见.and our hearts a hopeful song.我们心中的希望之歌.we barely understood.我们也不能完全理解.now we are not afraid.如今我们一无所惧.although we know there"s much to fear.尽管我们知道前路困难重重.we were moving mountains.我们移山之力.long before we knew we could.很久以前就可以了(只是我们原来不知道).there can be miracles.奇迹就会出现.when you believe.当你充满信心.though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫.it"s hard to kill.但却难以扼杀.who knows what miracles ?谁能预料到会有什么奇迹?you can achieve.能由你达成.when you believe.当你充满信心.somehow you will.突然之间你就创造了奇迹.u will when you believe !只要有坚定的信仰你就能成功!in this time of fear.你面对恐惧时.when prayer so often proves in vain.当你徒劳的频频祈祷时.hope seems like the summer birds.当希望就象夏日的鸟儿.too swiftly flown away.眨眼就飞走了的时候.and now i am standing here.然而此刻我站在这里.my heart"s so full i can"t explain.心中充满难以表达的激情.seeking faith speaking words.寻求信仰和勇敢的演讲.i never thought i"d say.说我从未曾说过的话.there can be miracles.奇迹就会出现.when you believe(when you believe).当你充满信心!though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫.it"s hard to kill.但却难以扼杀.who knows what miracles ?谁能预料到会有什么奇迹?you can achieve(you can achieve).你就能成功!when you believe.当你充满信心.somehow you will.突然之间你就创造了奇迹.u will when you believe !只要有坚定的信仰你就能成功!they don"t always happen when you ask.你求助四方却无人回应.and it"s easy to give in to ur fear.屈服于恐惧是那么的容易.but when u"re blinded by ur pain.当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼.can"t see ur way safe through the rain.就看不到雨中的路.a small but still resilient voice.一个微弱但持续回响的声音.says done is very near.告诉你胜利就在眼前.there can be miracles(miracles).会有奇迹发生.when you believe(when you believe).当你充满信心!though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫.it"s hard to kill.但却难以扼杀.who knows what miracles ?谁能预料到会有什么奇迹?you can achieve(you can achieve).你就能成功!when you believe.当你充满信心.somehow you will.突然之间你就创造了奇迹.somehow you will.突然之间你就创造了奇迹.u will when you believe !只要有坚定的信仰你就能成功!u will(u will)when u believe !当你充满信心!just believe !仅仅是充满信心!u will when you believe !只要有坚定的信仰你就能成功!by mariah carey in Greatest Hits
2023-07-11 03:54:072


是仙姑shania twain的you"ve got a way啊
2023-07-11 03:54:152

谁有she groove coverage Greatest Hits的歌词啊

[ti:She][ar:Groove Coverage][al:7 Years & 50 Days][by:][00:03.86]Groove Coverage - She[00:08.86]Lyrics by rummyjulia[00:13.36]to my pretty boy~_*[00:18.86]She hangs out every day near by the beach[00:23.64]Havin" a harnican fallin" asleep[00:28.31]She looks so sexy when she"s walking the sand[00:33.06]Nobody ever put a ring on her hand[00:37.83]Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea[00:42.59]She is the story the story is she[00:47.09]She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky[00:51.80]Shining from high above you shouldn"t ask why[00:56.48]She is the one that you never forget[01:01.07]She is the heaven-sent angel you met[01:05.63]Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl[01:10.52]She is so pretty all over the world[01:15.30]She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum[01:19.91]She comes in the morning and the evening she"s gone[01:24.52]Every little hour every second you live[01:29.53]Trust in eternity that"s what she gives[01:34.25]She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne[01:38.87]She talks like Monica and Marianne[01:43.49]She wins in everything that she might do[01:48.32]And she will respect you forever just you[01:53.12]She is the one that you never forget[01:57.42]She is the heaven-sent angel you met[02:02.01]Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl[02:07.16]She is so pretty all over the world[02:11.98]She is so pretty all over the world[02:19.67]She is so pretty[02:24.45]She is like you and me[02:28.11]Like them like we[02:31.25]She is in you and me[02:35.68]She is the one that you never forget[02:40.19]She is the heaven-sent angel you met[02:44.57]Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl[02:49.57]She is so pretty all over the world[02:54.37](She is the one) She is the one[02:57.25](That you never forget) That you never forget[02:58.87]She is the heaven-sent angel you met[03:03.67]She"s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl[03:08.19]She is so pretty all over the world (oh...)[03:13.27]Na na na na na ...[03:23.76]to my pretty boy~_*[03:33.33]Lyrics by rummyjulia[03:39.76]Groove Coverage - She你也可以去百度直接搜索歌词SHE
2023-07-11 03:54:283


歌曲:destiny歌手:jim brickman 专辑:greatest hits
2023-07-11 03:54:434

有一首英文歌,开头是“达达 哒哒啦 ,哒哒 哒哒啦”,是什么歌曲啊?

试试这首歌Geordie(Radio Mix)
2023-07-11 03:55:166

me and you歌词翻译 歌手:kenny chesney 专辑:greatest hits 拜托啦

我和你平凡吗?我并不这么认为没有平凡的爱情无法逃脱共同的命运我和你就像电影画面里完美的镜头在那里 每个梦想都实现了永恒的完美我和你我需要你,与日俱增日日夜夜没有什么办法可以让我放你走即使我曾那么想过我活着的每一天我都会用尽全力给予你我所有的一切我感谢满天繁星让我和你拥有这份爱情平凡吗?我并不这么认为就让那珍贵的点滴和幸运的你我直到永远我和你
2023-07-11 03:55:461

求2pac 《hit em up》 《california love》两首歌的无损资源,《Greatest Hits 》的无损全集也行

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2023-07-11 03:56:032


sdf sdf
2023-07-11 03:56:1210

求枪花乐队精选集Greatest Hits百度云资源 mp3

2023-07-11 03:57:101

在网上搜到了Westlife的Greatest Hits BOX,什么事BOX啊???

