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mom always told me that i was too naive是什么歌的歌词?

2023-07-11 03:24:47














2023-07-10 23:50:381

too simple,too naive old fashioned

too simple是太简单的意思,too naive是太幼稚,old fashioned是过时了。加一起是:太简单、太幼稚、过时了。
2023-07-10 23:50:451


问题一:天真用英文怎么说? puerility of kid 问题二:天真!用英语怎么写? 形容词词性天真的: naive;naive a.;dewy-eyed;childish副词天真地: childishly;like a lamb;gaga;childishly/naively都总是能用天真的心态去面对。All always can face with the innocent mindset.我认为他的天真现在消失,但是他的纯真仍然在那里。I think his innocence is gone now, but his purity is still there愚蠢的人既不原谅也不忘记;天真的人原谅、忘记聪明的人原谅,但不忘记。The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.希望采纳 问题三:很傻很天真用英语怎么说 英文原文: 很傻很天真 too simple , too naive 英式音标: [tu?] [?s?mp(?)l] , [tu?] [na??i?v; n??i?v] 美式音标: [tu] [?s?mpl] , [tu] [na??iv] 问题四:天真用英语怎么说 Naive 问题五:天真的英文怎么说 naive 问题六:天真的英文怎么说 Naive 问题七:天真的英文 还要看你怎么用天真这个意思 childish--幼稚 innocent--天真,无罪 问题八:天真的我,英语怎么翻译,我不懂英语 天真的我, Innocent me, 天真的我, Innocent me, 问题九:很傻很天真英文怎么翻译 20分 looks naive and innocent.
2023-07-10 23:50:521


2023-07-10 23:50:591


源自莎士比亚的名言“too young,too simple,sometimes naive”,现在是网络流行语、网络用语,意为太年轻,很傻很天真。网络语言是指从网络中产生或应用于网络交流的一种语言,包括中英文字母、标点、符号、拼音、图标(图片)和文字等多种组合。这种组合,往往在特定的网络媒介传播中表达特殊的意义。20世纪90年代诞生初,网民们为了提高网上聊天的效率或诙谐、逗乐等特定需要而采取的方式,久而久之就形成特定语言了。进入21世纪的十多年来,随着互联网技术的革新,这种语言形式在互联网媒介的传播中有了极快的发展。目前,网络语言越来越成为人们网络生活中必不可少的一部分。但是要注意的是,部分网络语言并不符合我们现代汉语的语法规定,因此并不具备教学意义,不能引进教学领域。网络用语的现象:1、打破现有语法规则或改变现有字词的形音义关系,如“XX控、恐龙、壕、666”等。2、生造词,如“颜值”“白富美”“喜大普奔”“人艰不拆”等。3、夹杂使用图形、符号、外来语等,如用“∶)”表示开心,在汉语动词后加-ing表示正在做某事,用“hold住”表示坚持等。还有一种网络语言不规范现象,就是网络与计算机术语的中文翻译规范问题,主要是缺乏统一翻译标准,民间会使用一些“俗”的翻译,如“E-mail”译为“伊妹儿”,“download”译成“当”。
2023-07-10 23:51:051


looks naive and innocent.
2023-07-10 23:51:2110

too naive怎么读

土 拿易午
2023-07-10 23:51:452


2023-07-10 23:51:5515


Too stupid and Naive
2023-07-10 23:52:224


2023-07-10 23:53:033


供您参考:I always think too little of anything.不必纠结于中文的“简单”,硬翻simple就成了Chinglish嘞
2023-07-10 23:53:243


问题一:怪我自己不够强大英文怎么解释 Blame myself for not being strong enough 问题二:之后就相信了,谁让我遇人不淑,上当受骗,也只能怪我自己 的英语怎么写 Then I have to accept the fact. And I realized I have only myself to blame that I was tricked by creating a negative encounters. 问题三:怪我自己傻,分不清现实。英文 It‘s my foolness that I can"t tell the illusion and reality. 问题四:忽然间发觉骗子太多,怪我自己太天真太单纯英文怎样写 忽然间发觉骗子太多,怪我自己太天真太单纯 全部释义和例句>>Suddenly found that too many swindlers, I blame myself too naive too simple 忽然间发觉骗子太多,怪我自己太天真太单纯 全部释义和例句>> Suddenly found that too many swindlers, I blame myself too naive too simple 问题五:责怪的英文 blame vt. 1. 责备,指责[(+on/for)] He bla抚ed you for the neglect of duty. 他责备你怠忽职守。 I don"t blame you; I blame myself. 我不怪你;怪我自己。 2. 把...归咎(于);归因于[(+on/onto)] I am ready to take the blame for the mistake. 我准备承担这一错误的责任。 3. 【美】【俚】诅咒 n.[U] 1. 责备,指责[(+for)] 2. 责任[(+for)] 问题六:如果你遇到比我好的人,我只能怪我自己不能给你想要的一生。 翻译英语。 if u meet a guy who is better than me ,i just can blame myself that i can"t give u the life u want .望采纳,谢啦~~木有语法错误滴O(∩_∩)O 问题七:我太天真太单纯了的翻译是:什么意思 我太天真太单纯了的翻译是:I"m too na?ve too simple
2023-07-10 23:53:311

你太单纯了 英语怎么说

You are too simplistic
2023-07-10 23:53:415


2023-07-10 23:53:562


开始看这部剧,我是抱着猎奇心态的,相信大多数人都如此。来感受一下大家的心路历程:B站第一集的弹幕大多是“我的狗眼”“治好多年颜控”“精神污染”“微博观光团”“这什么鬼我吐了你们继续” ;但是到了第二集开始出现“存活确认”“我竟然点开了第二集”“为什么我还在看”“好像出不去”“人妖组有点美我该挂眼科吗”;第三集就已经大量的“为了我niu”“wud嫁我!”“FD党在哪里!”“frank大力艹我!”“mit是我的你们别抢”“想看双胞胎兄弟爱!”“新疆哥好帅!”;第四集一点开已经看不到画面了,满屏的弹幕满满是爱,都是大家认真地在萌:“淡菊姐中分大法好!”“niu美如画”“我连op都舍不得快进”;第五集大家已经等不及汉化,把生肉舔了一遍又一遍,“JN党头顶青天!”“本集高甜预警!”。这部剧的魔性,你们感受到了吗?敢进来就出不去哟,萌它你怕了吗?这剧的导演/编剧/摄影/灯光/收音/后期应该是同一个人,不然为什么每一个环节都魔幻得如此高度一致。你以为第一集里的角色介绍闪回内容是伏笔,在后面会有戏会呼应?too simple。你以为第二集里占据大量戏份的天线宝宝妖是个重要角色?too naive。你以为机位定住五分钟动也不动背景有莫名杂音的人妖三人组对话戏有什么深意?别随便揣测编剧的意图!你以为那场酒吧戏明明是约好出去一起玩但是在非常像奶茶店的酒吧里大家都一起喝酒妞妞却一个人坐在角落是因为他们可能吵架了?你也是想太多。完全是为了让流氓有机可乘让jack(莫名其妙地)英雄救美。一开始还觉得编剧蠢得可爱,现在追着追着已经放弃留意剧情了。编剧你开心就好。对于剧情我唯一的担心是niu会变成人妖(严肃脸),种种迹象表明(编剧:你斗胆猜测迹象?),他会和那两个全剧最低颜值的人妖组队,然后三对人妖三三平衡,从此三组人妖三分天下。酒吧那场戏值得一提的还有迷之马赛克和BGM,实在太魔性了。这场戏短短7分钟就涵盖了英雄(基佬)救美(基佬)、和路人甲抢妹子、双胞胎双双开苞等戏码,而且随着镜头的切换,BGM也被切得一截一截,时大时小,无缝连接,无限循环。十分带感,令人迷醉。但是这剧当然有成功之处,就在于里面的确有三五个颜值颇高的演员,搭配上丑得飞起的人妖。观众看五分钟人妖撕逼戏,全面拉低审美线,甚至审美系统崩溃之后,再看帅哥组搞基戏,简直是老婆快出来看天仙的高峰体验。反正我已经在认真地萌这部剧了。大家请毫不犹豫地吞下这枚安利!!
2023-07-10 23:54:032

关于so simple so naive 和 too young too naive 哪个说法更地

这一看就是从中国合伙人里看到的吧 说实话我觉得应该是 too young too innocent 更合适 naive这个词虽然也有天真的意思 但是我觉得作为naive art表达更加合适请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的...
2023-07-10 23:54:221

关于so simple so naive 和 too young too naive 哪个说法更地

这一看就是从中国合伙人里看到的吧 说实话我觉得应该是 too young too innocent 更合适 naive这个词虽然也有天真的意思 但是我觉得作为naive art表达更加合适请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-07-10 23:54:291


Perhaps this is all my simple thinking
2023-07-10 23:54:385


因为这样你问的问题都too simple , sometime naive
2023-07-10 23:54:545


2023-07-10 23:55:223


simple adj.(形容词)Having or composed of only one thing, element, or part.See Synonyms at pure 单一的:只有一件事物、一个元素或部份的或由其组成的参见 pure Not involved or complicated; easy: 简单的:不难懂的或不复杂的;容易的: a simple task.See Synonyms at easy 一项简单的任务参见 easy Being without additions or modifications; mere: 简单的:没有附加物质或修饰的;仅仅: a simple “yes” or “no.” 简单的“是”或“不” Having little or no ornamentation; not embellished or adorned: 朴素的:装饰很少或没有装饰的;没有装饰过或打扮过的: a simple dress. 一件朴素的衣服 Not elaborate, elegant, or luxurious.See Synonyms at plain 简朴的:不精巧,不精美或不豪华的参见 plain Unassuming or unpretentious; not affected. 纯朴的:不装腔作势的或不矫饰的;不矫柔造作的 Having or manifesting little sense or intelligence. 愚蠢的:没有什么理智或智力的,显示出没有多少理智或智力的 Uneducated; ignorant. 未受教育的;无知的 Unworldly or unsophisticated.See Synonyms at naive 不世故的:不善处世的或不谙世故的参见 naive Not guileful or deceitful; sincere. 真诚的:不狡猾的或不欺骗的;真诚的 Humble or lowly in condition or rank: 低微的:在状况或职位上卑微或低的: a simple woodcutter. 一个地位低下的伐木人 Ordinary or common: 普通的,一般的: a simple head cold. 普通的头伤风 Being a fundamental or rudimentary element; basic. 基本的:根本或基本元素的;基础的 Not important or significant; trivial. 琐碎的:不重要的或没有重大意义的;琐细的 Biology Having no divisions or branches; not compound: 【生物学】 单一的:没有分部或分枝的: a simple leaf; a simple eye or lens. 单叶;单眼或单镜片 Music Being without figuration or elaboration: 【音乐】 单音的:没有装饰音或复杂音的: a simple tone. 单音调 n.(名词) A single component of a complex, especially one that is unanalyzable. 单一体:一个复合体的一个单独的组成部份,尤指那些无法再进行分析的 A fool; a simpleton. 傻瓜;头脑简单的人 A person of humble birth or condition. 低微的人:出身或现状低微的人 A medicinal plant or the medicine obtained from it. 药草,草药制剂:一种医用植物或从这种植物中提炼出来的药品 easy adj.(形容词), eas.i.est Capable of being accomplished or acquired with ease; posing no difficulty: 容易的,简单的:能够轻易地被完成或者得到的;毫无困难的: an easy victory; an easy problem. 轻易获得的胜利,容易解决的问题 Requiring or exhibiting little effort or endeavor; undemanding: 轻松的:不需要或不费多大劲的;不费劲的:—— elfwinona
2023-07-10 23:56:075


