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2023-07-11 07:39:57


Aiwo wo, a traditional Beijing snack, is served in Beijing snack shops around the lunar New Year.


It has been sold until late summer and early autumn, so aiwowo is also a spring and autumn variety, now it is available all year round.



Bee cake is a kind of cake snack made by steaming flour or rice flour with sugar and fruit.


Because this kind of cake eats after breaking, there are more hives in the hole, the name bee cake.



Baishui yangtou is one of the best Beijing snacks. It is cooked and sliced with white water and sprinkled with pepper and salt.


White and clean color, thin and large meat, crisp and tender fresh, mellow not greasy, with wine are appropriate.



Baiguo New Year cake is a traditional snack at the Spring Festival in Beijing.


As early as the liao dynasty, it is said that in the first day of the first lunar month in Beijing, every family has the custom of eating rice cakes.



late autumn

Boiled tripe is a famous snack in Beijing, mostly run by hui people.


It was recorded in the qianlong period of qing dynasty.


At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, halal restaurants and street vendors in Beijing, past and present, sell boiled dumplings.





2023-07-11 02:04:001


Frost Descending is the 18th solar term among the 24 solar terms and the last solar term in autumn.霜降,是二十四节气中的第十八个节气,秋季的最后一个节气。After entering the Frost Descending Solar Term, the scene of late autumn is obvious, and cold air moves southward more and more frequently.进入霜降节气后,深秋景象明显,冷空气南下越来越频繁。Frost fall does not mean "frost fall", but a sudden drop in temperature and large temperature difference between day and night.霜降不是表示“降霜”,而是表示气温骤降、昼夜温差大。As far as the national average is concerned, "frost fall" is the season with the largest temperature difference between day and night in a year.就全国平均而言,“霜降”是一年之中昼夜温差最大的时节。Since "frost" is the expression of cold weather and large variation of temperature difference between day and night, it is named after "frost fall", which means "sudden drop of temperature and large temperature difference between day and night".由于“霜”是天冷、昼夜温差变化大的表现,故以“霜降”命名这个表示“气温骤降、昼夜温差大”的节气。
2023-07-11 02:04:061


lately autumnearly autumnautumn
2023-07-11 02:04:354

寒秋是什么意思 寒秋是啥意思

1、寒秋的解释:[late autumn] 深秋。 2、详细解释:指深秋。《颜氏家训·书证》引《易统通卦验玄图》:“苦菜生於寒秋,更冬历春,得夏乃成。”、毛*《沁园春·长沙》词:“独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头。”
2023-07-11 02:04:411

Late autumn-eddie是否抄袭the right path

late autumn是电影名《晚秋》,插曲名叫the right path。估计就是直接以电影名代替了,或者是重制版,我没仔细听。大体是一样的。
2023-07-11 02:04:491


这个字母可以组合成英语单词:autumn 秋天在美式英语中常常用fall来表示秋天。
2023-07-11 02:05:054


2023-07-11 02:05:341

祝福来的有点晚,周老师,祝您教师节快乐! 用英语怎么写!

2023-07-11 02:05:427


【 #英语资源# 导语】秋风起了,吹散了暑气;秋雨降了,消退了暑热;秋意浓了,爽透了身心;秋天来了,悦动了生活;秋福到了,愉悦了心扉。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.关于立秋的英语作文   In the morning, on the old locust tree in front of the door, several withered and yellow old leaves were blown down by the wind, rotating and dancing in the air, landing slowly, and rolling again. Grandma said: the weather turns cold. It"s almost autumn! I opened my calendar. It turned out that autumn began at 5:1 this afternoon. Looking at the blue sky, there is no cloud shadow. It is so transparent. Autumn not only brings us cool wind, but also brings us the joy of harvest.   The grass on the field is no longer as delicate as spring and soft as summer. The grass tip was yellow, and the shepherd boy was leisurely driving the cattle to graze. The fields are full of spring and autumn fruits and full of vitality. Heavy cotton peaches bend the branches like copper bells. The Red Sorghum bowed its head as if saluting me. The mature rice also bears the joy of harvest. Even the dog tail grass on the field stem really hung its head. Sesame is chasing the flowers straight up, can not help but sigh, the early autumn is so beautiful! It"s autumn. I look forward to the coming of late autumn. It will bring us ripe fruits and unexpected surprises.   Autumn is a harvest season. Autumn is a cool wind. Autumn is a cup of intoxicating wine. Love this season to realize your dreams. 2.关于立秋的英语作文   It"s autumn today, and the weather is much cooler than yesterday, because the weather forecast says "it"s going to rain today." In the afternoon, after I finished my homework, I went to the roof to get some air. I stood on the roof, blowing the cool wind and looking at the sky. I saw a large black cloud moving slowly in the distance. I think it might rain! After a while, another beautiful scenery appeared in the sky. I think if I were a painter, I would leave this beautiful scenery on my drawing board and keep it forever.   I stood there quietly, observing the changing sky from time to time, and felt that the sky was really beautiful! This beauty is usually ignored by us. Next to them, there are a group of pigeons who practice flying hard. They fly on the roof in a regular circle. Sometimes they fly into a rectangle, sometimes they fly into the appearance of all kinds of animals. After a period of practice, they have flown from the first five floors to a higher sky. Of course, not every pigeon worked so hard, and some lazy pigeons stopped resting on the roof after flying for a while. 3.关于立秋的英语作文   When Wutong, I stood alone under the Wutong tree in the yard, and some of the wild flowers around me were blooming. The autumn wind was blowing gently, and a yellow Chinese parasol tree leaves fell before my eyes.   This is the first fallen leaf I saw this autumn. I bent down to pick it up and looked at it. I thought a lot: in a few days, I will step into the gate of middle school and become a junior high school student. I am separated from my alma mater who has trained me for six years, and from my classmates who have been together day and night for six years! Like this fallen leaf, it left its "mother" for survival, turned into nourishment and began a new life. Leaves, yellow; Flowers, thanks; Classmate, goodbye; Class, scattered; Why don"t I want to get together with my classmates and go to my alma mater to study and play. The first fallen leaves in autumn aroused my nostalgia for my alma mater and my classmates. Unknowingly, my eyes were wet. I carefully took this fallen leaf and took it home.   At night, I looked at this leaf through the soft moonlight and watched it for a long time, a long time. 4.关于立秋的英语作文   Today is the beginning of autumn among the 24 solar terms, which is the first solar term of autumn and the beginning of autumn.   I saw on the store calendar that seven and eight days are autumn, so I asked my mother, "which day is autumn?", Mom was also very strange and said she didn"t know. Watching TV at night, I knew that many people were as confused as me. Fortunately, the host checked the information and gave us an answer. The beginning of autumn was at 22:49 p.m. on the 7th.
2023-07-11 02:06:231


September 12th
2023-07-11 02:06:321

介词结构可以做主语吗?应该如何表达?After the late autumn is early winter.

这句话是对的,但是这句话并不是介词作主语,一楼的改正也是不准确的 这句话叫做完全倒装.英语中,如果表示时间的介词短语位于句首,句子的位于市不及物动词,且句子主语是名词,一般用完全倒装.这句话的正常结构是: Early winter is after the late autumn.
2023-07-11 02:06:471

late in autumn 歌词

中文当纷飞落下的花瓣化为粉雪之时我便以向上飞舞之姿拥抱这份爱树叶现在也依然如故的寂静摇摆著彷佛宣告著结束一般 散落秋意渐浓 在夕阳余晖的黄昏路上寻找两人的身影只想著自己 只顾著保护自己的我不断地 在你痛苦难过时伤害你无法用言语表达 那些平行线般擦肩而过的日子为了斩断一切而戴上的笑容假面第一个令我动心的人回想起来 是因为你走进了我的世界深信不疑的认为 这样的时间能永远持续不断累积过重的思念已无法阻挡一定无法再见到你了吧「想在你身边...」连这种想法都显得遥不可及但是只要想著 似乎又有了活下去的力量我还只是个孩子阿连你强留在眼框中的泪水都无法察觉...在熟悉的道路上肩并肩的走著就好像无论何地都能到达的感觉一直以来 总是走在我右侧的你大到足以听见的心跳声我们眼里看到的肯定是相同的吧伸出手就能轻易碰触的未来在被夕阳染红的糟杂人海中细声低语著「对不起」透过紧握的手传达而来的是胜过一切的温暖感情一定不会忘记 那是我仅剩的你留给我的...与你一起看见的景色和平凡的日常在我看来都闪烁耀眼因为你总是在我的身边所以不论是黑暗或夜晚都能勇敢度过的呐 为什麼会忘记了呢是因为有你在我才能活的像自己会消失吧曾经与你共渡的那些记忆在飞舞的爱意里溶化殆尽...不断堆积的思念 化为粉雪肯定能染上你的色彩如果只能实现一个愿望的话请让我回到你的身边让我感受在你身旁的安心感在那天到来之前只能在梦中跟你相会了...教会我如何去爱的这份痛苦我是不会忘记的你和我 一路走来的意义现在 也点亮我的心在下一个季节交替之前我就会走出伤痛我对你发誓 仅用这句话...
2023-07-11 02:07:072


可以直接写为December ninteenth 这个吧
2023-07-11 02:07:232


  导语:等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。下面是我分享的有关春天的英语谚语,希望大家喜欢!   1、寒雪梅中尽,春风柳上归。   Cold notice, in the spring breeze willow on return.   2、东风何时至,已绿湖上山。   When the east wind to have green lake up the hill.   3、野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。   Wildfires burn born again when the spring breeze blows.   4、好雨知时节,当春乃发生。   The rain season, when spring is happening.   5、春草如有情,山中尚含绿。   Spring grass such as sentient beings, in the mountains is green.   6、江汉春风起,冰霜昨夜除。   Jianghan spring breeze, the frost last night.   7、东风洒雨露,会人天地春。   Dongfeng sprinkled the rain, will be one spring of heaven and earth.   8、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!   Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui.   9、春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。   Spring sleep unknowingly xiao, everywhere smell to birds.   10、国破山河在,城春草木深。   Countries in the broken pieces back together again, deep city spring grass.   11、咸阳二三月,宫柳黄金枝。   Xianyang February, GongLiu gold branch.   12、寒随一夜去,春还五更来。   Even to cold over night, spring also.   13、不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。   Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors.   14、闻道春还未相识,走傍寒梅访消息。   WenDaoChun haven"t met, walk alongside cold plum visit news.   15、渭城朝雨邑轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。   WeiCheng toward rain city light dust, qing qing LiuSe new guest.   16、江浦雷声喧昨夜,春城而色动微寒。   Jiangpu thunder loud last night, color move in spring city.   17、繁枝容易纷纷落,嫩蕊商量细细开。   Branches are easy to fall in succession, bud to open.   18、日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。   Sunrise river bonus - fire, spring to bluish green, such as blue.   19、长江春水绿堪染,莲叶出水大如钱。   The Yangtze river and the city green dye, lotus leaf water as big as money.   20、狂风落尽深红色,绿叶成阴子满枝。   The wind all deep red, colorful leaves full branches.   21、诗家清景在新春,绿柳才黄半未匀。   Poem clear view in the New Year, green LiuCai yellow half did not divide evenly.   22、东风好作阳和使,逢草逢花报发生。   Do a dongfeng YangHeShi, meet the grass on the flower to happen.   23、春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。   a spring scenery garden caged lmond wall.   24、恰似春风相欺得,夜来吹折数枝花。   Just like the spring breeze that deceives, night fold a few flowers.   25、洛阳东风几时来,川波岸柳春全回。   Luoyang dongfeng how to sichuan wave AnLiu spring back.   26、寄语洛城风日道,明年春色倍还人。   Message la FengRi, next year spring scenery times also.   27、飒飒东风细雨来,芙蓉塘外有轻雷。   The rustling wind drizzle, lotus pond outside light ray.   28、春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。   The spring breeze and green river, south when the moon as I also.   29、林花着雨燕支湿,水荇牵风翠带长。   Lin at swift wet, water wind cui long grass.   30、春天的意志和暖流正在逐渐地驱走寒冬。   Will and warm spring is gradually to drive away the cold winter.   31、你埋怨解冻后的泥泞,你就不懂得春天。   Thawed muddy you blame, you don"t understand in the spring.   32、春天的太阳甚至能给最普通的`花带来新生。   The spring sun can give even the most common flowers bring a new life.   33、晚秋季节还能找到春天和夏天错过的鲜花吗?   Late autumn season can find miss spring and summer flowers?   34、春天没有花,人生没有爱,那还成个什么世界。   Spring without flowers, a life without love, what also become that of the world.   35、春天之所以充满活力,是因为饮到了雪花的乳汁。   Spring is full of vitality, because drink the milk of the snow.   36、黑夜再长,白天总会到来;寒冬再长,春天总会到来。   The night long, the day will come; Winter long, the spring will come.   37、万树江边杏,新开一夜风。满园深浅色,照在绿波中。   A new night wind critics, apricot, riverside. Garden deep light color, as in the green wave.   38、云霞出海曙,梅柳渡江春。淑气催黄鸟,晴光转绿苹。   Clouds haishu, MeiLiu crossing in the spring. Shu qi push troopial, shine the light turned green apple.   39、迟日江山丽,春风花草香。泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。   Century Jiang Shanli, spring breeze fragrance of flowers and plants. Mud flying swallow, sand and warm sleep mandarin duck.   40、道由白云尽,春与青溪长;时有落花至,远随流水香。   Way by the white clouds, spring and QingXi long; There are fallen petal to, well with water.   41、春天的太阳甚至给那最卑微的小花也注入了新的生命。   In spring the sun even to the most humble floret also injected new life.   42、春天不播种,夏天就不会生长,秋天就不能收割,冬天就不能品尝。   Won"t grow not sowing in spring, summer, autumn will not be able to harvest, the winter can"t taste it.   43、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!   Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui。   44、不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。   Know who thin leaf cut out, breeze like scissors。   45、野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。   Wildfires burn born again when the spring breeze blows。   46、迫不得已花落去,似曾相识燕归来。   Forced to whispering, familiar yan return。   47、更深月夜半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。   Deeper in the midnight, beidou crisscross Sagittarius。   48、春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。   Spring sleep unknowingly xiao, everywhere smell to birds。   4、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。   No not heartless, maternal gentleness more protect flower。   50、羌笛何必怨杨柳,东风不度玉门关。   QiangDi why blame the willows, dongfeng degree yumenguan。
2023-07-11 02:08:311


