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2023-07-11 02:32:01
TAG: 英语 科学


1、镁在空气中燃烧:2Mg+O2 2MgO

2、铁在氧气中燃烧:3Fe+2O2 Fe3O4

3、铝在空气中燃烧:4Al+3O2 2Al2O3

4、氢气在空气中燃烧:2H2+O2 2H2O

5、红磷在空气中燃烧:4P+5O2 2P2O5

6、硫粉在空气中燃烧: S+O2 SO2

7、碳在氧气中充分燃烧:C+O2 CO2

8、碳在氧气中不充分燃烧:2C+O2 2CO

9、二氧化碳通过灼热碳层: C+CO2 2CO

10、一氧化碳在氧气中燃烧:2CO+O2 2CO2




14、钠在氯气中燃烧:2Na+Cl2 2NaCl


15、实验室用双氧水制氧气:2H2O2 2H2O+O2↑

16、加热高锰酸钾:2KMnO4 K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑

17、水在直流电的作用下分解:2H2O 2H2↑+O2↑


19、高温煅烧石灰石(二氧化碳工业制法):CaCO3 CaO+CO2↑





23、氢气还原氧化铜:H2+CuO Cu+H2O

24、木炭还原氧化铜:C+2CuO 2Cu+CO2↑

25、水蒸气通过灼热碳层:H2O+C H2+CO

26、焦炭还原氧化铁:3C+2Fe2O3 4Fe+3CO2↑



28、甲烷在空气中燃烧:CH4+2O2 CO2+2H2O

29、酒精在空气中燃烧:C2H5OH+3O2 2CO2+3H2O

30、一氧化碳还原氧化铜:CO+CuO Cu+CO2

31、一氧化碳还原氧化铁:3CO+Fe2O3 2Fe+3CO2




35、碳酸钠与浓盐酸反应(泡沫灭火器的原理): Na2CO3+2HCl==2NaCl+H2O+CO2↑

一. 物质与氧气的反应:


1. 镁在空气中燃烧:2Mg+O2 2MgO

2. 铁在氧气中燃烧:3Fe+2O2 Fe3O4

3. 铜在空气中受热:2Cu+O2 2CuO

4. 铝在空气中燃烧:4Al+3O2 2Al2O3

5. 氢气中空气中燃烧:2H2+O2 2H2O

6. 红磷在空气中燃烧:4P+5O2 2P2O5

7. 硫粉在空气中燃烧: S+O2 SO2

8. 碳在氧气中充分燃烧:C+O2 CO2

9. 碳在氧气中不充分燃烧:2C+O2 2CO


10. 一氧化碳在氧气中燃烧:2CO+O2 2CO2

11. 甲烷在空气中燃烧:CH4+2O2 CO2+2H2O

12. 酒精在空气中燃烧:C2H5OH+3O2 2CO2+3H2O


13. 水在直流电的作用下分解:2H2O 2H2↑+O2↑

14. 加热碱式碳酸铜:Cu2(OH)2CO3 2CuO+H2O+CO2↑

15. 加热氯酸钾(有少量的二氧化锰):2KClO3 2KCl+3O2↑

16. 加热高锰酸钾:2KMnO4 K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑

17. 碳酸不稳定而分解:H2CO3==H2O+CO2↑

18. 高温煅烧石灰石:CaCO3 CaO+CO2↑


19. 氢气还原氧化铜:H2+CuO Cu+H2O

20. 木炭还原氧化铜:C+2CuO 2Cu+CO2↑

21. 焦炭还原氧化铁:3C+2Fe2O3 4Fe+3CO2↑

22. 焦炭还原四氧化三铁:2C+Fe3O4 3Fe+2CO2↑

23. 一氧化碳还原氧化铜:CO+CuO Cu+CO2

24. 一氧化碳还原氧化铁:3CO+Fe2O3 2Fe+3CO2

25. 一氧化碳还原四氧化三铁:4CO+Fe3O4 3Fe+4CO2


⑴金属单质 + 酸 -------- 盐 + 氢气 (置换反应)

26. 锌和稀硫酸Zn+H2SO4==ZnSO4+H2↑

27. 铁和稀硫酸Fe+H2SO4==FeSO4+H2↑

28. 镁和稀硫酸Mg+H2SO4==MgSO4+H2↑

29. 铝和稀硫酸2Al+3H2SO4==Al2(SO4)3+3H2↑

30. 锌和稀盐酸Zn+2HCl==ZnCl2+H2↑

31. 铁和稀盐酸Fe+2HCl==FeCl2+H2↑

32. 镁和稀盐酸Mg+2HCl==MgCl2+H2↑

33. 铝和稀盐酸2Al+6HCl==2AlCl3+3H2↑

⑵金属单质 + 盐(溶液) ------- 另一种金属 + 另一种盐

34. 铁和硫酸铜溶液反应:Fe+CuSO4==FeSO4+Cu

35. 锌和硫酸铜溶液反应:Zn+CuSO4==ZnSO4+Cu

36. 铜和硝酸汞溶液反应:Cu+Hg(NO3)2==Cu(NO3)2+Hg

⑶碱性氧化物 +酸 -------- 盐 + 水

37. 氧化铁和稀盐酸反应:Fe2O3+6HCl==2FeCl3+3H2O

38. 氧化铁和稀硫酸反应:Fe2O3+3H2SO4==Fe2(SO4)3+3H2O

39. 氧化铜和稀盐酸反应:CuO+2HCl==CuCl2+H2O

40. 氧化铜和稀硫酸反应:CuO+H2SO4==CuSO4+H2O

41. 氧化镁和稀硫酸反应:MgO+H2SO4==MgSO4+H2O

42. 氧化钙和稀盐酸反应:CaO+2HCl==CaCl2+H2O

⑷酸性氧化物 +碱 -------- 盐 + 水





47. 消石灰吸收二氧化硫:Ca(OH)2+SO2==CaSO3↓+H2O

⑸酸 + 碱 -------- 盐 + 水


49. 盐酸和氢氧化钾反应:HCl+KOH==KCl+H2O


51. 盐酸和氢氧化钙反应:2HCl+Ca(OH)2==CaCl2+2H2O

52. 盐酸和氢氧化铁反应:3HCl+Fe(OH)3==FeCl3+3H2O





57.硫酸和氢氧化铁反应:3H2SO4+2Fe(OH)3==Fe2(SO4)3+ 6H2O


⑹酸 + 盐 -------- 另一种酸 + 另一种盐


60.碳酸钠与稀盐酸反应: Na2CO3+2HCl==2NaCl+H2O+CO2↑

61.碳酸镁与稀盐酸反应: MgCO3+2HCl==MgCl2+H2O+CO2↑




⑺碱 + 盐 -------- 另一种碱 + 另一种盐




68. 氢氧化钠与氯化铜:2NaOH+CuCl2==Cu(OH)2↓+2NaCl

69. 氢氧化钙与碳酸钠:Ca(OH)2+Na2CO3==CaCO3↓+2NaOH

⑻盐 + 盐 ----- 两种新盐








76.硫酸铜晶体受热分解:CuSO4u20225H2O CuSO4+5H2O


化学方程式 反应现象 应用

2Mg+O2 2MgO剧烈燃烧.耀眼白光.生成白色固体.放热.产生大量白烟 白色信号弹

2Hg+O2 2HgO银白液体、生成红色固体 拉瓦锡实验

2Cu+O2 2CuO红色金属变为黑色固体

4Al+3O2 2Al2O3银白金属变为白色固体

3Fe+2O2 Fe3O4剧烈燃烧、火星四射、生成黑色固体、放热

C+O2 CO2剧烈燃烧、白光、放热、使石灰水变浑浊

S+O2 SO2剧烈燃烧、放热、刺激味气体、空气中淡蓝色火焰.氧气中蓝紫色火焰

2H2+O2 2H2O淡蓝火焰、放热、生成使无水CuSO4变蓝的液体(水) 高能燃料

4P+5O2 2P2O5 剧烈燃烧、大量白烟、放热、生成白色固体 证明空气中氧气含量

CH4+2O2 2H2O+CO2 蓝色火焰、放热、生成使石灰水变浑浊气体和使无水CuSO4变蓝的液体(水) 甲烷和天然气的燃烧

2C2H2+5O2 2H2O+4CO2 蓝色火焰、放热、黑烟、生成使石灰水变浑浊气体和使无水CuSO4变蓝的液体(水) 氧炔焰、焊接切割金属

2KClO3 2KCl+3O2↑ 生成使带火星的木条复燃的气体 实验室制备氧气

2KMnO4 K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑ 紫色变为黑色、生成使带火星木条复燃的气体 实验室制备氧气

