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2023-05-19 16:20:35

用put up一般将来时,put off和put out的过去式,即put up with的现在完成时造句

TAG: 完成 putoff

I will put up my hand if I can in your class tommorrow.如果我会,我明天将在你的课堂上举手.

The meeting was put off.会议取消了.

They put out the big fire last night.昨晚他们熄灭了大火.

I have put up with some hardship so far.到目前为止,我已经忍受了一些困难.



put off的意思是推迟。put off:英 ["pʊtɒf],美 ["pʊtɒf]    n. 推迟;搪塞put off例句1、It is suggested that the meeting should be putoff.有人建议推迟会议。2、He was put off science by bad teaching. 教学不好使他失去了对理科的兴趣。put off短语put off doing sth 推迟做某事 ; 推延做某事 ; 推迟to put off 延期 ; 推迟 ; 驶出 ; 消除put off doing 推迟做某事 ; 推迟做put的用法1、put的基本含义是“放,搁”,指将某物安放在一个固定的地点,使其形成某种状态。引申还可作“提出,提交”“估算,估价,评价”“使从事活动,使致力于”“推,送”“将…看作,将…列为”“(航海)前进,继续行程”解。2、put主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to/for的宾语。有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。
2023-01-03 01:49:162

put off什么意思中文翻译

put off[英][put ɔf][美][pʊt ɔf]敷衍; 使分心; 延期; 脱去(衣、帽等);
2023-01-03 01:49:334

put off什么意思

put off意思是:推迟。例句:1、We"ve had to put off our wedding until September.我们只得把婚期推迟到九月。2、The sports meeting has been put off/ delayed until tomorrow due to bad weather.由于天气恶劣,运动会推迟到明天举行。3、The meeting has been put off/ delayed until next week so that more people can attend.为了使更多的人可以参加,此次会议已推迟到下周。4、We will put off the meeting till next week, when we will be all here.会议将推迟到下周,那时我们都在这儿。5、Don"t put off the party on my account.别因为我把聚会的时间推迟了。
2023-01-03 01:49:481

put off的用法是什么?例句有哪些?

put off的用法:有“推延,延期”之意,put off口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。例如:1、Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。2、Many people are put off by his surly behavior.他举止粗暴使许多人感到气愤。put off一、含义:vt. 不安;延期;摆脱;欺诈二、用法put off:推迟;扔掉;阻止,是put off doing sth。意为:阻碍某人做某事。The game was put off because of rain.比赛因雨延期。扩展资料:近义词:postponepostpone一、含义:vt. 延期;推迟二、用法postpone是及物动词,基本意思是“延期”“推迟”,一般指有意地拖延且通常拖延到某一确定的时间。后面跟延期或推迟的日期或其他修饰语。所延长的时间常用for引出,有时也可省略,延到某时则用to,untill或till。postpone可接动名词作宾语,但不能接动词不定式。She did not postpone her departure.她不再延迟她的行期。
2023-01-03 01:50:021

put off什么意思?

2023-01-03 01:50:134

put off 什么意思

put off 推迟
2023-01-03 01:50:252

put off 的意思?

脱掉 希望采纳
2023-01-03 01:50:332

put off的中文意思

2023-01-03 01:50:402

put out,put away,put up,put off分别是什么意思

2023-01-03 01:50:4811


put off +名词=put +物主代词 off 脱下.例如: I put off my sweater after coming into the room .我进屋后脱下运动衫. put 推迟 延期 .例如: The meeting will be put off till next week .会议延期到下周. 扩展资料   Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute   宾特先生习惯拖到最后时刻才作决定。   We tried to visit the Abbey but were put off by the queues.   我们曾想参观威斯敏斯特教堂,但排起的`长队使我们打消了这个念头。   Some believe this level of compensation is essentially a poison pill to put off any rival bidders.   有些人认为这种程度的补偿实质上是阻止任何投标对手的“毒丸”防御。
2023-01-03 01:51:521

put off 的意思?

