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英语与汉语翻译相差很大的短语如rain cats and dogs 狂风暴雨

2023-07-11 07:31:09

in the pink振作起来 once in a blue moon 千载难逢 black and blue 遍体鳞伤

days with a white stone 过着幸福的生活 blue jokes下流的玩笑

black sheep 害群之马 in the green wood 在青春旺盛的时代

white elepant 大而无用的东西,累赘 blue in the face 筋疲力尽



rain cat and dog是什么意思

2023-07-11 01:48:5010

rain dogs and cats是什么意思

2023-07-11 01:49:516

rain cats and dogs 什么意思?

短语rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨suddenly rain cats and dogs 突降暴雨R rain cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨Subway rain cats and dogs 地铁抽象to rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 ; 倾盆大雨 ; 下瓢泼大雨 ; 瓢泼大雨It"s rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨rain dogs and cats 倾盆大雨
2023-07-11 01:50:063

在英语中雨下的大为什么叫It is raining cats and dogs

It is raining cats and dogs瓢泼大雨。这里是美国的俚语,就像中国的俗语一样。
2023-07-11 01:50:363


rain cats and dogsv.下倾盆大雨双语例句1.In the middle of the picnic It"started to rain cats and dogs, and everybody got soaked.野餐进行中,突然大雨倾盆, 每个人身上都湿透了.2.When we were well on the way, it began to rain cats and dogs.我们正走到半路上, 天下起大雨来了.3.Heardly had we left home when it began to rain cats and dogs.我们刚离开家,就下起倾盆大雨来了. (刚刚)
2023-07-11 01:50:431

don’t care if it doesn’t rain.i wond

I don"t care that it doesn"t rain cats and dogs. rain cats and dogs=下倾盆大雨
2023-07-11 01:50:521

rain cats and dogs 的起源

rains cats and dogs 的意思是倾盆大雨. 来历: 一个小镇一天突发特大暴雨,人们慌忙逃窜,忘记了自己家里的动物.雨后,人们发现自家小狗小猫的尸体都漂浮在长河上,rains cats and dogs的名字由此而来.
2023-07-11 01:51:071

英语 rain

2023-07-11 01:51:284

rain cats and dogs中文是???

2023-07-11 01:51:374

英国的“下猫下狗”(rain cats and dogs)是怎么回事?

2023-07-11 01:51:456

rain cats and dogs怎么造句

It rained cats and dogs that day.
2023-07-11 01:52:002

rain cats and dogs

2023-07-11 01:52:073

脑筋急转弯 英语的 有难度 翻译一下再帮我解答,谢谢啦

rain cold
2023-07-11 01:52:176


1. 在雨天的英语作文怎么写(要用现在时) Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don"t like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city"s typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and fortable in sunny weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。 我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。 我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,百花盛开,树木变绿,一切都充满了生机活力。 夏天,整个北京到处点缀着鲜花和绿地。我认为2008年北京举办奥运会的最好季节是夏秋之交,真希望能在这个时候举办盛会。 我同意这样的观点:晴朗的天气使人愉悦,而阴天,下雨或刮风的天气使人心情压抑,因为晴朗的天气里人们会觉得活跃和舒适。因此,没有人喜欢刮风下雨天,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。 2. 下雨英文怎么写 It rains 下雨了;下雨 例句: 1、If it rains tomorrow, we won"t go. 明天要是下雨,我们就不去了。 2、Don"t fet to take your umbrella in case it rains. 别忘了带伞,下雨好用。 3、What if it rains?; Suppose it rains? 要是下雨怎么办? 扩展资料: 相似短语 in the rain 在雨中,冒雨 rain on 雨点般落在…上面;纷纷落在…头上 grain rain 谷雨 rain buckets 大雨倾盆,雨下得很猛烈 rain cat and dog v. 下倾盆大雨 rain glass n. 晴雨表 rain making 人工降雨 artificial rain 人工降雨,人造雨 3. 雨的的英文怎么写 pluvial 读音:英 [u02c8plu:viu0259l] 美 [u02c8pluviu0259l] adj.雨的;洪水的;多雨的;有雨的 例句: 1、With the change of precipitation, it divided three pluvial periods and three dry periods. 根据降水变化可分为三个多雨期和三个少雨期。 2、Concerning the autumn type, because Ural trough meets Aleutian trough over northeast China in summer there is a high possibility for low temperature and pluvial damages. 秋季型由于乌拉尔低槽和阿留申低槽于夏季在东北汇合加强,易造成低温多雨。 3、Kinds of alluvial and pluvial placers were formed in Quaternary as No. 13 series. 进入第四纪以来,形成了各种类型的冲积、洪积砂矿床,构成了第13成矿系列。 4、Especially in pluvial regions of the south, nearly all highways have had varying-degree water damage phenomenon in less than one year. 特别是在南方的多雨地区,几乎所有的高速公路不到一年就产生了不同程度的水损坏现象。 5、The pluvial geological records of Jiangling area in Jianghan Plain, show that the area revealed 18 flood events during the last 3000 years. 江汉平原江陵地区的洪水地质记录表明,近3000年来,该区共发生了18次特大洪水漫滩事件。 扩展资料: rain 读音:英 [reu026an] 美 [ren] n.雨;(热带地区的)雨季,雨天;雨点般降落的东西;<;俚>;电子流 vt.& vi.(雨)降下,(使)降落;大量地给,(使)大量落下 第三人称单数: rains 复数: rains 现在分词: raining 过去式: rained 过去分词: rained 例句: 1、I hope you didn"t get soaked standing out in the rain 我希望你站在外面没有被雨淋透。 2、The rains have failed again in the Horn of Africa. 雨季又没有光顾非洲之角。 3、It rained the whole weekend 整个周末都在下雨。 4、The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park 警察不分闹事者与观众统统一顿猛击,把人们清除出了足球场。 5、A rain of stones descended on the police. 一阵乱石砸向警察。 4. 雨的英文怎么写啊 rain1 / re??n; ren/ n [U] condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling as separate drops; fall of these drops 雨; 下雨: heavy/light rain 大[小]雨 * Don"t go out in the rain. 不要冒着雨出去. * Come in out of the rain. 快进来, 别让雨淋着. * It looks like (ie as if there will be a fall of) rain. 像是要下雨了. the rains [pl] season of heavy continuous rain in tropical countries (热带地区 的)雨季: The rains e in September. 雨季於九月到来. [sing] (preceded by an adj 用於形容词之后) shower of rain of the specified type 某种类型的雨: There was a heavy rain during the night. 夜间下了一场大雨. [sing] ~ of sth (esp fig 尤作比喻) great number of things falling like rain 像雨点般降落的东西: a rain of arrows, bullets, etc 箭﹑ 子弹等如雨点一般 * a rain of ashes, eg from a volcano 如雨点般落下的灰尘(如从火山口中喷出者). (idm 习语) e ,rain, e `shine; (e) ,rain or `shine whether there is rain or sunshine; whatever happens 不论晴雨; 不管发生什麽事情: The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 游园义卖会定於星期日举行, 风雨无阻. right as rain => right. > rainless adj: a rainless day 无雨天. # rainbow / ??re??nb??u; ˋren??bo/ n arch containing the colours of the spectrum, formed in the sky when the sun shines through rain or spray 虹; 彩虹: silks dyed in all (the) colours of the rainbow 染成彩虹那样七种颜色的丝绸服装. `rainbow trout black-spotted trout with o reddish bands from nose to tail 虹鳟鱼(身上有黑点, 从鼻到尾有两条红线). `rain-check n (US) 1 ticket for later use when a match, show, etc is cancelled because of rain (比赛﹑ 表演等)因雨延期有效票. 2 (idm 习语) take a rain-check (on sth) (infml 口) decline an offer, etc but promise to accept it later 谢绝一项好意, 但答应日后接受: Thanks for the invitation, but I"ll have to take a rain-check on it. 你的邀请我心领了, 感谢盛意改日一定践约. `raincoat n light waterproof or water-resistant coat 雨衣. `raindrop n single drop of rain 雨点. `rainfall n [U] total amount of rain falling within a given area in a given time 降雨量: an annual rainfall of 10 cm 年降雨量10厘米. =>App 4 见附录4. `rain forest thick evergreen forest in tropical regions with heavy rainfall 雨林(热带地区多雨的茂密常绿森林). `rain-gauge n instrument for measuring rainfall 雨量计. `rainproof adj that can keep rain out 防雨的: a rainproof jacket 防雨短上衣. `rain-water n soft water that has fallen as rain, eg not taken from wells, etc 雨水(软水, 如并非井水等). rain2 / re??n; ren/ v [I] (used with it 与it连用) fall as rain 下雨; 降雨: It is raining, ie Rain is falling. 下着雨呢. * It rained hard all day. 下了一整天的大雨. [Ipr] ~ on sb/sth (fig 比喻) fall like rain on sb/sth 像雨点般落在某人[某物]上: Blows rained on the door. 敲门声像雨点一样. * The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor. 手提箱裂开了, 里面的东西纷纷落在地板上. (idm 习语) it ,never ,rains but it `pours (saying 谚) misfortunes, etc usually e in large numbers 不雨则已, 一雨倾盆; 灾祸等不发生则已, 一发生便接踵而至: First my car broke down, then I lost my key: it never rains but it pours! 先是我的汽车出了故障, 接着又丢了钥匙, 真是祸不单行! rain `buckets; rain cats and `dogs (esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) rain very heavily 下倾盆大雨. (phr v) rain down (sth) flow or e down in large quantities 大量流下; 大量落下: Tears rained down her cheeks. 她泪流满面. * Loose rocks rained down (the hillside). 松动的岩石大量滚下(山坡). rain down (on sb/sth) e down on sb/sth 传给某人[某事物]: Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows. 穿过敞开的窗户传来对那些喧闹学生的责骂声. * Invitations rained down on the visiting writer. 来访的这位作家收到了许多邀请信. rain in (used with it 与it连用): It is raining in, ie Rain is ing through the roof, tent, etc. 漏雨了. rain sth off; US rain sth out (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) (infml 口) prevent (eg an event) from taking place because of rain 因雨而使(事情等)受阻: The match was rained off ice. 比赛因雨而被迫两次改期.。 5. 下雨天的英文单词怎么写 wet 英 [wet] 美 [wet] adj. 湿的;雨天的;懦弱的 比较级: wetter 最高级: wettest 过去式: wet/wetted 过去分词: wet/wetted 现在分词: wetting 第三人称单数: wets 词语用法 adj. (形容词) 1、wet的基本意思是“湿的,潮的”,指某物体表面有液体或处于液体状态。 2、wet也可作“下雨的,多雨的”解。 n. (名词) 3、wet用作名词的意思是“雨天,湿地”,通常用作单数形式,其前须加定冠词the。 4、wet也可作“迟钝或软弱的人”“稳健而不激进的政治家”解,是可数名词。 例句 用作形容词 (adj.) The paper has wrinkled where it got wet. 这张纸湿的地方起皱褶了。 You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella. 你出门不带伞会被淋湿的。 扩展资料: 近义词的用法 rain 英 [reu026an] 美 [reu026an] n. 雨;雨水 ;v. 下雨;(雨点般)落下 形容词: rainless 过去式: rained 过去分词: rained 现在分词: raining 第三人称单数: rains 词语用法 n. (名词) 1、rain的意思是“雨”,通常用作不可数名词, a rain指“一次雨、一阵雨、一场…样的雨”, rains指“几场雨,大阵雨”。 v. (动词) 2、rain用作动词时作“下雨”解,多用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,通常表示雨下得很大,可接drops等名词作宾语。 3、rain表示“下雨”时,主语一般用代词it。当主语不是it时,常表示“…雨点般地落下”。
2023-07-11 01:52:341