2023-07-11 03:57:362

God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You 歌词

歌曲名:God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You歌手:N Sync专辑:Greatest HitsGod Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You"N SyncCan this be true?Tell me, can this be real?How can I put into words what I feel?My life was completeI thought I was wholeWhy do I feel like I"m losing control?Never knew that love could feel like thisand you changed my world with just one kiss.How can it be that right here with methere"s an angel?It"s a miracleYour love is like a riverpeaceful and deepyour soul is like a secretThat I could never keepWhen I look into your eyesI know that it"s trueGod must of spentA little more timeOn youIn all of creationAll things great and smallYou are the one that surpasses them allMore precious thanAny diamond or pearlThey broke the moldWhen you came into this worldAnd I"m trying hard to figure outJust how I ever did withoutThe warmth of your smileThe heart of a childThat"s deep insideLeaves me purifiedYour love is like a riverpeaceful and deepyour soul is like a secretThat I could never keepWhen I look into your eyesI know that it"s trueGod must of spentA little more timeOn youNever knew that love could feel like thisand you changed my world with just one kiss.How can it be that right here with methere"s an angel?It"s a miracleYour love is like a riverpeaceful and deepyour soul is like a secretThat I could never keepWhen I look into your eyesI know that it"s trueGod must of spentA little more timeOn youA little more timeOn you
2023-07-11 03:57:431

独家试唱 (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:独家试唱 (Remix)歌手:郑秀文专辑:Sammix Dance Collection New Song + Greatest Hits独家试唱 - 郑秀文房间里一起唱歌限时未过不懂你要唱几多谁点了新鲜快歌现场直播记得卖力地仰卧爱我么就来为我雪山唱到恒河旁边一个问可不可插播如何 让你用眼睛挂念我耳朵如何 能预留热恋的宝座如何 让你又细心煽动我耳朵全凭 狂热嘴巴唱的新歌OOH 仍期待下一首祝贺OOH 叫你可独家喜爱我大家要讲的太多未停顿过优先试唱那坎坷假使唱不懂这歌在场十个唱高十度在协助要找些动人热爱超过那银河旁边偏要问准不准插播如何 让你用眼睛挂念我耳朵如何 能预留热恋的宝座如何 让你又细心煽动我耳朵全凭 狂热嘴巴唱的新歌OOH 仍期待下一首祝贺OOH 叫你可独家喜爱我
2023-07-11 03:57:511

Goodnight Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Goodnight Girl歌手:Wet Wet Wet专辑:End Of Part One (Their Greatest Hits)Good Night GirlYou hear me so clearlyAnd see how I tryYou feel me so heal meAnd tear me apartAnd I won"t tell a soulI won"t tell at allAnd do they have to knowAbout my good night girlCut up in your wishin" wellYour hopes and sadnessTake your love in promisesYou make them lastYou make them lastYou keep me so near youAnd see me so farAnd hold me and send meAnd deep in your heartAnd I won"t tell a soulI won"t tell at allAnd I won"t let them knowAbout my good night girlCut up in your wishin" wellYour hopes and sadnessTake your love in promisesYou make them lastYou make them lastCut up in your wishin" wellYour hopes and sadnessTake your love in promisesYou make them lastYou make them lastDoesn"t matter how sad I made youDoesn"t matter how hard I tryJust remember the same old reasonReflected in your eyesYou said you want meCut up in your wishin" wellYour hopes and sadnessTake your love in promisesYou make them lastYou make them lastCut up in your wishin" wellYour hopes and sadnessTake your love in promisesYou make them lastYou make them last
2023-07-11 03:57:581


2023-07-11 03:58:0715

i lay my love on you 是什么时候出的

I lay my love on you 我把爱献给你westlife西城男孩
2023-07-11 03:58:427

迈克 杰克逊的英语介绍

Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson, 1958 Nian 8 Yue 29 Ri -2,009 6 25) is the world"s popular culture and symbolic figures in the world have a very high visibility and great influence, known as the King of Pop (King of Pop). He is a great music all-rounder, in the lyricist, composer, scene production, arrangement, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments regarded as having a remarkable achievement, he and Elvis Presley, the Beatles and said the history of pop music"s greatest immortal symbols, while the latter two have long surpassed their achievements. Long maintained his personal record number of countries and regions, sales records, on several occasions by the world"s heads of government in many countries a high standard hospitality, the United States Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, President Clinton invited him to enter three consecutive White House to be commended for their contribution. He created the modern MV, single "Thriller" music video for the world"s first modern MV, known in the history of "the greatest music video," an unprecedented increase in MTV"s position in the modern music industry. He combines the black and white rock and roll, rhythm and blues MJ unique music style, high-pitched and sometimes anger, sometimes mellow Smart sound and unprecedented high standard of music, video, large-scale concerts invariably caused a great sensation around the world. Authoritative agency commented: If there is no MJ, the development of popular music for at least 20 years of delay, MV delay the emergence of at least 50 years. He holds the world"s No. 1 selling album "Thriller", sold more than 110 million [4] Zhang, its genuine worldwide album sales of more than 750 million has already been loaded, "Guinness Book of World Records." He is a musical in the history of the first outside the United States sold 100 million records on the artist. His magic is more like a dance is to follow the example of countless stars. In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records issued a new certificate: The world"s most successful artist in history! One who supports the world"s 39 Charity Relief Fund, maintained the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records personal charity is the world"s personal charitable donations on behalf of most artists. Spielberg appreciation to Michael Jackson: "He is the world"s last one according to its own life, innocent people." His accomplishments and influence far beyond the limits of your imagination!
2023-07-11 03:58:572

Hell freezes over是谁的歌吗?好听吗?有什么意义吗?

