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2023-07-11 01:41:39
TAG: ll dll



2、模块 mfc42.dll 已加载, 但找不到入口点 DllRegisterServer,我们复制:regsvr32 mfc42.dll命令到运行对话框中,点击确定或者回车。











PaddleOCR 安装时CUDA版本不匹配原因总结

1、显卡驱动的cuda版本与运行时版本不匹配 2、以Docker方式运行时,容器访问不到宿主机的显卡设备,需要依赖nvidia-docker(或者现在的nvidia-container-toolkit,好像是叫这个),以nvidia-container-toolkit 为例则启动容器时,增加参数 --gpus all 表示向容器提供显卡运算 2、paddle版本对不上,列如,我安装的docker_hub上的cuda10.1-cudnn7镜像容器已经携带配套的paddle,但我按文档来一步步安装时,文档中安装paddle的步骤会把镜像容器中的版本卸载掉; 参考这位博主的验证方式: 最后上传截图为证 官方文档教程示例:验证:
2023-07-10 19:33:261


2023-07-10 19:33:331

OCR/GPU: PaddleServing部署流程记录(cuda10.1)

准备工作: 其中--gpus all 需要提前安装 nvidia-container-toolkit (即 nvidia-docker 的升级版)表示允许容器访问使用所有gpu(或指定gpu设备序列id,如--gpus 0或--gpus 0,1,2) -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all 等docker容器启动参数可能在部分场景下需要使用但本次部署未使用到 容器已经预安装python 3.5、3.7、3.8等常用版本,默认python3为3.5 // 或者获取服务端模型进行转换,(测试ch_ppocr_server_v2.0_rec和ch_ppocr_server_v2.0_det发现无效且返回错误码err_no:5) 获取用于测试的数据集(可选) 启动服务并将日志输出至log.txt(在同级目录下的./Pipelinexxxx/pipeline.log也记录有一部分启动运行的日志) 运行客户端访问服务测试 关于坐标,直接读取如下中的dt_boxes_list或dt_boxes_list[0]都可获得正常的坐标,但需要自己做格式处理(直接用str()函数处理示例图片结果得到的文本字符如dt_boxes_list将得到 [array([[[292, 298], [332, 298], [345, 848], [305, 848]], [[345, 298], [377, 298], [382, 660], [350, 660]]], dtype=int16)] ): 在尝试部署环境前未确认各版本对应关系就进行安装容易出问题,目前我使用PaddleOCR部署GPU的pdserving和hubserving识别环境均失败,异常为 通过各种命令查询版本未发现有误,除了我病急乱投医自己去直接pip3.7 install torch 的版本打印需求为cuda10.2(PaddleOCR环境没有这个包,且后来发现根据网文介绍还需要安装指定torch版本的基础上进行测试) 部分文章提到可能是paddle版本对不上,这个暂未尝试 2021/12/02 发现确实是paddle版本对不上,docker_hub上的镜像容器已经携带配套的paddle,但我按文档来一步步安装时,文档中安装paddle的步骤会把镜像容器中的版本卸载掉;
2023-07-10 19:33:401


无法启动此程序因为计算机中丢失api-ms-win修复方法如下:1、在安装新版本软件,比如安装,在执行配置命令mysqld --initialize-insecure时经常会遇到如下错误。注意:这是由于新版本软件需要最新运行类库,而此时系统中还没有及时更新dll类库引起的。2、首先可以尝试一下最简单的方案,在百度中搜索下载api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll。3、下载完成后将api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll文件复制到系统的对应目录下C:WindowsSysWOW64(64位目录)或C:WindowsSystem32(32位目录)。4、如果直接给系统添加上面文件后还出现其他类型的dll文件缺失,为了方便的统一更新类库,建议直接安装Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015来修复。5、进入到下载链接后点击下载。在打开的新网页中选择与操作系统版对应的安装文件。6、下载完成后双击文件进行安装,安装成功后上面报错信息就会消失了。
2023-07-10 19:33:491


  下面的代码主要讲述了怎么设置OCR只对数字进行识别,具体如下:  using System;  using Vintasoft.Imaging;  using Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr;  using Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.Results;  using Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.Tesseract;    class TesseractOcrSetVariableExample  {  // Required assemblies to run this code:  // Vintasoft.Imaging.dll, Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.dll, Vintasoft.Imaging.Ocr.Tesseract.dll  public static void OcrImageWithDigits(string filename)  {  // load image(s)  ImageCollection images = new ImageCollection();  images.Add(filename);    Console.WriteLine("Create Tesseract OCR engine...");  using (TesseractOcr tesseractOcr = new TesseractOcr())  {  Console.WriteLine("Initialize OCR engine...");  tesseractOcr.Init(new OcrEngineSettings(OcrLanguage.English));    // set white list  tesseractOcr.SetVariable(  "tessedit_char_whitelist", "01234567890");    // foreach image  foreach (VintasoftImage image in images)  {  Console.WriteLine("Recognize the image...");  OcrPage page = tesseractOcr.Recognize(image);    Console.WriteLine("Page Text:");  Console.WriteLine(page.GetText());  Console.WriteLine();  }    // shutdown OCR engine  tesseractOcr.Shutdown();  }    // free resources  images.ClearAndDisposeItems();  images.Dispose();  }  }
2023-07-10 19:34:541


你这个模型是做回归的,输出很难等于y的,比如y = 3.1415926, 你的输出是3.1415925 也会被判错。这里你要用mse、rmse或者mae。
2023-07-10 19:35:011