1.描写山水的英语文章 Many immigrants settled in New York City in the nieenth century. They found that living conditions were not as wonderful as they had dreamed. Often there were six families crowded into a house made for one family. Thousands of children had to go to work. Working conditions were even worse. Immigrant men, women and children worked in factories for ten to elve hours a day, stopping only for a short time to eat. They came to work even if they were tired or sick because if they didn"t, they might be fired. Thousands of people were waiting to take their places.。 2.描写风景的英语成语 1, the ancient ceremonial arches, Nanxun Zhen. Sunningdale, backlight. 2, the lattice of time. 3, the green wall. Parthenocissus. Mid-summer season. 4, looking down. The temple. 5, with bs posed of "Traffic". 6, the b operating *** all shops. 7, do not have Xincai boss. 8, Hongye. Late autumn season. 9, pavilion. Take a break in it. 10, old trees. Experienced the vicissitudes of life. Very, very old. 11, hidden attic. 12, Riverside others. Water Village life. 13, Evergreen Yannian. Evergreen not old. 14, I very, very high on the pagoda. 3.形容水墨画山水的词语 山清水秀,层峦耸翠,重峦叠嶂,青山绿水,山水如画,山崩海啸,山长水远,山高水长 山高水长,山光水色,锦绣河山,高耸入云,水天一色,湖光山色,重峦叠嶂,山长水远 山明水秀,高山流水,白练腾空,烟波浩渺,千山万水,跋山涉水,山光水色,山明水秀 山高水长,山高水低,穷山恶水,水秀山明,山光水色,山明水秀,山清水秀,山明水秀 湖光山色,水软山温,崇山峻岭,高山深涧,峰峦雄伟,锦绣河山,高耸入云 ,水天一色 波光粼粼,湖光山色,重峦叠嶂,山明水秀,高山流水,白练腾空,烟波浩渺,山清水秀 山光水色,江山如故,江山如画,绿水青山,名山胜川,崇山峻岭,表里山河,巴山蜀水 大好河山,登山临水,湖光山色,名山大川,千山万壑,峰峦雄伟,水平如镜,重峦叠嶂、 崇山峻岭,悬崖峭壁,连绵起伏,峰峦雄伟,危峰兀立,滔滔不绝,一泻千里,山光水色 波澜壮阔,惊涛骇浪,浊浪排空,波峰浪谷,湖光山色,山清水秀,山明水秀,山崩海啸 青山绿水,山水相依,山水一色,山清水秀,层峦耸翠,青山绿水,山水如画, 4.形容山水的优美词语 【水天一色】 水光与天色相浑。形容水天相接的辽阔景象。语本唐王勃《滕王阁诗序》:「落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。 【水木清华】 指园林景色清朗秀丽。语本晋谢混《游西池》诗:「景昃鸣禽集,水木湛清华。 【水秀山明】 形容山水清丽,风景优美。 【山川米聚】 谓从高处下望山川起伏,如米之聚集。语本《后汉书·马援传》:「扞援呴又於帝前,聚米为山谷,指画形势,开示众军所从道径往来,分析曲折,昭然可晓。」 【姹紫嫣红】 姹:美丽;嫣:美好。指各种色彩艳丽的花。明·汤显祖《牡丹亭·惊梦》:「原来姹紫嫣红开遍,似这般都付与断井颓垣。良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院。」清·禇人获《隋唐演义》六十九回:「见垂柳拖丝,拂境清幽;~,迎风弄鸟,别有一种赏心之境。」 【白草黄云】 形容秋季时边塞的荒凉景象。唐·权德舆《赠老将》诗:「白草黄云塞上秋,曾随骠骑出并州。」清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳续录五》:「急觅是人,不知何往,惟独立沙碛中,~,四边无际。」 【白白朱朱】 形容各色花木。唐·韩愈《感春三首》诗:「晨游百花林,朱朱兼白白。」宋·杨万里《又和风雨二首》:「风风雨雨又春穷,~已眼空。」 【白虹贯日】 白色的长虹穿日而过。古人认为世间将有不平凡之事发生。依现在的气象学说,此非虹而是晕,一种大气光学现象。《战国策·魏策四》:「聂政之刺韩傀也,白虹贯日。」《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》:「昔者荆轲慕燕丹之义,~,太子畏之。」元·王实甫《丽春堂》第二折:「且休说~,青龙藏池。」 【白浪掀天】 形容风大浪高。唐·白居易《风雨晚泊》诗:「青苔扑地连春雨,白浪掀天尽日风。」 【百花齐放】 形容百花盛开,丰富多彩。比喻风神各异之艺术自由发展。也形容艺界景象繁荣。清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第三回:「百花仙子只顾在此著棋,那知下界帝王忽有御旨命他百花齐放。」又参见「百家争鸣」 【百卉千葩】 形容百花盛开,丰富多彩。明·无名氏《紫微宫》第二折:「仲冬佳节景堪褒,百卉千葩逞艳妖。」又参见「百花齐放」。 【霞蔚云蒸】 喻景物绚烂缛丽。 5.描写山水的词语 水天一色、郁郁葱葱、青山绿水 、山青水秀、湖光山色、江山如画 白屋寒门 碧海青天 冰天雪窑 春寒料峭 春回大地 唇亡齿寒 滴水成冰 风刀霜剑 风雨凄凄 寒蝉凄切 寒蝉仗马 寒花晚节 寒木春华 寒心酸鼻 号寒啼饥 林寒洞肃 凄风苦雨 十冬腊月 霜露之病 岁寒三友 松柏后凋 岁寒知松柏 偷寒送暖 缩手缩脚 岁暮天寒 天凝地闭 啼饥号寒 天寒地冻 雪窖冰天 雪虐风饕 嘘寒问暖 一寒如此 仗马寒蝉 傲霜斗雪 傲雪凌霜 秋高气爽 秋菊傲霜 一叶知秋 秋风习习 秋果累累 林寒涧肃 日长一线 松柏后凋 寒木春华 红情绿意 红衰翠减 阳春有脚 雨后春笋 虎尾春冰 花红柳绿 花香鸟语 雨后春笋 莺啼燕语 口角春风 枯木逢春 流水落花 柳暗花明 流水桃花 轮扁斫轮 落花流水 满园春色 柳绿花红 研桑心计。
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1、他浑身都是圆圆的,特别是肚子像酒桶一般凸起来,人没到,肚子先到了。 He was round all over, especially his stomach protruded like a barrel. If he didn"t arrive, his stomach arrived first. 2、秋风萧瑟,层林尽染,一片金黄;阳光下,走在这密林之中,确有一番别样味道。 The autumn wind is bleak, and the forest is stained with gold. Walking in the forest in the sun, you have a different taste. 3、春风像一只彩笔,把整个世界勾勒得更加绚丽多彩。 Spring wind is like a colored pen, which makes the whole world more colorful. 4、生活中没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;生活中没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没了翅膀。 Without books in life, it"s like without sunshine; without books in life, it"s like a bird without wings. 5、法国梧桐树上那鼓圆了的芽苞,已伸展开来,像一个个淡紫色的小喇叭。 The round buds on the sycamore tree in France have spread out like lilac trumpets. 6、我们的学校就像一个大花园,多么美丽,多么可爱,我们在这里茁壮成长。 Our school is like a big garden, how beautiful, how lovely, we thrive here. 7、他下巴上的胡须又乱又长,就像用枯萎的苞米穗粘在上面似的。 The beard on his chin was long and untidy, as if it were stuck to it with withered bracts. 8、峰峦叠嶂,碧水如镜,青山浮水,倒影翩翩,两岸景色犹如百里画廊。 There are many peaks, green water like a mirror, blue mountains and floating water, and the reflection is elegant. The scenery on both sides is like a hundred Li Gallery. 9、爸爸明明是个足球迷,却把一场精彩的球赛关掉,这是为什么呢? Dad is a football fan, but he turns off a wonderful game. Why? 10、什么路都可以走,唯独绝路不能走;什么路都可以选择,唯独歧途不能选择。 You can go all the way, but you can"t go by the only way; you can choose all the way, but you can"t choose the wrong way. 11、忽然,迎面升起一轮红日,洒下的道道金光,就像条条金鞭,驱赶着飞云流雾。 All of a sudden, a round of red sun rose up in the face, and the golden light sprinkled down was like a Golden Whip, driving away the clouds and mist. 12、春风像一把巧剪,裁出山川一片新绿;又像一位高明的画师,绘出大地万紫千红。 The spring wind is like a skillful scissors, cutting out the mountains and rivers into a new green; it is also like a wise painter, drawing the land of all colors. 13、山坡上的树木也在不声不响地抽出新的枝条,长出了像小草一样的新芽。 The trees on the hillside are quietly drawing out new branches and sprouting like grass. 14、自古以来,诗人喜爱春天,赞美春天,是因为春天景色宜人,处处皆可入诗。 Since ancient times, poets love spring and praise it because the scenery of spring is pleasant and poetry can be found everywhere. 15、声音又响又脆,像炒豆子似的。 The sound is loud and crisp, like fried beans. 16、岸边的华灯倒映在湖中,好像颗颗宝石缀在湖面之上。 The lanterns on the shore are reflected in the lake like jewels. 17、盛夏的阳光真像蘸了辣椒水,坦荡荡的街上没有一块阴凉地。 The sunshine in midsummer is like dipping in hot pepper water. There is not a shady place in the street. 18、月亮像一个新娶来的媳妇,刚刚从东天边上来,就又羞答答地钻进树叶子里藏起来。 The moon is like a newly married daughter-in-law. Just after she came up from the East, she shamefully went into the leaves of trees to hide. 19、阳光透过淡薄的云层,照耀着白茫茫的大地,反射出银色的光芒,耀得人眼睛发花。 Through the thin clouds, the sun shines on the vast white earth, reflecting the silver light, dazzling people"s eyes. 20、一朵朵五颜六色的小花藏身在草堆里,如害羞的小姑娘,让人有种想保护她的欲望。 A colorful flower hiding in the grass, such as a shy girl, makes people want to protect her. 21、一天傍晚,我外出散步,忽然觉得自己被笼罩在一种奇丽的景色之中。 One evening, when I was out for a walk, I suddenly felt that I was surrounded by a wonderful scenery. 22、月亮斜挂在天空,笑盈盈的,星星挤满了银河,眨巴着眼睛。 The moon is slanting in the sky, smiling, the stars are full of the Milky way, blinking. 23、深秋时节,这树上的石榴全部裂开了嘴儿,好像是一朵朵盛开的鲜花。 In late autumn, the pomegranates on the tree are all cracked, like flowers blooming one after another. 24、春,就像一个美丽的仙女,轻轻地轻轻地,把所有的生物都叫醒了。 Spring, like a beautiful fairy, gently wakes all creatures up. 25、春天的风,像棉絮一样温柔,吹过我家门前的小河。 The spring wind, like cotton wool, blows across the river in front of my house. 26、树林醒来了,在晨风中梳理了头发,又忙着往脸上擦抹着玫瑰红的朝霞。 The forest woke up, combed its hair in the morning wind, and busily wiped the rosy morning glow on its face. 27、书籍好比一架梯子,它能引导我们登上知识的殿堂。 Books are like a ladder, which can lead us to the temple of knowledge. 28、春风,你像轻轻的裘,你像大姑娘嗓子里的歌,你像母亲的手。 Chunfeng, you are like a gentle Qiu, you are like a song in a big girl"s throat, you are like a mother"s hand. 29、初夏的晚风,带着枣花和月季花的幽香,飘进这间简朴而舒适的客厅。 Early summer evening wind, with the delicate fragrance of jujube and rose flowers, drifted into this simple and comfortable living room. 30、他的嘴角有点往下弯,像是咬紧牙关的样子,似乎有一股刚强之气。 The corner of his mouth was a little crooked, like clenching his teeth, and he seemed to have a strong spirit. 31、你瞧,花儿们竞相怒放,红的像火,白的像雪、粉的像霞,五光十色。 You see, the flowers are in full bloom, red like fire, white like snow, pink like Xia, colorful. 32、就算你留恋开放在水中娇艳的水仙,别忘了山谷里寂寞的角落里,野百合也有春天。 Even if you are nostalgic for the beautiful Narcissus in the water, don"t forget that in the lonely corner of the valley, wild lilies also have spring. 33、我一点也不孤单,因为我的世界只有我一个人已经足够热闹了。 I am not alone at all, because I am the only one in my world. 34、诸恶莫做,众善奉行,莫以善小而不为,莫以恶小而为之。 Do not do evil, do good, do not do good with small, do not do evil with small. 35、白公鸡竖着鸡冠怒气冲冲地扇着翅膀,伸着长长的脖子箭似地向前冲去。 The white rooster, with his cockscomb up, flapped his wings angrily and rushed forward like an arrow with his long neck outstretched. 36、悠扬的琴声总是在静默的夜里泛起思绪的微波,记忆就晶莹地闪烁在道道微波之间。 The melodious piano sound is always the microwave of thoughts in the silent night, and the memory glitters in the microwave of Taoism. 37、牢牢地牵着岁月的手,携带着你丰产的生命的果粒;牢记岁月中留下的苦涩跟甘甜。 Firmly holding the hand of the years, carrying the fruit of your fruitful life; remember the bitterness and sweetness left in the years. 38、春尚浅,几处山顶上的梅花却挣扎着吐出红苞来。 Spring is still shallow, but the plum blossom on several hilltops is struggling to spit out red buds. 39、天边的晨星和山上的点点灯光,隐隐约约地倒映在湖水中。 The morning stars in the sky and the little lights on the mountain are faintly reflected in the lake. 40、初冬里,山野的绿色也尚末褪尽,还有一星半点的草梢还没被染黄。 In the early winter, the green of the mountain has not yet faded, and there is still a little bit of grass has not been dyed yellow. 41、明明整天在家里学习,非常用功。 Mingming studies at home all day and works very hard. 42、远远望去,那巨石真像一位仙人站在高高的山峰上,伸着手臂指向前方。 Looking from afar, the boulder is like a fairy standing on a high mountain, stretching out his arm to point forward. 43、彩虹辉映着湛蓝的晴空,阵阵凉风吹来,美丽的嘉陵江两岸,风光更加动人。 The rainbow reflects the clear blue sky and the cool wind blows. The beautiful scenery on both sides of Jialing River is more moving. 44、一个孩子跑到妈妈跟前,接过妈妈手里沉甸甸的水桶,提着走了。 A child ran to his mother, took the heavy bucket in his mother"s hand, and carried it away. 45、茸茸的绿草,随着地形的连绵起伏,直达天际,像是给大地铺上了一层厚厚的绒毯。 The fluffy green grass, with the continuous ups and downs of the terrain, reaches to the sky, like a thick carpet for the earth. 46、听了这么美妙的音乐,他竟控制不住自己的感情地跳起舞来。 After listening to such wonderful music, he could not control his feelings and began to dance. 47、寂寞的人总是记住生命中出现的每一个人,正如我总是意犹未尽地想起你。 Lonely people always remember everyone in life, just as I always think of you. 48、成群的蜜蜂在花从中忙碌着,吸着花蕊,辛勤地飞来飞去。 Swarms of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking their stamens and flying around diligently. 49、我喜欢那些闪光的东西,比如冬日的雪花,天上的星星,还有你的眼睛。 I like those shining things, such as snow in winter, stars in the sky, and your eyes. 50、劳动的果实最甜美,真诚的帮助最感人,诚挚的批评最温暖,心底的满足最幸福。 The fruit of labor is the sweetest, the sincere help the most touching, the sincere criticism the most warm, the bottom of my heart the happiest.
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  在我们平凡的日常里,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我收集整理的高一的英语作文9篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 高一的英语作文 篇1   假设你叫李华,欲与来自本校不同班级的另外4名同学组建一支乐队,但缺乏经验,请就以下情况或问题给知名音乐人卡曾斯(Cousins)先生发一封电子邮件,以寻求帮助。   1. 成员中有三名男生和两名女生,均喜欢流行音乐与现代舞蹈;   2. 每周周末排练是否足够?初期演唱的音乐宜多元化还是一种风格?   3. 怎样获得较多的表演机会?   4. 希望他能为乐队取个名字。   Dear Mr. Cousins,Since you are a well-known musician, I"m writing this e-mail to ask you for some advice on how to form a band. I, together with two boys and two girls in different classes in our school, want to form a band. We are all fond of pop music and modern dance. I"d like to know whether we should play one kind of music or different styles to   start with. And is it enough to practise only at weekendsHow can we get more chances to performWe"d appreciate it if you would come up with a name for our band.Looking forward to your reply.   Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 高一的英语作文 篇2   This morning, I learn calligraphy. A go out find a grey outside a, like entering a without the four seasons, no color, only the yellow fog with the country. Walk on the road, I feel three meters outside can"t see a person, like a blind. Choking air indistinctly has a foul smell, I think such a world, everything all have no vitality.   Remember the book about the fog is very beautiful, people compare it to a white gauze, illusory. People walk in the clouds like walked into the wonderland. But now, we call it the fog haze, what"s happening to our environment? Who destroyed it?   This all of all, are we cause ourselves. Because of increasing car emissions a large amount of exhaust gas, the factory of drainage, casually forest are constantly, green space constantly decreases, and so on, make the environment has been destroyed, so just can have the haze weather it is today.   Haze weather this year has seen many times, long duration, wide range, damage degree, has greatly influenced people"s health and induce many diseases, such as heart disease, lung disease, bronchitis and so on. This kind of weather to us again and again the alarm strikes, environmental governance is urgently needed!   So we should advocate, take good care of the trees, planting trees, don"t burning garbage, the discharge of pollutants. We have to scientific development, respect the nature, in harmony with nature. This is to protect the environment, and protect our living environment. Blue sky, green water, green space, fresh air, you can always around us!   今天早上,我学书法。一出门发现外面灰蒙蒙的一片,就像走进了一个没有四季,没有颜色,只有黄色的大雾陪伴的国度一样。走在马路上,我感觉三米之外都看不见人,就像双目失明一样。呛人的空气隐隐约约的有股臭味,我觉得这样的世界,万物都没有了生机。   记得书里描写的雾非常的美,人们把它比作白纱,虚无缥缈。人们走在云雾里如同走进了人间仙境。可是现在,我们却称之为雾霾,我们的环境到底怎么了?是谁破坏了它?   这一切的一切,都是我们人类自己造成的。因为汽车的增多排放大量的尾气,工厂随便的排污,森林不断地被采伐,绿地不断的"减少,等等,使环境被破坏了,所以才会有了今天这样的雾霾天气。   今年的雾霾天气已经出现了多次,持续时间长,涉及范围广,危害程度重,极大地影响了人的健康,诱发了很多疾病,比如心脏病,肺病,气管炎等等。这种天气给我们一次次敲起了警钟,环境治理刻不容缓!   所以我们要提倡,爱护树木,种植树木,不要焚烧垃圾,随便排放污染物。我们必须要科学发展,尊重大自然,与大自然和谐相处。这样既保护了环境,又保护了我们的生存环境。蓝天、碧水、绿地、新鲜的空气,就能时时在我们身边! 高一的英语作文 篇3   good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows. my name is qing cheng and i"m in my 17 years old. i graduated from thetiantaomiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. its campus is as beautiful as ours. my favorite subject is math, because it"s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy.   but i am a student who likes challenges and i can feel great achievement when i solve a math problem. besides, i like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life. in my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it. the most important is that i am happy to be a classmate of you. i hope we can study as well as play together.   尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好。我叫秦成,近年十七岁。我毕业于天桃中学,它是我们市里最好的中学,校园和我们校园一样美丽。我最喜欢的科目是数学,因为它是使很多学生抓狂的复杂科目。   但是,我是一个喜欢挑战的学生,每当我解答出一道数学问题的时候,我感到一种巨大的成就感。除此之外,我喜欢各种各样的课外活动,因为我它们给我带来了多姿多彩的生活。在我看来,学习只是生活中的一部分,因此我们不应该被学习束缚。最重要的是,我很高兴能成为你们的同学。我希望我们可以一起学习,一起玩。 高一的英语作文 篇4   根据下面提供的情景, 写一段不少于50词的接续文字。   Mark is a middle school student. He lives in a tall building in the middle of the town. About a mile from Mark"s building there are many old houses. They are all empty and 高一的英语作文 篇5   We three good friends, may be small strong grade is a bit poor, so, I also use the subject I"m good at learning methods to teach jack Bauer. Gradually, our result to rise slightly.   However, things are not we imagine so well. At that time is late autumn, is going to enter the winter, the weather is cold, and we go home late again, mom and dad worry about nature. One day, we saw the tsuen wan son seems to be some sad, with his head down in their seats, we immediately ran past, asked her what happened? But she still don"t talk with his head down. We all don"t understand what is going on? So we have to forget it, but we knew that there must be some great things, tsuen wan son won"t like that, because, in our eyes, everyone she is a cheerful girl.   In the third grade, I met a girl called zhang zheyu, but she was very cute when she didn"t look at her name. She had large, watery eyes, as if they could talk, and she was full of reiki. She has a very long braid and beautiful black hair. She has a very cheerful disposition, and sometimes makes people laugh. Soon we became good friends. 高一的英语作文 篇6   good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. it"s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you. my name is xing heng and i"m in my eighteen years old. i come fromxiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. i strongly suggest you visiting there and i can be your guide if it"s convenient.   after three years" hard work, i am so excited that i am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,sichuanuniversityand be one of you. i am outgoing and i have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but i am only good at basketball. i hope we can always play together in the next four years. computer science and technology is my favorite subject and i am sure that it"s also a promising area in the future, with the great development of computer science and our society. i am glad to be a classmate of you and i hope we can study and make progress together in the future. i greatly expect my life to be with you in the coming four years.   亲爱的教授以及同学们,大家早上好!很荣幸能够站在这里向大家介绍自己。我叫邢恒,今年18岁。我来自著名美丽的城市厦门。我强烈建议大家到厦门旅游,如果方便的话,我可以做你们的导游。   经过了三年的努力,我感到很兴奋,因为我最终录取了我梦寐以求的学校——四川大学,并成为你们中的一员。我性格外向,有很多爱好,比如打篮球,踢足球和游泳;但是我只擅长打篮球。我在接下来的四年里我们可以一起打篮球。计算机科学技术是我最喜欢的科目,我相信随着计算机科学和社会的快速发展,它将来也是很有前景的领域。我很高兴和你们成为同学,而且我希望将来我们可以一起学习,共同进步。我十分期待接下来四年和你们一起的生活。 高一的英语作文 篇7   he world is not only hungry,but also is short of thewater.This may sound strange for 70% of the surfaceof the use is covered by water.But 97% of this is seawater or soft water.Man can only use the other 3%fresh water that country rivers,lakes and from otherground and we can"t ever use all of that becausesome of them are the iceberges and glaciers. What"sworse, some of the fresh water has been polluted.Ourneed of water is increasing rapidly day by day. So we should take the measures to solve theproblem. 高一的英语作文 篇8   高一英语作文 写英语日记的好处   It is good to keep a diary in English   Keeping a diary in English does a great deal of good to my English study. Keeping a diary can help you review all the English knowledge you have learned. For example, you must know the correct spelling of each word needed in the diary; you must use the phrases correctly and choose the suitable sentence patterns, meanwhile, it is also necessary to use you knowledge of grammar in a correct way.   Keeping a diary can help you not only to console your knowledge of English, but to form the habit of thinking in English. Practice makes perfect. By and by, your English writing will be greatly improved. 高一的英语作文 篇9   I am contestant NO.# #, my name is Lizhiyong, and my friends call me Brucelee. I really like it!   Now standing at this stage, I can"t extend my thanks to the person who helped me in my English learning. Because it was you that made me growing up a lot; it was you that strengthened my mind and broadened my horizon.   This gaining has giving me so many remarkable opportunities. The support from my friends and the opportunities for special experience really makes me confident that I can make a big difference in the future.   Now I am studying in XTU, and my major is Marketing,which is very useful in ecery field. I hope to use my unique education to tart my own company in the future.   It was amazing to find something that I am so passionate about when I had no idea what I wanted to do.   Thank you very much.
2023-07-11 02:09:301

