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You fucking is a bitch ! 是什么意思

2023-07-10 19:28:22




you son of a bitch

you"re a fucking bitch

you"re fucking a bitch

you fucking a bitch

上面的美式英语虽然语法要求不高,但是 you"re fucking a bitch 我确定没有老外说


you bitch! 你个贱人。




如何翻译karma is a bitch

karma is a bitch因果报应
2023-07-10 08:15:367

如何翻译karma is a bitch?

karma is a bitch?翻译为:因果报应
2023-07-10 08:15:535

如何翻译karma is a bitch

2023-07-10 08:16:191

造化弄人 的英文怎么说

造化弄人 [zào hua nòng rén][词典] The god of destiny makes fools of the people.;[网络] Karma"s a Bitch; The god of destiny makes fools of the people;[例句]造化弄人,竭力避免的事往往会发生。One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
2023-07-10 08:17:004

如何翻译karma is a bitch

2023-07-10 08:17:203

抖音karma is bitch是什么歌 抖音karma is bitch中文

【导读】:抖音karma is bitch是什么歌?下面爱秀美我一起为大家带来的是抖音karma is bitch歌词以及中文版歌词,一起来看看! 抖音karma is bitch是什么歌 抖音中的音乐可以说是很火了,那么抖音karma is bitch是什么歌?一起来看看! 据悉,这首歌叫做Gucci Gucci。《gucci gucci》是KreayShawn演唱的一首歌曲。KreayShawn,新晋白人饶舌女歌手。凭借一首Gucci Gucci获得2011VMA(MTV Video Music Awards )最佳新人提名,但遗憾的是最终未能获奖。 Gucci Gucci歌词 One big room full of bad bitches x4 一个大屋子 里面满是坏妞 And we stunting like 我们要炫就要选 Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada 古驰古驰 路易路易威登 芬迪芬迪 普拉达 (The)Basic bitches wear that shit so I don"t even bother x3 庸俗女孩穿的垃圾 我甚至都不屑去讨厌它 I put that on my partner, I put that on my family 我带上我的搭档 我带上我的帮派 Oakland city representer, address me as your majesty 我代表了奥克兰城 请叫我女皇殿下 Yeah ,you can kiss the ring, but you can never touch the crown yeah 你们可以亲吻我的戒子 但别想触碰我的皇冠 I *** oke a million Swisher blunts and I ain"t never ing down 我要抽就抽上百万的Swisher(Swisher sweets雪茄牌子 blunts钝毒<大麻制品>) 所以我永远不会降低我(姿态) Bitch you ain"t no Barbie I see you work at Arby"s 坏妞你根本就不是什么芭比,我见你在快餐店工作 Number 2, super-sized Hurry up I"m starving 2号套餐 超大份 快一点 我可非常饿 Gnarly, radical, on the block I"m magical 呱呱叫的我(Gnarly美国俚语:好的,呱呱叫的) 激进的我 在街头的我魔力十足 See me at your college campus baggie full of Adderalls 我来到你们大学校园 包里满是“聪明药” Call me if you need a fix, call me if you need a boost 如果你想要货(Fix美国俚语:如海洛因)那就打给我 如果你想要来点劲那就打给我 See them other chicken heads? They don"t never leave the coop 快看那些野鸡 她们怎么离得开自己的鸡笼 I"m in the coupe cruising, I got the stolen plates 我现在开豪车去兜风 我的车牌还是偷来的 Serving all the fiends over there by the Golden Gate 给那些在金门大桥的瘾君子们供货 Bridge, I"m colder than the fridge and the freezer 我要比冰箱或者是冰窖还要冷酷 I"m snatching all your bitches at my leisure 我会抢走你所有马子在我闲着无聊的时候 One big room full of bad bitches x4 And we stunting like Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada Basic bitches wear that shit so I don"t even bother x2 Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada I"m lookin like Madonna but I"m flossing like Ivana 我看起来像麦当娜 但是我的腔调像lvana(Ivana Spagna,史帕娜) Trump, you know I keep that work in my truck 靠得住的人 你们懂我卡车里面全是货 Got my hand on the pump if you wanna press your luck 千万不要想试你的运气 因为我的手早已放在扳机上 I"m yelling "Free V-Nasty" "til my throat is raspy 我大喊着:放了我的骚姐妹V 直到我的喉咙都沙哑 Young, rich and flashy I be where the cash be 年轻 富有 炫目 哪里有钱我去到哪里 You can"t find that? I think you need a Google Map 你找不到它在哪? 我觉得你需要谷歌地图 My pearl-handled kitty-cat will leave and press your noodle back 我那镶满钻石的小强会在你脑瓜上来一枪 Now Google that groupies follow me like Twitter 谷歌搜索以下我 那些追星族都跟着我 就像是推特 I"m rolling up my catnip and shitting in your litter 我用猫薄荷卷点菸 再往你的垃圾箱里拉点屎 Why you looking bitter? I be looking better 为什么你看上去那么苦逼?而我却越来越酷 The type of bitch that make you wish that you ain"t never met her 我这样的女孩你们这羣坏妞绝对不希望遇到 The editor, director plus I"m my own boss 我自己制作 自己导演 我自己是自己的老板 So posh, nails fierce with the gold gloss 辣妹,指甲闪耀着金色的光泽 Which means nobody getting over me 意义在于没人能够超越我的存在 I got the swag and it"s pumping out my ovaries 我的腔调十足 甚至充满我的卵巢 One big room full of bad bitches x4 And we stunting like Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Prada Basic bitches wear that shit so I don"t even bother x2 Oh, all you basic ass hoes out there oh 你们这些庸俗的坏妞 Man I got rooms full of bad bitches 我有满屋子的浪妞 They don"t need Gucci, they don"t need Louis 她们根本不需要古驰 不需要路易威登 We wagging, ehh, meow 我们有的只是腔调(我们摇起来)
2023-07-10 08:17:271


