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2023-05-19 16:19:21

exist[英][ɪɡ"zɪst] [美][ɪɡˈzɪst]






以下结果由 金山词霸 提供

柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词

1.VERB存在;实际上有If something exists,it is present in the world as a real thing.

He thought that if he couldn"t see something,it didn"t exist...


Research opportunities exist in a wide range of pure and applied areas of entomology...


When Alfred Adler first postulated in 1908 that there existed an inborn instinct of aggression Freud argued against it.




existedv.存在( exist的过去式和过去分词 ); 生存; (尤指在特殊的条件下或在特定的场所)发现; 持续存在;
2023-01-03 01:40:351


2023-01-03 01:40:414


exist的意思是:存在。读音:英[ɪɡˈzɪst],美[ɪɡˈzɪst]。释义:vi.存在;生存;生活;继续存在。例句:Does life exist on Mars?火星上是否存在生命?变形:过去式existed,过去分词existed,现在分词existing,第三人称单数exists。短语:exist really确实存在。exist as以…形态而存在。exist between在…之间存在。exist by靠…为生。exist的用法exist的基本意思是“存在,生存”。作“存在”解时主要指可以被感知的事物以某种状态存在,这种存在多为客观的,强调的是存在的真实性。作“生存”解时主要指人或其他生物依赖某物在地球上存活,此时只表示“存活”,而不表示“过生活”。exist常与介词by或on连用,表示“生存的手段或方法”。exist相当于表示存在的动词be,应置于引导词之后,主语之前,即主谓倒装。
2023-01-03 01:40:531


存在"应该是主动,existing issues,不是用existed这样的被动形式改变的状况,用changing condition和changed condition都可以,但意思有所不同,changing condition强调情况不断变化,用于泛指;而changed condition强调情况已经变化,说的是具体的、已经发生的变化,用于特指。求采!
2023-01-03 01:41:276


2023-01-03 01:41:486


exist读作:[ɪɡˈzɪst]。音标:英[ɪɡˈzɪst];美[ɪɡˈzɪst]。词典释义:(v.)存在;实际上有;生存;生活;被发现。第三人称单数:exists;现在分词:existing;过去式:existed;过去分词:existed。网络释义:存在 ; 生存 ; 子查询 ; 生活 ; 保存。短语搭配:1、exist on:靠...生活,依赖于...生活。2、exist in:存在于...;在于。3、really exist:确实存在。4、system exist:系统存在。5、structure exist:结构存在。双语例句:1、Some antecedents to the African novel might exist in Africa"s oral traditions.某些非洲小说的前身也许存在于非洲口头传说中。2、The multitudinous array of chemical substances that exist in the natural world.存在于自然界中的各种各样的化学物质。
2023-01-03 01:42:081


2023-01-03 01:42:293

老师帮忙解答一下,exist 这个词有现在进行时吗

2023-01-03 01:42:403


existKK: []DJ: []vi.1. 存在[W]That word doesn"t exist in English.英语中没有这个字。2. 生存;生活[(+on)]She existed only on milk.她只靠牛奶生存。
2023-01-03 01:42:502


existe 侧重存在occurr 侧重发生选existedefficient markets where none existed before 有效市场之前从没出现(存在)过
2023-01-03 01:43:012


如果用had existed,那就意味着你所谈论的时间点是介于“ 它消失之后” 和“现在”中间的某一时刻很显然原句就说:它曾经存在而不是说:“ 它消失之后” 和“现在”中间的某一时段,他们已经存在过了虽然逻辑上说的通,但显然表达的过于复杂,让人迷惑
2023-01-03 01:43:103


V 存在的意思
2023-01-03 01:43:213


2023-01-03 01:43:313


existvi. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在
2023-01-03 01:43:423


