barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 16:17:12
TAG: 是什么
A站:AcFun弹幕视频网 _网址:
B站:Bilibili弹幕视频站 _网址:
C站:吐槽 _网址:

B站是 哔哩哔哩 都是看动漫的 B站有名点





acfun bibi

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!



c站手机端暂时暂停使用上C站的方法:PC上chrome什么的还可以使用。移动端就不要想了,IOS除了8.0其它全部都不支持。Android上除了chrome和一些自带浏览器(如小米)外,其余浏览器全军覆没。下面做讲解:A站:AcFun弹幕视频网网址:站:Bilibili弹幕视频站网址:站:吐槽网址:站:原画交流网站网址:站:欧尼酱网址:站:最电台(首家ACG电台)网址:其中:A、B、C:是视频站 D站:原画站 F站:首页动漫音乐站内置其他的比如各种小工具等等O站:动漫社交网站。可以分享音乐、视频(支持B站视频)、萌音等功能。
2023-01-03 00:43:472


c站手机端暂时暂停使用上C站的方法:PC上chrome什么的还可以使用。移动端就不要想了,IOS除了8.0其它全部都不支持。Android上除了chrome和一些自带浏览器(如小米)外,其余浏览器全军覆没。下面做讲解:A站:AcFun弹幕视频网网址:站:Bilibili弹幕视频站网址:站:吐槽网址:站:原画交流网站网址:站:欧尼酱网址:站:最电台(首家ACG电台)网址:其中:A、B、C:是视频站 D站:原画站 F站:首页动漫音乐站内置其他的比如各种小工具等等O站:动漫社交网站。可以分享音乐、视频(支持B站视频)、萌音等功能。
2023-01-03 00:44:141


2023-01-03 00:44:316


2023-01-03 00:44:558


A站:AcFun关键词:弹幕视频地址:弹幕视频网,简称“A站”, 是中国弹幕文化的发源地,输出了金坷垃、鬼畜全明星、我的滑板鞋、小苹果等大量网络流行文化,也是中国二次元文化的发源地。虽然在7月的一波的全网视频整改大环境下下架了诸多视频,但仍是拥有大量原创再创作视频数量的弹幕站点,仍是二次元核心用户的聚集地。B站:哔哩哔哩bilibili关键词:弹幕视频地址:继A站后国内最大的年轻人潮流文化娱乐社区,哔哩哔哩bilibili,又称B站,与A站为国内两大弹幕视频网站,每天视频播放量超过一亿,弹幕总量超过14亿,原创投稿总数超过1000万。与A站的核心二次元用户不同,B站为用户创造了更加包容的环境,从动画、番剧,到音乐、舞蹈、游戏、科技、生活、娱乐、鬼畜、时尚等分区并开设直播、游戏中心、周边等业务板块。为二次元和非二次元小伙伴提供了线上线下泛娱乐一条龙服务。C站:吐槽网关键词:弹幕视频地址:在全网视频整改,AB站相继重伤,全国人民转战C站(CCTV)后的另一个C站:一个小而美的弹幕视频网站:吐槽网。吐槽网的视频来源大多数视频都是来源于日本电视台的深夜动画,NICONICO动画,Youtube,或者是来源于bilibili,acfun等视频分享网站。D站:嘀哩嘀哩Dilidili关键词:资源神器地址:嘀哩嘀哩Dilidili,被昵称为D站,在各大弹幕视频竞争激烈的大环境下D站以资源丰富的优势胜出,成为二次元小伙伴看番的资源神器,让伸手党们再也不用担心无法找到自己想要的资源。F站:福利区关键词:休闲社区地址:从话题讨论到音乐分享,F站是一个放松休闲的小型社区,话题不限制于二次元,从小姐姐到喵星人,从表情包到gif,是一个轻松一刻的站点。
2023-01-03 00:46:0811


2023-01-03 00:46:474


2023-01-03 00:47:027


(1)VIP视频解析站 知了堂: LY客栈: 疯狂解析:万能视频VIP解析全能VIP视频在线解析:一线等号后面加视频网址)只支持优酷VIP、乐视VIP、奇异VIP、芒果VIP、搜狐VIP、腾讯VIP 二线等号后面加视频网址) 三线等号后面加视频网址也就是URL地址) 使用教程其它的视频解析网站的使用大同小异。容易上手。 (2)vip视频在线观看 会员影视中心:在线搜索VIP电影电视剧:免费看VIP视频: 备用地址会员分享网: (4)比较著名的电影视频类网站 jrs直播网: 豆瓣影视: 高分电影网: 特特猴动漫网: 4K电影吧: 电影网站大全: A站(ACFUN): B站(Bilibili ): C站(Tucao): D站(dilili drawyoo): E站(hentai): F站(福利区): G站(gelbooru): H站(和邪社): M站(MioMio): K站(konachan): P站(pixiv): meiyouad: 云影院: 宅男福利社: 宅腐资源站: 电影首发站: 高清MP4: 在线电影院:中国高清电影网: 爱六网: 影视窝影视: 电影FM : 电影天堂: 迅雷好: 飘花电影: 6V电影 : 圣城家园: Mp4吧: 搬运工: 嘎嘎影视: 小浣熊: 乐搜: 电影小二网: 我爱P2P: 电影蜜蜂: (5)看美剧网站 美剧汇: 耐卡影音: 天天美剧: 6V美剧: 美剧天堂: 好看美剧: MAG磁力: 一站搜: 深影字幕组: 碟调网 人人视频(美剧) (6)音乐类 音悦台高清MV: 库克数字音乐图书馆: 在线音乐:
2023-01-03 00:47:271


2023-01-03 00:47:332


2023-01-03 00:49:111


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2023-01-03 00:50:102

有人问你上过A站、B站、C站、P站吗? 谁告诉我A站和C站是什么 我只知道b站和p站是bilibi

2023-01-03 00:50:204


cao 芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲la 蜡炬成灰泪始干li 一只黄鹂鸣翠柳ni 景色旖旎似仙境就是na很难想,只有拿云捉月(形容才能本领非常高)这个成语意思比较好一些了。
2023-01-03 00:50:376

