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global presence应该怎样翻译才够贴切

2023-07-10 22:35:36

global presence

英[u02c8ɡlu0259ubu0259l u02c8prezu0259ns]

美[u02c8ɡlobu0259l u02c8pru025bzu0259ns]

n. 跻身国际市场,参与国际竞争,在国际市场上占有一席之地(拥有一定...

[例句]Donahoe has said the acquisition will strengthen paypal "s global presence in mobile commerce.




presence[英][u02c8prezns][美][u02c8pru025bzu0259ns]n.出席;仪表;风度;鬼魂,神灵复数: presences双语例句1.I suppose your presence here today is not entirely coincidental .我认为你今天来这里不完全是碰巧。2.The constant presence of the media was very intrusive.媒体一直在场十分令人讨厌。3.He hardly seemed to notice my presence.他似乎没有注意到我在场。4.The boy had the presence of mind to turn off the gas.那男孩子镇定地关掉了煤气。5.They seemed to be resentful of our presence there.他们好像对我们在那里露面很生气。
2023-07-10 16:19:341


presence 英[u02c8prezns] 美[u02c8pru025bzu0259ns] n. 出席; 仪表; 风度; 鬼魂,神灵; [例句]They argued that his presence in the village could only stir up trouble他们认为他在村里出现只会招惹麻烦。[其他] 复数:presences
2023-07-10 16:19:421

p r e s e n c e 是什么意思

presence[英][u02c8prezns][美][u02c8pru025bzu0259ns]n.出席; 仪表; 风度; 鬼魂,神灵; 复数:presences例句:1.We are investing heavily in our online and social media presence. 我们在我们的网络和社会媒体存在上大力投资。.------------------------------------很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-07-10 16:19:512


presence[英][u02c8prezns][美][u02c8pru025bzu0259ns]n.出席; 仪表; 风度; 鬼魂,神灵; 1Your presence is requested for the occasion.届时务请出席。2For a country with a population of over 1.3 billion, Apple "s physical retail presence remains small.中国人口超过13亿,但苹果在这个国家的实体零售店却少得可怜。
2023-07-10 16:20:002


2023-07-10 16:20:103


presence 英[u02c8prezns] 美[u02c8pru025bzu0259ns] n. 出席;仪表;风度;鬼魂,神灵 名词复数:presences [例句]If gojee is going to grow , it "ll need to aggressively announce its presence.如果Gojee的目标是实现增长,它需要积极展示自己的存在。
2023-07-10 16:20:272


读作["pru025bzns] 意思是“n. 1. 出席,在场;存在 2. 面前,眼前
2023-07-10 16:20:353


presence的英式发音[u02c8prezns]美式发音[u02c8prezns]在字典中的意思为:n.在场;出席;存在;出现;(派遣的)一个队;(尤指执行任务的)部队;感觉在附近的人(或鬼魂);仪态presence的英文释义为:the fact of being in a particular place在这个语境下的反义词为absence例句:He hardly seemed to notice my presence.他似乎没有注意到我在场。Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect.危难时她的存在稳定了大家的心情。They argued that his presence in the village could only stir up trouble...他们认为他在村里出现只会招惹麻烦。
2023-07-10 16:20:411

presence 和 take part in的区别

presence 英[ˈprezns]美[ˈprɛzəns]n. 出席; 仪表; 风度; 鬼魂,神灵;[网络] 在场; 存在; 呈现;[例句]They argued that his presence in the village could only stir up trouble.他们认为他在村里出现只会招惹麻烦。[其他] 复数:presences 形近词: absence nonsence presentstake part in 英[teik pɑ:t in]美[tek pɑrt ɪn][词典] 参加…,参与…活动; 插脚; 厕; 预;[网络] 活动; 积极参加; 参加,参与;[例句]You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching.你可以参与从划独木舟到观鸟等各种活动。
2023-07-10 16:21:222


presence和presentation区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同presence:英 ["prezns]美 ["prezns]。    presentation:英 [u02ccprezn"teu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccpriu02d0zen"teu026au0283n]。    2、意思不同presence:n. 出席;存在;到场;【生】存在度。presentation:n. 介绍;陈述;赠送物;报告;[美]讲课。presence近义词:attendance 英 [u0259"tendu0259ns]     美 [u0259"tendu0259ns]    n. 出席;出席人数;出席率。My attendance at school is excellent.我在学校的出席情况极好。Attendance at the meeting is mandatory.出席会议是必要的。
2023-07-10 16:21:312