late in autumn这首歌来自哪部动漫,多少集?

来自动漫:某科学的超电磁炮 中文名: 某科学的超电磁炮 外文名: とある科学の超电磁炮(レールガン) 其他译名: 科学超电磁炮 作者: (原作)镰池和马,(作画)冬川基 出品时间: 2007年 出版社: (日本)ASCII Media Works,(中国台湾/香港)台湾角川 《某科学的超电磁炮》是《魔法禁书目录》的官方外传,漫画的时间轴与《魔法禁书目录》平行,而动画版的在时间轴上和原作有冲突,并非续作。2009年10月改编为电视动画,共25集(24集+番外篇1集)。
2023-07-11 02:09:381


宋国有个农夫种着几亩地,他的地头上有一棵大树。一天,他在地里干活,忽然看见一只兔子箭一般地飞奔过来,猛的撞在那棵大树上,一下子把脖子折断了,蹬蹬腿就死了。这个农夫飞快的跑过去,把兔子捡起来,高兴地说:“这真是一点劲没费,白捡了个大便宜,回去可以美美地吃上一顿了。”他拎着兔子一边往家走,一边得意地想:“我的运气真好,没准明天还会有兔子跑来,我可不能放过这样的便宜。” 第二天,他到地里,也不干活,只守着那棵大树,等着兔子撞过来。结果,等了一天什么也没等到。他却不甘心,从此,天天坐在那棵大树下等着兔子来撞死。他等呀等呀,直等到地里的野草长得比庄稼都高了,连个兔子影也没有再见到。 “守株待兔”的成语就是从这个故事来的。
2023-07-11 02:09:475


用大树写一个拟人句 公路两旁的杨树好像两排仪仗队整齐站列,欢迎欢迎! 柳枝在春风中轻轻摆动,向行人招手。 垂柳的枝条碰到人们的脸上,就像是婴儿的手在抚摸。 晚风轻拂着河边的杨柳,正在亲切的交谈。 微风吹过,杨柳抚摸着她那柔顺的秀发,让它随风飞扬。 小树在太阳公公的照料下,渐渐长高了。 春天的时候,柳树在小溪边摆弄着它那柔软的头发。 春天,柳树穿上了嫩绿的新衣。微风拂过,枝叶便在风中欢快地舞蹈。 小树像个可爱的小姑娘,在风中摆着小手,跳着舞。 风儿姐姐轻轻地吹拂着垂柳姑娘的头发。黄叶离开了大树妈妈的怀抱,打着旋儿慢慢地飘落下来,飘到了水中。 柳枝在微风中含情脉脉地摇摆。 柳叶儿绿了,就像披上了一件碧绿的衣裳。 松树不怕瑟瑟寒风,顶着厚厚白雪依然昂扬得站立着。 春风吹拂着柔软的柳枝,好像春姑娘在轻轻地梳理着她的长发。 一颗松树歪歪地生长着,一点都不快乐。 风儿轻轻地吹,柳枝翘起优美的舞蹈。春天到了,柳树抽出新的枝条,整眼望去像是给大地披上了一层绿色的新装! 那绿色的柳叶,像那少女弯弯的眉毛! 微风吹来,梧桐树叶随着在自然优美的旋律轻轻舞动着身子。校园旁边的柳树,柳条随风挑起优美的舞蹈。 柳条随着婉转的歌声,在风中翩翩起舞! 描写树的拟人句子英文句子 河岸边的柳枝随风摇摆想一个天生的舞蹈者绽放青春的光芒。 The willow branches on the Bank of the river swayed with the wind to think of a born dancer blooming with the light of youth. 柳树是春的信使,每当春回大地,万物还在沉睡之中,柳树就最先感知春的讯息。春天来了,春风为杨柳梳理着头发,梳着梳着杨柳枝就绿了。 Willow is the messenger of spring. When spring returns to the earth and everything is still sleeping, willow is the first to feel the message of spring. Spring comes, spring wind combs the willow"s hair, combs the willow"s branch to be green. 这棵一百多年的老榕树,浑身上下充满了沧桑感,彷佛饱经世事的老人。 This one hundred year old banyan tree is full of vicissitudes, like an old man who has experienced the world. 大树像一位血气方刚的战士,那笔直的站姿便是他闪亮的盔甲。 The big tree is like a bloody warrior. His shining armor is his upright standing posture. 大树挺立在草原上,大风来了也不皱一下眉头,只是挺起它的胸膛迎接挑战! The big tree stands on the prairie. When the wind comes, it doesn"t frown. It just raises its chest to meet the challenge! 无数这柳叶垂下了湖面里,像一个害羞的小女孩。周围的无名小花小草,把这幅景象装扮的勃勃生机。 Countless of these willow leaves hang down in the lake, like a shy little girl. Around the nameless flowers and grass, the scene is decorated with vitality. 小树抬着头,登着脚,嘟着嘴,飞快的长高了。 The little tree raised its head, ascended its feet, tooted its mouth, and grew rapidly. 那一排柳排树就像少女一般,美丽的的发丝和她那身影倒映在水中。 That row of willow row trees is like a girl, beautiful hair and her figure are reflected in the water. 三月的大地。草儿探出了头,柳叶穿上了绿色的衣服。 The earth of March. The grass sticks out its head and the willow leaves are dressed in green. 看,柳树那轻盈的身姿,看,柳树那随风而起的舞蹈,真是美轮美奂。 Look, the willow"s light posture, look, the willow"s dancing with the wind, it"s really beautiful. 小树不断努力着,和太阳公公比赛早起,不停地收藏雨露和阳光,付出比别人多得多的汗水,终于长成大树。 Xiaoshu keeps trying to get up early in the competition with sun Gonggong, keeps collecting rain and sunshine, pays more sweat than others, and finally grows into a big tree. 深秋,梧桐树叶满怀着对大地母亲的深情飘落下来。 In the late autumn, the leaves of sycamore are full of deep love for the mother earth. 校门口挺立着两棵松树卫兵,好像要誓死保卫学校同学、老师们的安全。 There are two pine guards standing in front of the school gate, as if to defend the safety of schoolmates and teachers. 风儿轻轻地吹,杨柳来回地摆动,它那嫩绿的叶儿仿佛在向我们招手。 The wind blows gently, willows swing back and forth, and its green leaves seem to wave to us.
2023-07-11 02:10:101


笑咪咪造句子简单常用的 (1)、哭丧着脸看着我,笑咪咪地望着爸爸. (2)、货郎爷爷总是笑咪咪的,熟练自如地如同变戏法一样取出各种货物,任由围拢过来的女人们挑来拣去。 (3)、你的灵气让我“神魂颠倒”,你的神气让我“魂牵梦绕”,你的俊气让我“梦寐以求”,没有勇气让我“倍受煎熬”。320想爱你,大声疾呼“我爱你”,愿你开心笑咪咪! (4)、“当真是我夫君送来的?”弄墨笑咪咪的一个个把玩着那些松子,却是一个也没放进嘴里。 (5)、老腽肭感还是那副笑咪咪的样子对我说。 (6)、妖猫从香盒里跳出来,冲着张戈笑咪咪的打了个招呼。 (7)、一人正是那个他平时很少见到,刚刚见过的,光头圆脸,体宽腰肥的三笑叔,正笑咪咪的靠坐在,一把南花梨木做成的靠背椅子,还时不时扭动下,他那肥胖的身躯。 (8)、要是有人打架,老师就会生气的瞪那些同学,如果有人表现好,她呀会高兴的笑出声,眼睛笑咪咪的,像一朵花。 (9)、快乐的心情是上帝的恩赐,所在要经常喜乐。莫让习习的凉风吹冷你的心情,吹跑你的快乐,切记切记,暮秋多穿衣,开心笑咪咪。 (10)、杏子慢慢地成熟,有的绿里发青,有的青里带白,有的白里泛黄,有的黄里渗红,也有的一半黄一半红,真是颜色奇异。它们像挤在一起的胖娃娃,扒着绿叶在笑咪咪地往外瞧。 (11)、再次来到上师的寺庙,原本居士的经堂门口,多了几张觉姆满是皱纹却笑咪咪的脸。 (12)、今年七夕不收礼,收礼只收短消息。我把祝福送给你,烦恼压力把头低,美女对你笑咪咪,祝你艳福无人比,收获爱情笑嘻嘻! (13)、小雪似初恋,片片都温馨。小雪似祝福,瓣瓣暖人心。初下即温存,沾衣不湿身。开心做成杯,采撷雪花飞。藏入冰箱里,开心笑咪咪。雪后要添衣,或锻炼身体。小雪时节,祝你快乐! 笑咪咪英文造句写一句话 (一)、妖猫从香盒里跳出来,冲着张戈笑咪咪的打了个招呼。 (1) the demon cat jumps out of the incense box and greets Zhang Ge with a smile. (二)、快乐的心情是上帝的恩赐,所在要经常喜乐。莫让习习的凉风吹冷你的心情,吹跑你的快乐,切记切记,暮秋多穿衣,开心笑咪咪。 (2) a happy mood is a gift from God. It is necessary to be happy frequently. Don"t let the cool wind cool your mood, blow away your happiness, remember to wear more clothes in late autumn, smile. (三)、你的灵气让我“神魂颠倒”,你的神气让我“魂牵梦绕”,你的俊气让我“梦寐以求”,没有勇气让我“倍受煎熬”。320想爱你,大声疾呼“我爱你”,愿你开心笑咪咪! (3) your aura fascinates me, your look fascinates me, your good looks makes me dream, and I don"t have the courage to suffer. 320 want to love you, shout "I love you", wish you happy smile! (四)、货郎爷爷总是笑咪咪的,熟练自如地如同变戏法一样取出各种货物,任由围拢过来的女人们挑来拣去。 (4) the peddler"s grandfather is always smiling. He skillfully takes out all kinds of goods like a magic trick and lets the women around him pick them up. (五)、一人正是那个他平时很少见到,刚刚见过的,光头圆脸,体宽腰肥的三笑叔,正笑咪咪的靠坐在,一把南花梨木做成的靠背椅子,还时不时扭动下,他那肥胖的身躯。 (5) one person is the bald, round face, wide waist and fat uncle Sanxiao, who he seldom sees or just saw. He is sitting back in a chair made of South rosewood, twisting from time to time, his fat body. (六)、要是有人打架,老师就会生气的瞪那些同学,如果有人表现好,她呀会高兴的笑出声,眼睛笑咪咪的,像一朵花。 (6) if someone fights, the teacher will stare at those students angrily. If someone behaves well, she will laugh happily, her eyes will smile like a flower. (七)、小雪似初恋,片片都温馨。小雪似祝福,瓣瓣暖人心。初下即温存,沾衣不湿身。开心做成杯,采撷雪花飞。藏入冰箱里,开心笑咪咪。雪后要添衣,或锻炼身体。小雪时节,祝你快乐! (7) Xiaoxue"s first love is warm. Snow like blessing, petals warm heart. At the beginning, it"s warm, not wet. Happy to make a cup, pick snow fly. Hide it in the fridge and laugh. Add clothes or exercise after snow. I wish you happiness in the light snow season! (八)、“当真是我夫君送来的?”弄墨笑咪咪的一个个把玩着那些松子,却是一个也没放进嘴里。 (8), "is it really from my husband?" Make Mo smile Mimi of a play those pine nuts, but one also didn"t put in the mouth. (九)、老腽肭感还是那副笑咪咪的样子对我说。 (9) the old man said to me with a smile. (十)、今年七夕不收礼,收礼只收短消息。我把祝福送给你,烦恼压力把头低,美女对你笑咪咪,祝你艳福无人比,收获爱情笑嘻嘻! (x) there are no gifts on this year"s Tanabata, only short messages. I give my blessing to you, worry pressure head low, beauty smile to you, I wish you love, harvest love, smile! 笑咪咪法语造句写一句话 (一)、要是有人打架,老师就会生气的瞪那些同学,如果有人表现好,她呀会高兴的笑出声,眼睛笑咪咪的,像一朵花。 (1) Si quelqu"un se bat, le professeur regardera ces camarades de classe en colère. Si quelqu"un se comporte bien, elle sourira joyeusement et ses yeux souriront comme une fleur. (二)、再次来到上师的寺庙,原本居士的经堂门口,多了几张觉姆满是皱纹却笑咪咪的脸。 (Ⅱ). Revenez au temple du gourou. à l"origine, à la porte de la salle des écritures du prêtre, il y avait plusieurs visages ridés mais souriants. (三)、货郎爷爷总是笑咪咪的,熟练自如地如同变戏法一样取出各种货物,任由围拢过来的女人们挑来拣去。 (3) Le grand - père du marchand sourit toujours et sort toutes sortes de marchandises avec compétence et liberté comme un tour, laissant les femmes autour de lui choisir. (四)、老腽肭感还是那副笑咪咪的样子对我说。 " (IV), Old Heather feeling or the smiley look to me said. (五)、小雪似初恋,片片都温馨。小雪似祝福,瓣瓣暖人心。初下即温存,沾衣不湿身。开心做成杯,采撷雪花飞。藏入冰箱里,开心笑咪咪。雪后要添衣,或锻炼身体。小雪时节,祝你快乐! (v), xiaoxue comme le premier amour, les films sont chauds.La neige est comme une bénédiction, pétale réchauffe le c?ur.Il est chaud au début et ne mouille pas ses vêtements.Heureux de faire des tasses, cueillir des flocons de neige pour voler.Cache - toi dans le frigo et souris.Habillez - vous ou faites de l"exercice après la neige.Je vous souhaite une bonne saison des neiges! 笑咪咪造句长一点复杂点的 (一)、哭丧着脸看着我,笑咪咪地望着爸爸. (二)、你的灵气让我“神魂颠倒”,你的神气让我“魂牵梦绕”,你的俊气让我“梦寐以求”,没有勇气让我“倍受煎熬”。320想爱你,大声疾呼“我爱你”,愿你开心笑咪咪! (三)、“当真是我夫君送来的?”弄墨笑咪咪的一个个把玩着那些松子,却是一个也没放进嘴里。 (四)、要是有人打架,老师就会生气的瞪那些同学,如果有人表现好,她呀会高兴的笑出声,眼睛笑咪咪的,像一朵花。 (五)、再次来到上师的寺庙,原本居士的经堂门口,多了几张觉姆满是皱纹却笑咪咪的脸。 (六)、小雪似初恋,片片都温馨。小雪似祝福,瓣瓣暖人心。初下即温存,沾衣不湿身。开心做成杯,采撷雪花飞。藏入冰箱里,开心笑咪咪。雪后要添衣,或锻炼身体。小雪时节,祝你快乐! (七)、一人正是那个他平时很少见到,刚刚见过的,光头圆脸,体宽腰肥的三笑叔,正笑咪咪的靠坐在,一把南花梨木做成的靠背椅子,还时不时扭动下,他那肥胖的身躯。 (八)、老腽肭感还是那副笑咪咪的样子对我说。 (九)、货郎爷爷总是笑咪咪的,熟练自如地如同变戏法一样取出各种货物,任由围拢过来的女人们挑来拣去。 (十)、妖猫从香盒里跳出来,冲着张戈笑咪咪的打了个招呼。 (十一)、杏子慢慢地成熟,有的绿里发青,有的青里带白,有的白里泛黄,有的黄里渗红,也有的一半黄一半红,真是颜色奇异。它们像挤在一起的胖娃娃,扒着绿叶在笑咪咪地往外瞧。 (十二)、今年七夕不收礼,收礼只收短消息。我把祝福送给你,烦恼压力把头低,美女对你笑咪咪,祝你艳福无人比,收获爱情笑嘻嘻! (十三)、快乐的心情是上帝的恩赐,所在要经常喜乐。莫让习习的凉风吹冷你的心情,吹跑你的快乐,切记切记,暮秋多穿衣,开心笑咪咪。
2023-07-11 02:10:371