2023-01-03 01:52:001

put off中间能加名词吗

可以加名词,例如:put +sb. off 使某人厌恶,使某人不快,反感,使某人不知所措。例句:His attitude put me off. 他的态度让我反感。putoff后面加动词的ing形式,或者名词,如putoffdoingsth。其意思有推迟、拖延、敷衍、搪塞、使反感、使失去兴趣、使分心、搅扰。putoff的例句有:Womenwhoputoffhavingababyoftenmakethebestmothers(晚育的女性经常会成为最优秀的母亲)。同类词辨析:delay普通用词,多指因外界原因推迟或耽误,也可指有意推迟。postpone正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。defer正式用词,语气强于postpone,多指故意拖延。suspend指暂时中断以待某种条件的实现。prolong指把时间延长至超过正常或通常的限度。put off口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。
2023-01-03 01:52:051

put out,put off应该怎样区别呢

2023-01-03 01:52:131

put off,put back,put over都有推迟的意思,这些有什么区别

put off,put back,put over的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、put off:拖延,敷衍。2、put back:拖延,推迟。3、put over:延期。二、用法不同1、put off:基本意思是“延期”“推迟”,一般指有意地拖延且通常拖延到某一确定的时间。后面跟延期或推迟的日期或其他修饰语。2、put back:正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。3、put over:指有意推迟,也可指因不可抗力而推迟。三、侧重点不同1、put off:侧重于只是推迟,并非结束。2、put back:侧重于表示回到原点,耽搁了。3、put over:侧重于表示搁置了,不再进行了。
2023-01-03 01:52:181

take off与put off表示脱下时用法上有何区别?

2023-01-03 01:52:314

put off,put back,put over都有推迟的意思,这些有什么区别

2023-01-03 01:52:441

put off to do还是doing

put off:推迟;扔掉;阻止,是put off doing sth。意为:阻碍某人做某事。如:She keeps putting off going to the dentist.她老是拖延着不去看牙病。 一、put的短语 1、put on穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场 2、put into使进入;把...放进;在……上种植 3、put up提供;建造;举起;推举,提名;供给…住宿 4、put together..放在一起;组合;装配 5、put out熄灭;伸出;出版;使不方便,打扰 6、put it on夸张;要高价;[俚]装腔作势 7、put forth提出;发表;启航;(植物等)长出;放出 8、put for以……为目标前进 9、put down镇压;记下;贬低;制止 10、put off推迟;扔掉;阻止 二、put的用法 1、put的基本含义是“放,搁”,指将某物安放在一个固定的地点,使其形成某种状态。引申还可作“提出,提交”“估算,估价,评价”“使从事活动,使致力于”“推,送”“将…看作,将…列为”“(航海)前进,继续行程”解。 2、put主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to/for的宾语。有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 3、put的过去式和过去分词均为put。
2023-01-03 01:52:491

put off是”取消”吗?

put off: 推迟,拖延v. 延期例句与用法: 1. Don"t put me off when I"m trying to concentrate. 我正要集中注意力呢,别打搅我。 2. He"s a good salesman, but his offhand manner does tend to put people off. 他是个很好的推销员,可是他那随便的态度容易使人产生反感。 3. She keeps putting off going to the dentist. 她老是拖延著不去看牙病。 4. I asked the bus driver to put me off near the town centre. 我请公共汽车司机在快到市中心时让我下车. 5. This afternoon"s meeting will have to be put off. 今天下午的会议得延期. 6. We"ve had to put our wedding off until September. 我们得把婚礼延期到九月举行. 7. The accident put her off driving for life. 这次事故使她一辈子不愿意再开车了. 8. She was put off maths by a bullying and incompetent teacher. 她对数学失去了兴趣, 因为老师仗势欺人又没教学能力.
2023-01-03 01:52:5411

put off后面加动词的什么形式?

2023-01-03 01:53:318

put on put off put up put down这些短语分别是什么意思!例如:turn on 打开

put away 放好,收好;储存put down 记下,放下put in 驶进put in for 申请put off 推迟,推延put on 穿上,戴上put out 熄灭,消灭,put up 提出,举起,升起
2023-01-03 01:54:006

postpone与delay与put off的辨析

2023-01-03 01:54:201

put off的off是什么词性?我英语老师先后给我说的不一样,网上说的也不一样...

2023-01-03 01:54:251

谁能整理一下put与on /off/up/done的区别

是说put on;put off;put up;put down.之间的区别么?(done是怎么个意思)put on1.上演,演出She took off the old dress and put on a new one. 她脱下旧连衣裙,穿上一件新的。 2.穿上,戴上3.假装;夸大put off1.推迟;拖延Don"t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。put off doing sth.put up1.建造They put up a tent by the fire. 他们在火堆旁搭起了一个帐篷。 2.供给...住宿We can put all of you up for the nightput down1.放下Put the typewriter down here. 把打字机放在这儿。 2.写下Will you put down your address here? 把你的地址写在这儿好吗? 3.批评;奚落;贬损She always put down her boyfriend, but he didn"t seem to mind. 她总爱奚落她的男朋友,但是他好像并不介意。
2023-01-03 01:54:303

put of 是什么意思?