It rains cats and dogs为什么要译成大雨倾盆

it"s raining cats and dogs 是这样的
2023-07-11 01:52:455

raining cats and dogs的典故

2023-07-11 01:53:375


It is raining cats and dogs.
2023-07-11 01:54:145

有没有一个英语词组是说雨下得很大,好像是 什么dog and cat?

这是英式谚语,现在谚语的表达方式只有这一种,其他的都是规则性的英语了 downpour cloudburst e down in bucket等,,5,It rains cats and dogs,4,It rainst  cats and dogs 吧 这个谚语是瓢泼大雨的意思哦   求采纳啊   ,4,It rains cats and dogs. 下倾盆大雨。,3,rain dogs and cats,3,Unit 4 cat 猫 dog 狗 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 rabbit 兔子 duck 鸭子 可是这些单词好像不是很有帮助吧,而且相信楼主也不会想要去背啊 这个问题我,3,it rains cats and dogs````倒过来了····,2,It rains cats and dogs. 是有典故的,说是以前有个小镇,一夜之间下了一场暴雨,积水很大,将小镇上的阿猫阿狗都淹死了,次日一早,人们起来发现,猫狗的尸体漂浮在积水上到处都是,还以为昨晚下了一个晚上的阿猫阿狗呢,于是便有了it rains cats and dogs这种说法啦~~ 很有意思吧,嘻嘻?...,1,It rains cats and dogs. 下倾盆大雨。,1,rain dogs and cats,1,It is raining cats and dogs.外面正下着倾盆大雨。,0,rain dog,0,rain cats and dogs,0,
2023-07-11 01:54:441


rain cats and dogs就是下倾盆大雨它的起源可能同17世纪使用的地下排水系统有关,当时人们使用的排水系统非常简陋,排水能力极其有限.一旦下起暴雨,地下排水沟里的污水便四处横流.随着污水流出来的不仅有垃圾,各种污秽物,有时甚至还有死猫死狗之类的小动物死尸随污水蔓延出来.如此狗和猫便与瓢泼大雨扯上了关系,人们也据此杜撰了 rain cats and dogs 这一短语.
2023-07-11 01:55:061


