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求BEAST的《bad girl》音译歌词

2023-07-10 19:50:23

B2ST - Bad Girl

I"m heart sick, heal me, be crazy, can"t let you go

Sad love song, my love"s gone, please baby, don"t go far

So beast

Down, down, we gotta get down, down, down, we gotta get down

Down, down, we gotta get down, I want ya, come to me, girl

Down, down, we gotta get down, down, down, we gotta get down

Down, down, we gotta get down, I want ya, come to me, girl

Niga tteonan jarie seupeumi gadeukhae

Naman dugo tteona beorimyeon nan eotteokhae

Shigani jinagado ni eolguri jakku tteo olla

Meoriga binggeul binggeul doneunde

Eojega majimak kiss, neol jabji mothan nae miss

Modeunge kkumi gil please, nan geunyang babo baboga dwin geot gata

Sorichyeo sorichyeo bulleo butjapgo butjapgo shipeodo

Hey, hey, hey, girl, dorawa jweo please, my hate girl

Amuri saeng gakhaedo maldo andwae, bad girl

Jakkuman ni saenggage michyeo michyeo, bad girl

Tteonaji mallago nege sorichyeodo

Dwi dora bojido anhneun, bad girl

G-O-N-E niga tteonani jal gadeon shigyedo stop gwaenhi

Nae gwieseo deullineun like our story, so sick

Hanttaeneun my, my lady niga eobseo ureo nan daily

Ajik ni jarineun biweo dulge girl C-O-M-E

Miweohan ji harumane geuriweojyeo

Ni saenggage nae eolguri nunmullo beonjyeo

Neol butjabeuryeo hamyeon neo ege daga galsurok deo

Naegeseo meolli meolli ganeunde

Dashi dolligin neomu nujeo borin geot gatae

Ni moksori ga naegeseo jakku meoreo jineunde

Sorichyeo sorichyeo bulleo butjapgo butjapgo shipeodo

Hey, hey, hey, girl, dorawa jweo please, my hate girl

Amuri saeng gakhaedo maldo andwae, bad girl

Jakkuman ni saenggage michyeo michyeo, bad girl

Tteonaji mallago nege sorichyeodo

Dwi dora bojido anhneun, bad girl

Yeotaekkeot niga haetdeon modeun mal

Hansungan modeun geda geojitmal

Ni mameul dwi dolliryeo halsurok

Naegeseo han georeumsshik meoreojyeo ganeun neo

Amuri saeng gakhaedo maldo andwae, bad girl

Jakkuman ni saenggage michyeo michyeo, bad girl

Tteonaji mallago nege sorichyeodo

Dwi dora bojido anhneun, bad girl

Down, down, we gotta get down, down, down, we gotta get down

Down, down, we gotta get down, na honjaman tto seulpeo hae... naege dorawajweo

Down, down, we gotta get down, down, down, we gotta get down

Down, down, we gotta get down, I want ya, come to me, girl


如何评价电影《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)?

《消失的爱人》,英文名Gone girl,算是为狗血立了正名。男女主演本·阿弗莱克和裴淳华犹如神助,在这个充满谎言、阴谋甚至杀戮的婚姻故事里游刃有余,把一个出轨、啤酒肚微凸的文艺中年与出身不凡、试图征服所有男性的优雅腹黑女之间的斗争表现得淋漓尽致,看的人当然过瘾,深感婚姻是天堂地狱的双面体。这样的剧情倘若放在内地电视剧里肯定会被斥为一滩狗血,可到了大卫手底下却炮制出一场只是重口味的盛宴。创作背景作家吉莉安·弗琳最初接到电话被告知好莱坞想要拍她的小说《消失的爱人》时,她首先想要确保的是故事里操纵和凶杀必须要保留它们的尖锐转折力度和非常规的节奏,所以她坚持要完成这部电影的第一版剧本,但拆解这个原本非常紧凑的故事却比她原先想象的要艰难得多。小说上市不到两个月时,福克斯买下了该书的版权,然后两个月后弗林就开始起草剧本,那时她正在各地巡回宣传自己的小说。弗林透露说她之前认真学习了她佩服的文学改编作品,包括《天才雷普利》,而且会边听《消失的爱人》的有声读物边构思新的想法。有时,她甚至会不让自己回去翻书,而尽量让剧本本身更自然地形成。
2023-07-10 08:56:161

《Gone Girl》电影观后感

我要怎么来形容《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)? 就好像在蓝色预警大风肆虐的深夜北京,当着无人的街道吹一瓶冰镇啤酒。脏的灰寒的风冰的酒内外夹攻冲击着肉体,难受是肯定的,却也酷爽又通透。 能带来这般矛盾意味十足的快感,毋庸置疑就是大卫?芬奇的电影,脏、冷、酷。但同时,我又意识到这部作品里大卫?芬奇的气场被原作者吉莉安?弗琳完全压制,随处可以感受到导演在视听手段上的克制,严格来说又不像以往的“大卫?芬奇式电影”。联系《搏击俱乐部》、《龙纹身女孩》等就是改编自现成文艺作品,或许“大卫?芬奇式电影”指的就是大卫?芬奇的改编片,那一系列特别质感的根源,最最主要的是原作本身的思想,其次才是芬奇的个人风格。 因此不管人们从那种层面赞美《消失的爱人》的剧情,本质上只是在评价吉莉安?弗琳的创作。既然原着有译本,那么在阅读原作之前,对故事及人物只评一句话: 很可怕。熊孩子年岁在子供向动画片里看到Nice Big Cock那般可怕。 放下故事和人物不说,对于《消失的爱人》也就没有太多可讨论的了。大卫?芬奇在把这个故事电影化的过程中保持了极大的克制,专注于表演和剪辑等原始手段,摒弃了很多个人色彩强烈的炫酷视听效果,最终使电影质感无限贴近现实,完美契合故事氛围,且也导致在故事以外没有什么特别值得回味的地方。 或许应该换个角度来看问题:把剧情至于最崇高最核心的位置,收敛个人风格,忠于纸面文本进行银幕演绎,才是深刻丰富文学作品的正确改编方式。 当然以上两段是我胡诌的,万一原着其实不是这种格调呢? 说来说,还是得读原着。 上面说的东西好像没啥作用啊。万一有人读了这篇文字,不想看/以错误的姿势看《消失的爱人》多不好啊。 于是忠告如下: 打所有试图剧透的人脸(如果是自己透请自扇),然后无视亚洲恋爱剧一般的译名、北美神秘剧一样的海报、俗套婚杀剧一般的预告片,看这部电影。 另外,芬奇的电影能带来某种神秘的爽快感,阳春白雪的说法是文学小说那样一对一的精神荡涤,下里巴人的说法是爱情动作片那种你懂的隐秘玩意儿;具体到这部电影则还要担心观影伙伴是不是会被刷新三观。所以最好独自观看。 如今小说也读完了,对于作品的思考也终于停歇,眼看兴趣要转移到新的作品上了,是时候小结式地评说Gone Girl这部作品了。 确实如我之前所猜想,这个故事的伟大应该归功于小说作者——吉莉安?弗琳,无论小说版还是电影版的故事都是这样——她同时是电影的编剧。小说版的Gone Girl不仅涵盖了电影所有的情节与细节,更通过呼吁层次的心理描写及叙事角度切换带给读者意味更加丰富的思考素材。吉莉安?弗琳通过文字叙事,交代他们的人生体验与心理活动,在纸面上成功塑造了尼克与艾米这两个复杂到具有强烈现实意义的人物,真的是十分厉害。 电影虽然完全来自于小说故事,但电影版故事终究与原着在精神气上有所差别。这体现在人们多用“冷峻、残酷”来形容电影,却会用“有趣、黑色幽默”来形容小说。电影导演大卫?芬奇一手造成这种差别。他像蒸馏原浆酒一样提纯原着,精简人物与事件,只凝练故事中冷酷的部分,并用高度现实的影像风格来呈现,最后得到一瓶如同伏特加般纯粹无味却辛辣异常的佳酿,虽然尝起来缺了些厚度,却更简洁更直接更强烈,同样具有将受众引入反思的深刻魅力。大卫?芬奇把一本逾400页的长篇小说,浓缩成符合快节奏时代观众口味的电影作品,引发了比小说更深远的关注于讨论,确实功不可没。 总而言之,看电影吧,你会喜欢的。如果想进一步接触更饱满的故事,那就多花点时间读原着。 说完了小说与电影的异同,就来说说目前我对Gone Girl的看法吧。 我这样没谈过恋爱的单身狗看这个故事,就好像熊孩子看泰勒?德顿加过料的儿童动画片——立马因为困惑与惊惧当场声泪俱下。 并不是“渣男”或“心机婊”有多吓人,而是这整个故事不仅告诉我存在一方完全掌控另一方的婚姻,还论证了我们的社会完全容纳得下如此痛苦的悲剧。 首先,《消失的爱人》刷新我对爱情婚姻的认识。《闪灵》是本让我害怕的小说(注意是小说),它借着一个封闭环境描述了现代社会中男性个体的覆灭——没有工作、失收入、无途上升、抛妻弃儿,丧失一切获得认同与成就价值的"可能性。而目前看来,《消失的爱人》至少是跟《闪灵》同样可怕的故事:他向我这个明显对爱情婚姻抱着幻想的男性单身狗描述了男人被伴侣毁灭的可能性,被“她”用舆论、经济、腹中骨肉乃至自身安危绑架,丧失尊严与自由,不得不永远曲意逢迎。你说我如何不惊得肝儿颤? 当然,在这种严重不平等的婚姻里,受害者显然更多是女方。就算艾米本性可怕的偏执狂,她在头几年里还是受到来自于尼克“冷暴力”的虐待。男权女权不平等毕竟是现实,婚姻的不平等也跟着成为现实。这份硬邦邦凉冰冰的现实比前面所说的“男性毁灭”显然更应该警惕,因为谁都可能成为加害人与受害者。 其次,《消失的爱人》还刷新我对社会的认识。就具体情节来说,就是大男孩尼克冷暴力对待妻子多年,相继剥离伴侣的情感、经济、社交需求,却没有任何人过问;然后偏执狂艾米害了个男人又杀了个男人,把剥离了独立与尊严的尼克拴在身边假扮“好丈夫”,却躲过了法律惩罚,享用着舆论的粉饰。这其间的批判意味不言自明:婚杀悲剧、悲剧婚姻,夫妻双方以外的社会成员,人人都难辞其咎。 某名人出轨了,总要微博盛传,坊间热议;某剧高潮来了,于是小三出现,撕逼扯皮;某三姨来串门了,张嘴夫妻不睦,分家离婚……人们似乎持续不断地热衷于婚姻悲剧,宛如这是一项特别有意思的娱乐;然后就有从中见到商机的人,比如热爱报道婚变声讨责任人的电视专栏,比如专为婚姻纠纷打官司的律师,比如闻声而动嗅觉灵敏的记者狗仔……如此一来这项我理解不能的娱乐俨然变成了令我叹为观止的产业,这到底是人之常情,还是时代闹剧?对于处于漩涡中心的婚姻双方,这算是正义的匡扶,还是无益的非难?而参与到其中普通民众,是践行并强化了正确价值观,还是仅仅收获了泼脏水的快感? 以上我目前对这整个故事的最主要想法。毕竟单身如狗,在某些事情上眼界免不了矮了几分,想来上面内容肯定是不全面的。所以请各位多指教。
2023-07-10 08:56:321