光学字符识别(Optical Character Recognition, OCR)是指对文本资料的图像文件进行分析识别处理,获取文字及版面信息的过程。亦即将图像中的文字进行识别,并以文本的形式返回。 ocr的发展已经有了非常多的积累,一般人或者企业使用, 都是直接使用第三方的服务,目前提供第三方服务的大企业也非常多,百度,阿里云,腾讯等等,都提供了非常方便的api接口,可以进行调用,识别的速度、精确度和效果也都是非常不错的。唯一的缺点就是api的调用是需要收费的,对于调用频次不高的个人和企业,这个费用还是非常低的。 目前因为公司的现状,使用开源的有几个目的 目前针对ocr的相关开源项目也还是有不少的,作者正好是公司也需要类似的功能,所以做了一些简单的调研,在这里进行记录。 对于调研不准确的希望大家指出 Tesseract 是谷歌开发并开源的图像文字识别引擎,使用python开发。 所以针对目前公司的现状,放弃了这个项目的学习和调研 PaddleOCR 是百度开源的中文识别的ocr开源软件 EasyOCR 是一个用 Python 编写的 OCR 库,用于识别图像中的文字并输出为文本,支持 80 多种语言。 chineseocr chineseocr_lite TrWebOCR cnocr 针对上面的比较讨论,同时根据现在的公司的情况和之前既定的一些目标,暂时选择最简单的cnocr进行学习和内部学习和使用。同时也针对目前cnocr仅仅是一个python包,而且无法通过接口进行调用的情况,做了一个补充项目 hn_ocr 。 目前放到github上面,欢迎大家一起学习和完善。
2023-07-10 19:35:101


2023-07-10 19:36:232


2023-07-10 19:37:512


n.1.感觉;知觉。2.兴奋的感情;感动;激动。3.轰动;轰动一时的事物。短语和例子:a sensation of fear 恐怖感。 a disagreeable sensation 不愉快的感觉。 create [cause, make] a sensation 使感动;动人视听;引起世人注意;引起轰动。 a literary sensation 轰动文坛的作品。 a sensation of the first magnitude 最为轰动的大事件。 three days" sensation 一时的轰动;昙花一现的声名。 the latest sensation (戏剧、事件等)最新的轰动一时的事物。
2023-07-10 19:36:564

Nearer My God To Thee 歌词

Nearer my god to thee (Chorus Version)歌手:Various artistsNearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!E"en though it be a cross that raiseth me,Still all my song shall be,Nearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down,Darkness be over me, my rest a stone.Yet in my dreams I"d beNearer, my God to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!There let the way appear, steps unto heav"n;All that Thou sendest me, in mercy given;Angels to beckon meNearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Then, with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise,Out of my stony griefs Bethel I"ll raise;So by my woes to beNearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Or, if on joyful wing cleaving the sky,Sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I"ll fly,Still all my song shall be,Nearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!
2023-07-10 19:37:001


康 师 傅 和康 帅 傅的区别,山寨吧,楼主小心上当~~~
2023-07-10 19:37:043


sensation 感觉;知觉
2023-07-10 19:37:064

Nearer, My God, To Thee (Hymns Of Hope Album Version) 歌词

Nearer my god to thee (Chorus Version)歌手:Various artistsNearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!E"en though it be a cross that raiseth me,Still all my song shall be,Nearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down,Darkness be over me, my rest a stone.Yet in my dreams I"d beNearer, my God to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!There let the way appear, steps unto heav"n;All that Thou sendest me, in mercy given;Angels to beckon meNearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Then, with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise,Out of my stony griefs Bethel I"ll raise;So by my woes to beNearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Or, if on joyful wing cleaving the sky,Sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I"ll fly,Still all my song shall be,Nearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!
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2023-07-10 19:37:132


Sarah Wayne Callies 生日1977年6月1日 在美剧《越狱》中出演女一号sara的莎拉·韦恩·卡利斯(Sarah Wayne Callies)出生于伊利诺斯州的La Grange农庄,一岁的时候随家人搬到了夏威夷的首府檀香山。Sara毕业于女演员Kelly Preston和导演Jim Simpson(即Sigourney Weaver的丈夫)以及美国在线的Steve Case所就读过的贵族私立学校,她的双亲是座落于Manoa的夏威夷州立大学的教授。 作品:《圣境预言书》The Celestine Prophecy (2006) 《越狱》 Prison Break (2005) 在美剧《越狱》中出演女一号sara的Sarah Wayne Callies毕业于Dartmouth, 在本色化神学方面获得高级研究基金。之后进入丹佛国家戏剧音乐学院,并在那里得到了美术研究生学位。
2023-07-10 19:37:141

Nearer My God To Thee (Live) 歌词

Nearer my god to thee (Chorus Version)歌手:Various artistsNearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!E"en though it be a cross that raiseth me,Still all my song shall be,Nearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down,Darkness be over me, my rest a stone.Yet in my dreams I"d beNearer, my God to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!There let the way appear, steps unto heav"n;All that Thou sendest me, in mercy given;Angels to beckon meNearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Then, with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise,Out of my stony griefs Bethel I"ll raise;So by my woes to beNearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!Or, if on joyful wing cleaving the sky,Sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I"ll fly,Still all my song shall be,Nearer, my God, to Thee.Nearer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee!
2023-07-10 19:37:151

Still Alive是什么意思

我还活着 /我没死!!
2023-07-10 19:37:194

sensention 中文怎么翻译

2023-07-10 19:37:212


ARROW(美国箭牌)1851年诞生纽约,美国历史最悠久和最受尊重的经典服装品牌之一。作为美国的经典服装品牌,被美国城市精英所推崇和钟爱。 质量还可以.一二百一
2023-07-10 19:37:212