广州好歌K TV

2023-01-03 00:51:062

怎么芒果tv 电脑版怎么找不到弹幕

2023-01-03 00:51:158


2023-01-03 00:52:113


2023-01-03 00:52:244


2023-01-03 00:52:403


General Manager 总经理公司高层职位的英文缩写:CEO : Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官CFO : Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官COO : Chief Operated Officer 首席运营官CTO : Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官CIO : Chief Information Officer 首席信息官CRO : Chief Risk Officer 首席风险官==========================================================艺术总监 【CAO】 chief Artistic officer首席品牌官【CBO】 chief brand officer首席文化官【CCO】 Chief Cultural Officer开发总监 【CDO】 chief Development officer首席执行官【CEO】 Chief Executive officer首席财务官【CFO】 Chief finance officer人事总监 【CHO】 Chief Human resource officer首席信息官【CIO】 chief information officer首席知识官【CKO】 chief knowledge officer首席市场官【CMO】 chief Marketing officer首席谈判官【CNO】 chief Negotiation officer首席营运官【COO】 chief Operation officer公关总监 【CPO】 chief Public relation officer质量总监 【CQO】 chief Quality officer销售总监 【CSO】 chief Sales officer首席技术官【CTO】 chief Technology officer评估总监 【CVO】 chief Valuation officer===============================================================GM:General Manager 总经理VP:Vice President 副总裁FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁AVP:Assistant Vice President 副总裁助理HRD:Human Resource Director 人力资源总监OD:Operations Director 运营总监MD:Marketing Director 市场总监 OM:Operations Manager 运作经理PM:Production Manager生产经理、Product Manager产品经理、Project Manager项目经理)注:这里面变化比较多,要结合谈话时的背景来判断究竟是指哪种身份)BM(Branch Manager)部门经理DM(District Manager)区域经理RM(Regional Manager)区域经理 =======================================广告公司职位英文对照:AAD〔Associated Account Director〕——副客户总监AAD〔Associated Art Director〕——副美术指导ACD〔Associated Creative Director〕——副创作总监AD 〔Account Director〕——客户服务总监、业务指导AD〔Art Director〕——美术指导(在创作部可以独挡一面执行美术指导工作的美术监督)AE〔Account Executive〕——客户执行、客户服务、客户主任;预算执行者,负责广告代理商和广告主之间的一切有关业务,观念,预算,广告表现之联系AM 〔Account Manager〕——客户经理AP〔Account Planner〕——客户企划(分策略企划和业务企划两种)ASM〔Area Sale Manager〕——大区销售经理CD〔Creative Director〕——创作总监、创意总监、创意指导(CD的前身,不是撰稿人便  是美术设计,因为积累了丰富的经验,并有优异的创作成绩而成为督导)CGH〔Creative Group Head 〕——创意组长〔Computer Visualizer〕——计算机绘图员CW〔Copywriter〕——撰稿人DCS〔Director of Client Service〕——客户主管ECD〔Executive Creative Director〕——执行创意总监FA〔Finish Artist〕——完稿、画师〔Finish Artist Group Head〕——完稿组长GAD〔Group Account Director〕——客户群总监GCD〔Group Creative Director〕——创意群总监GMD〔General Managing Director〕——总经理MD〔Media Director〕——媒体指导、媒介部经理SAD〔Senior Art Director〕——高级美术指导SCW〔Senior Copywriter〕——高级文案〔Copy Director〕——文案指导〔Media Supervisor〕——媒介主任、媒介总监〔Media Planner〕——媒介策划〔Planning Director〕——企划指导〔Planning Supervisor〕——企划总监〔Print Production Manager〕——平面制作经理〔Production Manager〕——制作经理〔Research Supervisor〕——调查总监〔Studio Manager〕——画房经理、作业室经理〔Traffic Control Specialist(简称Traffic)〕——制管人员〔Traffic Coordinator〕——平面制作统筹〔TV Producer〕——制片〔Visualizer〕——插图家、插画师、绘图员、视觉设计〔Visualizer Group Head〕——视觉设计组长〔Artist〕——正稿员 ======================================President 总裁Vice-President 副总裁Assistant VP 副总裁助理Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监 General Manager 总经理Branch Manager 部门经理Product Manager 产品经理Project Manager 项目经理Regional Manager 区域经理Production Manager 生产经理Transportation Manager 运输经理Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员Computer Operator 电脑操作员 Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师Computer Technician 电脑技术员MIS Manager 管理信息系统部经理Developmental Engineer 开发工程师Operations Analyst 操作分析Director of Information Services 信息服务主管LAN Administrator 局域网管理员Systems Analyst 系统分析Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理Systems Engineer 系统工程师 Product Support Manager 产品支持经理Systems Programmer 系统程序员VP Sales 销售副总裁VP Marketing 市场副总裁 Senior Account Manager 高级客户经理Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监Sales Administrator 销售主管 Telemarketer 电话销售员Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员Regional Account Manager 地区客户经理Salesperson 销售员Sales Representative 销售代表Merchandising Manager 采购经理Sales Manager 销售经理Marketing Consultant 市场顾问 Sales Executive 销售执行者Marketing Assistant 市场助理Sales Assistant 销售助理Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监Retail Buyer 零售采购员Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员Manufacturer"s Representative 厂家代表Purchasing Agent 采购代理Assistant Account Executive 客户管理助理Marketing Manager 市场经理Advertising Manager 广告经理Marketing Intern 市场实习Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员Marketing Director 市场总监Advertising Assistant 广告助理Account Manager 客户经理Account Representative 客户代表Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员Accounting Assistant 会计助理Accounting Manager 会计经理Accounts Receivable Clerk 应收帐款文员Accounting Clerk 会计文员Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师Senior Accountant 高级会计Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 Audit Manager 审计经理Collections Officer 收款负责人Actuarial Analyst 保险分析员Auditor 审计师Junior Accountant 初级会计Loan Administrator 贷款管理员Management Accountant 管理会计Billing Clerk 票据文员Billing Supervisor 票据管理员Bookkeeper 档案管理Staff Auditor 审计员Bookkeeping Clerk 档案管理助理Budget Analyst 预算分析Tax Accountant 税务会计Credit Analyst 信用分析Credit Manager 信用管理经理Vice-President of Administration and Finance 财务行政副总裁Financial Analyst 财务分析Vice-President of Finance 财务副总裁Financial Consultant 财务顾问Financial Manager 财务经理Financial Planner 财务计划员VP HR 人力资源副总裁Assistant VP HR 人力资源副总裁助理HR Director 人力资源总监Compensation & Benefit Manager 薪酬福利经理Staffing Manager 招聘经理Training Manager 培训经理Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表Payroller 工资专员 Training Coordinator 培训协调员Training Specialist 培训专员HR Supervisor (Training) 培训主管Vice-President of Administration 行政副总裁Administrative Director 行政总监Office Manager 办公室经理File Clerk 档案管理员Administration Assistant 行政助理Receptionist 接待员General Office Clerk 办公室文员Secretary 秘书 Order Entry Clerk 订单输入文员Operator 接线员Typist 打字员visiting professor 客座教授 =======================================计算机/互联网/通讯 Technology/Internet首席技术执行官 CTO/VP Engineering技术总监/经理 Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理 IT Manager信息技术主管 IT Supervisor信息技术专员 IT Specialist项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor项目执行/协调人员 Project Specialist / Coordinator系统分析员 System Analyst高级软件工程师 Senior Software Engineer软件工程师 Software Engineer系统工程师 System Engineer高级硬件工程师 Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师 Hardware Engineer通信技术工程师 Communications EngineerERP技术/应用顾问 ERP Technical/Application Consultant数据库工程师 Database Engineer技术支持经理 Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer品质经理 QA Manager信息安全工程师 Information Security Engineer软件测试工程师 Software QA Engineer硬件测试工程师 Hardware QA Engineer测试员 Test Engineer网站营运经理/主管 Web Operations Manager/Supervisor网络工程师 Network Engineer系统管理员/网管 System Manager/Webmaster网页设计/制作 Web Designer/Production技术文员/助理 Technical Clerk/Assistant销售 Sales销售总监 Sales Director销售经理 Sales Manager区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager客户经理 Sales Account Manager渠道/分销经理 Channel/Distribution Manager渠道主管 Channel Supervisor销售主管 Sales Supervisor销售代表 Sales Representative / Executive销售工程师 Sales Engineer医药代表 Pharmaceutical Sales Representative保险代理 Insurance Agent销售助理 Sales Assistant / Trainee商务经理 Business Manager商务专员/助理 Business Executive/Assistant销售行政经理 Sales Admin. Manager销售行政主管 Sales Admin. Supervisor售前/售后技术服务经理 Technical Service Manager售前/售后技术服务主管 Technical Service Supervisor售前/售后技术服务工程师 Technical Service Engineer售后/客户服务(非技术)经理 Customer Service Manager售后/客户服务(非技术)主管 Customer Service Supervisor售后/客户服务(非技术)专员 Customer Service Executive经销商 Distributor
2023-01-03 00:52:531

