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what is two-way switch? And how to make it?

2023-07-11 02:19:00

Multiway switching is a method of connecting switches in groups so that any switch can be used to connect or disconnect the load. This is most monly done with lighting. Therefore

o-way switch me there are 2 points to control the connection. Normally

we have o methods to achieve this effect. 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/3/37/Twowayswitching.PNG 1. First method 2. Second method 3. Labelling of switch terminals Switching a load on or off from o locations (for instance

turning a light on or off from either end of a flight of stairs) requires o SPDT switches. There are o basic methods of wiring to achieve this. In the first method

mains is fed into the mon terminal of one of the switches; the switches are then connected through the L1 and L2 terminals (swapping the L1 and L2 terminals will just make the switches work the other way round)

and finally a feed to the light is taken from the mon of the second switch. A connects to B or C

D connects to B or C; the light is on if A connects to D

i.e. if A and D both connect to B or both connect to C. The second method is to join the three terminals of one switch to the corresponding terminals on the other switch and take the ining supply and the wire out to the light to the L1 and L2 terminals. Through one switch A connects to B or C

through the other also to B or C; the light is on if B connects to C

i.e. if A connects to B with one switch and to C with the other. Wiring needed in addition to the mains neork (not including protective earths): First method: double wire beeen both switches single wire from one switch to the mains single wire from the other switch to the load single wire from the load to the mains Second method: triple wire beeen both switches single wire from any position beeen the o switches

to the mains single wire from any position beeen the o switches

to the load single wire from the load to the mains If the mains and the load are connected to the system of switches at one of them

then in both methods we need three wires beeen the o switches. In the first method one of the three wires just has to pass through the switch

which tends to be less convenient than being connected. When multiple wires e to a terminal they can often all be put directly in the terminal. When wires need to be joined without going to a terminal a crimped joint

piece of terminal block

wirenut or similar device must be used and the bulk of this may require use of a deeper backbox.



terminal 英 [u02c8tu025c:mu026anl] 美 [u02c8tu025c:rmu026anl] .adj. 末端的; 末期的; 晚期的; 定期的; n. 终端; 终点站; 航空站; (电路的) 端子; [网络] 站点; 站; 终端机; [例句]Having said that, the taxi queue, located at the domestic rather than the international terminal, was long..话虽如此,但机场的出租车站却设在了国内候机楼,而非国际候机楼。[其他] 复数:terminals 形近词: terminus perminal torminal
2023-07-10 21:00:112


terminal 英[ˈtɜ:mɪnl]美[ˈtɜ:rmɪnl]adj. 末端的; 末期的; 晚期的; 定期的;n. 终端; 终点站; 航空站; (电路的) 端子;[例句]They have started a hospice for terminal patients.他们为身患绝症的病人开办了一个安养所。[其他] 复数:terminals
2023-07-10 21:00:181


2023-07-10 21:00:264


n. 末端;终点;终端机;极限adj. 末端的;终点的;晚期的
2023-07-10 21:00:555


终端英文是Terminal。例句如下:1. 这家公司专营各种设备配件,比如终端机、磁带机、打印机。The firm specialized in supplying pieces of equipment, such as terminals, tape drives, or printers.2. 他们拿走了那些钱,检查之后把数额输入了信用卡终端机。They took the money, checked it and entered the amount into a credit card terminal.3. 他们拿走了那些钱,检查一下,然后把数额输入信用卡终端机。They take that amount, go over, and type that amount into the credit card terminal.
2023-07-10 21:01:281

Terminals和terminals blocks有什么区别

terminals: 终端The latest news will be displayed at the terminals.终端机上亦会显示本校的最新消息。terminal blocks:接线端子The main product line has: PCB terminal blocks, pluggable terminal blocks, screw-free terminals, such as traditional terminals.主要产品系列有:PCB接线端子,插拔式接线端子,免螺丝接线端子,传统式接线端子等。
2023-07-10 21:01:551


terminate 英[u02c8tu025c:mu026aneu026at] 美[u02c8tu025c:rmu026aneu026at] vt. 结束; 使终结; 解雇; 到达终点站; adj. 结束的; [例句]This thread runs until the main RT thread wakes up from its sleep and tells the threads to terminate.这个线程一直运行,直至主RT线程从休眠中苏醒并指示线程结束。[其他] 第三人称单数:terminates 复数:terminates 现在分词:terminating过去式:terminated 过去分词:terminated
2023-07-10 21:02:022