late in autumn出自哪里

late in autumn不是出自超电磁炮的动画中的,是出自 TVアニメ「とある科学の超电磁炮」opテーマ: only my railgun DVD付初回限定盘 (OP1专辑里的副歌)。
2023-07-11 02:10:441


21 years ago, on the autumn night, you became a great mother, just like all of the mother. you took care of me to tend adult. Of course, you gave me not only the life so simple, you but also taught me courage and tolerance. And what about me, for raising my church and I"ll be mother, I have never thanks. Remember when I was young, you taught me to be the best of gratitude, however, I think that I should thank the person who is you, thank you, my dear mother, is you have with me through the ups and downs, and is you have to accompany me see spring static in autumn, in my 14 to 18 rebellious youth period, you always accompany at me nearby channel, education I, again a sincere thanks to you.
2023-07-11 02:10:523

Late in autumn 歌词

罗马音maiochita hanabira ga konayuki ni kawaru koromaiagaru itoshisa o dakishimetashizuka ni yureteta konoha wa ima ni moowari o tsugete chitteikuakikaze kaoru yuuhi sasu michi nifutari no kage sagasutsuraku naru tabi ni kimi o kizutsuketajibun dake mamoru koto bakarikotoba ni shiteita surechigau hibi okugiru tame no egaohajimete kokoro kara hito oomoeta koto kimi ga kureta karashinjiteta yo eien ni kono toki ga tsuzuku kotofuritsumoru omoi tomerarenakutekitto kimi ga mietenakatta"soba ni ireru..." tada sore dake dezutto haruka saki moikite ikeru hazu da to sou omottawatashi wa mada kodomo dekimi ga nagashita namida ni kizukazu ni...kayoi nareta michi narande aruitadokomademo ikeru ki ga shitetaitsumo kimatte migidonari no kimimune ga takanattetahitomi ni utsutta mirai wa onaji totayasuku kimetsuketeita ndaakane ni somatta zattou no nakatsubuyaita "gomen ne"tsunaida te kara nagarekomunani yori atatakai kono kimochikitto wasurenai you nikimi ga nokoshitekureta...kimi to mita keshiki sasai na hibi mosubete kagayaite mieta no waitsumo kimi ga soba ni ita karakurai yoru mo zenbunorikoete korareta nonee doushite wasureteita ndaroukimi ga ita kara watashi rashiku iretakieteikukimi to mita ikutsumo no kiokutachimaiagaru itoshisa ni toketeiku...furitsumoru omoi konayuki ni narikitto kimi o irodoreru karanegai hitotsu dake kanau naradou ka kimi no moto deyorisoeru yasuragi o kanjitai yoano hi no keshiki no nakakimi to futari de yume mita sono saki suru koto oshietekuretakono itami o wasurenai karakimi to watashi sugoshita imi gaima kokoro ni tomorutsugi no kisetsu o koeta sono saki niwatashi wa arukidasu yokimi to chikatta kotoba dake o daite...日文舞(ま)い落(お)ちた花弁(はなびら)が 粉雪(こなゆき)に変(か)わる顷(ごろ)舞(ま)い上(あ)がる爱(いと)しさを 抱(だ)きしめた静(しず)かに揺(ゆ)れてた 木(こ)の叶(は)は今(いま)にも终(お)わりを告(つ)げて 散(ち)っていく秋风(あきかぜ)薫(かお)る 夕阳(ゆうひ)射(さ)す道(みち)に二人(ふたり)の影(かげ)探(さが)す辛(つら)くなる度(たび)に 君(きみ)を伤(きず)つけた自分(じぶん)だけ守(まも)ることばかり言叶(ことば)にしていた 擦(す)れ违(ちが)う日々(ひび)を区切(くぎ)るための笑颜(えがお)初(はじ)めて心(こころ)から人(ひと)を想(おも)えたこと 君(きみ)がくれたから信(しん)じてたよ永远(えいえん)に この时(とき)が続(つづ)くこと降(ふ)り积(つ)もる想(おも)い 止(と)められなくてきっと君(きみ)が见(み)えてなかった「そばにいれる…」ただそれだけでずっと遥(はる)か先(さき)も生(い)きていける筈(はず)だとそう思(おも)った私(わたし)はまだ子供(こども)で君(きみ)が流(なが)した涙(なみだ)に気付(きづ)かずに…通(とお)いなれた道(みち) 并(なら)んで歩(ある)いたどこまでも行(ゆ)ける気(き)がしてたいつも决(き)まって 右隣(みぎどなり)の君(きみ)胸(むね)が高鸣(たかな)ってた瞳(ひとみ)に映(うつ)った 未来(みらい)は同(おな)じとたやすく决(き)め付(つ)けていたんだ茜(あかね)に染(そ)まった 雑踏(ざっとう)のなか呟(つぶや)いた「ごめんね」繋(つな)いだ手(て)から 流(なが)れ込(こ)む何(なに)より温(あたた)かいこの気持(きも)ちきっと忘(わす)れないように君(きみ)が残(のこ)してくれた…君(きみ)と见(み)た景色(けしき) 些细(ささい)な日々(ひび)もすべて辉(かがや)いて见(み)えたのはいつも君(きみ)がそばにいたから暗(くら)い夜(よる)も全部(ぜんぶ)乗(の)り越(こ)えてこられたのねえどうして忘(わす)れていたんだろう君(きみ)がいたから私(わたし)らしくいれた消(き)えていく君(きみ)と见(み)たいくつもの记忆(きおく)たち舞(ま)い上(あ)がる爱(いと)しさに溶(と)けていく…降(ふ)り积(つ)もる想(おも)い 粉雪(こなゆき)になりきっと君(きみ)を彩(いろど)れるから愿(ねが)いひとつだけ叶(かな)うならどうか君(きみ)のもとで寄(よ)り添(そ)える安(やす)らぎを 感(かん)じたいよあの日(ひ)の景色(けしき)のなか君(きみ)と二人(ふたり)で梦见(ゆめみ)たその先(さき)に…爱(あい)すること 教(お)えてくれたこの痛(いた)みを 忘(わす)れないから君(きみ)と私(わたし) 过(す)ごした意味(いみ)がいま 心(こころ)に 灯(とも)る次(つぎ)の季节(きせつ)を超(こ)えたその先(さき)に私(わたし)は歩(ある)き出(だ)すよ君(きみ)と誓(ちか)った 言叶(ことば)だけを抱(だ)いて…中文当纷飞落下的花瓣化为粉雪之时我便以向上飞舞之姿拥抱这份爱树叶现在也依然如故的寂静摇摆著彷佛宣告著结束一般 散落秋意渐浓 在夕阳余晖的黄昏路上寻找两人的身影只想著自己 只顾著保护自己的我不断地 在你痛苦难过时伤害你无法用言语表达 那些平行线般擦肩而过的日子为了斩断一切而戴上的笑容假面第一个令我动心的人回想起来 是因为你走进了我的世界深信不疑的认为 这样的时间能永远持续不断累积过重的思念已无法阻挡一定无法再见到你了吧「想在你身边...」连这种想法都显得遥不可及但是只要想著 似乎又有了活下去的力量我还只是个孩子阿连你强留在眼框中的泪水都无法察觉...在熟悉的道路上肩并肩的走著就好像无论何地都能到达的感觉一直以来 总是走在我右侧的你大到足以听见的心跳声我们眼里看到的肯定是相同的吧伸出手就能轻易碰触的未来在被夕阳染红的糟杂人海中细声低语著「对不起」透过紧握的手传达而来的是胜过一切的温暖感情一定不会忘记 那是我仅剩的你留给我的...与你一起看见的景色和平凡的日常在我看来都闪烁耀眼因为你总是在我的身边所以不论是黑暗或夜晚都能勇敢度过的呐 为什麼会忘记了呢是因为有你在我才能活的像自己会消失吧曾经与你共渡的那些记忆在飞舞的爱意里溶化殆尽...不断堆积的思念 化为粉雪肯定能染上你的色彩如果只能实现一个愿望的话请让我回到你的身边让我感受在你身旁的安心感在那天到来之前只能在梦中跟你相会了...教会我如何去爱的这份痛苦我是不会忘记的你和我 一路走来的意义现在 也点亮我的心在下一个季节交替之前我就会走出伤痛我对你发誓 仅用这句话... 最后多说几句,平时查歌词在百度网页上输关键字就好了,比如“late in autumn 罗马音”,就能查到。
2023-07-11 02:10:591


IntheSpringandAutumnperiod,athiefhadstolenabellandintendedtocarryitawayonhisback,butthebellwastoobulkyandheavytobecarried 掩耳匪铃正在秋秋战国时期,有一个小匪匪了一只钟。他准备把钟扛正在负下带走。可是钟又小又重,很易扛走。因己他思用锤女把钟敲成碎片,这样运止去即能少了。可是,他敲了一下,这只钟收回庞小的响声。他怕他人听到了钟声会去抢他的钟,于是他正在锤女敲钟时掀下了自己的耳朵。没有过,即使他这样做,他人借是听失掉钟声的。所以掩耳匪铃是十分聪慧的止为,即像把尾埋正在沙女中一样
2023-07-11 02:11:083