2023-01-03 01:43:534


exist vi.存在, 有生存; 活着exist on vegetable food 靠植物性食物生存习惯用语exist as 作为...而存在, 以...形态存在exist in 存在于...中exist on 靠...生活[生存] 现代英汉词典exist vi.存在The Roman Empire existed for several centuries. 罗马帝国存在了好几个世纪。Contradictions exist everywhere. 到处存在着矛盾。;矛盾无所不在。Salt exists mostly in sea water. 海水中存在的盐分最多。生存;活着So poor they can hardly exist. 他们穷得几乎无法过活。One cannot exist without air. 人没有空气就不能生存。The old lady exists only on rice coffee and bread. 老太太仅靠咖啡面包生活。 简明英汉词典exist vi.存在, 生存, 生活, 继续存在与 exist 相关的例句But problems still exist. 但是问题仍然存在。Cease to exist; disappear 不复存在;消失;消亡Tips should not exist. 小费现象不应该存在。To cease to exist. 不复存在;灭绝Did this condition pre-exist? 这种情形先前存在吗?To be alive; exist. 活着;生存Does life exist on Mars? 火星上有生命吗?Metals can exist as vapours. 金属可作为蒸气存在。Obstacles to agreement still exist. 达成协议还存在障碍。One cannot exist without air. 人没有空气就不能生存。
2023-01-03 01:44:071

existent 和existing区别

看看existent的解释就应该明白了,1。having existence or being or actuality 同义词:existing2。being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory- Longfellow 同义词:real3。presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible 同义词:actual
2023-01-03 01:44:123


1.Did;die2.more than3.bought;for me4.In addition to5.exisedt;human beings答对了要给悬赏分哦~O(∩_∩)O
2023-01-03 01:44:3613


系动词is和它后面的部分构成句子的表语,that the……existed是定语从句,修饰主语the proof。
2023-01-03 01:45:187

there existed

因为there existed的意思是doubt(疑惑)存在。
2023-01-03 01:45:512

exist 与 live的区别

2023-01-03 01:45:591

5.physicsts havemade new discoveries that challenge our ______ theories of the universe. A)existed

2023-01-03 01:46:052

---There existed----a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work.