You for giving the body temperature happiness atmosphere him in your side sleep good stable is your is too cruel or I Tai Ben such tolerance a bit too sacrifices not accustomed your eyes in the wind disturbed by the cooling leave time is process I for love stampedes every time when love from heartache Kai I understand awaiting behind is scars In order to a person nightly do not Hey love a person love thorough is not to be forgotten love has trodden journey I still believe that happiness may have been only one person I would like to go, etc. before leaving subsequent will also distressed her for providing the embrace happiness atmosphere you in his side Grinning good naive is my love been deeply poisoned or too purely such turnabout a bit too sacrifices
2023-07-10 23:56:4410


1. 作一篇关于理想的英文作文 Ideal, like the wings of the Eagles, if you have high ideals and willing to realize that ideal can fly with you on the other side of success, the glorious heights; if you have a lofty ambitions, but with "tomorrow To "mental, you just can not stand will be exposed to the elements of the *** all songbirds; if you have aspirations, not to mention the psychological struggle, then you can not always carry in the first. Proud to stand on the podium, with their own efforts to train up one of the pillars before, and this is my ideal. Why do I have to be a teacher"s ideals? I am *** all, very much like to eat chicken every time my mother asked me want to do when they grow up, I naively asked: "That"s where most of the chicken?" Mom told me: "As long as the chicken plant Breeder, you will have many of the chicken. "Serious, I told my mother:" I want to grow up as a breeder, raised a lot of chicken, then I will eat a lot of chicken. " Gradually, I grew up, and chicken for me, nothing has been a temptation. When I entered the classroom, sucking the knowledge of Mannan, I understand, at this time the teacher is the most tired, so I would have had to be a teacher of the people of the idea. Of course, words on a one-sided action, and only in exchange for efforts to succeed, therefore, I will make up its mind, for their own ideal. To struggle, we need a plan and goals, I have the goal, then "everything is in place, is money," Therefore, I have set for ourselves a plan, first of all, to be a teacher of the people must have a Fluent in Mandarin and strong word-based, in order to Enhancing this, I Tiantian Kan half an hour, and insist on reading the text. Only a long-term mitment to success. Friends, you struggle, in order to the success of their own ideals and struggle it! 理想 理想,就像雏鹰的翅膀,如果你有着高飞的理想,并且肯去实现,理想可以带着你飞向成功的彼岸,辉煌的高峰;若是你有着远大的志向,却怀着“明天开始努力”的心理,那么你将是只经不起风吹雨打的小燕雀;要是你胸无大志,更没有奋斗的心理,那么你将永远抬不起头。 站在光荣的讲台上,用自己的心血培养出一个个栋梁之才,这便是我的理想。 我为什么回有当老师的理想呢?我小的时候,十分喜欢吃鸡腿每当妈妈问我长大后想干什么时,我总天真地问:“那什么地方的鸡腿最多呢?”妈妈告诉我:“只要是养鸡厂的饲养员,那么你将会有许多鸡腿。” 我认真地告诉妈妈:“我长大后要当一个饲养员,养好多好多的鸡,那我就会有许多鸡腿吃了。” 渐渐地,我长大了,鸡腿对我来说已没有什么诱惑了。 当我步入课堂,吮吸着知识的甘露时,我明白了,此时的老师是最累的,于是,我便产生了当一名人民教师的念头。 当然,言语上的行动是片面的,只有努力才能换取成功,于是,我便下定决心,为自己的理想而奋斗。 要奋斗,总要有一个目标和计划,我奋斗的目标已有,那么“万事具备,只欠东风”,于是,我便为自己定了一个计划,首先,要当一个人民教师就要有一口流利的普通话和较强的文字基础,为了练好这一项,我天天看半小时书,并且坚持朗读课文。只有日积月累,才能成功。 朋友们,奋斗吧,为了自己的成功和理想奋斗吧。 2. 描述理想的自己英语作文 My Dream Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a famous journalist in the future. When I grow up, I"m going to be a journalist. Next year, I"m going to write articles for magazines and newspapers. I"m going to a university in Beijing after senior school. Maybe I"m going to find a part-time job and save some money. Next, I"m going to work for a TV station as a journalist. Then I"m going to travel all over the world. What is your dream in the future? Would you like to tell me ? 翻译: 人人都有梦想.我的梦想是在将来做一名著名的记者.当我长大的时候,我将做一个记者.明年,我将给杂志和报纸写一些文章.中学毕业后,我将去北京的某所大学上学.或许我将找一份 *** 工作来积攒些钱.下一步,我将作为记者为电视台工作.然后我将周游世界各地.你将来的梦想是什么?你愿意告诉我吗?。 3. 一篇关于理想的英语作文 4. 关于理想的英语作文 最低0.27元/天开通百度文库会员,可在文库查看完整内容> 原发布者:慕蓉怀雪 YoungPeopleShouldHaveIdeals Whatareyougoingtodowhenyougrowup?WhenIwasachild,peopleoftenaskedmethisquestionabouttheideal.Undoubtedly,everyindividual,especiallyayoungperson,shouldhaveanideal.Hardlycanwefindanygreatpeopleweknowidealwhentheywereyoung. Anidealisavitalimportancetoone"sgrowthandsuccess.Ontheonehand,anidealisthetargetofone"slife.Onceyoudecidewhatyouridealis,youknowwheretogo,andwhichwaytotake.Otherwise,youmightbeepuzzledinmanythingsinyourlife.Ontheotherhand,anidealisliketheengineofvehicles.Onlywhenwehaveourownideals,canwefindtheoriginofenergyandenthusia *** inlife,andbeeactiveandperseverant.Whateveryouridealis,carefulplanandpreparationisvitaltoitsrealization.Ofcourse,thepathfromwhereyouaretowhereyouwanttogetisnotalways *** oothandstraight.Therefore,anoptimistic,positivemindisindispensableintheprocessofyourperseveringyourideal.Inaword,onlyifyouhaveanideal,youwillhavethechanceofrealizingit.年轻人应该有理想你长大后打算做什么?当我还是个孩子的时候,人们经常问我关于理想的问题 5. 一篇关于理想的英语作文 My dream I have a dream.And this is the goal for me. I want to be a doctor.I think that the doctor can help lots of people .I can help people from illness.What"s more, I like helping others.Helping others to solve problems is my happiness.From now on,I must study hard.The most important,I will make a plan for me and that I will follow it every day.Even if I can"t be the best,i will try my best to make my dream e true. 6. 英语作文 描述自己的理想 my future plani would like to be an English teacher in the future becuase i am fond of reading English books and watching English movies. and I would love to live in suburb because i can breathe fresh air there. my hobbies are playing football and climbing moutains, and i hope i can travel around the world one day with my friends。 7. 我的理想生活(英文作文) My Ideal Life I have ever dreamed of my ideal life many times, in the night or day time. They are so perfect that I even doubt if they could e true one day. In the ideal life, I am going to have a nice job, passionate and challenging. I would meet customers and guests ing from all over the world, and negociating on our business solution for them. People admire me, even envy me, because I am girl and better than themselves, with successful career, man seldom have chance to catch up with me, say nothing of looking down upon me. Also, as a result of my hard working, I receive an unbelievable payoff, which allows me to live freely and fortably. Serveral boxes of formal suits and geous shoes make me appear much more successful and professional. I love this feeling. Moreover, I am gonna spend plenty of time with my parents and my family, they are part of my life too. When I feel lonly at night, or need a nest to lick my wounds, there they are. This is my Ideal life. 希望对你有帮助,不懂的可以追问,望采纳 O(∩_∩)O~ 8. 写我的理想英文作文,写律师的 我的理想 万物都有一扇门,而且每扇门的钥匙应该都不同。但是,却有一把万能钥匙可以打开任意一扇门,它就是"理想",远大的理想就是开启万物的钥匙。 "理想"是一个再普通不过的话题,可是每个人却仍然无法不去想它,因为她与我们的生命交织在一起。我们常在讨论"理想",有人的理想是想当一名出色的医生,有人的理想是想当一名杰出的商人,而我的理想是当一名歌手。其实,我以前有想过当服装设计师,作家,商人,演员,我真的很喜欢这些职业,可是身边的人总说我不切实际,在他们的劝说下我放弃了这些我所衷爱的职业。虽然我放了它们,但仍抱有一丝幻想,而有时也为无法实现而悲伤,。这也捆扰了我好长一段时间,使我找不到人生的目标。不过,现在我再次找到了我的理想,它就是音乐。 相信每一个喜爱音乐的人都会认为音乐是世界上最迷人的一件事物,而这只是我被音乐征服的原因之一。更重要的是,音乐是医治心里创伤的良药。音乐不仅可以医治歌者的伤痛,也可以医治和安慰听者。表达情感的方法有很多,有的人选择写,有的人选择说,还有的人选则演,而我选择唱。这也许跟我的性格有关吧!虽然我性子比较急,说话比较直,但却不善于表达情感,因而含蓄迷人的音乐更适合我。而且,从小我就是一个"垃圾回收站",身边的人无论遇到什麽都会告诉我,我也习惯了安慰他们,选择一种好的方式帮助他们,对人对几都很好,所以音乐很适合我。 尽管我很确定我的理想是音乐,却还是遭到家人的反对,他们只希望我读好书,不允许我为别的分心可我仍然坚持我的理想,我也证明给他们看,我无论做什麽都不会影响我的学业。我也相信"心之所愿,无所不成",终于我获得了家人的谅解,更得到了母亲的支持,这也给了我很大的动力。 欧文曾经说过:"目标决定你成为什麽样的人。"所以,我的目标也就是我的理想就是成为一名音乐人。不过我也相信,如果我等待,发生的只是我变老了,而且,我只对未来感兴趣,因为我将在那里度过余生。这样,我就不得不插上翅膀飞向未来了。 我的理想 每个人都有自己的理想,当然我也不例外。小时候,在我那小小的百宝箱中,也装着五彩缤纷的理想。今天我就打开我的百宝箱,把里面的宝贝一一拿给你看。 很小的时候,我就有了我的第一个理想。当一名女警察。小时候的理想现在想起来既可笑又幼稚。当时的我其实是喜欢上了女警察们漂亮的警服,和她们站在马路中央指挥交通时的飒爽英姿。可是不久,我的理想就发生了改变,因为我逐渐了当一名女警察的辛苦与困难。 于是,当一名画家成为了我的第二个理想。从小我就对绘画很敏感,很喜欢画画,经常自己画出一些“大作”,然后拿给爸爸妈妈看。爸爸妈妈得知了我喜欢画画,马上就给我报了美术班。可能是因为小孩子贪玩儿的天性。上了美术班后的我变得不怎么喜欢画画了。甚至上美术课时逃跑去和同学玩儿。就这样,我的第二个理想便又化为泡影。 直到我有了第三个理想时,我已经上了小学4年级。那时的理想是当一名老师。从小到大我接触过好多好多老师,有年龄大的、资历老的;也有年轻的、经验少的。但不管他们是什么样的老师,教哪一门学科,我都非常喜欢他们。将来也想像他们一样站在高高的讲台上给我的学生们授课。 如今我已经是一个六年级的学生了。快要步入中学的殿堂。如今的我,已不是一个什么都不懂的小孩子;如今的我,对一些事已有了自己独到的见解和想法。现在我的理想是——做一个对社会有贡献的人。或许你会说,这并不算是什么理想。但是在这漫长的学习生涯中,我不敢肯定我的理想会不会再改变。但是我敢肯定的是,我始终不变的,就是要做一个对社会、对全人类有贡献的人。 现在有不少学生经常高谈阔论自己的远大理想和抱负。但往往没有做好身边一些应该做好的小事。甚至对一些基本的社会公德都没有做到。我们要实现自己的理想,就要从身边的小事做起,从自身做起,不能有着“不以善小而不为,不以恶小而为之。”的想法。要脚踏实地地为自己的理想奠定基础。最终才能实现它! 可能你的理想多如繁星,可能你的理想永世不变,但是不管我长大要做什么职业,做什么工作,对自己的要求唯有一条永远不会改变,那就是,要从小事做起,总自身做起。做一个对社会和全人类有贡献的人! 9. 帮我写一篇有关理想的英语作文 hi ~ I am very glad to help u to solve the problem~ Let"s talk about dream Everyone has a dream. Now I"ll talk about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. When I was a little girl, my dream was really simple, just like other kids who were at my age, I dreamed of being a teacher. I wanted to play with my students every day. Now I am a young girl with a new dream —— to be a psychologist. Maybe that sounds unusual and amazing, but I really want to be a famous psychologist who can help the sick people and save their lives. Why did my dream change? Well, my father always told me about his stress. I wanted to help him and tried to cheer him up. But it didn"t work. Also, I have seen more and more people have pain in their psychology but they can"t get help. So I decided to bee a psychologist. Besides it, another dream I want is that I hope the world can be peace one day. I really hate war, because it makes many people bee homeless and be hurt. Would you like to talk about your dream? You can join this discussion at once! 10. 关于理想的80字的英语作文 Everyone has an ideal, everyone wants to achieve their ideal. I also have a great ideal. My ideal is to bee a game designer in the future, designed for people to learn, one side of the game sofare game. No matter what kind of difficulties encountered, I would go with head high and chest out to face. There are three words: if you choose the sky, don"t want sunny. If you choose to the earth, do not want flat road. If you select the sea, do not want Everything is going *** oothly. I have fully prepared for, any difficulty can be like "balls" as I stepped on the foot of. I want to realize my ideal -- lock bees a famous game designer. I want tothrough the realization of this ideal, to repay the parents of my love. To train on my return the country and the people and education, I will redouble our efforts to study, I would like to: through my efforts I dream will e true. 很高兴为您服务,如有疑问,请再追问!
2023-07-10 23:57:041