数据通信中presence 和 absence是什么意思

presence”,也作“presence information”,中文一般译为“呈现”,用以传达某一用户通过一组设备进行通信的能力和...随着市场对presence和IM(即时通信)的需求日益增大,各种各样的实现也如雨后春笋般冒了出来。但是目前市场上的大部分...
2023-07-10 16:21:521


2023-07-10 16:22:022


出席, 到场, 存在具体要看上下文
2023-07-10 16:22:094

presence 和 absence 是什麼意思

presence 是出席, absence 是缺席 都是名词,在你这段话中意思应该是有 和 无你的这句话: 当你在学习一门外语的时候,你有没有发现任何一个学习的步骤都遵循一些 你已经知道的关于它的窍门? 你可以思考一些列子来解释 你到底有没有 一些掌握那种语言的能力。如果你还有什么不懂的可以问下我,我没看到上下文,可能learning that 指代的有一点偏差
2023-07-10 16:22:191

presence existence表达“存在”之意时有何区别?

presence可以表生存和存在The dogs were trained to detect the presence of explosives.那些狗是训练来查寻爆炸物的 存在漏洞等等 存在并能找到exist表真实存在 不强调找不找的到 Does life exist on Mars? 火星上有生命吗
2023-07-10 16:22:363

Presence (My Heart S Desire) 歌词

歌曲名:Presence (My Heart S Desire)歌手:Newsboys专辑:Devotion标题:Presence艺术家:AnathemaOne has to come to terms with one"s own mortality.And you can"t really help people who are having problems with mortality,if you"ve got problems of your own.So you have to begin to sort things out,and I thought I had sorted things out until I saw this excerpt from this book, of certainty I shall remember what it said:“Life is not the opposite of death. Death is the opposite of birth. Life is eternal.”And I thought that it"s the most profound words I have ever heard about thatissue and it really put me in peace. And that"s it. What else is there to say? Heh.Life is eternal. Surely the opposite of life is not death, but life is eternal.There is no opposite.And so, what happens is, I suppose, state of pure consciousness, stillness and silence?Yeah, what we are looking for now,we are searching for and we have been searching for,now we"ve become closer to it and now we know it"s already there,is there for ever to seek, it"s there, and it"s going be there, all the time,forevermore.金属梦:66032164
2023-07-10 16:22:441


2023-07-10 16:22:511


2023-07-10 16:23:192


就是Presence awareness的意思!
2023-07-10 16:23:294

presence 和 absence 是什麼意思

2023-07-10 16:23:411


She is too shy to speak IN the presence of strangers.
2023-07-10 16:23:493


2023-07-10 16:23:588

Your very presence什么意思?? presence是什么词性?

2023-07-10 16:24:146

请问online presence 是啥意思?

2023-07-10 16:24:282


in her presence 为固定短语
2023-07-10 16:24:506

请大家帮分析, as 起什么作用,presence在里面是什么意思?go about their business起什么作用?谢谢?

2023-07-10 16:25:062

in presence与at presence有什么区别

in (one"s) presence:在某光临的现场at (one"s) presence:某..现在的状况后面都常接of!
2023-07-10 16:25:132


如果出现EPC的故障灯,说明发动机的动力控制管理系统出现问题了,能够造成这个问题的原因主要有以下几点: 第一个是刹车灯不亮了,当我们车辆的刹车灯都不亮了就会出现EPC这个故障灯。
2023-07-10 16:25:233

to have a presence in the united states是什么意思

2023-07-10 16:25:453

presence detected是什么意思

presence detected 检测detected 英[du026a"tektu026ad] 美[du026a"tektu026ad] vt. [无] 对…检波; v. 发现,发觉,查明( detect的过去式和过去分词 ); [例句]They were detected at depths of more than a kilometre in the sea.它们是在海面下超过一公里深的地方被检测出来的。[其他] 原型: detect
2023-07-10 16:25:521

音箱上的 drive 、presence、 resonance、 texture 、reverb 是什么意思

2023-07-10 16:26:022

存在感的英文 是什么?