  英语脑筋急转弯是英语谜语的一种重要形式,也是人们生活中喜闻乐见的一种语言游戏。它不但能锻炼你的思维能力,还会提高你的英文水平呢。下面我为你整理英语脑筋急转弯,希望能帮到你。   趣味英语脑筋急转弯   What stays hot even if put in a fridge?   有什么东西即使放在冰箱里也还是热的?   Chili pepper.   辣椒。   解答:hot在英语里,不仅有“热”的意思,也有“辣”的意思。   Why is the library the highest building?   为什么图书馆是最高的建筑?   It has the most stories.   因为它有最多故事。   解答:story在英语中,即有“故事”之义,也有“楼层”之义   Why are film stars cool?   为什么电影明星们都这么酷?   Because they have so many fans!   因为他们有很多粉丝!   解答:在这里,被巧妙利用的是cool和fan两个单词。看起来问题是在问明星为什么这么酷,但回答者故意理解成“明星们为什么这么凉快”,于是便说“因为他们有很多风扇”。内个,你不会现在才知道fan也有风扇的意思吧?^_^   What is the worst weather for a mouse?   老鼠最害怕的天气是什么?   when it rains cats and dogs.   倾盆大雨。   解答:老鼠是不是真的怕倾盘大雨其实我们不太清楚,但它一定害怕猫和狗。而rain cats and dogs这个词组在英语里是表示下暴雨的固定搭配。   What two words has thousands of letters in them?   什么词语里包含着成千上万个字母?   Post office.   邮局。   解答;同样是一词多义,letter既有“字母”的意思,也有“信件”的意思。   What is the longest word in the world?   世界上最长的单词是什么?   Smiles.   笑容。   解答:在smiles的首字母和尾字母之间,有一mile这么长,你说这是不是世界上最长的单词?   Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?   爸爸和妈妈,哪个跟你更亲密?   Mom is closer, because dad is farther.   妈妈更亲密,因为爸爸更远。   解答:利用了father和farther发音相同。   What month do soldiers hate?   士兵们最痛恨几月份?   March.   三月。   解答:因为march还有“行军”的意思。   好玩的英语脑筋急转弯   1.What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?)——They want to make faces (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面)   2.What bird lifts heavy things? (什么鸟能举起重物?)——Crane (鹤。Crane鹤,举重机)   3.What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?) —— Silence (沉默)   4.Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)——No, they wonu2019t They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。)   5.What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)——Your age (你的年龄)   6.Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)——It has the most stories (它的楼层最多。Story 故事,楼层)   7.What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)——The bridge of a nose (鼻梁)   8.A ship can contain only fifty persons Now there is alreadyforty-nine person in it At this time,a pregnant woman comes on andboards the ship The shipsinks Why? (有一艘船只能容纳人,现在已有人。这时一位孕妇上了船,船就沉了。为什么?)——Because is a pigboat (那是潜水艇。pigboat,潜水艇)   9.What"s the poorest bank in the world? (世界的最贫穷的银行是什么?)——The river bank。(河岸。)   10.What month do soldiers hate?(军人憎恨什么月?)——March。(行军。)   11.What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? (北极与南极的区别是什么?)——A whole world (整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别)   12.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)——He wants to have a hot dog (他想要一条热狗。)   13.Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)——Because someone will give her away (因为有人会揭发她。Give away 揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)   14.What large instrument do you carry in your ears? ——Drums, that is eardrums(鼓膜)   15.What"s too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?——A secret   16.What person tried to make you smile most of the time?——A photographer   17.What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn"t a cat?——A kitten(小猫)   18.What surprising things happen every hours?——Day breaks, but doesn"t fall; night falls, but doesn"t break   19.What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?——An echo(回声)   20.What do you know about the kings of France?——They are all dead   搞笑英语脑筋急转弯   1. The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?   A hole.   2. What is smaller than an insect"s mouth?   Anything it eats.   3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears?   Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜)   4. What"s too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?   A secret.   5. What person tried to make you smile most of the time?   A photographer.   6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn"t a cat?   A kitten.(小猫)   7. What surprising things happen every 24 hours?   Day breaks, but doesn"t fall; night falls, but doesn"t break.   8. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? An echo.(回声)   9. What do you know about the kings of France?   They are all dead.   10. What question can you never answer "yes" to"   Are you asleep?   11. Why do some old people never use glasses?   They must prefer bottles to glasses.   12. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?   Because the instructions on the paint can say "Put on two coats for best results."   13. What two words have thousands of letters in them?   Post office.   14. What do workers do in a clock factory?   They make faces all day.   15. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?
2023-07-11 01:55:141

rain cats and dogs是什么意思

2023-07-11 01:55:504

Rain cat and dogs.的意思。1.猫和狗 2.倾盆大雨 3.下雨和猫狗

2023-07-11 01:56:065

“Rain cats and dogs”中文是什么意思?

2023-07-11 01:56:466

rain cats and dogs是什么意思?

2023-07-11 01:57:082

It横线(rain)cats and dogs. So I will stay at home?

It will rain cats and dogs. So I will stay at home.
2023-07-11 01:57:346


a downpour, rain heavily等
2023-07-11 01:58:111


倾盆大雨It rains cats and dogs.
2023-07-11 01:58:312

英文谚语“rain cats and dogs” 的汉语意思是什么?

2023-07-11 01:58:5412

在英语中雨下的大为什么叫It is raining cats and dogs

2023-07-11 01:59:286

rain cat and dog中文翻译

It rained cats and dogs all day and we could not go out . 整天大雨滂沱,我们不能外出。 "but it"ll perhaps rain cats and dogs tomorrow, as it did yesterday. " “不过,明天也许会象昨天那样下大雨。” Stay inside , please . it is raining cats and dogs now 别出去了,外面正下大雨呢 You cannot go out tonight , it is raining cats and dogs 你今晚不能出去,正在下倾盆大雨。 Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs 外面漆黑一团,下著瓢泼大雨。 6it " s really raining cats and dogs , isn " t it 真是倾盆大雨啊,不是吗? It " s really raining cats and dogs , isn " t 真是倾盆大雨啊,不是吗? Mei - yu : are you going out ? it " s raining cats and dogs 美玉:你要出门吗?在下倾盆大雨呢。 I was about to leave , when it began to rain cats and dogs 我正要离开。这时候下起了倾盆大雨。 It was raining cats and dogs yesterday 昨天下了一场倾盤大雨。 It was raining cats and dogs yesterday 昨天下著倾盤大雨。 It was raining cats and dogs yesterday 昨天下著倾盤大雨。 It " s raining cats and dogs outside 外面正下著倾盆大雨。 It was raining cats and dogs yesterday 昨天下著倾盤大雨 It is raining cats and dogs outside 外面下著倾盆大雨 It " s raining cats and dogs outside 外面正下著倾盆大雨 It rained cats and dogs last night 昨晚雨下得很大 It " s raining cats and dogs 现在正下著倾盆大雨。 " but it " ll perhaps rain cats and dogs tomorrow , as it did yesterday . “不过,明天也许会象昨天那样下大雨。 ” They had to put off the piic because it was raining cats and dogs 由于下著倾盆大雨,他们不得不把野餐延期。 The weather was terrible yesterday . it rained cats and dogs a whole day 昨天的天气真可怕,下了一整天的倾盆大雨。 It " s raining cats and dogs , so we can " t go out to play right now 外面正下著倾盆大雨,所以现在我们不能出去玩儿。 It is raining cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨了。 It " s raining cats and dogs 大雨倾盆而下。 It " s raining cats and dogs 雨下得很大。 Molly : you want to go out in this ? it " s raining cats and dogs outside 莫莉:你现在想出去?不会吧!外面下著倾盆大雨。 It rains cats and dogs 天下著倾盆大雨。 It " s raining cats and dogs 下著倾盆大雨 I hope it will not rain cats and dogs tomorrow on yanzi " s autograph session (我希望明天燕姿签名会的时候,不会下倾盆大雨! ) It " s [ color = blue ] raining cats and dogs [ / color ] , so we can " t go out to play right now 外面正下著倾盆大雨,所以现在我们不能出去玩儿。 In the middle of the piic it started to rain cats and dogs , and everybody got soaked 野餐进行到一半时,天开始下起大暴雨,弄得每个人都湿透了。 In the middle of the piic it started to rain cats and dogs , and everybody got soaked 正在进行野餐的时候忽然下起了倾盆大雨,人人都淋得像落汤鸡。 You got sick because it was raining cats and dogs last night and you didn " t bring an umbrella with you 你会生病是因为昨晚下大雨的时候没有带雨伞出门! It was raining cats and dogs the first time i visited paris , so sightseeing was a bit pmited 我第一次去巴黎的时候正赶上倾盆大雨,所以观光有点儿受限。 Dad : the weather is so crazy . it rained cats and dogs last night , but cleared up in the morning 爸爸:天气真是变化无常。昨晚还下著瓢泼大雨,但是早晨就变晴了。 Out of the window , it rains cats and dogs . rain , dropping willfully ! i won " t dodge again , for i have no place to dodge 窗外.下起了一场倾盆大雨.雨.你就放肆地下吧!我不会再躲.因为我已无处可躲
2023-07-11 01:59:541

谁知道rain cat and dog 怎么翻译啊???