中文名称:94年冰封地狱演唱会英文名称:hell freezes over发行时间:1994年专辑歌手:老鹰乐队地区:美国语言:英语内容简介:全球专辑总销量超越8千5百万张、继the beatles批头四乐团、led zeppelin齐柏林飞船之后,名列史上3大最畅销乐团之一的经典传奇乐团eagles老鹰乐队,自1971年于加州成军至今已翱翔乐坛30余年,有十一张畅销专辑及二十首经典单曲的他们是当代乐坛的奇迹!他们的专辑销量超过了其他所有的美国乐队,迄今赢得了四次最佳专辑,五次最佳单曲和四次格莱美大奖,同时也是主打单曲在榜时间唯一持续280周冠军宝座的乐队! 2003年他们以两张一套的精选辑《eagles~the complete greatest hits/跨越30年典藏尊爵精选》再度与乐迷见面!在这张历史上收录了老鹰乐队金曲最全的一版精选辑中,完整记录了老鹰乐队的30年成军历史,收录33首经典曲目,更包括9年来第一首新歌《hole in the world世界创伤》,以及之前从未收录于任何专辑的圣诞名曲《please come home for christmas/圣诞节你会回来吗?》;同时专辑中还内含48页的精美手册,收录乐团主唱兼鼓手唐亨利,和主唱兼主音吉他/键盘手格林佛莱解说的33首经典歌曲创作的由来和珍贵的乐队档案图片,每一个单一因素都已经注定了这张专辑必须典藏的价值。 全新单曲“hole in the world世界创伤”是老鹰乐队近10年来第一首正式的录音室新歌。2001年团员们为了这个充满历史意义的30多年感动而重新团聚,并于2001年8月展开欧洲巡回演唱。正当团员们于演唱结束后,大家尚陶醉在欧洲成功之行里,并预定于2001年9月11日要进录音室为他们飞越乐坛30年的新作品进行创作与录音的同时,不料一大早就发生“911事件”,"hole in the world "一段短短只有一分多钟的副歌,就在当天傍晚由老鹰乐队的灵魂人物don henley在深受事件的悲痛心情下写成,因当时全美国人民纷纷都为了这残酷悲伤的恐怖事件而悲伤不已,整个新专辑的制作与录制工作也就此暂缓,老鹰乐队成团30余年来的首支新作也跟着暂时停顿。2003年的美伊战争再次让don henley深受触动,为了呼吁人们向全球饱受战争苦难的民众送上深切关怀,他又把这首未完成的曲子带到录音室,最后由glenn frey和don henley将原来预估可能只有如同披头四乐队早期单曲般短短一分多钟又充满感慨的"hole in the world "共同创作完成,并录制成一首4分18秒,2003年成团至今首支富有时代意义的全新钜作。
2023-07-11 03:59:041

谁知道迈克尔杰克逊一共发表了多少张专辑 名称分别是什么?

悼念我的偶像 MJ Michael Jackson 神的专辑 我最喜欢的是Billie Jean1.Off The Wall (1979年) 2.Thriller (1982年) 最爱的Billie Jean和Beat It 帅得没边没际!!!3.BAD (1987年) 最爱的 BAD 4.Dangerous (1991年)最爱的 Dangerous 看那舞姿!!5.History(1995年) Scream 讲的是一个很激发正义的情节!6.Blood On The Dance Floor (1997年)7.Invincible (2001年) 。
2023-07-11 03:59:144


2023-07-11 03:59:292


2023-07-11 03:59:374

Greatest Hits 歌词

歌曲名:Greatest Hits歌手:Jay Brannan专辑:Greatest HitsJay Brannan - Greatest Hitsto bitter from sweetlike liquid to concreteit"s tough to digestlife rips through your chestand just takes a heartbeatyou can"t check your painaboard the shame trainand maybe i"m out of linebut if you show me yoursi"ll sing you minea punch in the gutsome black "round the eyethere"s red from my lipsand i"m asking god whythere"s a bump on my headand a hole in my heartif there"s one thing i"ve learned, it"sthat these are my greatest hitsi don"t sing for the rainbowcuz i taste the rainthey spit "cheer up" and they scoffi laugh "cheer down or fuck off"then get roughed up against the grainyou may never be happyand i still see your worthsomeday we"ll be less miserablewe"ll dye our heads invisiblewrapped up in robes not of this earthnot of this earthnot of this earthnot of this eartha punch in the gutsome black "round the eyethere"s red from my lipsand i"m asking god whythere"s a bump on my headand a hole in my heartif there"s one thing i"ve learned, it"sthat these are my greatest hitswould you read a book if somebody took out all the good pages?so we did some drugs, gave out some hugs, rattled a few cageshave you made mistakes, let off the brakes? confess uncleanlinessnot to feel bad about but to embrace your humannessa punch in the gutsome black "round the eyethere"s red from my lipsand i"m asking god whythere"s a bump on my headand a hole in my heartif there"s one thing i"ve learned, it"sthat these are my greatest hits
2023-07-11 04:00:181

Greatest Hits的概况

专辑英文名:Greatest Hits专辑类型:精选集歌手: Queen音乐风格: 摇滚发行时间: 1981年发行公司:Parlophone地区: 英国语言: 英语
2023-07-11 04:00:251

就有一首歌,我之前提到过,高潮是MaMa I love you 叫啥名儿呢?是首美国歌哦

曲名:mama歌手:spice girls 专辑:greatest hits- music -she used to be my only enemy and never let me be free catching me in places that i knew i shouldn"t be every other day i crossed the line i didn"t mean to be so bad i never thought you would become the friend i never had back then i didn"t know why why you were misunderstood so now i see through your eyes all that you did was love mama i love you.mama i care mama i love you .mama my friend. you"re my friend i didn"t want to hear it then but i"m not ashamed to say it now every little thing you said and did was right for me i had a lot of to think about,about the way i usedto be never had a sense of my responsibility back then i didn"t know why why you were misunderstood so now i see through your eyes,all that you did was love mama, i love you.mama, i care mama, i love you.mama ,my friend. you"re my friend i love you,and you love meand i know that"s turei"m got sme of it i got some thingi never knew you"ve loving mei know that"s turei"v got some sayingi"m loving you you"ve loving mei know that"s ture
2023-07-11 04:00:391

求 Five的两张专集 -《Greatest Hits》《King size》MP3下载 有30分哦!!各位大虾费心了!!