《Gone Girl》电影里面的婚姻你怎么看?你害怕吗?

2023-07-10 08:56:405


《消失的爱人》结局是由于丈夫和警方的努力,他们逐渐发现了妻子的阴谋,为了想办法脱罪,女主放弃报复谋杀丈夫的计划,自己回来了,最后两人继续维持这段婚姻。《消失的爱人》最后的结局是由于丈夫和警方的努力,他们逐渐发现了妻子的阴谋,为了想办法脱罪,女主放弃报复谋杀丈夫的计划,自己回来了。并撒谎称是一直骚扰她的高中同学绑架了她,并强奸她虐待她,她出于正当防卫杀了他,但这一切都是女主自导自演的。回来后,她把真相告诉了她丈夫,由于之前妻子消失造成了媒体的关注,两人只能在媒体的围观下,亦真亦假的持续这段婚姻。《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)是改编自吉莉安·弗琳的同名小说,由大卫·芬奇执导,本·阿弗莱克 、罗莎曼德·派克、尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯、泰勒·派瑞等主演的悬疑惊悚电影。该片讲述了平凡又恩爱的一对夫妻,突然有一天妻子却消失不见,丈夫通过各种方式疯狂寻找,然而在妻子留下的一本日记中却发现,种种线索都表明是丈夫将妻子杀害。
2023-07-10 08:57:271

如何评价电影《Gone girl》以及它的结尾?

2023-07-10 08:57:439

如何评价电影《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)?

大卫芬奇从来都是一个不只是会解构,更是颠覆传统,甚至并是不多传统,而只是已形成的既定观念的导演。《七宗罪》是对人性的拷问,《搏击俱乐部》是对于青年反社会主义的消解,《Zodiac》是对犯罪追诉的颠覆和对正义的现实化反串,《社交网络》是对成功定义的颠覆和其意义的质疑。这次终于轮到,可能是普罗大众最想看到的,爱情和家庭观了。其实相比于其对于爱情观的颠覆,我倒是更觉得芬奇想表达的是对于社会上集体主义的一种声讨。就像最后那个主持人来采访Nick和他的老婆的时候为自己的行为解释的一样,"I go where the story goes." 但是无论是大众还是媒体,从头到尾都没有靠近过真相哪怕一步。到最后的结局,这已经不是Nick夫妇之间互相貌合神离的悲剧了,还包括让他们无法分开的公众和社会的悲剧。
2023-07-10 09:00:443


2023-07-10 09:01:141


2023-07-10 09:01:291


“最熟悉的陌生人”也就是假性亲密关系。简单来说,就是在一段本该亲密的关系之中,为了不打破关系的稳定,避免冲突所带来的负面影响,迎合对方,隐藏自我,并将彼此的亲密度保持在一臂距离,成为“最熟悉的陌生人”。作为一种形式上的亲密关系,假性亲密关系是由两人或多人,为了逃避在彼此变亲密的过程中难以避免的不确定性,而共同建立起来的一种防御机制。形成过程两个人看似亲密,但其实关系里有很多的禁区,有很多不可以触及,一触即发的部分。两个人小心地回避着这些禁区,极力维持和谐美好的场面,但彼此都没有获得令自己满意的亲密情感。这种关系在gone girl里面体现得尤为明显,两个人没有沟通,没有坦诚的对话,遇到问题都是采取逃避的方式,也没有寻求专业咨询师的帮助,而是任由关系一步步恶化。
2023-07-10 09:01:481


2023-07-10 09:02:055


2023-07-10 09:02:2113


我还是比较认可它的 k a η 3 p • c η去见识一下也许会有收获哦;;;;;;;;;那个时候,我以为幸福是会属于我的要不你驾驭自己的一生,要不被生活牵着鼻子走君捧花归,爱在心扉。我没有很想你,只是在早上醒来时
2023-07-10 09:05:597

good girl gone bad这是什么用法0 0为什么用gone?

一个乖乖女变成小太妹她是之前变坏的 所以用过去时
2023-07-10 09:11:554

GONE 中文歌词

有我可以说的千个字使你回家了 (是的)似乎如此长以前你被走开而且别管我而且我记得你对我说的你正在行动这么奇怪而且也许我是太盲目而无法见到你需要一个变化是它某事我说, 使你拒绝使你走而且让我寒冷的(Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh)如果我可以仅仅找一个方法做到以便你在这里是正确地立刻合唱: 我已经在这里是 sittin不能拿你走开介意我尽全力是一个男人而且是强壮的我开车了我自己患精神病的愿我可以碰触你的脸 (触觉你的脸)但是事实保持你不见了(你是) 离去(纵容你是) 离去(你不见的女孩。 女婴你是)离去(你是) 离去(你是)我将会做什么如果我不能和你在一起告诉我哪里我将会转向吗到纵容, 谁将会我是既然我们分别地我仍然在你的心纵容为什么你不见到我和我在这里需要你Ohh。。。我已经在这里是 sittin(sitin" 在这里)不能使你远离思想 (不能使你远离思想)我尽全力是一个男人而且是强壮的(我的最好是一个男人)我开车了我自己患精神病的愿我可以碰触你的脸(哦你可以纵容吗)但是事实遗迹(事实保持你不见了)离去(你是) 离去(你是) 离去(你不见了)(你是的女婴) 离去(你是) 离去但是事实保持你是离去。翻译的不对,请多见谅了!
2023-07-10 09:12:052


2023-07-10 09:12:1612

权志龙的 Shes gone 的歌词

2023-07-10 09:12:531


有,《消失的爱人》跟《夜行动物》有些类似。《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)是改编自吉莉安·弗琳的同名小说,由大卫·芬奇执导,本·阿弗莱克、裴淳华、尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯、泰勒·派瑞等主演的悬疑惊悚电影。
2023-07-10 09:13:071