2023-07-10 08:17:364

I came to the conclusion that either Karma was a nasty bitch or I had the worst luck in...

where r u?
2023-07-10 08:17:573


坏女人 [huài nǚ rén]基本翻译abandoned womanbad girlbad woman
2023-07-10 08:18:069

问一首英文说唱歌曲 记得歌词里面有什么my mother is bitch my father is...

歌名 : Victim Of Fate,百度上有
2023-07-10 08:18:223

求翻译 jessic andrews 的karma 谢谢 真的不懂歌词啊 拜托了

2023-07-10 08:18:401


A bitch is a bitch e碧池一日额碧池
2023-07-10 08:18:498


bitch意思是母狗,母狼;泼妇;牢骚事;糟蹋;弄糟;发牢骚;(Bitch)人名;(法)比奇。例句1、Marla shouts to the police that the girl who lives in 8G used to be a lovely charming girl, but thegirl is a monster bitch monster.马拉冲着警察的背影大声叫道,那个住在8G的女孩以前是个可爱的魅力女孩,但现在却变成了一个怪物婊子。2、The first time, I was about 7 years old and joking around with friends at school; I accidentallysaid “bitch” instead of beach and we all thought it was hilarious.第一次是在7岁的时候。 当时正和伙伴们在学校周围闹着玩,我本想说“沙滩”的,却无意说成了“母狗”,大家都觉得滑稽可笑。3、Women sometimes experience it, too. “My wife turns into a major bitch on occasion the morningafter a night of really great sex,” one man said.女人有时也会有这样的感觉,“有时候,我妻子会在头天晚上狂热做爱后,第二天早上就变得象个泼妇。”
2023-07-10 08:19:041

在找一首曲子,名字叫Intro,是欧洲的曲子,演奏者应该是Karma 不认识,

piece for your heart
2023-07-10 08:19:282

小四的小时代里“kitty is a bitch”,"whore”等词语出现在哪段骂人的对话里 麻烦帮发下一整段。拜托各

我因为太过恐惧,什么声音都听不见了,四周死一样的寂静。整个会场像是慢镜头中的无声电影。 我和Kitty都不知道,当宫洺摊开他手上的发言稿的时候,纸上一片空白。 ——除了一行大号字,加粗打印出来的: Kitty_is_a_bitch! 走出学院大楼的时候,顾源恶狠狠地对顾里说:“你学你的会计,和我们金融系凑什么热闹。” 顾里径直走到车子边上,回过头来,对顾源说:“非常不幸的是,我在四年里面修完了双学士,更不幸的是,我的另外一个专业是国际金融学,最最不幸的是,其中金融地理学科,我的成绩是A++。”她顿了顿,说:“过来开车啊,你愣什么愣。” 顾源黑着脸,拉开车门坐进去,恶狠狠地说:“2004年到2005年的剪报都是我帮你剪的!” 顾里回答他:“送我去学校后门。” 顾源显然被她的镇定打败了,他深吸了一口气,“Bitch!” “Whore!”顾里从包里摸出墨镜戴上,冷静地还击。
2023-07-10 08:19:461

pay back is a bitch 中文是什么意思?怎么翻译?

偿还 是件 棘手的事...
2023-07-10 08:19:576

-The bitch is so bitch.什么意思啊 狗血百度翻译瞎了!

2023-07-10 08:20:134


2023-07-10 08:20:414

karma is a bitch是什么意思?

karma 是中国印度教的轮回,因果,报应.Karma is a bitch 是口语,系指,因果总是真她妈的灵,通常只在坏事上,也表示 “天道好轮回”。来自美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”。拓展资料有这样一群中国人,他们并不是明星也不是网红,昨天却在美国掀起了一股超级热潮!他们就是参与抖音披风变身的中国年轻人们..结果...这个从中国的挑战却成了Youtube热搜第一!玩法就是素颜时说:“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”然后掀起盖头,瞬间变成为一个夜店小王子..美国人是这样介绍这个活动的:Karma"s a Bitch挑战在2018年1月份登陆抖音APP。全民开始在抖音上po自己模仿美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”,然后掀开头盖变身!
2023-07-10 08:21:121

karma is a bitch什么意思?