There be 句型, existed 在此充当系动词be的成分。不能换。
2023-01-03 01:46:132


  存在于的英语短语大家会经常用到吗?下面是我给大家整理的存在于英语短语,供大家参阅!   存在于英语短语1   该日志服务与其它服务一起被部署到服务器上并作为存在于welcome.jsp文件中的代码的一部分。   This log service is deployed to the server together with the other services, as part of the codethat exists in the welcome.jsp file.   现在,您将利用一个Ajax 类型的构架,存在于backorderadmin.jsp 的功能的子集 来创建这个Web页面。   Now, create the Web page that you will implement, using an Ajax-styled architecture, a subset of the functionality that exists in backorderadmin.jsp.   例如,WebSphereApplicationServer系统管理组件的大多数实现类都存在于之类的包中;   For example, most implementation classes for the WebSphere Application Server systemmanagement component are in packages such as   WebSphereApplicationServer连接管理组件的实现类存在于之类的包中,等等。   sm; implementation classes for the WebSphere Application Server connection managementcomponent are in packages such as j2c, and so on.   其它解析器本该存在于 docutils.parsers层次结构下,但现在尚未提供这些解析器。   Other parsers would live under the docutils.parsers hierarchy, but none are currently provided.   注册表是一个存在于dijit.registry_hash中的全局空间的一个Object。   The registry is an Object that lives in the global space at dijit.registry_hash.   它已经存在于 2.6.20树中,不过也可以作为 2.6.19内核的一个内核模块使用。   It exists in the 2.6.20 tree, but can be used as a kernel module for the 2.6.19 kernel.   左腰升静脉存在于47.5%的标本中,位置较恒定,但起点、外径以及形态均有较大的变异;   The left ascending lumbar vein was present in 47.5% of the specimens, its location was relative-ly invariable, but it had a marked variability in its origination, diameter and morphology.   装饰符不存在于版本2.4之前的Python 中,因而exposed 这个技巧可能是您将方法暴露给CherryPy的惟一方式。   Decorators don"t exist in versions of Python prior to version 2.4, so the exposed trick may be theonly way for you to expose methods to CherryPy.   其次,BHO仅存在于InternetExplorer4.0及以后版本中。   Second, BHOs only exist in Internet Explorer, version 4.0 and later.   上面列出的错误必须存在于符合POSIX1003.1 的系统上,其他的错误则不必如此。   Only the errors listed above are required to exist on a POSIX 1003.1-conforming system, anything else is gravy.   存在于英语短语2   这个类存在于rt.jar 中,因而它是基本JVM的一部分。   CNCtxFactory; this class exists in rt.jar and as such is part of the base JVM.   冰会存在于一定土层.在偶尔能照到太阳的表面下,科学家把它叫做一种月球冻土。   What"s more, the ice doesn"t quit at the level of the soil. It"s also below the surface in places that do occasionally get sunlight — a kind of lunar permafrost, the scientists call it.   根据最新的地质时期表,泛古陆存在于2亿至5.5亿年前。   Pangea existed between 550 and 200 million years ago--which is relatively recent in geologicaltime.   现在您需要创建显示出存在于WebSphereApplicationServerV6.1实例上的CICS资源适配器和相应的连接工厂的Eclipse视图。   Now you need to create the Eclipse view that shows the CICS resource adapters andcorresponding connection factories that exist on WebSphere Application Server V6.1 instance.   活在过去的伤痛和未来的恐惧中要容易得多.如果你现在是这样,停止,呼吸,然后把自己放在当下.焦虑是不存在于这一刻的.   When this happens, stop, breathe, and ground yourself in the moment. Anxiety is nonexistent inthis moment.   此时,确保C:sourcesourcefile.txt存在于源代理的文件系统中,C:destination存在于目标代理的文件系统中。   At this point, make sure that C:sourcesourcefile.txt exists on the source agent"s file system, and that C:destination exists on the destination agent"s file system.   这一发现表明或许有一天我们就能够从女性的卵巢里将这些干细胞隔离出来因为它们一定也存在于人类的身体中.   The findings suggest that it may be possible one day to isolate and culture these stem cells fromwomen"s ovaries, should they also exist in humans.   而且,研究发现一种名为以色列急性麻痹病毒(I.A.P.V.)存在于半数被研究的蜂群中。   Also, a virus called I.A.P.V., for Israeli acute paralysis virus, was present in almost half thecolonies studied.   如果您使用的是SAPGUI 6.4,那么saplogon.exe 存在于C:programfilessappcSAPGUI 目录下。   If you are using SAP GUI 6.4, saplogon.exe will be available from C:program filessappcSAPGUI.   这种改进同时存在于开发版和1.5.x的稳定分支中。   This improvement is available both in this development version and in the 1.5.x stable branch.   AMOVA分析显示,地涌金莲的遗传变异37.19%存在于居群间,62.81%的遗传变异存在于居群内。   AMOVA analysis showed that 37.19% genetic differentiation is among populations and 62.81% is within population.   确保这个.so文件存在于D:ProgramFilesHTTPServer modules。   Make sure that the .so file exists in D:Program FilesHTTP Server modules.   另一个示例存在于Visualize 公司 (,一个小型的提供可视化软件的金融ISV。   Another example exists with Visualize, Inc. (, a small financial ISV thatprovides visualization software.   这也许有点太悲观了.在破产法第11章里GM(通用)将重组.它将暂停某些现有的债务偿付和维持日常运作.也许 困难就存在于所谓的"重组"中.通用将需要新的借款 但可能不现实."   In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, GM would "reorganize." It would suspend many existing debtpayments and continue normal operations.   一家北京的中文报纸<经济观察报>在其网站上发表评论说,官方对于"快乐女声"的最大顾虑就存在于其观众投票模式.   Economic Observer, a Chinese-language newspaper in Beijing, published a commentary on itswebsite suggesting that the question of audience voting could be the party"s main concernabout “Happy Girl”.   更多的笔墨集中在另外一种形式的分裂,它存在于互联网的管道中.   A lot of ink, however, has already been spilt on another form of balkanisation: in the plumbing of the internet.   只是一种主要存在于各央行间的名目货币.并未扮演任何商业角色.   SDR is ... only a notional currency that exists primarily between central banks.   只是一种主要存在于各央行间的名目货币.并未扮演任何商业角色.   SDR is ... only a notional currency that exists primarily between central banks.   存在于英语短语3   1. The gens also lives on in the " factions. "   氏族此外还继续存在于 “ factions〔 “ 帮”〕中.   2. It exists in this world colorless, shapeless, soundless, odorless, and painless.   它存在于世,无色, 无形, 无声, 无嗅和无痛.   3. In this category , Australia"s timeless landscape holds most of the records.   例如会产生氧气的蓝绿藻,已有毫无争议的微体化石存在于20亿年前的岩石中.   4. These controls are used in the various phases of SCRUM.   这些控制因素存在于SCRUMf方法的不同阶段中.   5. All these, I said, are here and exist in me.   所有这些, 我说, 在这里和存在于我.   6. XML schema defines the basic structures that exist in WML.   XML模式定义了存在于WML中的基本结构.   7. AFA has prognostic value for the diagnosis of early and atypical RA.   结论通过临床大样本检测,进一步验证了AFA存在于RA疾病 的早期,对早期RA诊断 有较好的敏感性和特异性,并且对早期、不典型RA的 诊断有很好的预测性,有向临床常规检测推广的价值.   8. From is in Matter, rhythm in Force, meaning in the Person.   形势存在于“物”中, 韵律存在于“力”中, 意义存在于“人”中.   9. Grell are most often found in a feral state, existing.   触须怪最常在野生的区域, 像单独的猎人一样存在于.   10. Do the colors exist on the 216 universal - color palette?   颜色是否都存在于216种颜色的调色板上?   11. However, Pre - S 1 is located on Dane granule and is a reliable indicator of replication.   但 Pre -S1存在于Dane颗粒上,是复制的可靠标识.   12. These issues also underlie one major difference between OWL Full and OWL DL.   这些问题也存在于OWLFull和OWLDL之间的一个重要区别.   13. What researchers have found, they say, is a method allowing humans to better inhabit non - flesh - and - blood consciousness.   对于所取得的发现, 研究者们说, 这是一种能让人更好地存在于“无肉体”意识中的方法.   14. People are concrete and realistic, and always exist in the form of a certain gender.   具体的、现实的人是有性别身份的, 人总是以一定的社会性别身份存在于世.   15. Summary of Background Data . Current concepts of spinal sagittal balance center on the plumb line.   当前的研究表明, 椎体矢状平衡中心存在于C7垂直线上.   
2023-01-03 01:46:211