2023-07-11 02:00:234

It rains cats and dogs.为什么要译成大雨倾盆

2023-07-11 02:00:322

为什么英语中的倾盆大雨是rain cats and dogs 为什么是猫和狗啊

rains cats and dogs 的意思是倾盆大雨. 来历: 一个小镇一天突发特大暴雨,人们慌忙逃窜,忘记了自己家里的动物.雨后,人们发现自家小狗小猫的尸体都漂浮在长河上,rains cats and dogs的名字由此而来.
2023-07-11 02:00:391

倾盆大雨被翻译为dog and cat有什么典故

2023-07-11 02:00:483


2023-07-11 02:01:061


倾盆大雨的英文怎么说? 可能你已经知道了rain cats and dogs 的含意为『下倾盆大雨』,但你知道这个短语是怎样衍生而来的吗?下雨就下雨,怎可能从天上掉下来猫和狗呢?下雨同猫及狗又是怎样扯上关系的呢?原来,据说这个短语最早出现于17世纪,不过关于它的起源已经无从考证。但是现在人们普遍认为,它的起源可能同17世纪使用的地下排水系统有关,当时人们使用的排水系统非常简陋,排水能力极其有限。一旦下起暴雨,地下排水沟里的污水便四处横流。随着污水流出来的不仅有垃圾,各种污秽物,有时甚至还有死猫死狗之类的小动物死尸随污水蔓延出来。如此狗和猫便与瓢泼大雨扯上了关系,人们也据此杜撰了 rain cats and dogs 这一短语。由此可以看出,rain cats and dogs 并不是指天上真的掉下猫和狗(要真是如此,还不让那些喜欢猫和狗的西方人笑歪了鼻子乐歪了嘴?),而是由于大雨引起地下排水不畅,结果阴沟里的死猫死狗便随污水漂浮到地面。 另外,也有人认为,这个短语可能起源于这样的事实:每当下起暴风雨,风大雨急,看上去就好像是猫和狗在打架。还有人认为它来自北欧神话传说,在北欧,人们都认为猫影响天气的变化,而狗则代表风,所以一旦下起暴雨,猫和狗自然脱不了干系(不过我们还是有点替阿猫阿狗们叫屈!不是吗?^-^)。 “倾盆大雨”用英语怎么说 “倾盆大雨”用英语:cats and dogs/it rains dogs and cats 倾盆大雨用英语怎么说? rain cats and dogs如 It"s raining cats and dogs! 倾盆大雨! 天下在下倾盆大雨,用英语怎么说。 您好,很高兴为您解答: 天下在下倾盆大雨 It is raining cats and dogs. rain cats and dogs 意为”下倾盆大雨“,很地道的说法! ------------------------------- 倾心解答愿您满意 欢迎追问敬请采纳 ------------------------------- 倾盆大雨翻译为英语是什么? rain cats and dogs 如 It"s raining cats and dogs! 倾盆大雨! 今年河北的高考分数线什么时候出来? 可能要到26号吧! 河南是全国卷就是26号 河北也是全国卷。 可能也26号吧! 你去你们哪个省招办网站应该有详细的说明!
2023-07-11 02:01:391

在英语中雨下的大为什么叫It is raining cats and dogs

“To rain cats and dogs”最早出现在理查德-布罗姆1652年创作的剧本《都市智慧》中:“It shall rain dogs and polecats.” Polecats 是一种类似于雪貂的猫,但是这个词后来在乔纳森-斯威夫特的笔下变成了Cats.1738年,斯威夫特在《礼仪对话》一书中所使用的短语就是如今我们所熟悉的这种形式:“I know Sir John will go,though he was sure it would cats and dogs.” 《词汇短语起源故事百科全书》(Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins) 中收录了对其起源的一种解释.书中说“17世纪的英格兰在下大雨的时候,一些城市的街道就会水流成河,而且这些污水中还会飘浮着大量的死猫死狗.”(During heavy rains in 17th century England,some city streets became raging rivers of filth carrying many cats and dogs.) 布鲁尔在其所著的《成语寓言大辞典》(Dictionary of Phrase and Fable)中说,这个短语起源于北欧:“在挪威的神话中,猫被认为可以影响天气.驾着风暴而来的女巫据说就是化身为猫的.” 而狗和狼则是风暴神欧丁的随从,其中狗是“风的象征”("In Norse mythology,the cat is supposed to have great influence on the weather.Witches that rode on storms were said to assume the form of cats." Dogs and wolves were attendants to Odin,the god of storms,and the dog "is a signal of wind.").关于这个短语起源的另一种说法是说它来源于一个古老的法语词“catdoupe”,这个词的意思是“waterfall or cataract”.而法语中“catdoupe”的发音和“cats and dogs”有些相像,所以就有了 “to rain cats and dogs”.最后,单独的“cats and dogs”这个短语有自己的用法,意思是“ 价值低的股票,不值钱的、卖不掉的商品”(low priced,highly speculative stock).这种用法1879年开始出现,1984年在《纽约邮报》中就曾出现过这样的用法.
2023-07-11 02:02:071

"It is raining cats and dogs"是什么意思

这是雨下的很大 倾盆大雨 瓢泼大雨 的意思 -------------------------------- 其实,最初人们的确用过to rain pitchforks, to rain shovels, darning needles, chicken coops和hammer handles来描述“持续的大雨”。 “To rain cats and dogs”最早出现在理查德-布罗姆1652年创作的剧本《都市智慧》中:“It shall rain dogs and polecats.” Polecats 是一种类似于雪貂的猫,但是这个词后来在乔纳森-斯威夫特的笔下变成了Cats。1738年,斯威夫特在《礼仪对话》一书中所使用的短语就是如今我们所熟悉的这种形式:“I know Sir John will go, though he was sure it would cats and dogs.” 《词汇短语起源故事百科全书》(Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins) 中收录了对其起源的一种解释。书中说“17世纪的英格兰在下大雨的时候,一些城市的街道就会水流成河,而且这些污水中还会飘浮着大量的死猫死狗。”(During heavy rains in 17th century England, some city streets became raging rivers of filth carrying many cats and dogs.) 布鲁尔在其所著的《成语寓言大辞典》(Dictionary of Phrase and Fable)中说,这个短语起源于北欧:“在挪威的神话中,猫被认为可以影响天气。驾着风暴而来的女巫据说就是化身为猫的。” 而狗和狼则是风暴神欧丁的随从,其中狗是“风的象征”("In Norse mythology, the cat is supposed to have great influence on the weather. Witches that rode on storms were said to assume the form of cats." Dogs and wolves were attendants to Odin, the god of storms, and the dog "is a signal of wind.")。 关于这个短语起源的另一种说法是说它来源于一个古老的法语词“catdoupe”,这个词的意思是“waterfall or cataract”。而法语中“catdoupe”的发音和“cats and dogs”有些相像, 所以就有了 “to rain cats and dogs”。 最后,单独的“cats and dogs”这个短语有自己的用法,意思是“ 价值低的股票, 不值钱的、卖不掉的商品”(low priced,highly speculative stock)。
2023-07-11 02:02:381

rain cats and dogs 为啥叫倾盆大雨

据说这个短语最早出现于17世纪,不过关于它的起源已经无从考证。但是现在人们普遍认为,它的起源可能同17世纪使用的地下排水系统有关,当时人们使用的排水系统非常简陋,排水能力极其有限。一旦下起暴雨,地下排水沟里的污水便四处横流。随着污水流出来的不仅有垃圾,各种污秽物,有时甚至还有死猫死狗之类的小动物死尸随污水蔓延出来。如此狗和猫便与瓢泼大雨扯上了关系,人们也据此杜撰了 rain cats and dogs 这一短语。由此可以看出,rain cats and dogs 并不是指天上真的掉下猫和狗(要真是如此,还不让那些喜欢猫和狗的西方人笑歪了鼻子乐歪了嘴?),而是由于大雨引起地下排水不畅,结果阴沟里的死猫死狗便随污水漂浮到地面。 另外,也有人认为,这个短语可能起源于这样的事实:每当下起暴风雨,风大雨急,看上去就好像是猫和狗在打架。还有人认为它来自北欧神话传说,在北欧,人们都认为猫影响天气的变化,而狗则代表风,所以一旦下起暴雨,猫和狗自然脱不了干系(不过我们还是有点替阿猫阿狗们叫屈!不是吗?
2023-07-11 02:02:461


