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谚语Peace on the forehead and war in the mind怎么翻译

2023-07-10 21:06:02


学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*)







peace war found 连起来怎么读,什么意思?

2023-07-10 12:29:505


2023-07-10 12:30:159


整人:和平peace(屁是-谐音)战争war(我-谐音)建立found(放的-谐音)合起来读为: peace war found.(屁是我放的)
2023-07-10 12:30:302


2023-07-10 12:30:393

peace war found什么意思

2023-07-10 12:30:553


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: peacewarfound是什么意思? 解析: peace war found? 战争,和平,建立?感觉有点乱七八糟的 大概是想表达和平建立于战争,通过战争才能实现和平的意思吧。。。 。。。
2023-07-10 12:31:021

和平 战争 找到的过去式 英语翻译

peace war found
2023-07-10 12:31:105


2023-07-10 12:31:262

英文 Peace(和平) War(战争)Found(建立) 三个单词连在一起怎么读?换成中文又有什么含义?

2023-07-10 12:31:3610


2023-07-10 12:32:022


2023-07-10 12:32:291

peace war find怎么读

2023-07-10 12:32:378


2023-07-10 12:32:522

peace war found为什么这么翻译

2023-07-10 12:32:591

翻译一下Piece War Found!

楼主说的是个谐音,开玩笑用的吧,念peace war found的时候确实很像普通话的“屁是我放的”……跟英语本身“找到和平的战争”的意思没有任何联系。
2023-07-10 12:33:061


2023-07-10 12:33:163


屁是你放的 嘿嘿
2023-07-10 12:33:345


  1.喜欢学英语的小明,不分日夜都在找说英语的机会。  这天,他不小心走路撞到一个外国人,他不好意思的说:「I am sorry.」  「I am sorry,too.」外国人回答。  「I am sorry three.」小明马上回道。  「What are you sorry for?」外国人问。  「I am sorry five…」小明说。  2.一中文老师与一英语老师时常发生矛盾,所以经常互相找机会挖苦对方。  一天,仇家想撞,两人话不投机,对骂起来,语文老师拿出一张纸条,叫英语老师读。  上面曰:“暗室达春朱,池数做河裳”。英语老师不禁一读,读到一半才明白上当。英语老师暗想;你说我是大蠢牛,吃素做和尚。看我不捉你。正好闻倒一阵响声于是不动生色,也拿出一张纸条,让语文老师读,待读到一半,不禁脸红,得意之心,一下没有了。  只见上面写者:peace war found(屁是我放的)。  3. 某初一学生英语课本上发现如下恐怖字眼:  爸死bus mouse妈死 爷死yes  哥死girls 妹死Mis goose姑死  big病故 juice舅死 死光school  4.  陕西人在纽约唐人街开了家餐馆,儿子当服务生,老妈管收钱,老爸做大厨。  某一天,店里来了个老外,点了个套餐,吃到一半, " 咣当 " ,把汤碗打了。  儿子跑过去看了一下,说: " 碗打了! "  老外想: " one dollar,... ..."  老妈听见声音,也过来看,见地上有个破碗,问: " 谁打的? "  老外想: " three dollar?... ..."  儿子说: " 他打的! "  老外想: " ten dollar?! ... ..."  老妈又说: " 还得打一碗! "  老外想: " hundred and one?!?! ... ..."  老爸正在厨房切菜,听见外面的声音,赶忙跑出来看怎么回事。忙乱中,忘了把菜刀放下。  五大三粗的老爸,手持菜刀站在餐厅里,老外一看,心跳加速,血压急升,但更让他心碎加崩溃的是老爸的一番话。  老爸对着正在加热炉上舀汤的儿子说: " 烫,少盛点儿! "  老外: " ten thousand?!!
2023-07-10 12:33:481