意思 是 非常 不动听的。翻译出来就 不符合 文明语言。开心快乐每一天!
2023-07-10 08:21:252

karma is a bitch什么意思?

karma 是中国印度教的轮回,因果,报应.Karma is a bitch 是口语,系指,因果总是真她妈的灵,通常只在坏事上,也表示 “天道好轮回”。来自美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”。拓展资料有这样一群中国人,他们并不是明星也不是网红,昨天却在美国掀起了一股超级热潮!他们就是参与抖音披风变身的中国年轻人们..结果...这个从中国的挑战却成了Youtube热搜第一!玩法就是素颜时说:“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”然后掀起盖头,瞬间变成为一个夜店小王子..美国人是这样介绍这个活动的:Karma"s a Bitch挑战在2018年1月份登陆抖音APP。全民开始在抖音上po自己模仿美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”,然后掀开头盖变身!
2023-07-10 08:21:381

Karma is a bitch是什么意思?

karma 是中国印度教的轮回,因果,报应.Karma is a bitch 是口语,系指,因果总是真她妈的灵,通常只在坏事上,也表示 “天道好轮回”。来自美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”。拓展资料有这样一群中国人,他们并不是明星也不是网红,昨天却在美国掀起了一股超级热潮!他们就是参与抖音披风变身的中国年轻人们..结果...这个从中国的挑战却成了Youtube热搜第一!玩法就是素颜时说:“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”然后掀起盖头,瞬间变成为一个夜店小王子..美国人是这样介绍这个活动的:Karma"s a Bitch挑战在2018年1月份登陆抖音APP。全民开始在抖音上po自己模仿美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”,然后掀开头盖变身!
2023-07-10 08:21:501

karma is a bitch是什么意思?

karma 是中国印度教的轮回,因果,报应.Karma is a bitch 是口语,系指,因果总是真她妈的灵,通常只在坏事上,也表示 “天道好轮回”。来自美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”。拓展资料有这样一群中国人,他们并不是明星也不是网红,昨天却在美国掀起了一股超级热潮!他们就是参与抖音披风变身的中国年轻人们..结果...这个从中国的挑战却成了Youtube热搜第一!玩法就是素颜时说:“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”然后掀起盖头,瞬间变成为一个夜店小王子..美国人是这样介绍这个活动的:Karma"s a Bitch挑战在2018年1月份登陆抖音APP。全民开始在抖音上po自己模仿美剧Riverdale里的台词“Oh well, Karma"s a bitch”,然后掀开头盖变身!
2023-07-10 08:22:031

如何翻译karma is a bitch

karma"s a bitch
2023-07-10 08:22:284

如何翻译karma is a bitch

2023-07-10 08:22:443

The Black Eyed Peas的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Shut UpBy JsnonameI am the one you deniedBrushed me off everytime triedBut im alrightI may just swallow my prideAnd put all the bullshit to the sideIf u ready to rideIm down for a one night standGotta acceptit any way that i canCuz i aint yo mani"ll try for whatever its worthJust remember who played who firstI cant keep my eyes off yaI can tell why them other guys lost yaThe kinds red an a flying saucerThats what i can offerSimalarities and charactersHavnt ya heard the word around townHow i get downThey all whistleEverybody part officialAn that ass was youGot my dick hard as a missleDont hop on topCuz i ride around with a pistleN if they pull us over ill be out of town wit an issueIf you was mine id introduce u to momma girlYour styling your moves n your nirvanaIm so used to ur pradaTaking trips to houston its hottaThrowing that Al Green n using that impalaLay my jewels on my collarYa had me feeling like a fool when i holla"dTrying to squeeze in but you wouldnt botherBut i aint eitherSoon as i realize that i aint eitherShe in a rush to get close to me but i aint eagerLike i dont mean to bother youBut your sex appeal is remarkableU make a G wanna walk around in a park with youThere aint no telling what kinda things that im"a start to doIf i get wrapped up on your ass to fastI can tell u feel the same cuz when i ask you laughSo im"a leave it at that n hint n put it in my mathI imagine your prolly twice as good in a bathBut im bugginCuz i can see u right in the hood when i passIm never stapled cuz business is on my assBut you can be the one i visit before i dashAn i admit i been the type to hit n splitBut u can blame me for the females that i been getting withCuzMost of these broads have there eyes on my gritsTill they"re in deeper shit n they learn how to be satisfied with the dick an"N if you aint worth it then thats all u getI aint gonna blame you im gonna blame them tricksCuzU seem like your attitudeOnly appears when im mad at youIn several situations n that includesWhen im gone to long ridin" thru them avenuesAs soon as i get home this room is a scattered boosU know my fantasies and my feeling things at camera speedN ur girlfriends trying to sandwich meCuz i come from the hood where the hammers beI move fast but at a switch paceN i pop in a listerine strip before u get all up on a bitch faceMoving your body like thisGonna make me blow like a bottle of crisI dont know noone hotter then twisYou got my temperature risin" from your hips to ur thighs anThat glare in your eyes that brighten up her horizonIt comes naturally i dont bribe emIts easy as... 1,2,3 n i slide em
2023-07-10 08:23:211