apm terminals是什么意思

apm terminalsAPM码头双语对照例句:1.In 2006, when apm terminals took over, there were shanty towns in the port and vesselshad to wait 30 days to berth. 当2006年接手apm码头时,港口周边尽是些破旧的小镇,船只往往要等上30天才能停泊。2.Yet, despite current problems, conditions are, according to william ross, a seniormanager at apm terminals apapa, immeasurably better than before privatisation. 不过,尽管目前存在着种种问题,但在阿帕帕apm码头的高级经理威廉罗斯(william ross)看来,如今的情况已经比私有化前大有改观。
2023-07-10 21:02:091


sst自助终端是自助服务机,比如营业厅的自助办理机器、医院的自助取号机、机场火车站的自助取票机。自助服务终端:自助服务终端主要用于缓解营业厅人流大的问题,提高业务办理的速度,主要应用于银行、电信、电力、医疗、航空、零售等行业。SST—Self Service Terminals(自助服务终端);自助服务终端主要用于缓解营业厅人流大的问题,提高业务办理的速度,主要应用于银行、电信、电力、医疗、航空、零售等行业。相关资料自助服务终端是以“24小时自助服务”为系统设计理念,可以缓解传统营业厅人流量过大的问题,弥补原来营业时间上的不足,避免顾客在营业厅办理业务的烦恼,使顾客感受到轻松、便捷、体贴的服务。营业厅自助服务终端是对营业厅服务的延伸与补充;在金融行业用户可以进行账户查询、自助转账、对账单打印、补登、自助挂失业务办理;在通信行业用户通过终端机输入电话号码、即可进行自助办理手机停(复)机、话费账单查询打印、缴费、发票打印、来电显示、GPRS等基本业务的开停办理。
2023-07-10 21:02:301


livenlona | 2013-09-17 19:22 London terminals 是伦敦市内所有火车站的统称,也就是说你从任何一个站上车都是有效的,去Cambridge的火车多数是在Kings Cross出发,少数从Liverpool Street出发网上搜的 仅供参考
2023-07-10 21:02:461


机器为麦克其在“应用程序- > - >终端公用事业”,只是运行第二条命令(低于“麦克”)和显示其结果给我们。它允许检查你们连接到服务器。
2023-07-10 21:02:531

大型汽轮发电机的发电机端子(generator terminals)是什么意思,在发电机的什么地方?

2023-07-10 21:03:021

客运码头 英语短语怎么说

这是客运码头passenger terminal这是水运码头Ferry Terminals例句:Shanghai and Hong Kong also have plans to open new passenger terminals for cruise liners in 2008 and 2012, respectively.上海和香港也分别计划在2008和2012年为邮轮开放新的客运码头。
2023-07-10 21:03:102


2023-07-10 21:03:186

PADS2007在做元件库时出现“Error: Gate A Decal PNP has 3 terminals but gate definition has 0 pins.”

2023-07-10 21:03:324

变电所负荷 主变压器 电气主接线 短路电流 这五个名词的英文是什么?

四个好不好~~变电所负荷Substation load主变压器The main transformer电气接线柱Electrical terminals短路电流Short-circuit current
2023-07-10 21:03:401


2023-07-10 21:03:482


1。所有必要的开关,辅助继电器,干预变压器,保险丝,链接头,小型断路器,测试端子,终端设备,配线,标签,取暖器,灯具等都要完全符合并适应所有的SCADA在将来对这个海湾的要求。2 完备的相关配件,软件,连接电缆和连接器。第二句中的completed 肯定是个定语了,完备的,全面的,对吧。这第一句中的 complete 和 accommodate 这个意思大家都知道,但可能翻的不太好。
2023-07-10 21:04:502

翻译 英译中

正在形成的多聚核苷酸,核苷酸的磷酸二酯键连接。磷酸二酯键是蛋白质中的肽键正式的模拟。它服务的加入,注销的蛋白质肽键。这份文件为加入作为对三个羟基磷酸,两个相邻的两个核苷酸残基酯化的结果。两个自由羟基在对C3"和C5"原子脱氧核糖存在。因此,只有这些羟基团可以参与磷酸二酯键的形成。的确,事实证明,在DNA核苷酸,核苷酸残基加入了3",5" -磷酸二酯键在一起。在某些情况下,核苷酸是线性聚合物。在对面的每月最后核苷酸残基的多核苷酸链的两端为两个码头服务链。很明显,这些终端设备都没有,因为结构相当于一个核苷酸必须终止在3" - hyfroxyl组和在5" - gydroxyl组中的其他。这些两端的核苷酸被称为3"和the5"端,他们可以作为相应的氨基酸和蛋白质的羧基末端biewed。核苷酸还存在,循环结构,其中包含没有免费的终端。一间自己的5" -核苷酸的phosohate总站的3" - OH末端可产生酯化反应循环多核苷酸。
2023-07-10 21:05:002