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2023-07-10 12:34:062


2023-07-10 12:34:403


1.八戒,别以为你站在路灯下就是夜明猪了.2.每当我错过一个女孩,我就在山上放一块砖,于是,这世界便有了长城。3.高考成绩出来了,老师长出一口气对我说:其实没考上,对你和大学都是一种幸福。4.拜托不要叫他动脑子好不好--左脑全是水,右脑全是面粉,不动便罢了,一动全是浆糊。5.孔子不能解决的问题,老子帮你解决。6.没有不透风的墙,没有不能上吊的梁。7.我一失足成大瘸子,再回首又闪了腰。8.我不喜欢整理房间,他们都叫我乱室英雄。希望似火,失望如烟,人生就是七处点火,八处冒烟……你说你会等我回来,你确实等了,还找了一个人一起等。名人就是出名前别人不知道他是谁,出名后他不知道自己是谁的人。我的世界忽然开始下雪,天啊!请不要在我身旁梳头发了。我喜欢交朋友,尤其是女朋友。愚者坐以待毙,智者坐以待币。一个胖子居然自称自己不是个粗人。真羡慕你这么年轻就认识我了。1、我昨晚做了个梦,梦见太白金星告诉我很多天机!原来咱俩五百年前都是神仙。我哭了,我都想起来了!啸天,我是二郎啊!你还记得我么,啸天!这几百年还好吗?2、不要跟我狂,我大哥秦始皇!不要跟我装,我后台党中央,不信你不服输,拉登是我叔,先轰炸后下毒,你要再不服,户籍民警是我姑,把你户口改成猪!3、我***多么爱你,你***爱理不理;我***对你放电,你***装没看见;我***准备跳楼,你***才肯回头;你***回心转意,我***刚好落地!4、当流星恋上大地不惜陨落,只为那片刻亲近;当行云爱上流水不惜下坠,只为一解相思情;当俺想起你,不惜一毛钱,为了提前告诉你:小p孩,六一节快乐!5、你拉着一头猪逛街,很幸福的样子。我经过,满怀同情地说:“看一个人的档次,就看他跟谁在一起。”话未说完,就看见猪很鄙夷的弃你而去。6、一日文你是不是猪,你回答不是,被扁--不诚实!翌日问你是不是猪,你回答是,被痛扁--不谦虚!三日问你是不是猪,你不吭声,被狂扁--是猪还这么拽!!!7、月底如果还有话费用不掉,就请跟我念这个绕口令:一级难度:发废话挥话费。二级难度:话费会挥发。三级难度:发挥废话挥发话费!8、大学生=吃饭+睡觉+谈恋爱 猪=吃饭+睡觉 所以 大学生=猪+谈恋爱 以上推出 大学生-谈恋爱=猪即大学生不谈恋爱的是猪。9、有情的天,有情的地,有情的我等待你。孤枕难眠思念你:爱你+想你+盼你+念你+等你=我不能没有你,爱的就是你---喜之郎cici果冻!10、神阿,替我祝福吧,祝福那些忘了我,不跟我联系,不给我打电话,不发短信给我,不想念我,不惦记我的人的手机都掉进马桶里吧。阿门!顺便放水冲一下!11、每个城市都会下雨,就像我走到哪里都会想你,思念是一种果实,甜中带酸,盛产在夜里,满满的回忆,带着不确定的心情 想你 想你想扁死你~~~12、怎么回事刚才打你手机,铃声响后提示音说:用户正在吃草,请勿打扰!真不敢相信,再次拨打又说:你所打的用户已经送往屠宰场,请稍后分享!你没出事吧?!13、没有你的天/不蓝/没有你的日子/心烦/没有你的生活/真难/啥时能够真正拥有你/我最亲爱的。。。。。。别美了,不是你,是钱!14、如果你的耳朵痒了,证明有人想念你;如果你的眼睛痒了,证明有人想见你;如果你的嘴唇痒了,证明有人想吻你;如果你的身体痒了。。。。别瞎想了,该洗澡了!!!15、那天我看见你了,你坐在太阳底下,好不自在。我问你在干嘛,你神秘一笑:“小点声,等我晒黑了就没人说我是白痴了!16、丘比特传说:一箭穿心代表一见钟情,两箭穿心代表两厢情愿,三箭代表三生有幸。。。我向你万箭齐发。。。小样儿,你就等着变刺猬吧!17、逆似丝姐桑嘴料接窝地银,窝似丝姐桑嘴西换逆地银,油逆载森遍窝酒块了逆部载窝森遍窝酒南郭,窝田田左蒙蒙岛逆窝一竟矮桑逆乐。呕买告德!窝法挫银乐!18、你知道吗?我昨晚又梦见你了,我们俩相互依偎在小河边,你看着我,我望着你。忽然,你抬起头,深情地对我说了三个字:“汪,汪,汪!”19、昨天做梦梦见你,真的,天是那样的蓝,海水那样的清澈。可爱的你在海里游泳,我在岸上那个小树枝捅捅你的背:哟,这小王八,可还挺硬!20、我是一棵葱,站在风雨中。