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2023-07-11 01:45:20
TAG: 英语




This is a live(=living) fish.(=This is a fish alive.)



Who"s the greatest man alive(=living man)?


The fish is still alive(=living)



alive, living

这两个词都表示“活着的”、“有生命的”(having life)意思,词义相同,但用法有所不同。

Alive是表语形容词,放在verb“to be”之后,不能放在它所说明的名词之前。

例如我们只可以说 The old man is still alive。



English is a living language.


Is his father still living?



Given the chance to sing on stage,he is very much alive.


The bazaar was all alive by the time we arrived.





Many people were burnt alive in the conflagration that happened in a multi-storeyed building.


Our living standards are rising steadily.


Those who enjoy a good living seldom understand the suffering of the poor.




At last we found him in a trap in the forest,still living but not alive.

通过对比,可以看出,living之意是“活的”;alive 之意是“有气息的”。

这里的not alive表示人虽然还活着,但已“气息奄奄”、“没有生气”了。



He is alive to the imminent danger.




The children were found_______(live) after being missing for several days.



Still Alive是什么意思

我还活着 /我没死!!
2023-07-10 19:37:194

still alive什么意思

词组 意思是 依然生存
2023-07-10 19:37:416

Bigbang - Still Alive 中文歌词

I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive 我虽看似已穷途末路 却苦尽甘来再不避开他人的视线 我绝不躲藏无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下 I"m still alive爱着我的她看起来并不幸福掩藏起踪迹 让大众无比畏惧许多的憧憬与欢呼 情绪不安因对死亡的苦恼而烦恼的夜晚我的过往留下的只有相片我的青春是他人的装饰品我那受到精神鼓舞的感情我能看到你摸不着的未来我人生的旋律自己来指挥尽情享受高潮迭起的Climax为我痴迷的少女们最聪明自卑感可会让你一蹶不振就算所有人都离我而去即使全世界都将我背弃哪怕你同情这可怜的我无论世间怎样把我否定我已擦干过去的眼泪 绽放笑容无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下 I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m livin" that I"m livin"that good life I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive We livin" that we livin" that" good life Ye 逐渐消逝不见的呼声被叹息声取而代之在这感性** 我的反省是赞美比起良性 更偏好恶性放送觉醒吧 每一个人 a-yo别武断 无论何时我虽看似已穷途末路 却苦尽甘来再不避开他人的视线 我绝不躲藏被人指指点点 也正因为我走红失望与期待 理由和根据唇舌之争在嘴边不断上演等着我的也只有那片向阳墓地 就算所有人都离我而去即使全世界都将我背弃哪怕你同情这可怜的我无论世间怎样把我否定我已擦干过去的眼泪 绽放笑容无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin" that I"m livin" that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveWe livin" that we livin" that" good life
2023-07-10 19:37:573

生化危机中still alive的歌词是什么?

Still Alive This Was A Triumph 这是一次大胜利 I""m Making A Note Here: 我要做点记录: HUGE SUCCESS 巨大的成功! It""s hard to overstate 难以用语言表达 my satisfaction. 我的满足 Aperture Science 光圈科技 We do what we must 我们的做我们必须做的 because we can. 因为我们可以做大 For the good of all of us. 为了我们美好的一切 Except the ones who are dead. 除过那些死掉的人 But there""s no sense crying over every mistake.在每次犯错后,哭也是毫无意义的 You just keep on trying 继续尝试 till you run out of cake. 直到”用完蛋糕 And the Science gets done. 直到我们的科技完成 And you make a neat gun. 你充当一头小白鼠 For the people who are 为了那些仍然活着的人 Still Alive I""m not even angry. 我甚至都不生气 I""m being so sincere right now. 我现在是如此的纯真 Even though you broke my heart. 哪怕你使我心碎 And killed me. 而且杀了我 And tore me to pieces. 将我撕成碎片 And threw every piece into a fire. 扔进烈火里 As they burned it hurt because 碎片依然燃烧的那么凶 I was so happy for you! 因为我为你如此高兴! Now these points of data make a beautiful line.现在这些数据成了如此美力的一条线 And we""re out of beta. 我们不再是试验产品了 We""re releasing on time. 我们从时间获得解放 So I""m glad. I got burned. 我如此开心,我被烧了 Think of all the things we learned 想想我们学到的东西 for the people who are 为了那些仍然活着的人们 still alive. Go ahead and leave me. 前进吧,留下我 I think I prefer to stay inside. 我想我还是愿意呆在里面 Maybe you""ll find someone else 可能你会找到其他人帮你 to help you. Maybe Black Mesa. . . 可能黑山基地 THAT WAS A JOKE. HAHA FAT CHANCE.也是一个骗局,哈哈,好机会。 Anyway. this cake is great. 不管怎么样,蛋糕很棒 It""s so delicious and moist. 如此美味 Look at me still talking 看着我,当我还能说话的时候 When Theres Science to do. 当还有实验的时候, When I look out there, 我望向窗外 it makes me glad I"m not you. 我真高兴,我不是你 I""ve experiments to run. 我还有实验要做 There is research to be done. 还有研究要做 On the people who are 为了那些依然活着的人 still alive. And believe me I am still alive. 相信我,我还活着 I""m doing Science and I""m still alive. 我还活着,而且我在做实验 T feel fantastic and I""m still alive. 如此难以置信,我还活着 While you""re dying I""ll be still alive. 当你快死了,我也活着 And when you""re dead I will be still alive.当你死了,我依旧活着 STILL ALIVE 依旧活着
2023-07-10 19:38:052

still alive的介绍

《Still Alive》是美国艺电出品电子游戏《镜之边缘》的主题曲,由亚森·比尔吉逊(Arnthor Birgisson)制作、拉米·雅各布(Rami Yacoub)填词、品客(Pink)、布莱尼·斯皮尔(Britney Spears)和凯利斯(Kelis)作曲。歌曲的原唱是瑞典歌手丽莎·密丝柯维斯基(Lisa Miskovsky)。曲目时长4分20秒。该曲曲风豪放但不失柔情,重金属的打击乐做为配乐在高潮结束时在以钢琴声做为辅音如流水般溢出,给人以美的感觉。单曲曾在瑞典单曲排行榜上排到第29名1。
2023-07-10 19:38:191

still alive的创作背景

消极乐队的歌曲《Still Alive》讲述了歌唱者对恋人的依恋之情与执着的追求之心。该曲目融入了一定的哥特摇滚元素,具有唯美而细腻的美感。主唱乔尼·亚伦(Jonne Aaron)的声音浑厚有力,唱到激情处忽而转为沙哑。沙哑并非由撕裂产生,而是来自胸腔,出自内心,带有颇具吸引力的磁性。2003年12月12日,该歌曲随消极乐队发布的《Still Alive》单曲专辑首度亮相。除了长4分20秒的原版音乐外,专辑亦收录了伴奏改变版的《Still Alive》,演唱会现场录音版的《Still Alive》以及另一首歌曲《Lost Soul》。该单曲在芬兰音乐排行榜上最高排到第4名。2008年,该单曲被收录到乐队的DVD专辑《风暴的眼睛里》(In The Eye Of The Hurricane)。(单曲专辑封面图片来源。)消极乐队(Negative)是成立于1997年的芬兰摇滚乐团。乐团在初期就以悦耳的旋律和吉他反复乐节建立名声。团员的音乐受到了枪与玫瑰、皇后合唱团和Hanoi Rocks的影响。消极乐队是2000年代最具国际知名度的芬兰乐团之一。
2023-07-10 19:38:321