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2023-07-10 09:13:273


2023-07-10 09:13:353


故事背景:小镇上美丽的主妇Amy失踪了,一切线索都指向是她的丈夫Nick杀了她...1. 主角:Ben Affleck 忽略不计玩票出演的片子,事业上升期的阿弗莱克携Argo的成功,锐不可当,影片他比较本色的蜻蜓点水演出,一个工作不努力,每天只想吃喝玩女人的很世俗的美国男子Nick,特点的人好和帅气。Rosamund Pike 这位英国女星,多年屈居二线之列,在各种片中当配角,非常脸熟,但角色繁杂戏份也不多没有让人能记住的表演。她饰演一名事业成功,受朋友家人喜爱的金发甜姐儿。2.剧情:不得不说剧情急转之前,两人的表演都很本色,也无任何惊艳的地方,随着两条主线交汇,谜团逐步揭开,剧情的带入人物性格丰满了起来,之前看似平淡的铺垫才有了意义。影片前段,影迷应该是同仇敌忾,对男主Nick持批判态度,他看似罪有应得受所有人唾弃和怀疑。他刚失业吃着软饭,玩自己的学生(男主角Nick 的情妇是Emily Ratajkowski,Blurred Line MV中的清丽裸模),在妻子失踪发布会上笑着拍照,在自己失落时还主动讨好其他人,他知道自己可能面临杀气指控,于是极力隐藏证据和撇清关系,一种这爷们在作秀和掩饰的感觉油然而生。而她失踪的老婆,漂亮聪明贤惠讨人喜欢的Amy,前半段一副美国好妻子的架子,让人都为她的是总感到惋惜。影片中段,谜题逐渐揭晓,Amy 因为发现丈夫不忠,由爱生恨,炮制了一切线索和剧情,希望自己的失踪能给Nick造成死刑证据。随着Nick追寻妻子的线索和为自己洗白,一切了然,Amy有被迫害妄想症病史,解释了她感情受挫后的变态行径。Nick和Amy家里养一了只金毛猫,无疑是对金发Amy潜在人格的一个映射,她受伤后,独立的猫性崛起,栽赃对她来说是理所应当的恶作剧,她要之夭夭像一个优雅的猫咪注视着事态的发展。自黑一下,大姐你是天蝎座的吧。影片后端,剧情直转急下,老情人的出现改变的故事的走向。Neil Patrick Harris (老爸老妈浪漫史Barney)这龙套跑的太值了,虽然他刚露面我就想乐,但是他对痴情的富家少爷表演起来还是得心应手的。他对男性沉迷在女性爱中,那孩子一样不知所措状态诠释得很好,执迷不悟的爱令他控制欲极强,对待女人像心爱的宠物和玩具,无奈他喜欢的女人像流沙一样,握不住却被她吞噬。Neil 的角色是强迫型人格,喜欢追求规则和控制、完美主义的特征在Neil身上体现无遗,好莱坞是有多喜欢塑造OCD人格,David Fincher 没有像其他导演和编剧一样,俗气地把OCD挂在嘴边,明眼人一看便知。Neil爱的是一种感觉和一种情怀,他为什么要Amy梳妆打扮起来,而不告诉Amy我喜欢你落魄的样子,却不知他喜欢的那个Amy 已经死掉。另外,老爸老妈浪漫史剧终季太感人了有木有!之前栽赃杀夫的计划破绽百出未成功,但是那只是Amy的练习作品,之后靠谋杀老情人重回家庭和公众视线,真是高智商犯罪的典范了,女主角心理素质棒棒哒,掌控着一切丝毫无鸭压力,被迫害妄想症被OCD逼疯也是会雄起的好么!总结:美国好妻子最后变成了美国好婊子,她华丽的转身成了不折不扣的反派,Nick这个表里如一,看似自大自私,其实爱心无限萌蠢无敌的老公相信Amy真的怀了孕,包容了Amy的罪行,并重修旧好。Nick对家中金毛猫的态度也映射了他会最终接受Amy 原谅一切, 二货!孩子是你的么也不想想!Nick 这个角色其实是一个超级好人,极有爱心的软汉子,对情妇心软的态度,对猫咪的关爱,对妻子的包容,对律师的言听计从,他处处都在被牵着走,Ben Afleck把这个老好人演得很自然,平淡对主打剧情的片就是尊重,不像Leo每次都用力过猛。鲁迅说,女人的天性中有母性,有女儿性,无妻性。妻性是逼成的,只是母性和女儿性的混合。Amy心里的那个小女孩随着她最后野蛮任性的恶作剧彻底走失,剩下的是一个冰冷的外壳,里面住着一个狡诈而敏锐的强大女人,也许她还带着一丝对肚子里老情人孩子的母爱,她固执的想法里,应该觉得这是对情人最好的奖赏而不会愧疚,猫一样的女人只跟随自己的逻辑。Girl走失了,剩下的是一个母亲和妻子,她彻底成熟起来并洞悉了老公的懦弱,吃定了Nick。3.未落俗套的细节:预告剪辑:丝毫没有透露出电影主要情节,影片过半,影迷都很感叹结局居然是这样。血:近年来,好莱坞很多低成本惊悚片恐怖片,通过大量运用喷血、血字、血迹来,笨拙粗糙地创造,赤裸的视觉冲击场景。影片的血运用不是很多,都恰到好处。血是Amy对上一段感情的释怀,是Amy 情夫对她喷薄的爱,是她洗尽罪恶时脱去的皮。笑话:本片没有为了抖包袱而编笑料,所有笑话都是角色对现实情况的一种嘲讽和评价,观众笑时多半因为体会到了角色的无奈。想象空间:2-3处角色对话之后观众能预料马上发生的场景,被省略或者剪掉,具体是哪几处记不清了,但是既然观众能体会到接下来发生的事情,这种剧情上的蒙太奇还是很激发想象空间的。4.缺点:关于音乐我没什么记忆,还想不记得有哪段音乐极大地烘托了剧情,但至少没有想小成本恐怖片那样,用不协调钢琴或者怪异音效来刻意地表现某一幕的惊悚,作曲还是得过奥斯卡的大神,给个一般赞吧。演绎和剧情孰轻孰重?Ben Affleck 的表演比较本色,平平淡淡才是真。Rosamund Pike 的表演无疑是她个人演艺历史上最牛B的一次,捉摸不透的眼神,完美无破绽的外表与笑容,宠辱不惊的淡定状态。按照道理来讲,既然如此推崇女主角,女主角的表演也没有达到斯特里普和劳伦斯那种抢眼的境界,而男主角和其他配角也没什么太多值得夸赞的地方,都是正常发挥,或者剧情如此限制了演员们的演技?结尾不够悬疑?结尾如果停在,Amy回家之后,两人分房睡,Nick把门锁上,半夜门突然开了...那岂不是更悬疑,但本片居然落下了一个圆满的结局。5.影片让我想起了惊悚悬疑片大行其道90年代好莱坞的几部片子,迈克尔道格拉斯和莎朗斯通的本能,Basic Instinct (1992),同样是男方身陷危险谜团而对女方苦苦迷恋,了解真相后却义无返顾的无视女方邪恶的本质与魔同眠,莎朗斯通凭借塑造潇洒不羁并且柔弱可人的女魔头形象成为好莱坞90年代的性符号,道格拉斯风度翩翩性情男人的本色演出,90年代惊悚片类型最佳。Jeff Bridges(疯狂的心,Tron), Kiefer Sutherland(24时择日再活)的The Vanishing (1993)跟影片前段丈夫追寻妻子下落很相似。道格拉斯和Gwyneth Paltrow(钢铁侠秘书)的完美谋杀,A Perfect Murder (1998),丈夫濒临破产,发现妻子偷情,欲杀之取保险自保财位,道格拉斯对Gwyneth的控制和Gwyneth的摆脱跟Gone girl的后半段谋杀情节很像。
2023-07-10 09:13:441