谁敢拿我去蘸酱。K他老祖宗,走过难,闯过北。厕所后边喝过水,火车道上轧过腿,还和小猪亲过嘴,看啥看,亲你咋地!21、一天你获奖免费坐飞机旅行。悲:飞机失事。喜:有降落伞。悲:打不开。喜:地上有草垛。悲:上面有铁叉。喜:没落到叉子上。悲:也没落到草垛上。。。22、嘿!昨晚我梦到你在水里游泳。我一看急坏了就冲你喊快上来,没想到你都不睬我,竟然抬头瞪我一眼:吼啥子吼,没听说过死猪不怕开水烫吗?23、阁下莫非就是当年华山论剑武功独步天下罕有其匹号称一朵梨花压海棠的少林寺智障大师收养的小沙弥低能的爱犬旺财踩扁的蟑螂小强曾滚过的一个粪球?24、脑白金说今天开学不逃课要逃就逃专业课。汇仁宝说他逃我也逃。大宝说今天你逃了吗?好迪说大家逃才是真的逃。高露洁说我们的目标是没人上课!25、天津版:“泥介四赶麻其呀?”“桑发员达管斯七!”“四元高还四备高?”“员高!”“员高,够牛笔地呀!”“牛笔麻呀!被墙见了!”26、伊拉克战争期间最流行的三个词:和平peace,战争war,发现found,把这三个单词连起来大声读三遍,你会破解一个历史悬案。27、如果秋天走了我会在雪地上等你,如果世界走了我会在天堂里爱你,如果你走了我会在泪水中想你。。。如果我走了。。。。。。饲料就在槽里,不要饿到自己!28、不是每一朵花都能代表爱情,但玫瑰做到了,不是每一种树都能耐得住渴,但白杨做到了,不是每一头猪都能收到短信,但你做到了!29、我10在受不了,想你很9了,天天想见你,你8自己交给我吧,我绝不会7负你,让你永远6在我身边,5爱你爱到4,决不3心2意,我发誓只养你1头小猪!30、被人忽视?受人欺负?没人爱你?不要紧!就算这世上没人爱你、理你、重视你!我的大门依然为你敞开!成都市精神病院,给你一个五星级的家!31、想你的时候孤枕难眠,爱你的时候思绪万千,没有你的日子中孤单,我愿化作一只相思鸟,穿过千山万水,飞到你的头上拉上一堆屎,耶!32、思念就像巧克力,苦苦的!甜甜的!不敢想你!怕会想你!不敢说想你,怕更想你!其实,我真的真的好想你,好想你,变成一只猪!33、这可能是我最后几天给你发短信,我在犹豫要不要告诉你,我要去日本了,手续也都办好了。我不会忘记你,真的。我的了禽流感,党派我去传染。。。34、当魔鬼在你窗前拍打着玻璃,蛤蟆正钻进你的被窝,毒蛇在你头顶荡漾,蚯蚓在你脚趾穿梭,蜈蚣已爬进你的鼻孔,别怕!我正骑着蜗牛赶来救你了!驾!驾!35、唐僧师徒取经途中遇见一美丽女子,八戒看了定要娶她为妻,悟空怀疑是妖精,唐僧说没关系,发条短信试探一下,不回信息是妖精,回的让她嫁给八戒!36、我们的缘分始于千年以前,那年的秋天,我们在落叶如火的枫林里嬉戏,你追着我,最后当你追上我时,你亲切地咬了我一口,那时,我叫吕洞宾。37、我一直是江湖中不知名的侠客,直到有一天遇到了传说中最神秘的你,竟然叫出了你的名字,从此,我在江湖上也有了响当当的名号:知猪侠!38、算道题目,1到8选一数为A,将A加3减2得B,B乘9得C;C个位与十位相加得D,D乘50得E,E减200得F,F暗示了你的一生,很灵的!39、昨晚梦见你在唱歌!你的歌声很甜,你那多愁善感的表情打动了我,我差点发誓爱你一万年,但我没敢,因为你正对着一头驴唱到:长大后我就成了你!40、传说对流星许愿很灵,我每天等它,那天我终于看见流星,在它落下前闭眼许愿,希望你从白痴变得聪明些,我睁开眼睛惊奇的发现,流星顺着原路飞回去了!41、月圆之夜,华山之颠,孤立一人,象是神仙?长发飘飘,目光深远,手持一物,直指云天!缓缓收回,慢慢伸展,三圈之后,仰首大喊:“中国联通,没信号!”42、若我有一颗糖,我会送给你,因为我想你快乐;若我有两颗糖,我们就一人一颗,我想我们一起快乐;若我有三颗糖,我会送你两颗,因为我希望你蛀牙比我多!43、雨下的断断续续,引起我无限的思绪~~说白了就是想你!等到风和日丽,我还带你去那片绿草地。但事先和你约定:只准吃草不准拱地!44、元旦了,也没啥送你,就把兜里所有的零钱都换成钢蹦给你,有人欺负你,就拿钢崩砸他,让他知道咱有钱人的厉害,别忘了砸完后再捡回来,咱还要过日子呢!
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2023-07-10 12:34:576