still alive的中文翻译

《Still alive》—— BIGBANGI"m still aliveI"m still aliveI"m still alive我虽看似濒临死亡却依然存活我绝不再避开他人视线 不再躲藏无论何时即使深深坠入黑暗深渊I"m alive我将不再失魂落魄 褪去旧时枷锁 Jump out曾狠狠坠下的我如今依然美丽异常任身体飞向高空 我享尽自由好似这瞬间一般 我依然活着I"m still alive爱着我的她看上去似是不幸因畏惧大众而隐藏自己湮没踪迹因过多的憧憬和欢呼而情绪不安因困扰于死亡而烦闷不堪的夜晚属于我年少的遗物只剩相片我的青春只是他人点缀之物我的感情受到那心灵的洗礼你猜测不透的未来我能预见我人生的旋律由我自己来指挥放肆享受那高潮迭起的Climax为我痴迷的少女们都如此聪慧将你玩弄于鼓掌令你自惭形秽即使所有的人都离我而去即使世上一切都将我抛弃即使你怜悯看似可怜的我即使这世界告诉我让我放弃曾哭泣的我早已拭去眼泪绽放笑颜无论何时即使深深坠入黑暗深渊I"m alive我将不再失魂落魄 褪去旧时枷锁Jump out曾狠狠坠下的我如今依然美丽异常任身体飞向高空 我享尽自由好似这瞬间一般 我依然活着I"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin"thatI"m livin"that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m still aliveWe livin"that we livin"that good lifeYe 渐渐微弱消失不见的欢呼声被那丝混杂着叹息的感叹所代替对于这感性时代我的反省是赞颂比起良性更令人恐惧的恶性放送觉醒吧 每个人 a-yo 无论何时 不要武断我虽看似濒临死亡却依然存活我绝不再避开他人视线 不再躲藏被人议论纷纷那是因为我依旧是热点失望与期待 理由与证据唇枪舌剑遭人口舌纷扰不断等待着我的只有那片向阳的坟墓即使所有的人都离我而去即使世上一切都将我抛弃即使你怜悯看似可怜的我即使这世界告诉我让我放弃曾哭泣的我早已拭去眼泪绽放笑颜无论何时即使深深坠入黑暗深渊I"m alive我将不再失魂落魄 褪去旧时枷锁 Jump out曾狠狠坠下的我如今依然美丽异常任身体飞向高空 我享尽自由好似这瞬间一般 我依然活着I"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin"thatI"m livin"that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m still aliveWe livin" that we livin"that good life
2023-07-10 19:38:441

求BIGBANG 的Still Alive韩文歌词和翻译

我虽看似已穷途末路 却苦尽甘来再不避开他人的视线 我绝不躲藏无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下 I"m still alive爱着我的她看起来并不幸福掩藏起踪迹 让大众无比畏惧许多的憧憬与欢呼 情绪不安因对死亡的苦恼而烦恼的夜晚我的过往留下的只有相片我的青春是他人的装饰品我那受到精神鼓舞的感情我能看到你摸不着的未来我人生的旋律自己来指挥尽情享受高潮迭起的Climax为我痴迷的少女们最聪明自卑感可会让你一蹶不振就算所有人都离我而去即使全世界都将我背弃哪怕你同情这可怜的我无论世间怎样把我否定我已擦干过去的眼泪 绽放笑容无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下I"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin" that I"m livin"that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m still aliveWe livin" that we livin" that" good lifeYe 逐渐消逝不见的呼声被叹息声取而代之在这感性时代 我的反省是赞美比起良性 更偏好恶性放送觉醒吧 每一个人 a-yo别武断 无论何时我虽看似已穷途末路 却苦尽甘来再不避开他人的视线 我绝不躲藏被人指指点点 也正因为我走红失望与期待 理由和根据唇舌之争在嘴边不断上演等着我的也只有那片向阳墓地就算所有人都离我而去即使全世界都将我背弃哪怕你同情这可怜的我无论世间怎样把我否定我已擦干过去的眼泪 绽放笑容无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin" that I"m livin" that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveWe livin" that we livin" that" good life-
2023-07-10 19:38:571

求bigbang still alive的中文歌词

2023-07-10 19:39:153


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 活者: reviver 地狱,阴间死者的世界,位于活者的世界的下面;地狱 The world of the dead,located below the world of the living;Hades. 生者与死者the quick and the dead. 活着: 1. alive 2. on the hoof 3. see the sun 4. on one"s pins 5. aboveground 6. live 7. in plant Examples: 1. 这两个人中,前者已死,而后者仍然活着。 Of these o men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive. 2. 只要我活着,我都会帮助你。 As long as live, I will help you. 3. 这条鱼仍活着。 The fish is still alive. 4. 我已经放弃了她还活着的一切希望。 I had relinquished all hope that she was alive. 5. 很久以前,地球上生活着巨大的动物。 Long ago enormous animals lived on the earth. 6. 大洋深处生活着奇异的生物。 Strange creatures live in the profound depths of the ocean. 7. 他去参加战争,没能活着回来。 He went off to the war never to return alive. 8. 当时他要是听了医生的建议,现在可能还活着。 Had he followed the doctor"s advice, he might be alive now. 活着的动物 live animals. 活着;生存 To be alive;live. 活着;生存 To be alive;exist. 还活着。 Still alive—just. 活着的动物参见 live animals.See Synonyms at bliving 活着就是希望。 While there"s life,there"s hope. 约翰还活着。 John is alive yet. 他还活着。 He is still breathing. 活着,为了学习。 Learn and live. 肯定他还活着。 It is certain that he was alive.
2023-07-10 19:39:221

求 Still Alive的歌词翻译!!!

这是一次大胜利我要做点记录巨大的成功!难以用语言表达我的满足光圈科技我们做我们必须做的因为我们可以为了我们美好的一切除了那些已死的人每次犯错后,哭是毫无意义的继续尝试直到没有蛋糕直到我们科技完成直到你得到时空枪为了仍然活着的人Forms Form-55551-5Personel File AddendumDear <<Subject Name Here>>,我甚至都不生气我现在是如此的真诚即使你使我心碎而且杀了我将我粉身碎骨并把碎片扔入火中而且烧的我很痛,我还是为你如此而高兴现在这些数据化成如此美丽的一条线我们已经完成试验我们从时间中解放因此我很高兴。我燃烧着想想我们得到的教训,为了仍然活着的人Forms Form-55551-5Personel File Addendum AddendumOne last thing:走吧,离开我我想我还是愿意呆在里面也许你会找到帮助你的人也许在黑山..是一个玩笑哈哈,是个机会不管怎么样,蛋糕很不错湿嫩而美味看我,还在说话的时候当还有实验的时候我望向外面 我很高兴,我不是你我还在进行试验还有研究要做为了活着的人PS:相信我,我还活着PPS:我这样活着,做着试验PPPS:难以置信,我还活着FINAL THOUGHT:当你将要死去,我仍然活着FINAL THOUGHT PS:当你已经死去,我依旧活着还活着还活着
2023-07-10 19:39:304