  英语谜语有哪些呢?我们一起看一看。下面我为大家整理了英语的一些脑筋急转弯,希望对大家有帮助。    英语的一些脑筋急转弯【热门】   1.Why are people tired on April Fool"s Day? 愚人节人们为什么疲倦?   答:Because they have just had a long March. 因为他们刚过了长长的三月。March 三月行军   2.What weather do mice and rats fear? 老鼠害怕什么天气?   答:When it"sraining cats and dogs.rain cats and dogs 下大雨   3.When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? 狗什么时候不愿跟随主人?   答:When their masters go to the flea market.主人去跳蚤市场时。Flea 跳蚤 flea market 旧货市场   4.What question can never be answered by “yes”? 哪个问题永远不能回答“是的”?   答:Are you asleep?你睡着了吗   5.What tree is always very sad? 那种树总是很伤心?   答:Weeping willow. 垂柳 weep哭泣 willow柳树   6.When can you get water with a net? 什么时候可以用网兜装水?   答:When water is turned into ice. 当水结成冰时   7.Why is the pig always eating 猪为什么没完没了地吃?   答:He"s making a hog of himself.它想成为一只肉猪。   8.What"s the longest word in the world 世界上最长的单词是什么?   答:Smiles. Because there"s a mile between the letter "s".微笑。因为两个字母S中间隔了一里。   9.What question is that to which you must always answer "yes"? 什么问题你只能回答“yes”?   答:"What does y-e-s spell?" 当别人问你“yes”怎么拼?   10.Where were you when the power was cut off? 当停电的时候你在哪?   答:In the darkness.在黑暗中   英语的一些脑筋急转弯【推荐】   Questions:   1.What letter is most precious for a deaf old lady   什么字母对于耳背的老太尤其珍贵   2.What do we learn in primary schools   我们在小学里学什么   3.What has four eyes but can"t see   什么有四只眼却看不见   Keys:   1.The letter"A", for it makes her hear.   是字母A,因为它使老太耳聪.   2.ABCs.   是基本常识.   3.The Mississippi.   是密西西比河.   Notes:   1.precious/"preM+s/ adj.宝贵的,珍贵的    n.基础知识,复数形式为 ABC"s或ABCs.   3. Mississippi单词中有四个"i"four eyes.    英语的一些脑筋急转弯【分享】   here is not wind enough to twirl That one red leaf, nearest of its clan, Which dances as often as dance it can.   --------------------- the sun, Samuel Taylor Coleridge   Half-way up the hill, I see thee at last Lying beneath me with thy sounds and sights -- A city in the twilight, dim and vast, With *** oking roofs, soft bells, and gleaming lights.   --------------------- the past, Longfellow   I am, in truth, a yellow fork   From tables in the sky   By inadvertent fingers dropped   The awful cutlery.   Of mansions never quite disclosed   And never quite concealed   The apparatus of the dark   To ignorance revealed.   --------------------- lightning, Emily Dickinson   Many-maned scud-thumper,   Maker of worn wood,   Shrub-ruster,   Sky-mocker,   Rave!   Portly pusher,   Wind-slave.   ---------------------  John Updike   Make me thy lyre, even as the forests are.   What if my leaves fell like its own --   The tumult of thy mighty harmonies   Will take from both a deep autumnal tone.   --------------------- the west wind, Percy Bysshe Shelley
2023-07-11 02:02:531

倾盆大雨为什么英文是rain dogs and cats ,雨后春笋英文是雨后蘑菇?有什么典故吗?

2023-07-11 02:03:111

2023-07-11 02:03:191


倾盆大雨的英文怎么说? 可能你已经知道了rain cats and dogs 的含意为『下倾盆大雨』,但你知道这个短语是怎样衍生而来的吗?下雨就下雨,怎可能从天上掉下来猫和狗呢?下雨同猫及狗又是怎样扯上关系的呢?原来,据说这个短语最早出现于17世纪,不过关于它的起源已经无从考证。但是现在人们普遍认为,它的起源可能同17世纪使用的地下排水系统有关,当时人们使用的排水系统非常简陋,排水能力极其有限。一旦下起暴雨,地下排水沟里的污水便四处横流。随着污水流出来的不仅有垃圾,各种污秽物,有时甚至还有死猫死狗之类的小动物死尸随污水蔓延出来。如此狗和猫便与瓢泼大雨扯上了关系,人们也据此杜撰了 rain cats and dogs 这一短语。由此可以看出,rain cats and dogs 并不是指天上真的掉下猫和狗(要真是如此,还不让那些喜欢猫和狗的西方人笑歪了鼻子乐歪了嘴?),而是由于大雨引起地下排水不畅,结果阴沟里的死猫死狗便随污水漂浮到地面。 另外,也有人认为,这个短语可能起源于这样的事实:每当下起暴风雨,风大雨急,看上去就好像是猫和狗在打架。还有人认为它来自北欧神话传说,在北欧,人们都认为猫影响天气的变化,而狗则代表风,所以一旦下起暴雨,猫和狗自然脱不了干系(不过我们还是有点替阿猫阿狗们叫屈!不是吗?^-^)。 “倾盆大雨”用英语怎么说 “倾盆大雨”用英语:cats and dogs/it rains dogs and cats 倾盆大雨翻译为英语是什么? rain cats and dogs如 It"s raining cats and dogs! 倾盆大雨! 卡卡西的真面目是什么? 他爸爸是木叶白牙!所以是天才忍者!他的真面目目前未画出!不过根据我看过的特别板卡通,卡卡西的真面目-还是面罩!
2023-07-11 02:03:251


  雨是一个名词,下雨是动词,但是一个英语单词rain,就能够表达它的全部呢。下面是我给大家整理的下雨的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   下雨的英文是什么   若你说是下雨,rain就可以了,因为它本身就是动词;要注意时态啊   正在下是RAINING   曾经下(下完了)是RAINED   下了一段时间但现在还在下的是HAS RAINED   rain的英语用法   heavy rain 暴雨   in the rain 在雨中;冒雨   acid rain 酸雨   rain forest 雨林,热带雨林   rain on v. 使大量降下   rain water n. 雨水   torrential rain 暴雨;倾盆大雨;骤雨   rain or shine 不论晴雨,无论如何   light rain 小雨;微雨;丝丝小雨   rain check 延期;约定以后再补邀请;专用免费票   tropical rain forest 热带雨林   freezing rain 冻雨;要结冰的雨   take a rain check 改期   rain fall 降水;雨量   summer rain 夏雨   rain shower 阵雨   fine rain 细雨   rain season 雨季   rain storm 暴雨   rain day 雨日   rain的英语用法   n.   雨;雨水[参较 drizzle]   下雨;阵雨   雨天   [the rains]雨季;季节性降雨   (雨点般的)落下;(下雨般的)一阵   vi.   下雨,阵雨:   It"s hot and suffocating. I think it"s going to rain.   天气闷热,我看要下雨。   雨点般落下;大量倾泻:   Beads of sweat rained down his cheeks.   汗珠像雨点一般从他的两颊流下。   Unfortunate events have rained heavily upon us since last month.   从上月起,倒霉的事接踵而来。   (天空、云层等)降雨:   This mass of dark cloud is raining.   这片乌云正在降下雨来。   [美国俚语]诉苦,抱怨   vt.   使(雨等)大量降下;倾注:   It is raining large drops.   正在掉大雨点。   厚施,大量地给:   They rained flowers on the head of the bride.   他们将鲜花撒在新娘头上。   He was embarrassed when praises were rained on him.   当他受到大家不断表扬时,感到局促不安。   短语:   After rain comes sunshine. [谚语]雨过天晴。否极泰来。情况总会变好的。   (as) right as rain 完全正确;完全令人满意;一切顺利;非常健康;毫无问题   come (或go) in when it rains 懂得保护自己;有心眼[亦作get out of the rain]   It rains pitchforks. 见 pitchforks   know enough to come in (或get) out of the rain 知道自我照顾,知道怎样照料自己;有见地[亦作know enough to go (或come) in when it rains]   look like rain [口语]像是要下雨   rain cats and dogs 见 cat   rain or shine [口语]不论晴雨,无论天气好坏,风雨无阻;无论如何,在任何情况下[亦作come rain or come shine]   
2023-07-11 02:03:322