求少女时代-Bad Girl 中文翻译歌词

2023-07-10 09:13:525


我喜欢听这些歌曲: 心愿便利贴--吴忠明+元若蓝(命中注定我爱你 结尾曲) (感觉比较活泼)半情歌--元若蓝(命中注定我爱你 插曲) (感觉比较伤感)对摺--元若蓝(命中注定我爱你 插曲) (一点点伤感吧)99次我爱他--元若蓝(命中注定我爱你 开头曲 也是主题曲) (感觉比较活泼)亲爱的那不是爱情 飞轮海:心里有数.为你存在.新窝..小小大人物..出神入化..超喜欢你..只对你有感觉..等等..张韶涵:我恋爱了.不想懂得..香水百合..梦里花..我的最爱..不痛..等等..翼势力:雨..shalala.. 等等..SHE:你最近还好吗.说你爱我..中国话.魔力..谢谢你的温柔..我们怎么了..独唱情歌..触电.一眼万年..爱情的海洋.等等..黑涩会美眉:苦茶..黑糖秀..123木头人..晴天娃娃..幸福的泡泡..等等...Sweety:樱花草..还是喜欢你..爱的号码牌..彩虹眼泪..等等...南拳妈妈:人鱼的眼泪..香草吧噗..靠近一点点..水晶蜻蜓..等等...仙剑:回梦游仙.仙剑问情.御剑江湖.等等...恋爱频率--许志安+许慧欣忘不了忘不了-- 张柏芝每一次幸福 --白雪 爱死了昨天 --李慧珍你(吉他甜蜜版)-- 林依晨 不要在我寂寞的时候说爱我 --T.R.Y 圣火 --孙悦 只对你有感觉 --Hebe 飞轮海 有钱没钱回家过年(网络版) --王宝强 投名状 --刘德华 I Like it Like that --仓木麻衣(Mai kuraki) god is a girl(上帝是个女孩) Groove Coverage--舞动精灵乐团 i could be the one(Donna Lewis --日韩游戏 别碰我 Don"t push me sweetbox--(糖果盒子) Never Say Goodbye〈My Girl〉--片尾曲 韩日群星 影视原声 冰川时代(慢摇) --群星 Hey Oh Tragédie --悲剧演唱组.蒲公英的约定--周杰伦 我不配 When you"re goneGirlfriend青花瓷 --周杰伦老人与海As long as you love me自由飞翔粉红色的回忆遇上你是我的缘最后一滴泪<我们的歌><外滩十八号><还是好朋友><背影><早知道爱><来不及><围城><DEAR JANE><我可以><被你爱过我很快乐><不会分离><女孩别哭>--不能说的秘密<空白格><I MISS YOU>完美故事可不可以忘记 对不起我爱你三个心愿-fir我爱你Dearest--滨崎步 对不起我很顽固全世界的人都知道月牙湾双鱼座---Leejust about engouh忘了叫什么名字了 好像摆渡搜8到,去QQ音乐搜 这个英文很8错I need u只因为你少女的初夜。只适合男孩子听`!这个歌曲曲风8错~!94歌词太那个!~!网络唱的玫瑰花的葬礼 如果喜欢JAY的话9切听这首 声音很像 曲风也素诶..蛮好听的if you come to me--原子少女猫as long as you love me.三只熊.尒是硪心内的一首歌.有梦好甜蜜.我为歌狂(运动男孩版).瑶铃啊瑶铃片尾曲.命运.对望.(林志颍)(放羊的星星)极速爱情.(放羊的星星)古灵精怪....这些都好听的哦!古典音乐:舒伯特:《小夜曲》《B小调第八》《菩提树》《鳟鱼》 勃拉姆斯:《摇篮曲》《匈牙利舞曲第五号》 比才:《小步舞曲》 柴可夫斯基:《1812序曲》《四小天鹅舞》《场景》《圆舞曲》《匈牙利查尔达》《西班牙舞曲》《那不勒斯舞曲》《祖玛卡舞曲》 " 睡美人"辑有5首",胡桃夹子”辑有8首 德彪西:《月光曲》《棕发少女》 海顿:《很活泼的柔板》《行板》《小步舞曲》《终曲》《弦乐四重》 李斯特:《爱恋的梦》《小星星变奏曲》《钟》 门德尔松:《春之歌》《结婚进行曲》《A小调第三》《夏夜午后之梦序曲》 莫扎特:《费加罗的婚礼》《横笛协奏曲1号》《土耳其进行曲》 舒曼:《浪漫曲》《梦幻曲》 肖邦:《雨滴》 约翰.斯特劳斯:《杜鹃圆舞曲》《拉德茨基进行曲》《蓝色多瑙河舞曲》 班得瑞:《静寂之声》《秃鹰掠过》《儿时记忆》《森林之夜》《希腊的沉 思》《祈祷》《清晨》《神秘园之歌》《田园曲》《夜曲》《月亮 门》《足迹》《追梦人》《海王星》《日光海岸》《春野》《仙境》 《雪之梦》 埃尔顿.约翰:《今夜你能感觉到爱》《风中之烛》 好听啊.!纯音乐:Tearsdream catcherKiss The Rain神秘园之歌天空之城再见警察 被遗忘的天使我在那一角落患过伤风卡农夏日香气迷情仙境流行好听的:不是我的我不要 刘德华 <蓝色土耳其> 周传雄 <有没有人告诉你>陈楚生<不想懂得> 张韶涵 青花瓷 周杰伦 思念是一种病 张震岳 会呼吸的痛 梁静茹 该死的温柔 马天宇 命运 香香 投名状 刘德华 围城 张靓颖 有钱没钱回家过年 王宝强 爱超越 范冰冰 爱转角 罗志祥 日不落 蔡依林 有一种爱叫做放手 阿木 重来 张韶涵 帝王之恋 BOBO 头号粉丝 莫文蔚 青花瓷 周杰伦 乐园 张韶涵 我不会唱歌 罗志祥 婚礼进行曲 胡彦斌 夏雪 何洁 <发现> 路绮欧 <白色距离> 路绮欧<恶作剧之刎>路绮欧<青花>周传雄 彩虹 周杰伦 <我决定> 梁静茹 九十九次我爱他 元若蓝 什么都没有发生过 秦海璐 你给的坚强 苗圃 会呼吸的痛 梁静茹 我走以后 张靓颖 <相反词> 蔡卓妍 <被你爱过我很快乐> 卓文萱 <爱超越>范冰冰 <狂想的旅程> 韩雪 好听的哦.
2023-07-10 09:14:071


林俊杰的一首英文歌:Now that she"s gone Girl you know i miss you so I didn"t know you had to go You"ve had enough of our distance baby Before I had the chance to say I"m staying with you For the rest of my life Don"t keep telling me these words You don"t know how much it hurts And I"ll promise you eternity if you promise me your stay But now it"s too late I"m no longer the man that I was I will go on without her Like a fool who"s too sure I"m like a brid who"s lost her wing A fire without its flame I don"t know how to be strong When my love has to move on I am a song without a soul Now that she"s gone What"s left of us is this song Don"t keep telling me these words Oh no You don"t know how much it hurts And I"ll promise you eternity if you promise me your stay But now it"s too late I"m no longer the man that I was I will go on without her Like a fool who"s too sure I"m like a brid who"s lost her wing A fire without its flame I don"t know how to be strong When my love has to move on I am a song without a soul Now that she"s gone What"s left of us is this song Oh yes I know I don"t know baby i am konw i"am a foul AndI will go on without her Like a fool who"s too sure I"m like a brid who"s lost her wing A fire without its flame I don"t know how to be strong When my love has to move on I am a song without a soul Now that she"s gone What"s left of us is this song This is our song without a soul Now that you"re gone What"s left of us in this song 终于她走了 女孩 可知我好想你 我不懂你为何要离去 宝贝你说 已无法承受距离的煎熬 我还来不及对你说 我愿陪你 一生陪你 别老是埋怨 你可知伤害有多深 我愿许诺一个永远 只要你答应留下 可是 一切已太晚 我已不是当年的我 失去你 我只能往前走 曾经一度自负的傻子 我是一只失去翅膀的小鸟 失去了光芒的火苗 我不懂得如何坚强 我的爱 也只能往前走 像一首丢失灵魂的歌 终于 她走了 我们剩下的 就这首歌 这是我们的歌 失去灵魂的歌 反正 你也走了 这首歌 还有什么值得留恋
2023-07-10 09:14:231