同意 001 和 004, 存在感的英文是 "The sense of Existence"。001 作答在先,不过 004 指出 "existence" 是 "实实在在的生存" (concrete existence) 正是 "存在主义" (existentiali *** ) 的主旨。 存在感可以是"sense of presence"或"sense of existence" "sense of presence"主要强调存在于特定地方的感觉; "sense of existence"则强调实实在在活着或存在于世的感觉. 2010-03-22 03:09:17 补充: 存在感也可以是sense of presence: 本研究主要的目的是探索如何借由身体的移动(body movement)来增加使用者在虚拟实境CAVE系统(VR-CAVE)里的存在感(sense of presence)。 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! Sense of Existence Sense of living 2010-03-16 21:57:22 补充: Sense of world-being
2023-07-10 16:26:081


存在fade 消失
2023-07-10 16:26:302


presence的意思是:在场。presence一般指,在场、出席、存在、出现(派遣的)一个队;(尤指执行任务的)部队;感觉在附近的人(或鬼魂)。单词读音:英[u02c8prezns],美[u02c8prezns]。双语例句1、His mere presence made her feel afraid.他当时在场,这就足以让她害怕了。2、The constant presence of the media was very intrusive.媒体一直在场十分令人讨厌。3、The boy had the presence of mind to turn off the gas.那男孩子镇定地关掉了煤气。4、Litmus paper turns red in the presence of an acid.石蕊试纸遇到酸就变红。5、There was a strong police presence at the demonstration.示威现场有了大批警察。6、She seemed awed by the presence of so many famous people.见到这么多名人出席,似乎令她惊叹不已。7、The managing director"s presence inhibited them from airing their problems.总经理的在场使他们不便畅谈他们的问题。
2023-07-10 16:26:511


没有,应该是presence 英[u02c8prezns] 美[u02c8pru025bzu0259ns] n. 出席; 仪表; 风度; 鬼魂,神灵; [例句]They argued that his presence in the village could only stir up trouble他们认为他在村里出现只会招惹麻烦。[其他] 复数:presences
2023-07-10 16:27:151


presence与presentation的区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同presence:英 ["prezns]     美 ["prezns]。    presentation:英 [u02ccprezn"teu026au0283n]     美 [u02ccpriu02d0zen"teu026au0283n]。    2、意思不同presence:n. 出席;存在;到场;【生】存在度。presentation:n. 介绍;陈述;赠送物;报告;[美]讲课。近义词:attendance 英 [u0259"tendu0259ns]     美 [u0259"tendu0259ns]    n. 出席;出席人数;出席率。There was a large attendance at the Fair.出席这次交易会的人数很多。The attendance of this class never dropped off.这个班的出席率从未下降。
2023-07-10 16:27:221


"Presence"是一个英语单词,通常用作名词,表示存在、出现或在场的状态。以下是有关"presence"的更多信息以及一些例句。"Presence"的含义"Presence"通常用于描述某人或某物的存在或出现状态。它可以指某人的存在、某物的存在、某人的气场或影响力等。例如:The presence of the CEO at the meeting made everyone nervous. (CEO的出席让所有人都很紧张。)The presence of the police officer made the crowd feel safer. (警察的到来让人群感到更安全。)The presence of the statue in the park adds to its beauty. (公园里雕像的存在增添了它的美感。)"Presence"的用法"Presence"通常用作名词,但也可以用作形容词,表示某人或某物的存在或出现状态。例如:She has a strong presence on stage. (她在舞台上有很强的气场。)The company has a global presence. (这家公司在全球范围内都有业务。)"Presence"的常见搭配(1) physical presence:实体存在The physical presence of the product in the store is important for sales.(2) online presence:线上存在The company needs to improve its online presence to attract more customers.(3) commanding presence:威严气场The actor has a commanding presence on screen.(4) sense of presence:存在感The artist"s work has a strong sense of presence.(5) presence of mind:冷静应对She showed great presence of mind in the emergency situation.
2023-07-10 16:27:361


presence的动词形式为:present。presence的动词是present,present中文意思是v. 颁发,赠送;出示(护照等供检查);正式提交(支票,账单),递交;<法律> 向法院正式提交(投诉,申请,证据);<正式> 正式引见,介绍(尤指重要人物);现身(某地),正式出席;向主教推荐已被委任的牧师就任(圣职);引出,造成(问题、威胁或机会);<正式> 表达,致以(问候等);提出,陈述(观点、计划等);上映,播出(广播或电视节目);(公司,生产者)向公众展示;描述,展现;(机会,观点)出现,呈现;<英> 主持(广播或电视节目);
2023-07-10 16:28:171

presence 与attendance有什么区别

presenceN-SING 出席;到场Someone"s presence in a place is the fact that they are there.They argued that his presence in the village could only stir up trouble... 他们认为他在村里出现只会招惹麻烦。attendanceN-UNCOUNT 出席;参加;出勤Someone"s attendance at an event or an institution is the fact that they are present at the event or go regularly to the institution.Her attendance at school was sporadic. 她三天两头旷课。
2023-07-10 16:28:571