哪位翻译专家帮忙翻译一下啊!悬赏100 拜托了!

2023-07-10 23:57:143

求《这个杀手不太冷》的英文影评,最好带中字翻译= v =

The killer is not too cold. Luc Besson"s first American film. Know about a professional killer after a 12-year-old girl to death before the life story. In addition to being a good gangster film, the film also young and old love it as a gimmick, this is a small bright spot in the film.Movie starts, the killer in the security appointed by the employer, the assassination of a fat man. Assassination of the process, did not show up in the security bodyguard will get rid of fat in the N, neat way, master.Next, in the security in their own apartment living met Ma Lida, a neighbor of 12-year-old daughter. Story really begins.Then the story was nothing new. Ma Lida"s father because of possession of drugs, the police officer pretending to be anti-drug group drug dealer killed. In addition to Mali Da family also brutally murderous scheme. Mali Da Dorian buy milk back to help, endure grief passed directly wit doorstep, knock on the door in safety. Has been observed outside the eye through the door in the security situation in the pity was moved, the door opened, a life saved Mali Da.Since then, Mali Da Dorian started and the exile of the road. Mali Da Dorian teach her how to be an excellent killer, Dorian can not stand her stalker, was forced to agree.Finally, in the security to save itself to revenge Mali Da row police station, killing police officers, leaders began to fear anti-drug group, mobilizing SWAT team surrounded the apartment Dorian, Dorian deal with hundreds of police and successfully Ma Lida and help save her escape from the ventilation ducts. His last group leader with the drug die for Mali Da avenged.Film finally ends, re-Marie to the orphanage life and the lifetime Dorian favorite green radish from the pot to the land where the transplant.OST is STING concert film "SHAPE OF MY HEART".The film is an unusual gangster film. However, the Luc Besson joined a Mali Da clever role, the 12-year-old little boy show his good acting, a naive girl image but resolute performance of the head. In the latter half of the movie, the kind of Wo Ma Lida does not separate each other over the age of love is laid for the film plaintive tone.The middle film, where Wo Ma Lida each other, live together video clips is a most soothing, in this shot, where security of life as a killer of love and Mali Da careful to take care of people in the generation of safety feeling warm and sweet.In fact, Luc Besson, the film set a good number of small contradictions, so that the film be different from other films with the same type and be successful.First, as a professional killer, Dorian does not kill the women and children, the phrase "NO WOMEN NO KIDS" is hard to put in a good killer Ann as his link. In addition, in the Security Council open the windows every morning, put on favorite basin of green radish, this detail often appears in the film, no matter where live Dorian. Although this is a killer Ming Lian said, but also a great love of life of ordinary people. To the rear half of the video, but also explained the reason why Adrian is involuntarily when a killer. Second, Mali Da bad guys on the kill her family hated unusually strong sense of resentment that she willing to commit themselves to be a killer but also in revenge safety, but also in the safety of her innocent love dim they also performed very direct and profound. This design is the story of two killers will be forgotten as they are, without condemnation and censure, and some more just to pity and regret.[The killer is not too cold] Although there is a too dark at the end, but as a director, Luc Besson or give it hope. Finally, Mali Da welfare back to lead a normal life, to give up when the killer will, a metaphor for her there will be a better future, at least not as alive as Dorian never slept in a bed having peace of mind sleep. The Mali Da Dorian green radish will be transplanted to the land where, but also includes some hidden hope.Dorian, this is not too cold killer, in heaven there will be a better future, right? !Lethargy and inactivity in an afternoon, a movie ripped through me. Whether it is called "the killer is not too cold," or "ultimate chase series order", or "killer Leon", the film that the intensity of extreme publicity has been completely ignored me the details. I feel her heart beating jump, has been submerged in the lives of too many mediocre and complicated emotions behind the moment, like a torch was lit, has too many empty movie crushing aesthetic ability to suddenly become numb up sharp, sensitive up, such as Its full of nerve endings on a nail, wedge deep into the soul.When we used the "killer" defined simply as "bad guys" of the occasion, we lost the killer details. Just before our imminent, Luc Besson Leon restore a super-killer. Killers are not killers, for Leon, killer only mean a job, one he had no choice Feicibuke career. Video only took 5 minutes let us know, ruthless, fearless killer Leon is a natural to do the best choice
2023-07-10 23:57:222


以下是一篇关于帮助他人的英语作文,附带翻译:Title: Helping OthersArticle:Helping others is a good deed that should be practiced by everyone. There are many ways in which we can help those around us, whether it be through a simple act of kindness or by volunteering our time and resources.One of the most significant benefits of helping others is the sense of fulfillment it brings. Knowing that we have made a positive impact on someone else"s life can bring great joy and satisfaction to our own lives as well.Another reason to help others is that it builds empathy and compassion within ourselves. When we take the time to understand another person"s struggles, we develop a greater sense of understanding and empathy towards them. This, in turn, helps us become more compassionate individuals.Moreover, by helping others, we create a positive ripple effect in our community. Seeing one person"s actions inspire others to do the same, thus creating a domino effect of goodwill throughout society.In conclusion, helping others is not only beneficial for those who receive our help but also for ourselves. Whether it be through a small gesture or larger acts of kindness, we can all make a positive difference in someone"s life.Translation:标题:帮助他人文章:帮助别人是每个人都应该去实践的好事。我们可以通过简单的善举或者志愿服务来帮助身边的人。帮助别人最重要的好处之一是带来内心的满足感。知道我们对他人生活造成了积极的影响,会在我们自身的生活中带来很大的喜悦和满足感。另一个帮助别人的原因是,它能够在我们内心中培养同理心和同情心。当我们花时间去了解别人的困难,就能够更好地理解和同情他们。这反过来会使我们成为更有同情心的人。此外,通过帮助别人,我们在社区创造了积极的连锁效应。看到一个人的行动激励着其他人去做同样的事,从而在整个社会中产生良好的传导效应。总之,帮助别人不仅对接受帮助的人有益,对于我们自己也同样有益。无论是通过小小的善意或更大的善行,我们都可以在他人生活中产生积极的影响。
2023-07-10 23:57:322