调音台英文说明 请高手翻译

2023-07-10 21:05:072


Terminals mode。直接从右侧“专用工具菜单”中点击“Terminals mode(终端)”中选择“Power(电源)”选项,在鼠标右键快捷菜单中选择:放置-终端-电源。电源放置方法为:选中“电源”后,用鼠标左键在电路编辑窗口单击两次。注:放置接地端同放置电源方法相同。改变电压大小方法用鼠标左键双击已经放置的电源元件,在弹出的窗口中输入想要的电源大小。注意:电压大小需要带正负号,否者会按标号处理,如想要12V的电压就输入+12V。在在同时proteus内有直流电源元件,在元件库中输入battery查找。
2023-07-10 21:05:161


2023-07-10 21:05:505


计算机终端伴随计算机系统的集中处理模式而产生,并随着计算机技术的发展而不断发展。迄今为止,计算技术经历了大型机、中型机、小型机、微型机、个人电脑(PC机)、网络计算等发展时期,终端与计算技术发展相适应,也经历了字符哑终端、图形终端、网络终端等形态。在老式的采用RS-232串行通信接口连接的计算机终端里,哑终端从狭义来说,指不能执行诸如“删行(clearing a line)”、“清屏(clearing a screen)”或“控制光标位置(control cursor position)”等特殊换码顺序(escape sequences)操作的计算机终端。在此意义上,哑终端也被称作透明的电传打字机(Telegraphic type-writer,即TTY),因为它与电传打字机有着类似的有限的功能。这种哑终端功能仍然被现代的类Unix操作系统所支持,比如可以将Unix系统的环境变量TERM设置为dumb、smart或intelligent来确定是否支持某些特殊的换码顺序(escape sequences)操作。哑终端的“哑”,是因为它只能用来发送、接收和显示字符,不能在它上面运行任何程序、进行任何计算或复杂的交互操作。哑终端没有内部处理器、硬盘或软盘,只有键盘、显示器和连接到主机的通信线路(通常通过串口控制器)。所以哑终端也表述为任何类型的采用RS-232串行通信方式连接的老式计算机终端,其既不处理本地数据,也不运行用户程序,只能通过键盘输入字符、通过显示器屏幕输出字符结果的计算机终端。在更宽的意义上,哑终端包括了所有形式的包含键盘和屏幕的计算机通信或外部设备,包括个人电脑(Personal Computers)、无盘工作站(Diskless Workstations)、网络电脑(Network Computers)、瘦客户端(Thin Clients)和X终端(X Terminals)。
2023-07-10 21:07:101


2023-07-10 21:08:031


在线服务的管理是由主机系统,它维护的信息提供给卫星用户基础。用户对所谓的“哑巴”终端(即不处理能力的)简单地通过在系统中存储的程序的信息基础。个人电脑(PC)用户通常访问的主机通过调制解调器(调制解调器)。一台PC机的软件程序服务,允许用户通过网上运行系统,并选择使用键盘或鼠标不同的数据库作为一个接口(接口之间的服务器和PC)。 希望可以帮你一把!
2023-07-10 21:08:223


terminal 英["tu025c:mu026anl] 美[u02c8tu025amu0259nu0259l] adj.末期的;晚期的;定期的;末端的 n.终端;终点站;航空站;(电路的)端子 名词复数:terminals [例句]The new terminal will create 500 jobs. 新的航站楼将会创造500个就业机会.
2023-07-10 21:08:431