英语介绍石家庄旅游景点的作文 关于介绍石家庄的英语作文

求一篇关于石家庄的英语介绍Introduction to Shijiazhuang Hebei Province, 269km (168 miles) SW of Beijing Hebei"s nondescript capital is one of the few places in China where the intention to rebuild everything from scratch in only 20 years is actually improving the city. Down-at-heel Shijiazhuang is an accident arising from the crossing of major north-south and east-west railway lines -- here X really does mark the spot. It"s grown from village to provincial capital in 100 years. Even that status is a hand-me-down from Tianjin, after the metropolis gained the right to report directly to Beijing rather than through the provincial government. As a result there"s little of glamour here. But the city has a decent infrastructure for visitors and provides a base for exploring marvelous sights in the surrounding countryside, includingZhengding, about 15km (10 miles) northeast. It was an important town for centuries before anyone had heard of Shijiazhuang. Today it is still home toLongxing Si, one of the oldest, most atmospheric, and (luckily) least "restored" Chinese temples. Zhengding is also home to a number of pagodas so different from each other it"s hard to believe they were produced by the same culture.Zhao Xian,42km (26 miles) southeast, has an important example of religious revival in the large Zen (Chan) Buddhist temple, theBailin Si.It also has the elegantZhaozhou Qiao-- the first bridge of its kind in the world. Roughly 80km (50 miles) southwest,Cangyan Shanhas the bridge-top temple featured in the closing scenes ofCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.附:Shijiazhuang City is located in the eastern edge of the Eurasian continent latitude, a temperate continental monsoon climate. The seasonal changes in solar radiation significantly, the ground level of depression frequent activities, four distinct seasons, the disparity between the Han Shu, concentrated rainfall, significant period of wet and dry, winter-summer, spring and autumn short. About 55 days in spring, summer is about 105 days, about 60 days in the autumn, winter is about 145 days. Dry spring weather, less rainfall, often 5,6-northerly winds or southerly wind, temperatures rise faster in April; summer, Temperature and Humidity airstream affected by the ocean, 6,7,8 three months of the year precipitation precipitation 63 to 70 percent; fall, the influence of high pressure Mongolia, sunny weather, the temperature moderate and pleasant weather, late autumn and more northeasterly winds, cold weather in winter, the Siberian cold high impact, the prevailing northwest wind, cold and dry climate, Shaoyang weather, less rainfall. Shijiazhuang City, the general climate characteristics: average temperature in the high-temperature hot summer and cold in winter Chiu-Liang, uneven distribution of rainfall, most parts of nearly all year round, the western part of Abundant rainfall in the mountains, there floods, less sunshine, spring High winds, the weather Yangsha more. Total precipitation for the 401.1-752.0 mm, the uneven distribution of time and space. One western mountain rainfall of 628.4-752.0 mm; 401.1-595.9 mm for the other regions. Abundant snow in winter, the snow was 10.0-19.2 mm, of which the urban areas to 19.2 mm of snow. Snow brought traffic to many people"s inconvenience, vegetable prices rose, while a protective effect of winter wheat, for reviving the spring to provide a favorable water conditions. Less Rainfall in the spring, the quarter of the total rainfall of 11.0-41.7 mm. Uneven distribution of rainfall in the summer, 145.2-516.4 mm of rainfall. The total duration of bright sunshine hours for 1916.4-2571.2 hours, adequate sunlight in spring and summer, autumn and winter sunshine less.石家庄市地处中纬度欧亚大陆东缘,属于暖温带大陆性季风气候。太阳辐射的季节性变化显著,地面的高低气压活动频繁,四季分明,寒暑悬殊,雨量集中,干湿期明显,夏冬季长,春秋季短。 春季长约55天,夏季长约105天,秋季长约60天,冬季长约145天。春季气候干燥,降水量少,常有5、6级偏北风或偏南风,4月份气温回升快;夏季,受海洋温湿气流影响,6、7、8三个月降水占全年降水量的63%-70%;秋季,受蒙古高压影响,晴朗少雨,温度适中,气候宜人,深秋多东北风,有寒潮天气发生;冬季,受西伯利亚冷高压的影响,盛行西北风,气候寒冷干燥,天气晴朗少云,降水少。 石家庄市总的气候特点为:年平均气温偏高,春温夏热秋凉冬冷,雨量分布不均,大部分地区接近常年,西部部分山区雨量偏多,出现洪涝灾害,日照偏少,春季大风、扬沙天气较多。 总降水量为401.1-752.0毫米,时空分布不均。其中西部山区雨量为628.4-752.0毫米;其它地区为401.1-595.9毫米。冬季降雪量偏多,总雪量为10.0-19.2毫米,其中,市区雪量为19.2毫米。大雪给人们的交通带来许多不便,蔬菜价格上扬,同时对小麦越冬起到保护作用,为春季返青提供了有利的水分条件。春季降水偏少,季总雨量为11.0-41.7毫米。夏季雨量分布不均,降雨量为145.2-516.4毫米。 年总日照时数为1916.4-2571.2小时,其中春夏日照充足,秋冬日照偏少。介绍石家庄的英语作文简单一点的带翻译Shijiazhuang is the capital and largest cityof North China"s Hebei Province. Administratively a prefecture-level city, it is about 280 kilometres (170 mi) south of Beijing. Shijiazhuang Prefecture contains the Shijiazhuang metropolitan area, the Jingxing Mining District, five county-level cities, and twelve counties, and has a total population of 9.6 million, with 2.6 million in the metro area . 石家庄是河北省的首都和最大的城市华北地区,管理着一个地级市,这是约280公里(170英里)北京南部。石家庄地区包含石家庄大都会区、井陉矿区、五个县级市和十二个县,总人口960万人,260万人口在处于地铁领域石家庄英语作文石家庄英语作文Shi Jia Zhuang,lies on the south of He Bei province,has plenty of dangerous hills.The weather here is fine and we can see 4 seasons here clearly.As it doesn"t have enough plants,it has flood every year.As a result,the government has to take action to protect Shi Jia Zhuang.Shi Jia Zhuang is famous because of its rich of national resources.It attracts many foreigners to come here to go sightseeing and makes here develope very fast.Now,goverment protects it as possible as it can and Shi Jia Zhuang becomes more and more famous.翻译:石家庄,位于河北省的南面,有很多险峰。石家庄气候很好,可以清晰地看到四季的变化。由于没有足够的植被,石家庄每年都要遭遇洪水。如此一来,政府不得不采取措施来保卫石家庄。石家庄因为其丰富的自然资源而闻名。石家庄每年吸引很多外国游客来旅游观光,这令其发展很快。现在,政府在竭尽所能地保护石家庄,石家庄也越来越出名。英语作文,高二水平,介绍石家庄,要有些景点,可以根据必修5的sightseeing in LondShijiazhuang is the capital and largest city of North China"s Hebei Province. Administratively a prefecture-level city, it is about 280 kilometres (170 mi) south of Beijing. Shijiazhuang Prefecture contains the Shijiazhuang metropolitan area, the Jingxing Mining District, five county-level cities, and twelve counties, and has a total population of 9.6 million, with 2.6 million in the metro area in 2008. Shijiazhuang is a newly industrialised city. It experienced dramatic growth after the founding of the People"s Republic of China in 1949. The population of the metropolitan area has more than quadrupled in only 30 years[1] It is a central hub of transportation routes. The city is home to large garrison of military troops in case of need to protect Beijing[1] It has a number of PLA colleges and universities. Electronics engineering, also referred to as electronic engineering, is an engineering discipline where non-linear and active electrical components such as electron tubes, and semiconductor devices, especially transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, are utilized to design electronic circuits, devices and systems, typically also including passive electrical components and based on printed circuit boards. The term denotes a broad engineering field that covers important subfields such as analog electronics, digital electronics, consumer electronics, embedded systems and power electronics. Electronics engineering deals with implementation of applications, principles and algorithms developed within many related fields, for example solid-state physics, radio engineering, telecommunications, control systems, signal processing, systems engineering, computer engineering, instrumentation engineering, electric power control, robotics, and many others我的故乡的英语作文介绍石家庄的写作思路:根据题目要求,围绕石家庄进行描写。Shijiazhuang is my hometown. It is a beautiful, rich and beautiful place.石家庄是我的家乡,是一个美丽富饶、风景秀丽的地方。There are rolling hills and terraces.那里有起伏、叠连的丘陵和层层的梯田。The dense woods and green grass give the area a colorful coat.茂密的树林和绿油油的草地,给岭区穿上了一件彩色的外衣。Shijiazhuang has parks and gardens in big cities, as well as hot springs in small cities.石家庄有大城市的公园、花园,还有小城市的温泉。Shijiazhuang not only has a long history, but also is rich in products.石家庄不仅仅历史悠久,并且物产丰富。The key is that it is an important transportation hub.关键是它是一个重要的交通枢纽。How beautiful my hometown is! I love my hometown!我的家乡多么美丽啊!我爱我的家乡!
2023-07-11 02:11:151


以下是英文版本This is a late autumn night, a large rain, as the weather has been cold, cool wind blowing, the streets are no pedestrians had. In the suburbs of a house, Billy and his wife, Anna received a phone call from his brother William, "to my house Wanba, my friends are here, people want to see you, we can together, drink all night. "cried William Wang Dan"s light. "But now too late, still raining outside, I was afraid to drive on the road would be unsafe, so tomorrow we"ll look for you." Phone apart, Wang Dan was news that the William"s cry: "how do you become such a gall smaller? only rain down the points only, we must now come! "" But ......" and so Billy did not finish there the phone was hung up. So Billy and Anna reluctantly put on a coat out of the door, drove in his 90-year retro Ford car factory on the highway, heading for the city"s older brother living in the home. Although not too fond of driving in this environment, but they are still in order to be able to soon see her brother happy that two people talked and laughed on the road, listening to the radio and cheerful country music, unconsciously been approaching the city . At this moment, the music suddenly the radio was the voice of female announcer interrupted rapid! "Emergency notice, the public that it has just been in a mental hospital where a prisoner escaped, this offender had been using brutal tactics killed seven people, now estimated to have fled to the vicinity of No. 4, please stay in this range of the public not to go out walking to avoid being attacked, be sure to note that this is a dangerous person. "announcer repeated several times, the radio was news that the music. "Billy, how this can be done? Way ahead of us is on the 4th, I"m not what happens, right?" Asked Anna fears, their voices are trembling. "Never, we are driving a car, not yet finished, then ask ......" Billy, suddenly car and died. "It"s damn broken car problems at this time!" Summoned Billy angry, "I go to see how matter in the end." He checked off doubled, to return the car to his wife, said: "My dear, it seems that car is bad repair, and there seems to have a phone booth, we went to a brother a call, maybe he could drive come and meet us, tomorrow we re-repair this car. "" But now, under the rain so much, my shoes? "Anna said as he looked at his feet and a brand new high heels. "I understand, and my own family to stay with you in the car waiting for me, I"ll be right back." Billy said. "But that radio? ......" I"m afraid to seize the Billy says Anna. "Well, I have gone back seat you sit down, put doors are locked, and then lie down and get themselves covered with cushions, do not sit up, do not open the door to anyone, if I come back, then the next will be knocking on three doors, so that you know me, and can give me to open the door. rest assured, my dear, my 10 minutes back. "Billy Having disappeared in the rain on the trot. Anna listen to the words of her husband locked the door, and then took the cushion cover their own rear seat, waiting for Billy to come back. 10 minutes passed, and 20 minutes passed, and passed half an hour! Billy is still not back! Anna did not dare move scared. At this point, she heard the door Upload knock on the door a few times, bang ... bang ... bang ... Anna was elated, and thought it was her husband returned, and was about to open the door, I heard again came several more, bang ... bang ... bang ... "No! This is not Billy!" Anna called out the sound scared, and she wanted to go out to see how the matter in the end, but she did not dare. This is strange knock on the door has been the sound of Billy has been not returned. Anna in the back seat lay a move did not dare move, even the atmosphere did not dare breathe. After a while, Anna unwittingly fell asleep, only to hear the dim sound of rain coming from outside, bang ... bang ... bang ... the 2nd day morning, the rain stopped, Anna has been a while awakened by the hot-tempered chaos. She opened the door a look around a lot of parked police cars and a police officer came running fast to pull she asked: "You are Mr. Billy"s wife it?" "I"m ah." Puzzled Anna replied, Then she suddenly remembered her husband one night, did not come back! "Well, please go to the police station a trip with us, and we give you say things." Pulling her to the police officers while walking in the direction side, said: "Please you must not look back but look, we must never see, with me you can go. "When Anna came when the police side, curiosity led her back looked at, a sight that she was shocked. I saw Billy necks with a hemp rope, suspended from a tree in his car at a branch, a gust of wind blowing, the wind swinging with Billy"s body, feet pounding the door, bang ... bang. .. Bang. 请把分给我吧,我需要这些分去帮我征集到两个影片的wmv格式~~O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-11 02:11:234