adcsocao 引脚是什么功能

2023-01-03 00:52:592


红豆女之恋的主题区,张娜拉的<Sweet Dream>歌词《Sweet Dream》It"s gonna be another day with a sunshine 햇살은 나의 창을 밝게 비추고 반쯤 눈을 떴을 때 그대 미소가 나를 반겨요 내 볼에 살짝 입맞추고 사랑한다고 속삭였죠 내 머리 맡에 모닝커피 혹시 내가 꿈을 꾸나요 It"s gonna be another day with a sunshine 햇살은 나의 창을 밝게 비추고 반쯤 눈을 떴을 때 그대 미소가 나를 반겨요 When we can get together I feel paradise 이보다 더 행복할 수는 없겠죠 아마 그럴거예요 지금 내 곁에 그대가 있잖아요 너무 흔해서 나 조차도 싫어했었던 내 이름도 왠지 그대가 불러주면 예쁘게만 느껴지네요 It"s gonna be another day with a sunshine 그대가 나를 아름답게 하네요 나를 안아줄래요 사랑한다고 말해줄께요 When we can get together I feel paradise 마치 난 영화속에 주인공처럼 사랑받기 위해서 그대 맘속에 다시 태어난거죠 지금 이순간 나보다 행복한 사람은 없겠죠 깨지 않게 해줘요 Don"t Break it 난 이 꿈안에서 It"s gonna be another day with a sunshine 햇살은 나의 창을 밝게 비추고 반쯤 눈을 떴을 때 그대 미소가 나를 반겨요 When we can get together I feel paradise 이보다 더 행복할수는 없겠죠 아마 그럴거예요 지금 내 곁에 그대가 있잖아요 It"s gonna be another day with a sunshine 그대가 나를 아름답게 하네요 나를 안아줄래요 사랑한다고 말해줄게요 When we can get together I feel paradise 마치 난 영화속에 주인공처럼 사랑받기 위해서 (그대 맘속에 다시 태어난거죠) 娜拉的Sweet Dream谐音中文歌词 《Sweet Dream》 It"s gonna be another day with the sunshine haisalen na"ei cang"er pa"ergei bicuguo panzim nuner daoser dain kedai misuga naler pangiaoyou nai pulei sa"erza"g yimmacuguo salanghandagu su"gsagiaojiu nai maolimatein morning coffee hou"gxi neiga gumer gunayou It"s gonna be another day with the sunshine haisalen na"ei cang"er pa"ergei bicuguo panzim nuner daoser dain kedai misuga naler pangiaoyou When we can get together I feel paradise Yibouda tao hingbuka"er su"nen o"bgeijiu A"ma kelao"ergaoyeyou jigem nai giaotein kedaiga yiza"nayou Naomu henaisou nazoucaduo xilaohaisaodaon nai yilemduo Wainji kedaiga pu"erlaozumiaon yebugeiman negiaojineiyou It"s gonna be another day with the sunshine Kedaiga naler alemda"bgei ha"neiyou Naler a"nazu"erlaiyou salanghandagu malaizu"ergeiyou When we can get together I feel paradise Maqi nan yanghuasuogei zuyingongcaolaom Salang pagi yuhaisou kedai mam suogei ta"xi tei"aonangaojiu Jigem yi sungan nabouda hingbokan salamen ou"bgeijiu Gaiji ankei haijiaoyou Don"t break it nan yi gum a"neisou It"s gonna be another day with the sunshine Haisalen na"ei cang"er pa"ergei bicuguo Panzim nuner daoser dain kedai misouga naler pangiaoyou When we can get together I feel paradise Yibouda tao hingboka"er su"nen o"bgeijiu Ama kelao"ergaoyeyou jigem nai giaotein kedaiga yizanayou It"s gonna be another day with the sunshine Kedaiga naler alemda"bgei haneiyou Naler a"nazu"erlaiyou salanghandagu malaizu"ergeiyou When we can get together I feel paradise Maqi nan yanghuasuogei zuyingongcaolaom salang pagi yuhaisou Kedai mam suogei ta"xi tei"ao"nangaojiu
2023-01-03 00:53:091


  序号 播映集数 歌曲名称 翻译名称 演唱者 作词 作曲 编曲  1 001-030 胸がドキドキ 心中动荡不安 The High-Lows 甲本ヒロト/真岛昌利 甲本ヒロト/真岛昌利 The High-Lows  2 031-052 Feel Your Heart 感受你的心 VELVET GARDEN 室井美树 川添智久 神长弘一/川添智久/井上尾人  3 053-096 谜 谜 小松未步 小松未步 小松未步 古井弘人  4 097-123 运命のルーレット廻して 转动命运之轮 ZARD 坂井泉水 栗林诚一郎 池田大介  5 124-142 TRUTH~A Great Detective of Love~ 真相究明 TWO-MIX 永野椎菜 高山みなみ TWO-MIX  6 143-167 ギリギリchop 情义之印 B"z 稻叶浩志 松本孝弘 松本孝弘/稻叶浩志  7 168-204 Mysterious Eyes 神秘目光 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  8 205-230 恋はスリル、ショック、サスペンス 这场恋爱令人战栗、震惊、焦虑难耐 爱内里菜 爱内里菜 大野爱果 尾城九龙  9 231-258 destiny 命运 松桥未树 麻越さとみ 间岛和伸 清水俊也  10 259-270 Winter Bells 冬日铃铛 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 德永晓人 德永晓人  11 271-305 I can"t stop my love for you 我不能停止对你的爱 爱内里菜 爱内里菜 川岛だりあ 尾城九龙  12 306-332 风のららら 风的啦啦啦 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 春畑道哉 小林哲  13 333-355 君と约束した优しいあの场所まで 曾与你相约在那个优雅的地方 三枝夕夏IN db 三枝夕夏 小泽正澄 小泽正澄  14 356-393 START 开始 爱内里菜 爱内里菜 大野爱果 corin  15 394-414 星のかがやきよ 星之光芒 ZARD 坂井泉水 大野爱果 叶山たけし  16 415-424 Growing of my heart 成长的心 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 叶山たけし  17 425-437 冲动 冲动 B"z 稻叶浩志 松本孝弘 无  18 438-456 100もの扉 100扇门 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏 大野克夫 古井弘人  19 457-474 云に乗って 乘上白云 三枝夕夏IN db 三枝夕夏 三枝夕夏 小泽正澄  20 475-486 涙のイエスタデー 泪之往昔 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  21 487-490 グロリアス マインド 光辉的信念 ZARD 坂井泉水 大野爱果 叶山たけし  22 491-504 爱は暗闇の中で 爱在黑暗中 ZARD 坂井泉水 栗林诚一郎 SCHON  23 505-514 一秒ごとに Love for you 一分一秒对你的爱 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 Cybersound  24 515-520 Mysterious 神秘 Naifu 荒神直规 森下志音 森下志音  25 521-529 Revive 复苏 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 Miguel Sa Pe-ssea  26 530-546 Everlasting Luv 永恒的爱心 BREAKERZ DAIGO SHINPEI&DAIGO BREAKERZ  27 547-564 MAGIC 魔力 爱内里菜 爱内里菜 大野爱果 叶山たけし  28 565-582 As the Dew 譬如朝露 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  29 583-601 Summer Time Gone 离别夏日之时 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 叶山たけし  30 602-612 Tear drops 眼泪落下 Caos Caos Caos 白石乃梨 大野爱果 叶山たけし  31 613-? Don"t wanna lie 不要撒谎 B"z 稻叶浩志 松本孝弘 无  片尾曲(ED)  序号 播映集数 歌曲名称 翻译名称 演唱者 作词 作曲 编曲  1 001-025 Step by Step 步步为营 ZIGGY 森重树一 森重树一 ZIGGY  2 026-051 迷宫のラヴァーズ 迷宫情人 heath Yukinojo Mori heath heath/Yuji Sugiyama  3 052-070 光と影のロマン 光与影的浪漫 宇德敬子 宇德敬子 宇德敬子 池田大辅  4 071-083 君がいない夏 没有你的夏天 DEEN 小松未步 小松未步 池田大介  5 084-108 愿い事ひとつだけ 只有一个心愿 小松未步 小松未步 小松未步 古井弘人  6 109-131 氷の上に立つように 如履薄冰 小松未步 小松未步 小松未步 古井弘人  7 132-152 Still for Your Love 始终为了你的爱 Rumania Montevideo 三好真美 三好诚 无  8 153-179 Free Magic 释放魔力 WAG AZUKI 七 三好诚 古井弘人  9 180-204 Secret of My Heart 我心中的秘密 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 Cybersound  10 205-218 夏の幻 夏天的幻影 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  11 219-232 Start in my life 生命的起点 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 Cybersound  12 233-247 always 永远 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 Cybersound  13 248-265 青い青いこの地球(ほし)に 蔚蓝的星球 上原あずみ 上原あずみ/AZUKI 七 大野爱果 尾城九龙  14 266-287 梦みたあとで 大梦初醒 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  15 288-299 无色 无色 上原あずみ 上原あずみ K"s lett-ers 德永晓人  16 300-306 Overture 序曲 稲叶浩志 稻叶浩志 稻叶浩志 稻叶浩志/池田大介  17 307-328 明日を梦见て 梦想明天 ZARD 坂井泉水 大野爱果 德永晓人  18 329-349 君という光 以你为名的光芒 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  19 350-375 眠る君の横颜に微笑みを 对着你沉睡的侧脸微笑 三枝夕夏 IN db 三枝夕夏 大野爱果 小泽正澄  20 376-397 忘れ咲き 遗忘的花开时 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  21 398-406 ジューンブライド~あなたしか见えない~ 六月新娘~我的眼中只有你~ 三枝夕夏 IN db 三枝夕夏 德永晓人 德永晓人  22 407-416 世界 止めて 让世界停止 竹井诗织里 竹井诗织里 大野爱果 小林哲  23 417-424 Thank You For Everything 谢谢你给予一切 岩田さゆり 岩田さゆり 小林正笵 镰田真吾  24 425-437 悲しいほど 贵方が好き 很悲伤却喜欢你 ZARD 坂井泉水 大野爱果 叶山たけし  25 438-458 もう君だけを离したりはしない 只有你是我无法离开的人 上木彩矢 上木彩矢 川本宗孝 叶山たけし  26 459-470 白い雪 白雪 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 池田大介  27 471-486 I still believe~ため息~ 我依然相信~叹息~ 滴草由实 滴草由实 德永晓人 德永晓人  28 487-490 世界はまわると言うけれど 虽说世界是旋转的 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  29 491-504 雪どけのあの川の流れのように 宛如冰雪融化的河流 三枝夕夏 IN db 三枝夕夏 三枝夕夏 叶山たけし  30 505-514 SUMMER MEMORIES 夏天的回忆 上木彩矢 上木彩矢 大野爱果 冈本仁志  31 515-520 GO YOUR OWN WAY 走属于你自己的路 滴草由实 滴草由实 后藤康二 Double S & Miss Ty  32 521-529 恋心 辉きながら 恋爱之心 白热化的光辉 Naifu 荒神直规 森下志音 森下志音  33 530-539 Doing all right 做一切正确的事 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  34 540-561 光 光 BREAKERZ DAIGO DAIGO BREAKERZ  35 562-587 Hello Mr. my yesterday 你好,我的昨日先生 Hundred Percent Free Tack.Ko-KI, & L(R)UCCA TAKA Hideyuki Terachi & Hundred Percent Free  36 588-601 Tomorrow is the last Time 明天是最后一次 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 叶山たけし  37 602-609 十五夜クライシス~君に逢いたい~ 满月危机~想见你~ Hundred Percent Free Tack.Ko-KI, &L(R)UCCA SIG Hideyuki Terachi & Hundred Percent Free  38 610-? 月夜の悪戯の魔法 月光魔术 BREAKERZ DAIGO AKIHIDE BREAKERZ  剧场版主题曲  序号 歌曲名称 翻译名称 演唱 作词 作曲 编曲  1 Happy Birthday 生日快乐 杏子 スガシカオ スガシカオ スガシカオ& 间宫工  2 少女の顷に戾ったみたいに 仿佛回到少女时代 ZARD 坂井泉水 大野爱果 池田大介  3 One 唯一 B"z 稻叶浩志 松本孝弘 无  4 あなたがいるから 因为有你 小松未步 小松未步 小松未步 池田大介  5 always 直到永远 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 Cybersound  6 Everlasting 永恒 B"z 稻叶浩志 松本孝弘 B"z  7 Time after time ~花舞う街で~ 时过境迁~在落花纷飞的街道上~ 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 大野爱果 Cybersound池田大介  8 Dream × Dream 梦想交织 爱内里菜 爱内里菜 德永晓人 corin.  9 夏を待つセイル(帆)のように 守候夏日的风帆 ZARD 坂井泉水 大野爱果 叶山たけし  10 ゆるぎないものひとつ 绝不动摇的唯一 B"z 稻叶浩志 松本孝弘 无  11 七つの海を渡る风のように 跨越七大洋的风 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏 爱内里菜&三枝夕夏 大野爱果 叶山たけし  12 翼を広げて 展开双翼 ZARD 坂井泉水 织田哲郎 明石昌夫  13 PUZZLE 迷惑 仓木麻衣 仓木麻衣 望月田绘&平贺贵夫 小泽正澄  14 Over Drive 凌空驾驭 GARNET CROW AZUKI 七 中村由利 古井弘人  15 Don"t wanna lie 不想撒谎 B"z 稻叶浩志 松本孝弘 无  够全了吧
2023-01-03 00:53:157