2023-01-03 01:54:414

put off推迟的用法

put off:基本意思是“延期”“推迟”,一般指有意地拖延且通常拖延到某一确定的时间。后面跟延期或推迟的日期或其他修饰语,侧重于只是推迟,并非结束。 扩展资料   例句:   Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute   宾特先生习惯拖到最后时刻才作决定。   We tried to visit the Abbey but were put off by the queues.   我们曾想参观威斯敏斯特教堂,但排起的长队使我们打消了这个念头。   Don"t put off today"s work till tomorrow.   今天能做的`不要拖到明天。   Just because of the rain, the sports meet was put off.   都是下雨,运动会才延期的。   Why should it be put off till next month?   为什么非要挨到下个月不可?
2023-01-03 01:55:061

put off意思

2023-01-03 01:55:127

put it off是什么意思

2023-01-03 01:55:361

put off. doing sth. 造句

put off cleanning classroom
2023-01-03 01:55:424

put off,off作为副词后面跟什么?

put off是动词+副词短语,接名词作宾语可以放在它们之间或之后;代词宾格只能放在它们之间,不能在它们之后。
2023-01-03 01:56:021

put on/take off是什么意思

第一个意思是“穿上”第二个意思是“脱下”一般指穿衣服,脱衣服,是表示一个动作,同意词wear,也是表示穿,但是指结果,是指你穿了什么,例:1 Put on you coat.2 it"s too hot .take off the sweater.3 today.l wear a T-shirt.
2023-01-03 01:56:106

put off 是动副短语,为什么后面可以加代词和ing 形式?

2023-01-03 01:56:313

put off可以分开吗?

回答如下:这是及物动词put +副词 off构成的动词短语。这种动词短语的宾语若是名词,宾语可置于副词前或副词后; 若是宾格代词,只能置于动词与副词之间。例如:put the meeting off = put off the meeting; put it off(不能说put off it)。
2023-01-03 01:56:452

put off与put back有什么区别?

put off 常用的有2个意思:1.推迟。2.摆脱。1.推迟。用法:put off sth,put off doing sth.例句:Don"t put off your work.不要推迟自己的工作。I put off going to college.我推迟了上大学的计划。2.远离,摆脱。Bird flu put me off eating chicken.禽流感让我远离了鸡肉。put back表示把什么放回原来的位置,引申的常用用法就是1.放回原位。2.调慢(闹钟)3.放在后面。例句:Put the  candy back where you found it.把糖果放回原来的位置。I put the clock back one hour.我把闹钟调慢了一个小时。Put your shoulders back.把你的肩膀缩回去。
2023-01-03 01:56:536

“put up”“put off”“put on”的区别是什么?

一、意思不同1.put up意思:建造;搭起;设立;张贴2.put off意思:推迟;拖延;敷衍;搪塞3.put on意思:穿;戴;涂;抹;上演;举办二、用法不同1.put up用法:基本意思是把建筑材料或构件组合在一起成为各种建造物,这种建造物可以小如儿童玩具,大如摩天大楼。强调建造过程和所付出的劳动,尤指体力劳动。用于抽象事物时也表示如大建筑物般的建筑过程,强调通过一点一滴的增加以达到某种目的。2.put off用法:及物动词,基本意思是“延期”“推迟”,一般指有意地拖延且通常拖延到某一确定的时间。3.put on用法:基本意思是“穿着,戴着”,指“穿或戴的状态”,也可指“穿戴的衣物”,此时多与其他词构成复合词。wear引申可指“使用,用坏”和“耐用性”。三、侧重点不同1.put up侧重点:后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。2.put off侧重点:后面跟延期或推迟的日期或其他修饰语。所延长的时间常用for引出,有时也可省略,延到某时则用to,untill或till。3.put on侧重点:后接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。扩展资料:put on, dress, have on, wear这组词语都有“穿”或“穿衣”的意思。辨析如下:1.在表示“穿着”时, wear和have on可以互换。2.dress仅限于表示“穿衣服”; put on可表示“穿上衣服”或“戴上眼镜、帽子等”; wear和put on则可表示一般的“穿”或“戴”; 留胡子则用wear来表示。3.put on只表示动作; wear和have on均表示状态; dress则既可表示动作也可表示状态。4.put on是瞬间动词; wear和have on都是持续性动词; dress则既可作持续性动词,也可作瞬间动词。5.have on不能用于进行时态,其他3个词则可以。put, lay, place, set这组词的共同意思是“放置”。辨析如下:lay强调把某物放置或使某物处于水平位置;而set指使某物处于直立的位置;put强调把某物移进或移出某处或某位置,或使处于某种地位、情况或关系的动作;place则不强调动作,而强调某一确定的地点或情况。例如:You placed me in a difficult position.你使我陷入了窘境。I put the suitcase on the table.我把手提箱搁在桌上。They were setting the table for dinner.他们正在摆餐具准备开饭。
2023-01-03 01:57:226