2HgO 2Hg+O2↑ 红色变为银白、生成使带火星木条复燃的气体 拉瓦锡实验

2H2O 2H2↑+O2↑ 水通电分解为氢气和氧气 电解水

Cu2(OH)2CO3 2CuO+H2O+CO2↑绿色变黑色、试管壁有液体、使石灰水变浑浊气体 铜绿加热

NH4HCO3 NH3↑+H2O+CO2↑白色固体消失、管壁有液体、使石灰水变浑浊气体 碳酸氢铵长期暴露空气中会消失

Zn+H2SO4==ZnSO4+H2↑ 有大量气泡产生、锌粒逐渐溶解 实验室制备氢气




Fe2O3+3H2 2Fe+3H2O 红色逐渐变为银白色、试管壁有液体 冶炼金属、利用氢气的还原性

Fe3O4+4H2 3Fe+4H2O 黑色逐渐变为银白色、试管壁有液体 冶炼金属、利用氢气的还原性

WO3+3H2 W+3H2O 冶炼金属钨、利用氢气的还原性

MoO3+3H2 Mo+3H2O 冶炼金属钼、利用氢气的还原性

2Na+Cl2 2NaCl 剧烈燃烧、黄色火焰 离子化合物的形成、

H2+Cl2 2HCl 苍白色火焰、瓶口白雾 共价化合物的形成、制备盐酸

CuSO4+2NaOH=Cu(OH)2↓+Na2SO4 蓝色沉淀生成、上部为澄清溶液 质量守恒定律实验

2C+O2 2CO煤炉中常见反应、空气污染物之一、煤气中毒原因

2CO+O2 2CO2蓝色火焰 煤气燃烧

C+CuO 2Cu+CO2↑黑色逐渐变为红色、产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 冶炼金属

2Fe2O3+3C 4Fe+3CO2↑冶炼金属

Fe3O4+2C 3Fe+2CO2↑冶炼金属


CO2+H2O==H2CO3碳酸使石蕊变红 证明碳酸的酸性

H2CO3 CO2↑+H2O石蕊红色褪去

Ca(OH)2+CO2==CaCO3↓+H2O澄清石灰水变浑浊 应用CO2检验和石灰浆粉刷墙壁

CaCO3+H2O+CO2==Ca(HCO3)2白色沉淀逐渐溶解 溶洞的形成,石头的风化

Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3↓+H2O+CO2↑白色沉淀、产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 水垢形成.钟乳石的形成

2NaHCO3 Na2CO3+H2O+CO2↑产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 小苏打蒸馒头

CaCO3 CaO+CO2↑工业制备二氧化碳和生石灰

CaCO3+2HCl==CaCl2+H2O+CO2↑固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 实验室制备二氧化碳、除水垢

Na2CO3+H2SO4==Na2SO4+H2O+CO2↑固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 泡沫灭火器原理

Na2CO3+2HCl==2NaCl+H2O+CO2↑固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 泡沫灭火器原理


CuO+CO Cu+CO2黑色逐渐变红色,产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体 冶炼金属

Fe2O3+3CO 2Fe+3CO2冶炼金属原理

Fe3O4+4CO 3Fe+4CO2冶炼金属原理

WO3+3CO W+3CO2冶炼金属原理


2CH3OH+3O2 2CO2+4H2O

C2H5OH+3O2 2CO2+3H2O 蓝色火焰、产生使石灰水变浑浊的气体、放热 酒精的燃烧

Fe+CuSO4==Cu+FeSO4银白色金属表面覆盖一层红色物质 湿法炼铜、镀铜

Mg+FeSO4==Fe+MgSO4溶液由浅绿色变为无色 Cu+Hg(NO3)2==Hg+Cu(NO3)2

Cu+2AgNO3==2Ag+Cu(NO3)2红色金属表面覆盖一层银白色物质 镀银

Zn+CuSO4==Cu+ZnSO4青白色金属表面覆盖一层红色物质 镀铜

Fe2O3+6HCl==2FeCl3+3H2O铁锈溶解、溶液呈黄色 铁器除锈










Al(OH)3+3HCl==AlCl3+3H2O白色固体溶解 胃舒平治疗胃酸过多



HCl+AgNO3==AgCl↓+HNO3 生成白色沉淀、不溶解于稀硝酸 检验Cl— 的原理

Fe2O3+3H2SO4= Fe2(SO4)3+3H2O 铁锈溶解、溶液呈黄色 铁器除锈











Ba(OH)2+H2SO4==BaSO4↓+2H2O 生成白色沉淀、不溶解于稀硝酸 检验SO42—的原理

BaCl2+H2SO4==BaSO4↓+2HCl生成白色沉淀、不溶解于稀硝酸 检验SO42—的原理

Ba(NO3)2+H2SO4==BaSO4↓+2HNO3 生成白色沉淀、不溶解于稀硝酸 检验SO42—的原理














2NaOH+CO2==Na2CO3+H2O 吸收CO、O2、H2中的CO2

2NaOH+SO2==Na2SO3+H2O 2NaOH+SO3==Na2SO4+H2O 处理硫酸工厂的尾气(SO2)

FeCl3+3NaOH==Fe(OH)3↓+3NaCl 溶液黄色褪去、有红褐色沉淀生成




CaO+ H2O==Ca(OH)2白色块状固体变为粉末、 生石灰制备石灰浆

Ca(OH)2+SO2==CaSO3↓+H2O有白色沉淀生成 初中一般不用

Ca(OH)2+Na2CO3==CaCO3↓+2NaOH有白色沉淀生成 工业制烧碱、实验室制少量烧碱




CuSO4+H2O CuSO4+5H2O 白色粉末变为蓝色 检验物质中是否含有水

AgNO3+NaCl==AgCl↓+NaNO3白色不溶解于稀硝酸的沉淀(其他氯化物类似反应) 应用于检验溶液中的氯离子

BaCl2+Na2SO4==BaSO4↓+2NaCl白色不溶解于稀硝酸的沉淀(其他硫酸盐类似反应) 应用于检验硫酸根离子




MgCO3+2HCl==MgCl2+H2O+ CO2↑

NH4NO3+NaOH==NaNO3+NH3↑+H2O生成使湿润石蕊试纸变蓝色的气体 应用于检验溶液中的铵根离子




(1) 一般现在时表示经常性的动作或状态 一般现在时表示经常性动作或状态时,常与often, always, usually, sometimes, every day等时间状语连用。如: The shop opens at nine every day. 这家商店每天九点开门。 It seldom snows here. 这儿很少下雪。 (2) 一般现在时表示客观存在或普遍真理 Light travels faster than sound. 光速比声速快。 Food easily goes bad in hot weather. 天气热时食物容易坏。 (3) 一般现在时表示主语的特征或状态 The picture looks very beautiful. 这幅画看起来很美。 Air contains oxygen and nitrogen. 空气含有氧和氮。 (4) 一般现在时在时间和条件状语从句中表示将来的动作或状态 I"ll tell her about it as soon as I see her. When does the train arrive? 火车几点到? (5) 用于图片说明或剧本中的动作提示和背景说明 INSIDE THE SHELTER: Stockton slowly turns to face his wife. The angry screaming cries of the people ring in their ears even as they depart. 防空洞中:斯道克顿慢慢转过身,面对他的妻子。那群人正在离去,而他们愤怒的尖叫声却还回响在他们的耳边。 (6) 电视节目直播解说 It"s Carter to serve- he needs just one more point. He serves. And Smith misses. What a great serve!So the championshipgoes to 19-year-old Harry Carter. 该卡特发球了,他只需再得一分就赢了。他发球了,史密斯接球失误。多漂亮的发球!冠军属于了19岁的哈利-卡特。


(1) 现在进行时表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,通常有表示现阶段的时间状语,如:today, this week, this month, this year, this term,now等。如: He is writing a novel now. 他目前正在写一部小说。 (2) 现在进行时表示经常性的动作 现在进行时在表示经常性、重复性或习惯性的动作时必须与only, merely, simply, really,fast, rapidly, steadily, forever, all the time, always, constantly, continually, repeatedly等频度副词连用。如: She is always complaining. 她总是在抱怨。 (3) 现在进行时表示按计划或已安排好要做的事 这一用法只适用于某些动词,如:go, come, leave, start, arrive, return, spend, sail, meet, fly等。如: The guest is leaving by train tonight. 客人今晚坐火车走。 (4) 补充说明 [1] 在不少情况下,表示正在进行的动作的汉语句子,并没有“正在”这样的字眼,但在译为英语时必须用进行时态。如: It"s raining heavily. 下大雨了。 How is everything going? 事情进展如何? [2] 有些动词通常不能用进行时。不能用进行时的动词有: 表示感觉或感情的词,如:hear, see, smell, taste, feel, seem, notice, hate, love, like, want, wish, refuse, prefer, forgive等。 表示存在或所属的词,如:exist, stay, remain, obtain, have, own, form, contain等。 表示认识或理解的词,如:understand, know, remember, forget, believe, think, doubt等。