话说 我曾经也找了很久了 但是 我发现网上的激活密匙就我找到的每一个有用的 最后只好到淘宝网上买了一个激活软件
2023-01-03 00:53:457


2023-01-03 00:54:196


播放视频时,屏幕上出现网友留下的文字,这叫做弹幕。如下图:弹幕,是视频网站与网友观众建立的互动机制,观众可以一边收看视频、一边发表评论,实现网站与观众的互动。  屏蔽弹幕的方法是:在箭头处点击关闭,如下图:弹幕:本意是军事用语,密集的炮火射击,过于密集以至于像一张幕布一样。在网络上,大量吐槽评论从屏幕飘过时效果看上去像是飞行射击游戏里的弹幕,所以NICO网民将这种有大量的吐槽评论出现时的效果做弹幕。在中国,本来只有大量评论同时出现才能叫弹幕,但是随着误用单条评论也能叫弹幕了。
2023-01-03 00:54:456

2023-01-03 00:55:317


In that deep inside, there is a misty cloud, there is a small house in the cloud, a small house with our most sincere really happy. Everyone has such a small house in the heart, and Cao Wenxuan"s heart also has such a grass house. In the "grass house", a beautiful childhood of a child, with the most pure beauty; in the "grass house", one of the children sing out "fifteen sister I sixteen, mother sister my porridge, Dad sleep in the cradle, no milk to me cry. Remember Grandpa marry grandma, I "firecrackers on the former; in the "grass house", a child from naive naughty slowly mature sensible, a child experienced or witnessed the death of love, affection, affection, friendship and so on. ".In the "grass house", a child"s name - the most resounding sinsin. At the beginning, Sangsang is a naughty in the hearts of the people, every day only know to play, get a black, not dirty garbage P small children. Later, the paper may come, when they first meet on paper and secret, his pure color Sangsang is feeding the pigeons. The paper is dove suddenly take off and then strong wings startled ring around her arm, looked up to see the grandmother beside SinSin a slightly upturned face, a pair of black eyes. The rest of life seen so pale, Sangsang bright girl, he was shocked, also began to own a pair of full of filthy black hand feel embarrassed. Since the paper came after, Sangsang fate began to change, began to grow up. From SinSin experience, I understand that people always want to grow up, to face many difficulties, we should not be weak, should not avoid difficulties, but we should have the courage to go forward, never give up.In the "grass house", a secret song and laughter, tears and bitter not bald crane. The crane is a little bald, subject to a lot of people"s hearts filled with bitter sarcasm. But he has an admirable dignity, and he has a different view of dignity. Finally, after his insistence, he has been recognized by the people, but also the interpretation of the meaning of dignity. This reminds me of a word in the TV play, "as long as we adhere to, there is nothing to do, we will be successful", indeed, as long as we believe in ourselves, firmly believe that they can do, there is nothing to do.In this "grass house", there are a variety of people, has a bitter, happy, simple, and so on. But it is indeed a return of our hearts. Is this house, we are more at ease, more warm. Read this "grass house", I hope I can have such a soul to rely on, so that it can make a noise in the community and I have a "home"". Reading this book, that innocence, innocence has been lingering in my mind, the brain has been repeatedly "a star hanging bottle! Oil leakage, fried black beans! Sweet and spicy, selling ginger!......" Let"s have a house of our own!Although read for a long time, but still can not forget, it is with the film and even forget!在那种最深处,那有个飘渺的云雾,云雾中有个小房子,小房子有我们最诚真的快乐。每个人心中都有个这样小房子,而曹文轩的心中也有这样的一间草房子。在这间“草房子”里,有着一个小孩的美丽童年,有着最纯正的美;在这间“草房子”里,一个孩子唱出来了‘姐姐十五我十六,妈生姐姐我煮粥,爸爸睡在摇篮里,没有奶吃向我哭。记得外公娶外婆,我在轿前放爆竹";在这间“草房子”里,一个孩子由幼稚调皮慢慢走向成熟懂事,一个孩子经历了或目睹了爱情、生死、亲情作文>亲情、友情等等。在这间“草房子”里,一个孩子的名字最响亮——桑桑。一开始,桑桑在人们心中是一个顽皮,每天都只知道玩,弄得一身乌黑,脏不垃圾的小p孩。后来,纸月来了,纸月与桑桑的第一次见面的时候,桑桑正在喂他那纯一色的白鸽。而纸月则被白鸽的突然起飞与那么强烈翅响惊得紧紧搂住外婆的胳膊,桑桑抬头则看到了外婆身旁一张微仰着的脸、一对乌黑乌黑的眼睛。桑桑有生以来看过这么白净、炯炯有神的女孩子,他惊呆了,也开始为自己的一双满是污秽的黑乎乎的手感到难为情了。自从纸月来了自后,桑桑的命运开始转变了,开始长大了。从桑桑的经历中,我明白了人总是要成长,要面对许多坎坷,我们不应该软弱,不应该逃避困难,而应该勇敢地向前走,永不言弃。在这间“草房子”里,有了桑桑的欢歌笑语,当然少不了秃鹤的泪与苦。秃鹤是个十足的小秃子,受到了许多人的嘲讽,心中装满了苦涩。但是他有着令人佩服的尊严,他有着不同的对尊严的看法。最后,经过他的坚持,他得到了众人的认可,也诠释了尊严的含义。这让我想起了电视剧中的一句话‘只要坚持,没有什么事做不到,一定会成功的",的确,只要我们相信自己,坚信自己能行,就没有什么办不到的。在这间“草房子”里,有各种各样的人,有着辛酸、快乐、纯朴等等。但是它的确是我们心灵的一个归处。有了这间房子,我们更加心安,更加温馨。读了这本《草房子》,我就希望我也能拥有这样一个心灵的依靠,这样能让处与社会中的喧嚣中的我有一个“家”。读了这本书,那一份纯真、童真一直萦绕在我心中,脑中一直反复着“一颗星,挂油瓶!油瓶漏,炒黑豆!黑豆香,卖生姜!……”让我们心中有一个属于我们自己的房子吧!虽读了有一段时间,但仍忘不了,更是加上电影的声情并茂,更是忘不了!
2023-01-03 00:56:001

谁和她睡觉了 的女主角是谁?