good girl gone bad中文歌词翻译

[ti:Good Girl Gone Bad][ar:Rihanna][al:Good Girl Gone Bad][by:Thankgod(AKA COR)][00:00.00]Good Girl Gone Bad - Rihanna[00:05.00]Lyrics by Thankgod(AKA COR)[00:10.00]-------------------------------------------------------------------[00:20.83]We stay moving around solo[00:23.31]Ask us where you at[00:24.89]We don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)[00:27.27]All we know is we was at home cuz you left us there[00:31.39]You got your boys and got gone and left us all alone[00:35.33]Now she in the club with a freaky dress on[00:38.50]Cats dont want her to keep that dress on[00:41.14]Tryna get enough drinks in her system[00:43.27]Take her to the telly and make her a victim[00:46.30]Patrone on the brain[00:47.36]Ball Player in her face[00:48.37]They shake the spot[00:49.58]She"s just another case[00:51.34]Easy for a good girl to go bad[00:55.07]And once we gone[00:56.98]Best believe we gone forever[00:59.89]Don"t be the reason[01:02.39]Don"t be the reason[01:04.88]You better learn how to treat us right[01:10.88]Cuz once a good girl goes bad[01:15.04]We done forever[01:21.32]He stay with the flock of em o ya[01:23.86]Got a girl at home but he don"t care[01:26.33]Won"t care(Won"t care)[01:27.76]All he do is keep me at home[01:29.73]Won"t let me go no where[01:32.02]He thinks because im at home[01:33.60]I won"t be gettin" it on[01:35.70]And now im finding numbers[01:37.29]In the jacket pockets[01:38.78]Chicks calling the house[01:40.40]Non-stop[01:41.61]It"s getting out of control[01:43.47]Finally I can"t take no more[01:46.14]He finds a letter on the stairs[01:47.39]Saying this is the end[01:48.86]I packed my bag and left with your best friend, Oh[01:51.30]Easy for a good girl to go bad[01:55.43]And once we gone[01:57.42]Best believe we gone forever[02:00.44]Don"t be the reason[02:02.99]Don"t be the reason[02:05.54]You better learn how to treat us right[02:11.24]Cuz once a good girl goes bad[02:15.67]We done forever[02:22.20]We stay moving around solo[02:24.55]Ask us where you at[02:26.09]We don"t know[02:27.11]And don"t care (don"t care)[02:28.43]All we know is we was at home cuz you left us there[02:32.57]You got your boys and got gone and left us all alone, Oooooh[02:37.10]Easy for a good girl to go bad[02:40.91]And once we gone[02:43.02]Best believe we gone forever[02:45.90]Don"t be the reason[02:48.42]Don"t be the reason[02:50.94]You better learn how to treat us right[02:56.71]Cuz once a good girl goes bad[03:03.98]We done forever[03:14.13]We done forever[03:24.08]We done forever[03:28.85][03:31.23]Lyrics by Thankgod(AKA COR)[03:34.34]好女孩变坏了[ 00:00.00 ]好女孩坏了-r ihanna[ 00:05.00 ][ 00:10.00 ]--------------------------------------------- [ 00:20.83 ]我们留走动独奏[ 00:23.31 ]问我们你在[ 00:24.89 ]我们不知道该不该[ 00:27.27 ]我们所知道的是,我们是在家里你离开了我们,[ 00:31.39 ]你有你的男孩,并得到了,并给我们留下的所有单[ 00:35.33 ]现在,她在俱乐部着装上[ 00:38.50 ]猫不用希望她能保持着装上[ 00:41.14 ]得到足够的饮料,在她的系统[ 00:43.27 ]送她去了,使她的受害者[ 00:46.30 ]帕特罗内对人类大脑[ 00:47.36 ]球的球员,在她的脸[ 00:48.37 ]他们动摇现货[ 00:49.58 ]她只是另一起案件[ 00:51.34 ]容易有一个良好的小女孩变坏[ 00:55.07 ]一旦我们经历[ 00:56.98 ]最好的,相信我们的时代一去不复返[ 00:59.89 ]别说这是是原因[ 01:02.39 ]别说这就是是原因[ 01:04.88 ]您更好地了解如何对待我们的权利[ 01:10.88 ] 一旦一个好女孩云坏[ 01:15.04 ] :我们做永远[ 01:21.32 ]他留在此地的屋村o娅[ 01:23.86 ]一个女孩在家里,但他唐 "吨护理[ 01:26.33 ]韩元 "吨护理(韩元 "吨护理)[ 01:27.76 ]所有他做的是让我在家[ 01:29.73 ]韩元 "吨,让我去任何地方[ 01:32.02 ]他认为,因为IM在家里[ 01:33.60 ]我赢得了 " T是gettin " ,这对[ 01:35.70 ] ,现在的IM找到号码[ 01:37.29 ]在外套口袋[ 01:38.78 ]呼吁众议院[ 01:40.40 ]非一站式[ 01:41.61 ] "失去控制[ 01:43.47 ]我终于可以 "吨不采取更[ 01:46.14 ]他发现了一封信闻楼梯响[ 01:47.39 ]说,这是完[ 01:48.86 ] :我装我的袋子,并留下你最好的朋友,哦[ 01:51.30 ]容易有一个良好的小女孩变坏[ 01:55.43 ]一旦我们经历[ 01:57.42 ]最好的,相信我们的时代一去不复返[ 02:00.44 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:02.99 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:05.54 ]您更好地了解如何对待我们的权利[ 02:11.24 ] cuz一旦一个好女孩云坏[ 02:15.67 ] :我们做永远[ 02:22.20 ]我们留走动独奏[ 02:24.55 ]问我们你在[ 02:26.09 ]我们别说这是是原因[ 02:27.11 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:28.43 ]我们所知道的是,我们是在家里cuz你离开了我们,有[ 02:32.57 ] ,你有你的男孩,并得到了,并给我们留下的一切,仅oooooh[ 02:37.10 ]容易有一个良好的小女孩变坏[ 02:40.91 ]一旦我们经历[ 02:43.02 ]最好的,相信我们的时代一去不复返[ 02:45.90 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:48.42 ]别说这是是原因[ 02:50.94 ]您更好地了解如何对待我们的权利[ 02:56.71 ]一旦一个好女孩云坏[ 03:03.98 ]我们做永远[ 03:14.13 ]我们做永远[ 03:24.08 ]我们做永远[ 03:28.85 ][ 03:31.23 ][ 03:34.34 ]
2023-07-10 09:14:555

good girl gone bad语法

has/had gone bad
2023-07-10 09:15:243


she is my sin .
2023-07-10 09:15:336


2023-07-10 09:15:472

good girl gone bad的介绍

《Good Girl Gone Bad》是巴巴多斯女歌手蕾哈娜的第三张录音室专辑,由Def Jam和SRP唱片公司于2007年5月31日发行,普通版收录12支歌曲,制作人包括The Carter Admistration、Carl Sturken等。《Good Girl Gone Bad》以16.2万的首周销量空降公告牌专辑榜亚军。1获得由朱诺奖授予的年度最佳国际专辑奖。
2023-07-10 09:15:541


Endless Road?
2023-07-10 09:16:095

good girl gone bad的中英对照歌词.

61Good dudes - I know you love me like cooked food 好朋友,我知道你爱我就像美味的食物 Even though a nigga got move like a crook move 即使这个黑鬼像罪犯一样生活 We was together on the block since free lunch 我们从小就一起在街区长大 We shoulda been together havin 4 Seasons brunch 我们也一年四季一起吃早午餐 We used to use umbrellas to face the bad weather 我们曾用雨伞来面对坏天气 So now we travel first class to change the forecast 因此现在我们走在最前面去改变所预想的 Never in bunches, just me and you 从不混在人群,只有我和你 I loved your point of view cause you held no punches 我喜欢你的品味因为你从不流俗 Still I left you for months on end 知道最后我离开你几个月 It"s been months since I checked back in 直到我回来有几个月 Well somewhere in a small town, somewhere lockin a mall down 小镇的某个地方,有林荫路的地方 Woodgrain, four and change, Armor All"d down 木屑,卸下所有防备 I can understand why you want a divorce now 我能够理解为什么你现在要分别 Though I can"t let you know it, pride won"t let me show it 但我不能让你知道,自尊心不允许我表现出来 Pretend to be heroic, that"s just one to grow with 假装很英雄,就是这么长大的 But deep inside a nigga so sick 但是内心深处有个人很难受 61On repeat, the CD of Big"s "Me and My Bitch" 重放着,Big的CD“Me and My Bitch” Watchin Bonnie and Clyde, pretendin to be that shit 看着Bonnie 和 Clyde(雌雄大盗),假装成那样 Empty gun in your hand sayin, "Let me see that clip" 你手中拿着空枪说,让我看看你的弹夹 Shoppin sprees, pull out your Visa quick 疯狂购物,很快拿出你的信用卡 A nigga had very bad credit, you helped me lease that whip 有个黑鬼信用太差,你帮我解决困难 You helped me get the keys to that V dot 6 你帮我拿到V.6(某车)的钥匙 We was so happy poor but when we got rich 贫穷时我们这么快乐担当我们富裕 That"s when our signals got crossed, and we got flipped 当我们目的有分歧,我们都失落了 Rather mine, I don"t know what made me leave that shit 选择我的,我不知道怎么离开它 Made me speed that quick, let me see - that"s it 让我快速发展,让我看 It was the cheese helped them bitches get amnesia quick 是钱帮助了她们,婊子们有健忘症 I used to cut up they buddies, now they sayin they love me 我曾经伤害她们朋友,现在她们说爱我 Used to tell they friends I was ugly and wouldn"t touch me 还告诉过她们的朋友我很丑不会碰我 Then I showed up in that dubbed out buggy 而当我开着豪华车出现 And then they got fussy and they don"t remember that 他们都变得挑剔而且不记得了 And I don"t remember you.. 而我便不记得你 61 A face of stone, was shocked on the other end of the phone 石化的脸,在电话这边凝固 Word back home is that you had a special friend 回到家听你说你有个特别的朋友 So what was oh so special then? 那是什么这么特别 You have given away without gettin at me 你没跟我交流就已经放弃 That"s your fault, how many times you forgiven me? 那是你的错,你原谅过我多少次 How was I to know that you was plain sick of me? 我怎么知道你已经厌倦我 I know the way a nigga livin was whack 我知道这个人的生活方式不常规 But you don"t get a nigga back like that! 但是你不应该那样带个男人回来 Shit I"m a man with pride, you don"t do shit like that 干,我是个有自尊的人,你不该那么做 You don"t just pick up and leave and leave me sick like that 你不该收拾收拾走了,留下我这么难受 You don"t throw away what we had, just like that 你不应该像那样丢弃我们的所有 I was just fuckin them girls, I was gon" get right back 我只是搞了那些女孩,但我还是会回来 They say you can"t turn a bad girl good 他们说你不能让坏女孩变好 But once a good girl"s goin bad, she"s gone forever.. 但是一旦好女孩变坏,她就永远变了 And more forever 永远 Shit I gotta live with the fact I did you wrong forever 操,我要活在我对你犯下的错之中,永远 61I can"t see "em comin down my eyes 我看不见他们从我眼里流出 So I gotta make the song cry 所以我让这首歌哭
2023-07-10 09:16:342

第一句歌词是bad girl gone better 是什么歌?