人生并非麻将牌,输了推倒可重来。上场就得用心打,不悔生活大舞台。现实生活中的小事也是这样,高高的堂叔到我家串门的时候,总会开着玩笑说:“长的太高了也别扭,到了谁家里都得低着头才能进去。”说着就低着头迈进了门槛,往往我母亲就会接上一句:“是因为你长的高了,俺这门容不下你。”不知是表扬,还是批评,总会引来一阵阵笑声。假如堂叔到我家进门时不低头,必然就会碰着头,自己造成了小痛苦,别人也跟着不自在,哪还有低着头走进去换来的那种欢笑?记得前些年我到石林、桂林游览时,遇到了一个个美丽自然的石洞,洞口都比平常人低,奇特的造型充满了神秘和诱惑,这就是需要我们低头的时候。假若不进去,就不知里面有什么风景和奇特的构造,有时还会留下遗憾;假如进洞口时不低头,就会被碰头甚而被碰得头破血流。这个时候,无论怎么显赫、富有的人物,都低下了昂贵的头,弯下了最贵的腰,去探寻石洞里的风景。( 文章阅读网 )这些看来都是生活中再平常不过的小事,却说明了一个道理,现实生活中,在我们实现美好理想和远大目标的征途上,有时需要我们昂首阔步,奋勇前进;有时需要我们低头弯腰,才能跨过这道关键的门槛,获得成功。智者懂得:能低者,方能高,能屈者,方能伸。你是一个太重感情的女人吗?每晚9点半,我都会在这里陪伴着你。喜欢夜叔,就把【睡前伴你夜听】分享给身边的朋友一起关注吧,晚安!管它哪根葱与蒜,拿着自已常开涮。平凡日子开心过,赚得笑声一串串。睡前原谅一切,醒后便是重生。怨恨终是包袱,不如随手就扔。天凉早早穿秋裤,老来防寒保温度。羡慕美女不畏冷,依旧裙装走猫步。又到蟹肥菊花黄,邀来好友聚一场。人生难得几知己,醉在今宵又何妨。昨天已去不可追,明日未到你别催。今天找点高兴事,兄弟一起喝几杯。处世之道本无奇,多交朋友少树敌。开心切忌小心眼,待人还须大肚皮。诚心待友莫相欺,生人面前少装逼。人生也就几十年,何苦虚假玩心机。古人三上读书忙,如今四处刷屏狂。两耳不闻身边事,一心只怕电池黄。几多明星台上走,其实良心早喂狗。崔哥奋起撕画皮,国人一见发怒吼。岁月不曾把谁饶,老来多送一秃瓢。当年人前常扮酷,如今镜里莫细瞧。老来无事享清闲,不求功名不问钱,邀得小鸟作伴唱,曲终日落正堪眠。年纪已经不少,就是不肯服老。每天找点快乐,哪有什么烦恼。吃穿不用挠头,还有小酒润喉。太阳每天升起,发个啥子闲愁。偶尔笑笑人家,也被人家笑笑。人生不过如此,何必斤斤计较。天作铺盖地当床,聚啸山林称大王。饥餐渴饮开心过,无车无房又何妨。如今五行总缺土,自知命中常差钱。正好生活平淡过,坚持少放油与盐。红尘往事万万千,到头终将化云烟。老夫爱把葫芦抱,不辞长作酒中仙。秋来葫芦黄,人老鬓染霜。世事皆明了,是非肚里装。喝酒不怕醉,穿衣莫嫌贵。日子开心过,问心也无愧。
2023-07-10 12:35:138

笑话&脑筋急转弯 急急!!!(多)