2023-01-03 00:56:402


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2023-01-03 00:57:3514


写作思路:根据题目要求,多方面介绍林俊杰,接着表达自己喜欢的原因。Lin Junjie, a famous male singer, was born in Singapore in 1981.林俊杰,著名男歌手,1981年出生于新加坡。In 2003, he released his first solo album "musician", which has made great achievements.2003年首发第一张个人创作专辑《乐行者》,取得不俗成绩。His outstanding creative ability was fully displayed in many popular albums such as Jiangnan, Cao Cao and JJ Lu.其杰出的创作才能又在之后推出的《江南》、《曹操》、《JJ陆》等多部畅销唱片专辑中得以充分展现。At the same time, Lin Junjie has also won numerous music awards, becoming one of the most dazzling male singers in today"s Chinese singing world.与此同时,林俊杰还斩获了无数音乐大奖,成为当今华语歌坛最耀眼的男歌手之一。I sincerely recommend his songs to you and hope you enjoy them.我真诚地向你们推荐他的歌曲并希望你们得到享受。
2023-01-03 00:59:032


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2023-01-03 00:59:176


2023-01-03 00:59:395

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2023-01-03 00:59:566


Zhao Yun (? - 229[1]) was a major military general during the civil wars of the late Han Dynasty and during the Three Kingdoms era of China. For most of his career, Zhao Yun served the warlord Liu Bei, playing a part in the establishment of Shu Han. In literature and folklore he is lauded as the third member of the Five Tiger Generals.Due to the limited historical records, many facts about Zhao Yun"s life remain unclear or unknown. The original records in Chen Shou"s Records of Three Kingdoms are only a couple of hundred words long. Pei Songzhi"s annotations provide a relatively clear, though still incomplete picture of Zhao Yun"s life.Contents[hide] * 1 Life o 1.1 Early life o 1.2 In Jing province o 1.3 Battle of Hanshui o 1.4 Later life * 2 In Romance of the Three Kingdoms o 2.1 The rescue of Liu Shan in Changban o 2.2 Zhao Yun rescues A Dou from Lady Sun * 3 Modern references o 3.1 In video games * 4 Notes * 5 References * 6 See also[edit] Life[edit] Early lifeZhao Yun was born in the Zhending (真定) county of Changshan (常山) province (now Zhengding, Hebei) around the year 168 AD. He joined the warlord Gongsun Zan around the end of 191 or the beginning of 192 as commander of a small group of county volunteers. In 192 he was placed under the authority of Liu Bei, who at the time held only the rank of a major under Gongsun Zan, as a commander of Liu Bei"s cavalry forces. Liu Bei had a contingent of several thousand Wuhuan cavalry and Zhao Yun was put in charge of this force. Zhao Yun left Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei to attend his elder brother"s funeral soon after.He rejoined Liu Bei in 200, when Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao and fled to Yuan Shao. Evidently Zhao Yun had an extremely close friendship with Liu Bei. Records of Three Kingdoms says that they slept in the same bed during the time the two were together in the city of Ye. Around the same time, Liu Bei sent Zhao Yun to secretly recruit more men to reinforce Liu Bei"s then small army under Yuan Shao. From then on, Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei in his sojourns throughout northern China.[edit] In Jing provinceIn 202, Zhao Yun participated in the Battle of Bowang against Xiahou Dun, a general serving under Cao Cao. During the battle, Zhao captured Xiahou Lan (夏侯兰). Zhao Yun and Xiahou Lan were from the same hometown, and they had known each other since childhood. Zhao Yun went to Liu Bei and pleaded for Xiahou Lan"s life. He suggested to Liu Bei since Xiahou Lan was an expert in law, he could be appointed as an army judge. Liu Bei gave him the consent. However, Zhao Yun never kept Xiahou Lan close to him, so as to separate personal relations from official matters."Zhao Yun"s Fight at Changban" inside the Long Corridor on the grounds of the Summer Palace in Beijing, China. Zhao Yun is the rider in white."Zhao Yun"s Fight at Changban" inside the Long Corridor on the grounds of the Summer Palace in Beijing, China. Zhao Yun is the rider in white.In 208, Zhao Yun distinguished himself at the Battle of Changban. When Liu Bei was fleeing in the chaos, he left his family behind. Then Zhao Yun disappeared to the north, prompting suspicion that Zhao Yun had surrendered to Cao Cao. When someone reported that to Liu Bei, Liu Bei angrily threw a handaxe and said "Zilong would never desert me". Sure enough, Zhao Yun came back with Liu Bei"s infant son Liu Shan in his arms, also bringing back his wife Lady Gan. With this, Zhao Yun was promoted to General of the Standard (牙门将军).After the Battle of Red Cliffs, Zhao Yun played a major role in conquering territories of Jiangnan for Liu Bei. He was named a major-general (偏将军) and was appointed the Grand Administrator of Guiyang (桂阳太守), replacing Zhao Fan. Zhao Fan had a widowed sister in-law, Lady Fan (樊氏), whose tremendous beauty supposedly could ruin countries and cities. He proposed her to Zhao Yun. However, Zhao Yun politely turned Zhao Fan down, “I share the same surname as you. Therefore I consider your brother my brother.” Many people thought it would be a great match and suggested to Zhao Yun that he should take Lady Fan as his wife. Zhao Yun explained to them, “Zhao Fan surrendered only recently. His intentions are not yet clear. Besides, there are plenty of women in this world.” In the end, he did not marry Lady Fan. His worries turned out to be true; Zhao Fan later fled from Guiyang.When Liu Bei entered the Yi province (益州), he appointed Zhao Yun as the main officer to oversee his base (Liuying Sima, 留营司马) in Gong"an (公安). Liu Bei"s wife then was Lady Sun, Sun Quan"s sister. Emboldened by her brother"s power and influence, she and her militia often ran wild, breaking many laws. Liu Bei considered since Zhao Yun was serious, firm and unwavering, he must be able to bring everything under control and maintain order. Therefore, Liu Bei gave Zhao Yun the special authority to oversee the internal affairs of Gongan (to keep an eye on Lady Sun and her followers at the same time). Soon after Liu Bei left the Jing province, Sun Quan secretly summoned his sister back. Lady Sun decided to bring Liu Shan along with her, but Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei managed to stop her in time on the Yangtze River and rescued the young lord.Later in 214, Zhao Yun accompanied Zhang Fei and Zhuge Liang into Shu. He held separate command, marching from Jiangzhou (江州; modern-day Chongqing) via Jiangyang (江阳; modern-day Luzhou) and Jianwei (犍为) to Chengdu. Zhao Yun was named General Yijun (翊军将军) after Liu Bei claimed Chengdu. Around that time some people made suggestions to Liu Bei that all the generals should be awarded estates/plantations around Chengdu so they could settle in. Zhao Yun argued that it was more suitable to return these properties to the local people. Liu Bei accepted his advice.