来自巴巴多斯岛的当红女歌手Rihanna出道三年来的第三张个人专辑《Good Girl Gone Bad》。
2023-07-10 09:16:482

men always gone,but the girl still here什么意思

2023-07-10 09:16:573


所欲为啊 阳光小昌 · 2954 次播放 6:51 惊悚片《尤伦卡》,10岁女孩扮猪吃老虎,完美犯罪。
2023-07-10 09:17:212


电影《消失的爱人》。 《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)是改编自吉莉安·弗琳的同名小说,由大卫·芬奇执导,本·阿弗莱克、裴淳华、尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯、泰勒·派瑞等主演的悬疑惊悚电影。 该片讲述了平凡又恩爱的一对夫妻,突然有一天妻子却消失不见,丈夫通过各种方式疯狂寻找,然而在妻子留下的一本日记中却发现,种种线索都表明是丈夫将妻子杀害。
2023-07-10 09:17:281

Mika 的《Good Gone Girl》 的歌词?

Mika - Good Gone GirlCould you believeThe same old storyIt never bores meThough I"ve heard it all before.Her name was GeorgiaAnd she was gorgeous.When she adored yaThe whole room would get to know.Like a movie that is filled with lust (filmed? to the last?)Coming at you with a double D bust.At the bed of a wounded soldierIn a rush cause she"s gettin older.Hanging out in the fancy barsWith the boys who can play guitar.Listen up "cause I"ve got to warn yaShe"s gonna make it out in California.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh good gone girlCould you believeThe same old phoniesThose painted poniesThat you"ve ridden all before.Her name was AprilBut she was hateful.Enough to make youWant to run right out the door.I can tell you what you want the mostHang around for the champagne toast.When the end of the night gets trickyDon"t you know that beggars can"t be picky?Lookin" out for a man who"s goldenDoesn"t matter if he"s old, he"s rollin".Coming at you like a desperate hunterSugar daddy but he"s just a munter.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Hey you what"s a good girl like youDoin" in this crazy world?Where"s the good gone girl?Dance, dance to the life you wantedWhen you were only 17With your good girl dream.Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh good gone girlShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.She"s happy to choose somebody to use.Good gone girl she"s got nothin left to lose. RepeatsShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.She"s happy to choose somebody to use.Good gone girl she"s got nothin left to lose. RepeatsShe"s walkin around all over the town.Needs somebody to notice but the goodness gets her down.HOho~Mika!
2023-07-10 09:18:112

David Holmes的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲:Gone歌手:Justine TimberlakeThere""s a thousand wordsThat I could sayTo make you come homeSeems so long agoYou walked awayLeft me aloneAnd I remember what youSaid to meYou were acting so strange,MmmMaybe I was too blind to seeThat you needed a changeWas it something I saidTo make you turn awayTo make you walk outAnd leave me coldIf I could just find a wayTo make it so thatYou were right hereRight nowI""ve been sitting hereCan""t get you off my mindI""ve tried my best to be a manAnd be strongI""ve drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your faceBut the truth re-mainsYou""reGoneYou""re goneBaby you""reGone, girl you""re goneBaby girl you""re goneYou""re goneYou""reNow I don""t wanna makeExcuses babyWon""t change the factThat you""re goneBut if there is somethingThat I could doWon""t you please let me knowThe time is passing soSlowly nowGuess that""s my lifeWithout youAnd maybe I could changeMy every dayBut baby I don""t want toSo I""ll just hang aroundAnd find some things to doTo take my mind off missing youAnd I know in my heartYou can""t say that you don""tLove me tooPlease say you doYeahI""ve been sitting hereCan""t get you off my mindI""ve tried my best to be a manAnd be strongI""ve drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your faceBut the truth re-mains you""reGoneYou""re goneYou""re goneYou""re goneYou""re goneYou""re goneOhWhat will I doIf I can""t be with youTell me where will I turn toBaby where will I beNow that we are apartAm I still in your heartBaby why don""t you seeThat I need you here with meOhI""ve been sitting hereCan""t get you off my mindI""ve tried my best to be a manAnd be strongI""ve drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your faceBut the truth re-mains you""re goneI""ve been sitting hereCan""t get you off my mindI""ve tried my best to be a manAnd be strongI""ve drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your faceBut the truth re-mains you""reGoneYou""re GoneYou""re goneYou""re goneBaby girl you""re goneYou""re goneBut the truth re-mainsYou""re本歌词由ノ°⒈ò→魔提供
2023-07-10 09:18:171

Philly Joe Jones的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:Philly Joe Jones专辑:Showcaseto XiaoJuanThere"s a thousand words that I could sayTo make you come home (yeah)Seems so long ago you walked awayAnd left me aloneAnd I remember what you said to meYou were acting so strangeAnd maybe I was too blind to seeThat you needed a changeWas it something I said, to make you turn awayTo make you walk out and leave me cold(Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh)If I could just find a wayTo make it so that you were right hereright nowChorus:I"ve been sittin hereCan"t get you off mindI try my best to be a man and be strongI drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face (touch your face)But the truth remains you"re gone(you"re) Gone(baby you"re) Gone(girl you"re gone. Baby girl you"re)Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re)Now I don"t wanna make excuses babyWon"t change the fact that your gone (no, no)But if there"s something that I could doWon"t you please let me knowThe time is passing so slowly nowGuess, that"s my life without you(Guess, that"s my life without you)And maybe I could change my every dayBut baby I don"t want toI"ll just hang around and find some things to doTo take my mind off missing you (take my mind off missing you)And I know in my heart you can"t say that you don"t love me tooPlease say you doYeah...Chorus:I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (get you off my mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man and be strong)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Wishing I could touch your face)But the truth remains(truth remains you"re)gone(you re) Gone(you re) Gone(you re gone)(you re) Gone(you re) GoneWhat will I doIf I can"t be with youTell me where will I turn toBaby, who will I beNow that we are apartAm I still in your heartBaby why don"t you seeThat I need you here with meOhh...I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Oh could you baby)But the truth remains(the truth remains you"re gone)I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insane (ohh)Wishing I could touch your face (ohh)But the truth remains(Ohh ohh baby the truth is you"re)gone(you"re) Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re gone)(baby girl you"re) Gone(you"re) GoneBut the truth remains you"reGone
2023-07-10 09:18:241