Track listings for Five - Five - Greatest Hits:1. We Will Rock You [Radio Edit] 2. Keep on Moving 3. If Ya Gettin" Down 4. Everybody Get Up [Radio Edit] 5. Let"s Dance [Radio Edit] 6. Rock the Party [Single Remix] 7. Got the Feelin" [Radio Edit] 8. When the Lights Go Out [Radio Edit] 9. Closer to Me [Single Remix] 10. Until the Time Is Through [Radio Edit] 11. Don"t Wanna Let You Go 12. Slam Dunk (Da Funk) 13. It"s the Things You Do 14. When I Remember When 15. Inspector Gadget 16. Set Me Free 17. Keep on Movin" [World Cup 2002 Mix] 18. Five-Greatest Hits Megamix [Jewels and Stone Remix]Track listings for 5ive - Kingsize:1. Let"s Dance [Radio Edit] 2. Lay All Your Lovin" on Me 3. Rock the Party 4. Closer to Me 5. Hear Me Now 6. Let"s Get It On 7. Feel the Love 8. We"re Going All Night (You Make Me High) 9. Take Your Chances on Me 10. Something in the Air 11. Breakdown 12. On Top of the World 13. C"mon C"mon 14. World of Mine我是在www.verycd.com上下的他们的五张专辑,你可以用电驴下载!
2023-07-11 04:00:471

Creed的《Torn》 歌词

歌曲名:Torn歌手:Creed专辑:Greatest HitsCreed - TornPeace is what they tell meLove am I unholyLies are what they tell meDespise you that control meThe peace is dead in my soulI have blamed the reason formy intentions poorYes I"m the one whothe only one whoWould carry on this farTorn, I"m filthyBorn in my own miseryStole all that you gave meControl you claim you save meThe peace is dead in my soulI have blamed the reason formy intentions poorYes I"m the one whothe only one whoWould carry on this farPeace in my headLove in my headLies lies lies lies in my headAnd peace is dead and mysoul I have blame reasons for my intentions poorYes I"m the one whoThe only one whowould carry on this farThe peace is dead and mysoul I have blame reasons for my intentions poorYes I"m the one whoThe only one whowould carry on this far
2023-07-11 04:00:531

Craig David 08的精选集Greatest Hits里有3首新歌

Just my imaginationInsomnia我粗粗看了一下 不过只找到两首新歌...不知能否帮到你
2023-07-11 04:01:012

Feel So Good (Greatest Hits Version) 歌词

歌曲:Feel So Good歌手:郑秀文十个有八个碰上 都非常无聊十句有八句已可意料没有了这个兴趣 再讨好装笑告别话:『睡神在作呼招!』但转眼却碰上你 竟这样绝妙令这个世界瞬间变调未与你说够百秒已知心相照快乐是别人没法明了Feel So Good! Feel So Nice!任你是谁是谁没关系宁愿与你这夜辙底 夜话尽情越轨感觉要大无畏 Come On!That"s right!Feel So Good! Feel So Nice!明日事情暂时绝不提随便各有各在发挥梦话尽情在所不计十个有八个碰上 都非常无聊十句有八句已可意料但转眼却碰上你 已知心相照笑幸运像蒙上帝宠召未说够四五百秒 竟这样绝妙甚至爱上与你生拗撬甚至会爱上了你 再心惊胆跳快乐是别人没法明了Feel So Good! Feel So Nice!任你是谁是谁没关系宁愿与你这夜辙底 夜话尽情越轨感觉要大无畏 Come On!That"s right!Feel So Good! Feel So Nice!明日事情暂时绝不提随便各有各在发挥梦话尽情在所不计Feel So Good! Feel So Nice任你是谁是谁没关系宁愿与你这夜辙底 夜话尽情越轨感觉要大无畏 Come On!That"s right!Feel So Good! Feel So Nice明日事情暂时绝不提随便各有各在发挥梦话尽情在所不计
2023-07-11 04:01:191


Baby I"m so into you You got that something What can I do Baby You stood me around The earth is moving But I can"t feel the ground Every time you look at me My heart is jumping It"s easy to see loving you means so much moremore than any thing i ever felt beforeYou drive me crazy I just can"t sleep I"m so excited I"m in too deep Ohh...crazy But it feels alright BabyThinking of you keeps me up all night Tell Me You"re so into me That I"m the only One you will see Tell me I"m not in the blue That I"m not wasting My feelings on you Every time my look at you My heart is jumping What can I do You drive me crazy I just can"t sleep I"m so excited I"m in too deep Ohh...crazy But it feels alright BabyThinking of you keeps me up all night You drive me crazy Sing Again Ohh...crazy Yah Woo... Stop You drive me crazy bybe I"m so excited I"m in too deep Ohh...Ohh But it feels all night BabyThinking of you keeps me up all night You drive me crazy I just can"t sleep I"m so excited I"m in too deep Ohh...crazy But it feels alright Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night Sing Again Crazy You Drive Me Crazy (You drive me crazy baby) But it feels alright Baby thinking of you keeps me up all night (END)
2023-07-11 04:01:286

Stereoliza的《Rough》 歌词

歌曲名:Rough歌手:Stereoliza专辑:X-Amine Your Zippa"Rough Boy""ZZ Top""Album: Greatest Hits"What in the world"s come all over me?I ain"t got a chance of one in three.Ain"t got no rap, ain"t got no lineBut if you"ll give me just a minute I"ll be feelin" fine.I am the one who can fade the heat,The one they all say just can"t be beat.I"ll shoot it to you straight and look you in the eye.So gimme just a minute and I"ll tell you whyI"m a rough boy, I"m a rough boy."Guitar solo 1..."I don"t care how you look at meBecause I"m the one and you will seeWe can make it work, we can make it by.So give me one more minute and I"ll tell you whyI"m a rough boy, I"m a rough boy."Guitar solo 2...""Ending"
2023-07-11 04:01:551