Lissette的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:Lissette专辑:Eternamente LissetteBy JsnonameI am the one you deniedBrushed me off everytime triedBut im alrightI may just swallow my prideAnd put all the bullshit to the sideIf u ready to rideIm down for a one night standGotta acceptit any way that i canCuz i aint yo mani"ll try for whatever its worthJust remember who played who firstI cant keep my eyes off yaI can tell why them other guys lost yaThe kinds red an a flying saucerThats what i can offerSimalarities and charactersHavnt ya heard the word around townHow i get downThey all whistleEverybody part officialAn that ass was youGot my dick hard as a missleDont hop on topCuz i ride around with a pistleN if they pull us over ill be out of town wit an issueIf you was mine id introduce u to momma girlYour styling your moves n your nirvanaIm so used to ur pradaTaking trips to houston its hottaThrowing that Al Green n using that impalaLay my jewels on my collarYa had me feeling like a fool when i holla"dTrying to squeeze in but you wouldnt botherBut i aint eitherSoon as i realize that i aint eitherShe in a rush to get close to me but i aint eagerLike i dont mean to bother youBut your sex appeal is remarkableU make a G wanna walk around in a park with youThere aint no telling what kinda things that im"a start to doIf i get wrapped up on your ass to fastI can tell u feel the same cuz when i ask you laughSo im"a leave it at that n hint n put it in my mathI imagine your prolly twice as good in a bathBut im bugginCuz i can see u right in the hood when i passIm never stapled cuz business is on my assBut you can be the one i visit before i dashAn i admit i been the type to hit n splitBut u can blame me for the females that i been getting withCuzMost of these broads have there eyes on my gritsTill they"re in deeper shit n they learn how to be satisfied with the dick an"N if you aint worth it then thats all u getI aint gonna blame you im gonna blame them tricksCuzU seem like your attitudeOnly appears when im mad at youIn several situations n that includesWhen im gone to long ridin" thru them avenuesAs soon as i get home this room is a scattered boosU know my fantasies and my feeling things at camera speedN ur girlfriends trying to sandwich meCuz i come from the hood where the hammers beI move fast but at a switch paceN i pop in a listerine strip before u get all up on a bitch faceMoving your body like thisGonna make me blow like a bottle of crisI dont know noone hotter then twisYou got my temperature risin" from your hips to ur thighs anThat glare in your eyes that brighten up her horizonIt comes naturally i dont bribe emIts easy as... 1,2,3 n i slide em
2023-07-10 08:23:271

Shaye的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:Shaye专辑:The BridgeBy JsnonameI am the one you deniedBrushed me off everytime triedBut im alrightI may just swallow my prideAnd put all the bullshit to the sideIf u ready to rideIm down for a one night standGotta acceptit any way that i canCuz i aint yo mani"ll try for whatever its worthJust remember who played who firstI cant keep my eyes off yaI can tell why them other guys lost yaThe kinds red an a flying saucerThats what i can offerSimalarities and charactersHavnt ya heard the word around townHow i get downThey all whistleEverybody part officialAn that ass was youGot my dick hard as a missleDont hop on topCuz i ride around with a pistleN if they pull us over ill be out of town wit an issueIf you was mine id introduce u to momma girlYour styling your moves n your nirvanaIm so used to ur pradaTaking trips to houston its hottaThrowing that Al Green n using that impalaLay my jewels on my collarYa had me feeling like a fool when i holla"dTrying to squeeze in but you wouldnt botherBut i aint eitherSoon as i realize that i aint eitherShe in a rush to get close to me but i aint eagerLike i dont mean to bother youBut your sex appeal is remarkableU make a G wanna walk around in a park with youThere aint no telling what kinda things that im"a start to doIf i get wrapped up on your ass to fastI can tell u feel the same cuz when i ask you laughSo im"a leave it at that n hint n put it in my mathI imagine your prolly twice as good in a bathBut im bugginCuz i can see u right in the hood when i passIm never stapled cuz business is on my assBut you can be the one i visit before i dashAn i admit i been the type to hit n splitBut u can blame me for the females that i been getting withCuzMost of these broads have there eyes on my gritsTill they"re in deeper shit n they learn how to be satisfied with the dick an"N if you aint worth it then thats all u getI aint gonna blame you im gonna blame them tricksCuzU seem like your attitudeOnly appears when im mad at youIn several situations n that includesWhen im gone to long ridin" thru them avenuesAs soon as i get home this room is a scattered boosU know my fantasies and my feeling things at camera speedN ur girlfriends trying to sandwich meCuz i come from the hood where the hammers beI move fast but at a switch paceN i pop in a listerine strip before u get all up on a bitch faceMoving your body like thisGonna make me blow like a bottle of crisI dont know noone hotter then twisYou got my temperature risin" from your hips to ur thighs anThat glare in your eyes that brighten up her horizonIt comes naturally i dont bribe emIts easy as... 1,2,3 n i slide em
2023-07-10 08:23:341

