barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-10 21:27:44


1. 具有...味道(或气味)

The room savored of tobacco.


2. 意味,带有...的性质

Her request savored of a command.


从上面的解释可以看到,savor不仅仅是taste,还可以表示smell到某种气味,而且结构是savor of



savor 英["seu026avu0259] 美["seu026avu0259] n. 滋味; 气味; 食欲; 特定的味道或气味v.; 有…气味; 加调味品于; 使有风味; vi. 意味,带有…的性质; vt. 品尝; 欣赏; 给…加调味品; 使有风味; [例句]So that I could savor each minute.我想尽情享受和你独处的每一分钟。
2023-07-10 13:40:491


滋味 味道 气味风趣 吸引力食欲 爱好 名声自己根据上下文选择相应的答案
2023-07-10 13:40:562


savor:n.味; 香味; 一点儿; 兴味; v.使有味[有趣味]; 欣赏…的味; 玩味; 鉴赏; 例句:So that I could savor each minute.我想尽情享受和你独处的每一分钟。现在分词:savoring过去式:savored过去分词:savored第三人称单数:savors
2023-07-10 13:41:031


赛维(家电维修公司)是海信集团的二级公司之一。与海信电视,海信宽带多媒体,海信日立中央空调等公司是平级的。成立于 2002 年 9 月,以家电维修、IT 服务等为重点业务方向。电子产品服务是赛维Savor的重要服务领域之一,承担电视、空调、冰洗、手机、POS机、商用显示器、医疗、智慧家居、智能自助终端设备、新能源(净水、充电桩?)等多品类产品服务。信息技术服务主要服务于企业信息规划、流程再造、软件实施,涉及电子、化工、机械制造、新能源等行业,产品包括 SAP ERP、SMS、SRM、CRM、MSI、PID、DCS等。扩展资料海信企业历程2017年,海信4K激光电视产品荣获“全球年度显示技术金奖”;海信MASTER三筒洗衣机获得IFA2017全球“产品设计创新金奖”。2018年,海信接入网光模块被工信部评为制造业单项冠军产品。2018年,工信部正式公布的《“能效之星”产品目录(2018)》中,海信数量最多。2018年,海信世界杯限量款电视U9获CES 2018 “全球年度显示技术金奖”。2018年,青岛海信网络科技股份有限公司项目获得青岛科技进步奖一等奖。海信冰箱、海信电器、海信激光显示、海信宽带、海信日立等完成的10个科研项目获得青岛科技进步奖二等奖。2019年12月,海信激光电视斩获红顶奖、“2019年度妈妈信赖护眼电视”、 2019年度“极客之选”及“2019年度人民匠心产品奖”;海信社交电视获年度最佳大屏产品奖。2020年1月,海信医疗设备有限公司与青岛大学附属医院、复旦大学附属儿科医院共同完成的研究项目“基于小儿肝胆胰计算机辅助手术系统研发、临床应用及产业化”荣获2019年度国家科技进步二等奖。参考资料来源:赛维官网-我们的业务-电子产品服务简介
2023-07-10 13:41:121


odour [o·dour || "u0259u028adu0259(r)]n. 气味, 臭味, 香味What he had done put him in better odour.他的所作所为使他的名声得到改善。My room is filled with the odour of roses.我的房间里充满了玫瑰花的香味。The odour summoned up memories of my childhood.这气味使我回忆起孩提时代savor [sa·vor || "seu026avu0259(r)]n. 滋味; 风味; 气味; 味道n. 滋味, 气味, 食欲, 特定的味道或气味, 一种有特色的性质vi. 有...的滋味, 有...气味vt. 加调味品于, 使有风味, 尝到或闻到, 尽情享受例句用法:He drank the wine slowly, savoring every drop.他慢慢地喝着酒,细细品尝着每滴酒的滋味。Life seems to have lost most of its savor for him.对他来说,生活似乎已失去了一切乐趣。I took a mouthful and savor, ed the taste.我吃趑一囗,慢慢地品尝其滋味。savorKK: []DJ: []n.[S][U]1. 滋味;气味a savor of onion洋葱味2. 风味;【喻】味道the savor of country life农村生活的风味3. 风趣,趣味His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation.他幽默的话语给谈话增添了风趣。4. 食欲;爱好[(+for)]vi.[(+of)]1. 具有...味道(或气味)The room savored of tobacco.屋子里有烟草味。2. 意味,带有...的性质Her request savored of a command.她的请求含有命令意味。vt.1. 品尝;欣赏;【喻】品味He savored his success.他回味自己的成就。2. 给...加调味品;使有风味flavour (Brit.) [fla·vour || "fleu026avu0259(r)]n. 味, 味道; 香料, 调味料; 韵味, 风味 (flavor 的另一写法)v. 味, 味道, 香料, 调味料; 加进某种色度 (flavor 的另一写法)n. 香味vt 给...加味例句用法:This bread has plenty of flavour.这面包味道真好。I don"t like the flavour of onion.我不喜欢洋葱的味道。One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon.可以隐约觉得有一点柠檬味.
2023-07-10 13:41:361


2023-07-10 13:41:421


2023-07-10 13:41:501


Good Taste
2023-07-10 13:42:005


cause smell taste worse patient handle with
2023-07-10 13:43:028

savor the moment是什么意思

savor the moment享受这一刻
2023-07-10 13:43:334

《Savor Mindful Eating, Mindful Life》txt下载,求百度云资源

《Savor》(Thich Nhat Hanh)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: jqsi书名:Savor作者:Thich Nhat Hanh出版社:HarperOne出版年份:2010-3-9页数:304内容简介:Common sense tells us that to lose weight, we must eat less and exercise more. But somehow we get stalled. We start on a weight-loss program with good intentions but cannot stay on track. Neither the countless fad diets, nor the annual spending of $50 billion on weight loss helps us feel better or lose weight. Too many of us are in a cycle of shame and guilt. We spend countless hours worrying about what we ate or if we exercised enough, blaming ourselves for actions that we can"t undo. We are stuck in the past and unable to live in the present—that moment in which we do have the power to make changes in our lives. With Savor , world-renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and Harvard nutritionist Dr. Lilian Cheung show us how to end our struggles with weight once and for all. Offering practical tools, including personalized goal setting, a detailed nutrition guide, and a mindful living plan, the authors help us to uncover the roots of our habits and then guide us as we transform our actions. Savor teaches us how to easily adopt the practice of mindfulness and integrate it into eating, exercise, and all facets of our daily life, so that being conscious and present becomes a core part of our being. It is the awareness of the present moment, the realization of why we do what we do, that enables us to stop feeling bad and start changing our behavior. Savor not only helps us achieve the healthy weight and well-being we seek, but it also brings to the surface the rich abundance of life available to us in every moment.作者简介:一行禅师 世界著名的佛教禅师、宗教界精神领袖、伟大的心灵导师、当今社会最具宗教影响力的僧人之一,以禅师、诗人、人道主义者闻名。1967年被民权领袖马丁?路德?金提名角逐诺贝尔和平奖。一行禅师通晓越、英、法及中文,著作达100多种,身兼诗人、作家与学者,除了佛学论述外,还有诗集、小说、戏剧、传记等。代表作有:《与生命相约》、《你可以不生气》、《爱的正念》、《你可以爱》、《一心走路》等。他在法国建立了“梅村”禅修道场,推广正念的禅修并帮助来自世界各地的难民及儿童,毕生宣扬非暴力的和平理念与正念生活之道。张丽莲 哈佛大学营养学院公共健康系健康促进与传播专业讲师与主任。她是哈佛营养与体能预防研究中心的研究员。由她创立的网站“营养来源网为顾客、健康专业人士与行业内的记者提供相关信息。她是一行禅师的弟子。
2023-07-10 13:43:401