cats and dogs的典故

可能你已经知道了rain cats and dogs 的含意为『下倾盆大雨』,但你知道这个短语是怎样衍生而来的吗?下雨就下雨,怎可能从天上掉下来猫和狗呢?下雨同猫及狗又是怎样扯上关系的呢?原来,据说这个短语最早出现于17世纪,不过关于它的起源已经无从考证.但是现在人们普遍认为,它的起源可能同17世纪使用的地下排水系统有关,当时人们使用的排水系统非常简陋,排水能力极其有限.一旦下起暴雨,地下排水沟里的污水便四处横流.随着污水流出来的不仅有垃圾,各种污秽物,有时甚至还有死猫死狗之类的小动物死尸随污水蔓延出来.如此狗和猫便与瓢泼大雨扯上了关系,人们也据此杜撰了 rain cats and dogs 这一短语.由此可以看出,rain cats and dogs 并不是指天上真的掉下猫和狗(要真是如此,还不让那些喜欢猫和狗的西方人笑歪了鼻子乐歪了嘴?),而是由于大雨引起地下排水不畅,结果阴沟里的死猫死狗便随污水漂浮到地面. 另外,也有人认为,这个短语可能起源于这样的事实:每当下起暴风雨,风大雨急,看上去就好像是猫和狗在打架.还有人认为它来自北欧神话传说,在北欧,人们都认为猫影响天气的变化,而狗则代表风,所以一旦下起暴雨,猫和狗自然脱不了干系(不过我们还是有点替阿猫阿狗们叫屈!不是吗?^-^).
2023-07-11 02:03:391


  雨是一个名词,下雨是动词,但是一个英语单词rain,就能够表达它的全部呢。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      若你说是下雨,rain就可以了,因为它本身就是动词;要注意时态啊   正在下是RAINING   曾经下下完了是RAINED   下了一段时间但现在还在下的是HAS RAINED   rain的英语用法   heavy rain 暴雨   in the rain 在雨中;冒雨   acid rain 酸雨   rain forest 雨林,热带雨林   rain on v. 使大量降下   rain water n. 雨水   torrential rain 暴雨;倾盆大雨;骤雨   rain or shine 不论晴雨,无论如何   light rain 小雨;微雨;丝丝小雨   rain check 延期;约定以后再补邀请;专用免费票   tropical rain forest 热带雨林   freezing rain 冻雨;要结冰的雨   take a rain check 改期   rain fall 降水;雨量   summer rain 夏雨   rain shower 阵雨   fine rain 细雨   rain season 雨季   rain storm 暴雨   rain day 雨日   rain的英语用法   n.   雨;雨水[参较 drizzle]   下雨;阵雨   雨天   [the rains]雨季;季节性降雨   雨点般的落下;下雨般的一阵   vi.   下雨,阵雨:   It"s hot and suffocating. I think it"s going to rain.   天气闷热,我看要下雨。   雨点般落下;大量倾泻:   Beads of sweat rained down his cheeks.   汗珠像雨点一般从他的两颊流下。   Unfortunate events have rained heavily upon us since last month.   从上月起,倒霉的事接踵而来。   天空、云层等降雨:   This mass of dark cloud is raining.   这片乌云正在降下雨来。   [美国俚语]诉苦,抱怨   vt.   使雨等大量降下;倾注:   It is raining large drops.   正在掉大雨点。   厚施,大量地给:   They rained flowers on the head of the bride.   他们将鲜花撒在新娘头上。   He was embarrassed when praises were rained on him.   当他受到大家不断表扬时,感到局促不安。   短语:   After rain es sunshine. [谚语]雨过天晴。否极泰来。情况总会变好的。   as right as rain 完全正确;完全令人满意;一切顺利;非常健康;毫无问题   e 或go in when it rains 懂得保护自己;有心眼[亦作get out of the rain]   It rains pitchforks. 见 pitchforks   know enough to e in 或get out of the rain 知道自我照顾,知道怎样照料自己;有见地[亦作know enough to go 或e in when it rains]   look like rain [口语]像是要下雨   rain cats and dogs 见 cat   rain or shine [口语]不论晴雨,无论天气好坏,风雨无阻;无论如何,在任何情况下[亦作e rain or e shine]    看过的人还:
2023-07-11 02:03:461