girls gone wild 歌词翻译

  It"s so hypnotic  让人意乱神迷  The way he pulls on me  他压住我的神情  It"s like the force of gravity  就像地心引力  Right up under my feet  激情从脚底升起  It"s so erotic  让人充满情欲  This feeling can"t be beat  没什麼能比这感觉更棒  It"s coursing through my whole body  电流渗透我的整个身体  Feel the heat  血温升高爆表  I got that burnin" hot desi-i-i-re  我感受到了燃烧火辣的欲望  And no one can put out my fi-i-i-re  已经无人能将我的欲火浇灭  It"s coming right down through the wi-i-i-re  每根血管都在狂躁  Here it comes  马上就要来到  When I hear them 808 drums  当我听见808的鼓点  It"s got me singing  它让我想跟著起舞歌唱  Hey, ey, ey, ey  嗨嗨嗨  Like a girl gone wild  像一个无法控制要撒野的女孩  A good girl gone wild  一个乖乖女无法控制要撒野  I"m like, hey, ey, ey, ey  我感觉到  Like a girl gone wild  像是无法控制要撒野  A good girl gone wild  一个乖乖女无法控制要撒野  Girls they just wanna have some fun  女孩子们现在只想找更多乐子  Get fired up like smokin" gun  身体被点燃像冒著烟的枪  On the floor til the daylight comes  待在舞池里直到黎明来到  Girls they just wanna have some fun  但女孩子们现在只想找更多乐子  A girl gone wild  一个无法控制要撒野的女孩  A good girl gone wild  乖乖女无法控制要撒野  I"m like a girl gone wild  我像是个无法控制要撒野的女孩  A good girl gone wild  乖乖女无法控制要撒野  The room is spinning  整个房间在旋转  It must be the tanqueray  一定是刚才喝下的杜松子酒  I"m about to go astray  我快要误入歧途  My inhibition"s gone away  所有的束缚被丢在一边  I feel like sinning  我感觉我像在犯罪  You got me in the zone  你让我闯进危险地带  DJ play my favorite song  DJ放著我最爱的舞曲  Turn me on  让我更加想要  I got that burnin" hot desi-i-i-re  我感受到了燃烧火辣的欲望  And no one can put out my fi-i-i-re  已经无人能将我的欲火浇灭  It"s coming right down through the wi-i-i-re  每根血管都在狂躁  Here it comes  马上就要来到  When I hear them 808 drums  当我听见808的鼓点  It"s got me singing  它让我想跟著起舞歌唱  Hey, ey, ey, ey  嗨嗨嗨  Like a girl gone wild  像一个无法控制要撒野的女孩  A good girl gone wild  一个乖乖女无法控制要撒野  I"m like, hey, ey, ey, ey  我感觉到  Like a girl gone wild  像是无法控制要撒野  A good girl gone wild  一个乖乖女无法控制要撒野  Girls they just wanna have some fun  女孩子们现在只想找更多乐子  Get fired up like smokin" gun  身体被点燃像冒著烟的枪  On the floor til the daylight comes  待在舞池里直到黎明来到  Girls they just wanna have some fun  但女孩子们现在只想找更多乐子  I know, I know, I know  我知道 我知道  I shouldn"t act this way  这不是我的最佳表现  I know, I know, I know  我知道 我知道  Good girls don"t misbehave  好女孩不会胡作非为  Misbehave  绝不胡作非为  But I"m a bad girl, anyway  但我不管 反正我是坏女孩  Forgive me  请原谅我  Hey, ey, ey, ey  嗨嗨嗨  Like a girl gone wild  像一个无法控制要撒野的女孩  A good girl gone wild  一个乖乖女无法控制要撒野  I"m like, hey, ey, ey, ey  我感觉到  Like a girl gone wild  像是无法控制要撒野  A good girl gone wild  一个乖乖女无法控制要撒野  Girls they just wanna have some fun  女孩子们现在只想找更多乐子  Get fired up like smokin" gun  身体被点燃像冒著烟的枪  On the floor til the daylight comes  待在舞池里直到黎明来到  Girls they just wanna have some fun  但女孩子们现在只想找更多乐子  A girl gone wild  一个无法控制要撒野的女孩  A good girl gone wild  一个乖乖女无法控制要撒野  I"m like a girl gone wild  我像是一个无法控制要撒野的女孩  A good girl gone wild  一个无法控制要撒野的女孩
2023-07-10 09:18:431

(Long) Gone (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:(Long) Gone (Album Version)歌手:kenny wayne shepherd专辑:Trouble XiaoJuanThere"s a thousand words that I could sayTo make you come home (yeah)Seems so long ago you walked awayAnd left me aloneAnd I remember what you said to meYou were acting so strangeAnd maybe I was too blind to seeThat you needed a changeWas it something I said, to make you turn awayTo make you walk out and leave me cold(Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh)If I could just find a wayTo make it so that you were right hereright nowChorus:I"ve been sittin hereCan"t get you off mindI try my best to be a man and be strongI drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face (touch your face)But the truth remains you"re gone(you"re) Gone(baby you"re) Gone(girl you"re gone. Baby girl you"re)Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re)Now I don"t wanna make excuses babyWon"t change the fact that your gone (no, no)But if there"s something that I could doWon"t you please let me knowThe time is passing so slowly nowGuess, that"s my life without you(Guess, that"s my life without you)And maybe I could change my every dayBut baby I don"t want toI"ll just hang around and find some things to doTo take my mind off missing you (take my mind off missing you)And I know in my heart you can"t say that you don"t love me tooPlease say you doYeah...Chorus:I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (get you off my mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man and be strong)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Wishing I could touch your face)But the truth remains(truth remains you"re)gone(you re) Gone(you re) Gone(you re gone)(you re) Gone(you re) GoneWhat will I doIf I can"t be with youTell me where will I turn toBaby, who will I beNow that we are apartAm I still in your heartBaby why don"t you seeThat I need you here with meOhh...I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Oh could you baby)But the truth remains(the truth remains you"re gone)I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insane (ohh)Wishing I could touch your face (ohh)But the truth remains(Ohh ohh baby the truth is you"re)gone(you"re) Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re gone)(baby girl you"re) Gone(you"re) GoneBut the truth remains you"reGone
2023-07-10 09:18:501

歌词中有闹way sing is是个男生唱的英文歌

A Rose Is Still a Rose - Aretha FranklinThere was a rose i knew i meetonce or twice beforeonce or twice beforeonce or twice beforeShe was a pretty sweet thingnot the least a bit insecure insecureThen you came with your sticky gameand played with her youthher youthunashamed of the way you liedand played with the truthShe never knew what hit herwhat hit herSteal her honey than forget herNow the roseShe wears her thorns tryin"to forget about youCause A rose is stilla rose baby girl your still a flowerhe can leave youand then take you make you and then breakyou darlin" you hold the powerNow believe me when I tell youthat I"ve been hurt my-selfwhen he tells youthat he loves you it"s you and nobody elseand now so tough tryin"to wear tight clothes and thangstossin" and flossin" tryin" to fillthe void heart break bringsWhen she looks in the mirorshe crys but you can"t hear hernow the rose is scornedshe wears her thornsshe wears her thornstryin" to forget about youCause A rose is still a rosestill a rosebaby girl baby girlyour still a flowerstill a flowerhe can leave youand then take you make youand then breakyou babygirl you hold the powerCause A rose is still a rosestill a rosebaby girl baby girlyour still a floweryour still a flowerhe can leave youand then take you make youand then breakyou babygirl you hold the powerLet your life beat in the sunshinenot the darkness of your sorrowyou may feel lost todaybut new love will come tomorrowdon"t believe that life is overjust because your man is gonegirl love your-self enough to thatwithout him your life goes onwithout him your life goes onwithout him your life goes onCause a rose is still a rosebabygirl your still a flowerhe can leave youand then take you make you and thenbreak you babygirl you hold the powerstill a rose still a rosebaby girl your still a flowerhe can leave youand then take you make youand then breakyou darlin
2023-07-10 09:18:571

Life Goes On 歌词

歌曲名:Life Goes On歌手:Donell Jones专辑:Life Goes OnDonell Jones - Life Goes OnDamn man...I had it all before I got up in hereGirl I know that you been creepinCan"t believe it, but I"m locked up in hereDon"t get no letters or no money or no visitsIts like I don"t existAnd if it wasn"t for my daughtersThen I wouldn"t have no reason to liveBut I"ve come to realize that life goes onSince the day that I got locked upMy lifes been different.. oh yeah..Cuz she was my soul, my heart, my love, my best friendI can"t understand why,She won"t accept my phone calls..Shoulda knew something was wrongWhen mama said "baby its time for you to move on..."Now that everything I had.. is goneGirl I know that you been creepinCan"t believe it, but I"m locked up in hereDon"t get no letters or no money or no visitsIts like I don"t existAnd if it wasn"t for my daughtersThen I wouldn"t have no reason to liveBut I"ve come to realize that life goes onSee I never thought that you wouldLeave me dry and all aloneCuz part of the reason I sit where I amI was tryin to provide a homeNow I know that I"m not going to be thereLike I used toBut your promise to meWas that you never would leaveAnd that remains to be seenI guess everything I had is lost and gone...Girl I know that you been creepinCan"t believe it, but I"m locked up in hereDon"t get no letters or no money or no visitsIts like I don"t existAnd if it wasn"t for my daughtersThen I wouldn"t have no reason to liveBut I"ve come to realize that life goes onSee I had it all...When I was on the streetsI gave you everything(Everything that you could want)Now that I"m locked awayWith no where to turnNow you wanna up and run(How could you do me wrong?)All those precious timesThat we used to shareBeen thrown away(As far as I can see)See I gave my heart and soulAnd now you turn away from meGirl I know that you been creepinCan"t believe it, but I"m locked up in hereDon"t get no letters or no money or no visitsIts like I don"t existAnd if it wasn"t for my daughtersThen I wouldn"t have no reason to liveBut I"ve come to realize that life goes on……
2023-07-10 09:19:051