(1) 现在完成时表示从过去持续到现在的动作或状态 现在完成时的这种用法通常与由since或for引导的时间状语连用。如: The old man have lived here for more than twenty years. 老人已在此住了20多年了。 (2) 现在完成时表示过去发生的对现在有影响的动作 [1] 现在完成时的这种用法有时不带时间状语,有时可以和already, before, ever, just, lately, never, once, recently, yet等一些所指时间不具体的时间状语连用。如: Have you ever been to Australia? 你去过澳大利亚吗? [2] 有时现在完成时和now, today, this morning, this week, this year等表示现在的时间状语连用。如: I haven" t seen him today. 我今天没见过他。 I have seen him only once this year. 我今年只见过他一次。 (3) 现在完成时在时间和条件状语从句中表示将来完成的动作 I"ll go to the party as soon as (or when) I have finished my homework. 我完成作业后就去参加聚会。 (4) 现在完成时和until now, so far, in the past few years, up to the present等表示从某时到目前这段时间的状语连用 I have not heard from her so far. 到目前为止,我没有收到过她的信。 We have learned five hundred words up to the present. 到目前为止,我们已学了五百个生词。 但要注意:当意义明确时,适用现在完成时的句子可以不用时间状语。如: He has done a lot of work. 他干了许多工作。 She has told me about her story. 她跟我讲过她的故事。


(1) 现在完成进行时表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作或刚刚结束的动作 I"ve been writing letters all this morning. 我写了一上午信。(动作不再继续) O"Neil is ill. He" s been lying in the bed for three weeks. 奥尼尔在病中,已卧床3个星期了。(动作会继续下去) (2) 现在完成进行时表示从过去到现在的重复性动作 现在完成进行时的这种用法所表示的并不是一直在进行的动作,而是断断续续地反复发生的动作。如: What have you been doing all this time? 你一直都在干什么来着?(动作可能继续下去) That reporter has been contributing articles to this magazine all these years. 这些年那个记者一直为这家杂志撰稿。(断断续续地反复发生的动作)



(1) 一般过去时表示过去的动作或状态 [1] 一般过去时通常与表示过去的时间状语连用。 与一般过去时连用的时间状语有:yesterday, last night(week, year, month, Sunday),then, at that time, at that moment, just now, a few days(weeks, months, years) ago等。例句: Lucy turned off all the lights before she went out. 出门前露茜关了所有的灯。 [2] 一般过去时也可以与today, this week(month, year)等时间状语连用,但这些时间状语应指过去。如: Did you see him today? 你今天见他了吗?(today指今天已过去的某一时刻) [3] 一般过去时还可以和for或since引导的时间状语连用。如: I stayed there for two months. 我在那里呆了两个月。 Nothing happened since then. 打那以后什么事都没有发生。 (2) 有时一般过去时的时间状语或是在上下文、或是暗含于句中 Who was that? 那人是谁? I saw Ker in town. 我在城里看见了克尔。 (3) 一般过去时在时间和条件状语从句中表示过去将来的动作或状态。 Hans said he would let us know if he got any news. 汉斯说要是得到消息就告诉我们。


(1) 过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的动作 [1] 过去进行时通常和时间状语连用。如: We were having dinner when they came. 他们来的时候,我们正在吃饭。 [2] 过去进行时表示过去某段时间内持续的动作。如: Carlos was staying at home all last week. 上周整整一周卡洛斯都在家呆着。 They were building a dam last spring. 去年春天他们一直在修一个水坝。 [3] 过去进行时表示与过去某个动作同时发生的动作。如: I was reading while she was writing. 我在读书,她在写字。 [4] 有时过去进行时用于主句,位于其后的when引导的从句表示意外发生的情况: I was walking in the street when it began to rain. 我正在街上走着,突然下起了雨。 (2) 过去进行时表示过去将来的动作 过去进行时的这种用法多表示过去的打算,通常仅限于come, go, leave, depart, start等一些表示移动的动词。如: He didn"t know whether she was coming. 他不知道她是否会来。 The delegation was departing three days later. 代表团打算三天后动身。


(1) 过去完成时表示过去某时之前结束的动作或状态 When he got there, the train had already left. 他到了那儿时火车已经离开了。 Ina realized she had made a mistake. 艾娜意识到她犯了个错误。 (2) 过去完成时与when等从句连用 had+just / barely / hardly / scarcely+done...when..., no sooner...than... 是表示“刚……就……”或“不等……就……”的固定句型。如: No sooner had we left the house than it began to rain. 我们刚离开家就开始下雨了。 I had not gone much farther before I caught them up. 我没有走多远就赶上他们了。 (3) 过去完成时表示持续到过去某时之前的动作或状态 We had finished the work by nine o"clock yesterday. 昨晚九点前我们已完成了工作。 The company had completed the project by the end of 1999. 到1999年底公司已完成了那个项目。


过去完成时表示未实现的愿望的用法仅限于expect, hope, intend, mean, plan, think,want等动词,过去时间往往由一般过去时表达。如: I had intended to speak, but time did not permit. 我本想发言,可是时间不允许。 I had hoped you might know. 我本希望你会知道的。


过去完成时主要表示持续到过去某时之前的动作。如: I had been looking for it for days before I found it. 这个东西,我找了好多天才找着。 The telephone had been ringing for three minutes before it was answered. 电话铃响了三分钟才有人接。 He was tired. He"d been working all day.他累了。他工作了一整天。 After he"d been lecturing for half an hour, Professor Brown had a drink of water. 布朗教授讲了半小时课之后,他喝了一点水。



(1) 基本用法 [1] 一般将来时常用来表示将来时间的动作或状况。如: Helena will be twenty next year. 海伦娜明年就二十岁了。 [2] 一般将来时用于真实条件句和时间状语从句的主句中表示将来的情况。如: I"ll tell you as soon as he comes. 他一来我就告诉你。 [3] 用于条件状语从句表示愿望或意愿。如: If you will wait for me, I shall come back soon. 如果你愿意等我,我马上就回来。 [4] 一般将来时可用来表示一种倾向或习惯性动作。如: The shop won"t open until nine. 这家商店九点才会开门。 Children will be children. 孩子就是孩子。 (2) be going to +动词原形 这一结构表示打算或准备好要做的事或有迹象表明要发生的天气变化等情况。如: What are you going to do during the summer holiday? 你暑假打算做什么? The train is going to arrive. 火车就要到了。 (3) 现在进行时(be +现在分词) 有些动词的现在进行时可以表示将要发生的动作,表示按计划或安排即将发生的事。这类动词有:go, come, leave,start, arrive, return, spend, sail, meet, fly等。如: Annie is coming to supper this evening. 安妮今晚要来吃饭。 (4) be to +动词原形 这一结构可表示约定、命令或按计划要做的事。如: When are they to come? 他们什么时候来? We are to meet at the school gate. 我们约好在校门口见。 (5) be about to +动词原形 这一结构表示“即将做”或“马上做”的意思。如: He is about to leave. 他马上就要动身。 The vacation is about to start. 假期即将开始。


将来进行时表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作。常表示已安排好之事,给人一种期待感。如: What will you be doing this time tomorrow? 明天这个时候你将做什么? The train will be leaving in a second. 火车马上就开。 3. 将来完成时 (1) 将来完成时表示在将来某一时间之前完成的动作,往往对将来某一时间产生影响。如: I shall have finished reading the book by the end of this week. 我将在本周末前读完这本书。 Before long,he will have forgotten all about the matter. 过不久,他很快就会把这件事全然忘记。 (2) 将来完成时表示持续到将来某时的动作或状态。如: By the time he graduates, he will have studied French for four years. 到他毕业的时候,他学法语就满四年了。 By the time Pierce comes back from the meeting, we will have waited here for three hours. 到皮尔斯开会回来的时候,我们已经在这儿等了三个钟头了。


(1) 过去将来时表示过去某时之后将出现的情况,通常用于宾语从句中。如: I thought he would come. 我以为他会来。 Jenny never imagined that she would become a doctor. 詹妮从没想到自己会当医生。

(2) 表示从过去某时看将要发生的事情。如: The old lady was fifty-eight then. In two years she would be sixty. 老太太当时五十八岁,再过两年就六十了。 I didn"t think they would have any objection to it. 我想他们不会有什么反对意见。

(3) 表示过去习惯性动作(不管什么人称都用would)。如: Whenever he had time, Harris would go to see his grandmother. 哈里斯一有时间就去看他奶奶。 Joanna would go for a walk after


⑴金属单质 + 酸 -------- 盐 + 氢气 (置换反应)