谁有Nearer My God to Thee的谱子呀?曲和谱软件
2023-07-10 19:37:221


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2023-07-10 19:37:281


许多人都在利用各种各样的卫浴产品,不管是春夏秋冬,卫浴产品是人们最常用的,不过在大家身边很多的卫浴品牌大家都知道,而关于箭牌很多人还是有不少的疑问的,深圳箭牌和箭牌一样吗?如何选择合适的卫浴产品? 许多人都在利用各种各样的卫浴产品,不管是春夏秋冬,卫浴产品是人们最常用的,不过在大家身边很多的 卫浴品牌 大家都知道,而关于箭牌很多人还是有不少的疑问的,选择适合自己的卫浴产品可以让生活更加便捷,所以在大家的身边人们要充分的了解到深圳箭牌和箭牌一样吗?如何选择合适的卫浴产品? 深圳箭牌和箭牌一样吗 一样的。箭牌卫浴(ARROW)成立于1994年,隶属于广东省佛山市顺德区乐华 陶瓷 洁具有限公司,是国内具有实力与影响力的综合性卫浴品牌,是中国规模较大的建筑卫生陶瓷制造与销售企业之一。 主要生产ARROW箭牌陶瓷卫生洁具、 浴缸 、淋浴房、智能便盖、 智能坐便器 、 浴室柜 、厨卫龙头、花洒及 五金挂件 等 卫生间 全 配套 产品。2014年,箭牌卫浴签约国际钢琴巨星郎朗为品牌形象代言人,并提出品牌新主张"舒适体验,箭牌时刻",进一步升华品牌形象,携手挺近国际市场,引领箭牌卫浴迈向行业的新高度也开启了箭牌卫浴国际化的进程。 如何选择合适的卫浴产品 1、在挑选我们产品的时候一定要看准商标因为现在市场上真的是假货特别多,因为往往我们看中了一款产品买下来了,但是再仔细进行观看的话就会发现是一些劣质的产品。上面的一些产品检测证以及铭牌都是仿照的,这在我们行业中已经是屡见不鲜了。 2、生产过程中的问题,很多产商就是看准了消费者不懂这些东西的优势,并把我们国家的一些相关规定抛在脑后,这就使得我们消费者的利益受到了严重的损失,很多产品的质量都是不合格的就在市场上进行销售,所以我们在使用的过程中就会出现很多的问题了。 3、劣质产品进行市场转移,通过我们TOTO卫浴的一些相关人员调查,现在我们卫浴出现较多问题的都是一些乡村家庭,他们为了让自己可以有盈利就欺骗我们的百姓。这种做法是我们TOTO坚决要杜绝的,所以我们在选购的时候一定要擦亮眼睛。 深圳箭牌和箭牌一样吗?如何选择合适的卫浴产品?以上就是大家都想要知道的答案,通过上边的描述之后人们不仅学习到了卫浴产品的选择,更加了解了每一个品牌的不同。总之,卫浴产品和人们的生活息息相关,大家在选择的时候一定要选择质量好的产品。
2023-07-10 19:37:281

Smiles,Tears,of all my life! and,if God choose,I shall but love thee better after death.出自哪里?

How do I love thee?How do I thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and height toMy soul can reach, when feeling out of sightFor the ends of Being and ideal Grace.I love thee to the level of every day"sMost quiet need, by sun and candlelightI love thee freely, as men strive for Right;I love thee purely, as the turn from Praise.I love thee with the passion put to useIn my old grieves, and with my childhoods faith.I love thee with a love I seemed to loseWith my lose saints,-I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life!-and if god choose.I shall but love thee better after death.Sonnets from the Portuguese 43th By Elizabeth Barrett Browning我是何等的爱你?我是何等的爱你,说不尽的千言万语。我爱你之深邃,之宽广,之高远尽我灵魂所能到之处,犹如探求冥冥之中神的存在和恩赐。我爱你如同生活的每一天,所需要的日出和黄昏我自由的爱着你,像人们争取他们的权利;我纯洁的爱着你,如人们在赞美前的垂首。我爱你,带着昔日悲伤的那种激情,童年的那种诚意;我爱你,带着我似乎失去的对往日圣者所怀有的爱。我要用我的呼吸用我的微笑,用我的眼泪,用我的整个生命来爱你!如果上帝愿意,我愿意在死后更加爱你! 葡萄牙十四行诗集 第四十三首 伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·布朗宁(著)
2023-07-10 19:37:292


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2023-07-10 19:37:351

sensations 是什么意思

sensationsn.感受; 知觉; 感觉( sensation的名词复数 ); 激动; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.About your sensations when he came to your rescue! 当他向你走去的时候你的感觉!2.But researchers admit that creating the sensations of touch and smell will be the biggest challenge. 然而研究人员承认创造触感和气味将是最大的挑战。
2023-07-10 19:37:371


Sarah Wayne Callies
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2023-07-10 19:36:503