  有一种人我最不喜欢和他下棋,那便是太有涵养的人。杀死他一大块,或是抽了他一个车,他神色自若,不动火,不生气,好像是无关痛痒,使得你觉得索然寡味。君子无所争,下棋却是要争的。当你给对方一个严重威胁的时候,对方的头上青筋暴露,黄豆般的汗珠一颗颗地在额上陈列出来,或哭丧着脸作惨笑,或咕嘟着嘴作吃屎状,或抓耳挠腮,或大叫一声,或长吁短叹,或自怨自艾口中念念有词,或一串串的噎嗝打个不休,或红头涨脸如关公,种种现象,不一而足,这时节你“行有余力”便可以点起一支烟,或啜一碗茶,静静地欣赏对方的苦闷的象征。我想猎人困逐一只野兔的时候,其愉快大概略相仿佛。因此我悟出一点道理,和人下棋的时候,如果有机会使对方受窘,当然无所不用其极,如果被对方所窘,便努力作出不介意状,因为既不能积极地给对方以烦恼,只好消极地减少对方的乐趣。   背景介绍   《下棋》是梁实秋散文中较有代表性的一篇,其显著特点之一,就是细致入微地写出了下棋、观棋和悟棋的独到而深刻的感受。下棋的最大乐趣在于自己局势有利时,静静地欣赏对方痛苦不堪的种种窘态。梁实秋先生一口气用了八个“或”字,把对方的窘态绘声绘色、惟妙惟肖地列举出来,使人如临其境,如闻其声。而在自己处于下风时,也应不动声色,减少对方的乐趣。   难点解析   1. 君子无所争: “君子”即 “gentleman”, “争”即 “竞争”(contest ),下棋也算是两人间的比赛 ,所以这里选用“contest”。全句译为“A real gentleman seldom contests with others.”。   2. “下棋却是要争的”:这里的“争”也有 “竞争”的意思,但更含有一种想赢的心态 ,因此译为“do sb. down”,有“胜过某人”的意思。全句译为“He will, however, seek to do his opponent down in a game of chess.”。   3. “当你给对方一个严重威胁的时候”:译为“when you put him on the spot”,词组“put sb. on the spot”意思是“使人为难,使某人陷入窘境”。   4. “头上青筋暴露”:“青筋”即“blue veins”,全句译为“see blue veins standing out on his temples”,“头上”译为“on the temples”,“temple”指“太阳穴”。   5. “黄豆般的汗珠”: “黄豆般的”即“the size of soybean”,故词组译为“drops of cold sweat the size of soybean”。   6. “一颗颗地在额上陈列出来”:“一颗颗”并不需要译出 ,因为前面的“drops”一词已经体现出来 了。   7. “哭丧着脸作惨笑”:“哭丧着脸”译为“a long face”,即“闷闷不乐的,不悦的脸色”。 “惨笑”译为“a wan smile”,“wan”原意为“无血色的,苍白的”。全句译为 “...wear a wan smile on his long face”。   8. “咕嘟着嘴作吃屎状”:意思是 “涵养低的人落下风时嘟囔着嘴心情不好”,译为 “purse his lips in displeasure”,“purse”指“皱起 ,缩拢”。   9. “抓耳挠腮”:“scratch his head”。   10. “大叫一声”:“let out a sharp cry”。“cry”一般指因恐惧、痛苦、惊奇等而喊叫。“shout”指有意识地高声喊叫 ,常用于提出警告、发出指令或唤起注意等。“exclaim ”多指因高兴、愤怒、痛苦、惊讶等突发感情而高声喊叫。“roar”指发出大而深沉的声音、吼叫或咆哮 。 “scream”指因恐惧、快乐或痛苦而发出的尖叫声。“shriek”指因惊恐 、痛苦等或其他感情而发出比scream更为尖锐、刺耳的叫声。“yell”多指求援 、鼓励时的呼叫,也可指因外界因素刺激而发出尖厉的声音。“call”指大声说话或喊叫,以引起某人 的注意。   11. “长吁短叹” :译为“sigh and groan”。“sigh”即“叹息,叹气 ”,“groan”即 “呻吟 ,抱怨”。   12. “自怨自艾口中念念有词”:“自怨自艾”译为“bitterly”即可“口中念念有词”译为 “repent his folly”,“repent”指 “后悔、忏悔”,“folly”指“愚蠢 、荒唐事”。   13. “一串串的噎嗝打个不休”: “打嗝译为 “hiccup”,全句译为“keep hiccupping unceasingly”。   14. “红头涨脸如关公” :译为“flush crimson with shame”。“flush”即“发红,发亮”。 “crimson”即 “深红色”。   15. “行有余力”: “feeling carefree”。   16. “啜一碗茶”: “啜”在这里译为名词 “sip” , “sip”有 “啜饮、抿 、小口喝”的意思 ,全句译为 “take a sip from your teacup”。   17. “静静地欣赏对方 的苦 闷的象征”:“欣赏”译为“savor ” ,因为“savor ”有 “尽情享受”的意思 ,可 以体现出 占上风者 的从容 、惬意 。全句译为 “savor the signs of your opponentu2019s discomfort”。   18. “我想猎人 困逐一只野兔 的时候 ,其愉快大概略相仿佛”:“其愉快大概略相仿佛”译为“the pleasure is by no means less than...” ,用“by no means less than”表示做强调。“猎人困逐一只野兔”要注意“困”字,可以译为“at oneu2019s mercy” ,表示野兔任其摆布。全句译为“The pleasure you have from it, I believe, is by no means less than that a hunter gets from a deadbeat rabbit at his mercy.”。   参考译文   The last man I would like to play chess with is a man with too much self-control. When he sees a huge piece of his position taken by his opponent (as in Go), or a chariot, lost to his opponent through an erroneous move (as in Chinese chess), he remains calm and unrufufb02ed, as if nothing whatever has happened. And that air of him will surely make you feel ufb02at and insipid.A real gentleman seldom contests with others; he will, however, seek to do his opponent down in a game of chess. When you put him on the spot, you can expect to see blue veins standing out on his temples and drops of cold sweat the size of soybean appearing on his forehead. He will either wear a wan smile on his long face, or purse his lips in displeasure, or scratch his head, or let out a sharp cry, or sigh and groan, or bitterly repent his folly, or keep hiccupping unceasingly, or ufb02ush crimson with shame, and such like. And at such a moment, feeling care-free, you can light a cigarette or just take a sip from your teacup and savor the signs of your opponent u2019s discomfort. The pleasure you have from it, I believe, is by no means less than that a hunter gets from a deadbeat rabbit at his mercy. And from this I have found out something—when engaged in a game of chess, you should resort to every conceivable means to embarrass your opponent, and try hard to remain calm when you yourself fall into difufb01culty. If you are unable to cause your opponent to suffer, why not try to let him ufb01nd as little pleasure as possible from your trouble?
2023-07-10 13:43:521