求Kenny G的专辑下载地址

请保持最大的耐性。。。这是 Kenny G 滴 23 张专辑——》01. Kenny G - The Best of Saxophone 02. Kenny G - Greatest Hits (2CD) 03. Kenny G - G Force 1983 04. Kenny G - Gravity 1985 05. Kenny G - Duotones 1986 06. Kenny G - Silhouette 1988 07. Kenny G - G Live 1989 08. Kenny G - Breathless 1992 09. Kenny G - Miracles The Holiday Album 1994 10. Kenny G - The Moment 1996 11. Kenny G - Greatest Hits 1997 12. Kenny G - Classics in the Key of G 1999 13. Kenny G - Faith (A Holiday Album) 1999 14. KENNY G - De Luxe Collection 2002 15. Kenny G - Paradise 2002 16. Kenny G - Wishes (The Holiday Album) 2002 17. Kenny G - The Ultimate 2003 18. Kenny G - At Last The Duets Album 2004 19. Kenny G - The Greatest Holiday Classics 2005 20. Kenny G - The Most Romantic Melodies of All Time 2006 21. Kenny G - The Essential 2006 22. Kenny G - Christmas Collection 23. Kenny G - Rhythm And Romance 2008 it !
2023-07-11 04:02:281


2023-07-11 04:02:352


2023-07-11 04:03:474


《...Baby One More Time》 首周第一名,销量为12.3万张 总销量:美国1400万张;全球2500万张 《Oops!... I Did It Again》 首周第一名,销量为130.9万张 总销量:美国1000万张;全球2000万张 《Britney 》 首周第一名,销量为75万张 总销量:美国430万张;全球超过1000万张 《In The Zone》 首周第一名,销量为60.9万张 总销量:美国290万张;全球740万张 《Greatest Hits: My Prerogative》 首周第四名,销量为25万张 总销量:美国100万张;全球400万张 blackout在美国已经过百万,只是没有认证,毕竟认证要钱;全球逾两百万。Circus美国160万,全球近400万。你的题目,认证时指美国唱片工业协会的那个认证么?布兰妮的所有专辑是这样的:14p+10p+5P+3P+1P+(待认证中)+1p
2023-07-11 04:03:543


2023-07-11 04:04:037

有一首英文歌旋律很好听歌词全是骂人的 叫什么来着

2023-07-11 04:04:171


2023-07-11 04:04:265


luoxiaocui 还有 舞动精灵乐团的专辑 Greatest Hits 还有 Groove Coverage 的 21st Century Digital Girl我听听都还好啊,你也去听听把?
2023-07-11 04:05:007