⑵金属单质 + 盐(溶液) ------- 另一种金属 + 另一种盐

⑶碱性氧化物 +酸 -------- 盐 + 水

⑷酸性氧化物 +碱 -------- 盐 + 水

⑸酸 + 碱 -------- 盐 + 水

⑹酸 + 盐 -------- 另一种酸 + 另一种盐

⑺碱 + 盐 -------- 另一种碱 + 另一种盐

⑻盐 + 盐 ----- 两种新盐







完成进行时:主语+ have/has+been+动词过去分词








一般现在时 动词原形

一般将来时 is going to do will do

一般过去式 动词过去式

一般将来时 have done


her story怎么开始新游戏

her story按start开始游戏。她的故事是一款创意十足的解谜游戏,玩家需要利用找到的线索以及视频结合的方式来完成事件解谜,这里介绍一下游戏玩法。游戏在沉浸感的设计上可谓做足了功夫,画面风格是一种精心设计出的简陋,4:3的画面, 在iPhone上横屏运行,留下两面的黑条,乍一看好似在iPhone上运行了一台Winsows的虚拟机,而且是Windows 95 。her story的玩法游戏屏幕上的反光,四周环境的白噪声,机器工作的杂音,甚至白炽灯的灯丝偶尔发出的声音,游戏里输入的时候也会有机械键盘的敲击声,搜索时还有电脑机箱咯吱咯吱的杂音,这些细心的设计都在努力营造出一种玩家真的坐在档案室里一台古旧的电脑前观看这些视频的感觉。一进入游戏,玩家便面对着这个电脑屏幕,主窗口自然是浏览案件视频的程序。桌面上有两个文档,分别叫作《Readme.txt》和《REALLY_Readme!.txt》。为玩家提供导引,除此之外,电脑桌面上还有一个DB Checker供玩家查看视频观看的进度,还有一个时钟,而在回收站里有一个hacknfo的文件,还有一个名为Mirror Game的类似苹果棋的小游戏,而且,真的可以玩儿。
2023-07-10 21:29:371

Her story made me sad是什么结构?

2023-07-10 21:29:543

Herstory (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Herstory (Lp Version)歌手:The Dambuilders专辑:Against The StarsHer Story作曲:冯颖琪|填词:黄仲凯|编曲:王双骏for Double C music group|寒暄声音 她不想应 不会应陪酒 若是命令 别怪她不会敬流言幻听 在这烂店未免摧毁雅兴人来复去 大概亦记住了她的个性宁死不屈 而这一刻她的想法 很好胜停留於 如此光景 绝对不得要领如同赠兴 若世俗注定与她不对应拳头做证 在这夜决定去找新风景这漫长故事 由她出发开始寻找偏远的 不相似疯恋过疯子 还勇救过勇士还有下次 下次更别致随心出走 她的感性 也很理性沿途的 全新掌声 热烈护送她那狠劲原来任性 就算令笑面两边不对称同伴仍能尽兴 为记念发现了北欧之星这漫长故事 由她出发开始寻找偏远的 不相似(愉快地拍著每节手指)假装过公主 还与恶棍对峙(努力去造次 永远要勇过上次)还有下次 下次 再下次(每个结尾也是开始)世界更坏也未会害怕她会散发最自信优雅纵要对著干未会害怕她会YA YA YA YA世界再大也未会害怕也要建造最自我的家纵要撑下去未会害怕她会YA YA YA YA她叫YA YA YA YABy CrazylingBy Crazyling
2023-07-10 21:30:011

She ________ her story at the point where she stopped just now.

2023-07-10 21:30:095

she’s story与her story有区别吗?

2023-07-10 21:30:221

listen to Mary continue her story.分析句子成分?

本句为祈使句。句中谓语是listen to;宾语是Mary;continue her story是宾语补足语。
2023-07-10 21:30:392


我和我的妹妹很喜欢听她讲故事My sister and I love listening to her story我和我的妹妹很喜欢听她讲故事My sister and I love listening to her story
2023-07-10 21:30:481


When second-graders Bryce and Juli first meet, Juli knows it"s love. Bryce isn"t so sure. Beginning that day, and for the next six years, young Bryce does everything he can to keep his outspoken wannabe girlfriend at arm"s length, which isn"t easy since they go to the same school and live across the street from each other. Unexpectedly, at eighth grade, When Bryce began to feel Juli very attractive. Juli began to feel Bryce is actually empty as his beautiful blue eyes.当二年级的布莱斯和朱莉第一次见面,朱莉就知道她爱上他了。克布莱斯并不这么想。从那一天起,直到接下来的6年中,年轻的布莱斯做每一件事都是为了和他这位一直追他的率真的女朋友保持一定的距离,这并不容易,因为他们都在同一所学校读书,而就住在街的对面。没想到,到了八年级,布莱斯开始觉得朱莉很有魅力。而朱莉则开始觉得布莱斯漂亮的蓝眼睛也许和他本人一样其实很空洞。
2023-07-10 21:30:562


2023-07-10 21:31:514

「女人的故事。Her Story」txt全集下载

2023-07-10 21:32:092

28、 She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ____?

B,1,选B regard ... as ... 把……当成…… 固定词组,记住就好。,2,B regard ... as 是词组分拆考法 true是真实的;real是真的,表示不是虚拟的。,2,regard be/as......选B,1,D,0,B,0,B a true story真实的故事,0,28、 She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______. A、like true B、as true C、like real D、as real
2023-07-10 21:32:241


In ancient China, some individuality is frank, the personality good good girl, the name is called "Hua Mu Lan", the body for flower"s big daughter, Hua Mu Lan enlightened teaches under the regret in the parents, anticipated continuously very much oneself can spend bring the glory. But on in north Hsiungnu 来犯, national on a large scale conscription time, the Lily magnolia old father is unexpectedly also called up on the battlefield, sad Hua Mu Lan is afraid the father to be able to be gone forever, then was taking advantage of the midnight disguises as the men"s clothing, steals away father"s helmet and armor, replaces on the father the battlefield to go. Flower"s ancestor for protects Hua Mu Lan, thereupon sends out a good-hearted wood to have the dragon to accompany her, this only speaks likes young Long which 连珠 the artillery likes being angry, brings on a road for the Lily magnolia many laughs heartily with the assistance. After joins the army, Hua Mu Lan is depending on the will and the patience which own persisted, passed many difficult trainings and the test, also becomes in the armed force the indispensable senior general. However, battles when going to, Hua Mu Lan"s daughter body by armed force in colleague was discovered, the numerous families man is afraid the Lily magnolia to be able to sentence by the royal government high officials by "the guilt of deceiving one"s monarch", has to abandon her in the iceberg snowy area, voluntarily goes to place of combat the Hsiungnu. Luckily in the such difficult time, wooden must the dragon continuously accompany in her side,
2023-07-10 21:32:342