1、教书育人,功德无量。 Teaching, major. 2、教学相长,成功快乐。 So, success and happiness. 3、每一个学生都是好学生。 Every student is a good student. 4、教师的人格是教育的基石。 The teacher"s personality is the foundation of education. 5、用爱打开学生心灵的窗户。 Students with love to open the window to the soul. 6、坚持启发式,避免注入式。 Adhere to heuristic and avoid injection. 7、爱孩子,是我快乐的源泉。 Love children, is my source of happiness. 8、太阳下最光辉的职业是教师。 Teacher is the most glorious career under the sun. 9、心灵的沟通胜于知识的传递。 The communication is more than knowledge transfer of the mind. 10、老老实实做人,认认真真教书。 An honest personhood, conscientious teaching. 11、勤勤恳恳教书,踏踏实实育人。 Teach diligently, steadfast and educating. 12、把爱播洒进每一个孩子的心田。 Love sPad into every child"s heart. 13、职业道德是做人之本,为师之本。 Professional ethics is the human, is the foundation of the pision. 14、爱就是教育,没有爱便没有教育。 Love is education, no love, no education. 15、教师的威信首先建立在责任心上。 Teacher"s Pstige first built on a responsibility heart. 16、使学生丧失信心是教师最大的犯罪。 To make the students lose confidence is a teacher"s biggest crime. 17、桃李满园竞芳菲,碧血丹心写未来! Plum garden wheatgrass, loyal hearted to write in the future! 18、孩子的健康成长,是我们最大的希望。 The child"s healthy growth, it is our greatest hope. 19、踏踏实实地工作,简单而阳光地生活。 Solid work, simple and sunlight to live. 20、教师是孩子的镜子,孩子是老师的影子。 Teacher is the mirror of the child, the child is the shadow of the teacher. 21、希望在我们心中,未来是靠双手去创造。 I hope in our hearts, the future is to rely on his hands to create. 22、名副其实的教育,本质上就是品格教育。 Real education, education is essentially a character. 23、严是爱,宽是害。宽严适度,和诣永远。 Yan is love, is wide. Resulting in moderation, and notions of forever. 24、教师最大的幸福就是看到孩子们在成长! Teacher"s biggest happiness is to see the children to grow up! 25、用一颗炙热之心去发现每个孩子的闪光点。 With a hot heart to find the best in each child. 26、成功教育的秘密在于热爱学生、尊重学生。 The secret of success education lies in the love students, respect students. 27、教师与画家不同的是他要创造真善美的活人。 Teachers with different artists is he in order to create a good living. 28、时时保持敬业精神,处处关心学生学习生活。 Always keep the professional dedication, care about students" learning life everywhere. 29、道而弗则和,强而弗抑则易。开而弗达则思。 And, and, strong and supPssion is easy. Open and missionary. 30、幼苗需要土壤的滋养,孩子需要教师的爱护。 Young plants need soil nourishing, children need the teacher"s love. 31、教育的过程有艰辛,也有快乐,我却乐得其所。 Education is the process of hard, also have happy, I am happy. 32、没有爱的教学,宛如无水池塘,终将群鲜枯竭。 Teaching without love, just like water pond, will eventually group of fresh dried up. 33、勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人。 Diligent work, happy life, a dignified life. 34、用爱心启迪孩子的心灵,用**点燃孩子的智慧。 With love to enlighten the child"s mind, the wisdom of the children with passion. 35、普通的孩子,用得法的教育,就会成为超常的人。 Ordinary children, with well education, will become an extraordinary person. 36、我愿做人梯让年秦人踏着我的肩膀攀登科学**。 I wish to be a ladder for years qin people stepping on my shoulder to climb scientific peak. 37、让我们用自己的行和自己的心去教育我们的孩子。 Let us use their own and their own heart to education of our children. 38、用爱心启迪孩子的心灵,用激-情点燃孩子的智慧。 With love to enlighten children"s heart, lit with shock - love the child"s intelligence. 39、教师的最大幸福就是把一群群孩子送往理想的彼岸。 Teacher"s greatest happiness is to groups of children to the other side of the ideal. 40、善于转化后进生的教师,才是真正意义上的优秀教师。 Good at transformation of the underachiever teachers, is the true sense of the excellent teacher. 41、在过多地要求孩子的同时,也应该尽可能地尊重他们。 In requiring children too much at the same time, also should respect them as much as possible. 42、课堂教学的过程,实质上是教师指导下自主学习的过程。 Classroom teaching process, is under the guidance of teachers in the process of autonomous learning. 43、老师是我们的在生父母!爹娘生养我们老师教育了我们! The teacher is our in children whose parents are! Are we have our teacher education! 44、永远用欣赏的眼光看学生,永远用宽容的心态应对学生。 Students with apPciation view of forever, forever with tolerant attitude to the students. 45、一个无任何特色的教师,他教育的学生不会有任何特色。 