2023-07-10 12:35:315


[cp]别老吹说你学历有多高,多么多么有才华,不服试试朗读以下词语:嫖娼、觌氅、餮鼗、曩磲、蕤颥、鳎鹕、鲦鲻、耱貊、貘鍪、籴耋、瓞耵。 傻眼了吧,目瞪口呆了吧!重新定位一下自己吧:看看,是不是发现自己除了嫖娼什么都不会![/cp]
2023-07-10 12:35:564

War and peace。战争与和平 英语作文

Now,most of the people around the world are enjoying the peace which everybody longs for.When we are reading a novel describing the war,no matter it is the First or the Second World War,we can imagine the bitterness, sadness and hopelessness that the war brought us.Nobody would like to forget it.So that is why most people are striving for a much more beautiful and peaceful world,although they are not famous ones.Meanwhile,people will regret that there are still some regional wars and confrontations in different places of the world.There are still hurt,tears,and deaths on the same earth with us.Let"s work harder to get rid of any kind of fights and conflicts.Wish that the different nations unite together,no matter what colour they are and what religions they believe in.
2023-07-10 12:36:052


厄 首先我想说 心情不好的话 不是听笑话就能真的好起来的 还是要靠自己啊 想象 有什么可不高兴的呢 你说是吧 1.从前有个人钓鱼,钓到了只鱿鱼。 鱿鱼求他:你放了我吧,别把我烤来吃啊。 那个人说:好的,那么我来考问你几个问题吧。 鱿鱼很开心说:你考吧你考吧! 然后这人就把鱿鱼给烤了.. 2:我曾经得过精神分裂症,但现在我们已经康复了。 3:一留学生在美国考驾照,前方路标提示左转,他不是很确定,问考官: “turn left?” 答:“right” 于是……挂了.. 4:有一天绿豆自杀从5楼跳下来,流了很多血,变成了红豆;一直流脓,又变成了黄豆;伤口结了疤,最后成了黑豆。 5:小明理了头发,第二天来到学校,同学们看到他的新发型,笑道:小明,你的头型好像个风筝哦!小明觉得很委屈,就跑到外面哭。哭着哭着~他就飞起来了………… 6:有个人长的像洋葱,走着走着就哭了……. 7:小企鹅有一天问他奶奶,“奶奶奶奶,我是不是一只企鹅啊?”“是啊,你当然是企鹅。”小企鹅又问爸爸,“爸爸爸爸,我是不是一只企鹅啊?”“是啊,你是企鹅啊,怎么了?”“可是,可是我怎么觉得那么冷呢?” 8:有一对玉米相爱了… 于是它们决定结婚… 结婚那天… 一个玉米找不到另一个玉米了… 这个玉米就问身旁的爆米花:你看到我们家玉米了吗? 爆米花:亲爱的,人家穿婚纱了嘛……. 9:音乐课上 老师弹了一首贝多芬的曲子 小明问小华:“你懂音乐吗?” 小华:“是的” 小明:“那你知道老师在弹什麼吗?” 小华: “钢琴。” 10:Q:有两个人掉到陷阱里了,死的人叫死人,活人叫什么?笑晕你!手机买家与卖家的经典对话买家:老板,这个手机的铃声怎么样?卖家:绝对能响!买家:掌柜的,这个手机的最大优点是什么?卖家:可以打电话。买家:哦!有什么缺点呢?卖家:不能剃须。买家:老板,有什么手机最耐用?卖家:只有相对耐用的,没有绝对耐用的。买家:为什么?卖家:你见过谁家有祖传的手机?买家:老板,有巧克力吗?卖家:有,德芙的,还有金帝的。买家:我是说手机!卖家:哦,经你这么一提醒我才知道我是卖手机的。买家:老板,那你再给说说怎么分辨原装电池和组装电池。卖家:你把电池扔到火堆里,原装的爆炸声音更响些。买家:这么贵的手机,我还不如买个笔记本电脑。卖家:也对,我想你站在人群中,把笔记本翻开,贴在耳朵边听电话的造型一定很酷。买家:老板,这个手机大概有多重?卖家:60多克。买家:哎!其他都好,我就是嫌太轻了。卖家:你可以绑在哑铃上使用。买家:哥哥,你给我说说智能手机和非智能手机有什么区别啊!卖家:就以闹钟为例,一般的手机到点就闹,闹得醒闹不醒不管,智能手机见闹不醒你,会打电话给你们单位领导请假。买家:哦!买家:老板,你们卖手机赚钱吗?卖家:那是相当的赚。买家:那一个月能赚多少?卖家:你先买部手机,让我先赚点钱,把昨天的饭钱结了再告诉你。如果你笑勒..请告诉我..!!! ^~^
2023-07-10 12:36:155