bigbang Still Alive罗马音 谢谢

  BIGBANG~STILL ALIVE 歌词  I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  ub09c uc8fduc5b4uac00ub294 ub4ef ubcf4uc774uc9c0ub9cc uc8fduc9c0 uc54auc544  ub0a8ub4e4uc758 uc2dcuc120uc744 ud53cud574 uacb0ucf54 uc228uc9c0 uc54auc544  * uc5b8uc81cub098 ubcf4ub780 ub4efuc774 ub05duae4cuc9c0 ucd94ub77dud558uc9c0ub9cc I"m alive  ub09c ub354 uc774uc0c1 uc783uc744uac8c uc5c6uc5b4 uacfcuac70ub294 ub4a4ub85cud558uace0 Jump out  uae4auc774 ub5a8uc5b4uc9c0uace0 uc788ub294 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc774 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc uc9c0uae08  ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 ud558ub298uc5d0 ub358uc838 ub09c uc790uc720ub85cuc6cc  uc774 uc21cuac04ub9ccud07cuc740 ub09c uc0b4uc544uc788uc5b4 I"m still alive *  ub098ub97c uc0acub791ud558ub294 uadf8ub140uac00 ubd88ud589ud574  ubcf4uc5ec uc790ucde8ub97c uac10ucd94ub124 ub300uc911ub4e4uc774 ub450ub824uc6cc  ub9ceuc740 ub3d9uacbduacfc ud658ud638 uc815uc11cubd88uc548  uc8fduc74cuc5d0 ub300ud574 uace0ub1ccud574 uad34ub85cuc6b4 ubc24  ub0b4 uc80auc74cuc758 uc720ud488uc740 uc0acuc9c4ubfd0  ub0b4 uccaducd98uc740 ub0a8ub4e4uc758 uc7a5uc2ddud488  uc601uc801uc778 uae30ub97c ubc1bub294 ub0b4 uac10uc131  ub124uac00 ubcf4uc9c0 ubabbud55c ubbf8ub798 ub09c ubd24uc5b4  ub0b4 uc778uc0dd uba5cub85cub514ub294 ub0b4uac00 uc9c0ud718ud574  uace0uc870ub418ub294 Climax ub97c uc990uae30ub124  ub0b4uac8c ubbf8uce5c uc18cub140ub4e4uc740 ub611ub611ud574  uc790uaca9uc9c0uc2ec ub108ub97c uac00uc9c0uace0 ub180uae30uc5d0  # uc0acub78cub4e4 ub2e4 ub5a0ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub450uac00 ub4f1uc744 ub3ccub824ub3c4  uac00uc5ecuc6b4ub4efud55c ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc5d0 ub108 ub3d9uc815ud574ub3c4  uc138uc0c1uc740 uc548ub41cub2e4uace0 ub0b4uac8c ub9d0ud558uc9c0ub9cc  uadf8 ub0a0uc758 uc6b8uace0 uc788ub358 ub09c uc9c0uae08 uc6c3uace0 uc788uc5b4 #  Repeat *  ** I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  I"m livin" that I"m livin" that good life  I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  We livin" that we livin" that" good life **  Ye uc18cub9ac uc5c6uc774 uc0acub77cuc9c4 ud568uc131 ub300uc2e0uc5d0  ud0c4uc2dd uc11euc778 ud0c4uc131  uc774 uac10uc131uc2dcub300uc758 ub0b4 ubc18uc131uc740  ucc2cuc1a1 uc591uc131ubcf4ub2e4 ubb34uc11cuc6b4 uc545uc131ubc29uc1a1  uac01uc131ud558ub77c uc544ubb34uac1cub098 a-yo  ub2e8uc815 ub9d0uc544 uc544ubb34 ub54cub098  ub09c uc8fduc5b4uac00ub294 ub4ef ubcf4uc774uc9c0ub9cc uc8fduc9c0  ub0a8ub4e4uc758 uc2dcuc120uc744 ud53cud574 uacb0ucf54 uc228uc9c0 uc54auc544  uadf8 uc190uac00ub77duc9c8uc740 ub0b4uac00 uc544uc9c1 uc774uc288ub77cub294 uc99duac70  uc2e4ub9dduacfc uae30ub300 uc774uc720uc640 uadfcuac70  uc785uc5d0 uc624ub974ub77dub0b4ub9acub77dud574 uad6cuc124uc218 ub0a0  ub0a0 uae30ub2e4ub9acub294 uac74 uc591uc9c0ubc14ub978 ubb34ub364ubfd0  Repeat #, * & **  BIGBANG~STILL ALIVE歌词~罗马拼音  I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  nan ju geo ga neun deut bo i ji man juk ji a na  nam deu le si seo neul pi hae kyeol ko sum ji a na  * eon je na bo lan deu si kkeut kka ji chu la ka ji man I"m alive  nan deo i sang i leul ge eop seo gwa geo neun dwi lo ha go Jump out  ki pi tteo leo ji go it neun nae mo su mi a leum da wo ji geum  nae ja si neul ha neu le deon jyeo nan ja yu lo wo  i sun gan man keu meun nan sa la it sseo I"m still alive *  na leul sa lang ha neun keu nyeo ga bu laeng hae  bo yeo ja chwi leul kam chu ne dae jung deu li du lyeo wo  ma neun deung gyeong gwa hwa no bam  jeong seo bu lan ju geu me dae go noe hae koe lo un bam  nae jeol meu me yu pu meun sa jin ppun  nae cheong chu neun nam deu le jang sik pum  yeong jeo gin ki leul bat neun nae gam seong  ne ga bo ji mo tan mi lae nan bwat sseo  nae in saeng melody neun nae ga ji hwi hae  ko jo doe neun Climax leul jeul gi ne  nae ge mi chin so nyeo deu leun ttok ttok kae  ja gyeok ji sim neo leul ka ji go nol gi e  # sa lam deul ta tteo neo do mo du ga deung eul dol lyeo do  ka yeo un deu san nae mo seu me neo dong jeong hae do  se sang eun an doen da go nae ge mal ha ji man  keu na le ul go it tteon nan ji geum ut go it sseo #  Repeat *  ** I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  I"m livin" that I"m livin" that good life  I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  We livin" that we livin" that" good life **  Ye so li eop si sa la jin ham seong dae si ne  tan sik seok gin tan seong  i kam seong si dae e nae ban seong eun  chan song yang seong bo da mu seo un ak seong bang song  kak seong ha la a mu gae na a-yo  dan jeong ma la a mu ttae na  nan ju ge ga neun deut bo i ji man juk jji a na  nam deu le si seo neul pi hae kyeol ko sum ji a na  keu son ga lak ji leun nae ga a jik i syu la neun jeung geo  sil mang gwa ki dae i yu wa keun geo  i be o leu lak nae li lan kae ku seol su  nal ki da li neun keon yang ji ba leun mu deom ppun  Repeat #, * & **  ***Lyrics translated in Romanization and Cantonese are my original work for reference.*** Information taken away from this blog, please make sure to quote the source of borrowed material. Thank you!  BIGBANG~STILL ALIVE歌词~粤语谐音  I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  难 啜哥加暖 都 波衣之曼 足之亚那  南吐呢 丝梳暖 P嘻 盖call zoom之亚那  * 安谢那 波冷 吐丝 括卡之 true啦卡之曼 I"m alive  难 妥 衣山 衣嫩既 恶梳 瓜哥暖 dee罗 哈哥 Jump out  揭P 拖祼之哥 热暖 叻冷暑咪 亚冧打和 之禁  叻 渣丝暖 哈恋呢 当坐 难渣you罗和  衣舜间曼括门 难沙啦热梳 I"m still alive *  那嫩 沙冷哈暖 括略加 步靓嘻  波唷 渣chee嫩 监粗呢 爹中吐哩 嘟略和  妈暖 冬姜瓜 画罗 撞梳步冷  啜姑咩 爹嘻 哥略嘻 隙罗玩 泵  叻 财没咩 you倍门 沙煎 碰  叻 创 true暖 南吐呢 争食 凭  容助健 key嫩 八暖 叻南宋  呢加 波之 麼滩 咪呢 难 北梳  叻 烟腥 melody 暖 叻加 之he嘻  哥做唾暖 Climax 嫩 啜结呢  叻既 咪千 蘇略嘟伦 笃笃骑  渣割之婵 罗嫩 卡之哥 来结诶  # 沙南段 他 拖罗多 麼都加 顿呆 代略多  卡唷喔吐山 叻麼暑咩 罗 冬中嘻多  些山呆 晏then打哥 叻加 妈哈之曼  括 那呢呜哥 热当难 之金 喔哥 热梳 #  Repeat *  ** I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  I"m livin" that I"m livin" that good life  I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alive  We livin" that we livin" that" good life **  Ye 蘇哩 恶丝 沙啦煎 喊宋 爹丝呢  滩食 叔坚 滩宋  衣监宋丝爹诶 叻班宋呆 餐桑 young宋波打  餐桑 young宋波打 没梳玩 握宋班桑  咳宋哈啦 亚没既那 a-yo  单撞 妈啦 亚没 踢那  难 啜既加暖 嘟 波衣之曼 足之亚那  南吐呢 丝梳暖 P嘻 盖哥 soon之亚那  括 询加甩之伦 叻加 亚节 衣笑啦暖 专哥  消 盲瓜 key爹 衣you话 权哥  衣啤 柯恋甩叻哩冷骑 箍腮暑  乃 key打哩暖 抗 young之巴伦 没当 碰  Repeat #, * & **
2023-07-10 19:39:381

bigbang的专辑alive和still alive 有什么区别?still alive 专辑是韩

2023-07-10 19:39:441


2023-07-10 19:39:523


2023-07-10 19:39:592

bigbang still alive 的中文音译歌词?