No characteristic of a teacher, his education students will not have any special features. 46、师爱,能成就孩子的未来;施爱,是教师迈向成功的阶梯! Love, makes our children"s future; Love, is a teacher towards the ladder of success! 47、当你埋怨学生太笨的时候,你也该自问:什么叫诲人不倦。 When you blame the students too stupid, you should ask yourself: what is teaching. 48、关注学生,关心学生,关爱学生,是每一位教师应该做到的。 Focus on students, care about students, care for students, it is every teacher should do. 49、谁爱孩子,孩子就爱她,只有爱孩子的人,才可以教育好孩子。 Who love children, children will love her, only who love children, can education good boy. 50、师德最重要的是用高尚的情操去感染学生,让学生心中沐浴阳光。 Ethics is the most important thing to infect students with noble causes, lets the student the sunshine in my heart. 51、教育贵在一个“及”字,重在一个“小”字,即使天天从小事抓起。 Education in a "and" word, is a "small" word, even if every day from the minor matter. 52、心中装着爱,行中有着严,用“效率”引导学生追求优秀,享受快乐。 In the heart filled with love, in line with strict, with the "efficiency" guide the student to the pursuit of excellence, enjoy happiness. 53、教师对学生来说是一个引路人似的朋友,是心灵、智慧的双重引路人。 Teachers for students is a lead the friend, is the mind, the wisdom of dual lead. 54、精心—倾听花开的声音;耐心—等待花朵的成长;尽心—期待花开更艳。 Carefully, listen to the voices of flowers; Patience, waiting for the growth of flowers; - we look forward to more brilliant bloom. 55、教师是一种选择,教师是一种责任,教师是一种信念,教师是一份神圣。 Teachers is a choice, is a kind of responsibility, the teacher is a kind of belief, the teacher is a sacred. 56、今天赏识孩子,孩子今天就成功。你一天的爱心可能带来别人一生的感谢。 ApPciated today children, children today will succeed. Love you one day can bring others thank you life. 57、用教师的智慧点燃学生的智慧火花,发奋使学生得法于课内,得益于课外。 Spark lit the wisdom of the students with the wisdom of the teacher, strenuously to make students well in the class, thanks to the outside. 58、为了人民的教育事业,教师要有甘做绿叶、甘当园丁、甘为人梯的奉献精神。 For the people"s education cause, the teacher must do the green leaves, spearhead the gardener, Kennedy"s dedication to a ladder. 59、凡是别人能做到的事,只要自己有恒心、有毅力地努力,是没有什么事做不到的。 Whatever others can do, as long as their perseverance and perseverance to work hard, there is no can"t do anything. 60、我要用心去倾听学生的心声,用幽默去融洽和学生的感情,用勉励去点燃学生的自信。 I want to listen to the heart-felt wishes of the students, students use humor to harmony and affection, with encouragement to ignite students" self-confidence.
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第一首:Paul Lincke的Wedding Dance。第二首:Barcarole,出自奥芬巴赫(Offenbach)的歌剧霍夫曼的船歌(The Tales of Hoffmann)。第三首:是康康舞曲(Can-can), 出自奥芬巴赫的另一部歌剧奥菲斯在冥府(Orpheus in the Underwood)。第四首:小施特劳斯(Johann Strauss II)的蓝色多瑙河(Blue Danube)。第五首:《更近我主》(Nearer, my God, to Thee)。扩展资料:第五首成为经典,这是沉船前的最后一首,歌毕船沉。内容如下:《更近我主》(Nearer, my God, to Thee)词:Sarah Adams(1805-1848))曲:Lowell Mason(1792-1872)Nearer,my God,to Thee,nearer to Thee愿与我主相亲,与主相近E"en though it be a cross that raiseth me虽然境遇困难,十架苦辛Still all my song shall be nearer,my God,to Thee我仍将诗唱吟,愿与我主相亲Nearer,my God,to Thee,nearer to Thee愿与我主相亲,与主相近Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down我虽举目无亲,日已西坠Darkness be over me,my rest a stone四面黑暗笼罩,枕石而睡Yet in my dreams I"d be nearer,my God,to Thee梦中依然追寻,愿与我主相亲Nearer,my God,to Thee, nearer to Thee愿与我主相亲,与主相近There let the way appear steps unto heav"n梦中如行天路,从梯上升All that Thou sendest me in mercy giv"n所遇一切之事,由主引领Angels to beckon me nearer,my God, to Thee如闻天使声音,招我与主相亲Nearer,my God,to Thee,nearer to Thee招我与主相亲,与主相近Then with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise睡醒满得安慰,感激不已Out of my stony griefs Bethel I"ll raise将我枕首之石,竖起作记So by my woes to be nearer,my God, to Thee路中所历艰辛,使我与主相亲Nearer,my God, to Thee,nearer to Thee使我与主相亲,与主相近Or if on joyful wing,cleaving the sky我快乐如生翼,向天飞起Sun, moon,and stars forgot,upwards I fly游遍日月星辰,翱翔不息Still all my song shall be,nearer,my God,to Thee我仍将诗唱吟,愿与我主相亲Nearer,my God,to Thee,nearer to Thee愿与我主相亲,与主相近
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speedo 泳镜如何更换鼻梁?