2023-07-10 12:36:5011


2023-07-10 12:37:225

war and peace演讲稿

Our world today is faced with many major threats. The most dangerous threat of all is war. Just as Virgil--a Roman poet said "Wars, horrid wars!" War is very terrible. Everybody hears it with fear. In a war,thousands and thousands of lives will be lost and a large amount of money will be wasted. It brings us untold damage. War is repugnant, peace is welcome, but I have to admit that there hasn"t been any period in the history during which the world was really at peace. Each war starts for a particular reason, but there are a number of steps countries can take to prevent its outbreak. One main reason for war is the difference in ideology. In order to control the world, capitalist countries never stop trying to tam over the communist governments. Land ownership is also a reason that countries declare wars on their neighbors. For example, if oil is found on the land in one country, that land may be claimed by another country, for historical reasons, and the latter is likely to declare war in order to recover the land containing oil. Although war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization.,we can still reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent. To prevent the war, countries should try to solve their differences through international organizations such as the United Nations or by other peaceful means. In addition, the world people should never stop criticizing those warmongers and send them into prison if they dare launch new wars. If you and me call on world peace together,I believe our world will be better in the future.
2023-07-10 12:37:421


Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome. While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Or is it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know that there hasn"t been any period in the history during which the world was really at peace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations. Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars? To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom. Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. I also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropism and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. Consequently, education and religion working side by side can transform a barbarian into a civilized person. With wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace pea
2023-07-10 12:37:522

求一篇300字左右的英语作文,题目是Peace or War

As far as we all know , countries usually have wars with each other because of state interests . Of caurse , this is one of the most important reasons why countries go to war . Nowadays , the U.N. has taken some strong measures to make the world more and more peaceful .In spite of the peacekeepers being sent to the place there is at war , there are still some failures . For instance , The U.N.couldn"t stop a terrible civil war in the state of Rwanda in Africa in 1995, despite warnings of the dangers from nearby states. It is extremely clear that our world will not have peace unless countries all over the world can give up declaring war on each other.In my opinion , the best way to keep peace among countries is to forbid wars in all countries . In order to attain this , the U.N. should sigh an service agreement about stop the next world war with all member countries . What"s more , each member country can not keep nuclear weapons and invade the others .As Franklin said: "There has never been a good war or a bad peace . " let us try our best to make a peaceful and beautiful world!
2023-07-10 12:38:021


2023-07-10 12:38:091

初三英语作文 和平

Peace Peace and development are two main themes of the world today,but we still have rigional conflicts or even local wars in the middle east or places alike. Comparing with prosperity and peace, war and death would be last choices for human beings,but why people choose to behave so radical and cruel, I think there are many factors acount for this: power politics and hegemony pactising by major countries like the U.S. religious and belief difference of people. the ever growing gap between the western countries and their counterparts. maintain peace of the world is by no means an easy task at all, it entails combined efforts from all walks of life,narrow the gap between developed nations and the poor ones politically and economically,bring international roles of organizations like the UN and WTO into full play thus stop war at the first sight. Globalization is progressing with each passing day and we have already in the bracement of the new centry, we are and we should be confident that we can stop the evil spirit of war by jointed efforts. 和平和平与发展是两大主题,今天的世界,但我们仍有rigional冲突或在中东或地方甚至局部战争一样。比较繁荣与和平,战争和死亡将是人类最后的选择,但人们为什么选择如此激进的行为和残忍,我觉得这是有acount许多因素:强权政治和霸权主义pactising由美国这样的大国宗教和信仰的人不同。与西方国家和他们同行的差距越来越大。维护世界和平,绝不是一件容易的任务,它需要结合起来,从各阶层,缩小发达国家和穷国的差距在政治上和经济上的努力,使诸如联合国,世界贸易组织组织的国际作用将充分发挥,停在第一眼看到的战争。全球化是进步日新月异,我们在新的centry bracement已,我们是,我们应该有信心,我们可以停止接合努力战争罪恶的精神
2023-07-10 12:38:192