Girl Gone Wild 歌词

歌曲名:Girl Gone Wild歌手:Madonna专辑:Girl Gone WildGirl Gone WildMadonnaOh My GodI"m Heartily Sorry for Having Offended TheeAnd I Detest All My SinsBecause I Dread the Loss of HeavenAnd the Pain of HellBut Most of All Because I Love TheeAnd I want So Badly to be Good.It"s so hypnoticThe way he pulls on meIt"s like the force of gravityRight up under my feetIt"s so eroticThis feeling can"t be beatIt"s coursing through my whole bodyFeel the heatI got that burnin" hot desireAnd no one can put out my fireIt"s coming right down through the wireHere it comesWhen I hear them 808 drumsIt"s got me singingHey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like, hey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildGirls they just wanna have some funGet fired up like smokin" gunOn the floor til the daylight comesGirls they just wanna have some funA girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildThe room is spinningIt must be the tanquerayI"m about to go astrayMy inhibition"s gone awayI feel like sinningYou got me in the zoneDJ play my favorite songTurn me onI got that burnin" hot desireAnd no one can put out my fireIt"s coming right down through the wireHere it comesWhen I hear them 808 drumsIt"s got me singingHey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like, hey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildGirls they just wanna have some funGet fired up like smokin" gunOn the floor til the daylight comesGirls they just wanna have some funI know, I know, I knowI shouldn"t act this wayI know, I know, I knowGood girls don"t misbehaveMisbehaveBut i"m a bad girl, anywayForgive meHey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like, hey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildGirls they just wanna have some funGet fired up like smokin" gunOn the floor til the daylight comesGirls they just wanna have some funA girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like a girl gone wildA good girl gone wild
2023-07-10 09:19:111

Someone Else Calling You Baby 歌词

歌曲名:Someone Else Calling You Baby歌手:Luke Bryan专辑:Doin My ThingLuke Bryan - Someone Else Calling You BabyI saw a truck backin" out of your driveYou were sitting in the passenger sideMessin" with the radio, you had your sun glasses on.I pulled over cause I couldn"t believeTwo weeks ago that was you and meRiding down these old back roads, just singing our songsEverybody round our towns been whisperin"A tear in your eye says I should have been listenin"Baby is someone else calling you babyIt"s driving me crazyThis bein in the darkGoodbye"s never easySo break it to me hardIf you"re over my love girlLay it on my heartDon"t try to save meIs someone else calling you baby?You wanted time and you wanted your spaceSo I backed off, did whatever it takesNever really thought you were that ready for moving alongNow I ain"t leaving till I hear you say what"s going onIt"ll be what it will be, its either him or meGive me the word and girl I"m goneGirl, don"t try to save me
2023-07-10 09:19:181

Girl Gone Wild 歌词

歌曲名:Girl Gone Wild歌手:Madonna专辑:Girl Gone WildGirl Gone WildMadonnaOh My GodI"m Heartily Sorry for Having Offended TheeAnd I Detest All My SinsBecause I Dread the Loss of HeavenAnd the Pain of HellBut Most of All Because I Love TheeAnd I want So Badly to be Good.It"s so hypnoticThe way he pulls on meIt"s like the force of gravityRight up under my feetIt"s so eroticThis feeling can"t be beatIt"s coursing through my whole bodyFeel the heatI got that burnin" hot desireAnd no one can put out my fireIt"s coming right down through the wireHere it comesWhen I hear them 808 drumsIt"s got me singingHey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like, hey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildGirls they just wanna have some funGet fired up like smokin" gunOn the floor til the daylight comesGirls they just wanna have some funA girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildThe room is spinningIt must be the tanquerayI"m about to go astrayMy inhibition"s gone awayI feel like sinningYou got me in the zoneDJ play my favorite songTurn me onI got that burnin" hot desireAnd no one can put out my fireIt"s coming right down through the wireHere it comesWhen I hear them 808 drumsIt"s got me singingHey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like, hey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildGirls they just wanna have some funGet fired up like smokin" gunOn the floor til the daylight comesGirls they just wanna have some funI know, I know, I knowI shouldn"t act this wayI know, I know, I knowGood girls don"t misbehaveMisbehaveBut i"m a bad girl, anywayForgive meHey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like, hey, ey, ey, eyLike a girl gone wildA good girl gone wildGirls they just wanna have some funGet fired up like smokin" gunOn the floor til the daylight comesGirls they just wanna have some funA girl gone wildA good girl gone wildI"m like a girl gone wildA good girl gone wild
2023-07-10 09:19:251


2023-07-10 09:19:335

girl gone wild是什么意思

girl gone wild中文意思 女孩狂野如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-10 09:19:471

Rihanna的Good girl gone bad的准确英文歌词

歌曲:Good Girl Gone Bad 歌手:Rihanna 专辑:《Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded》 we stay moving around so lowask us where you wentwe don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)all we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereyou got your boys and got gone and left us all alonenow she in the club with a freaky dress oncats goin" at her, keep that dress ontryna get enough drinks in her systemtake her to the telly and make her a victimpatrol in the brinkbar bangin" with the bassthey shake the spotshe"s just another cakeeasy for a good girl to go badand once we gonebest believe we gone foreverdon"t be the reasondon"t be the reasonyou better learn how to treat us rightcuz once a good girl goes badwe gone foreverhe steady with the flock of em o yagot a girl left home but he don"t carewon"t care, all you is keep me at homewon"t let me go no whereif it"s because i"m at homei won"t be gettin" it onand now i"m finding numbersin the jacket pocketschicks call in the housenon-stopit"s getting out of controlfinally i can"t take no morehe finds a letter on the stairssaying this is the endi packed my bag and left with your best friendeasy for a good girl to go badand once we gonebest believe we gone foreverdon"t be the reasondon"t be the reasonyou better learn how to treat us rightcuz once a good girl goes badwe gone foreverwe stay moving around so lowask us where you went we don"t knowand don"t care (don"t care)all we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereyou got your boys and gone and left us all aloneeasy for a good girl to go badand once we gonebest believe we gone foreverdon"t be the reasondon"t be the reasonyou better learn how to treat us rightcuz once a good girl goes badwe gone foreverwe gone foreverwe gone forever
2023-07-10 09:19:552

Good Girl Gone Bad中文歌词什么意思

We stay moving around so lowAsk us where you atWe don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)All we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereYou got your boys and got gone and left us all aloneNow she in the club with a freaky dress onCats dont want her to keep that dress onTryna get enough drinks in her systemTake her to the telly and make her a victimPatrol in the brinkBar bangin with the bassThey shake the spotShe"s just another cakeEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badWe die foreverHe stay with the flock of em o yaGot a girl at home but he don"t careWon"t care(Won"t care)All he do is keep me at homeWon"t let me go no whereHe thinks because im at homeI won"t be gettin" it onAnd now im finding numbersIn the jacket pocketsChicks calling the houseNon-stopIt"s getting out of controlFinally I can"t take no moreHe finds a letter on the stairsSaying this is the endI packed my bag and left with your best friend, OhEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badwe done foreverWe stay moving around so lowAsk us where you atWe don"t know and don"t care (don"t care)All we know is we was at home cuz you left us thereYou got your boys and got gone and left us all aloneEasy for a good girl to go badAnd once we goneBest believe we gone foreverDon"t be the reasonDon"t be the reasonYou better learn how to treat us rightCuz once a good girl goes badwe done forever我们独自四处游荡你在哪儿?我们不知道也不想知道我们只知道你把我们独自扔在家中去和男人幽会现在她穿着奇装异服混迹在声色场中荡妇们缠绕着她 想脱下她的衣服给她灌一堆的酒然后让她成了电视里的受害人游荡在危险边缘贝斯在酒吧里邦邦作响他们狠狠干她她不过是一个玩物好女孩变坏容易一旦我们离开最好相信我们是永远离开没什么理由没什么理由你最好学习一下如何正确对待我们因为曾经有一个好女孩变坏过已长眠不醒他忙着研究微生物把我独自留在家中也无所谓无所谓他为我做的全部就是把我关在家中不让我去这儿不让我去那儿他以为把我关在家中我就不能滥交在夹克口袋里我找到了密码妞儿在房子里呼唤我别停我已失去控制到最后一无所有他在楼梯上发现了一封信说拜拜我已和你的死党远走高飞好女孩变坏容易一旦我们离开最好相信我们是永远离开没什么理由没什么理由你最好学习一下如何正确对待我们因为曾经有一个好女孩变坏过覆水难收我们独自四处游荡你在哪儿?我们不知道也不想知道我们只知道你把我们独自扔在家中去和男人幽会好女孩变坏容易一旦我们离开最好相信我们是永远离开没什么理由没什么理由你最好学习一下如何正确对待我们因为曾经有一个好女孩变坏过覆水难收覆水难收
2023-07-10 09:20:156


2023-07-10 09:20:304