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箭牌卫浴好不好 卫浴的选购技巧

在选购卫浴产品的时候需要根据具体的需求来选择适合的卫浴产品。箭牌卫浴是比较常见的一个卫浴的品牌,那么箭牌卫浴好不好呢,卫浴的选购技巧是什么,在选购卫浴的时候一些具体的细节需要消费者们有所了解,这样可以帮助大家选购更适合的卫浴产品。 卫浴是 装修 装饰中的重要一步,在选购卫浴产品的时候需要根据具体的需求来选择适合的卫浴产品。箭牌卫浴是比较常见的一个卫浴的品牌,那么箭牌卫浴好不好呢,卫浴的选购技巧是什么,在选购卫浴的时候一些具体的细节需要消费者们有所了解,这样可以帮助大家选购更适合的卫浴产品,下面就来做具体的介绍和分析。 箭牌卫浴好不好 箭牌,这是一个老牌子,下面来说一下这个品牌质量到底好不好:箭牌卫浴成立于1997年,成立于佛山。其生产的“ARROW箭牌”先后通过“国家节水型产品”等证书。 箭牌主要生产: 浴室柜 、水龙头、马桶、花洒等产品。至于箭牌好不好,还是得看看用户的评价。 1、箭牌浴室柜评价:在 卫生间 里看着很舒适。瓷盆很精致小巧,面上还有可以放些小东西的小台。挂柜放眯浴室里的小东西,或者贴身用的小东西内衣之类的都不错。镜子与搁板,镜灯很搭,很好用!柜子,质量不错,我很喜好。 2、 箭牌马桶 评价:釉面也很好,但下水的眼特别小。不过很节水啊。 3、箭牌水龙头评价:箭牌的,大品牌,质量可以放心,真的不错,镀层够亮,开关手感也很好,我家卫浴都是箭牌的。 卫浴的选购技巧 一、面盆 1、 柱盆 :由柱和盆组成,通常是可以节省更多的空间,适用于家中面积比较小的卫生间。 2、台盆:选择台上盆的产品主要是看其表面部分的釉面是否平整,同时还要看水路部分的去水以及龙头安装是否足够规范。 3、艺术盆:体现个人主义,选择艺术盆主要需要考虑的是它和其它一些家居用品的搭配效果。 二、淋浴房 1、压克力板材:主要看压克力板材本身的光泽度以及背面部分处理的厚度。在灯光的直射下,好的压克力板材的避光效果会非常的好,透光均匀,用手感觉,好的材料其质感会比较的厚实,不易 变形 。 2、滑轮及铰链:滑轮及铰链产品的好坏会直接的影响到产品的正常使用,好的滑轮及铰链,滑动及开关顺畅,噪音小,铜材质,品牌的大型厂家一般有自己设计的专利滑轮及铰链。 3、安全性:与玻璃材质有关,可分为普通玻璃和 钢化玻璃 ,普通玻璃价格便宜使用不安全,现在多使用钢化玻璃,至少使用5MM的钢化玻璃,具有较强的抗冲击力能力,不易破碎。安全性强的玻璃上一般有钢化识别标记CCC。 4、防水性:现在多流行 干湿分离 ,考虑接缝的严密性。须采用密封胶条,防止渗水。 5、实用性:卫生间的产品讲究搭配效果,而不是简单的追求款式,永远没有的款式但是却有最经典的款式。 三、浴室柜 1、浴室柜应选择挂墙式、腿较高的或是带轮子的,这样可以有效地隔离地面潮气对柜体的侵袭。 2、要了解所有金属件是否是经过防潮处理的不锈钢或浴柜用铝制品,这样抗湿气侵蚀性才会强。 3、在购买之前,要检查一下柜子合页的开启度,合页越,柜子门就会合得越紧,灰尘就越不容易进去。 4、选择抽屉多的浴室柜,放小的杂物很方便。 5、在挑选浴室柜款式时要留意是否保障了 水管 的检修和阀门的开启。 6、安装浴室柜时要注意不要损伤到进出水管,否则在使用时漏水会将柜体浸湿。 四、座便器 1、光泽度:光泽度较高的产品,致密性越高,越容易清洁卫生。 2、瓷质:瓷质的好坏和马桶的寿命有直接的关系,烧成温度越高越均匀,瓷质越好。 3、冲水功能:座便器的冲水好坏直接取决于管道设计,同时和水箱 水位 的高度和水件也有关系。现代流行的冲水方式有直冲式,虹吸式等。直冲式的管径大,冲水力度大不易堵塞。虹吸式是采用真空原理将水抽干再换存水,声音较小。 4、水件:水件的好坏决定了马桶是否正常使用,90%以上的问题出现在水件上。购买时一定要仔细检查水件,是在工厂出厂前就已经安装好,看结构是否紧凑,活动连接部位是否灵敏可靠,封水部分是否平整。水件材质以铜材或 高分子材料 为好。如果条件允许的话为瑞士吉博力水件。 5、节水性:本着节水环保的理念,6升冲水是一种趋势,3/6升两档效果好。 6、安装与服务:是否配 密封圈 , 三角阀 等,是否包安装,是否提供售后服务,品牌水件3年保用,5年内正常使用 陶瓷 产品不出现质量问题。 箭牌卫浴好不好,这是个老牌子的 卫浴品牌 。消费者们评价还是很不错的,质量有一定的保证,所以这个品牌大家可以参考。卫浴的选购技巧是什么呢,每一个小 部件 的选购细节需要了解,比如说卫浴的节水型,冲水功能,和卫浴的光泽度等等,这些都是选购卫浴的一些细节,在选购卫浴的时候大家可以多参考这些细节,帮助选购适合的卫浴。
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首先这两个公众号内容目前被封禁的太多。 为什么被封禁呢?因为关于写作,虽然有天下文章一大抄,看你会抄不会抄的谚语。但真有敢全篇抄,不考虑实际抄的。并且这些公众号搜集文章的来源也有一些是不合规的。 看类似这种公众号,除了有公文写作等需求的人之外,没有其他人会关注。那个好不能绝对讲,各有特点吧,好也是变化的,有时它比它好,有时它又比它好,关注的人自己内心评判吧。
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1. (SUNY) Dutchess Community College, NY (桑尼)德切思社区学院, 纽约州 注:美国的社区学院跟中国的教育学院差不多,比较基础的2. A-B Tech, NC A-B技术专科学校, 北卡罗来纳州3. Allied Medical School, CA 联合医学院, 加利福尼亚州4. American Intercontinental University, TX 美国洲际大学,德克萨斯州5. Art Institute (Online) 艺术学院(网上)6. Central Michigan University, MI 密歇根中央大学,密歇根州7. Clackamas Community College, OR 科拉卡玛斯社区学院,俄勒冈州8. Clark College, WA 克拉克学院,华盛顿州9. Cypress College, CA 塞浦莱斯 学院, 加利福尼亚州10. Daytona Beach Community College, FL 戴通纳 海滨社区学院, 佛罗里达州11. Dona Ana Branch Community College, NM 当娜 安娜 社区学院分校, 新墨西哥州12. Durham Tech Community College, NC 德海姆 技术专科社区学院, 北卡罗来纳州13. Everest College, CA 艾弗维斯特学院,加利福尼亚州14. Evergreen State College, WA 艾弗格林 州立学院, 华盛顿州15. Faulkner State College, AL 福尔科纳尔 州立学院, 阿拉巴马州16. Front Range Community College, CO 前沿社区学院, 科罗拉多州17. Garden City Community College, KS 戈登市社区学院,堪萨斯州18. Georgia Perimeter College, GA 佐治亚 边界学院,佐治亚州19. Golden West Community College, CA 金色西部社区学院, 加利福尼亚州20. Grantham University, KS 格兰塞姆 大学, 堪萨斯州21. Great Basin College, NV 大贝森 学院, 内华达州22. Hazard Community & Technical College, KY 海瑟达社区技术学院,肯塔基州23. ITT Tech, NY 国际电报电话技术学院,纽约州24. Ivy Tech Community College, IN 艾维技术社区学院, 印第安纳州25. Jamestown College, ND 詹姆斯镇 学院,北达科他州26. Kaplan