很少有乐队能象QUEEN那样彻底地体现70年代世界摇滚舞台的丰富多采。QUEEN就象一个综艺大厅一样,完美将华丽摇滚,前卫摇滚,古典音乐及重金属熔为一炉。这个来自英国的四人乐队致力于发掘华丽和夸张(并带有同性恋倾向)的艺术风格,创造出一种带有浓厚歌剧色彩的摇滚乐形式,主唱性感而如同唱诗班的嗓音,层层铺垫的键盘和绚烂花哨的吉他solo是他们的标志。QUEEN的音乐具有非凡的想象力,雄壮而带有一丝诡异,而且风格变化多端,你可以从他们的音乐中听到几乎所有欧洲音乐形式(传统和现代)的影子。不过,QUEEN如此博大的音乐居然全部是用传统的摇滚方式表达出来的,多年来,他们的专辑一直宣称“从未使用过合成器”,这忠诚地保留着LED ZEPPELIN时期硬摇滚乐队的特点,尽管到80年代,乐队也开始尝试了更多的键盘,但始终没有碰过电子乐,因为电子乐正是那些“真正的摇滚”乐队所不屑的。 值得一提的是,由于主唱Freddie Mercury是一个彻底的同性恋者,致使乐队的整体风格偏于奢华,编曲经常仿造古典音乐的那种华丽氛围,这集中体现于他们的名曲Bohemian Rhapsody。Mercury是一个花哨的同性恋者,他总是在洗手间里从事不雅之举,直到他1992年因爱滋病去世。他的性态度充分体现在QUEEN的音乐中,这点可以从他们那朦胧的歌词中看出来。具有讽刺意味的是,QUEEN那首关于同性恋的赞歌We Are The Champions却成了弘扬体育精神和奥运冠军的经典庆贺曲目,直到现在在各种体育盛会上我们还能时常听到这首歌——不过这也得归功于Mercury那富有传奇色彩的生平和歌剧色彩浓厚的舞台表演方式,他使得QUEEN在70年代中期成为最广为人知的乐队之一。在英国,直到90年代中期,QUEEN仍是知名度和受欢迎程度仅次于BEATLES的摇滚乐队。 尽管QUEEN的名声很响亮,但他们似乎很少得到乐评和媒体的好评。不断的批评并没有削减QUEEN的知名度,甚至一直到80年代末,QUEEN仍然拥有除了美国之外的大量歌迷。在美国,乐队的颠峰时期是在80年代初期,也就是在他们在上一个十年里发行了一系列相当成功的专辑之后的一段时间里,虽然这些唱片在当时无一受到好评,但它们的销量却大的惊人。QUEEN的音乐影响深远,在20年来的几代硬摇滚/重金属乐队身上都能找到影子,从METALLICA到SMASHING PUMPKINS。 QUEEN最初是由迷幻硬摇滚乐队SMILE演变而来。1967年,吉他手Brian May和鼓手Roger Taylor加入了SMILE乐队,当乐队的主唱Tim Staffell于1971年离队后,May和Taylor与来自前WRECKAGE乐队的主唱Freddie Mercury成立了这支叫做QUEEN的乐队。过了几个月后,贝司手John Deacon加入了近来,于是乐队开始进行一些排练。大约两年过后,当乐队的四个人都从大学毕业后,他们就抓紧时间进行创作、排练和演出。1973年,他们发行了由Roy Thomas Baker担纲制作的第一张专辑Queen(皇后),并开始了他们的第一次巡演。Queen(皇后)中的音乐都是一些很直接的硬摇滚/重金属,在当时并没有引起过多的注意。 1974年发行的专辑Queen II却在英国取得了意料不到的成功。专辑发行前,乐队在英国电视台著名的音乐节目Top Of The Pops中表演了歌曲Seven Seas Of Rhye,歌曲本身和表演都非常出色,不久后这支曲子就冲到了排行榜的前10名,并使Queen II专辑上升到了排行榜的第五名。为了配合专辑的发行,QUEEN开始着手在美国进行巡演,主要是为MOTT THE HOOPLE作暖场。QUEEN那种花哨而带有迷幻气息的舞台表演无疑也赢得了美国观众的认可,专辑在美国排行榜上也达到了43位的好成绩。 接着乐队发表了专辑Sheer Heart Attack(突发心脏病),其中的单曲Killer Queen很快成为英国排行榜的亚军,而专辑本身也在排行榜上达到了同样的位置。这张专辑在美国的成绩也颇为不俗,为1975年的专辑A Night At The Opera的巨大成功奠定了基础。 A Night At The Opera(歌剧院之夜)是QUEEN乐队最为经典的专辑,乐队为这张专辑的制作耗费了巨大的精力,有报道称这是摇滚乐史上制作费用最高的一张专辑。其中著名的单曲Bohemian Rhapsody(波西米亚狂想曲)成了QUEEN的招牌曲目,在酷似歌剧唱诗般的华丽配乐中不断加入大段的重金属吉他riff和solo,这正是QUEEN的典型风格。歌曲的制作过程也体现了QUEEN那种典型的精益求精的态度,他们用了3个星期的时间来进行录制工作,而且在歌曲的音轨上加入了大量的背景配音,以至于在录制完成后,母带的有些地方磁粉已经薄到可以看穿的地步。QUEEN在Bohemian Rhapsody的录影带中首次尝试了概念化的方法,并孤注一掷地在其中投入了巨额资金,不过QUEEN得到的回报也是相当可观的:这首单曲在英国排行榜上迅速升到冠军的位置,并且在这个位置上停留了足有9个星期,并最终打破了英国单曲排行榜上冠军停留时间最长的记录。在美国,这首歌和整张专辑也获得了巨大的成功,进入了排行榜前10位并同时成为白金单曲和白金专辑。甚至在十多年后的1992年,这首Bohemian Rhapsody还在美国单曲排行榜上获得过数周的亚军成绩。 在A Night At The Opera之后,QUEEN尝到了什么是超级巨星的滋味,他们也得到了这种地位所能带来的一切好处,他们无休无止的舞会和穷奢极侈的生活方式成为摇滚乐坛永远的传奇。然而这一切并丝毫没有影响到他们前进的步伐和高效率的工作。在1976年夏天,QUEEN在伦敦的海德公园举行了一场免费音乐会,观众的到场人数创造了新的记录。几个月后他们发行了热门单曲Somebody To Love,收录在专辑A Day At The Races(竞技场之日)中。这张专辑可以说是A Night At The Opera的一个克隆产品,不过仍然取得了优异的成绩,在英国排行榜上成为冠军,并在美国升到了第五名的位置。 在接下来的五年中,不知疲倦的QUEEN打造了成打的热门单曲和数张白金唱片。由于在全世界赢得了如此多歌迷的喜欢和崇拜,他们遭到了某些评论家的抵触,尤其是当他们表示出对待朋克运动的那种极端恶劣的保守态度之时。 不过歌迷对QUEEN的专辑还是照买不误,囊括了两首Top 5单曲We Are The Champions和We Will Rock You的专辑News Of The World(世界新闻)在1977年成为排行榜前10位的专辑。1978年的专辑Jazz(爵士乐)几乎重复了同样的成功,其中的单曲Fat Bottomed Girls和Bicycle Race成了国际热门单曲,尽管公众对乐队举办的一个女性裸体自行车赛的花招表示了极大的不满。 在80年代初,QUEEN仍然保持着相当受欢迎的地位,1980年他们发表了专辑The Game(游戏),音乐风格发生了一些变化,他们加入了更多柔性慢歌和轻快讨巧的歌曲,已经离开重金属颇有一段距离了。单曲Crazy Little Thing Called Love和Another One Bites The Dust的再次成功使The Game专辑登上了美国排行榜的冠军宝座,这对于QUEEN来说是一次突破性的成功。不过,当人们发现这不过是一张乖巧讨好的专辑时,他们开始失去了对QUEEN的兴趣,乐队原本忠实的拥护者不少都改弦易帜,尤其是在美国,其直接后果就是他们在同年晚些时候为电影Flash Gordan录制的纯器乐配乐专辑得到的反应异常的冷淡。1981年,在David Bowie的帮助下,QUEEN成功在新浪潮音乐的汹涌波涛中站稳了脚跟,单曲Under Pressure登上了英国排行榜的冠军位置,这也是他们继Bohemian Rhapsody以来的另一首冠军单曲,收录在1981年出版的精选专辑Greatest Hits以及1982年的专辑Hot Space(白热地带)中。不过Hot Space专辑并没有引起人们多大的热情,因为这仍是一张轻松取巧的专辑,既不那么流行又不那么高雅。1984年的专辑The Works(作品)中表现出更多的摇滚成分,不过人们对它的反映仍旧不温不火,专辑中只有单曲Radio Ga Ga获得了一定的成功。这些不成功的经历使他们决定离开Elektra公司而转签Capitol公司。 眼见自己在美国的市场日渐萎缩,在英国也是独木难支,QUEEN决定打开另外的市场,他们把目标放在了拉丁美洲、亚洲和非洲,而这些地方潜在的巨大市场往往是摇滚乐队所忽视的。1985年,由于在援救非洲难民的Live Aid巡演中表现出众,QUEEN再次走进了英国观众的视线,次年,QUEEN发行了新专辑Kind Of Magic(一种魔力),但是专辑对美国市场的冲击以失败而告终。1989年的专辑The Miracle(奇迹)在美国也遭到了同样的打击,虽然这张专辑中的摇滚成分已经有所增加,但仍然缺乏真正的力量。不过1991年的Innuendo(讥讽)终于一炮打响,为乐队在美国赢得了名誉,在达到金唱片的同时进入了排行榜的前30名,当然,这比之他们在欧洲的成功还是小的多,在英国,他们轻而易举地取得了排行榜冠军的宝座。这张丰富多采的专辑重新拾回了QUEEN当年的风采,既有力道十足的重金属之作,又有典型QUEEN风格的歌剧式摇滚。不过这张出色的专辑现在被认为是乐队回光返照的作品,因为巨大的阴影正在逐渐笼罩着这支不凡的乐队。 1991年,QUEEN不再象以往那样活跃,而这时关于主唱Freddie Mercury身体状况的谣言也是漫天乱飞,在11月22日,他终于向外界证实,他染上了爱滋病。两天后,Freddie去世了。 1992年春天,乐队余下的成员在温布利体育场举办了一场纪念音乐会。这场向全世界直播的现场音乐会的观众数目达到了一亿以上,演出的阵容除了QUEEN的三个成员外,还包括了David Bowie,Elton John,Annie Lennox,DEF LEPPARD和GUNS "N ROSES,这场演出为Freddie生前设立的基金会募到了数百万美圆,这些钱都将用于爱滋病的研究。这场演出也使1975年的单曲Bohemian Rhapsody再次风光,升到了美国排行榜亚军的位置。 Freddie死后,乐队成员保持了一段时间的沉寂,1993年,Brian May发行了他的第二张个人专辑Back To The Light,距离他的第一张个人专辑已经有十年了。Roger Taylor在THE CROSS乐队发表了一些作品,而John Deacon则决定洗手不干了。但三名成员在1994年还是重新聚到一起共同录制合成Freddie的遗作,这些歌的主唱部分都是Freddie在病床上录制完成的。1995年,这张名为Made In Heaven(天堂制造)的专辑得以发行,由于它特殊的纪念意义,这张专辑在全球范围尤其是欧洲引起了抢购狂潮,毋庸质疑,这已经是QUEEN的最后一张录音室作品了。 QUEEN对于八、九十年代的重金属乐队有着一定的影响,它独特的歌剧式摇滚为后来的前卫金属指引了方向。他们华丽的舞台表演和奢侈的生活方式也常为后人所效仿。不过乐队最后的悲剧也是一道令人震撼的警钟。
2023-07-11 04:05:163