exist vi. 存在、生存生活(on)She existed only on milk. 她只靠牛奶生存。 consist Vi. 当存在 存在于讲时后面用介词inThe beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colors。这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。
2023-01-03 01:46:261

This problem has existed since a month ago at least.这个英文句子有问题吗?应该用主动还是被动?

孩子,不对。应该是has been exsiting就对了。
2023-01-03 01:46:312


After all existed
2023-01-03 01:46:393

the existed productversion is higher than your 什么意思

the existed productversion is higher t...的中文翻译the existed productversion is higher than your 现有的产品版本高于你
2023-01-03 01:46:502

帮我翻译2006年上海高考英语完形填空 人工翻译 谢谢啦

2023-01-03 01:46:573


这三句话似乎是完成时态的专项训练第一句,根据语感,确实用stay 原形,但后面的for several days好象要作怪,完成时态的标志是for +时间段,或since +时间点,所以选D第二句话,仍然根据完成时态的标志for +时间段,或since +时间点所以要用过去完成时态第三句. 你只看到了 many years ago ,这的确是过去时态标志 但看最后还有 for a long period of time ,这要用完成时态 而且要用完成进行时态故选A答案,完成进行时态表示动作的延续 既,在many years ago 这个时间点,live 这个动作还在继续或有往下延续的趋势
2023-01-03 01:47:123


然而,“临时网络“的达维和马龙提出的是一个范例,在长期existedin施工承包商的形式和改革的每个项目(Kornelius和Wamelink1998)合作团体。取得了进军高科技制造企业来采取这种灵活的经营模式的优势 。
2023-01-03 01:47:234

exist到底是不及物动词还是及物动词啊 老

不可数 不可数
2023-01-03 01:48:062


ID has existed.ID doesn"t exist.
2023-01-03 01:48:142

exist 是动词,那么为什么电话里是这样说的:The number you dialed is not exist ?