英语范文 和家人一起成长

Know how many times have heard, in how many places we have often heard people - young people full of vigor and vitality for the morning than at eight or nine minutes of the rising sun. At that time, a symbol of hope and better. However, they do not know, I do not know when to start from the youth and the trouble has become a pair of twins. Entered the halls of their youth means that you worry about will be accompanied. Not to mention the mountain of work, busy work and rest arrangements; do not have to say that the test sub-class parents, the strict teachings of the requirements. I have long hair is short, there is endless trouble to follow behind. When I was small, should be accurate to say before the fourth grade. Childhood how naive I was happy. Short hair is very simple and able. No matter strangers or acquaintances to boast, I will be the same: "This little girl black straight hair, if long hair must be very beautiful." Heard of such praise when hearts like drinking sweet as honey. Yes, words are also commended in the fourth grade, I had long hair after. Slowly to stay long in fact I found that there is a lot of trouble, so in primary schools last summer, I returned to the child"s short hair. Entered junior high school, although the trouble with the long hair off, but the trouble has targeted me. First, the next section I晚自习, I and friends go hand in hand were linked. Unexpected light through a relatively dark place, a strange man has to do for our students said: "The hand with the male students really不害臊." This is the first time experience, then I have almost been rumor tale to the submerged the. Some say that I am neither fish nor fowl; some classes that I was most money, and even cut their own greed to make money long hair; some say that I can be sacrificed in order to distinctive long hair; there that ... ... these words are male students said, I can as they are heeded. What I am surprise that in the female students, we also take a joke I said. Many mothers do not let me have my hair cut, but I was to cut, I can not let a few rumors to the beat. To enter the halls of their youth may be accompanied by worries about you, but also because they worry that we have the diversity of lifeNew again! I can put off!" I am very glad. The elders have red envelopes, ah, this is really "real", firecrackers, too. After a year of a second, the sky dark clouds like CaiHua shining, every family stick red paper, hang red couplets, writing, letting off firecrackers, very festive. At this time, I am no exception also put up outside the fireworks and firecrackers. At the deafening fireworks, I cracked lips smiled.知听过多少遍,在多少个地方听过人们常常把我们——朝气蓬勃的青少年比作早晨八、九点名钟的旭日.那时希望和美好的象征.但他们不知道,我也不知道从什么时候开始青春与烦恼竟然成为一对孪生子. 进入了青春的殿堂也就意味着烦恼将会伴随你的左右. 不必说堆积如山的作业,忙碌的作息安排;也不必说父母的考分阶级,严格的教诲要求.单是我把长发剪短,就有没完没了的烦恼跟随脑后. 小时候,准确地说应该是四年级以前.童年时代的我是多么的天真快乐.短短的头发是多么的简洁干练.无论遇到熟人或是陌生人都会不约而同地夸我:“这小姑娘的头发又黑又直,如果是长发一定很漂亮.”每当听到这样的赞扬心里像喝了蜜一样甜. 是的,也是这些赞扬的话语使我在四年级后开始留长发.慢慢地我发现其实留长发是有很多麻烦,于是在小学的最后一个暑假时我又恢复了儿时的短发. 进入初中,麻烦虽然随长发而去,但烦恼却盯上了我. 一次,下第一节晚自习,我和好友一起手挽着手去找人.没料想到经过一个光线比较暗的地方,一个陌生的男同学竟这样对我们说:“同男同学牵手真不害臊.”这是第一次的遭遇,接下来我差不多被流言诽语给淹没了.有的说我不伦不类 ;有的说我是班级中最贪财的,竟贪到剪自己的长发卖钱;有的说我为了与众不同可以牺牲长发;还有的说……这些话语都是男同学说的,我可以把它们都当做耳旁风. 更让我出乎意料之外的是,在女同学中,大家也拿我当笑话说.妈妈多次也让我不要再剪头发,可我就是要剪,我不能让几句流言蜚语给击败. 进入青春的殿堂也许烦恼会伴随你的左右,但也是因为这些烦恼才使我们的生活多姿多彩 “过年啦!我又可以放鞭炮啦!”我特别高兴.长辈们纷纷发红包,啊,今年的红包还真的“实打实”,鞭炮也一样.过年后的一秒钟,昏暗的天空中闪耀着白云似的彩花,家家户户都贴红纸、挂红灯、写春联、燃放烟花爆竹,非常喜庆.在这个时候,我也不例外也在外面放起了烟火和鞭炮.看着满天震耳欲聋的烟火,我裂开嘴笑了.
2023-07-10 23:57:501


很多朋友喜欢英文名,同样在游戏中也想给自己起一个英文名字,但很多英文起名不是很精,不知道取一个什么样的英文游戏名字,所以取名网为大家蒐集了一些英文游戏名字。希望大家喜欢。 好听的英文游戏名字大全 亻Man, I love Artemis freegirl Clutching One、Life 独厮守 ぢ. A monologue. 独白。 /冷淡丨desolate。 Carolyn neuropathy Princess love dance Jotei Córl灬尛陌 Shymelly KEYSTAR Luis THEBALM Cowboy St horizon Chistian lonely barr Sんoù↘轩 Night"s Aspect ⊥Sakura Rosemary颖 Sunflower颖 Make︶堇晨 mango甜甜 Godas.Isy King of dance-hyun Virginia Like dying PríиCess┾ξ Recalling Shine Tracy Kobe Paul Iverson Tracy Dancer 咏恒 tears-foxmai Eternal ↘Say love Agoni╮ 嫒 ゜ ー sentence Fleeting ╮ Spread love Love, injury っ Are near ╮ Ruthless happiness Vaughan Killer Blade Cedric Kevin Mo Maek 臭臭 cheeks ゛Pretended GOo丶ing” 逃荒 Apersonゞ 潮轨迹 Tokyo -麻木cyh° 局外人 (Fa1r) Conclude Ace Killek Machine gun Favorties Mention lowers情调。 $up3rman 不二情 Cemetery°囚碟 玩命dancers 万念 mannen Guard╯寂寞 Μystery Spherica Saint Soldier Supporting role Immortal Memory つ Memory Collection Gloaming 薄暮城 Charm 猫姬 Left farewell. Like multitudinous The tears Not worth Domineering 比较霸气的英文名字 Emperor 帝王 Lucifer mike tigerman SPIKE lorraine destiny Tammy Nichole Yvette Daemonic 魔鬼 Angel_baby Muhammadan ABIGALE Arrogance 傲气 Blood oath 誓血 GOD Alory Lina Inverse John William °empress 征服你 Sadness 无心的人 Tout-An.诺粞 冷温柔°Triste Alexander eggegger Jigsaw super boy Hornnie jacquelyn 拾字露口—felicity 豹纹 swxy° king゜心跳 ﹏ 、 排徊 ▏ wonder Invisible Love Sorry Life Evening mist ゛暗里着迷 Dreamland 挂念 - hcs/u3 retrospection(追忆) 浅时光 BonnenuIt 生死相随 lose heart 毒光 Strong 醉凡尘¢ World1y 小矜持。reserved 流年碎 jonathan 凉岛 /MATAHARI 欧典-the empty 灵魂属于kenneth · 食人摩 diable≈ 顽废timeless 温揉 tender% Hide however 花黎.punma 亡命.honoria nocturne 液曲 Write desolate Blacklist Hug me once Swamp of Sorrow Man_died Sakitam Decadent Not only 惊艳 splendide? 清绪控 hea2t/ MoMaek Louis Vuitton Demon`Stiven jessie Broken Wings Interleaved memory Phantom dream 憾清变质 ■bye felieya Frozen tears I lose myself Nothing to say Gothic╮ 安息 Hurt、心 alira artistre Lover、over Misaki puppy_love foreverの爱 Endless End Samantha SpearGOD Jack丶Game wolfskin 飞弹のbleach 回不去地味道tear 伴棵心break alexandr 稼衣° Yoyoki Serena Mc_Crazy Titanメ赤军 waningmoon 男生英文游戏名字大全 Negative to unload, Tiny oo-┈→ EUDORA ?Lai Lak Cinema Bizarre EVA( NUMBER ONE Deep- seated Ming Isabel? ㊣Winslow Nancy( .lsu  MM Alternate, love. Desire to tear Molly? disheartened Irma( Not deep In fact, presumptuous Lonelyξ Acpany Murray Heart of Russia, Toru Bottom 女生英文游戏名字大全 hyacinth. 风信子。 In my heart. 心已死。 消逝 friendshi 高跟鞋 /Escape 妩媚 |▍Enchanting 黑眼圈 , Wan an . Bunny 小兔子 Light scanning___ 轻描、 Dissolute. 放|荡。 玩命 Rodman 【Nostalgia】 留恋 Lost love 失爱 - 麻醉 anesthesia/。 Floating dream. 浮梦 心碎 Heart-broken° 痕迹 Trace # The killer inside 潜伏- orvR - 音符。 Be happy° 要幸福 ∝ Fleeting time。流年。 Extreme°/极致 ° 永远 ▍ Forever° Curtain 私念 Excuses° 借口 ∝ Simple。简单。 " 永恒 Eternally。 LucΚ_/~↘Star *﹏Hulda super girl”① _~◇Bei.. ■.Angle (▲) ╰→Ellen 〆゛丶yo yo ゝsunshine Idleness. Jasper. kandy、 Rosemarry Frist Crush ┢┦aΡpy | Sòrγy Linkin Park Truelove Flowers Poison丶biting 好听的英文情侣名字 情歌Curtain ヽ° | 情调Flowers ヽ° L,半世迷离゜devil | X,半世烟尘゜angel 迷乱浮生ˉ2c1 | 安于此生ˉ2c1 - 情未断°Forever | - 爱未眠°Forever Love彡丶小乖乖 | Love彡丶小笨笨 小欲望 Mask1 | 小贪心 Mask1 /半岛旧情.Hr2u° | /余温重顾.Hr2u° 控魂者 Monee゛ | 失魂人 Pugss゛ Curtain 情歌。ε | Flowers 情调。ε 浮生若梦 2amorこ* | 魂萦索绕 2amorこ* 乱心Demon /9 。 | 纷乱Demon /9 。 不似经年 teng-2Θ | 人亦已歌 teng-4Θ 醉思绪|▍ vAnisH | 逝回忆|▍ vAnisH 笨笨 Forever〃 | 呆呆 Forever〃 挚爱/Sunsgne° | 执念/Sunsgne° 碎梦 3/3dream° | 心悲 2/2star° 醉思绪 vAnisH | 逝回忆 vAnisH 失控- Tender | 念旧- Tender Emotiona° 步非烟 | Emotiona° 夜未央 悲伤Speakつ | 离莂Speakつ Forever.新殇 | Forever.旧情 ゆ、褐瞳 Cutey | ゆ、流苏 Forget ℡维持 -2cl | ℡控制 -2cl 欲罢不能Recall | 言不由衷 Heart 岁月静好moon | 时光安好moon i love her. | i love him. gogo 〖〗 | 【force oy_!】 ma1__、les | m1ng__、les yearn、you|| | need、you|| : heyna. | : green. ?f k-ing ?¢ | ?f q-ueen love bc ╮ | love ╮ after ad ゝ k-ing 、 | ゝ q-ueen 、 ■devil.画 | ■angle.诗 dear_m | dear_丫mr. | miss. ? ningning | ? left of summer hey 〝 girl | 〝boy hey can not help. | last resort. tox 回头 | toxic 啭身 too much | ? love too much xummer. | dummer. demon | angle rated | paranoia this love | susan chan ai were 、aum | 、mua foreverlove|foreverlove `sunlight | `sunflower yearn、you|| | need、you|| flowers っ | summer っ if the affair. | philandering. love you | love me ng soul ※ | ※ unrest loaded naive | loaded naive vae丶al|vae丶nl ←、cloudy | sunny、→ nanzi | neodymium larvae re、member | for、get wint er. | summ er. じo ぴe迩| じo ぴe莪 ? ningning | ? left of summer love you | love me this love | susan chan ai were *** all steamed bun | - wang zi *** all cakes je t"ime | he t"ime knight゛℡ | princess゛℡ +.●em,° | +.○em,° じo ぴe迩| じo ぴe莪 bu to explain | bu to cover up . poison |. antidote poppy〞 | somnus〞 me.y!˙υ | me.t!˙τ : heyna. | : green. just for you | just for me love u. | love me. ┃ x-βōㄚ | ┃ x-ɡ!rし left handa | right han crazy girl. | sexy body. (ら ma stupid | (ら ma silly ˋremember. | ˋmemory. can you seeゝ | i can seeゝ unsity° |wmcerk° dear_m | dear_丫mr. | miss. wint er. | summ er. ma1__、les | m1ng__、les 受伤疲惫的°■sun | 跌荡起伏的°■moon 小辣椒。i like.↘ | 小布丁。i love.↘ yearn、you|| | need、you|| hey 〝 girl | 〝boy hey bauer, buy laugh | bauer, sell laugh ma1__ l es | m1ng__ l es
2023-07-10 23:57:561