2023-07-10 13:44:021


Taste比如2009年曾在这里品尝(Taste)登顶味道的库兹涅佐娃,抑或(Or)是只差一个法网桂冠即可实现大满贯的莎拉波娃,又或者是去年温网、美网连进决赛、今年澳网又杀入...基于759个网页-相关网页 SAVOR Tasting sample短语欢迎品尝 Please ask to taste ; Welcome to taste ; Welcome tasting品尝橘子 taste oranges病态品尝 Morbid Savouring
2023-07-10 13:44:162


1.crutch [kr/A/ t/ch/ ] n 拐杖;支持;倚靠;叉状架名 放置脚跟的部份;叉木;桨架;人体两腿分叉□crutched [kr坱媡] 形 用拐杖支持的;有支柱的 2.hear [hir] v 听到;耳闻;旁听;闻知;倾听;审问近义词: heed; listen hear from 接到…的信 hear of 听到,听说 hear sb out 听某人把话讲完 3.letter ["let/&r/ ] n 文字;书信;文学;学问;许可证名 证书;铅字;缩写校名;债主;出租人 近义词: character; communication; dispatch; message; note; symbol letter-bound adj. 拘泥文句的 letter-high adj. (=type-high)和标准铅字高度相同的letter-perfect adj. 完全记住本身的, 无讹的letter-scales 信件磅4.smell [smel] v 闻.查觉到.闻出.气味;没价值近义词: essence; fragrance; odor; scent smell about 到处嗅寻;到处找 smell of 有…的气味 smell out 嗅出,凭嗅觉发现… smell-less adj. 无臭的, 没有嗅觉的5.taste [teist] v 尝;喝;经验;享受;试尝;经验n 风味;气味;爱好;审美力;风韵;体裁;眼识 近义词: experience; experiment; feel; sample; savor; sense; test; try taste of 有…味道(或气息) taste-test v. 用品尝来评测...的品质
2023-07-10 13:44:231