put off的用法?

2023-01-03 01:58:042

put off 和take off有什么区别

put off 和take off的区别:1、put off 和take off表示脱掉的意思时,都是后加名词,比如衣服,眼镜等等。2、put off 还有推迟,扔掉,阻止的意思,take off还有起飞,离开的意思。
2023-01-03 01:58:115

put off put up put on put out 的区别

put off put up put on put out 的区别 put off : (1) 脱去;除去 He is putting off his new clothes. 他正在脱他的新衣服。 (2) 关掉 Be sure to put off the light before you go out. 在你出去前别忘了关灯。 (3) 推迟(约会、旅行、访问等);推迟和(某人)的约会 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今天的事不要拖到明天。 (4)使泄气,使不愉快 Don"t be put off a little difficulty like that. 不要为了像那样的一些困难泄气。 (5)(停车)让某人下 Piease put me off the train at the airport. put up : (1) 升起;举起 Put your hands up. 举起你的手。 (2) 建造;搭起;装置 They put up a new house here. 他们在这建造了一栋新房子。 (3)张贴 You shouldn"t put up the ads here without permission. 你没有允许不应该把广告贴在这。 (4) 留宿;投宿 We can put you up for the night. 我们能留你过夜。 put on : (1) 把…放上去 Please put the kettle on. 请把水壶放上去。 (2) 穿上;戴上 He put on his coat and hat and went out. 他穿上上衣,戴上帽子,就出去了。 (3) 开(煤气、收音机等) It"s very dark -- I"ll put the lights on. 这里很黑,我去开启电灯。 (4)上演;展览 We"re putting the play on next week. 我们下周将要展览。 (5) 装出 He puts on a *** ile which makes us feel more trustful with him. 他装出微笑的样子是我们感觉和他在一起更真实。 (6)增加(体重)等 You have put on weight since the last week. 自从上周你已经增重了。 (7)利用;欺骗 Don"t believe him.He"s just putting us on! 不要相信他。他只是在欺骗我们! put out : (1) 拿出;伸出 The doctor told him to put out his tongue. 医生要他伸出舌头。 (2) 使出(气力等) Everyone of us put out his energies to help to dig the tunnel. 我们人人出力帮助挖掘地道。 (3) 生产;产生;供应 They put out some motors of high standards. 他们生产了几台高阶发动机。 (4) 出版;公布;释出 This magazine is put out every Friday. 这份杂志每星期五出版。 (5) (植物)长出(芽、叶等) These willow saplings will put out fresh leaves very soon. 这些柳树苗不久就要长出新叶了。 (6)扑灭;关灯 Far water does not put out near fire. 远水救不了近火。 如果满意的话,可以加一些分吗~ 希望可以帮助到你!如果还不懂,可以问我哟~ 不加分也没关系O(∩_∩)O哈! put up,put off ,put on的区别, “put up”“put off”“put on”的区别是什么? 一、put on: 1、释义:增加; 穿上; 上演; 使运转 2、双语例句: (1)She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity. 她曾经希望那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。 (2)The pany put on a play about the homeless. 这家剧团上演了一出讲述无家可归者的戏。 (3)She was so ill that she was put on a respirator. 她病得很严重,被戴上了人工呼吸器。 二、put off: 1、释义:敷衍; 使分心; 延期; 脱去(衣、帽等) 2、双语例句: (1)Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers. 晚育的女性经常会成为最优秀的母亲。 (2)I"m not going to be put off with that excuse. 我不会被那个借口敷衍过去的. (3)Please put off all the lights as you leave the building. 离开这所房子时,请你把所有的灯都关上. 三、put up 1、释义:vt.举起; 张贴; 建造; 提高 vi.提供食宿; 直接行动 2、双语例句: (1)The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college"s founder. 