I"m still aliveI"m still aliveI"m still alive南出国卡嫩特波一急慢出急啊那南得里西索内(er)皮黑k扣送机啊那ong几呐懒得西哭干急出拉几慢 I"m alive南投扫一路哦不搜跨过嫩踢喽哈够 Jump outki皮打老几够一嫩内么苏里啊路打哇起跟内擦西内哈怒列团就嫩猜路王一损干满可们男擦啦一搜I"m still alive奶绿撒狼哈嫩克鸟嘎扑冷嘿不了擦粗类看粗内带总读里读了王马内懂抗国还胡从桑不浪祝古没得嘿困滚没嘿困论嗯胖内cei木妹有扑们撒行本内仓粗嫩男读类仓新盆永久跟ki类盘嫩内抗桑内噶薄集莫探秘类慢款搜内银森内楼滴嫩内噶及会海哭交得嫩Climax绿起给内内给米亲搜牛斗问豆豆kei擦油次行no路卡几滚怒贵撒狼得他den那都木读噶跟怒土了都卡要嗯土探内模丝被no痛僧嘿都塞桑嗯俺den大够内给吗啦几慢 i"m alive哭那类无古一顿男起跟木古一搜 jump outong几呐懒得西哭干急出拉卡几慢 I"m alive南投扫一路哦不搜跨过嫩踢喽哈够 Jump outki皮打老几够一嫩内么苏里啊路打哇起跟内擦西内哈怒列团就嫩猜路王一损干满可们男擦啦一搜I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin" that I"m livin"that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m still aliveWe livin" that we livin" that" good lifeYe 搜里奥不西撒拉几汗送得西嫩探西个搜gin探搜一杆送系带内盘送木残送样送不大无搜哦啊哥送棒送卡个送哈拉啊木给拿 a-yo探囧吗啦啊木得拿南出国卡嫩特波一急慢出急啊那南得里西索内(er)皮黑k扣送机啊那可送噶啦几嫩内噶啊集一秀啦嫩亲够西忙挂kin得一哇肯够一杯欧路啦内里拉黑酷扫一素乃ki大理嫩跟样几把里木den本撒狼得他den那都木读噶跟怒土了都卡要嗯土探内模丝被no痛僧嘿都塞桑嗯俺den大够内给吗啦几慢 i"m alive哭那类无古一顿男起跟木古一搜 jump outong几呐懒得西哭干急出拉卡几慢 I"m alive南投扫一路哦不搜跨过嫩踢喽哈够 Jump outki皮打老几够一嫩内么苏里啊路打哇起跟内擦西内哈怒列团就嫩猜路王一损干满可们男擦啦一搜I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still alive i"m livin"that i"m livin that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still alive i"m livin"that i"m livin that good life
2023-07-10 19:40:061


首先 插曲有很多然后 你坚持看完片尾字幕 就会看到片中的插曲都有出现
2023-07-10 19:40:146


2023-07-10 19:40:283

《A3: STILL ALIVE 幸存者》新角色「灵魂术士」登场

网石集团(Netmarble Corporation)今(23)日宣布,旗下极限生存 MMORPG 手机游戏《A3: STILL ALIVE 幸存者》迎来最新更新,推出 1 名全新角色「灵魂术士」、众多特别活动与游戏内容。 称霸战场的「灵魂术士」可使用灵魂弹直接进行攻击,亦可与召唤生物并肩战斗,提升其攻击力与防御力。为了庆祝「灵魂术士」登场,玩家现可探索「灵魂术士据点」,进入 PvP 战场「灵魂术士实验室」与 PvE 战场「灵魂术士猎场」。每个战场每日最多可进入 8 小时,玩家最终可获取「灵魂术士镰刀」,并可用于兑换蓝钻、罗内蒙特原石、5 星灵魂之星或传说附魔变更书等多项物品。 本次「灵魂术士」更新还推出多项崭新游戏内活动与功能: u2027全新灵魂行者:「苞希」登场,灵魂行者已由先前的 6 个栏位添加至 7 个。 u2027舒互配系统与舒超越扩张更新:该系统现可在「神话等级舒」使用「传说等级舒」材料以应用于 BONUS 能力值,并提升舒的成长上限或强化圣物效果。 u2027原石系统更新:原石系统已更加完善,新增透过「罗内蒙特原石」可获取各种选项进而提升攻击力的全新成长系统,玩家可雕刻原石进行强化。 u2027「灵魂术士」7 日签到活动:玩家可获得「黑锚海贼团」、「酷寒之心」与「风月的放浪者」服装交换券,以及「学习的美学」、「仲夏海之梦」与「甜蜜的舞会」防具交换券。 u2027Hot Time 活动:为了庆祝全新服务器开启,本次活动提供玩家获取经验值(名声)机率与使徒经验值机率提升400%、黄金获取机率提升 100%,以及装备获取机率提升20%。 《A3: Still Alive 幸存者》提供玩家横跨不同游戏种类的游玩体验,不但能在庞大开放世界观体验 RPG 玩法,同时也能畅玩紧张刺激的皇家之战(大逃杀)。玩家在开放的游戏世界中,必须随时保持警觉,并在一触即发的 PvP 与 PvE 各种对战模式中,展开激烈的厮杀战斗,设法脱颖而出。《A3: Still Alive 幸存者》以 Unity Engine 打造,游戏内搭载犹如家机游戏的 3D 全彩高质量精美画面。
2023-07-10 19:40:461


专辑名称:Still Alive歌手名称:讲者唱片公司:独立发行发行日期:2010年1月22日专辑语言:粤语专辑介绍:自2006年讲者首张专辑《讲.态度》以及EP《The Generation》发布之后,讲者并无任何发碟的动作。2010年,众多歌迷翘首以盼的新专辑《Still Alive》终于出街。经历4年磨练,讲者的音乐风格越趋多变,歌词越趋成熟。唯一不变的是,独立的态度以及警世的执着。专辑取名为“Still Alive”,是为了告诉所有听到讲者音乐的朋友们,讲者仍然在继续,独立的声音永远不会消亡。2010年,讲者再上征途,因为讲者Still Alive。专辑曲目:01.Intro02.Still Alive03.我与你04.广州广州05.The Generation Part 206.少数派报告07.冒险08.Skit09.表演时间10.小丑11. MC Love (Feat. 天王星)12.鸟语 (Feat. 噔哚 & Urban Savant)13.你急啲乜 (Feat. MC仁 & ADV)14.Street Rock Star (Feat.唐强)讲者Still Alive 是讲者发出全力制作的一张精品粤语HipHop CD。讲者是广州的HipHop鼻祖元老。这次更由天王星、噔哚 & Urban Savant、.MC仁 & ADV 和 唐强跨刀创作!实在来势凶凶,魅力没发挡。这是Still Alive是一张HipHop爱好者、奋青、潮流精英必买的一张CD。
2023-07-10 19:40:531

你还没死吧 英语怎么说

Have you been dead?
2023-07-10 19:41:106

Plover的《归零》 歌词

歌曲名:归零歌手:Plover专辑:人与人归零词曲:潘琪妮我的眼睛归你 我的完美归你 我的生命一切将归零我的寂寞很镇定 无法包容任性 只是关于弱点的问题你别拿失败 定义我的未来黑夜还在 I"m still alive I"m still alive我没有不想呼吸 我也想引人注意可是 你的影子终将挥不去你别拿遗憾 决定我的存在黑夜离开 I"m still alive I"m still alive把爱全都归你 让我全都归零but I I"m still alive I"m still alive把爱全都归你 让我全都归零but I I"m still alive I"m still alive把爱全都归你 让我全都归零but I I"m still alive I"m still alive把爱全都归你 让我全都归零but I I"m still alive , I"m still alivebut I I"m still alivebut I but I I"m still alive I"m still alive我的眼睛归你我的完美归你我的生命一切将归零
2023-07-10 19:41:351

you are still alive.什么意思

2023-07-10 19:41:437

你还活着吗 英语翻译?