Savorliving尚品生活一直致力于为众多家庭提供优质、时尚健康的家庭用品,让科技与生活完美结合,缔造您美满幸福的生活空间。竭诚为广大客户提供专属的产品选购和使用服务。 “享受生活、品味人生”是Savorliving产品理念,公司所有产品都选用优质材料,以欧洲、日本等先进的工艺技术流程,融合时尚实用的设计理念打造高品质产品,以领先的姿态演绎家庭生活概念,时尚与健康,品味与人生共享。 Savorliving引领时尚魅力、彰显个性、倡导健康、注重环保的高品质生活,质优类全,主要有密封罐、保鲜盒、多功能刨、调味系列、茶具、厨具及餐具家庭用品系列,每一件产品均通过严格的检测检验程序,确保每件产品均符合国内,国际制造标准,为用户呈献高品质健康的生活
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问题一:享受生活的英文怎么说 享受生活:enjoy one"s life. 每个人有权利享受自由,更有权利享受生活。 Everyone have a right to enjoy his liberty, still more his life. 充分享受生活 living life to the full. 充分享受生活 Living life to the full. 他是个普通老绅士,他将享受生活所能提供的东西。 He was an ordinary old gentleman who was going to enjoy what life had to offer. 你似乎担心还没有来得及充分享受生活的乐趣就可能虚度了光阴。 You seem to be afraid that life might pass you by without giving you time to enjoy it to the full. 你似乎在担心人生没有让你充分享受生活就无滋无味地过去了。 You seem to be afraid that life might pass you by without giving you time to enjoy to the full. 只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活的自由。 None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.(Era *** us) 追求安逸享受的生活;欢乐生涯樱草节(英国保守党政治家迪斯累利Disraeli的忌辰)P-League[英]【史】樱草会(为纪念保守党政治家迪斯累利成立的一个组织) the primrose path [ way ] 我们享受家庭生活的一切乐趣。 We enjoy all the - ties of home life. 我们享受家庭生活的一切乐趣。 We enjoy all the - ties of home life. 问题二:“享受生活”用英语怎么说 您好!答案为:enjoy life.希望能帮到您!强烈希望您能采纳!您的采纳将是我们为您提供优质答案最大的动力与鼓励! 问题三:我很享受的英语怎么说 I very much enjoy 问题四:“这是一种享受”用英语怎么说? This is a kind of enjoyment. 问题五:享受的英文怎样拼?? 1. to enjoy (rights, benefits, etc.) 近义词或词组 regale | thermometer | relish | take enjoyment in | enjoy | beatify | enjoyment | delectation | fruition | feast 例句与用法 1. 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的阳光。 I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine. 2. 既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。 Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while. 3. 我们享受着湖面上吹来的凉爽微风。 We are enjoying the cool breeze that es from the lake. 4. 你什麽也不用做--只管轻松愉快地享受旅游的乐趣. You don"t have to do anything just lie back and enjoy the journey. 5. 知识分子决不应结婚;他们既不会享受婚姻生活,更不应复制自己。 Intellectual shall never marry; they will not enjoy it, and besides, they shall not reproduce themselves. 问题六:慢慢享受英文怎么说 Slowly enjoy慢慢享受 问题七:尽情享受用英语怎么说 Feast one"s eye on to have a good time to paint the town red:to enjoy oneself Savor 抚以上几个均可 问题八:享受英文怎么说 enjoy 问题九:享受...........的乐趣用英文怎么说 enjoy 问题十:急!!“视听享受”用英语怎么说?拜托各位大神 Audio-visual enjoyment
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赠人玫瑰,手有余香。其表述有:A bit of fragrance clings to the hand that gives flowers.或者:The roses in her hand,the flavor in mine.或者:Roses given,fragrance in hand.
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玩这个字的含义如下: 1、指游戏:如玩耍、玩笑、玩兴、玩具、玩偶。 2、戏弄,搬弄:如玩弄、玩狎、玩花招儿。 3、观赏:如玩赏、玩味、瞻玩、玩物丧志。 4、可供观赏的东西:如古玩。 5、轻视,忽视:如玩忽职守、玩世不恭。 玩的相关组词: 好玩、贪玩、游玩、玩火、玩乐。
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taste作名词时意为味道、滋味、味觉、少许尝的东西、一口、一点儿。作动词时意为有u2026味道、有u2026味道的、尝出、品出(食品或饮料的味道)。 想要学好英语的第一步是去积累单词,毕竟不管是句子还是文章都是由单词构成的,那么下面我们来说说taste是什么意思。 详细内容 01 taste 英 [teu026ast] 美 [teu026ast] n.味道;滋味;味觉;少许尝的东西;一口;一点儿 v.有u2026味道;有u2026味道的;尝出,品出(食品或饮料的味道) 第三人称单数: tastes 复数: tastes 现在分词: tasting 过去式: tasted 过去分词: tasted 02 同义词辨析 taste n. 味道;爱好 普通用词,主要指由人的味觉器官品尝出来的味道或滋味,常引申指某人的口味或爱好。 Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. 清咖啡会在嘴里留下一些苦味。 Some fruits are disagreeable to the taste. 有几种水果味道不好。 flavour (美亦作flavor) n. 味道;风味 指用嗅觉、味觉感受到的味道,尤指物品的某种特殊风味,或其味道中的特殊之处,常引申指某种事物的特色或特点。 The shop sells ice cream in six different flavours. 这家店铺卖6种不同风味的冰激凌。 One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon. 可以隐约觉得有一点柠檬味。 These poems have the distinctive flavour of a ballad. 这些诗有民歌风味。 savour (美亦作savor) n. [正式]味道,滋味;趣味 尤指令人愉快的味道或气味,可引申指趣味、乐趣。 The best smell is bread, the best savour salt. 面包闻起来最香,食盐的滋味最鲜。 Life seems to have lost some of its savour. 生活中似乎已失去了一些值得享受的乐趣. 03 双语例句 I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds 我喜欢葡萄酒的味道,喜欢品尝不同的口味。 We have a taste of the white wine he"s brought. 我们尝了尝他带来的白葡萄酒。 I drank a cup of tea that tasted of diesel 我喝了杯有股柴油味的茶。 He finished his aperitif and tasted the wine the waiter had produced 他喝完开胃酒,又尝了点侍者端来的葡萄酒。 You can taste the chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet. 你可以尝出菜里面有辣椒,不过味道有点甜。 But having had a taste of the big time, he won"t want to go back to playing in the reserves 但是,有过一举成名的经历以后,他就不会再想回去当替补了。 Anyone who has tasted this life wants it to carry on for as long as possible. 任何过过这种日子的人都希望它持续得越久越好。