Lloyd Banks的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:Lloyd Banks专辑:The Hunger For MoreBy JsnonameI am the one you deniedBrushed me off everytime triedBut im alrightI may just swallow my prideAnd put all the bullshit to the sideIf u ready to rideIm down for a one night standGotta acceptit any way that i canCuz i aint yo mani"ll try for whatever its worthJust remember who played who firstI cant keep my eyes off yaI can tell why them other guys lost yaThe kinds red an a flying saucerThats what i can offerSimalarities and charactersHavnt ya heard the word around townHow i get downThey all whistleEverybody part officialAn that ass was youGot my dick hard as a missleDont hop on topCuz i ride around with a pistleN if they pull us over ill be out of town wit an issueIf you was mine id introduce u to momma girlYour styling your moves n your nirvanaIm so used to ur pradaTaking trips to houston its hottaThrowing that Al Green n using that impalaLay my jewels on my collarYa had me feeling like a fool when i holla"dTrying to squeeze in but you wouldnt botherBut i aint eitherSoon as i realize that i aint eitherShe in a rush to get close to me but i aint eagerLike i dont mean to bother youBut your sex appeal is remarkableU make a G wanna walk around in a park with youThere aint no telling what kinda things that im"a start to doIf i get wrapped up on your ass to fastI can tell u feel the same cuz when i ask you laughSo im"a leave it at that n hint n put it in my mathI imagine your prolly twice as good in a bathBut im bugginCuz i can see u right in the hood when i passIm never stapled cuz business is on my assBut you can be the one i visit before i dashAn i admit i been the type to hit n splitBut u can blame me for the females that i been getting withCuzMost of these broads have there eyes on my gritsTill they"re in deeper shit n they learn how to be satisfied with the dick an"N if you aint worth it then thats all u getI aint gonna blame you im gonna blame them tricksCuzU seem like your attitudeOnly appears when im mad at youIn several situations n that includesWhen im gone to long ridin" thru them avenuesAs soon as i get home this room is a scattered boosU know my fantasies and my feeling things at camera speedN ur girlfriends trying to sandwich meCuz i come from the hood where the hammers beI move fast but at a switch paceN i pop in a listerine strip before u get all up on a bitch faceMoving your body like thisGonna make me blow like a bottle of crisI dont know noone hotter then twisYou got my temperature risin" from your hips to ur thighs anThat glare in your eyes that brighten up her horizonIt comes naturally i dont bribe emIts easy as... 1,2,3 n i slide em
2023-07-10 08:23:411

Joss Stone的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:Joss Stone专辑:LP1Joss Stone - KarmaOh yeah, yeahIf I was just a little bit stronger babyCoulda make it last a little bit longer maybeCoulda made it on my ownI should have just let you goI should have been a little bit stronger babyIf I was just a little bit sweeter babyI know, I know, I know I wouldn"t be here aloneThank God I"m a little bit meaner babyI am what I am, you did what you didI"m glad I"m not a sinner baby, cause he"s a twistYou are what you are, I saw what I sawCome as your master, and you"re the bitchYou could have tried a little bit harder babyYou could have been a little smarter babyI tried not to see when you were on and off for meYou could have tried a little bit harder babyI am what I am, you did what you didI"m glad I"m not a sinner baby, cause he"s a twistYou are what you are, I saw what I sawCome as your master, and you"re the bitchYes, you are, yeeeahNow I got a loaded gun now babyGonna love to watch you run like a ladyAnd cry like a baby just like I did when you have goneI should have been a little bit strongerI should have been a little bit harderI should have been a little bit tougherI should have been a little bit smarterI should have been a little bit rougherI should have been a little bit strongerI should have been a little bit fasterAway from you baby, away from youI"m maybe on my own, now the feeling"s goneIt"s all gone
2023-07-10 08:23:481