N-terminal词典[化] N末端,氨基末端网络氨基末端; N端; 氨基端数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道1Expression and significance of c-Jun N-terminal kinase ( JNK) in the rat of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with insulin resistance c-jun氨基末端激酶在非酒精性脂肪肝病胰岛素抵抗大鼠中的表达及意义
2023-07-10 21:08:522

terminal blocks是什么意思

terminal blocks接线端子
2023-07-10 21:08:593

端子的英语翻译 端子用英语怎么说

是单词: terminal
2023-07-10 21:09:093


terminated v. 终止;结束;终结(terminate的过去分词)adj. 终止的;有限的The meeting terminated at 12 o"clock. 会议于12点结束。
2023-07-10 21:09:173


terminate 英[u02c8tu025c:mu026aneu026at] 美[u02c8tu025c:rmu026aneu026at] vt. 结束; 使终结; 解雇; 到达终点站; adj. 结束的; [网络] 中止; 终止; 端接; [例句]Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.她接下来说的话使谈话戛然而止。[其他] 第三人称单数:terminates 复数:terminates 现在分词:terminating过去式:terminated 过去分词:terminated形近词: terminase terminals carminate
2023-07-10 21:09:242


你好!terminate 英[u02c8tu025c:mu026aneu026at] 美[u02c8tu025c:rmu026aneu026at] vt. 结束; 使终结; 解雇; 到达终点站; adj. 结束的; [网络] 中止; 终止; 端接; [例句]This thread runs until the main RT thread wakes up from its sleep and tells the threads to terminate.这个线程一直运行,直至主RT线程从休眠中苏醒并指示线程结束。
2023-07-10 21:09:323

英国Gatewick机场由 terminal N 去 terminal S 转机是否要出境?

You must clear Immigration and Customs at Gaick. Follow signs to Baggage Reclaim – you will need to pass through Immigration on your way – and after collecting your baggage proceed to the appropriate check-in desk to check in for your next flight as normal. Collect baggage and take the free automatic train which operates beeen North and South Terminals every three minutes – journey time o minutes. For passengers connecting onto international flights there is a free inter-terminal bus which operates from below the flight connections areas 因为你系坐两间唔同航空公司... 而佢地系无interline既 所以系要系Gaick入一入境... 你坐甘泉去到Gaick之后 你要先攞返行李入左境... 之后就坐机场内既Trit Train过去Terminal N... 去到之后要再次check-in... 之后再出境security check... 参考: 小弟居于伦敦九年...
2023-07-10 21:09:391


Freight containers safety amendment bill 2006 2006年运货 货柜 安全修订条例草案 Freight containers safety examination procedure order 运货 货柜 安全检验程序令 First berth at terminal no . 9 operational in 2003 九号 货柜 码头首个泊位明年运作 Hong kong container tractor owner association pmited 香港 货柜 车主联会有限公司 Hong kong has the busiest container port in the world 香港是全球最繁忙的 货柜 港。 2 heavy - duty container pfts 45 tonnes per pft 2部大型 货柜 升降机(每部载货量45吨) Container port road south , kwai chung , new territories 新界葵涌 货柜 码头南路 Container port road south , kwai chung , new territories 新界葵涌 货柜 码头南路 I " m trapped inside the container with the boy 我和那个孩子一起困在 货柜 里了 Hong kong school of motoring ltd . che kung miu road 货柜 车及商用汽车教授从业员协会 Hong kong container tractor owner association ltd 香港 货柜 车主联会有限公司 Ship owners operators of sea - going vessels and container terminals 营运者和 货柜 码头 It may be used for goods counters and some other materials 二可堆放 货柜 和其他物资 Terminal handpng charges and mid - stream fees 货柜 码头处理费及中流货柜收费 Kwai fong mtr station v container port road south 葵芳地铁站至 货柜 码头南路 You can no longer steal from courier containers 不再能从一个快递任务 货柜 箱中偷东西。 Personnel may stop and detain the container concerned 消防人员可截查及扣留有关 货柜 。 Container throughput of hong kong port estimates 本港 货柜 吞吐量(估计数字) Atl logistics centre b berth 3 , kwai chung container terminal 香港葵涌 货柜 物流中心b座 Kwai fong mtr station container port road south 葵芳地铁站至 货柜 码头南路 Atl logistics centre b berth 3 , kwai chung container terminal 香港葵涌 货柜 物流中心b座 And atl logistics centre hong kong , contracting 及亚洲 货柜 物流中心之营运管理建筑机电 21 . 98 milpon teus 20 - foot equivalent units 2 198万个20尺长标准 货柜 单位 Layout of hong kong s container terminal in kwai chung 香港葵涌 货柜 码头 They used cranes to pft the containers from the ship 他们用起重机从船上把 货柜 吊起来。 Freight containers safety ordinance mencement notice 运货 货柜 安全条例生效日期公告 Owners and operators of sea - going vessels 货柜 码头、货柜装卸及货柜租赁 Lcq7 : measures against use of bald tyres in trucks 立法会七题:打击 货柜 车使用光头胎的措施 Kaohsiung harbor is the world s fourth largest container port 高雄港是世界第四大 货柜 港。 Containerised cargo dominates the pner market in hong kong 远洋班轮市场以运送 货柜 为主。 Container throughput in hong kong and shenzhen 香港及深圳的 货柜 吞吐量 Container port road , kwai chung , new territories 新界葵涌 货柜 码头路 You pke what you see and ask for a container load 你对你看到的挺满意并要定一个 货柜 的货。 Container transportation employees general union 货柜 运输业职工总会 Work has started on the construction of a container terminal 货柜 终点站的建造工作已经开始。 He ordered a enty - foot container load of frozen poultry (他订了一个二十? 货柜 的家禽肉。 ) Haulage of containers and container leasing 货柜 装卸及货柜租赁服务 Container port road south , area 30 , kwai chung , new territories 新界葵涌第30区 货柜 码头南路 24 . the new container terminals may be built on lantau 24 .新的 货柜 码头选址有可能是在大屿山。 Freight containers safety fees regulation 运货 货柜 安全费用规例
2023-07-10 21:09:461