2023-07-11 02:11:324


菊花的比喻句 瞧,那里的菊花正在争妍斗艳呢,有的像一位亭亭玉立的小姑娘,有的像一位害羞的小姑娘,有的像一个个毛绒绒的雪球,还有的像天上那五光十色的焰火。一阵风吹来,菊花轻轻地摇摆,与蝴蝶为友,与蜻蜓做伴,就像一个个快乐的音符在跳着欢快的舞蹈。 瞧!那一朵粉红色的菊花昂首挺胸,豆芽似的花瓣紧紧簇拥在一起,远远望去,既像一个小绒球,又像一个大家族围坐在一起商议什么事情。 瞧!那一朵粉红色的菊花昂首挺胸,豆芽似的花瓣紧紧簇拥在一起,远远望去,既像一个小绒球,又像一个大家族围坐在一起商议什么事情。 首先映入我眼帘的是“万众一心”的菊花造型,这名儿起的可真不赖,远远望去,真像许多菊花姐姐把许多菊花妹妹捧在头上。 菊花的花就更美了,我一闻,就感觉进入了梦乡,一朵菊花像一个害羞的小姑娘,刚被别人表扬,一片菊花瓣像龙的爪子。 菊花的姿态婀娜多姿。看!那金绣球的花瓣一层裹着一层,一瓣挨着一瓣,犹如一个金色的绒线球。瞧!那围成一圈的白菊花,在墨绿的叶子衬托下,犹如一个个超凡脱俗的花仙子。 一片淡黄色的光泽映入眼帘,啊!我从未见过这么多的野菊花,像天上无数的繁星,微风徐徐吹来,好像起伏的波浪晃动着,像是点头欢迎着我的到来。 走进菊花展区,两只菊花装扮的开屏的“孔雀”正向我炫耀着它们那华丽的羽毛,圆圆的眼睛盯着我,仿佛在说:“看!我的羽毛多美丽啊!”在这两只孔雀的旁边,与它们争奇斗艳的两只“海豚”正为人们表演着“双豚戏珠”。 粗粗看去,野菊花并没有什么特点——密密的花瓣中夹着一个“大盘子”。 菊花的英文比喻句,带有中英文翻译的菊花比喻句子 看啊!菊花有大有小,大的像绣球,小的似碧玉,美得那么可爱!那花朵,有的像老爷的拐杖,有的若蛟龙的爪子,各不相同千姿百态。菊花的颜色更是很多,红的像火;粉的似霞;白的如雪,数不胜数。 Look! Chrysanthemums are big and *** all, big like Hydrangea, *** all like Jasper, so lovely! Some of the flowers are like the Lord"s crutches, some are like Jiaolong"s claws, with different shapes. Chrysanthemum has many colors, red like fire, pink like Xia, white like snow, countless. 粗粗看去,野菊花并没有什么特点——密密的花瓣中夹着一个“大盘子”。 Rough look, wild chrysanthemum has no characteristics - dense petals with a "big plate.". 菊花的样子也是千姿百态。有的低着头像害羞的小女孩,有的像一个个大绣球,还有的像一个个白色的雪团…… Chrysanthemums are also of various shapes. Some are shy little girls with their heads down, some are like big hydrangeas, and some are like white snowballs 看!那花儿红的似火,白的似雪,粉的似霞,大的像团团彩球,小的像盏盏精巧的花灯。那一团团一簇簇的菊花,正在拔蕊怒放。 Look! The red flowers are like fire, the white ones are like snow, the pink ones are like rosy clouds, the big ones are like ball, the *** all ones are like delicate lanterns. The clusters of chrysanthemums are pulling out their pistils. 菊花在秋天傲霜怒放,五彩缤纷,千姿百态。看!那花儿红的似火,白的似雪,粉的似霞……大的像团团彩球,小的像盏盏精巧花灯。 Chrysanthemums bloom in the autumn, colorful and colorful. Look! The flowers are red like fire, white like snow, pink like Xia The big one is like a ball of color and the *** all one is like a delicate lantern. 这菊花从一人多高的花架上喷涌而出,闪着一片辉煌夺目的亮点点儿,一直泻到地上,活像一扇艳丽动人的凤尾,一条给舞台的灯光照得烁烁发光的长裙,一道瀑布——一道静止无声散着浓香的瀑布而无拘无束,还像孩子们洗过的头发,随随便便披散着。 The chrysanthemum is gushing out of the flower stand which is more than one person high, shining a brilliant bright spot. It has been pouring down to the ground, like a gorgeous and moving phoenix tail, a long skirt shining the stage light, a waterfall - a still and silent waterfall with strong fragrance, which is unrestrained, and like the washed hair of children, it spreads freely. 菊花在秋天傲霜怒放,五彩缤纷,千姿百态。看!那花儿红的似火,白的似雪,粉的似霞……大的像团团彩球,小的像盏盏精巧花灯。 Chrysanthemums bloom in the autumn, colorful and colorful. Look! The flowers are red like fire, white like snow, pink like Xia The big one is like a ball of color and the *** all one is like a delicate lantern. 啊!那婀娜多姿的菊花真美啊!有的宛如一个金球,花瓣紧紧包着花芯;有的层层叠叠,朵朵菊花繁星点点,连成一片。菊花无论是单枝还是成片,都有它独特的美。 Ah! The graceful chrysanthemums are so beautiful! Some are like a golden ball, with petals tightly wrapped around the flower core; some are stacked one by one, with many chrysanthemums and stars. Chrysanthemum has its unique beauty whether it is a single branch or a piece. 看啊!菊花有大有小,大的像绣球,小的似碧玉,美得那么可爱!那花朵,有的像老爷的拐杖,有的若蛟龙的爪子,各不相同千姿百态。菊花的颜色更是很多,红的像火;粉的似霞;白的如雪,数不胜数。 Look! Chrysanthemums are big and *** all, big like Hydrangea, *** all like Jasper, so lovely! Some of the flowers are like the Lord"s crutches, some are like Jiaolong"s claws, with different shapes. Chrysanthemum has many colors, red like fire, pink like Xia, white like snow, countless. 看,菊花的花有大有小,大的像绣球,小的似碧玉,美极了。再看那花瓣,有的像少女的卷发,有的似老爷爷的拐杖,有的若蛟龙的爪子,还有的如喷泉洒下,各不相同。菊花的颜色也有很多,红得像火,黄得似金,白得若雪,绿得如玉,粉的好似一片云霞,还有那白中带绿的,更是清幽淡雅。五颜六色,美不胜收。 Look, chrysanthemum flowers are big and *** all, big like Hydrangea, *** all like Jasper, beautiful. Look at the petals again. Some of them are like the curly hair of a young girl, some are like the crutches of an old man, some are like the claws of a dragon, and some are like the sprinkle of a fountain. They are different. There are many colors of chrysanthemum, red like fire, yellow like gold, white like snow, green like jade, pink like a cloud, and the white with green, is even more quiet and elegant. Colorful, beautiful. 菊花的花就更美了,我一闻,就感觉进入了梦乡,一朵菊花像一个害羞的小姑娘,刚被别人表扬,一片菊花瓣像龙的爪子。 Chrysanthemum flower is more beautiful. When I *** ell it, I feel like I am in a dream. A chrysanthemum is like a shy girl, just praised by others, and a chrysanthemum petal is like a dragon"s claw. 首先映入我眼帘的是“万众一心”的菊花造型,这名儿起的可真不赖,远远望去,真像许多菊花姐姐把许多菊花妹妹捧在头上。 First of all, what I saw was the chrysanthemum shape of "unity of one mind". This name is really good. Looking from afar, it"s really like many chrysanthemum sisters holding many chrysanthemum sisters on their heads. 太阳菊长得小巧玲珑,一片片花瓣像一片片金色的叶子,给人透露出无限温暖,弹珠般大的金黄花心带那麽一点桔黄,叶子像小手似的,使劲地向我们招手。 The sun chrysanthemum grows *** all and exquisite, a piece of petals like a piece of golden leaves, which reveals infinite warmth, the golden flower heart as big as a marble with a little orange, the leaves like a *** all hand, vigorously waved to us. 菊花的姿态婀娜多姿。看!那金绣球的花瓣一层裹着一层,一瓣挨着一瓣,犹如一个金色的绒线球。瞧!那围成一圈的白菊花,在墨绿的叶子衬托下,犹如一个个超凡脱俗的花仙子。 The posture of chrysanthemum is graceful. Look! The petals of the golden Hydrangea are wrapped in one layer and next to each other, just like a golden ball of wool. Look! The white chrysanthemum in a circle, set off by the dark green leaves, is like a flower fairy who is extraordinary. 在绿草丛或树丛中,野菊花一簇簇地挤满了草地,像一群挤在窝边“唧唧喳喳”争食的雏鸟。 In the green grass or trees, wild chrysanthemums are swarming the grass, like a group of nestlings "chirping" for food. 瞧,那里的菊花正在争妍斗艳呢,有的像一位亭亭玉立的小姑娘,有的像一位害羞的小姑娘,有的像一个个毛绒绒的雪球,还有的像天上那五光十色的焰火。一阵风吹来,菊花轻轻地摇摆,与蝴蝶为友,与蜻蜓做伴,就像一个个快乐的音符在跳着欢快的舞蹈。 Look, the chrysanthemums there are competing for beauty. Some of them are like a slim little girl, some are like a shy little girl, some are like fluffy snowballs, and some are like the colorful fireworks in the sky. A gust of wind blows, chrysanthemum gently swings, and butterfly as a friend, and dragonfly as a companion, just like a happy note in a happy dance. 太阳菊长得小巧玲珑,一片片花瓣像一片片金色的叶子,给人透露出无限温暖,弹珠般大的金黄花心带那麽一点桔黄,叶子像小手似的,使劲地向我们招手。 The sun chrysanthemum grows *** all and exquisite, a piece of petals like a piece of golden leaves, which reveals infinite warmth, the golden flower heart as big as a marble with a little orange, the leaves like a *** all hand, vigorously waved to us. 啊!那婀娜多姿的菊花真美啊!有的宛如一个金球,花瓣紧紧包着花芯;有的层层叠叠,朵朵菊花繁星点点,连成一片。菊花无论是单枝还是成片,都有它独特的美。 Ah! The graceful chrysanthemums are so beautiful! Some are like a golden ball, with petals tightly wrapped around the flower core; some are stacked one by one, with many chrysanthemums and stars. Chrysanthemum has its unique beauty whether it is a single branch or a piece. 金菊的花瓣又厚又多,层层叠叠。中间的花瓣亲密的簇拥在一起,最外层的花瓣微微的伸展出来,像几只娇小的手。颜色呈黄绿,在绿叶的衬托下,更显得秀气文静,像一个羞答答的小姑娘。 The petals of chrysanthemum are thick and many, which are stacked one after another. The middle petals are closely clustered together, and the outer petals are slightly extended, like a few tiny hands. The color is yellow and green. Against the green leaves, it looks more elegant and quiet, like a shy little girl. 菊花的样子也是千姿百态。有的低着头像害羞的小女孩,有的像一个个大绣球,还有的像一个个白色的雪团…… Chrysanthemums are also of various shapes. Some are shy little girls with their heads down, some are like big hydrangeas, and some are like white snowballs 金菊的花瓣又厚又多,层层叠叠。中间的花瓣亲密的簇拥在一起,最外层的花瓣微微的伸展出来,像几只娇小的手。颜色呈黄绿,在绿叶的衬托下,更显得秀气文静,像一个羞答答的小姑娘。 The petals of chrysanthemum are thick and many, which are stacked one after another. The middle petals are closely clustered together, and the outer petals are slightly extended, like a few tiny hands. The color is yellow and green. Against the green leaves, it looks more elegant and quiet, like a shy little girl. 看,菊花的花有大有小,大的像绣球,小的似碧玉,美极了。再看那花瓣,有的像少女的卷发,有的似老爷爷的拐杖,有的若蛟龙的爪子,还有的如喷泉洒下,各不相同。菊花的颜色也有很多,红得像火,黄得似金,白得若雪,绿得如玉,粉的好似一片云霞,还有那白中带绿的,更是清幽淡雅。五颜六色,美不胜收。 Look, chrysanthemum flowers are big and *** all, big like Hydrangea, *** all like Jasper, beautiful. Look at the petals again. Some of them are like the curly hair of a young girl, some are like the crutches of an old man, some are like the claws of a dragon, and some are like the sprinkle of a fountain. They are different. There are many colors of chrysanthemum, red like fire, yellow like gold, white like snow, green like jade, pink like a cloud, and the white with green, is even more quiet and elegant. Colorful, beautiful. 菊花的拟人句 那一朵朵菊花真像灿烂的笑脸,让人流连忘返。 盛开的菊花像一个个活泼的运动员,精神抖擞,神采飞奕,可爱而清爽,充满活力! 秋风拂过菊花的脸庞,她开心得咧开了嘴角。 那一朵朵菊花真像一个个骄傲的少女在展现她的优美身姿。 盛开的菊花挺直了它的脊背,迎接着秋风的洗礼。 满院盛开的菊花像一个个娇羞的小姑娘,不好意思的垂着头。 早上八点,万寿菊绽开笑脸,就像一个姑娘露出幸福的微笑一样。 美丽的菊花在秋雨中翩翩起舞。 菊花伸了伸懒腰,露出了好看的笑容。 早上八点,万寿菊像一个可爱的小姑娘,羞答答地开放了。 美丽菊花在秋雨中迎风而立。 美丽的菊花伸展着花瓣,露出笑容,看着来赏花的人。 盛开的菊花像美丽姑娘身上穿的裙子,婀娜而多姿。 美丽的菊花在秋雨里羞涩的点头。 路边的菊花在风中摇摆,盛开时就像小孩笑脸般灿烂。 秋阳下,菊花露出灿烂的笑容,迎接丰收的喜悦! 菊花的拟人句带有英文的拟人句 菊花在深秋百花杀的季节盛开了,俨然像一个骄傲的少女在展现她的优美身姿。 Chrysanthemum bloomed in the late autumn season, just like a proud girl in showing her beautiful posture. 盛开的菊花在秋姑娘的照料下,张开了它那迷人的笑脸。 The blooming chrysanthemum opens its charming *** ile under the care of autumn girl. 美丽的菊花在秋雨中和雨滴一起舞蹈着。 Beautiful chrysanthemums are dancing with raindrops in autumn rain. 美丽的菊花在秋雨中欢快地随风摇动着,在哼着一首歌! The beautiful chrysanthemum is shaking happily with the wind in the autumn rain, humming a song! 美丽的菊花冲着人们露出了笑脸。 The beautiful chrysanthemum *** iled at people. 秋季,正是菊花绽放的季节。只见它在阳光下随风舞蹈,笑颜美好。 Autumn is the season when chrysanthemums bloom. I saw it dancing with the wind in the sun, with a beautiful *** ile. 菊花在窗台上享受阳光的滋润。 Chrysanthemums enjoy the sunshine on the windowsill. 菊花千姿百态,有的羞羞答答,有的昂首怒放,还有的含苞欲放,真是秋天的佼佼者! Chrysanthemums in all shapes, some shy, some in full bloom, and some in bud, are really the best in autumn! 美丽的菊花绽开了笑脸,喜迎每一位来宾! The beautiful chrysanthemum bloomed the *** iling face, welcomed each visitor! 公园里的菊花开了,一个个鲜艳美丽,就像在扬着脸蛋儿对人们微笑。 The chrysanthemums in the park are blooming. They are bright and beautiful, just like *** iling to people with their faces raised. 一阵风吹来,菊花轻轻地摇摆,与蝴蝶为友,与蜻蜓做伴,就像一个个快乐的音符在跳着欢快的舞蹈。 A gust of wind blows, chrysanthemum gently swings, and butterfly as a friend, and dragonfly as a companion, just like a happy note in a happy dance. 花坛里的菊花开了,迎风向路人招手。 The chrysanthemums in the flower bed opened and waved to passers-by in the wind.
2023-07-11 02:11:411

《late in autumn》歌词带假名、

舞い落ちた花弁が 粉雪に変わる顷〖当轻轻飘落的花瓣 化作细雪时〗舞い上がる爱しさを 抱きしめた〖我便以向上飞舞之姿 拥抱这份爱〗静かに揺れてた 木の叶は今にも〖那静静摇曳的 树叶如今也依旧〗终わりを告げて 散っていく〖彷佛宣告著结束一般 凋零散落〗秋风薫る 夕阳射す道に〖秋意渐浓 在夕阳余晖的黄昏路上〗二人の影探す〖寻找两人的身影〗辛くなる度に 君を伤つけた〖在你痛苦难过时伤害你〗自分だけ守ることばかり〖只想著自己 只顾著保护自己的我〗言叶にしていた 擦れ违う日々を〖无法用言语表达 那些平行线般擦肩而过的日子〗区切るための笑颜〖用微笑割断一再错过的往日〗初めて心から人を〖第一个令我动心的人〗想えたこと 君がくれたから〖回想起来 是因为你走进了我的世界〗信じてたよ永远に この时が続くこと〖所以我一直都坚信着 这个时刻会永远延续〗降り积もる想い 止められなくて〖层层堆积的思念 难以抑制〗きっと君が见えてなかった〖一定无法再见到你了吧〗「そばにいれる…」ただそれだけで〖「想在你身边...」连这种想法〗ずっと遥か先も〖都显得遥不可及〗生きていける筈だとそう思った〖但是只要想著 似乎又有了活下去的力量〗私はまだ子供で〖我还是个孩子呢〗君が流した涙に気付かずに…〖竟然没发觉到你曾流过泪水…〗通いなれた道 并んで歩いた〖与你肩并肩 走在熟悉的街道上〗どこまでも行ける気がしてた〖感觉不论去哪里都没问题〗いつも决まって 右隣の君〖站在我右侧 信心满满的你〗胸が高鸣ってた〖总是让我心情高涨〗瞳に映った 未来は同じと〖我们眼里看到的肯定是相同的吧〗たやすく决め付けていたんだ〖伸出手就能轻易碰触的未来〗茜に染まった 雑踏のなか〖在被夕阳染红的糟杂人海中〗呟いた「ごめんね」〖嘟哝着「对不起呢」〗繋いだ手から 流れ込む〖紧握的手传达而来的是〗何より温かいこの気持ち〖这份无比温暖的心情〗きっと忘れないように〖一定不会忘记〗君が残してくれた…〖那是我仅剩的你留给我的...〗君と见た景色 些细な日々も〖与你一起看见的景色和平凡的日常〗すべて辉いて见えたのは〖在我看来都闪闪发光〗いつも君がそばにいたから〖因为你总是在我的身边〗暗い夜も全部〖所以不论是黑暗或夜晚〗乗り越えてこられたの〖都能勇敢度过的〗ねえどうして忘れていたんだろう〖呐 为什么我会把这么重要的事情给忘掉了呢〗君がいたから私らしくいれた〖正因为有你 我才活的像自己〗消えていく〖会消失吧〗君と见たいくつもの记忆たち〖我曾与你一同留下的那些记忆〗舞い上がる爱しさに溶けていく…〖它们都在翩翩起舞的爱中溶化了…〗降り积もる想い 粉雪になり〖层层堆积的思念 化作细雪〗きっと君を彩れるから〖之后一定会为你添上色彩〗愿いひとつだけ叶うなら〖如果只能实现一个愿望的话〗どうか君のもとで〖请让我回到你的身边〗寄り添える安らぎを 感じたいよ〖让我感受在你身旁的安心感〗あの日の景色のなか〖在那天到来之前〗君と二人で梦见たその先に…〖只能在梦中跟你相会了...〗爱すること 教えてくれた〖教会我 如何去爱的〗この痛みを 忘れないから〖这份痛楚 我是不会忘记的〗君と私 过ごした意味が〖你和我 一路走来的意义〗いま 心に 灯る〖现在 也点亮我的心〗次の季节を超えたその先に〖在下一个季节交替之前〗私は歩き出すよ〖我就会迈出步伐〗君と誓った 言叶だけを抱いて…〖身上只带着 曾与你约定的誓言…〗
2023-07-11 02:12:023


Maple sugar is saved: 3 the end of a month till 4 at the beginning of the month. Canada Quebec province abounding in the maple leaf , to the east southern part among them and the Ontario maple leaf maximum are the most beautiful. Canada maple forrest is all over the , every arrives at late autumn maple Ye Hong Ru sunset clouds, as if in the summer day in full bloom flower, Canada is called "the country of maple leaf" therefore by people. Every year is to collect maple juice to 4 at the beginning of the month , endures the season making maple liquid syrup in March in spring. People collects the candy maple leaf , endures the system maple syrup. Maple sugar is popular Canada tradition festival section (Maple Syrup Festival) , it"s a furious spring produces the maple sugar farm quilt in March every year when,The farm who produces maple sugar"s is glossed over one being colourfully decorated for the festival newly, everybody is sampled the sweet gift that nature gives them together. The tradition maple sugar saves the children who opens to the outside world , welcomes especially all to the tourist who comes from home and abroad. A few farms reserve the appliance let old times Indian collect maple liquid and make maple sugar specially , continue to use antiquited fabrication method within festival , are that the tourist performs the procedure refining maple sugar, some cake supplying maple sugar to the tourist gratis as early as on the weekend and \" taffee \", sample at other"s wish. Local residents performs popular various song and dance fairly fervently in festival for the visitors , lead a tourist go and appreciating luxuriant beautiful.
2023-07-11 02:12:091

英语作文a weather report,初一水平!!!