westlife的《uptown girl》歌词翻译过来是什么?歌名也要翻译

  《Uptown girl》原唱是Billy Joel,2001年3月5日,westlife发行了这首翻唱BillyJoel的名曲《uptown girl》,以轻快的节奏获得英国单曲销售榜冠军,成为westlife的第10首冠军单曲。首周销量292,318张,总销量75万张以上也成为他们目前销售量最高的单曲,另外这首单曲是慈善单曲,所得利润全部捐给福利机构Comic Relief。  歌词翻译如下:  《Uptown girl》窈窕淑女  歌手:westlife  专辑:《greatest hits》  她住在那高档的住宅区  我赌她从没跟街头男孩交往过  我赌她妈妈也从没跟她说过为什么不可  我想交个窈窕淑女  她住在那高档的住宅区  只要是热血青年就有机会  现在她来寻找都市男孩  那就是我呀  日子一天天过去  她会明白她想要什么  等它从梦中醒来  就会做好决定  她会发现我这人不错  因为我们相爱了  我在她的世界看见过她  看得出她已经玩腻了她的高档玩具  还有那些富家公子送她的高档礼物  她现在有其他的选择了  窈窕淑女  你知道我没钱给你买珍珠首饰  但搞不好那天我的好运来了  她就会知道我是多么好的人  那时我就成功了  当她走在路上  她看起来是那么婀娜  当她和别人聊天时  她会说我们俩是一对  她会发现我这人不错  因为我们相爱了  她住在那高档的住宅区  只要是热血青年就有机会  现在她来寻找都市男孩  那就是我呀  窈窕淑女  她是我的窈窕淑女  你知道我们相爱了  我跟窈窕淑女恋爱了  我的窈窕淑女
2023-07-11 04:05:233