前两个是。意思是 在场的,出席的,第三个不是,是动词,意思是 出席 。
2023-07-10 16:29:061


2023-07-10 16:29:152

谁有PRESENCE(the indigo)的中文歌词

原来你 一直都在这里可是我 来不及赶上去一步步 跟随着这旋律寂寞都 掩埋在背影里还不懂 如何雕琢回忆只想要 分分秒秒(去)争取终究是 不属于我的你多年后 怅惘一天一地忽然洒下纷纷细雨凄迷落英踏碎满地 花吹雪只迷恋一季*离开我的你 you know you mean shining流光悠然继续伸出手 邀请你 共这一曲别再说我跟不上你人总会 试图去 改变自己*虽说是 为了爱之名义但我却 不想变作安琪满足了 众人欣赏目的又能够 给我什么乐趣我只想要得到一种记忆无关细腻抑或完美往昔 从那天起陪伴我的你 you know you need shining承认或者婉拒教会我 这圆舞 的人是你你说只要踏准旋律到头来 总是会 再遇见你Reprise*我想要shining温暖所有过去若可以 将岁月 再来一次我想我依然会选你开启我 生命里 所有契机
2023-07-10 16:29:221


2023-07-10 16:29:361


在场的英文有be on the scene;be on the spot;be present;presence。相关短语:1、不在场absent from absence from.2、到场,在场be on the scene.3、在场的attendant;on-the-spot.4、在场上on the floor.5、在场者attendant.6、不在场的absent;absolute/5abselu:t.7、呈现;礼物;在场的present.8、不在场证明alibis.9、不在场值班off-site watch-service.10、不在场证据evidence in support of alibi.11、出席,在场的present.12、当时我在场i was there at the time.13、伙伴不在场absent partner.14、拍档不在场absence of partner.15、缺席,不在场absent from.例句:1、None could witness that he was present.没有人能证明他是在场的。2、Aunt alexandra was present but silent.亚历山德拉姑妈也在场,但没吭气。3、A good majority of those present rose.在场的很多人都站了起来。4、His words moved everyone present.他的话使在场的人都受到感动。5、His words gave great offense to everybody present.他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人。6、The fact that bill was there also made me feel better.比尔在场也使我感觉舒服一些。7、His presence at the crime underpins the case against him.案子发生时他在场对他更不利。8、He made the accusation in the presence of witnesses.他在有见证人在场的情况下提出了控告。9、He was so quiet that his presence was hardly noticed.他那么安静,几乎没有人注意到他在场。10、They would not assemble unless a white person was present.没有白人在场,他们不得聚众集会。
2023-07-10 16:29:431

请问online presence 是啥意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 今天翻译东西是有关电子商务的,里边有一个词组online presence,请高手翻译,这是啥意思? 解析: 视频会议,注意,不能直译。online是在线的,网络的。presense是出席,开会。 现在的会议出席的代表不一定要坐在一个办公室里开,通过电脑、视频等现代化办公手段,就可以进行互动式交流和讨论非常方便
2023-07-10 16:31:041

global presence应该怎样翻译才够贴切?

2023-07-10 16:31:203

in the presence of是什么意思

2023-07-10 16:31:281

presence on 是什么意思

2023-07-10 16:31:461


2023-07-10 16:32:001


physical presence[英][u02c8fiziku0259l u02c8prezu0259ns][美][u02c8fu026azu026aku0259l u02c8pru025bzu0259ns]有形存在; 实际存在; 双语例句1We strongly believe that the physical presence of UNAMA in Uruzgan will be a catalyst for the deployment there of other members of the United Nations Family and non-governmental organizations.我们坚信联阿援助团在乌鲁兹甘的有形存在将推动在那里部署联合国大家庭和非政府组织的其他成员。
2023-07-10 16:32:111