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糖尿病是很难治的病症,而且可怕的地方在于,它往往会有很多并发症,很多死亡并非因为糖尿病本身,而是并发症致使身体衰竭,所以我们要重视糖尿病的治疗,下面我带大家来看一下欣格列汀是什么药?糖友新药问世。 欣格列汀是什么药 近日,由中国科学院上海药物研究所柳红、李佳和蒋华良等3个课题组合作开发的抗糖尿病新药欣格列汀(DC291407),获得国家食品药品监督管理总局颁发的临床试验批件,获批开展临床研究。 科研人员结合已报道的DPP-4晶体复合物结合模式图,提取药效片段和优势骨架,共设计合成6类全新结构母核的DPP-4抑制剂,通过对百余个化合物进行体内外活性筛选和药效学评价,开发获得了DPP-4高选择性抑制剂欣格列汀。欣格列汀结构独特,是全新化学分子实体的DPP-4高效、高选择性抑制剂,目前已获得中国、美国、加拿大、日本、韩国、俄罗斯等国家的专利授权。临床前研究显示,欣格列汀的体外DPP-4抑制活性、选择性和体内降糖作用效果优于现有上市药物,该化合物具有降糖作用显着、起效剂量低的特点。欣格列汀具有良好的药代动力学特性和安全性,暴露量和半衰期均优于上市药物阿格列汀。因此,它是一种安全、有效、质量可控的糖尿病临床候选药物,具有良好的成药前景。 相关研究成果已转让给辰欣药业股份有限公司。该研究得到了国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项、中科院战略性先导科技专项、上海市科委等的资助。利格列汀满足临床疗效需求 中国2型糖尿病诊断标准调查报告显示,疗效是医生选择治疗方案时的首要考量因素,中国医生对于降糖有多方面需求,其调整T2DM 患者治疗方案的前四大原因为HbA1c 控制能力不足、低血糖风险、餐后血糖(PPG)控制能力不足、空腹血糖(FPG)控制能力不足。四川大学华西医院冉兴无教授指出,血糖控制方案需要兼顾强效降低HbA1c、全面改善PPG 和FPG,在持久稳定控制血糖的同时还应最小化低血糖和体重增加风险,优质安全降糖达标。DPP-4抑制剂利格列汀能够满足强效、全面、持久、优质的降糖需求。 一项汇总分析显示,利格列汀治疗可使HbA1c自基线降幅高达1.2%(J DiabetesComplcations2013,27:274)。另有研究表明,利格列汀无论单药治疗还是在二联、三联方案中应用均可提供强效降糖作用。一项长达104周的研究显示,利格列汀可持久改善血糖控制,其降低HbA1c的疗效非劣于格列美脲(平均剂量3 mg/d)(Lancet 2012,380:475)。此外,利格列汀单药或联合二甲双胍治疗均可显着降低PPG和FPG。进一步的研究还显示,利格列汀单药或联合二甲双胍治疗能够改善β细胞功能,胰岛素原/胰岛素比及稳态模型评估的胰岛素抵抗指数(HOM-IR)均显着改善(Diabetes Obes Metab2011,13:258;Lancet 2012,380:475)。在低血糖和体重方面,利格列汀组达到HbA1c<7%且未发生低血糖和体重增加的比例显着高于格列美脲(平均剂量2.45mg/d)(Int J Clin Pract2013,67:317)。基于多种益处,利格列汀在患者中具有良好的治疗依从性。两个美国全国健康保险数据库患者随访发现,坚持长期使用利格列汀治疗的患者比例分别高达51.5%和50.3%[美国糖尿病学会(ADA)2015年会:壁报1707]。格列汀类药物对糖尿病究竟有啥用 糖尿病,特别是2型糖尿病,在病理生理机制上存在多个问题。以往我们绝大多数的药物都是围绕着胰岛素而来的,例如磺脲类药物、胰岛素等。毕竟从班廷发现胰岛素开始就为糖尿病牢固地打上了这个烙印。 2型糖尿病中确实存在着胰岛素分泌的问题,可能在早期会有1相分泌的受损、2相分泌的代偿性过高,逐渐演变为后期的胰岛素分泌的绝对不足。但是对于2型糖尿病而言,除了胰岛素本身出现了问题,还存在多种病理过程,例如尿糖重吸收过度、中枢食物成瘾、脂肪细胞功能异常、胰高糖素受抑不充分等等。当然在食物的入口——胃肠道方面同样也存在问题,现在基本明确2型糖尿病患者存在胃肠激素分泌不足和作用受损。 因此围绕着以上这些2型糖尿病的发病机制,各大药企也纷纷开始研发各种针对不同环节的药物,而格列汀类药物正是此中的一类药物。 格列汀类药物的学术名也叫做二肽基肽酶4的抑制剂,英文简称为DPP4抑制剂。DPP4在人体内的作用主要是快速灭活人体肠道分泌的两种激素——GLP-1和GIP。这两种激素在人体内的作用是在人体进餐后通过肠道细胞分泌入血,作用于人体胰岛,一方面刺激胰岛素分泌,另一方面可以抑制胰高糖素的分泌。这样就可以间接地通过胰岛激素的餐后再平衡,从而使人体内血糖调节状态从空腹状态进入餐后状态。而2型糖尿病患者往往存在肠道激素的分泌问题,GLP-1和GIP作用不足,那么使用DPP4抑制剂后,就可以相对延长这两种激素的作用,部分改变2型糖尿病中出现的此类激素问题。国外为啥格列汀类药物卖的那么火 无论是从格列汀类药物的作用机制来看,还是从后续陆陆续续公布的一系列临床试验数据来看,格列汀类药物确实显得那么“完美”。 一方面既能够作用于传统降糖药物作用不到的肠促胰素系统,另一方面从作用机制来看没有任何理由支持该类药物会存在如格列酮类药物那样所谓的“心血管风险”。更何况从最近3年以来连续公布的各大临床试验中心围绕格列汀类药物心血管风险的研究——SAVOR-TIMI 53研究、TECOS研究、EXAMINE研究都一致显示无论是沙格列汀,还是西格列汀或阿格列汀,都不会对糖尿病患者的心血管风险造成进一步加重或恶化的作用,当然另外两个格列汀——维格列汀和利格列汀的心血管安全性研究还正在随访中,尚未公布结果,但是从前序的研究和作用机制来看,本大叔认为必然还是一个心血管风险中性的结果。 如此格列汀类药物似乎汇集了各种推动市场销量的优势:一天一次口服,依从性最高;低血糖风险明显低于传统磺脲类药物,安全;不增加体重,依然安全;心血管风险也是中性结果,同样还是安全。 在国外这样保险支付占绝对优势话语权,并且患者管理大多数依托全科医生的医疗环境下,我竟然想象不出不用格列汀的理由了。格列汀类药物为啥在中国遭遇冷场 中国市场是一个极具特色的特殊市场,很多情况下药物销量都和国外并不一样,甚至是相反。当年阿卡波糖就是一个典型案例。 中国的糖尿病市场是一个教育程度极差,并且专科医生占有绝对话语权,支付方基本社保占绝对多数的特殊市场。 教育程度差,意味着绝大多数医生和患者都盯着血糖一个简单指标,能降糖能快速降糖就是好药成为了一贯共识。专科医生占有绝对话语权,意味着对于低血糖的恐惧并没有国外医生那么强烈,我们广大聪明绝顶的糖尿病专科大夫会各显神通,采用各种手段来将浮现出来的低血糖风险控制到最低。社保支付的单一通道导致了不进入医保目录,也就意味着该药物的销量永远只能徘徊在社会底层。 目前中国市场存在5大格列汀药物,统统都是外企原研,无论是默司,还是诺司、阿司、勃司、武司、礼司都憋着一股劲,那就是别看现在格列汀销量不行,那是因为自费关系,一天10元的药物治疗费用确实很多患者止步于此。但是本大叔奉劝各大司的总监、经理、主管、代表,别以为一旦进了医保销量就会一飞冲天。 曾经有几位总经主代反驳,并列举当年文迪雅的例子,确实文迪雅在进入医保后销量一飞而起,但是文迪雅如此并不意味着格列汀就同样如此。此中关键在本大叔看来有二: 第一,文迪雅在自费阶段已经在医生中树立了“糖尿病=胰岛素抵抗、文迪雅=改善胰岛素抵抗”的牢固观念,有此观念洗脑的医生患者群众盼文迪雅进医保如久旱盼甘霖,哈哈。但是格列汀呢?各司可以去看看市场调研公司的报告,你们各自引以为傲的5大格列汀现在群众中又是神马观念呢?小小举个例子,曾经有一年CDS年会5大格列汀同时开卫星会,本人有幸各个会场兜了一圈,居然没整明白究竟哪个会场讲的是哪个格列汀,因为大家众口一致都在说“强效安全”。本大叔只想问一下,比强效比得过胰岛素磺脲类不?比安全又能比得过糖苷酶抑制剂不? 第二,最最要紧的一点就是,各司市场部、医学部、销售部积极配合梳理市场观念推动销量的时候,忘了人类的本性——那就是追求“控制感”。每一位消费者内心深处都愿意根据自主意愿选择安排所购商品,药品虽然特殊,但同样逃不脱商品的基本属性,患者医生和消费者一样,都在内心深处寻求一种控制感。 格列汀是不错,一天一次安全降糖,但是控制感又在哪里呢?一天一次、饭前饭后都可以,这样连傻子都能吃的药,能满足控制感吗?为啥很多医生很喜欢推荐格列奈呢?指导患者早餐前吃两粒、中餐前吃一粒、晚餐前吃一粒半,这是一种多么强烈的控制感啊!格列汀面对所有患者基本都是采用同样的剂量,而且降糖是那样的平缓,绝大多数患者都是要在连续服用2-4周后才能看到体会到血糖下降,你们以为病人都是傻子吗!在血糖仪普及的今天,吃了两三天患者就会自己去测测血糖看看药物有用没用,更何况是这样一个自费药物,患者很容易建立一种自费药就等于疗效强而快的印象,但是一测血糖就会发现完全不是那么回事,于是这样一种“无效”的坏口碑就会在医患中迅速播散,各司得花费多少召开城市会、巡讲会去纠正观念呢? 所以基于以上两大理由,本人并不看好5大格列汀进入医保后的销量增长,何况还有一大批国产格列汀等着在医保公布后上市呢!真的,留给格列汀的时间真的不咋多咯,呵呵。
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干红的颜色是深红色的。含糖量一般在3K每升左右。酒精度在10-15度。保持16度的饮用温度。根据年份不同醒酒从30分到1个小时。摇晃红酒让他与空气充分接触。到他的果香出来后就可以饮用了 。
2023-07-10 13:48:031