2023-07-11 04:06:1314


2023-07-11 04:07:0212


英文歌词:作曲:Don Felder作词:Don Felder,Glenn Frey,Don Henley演唱:Eagles(老鹰乐队)On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair.行驶在昏黑的沙漠公路上,凉风吹起我的头发。Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air.浓烈的大麻味道,弥散在空气中。Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light.抬头遥望远方,我看到灯光闪烁。My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊。I had to stop for the night.我不得不停下来,寻找过夜的地方。There she stood in the doorway,她站在门口招呼我,I heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声。And I was thinking to myself, "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell".我在心里对自己说,这里可能是天堂,也可能是地狱。Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way.这时她点起一根蜡烛,然后给我引路。There were voices down the corridor,沿着走廊传来阵阵说话声,I thought I heard them say...我想我听到他们在说...Welcome to the Hotel California,欢迎来到加州旅馆,Such a lovely place, Such a lovely face.多么美丽的地方,多么可爱的脸庞。Plenty of rooms at the Hotel California.加州旅馆有如此多的房间。Any time of year, you can find it here .一年四季无论何时,你都可以在这找到地方。Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes benz.她的心为珠宝所扭曲,她开着一辆梅塞德斯奔驰。She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends.还带着许多漂亮迷人的小伙子,她都唤他们叫朋友。How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.他们在庭院里翩翩起舞,夏日的香汗淋漓。Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.有些成为回忆,有些则被忘却。So I called up the Captain, "Please bring me my wine".于是我叫来领班,请给我来点酒。He said, "We haven"t had that spirit here since 1969".他说自从1969年,我们再无供应。And still those voices are calling from far away,远处仍然传来他们的话语,Wake you up in the middle of the night.在半夜把你吵醒。Just to hear them say...只听到他们在说..."Welcome to the Hotel California欢迎来到加州旅馆Such a lovely place, Such a lovely face多么美丽的地方,多么可爱的脸庞They living it up at the Hotel California在加州旅馆他们纵情狂欢What a nice surprise, bring your alibis".这里好得令人吃惊,为你带来堕落的借口。Mirrors on the ceiling, The pink champagne on ice,天花板上镶嵌着镜子,冰镇着的粉色香槟,And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device".她却说我们都是这里的囚犯,为自己的欲望负债。And in the master"s chambers, They gathered for the feast.在主厅大房间内,人们举起狂欢之火。They stab it with their steely knives,他们用钢刀挥刺着,But they just can"t kill the beast.却杀不死心中恶魔。Last thing I remember, I was running for the door.我所记得的最后一件事,是我拼命跑向门口。I had to find the passage back to the place I was before.我必须找到来时的路,回到我过去的地方。"Relax," said the night-man," We are programmed to receive.“放松点吧”,看门人说“我们只是照常接待”。You can checkout any time you like,你可以随时结束,but you can never leave!".但你永远无法挣脱!扩展资料:1.老鹰乐队(Eagles)是20世纪1970年代早期成立于美国洛杉矶的一支摇滚乐团体。拥有7张专辑与29支单曲。依RIAA统计,Eagles1976年发表的精选辑EAGLES/THEIR GREATEST HITS 为美国史上销量最高专辑,超过2900万。而在滚石排出的史上最伟大500张专辑,他们另一张专辑《加州旅馆》(Hotel California)位于第37位。1998年,老鹰乐团被迎入摇滚名人堂。乐团于1980年一度解散,而于1994年重组。2.喜爱英文歌曲的人没有几个不知道“Hotel California”(加州旅店)和“Take It Easy”,这两首空前绝后的钻石级金曲是20世纪最著名的流行音乐作品,而造就它们的就是以美国国鸟命名的乐队Eagles。Eagles是美国老牌的摇滚乐队,他们的成功之处是在于把摇滚、流行和乡村音乐很好地结合在一起,他们的音乐符合各个层次的欣赏者,成了名副其实的“大众偶像”。3.老鹰乐队著名招牌曲“Hotel California”是充满诡异、动人旋律的钻石级金曲,单看歌词,寥寥数笔,便几乎把上世纪70年代所有的忧伤与迷惘卷携殆尽。不过借用中国的一句古语“成也萧何,败也萧何”来说,可能是“Hotel California”太成功了,歌迷对这首歌曲近乎于崇拜的喜爱已使他们忽略了Eagles其他的单曲。参考资料来源:百度百科_老鹰乐队
2023-07-11 04:07:241


<<Sympathy for the devil>>歌手:Guns N" Roses
2023-07-11 04:07:373


歌曲: One Moment In Time 歌手: 彭佳慧 专辑: 《呼彭唤友演唱会》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词One Moment In Time作词:Nammond A. / 作曲:Bettis J.Each day I liveI want to be a day to give the best of meI"m only one,but not aloneMy finest day is yet unknownI broke my heart for every pain To taste the sweetI faced the painI rist and fall, yet through it allthis much remainsI was one moment in timeWhen I"m more than I thought I could beWhen all of my dreams are a heartbeat awayAnd the answers are all up to meGive me one moment in timeWhen I"m racing with destinyThen in that one moment of timeI will feel, I will feel eternityI will live to be the very bestI want it all, no time for lessI"ve laid the plansNow lay the chance here in my handsGive me one moment in timeWhen I"m more than I thought I could beWhen all of my dreams are a heartbeat awayAnd the answers are all up to meGive me one moment in timeWhen I"m racing with destinyThen in that one moment of timeI will feel, I will feel eternityYou"re a winner for a lifetimeIf you seize that one moment in timeMake it shineGive me one moment in timeWhen I"m more than I thought I could beWhen all of my dreams are a heartbeat awayAnd the answers are all up to meGive me one moment in timeWhen I"m racing with destinyThen in that one moment of timeI will be, I will be, I will be free
2023-07-11 04:07:441


Beat It
2023-07-11 04:08:014


groove coverage 的《greatest hits》中的歌歌词:she hangs out every day near by the beach havin" a harnican fallin" asleepshe looks so sexy when she"s walking the sandnobody ever put a ring on her handswim to the oceanshore fish in the seashe is the story the story is sheshe sings to the moon and the stars in the skyshining from high above you shouldn"t ask whyshe is the one that you never forgetshe is the heaven-sent angel you metoh, she must be the reason why god made a girlshe is so pretty all over the worldshe puts the rhythm, the beat in the drumshe comes in the morning and the evening she"s goneevery little hour every second you live trust in eternity that"s what she givesshe looks like marilyn, walks like suzanneshe talks like monica and marianneshe wins in everything that she might doand she will respect you forever just youshe is the one that you never forgetshe is the heaven-sent angel you metoh, she must be the reason why god made a girlshe is so pretty all over the worldshe is so pretty all over the worldshe is so prettyshe is like you and melike them like weshe is in you and me(she is the one) she is the one(that you never forget) that you never forgetshe is the heaven-sent angel you metshe"s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why god made a girlshe is so pretty all over the world (oh...)na na na na na
2023-07-11 04:08:094


Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom歌手Vengaboys
2023-07-11 04:08:174