吉田亚纪子的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:吉田亚纪子专辑:KarmaKarmaTiziano Ferro feat. John Legend...When the universe connects usI know this is karma...Stare at the sky, can"t get out of my bedThere"s shadow"s circling my headwhere"s love, your love...In another life did I play this gameLeaving me alone with an empty frameI fear the worst in meBut you know the best in me"Cause you see, when I"m honest with honestyI will stumble through the darknessTil we see the morningIs this karma, can you hear memy heart is singin"Everything inside I wanna sayI think about you every single dayIs this karma, come and danceLike we did before I lost you, this is karmaMy heart is singin"Everything inside I wanna sayEvery step I"m taking day by dayWhen the universe connects usI know this is karmaI can"t get the image of you out of my mindThe edges of your bodyPushing up against mineBreathing, breathingThere is a silence in my beating heartA cause and effect that we can"t discardIs all of love a ploy, an energy decoyCause you see, if I"m honest with honestyThat means crashing through the mirrorJust to know what love isLove is karma, come and dance like we did before I lost you...
2023-07-10 08:23:551

Journey的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:Journey专辑:Original Album ClassicsJoss Stone - KarmaOh yeah, yeahIf I was just a little bit stronger babyCoulda make it last a little bit longer maybeCoulda made it on my ownI should have just let you goI should have been a little bit stronger babyIf I was just a little bit sweeter babyI know, I know, I know I wouldn"t be here aloneThank God I"m a little bit meaner babyI am what I am, you did what you didI"m glad I"m not a sinner baby, cause he"s a twistYou are what you are, I saw what I sawCome as your master, and you"re the bitchYou could have tried a little bit harder babyYou could have been a little smarter babyI tried not to see when you were on and off for meYou could have tried a little bit harder babyI am what I am, you did what you didI"m glad I"m not a sinner baby, cause he"s a twistYou are what you are, I saw what I sawCome as your master, and you"re the bitchYes, you are, yeeeahNow I got a loaded gun now babyGonna love to watch you run like a ladyAnd cry like a baby just like I did when you have goneI should have been a little bit strongerI should have been a little bit harderI should have been a little bit tougherI should have been a little bit smarterI should have been a little bit rougherI should have been a little bit strongerI should have been a little bit fasterAway from you baby, away from youI"m maybe on my own, now the feeling"s goneIt"s all gone
2023-07-10 08:24:501

求joss stone的karma的歌词~

Oh yeah, yeahIf I was just a little bit stronger babyCoulda made it last a little bit longer maybeCoulda made it on my ownI should have just let you goI should have been a little bit stronger babyIf I was just a little bit sweeter babyI know, I know, I know I wouldn"t be here aloneThank God I"m a little bit meaner babyI am what I am, you did what you didI"m glad I"m not a sinner baby, cause here"s a twistYou are what you are, I saw what I sawKarma"s your master, and you"re the bitchYou could have tried a little bit harder babyYou could have been a little smarter babyI tried not to see when you were on and off for meYou could have tried a little bit harder babyI am what I am, you did what you didI"m glad I"m not a sinner baby, cause here"s a twistYou are what you are, I saw what I sawKarma"s your master, and you"re the bitchYes, you are, yeeeahNow I got a loaded gun now babyGonna love to watch you run like a ladyAnd cry like a baby just like I did when you had goneI should have been a little bit strongerI should have been a little bit harderI should have been a little bit tougherI should have been a little bit smarterI should have been a little bit rougherI should have been a little bit strongerI should have run a little bit fasterAway from you baby, away from youI"m maybe on my own, now the feeling"s goneIt"s all gone
2023-07-10 08:24:571


bitch翻译:n.母狗;泼妇;讨厌的女人;难办的事;怨言;棘手的事;vi.挖苦;(背后)说坏话;例句1.Is this a dog or a bitch?这是公狗还是母狗?2.Trying to get us caught because I"m a bitch! 试图让我们被抓住的人因为我是条母狗!3.I"ll kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him! 我要是逮住那个王八蛋,非要了他的狗命不可!4.Life"s a bitch. 人生真受罪。5.We"ve been having a bitch about our boss. 我们一直对老板牢骚满腹。6.You stupid little bitch! 你这个愚蠢的小悍妇!7.All bitches should be spayed unless being used for breeding. 除非是用作种犬,所有的母犬都应摘除卵巢。8.They"re forever bitching about everybody else. 他们永远都在怨别人。9.She is the bitch from hell. 她是个坏得冒水的泼妇。10.Almost everyone knows a bitch is a female dog, probably from Old Norse bikkjuna. 几乎所有人都知道bitch是一条母狗。这可能源自古斯堪的纳维亚语。11.This big job is really going to be a bitch! 这件大工作真地会很难做。12.Establishment and Study on Method of Examining Vaginal Cell of Bitches.母犬阴道细胞学检查方法的建立与研究。13.And yet you somehow found time to bitch at me. 但你还是挤出时间来找我无理取闹了。
2023-07-10 08:25:311