[edit] Battle of HanshuiIn 219, Liu Bei and Cao Cao were battling over the control of Hanzhong. Cao Cao had huge supplies of rice stocked up near the North Mountain. Zhao Yun sent his soldiers with Huang Zhong, one of Liu Bei"s great generals, to attack Cao Cao"s army and to take the supplies. Huang Zhong did not return on time. Zhao Yun along with a dozen men, went out of camp to look for Huang Zhong. Cao Cao"s main force was marching at that time; Zhao Yun ran into Cao"s vanguards. Not soon after the two sides commenced to engage in battle, Cao Cao"s main force arrived. The situation became very perilous for Zhao Yun, as he and his men were greatly outnumbered. He decided to attack the frontline of Cao Cao"s army. Cao Cao"s men were surprised by the attack and momentarily dispersed. However, they soon regrouped and surrounded Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun fought his way out toward his own camp. When he found out his lieutenant general Zhang Zhu (张著) was wounded and fell behind, he went back to rescue him.Cao Cao"s army pursued Zhao Yun to his camp. At that time, the Administrator of Mianyang (沔阳), Zhang Yi, was at Zhao Yun"s camp. Zhang Yi thought it best to have all the gates closed in order to defend the camp. However, upon entering the camp, Zhao Yun ordered all banners to be dropped and hidden, all drums to be silenced, and the gates to be left open completely. Suspicious of an ambush, Cao Cao and his army hastily retreated. Zhao Yun ordered his drummers to beat drums as loudly as they could, and his archers to rain down arrows on Cao"s men. The stunned Wei army was completely routed. Attempting to escape, Wei soldiers rushed toward the Han River, and in confusion and panic many were pushed into the river and drowned.The day after the battle, Liu Bei arrived to inspect the battlefield. He exclaimed, “Zilong has valor through and through.” He ordered a celebration, complete with wines and music until late that night, in honor of Zhao Yun. From then on, Liu Bei"s army called Zhao Yun “The General with the Might of a Tiger” (虎威将军).[edit] Later lifeIn 221 Liu Bei proclaimed to be the Emperor of Shu Han. At the same time he declared war on Sun Quan out of revenge for the death of Guan Yu and loss of Jing province. Zhao Yun made an attempt to dissuade Liu Bei from entering the war, and to attack Cao Wei first. Liu Bei refused to heed the advice and subsequently waged war against Eastern Wu. He left Zhao Yun behind to be in command of Jiangzhou. After Liu Bei was defeated in the Battle of Yiling, Zhao Yun"s troops advanced to Yong"an. At that time, the Wu army had already retreated.Liu Bei died in 223, and his son Liu Shan succeeded the throne. That year, Zhao Yun was named General who Conquers the South (征南将军), and Central Military Commander (中护军). He was also bestowed the title Marquis of Yongchang Ting (永昌亭侯). Soon after, he was promoted to General who Guards the East (镇东将军). In 227, Zhao Yun followed Zhuge Liang into Hanzhong to prepare for the first of the Northern Expeditions. The next year, Zhuge Liang sent Zhao Yun to Jigu (箕谷) as a decoy against the main force of Wei led by Cao Zhen. Zhuge Liang"s main force suffered a decisive defeat at the Battle of Jieting. At the same time and against a far superior force, Zhao Yun was also unable to muster a victory. However, he was able to limit the loss to the minimum by gathering his men immediately and defending his positions steadfastly. He was demoted to the General Who Maintains Peace in the Army (镇军将军).In 229 AD, Zhao Yun died at Hanzhong and this was much grieved in the Shu army. He received the posthumous appellation of Shunping Marquis (顺平侯) from Liu Shan in 261. Liu Shan"s order to have Zhao Yun honored said, “When Zhao Yun was serving the late Emperor Liu Bei, his contributions were already remarkable. When I was young, I relied on his loyalty to save me from great danger. That"s why I am bestowing him the honour.” Only twelve Shu officials were awarded noble titles posthumously. It was considered a great honour by Shu people at that time.Zhao Yun had two sons, Zhao Tong and Zhao Guang (赵广). The younger son was a subordinate of Jiang Wei, and died in combat in Tazhong (沓中).[edit] In Romance of the Three KingdomsMany of Zhao Yun"s actual exploits were highly dramatized in Luo Guanzhong"s novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In the novel, Zhao Yun is described as being almost perfect, possessing unparallelled physical power as well as unwavering loyalty to his master, tremendous courage, keen intelligence and serene charisma. These traits have often been reflected in almost all modern material regarding Zhao Yun to date. The novel portrays him as a courageous, loyal, and heroic warrior, and show him surviving insurmountable odds, many times single-handedly.[edit] The rescue of Liu Shan in ChangbanZhao Yun fleeing with the infant A Dou at Changban in the 84-episode TV serial Romance of the Three KingdomsZhao Yun fleeing with the infant A Dou at Changban in the 84-episode TV serial Romance of the Three KingdomsThe novel portrayed Zhao Yun quickly and single-handedly slaying numerous enemy generals as he rode his horse from group to group during the Battle of Changban, asking fleeing Shu soldiers where Lady Gan, Lady Mi, and Liu Shan had disappeared. As proof of his resolve, he stated that he would search through heaven and hell to find them and if he could not, he would die on the battlefield. One of the many generals that fell to Zhao Yun was Xiahou En, who carried one of Cao Cao"s prized swords, the "Qinggang" (青釭), which Zhao Yun took with him. Upon finally finding Lady Mi and Liu Shan near an old well, Lady Mi, who was injured in the leg, gave the child to Zhao Yun and refused to go with him stating that she would only slow them down. With enemy soldiers approaching, the two argued until Lady Mi threw herself into a nearby well, killing herself. Zhao Yun then placed the child inside his breast armor and proceeded to fight his way out through overwhelming encirclement of enemy soldiers, using only his lance and the newly acquired Qinggang sword. Zhao Yun"s valor impressed even Cao Cao, who ordered his men not to use archers on Zhao Yun, but capture him alive instead in the hope that Zhao Yun would surrender to his side. Throughout the battle, Zhao Yun charged seven times in and out of Cao Cao"s troops, and killed over fifty enemy commanders. This battle earned him the reputation that awed his opponents later.When Zhao Yun fought his way to the Changban Bridge he met up with Zhang Fei, who stayed behind to stop the incoming Wei troops. When Zhao Yun finally returned to Liu Bei"s side, he felt very guilty over his failure to bring back Lady Mi. Liu Bei threw Liu Shan to the ground, saying his infant son was not worth risking his great general"s life. Zhao Yun barely caught him.[edit] Zhao Yun rescues A Dou from Lady SunIn Chapter 61 (a fictionalization of a true incident), Lady Sun (younger sister of the powerful warlord Sun Quan), who married to Liu Bei to secure an alliance between the two factions, returned to her homeland to visit her sick mother. However, the sickness was a lie to lure Lady Sun to bring along Liu Shan, who would then be used as a hostage to exchange for the Jing province with Liu Bei. When Zhao Yun learned of her departure, he rushed down to the quay, where Lady Sun had already boarded the boat manned by Zhou Shan (周善), whom Sun Quan sent to fetch her sister.Grabbing hold of a small fishing boat, Zhao Yun caught up with the larger boat and leapt onto it. Soldiers from the Kingdom of Wu were not able to stop him. Although Zhao Yun was able to forcibly retrieve Liu Shan from his stepmother, he was not able to get off the boa
2023-01-03 01:00:181


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2023-01-03 01:00:383


The experence that I never forget I will never forget the experence when i began to learn English. I"d like to learn English,but i didn"t know the right ways of learning English.The more i wanted to remember,the harder i found it was.I neary wanted to give up. Luckily,i know a friend on the Internet,he(she) help me a lot,he(she) gave me lots of suggesstions about how to learn English well.For expemple:he(she) told me do more reading ,remember words every morning,and so on. I really want to say thanks to him(her),and we beacame good friends.Oh,so exceting!
2023-01-03 01:00:494