does not exist楼主应该听错了
2023-01-03 01:48:233


(1) dedicated; (2) distinguished; (3) fame; (4) successive; (5) liberate; (6) exerted; (7) owe; (8) bears; (9) evolve; (10) existed
2023-01-03 01:48:421

appear exist 有区别吗

有区别,它们两个的意思不同appear英音:[ə"piə] 美音:[ə"pɪr] 不及物动词 vi. 1.出现;显露Gradually a smile appeared on her face. 她脸上渐渐地露出笑容。 2.似乎,看来好像[L][W][+to-v][+(that)]It appears they are right. 看来他们是对的。 He appeared to be talking to himself. 他似乎在自言自语。 3.出庭,到案[Q]She will appear in court next Friday. 下星期五她将出庭。 4.演出;陈列;露面[Q]The famous singer is appearing this fall at the Music Festival. 这位著名的歌手将在今秋的音乐节上演出。 5.出版,发表His third play appeared under the title "The Web". 他的第三个剧本用《网》作书名出版。 exist英音:[ig"zist] 美音:[ɪg"zɪst] 不及物动词 vi. 1.存在[W]That word doesn"t exist in English. 英语中没有这个字。 2.生存;生活[(+on)]She existed only on milk. 她只靠牛奶生存。
2023-01-03 01:48:481

there exist是there be句型吗

there exist是there be的变形。There be…是最普通的存在句,在实际运用中它有很多变体,其中之一就是There exist…。如:There existed different opinions on this problem. 对这个问题曾有不同看法。There exists no man who is not moved by the word “home”. 没有哪个人不会被“家庭”这个词打动的。类似的还有:There followed…There followed an uncomfortable silence. 接着是一阵令人难以忍受的沉默。There followed a flood of indignation in the newspaper. 之后报上是一阵愤怒的声音。There lived…There once lived a poor farmer who had four sons. 从前有一个穷苦的农夫,他有四个儿子。Once upon a time, there lived a man by the name of Joe Beef. 许多年前有一个人名字叫乔·比夫。There stands…There stands a tower on the hill. 小山上耸立着一座塔。Once there stood an old church on the hill. 以前,山丘上有一座古教堂。
2023-01-03 01:48:531


1、Why does this happen?2、How could this be?3、How can it be?4、how did we come to this?为什么:why; why is it that; how is it that; forwhy; whereto出现:appear; appearance; arise; emerge; grow现象:phenomenon; appearance例句:1、为什么会出现这种现象呢?在大量的实验中,我们发现各种材料中均有价电子密度以及正电子寿命饱和的现象,但目前还没有人深入研究这种现象的本质。Over a very large number of experiments, we found that the phenomenon of covalence density and positron life saturation are almost existed in all kinds of materials, but there is still no one in-depth study on the nature of this phenomenon. 2、为什么会出现上述这种相反的现象呢?Why does this reverse phenomenon appear? 
2023-01-03 01:48:596

death is the proof that it once existed这句话是什么意思?

死亡就是曾经存在过的证明。 riche正解。
2023-01-03 01:49:223

下面这句话中的“no longer existed”替换为“was no longer in existence”后有语法错误吗?

The village no longer existed because it had been submerged, and all the valley too.(村庄已不复存在,因为已经为水所淹,山谷也被水淹没了。)——《新概念英语》
2023-01-03 01:49:333


exist 动词 表示存在,加ed 变成形容词性,表示存在的,形容词的普遍特性,让修饰的词或者语段更具体。翻译的时候其实翻译不太出来,这是我从来不知道的Alan的一面
2023-01-03 01:49:483

Her smile only existed in my memory为什么不用memories?

2023-01-03 01:50:142

News-sheets existed before then,but these were not really newspapers.这句话怎么翻译?

2023-01-03 01:50:222


2023-01-03 01:50:312

Dinosaurs ( existed on) Earth long long ago的同义句

2023-01-03 01:50:394

假设S, T都是用单链表表示的字符串,请设计一个算法,找出S中第一个不在T中出现的字符。

2023-01-03 01:50:531


2023-01-03 01:50:594


2023-01-03 01:51:132


2023-01-03 01:51:253

api is not existed怎么解决

2023-01-03 01:51:361