1. 在雨天的英语作文怎么写(要用现在时) Weather Weather changes with seasons--cold with snow in winter, hot with rain in summer and mild with sunlight in spring and autumn.I like the weather with sunshine because sunny weather make people pleasant and happy. But I really don"t like the weather in Beijing very much for it is very dry and windy in autumn, and this is the city"s typical weather. Yet the weather I like most in Beijing is spring and summer. In spring flowers bloom and trees turn green and everything are full of vigor.In summer the city is decorated with flowers and green coverings almost everywhere.I think the best weather for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the season of late summer and early autumn. So I hope it is going to be held in this season.I also agree that usually sunny weather can make people happy while rainy or cloudy or windy weather can make people in low-spirit for people tend to be more active and fortable in sunny weather.So nobody really likes windy and rainly weather and instead almost all like sunny one. 翻译:天气 天气随季节变化,冬天寒冷下雪,夏天炎热下雨,春秋温和而阳光充足。 我喜欢晴朗的天气因为明媚的阳光使人心情舒畅。但我却不太喜欢北京的秋天,干燥而风大是北京的典型天气。 我最喜欢北京的春天和夏天。春天,百花盛开,树木变绿,一切都充满了生机活力。 夏天,整个北京到处点缀着鲜花和绿地。我认为2008年北京举办奥运会的最好季节是夏秋之交,真希望能在这个时候举办盛会。 我同意这样的观点:晴朗的天气使人愉悦,而阴天,下雨或刮风的天气使人心情压抑,因为晴朗的天气里人们会觉得活跃和舒适。因此,没有人喜欢刮风下雨天,而是都喜欢阳光明媚的天气。 2. 雨的英文怎么写啊 rain1 / re??n; ren/ n [U] condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling as separate drops; fall of these drops 雨; 下雨: heavy/light rain 大[小]雨 * Don"t go out in the rain. 不要冒着雨出去. * Come in out of the rain. 快进来, 别让雨淋着. * It looks like (ie as if there will be a fall of) rain. 像是要下雨了. the rains [pl] season of heavy continuous rain in tropical countries (热带地区 的)雨季: The rains e in September. 雨季於九月到来. [sing] (preceded by an adj 用於形容词之后) shower of rain of the specified type 某种类型的雨: There was a heavy rain during the night. 夜间下了一场大雨. [sing] ~ of sth (esp fig 尤作比喻) great number of things falling like rain 像雨点般降落的东西: a rain of arrows, bullets, etc 箭﹑ 子弹等如雨点一般 * a rain of ashes, eg from a volcano 如雨点般落下的灰尘(如从火山口中喷出者). (idm 习语) e ,rain, e `shine; (e) ,rain or `shine whether there is rain or sunshine; whatever happens 不论晴雨; 不管发生什麽事情: The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 游园义卖会定於星期日举行, 风雨无阻. right as rain => right. > rainless adj: a rainless day 无雨天. # rainbow / ??re??nb??u; ˋren??bo/ n arch containing the colours of the spectrum, formed in the sky when the sun shines through rain or spray 虹; 彩虹: silks dyed in all (the) colours of the rainbow 染成彩虹那样七种颜色的丝绸服装. `rainbow trout black-spotted trout with o reddish bands from nose to tail 虹鳟鱼(身上有黑点, 从鼻到尾有两条红线). `rain-check n (US) 1 ticket for later use when a match, show, etc is cancelled because of rain (比赛﹑ 表演等)因雨延期有效票. 2 (idm 习语) take a rain-check (on sth) (infml 口) decline an offer, etc but promise to accept it later 谢绝一项好意, 但答应日后接受: Thanks for the invitation, but I"ll have to take a rain-check on it. 你的邀请我心领了, 感谢盛意改日一定践约. `raincoat n light waterproof or water-resistant coat 雨衣. `raindrop n single drop of rain 雨点. `rainfall n [U] total amount of rain falling within a given area in a given time 降雨量: an annual rainfall of 10 cm 年降雨量10厘米. =>App 4 见附录4. `rain forest thick evergreen forest in tropical regions with heavy rainfall 雨林(热带地区多雨的茂密常绿森林). `rain-gauge n instrument for measuring rainfall 雨量计. `rainproof adj that can keep rain out 防雨的: a rainproof jacket 防雨短上衣. `rain-water n soft water that has fallen as rain, eg not taken from wells, etc 雨水(软水, 如并非井水等). rain2 / re??n; ren/ v [I] (used with it 与it连用) fall as rain 下雨; 降雨: It is raining, ie Rain is falling. 下着雨呢. * It rained hard all day. 下了一整天的大雨. [Ipr] ~ on *** /sth (fig 比喻) fall like rain on *** /sth 像雨点般落在某人[某物]上: Blows rained on the door. 敲门声像雨点一样. * The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor. 手提箱裂开了, 里面的东西纷纷落在地板上. (idm 习语) it ,never ,rains but it `pours (saying 谚) misfortunes, etc usually e in large numbers 不雨则已, 一雨倾盆; 灾祸等不发生则已, 一发生便接踵而至: First my car broke down, then I lost my key: it never rains but it pours! 先是我的汽车出了故障, 接着又丢了钥匙, 真是祸不单行! rain `buckets; rain cats and `dogs (esp in the continuous tenses 尤用於进行时态) rain very heavily 下倾盆大雨. (phr v) rain down (sth) flow or e down in large quantities 大量流下; 大量落下: Tears rained down her cheeks. 她泪流满面. * Loose rocks rained down (the hillside). 松动的岩石大量滚下(山坡). rain down (on *** /sth) e down on *** /sth 传给某人[某事物]: Abuse rained down on the noisy students from the open windows. 穿过敞开的窗户传来对那些喧闹学生的责骂声. * Invitations rained down on the visiting writer. 来访的这位作家收到了许多邀请信. rain in (used with it 与it连用): It is raining in, ie Rain is ing through the roof, tent, etc. 漏雨了. rain sth off; US rain sth out (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) (infml 口) prevent (eg an event) from taking place because of rain 因雨而使(事情等)受阻: The match was rained off ice. 比赛因雨而被迫两次改期.。 3. 用“下雨时”为题写一篇英语作文 人人都知道粗心是我们生活中最危险的敌人,但有时我们并没有意识到自己的粗心。所以三思而后行是有必要的。一个月前,我就深受粗心之苦。一天我去姑姑家,妈妈嘱咐我带把伞以防下雨。我含糊地答应着,没拿伞就走了。在我回家的路上,果真下起了雨。我淋了雨,结果病倒了,害得我在床上躺了半个多月。 Everybody knows that carelessness is the most dangerous enemy in our life. But we sometimes can"t realize it. So it is necessary to think ice when starting to do something. I suffered from my carelessness a month ago. One day i was going to my antie"s told me to bring an umbrella in case it rained. I answered casually and went out without taking the umbrella..I was walking on my way to my auntie"s home when it began to rain,i realized i was caught in the rain.then i hurried to the gate of a store and was standing there for hours to wait for the rain to stop. it was noon when i got my untie"s home. after a while i fell ill.I could do nothing but stayed in bed for half a in future i should be always careful 4. (雨)的英文怎么写 rain(从云层中降向地面的水) torrential rain; rainstorm 暴雨 seek shelter from the rain 避雨 heavy rain 大雨 timely [wele] rain 及时雨 thunderstorm 雷雨 drizzle 毛毛雨 The rain is ing down in sheets. 大雨滂沱。 The rain is pelting down.; It rains cats and dogs. 大雨倾盆。 The rain came down in torrents. 大雨如注。 The rain menced pouring violently down. 瓢泼大雨猛烈地下起来。 Here es the rain! 下雨啦! The rain has stopped.; It has rained over. 雨停了。 It has rained all the week. 雨下了整整一个星期。 5. 雨英文怎么写 飘泼大雨 heavy rain,rain in torrents,rain cats and dogs,rain cat and dog, rain buckets,downpour 形容飘泼大雨,英文有句有趣的话:Raining cats and dogs。 (直译是下猫下狗),这多用于进行时。 It rains cats and dogs。 形容大雨倾盆,大雨如注,大雨哗啦不停歇。 不同的雨势英语有不同的形容词,例如下飘泼大雨可说:It"s bucketing down。 Bucket解‘桶",意思就好像一桶桶水掉下来,或者说:It"s pouring。 如果下毛毛雨英文叫drizzling,下骤雨叫shower,一点点微雨叫spitting。 说飘泼大雨,英文还有其它常用语。Torrents原意是‘激流",常用来比喻大雨:The rain is ing down in torrents。 (大雨如注,飘泼大雨)、What a torrential downpour !(多么大雨 !)。Downpour本身也是指大雨,The fields are flooded by the downpour。 即‘大雨淹没了田野"。Pour是‘倒水",所以It is pouring。 也有‘倾盆大雨"的意思。英文甚至有‘倾桶 (bucket) 大雨":The rain is ing down in buckets。 或It is bucketing down。 例句: It was raining cats and dogs as he was leaving。 他走时天正下着飘泼大雨。 No sooner had I gone home than it began to rain heavily。 我一回到家里,就开始下起飘泼大雨来。 The rain es down in torrents (=rain in torrents) 。 下倾盆大雨; 大雨; 大雨滂沱,飘泼大雨 pour:下倾盆大雨,如:It poured for four days。下了四天倾盆大雨。 pour down:倾泻 The rain pours down。大雨飘泼而下,大雨倾盆而下。 rain buckets下倾盆大雨 driving rain 大风雨 hard rain 暴雨 rainstorm 暴风雨 rain down大量降下 rain on使大量降下 rain pitchforks下大雨。
2023-07-11 02:04:021