My dream career英语作文

  My dream career英语作文 篇1   Everyone has a different dream career ,because everyone has own dream .   For example ,some people want to be a doctor ,some people want to be a nurse ,some people want to be a bank massage ,and some people want to be a teacher.   My dream career is a scientist . Because I think scienctist is very interesting, great and fantastic . Because scienctist can explore forever . I want to do a scienctist ,because i want to for the people to contribute to .   I think the scientist is not easy to do , So I must study hard every day.   My dream career英语作文 篇2   My dream is to be a glorious people"s teacher.   When the teacher needs to have abundant knowledge and enough patience, you also need to have a selfless love. Our teacher in charge teacher Chen has these. Whenever the students learning state is abnormal, she will talk with us in time. And during the summer and winter vacation or at ordinary times many times to come to visit, understand the students" family situation, to communicate with their parents. To help students through individual learning situation.   Our teacher has enough knowledge. Every time we put forward a variety of problems, they can be easily answered. When we were puzzled, they very patient according to their own teaching experience, from our point of view, speaks bother to pass through.   My dream is to become a good teacher. To be a teacher because I think is happy. When you see my students leave school, on each post show of his own life; When saw them set up their own career success: when they have a harmonious family; When she saw her students in their respective field, pieces gain honor... It feels like to see their own orchard, fruit trees blossom, "plum full world" this is when the teacher happiness. This is the reason I determined to want to be a teacher.   In order to complete the dream, I want to be in a good learning at the same time, a lot of reading various books, increase his knowledge. And I want to participate all kinds of public welfare activities, and cultivate their patience and love. In order to this dream, I decided to start from now.   My dream career英语作文 篇3   Socrates said: "the happiest thing in the world is to struggle for a noble ideal." Indeed, there is no dream is empty, there is no flavor of life.   When I was a child, particularly aspire to be a teacher or a reporter. Teaching in three feet platform teaching, filled with the whole country, or is a camera, extensively interview celebrities everywhere, let the audience get the latest news and information.   Slowly grow up, understand career more and more, and then gradually begin to pay close attention to the professional jewelry designer and painter this. Like in the piles of artwork design a novel and dazzing jewellery design, let wear jewelry everyone can send out a beautiful light. Like to use the color with deep light depth brush outline of mountains near water, draw part of the sunrise and sunset, put my heart to understand art beauty perfect show.   Today, the uncertain dreams in the past no longer look back. Now I have established a firm direction: to become a good judge or a quarter-century politics. 3 years before, now and then see the rule of law shows his decisive LingRan judge, to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, justice. At that time I was filled with deep admiration and yearning for the profession, was deeply attracted by this justice feeling in the heart, determined to be a good judge. Sometimes I imagine your head national emblem alone, sitting on the highest stage of the court, to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, give a kind person with justice, to the offender to severe punishment! Also, similar to judges, and politicians. Politician in protecting the interests of the state, to ensure the prosperity of the country, also in the countries in the world to establish friendly countries. So, a politician is a respectable and admirable. Therefore, I also want to be a politician, participate in national political discussion, attention to state affairs, for the country"s prosperity, make the country become prosperous and flourishing. And establish friendly relations between countries in the world, promoting national unity, the development of trade. Make the country"s economic, cultural, political, military, import and export trade and other aspects are powerful push forward, make contributions to national prosperity.   My dream career英语作文 篇4   My dream job is to be a teacher because I think it is the greatest job in the world.Teachers teach the students the whole knowledge they own.Besides,they also educate the students how to be a good person.I hope I can become a good teacher and have many great students in the future.   So I must work hard now to make my dream come true !   我梦想的职业是老师,因为我认为它是世界上最伟大的职业。老师将自己所有的知识毫无保留的都教授给学生,除此之外,老师还教会学生如何做人。我希望未来我能成为一名优秀的教师并且拥有很棒的学生。   所以现在我必须努力学习让梦想成真!   My dream career英语作文 篇5   His left hand dribbling, sudden acceleration, behind the defenders, a variable to open another player, then, a ball, the ball to the ambush in the vicinity of the three-point line teammates, as if Jordan possessed, ball, jump, perfect arc, the ball into the... On the basketball court can often see such a scene, even if the weather is hot again, also cannot reduce their love of basketball,"   The pursuit of dream, is a kind of consciousness, the source of power. Dream is for the good things of a kind of human vision and desire, sometimes dream is unrealistic, but there is no doubt that dream is the most naive and innocent human desire the most beautiful and the most lovely. In the long life on the road and everyone has their own dreams, I am no exception, my dream is to become a basketball player, fight for the country"s honor.   Back when you"re playing for the first time, my action is very heavy, can"t even dribble, although the technology is not so good, but the developed an interest in this sport. As I practice playing basketball, I more and more obsessed with basketball, like it bring me joy and pleasure. Play every time, my mood is very happy, happy, my heart is full of happiness and joy everywhere, in my opinion, every breakthrough is a symbol of the dexterous and vitality, every dunk is a symbol of passion and power, every block is a symbol of ambition and strong. Then play became my expertise, I hope in the movement, is my dream to become a basketball player.   I started through various channels to understand basketball, when I see the NBA, see the Olympic Games, I was completely renewed enthusiasm for basketball, I hope to play in one of my favorite Chicago bulls, and I want to help China beat the world hegemony the United States.   Although, my this dream seem out of reach, but I am going to put it into reality, remember "aspirants, have what" this simple truth! Let"s dream to struggle together.   My dream career英语作文 篇6   I have many dreams,such as I am rich in the future. Therefore,I can buy all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut。 Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it.   Therefore,I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream e true,I must work hard now. So that I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge. I hope my dream can e true one day.   My dream career英语作文 篇7   When I grow up, I"m going to do what I want to do. I"m going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that I could that enjoy. There are lots of art exhibitions there. I want to be an artist . So how am I going to do it? First, I"m going to find a part-time job for a year or tow and save some money.   Then I"m going to be a student at an art school in Paris.   当我长大了,我会做我想做的事情。我要去有趣的地方。巴黎听起来是一个我会很享受的城市,那里有很多艺术展览。我想成为一个艺术家,所以,我应该如何去做呢?首先,为了节省开支我会找一份兼职工作一两年。   然后,我要在巴黎成为一个艺术学校的.学生。   My dream career英语作文 篇8   I dream when I grow up I will be a doctor who is called “a While Angel”. In my impression, an Angel is kind and beautiful. So I"ll take care of patients more carefully and help all the people who feel miserable just like an Angel.   If I were a doctor, I would offer my service free of chare to the people who don"t have enough money to pay for the medicine. And I would look after the aged and kids more carefully, because they are too weak to tend themselves well.   Moreover, I should be serious in work and avoid mistakes, because a small mistake might affect one"s life.   Of course, I am glad to see the people getting better and better.   My dream career英语作文 篇9   My father is very bsuy. Every day he goes to work by subway. He teaches math at school, His math is very good! In the afternoon, he eats lunch at school. After lunch, he reads newspapers. Then he goes home at 5:30. He eats dinner. Then, he takes a bath in the evening. He watches TV at living room. After watching TV, he goes to bed at 10:00.   My father works hard. I like my father very much!   My dream career英语作文 篇10   Qiangqiang is my classmate. He is nine years old. He doesn"t study hard. He talks a lot in class, so the teacher is often angry with him. He doesn"t like to do his homework, but he likes sports. He plays football very well. In fact, he is the best player in our class.   Qiangqiang"s father has a clock, and it is very nice. It sings in the morning to wake up Qiangqiang. "What sings in the clock?" One day he wondered. So he opened the clock and took it to parts.   My dream career英语作文 篇11   Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of being millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of being a scientist like Hua Imogen in future. However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.   After graduating from, college, I found a job as a teacher. Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy. The ladder of being a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.   My dream career英语作文 篇12   I have a dream, my dream is to be an English teacher. The reason of this is I like English, and also I like my English teacher very much, so I want to be an English teacher as him. I will love my job, and love each of my students. I will teach my students very well, and tell them many interesting stories and teach them to learn beautiful English songs. In order to achieve my dream, I think I should start from now on. First of all, I should learn hard, not only English, but also other subjects. I need to go to college to get a good education. Next, I should learn how to communicate and get along well with other people, especially children.   Then, I will watch and learn my teachers" teaching methods and skills in teaching......I hope my dream will come true.   我有一个梦想,我的梦想是当一名英语老师。原因是我喜欢英语,我也喜欢我的英语。   我非常喜欢英语老师,所以我想当一名英语老师。我会热爱我的工作,热爱我的每一个学生。我会教我的学生很好,告诉他们许多有趣的故事,教他们学习美丽的英文歌曲。为了实现我的梦想,我想我应该从现在开始。首先,我应该努力学习,不仅英语,而且其他科目。我需要上大学才能得到良好的教育。其次,我应该学会如何与他人交流,尤其是孩子。   然后,我将观察和学习我的老师的教学方法和技能的教学。我希望我的梦想成真。
2023-07-10 23:58:061