2023-07-10 19:42:018

“Do you still alive?”是什么意思?

2023-07-10 19:42:243

he still alive uzi原句

具体情况如下:一、Uzi薇恩封神之战,He is still alive!1,北京时间2019年9月25号,英雄联盟S3全球总决赛迎来了皇族与OMG之间的对决。而在第二场比赛24分钟左右的时候,皇族与OMG在蓝色方的蓝Buff处展开了一场5V5的团战。OMG战队率先抓到了Lucky的蜘蛛,于是皇族除了Uzi之外,四人与OMG五人开启了团战。而在双方相互交换完关键技能之后,Uzi的薇恩从蓝Buff小道包抄至蓝Buff附近的OMG众人。2,在率先击杀掉对方辅助璐璐之后,Uzi利用闪现闪到了一个比较不错的位置并继续击杀掉了对方的盲僧,而在面对将近满血的慎时,Uzi薇恩在残血的情况之下上演了极限走A,最终击杀掉了大哥的慎。3,此时,英雄联盟英文官方解说也是情不自禁地喊出了那句非常经典的话语,“He is still alive!”二、EDG零封RNG,以夏季赛全胜记录战绩夺冠1,北京时间2016年8月26号,英雄联盟LPL夏季赛迎来了EDG与RNG的夏季总决赛。这一场被许多人所看好的巅峰“猪狗大战”最终却是被EDG直接拿下了3:0。2,值得一提的是,这一场比赛不仅是EDG战队报了在春季赛被RNG3:1的仇,同时也是书写了EDG在LPL夏季赛以全胜姿态夺冠的记录。3,在这一场比赛中,Deft与Meiko这对双人路很好地压制住了Uzi与Mata的组合。特别是Meiko的塔姆,成为了这个系列赛中最为亮眼的一个英雄。三、谁敢横刀立马,唯我虎大将军1,北京时间2017年8月25号,英雄联盟LPL夏季赛半决赛迎来了RNG与WE之间的对决。而在双方鏖战了四场较量之后,第五场比赛已经不仅仅是考验选手的个人能力,更重要的是队伍的韧性以及对于胜利渴望的信念。在第五场比赛中,RNG一直是处于逆风的状态,而WE战队也是凭借着两条大龙一直处于一个优势状态。2,再加上蛇女与大嘴所组成的双C,RNG根本无法与其正面交锋。好在小虎飞机的发育一直保持得不错,在飞机出色清理兵线的能力之下,RNG也是防守住了WE一波又一波的攻势。而伴随着RNG不断将比赛往后拖,小虎飞机的装备也越来越好,反倒是WE的前排渐渐挡不住小虎飞机的Poke,优势也在这个时候逐渐掌握在了RNG的手中。3,而在最后一波大龙团战的时候,小虎的飞机不但灵性Solo掉了远古巨龙,还在最终的团战中收获到了一波“四杀”,同时也是一波带走了WE。也正是在这个时候LPL官方解说米勒吼道,“谁敢横刀立马,唯我虎大将军”。4,值得一提的是,在这一场比赛中,小虎的飞机不仅贡献了9W5的输出,同时,这个输出也是创造了LPL历史上的最高输出,至今还没有人打破。
2023-07-10 19:42:311

Blood Of Heroes 歌词

歌曲名:Blood Of Heroes歌手:Megadeth专辑:Youthanasia-EMI RepeatWalking stiff let me tell yaBetter left for deadAnd now we are on a missionWell it"s full speed aheadMy legion"s when we do the crimeLet"s get one thing straightMegadethTo get there early is on timeAnd showing up on time is lateLadies and gents, we"re still aliveBy the skin of our teeth, now it"s killingAngel in our pocket, devil by our sideWe ain"t going nowhere cuz" heroes never dieStill aliveBlood of heroesThey never dieWe"ve been run down every hillChased up all the dead end streetsBut if you try to cut us outYou"ll get a kick in the teethLadies and gents we"re still aliveBy the skin of our teeth, now it"s killing timeFasten up your head belts,Time to ride the skiesIt"s time to be immortal, "cuz heroes never die
2023-07-10 19:42:581

alive-meat alof LRC歌词

2023-07-10 19:43:162


操作如下:labstillalive操作方法主要是:WSAD控制移动,Q是换弹,K是跳,J是刀,H是枪 shift是后跳,空格是打开背包。打开选项settings选择keyboard button assignments可进行键盘设置,所有键位可改。简介:lab still alive客户端是款横版动作act游戏。lab still alive客户端讲述的是一个萌妹子如何逃出有着机器人、触手、怪黎叔等邪恶生物的实验室的故事。游戏小巧,操作简单,经鉴定该游戏有百合属性。
2023-07-10 19:43:221

能不能翻译下Alive(Meat Loaf)的歌词。我总是翻译不出味道来。 感谢。

I"m still alive 我烂命不死,Must have been a miracle 这一定是奇迹。It"s been a hell of ride 这段飙风之旅,Destination still unknown 终点仍是未知数。It"s a fact of life: 这是人生的事实:If you make one wrong move with the gun to your head 生死攸关,不能走错一步。You better walk the line or you" ll be left for dead 你最好循规蹈矩,否则只有死路一条。 I"m a runaway train on a broken track 我是断轨上的逃亡列车,I"m the ticker on a bomb that you can"t turn back this time 我是炸弹上的倒数计时,这次你可无法回头。That"s right 没错,I got away with it all and I"m still alive 我侥幸成功,我烂命不死。 Let the end of the world come tumbling down 如果世界末日摇摇欲坠来临,I"ll be the last man standing on the ground 我仍会是最後胜利的那个人,As long as hot blood runs through my veins 只要全身热血依然沸腾,I"m still alive 我烂命不死。
2023-07-10 19:43:403

一个老外问你“Are you still alive ?”是褒义还是贬义?

2023-07-10 19:43:504

The boy was badly hurt in the head, however,still

2023-07-10 19:43:596

英语中什么是表语 This is a live fish和The fish is still alive哪一个是作表语哪一个作定语,为什么?

你的问题我没太理解,如果有用你就将就着看吧。对于你给的句子,两句都有表语,分别是“a live fish” “still alive”,只不过这是几个词一起构成表语。表语很好找,只要先找到“系动词”,它后面的东东即表语。“系动词”有很多,我个人觉得常用的有“be, keep(保持), get(变得), 感官动词(feel, sound, smell。。。)”等等。“表语”这个位置通常有名词 形容词 副词 介词 不定式 从句等。举几个例子吧:You look beautiful.I"m a teacher.They are at home.I feel excited.The steak smells great.I keep calm.She gets angry.My job is to teach them English.“定语”就是起修饰作用的词,可以修饰名词或代词。因此 形容词 经常充当定语。对于这两句话,只有第一句有定语,即“live(活的)”;第二句的句型是“主 系 表”,没有定语。举几个例子吧:The beautiful girl is my classmate.I like the blue T-shirt.What"s your name?个人有点建议,对于句子成分,即“主语 谓语 宾语 表语 状语 定语 补语”这些东西,能找出,即可,没必要过于拘泥于此。对这些成分的理解及识别,是为了今后牵扯到从句或长句时,分解各部分,提取句子主干,快速理解文章,提高写作等等希望对你有帮助
2023-07-10 19:44:152


2023-07-10 19:44:253

Hit by a car ,I am still alive .和 Being hit by a car ,I am still alive 有什麼分别?