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2023-07-11 01:54:392

apple id是什么

2023-07-11 01:54:451


请仔细看:科隆群岛由于长期与世隔绝,动植物自行生长发育,从而形成了独自的特点,造就了岛上独特而完整的生态系统。最初是由鸟或海船偶尔地把南美大陆的植物种子带到岛上,它们在此落地生根,适应新环境而生息繁衍。科隆群岛的特有物种与地球上的任何地方相比都稳居最高水平,大约80%的陆地鸟类,爬行动物和陆地哺乳动物的97%,而植物的30%以上都是当地特有的。发现在地球上的海洋物种,加拉帕戈斯启顷就超过20%。其中包括加拉帕戈斯群岛象龟,海鬣蜥,不会飞的鸬鹚,加拉帕戈斯企鹅也在北半球被发现的唯一一种企鹅。 在科隆群岛上,生活着700多种地面动物,80多种鸟类和许多昆虫,其中以巨龟和大蜥蜴闻名世界。海狮,海豹,企鹅等寒带动物,也常在这里的海边出现,因此,科隆群岛被称为“世界最大的自然博物馆”。 气候特点是雨量较少、湿度低、气候凉爽、水温不高。高等植物约有700种,其中约40%为当地特有的种属。植物与中美、南美洲有较近的亲缘关系。干燥低地覆盖著空旷的仙人掌林。海拔较高的过渡地带覆盖著森林,主要树木有腺果藤树、醉鱼树和番石榴。过渡地带上面的潮湿的森林区中为菊树(Stables属)植物林(一种古代遗留下的植被),矮树丛密布。无树的高地上只有蕨类和草类。 群岛以兄含其罕见的动物而闻名,因其巨大的陆龟(古西班牙语称龟为“加拉帕戈斯”)而得名,据信这种龟是地球上生命最长的动物。岛上的动物群和中美、南美洲的动物群有较近的亲缘关系,这说明岛上多数动物源出那里。越过海洋的困难是动物稀少的原因。两栖动物很少,爬虫也不多,当地特有的陆地哺乳动物只有7种啮齿动物和两种蝙蝠。岛上鸟的种类和亚种只有约80种;陆地上多数鸟类为统称为加拉帕戈斯地雀的鸣禽类。 这个群岛虽然距赤道不远,但由于受秘鲁寒流的影响,这里不适于终年高温多雨、植物繁茂的热带雨林的生长,只有一些仙人掌和灌木丛分布在其沿海地区;高大的树木生长在较高的山坡,树下铺满羊齿类植物。这里受秘鲁寒流的影响,虽地处赤道附近,但并非终年高温多雨。这样的环境适合热带和寒带动物共同生存。可以在这里看到多种类型的动物:海狮、海豹、海獭、鹈鹕、信天翁、企鹅、反舌鸟、火烈鸟等。 代表物种  图 片简 介 植物:迄今为止(2012年),这些岛屿引进的植物有825种,而维管束植物约在552和614种之间,大多数是人类引进的。超过100引入的物种已经在野外建立了生态群。 干燥低地覆盖著空旷的仙人掌林。海拔较高的过渡地带覆盖着森林,主要树木有腺果藤、醉鱼草属和番石榴。过渡地带上面的潮湿的森林区中为树菊属(Scalesia),是所特有的菊科的一个特征显著的土著属,它一共有6个物种,矮树丛密布。无树的高地上只有蕨类和波利亚草属、大戟属、铁苋菜属和豆科植物等草类。 巨龟:加拉帕戈斯象龟之间的大小和形状量变异很大,有两种主要形态存在,圆顶壳(类似于其祖先的形式)和鞍背背甲。圆顶龟羡旁笑往往体型规模更大,它们的头胸甲前部不具备向上隆起,往往生活在更大,更高的岛屿与潮湿的高原牧草的地方,那时食物更为丰富和容易获得。鞍背壳应对旱灾期间缺乏可供应的食物,在干旱岛屿上进化形成。背甲的前角向上,让乌龟头部延长的更高,可以取食较高的植物,如仙人掌。巨龟分布在群岛的各个岛屿上,这些陆龟进化出不同的12个亚种。 鬣蜥:该群岛6个岛屿上均生活有科隆群岛特有的陆生鬣蜥,以肤色分为3种,“黄加岛陆鬣蜥、粉加岛陆鬣蜥和玫红加岛陆鬣蜥。并有7种不同的海鬣蜥,这些史前爬虫类动物,也是地球上惟一尚存的海鬣蜥,因为在不同的岛屿上进化,每种都显示出明显的差异。它们可以在海底爬行,并以海草为食,并且通过发育不完全的蹼足适应了海上生活方式。雌鬣蜥必须经长途跋涉到火山口产卵。该物种在群岛上的数量达到数十万只,遍布各岛屿的沿岸。    哺乳动物:哺乳类动物在科隆群岛相当有限,因为岛屿远离大陆,虽然登记在册的有32种(不包括驯化的狗,猫,猪,山羊,驴,马和牛),事实上,只有5种哺乳动物被视为原产于岛屿:加拉帕戈斯海狮、圣达菲稻鼠、加岛稻鼠、加拉帕戈斯灰蝠、加拉帕戈斯红蝠。其他可以加上在保护区进出的水生哺乳动物——海豚和鲸鱼。 陆地鸟类:居住在加拉帕戈斯群岛上有29种鸟类,其中22种是特有物种,另外还有4个特有亚种。其中包括6种地雀、6种树雀、莺雀、加岛哀鸽、加岛南美田鸡、加拉帕戈斯群岛鵟、大嘴蝇霸鹟、加岛崖燕、加岛嘲鸫、查尔斯嘲鸫、冠嘲鸫、圣岛嘲鸫。13个雀类不同品种的鸟,其嘴部的差异性是适应性传播的最好证明。有的具有食籽喙,以仙人掌植物为食的鸟嘴长而尖,以昆虫为主食的鸟拥有一个小乳头状的鸟喙。    海鸟:加拉帕戈斯群岛是热带海鸟的圣地,这里有蓝脚鲣鸟、红脚鲣鸟、纳斯卡鲣鸟、加岛崖燕、加岛信天翁、暗腰圆尾鹱、弱翅鸬鹚、丽色军舰鸟、小军舰鸟、红嘴鹲、燕尾鸥,岩鸥、加岛白脸针尾鸭、加拉帕戈斯企鹅、斑腰叉尾海燕,也有最常见的滨岸水鸟,包括大火烈鸟、大蓝鹭、黄冠夜鹭、夜鹭、绿蓑鹭,蛎鹬和普通白鹭等等。加拉帕戈斯大火烈鸟数量约320-350只。这是世界上最小的火烈鸟群,被列入濒危的红色名录。 海洋动物:科隆群岛的位置极其特殊,正处在寒暖洋流交汇处,来自南部的秘鲁寒流和北部的赤道暖流交汇於此,因此,这里海洋生物异常丰富,喜寒、喜暖动物一应俱全。这里有加拉帕戈斯鲨鱼、直翅真鲨、加拉帕戈斯招潮蟹、红石蟹、刺鳐、海鳗、白头礁鲨鱼、鲸鱼、鲔鱼,蝠鲼、锤头鲨、绿海龟和玳瑁等。近20 %的海洋生物是地方性的,是当地特有物种。    无脊椎动物:科隆群岛有物种多样性的最大群体,估计它们占于所有的栖息地的总生物的51 % 。这些陆生无脊椎动物其生态作用至关重要:传播花粉、参与有机物质的养分循环,从而促进土壤形成。直到2001年,一共查明有2289种陆生无脊椎动物。包括鞘翅目、双翅目、半翅目、膜翅目、鳞翅目、缨尾目、蜻蜓目、螳螂目。而软体动物有海螺、蜗牛、海洋环节动物、棘皮动物(如海胆和海参) 、腔肠动物(如珊瑚和柳珊瑚) 和海绵等。
2023-07-11 01:54:341