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2023-01-03 01:01:032


  在人们的日常生活中电脑越来越受欢迎,但是电脑的使用对我们生活的影响有利有弊。下面我为大家带来电脑的利弊 英语 作文 ,希望对你有所帮助!  电脑的利弊英语作文篇一   Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages.   For example,if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. And I can make more friends on it. Some of my classmates say they feel happy when they talk with more friends with many similar hobbies.   However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and can"t put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you can"t live without Internet.   So we must be careful when we use the Internet.   电脑的利弊英语作文篇二   Computer is increasingly popular in people"s daily life. The number of computer in every family is more than TV set. Some people think it is so great that they all regard it as a gift from the heaven. However, some people consider it brings more disadvantages than advantages. In my opinion, both opinions are correct, but if we can use computer in a proper way, its advantages are superior to disadvantages. I have several reasons.   On the one hand, computer makes human beings" life become easier. People can do many things that they can"t do before. They can read newspaper without buying it, only sitting in front of their computer, clicking mouse to open website. Shopping online, watching movies, listening music and play computer games are the common things that people often do by computer. But without computer, they can"t do all these easily. In addition, computer is also very helpful for study and work. People can have classes and work on it.   To sum, computer has advantages and disadvantages. But if people can control themselves to use computer properly, it is useful for their whole life.   电脑的利弊英语作文篇三   Most parents and teachers think it is a bad thing to play computer games.They think it is a waste of time and money.Playing too many computer games is also bad for children"s eyes and health.   However,computer games can also bring some benefits.They can help people in many ways if people spend proper time on it.   Some computer games can improve people"s ability of thinking.They can make people think in different ways.Playing computer games can also help people be familiar with the keyboard.If people are familiar with the keyboard,they can type fast. More and more people begin to disign educational CD-ROM.They want go any people to gain some knowledge while they are playing computer games.   电脑的利弊英语作文篇四   With the development of computers, more and more people are working with computers. But, we know that computers are harmful as well as useful and helpful .Here, you are asked to write an essay on the topic “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers”. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your essay should be written in English with no lethan 300 words within 60 minutes.   The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers   Nowadays, the idea of progreloorns so large in the modern world, and the progreof a particular kind is actually taking place around us. In this circumstances, computers which have a great help come out with the wisdom and hard-working of human beings. It do have given human a tremendous help, it, however, has brought to us its harmneat the some time.   The computers can make a great help for us in this high speed society. In the light of this statement, it is computers that can store documents for us which is essential for us, it is computers that can shorten the time in seeking useful information instead of looking for knowledge from a large sums of books and it is computers that can make it possible to comunicate with different people who are far away from you. In a word, we can"t live nomally without computers in such a high-tech society.   On the contary, having helped us a lot, computers are harmful to people at the same time, especially the adolescents. First of all, sitting in front of the computer may do harm to our eyes. On the other hand, computers not only bring us useful information but also entertainments. Being weak in controlling themselves, those poor adolescents are more easier to get crazy about the fantasy world. Seeing a vivid picture which is about a son who gets stuck in computers and phones to his parents downstairs to bring dinner for him. I realized deeply that the computers really have their disadvantages.   According to the statements above, it can not be superficial to simply say that computers 猜你喜欢: 1. 高中英语作文:上网的利弊 2. 关于利弊的高中英语作文范文 3. 关于城市利弊的英语作文 4. 团购的利弊 英语作文
2023-01-03 01:01:111


Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages.For example,if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. And I can make more friends on it. Some of my classmates say they feel happy when they talk with more friends with many similar hobbies.However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and can"t put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you can"t live without Internet. So we must be careful when we use the Internet. 现在,我的很多同学都喜欢在闲暇的时间里上网,我认为网络既给我们带来了好处,又有不好的地方。例如,如果我在学习上又困难,我就能上网搜索一些有帮助的信息。并且我还能够在网上交到更多的朋友。我有一些同学说,当他们找到了一些拥有相当兴趣的朋友来聊天时,会觉得开心然而,网络同时也会造成一些问题。如果你花太多时间在上面,你就会变懒而且不能够专心学习。如果你觉得你的生活已经离不开它了那就更糟了所以,当我们在使用网络的时候一定要小心。
2023-01-03 01:01:162


在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是我整理的小学五年级英语作文9篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 小学五年级英语作文 篇1 Hi, I am Cao Wanqian.On Sundays, I usually get up at 6:30.Then I have my breakfast at 7:00. I have some breads and some milk. They are yummy! I like homework at 7:30. Finish! Oh! I"m so tired. at 8:30, I listen to music to relax. I like acid rock music, but I also like quiet music.I watch TV at 9:00 in the bedroom.“Coo~ ~” Oh no! I"m hungry belly growling. It"s 11:00,I want to eat. I come to the kitchen. Mother had cooked food. I sat eating Dakoutaikou in a chair. After lunch, it"s 12:00. I walk to the park. There the air is fresh. I sat in a chair, look at the skyGo back home, it"s 14:00. I sat at the desk read a storybook. It"s so funny.At 5:00. I eat dinner. Today I am very happy. 小学五年级英语作文 篇2 Last Weekend I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents" and my brother"s. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents" house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold. This was last weekend. 小学五年级英语作文 篇3 My student is Huan wei. She is pink wear glasses.Shelike vegetables; Whisky heart chocolate. Every time. She helpme. Me wrstling. She help me. My best friend, Is best frived. She like English. My best friend is rea... 小学五年级英语作文 篇4 I am Tony.I have a computer.I have a new friend.His name is Jack.He is 12 years old.He is a student.He likes surfing the net.We often talk with each other in the chat room.We talk in My net friend I am Tony.I have a computer.I have a new friend.His name is Jack.He is 12 years old.He is a student.He likes surfing the net.We often talk with each other in the chat room.We talk in English.My English is good now.He is a good boy.I like him English.My English is good now.He is a good boy.I like him . 小学五年级英语作文 篇5 We have four seasons in a year. I can do many interesting things in each season. In spring, the weather is cool and wind, I can fly kites when its wind. And I can go hiking with my family when its sunny and cool. I like hiking. Summer is hot in the north of China, but its not long time. I often go swimming. It can make me healthy and strong. I can also wear my beautiful dresses. Fall is a season with harvest. And I can eat delicious fruits in this season. I can watch the leaves fall. Winter comes, its often snowy in winter in my hometown. When it snows, everything is white. We can play with snow and make a snowman, skate and ski. And winter is my favourite season, because of the Spring Festival. I love seasons. I love the nature. 小学五年级英语作文 篇6 In Chinese old days, people"s marriage were decided by their parents, so most couples haven"t met before they got married, as the development of the society, people ask for their freedom and rights to choose their lovers. So today, people can choose their own lovers at their wills, but the divorce rate is increasing every year. More and more young couples get married very quickly, they believe in strong feelings and want to be together forever, as the time goes by, their conflicts can"t reconcile, so they have to end their marriage. In my opinion, marriage is not a joke, people need to get to know each other well before they marry. Lightning marriage is not a good choice, because it needs time to get to know others, to see whether the two people are suitable to live together. They should think twice before act. 在旧中国,人们的婚姻是由他们的父母决定的`,因此大多数夫妻在结婚前都没有见过面,随着社会的发展,人们要求有自由和权利去选择他们的伴侣。因此今天,人们可以由自己的意愿去选择他们的另一半,但是离婚率却逐年在增长。越来越多的情侣快速结婚,他们相信强烈的感觉,想要永远在一起,随着时间的流逝,他们的矛盾无法协调,所以选择去结束婚姻。在我看来,婚姻不是玩笑,人们需要在结婚前彼此相互了解。闪婚不是一个好的选择,因为了解一个人是需要时间的,去看看两个人是否合适住在一起。人们应该三思而熟虑。 作为一名高三生更是要重视作文素材的积累,然后加以灵活运用。而关于作为下面是我整理的一些关于高三英语作文练习素材事迹集锦的相关资料,供你参考。 小学五年级英语作文 篇7 There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often go to my dancing class in the morning and do my homework in the afternoon, and I often help my mother do some cleaning. On Sunday, I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon. After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and say something happily. We often have a good time. 小学五年级英语作文 篇8 My best friend is Li Ming。 We are in the same class。 He is as old as me, but he is taller and stronger than me。 Both of us have black eyes and black hair, but his hair is shorter than mine。 As for hobbies, we have something in common in some ways。 I like the friends who have the same hobbies with me。 Both of us like sports。 We often exercises together after school。 But he is more outgoing and better at sports than me。 Besides, collecting stamps is our same hobby, too。 We often exchange our stamps with each other。 About the learning, I think I"m a little smarter than him。Most of my subjects are better than his, so I often help him with his study。 小学五年级英语作文 篇9 In the park It is sunny today .My mother, my father and I are going to the park. We like the park very much. It is very big and beautiful .There are many trees and flowers in it. Many people like to go there. Look! An old man is sitting on the chair. He is reading a book carefully. Two boys are jumping on the ground. Their mothers are talking with each other. Two birds are flying in the sky. The ducks are swimming in the river. They are very happy. What is the cat doing? Oh, it is running after a mouse. Its a poor mouse. 【要领点评】 写法:这篇习作是用现在进行时描绘出公园里的人和动物们正在进行的活动还运用了一般现在时叙述了公园美丽的景色。 时态:这篇文章可以采用一般现在时和现在进行时两种时态,由于本单元的语法项目是现在进行时,因此,描述的重点要放在现在进行时态上。 句型:一般现在时:主语+谓语+其他 现在进行时: (1)What +be (am,is ,are)+主语+v.-ing+其他? (2)主语+be(am,is ,are)+ v.-ing+其他。
2023-01-03 01:01:251