IntroductionThe United Kingdom is a country surrounded by water on three sides, with a vast coastal line. For centuries, its ports have been the gateways to the world, serving as strategic communication and trade links between the British Empire and other parts of the globe. Even today, the UK"s ports are still vital for trade, import, and export of commodities, as well as for ferry services and cargo transport. In this article, we"ll look at some of the ports dotted along the UK"s coastline and how to say them in English.Port of LondonThe Port of London is located at the mouth of the River Thames, the longest river in England. As the UK"s largest and busiest port in terms of total tonnage, it handles a wide range of goods including oil, chemicals, containers, and automobiles. It is also a crucial hub for passenger travel with ferry services operating to various European destinations, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Hamburg. London"s port is divided into two main areas, the Upper and Lower Port areas, and it comprises of several specialist terminals that cater to specific types of cargos. These terminals include the Tilbury Container Terminal, Purfleet Ro-Ro Terminal and the Thames Oilport.Port of LiverpoolThe Port of Liverpool is located on the east bank of the River Mersey, and it ranks as one of the UK"s top five ports by volume. It has been an essential gateway for trade and travel between the UK, Ireland and North America since the late 19th century. The port handles a wide range of commodities, including vehicles, containers, and raw materials, and has several terminals for different types of cargo. These include the Royal Seaforth Container Terminal, the Liverpool Bulk Terminal and the Cammell Laird Terminal, which is used for repairs and maintenance of ships.Port of SouthamptonThe Port of Southampton, known as the "cruise capital of Europe," is located on the south coast of England, and it is the UK"s busiest passenger port. It served as the hub for the Titanic, which set sail for her maiden voyage on April 10, 1912. Southampton handles a range of cargos, including vehicles, containers, and petroleum products. It is also home to several cruise terminals, including the Mayflower and Southampton City Cruise terminals, which serve as the departure points for many of the UK"s major cruises.Port of FelixstoweThe Port of Felixstowe is located on the east coast of England, and it is the UK"s largest container port. It handles about one-third of the country"s containerized goods, making it a crucial hub for the UK economy. The port is home to several terminals, including the Trinity Terminal, which is the largest container terminal in the UK, and the Orwell International Terminal. The port is equipped with modern infrastructure, including rail and road links, which ensures fast and efficient handling of cargo.ConclusionThe UK"s ports have been critical to the country"s economy and have played a central role in the development of the country. They have been instrumental in linking the UK to the rest of the world, facilitating trade and commerce, and connecting people. This article has explored just a few of the many ports along the UK"s coastline and highlighted what each of them is known for, and how to say them in English.
2023-07-10 21:09:531

spade terminals是什么意思

spade terminal 扇形(软线)接头网络释义 前端开口形端子短语Locking Spade Terminals 集胜端子股份有限公司Flag Type Spade Terminals 旗形前端开口形端子NON-INSULATED SPADE TERMINALS 叉形裸压端子
2023-07-10 21:10:171