那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。 (2)He"d put up a real fight to keep you there. 他曾努力争取让你留在那儿。 (3)He"s useless at DIY. He won"teven put up a shelf. 他自己动手能力太差,甚至连搭个架子都不会。 put away, put through, put off, put up with的区别 put away: 把什么东西放回 put away your pencil please. 把铅笔收起来。 put through: 经过什么考验 She needs to be put through this difficult task to improve. 她需要经过这次严峻的考验才能进步。 PUT UP WITH: 忍受 I can"t put up with her any more. 我再也忍受不了他了! put up,put on ,put forward,put off.put out,put away的区别 put forward v. 提出;拿出;放出;推举出 put in 提出,提交;放入;种植;使就职 put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场 put into 使进入;把...放进;在……上种植 put up 提供;建造;举起;推举,提名;供给…住宿 put together ..放在一起;组合;装配 put out 熄灭;伸出;出版;使不方便,打扰 put it on 夸张;要高价;[俚]装腔作势 put forth 提出;发表;启航;(植物等)长出;放出 put for 以……为目标前进 put down 镇压;记下;贬低;制止 put off 推迟;扔掉;阻止 put into practice 实行,实施;落实 put into operation 使生效;使运转,使开动 put off put up put out put on 和些put的短语的区别 主要意思如下: put off 推迟 The meeting has been put off by an hour. put up 搭建 put up a building 抬高 put up the price of rice 提供食宿 put *** . up for the night 提出 put up a proposal put out 灭火 put out the fire 生产 put out a new kind of product 关掉 put out the lights put on 穿上 put on your socks 呈现 be put on with a new look put on,put off,put up的意思与区别 put on解释为上演或者穿上,例如put on a short play和put on the coat put off解释为延期,取消,如this meeting was put off because of the bad weather put up解释为张贴,比如贴春联 再赠送一个put out,扑灭, put on,put off,put up,put down put on 1.上演,演出 She took off the old dress and put on a new one. 她脱下旧连衣裙,穿上一件新的。 2.穿上,戴上 3.假装;夸大 put off 1.推迟;拖延 Don"t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。 put off doing sth. put up 1.建造 They put up a tent by the fire. 他们在火堆旁搭起了一个帐篷。 2.供给...住宿 We can put all of you up for the night put down 1.放下 Put the typewriter down here. 把打字机放在这儿。 2.写下 Will you put down your address here? 把你的地址写在这儿好吗? 3.批评;奚落;贬损 She always put down her boyfriend, but he didn"t seem to mind. 她总爱奚落她的男朋友,但是他好像并不介意。 请解释put away put off put forward put through put on 的区别 put away:收拾好, put off :推迟 put forward :提出 put through :做成:达到成功的终点 put on :穿上{一般指衣服之类的} put into,putout,put up,put on区别 put into 放入 put out 扑灭(火) put up 举起(手) put on 张贴 (画,等)
2023-01-03 01:58:461

put off的用法

1.put off +名词=put +物主代词 off 脱下I put off my sweater after coming into the room .我进屋后脱下运动衫.2.put 推迟 延期 The meeting will be put off till next week .会议延期到下周.3.put +sb....
2023-01-03 01:58:521

put out,put off应该怎样区别呢

to put out is to quench fire or to produce something扑灭、生产. to put off something means to delay , to postpone 推迟、拖延
2023-01-03 01:58:584