  阅读是外语学习中最基本也是最重要的技能之一。所以对于小学生来说阅读水平的提高是他们英语学习过程中的重要任务。我精心收集了关于四年级英语课外短文,供大家欣赏学习!  关于四年级英语课外短文篇1   Today is on September 8, tomorrow is the annual chung yeung festival. Proceed with the teacher, in the afternoon sun teacher took us to elderly activity center to interview. I saw many old people in sports, some old people in tai chi, some dancing on the other, and in practice. So, I interviewed a grandpa in tai chi. I walked to the old man"s side, ask: "Sir, what"s good about tai chi?" "Tai chi can strengthen physical health," grandpa said. I asked: "grandpa you tomorrow how the double ninth festival?" Grandpa casually replied: "still the same as today." I had just finished an interview with an old man, sun teacher, teacher will take us away.   It"s a pleasant today an interview!   今天,是9月8日,明天就是一年一度的重阳节。下午两节课后戴老师、孙老师带我们去老年活动中心去采访。我看到许多老人在运动,有的老人在打太极拳,有的在扭秧歌,还有的在练剑。于是,我采访了一位在打太极拳的老爷爷。我走到老爷爷身边,问:“老爷爷,打太极拳有什么好处吗?”老爷爷说“打太极拳可以强身健体。”我问:“老爷爷您明天怎样过重阳节?”老爷爷漫不经心地回答:“还是和今天一样。”我刚采访完一位老爷爷,孙老师、戴老师就带我们走了。   今天真是一个愉快的一个采访啊!   关于四年级英语课外短文篇2   Recall that since the childhood, we are big up one hundred times in my parents" love. A writing, but also made me recall my father to my little drops...   When I was a child, always for a small toy make her father to sell, the father said: "children, or study hard, toy will buy later!" I"ve always oath not to give up, must under the father to sell. Father always can"t refuse my coquetry, again and again to I sell toys, when receiving a new toy always make me happy for several days! My father also so feel to sell very value; At that time, really very naive is very simple.   When I was young, learning is not good. Every night to accompany me always review the father; It was my father to accompany me to solve problems; Accompany me to sleep, is also a father to tell me a fairy tale... I love my father, and now has been slowly into the junior high school life. Never forget the father give my education and care; But when I"m sad, life has been frustrated. Is always the first thought was, father   He"s not just born I have my father, or my bosom friends. Accommodation in school in those days, always make me so sad, to sleep. I again and again to call father, declare all at school. Father works even if very busy very busy, also can to a phone call to the school to see me, give me how much how much encouragement, support and always support me behind my back...   He was so great that is so kind!   回想起,从小到大,我们是在父母的百倍关爱中成大。一次写作,更是使我回想起父亲对我的点点滴滴u2026u2026   小时候,总是为了一个小玩具闹着父亲要卖,父亲说:“小孩子,还是好好学习,玩具以后再买!”我总是誓不罢休,一定要父亲卖下。父亲总是无法拒绝我的撒娇,一次又一次给我卖玩具,每当收到一个新的玩具总是让我开心好几天呢!父亲也因此感到给我卖地很值;那时候,真的很天真很单纯。   小时候,学习不好。每天晚上陪我复习的总是父亲;陪我解决难题的也是父亲;陪我睡觉,给我讲童话故事的也是父亲u2026u2026我爱我父亲,现在已慢慢步入初中生活。却从来没有忘却父亲给予我的教育和关爱;但我难过时,生活有了不顺心的时候。总是第一个想的是——父亲   他不仅仅是生我养我的父亲,还是我的知心朋友。在学校住宿那些日子,总是让我如此忧愁,难入睡眠。我一次次给父亲打电话,述说在学校里的一切。父亲就算工作很忙很忙,也会为了一通电话赶过来学校看我,给予我多少鼓励、多少支持,总是在我背后支持着我u2026u2026   他是那样的伟大,是那样的和蔼可亲!   关于四年级英语课外短文篇3   My father grew up in the countryside. At that time, the home is very poor, father get up early in the morning, drink a bowl of porridge, after go to work. He went to the field to plow, the live is not easy, with the strength of not a few, father always too tired to full head big sweat, quaking, but can only hold on to the end.   Finish work, his father will have to go to school. School is far away from home, to climb over a mountain to get to. Father no shoes, barefoot, on a small stone is very painful. But, my father is very strong, foot stepping out of the blisters, don"t shout pain.   At that time the school, also is just a jumble of house. Father learned the content of the teacher, just borrow classmates some books. At noon, his father came back home, again go to water the vegetable garden, cut the grass for the sheep. He is busy, and took the book to the room, and then go to school. From school in the afternoon, the father often even forgot to eat dinner, just doing homework. It"s getting dark, my father was in kerosene lamp to study, often sleep late. But, no matter how late he sleep, as long as the cock crow, the next day my father always get up on time.   The father often said to me: "every stage in life, every moment have to struggle, as long as you struggle, we will be able to win!" Yes, my father is not the struggle? He is now in the hospital surgery expert, very respectable, but still in constant struggle with. The father said, "my achievements not to honor, but in order to do more contributions to society, so I choose when the doctor, I want to seriously treat every life, responsible for every life"!   I think, maybe the meaning of life lies in the struggle, is responsible for!   我的父亲从小生活在农村。当时,家里很贫穷,父亲每天一大早起床,喝一碗粥后,就去干活。他先到田地去耕田,这个活可不容易啊,用的力气也不少,父亲总是累得满头大汗,双腿发软,但只能坚持到底。   干完活儿,父亲就得上学。学校离家可远了,要翻过一座山才到。父亲没有鞋子,光着脚踩在小石头上,非常疼。但是,父亲很坚强,脚底踩出了水泡,也不喊一声疼。   那时的学校,也只不过是一所破破烂烂的房子。父亲学会了老师教的内容,就借同学的一些书看了起来。中午到了,父亲回到家,又得去给菜地浇水,给羊割草。他忙完后,又到房间捧起书来看,然后再去上学。下午放学,父亲常常连晚饭也顾不上吃,就做起作业来。天黑了,父亲就在煤油灯来学习,常常很晚才睡觉。但是,不管他多晚睡觉,第二天只要公鸡一声啼,父亲总能按时起床。   父亲常常对我说:“人生每一个阶段,每时每刻都得奋斗,只要你奋斗了,就一定能赢!”是呀,父亲不就是奋斗了吗?他现在是医院里的外科专家,非常受人尊重,但是至今仍在不懈地奋斗着。父亲还说:“我的成就不是为了荣誉,而是为了给社会多做贡献,所以我选择了当医生,我要认真对待每一个生命,对每一个生命负责”!   我想,也许生命的意义就在于奋斗,在于负责吧!
2023-07-10 23:58:131


  导语:“人的幸福要等到最后,在他生前和葬礼前,无人有权说他幸福”--出自余华的短篇小说《活着》的自序。下面是的我为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢      "The happiness of man waits until the end, before he is born and before the funeral, no one has the right to say that he is happy" -- the self-ordering of yu hua"s short story, "to live". I love this book, because every time when reading this book, I will feel all of the difficulties faced by actually doesn"t consider as what, people are always so, if he did not feel the real pain, he would be naive to think he is facing great difficulties, so he was upset and frustrated. Reading this book gives me great courage to pursue the happiness I want.   "What is happiness? This is what a person is pursuing from life to death, which is also the value of a person"s life, but there are still many people who can"t find the happiness they want. And I read "living" after the feeling of the book to talk about my "happiness" some ideas!   What is life for? Or just live to live? Alive, is the most basic nature gives us the potential, the two simple words is full of desire for the life and the pursuit of happiness, but the reality is often gives us too much suffering, boring and mediocrity. And we have to bear it little by little, to take on the responsibilities that life has given us, and to find the flower of happiness that belongs to us after we have done it again and again. Because it is hard to e by, it is more eager and cherishing. Party name   On the edge of poverty, happiness can still be found, and behind the glamour, happiness may still be the same. Happiness lies not in the environment you are in, but in the state of mind you create, not in what you have, but in what you feel inside. To do things according to our own heart, happiness can be very simple, happiness is the heart of the achievement of our happy life.   There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of happiness, but we forget our blessings when we are in a hurry. We all seem to be in such a state at the moment: we are always busy, we are always on our way, we think we will be happy at some end. So in the pursuit of this cannot stop, we are deeply tired, but have never pursued the happiness we hoped for. This life is a process, if we are in a hurry, "the pursuit of happiness, but forget the little drops of life, so we are happy or not, all already did not have the feeling. So when you"re running, slow down and enjoy the sights and people, you"ll probably get something different.   There is no lack of beauty in life, only a lack of eyes to find beauty; There is no lack of happiness in life, just a lack of awareness of happiness. Let us fly the heart and feel the happiness!      The feeling after reading "living".   The more afraid of death, the more cowardly the man will live. And strong optimi *** is the transcendence of death. People are suffering because of loneliness, and because of pain and loneliness, they supplement each other in the underworld. After watching yu hua"s "living", I began to feel that I had never really lived.   "To live" tells the joys and sorrows of a lifetime, and expresses the ups and downs of the life of fortune. Reading it, we will realize the deeper benefits of living.   People need to rely on the memory to fort, to rely on to talk to relief, to rely on the calm to summarize, to look back to a thorough understanding.   The tragic went weak breath, not infected with the a the afternoon dusk, with a touch of melancholy, with a touch of repentance, with a touch of couse, your tells the story of his life.   Withered grass and young, used to be a song and dance. "Before" was like a classic being shrunk into memory. The young fu GUI is rich and *** all, with the life that liu village people can not, enjoy the respect that others can not enjoy. People often in the content and have fallen, your also became agitated, fireworks LiuHang like invisible magnetic field, your got stuck in the step by step, when he let the brothel woman carrying a shuttle in the street, he ignored everything, including his wife"s father. He may never have thought that the moment was just a flash in the pan, and perhaps he never felt the desolation of the fireworks. He forgot his wife, and he forgot about the world of paper. People always forget so degenerate, when all bee a thing of the past, vanity is quietly, f you don"t know that she is to dig trap, the trap, your never e out.   The more you experience, the deeper you get. People understand the inevitable accident of death, understand that death is another kind of life, so people live true.   I remembered the waist writer shi, due to an accident when I was younger, disabled legs, frequent and serious illness, after life bumpy, but he once said: in the "I and ditan", was born, it will no longer be a able to debate, but god gave him a fact. When god gives us this fact, he has by the way guaranteed its oute, so death is a matter of no hurry, and death is an inevitable festival. It also said: "living is one of our own choices, since we have chosen to live, why should we live in pain!"   Life is hard, and life is full of suffering. It is these great and ordinary people that make us see *** iles through tears and live through suffering.   The cup of fortune"s lifetime is the interweave of its own destiny and social change, living, for what, for this let a person tear the heart to split the pain of the lung? No! It is this pain that makes life stronger. The expectation of a broken heart makes the next expectation more sincere, which makes the happiness more valuable. Life is meant to be acpanied by sorrow, but it is grief that keeps us awake. As yu hua himself said: "cry in the way of laughter, and live with death." As long as there is hope in life, it is he who brings us the most important rmation, to live, to live, and to live, as long as we live.   Live like a old song that tells us that a life in the fragile and tenacious, joy and sorrow of the truth, let us know how humble in life but there is a minor as shiny as gold light, let us know the warmth of human nature can make endless misery to move forward step by step.   In fact, his life is difficult to understand others, also won"t deliberately to understand someone else"s life himself, in this day and age, we all want to live well, don"t need to fear of death and the limitations of The Times, only the real live in the moment.
2023-07-10 23:58:201


2023-07-10 23:58:271

Too young,Too simple,Too naive;是什么意思

2023-07-10 23:58:341

太傻太天真 用英语怎么说?