Her story books are there
2023-07-10 21:33:363

The poor old woman usded to tell her story _____we went to see her

2023-07-10 21:33:433


scanned copy of invitation letter
2023-07-10 21:33:522

求一首英文歌.依稀记得歌词有i love you.........i need you. 是个女声,很多电视剧,广告都用过背景

2023-07-10 21:34:0110


现在完成时的概念,希望能讲得通俗一点,谢谢! 现在完成时(结构:have+过去分词) (1) 现在完成时表示从过去持续到现在的动作或状态 现在完成时的这种用法通常与由since或for引导的时间状语连用。如: The old man have lived here for more than enty years. 老人已在此住了20多年了。 (2) 现在完成时表示过去发生的对现在有影响的动作 [1] 现在完成时的这种用法有时不带时间状语,有时可以和already, before, ever, just, lately, never, once, recently, yet等一些所指时间不具体的时间状语连用。如: Have you ever been to Australia? 你去过澳大利亚吗? [2] 有时现在完成时和now, today, this morning, this week, this year等表示现在的时间状语连用。如: I haven" t seen him today. 我今天没见过他。 I have seen him only once this year. 我今年只见过他一次。 (3) 现在完成时在时间和条件状语从句中表示将来完成的动作 I"ll go to the party as soon as (or when) I have finished my homework. 我完成作业后就去参加聚会。 (4) 现在完成时和until now, so far, in the past few years, up to the present等表示从某时到目前这段时间的状语连用 I have not heard from her so far. 到目前为止,我没有收到过她的信。 We have learned five hundred words up to the present. 到目前为止,我们已学了五百个生词。 但要注意:当意义明确时,适用现在完成时的句子可以不用时间状语。如: He has done a lot of work. 他干了许多工作。 She has told me about her story. 她跟我讲过她的故事。 请问PLC是什么?可以得话希望能讲得通俗一点。 实习电气工程自动化控制的机器,比如,流水等,交通十字路口的灯,电气控制的 几个初二英语问题急 1现在完成时的特征 2现在完成时的范围 3现在完成时与现在完成进行时求通俗一点 现在完成时态的结构【have+过去分词】,分两种使用情况1.表示动作【发生在过去,持续到现在】2.强调对现在的影响,翻译为‘已经" 现在完成进行时的结构是【have+been+doing】,强调动作还没结束,将继续进行下去 如:They have been working for tow hours.他们已经工作两小时了。 英语中现在完成时的概念? 过去的事情对现在有影响..一开始吧..我对这个概念好复杂..其实举几个例子就可以说清楚了..我已经在这住3年了 住3年了 表明现在还在住..所以对现在有影响 是现在完成时我3年前在这住 三年期 表示现在不在这住..所以对现在没影响 是过去时这个 影响..很抽象..我再想个例子..我擦了黑板 这样一般用于对话的..导致现在我可以在上面写东西..是对现在的影响,所以是现在完成时我擦过黑板 这样一般用于叙述某件事时,只是特指做过什么,没有什么影响语法:have/has (not) doneI have cleaned the blackboard so that I can write something on it.我擦了黑板以至于我能写东西在上面.(叙述这件事时.这个动作是对现在造成的影响.)I cleaned the blackboard and left.我擦完黑板我就走了.(这件事只是纯粹的描述某件事的发生,对现在一点影响都没有) 现在完成时的概念,结构,及运用,急啊 现在完成时 概念: 现在完成时用来表示现在之前已发生过或完成的动作或状态,但其结果却和现在有联络,也就是说,动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在. 结构: have(has)+过去分词(done) 使用典型例句 I have lost my wallet.(含义是:现在我没有钱花了.) Jane has laid the table.(含义是:已可以吃饭了.) Michael has been ill.(含义是:现在仍然很虚弱) He has returned from abroad. (含义是:现在已在此地) 现在完成时使用中通常和一般过去时相区别,一般过去时也发生在过去,但是基本和现在不再有联络 常用在回忆的描述 现在完成时态的其他要点 2. 现在完成时可以用来表示发生在过去某一时刻的,持续到现在的情况,常与for,since连用. Mary has been ill for three days. I have lived here since 1998. 3. 现在完成时往往同表示不确定的过去时间状语连用,如already, yet, just, before, recently, lately等: He has already obtained a scholarship. I haven"t seen much of him recently (lately). We have seen that film before. Have they found the missing child yet 4. 现在完成时常常与表示频度的时间状语连用,如often, sometimes, ever, never, ice, on several oasion等: Have you ever been to Beijing I have never heard Bunny say anything against her. I have used this pen only three times. It is still good. Gee has met that gentleman on several oasions. 5. 现在完成时还往往可以同包括现在时间在内的时间状语连用,如now, up to these few days/weeks/months/years, this morning/week/month/year, now, just, today, up to present, so far等: Peter has written six papers so far. Man has now learned to release energy from the nucleus of the atom. There has bee too much rain in San Francisco this year. The friendly relations and cooperation beeen our o countries have been enhanced in the past few years. Up to the present everything has been suessful. 6. 现在完成时表示现在之前业已完成的动作,虽然其效果或影响仍然存在但已不再继续,但是有一些现在完成时的句子,在后面加上for+一段时间,则现在完成时的动作就表示延续性. Thomas has studied Russian. (现在不再学俄语) Thomas has studied Russian for three years. (=Thomas began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now.(同第2点用法第一个例句) 7. 现在完成时还可以用来表示过去的一个时间到现在这段时间内重复发生的动作. We have had four texts this semester. =================== 现在完成时的“完成用法”和“未完成用法” 1.现在完成时的"完成用法" 现在完成时的"完成用法"指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。 例如:He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了。(动作结束于过去,但说明的是现在的情况--灯现在不亮了。) 现在完成时"完成用法"的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever,once等)、包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning / month /year...,today等)连用。 例如: Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗? 2.现在完成时的"未完成用法" 现在完成时的"未完成用法"指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能还要继续下去。 例如:He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来,他一直住在这儿。(动作起始于1978年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。) I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了。(动作开始于5年前,一直延续至今,有可能还要继续下去。) 此种用法的句中常需一个表示一段时间的状语(由since或for引导),或表示与现在时刻相连的时间状语(如:up to now,so far)等。 例如:I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前为止我没有他的任何讯息。 注意:(1)现在完成时的未完成用法只适用于延续性动词,不可用于终止性动词,即瞬间完成或延续时间很短的动词。如:e,go,arrive,leave,join,bee,die等。 (2)现在完成时常见两种句型: ①主语+have / has been+for短语 ②It is+一段时间+ since从句 例如:He has been in the League for three years.或It is three years since he joined the League. 他入团已三年了 一.have/has been doing sth. 1.现在完成进行时 当后面接有一段时间的词时,或是加表示时间的词时,可以用现在完成时.如果这件事现在还在持续或还在做,则可用 现在完成进行时. 如:I have been skating for 4 hours. I have finished my homework. 2.现在完成时的被动语态. 后接动词的过去分词. 如:The building has been built for 5 years. 现在完成时概念和用法,要简略易懂的谢谢 i have finished my work already. 我已经完成了我的工作。 表示已经完成的事情。。。 标高是什么讲得通俗一点! 标高的表示分为两种:绝对标高和相对标高,它们都是表示建筑物某一部位相对于基准面(标高的零点)的高度,是建筑物竖向设计和竖向定位的依据。 绝对标高是国家统一规定的基准面为零点的标高,我国规定以青岛附近黄海夏季的平均海平面作为绝对标高额零点; 相对标高是建筑物规定的基准面为零点的标高,通常是以建筑物内首层地面(主要地面)作为相对标高的零点。 相对标高零点与绝对标高有一个明确的对应关系。 新概念英语哪一课讲现在完成时 一册 ,真的,我学过了! 英语的现在完成时 ,概念,结构, 现在完在时:have ,has +过去分词 1)表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚完成,汉语常用“了”或“过”来表示。如: I have finished my work.我把工作做完了。 She has read all these books.她把这些书都读完了。 2)动作在过去完成,表示“经验”或“结果”。汉语常用“过”来表示。如: Have you ever seen the play The Doll"s House? 你看过话剧《傀儡家庭》吗? Yes,I have seen it ice.我看过两遍了。 I have learnt to drive.我学过开车。 多看看例句,相信你很快就能掌握。 什么时候现在完成时代替将来完成时讲得详细一点,要举 你好!可以将问题讲得详细一点吗,这样比较有助于解答!比如拿一个题目上来看看或是怎样的,有具体题目比较好分析。 你好,这并不是主将从现,主将从现一般用于if条件从句。但他也是一种条件从句,意思是我一完成我的功课就会走。 但是亲,你的句子是作业本上的句子吗
2023-07-10 21:34:411


Story begins with the story of a girl named Alice,and sister in an accident when reading a book into the world.There,she experienced a lot in reality things are not.Talking rabbits,can change into small pills,and the moves of the poker,and when she suddenly woke up after a crisis,they find that this is only a long dream of his own ......Close your books this,rubbed his tired eyes,I fell into silent contemplation.When watching a small,think Alice blessed,you can enter the world of the book,even if it was a dream.Have dreams,Alice"s dream has been to fulfill her dreams?Certainly,we do think this book is not simply the dream of her.Initially,Alice has just fallen into the hole,had thought she would cry like a normal girl,like a row,not the idea,but I was wrong,she gave her a strong and optimistic side presented to the reader,Let us know the story of the hero is not a weak timid little girl.The playing cards behind the soldiers and the queen with the exchange in another show of her intelligent and courageous.Alice is a girl showed us her story could not help but to like her to because she experienced many ups and downs,while heart rate more than to escape because of her plight and very happy ......Which is such a girl,I thought myself.I also have their own dreams,has also been indulging in the dream,joy,or cry.More want to get into the book to understand that beyond the general excitement.Used to think that dreams are so far away,because there is always gap between dreams and reality,the dream of paradise in the end how far?I really can go hand touch the place?Thought of this,I do not know when the sky has been covered with the stars,look down their hands have been holding for a long time,"Alice in Wonderland" on the cover of Alice with a smile and her sister sat under the red maple,Sprinkled with a bright red maple leaves in ......could not help but laugh,and laugh like Alice,she can as brave and optimistic,why do I not?Although distant dream,though not real,but his heart is true,if we really want,nothing will do the same?Again look at the sky,eyes not confused.North of the Big Dipper will change direction with the seasons,while the direction of life will not change with time.Alice has been waking up from a dream,and my dream is just beginning ......
2023-07-10 21:35:001