第一段(引言段)S(1)引出主题(topic),即本文要讨论的问题。 S(2)确立论点(thesis),即表明自己在这个问题上的基本看法。 第二段(主体) S(3)承上启下,做一个过渡 S(4)第一论据:引出证明论点的第一个论据,或原因或理由或观点 S(5)细节说明或论证:运用具体事例或事实等解释说明或论证第一论据 S(6)细节说明或论证(同上) S(7)第二论据:引出证明论点的第二个论据,或原因或理由或观点 S(8)细节说明或论证:运用具体事例或事实等解释说明或论证第二论据 S(9)细节说明或论证:运用具体事例或事实等解释说明或论证第二论据 第三段(结尾段)S(10)重复或归纳全文论点,结束全文 以上“S”是指sentense
2023-01-03 01:01:307


2023-01-03 01:01:553


  序列号大全  Windows 7 UltimateProfessionalHome OEM KeyGen  DELL -> Ultimate OEM -> 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27  Lenovo -> Ultimate OEM -> 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM  Acer -> Ultimate OEM -> FJGCP-4DFJD-GJY49-VJBQ7-HYRR2  SAMSUNG -> Ultimate OEM -> 49PB6-6BJ6Y-KHGCQ-7DDY6-TF7CD  Acer -> Professional OEM YKHFT-KW986-GK4PY-FDWYH-7TP9F  DELL -> Professional OEM 32KD2-K9CTF-M3DJT-4J3WC-733WD  HP -> Professional OEM 74T2M-DKDBC-788W3-H689G-6P6GT  SAMSUNG -> Professional OEM GMJQF-JC7VC-76HMH-M4RKY-V4HX6  Packard Bell -> Home OEM -> VQB3X-Q3KP8-WJ2H8-R6B6D-7QJB7  DELL -> Home OEM -> 6RBBT-F8VPQ-QCPVQ-KHRB8-RMV82  ASUS -> Home OEM -> 7JQWQ-K6KWQ-BJD6C-K3YVH-DVQJG  SAMSUNG -> Home OEM -> CQBVJ-9J697-PWB9R-4K7W4-2BT4J  Ultimate OEM NONSLP -> 7YWX9-W3C2V-D46GW-P722P-9CP4D  Professional GVLK -> FJ82H-XT6CR-J8D7P-XQJJ2-GPDD4  -> 49CGJ-4MTTF-WCM4W-K8WMG-3G2VT  ProfessionalN GVLK -> MRPKT-YTG23-K7D7T-X2JMM-QY7MG  Volume CSVLK -> FKJQ8-TMCVP-FRMR7-4WR42-3JCD7  -> 3XJCJ-QWXCJ-QJVBX-3V7XF-X48TJ  Volume MAK -> 7RWBY-WT9KY-3BDJ2-9PYWC-GXKTP  Enterprise GVLK -> 33PXH-7Y6KF-2VJC9-XBBR8-HVTHH  EnterpriseE GVLK -> C29WB-22CC8-VJ326-GHFJW-H9DH4  EnterpriseN GVLK -> YDRBP-3D83W-TY26F-D46B2-XCKRJ  ServerWeb GVLK -> 6TPJF-RBVHG-WBW2R-86QPH-6RTM4  ServerStandard GVLK -> YC6KT-GKW9T-YTKYR-T4X34-R7VHC  ServerDataCenter GVLK -> 74YFP-3QFB3-KQT8W-PMXWJ-7M648  ServerEnterprise GVLK -> 489J6-VHDMP-X63PK-3K798-CPX3Y  ServerEnterpriseIA64 GVLK -> GT63C-RJFQ3-4GMB6-BRFB9-CB83V  下面的“序列号”可能是由 Windows 7 的专用算号器算出来的,建议用 W7 序列号测试软件测试其可用性  Professional  XJBR4-M42Q4-QPJ9C-BRDRJ-KHPVY TTY4D-RDKK9-TYB2T-68WJW-M69KJ TF3Q7-YYP8R-D78R7-W9Q9M-DXVBK  RGM4T-3VT6B-GTYPY-3FHP2-HV2YJ P3H89-V3P2R-JVBTF-YM2J2-FTMT3 J8D39-J2WM3-6368H-JV8G9-BYJJQ  HWRFF-2FFYX-XFXP2-DYFC3-BX3B7 C3X7Y-R6WWH-BRXRD-FY84C-FXWHK YT9K9-4R938-3TVXX-3Q3QT-9HBXM  Home Premium  TWF78-W7H8T-KXD8C-YDFCQ-HK4WG RHVHB-VYF67-9FT4M-2WXR8-P3C6R Q8JXJ-8HDJR-X4PXM-PW99R-KTJ3H  PPBK3-M92CH-MRR9X-34Y9P-7CH2F MVW82-3R7QW-Y4QDM-99M3V-C4QW3 BFTWY-X2PJR-VJP8V-KGBPJ-FWBMP  86GG2-DBVT6-KYQQ6-XFK9R-896MF 8489X-THF3D-BDJQR-D27PH-PJ3HC 4CBPF-W7GXG-J4J8F-GHG79-Q9YT8  38CGD-Q6RHB-37BVW-Y3XK7-3CJVC  Home Basic  WXM3Y-H2GDY-TKFQH-6GQQF-7VG8P V6V3G-9DB2T-BD4VC-44JVQ-6BVR2 P4DBR-8YPT6-KHRB8-6T7RW-GMXGV  GV7X4-92M4D-6F69V-RFGP9-3FBBD GDK6B-87QP9-F9WYK-PP327-BQ622 FGTCF-8JBG2-4BK4G-36JWB-PFQXB  CW4KD-MK47X-JYQ7Y-DKKTR-86TH7 72C8D-KQ9Y4-FGBCD-WY9WG-BD92C 4JCWB-FVHJJ-XCPKC-CTWDP-QQQ9M  37X8Q-CJ46F-RB8XP-GJ6RK-RHYT7  Starter OEM:NONSLP  BG2KW-D62DF-P4HY6-6JDPD-DYK3W C7KYW-CBKVC-DPC82-7TPKD-Y8T2C GXRHM-CGB6Y-4WRD9-KFD7C-QXQ2B  PKRD7-K8863-WY28P-3YQGW-BP2CY PKRHK-6622Q-T49PV-CC3PX-TRX2Y PR93X-CRDGQ-D83PK-VYFC6-86TW2  V2Q3D-V8VXJ-YQVW6-F2CRQ-4JH64 YDMGR-MYQ3R-4XKRK-VHPDK-H7BY2 YRDY3-MPVD4-GYRVY-QKBGP-M7Y3Y  绝对行  下面这些KEY,大家可以试用电话激活,但免费的午餐,总是要花时间的。  Windows7旗舰版激活码:  THHH2-RKK9T-FX6HM-QXT86-MGBCP  KH2J9-PC326-T44D4-39H6V-TVPBY  D8BMB-BVGMF-M9PTV-HWDQW-HPCXX  TFP9Y-VCY3P-VVH3T-8XXCC-MF4YK  J783Y-JKQWR-677Q8-KCXTF-BHWGC  C4M9W-WPRDG-QBB3F-VM9K8-KDQ9Y  2VCGQ-BRVJ4-2HGJ2-K36X9-J66JG  MGX79-TPQB9-KQ248-KXR2V-DHRTD  FJHWT-KDGHY-K2384-93CT7-323RC  Windows7专业版激活码:  P3H89-V3P2R-JVBTF-YM2J2-FTMT3  RGM4T-3VT6B-GTYPY-3FHP2-HV2YJ  TTY4D-RDKK9-TYB2T-68WJW-M69KJ  KH2J9-PC326-T44D4-39H6V-TVPBY  TFP9Y-VCY3P-VVH3T-8XXCC-MF4YK  236TW-X778T-8MV9F-937GT-QVKBB  87VT2-FY2XW-F7K39-W3T8R-XMFGF  HWRFF-2FFYX-XFXP2-DYFC3-BX3B7  YT9K9-4R938-3TVXX-3Q3QT-9HBXM  C3X7Y-R6WWH-BRXRD-FY84C-FXWHK  XJBR4-M42Q4-QPJ9C-BRDRJ-KHPVY  TF3Q7-YYP8R-D78R7-W9Q9M-DXVBK  J8D39-J2WM3-6368H-JV8G9-BYJJQ  可以用。。。我的是联想的。。。原先是家庭普通版。。。现在是旗舰版了。。。
2023-01-03 01:02:076