University (Online) 卡普兰大学(网上)27. Lord Fairfax Community College, VA 费尔法克斯勋爵社区学院,弗吉尼亚州28. Los Angeles Pierce College, CA 洛杉矶皮尔斯学院,加利福尼亚州29. Lewis & Clark State College, ID 刘易斯卡拉克州立学院,爱达荷州30. Madisonville Community College, KY 麦迪索威尔社区学院,肯塔基州31. McCann School of Business and Technology, PA 麦克肯 商业技术学校,宾夕法尼亚州32. Merrimack College, MA 麦里麦克学院,马萨诸塞州33. Metropolitan State College, CO 大都会州立学院,科罗拉多州34. Middle Tennessee State University, TN 田纳西中部州立大学,田纳西州35. Middlesex Community College, MA 中性社区学院,马萨诸塞州36. Montgomery College, MD 蒙特哥莫里学院,马里兰州37. Mount Wachusett Community College, MA 瓦诸赛特山 社区学院,马萨诸塞州38. New Hampshire Community Technical College, NH 新罕布什尔 社区技术学院,新罕布什尔州39. Northeast Community College, NE 东北社区学院,内布拉斯加州40. Ohio State University, OH 俄亥俄州立大学,俄亥俄州 41. Ozark Technical Community College, MO 奥萨卡技术社区学院,密苏里州42. Palm Beach Community College, FL 帕尔玛海滨社区学院,佛罗里达州 43. Pasco-Hernando Community College, FL 帕斯克-赫尔那多社区学院,佛罗里达州 44. Penn Foster College, AZ 培恩福斯特学院,亚利桑那州45. Piedmont Community College, NC彼得蒙特社区学院,北卡罗来纳州 46. Pine Technical College, MN 派恩技术学院, 明尼苏达州47. Prairie State College, IL 普莱里州立大学, 伊利诺州 48. Salter School, MA 萨尔特学院,马萨诸塞州49. Santa Fe Community College, NM 散特福社区学院, 新墨西哥州50. Somerset Community College, KY 萨摩赛特社区学院,肯塔基州51. Southeastern Community College, IA 东南社区学院,衣阿华州52. Southeastern Louisiana University, LA 东南路易斯安那大学,路易斯安那州53. Tarrant County College, TX 塔伦特区学院,德克萨斯州54. Tidewater Tech, VA 潮水技术学院,弗吉尼亚州55. University of Alabama, AL 阿拉巴马大学,阿拉巴马州 56. University of Massachusetts, MA 马萨诸塞州大学,马萨诸塞州57. University of the Virgin Islands, VI 圣女岛大学,西弗吉尼亚州58. Walla Walla Community College, WA 瓦拉瓦拉社区学院,华盛顿州59. Washington State Community College, OH 华盛顿州立社区学院,俄亥俄州60. Wayne State University, MI 韦恩州立大学,密歇根州61. West Valley Community College, CA 西峡谷社区学院,加利福尼亚州62. Yuba Community College, CA 尤巴社区学院,加利福尼亚州
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第一首:Paul Lincke的Wedding Dance。第二首:Barcarole,出自奥芬巴赫(Offenbach)的歌剧霍夫曼的船歌(The Tales of Hoffmann)。第三首:是康康舞曲(Can-can), 出自奥芬巴赫的另一部歌剧奥菲斯在冥府(Orpheus in the Underwood)。第四首:小施特劳斯(Johann Strauss II)的蓝色多瑙河(Blue Danube)。第五首:《更近我主》(Nearer, my God, to Thee)。扩展资料:第五首成为经典,这是沉船前的最后一首,歌毕船沉。内容如下:《更近我主》(Nearer, my God, to Thee)词:Sarah Adams(1805-1848))曲:Lowell Mason(1792-1872)Nearer,my God,to Thee,nearer to Thee愿与我主相亲,与主相近E"en though it be a cross that raiseth me虽然境遇困难,十架苦辛Still all my song shall be nearer,my God,to Thee我仍将诗唱吟,愿与我主相亲Nearer,my God,to Thee,nearer to Thee愿与我主相亲,与主相近Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down我虽举目无亲,日已西坠Darkness be over me,my rest a stone四面黑暗笼罩,枕石而睡Yet in my dreams I"d be nearer,my God,to Thee梦中依然追寻,愿与我主相亲Nearer,my God,to Thee, nearer to Thee愿与我主相亲,与主相近There let the way appear steps unto heav"n梦中如行天路,从梯上升All that Thou sendest me in mercy giv"n所遇一切之事,由主引领Angels to beckon me nearer,my God, to Thee如闻天使声音,招我与主相亲Nearer,my God,to Thee,nearer to Thee招我与主相亲,与主相近Then with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise睡醒满得安慰,感激不已Out of my stony griefs Bethel I"ll raise将我枕首之石,竖起作记So by my woes to be nearer,my God, to Thee路中所历艰辛,使我与主相亲Nearer,my God, to Thee,nearer to Thee使我与主相亲,与主相近Or if on joyful wing,cleaving the sky我快乐如生翼,向天飞起Sun, moon,and stars forgot,upwards I fly游遍日月星辰,翱翔不息Still all my song shall be,nearer,my God,to Thee我仍将诗唱吟,愿与我主相亲Nearer,my God,to Thee,nearer to Thee愿与我主相亲,与主相近
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However mostly as far as i am concerde last but not the least firstly secondly with the development of…不知道你读几年级,这些都挺实用
2023-07-10 19:36:264