有个人无意中得到了一个漂亮得玉石,爱不失手,每天拿在手里和元宝比较,最后庄家什么得都荒芜了。这是就玩 呵呵 你认为呢
2023-07-10 13:48:283


2023-07-10 13:48:431


Breathe - Sixpence None The RicherTake my sorrow and my sin 接受我的悲伤和罪过I will run into your arms again 我会重投你的怀抱Hold me farther 抱紧我Once again my tears are dried 我的眼泪会再次淌完By your perfect love that"s river-wide 因为你完美的爱Over-flowing 如河水般宽广充沛As I stand on it"s bank 我站在爱河之岸With my arms overhead 也只好举高双手I overcome 向你投降As I breathe 就像我呼吸的是The air of heaven 天堂的气息Drawing in your face 吸引了你的脸When I breathe 当我呼吸I feel your fullness come alive 我感觉到你重新充盈了我Inside of me 在我心里You"re the breath that I breathe 你就是我的空气Covered by the evening sky 黄昏的天空笼罩着I turn my gaze to where your kingdom lies 我凝视着你王国的方向Deep inside me 在我内心深处A silent whisper in my mind 在我脑海里有个静静的细语Sweet surrender to your love divine 甜蜜的围绕着你的爱朝拜Peace enfolding 祥和围绕着In the stillness I empty my soul 在沉静中我献出我的灵魂And your healing presence flows 于是你的出现治愈了我(chorus)As I breathe 就像我呼吸的是The air of heaven 天堂的气息Drawing in Your fragrance 引来了你的香气When I breathe 当我呼吸I feel Your fullness come alive 我感受到你重新充盈了我Inside of me 在我内心You"re the breath that I breathe 你就是我的空气It"s taking hold 紧紧抓住It"s second nature when I 这是我第二次生命Savor. Savor. Savor. 拯救者When I Savor. Savor. Savor. 拯救者You 是你As I breathe. 就像我在呼吸(repeat chorus) ——这个乐队的歌不错,我喜欢他们的<KISS ME>
2023-07-10 13:48:501

“品酒 ”用英文怎么讲?

2023-07-10 13:48:585


Life is like wine, need to savor to the taste of the goods
2023-07-10 13:49:144


Life is like to drink coffee, very bitter, to savor, also with a hint of sweetness in the bitterness
2023-07-10 13:49:231


Temperament is good and discerninguff0cTan sway, gracefulu3002
2023-07-10 13:49:324


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2023-07-10 13:50:591


玩没有反义词 ⑴ 形声。从玉,元声。本义:以手玩弄[玉]。 ⑵通过获得非直接利益来娱乐自身,如:玩耍;玩弄,作乐
2023-07-10 13:51:082


&意思:1.逻辑上表示and (和)的意思。A & B表示A、B两种元素缺一不可。2.&还可以用作位运算符,当&操作符两边的表达式不是boolean类型时,&表示按位与操作,我们通常使用0x0f来与一个整数进行&运算,来获取该整数的最低4个bit位,例如,0x31 & 0x0f的结果为0x01。&最早是拉丁语et (意为and)的连写。最早的&很像E和 的组合,随着印刷技术的发展,这个符号逐渐形成自己的样式并脱离其原始影子。 英文中代表and,也可读and 该字符读音“z"da”。拓展资料&和&&都可以用作逻辑与的运算符,表示逻辑与(and),当运算符两边的表达式的结果都为true时,整个运算结果才为true,否则,只要有一方为false,则结果为false。&还可以用作位运算符,当&操作符两边的表达式不是boolean类型时,&表示按位与操作,我们通常使用0x0f来与一个整数进行&运算,来获取该整数的最低4个bit位,例如,0x31 & 0x0f的结果为0x01。
2023-07-10 13:51:151


1subsequent 2 obscure 3inform 4 savor 5 impact 6 afford 7 renewed 8 guarantee 9 vice versa 10 inside out
2023-07-10 13:51:232

The Taste Of Ink (Live At Soma) 歌词

歌曲名:The Taste Of Ink (Live At Soma)歌手:The Used专辑:All That I"Ve GotIs it worth it can you even hear meStanding with your spotlight on meNot enough to feed the hungryI"m tired and I felt it for awhile nowIn this sea of lonelyThe taste of ink is getting oldIt"s four o" clock in the fucking morningEach day gets more and more like the last dayStill I can see it comingWhile I"m standing in the river drowningThis could be my chance to break outThis could be my chance to say goodbyeAt last it"s finally overCouldn"t take this town much longerBeing half dead wasn"t what I planned to beNow I"m ready to be freeSo here I am it"s in my handsAnd I"ll savor every moment of thisSo here I am alive at lastAnd I"ll savor every moment of thisAnd won"t you think I"m prettyWhen I"m standing top the bright lit cityAnd I"ll take your hand and pick you upAnd keep you there to so you can seeAs long as you"re alive and careI promise I will take you thereAnd we"ll drink and dance the night awaywe"ll drink and dance the night awaySo here I am it"s in my handsAnd I"ll savor every moment of thisSo here I am alive at lastAnd I"ll savor every moment of thissavor every moment of thisAs long as you"re aliveHere I amI promise I will take you thereAs long as you"re aliveHere I amI promise I will take you thereAnd won"t you think I"m prettyWhen I"m standing top the bright lit cityAnd I"ll take your hand and pick you upAnd keep you there to so you can seeAs long as you"re alive and careI promise I will take you thereAnd we"ll drink and dance the night awaySo here I am it"s in my handsAnd I"ll savor every moment of thisSo here I am alive at lastAnd I"ll savor every moment of thissavor every moment of thissavor every moment of this
2023-07-10 13:51:301