人物:值得尊敬的偷运者本周四,IS将以走私者的身份受到嘉奖。二战期间,这位波兰的社工将近2500名犹太儿童偷运出了华沙的犹太人聚居区。她给了他们新的身份,并在一些善心的基督教人士那儿给他们找到的安身的地方,把孩子们的真实姓名封在坛子里,埋在她邻居的花园里。 (Life in a Jar这出正在公演的戏就是以她的故事为原型)。2003年1月,美国的波兰文化中心授予她卡斯基的“勇气与同情”奖,但是93岁的IS住在华沙的养老院,由于身体太虚弱,无法前往华盛顿来拿这个奖。她救下来的一个孩子将替她令这个奖项。+你以生命作赌注来拯救孩子们-我的父亲教导我:当有人溺水,你只要跳下去救他,压根不用问他们会不会游泳。在战争期间,所有人都在水深火热中,但是犹太儿童尤甚。+你是怎么劝那些父母放弃自己的孩子的?-我当时只有事实求是地说,我甚至不知道我们能不能顺利通过警卫那一环。+最可怕的经历是什么?-我看到贫民区的一个牧师和他们走在一起的时候被杀害了,他是负责掌管犹太孤儿收容院的。孩子们当时穿着自己做礼拜时候穿的最好的衣服。神父就在他们身边被杀害了。+你把他们偷运出来的时候,你是怎么让孩子们按你说的做的。-我让大一点儿的孩子装病,有的时候给小一点儿的孩子吃一粒安眠药。我告诉他们要记住自己的新名字。还告诉他们要跟警卫说,他们只是来探望贫民区的一个仆人,现在是要回外头那个真正的家。+你告诉你自己的两个孩子自己做了什么吗?-我从来没有告诉他们。直到我的女儿去了以色列她才了解了我的一切。我以为这是再正常不过的做法了。这是个非常痛苦的问题——我时时刻刻想着,我已经尽力了,做不了更多了。
2023-07-10 21:35:303


SNOW WHITE CONTENTSSW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn"t love the new queen, because she was cruel.One day, In the king"s palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is S.w , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen, I"m very beautiful,Where is Mirror?Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who"s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go kill S.w.猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,小动物出场,追赶猎人,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, pleaseA: what"s the matter with you?S.w: The hunter…hunter…A: bite you bite you …小动物追赶猎人下场S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house ,I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1Look, somebody ate my food----2somebody drank my water----3someone is sleeping now----4What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is S.w …Nice to meet you!D: (齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----6 welcome to our house!----7Would you like to live here?S.w: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let"s go out for our work, bye-bye, S.W皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall,who"s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: What? S.w is not dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭S.w wake up, wake up…音乐起,动物引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!王子吻公主,公主醒了S.w: Thank you for your help!P: My pleasure音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞
2023-07-10 21:35:393


believe造句如下:1、I couldn"t believe they were so heartless.我无法相信他们是如此的麻木不仁。2、I can scarcely believe it.我几乎不敢相信。3、I cannot believe the price of the tickets!我简直无法相信竟有这样的票价!4、Nobody wanted to believe the simple truth.谁也不愿意相信这明显的事实。5、I don"t believe in ghosts.我不相信有鬼。6、Do you believe in magic?你相信巫术吗?7、Do you believe in a cosmic plan?你相信冥冥中的安排吗?8、believe me, Susan, I am truly sorry.相信我,苏珊,我由衷地感到愧疚。9、The police didn"t believe her story.警方不相信她对事情的描述。10、You"ve got to see it to believe it.你要看见了才能相信。believe用法:believe用作动词,可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词。基本意思是“相信”,指相信事物的真实性或相信某人说的话。believe的基本意思是“相信”,指相信事物的真实性或相信某人说的话,引申可作“信赖”或“信仰”解;在口语里,believe还可作“想”“认为”解,表示和缓的、不太肯定的口气,相当于suppose,有时则仅仅表示客气,不愿说得太绝对。believe用作及物动词时,后面可跟名词、代词或that/wh-从句作宾语,也可接以that从句(表示将来)充当直接宾语的双宾语;还可接以“(to be+) n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语(表示过去或现在)。了用作不及物动词时,后面常跟介词in;当believe为被动语态时,后面习惯接不定式。
2023-07-10 21:35:471


《她的故事》(彭怡平)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 9gyj书名:她的故事作者:彭怡平豆瓣评分:7.3出版社:中央编译出版社出版年份:2011-3页数:240内容简介:这是一本纯女性全彩图文书。台湾女摄影师单枪匹马游历世界,一部相机一支笔,描摹世界女性群像。下面是作者自己写的本书简介:为什么历史是His Story?而不是Her Story?怀抱着困惑,我从台大历史系毕业;怀抱着有朝一日撰写《她的故事》(Her Story)的渴望, 来到“自由、革命与艺术”的国度──法国。留学期间,接触到来自世界各地的女性,听闻她们的故事,使我对于女性世界里种种不可思议的经历产生了浓厚的兴趣。而渴求了解女人世界的欲望,随着我在日本的游学而日趋强烈,这不仅因为我亲身经历了日本社会里对于女性种种莫名其妙的歧视与制约,也因为我开始理解到,身为女性,不少人的一生从诞生之初就是一场无望的抗争,她们的言语被封杀,她们的渴求被禁止,她们的身体也被束缚在各式各样的社会符号里,这些使得大多数的女性时刻处在“精神分裂”的状态里,并习惯与自己多重的幻影为伍。作者简介:台湾大学历史系毕业,巴黎索尔本第一大学电影电视系博士候选人结业。通晓法、日、英、德、拉丁文,是个热爱电影、欣赏艺术、崇尚旅行、喜爱美食与音乐的“生活艺术家”、专业影评人、旅游文学作家与文化评论者。专攻剧本、纪录片拍摄与电影艺术的研究,对日本文化与法国文化做过深入的探索,发表专书数本与专文数篇,探讨日法文化。应邀至日本京都现代艺术Gallery Sowaka以日文举办专题演讲。应邀至法国里昂第十五届亚洲艺术节举办摄影个展,出席台湾电影专题圆桌会议。与Epson及ttoopp合作,于2009年11月底将作品以线上摄影艺廊方式永久展出。应Nikon School之邀,成为旗下第一位女性专任讲师,自2010年4月起,开办女性摄影系列课程。巴黎国际专业摄影艺廊Hautefeuille旗下长驻艺术家。结合电影与美食的《Marianne的橱柜》在300多名候选者的激烈竞争中脱颖而出,得到法国Esec电影学院1995年度最佳短片剧本奖。《名厨的画像》荣获1998年12月诚品选书。《巴黎u2022夜u2022爵士——Jazz Club in Paris since 1917》荣获法国2002年度艺术家奖金。《她的故事》被法国《Marie Claire》评为2006~2007年度最佳报导,书中摄影作品荣获2008年第四届TIVAC365传统摄影奖入围。
2023-07-10 21:36:591