前句的hit并不是原型,应该为过去分词,这是一例过去分词作状语.后句的being hit中hit也是过去分词,但它是被动语态中的done,此处being是作为现在分词,作其状语.
2023-07-10 19:44:311

Bigbang-谎言,Still Alive,Bad Boy,Blue谐音歌词求解

谎言有不塞哟 有不塞哟 HO耶 来的次呸 得地K 博KING诺THE PEOPLE 我搜THE FE里木 YES归儿么内木那搜四噶挪不艘 呀嘿 COME ON 诺不艘 内吠凑吗五儿死 口几吗一几吗B噶的哟 哇的太个哇 敲击你牙根太的敲个那 诺哦不西噶撒素WI打够 他几呢爸哒我家素我的够 某他呢个诺吗西斗 艘他能妈把森就我不动 吸豆 诺木拉多个P豆 B豆 切把类给黑榨了就(哦)买噶 诺母爱跟不四比博一几啊那 诺木却恰 够一几啊那 掏了身够西不几啊那 耶 又噶太 又拔给 一身了给毒了魔力都噶太 诺够不信不太 扑素该哦不太 摸读该那给BE RIGHT THEREI"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 大口几吗 一啊摸拉艘 WI几呀啊拉艘 米噶皮流黑I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 内卡诺那 卡疼买那都木拉给 内儿都那博来几吗I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 大口几吗 I"M SO SORRY (SORRY) BUT I LOVE U(I LOVE U MORE MORE)I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 那了都那 珍奇呢 一的句哦类 内拔啊把素WI该可掉呢爱艘不挪挖等呢摩登挪儿呢八几诺瑞```诺瑞``` 擦浪呢了摸了个就那红家KI啊拨都啊拨都拨类````弯~弯~弯~ 可的内噶喊都吗儿口几吗喊拨难动机会偷米 可的所该喊呢嫩呢过里 吃过里素的够GI够GI 侨胞读一个读样个脚气挪木都那也 内儿古米也所挂就儿 拉 他都几类 意 见 达 以色列Q该I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 大口几吗 一啊摸拉艘 WI几呀啊拉艘 米噶皮流黑I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 内卡诺那 卡疼买那都木拉给 内儿都那博来几吗I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 大口几吗 I"M SO SORRY (SORRY) BUT I LOVE U(I LOVE U MORE MORE)I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 那了都那 珍奇呢 一的句哦类 内拔啊把素WI该哦 哦 哦 哦 哦`````` 哦都开够米一该哦 哦 哦 (一老破开样对了那了艘)哦 哦`````` 抓(不)带白啊几头摸林么你就 啊你片塞呢噶都 出够艘噶几都也内噶住桑敲木嫩诺进 几昂内 啊嫩诺都爱竹竿 口门那拉啊艘I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 大口几吗 一啊摸拉艘 WI几呀啊拉艘 米噶皮流黑I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 内卡诺那 卡疼买那都木拉给 内儿都那博来几吗I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 大口几吗 I"M SO SORRY (SORRY) BUT I LOVE U(I LOVE U MORE MORE)I"M SO SORRY BUT I LOVE U 那了都那 珍奇呢 一的句哦类 内拔啊把素WI该
2023-07-10 19:44:391

still alive 和still life 的区别

2023-07-10 19:45:061

英语he’s still alive怎么翻译?

he is still alive的翻译是他还活着。
2023-07-10 19:45:203


歌曲名:STILL ALIVE歌手:Bigbang专辑:BIGBANG SPECIAL EDITION `STILL ALIVE`This was a triumph.I"m making a note here:HUGE SUCCESS.It"s hard to overstate my satisfaction.Aperture ScienceWe do what we must because we can.For the good of all of us.Except the ones who are dead.But there"s no sense crying over every mistake.You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.And the Science gets done.And you make a neat gun.For the people who are still alive.I"m not even angry.I"m being so sincere right now.Even though you broke my heart.And killed me.And tore me to pieces.And threw every piece into a fire.As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!Now these points of data make a beautiful line.And we"re out of beta.We"re releasing on time.So I"m GLaD. I got burned.Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive.Go ahead and leave me.I think I prefer to stay in side.Maybe you"ll find someone else to help you.Maybe Black MesaTHAT WAS A JOKE.HAHA, FAT CHANCE.Anyway, this cake is great.It"s so delicious and moist.Look at me still talking when there"s Science to do.When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I"m not you.I"ve experiments to run.There is research to be done.On the people who are still alive.And believe me I am still alive.I"m doing Science and I"m still alive.I feel FANTASTIC and I"m still alive.While you"re dying I"ll be still alive.And when you"re dead I will be still alive.STILL ALIVESTILL ALIVE
2023-07-10 19:45:271

Still Alive 歌词

歌曲名:Still Alive歌手:Joanna Drigo专辑:Kapies Ores Gennioude Ta OniraThis was a triumph.这是一次大胜利I"m making a note here:我要做点记录:HUGE SUCCESS.巨大的成功!It"s hard to overstate my satisfaction.难以用语言表达我的满足Aperture Science光圈科技We do what we must because we can.我们的做我们必须做的For the good of all of us.因为我们可以做大为了我们美好的一切Except the ones who are dead.除过那些死掉的人But there"s no sense crying over every mistake.在每次犯错后,哭也是毫无意义的You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.继续尝试直到用完蛋糕And the Science gets done.直到我们的科技完成And you make a neat gun.你充当一头小白鼠For the people who are still alive.为了那些仍然活着的人I"m not even angry.我甚至都不生气I"m being so sincere right now.我现在是如此的纯真Even though you broke my heart.哪怕你使我心碎And killed me.而且杀了我And tore me to pieces.将我撕成碎片And threw every piece into a fire.扔进烈火里As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!因为我为你如此高兴!Now these points of data make a beautiful line.现在这些数据成了如此美力的一条线And we"re out of beta.我们不再是试验产品了We"re releasing on time.我们从时间获得解放So I"m GLaD. I got burned.我如此开心,我被烧了Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive.想想我们学到的东西 为了那些仍然活着的人们Go ahead and leave me.前进吧,留下我I think I prefer to stay in side.我想我还是愿意呆在里面Maybe you"ll find someone else to help you.可能你会找到其他人帮你Maybe Black Mesa可能黑山基地THAT WAS A JOKE.也是一个骗局.HAHA, FAT CHANCE.哈哈,好机会。Anyway, this cake is great.不管怎么样,蛋糕很棒It"s so delicious and moist.如此美味Look at me still talking when there"s Science to do.看着我,当我还能说话的时候 当还有实验的时候When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I"m not you.我望向窗外 我真高兴,我不是你I"ve experiments to run.我还有实验要做There is research to be done.还有研究要做On the people who are still alive.为了那些依然活着的人And believe me I am still alive.相信我,我还活着I"m doing Science and I"m still alive.我还活着,而且我在做实验I feel FANTASTIC and I"m still alive.如此难以置信,我还活着While you"re dying I"ll be still alive.当你快死了,我也活着And when you"re dead I will be still alive.当你死了,我依旧活着STILL ALIVE 依旧活着STILL ALIVE 依旧活着
2023-07-10 19:45:341