without you.
2023-07-10 13:51:373


2023-07-10 13:51:564

歌手桑塔纳 都有什么好听的歌

01 赫耳墨斯 Hermes 4:0802 火焰 El Fuego 4:1703 感觉你存在 I"m Feeling You 4:3004 我的男人 My Man 4:3705 感觉良好 Just Feel Better 4:1206 我是大人物 I Am Somebody 4:0207 铭刻桑塔 Can Santana 3:1808 扭曲 Twisted 5:1109 三人行 Trinity 3:3510 宝贝,哭吧 Cry Baby Cry 3:5311 褐色皮肤的女孩 Brown Skin Girl 4:4412 不想错失吾爱 I Don"t Wanna Lose Your Love 4:0013 你的爱 Da Tu Amor 4:0101 等待(纯音乐) WAITING 4:0702 罪恶方式 EVIL WAYS 4:0003 时光的影子 SHADES OF TIME 3:1404 味道(纯音乐) SAVOR 2:4705 哎呦 JINGO 4:2306 忠告 PERSUASION 2:3707 宴飨(纯音乐) TREAT 4:4708 你毫不在意 YOU JUST DON"T CARE 4:3809 灵魂祭祀(纯音乐) SOUL SACRIFICE 6:4210 味道(纯音乐) SAVOR(ALTERNATE TAKE #2)11 灵魂祭祀 SOUL SACRIFICE(ALTERNATE TAKE #4)12 播音阻塞(纯音乐) STUDIO JAM 7:10DISC TWO:ORIGINAL ALBUM SESSIONS (PRODUCED BY DAVID RUBINSON)01 傻瓜弗莱德(纯音乐) FRIED NECKBONES 7:4102 灵魂祭祀(纯音乐) SOUL SACRIFICE 9:0603 忠告 PERSUASION 3:5204 宴飨(纯音乐) TREAT 6:4905 时光的影子 SHADES OF TIME 2:3006 哎呦 JINGO 5:20LIVE AT THE WOODSTOCK MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL,AUGUST 196907 等待(现场版)(纯音乐) WAITING 4:4408 你毫不在意(现场版) YOU JUST DON"T CARE 4:5609 味道(现场版)(纯音乐) SAVOR 5:2510 哎呦(现场版) 5:1411 忠告(现场版) PERSUASION 3:0512 灵魂祭祀(现场版)(纯音乐) SOUL SACRIFICE 11:4913 傻瓜弗莱德(纯音乐) FRIED NECKBONES 7:13PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED
2023-07-10 13:52:061


lost 大家意见一致
2023-07-10 13:52:166


2023-07-10 13:52:568

令人回味 用英语怎么说

令人回味_释义:evocativememorableunforgettable网络:没有令人回味 Has not savored咀嚼令人回味的时刻 Savor special moments体会令人回味的时刻 Savor special moments
2023-07-10 13:53:361


  品茶 pǐn chá  [sip and taste tea] 品评茶味  品尝 pǐn cháng  [savor;taste] 细致地辨别滋味;试图[味道]  膳夫授祭,品尝食,王乃食。--《周礼.膳夫》。郑玄注:品者,每物皆尝之。  品德 pǐn dé  [moral character] 品格德行  被一种个人的品德所激励  品等 pǐn děng  [grade] 质量等级  所生产之木材由发展局丈量及评定品等  品第 pǐn dì  品第 pǐn dì  品服 pǐn fú  [costume 或 official ceremonial dress] 古代表示官吏等级的、型制颜色不同的公服  品格 pǐn gé  [character and morals]∶品性;性格  烈士所具有的品格  品红 pǐn hóng  [pinkish red] 比大红浅的红色  品级 pǐn jí
2023-07-10 13:53:461


学会做饭(Learn to cook)In just two days, I learned at home, one of the most important life skills --- cooking. At first I just stood there watching the kitchen door, looking for a day after, and gradually learned, and now I find the grandmother, saw her being cut tomatoes, Oh! Scrambled eggs with tomatoes had to be done, I pleaded with him to personally do it.First, put the oil fire, oil heat, add the beaten eggs, just eggs into the middle of the color re-pot, and very casual, the eggs are washed out on the edge, and also encourage a large bubble, I use a shovel to eggs tackles, and the bulk of the egg yolk wipe with a shovel at the other pot, and then rolled, add salt, then I turn the tomatoes into the pot and stir fry the egg, press a press with a shovel,Zizi also issued a voice, time is up, vegetables have cooked, poured into a dish, side to the table, my mother and grandmother have come to taste, I pick up an egg and tomatoes, savor, eggs, tender and Hong, tomatoes are also good bite and some acid, is simply delicious! Through the cooking, I realized how hard it is, the parents have done so much time for our food, and that the more tired! We should also for him / her to share some
2023-07-10 13:54:051


独一无二的你 only one youExplore. Be adventurous.. Test the waters-then dive in. Become an expert at something. Never stop learning. Understand that everyone you meet is justtrying to fit in, help them feel at ease. You can do anything that you set your mindto do . If someone says something cant be done, andyou know a way, show them how. Drift away with a good book. Sometimes silence is the best answer. Slow down and notice details around you. Write notes that say I love you. Try. If you don"t try, some day you mightwonder what you missed. Tell your loved ones how much they mean toyou. Give them hugs for no reason at all. Cut out hearts and leave them on theirpillows. Enjoy every day.When you feel joy, tell someone, share yourhappiness. Enjoy the simple things in life. Look for the good in everyone. Breathe. Be good to yourself. Find balance. Savor the good times. Speak your mind gently. Look for rainbows after a rain shower. Be spontaneous. Take care of you. Choose friends that energize you to feelgood about yourself. Do something nice for someone. They willremember your kindness. Life is a circle, enjoy the journey. Find your passion. When things get hectic, focus on beingcalm. Dream big. You are amazing. Set goals. And go afterthem. Once you"ve accomplished them, set newgoals. Look for opportunities to excel.爸爸说“是时候了。” 妈妈点点头“是的。” 小丹尼说“什么时候?” 爸爸的嗓音温柔起来,“是分享智慧的时候了。” 每时每刻都准备好,认识新朋友。 BEAUTY. 随时随地发现美,并用心记住那份美丽。 STAND OUT 有时要融入集体,有时也要突出自己。 寻找自己的路,没必要总跟着别人走。 LISTEN 学会何时表达自己,何时安静倾听。 无论你已经知道多少,总是还有更多未知值得你去探索。 CIRCLE BACK如果你走错了方向,那么请转身回来。 如果有东西挡住了你的去路,那么请绕过它。 REFLECT 每天,都给自己一点安静的时间放松和反思。 Appreciate 学会感恩和欣赏。美其实无处不在。 仰望星空,许下心愿。 妈妈说“孩子,谢谢你的倾听。我们希望你都能记在心里” 爸爸挤了挤眼,轻声说“我们知道全记下来有点多。” 丹尼向后翻了个跟斗,俏皮地冲他们微笑,马上就要带着刚学到的东西去闯世界了,他很兴奋。 他冲着他的朋友们喊道“等等我!” 就在丹尼要游走的时候,他转身对父母说,“我会记住的。” 妈妈在他额头上亲了一下,说“在这个世界上, 你是独一无二的。” “把世界变得更美好吧。”
2023-07-10 13:54:121