Autumn seemed to be so close, with less sunlight cast their final figure, at a corner of the corridor in shadow, by wind honed to the increasingly weak. I do not know that figure who are followers, I do not know who gave it life, may be just a bike, or it is hollow-out mottled Ye Ying brick on came in, or a feral cat stationary.The wind is like running water, together with a passing cloud passed, sinking in the sky, gently flowing wind blowing me, always let me have a feeling of want to go, maybe it"s because I don"t chase the upper hand, I even believe that the wind was blowing my disappeared for a moment, before it"s all the time there will be a door, a door with it the ends of the earth nook. Because, no matter how agile my reaction, I could not hear the wind the next breathing.This is a long time ago, at least when the wind is still relatively immature, I gradually give up the chase, I chase is futile, will make my mind loops intertwined, the more ridiculous imagination, often around inside I can"t find it exports. And now the wind is big,Its running speed increase swiftly, it may be many times deeply touches my mind of the lake of the deep springs, but I won"t go chasing it quickly and even the fingers are no longer willing to go to automobile collision footsteps, I was only a faint smile on the face. Perhaps the wind is no longer use it to the door, maybe I also can to catch up, but everything is already past. The only thing I can do, and have similar place, is faintly smiling in the wind.On the steps of a bunch of unknown flowers, light purple, yearning for the sky, the wind helpless and abstractedly sat beside the flowers, swaying flowers silently shook his head, it is not a dandelion, it cannot be its own desire into the blue sky, so it is sadA long story, about the feeling of the dandelion fly before the separation, the flowers said silence, ideal price to pay, all the flowers in the ponder these words again and again in the heart, want to sigh, forget how to sigh again.Is a late autumn, it is a season of the wind is free, and yellow leaves of the paper of the wind or the wind is painted scenery, this is the wind in a magnificent and loose and do not break the style of temperament. For the wind died down, I use in the hands of a slightly curly book into the air, there will be an angel gives me a gift, a few dry leaf, art like lying beside my books slightly curly smile, I hope I can from itWhat inspiration, because I was too surprised to autumn poetry. Such as WanYaoPa poet will be engraved on the surface of the moon is shaking,.Butterflies are asleep, they won"t fly in the fall in front of my eyes, or because everyone"s eyes are invisible butterflies in the autumn, because the leaf is too beautiful, the flying dance too gorgeous, so clearly there at that moment, can"t see the butterfly. Butterfly is summer dream, perhaps only in the summer, just for the summer fly autumn imperceptibly summer dream, so deceive our eyes.If so, then in the summer, all people believe that dreams, this really is a fantastic season.A late autumn, and a late autumn singing, piano are quiet, only music instrument - with the wind playing Musical Instruments, but also in the distance and where the ear, gently playing. In late autumn, it does not belong to a season, it"s just the end of a season, god always, have written in the end, all good endings are always full of poetic.孩子慢慢抄,不着急,还有哇,要采纳喔~~~
2023-07-11 02:12:171


2023-07-11 02:12:283


2023-07-11 02:12:341

求 late in autumn 片假名歌词

歌曲:late in autumnlate in autumn文本歌词:歌手:fripSide歌曲:late in autumn歌词出处:http://www.5nd.com舞い落ちた花弁が 粉雪に変わる顷舞い上がる爱しさを 抱きしめた「late in autumn」作词∶yuki-ka/南条爱乃作/编曲∶八木沼悟志歌∶fripSide静かに揺れてた 木の叶は今にも终わりを告げて 散っていく秋风薫る 夕阳射す道に二人の影探す辛くなる度に 君を伤つけた自分だけ守ることばかり言叶にしていた 擦れ违う日々を区切るための笑颜初めて心から人を想えたこと 君がくれたから信じてたよ永远に この时が続くこと降り积もる想い 止められなくてきっと君が见えてなかった「そばにいれる…」ただそれだけでずっと遥か先も生きていける筈だとそう思った私はまだ子供で君が流した涙に気付かずに…通いなれた道 并んで歩いたどこまでも行ける気がしてたいつも决まって 右隣の君胸が高鸣ってた瞳に映った 未来は同じとたやすく决め付けていたんだ茜に染まった 雑踏のなか呟いた「ごめんね」繋いだ手から 流れ込む何より温かいこの気持ちきっと忘れないように君が残してくれた…君と见た景色 些细な日々もすべて辉いて见えたのはいつも君がそばにいたから暗い夜も全部乗り越えてこられたのねえどうして忘れていたんだろう君がいたから私らしくいれた消えていく君と见たいくつもの记忆たち舞い上がる爱しさに溶けていく…降り积もる想い 粉雪になりきっと君を彩れるから愿いひとつだけ叶うならどうか君のもとで寄り添える安らぎを 感じたいよあの日の景色のなか君と二人で梦见たその先に…爱すること 教えてくれたこの痛みを 忘れないから君と私 过ごした意味がいま 心に 灯る次の季节を超えたその先に私は歩き出すよ君と誓った 言叶だけを抱いて…〖 LRC By 赖润诚卐地狱门歌词组 〗【 おわり 】
2023-07-11 02:12:411


2023-07-11 02:13:004


2023-07-11 02:13:161

求教一下late in autumn的歌词意思

2023-07-11 02:13:233

Late in autumn 歌词带假名

「late in autumn」作词∶yuki-ka、南条爱乃/作/编曲∶八木沼悟志歌∶fripSide 舞(ま)い落(お)ちた花弁(はなびら)が 粉雪(こなゆき)に変(か)わる顷(ごろ)舞(ま)い上(あ)がる爱(いと)しさを 抱(だ)きしめた静(しず)かに揺(ゆ)れてた 木(こ)ぐ扯(は)は今(いま)にも终(お)わりを告(つ)げて 散(ち)っていく秋风(あきかぜ)薫(かお)る 夕阳(ゆうひ)射(さ)す道(みち)に二人(ふたり)の影(かげ)探(さが)す辛(つら)くなる度(たび)に 君(きみ)を伤(きず)つけた自分(じぶん)だけ守(まも)ることばかり言叶(ことば)にしていた 擦(す)れ违(ちが)う日々(ひび)を区切(くぎ)るための笑颜(えがお)初(はじ)めて心(こころ)から人(ひと)を想(おも)えたこと 君(きみ)がくれたから信(しん)じてたよ永远(えいえん)に この时(とき)が続(つづ)くこと降(ふ)り积(つ)もる想(おも)い 止(と)められなくてきっと君(きみ)が看见(み)えてなかった「そばにいれる…」ただそれだけでずっと遥(はる)か先(さき)も生(い)きていける筈(はず)だとそう思(おも)った私(わたし)はまだ子供(こども)で君(きみ)が流(なが)した涙(なみだ)に気付(きづ)かずに…通(とお)いなれた道(みち) 并(なら)んで歩(ある)いたどこまでも行(ゆ)ける気(き)がしてたいつも决(き)まって 右隣(みぎどなり)の君(きみ)胸(むね)が高鸣(たかな)ってた瞳(ひとみ)に映(うつ)った 未来(みらい)は同(おな)じとたやすく决(き)め付(つ)けていたんだ茜(あかね)に染(そ)まった 雑踏(ざっとう)のなか呟(つぶや)いた「ごめんね」繋(つな)いだ手(て)から 流(なが)れ込(こ)む何(なに)より温(あたた)かいこの気持(きも)ちきっと忘(わす)れないように君(きみ)が残(のこ)してくれた…君(きみ)と看见(み)た景色(けしき) 些细(ささい)な日々(ひび)もすべて辉(かがや)いて看见(み)えたのはいつも君(きみ)がそばにいたから暗(くら)い夜(よる)も全部(ぜんぶ)乗(の)り越(こ)えてこられたのねえどうして忘(わす)れていたんだろう君(きみ)がいたから私(わたし)らしくいれた消(き)えていく君(きみ)と看见(み)たいくつもの记忆(きおく)たち舞(ま)い上(あ)がる爱(いと)しさに溶(と)けていく…降(ふ)り积(つ)もる想(おも)い 粉雪(こなゆき)になりきっと君(きみ)を彩(いろど)れるから愿(ねが)いひとつだけ叶(かな)うならどうか君(きみ)のもとで寄(よ)り添(そ)える安(やす)らぎを 感(かん)じたいよあの日(ひ)の景色(けしき)のなか君(きみ)と二人(ふたり)で梦看见(ゆめみ)たその先(さき)に…爱(あい)すること 教(お)えてくれたこの痛(いた)みを 忘(わす)れないから君(きみ)と私(わたし) 过(す)ごした意味(いみ)がいま 心(こころ)に 灯(とも)る次(つぎ)の季节(きせつ)を超(こ)えたその先(さき)に私(わたし)は歩(ある)き出(だ)すよ君(きみ)と誓(ちか)った 言叶(ことば)だけを抱(だ)いて…
2023-07-11 02:13:301


2023-07-11 02:13:406

late in autumn歌词 lrc格式的 中文

当纷飞落下的花瓣化为粉雪之时我便以向上飞舞之姿拥抱这份爱树叶现在也依然如故的寂静摇摆著彷佛宣告著结束一般 散落秋意渐浓 在夕阳余晖的黄昏路上寻找两人的身影只想著自己 只顾著保护自己的我不断地 在你痛苦难过时伤害你无法用言语表达 那些平行线般擦肩而过的日子为了斩断一切而戴上的笑容假面第一个令我动心的人回想起来 是因为你走进了我的世界深信不疑的认为 这样的时间能永远持续不断累积过重的思念已无法阻挡一定无法再见到你了吧「想在你身边...」连这种想法都显得遥不可及但是只要想著 似乎又有了活下去的力量我还只是个孩子阿连你强留在眼框中的泪水都无法察觉...在熟悉的道路上肩并肩的走著就好像无论何地都能到达的感觉一直以来 总是走在我右侧的你大到足以听见的心跳声我们眼里看到的肯定是相同的吧伸出手就能轻易碰触的未来在被夕阳染红的糟杂人海中细声低语著「对不起」透过紧握的手传达而来的是胜过一切的温暖感情一定不会忘记 那是我仅剩的你留给我的...与你一起看见的景色和平凡的日常在我看来都闪烁耀眼因为你总是在我的身边所以不论是黑暗或夜晚都能勇敢度过的呐 为什麼会忘记了呢是因为有你在我才能活的像自己会消失吧曾经与你共渡的那些记忆在飞舞的爱意里溶化殆尽...不断堆积的思念 化为粉雪肯定能染上你的色彩如果只能实现一个愿望的话请让我回到你的身边让我感受在你身旁的安心感在那天到来之前只能在梦中跟你相会了...教会我如何去爱的这份痛苦我是不会忘记的你和我 一路走来的意义现在 也点亮我的心在下一个季节交替之前我就会走出伤痛我对你发誓 仅用这句话...
2023-07-11 02:13:552

求 late in autumn 这首歌的罗马音..

late in autumn 这首歌的罗马音
2023-07-11 02:14:022


2023-07-11 02:14:234

late in autumn的中文音译歌词

中文当纷飞落下的花瓣化为粉雪之时我便以向上飞舞之姿拥抱这份爱树叶现在也依然如故的寂静摇摆著彷佛宣告著结束一般 散落秋意渐浓 在夕阳余晖的黄昏路上寻找两人的身影只想著自己 只顾著保护自己的我不断地 在你痛苦难过时伤害你无法用言语表达 那些平行线般擦肩而过的日子为了斩断一切而戴上的笑容假面第一个令我动心的人回想起来 是因为你走进了我的世界深信不疑的认为 这样的时间能永远持续不断累积过重的思念已无法阻挡一定无法再见到你了吧「想在你身边...」连这种想法都显得遥不可及但是只要想著 似乎又有了活下去的力量我还只是个孩子阿连你强留在眼框中的泪水都无法察觉...在熟悉的道路上肩并肩的走著就好像无论何地都能到达的感觉一直以来 总是走在我右侧的你大到足以听见的心跳声我们眼里看到的肯定是相同的吧伸出手就能轻易碰触的未来在被夕阳染红的糟杂人海中细声低语著「对不起」透过紧握的手传达而来的是胜过一切的温暖感情一定不会忘记 那是我仅剩的你留给我的...与你一起看见的景色和平凡的日常在我看来都闪烁耀眼因为你总是在我的身边所以不论是黑暗或夜晚都能勇敢度过的呐 为什麼会忘记了呢是因为有你在我才能活的像自己会消失吧曾经与你共渡的那些记忆在飞舞的爱意里溶化殆尽...不断堆积的思念 化为粉雪肯定能染上你的色彩如果只能实现一个愿望的话请让我回到你的身边让我感受在你身旁的安心感在那天到来之前只能在梦中跟你相会了...教会我如何去爱的这份痛苦我是不会忘记的你和我 一路走来的意义现在 也点亮我的心在下一个季节交替之前我就会走出伤痛我对你发誓 仅用这句话...
2023-07-11 02:14:381

跪求late in autumn的罗马音歌词和日语歌词!!!!

舞い落ちた花弁が 粉雪に変わる顷 舞い上がる爱しさを 抱きしめた 静かに揺れてた 木の叶は今にも 终わりを告げて 散っていく 秋风薫る 夕阳射す道に 二人の影探す 辛くなる度に 君を伤つけた 自分だけ守ることばかり 言叶にしていた 擦れ违う日々を 区切るための笑颜 初めて心から人を 想えたこと 君がくれたから 信じてたよ永远に この时が続くこと 降り积もる想い 止められなくて きっと君が见えてなかった 「そばにいれる…」ただそれだけで ずっと遥か先も 生きていける筈だとそう思った 私はまだ子供で 君が流した涙に気付かずに… 通いなれた道 并んで歩いた どこまでも行ける気がしてた いつも决まって 右隣の君 胸が高鸣ってた 瞳に映った 未来は同じと たやすく决め付けていたんだ 茜に染まった 雑踏のなか 呟いた「ごめんね」 繋いだ手から 流れ込む 何より温かいこの気持ち きっと忘れないように 君が残してくれた… 君と见た景色 些细な日々も すべて辉いて见えたのは いつも君がそばにいたから 暗い夜も全部 乗り越えてこられたの ねえどうして忘れていたんだろう 君がいたから私らしくいれた 消えていく 君と见たいくつもの记忆たち 舞い上がる爱しさに溶けていく… 降り积もる想い 粉雪になり きっと君を彩れるから 愿いひとつだけ叶うなら どうか君のもとで 寄り添える安らぎを 感じたいよ あの日の景色のなか 君と二人で梦见たその先に… 爱すること 教えてくれた この痛みを 忘れないから 君と私 过ごした意味が いま 心に 灯る 次の季节を超えたその先に 私は歩き出すよ 君と誓った 言叶だけを抱いて…maiochita hanabira ga konayuki ni kawaru koromaiagaru itoshisa o dakishimetashizuka ni yureteta konoha wa ima ni moowari o tsugete chitteikuakikaze kaoru yuuhi sasu michi nifutari no kage sagasutsuraku naru tabi ni kimi o kizutsuketajibun dake mamoru koto bakarikotoba ni shiteita surechigau hibi okugiru tame no egaohajimete kokoro kara hito oomoeta koto kimi ga kureta karashinjiteta yo eien ni kono toki ga tsuzuku kotofuritsumoru omoi tomerarenakutekitto kimi ga mietenakatta"soba ni ireru..." tada sore dake dezutto haruka saki moikite ikeru hazu da to sou omottawatashi wa mada kodomo dekimi ga nagashita namida ni kizukazu ni...kayoi nareta michi narande aruitadokomademo ikeru ki ga shitetaitsumo kimatte migidonari no kimimune ga takanattetahitomi ni utsutta mirai wa onaji totayasuku kimetsuketeita ndaakane ni somatta zattou no nakatsubuyaita "gomen ne"tsunaida te kara nagarekomunani yori atatakai kono kimochikitto wasurenai you nikimi ga nokoshitekureta...kimi to mita keshiki sasai na hibi mosubete kagayaite mieta no waitsumo kimi ga soba ni ita karakurai yoru mo zenbunorikoete korareta nonee doushite wasureteita ndaroukimi ga ita kara watashi rashiku iretakieteikukimi to mita ikutsumo no kiokutachimaiagaru itoshisa ni toketeiku...furitsumoru omoi konayuki ni narikitto kimi o irodoreru karanegai hitotsu dake kanau naradou ka kimi no moto deyorisoeru yasuragi o kanjitai yoano hi no keshiki no nakakimi to futari de yume mita sono saki suru koto oshietekuretakono itami o wasurenai karakimi to watashi sugoshita imi gaima kokoro ni tomorutsugi no kisetsu o koeta sono saki niwatashi wa arukidasu yokimi to chikatta kotoba dake o daite...
2023-07-11 02:14:461