太傻太天真Too silly too innocent
2023-07-10 23:59:131


源自莎士比亚的名言“too young,too simple,sometimes naive”,现在是网络流行语、网络用语,意为太年轻,很傻很天真。网络语言是指从网络中产生或应用于网络交流的一种语言,包括中英文字母、标点、符号、拼音、图标(图片)和文字等多种组合。这种组合,往往在特定的网络媒介传播中表达特殊的意义。20世纪90年代诞生初,网民们为了提高网上聊天的效率或诙谐、逗乐等特定需要而采取的方式,久而久之就形成特定语言了。进入21世纪的十多年来,随着互联网技术的革新,这种语言形式在互联网媒介的传播中有了极快的发展。目前,网络语言越来越成为人们网络生活中必不可少的一部分。但是要注意的是,部分网络语言并不符合我们现代汉语的语法规定,因此并不具备教学意义,不能引进教学领域。网络用语的现象:1、打破现有语法规则或改变现有字词的形音义关系,如“XX控、恐龙、壕、666”等。2、生造词,如“颜值”“白富美”“喜大普奔”“人艰不拆”等。3、夹杂使用图形、符号、外来语等,如用“∶)”表示开心,在汉语动词后加-ing表示正在做某事,用“hold住”表示坚持等。还有一种网络语言不规范现象,就是网络与计算机术语的中文翻译规范问题,主要是缺乏统一翻译标准,民间会使用一些“俗”的翻译,如“E-mail”译为“伊妹儿”,“download”译成“当”。
2023-07-10 23:59:281


源自莎士比亚的名言“too young,too simple,sometimes naive”,现在是网络流行语、网络用语,意为太年轻,很傻很天真。网络语言是指从网络中产生或应用于网络交流的一种语言,包括中英文字母、标点、符号、拼音、图标(图片)和文字等多种组合。这种组合,往往在特定的网络媒介传播中表达特殊的意义。20世纪90年代诞生初,网民们为了提高网上聊天的效率或诙谐、逗乐等特定需要而采取的方式,久而久之就形成特定语言了。进入21世纪的十多年来,随着互联网技术的革新,这种语言形式在互联网媒介的传播中有了极快的发展。目前,网络语言越来越成为人们网络生活中必不可少的一部分。但是要注意的是,部分网络语言并不符合我们现代汉语的语法规定,因此并不具备教学意义,不能引进教学领域。网络用语的现象:1、打破现有语法规则或改变现有字词的形音义关系,如“XX控、恐龙、壕、666”等。2、生造词,如“颜值”“白富美”“喜大普奔”“人艰不拆”等。3、夹杂使用图形、符号、外来语等,如用“∶)”表示开心,在汉语动词后加-ing表示正在做某事,用“hold住”表示坚持等。还有一种网络语言不规范现象,就是网络与计算机术语的中文翻译规范问题,主要是缺乏统一翻译标准,民间会使用一些“俗”的翻译,如“E-mail”译为“伊妹儿”,“download”译成“当”。
2023-07-10 23:59:411


1.梦想是什么,梦想就是一种让你感到坚持就是幸福的东西!2.千万别跟丈母娘打麻将,千万别跟想法比你多的女人上床,千万别跟好朋友合伙开公司。3.小姐心态,寡妇待遇,妇联追求。4.到底是我们改变了世界还是世界改变了我们!5.We are too young too naive6.如果额头终将刻上皱纹,你只能做到,不让皱纹刻在你心上。7.有些事情只有停下来才能看那清楚。总有些更重要的事情赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气。8.爱情就像录像机,有时候要按快进,有时候要按暂停,生活也一样。9.我们只有在失败中寻找胜利,在绝望中寻求希望。一点点语录网10.其实我们追求的不是成功,而是自己的尊严。11.掉在水里你不会淹死,呆在水里你才会淹死,你只有游,不停的往前游。12.女生找男生,如果只看长相那叫好色,如果男生跟女生,如果只看长相,那是审美!13.假如生活欺骗了你,你也要欺骗回生活。14.曾经我一直追求与众不同的,可是到后来才发现,大多数人的平凡的选择才是最好的。15.真正的感情它自己会安安静静的来,一点都不折腾。16.我们这代人最重要的是,最重要的是u22efu22ef死缠烂打。17.有些事情只有停下来才能看清楚,总有些更重要的事情赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气。
2023-07-11 00:00:318

谁帮我把这句话写成英语(我明白了!原来是我太天真!以为可以和电视剧的感情比较!虚伪) 帮忙!

I see. I was too naive! Think you can and TV play more! False
2023-07-11 00:01:587


I have adjust myself emotion```is me too naive```
2023-07-11 00:03:014


What do you think?Sometimes truth is not with the eyes to see, but to understand the intentionsYou even some of my small mistakes can not inclusiveThe reality is you too or I was too naive?
2023-07-11 00:03:133

我不喜欢太幼稚的男人. 翻译

I don"t like childish man.
2023-07-11 00:03:287

“你太容易相信人了!”英语怎么说?我不要too easy to believe people。。我要地道的。谢谢

You too easy to believe the human
2023-07-11 00:03:446

stay simple stay naive 是谁说的

2023-07-11 00:04:272

问: 歌词中有 too you are you的英文歌曲是什么

Drug Dealer (A Love Song) - Sunshine State Sunshine State–Drug dealer a love song Been flirting with you for a whileI like your eyes, I like your styleWhen you said you liked mine tooI thought I could get close to youYou called me often, made me laugh(and)Soon we had made dinner plansWe ate a lot and I got drunkWe closed the restaurant downI was thinking "It is your place or mine"?You said you didn"t have the timeYou said you had to work buy it was already past 2Are you a doctor?Are you an artist?Are you the manWho cleans the streets when i am in bed?Are you a writer?Do you drive a taxi until dawn?Ir am I just too naive to knowWhat"s going on?Last friday I went out with friends to hear my favorite DJ spinI danced until my feet got soreThen I saw you on the floor, I asked you to come dance with meYou said I"d love buy you see even though you are looking fine, I am working, I dont have the time.But you"re not behind the bar,You"re not bouncing or parking carsSo tell me what exactly you doAre you a doctor?Are you an artist?Are you the manWho cleans the streets when I am in bed?Are you a writer?Do you drive a taxi until dawn?Or am I just too naive to knowWhat"s going on?At carols party last weekendI brought you by to meet my friendsWhen we walked in, the room went dead,Someone took me aside and said:"I dont think he"s your type"He deals drugs every nightAnd besides that he has a girlfriend or two (sad)So you are not a doctorYou are not an artistYou"re not the man who cleans the streetsWhen I am in bed, no noYou"r not a writerYou dont driver a taxi until dawnI guess I was too navie to knowWhat"s going on(repeat x 3)
2023-07-11 00:04:351

too ,so,enough和very的区别是什么?

too adv.1.太, 很, 非常, 极 2.也, 还, 同样, 又, 而且, 加之(常用在句尾用逗号隔开) too large 太大 I have been to New York, too. 我也到过纽约。 so adv. 1.[表示方式, 方法, 情况等]那么, 那样; 这么, 这样 Hold the pen so. 这样执笔。 You must not do so. 你一定不要那么做。 2.[表示程度]到那个程度, 那样, 如此地 so important an event 这么重要的一件事 Don"t speak so fast. 别讲得那 么快。 3.[表示强调]非常, 很, 极, 十分 I"m so glad to hear from you. 接到你的来信, 我非常高兴。 It"s so kind of you. 你太好了; 太感谢你了。 4.[代替表语或谓语, 使用倒装语序]也... You are an engineer, so is she. 你是工程师, 她也是工程师。 Mary can speak Chinese, so can her brother. 玛丽会讲汉语, 她的兄弟也会讲汉语。 5.[代替上文提过的形容词、名词、动词等]那样的, 不错, 真的 You say he is dilligent; so he is. 你说他很勤奋, 他确实很勤奋。 It rained last night. So it did. 昨晚下雨了。是的[下了]。 He hopes to have a scholarship, and I hope so, too. 他希望能获得奖学金, 我也希望那样。 6.[作关联副词][用于so...that...结构]...得..., 这样...以便, 如此...以致 It is so quiet in the room that you can hear the drop of a pin. 房间里静得连(地上)掉根针都能听见。[用于so that 结构, 有时 that 可以省略]以便, 为了, 所以 Speak louder so the people in the hall can all hear you. 大声点讲, 以便大厅里的人都能听清。[用于结构]象...那样, 也... As you treat me, so will I treat you. 我将象你对待我那样对待你。[用于not so ...as结构]不象...那样 I"m neither so young as you think nor so ignorant. 我既不象你想的那么年轻, 也不那样无知。[用于so to...]那样...以致[以便] He is so naive as to believe such a lie. 他竟然幼稚得连这种谎言都相信。 We left for the station so early as to catch the first train. 我们很早就动身去车站以便赶上头班火车。 7.[加强语气]原来, 那么 So here you are. 原来你在这儿啊! So you have come back at last. 那么你终于回来了。 8.因而, 所以 The witness is unbiased and so reliable. 那个证人没有偏见, 所以是可靠的。 9.[口]的确, 确实 I did so tell the truth. 我的确说了真话。 enough 1.adj. [修饰名词时, 放在名词前后均可] 充足的, 足够的 2.adv.充足 足够 There is enough food [food enough] for everybody. 有足够的食物供大家吃。 very 1. adj. 真正的, 恰好的, 十足的, 特有的 2.adv. 非常, 完全 very good 非常好
2023-07-11 00:04:421