2023-07-10 21:10:242

HFSS中the port has no terminals on it 什么意思

2023-07-10 21:10:314

HFSS中the port has no terminals on it

the port has no terminals on it-该端口没有连接终端设备
2023-07-10 21:10:381

some user interface terminals are not active

some user interface terminals are not active.1-4 一些用户界面的终端不是active.1-4 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。 您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!
2023-07-10 21:10:451


2023-07-10 21:10:521


IntroductionAs an island nation, the United Kingdom is home to a number of ports that serve as important gateways for the country"s trade with other nations. In this article, we will explore some of the major ports in the UK and learn more about their significance.Port of SouthamptonLocated on the south coast of England, the Port of Southampton is one of the busiest ports in the UK. It has a long history dating back to Roman times and has since grown into a major hub for container ships, cruise liners, and other cargo vessels. The port has direct access to the English Channel and is strategically located close to major motorways and rail links, making it an ideal location for trade between the UK and continental Europe.Port of LiverpoolThe Port of Liverpool is another important port in the UK, located on the west coast. It has a rich maritime heritage and has played a significant role in the country"s trade for centuries. Today, it is a major hub for container ships, oil tankers, and other cargo vessels. The port underwent a major expansion project in recent years, which has led to increased capacity and improved facilities.Port of FelixstoweThe Port of Felixstowe is located on the east coast of England and is the largest container port in the country. It has direct access to the North Sea and is strategically located near major motorways and rail links, making it a key gateway for trade between the UK and Asia. The port has undergone extensive expansion over the years, and today it handles over 4 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) of containers annually.Port of LondonThe Port of London is one of the largest ports in the world, with a history dating back over 2,000 years. Located on the River Thames, it serves as a major hub for trade between the UK and the rest of the world. The port is home to a number of specialized terminals, including a container terminal, a bulk terminal for grains and animal feed, and a ro-ro terminal for vehicles.ConclusionThese are just a few examples of the major ports in the UK. Each serves a vital role in the country"s economy, facilitating trade and commerce with other nations. Whether it"s through container ships, cruise liners, or other cargo vessels, these ports play a significant role in connecting the UK to the rest of the world.
2023-07-10 21:10:591

do not short the battery terminals

阀密铅酸蓄电池(可充电) 恒压充电 循环使用:14.5-14.9V 浮充使用:13.5-13.8V 充电初始电流:小于1.5A 注意事项: 不要将蓄电池的两个端子直接短接 不要在密闭容器中充电 用后充电 阀密铅酸电池 必须进行回收或其它妥善处理
2023-07-10 21:11:061


Multiprogramming is the allocation of more than one concurrent program on a computer system and its resources. Multiprogramming allows using the CPU effectively by allowing various users to use the CPU and I/O devices effectively. Multiprogramming makes sure that the CPU always has something to execute, thus increases the CPU utilization.Time sharing, which was introduced in 1960s, is the sharing of computing resources among several users at the same time. In time sharing systems, several terminals are attached to a single dedicated server having its own CPU. Actions/commands executed by the operating system of a time sharing system have a very short time span. Therefore the CPU is assigned to users at the terminals for a short time period, thus a user in a terminal gets the feeling that she has a CPU dedicated to her behind her terminal.
2023-07-10 21:11:161

怎么激活华为交换机some user interface terminals are not active.user-interfa

2023-07-10 21:11:251

PADS 中renumber terminals 不可选是怎么回事?

2023-07-10 21:11:551

连接是connected还是be connected with?

一般情况下,二者的用法如下:be connected with 指两个人或事物之间有关联或联系,一般不用于两个事物的具体连接.He was connected with the crime.他与那起犯罪与关.She was connected with the girl who used to live next door to me.把她与过去经常住我隔壁的那个女孩联系起来.be connected to 是"接通""连接"的意思,将两个东西进行对接或连接.These terminals are connected to our mainframe computer.这些终端设备都与我们的计算机主机相连接.但有时,二者的差别并不大,甚至可以通用.
2023-07-10 21:12:021


2023-07-10 21:12:091

卫星通信中“anchor station”如何翻译?0分

固定的通讯站anchor有 固定、系住的意思
2023-07-10 21:12:172


如图,1.选择Terminals Mode,2.点击Power,然后鼠标在你要放置的位置单击一下,就可以出现3,双击这个符号,将string 改为+12V,点击OK即可。
2023-07-10 21:12:261