随便一个神话或童话故事用英语概述出来 不要太多哦

Snow-white鐧介洩鍏?富 Once there was a Queen.She was sitting at the window.There was snow outside in the garden-snow on the hill and in the lane,snow on the hunts and on the trees:all things were white with snow. The Queen was making a coat for a little child.She said,"I want my child to be white as this cloth,white as the snow.And I shall call her Snow-white." Some days after that the Queen had a child.The child was white as snow.The Queen called her Snow-white. But the Queen was very ill,and after some days she died.Snow-white lived,and was a very happy and beautiful child. One year after that,the King married another Queen.The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman. A wizard had given this Queen a glass.The glass could speak.It was on the wall in the Queen"s room.Every day the queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was.As she looked in the glass,she asked:"Tell me,glass upon the wall,who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass spoke and said:"The Queen is most beautiful of all." Year went by.Snow-white grew up and became a little girl.every day the Queen looked in the glass and said,"Tell me,glass upon the wall,who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass said,"Snow-white is most beautiful of all." When the Queen heard this,she was very angry.She said,"Snow-white is not more beautiful than I am.There is no one who is more beautiful than I am." Then the Queen sat on her bed and cried. After one hour the Queen went out of her room.She called one of the servants,and said,"Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her." The servant took Snow-white to the forest,but he did not kill her,because she was so beautiful and so good.He said,"I shall not kill you; but do not go to the King"s house,because the Queen is angry and she will see you.If the Queen sees you,she will make some other man kill you.Wait here in the forest; some friends will help you." Then he went away. Poor Snow-white sat at the foot of a tree and cried.Then she saw that night was coming.She said,"I will not cry.I will find some house where I can sleep tonight.I cannot wait here:the bears will eat me." She went far into the forest.Then she saw a little hut.She opened the door of the hut,and went in.In the hut she saw seven little beds.There was a table,and on the table there were seven little loaves and seven little glasses.She ate one of the loaves.Then she said,"I want some water to drink." So she drank some water out of one of the glasses.Then she fell asleep on one of the seven little beds. The hut was the home of seven Little Men.When it was night,the seven Little Men came to the hut.Each Little Man had a big beard,and a little blue coat.Each Little Man came into the hut,and took his little lamp.Then each Little Man sat down,and ate his little loaf,and drank his little glass of water. But one Little Man said,"Someone has eaten my little loaf." And another Little Man said,"Someone has drunk my little glass of water." Then the seven Little Men went to bed,but one Little Man said,"Someone is sleeping on my little bed." All the seven Little Men came to look at Snow-white as she slept on the Little Men"s bed.They said,"She is very beautiful." Snow-white awoke,and saw the seven Little Men with their big beards standing near her bed.She was afraid.The Little men said,"Do not be afraid.We are your friends.Tell us how you came here." Snow-white said,"I will tell you." Then she told them her story. They said,"Do not be afraid.Live here with us.But see that the door shut when we are not in the house with you.Do not go out.If you go out,the bad Queen will find you.Then she will know that you are not dead,and will tell someone to kill you." So Snow-white lived in the hut with the seven Little Men. After some days Snow-white went into the garden.One of the Queen"s servants was going through the forest,and he saw her.He went and told the Queen,"Snow-white is in a hut in the forest." The Queen was very angry when she heard that Snow-white was not dead. The Queen took an apple.She made a hole in the red side of the apple,and put some powder into the hole.Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut.She called,"Is any one there?" Snow-white opened the door,and came out to her.The Queen said,"I have some pretty apples.Eat one of my pretty apples." Snow-white took the apple and said,"Is it good?" The Queen said,"See,I will eat this white side of the apple; you eat the red side.Then you will know that it is good." Snow-white ate the red side of the apple.When the powder was in her mouth,she fell down dead.The Queen went back to her house.She went into her room.she looked into the glass and said,"Tell me,glass upon the wall,who is most beautiful of all?" The glass said,"The Queen is most beautiful of all." Then the Queen know that Snow-white was dead. The Little Men came back to the hut.When they saw that Snow-white was dead,the poor Little Men cried.Then they put Snow-white in a box made of glass.They took the glass box to a hill and put it there,and said,"Everyone who goes by will see how beautiful she was." Then each Little Man put one white flower on the box,and they went away. Just as they were going away,a Prince came by.He saw the glass box and said,"What is that?" Then he saw Snow-white in the box.He said,"She was very beautiful:but do not put her there.There is a hall in the garden of my father"s house.It is all made of white stone.We will take the glass box and put it in the hall of beautiful white stone." The Little Men said,"Take her." Then the Prince told his servants to take up the box.They took up the box.Just then one of the servants fell down.The box fell,and Snow-white fell with the box.The bit of apple fell out of her mouth:she awoke,and sat up,and said,"Where am " The Prince said,"You are with me.I never saw anyone as beautiful as you.Come with me and be my Queen." The Prince married Snow-white,and she became his Queen. A man went and told this to the bad Queen.When she heard it she was so angry that she fell down dead. Snow-white lived and was very happy ever after.And the Little Men came to see her every year.
2023-07-10 21:37:111

helen keller全文翻译:helen keller was a very special

Helen Keller was a very bright, beautiful girl. the age of six months she could already say a few words. But unluckily, before she was two years old, she was badly . After that, she could not see or hear, and soon she could not even . Since then Helen had to fight(斗争) for what she wanted. When she was six, her parents invited a teacher for her. the help of the teacher, she began to see and hear the world around her .Through her . She learned to the books for the blind. The teacher took Helen for long walks, and her about all the beautiful sights. Helen touched flowers, climbed the trees and smelled a rain storm(暴风雨) before it came. She also learned how to swim and ride a horse. After she , she became a famous writer in America .Her first and most famous book is The Story of My Life. Her story has brought new to many blind and deaf people. It has given light to those in darkness and encouraged to live and work.
2023-07-10 21:37:191


2023-07-10 21:38:093


touching英 [ˈtʌtʃɪŋ] 美 [ˈtʌtʃɪŋ] adj. 令人同情的,感人的,动人的 prep. <书>关于,至于 v. 接触(touch的现在分词) 悲痛辛酸; 动人; 感人; 令人感动的 动人的;感人的;令人同情的 If something is touching, it causes feelings of sadness or sympathy. Her story is the touching tale of a wife who stood by the husband she loved... 她的经历是一个妻子坚定地支持她深爱着的丈夫的感人故事。It was a very, very touching moment. 那是个非常非常感人的瞬间。1. His devotion to his wife and family is touching. 他对妻子和家人的关爱感人至深。 2. It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears. 那是一个让我们许多人落泪的动人故事。 3. There was a touching air of innocence about the boy. 这个男孩有一种令人感动的天真神情。 4. He walked around the table touching glasses with all the foreign guests. 他绕桌子走了一圈,和所有的外宾都碰了杯。 5. He gave a touching valediction at graduation. 他在毕业典礼上发表了动人的告别辞。 moving英 ["mu:vɪŋ] 美 [ˈmuvɪŋ] adj. 活动的,可移动的;搬家的,搬运的;感人的 v. move的现在分词 流转; 运动; 流动; 动人的 感人的;令人感伤(或同情)的 If something is moving, it makes you feel strongly an emotion such as sadness, pity, or sympathy. It is very moving to see how much strangers can care for each other... 看到陌生人之间这般彼此关照,实在令人感动。It was a moving moment for Marianne. 对玛丽安娜来说,那是动人的一刻。movingly You write very movingly of your sister Amy"s suicide. 你对你妹妹埃米的自杀描写很是让人伤感。(模型或机器部件)活动的,可移动的 A moving model or part of a machine moves or is able to move. 短语推动力;起激励作用的人(或事) The moving spirit or moving force behind something is the person or thing that caused it to start and to keep going, or that influenced people to take part in itShe alone must have been the moving spirit behind the lawsuit that lost me my position... 肯定是她一个人主使了让我丢掉职位的诉讼。Professor Krauss has been a moving force in the world of academic art criticism. 克劳斯教授已成为学院艺术批评界的领军人物。1."Movie" is a colloquial word for "moving picture". movie是moving picture的口语体。 2. We are moving towards the cashless society. 我们正在向不用现钞的社会发展。 3. The child watched, enthralled by the bright moving images. 这孩子看着那明亮的移动的影像,被迷住了。 4. Friction between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat. 活动部件的摩擦使发动机过热。 5. the logistics of moving the company to a new building 把公司搬迁到一座新大楼的过程中需要进行的组织工作
2023-07-10 21:38:291


《英文原版引进 廊桥遗梦》((美)沃勒)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:q7h0书名:英文原版引进 廊桥遗梦作者:(美)沃勒豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:外文出版社出版年份:1996-1-1页数:200内容简介:What is it in a story that takes it to the New York Times Best Seller List for three years or 156 weeks? When I read this book, that was what I wanted to know. I look at the book on the shelf and think, "What was there that I just did not get?"The love story set in the 1960s is about Robert Kincaid, a renowned photographer, and a Francesca Johnson, a farm wife. The story is based on her diaries and the personal effects he had sent to her after he died.She is secluded and alone much of the time. When Robert comes to photograph the bridges, her family is away at the state fair. They are, like Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers who will only remain in each other"s hearts and minds for all of their life, though they only shared four days. Her diaries indicate that for about thirty years Francesca maintained the emotional contact she committed to Kincaid by seeing his photography in National Geography, news clippings, and reading the articles written about him.It is easy to be in love for four days. Anyone can. New love is exciting, romance is thrilling, and a new lover"s touch is magical. Yes, it will last forever -- if you do not have to wake up to reality. It was simple to see this aspect of the enchantment about their story. Francesca wrote of the agony that she felt when choosing whether to go with Kincaid or stay with her family, her children. This was the crux of her story; stay with her husband and children, or run off with a stranger.I could never understand that, my child is first. Today the book is on my daughter"s shelf, and she knows more about the emotions that drove Kincaid and Francesca than I ever will. I am too practical; but she tells me I have never loved as they did -- and she just might be right because I still wonder why this book sold millions. Suspend disbelief and enjoy the romantic interlude.Perhaps I should have seen the movie (I am a Clint Eastwood fan). For me the book was worth three stars, but the millions of people who loved this book and movie cannot all be wrong, so it must be a five. I guess I will give it a four.Victoria Tarranifrom Amazon.com作者简介:罗伯特u30fb詹姆斯u30fb沃勒(1939— ) 美国小说家,摄影家,音乐家。曾任北艾奥瓦大学商学院院长,目前定居在得克萨斯州的一座高山农场,闲时写作,摄影,玩音乐,研究经济学和数学。多部作品曾跻身《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。代表作《廊桥遗梦》位居1993年畅销书排行榜榜首。
2023-07-10 21:38:361