【 #英语口语# 导语】无论学任何语言,最终都要落实到实践中去,尤其练英语口语,熟练运用才是不二之道!下面 给大家总结了50个课本上学不到的英语口语表达,收藏起来慢慢学! 1. I was like,“what?!” 口语中用来表达某人的一种反应,比如说的话或思想活动。 He was like, "hold on, wait for me!" 他说,等下,等等我。 2. That takes guts! 做某事需要勇气。guts本意是内脏,引申为胆量。 Being a police officer takes guts, for sure. 显然,当警察很需要勇气。 3. All right, so much for that one... 人们放弃做一件事或者努力泡汤的时候经常说的一句话。 It"s already ten thirty? So much for getting an early start! 都十点半了!得了,不用想早起的事了。 Oh no! He saw us? So much for keeping it a surprise! 哦,他看见我们了? 好吧,什么惊喜都没了。 4. We nail it! *完成某件事或说的非常正确。nail本意是钉钉子。 That"s so true. He nailed it! 确实如此,他的观点一针见血。 注:kill it 也可以指事情完成得超乎意料得好。 He has been killing it! 干得漂亮! 5. I knew you"d give me a hard time about it! 跟某人过不去,嘲笑某人,难为某人。 When I was growing up , the other kids used to give me a hard time because my weight. But I just tried to ignore them. 小时候由于我的体重,其他的孩子一直在取笑我,但是我尽量不理他们。 6. I might be 90 years old, but I"m still young at heart! 也许……但是……,可以用来委婉地否定别人的观点。 Paris might be popular, but I don"t want to live there. 巴黎可能是一个很受欢迎的地方,但是我不想住在那里。 7. I couldn"t agree more. “不能更同意”,表示强烈同意对方的观点。 强烈不同意也能说couldn"t disagree more。 I couldn"t agree more. 完全赞同。 8. Just do it already! 赶紧的做某事!这个短语一般都是在抱怨对方反应太慢,表现一种不耐烦的态度。 I"ve been hearing about this girl for weeks. Just ask her out already! 我听你念叨这个姑娘已经好几周了,求你快约她吧! 9. Strangely enough, I just bought a bike. 遇到巧合或惊讶的事时的表达,可以翻译为真巧、真稀奇。 如果你和小李同时找到了新工作,就可以说: Strangely enough, I just got a new job as well. 真巧,我也刚找到一份新工作。 10. Could you give me a few pointers? 给某人一些建议。Pointer指建议、提示、线索。 You"re not holding that quite right. Do you want me to give you a few pointers? 你握的方式不太对,你要我给你一些建议吗? 11. Yeah, it"s decent. 不错,挺好的。 This soup isn"t bad at all! Yeah, it"s decent. 这汤味道还不错嘛! 嗯,挺好的。 12. Who are you to talk? 表示某人没有资格发表意见或批评别人,因为他/她自己也做得不够好。 Who are you to talk? You"re just as messy as me. 你有啥资格说我?你跟我一样邋遢。 13. Is it just me, or is it hot in here? 这是一种委婉的抱怨,一般都是在看对方是否有同样的意见。 Is it just me, or are these seats even more cramped than normal? 是只有我一个人这么觉得么,这个座位是不是比一般的更挤啊? 14. Did I leave my book at your place, by any chance? 口语中常用这一表达来询问是否有某种可能。 Are you by any chance free tonight? 你今晚有没有空呀? 15. The last thing I want is to hurt you. 我最不愿意做的事情就是…… The last thing I want is to cause an argument on your birthday, but this is a serious problem. 我很不想在你的生日争吵,但这是一个很严重的问题。 16. Are tomatoes still in season? 表示某种蔬果是当季的。 I think pears are in season soon. 我觉得吃梨的季节要到了。 也可以说It"s... season: It"s strawberry season. We should go pick some at the farm down the road. 到了吃草莓的季节了。我可以去农场采摘草莓了。 17. Don"t get all impatient. 在口语表达中,形容词前加一个all,可以增强感*彩,通常是表达负面情绪。 He gave me his old computer, but it"s all old and crappy. 他把自己的旧电脑给我用,但是那电脑又老又破。 18. Summer will be over before you know it. 表示事情过得非常快。 Before you know it, you"ll be finished with school. 很快的,你就会毕业了。 19. I"ve never gotten into baseball for some reason. 对某事感兴趣。 I"ve been getting into history lately. 我近来对历史大感兴趣。 20. Man! You"re on fire! 本意是着火了,引申意是指人的状态特别好。 Lewandowski is on fire, scoring five goals in nine minutes. Lewandowski状态神勇,在短短九分钟内就打进五颗球。 21. I find it hard to relate to him sometimes. 理解、接受某人某事,与之有同感、有共鸣。 I can relate to this story. Same thing happened to me. 我对这个故事非常有共鸣,同样的事情也发生在我身上过。 22. I report to John. 向某人汇报,这一表达常用来说明某人的直接上司是谁。 Jane reports to the Sales Manager. Jane的直接领导是销售经理. 在某人手下干活,就可以说work under: Do you still work under John? 你的领导还是John吗? 23. You bet! 意思是“You can bet money on that”(你可以压钱赌一把),说明你完全同意对方的观点、提议等。 Are you coming to the party? 趴体你会来吧? You bet! 当然来! May I borrow your hammer? 可以借你的锤子用下么? You bet! 当然! 24. Good thinking! That would be great. 好主意,跟good idea同意。 Why don"t we take a rest? 我们休息一下吧? Good thinking. 好主意。 25. It"s way past your bedtime! Way相当于"far",这个表达是远远超过某个点的意思。 There"s no use apologizing now. We"re way past that point. 现在道歉已经没意义了。太晚了。(表示你绝对不会原谅他了……) 26. What? That"s nuts! Nuts是非常口语化的表达,表示“crazy”疯了。 We hiked 45 miles in two days. 我们两天徒步走了45英里。 Whoa, that"s nuts! Really? 哇~太疯狂了!真的吗? 27. Oh, that sucks! 在谈论糟糕的、让人失望的、不幸的事情时,人们常用这个表达。正式场合慎用。 My computer sucks! I need to get a new one. 我的电脑糟糕透了!我要买个新的。 28. So, what"s your story? 人们常用这一表达来询问不太熟悉的人的信息。相当于说, "Tell me more about that person",再说说那人的情况吧。 You know that guy you introduced me to at your party? What"s his story? 你在派对上介绍我认识的那个人,你很熟吗?跟我说说他吧? 如果你对某人说,what"s your story?意思就是让对方自我介绍一下。 29. I didn"t mean to walk in on you. 走进一个地方打扰了里面的人或正在进行的事,通常是些尴尬的事…… Someone walked in on me while I was in the bathroom. 我在浴室的时候突然有人走进来…… 30. He"s around fiftyish, I"d say. 口语中,在一个词后面加-ish,就等于说"a little bit" ,"kind of",给人一种大约的、模糊的、不确定的感觉。 Come over at 12-ish. 12点左右过来。 That color is blue-ish. 颜色是类似蓝色的那种。 31. There"s not much to it. There"s not much to it:很容易,没什么难的。通常在讲解如何操作某种东西时使用。 You just flip that switch and wait. There"s not much to it. 只要拨一下开关,然后就等着,没什么难的。 32. All right, whatever. Suit yourself. Suit yourself: 随你便吧,你自己决定。这可以是中性的表达,但如果语气重一点,就是在说,爱咋咋地,我不管了。 I"m too tired to go out tonight. 我今晚太累,不想出去玩了。 Suit yourself. 随你便。 33. Can you Cc me and Eddie when you send that? Cc (someone) : Cc 是 Carbon copy的缩写,是在写邮件中所用到的“抄送”。 I"ll Cc you when I send it. 我会在发邮件的时候抄送给你。 34. I"m so out of it this morning. (someone) is out of it :指某人不在状态。 You seem kind of out of it today. 你今天看起来好像不太在状态啊。 35. There"s a fine line between helping your kids with their homework and doing it for them. There"s a fine line between: 这个表达用于指两件事很相似,以至于容易混淆,指微妙的差别。 There"s a fine line between a frown and a grimace. 皱眉和做鬼脸,两者之间有微妙差别。 36. You can tell that she"s had work done. (someone) has had work done : 这句话是指某人做过了整形手术。 Amy said she"s never had work done on her face. Amy说她从来没整过容。 37. I don"t know off the top of my head, but I"ll shoot them over to you this afternoon. Off the top of my head:当场就能想到,即兴说出。如果用在否定意义的句子里,多半是用来暗示需要再多一点时间思考。 I can think of two people who might be interested, off the top of my head. 我现在只能想到两个可能会感兴趣的人。 38. If you"re feeling under the weather, by all means go home and get some rest. By all means:请务必,一定要做某事。也可以在回答提议时说,相当于“当然”。 “May I make a suggestion?” “By all means.” 我能提个建议吗? 当然。 39. Can you please cut it out. Cut it out: 当别人在做一些令你心烦的事情,你就可以让他cut it out,意思就是你能停下来吗。 I"m sick of that joke. Cut it out, will you? 我不喜欢那个玩笑,你能不能别说了? 40. Let"s crack open the window and have some fresh air. Crack open the window : 这个表达和“open the window” 很像,但程度不同,crack open the window是指把窗户打开一道缝隙。 It"s a bit stuffy in here, let"s crack open the window. 这里面有点闷,我们开一点点窗吧。 41. You"re gonna screw up that test. Screw up:把事情搞砸。 I had a perfect chance, but I screwed up. 我本来有一个特别棒的机会,但是我把它搞砸了。 42. I was on the verge of going to sleep at a point. At a point / at some point:在某个时刻,其中at a point 更强调是在某一个特定的时刻。 You will have to do your homework at some point. 你迟早是要做作业的。 I was so close to beat the record at a point. 我有一次差点就打破纪录了。 43. Get over it! Get over it: 指忘掉烦心事,相当于forget about it。 It"s not a big deal, so get over it. 多大点事,别想它了。 44. I wound up going over to James"s place. Wind up: 结果;最终变成的样子。 He overspent and wound up in debt. 他大手大脚地花钱,结果负债累累。 45. I"m working the night shift tomorrow. Work … shift:表示上…班,work the night shift是指上晚班。 I"m working the morning shift today. 我今天上早班。 46. They"ve been getting a bit of media attention lately. Get media attention:得到媒体的关注,媒体曝光率高,也就是所谓的“红”。 She"s getting all the media attention recently. 她最近可红了。 47. I thought it was a really original take on the play. A take on something:对某事物的见解、诠释。上面的例句可以理解成对这部话剧的全新有创意的演绎。Original指独创、新颖的。 So what"s your take on this new book? 你对这本新书有什么看法吗? 48. Go easy on me! Go easy on (someone):手下留情,别太狠。 Go easy on me, I just started a month ago. 对我手下留情啊,我才开始一个月。 49. Just ease into it. Ease into it:意思是“慢慢来”,一般用于劝别人放松心情。 Don"t try so hard, ease into it. 不要那么拼命,慢慢来。 50. I"m going to head off to bed. Head off to (somewhere):指出发去某个地方。 We are heading off to school. 我们要去上学了。
2023-07-11 00:04:501

Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your fence

2023-07-11 00:04:592

“Stay simple,stay naive”用中文怎么说

Stay simple,stay naive保持简单,保持天真
2023-07-11 00:05:092

ingenuous 和 naive 的区别?

ingenuous adj. 天真的;坦白的;正直的;朴实的 坦白 诚朴的naive adj. 天真的,幼稚的 天真的 纯真
2023-07-11 00:05:172

谁有孙丹菲的twice too mang time的歌词

《Twice Too Many Time 》——Son Dam Bi(孙丹菲)Was it true? I guess my heart was naive 这是真的?看来我还是太幼稚Stuck on you and now I can"t believe 我不相信我被你难住了How I trusted, and let you deceive 我那么可信,而且相信你的谎言Twice too many times 两次就够了I was fooled, but now I"m glad to be free我的确很蠢,但我却无忧无虑 Thanks to you, now I finally see 感谢你让我终于看见Those broken promises meant nothing to me那些无法兑现的承诺对我毫无意义Twice too many times 两次就够了Chorus (合唱)I want to know我想知道 Is there something that you want to say? 你想说什么im moving on 我要开始了now you`re loosing the game that you play请你抛开你耍的那些把戏 Before I go I just want you to know在我走之前我只想让你知道 I loved you 我爱上你Twice too many times 两次就够了Vers2 Was it good? Was it worth all the pain? 什么是好的?这就是痛苦的价值?You think you"ve got the right to complain? 难道你以为你有抱怨的理由?You should have known, it"s too late to explain 你要知道,现在解释已经太晚了Twice too many times 两次就够了Chorus (合唱)I want to know我想知道 Is there something that you want to say? 你想说什么im moving on 我要开始了now you`re loosing the game that you play请你抛开你耍的那些把戏 Before I go I just want you to know在我走之前我只想让你知道 I loved you 我爱上你Twice too many times 两次就够了I loved you 我爱上你Twice too many times 两次就够了Bridge It`s too late, I won′t come back to you this time 已经太晚了,我现在不想回你身边you can`t change, no matter how you try 不管你怎么尝试 你都无法改变you`re on your own, this time 你只剩下了自己 现在(Twice too many times (两次就够了I wanna know 我想知道Twice too mant times) 两次就够了)Chorus (合唱)I want to know我想知道 Is there something that you want to say? 你想说什么im moving on 我要开始了now you`re loosing the game that you play请你抛开你耍的那些把戏 Before I go I just want you to know在我走之前我只想让你知道 I loved you 我爱上你Twice too many times 两次就够了
2023-07-11 00:05:351