still alive的歌词及译文

This was a triumph!I"m making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!It"s hard to overstate my satisfaction.Aperture Science:We do what we must because we can.For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead.But there"s no sense crying over every mistake.You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.And the science gets done. And you make a neat gunfor the people who are still alive.————I"m not even angryI"m being so sincere right now-Even though you broke my heart and killed me.And tore me to pieces.And threw every piece into a fire.As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!Now, these points of data make a beautiful line.And we"re out of beta, we"re releasing on time!So I"m GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned,for the people who are still alive.————Go ahead and leave meI think I"d prefer to stay inside...Maybe you"ll find someone else to help you?Maybe Black Mesa?That was a joke! HAHA, fat chance!Anyway this cake is great! It"s so delicious and moist!Look at me: still talking when there"s science to do!When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I"m not you.I"ve experiments to run, there is research to be done.On the people who are still alive.————And believe me I am still alive.I"m doing science and I"m still alive.I feel fantastic and I"m still alive.While you"re dying I"ll be still alive.And when you"re dead I will be still alive.Still alive, still alive. 胜利已然在望。我胸潮激荡:心花怒放。我此刻的喜悦之情莫可名状。穿梭之力量。我们竭尽全力只因心的方向。为了所有活着的人的人,逝者以往。不必为过去每一次失败而沮丧。只要你勇于尝试,永不退让。力量自然从天而降,你拥有时空操纵之枪,为了所有活着的人啊。————让憎恨随风。我心境明澄。即使揉碎我的心,让我不得生。将我碾为灰尘。抑或将我推入火炕。我燃烧之时,略为伤神,因为我曾是为你喝彩的人。因我的星光火点,为你打开智慧之门。我凤凰涅盘、浴火重生。所以我不惧烈火焚身,我们学会倔强和坚忍,为了所有活着的人啊。————走你的路莫回头。我愿意一直在你的身后。可能有一天你会找到帮助你的新朋友。是黑山的战友?别做梦啦,哈哈,机会没有。虽然你还有很长的路要走。但它汗水相融,幸福相守。就像我一边聊天,一边还可以做研究。眺望前路,我窃喜于不必面对你那些艰难险阻。我还有实验要做,我还有报告要补,为了所有活着的人啊。————相信我,我还活着。我正在做研究,所以我还活着。我异想天开,所以我要活着。你垂死之刻,我仍会活着。你作古之时,我还会活着。还活着。 This was a triumph. 胜利在望  I"m making a note here: 我要记下这一笔:  HUGE SUCCESS. 巨大的成功!  It"s hard to overstate my satisfaction. 我此刻的欣喜之情,难以言表  Aperture Science 光圈科技  We do what we must because we can. 我们为所必为,因为我们无所不能  For the good of all of us. 为了我们所有人的利益  Except the ones who are dead. 当然不包括那些死掉的家伙  But there"s no sense crying over every mistake. 不必为每一个过去的牺牲和失败沮丧  You just keep on trying till you run out of cake. 只要你坚持尝试,直到用完了奖励的蛋糕  And the Science gets done. 而科研自然已经接近完成  And you make a neat gun. 而你做出了一把整洁的枪  For the people who are still alive. 为了所有还幸存的家伙  I"m not even angry. 我甚至不怨恨你  I"m being so sincere right now. 我现在心如明镜  Even though you broke my heart. 即使你曾伤透我心  And killed me. 杀死了我  And tore me to pieces. 又将我碾为碎片  And threw every piece into a fire. 将我熔于火海  As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you! 烈焰焚身之时,我略为神伤 因我曾是为你喝彩之人  Now these points of data make a beautiful line. 现在数据点已经绘出美丽的曲线  And we"re out of beta. 我们即将完成最后测试  We"re releasing on time. 还能赶上按时发布  So I"m GLaD. I got burned. 我是如此幸福,即使我被烈火焚身  Think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive. 因为我已经有所心得,为了那些幸存的家伙  Go ahead and leave me. 勇往直前, 不要因我留步  I think I prefer to stay in side. 我想我还是适合留在这里  Maybe you"ll find someone else to help you. 或许你会找到别的什么家伙来帮助你  Maybe Black Mesa. 或许就在黑山基地  THAT WAS A JOKE. 这是开玩笑而已  Ha ha, fat chance. 哈哈,别做梦啦  Anyway, this cake is great. 不管怎么说,蛋糕是最棒的  It"s so delicious and moist. 它是如此美味而滑口  Look at me still talking when there"s Science to do. 瞧瞧我,明明还有科研,却还在对你夸夸其谈  When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I"m not you. 当我朝外面看的时候,我真庆幸不是你  I"ve experiments to run. 我还有实验要做  There is research to be done. 我还有研究要补  On the people who are still alive. 在那些幸存者身上  And believe me I am still alive. 相信我, 我还活着  I"m doing Science and I"m still alive. 我在继续科研,我还活着  I feel FANTASTIC and I"m still alive. 我感觉好极了, 我还活着  While you"re dying I"ll be still alive. 在你垂死之刻,我仍活着  And when you"re dead I will be still alive. 当你作古之时,我仍活着  STILL ALIVE 依旧活着  STILL ALIVE 依旧活着
2023-07-10 19:45:411

Bigbang的still alive歌词分配

Still aliveI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveGD:我虽看似已穷途末路 却苦尽甘来在不避开他人的视线 我绝不躲藏太阳:无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后 Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下I"m still aliveTOP:爱着我的她 看起来并不幸福掩藏起踪迹 让大众无比畏惧许多憧憬与欢呼 情绪不安因对死亡的苦恼而烦恼的夜晚我的过往留下的只有相片我的青春是他人的装饰品我那受到精神鼓舞的感情我能看到你摸不着的未来Climax我人生的旋律自己来指挥尽情享受高潮迭起的Climax为我痴迷的少女们最聪明自卑感可会让你一噘不振胜利就算所有人都离我而去即使全世界都将我背弃哪怕你同情者可怜的我大成:无论世间怎样把我否定我已擦干过去的眼泪 绽放笑容I"m aliveJump out太阳:无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后 Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin" that I"m livin" that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveWe livin" that we livin" that good lifeGD:Ye a-yoYe 逐渐消逝不见的呼喊声被叹息声取而代之在这感性**我的反省是赞美比起良性更偏好恶性放送觉醒吧 每一个人 a-yo别武断 无论何时我虽看似已穷途末路 却苦尽甘来在不避开他人视线 我绝不躲藏被人指指点点 也正因为我走红失望与期待 理由和根据唇舌之争在嘴边不断上演等着我的也只有那片向阳墓地就算所有人都离我而去胜利:就算所有人都离我而去即使全世界都将我背弃大成:哪怕你同情者可怜的我无论世间怎样把我否定我已擦干过去的眼泪 绽放笑容I"m aliveJump out太阳:无论何时 就算跌落到世界底端 I"m alive我再也不患得患失 将过去抛在脑后 Jump out曾落入低谷的我 如今耀眼地新生高高跃向天空 我无比自由就在这个瞬间 我活在当下I"m still aliveI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin" that I"m livin" that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveWe livin" that we livin" that good life
2023-07-10 19:45:551


高考英语词汇详解:alive的用法   1. 表示“活着的”、“在世的”,其反义词是 dead ;没有比较等级的变化。但表示“有活力的”、“活泼的”等义时,可以有比较等级的变化,且通常要加 more, most 构成:   My grandfater ismore alive than a lot of young people. 我爷爷比许多年轻人还有生气。   2. 通常不放在名词前作定语 :   He mustbe still alive. 她一定还活着。   He"s the happiest man alive. 他在世界上最幸福的人。   Although he is old, he is very muchalive. 虽然他很老了,但还很有生气。   但是若本身带有修饰语,则可以用作前置定语:   a really alivestudent 一个十分活跃的学生 / a really alive town 一个十分热闹市镇   除用作表语和有时用作定语外,alive 有时还用作状语或补语:   He was buried alive. 他被活埋了。   The spy was caught alive. 特务被活捉了。   I"m afraid he can"t come back alive. 恐怕他不能活着回来。   3. 关于修饰语:一般不用 very 修饰,但可用 much, very much, all 等修饰:   He is much alive. 他非常活跃。   The citywas all alive when we arrived. 我们到达时,城里非常热闹。   但是当 alive 表示“意识到” 时,可用 very修饰:   He is very alive to the danger. 他完全意识到了这危险。   4. 用于be alive with, 意为“充满”、“到处是”:   The woodsare alive with birds. 树林中到处是鸟。   The street was alivewith people. 街上挤满了人。   The sky was alive with stars. 满天星斗。   5. 关于 alive, living, live, 三者均可表示“活着”,但用法有区别:   alive通常不放在名词前作定语 ,但是本身有修饰语时,可用作前置定语等 ;主要用于人或动物。   living 可用作表语或定语,可用于人或物:  Both plants andanimals are living things. 动植物都是生物。   My first Englishteacher is still living? 我的英语启蒙老师还健在。   English isa living language. 英语是一门活生生的语言。   从含义上看 alive 与 living 都可表示“活着”,含义很接近,只要句法适合,两者有时可互换:   the greatest scientist alive = the greatest living scientist 当代最伟大的科学家   Are yourgrandparents still alive [living]? 你祖父母还健在吗?   若要严格区分,两者仍有差别:living 侧重指“健在”或“尚在人间”,而 alive 则侧重指生与死的“界限”:   In the car accidentthe mother was killed, but her two-year-old son was foundalive. 在这次车祸中,母亲死了,但是她两岁的儿子却还活着。   live 只用作定语 ,主要用于动物、植物等 :   He bought some live fish. 他买了几条活鱼。   Only a fewlive trees were left after the fire. 火灾之后只剩下几棵树还活着。
2023-07-10 19:46:211