  和平通常指没有战争或没有其它敌视暴力行为的状态,也用来形容人的不激动或安静。通常,维持国家关系之间的和平状态是多数人或组织的企盼,尤其是类似联合国这类国际组织。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    和平英语说法1:   peace    和平英语说法2:   in peace    和平的相关短语:   和平条约 peace treaty ;   和平县 Heping County ;   世界和平 Paix dans le monde ; World peace ; World Peace ; Metta World Peace   和平饭店 Peace Hotel ; Peace Restaurant ; Woh ping faan dim ; De La Paix   和平站 Heping Railway Station   和平程序 peace process ; peace progress ; peace course ; conciliation peace process   和平地 in peace ; peacefully ; pacifically ; peaceably   和平的英语例句:   1. The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.   通往和平的道路将很漫长。   2. He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.   他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。   3. They have been per-suaded of the merits of peace.   他们被劝服,认识到了和平的好处。   4. The President is determined "to go the extra mile for peace".   总统决心“为实现和平而加倍努力”。   5. Later he was to bee famous as a pacifist.   后来他就变成了一位知名的和平主义者。   6. These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still brittle.   这些事件表明北爱尔兰的和平仍然很脆弱。   7. Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace.   只有达成这些目标才会带来持久的和平。   8. It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists.   那里住着一个与世隔绝的种族,人们都是爱好和平的佛教徒。   9. Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea.   绿色和平组织设法聚集起足够数量的小船在海上拦截该船。   10. Leaders of some rival factions signed a peace agreement last week.   上周,一些敌对派系领导人签订了和平协议。   11. He was willing to make any sacrifice for peace.   他愿意为和平作出任何牺牲。   12. The king said there was now a window of opportunity for peace.   国王说现在有寻求和平的短暂机会。   13. He would soon launch a second offensive, killing off the peace process.   他不久将会再次发动进攻,彻底毁掉整个和平程序。   14. His mother looked ten years younger in jeans and flats.   他妈妈穿上牛仔裤和平跟鞋,看上去年轻了10岁。   15. Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war?   你认为这场危机能和平解决吗?
2023-07-10 12:38:291

war and peace跟单数吗?

war 和 peace 都是抽象名词,后接单数形式,如果有就近原则,应后接单数,如果无,则应用复数
2023-07-10 12:38:382


念出来是 屁 是 我 放 的
2023-07-10 12:38:594

和平 发现 战争的英语怎么说

2023-07-10 12:39:081


2023-07-10 12:39:186


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2023-07-10 12:39:502


2023-07-10 12:40:005

英语作文:war and peace

Now,most of the people around the world are enjoying the peace which everybody longs for.When we are reading a novel describing the war,no matter it is the First or the Second World War,we can imagine the bitterness,sadness and hopelessness that the war brought us.Nobody would like to forget it.So that is why most people are striving for a much more beautiful and peaceful world,although they are not famous ones.Meanwhile,people will regret that there are still some regional wars and confrontations in different places of the world.There are still hurt,tears,and deaths on the same earth with us.Let"s work harder to get rid of any kind of fights and conflicts.Wish that the different nations unite together,no matter what colour they are and what religions they believe in.
2023-07-10 12:40:161

高中高二作文300字:War and peace

作文标题: War and peace 关 键 词: 高中高二 300字 字 数: 300字作文 本文适合: 高中高二 作文来源: 本作文是关于高中高二300字的作文,题目为:《War and peace》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 Saving Private Ryan is made in 1999 which sets in the Second World War. This famous film describes the cruelty of war, and show that peace love is always winning at last. Without love and warm, war is the noun which gathers violence, cruelty and advantage until now. Through war, many buildings were destroyed, many families were broken and many lives were over. In conclusion, war is terrifying. War is a disaster. Wars occur again and again as if it weren"t avoided.   <---->To gain more and more advantages, quantities of leaders use this method to achieve the ambition.   <----> But I think this way is unnecessary. What one gets back on the roundabouts, one loses on the swings. Maybe you could get good advantages, but many people lose their friends or relatives.   I am longing the result that love and peace could rule this world sooner or later   <---->
2023-07-10 12:40:241

War And Peace 歌词

歌曲名:War And Peace歌手:Ice Cube专辑:War & Peace Volume 1 (The War Disc)Godsmack - War & PeaceHere we go!Dance with the devil inside of meI"m longing for a second chanceAnd taste what seems to remind meOf all my skulls and skeletonsLive and let liveDie and let dieWar and peace in my hand(My temptations)This war and peace insideWill take me to the endHell awaits it"s closing in on meIt"strokes its hand down on my backAnd no more mistakesmy intentions are finally clearFrom how I"ve always beenLive and let liveDie and let dieLive and let liveDie and let dieWar and peace in my hand(my temptations)This war and peace inside wont endWar and peace in my hand, yahThis war and peace inside my headWill take me to the endWar and peace in my hand(my temptations)This war and peace inside wont endWar and peace in my hand, yahThis war and peace inside my headWill take me to the end
2023-07-10 12:40:321