英语作文:众多的电影和文学作品中一定有一些给你留下了深刻印象,介绍一下.8 0

2023-07-10 21:38:492

she often read her storybooks

2023-07-10 21:38:561

travelledthestoryaroundsheworld and told her连词成句

2023-07-10 21:39:043

英语八种时态详解有例句 用通俗易懂的话来说

1 一般现在时:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。可以与时间状语always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, month…), once a week(day, year, month…)等连用。一般格式:主语+V(动词原形)/(第三人称单数时)V-s/es+其他 e.g She is always ready to help others. It seldom snows here. I don"t think he is right. You can"t do this.2 一般过去时:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。 可以和时间状语ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last(year, night,…), in 1989, just now, at the age of X , one day, long long ago, once upon a time等连用。一般格式:主语+BE动词过去式(were,was)/行为动词过去时+其他e.g I didn"t know you were so busy. I was creazy. I called you last night. Did you call me last night? What happened just now?3 一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。 可以与Tomorrow, next day(week, year…),soon, in a few minutes,the day after tomorrow等连用。一般结构:主语+am/is/are +going to + do+其他 主语+will/shall + do+其他e.g They are going to have a competition with us in studies. Will you come tomorrow?4 过去将来时:立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来,常用于宾语从句中。可以与The next day (morning, year…),the following month(week…)等连用。一般结构:主语+was/were +going to + do+其他 主语+would/should + do+其他e.g He said he would go to Beijing the next day. We were going to visit our teachers.5 现在进行时:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。可以与Now, at this time等连用。一般结构:主语+be +doing +其他 主语+be+not +doing +其他e.g He is doing homework all the day. Are you talking to me?6 过去进行时:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。可以与at that time或以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等连用。一般结构:主语+was/were +doing +其他 主语+was/were + not +doing+其他e.g When he came in, I was reading a newspaper. I was preparing for my exam at that time.7 现在完成时:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。 可以与yet,already,just,never,ever,so far,by now,since+时间点,for+时间段,recently, lately, in the past few years等连用。一般结构:主语+have/has +P.P(过去分词)+其他 主语+have/has +P.P(过去分词)+NOT+其他e.g The countryside has changed a lot in the past few years. I haven"t finished my homework yet.8 过去完成时:以过去某个时间为标准,在此以前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为,即“过去的过去”。 可以与Before, by the end of last year (term, month…)等连用。一般结构:主语+had + p.p(过去分词)+其他 主语+had + not +p.p(过去分词)+其他 e.g By the end of last month,we had reviewed four books I had told you before.因为你也没有说明是那8种时态,所以就给你找了这比较基础的8种。英语时态还有很多种,如将来完成时、过去完成进行时……希望英语学习更近一层楼!望采纳,手打。
2023-07-10 21:39:132

爱丽丝梦游仙境 :你的想法和中心思想(用英语回答)

2023-07-10 21:39:223


my favourite book do you know harry potter? itu2019s one of my favourite sparetime readings and itu2019s written by j. k. rowling. she had the idea about harry potter when she was on train, “harry just walked into my head.” she said later. she started writing the first edition of harry potter the next day. harry potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents, now he is 16 years old. he is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. at school, he has two good friends, they are rone and henry. when read the book my first time, i feel very exciting and interesting. so i read it again and again, each time i have different feelings, sometimes i even feel as if iu2019m one of potteru2019s partners. now there are five edition of harry potter published and they are very popular with young students. books about harry potter have sold millions of copies all over the world. do you like harry potter? if you havenu2019t read the book yet, read it now and youu2019ll find a wonderful world.
2023-07-10 21:39:303


2023-07-10 21:39:414


写作思路:首先写花木兰来历,然后写代父从军。Hua Mulan is a heroine who joined the army for her father, according to what is described in a famous Chinese ancient poetry The Ballad of Mulan.花木兰是中国有名古诗《木兰辞》中描绘的一位替父从军的英雄。Mulan"s father is too old to bear suffering from the bitterness, and she doesn"t have an elder brother to go and fight instead of the old father.因木兰的父亲年事已高,不能经受奔波劳苦,木兰又没有兄长可以代替老父,于是她把自己乔装成男子代父从军。So Mulan decides to disguised herself as a man to join the army for her father. Hua Mulan has been highly respected as a filial model by the Chinese people for hundreds of years, even though it is unknown whether the story has any factual basis.虽然这个故事是否真实不得而知,但是千百年来,花木兰作为孝顺的典范而深受中国人的尊敬。In 1998,her story was adapted into an animated cartoon by Disney of the United States, and the cartoon was very popular all over the world.1998年,美国迪士尼公司将花木兰的故事改编成了动画片,受到了全世界的欢迎。
2023-07-10 21:40:291

英语阅读题: Helen was a very clever pretty girl. When she was six months old, she could read

1six month old 2she was badly ill3by using her hands4famous writer5Helen"s story
2023-07-10 21:41:251

I was absolutely attracted by her story.

2023-07-10 21:41:438

My feet feel like jelly此句何意?

2023-07-10 21:42:103

英语完型:I work as a volunteer for开头的答案

boss 我像一个志愿都一样为老板工作
2023-07-10 21:42:172

英文文章Recent changes in Chinese familt life???

Recent changes in Chinese family lifeChinese family life has changed a lot in recent years . I can still remember that when I was a child , there was only a small TV set in my home . A recorder or a camera was even a luxury . My parents was always busy with their work and my grandparents had little to do to entertain themselves .These pictures now has mostly changed . Many new things have appranced in our family . Smooth TV set , family cinema , midi system , digtial camera , computer , ect . We are closed to these things , it"s not strange that a family in China has more than one TV set , computers or has a car . The living house is much bigger than before , people"s views are modern and we have many ways to entertain ourselves . The family may go to a trip in a holiday , old people may sing or dance in their leisure time .In a word , Chinese family life has a revolution . Times has changed , our life , no doubt , will become better and better .另一篇:Recent changes in Chinese family life As we know, elder generation impress us as frugality. when we are having dinner ,they always ask us the youngers not to waste any food.sometimes youngers are confused.because we have not expenrienc the life they have.My grandmother once told me her story.when she was young,she carried two baskets of solt which were about 50kilograms walking about 30kilometers away to just make a living !i believe they had a hard time that we now can not imagine.Also the elder generation"s entertainment is less and simpler than ours.they maybe imagine that the whole family sitting on the sofa ,watching the TVshow ,chatting and enjoying gongfu their times ,their better and mordener way of entertainment is listening to the radios.Such a big change in our family life!for the main reason of the economy system revolution,our nation could devoply so rapily.However ,with the science technology ,more and more youngers are stuck to the virtule world ,and unwilling to communicate with people around.also ,citizens are less cloze to the nature ,many of they are lack of some basic knowledge of the nature ,the real life .
2023-07-10 21:42:281

l tell her a story为什么用 her不用she

2023-07-10 21:42:364


on christmas day,jims famil were in his grandparents house.after lunch,they opened their presents under the christmas tree.everybody was veryescited
2023-07-10 21:42:457

I will tell her a story改为一般疑问句?

will i tell her story?
2023-07-10 21:43:042

So moving是什么意思?

2023-07-10 21:43:133


一旦你听到这个Magic-eye电眼娃娃的声音,就不会忘记张韶涵。虽然我们是通过张韶涵演的电视戏剧MVP知道她的,是2003年的最有前途的天后。在田野的华语歌曲事实上,张韶涵一直坚持说她喜欢唱歌。 最近,她的自传《奇迹安琪拉》刊登在中国大陆除了写真照片,张韶涵还分享她的故事成为一个现代化的灰姑娘的故事。在这本书中,她最后一页记下了她的生活在加拿大,当她还是个小女孩的时候,这个有趣的事实,而在舞蹈课上好玩的事。 无论你是否是一名涵情脉脉,你都能理解经历艰难地成为一个明星。读完这本书。或者也许你会启发,成为一个像张韶涵一样现代化的灰姑娘。
2023-07-10 21:43:215

谁有The Friends Of Mr.Cairo的歌词 谢谢!!

One on one to talk to youLike film stars they get close to youYou"ve mirrored his appealHe wants you so, he wants to be beside youThen you pass by giving him the other side of youLike the mystics doSo that every time he moves, he moves for youSoul and light can always seeThe meeting of true love and sheThis silent night and I,I guess a lonely mind might seeI"ve seen love on the screenI"ve seen a screen goddesss and me-ohHow often this, how often, this the power of youAnd so, I must confessWhatever I seeI"m meant to be there with youWith you with youSilent golden movies, talkies, technicolour, long agoMy younger ways stand clearer, clearer than my footprintsStardom greats I"ve followed closely Closer than the nearest heartbeatLonger that expected-ther were great-Oh love oh love just to see themActing on the silver screen, oh myClark Gable, Fairbanks, Maureen O"SullivanFantasy would fill my life and ILove fantasy so muchDid you see in the morning lightI really talked, yes I did, to Gods early dawning lightAnd I was privileged to be as I am to this dayTo be with you. To be with you
2023-07-10 21:43:363


2023-07-10 21:43:552

lll tell her a story 是什么意思s

l‘ll tell her a story,我要讲给她一个故事。
2023-07-10 21:44:022


2023-07-10 21:44:103

I will tell her a story

2023-07-10 21:44:333