a bitch is a bitch什么意思

a bitch is a bitch婊子就是婊子。婊砸就是婊砸
2023-07-10 08:25:501


讲过那么多赞美女孩子、形容好女孩的句子,我们也该来学学怎么形容坏女人了。注意,这些词都不好听,一定要慎用,还有就是,万一你不小心用了,后果自负。 1. Are you trying to get me in my bitch mode or what? 你是要让我抓狂还是怎么样? Bitch 这个词算是最常被拿来骂女人的一个字吧!几乎任何“坏女人”,我们都可以称之为 bitch。但是现在 bitch 已经不算是女人的专用字眼了,有些“坏男人”我们也可以骂他是 bitch,但比较少见就是了。像是在电影 Legally Blonde 里法庭上那一幕,一位在旁听席上的男子骂正坐在证人席上的男子:You bitch. 就是一个很好的例子。甚至有时候 bitch 也不单指人,像是如果要抱怨人生事事不如意的话,我们也可以说:Life is a bitch. 一般骂人的时候都是说:You are a bitch. 或者She is a bitch.。 有一个有趣的讲法是 bitch mode(坏女人模式),这就好比说一个人可以有正常模式 normal mode 跟坏女人模式 bitch mode。当她生气时,就会从正常模式切换成坏女人模式,所以例句中说 Are you trying to get me in my bitch mode or what? 就是这个道理。又比方说吧,有一个女生平常看起来乖乖的,从来也没发过太大的脾气,但有一天突然吃错药火山爆发了,像这种情况你就可以说:I"ve never seen her in the bitch mode. Today is my first time. (我从来没见她发脾气,今天还是头一糟呢!)Bitch 还不算是真正恶毒的,whore 这个词才是真正用来对付你真的很讨厌的女人。 2. She is a shrew. 她是一个泼妇。 在英文里也有形容女人为 tigress (母老虎) 这么生动有趣的用法,但是英文的 tigress 指的是一个女人很性感 (sexy),而非很凶悍 (tough) 的意思,这跟中文里对“母老虎”的解释相差十万八千里。如果你是要形容泼妇,英文只有 shrew, virago, vixen 这几个词,但 shrew 大概算是比较常用的一个。要是各位对莎士比亚小有研究的话,就应该知道莎翁有一篇名作就叫做 The Taming of the Shrew,中文翻成“驯悍记”。 Shrew和 shrewd(精明能干的)看起来是不是很像?没错,shrewd就是从 shrew(泼妇)这个词演变过来的。或许老美也是觉得,女生太精明能干 (shrewd) 通常也会是一个泼妇 (shrew),看来他们也是够大男子主义的。 3. You are a disgrace of a woman. 你真是女人的耻辱。 如果我们要说一个女生是女人的耻辱,或是女人中的败类呢?就是 You are a disgrace of a woman. 还有骂得更夸张的:You are a disgrace of a human being. (你真是人类的耻辱。)但除非是特别强调是女人的耻辱或是人类的耻辱,不然通常只要说 "You are a disgrace." 就可以了。 4. She is a whore. 她是个妓女。 Bitch 还不算是真正恶毒的,whore 这个词才是真正用来对付你真的很讨厌的女人。所以女人有时会自豪地说:I"m a bitch. 但绝不会说:I"m a whore. 因为 whore是"妓女"的意思,非常难听,当然不会有女生说自己是妓女吧? 妓女在英语中的讲法非常多,比较常见的大概有三个 prostitute, hooker 和 whore。但口语上多半是用 hooker 和 whore,所以有些人(通常是黑人)把这两个词的共同部份 ho 拿出来做成一个新词,同样也是“妓女”的意思。 虽然whore 的意思是妓女,但这只是一种恶毒的形容词,并没有真正强调对方性生活很淫乱的意思,如果是要强调对方到处跟男人发生关系,老美用的是 slut (野女人) 这个词,指的是 sleep around 的女人。(新东方小编:whore 这个词还是谨慎使用,说完即使不引起一场决斗也会引起一场口舌之战。)
2023-07-10 08:25:581