put off put up put on put out 的区别

put off : (1) 脱去;除去 He is putting off his new clothes. 他正在脱他的新衣服. (2) 关掉 Be sure to put off the light before you go out. 在你出去前别忘了关灯. (3) 推迟(约会、旅行、访问等);推迟和(某人)的约会 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今天的事不要拖到明天. (4)使泄气,使不愉快 Don"t be put off a little difficulty like that. 不要为了像那样的一些困难泄气. (5)(停车)让某人下 Piease put me off the train at the airport. put up : (1) 升起;举起 Put your hands up. 举起你的手. (2) 建造;搭起;装置 They put up a new house here. 他们在这建造了一栋新房子. (3)张贴 You shouldn"t put up the ads here without permission. 你没有允许不应该把广告贴在这. (4) 留宿;投宿 We can put you up for the night. 我们能留你过夜. put on : (1) 把…放上去 Please put the kettle on. 请把水壶放上去. (2) 穿上;戴上 He put on his coat and hat and went out. 他穿上上衣,戴上帽子,就出去了. (3) 开(煤气、收音机等) It"s very dark -- I"ll put the lights on. 这里很黑,我去打开电灯. (4)上演;展览 We"re putting the play on next week. 我们下周将要展览. (5) 装出 He puts on a smile which makes us feel more trustful with him. 他装出微笑的样子是我们感觉和他在一起更真实. (6)增加(体重)等 You have put on weight since the last week. 自从上周你已经增重了. (7)利用;欺骗 Don"t believe him.He"s just putting us on! 不要相信他.他只是在欺骗我们! put out : (1) 拿出;伸出 The doctor told him to put out his tongue. 医生要他伸出舌头. (2) 使出(气力等) Everyone of us put out his energies to help to dig the tunnel. 我们人人出力帮助挖掘地道. (3) 生产;产生;供应 They put out some motors of high standards. 他们生产了几台高级发动机. (4) 出版;公布;发布 This magazine is put out every Friday. 这份杂志每星期五出版. (5) (植物)长出(芽、叶等) These willow saplings will put out fresh leaves very soon. 这些柳树苗不久就要长出新叶了. (6)扑灭;关灯 Far water does not put out near fire. 远水救不了近火. 如果满意的话,可以加一些分吗~ 希望可以帮助到你!如果还不懂,可以问我哟~ 不加分也没关系O(∩_∩)O哈!
2023-01-03 01:59:131

put off有取消的意思吗

没有。put off 有“推迟”的意思,但没有“取消”的意思。英语中“取消” 可以说call off
2023-01-03 01:59:193

PUT OFF是什么意思?

2023-01-03 01:59:306

put off to do还是doing

英语短语put off中文意为推迟;扔掉;阻止。后面接动词应该是put off doing sth,中文意为阻碍某人做某事。例如,She keeps putting off going to the dentist.她老是拖延着不去看牙病。
2023-01-03 01:59:541

put off有反对的意思嘛?

Put off是没有反对的意思的,帮你查了好多字典。反正至少在我读过的那种文章中就是这样的,没有反对的意思的。
2023-01-03 02:00:001

put off,put back,put over都有推迟的意思,这些有什么区别

三个短语的最终结果都是“延迟”,但手段或过程是不同的:① put off 这个是常用的延迟或推迟。 事情还是要进行的,只不过现在不行(出于某种原因),比如上面例句,是由于生病的人太多,因故顺延了。的确是延迟,但还是要按计划执行的。这个“延迟”强调事出有因,还要进行。off了原来的轨道,到最终还是要回到正轨的。② put over 这个延迟,更多强调的是耽搁。有可能就不进行下去了,over了,因此很可能有“因”而导致“无果”。③ put back,严格地说,这个词语没有明确说明是“延迟”,但put back,表示“放回去”,“重来”,因此客观上导致了延迟。它和put off的区别是,off是偏离轨迹,而back是回到之前的某个转贴;相同点是:都要回到计划的轨道或状态上(至少主观上希望如此)
2023-01-03 02:00:184

put off的off是什么词性?

2023-01-03 02:00:462

put off是不是扑灭的意思

2023-01-03 02:00:593

put off 后是加to还是till,until

put off本身已经是一个短语了,怎么还要跟to啊什么的?~若要加什么的话那就是放在一定的语境中表示一定的意思~这是不能有定论的~
2023-01-03 02:01:103

put off的同义单词,是let还是leave?

put off,动词词组,对应的汉语意思是:推迟;扔掉;阻止。 所以换成同义的单词应该是delay。 delay,v. 延期;(使)耽搁;推迟; n. 延迟的时间;延期;延时;延迟器。 例如:We have to delay classes. 我们不得不推迟上课。The driver delayed the drive until the weather cleared. 驾驶员延迟到天气转晴后才出车。Put off living your life until you meet someone. 把享受生活推迟遇到某人之后。
2023-01-03 02:01:231

put off有哪几种意思?

2023-01-03 02:01:383