英语作文:war and peace

Now,most of the people around the world are enjoying the peace which everybody longs for.When we are reading a novel describing the war,no matter it is the First or the Second World War,we can imagine the bitterness, sadness and hopelessness that the war brought us.Nobody would like to forget it.So that is why most people are striving for a much more beautiful and peaceful world,although they are not famous ones.Meanwhile,people will regret that there are still some regional wars and confrontations in different places of the world.There are still hurt,tears,and deaths on the same earth with us.Let"s work harder to get rid of any kind of fights and conflicts.Wish that the different nations unite together,no matter what colour they are and what religions they believe in.
2023-07-10 12:40:531

不要战争要和平 把这句话翻译成英文

no war but peace
2023-07-10 12:41:016

war的《Peace Sign》 歌词

歌曲名:Peace Sign歌手:war专辑:The Very Best Of WarGym Class Heroes - Peace Sign (Index Down)Gym Class HeroesCool and Dre (this is)You silly for this oneIt"s Travie (why you doin this to me)I started rappin back in the classScribbling tracksIn hopes that one of my jokesWould have the pretty young things laughinThe chubby little bastardWith a nack for little debbies snacksBut what I lacked in looksI made up for it in passionNo advance and plus we make it happenYour conscience more obnoxiousThen that laughy Taffy snappinGoodbye yesterdays ragsHello high fashionHands before you"s a manThat built a castle with sandWith no regards for tidelwavesAnd finally establishedTil the water comes in gallon drumsAnd wipes away my palaceBut now I"m sittin lovely offIn wonderland with AliceWith purple people passin meAt the catapillar"s chaliceHa ha, you probably thinkingI"m wrong right?Like I should quitWriting these songs right?Tell you what do it betterI just mightTake it back to 86You wanna lick, sike!Don"t let the TV mislead youMe and you dude we are not equalFuck you this is for my peopleFuck you this is for my peopleDon"t try to hide like I can"t see youYour parents must"ve been transAnd so see throughFuck you this is for my peopleFuck you this is for my peoplePut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downBefore I utter wordsAnd before I start to beginLet me make sure you clearI"m about securing the windI puzzle up my wordsWhile I piece another concoctionCause I"m stubborn with the thoughtThat failure was never an optionI grinds like a carpenterUntil my caleceous"s bleedWith the passion from my heartTo the many mouths that I feedThat"s why I look at most of youStupid I know it"s oddBecause you can"t really doNuttin to me unless you GODBut bein that none of you aint himYou can"t fuucck with meNow watch me erase themNow trust me see I"m so determinedI"m walkin through the heap of gauntletsWhile the fire is burninOr how the tiresTurning on the rim of the VI laugh and shake it offThe shiiit they be doin to meWit all the yappin and talkingAnd so and so thinkThat you can ever stop the kidOH NOSo if you get in my way you know yer done sonYou best believe what I say you better run sonFuck you because I do this for my loved onesFuck you because I do this for my loved onesYou better kneel downAnd pray cause where I come fromWe goin hard everyday that"s how the fights wonFuck you because I do this for my loved onesFuck you because I do this for my loved onesPut up the peace sign, put the index downPut up the peace sign, put the index downPut up the peace sign, put the index downPut up the peace sign, put the index downLook mom no handsYer little boys a manEverything you said is finally settin inTrainin wheels fell off and I kept peddlingNow I"m ridin wheelies on this industrySay the word I"ll ghostrideThis bittcch instantlyGood lookin pop on the strength that you givin meWasn"t for you Gym Class would be historyI"m on my upstate shiittI Was Brooklyn broke but now I"m upstate richGettin brains from two dames with French accentsNow I mess with local chicksI get em upstate shiiitYou prob thinking I"m wrong right?Like I should quit writtin these songs right?Tell you what do it better I just mightTake it back to 86 you want a lick, sike!Now it"s a lot of yall that can"t stand meCause my resembelance to prince is uncannyBut fuck you this is for my familyFuck you this is for my familyUpstate new york to MiamiUp late recording in my jammiesI do it for my familyFuck you this is for my familyPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index downPut up your peace sign, put your index down
2023-07-10 12:41:151