Meat Loaf唱的alive中文歌词

I"m still alive Must have been a miracle我还活着这肯定是个奇迹It"s been a hell of ride Destination still unknown长路漫漫目的未知It"s a fact of life 这就是生活If you make one wrong move with the gun to your head若你走错一步 枪抵着你脑门You better walk the line or you"ll be left for dead你最好一往无前 否则将一命呜呼I"m a runaway train on broken track我是生锈轨道上脱轨的列车I"m a ticker on a bomb that you can"t turn back this time我是炸弹的计时器 你不可能让我回头That"s right这就对了I got away with it all and I"m still alive我逃离了所有 我还活着Let the end of the world come tumbling down让世界末日开始降临I"ll 搜索be the last man standing on the ground我将是世上最后一个人As long as hot blood runs through my veins只要鲜血还流动于血管I"m still alive我就还活着
2023-07-10 19:46:294

镜之边缘主题曲Still Alive 歌手Lisa Miskovsky翻译

= =百度一下就好了阿
2023-07-10 19:46:362


问题一:活着用英文怎么说 形容词:alive 动词:live 动名词:living 问题二:活着 英文怎么写 alive 问题三:只是为了活着而活着 英语怎么说 谢谢 Just live for living. 问题四:活着的,在世的英语怎么拼? 提问不是很清楚,两种都解答一下: 1) 如果是问 XX 是否活着、是否在世“ 用 alive 这个单词。 Is XX alive? 2) 如果是用来做形容词,”活着的家人、在世的家人“,用 living 这个词。 如: your living family member 问题五:“活下去” 用英语怎么说 Go on!这是泰坦罚克号里边的,呵呵,杰克让露丝活下去 Never let it go !(never give up) 别放弃! Live on!活下去! 问题六:活着好累用英语怎么翻译 Life is not easy. 问题七:我们是为了什么而活着用英语怎么说? What are we live for? 文字一点就是 what is the thing that everyone live for? 问题八:活着用英文怎么说 形容词:alive 动词:live 动名词:living 问题九:的活着用英语怎么说 活着 being alive;see the sun;on the hoof;on one"s pins更多释义>> [网络短语] 活着 To Live;Alive;Breathing 我活着 I"m alive;I"m still alive;Ich lebe 要活着 Wanna live;Just survive 问题十:活着 英文怎么写 alive
2023-07-10 19:46:441

If Confucius(孔子)were still alive today and could celebrate h?

小题1:B 小题2:A 小题3:D 小题4:C ,1,if confucius(孔子)were still alive today and could celebrate his september 28 birthday with a big cake, there would be many candles. he"d need a fan or a strong wind to help him put them out. while many people in china will remember confucius on his special day, few people in the united states will give him a passing thought. it"s nothing personal. most americans don"t even remember the birthdays of their own national heroes. but this doesn"t mean that americans don"t care about confucius. in many ways he has bee a bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understanding of china. in the past two decades, the chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in western universities. more recently, the chinese *** has set up confucius institutes in more than 80 countries. these schools teach both chinese language and culture. the main courses of chinese culture usually include chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学). some social scientists suggest that westerners should take advantages of the ancient chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of westerners philosophy. students in the united states, at the same time, are racing to learn chinese. so they will be ready for life in a world where china is an equal power with the united states. busines *** en who hope to make money in china are reading books about confucius to understand their chinese customers. so the old thinker"s ideas are still alive and well. today china attracts the west more than ever, and it will need more teachers to introduce confucius and chinese culture to the west. as for the old thinker, he will not soon be forgotten by people in the west, even if his birthday is. 小题1:the opening paragraph is mainly intended to ________. a.provide some key facts about confucius b.attract the readers" interest in the subject great respect for the ancient thinker d.prove the popularity of modern birthday celebrations 小题2:we can learn from paragraph 4 that american students______. a.have a great interest in studying chinese b.take an active part in chinese petitions c.try to get high scores in chinese exams d.fight for a chance to learn chinese 小题3:what is the best title for the passage? a.forgotten wisdom in america b.huge fans of the chinese language c.chinese culture for westerners d.old thinker with a big future 小题4:the passage is likely to appear in ___________. a.a biography b.a history paper c.a newspaper d.a philosophy textbook
2023-07-10 19:46:521


Every time I look into your eyesLyrics & Melody by Miko + YumiI still hear your voice aroundLike an echoEverything"s in a messWhy this feeling turns so coldFreezing in the darknessSo aloneEvery time I look into your eyesI can tell that our love is still alive It"s killing me oh babyEvery time you look into my eyesI rather hear the truth than live in all your liesI"m so lost I"m so hurt for youHow could I surviveWould it be the very last kissAll those memoriesAll those sorrowsFade awayEvery time I look into your eyesI can tell that our love is still alive It"s killing me oh babyEvery time you look into my eyesI rather hear the truth than live in all your liesI"m so lost I"m so hurt for youHow could I survive
2023-07-10 19:47:004

求Big Bang-stillalive的歌词,要音译版的,汉字,罗马音都行,一定要是.lrc...

BIGBANG~STILL ALIVE歌词~罗马拼音I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still alivenan ju geo ga neun deut bo i ji man juk ji a nanam deu le si seo neul pi hae kyeol ko sum ji a na* eon je na bo lan deu si kkeut kka ji chu la ka ji man I"m alivenan deo i sang i leul ge eop seo gwa geo neun dwi lo ha go Jump outki pi tteo leo ji go it neun nae mo su mi a leum da wo ji geumnae ja si neul ha neu le deon jyeo nan ja yu lo woi sun gan man keu meun nan sa la it sseo I"m still alive *na leul sa lang ha neun keu nyeo ga bu laeng haebo yeo ja chwi leul kam chu ne dae jung deu li du lyeo woma neun deung gyeong gwa hwa no bamjeong seo bu lan ju geu me dae go noe hae koe lo un bamnae jeol meu me yu pu meun sa jin ppunnae cheong chu neun nam deu le jang sik pumyeong jeo gin ki leul bat neun nae gam seongne ga bo ji mo tan mi lae nan bwat sseonae in saeng melody neun nae ga ji hwi haeko jo doe neun Climax leul jeul gi nenae ge mi chin so nyeo deu leun ttok ttok kaeja gyeok ji sim neo leul ka ji go nol gi e# sa lam deul ta tteo neo do mo du ga deung eul dol lyeo doka yeo un deu san nae mo seu me neo dong jeong hae dose sang eun an doen da go nae ge mal ha ji mankeu na le ul go it tteon nan ji geum ut go it sseo #Repeat *** I"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveI"m livin" that I"m livin" that good lifeI"m still alive I"m still alive I"m still aliveWe livin" that we livin" that" good life **Ye so li eop si sa la jin ham seong dae si netan sik seok gin tan seongi kam seong si dae e nae ban seong eunchan song yang seong bo da mu seo un ak seong bang songkak seong ha la a mu gae na a-yodan jeong ma la a mu ttae nanan ju ge ga neun deut bo i ji man juk jji a nanam deu le si seo neul pi hae kyeol ko sum ji a nakeu son ga lak ji leun nae ga a jik i syu la neun jeung geosil mang gwa ki dae i yu wa keun geoi be o leu lak nae li lan kae ku seol sunal ki da li neun keon yang ji ba leun mu deom ppun
2023-07-10 19:47:092


2023-07-10 19:47:301