for有很多种用法: 1. 表示“当作、作为”。如: I like some bread and milk for breakfast. 我喜欢把面包和牛奶作为早餐。 What will we have for supper? 我们晚餐吃什么? 2. 表示理由或原因,意为“因为、由于”。如: Thank you for helping me with my English. 谢谢你帮我学习英语。 Thank you for your last letter. 谢谢你上次的来信。 Thank you for teaching us so well. 感谢你如此尽心地教我们。 3. 表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给……”、“对…… (而言)”。如: Let me pick it up for you. 让我为你捡起来。 Watching TV too much is bad for your health. 看电视太多有害于你的健康。 4. 表示时间、距离,意为“计、达”。如: I usually do the running for an hour in the morning. 我早晨通常跑步一小时。 We will stay there for two days. 我们将在那里逗留两天。 5. 表示去向、目的,意为“向、往、取、买”等。如: Let"s go for a walk. 我们出去散步吧。 I came here for my schoolbag.我来这儿取书包。 I paid twenty yuan for the dictionary. 我花了20元买这本词典。 6. 表示所属关系或用途,意为“为、适于……的”。如: It"s time for school. 到上学的时间了。 Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信。 7. 表示“支持、赞成”。如: Are you for this plan or against it? 你是支持还是反对这个计划? 8. 用于一些固定搭配中。如: Who are you waiting for? 你在等谁? For example, Mr Green is a kind teacher. 比如,格林先生是一位心地善良的老师。1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the nation clean the jar of crust clarify the river of flowing rubbish --get rid of, rid of, dispose of 2:of接直接宾语 -告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of.. -其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth. -法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft -reassure his wife of his safe arrival 3:of接间接宾语 request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb. ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery 4:of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等 He is of Irish descend (ascent) People of obscure origin (humble /noble) Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity 5:固定词组 -say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of The room smells of stale cabbage. -brag of his achievements. Boast of his children beware of pickpockets approve of the program doubt of success complain of poor management -be sure of be suspicious of be aware of be confident of be proud of be ashamed of be afraid of be capable of be lack of be critical of be shortly of be conscious of be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og be appreciative of your advice -regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视 in favor of decide on three most popular leisure activities irrespective of age 介词Under 表示处于…状态之下,接受… preparations are under way. a road under repair books under the care of librarian a patient under emergency treatment a matter under consideration a program under discussion plants under attack of insects a curiosity under the escort of police a country under threat of terrorists a curiosity under the escort of police a land under cultivation a murderer under arrest unequal treaties made under duress a maiden under the control of the mechanic a statesman under illusion about sth. a principle under stress (pressure) an employee under a constant emotional strain plans under the conduct of teacher embark on the scheme under compulsion under the stimulus of the hope under for the match under false name 1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the nation clean the jar of crust clarify the river of flowing rubbish --get rid of, rid of, dispose of 2:of接直接宾语 -告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of.. -其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth. -法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft -reassure his wife of his safe arrival 3:of接间接宾语 request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb. ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery 4:of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等 He is of Irish descend (ascent) People of obscure origin (humble /noble) Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity 5:固定词组 -say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of The room smells of stale cabbage. -brag of his achievements. Boast of his children beware of pickpockets approve of the program doubt of success complain of poor management -be sure of be suspicious of be aware of be confident of be proud of be ashamed of be afraid of be capable of be lack of be critical of be shortly of be conscious of be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og be appreciative of your advice -regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视 in favor of decide on three most popular leisure activities irrespective of age 介词Under 表示处于…状态之下,接受… preparations are under way. a road under repair books under the care of librarian a patient under emergency treatment a matter under consideration a program under discussion plants under attack of insects a curiosity under the escort of police a country under threat of terrorists a curiosity under the escort of police a land under cultivation a murderer under arrest unequal treaties made under duress a maiden under the control of the mechanic a statesman under illusion about sth. a principle under stress (pressure) an employee under a constant emotional strain plans under the conduct of teacher embark on the scheme under compulsion under the stimulus of the hope under for the match under false name 1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the nation clean the jar of crust clarify the river of flowing rubbish --get rid of, rid of, dispose of 2:of接直接宾语 -告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of.. -其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth. -法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft -reassure his wife of his safe arrival 3:of接间接宾语 request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb. ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery 4:of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等 He is of Irish descend (ascent) People of obscure origin (humble /noble) Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity 5:固定词组 -say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of The room smells of stale cabbage. -brag of his achievements. Boast of his children beware of pickpockets approve of the program doubt of success complain of poor management -be sure of be suspicious of be aware of be confident of be proud of be ashamed of be afraid of be capable of be lack of be critical of be shortly of be conscious of be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og be appreciative of your advice -regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视 in favor of decide on three most popular leisure activities irrespective of age 介词Under 表示处于…状态之下,接受… preparations are under way. a road under repair books under the care of librarian a patient under emergency treatment a matter under consideration a program under discussion plants under attack of insects a curiosity under the escort of police a country under threat of terrorists a curiosity under the escort of police a land under cultivation a murderer under arrest unequal treaties made under duress a maiden under the control of the mechanic a statesman under illusion about sth. a principle under stress (pressure) an employee under a constant emotional strain plans under the conduct of teacher embark on the scheme under compulsion under the stimulus of the hope under for the match under false name 1:表示剥夺,除去 一:deprive sb. of his right denude sb. of his possession (hope) divest the baby of his clothes rid him of this fear rob sb. of his wallet defraud sb. of gold ring cure sb. of cancer heal sb. of cancer purify the nation clean the jar of crust clarify the river of flowing rubbish --get rid of, rid of, dispose of 2:of接直接宾语 -告诉-tell sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth warn sb. of fire remind sb. of his duties acquaint sb. of sth. notify of.. -其他,劝服-persuade sb. of honesty assure sb. of the best seats convince sb. of sth. -法律词汇-accuse sb. of burglary ; convict sb. of murder; suspect sb. of a theft -reassure his wife of his safe arrival 3:of接间接宾语 request sth. of sb. expect sth. of sb. require sth. of sb. ask a question of sb. be fearful of mistakes be jealous of wealthy persons be reminiscent of his past be patient of the enormous noise be guilty of robbery be innocent of robbery 4:of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等 He is of Irish descend (ascent) People of obscure origin (humble /noble) Man of keen perception a man of moral integrity 5:固定词组 -say of, tale of, hear of, think of, learn of, savor of The room smells of stale cabbage. -brag of his achievements. Boast of his children beware of pickpockets approve of the program doubt of success complain of poor management -be sure of be suspicious of be aware of be confident of be proud of be ashamed of be afraid of be capable of be lack of be critical of be shortly of be conscious of be ignorant of be wary of be cautious og be appreciative of your advice -regardless of , irrespective of ,不管….无视 in favor of decide on three most popular leisure activities irrespective of age 介词Under 表示处于…状态之下,接受… preparations are under way. a road under repair books under the care of librarian a patient under emergency treatment a matter under consideration a program under discussion plants under attack of insects a curiosity under the escort of police a country under threat of terrorists a curiosity under the escort of police a land under cultivation a murderer under arrest unequal treaties made under duress a maiden under the control of the mechanic a statesman under illusion about sth. a principle under stress (pressure) an employee under a constant emotional strain plans under the conduct of teacher embark on the scheme under compulsion under the stimulus of the hope under for the match under false name 希望对你有帮助^0^
2023-07-10 13:54:201