Kyle"s Mom is A Bitch - south park (南方公园)试听:
2023-07-10 08:26:202


几乎任何坏女人,我们都可以称之为 bitch。但是现在 bitch 已经不算是女人的专用字眼了,有些坏男人我们也可以骂他是 bitch,但比较少见就是了。像是在电影 Legally Blonde 里法庭上那一幕,一位在旁听席上的男子骂正坐在证人席上的男子:You bitch. 就是一个很好的例子。甚至有时候 bitch 也不单指人,像是如果要抱怨人生事事不如意的话,我们也可以说:Life is a bitch. 一般骂人的时候都是说:You are a bitch. 或者She is a bitch.。有一个有趣的讲法是 bitch mode(坏女人模式),这就好比说一个人可以有正常模式 normal mode 跟坏女人模式 bitch mode。当她生气时,就会从正常模式切换成坏女人模式,所以例句中说 Are you trying to get me in my bitch mode or what? 就是这个道理。又比方说吧,有一个女生平常看起来乖乖的,从来也没发过太大的脾气,但有一天突然吃错药火山爆发了,像这种情况你就可以说:I"ve never seen her in the bitch mode. Today is my first time. (我从来没见她发脾气,今天还是头一糟呢!)2. She is a shrew.她是一个泼妇。在英文里也有形容女人为 tigress (母老虎) 这么生动有趣的用法,但是英文的 tigress 指的是一个女人很性感 (sexy),而非很凶悍 (tough) 的意思,这跟中文里对母老虎的解释相差十万八千里。如果你是要形容泼妇,英文只有 shrew, virago, vixen 这几个词,但 shrew 大概算是比较常用的一个。要是各位对莎士比亚小有研究的话,就应该知道莎翁有一篇名作就叫做 The Taming of the Shrew,中文翻成驯悍记。Shrew和 shrewd(精明能干的)看起来是不是很像?没错,shrewd就是从 shrew(泼妇)这个词演变过来的。或许老美也是觉得,女生太精明能干 (shrewd) 通常也会是一个泼妇 (shrew),看来他们也是够大男子主义的。3. You are a disgrace of a woman.你真是女人的耻辱。如果我们要说一个女生是女人的耻辱,或是女人中的败类呢?就是 You are a disgrace of a woman. 还有骂得更夸张的:You are a disgrace of a human being. (你真是人类的耻辱。)但除非是特别强调是女人的耻辱或是人类的耻辱,不然通常只要说 You are a disgrace. 就可以了。4. She is a whore.她是个妓女。妓女在英语中的讲法非常多,比较常见的大概有三个 prostitute, hooker 和 whore。但口语上多半是用 hooker 和 whore,所以有些人(通常是黑人)把这两个词的共同部份 ho 拿出来做成一个新词,同样也是妓女的意思。虽然 whore 的意思是妓女,但这只是一种恶毒的形容词,并没有真正强调对方性生活很淫乱的意思,如果是要强调对方到处跟男人发生关系,老美用的是 slut (野女人) 这个词,指的是 sleep around 的女人。
2023-07-10 08:26:281

karma is real什么意思

karma is real 业力是真实的
2023-07-10 08:26:503

一首歌歌词有but bitch is a bitch horse is ahorse,专辑图是一

歌名 Twisted, 歌手是 Eminem, Skylar Grey 和 Yelawolf, 专辑名是shadyxv
2023-07-10 08:26:581


2023-07-10 08:27:052

karma is real什么意思

2023-07-10 08:27:121

rolling stones的《bitch》 歌词

歌曲名:bitch歌手:rolling stones专辑:sticky fingersFeeling so tired, can"t understand itJust had a fortnight"s sleepI"m feeling so tired, I"m so distractedAin"t touched a thing all weekI"m feeling drunk, juiced up and sloppyAin"t touched a drink all nightI"m feeling hungry, can"t see the reasonJust ate a horse meat pieRolling StonesYeah when you call my nameI salivate like a Pavlov dogYeah when you lay me outMy heart is beating louder than a big bass drum, alrightYeah, you got to mix it childYou got to fix it must be loveIt"s a bitchYou got to mix it childYou got to fix it but loveIt"s a bitch, alrightSometimes I"m sexy, move like a studKicking the stall all nightSometimes I"m so shy, got to be worked onDon"t have no bark or bite, alrightYeah when you call my nameI salivate like a Pavlov dogYeah when you lay me outMy heart is bumpin" louder than a big bass drum, alrightI said hey, yeah I feel alright nowGot to be a...Hey, I feel alright nowHey hey heyHey hey yeah...
2023-07-10 08:27:191


  《小时代》里的Bitch意思是:泼妇  Whore意思是:淫妇,妓女。  bitch  [英][bu026atu0283][美][bu026atu0283]  n.母狗; 淫妇; 牢骚事; 坏女人;  vi.埋怨; 发牢骚; 挖苦; (背后)说坏话;  vt.把…搞糟; 弄坏; 抱怨; 埋怨;  第三人称单数:bitches过去分词:bitched复数:bitches现在进行时:bitching过去式:bitched  whore  [英][hu0254:(r)][美][hu0254r, hor]  n.妓女,男妓; 性关系不道德的女子;  vi.卖淫,娼妓;  第三人称单数:whores过去分词:whored复数:whores现在进行时:whoring过去式:whored
2023-07-10 08:27:282

payback is a bitch是什么意思

payback is a bitch投资回收率是一个牢骚事。
2023-07-10 08:27:351


bitch英[bɪtʃ]美[bɪtʃ]n.母狗; 淫妇; 牢骚事; 坏女人vi.埋怨; 发牢骚; 挖苦; (背后)说坏话vt.把…搞糟; 弄坏; 抱怨; 埋怨双语例句1Is this a dog or a bitch?这是公狗还是母狗?
2023-07-10 08:27:441

小时代kitty自己写kitty is a bitch有什么作用

2023-07-10 08:28:123

bitch is always a bitch什么意思

2023-07-10 08:28:203


2023-07-10 08:28:411


2023-07-10 08:28:481