跪求Fripside的Late in autumn的歌词,要一句汉语一句罗马音的。

「late in autumn」作词∶yuki-ka/南条爱乃作/编曲∶八木沼悟志歌∶fripSide舞い落ちた花弁が 粉雪に変わる顷ma i o chi ta ha na bi ra ga ko na yu ki ni ka wa ru ko ro舞い上がる爱しさを 抱きしめたma i a ga ru i to shi sa o da ki shi me ta静かに揺れてた 木の叶は今にもshi zu ka ni yu re te ta ko no ha wa i ma ni mo终わりを告げて 散っていくo wa ri o tsu ge te chi tte i ku秋风薫る 夕阳射す道にa ki ka ze ka o ru yu u hi sa su mi chi ni二人の影探すfu ta ri no ka ge sa ga su辛くなる度に 君を伤つけたtsu ra ku na ru ta bi ni ki mi o ki zu tsu ke ta自分だけ守ることばかりji bu nn da ke ma mo ru ko to ba ka ri言叶にしていた 擦れ违う日々をko to ba ni shi te i ta su re chi ga u hi bi o区切るための笑颜ku gi ru ta me no e ga o初めて心から人をha ji me te ko ko ro ka ra hi to o想えたこと 君がくれたからo mo e ta ko to ki mi ga ku re ta ka ra信じてたよ永远に この时が続くことshi nn ji te ta yo e i e nn ni ko no to ki ga tsu zu ku ko to降り积もる想い 止められなくてfu ri tsu mo ru o mo i to me ra re na ku teきっと君が见えてなかったki tto ki mi ga mi e te na ka tta「そばにいれる…」ただそれだけでso ba ni i re ru ta da so re da ke deずっと遥か先もzu tto ha ru ka sa ki mo生きていける筈だとそう思ったi ki te i ke ru ha zu da to so u o mo tta私はまだ子供でwa ta shi wa ma da ko do mo de君が流した涙に気付かずに…ki mi ga na ga shi ta na mi da ni ki zu ka zu ni通いなれた道 并んで歩いたka yo i na re ta mi chi na ra nn de a ru i taどこまでも行ける気がしてたdo ko ma de mo i ke ru ki ga shi te taいつも决まって 右隣の君i tsu mo ki ma tte mi gi do na ri no ki mi胸が高鸣ってたmu ne ga ta ka na tte ta瞳に映った 未来は同じとhi to mi ni u tsu tta mi ra i wa o na ji toたやすく决め付けていたんだta ya su ku ki me tsu ke te i ta nn da茜に染まった 雑踏のなかa ka ne ni so ma tta za tto u no na ka呟いた「ごめんね」zu bu ya i ta go me nn ne繋いだ手から 流れ込むtsu na i da te ka ra na ga re ko mu何より温かいこの気持ちna ni yo ri a ta ta ka i ko no ki mo chiきっと忘れないようにki tto wa su re na i yo u ni君が残してくれた…ki mi ga no ko shi te ku re ta君と见た景色 些细な日々もki mi to mi ta ke shi ki sa sa i na hi bi moすべて辉いて见えたのはsu be te ka ga ya i te mi e ta no waいつも君がそばにいたからi tsu mo ki mi ga so ba ni i ta ka ra暗い夜も全部ku ra i yo ru mo ze nn bu乗り越えてこられたのno ri ko e te ko ra re ta noねえどうして忘れていたんだろうne e do u shi te wa su re te i ta nn da ro u君がいたから私らしくいれたki mi ga i ta ka ra wa ta shi ra shi ku i re ta消えていくki e te i ku君と见たいくつもの记忆たちki mi to mi ta i ku tsu mo no ki o ku ta chi舞い上がる爱しさに溶けていく…ma i a ga ru i to shi sa ni to ke te i ku降り积もる想い 粉雪になりfu ri tsu mo ru o mo i ko na yu ki ni na riきっと君を彩れるからki tto ki mi o i ro do re ru ka ra愿いひとつだけ叶うならne ga i hi to tsu da ke ka na u na raどうか君のもとでdo u ka ki mi no mo to de寄り添える安らぎを 感じたいよyo ri so e ru ya su ra gi o ka nn ji ta i yoあの日の景色のなかa no hi no ke shi ki no na ka君と二人で梦见たその先に…ki mi to fu ta ri de yu me mi ta so no sa ki ni爱すること 教えてくれたa i su ru ko to o shi e te ku re taこの痛みを 忘れないからko no i ta mi o wa su re na i ka ra君と私 过ごした意味がki mi to wa ta shi su go shi ta i mi gaいま 心に 灯るi ma ko ko ro ni to mo ru次の季节を超えたその先にtsu gi no ki se tsu o ko e ta so no sa ki ni私は歩き出すよwa ta shi wa a ru ki da su yo君と誓った 言叶だけを抱いて…ki mi to chi ka tta ko to ba da ke o da i te确认无误后请及时采纳,谢谢~O(∩_∩)O~
2023-07-11 02:14:531


  现在完成时(Present perfect tense)表示动作发生在过去,但与现在情况有关系,即用一个发生在过去的动作来说明现在的情况。我在这里整理了相关资料,希望能帮助到您。   完成时态高考知识点   现在完成时的基本概念和形式   现在完成时(Present perfect tense)表示动作发生在过去,但与现在情况有关系,即用一个发生在过去的动作来说明现在的情况。   现在完成时由动词have (has) + 过去分词构成。   现在完成时的基本用法   1)表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚完成,汉语常用"了"或"过"来表示。如:   I have finished my work.我把工作做完了。   We have set up many new factories in this area.我们在这个地区建立了许多新工厂。   She has read all these books.她把这些书都读完了。   2)动作在过去完成,表示"经验"或"结果"。汉语常用"过"来表示。如:   Have you ever seen the play The Doll"s House? 你看过话剧《傀儡家庭》吗?   Yes,I have seen it twice.我看过两遍了。   I have learnt to drive.我学过开车。   The man has lived in China.那人在中国住过。   [注] 注意be在下面句子中的意义。如:   Where have you been? -I"ve been to the laboratory.你上哪儿去了?--到实验室去了。   Have you ever been to Hangzhou? ―No,I"ve never been there.你到过杭州吗?--没到过。   How have you been?-I"ve been well thank you.你近来身体好吗?--谢谢你,我近来很好。   现在完成时与过去一般时的区别   现在完成时和过去一般时都表示在过去完成的动作,但现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系,如对现在产生的结果、影响等,而过去一般时则表示动作发生在过去,一般不表示和现在的关系。试比较:   1)I have lost my pen.我把钢笔丢了。(意即还没找到,现在我没有笔用。)   She lost her pen yes today.她昨天把笔丢了。(笔是昨天丢的,现在找到与否,没有说明。)   2)I have been to the Agricultural Exhibition.我看过这个农业展览会。(强调我知道它的内容)   I went to the Agricultural Exhibition last week.我上周参观了这个农业展览会。(只说明我上周参观过展览会这件事)   3) Who has opened the door? 谁把门开了?(现在门还开着)   Who opened the door? 谁开的门?(指过去,与现在无关。现在门是关着还是开着,没有说明。)   4) A:Have you had your lunch? 你吃过年饭没有?(意即你现在不饿吗?)   B:Yes,I have.吃了。(意即我现在饱了,不要再吃了。)   A:When did you have it 你什么时候吃的?(说话人感兴趣的是"吃"这一动作发生在什么时候。)   B:I had it about half an hour ago.我是大约半小时前吃的。   现在完成时的其他用法   1)还可表示动作发生在过去,并且一直延续到现在,甚至还可能继续延续下去。这时常和since所引导的短语或从句或for引导的短语连用(for有时可以省去)。   How long have you been in Beijing ? -I have been in Beijing for four years.你在北京呆了多久?--我在北京呆了四年。   Isaac"s father has been a school teacher since 1968. 艾萨克的父亲从一九六八年以来就当教师。   We haven"t had a vacation for a long time.我们好久没放假了。   Three years have passed since we left school.我们毕业已经三年了。   [注]但在下面的句子中,主句的谓语动词可以用现在一般时。如:   It is three years since I began to work on the state farm.我在国营农场工作已经三年了。(美国英语用has been,下例同此)   It"s a long time since I saw you last.好久没见了。   2)在条件、时间状语从句中表示将来完成的动作。   I"ll go with you when I have finished my home work,我做完作业后就和你一块去。   We"ll wait here until you have Written the letter.我们将在这里等你写完信。   Perhaps I"ll know more English after I have learnt it for two years.我学完两午后,懂的英语或许就会多些了。   现在完成时的时间状语问题   1)现在完成时说明的是现在的情况,是现在时态,因此不能和表示过去时间的状语如yesterday,1asr month,three years ago,in l960等连用。这些时间状语只能和过去时态连用,表示过去的动作。但现在完成时可和表示过去时间的副词just和before连用。如:   He has just come.他刚到。   We have seen the movie before,我们以前看过这个电影。   2)现在完成时常和表示不确定的时间的副词already,never,ever,always,yet,not...yet,often等连用。如:   Have you ever been in a plane? 你坐过飞机吗?   The new books have not arrived yet.新书还没有到。   The Xisha lslands have always been Chinese territory.西沙群岛一直是中国的领土。   Have you heard from him yet? 你接到他的信了吗?   They have already finished their experiment.他们已经做完试验了。   Many westerners have never seen a giant panda.许多西方人从没见过大熊猫。   We have often been to the Summer Palace.我们常到颐和园去玩。   3)现在完成时可以和包括"现在"在内的时间状语连用,如now,today,this month,this year等。如:   We have planted many fruit trees this year.我们今年种了很多果树。   Have you seen Benny today? 你今天见到本尼了吗?   We"ve had a lot of rain this summer.今年夏天雨下得很多。   但如说话人所感兴趣的只是在这段时间内发生了某一动作,而不是这一动作与现在的关系时,须用过去时态。如:   The conference opened this month.会议是本月开幕的。   Their farm set up a pumping station this year.他们农场今年新修了一个抽水站。   现在完成时可和疑问副词where,why,how连用,但通常不和疑问副词when连用   (when一般只与过去时态连用)。如:   Where have you been? 你去哪儿了?(询问经过情况。如说Where did you go?则只问地点)   Why have you turned off the radio? 你干吗把收音机关了?(强调和现在的关系,意即收音机关着。如说Why did you turn off the radio?则强调关收音机这一过去的动作。)   过去完成时过去完成时的基本概念和形式   过去完成时(past perfect tense)表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。简言之,过去完成时所表示的时间就是"过去的过去"。过去完成时由助动词had + 过去分词构成。   过去完成时的用法   1)过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前业已完成的动作。这个过去的时间可以用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句来表示。如:   By the end of last week we had learned ten lessons.到上周末为止,我们已经学了十课书。   He had learned some English before he came to the institute.他来学院之前学过一些英语。   I didn"t go to the film because I had seen it twice.我没去看电影,因为这片子我已看过两次了。   When I had gone over my lessons I took a rest.我复习完功课之后,休息了一会儿。   I gave my little sister the flowers that I had bought for her.我把给妹妹买的花送给她。   In the exhibition he saw many oil paintings that he had never seen before.他在展览厅里见到许多过去从未见过的油画。   2)过去完成时可以表示由过去某一时间开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作,常和for(有时可以省去)或since构成的短语或since引导的从句连用。如:   It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months.在天旱了好几个月之后,昨天下雨了。   By the I read his new book, I had known him for a long time.到我读他的新书时,我早就知道他了。   He said that great Changes had taken place in his hometown since,1980. 他说7980年以来他的家乡大变样了。   [注]当一个由when,before,after,as soon as等连词引导的从句所表示的动作和主句的动作紧接时,两个动作均可用"一般过去时"来表示。如:   We had breakfast after we did morning exercises.做完早操后,我们吃早饭。   When I finished supper,I took a walk.我晚饭后就去散步。   The train started to move just before he reached the platform.他到月台时火车刚开走。   They started ploughing as soon as they got to the fields.他们一到地里就开始耕地。   将来完成时的基本概念和形式   将来完成时(future perfect tense)表示在将来某一时间之前所完成的动作。它的形式由shall(第一人称)或will(第二、三人称)加have再加过去分词所构成。美国英语一律用will。   将来完成时的用法   将来完成时表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作。如:   By the end of this week, I shall have finished the book.到本周末,我将读完这本书。   By this time tomorrow they will have repaired the machine.明天这时候,他们将修好这台机器。   The children will have gone to sleep by the time We get home.到我们回家时,孩子们将已睡了。   When you come tonight at eight o"clock,I shall have written my paper.你今晚八点钟来时,我将会写完文章了。   By next year our teacher will have taught English for twenty years.到明年我们的老师将已教二十年英语了。   late的辨析   (1) late   A. 形容词   ①迟的,晚的   I was late for school. 我上学迟到了。   I was ten minutes late. 我迟到了十分钟。   ②晚期的, 末期的   in the late afternoon 在下午较晚的时候,傍晚   in the late sixties 六十年代后期   in the late 1990"s/1990s 在二十世纪九十年代末期   He began the work in late May. 他在五月底开始这项工作。   It is never too late to mend. [谚语] 改过不嫌晚。   ③已故的;前任的   the late government 上届政府   a late president 一位已故的总统   She was an admirer of the late president. 她钦佩前总统。   ④新的   some late news 一些新消息   B. 副词   ①迟地,晚地   Better late than never. [谚语] 迟做总比不做好。   I got up late. 我起晚了。   late in autumn 在深秋   ②新近,最近   I saw him as late as yesterday. 直到昨天我还看见过他。   (2) later   A. 副词   ①后来。可单独使用,用于过去时或将来时。   Later the boy found his mother. 后来那个男孩找到了他的妈妈。   See you later. 再见!回头见!   ② ...之后。可放在时间段后,只用于过去时。   He arrived in London on Monday, two days later he left for New York.他星期一到了伦敦,两天后他出发去纽约。   ③为late的比较级,意为“较晚地”。   The big stores are open later on Thursdays. 每逢星期四大商店开门较晚。   B. 形容词,为late的比较级,意为“较晚的”。   the later comers 来的较晚的人   (3)latest   A. 形容词   ①最新的   the latest news 最新的消息   ②为late的最高级,译为“最晚的,最迟的”。   the latest comer 来得最迟的人   B. 副词,为late的最高级,译为“最晚地,最迟地”。   come the earliest and leave the latest 来得最早,走得最晚   C. 名词,译为“最新消息、时装”。   Have you heard the latest about the war? 你听到有关战争的最新消息了吗?   短语:at the latest 最迟   I should be back by 11 ou2019clock at the latest. 我最迟11点回来。   (4)lately:副词,与recently同义,通常用于现在完成时,译为“最近、近来”。   What have you been doing lately? 你最近在做什么?   He came as lately as last week. 他最近在上周来过。   (5)latter:adj.后面的,后者的(the former, the latter前者,后者)   The latter point is the most important.   后面提及的那一点是最重要的。   I prefer the former design to the latter.   比起后者的设计方案, 我更喜欢前者的。   【练习】用latter, late, later, latest或lately填空。   1. Better _____ than never.   2. Let"s consider the question _______.   3. Of the two the _____ is better than the former.   4. Have you seen Peter _______?   5. Here is the _______ issue of China Daily.   6. The _______ part of the text is the most important.   【解析】   1. Better late than never. [谚语] 迟做总比不做好。答案为late 迟地。   2. 此句译为:让我们稍后考虑这个问题。答案为later较迟地。   3. 此句译为:这两个问题中,后者比前者更好。the former, the latter前者,后者为固定搭配,答案为latter。   4. 此句译为:你最近见过彼得吗? 答案为lately,最近。
2023-07-11 02:15:001

求 fripSide的 late in autumn 的罗马音

ma i o chi ta ha na bi ra ga ko na yu ki ni ka wa ru ko ro ma i a ga ru it o shi sa o da ki shi me ta shi zu ka ni yu re te ta ko no ha wa i ma ni mo o wa ri o tsu ge te chi tte i ku a ki ka ze ka o ru yu u hi sa su mi chi ni fu ta ri no ka ge sa ga su tsu ra ku na ru ta bi ni ki mi o ki zu tsu ke ta ji bu n da ke ma mo ru ko to ba ka ri ko to ba ni shi te i ta su re chi ga u hi bi o ku gi ru ta me no e ga o ha ji me te ko ko ro ka ra hi to o o mo e ta ko to ki mi ga ku re ta ka ra shi n ji te ta yo e i e n ni ko no to ki ga tsu zu ku ko to fu ri tsu mo ru o mo i to me ra re na ku te ki tto ki mi ga mi e te na ka tta "so ba ni i re ru..." ta da so re da ke de zu tto ha ru ka sa ki mo i ki te i ke ru ha zu da to so u o mo tta wa ta shi wa ma da ko do mo de ki mi ga na ga shi ta na mi da ni ki zu ka zu ni... ka yo i na re ta mi chi na ra n de a ru i ta do ko ma de mo i ke ru ki ga shi te ta i tsu mo ki ma tte mi gi do na ri no ki mi mu ne ga ta ka na tte ta hi to mi ni u tsu tta mi ra i wa o na ji to ta ya su ku ki me tsu ke te i ta n da a ka ne ni so ma tta za tto u no na ka tsu bu ya i ta "go me n ne" tsu na i da te ka ra na ga re ko mu na ni yo ri a ta ta ka i ko no ki mo chi ki tto wa su re na i yo u ni ki mi ga no ko shi te ku re ta... ki mi to mi ta ke shi ki sa sa i na hi bi mo su be te ka ga ya i te mi et a no wa it su mo ki mi ga so ba ni i ta ka ra ku ra i yo ru mo ze n bu no ri ko e te ko ra re ta no ne e do u shi te wa su re te i ta n da ro u ki mi ga i ta ka ra wa ta shi ra shi ku i re ta ki e te i ku ki mi to mi ta i ku tsu mo no ki o ku ta chi ma i a ga ru i to shi sa ni to ke te i ku... fu ri tsu mo ru o mo i ko na yu ki ni na ri ki tto ki mi o i ro do re ru ka ra ne ga i hi to tsu da ke ka na u na ra do u ka ki mi no mo to de yo ri so e ru ya su ra gi o ka n ji ta i yo a no hi no ke shi ki no na ka ki mi to fu ta ri de yu me mi ta so no sa ki ni... a i su ru ko to o shi e te ku re ta ko no i ta mi o wa su re na i ka ra ki mi to wa ta shi su go shi ta i mi ga i ma ko ko ro ni to mo ru tsu gi no ki se tsu o ko e ta so no sa ki ni wa ta shi wa a ru ki da su yo ki mi to chi ka tta ko to ba da ke o da i te.呜呜呜~看在偶打了这么久的情况,把分分给我吧。。
2023-07-11 02:15:081