instead of 和instead 有什么区别

instead of + 短语或名词:代替....,而不是...instead一般放在句子最后,:相反的,反而是
2023-07-10 19:36:258


No.1 哈佛大学本科部 Harvard College录取国际生总数:755名发放国际奖学金总额:$27,986,494获得奖学金国际生:524名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$53,409国际生获奖学金比率:69%No.2 耶鲁大学 Yale University录取国际生总数:569名发放国际奖学金总额:$17,987,511获得奖学金国际生:322名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$55,862国际生获奖学金比率:57%No.3 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University录取国际生总数:579名发放国际奖学金总额:$17,786,464获得奖学金国际生:400名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$44,466国际生获奖学金比率:69%No.4 达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College录取国际生总数:343名发放国际奖学金总额:$14,599,112获得奖学金国际生:286名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$51,046国际生获奖学金比率:83%No.5 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology录取国际生总数:433名发放国际奖学金总额:$14,208,960获得奖学金国际生:320名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$44,403国际生获奖学金比率:74%No. 6 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania录取国际生总数:1103名发放国际奖学金总额:$14,030,020获得奖学金国际生:314名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$44,682国际生获奖学金比率:28%No.7 曼荷莲学院 Mount Holyoke College录取国际生总数:534名发放国际奖学金总额:$13,540,205获得奖学金国际生:413名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$32,785国际生获奖学金比率:77%No.8 罗切斯特大学 University of Rochester录取国际生总数:1039名发放国际奖学金总额:$13,359,078获得奖学金国际生:573名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$23,314国际生获奖学金比率:55%No.9 伊利诺伊斯理工大学 Illinois Institute of Technology录取国际生总数:909名发放国际奖学金总额:$12,656,070获得奖学金国际生:661名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$19,147国际生获奖学金比率:73%No.10 纽约大学 New York University录取国际生总数:3711名发放国际奖学金总额:$11,035,927获得奖学金国际生:374名获奖国际生奖学金平均数额:$29,508国际生获奖学金比率:10%
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  阅读经典美文是拓宽思维、增长见识、丰富情感、涵养素质的最有效手段。本文是有关优秀英语美文,希望对大家有帮助!   有关优秀英语美文:生活的艺术   The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. The rabbis of old put it thisway: “A man es to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks through every pore of God"s own earth. We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more.We remember a beauty that faded, a love that waned. But we remember with far greater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered,that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.   A recent experience re-taught me this truth. I was hospitalized following a severe heart attack and had been in intensive care for several days. It was not a pleasant place.One morning, I had to have some additional tests. The required machines were located in a building at the opposite end of the hospital, so I had to be wheeled across the courtyard on a gurney.As we emerged from our unit, the sunlight hit me.That"s all there was to my experience. Just the light of the sun. And yet how beautiful it was—how warming, how sparking, how brilliant! I looked to see whether anyone else relished the sun"s golden glow, but everyone was hurrying to and fro,most with eyes fixed on the ground. Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond from that experience is really as monplace as was the experience gifts are precious,but we are too heedless of them.   Here then is the first pole of life"s paradoxical demands on us: never too busy for the wonder and the awe of life. Be reverent before each dawning day. Embrace each hour. Seize each golden minute.Hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go. This is the second side of life"s coin, the opposite pole ofits paradox: We must accept our losses, and learn how to let go.This is not an easy lesson to learn, especially when we are young and think that the world is ours to mand, that whatever we desire with the fullforce of our passionate being can,nay will be ours. But then life moves along to confront with realities,and slowly but surely this truth dawns upon us.At every stage of life we sustain losses,and grow in the process.   We begin our independent lives only when we emerge from the womb and lose its protective shelter. We entera progression of schools, then we leave our mothers and fathers and our childhood homes. We get married and have children and then have to let them go. We confront the death of our parents and our spouses. We face the gradual or not so gradual waning of our strength. And ultimately, as the parable of the open and closed hand suggests, we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, losing ourselves as it were, allthat we were or dreamed to be.   有关优秀英语美文:手表   I look around me and the room has changed imperceptibly and overtly.There are elephantson thin legs lining the walls, the people around me have bee giant insects,my watch meltsand slowly drips from my wrist.A Dalinian dream? A Kafkaesque nightmare?The breeze ofsurreali *** blows through my hair; an existential whirlwind captures my imagination.   In the images of these two great creators,I see reflections of beautiful and insatiableimaginations, pletely undisciplined, unbounded;yet full of the magic and power of theartists" visions.These images are not as true as photographs, but they are a hundred time *** ore honest.I, too, often find myself misrepresenting the world.In the midst of a truly drearylecture I sometimes force wakefulness upon myself by images of what I am learning,and insteadof seeing my teacher carrying on about the military campaigns of the Civil War,I see musket *** lazing against raised flags.   More often, I see my life as an adventure; romanticized, idealized, exhilarating.Instead ofseeing a boring test of memory, I see a test of will; instead of a debate,I see a battle of wits;instead of seeing the photographic image of life,I see the existential and intoxicating war ofman against Fate itself.In these images I am sometimes challenged by facelessopponents,sometimes I am climbing a mountain. Perhaps I am fighting a bull or jumping onrooftops.   At times I question the benefits of reinventing the world to suit my fancy.It is true, of course,that everyone does this.Even the strictest of thinkers cannot avoid letting their own vision ofthe world show through in their works.Dali and Kafka are not exceptions, they are extremes.Why are we all so eager to get away from reality?I find that I, like many others, often don"tseem to fuly belong. But of course I do belong,this is my world as much as anyone else"s.I tryto solve this contradiction between the perceived andthe real by altering the world ever soslightly a horse drawn carriage instead of a car, a prize winning essay rather than anotherhomework assignment so that it finds its place around me.   A simple solution indeed.We do not change ourselves to fit the world, but change the world tofit within us.A simple act of wish fulfillment, and all is done.And, of course, to melt a watchwith the mind is far better than to enslave the intellect within the watch like a genie in abottle.Freedom to think requires only so little,and to adjust the world to one"s thought is evermore noble than adjusting thought to the world.   有关优秀英语美文:十月的日出   I was up the next morning before the October sunrise, and away through the wild and thewoodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it; peeping down thespread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of gray mountain and waveringlength of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped and crept to the hollow places, thenstole away in line and column, holding skirts and clinging subtly at the sheltering cornerswhere rock hung over grass-land, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond othergliding.   The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe,and memory of the tempests. Autumn"s mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already,touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroomthan a father. Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly thegladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich redrose, according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispellingfear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, "God is here!" Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flowerand bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them, and all the flashing of God"s gaze merged intosoft beneficence. So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and cha *** shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; when glory shall not scarehappiness, neither happiness envy glory; but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of theFather"s countenance, because itself is risen.   
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instead of 是什么意思?

instead of 英[inˈsted ɔv] 美[ɪnˈstɛd ʌv] [释义] (用…) 代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…; [网络] 代替; 代替,顶替; 替代; [例句]With enhancements like a trackpad instead of a trackball有一些增强功能,例如以触控板代替了跟踪球
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