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Howie D的《Back to me》 歌词

2023-07-10 19:19:52
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歌曲名:Back to me
歌手:Howie D
专辑:Back To Me

No matter how many times I try to say it
looks like she made up her mind that she can save this
so now she keeps coming back to me (back to me... back..)
and I can"t help that I don"t feel the same
girl I"m sorry but
you"re only making this harder for you
coz loving is something that I just can"t do
girl you had a chance but now it"s time to move on
and now we gotta go our separate ways
it doesn"t matter what you do or you say
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change
but you keep coming back to the same one place
girl it feels like you are my boomerang
she"s coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
here she comes
she"s coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
here she comes
girl I keep walking away
and still you come back
with every step that I take
you take me one back
but this is killing me
why can"t you just let me go and move on
girl I"m sorry but
you"re only making this harder for you
coz loving is something that I just can"t do
girl you had a chance but now it"s time to move on
and now we gotta go our separate ways girl
it doesn"t matter what you do or you say
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change
but you keep coming back to the same one place
girl it feels like you are my boomerang
she"s coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
here she comes
she"s coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
here she comes
no matter where I wanna go
(where I want to go)
you"re always pulling me back where we started
it"s time to pick up and go (go go go)
coz this is your final turn
it doesn"t matter what you do or you say
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change
but you keep coming back to the same one place
girl it feels like you are my boomerang
(it doesn"t matter....)
it doesn"t matter what you do or you say
coz nothing between you and I is gonna change
but you keep coming back to the same one place
girl it feels like you are my boomerang
she"s coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
here she comes
she"s coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
coming back to me, back to me
here she comes



keep walking什么意思

2023-07-10 07:57:047

keep walking什么意思

2023-07-10 07:57:183

keep walking是什么意思

keep walking and keep on walking 意思分别—— keep walking是向前行、永不止步,动词、形容词;keep on walking是继续向前。 扩展资料   例句:   Shall we keep walking?   要继续走吗?   Keep walking until you see a sign for the trail.   一直走下去直到你看到小径的.标志牌。   Greta always said, "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!"   葛丽塔常说:“亲爱的,记得要走在阳光里!”
2023-07-10 07:57:251

keep walking是什么意思?

2023-07-10 07:57:333


2023-07-10 07:57:483

Keep Walking 是什么意思?

2023-07-10 07:57:5614

求翻译keep walking歌词

keep walking纵然无人鼓舞,我依旧要朝梦想迈步。对满怀梦想的人而言,终点也是起点。------------------------------------keep walking(永往直前)You don"t care你莫不关心You don"t try你不去尝试Life will pass by生命匆匆流逝You won"t know你不会知道Time will show可时间会证明If life gonna go如果每天的生活Gotta keep on pushing你不断向上前进Pushing every day每天前进Try it every where无限去闯Keep moving on永往直前Keep going now努力尝试Keep pushing all your way...全力以赴Keep going now永往直前Don"t hesitate不在犹豫Your dreams will come one day有一天你会实现梦想Will come one day某天你会实现梦想
2023-07-10 07:58:191

keep walking的酒是哪个国家的?

2023-07-10 07:58:281

求翻译keep walking歌词

你毫不在乎你不敢尝试人生将要溜走你不知道时间将会证明生命将会溜走每天都要进取无论何地都要尝试加油 前进 一路进取前进 不要犹豫你的梦想终有一天会实现每天努力,无处不努力加油 前进 一路进取...加油不要犹豫你的梦想终会实现
2023-07-10 07:58:352

keep walking是尊尼获加一个什么级别的酒牌子。

JOHNNIE WALKER 是混合型苏格兰威士忌 其精湛的 勾兑技术 是一般威士忌酒场望尘莫及的 混合了40种不同的单纯麦芽威士忌和谷物威士忌 勾兑而成的 平衡口感 旗下品级是按照各个年份区分的 其中有 红牌威士忌 (7年)黑牌威士忌 (12年)绿牌威士忌 (15年)金牌威士忌 (18年)蓝牌威士忌 (由于是特级混合型威士忌所以酒液中会存在不同年份的酒 其中最低也要50年而最高年份可达60年之久 所以该品级没有表示年份)尊爵威士忌、尊号威士忌(是由20几种特级威士忌混合而成 其勾兑工序有些像白兰地 所以没有年份标示) 混合威士忌中除了JOHNNIE WALKER 还有很多相对来说不错的品牌 芝华士 百龄坛 这些都是国际上的大牌子 因为是混合威士忌所以口感很大众化 因此销量也很好 至于你所说的keep walking指的则是JOHNNIE WALKER 品牌的核心精神 并是不某一品级的酒 这也是JOHNNIE WALKER 家族所创造的这一切的原动力 “永远向前 keep walking”的精神
2023-07-10 07:58:541

Keep walking--johnnie walker有什么区别于其他的白酒品牌?

JOHNNIE WALKER品牌系列: Ⅰ.尊尼获加<红牌>威士忌JOHNNIE WALKER RED LABEL <红牌>是全球销量最高的苏格兰威士忌,其销量较最近对手几乎每年多一百万箱.<红牌>混合了约四十种不同的单纯麦芽威士忌和谷物威士忌,调配技术考究并紧随一九零九年之原创配方酿制.每一瓶<红牌>都各具独特味道,因而享誉全球.在一九九六年全球最权威的国际洋酒大赛,<红牌>更赢得苏格兰调配威士忌的金奖. Ⅱ.尊尼获加<黑牌>威士忌JOHNNIE WALKER BLACK LABEL <黑牌>是全球首屈一指高级威士忌,采用四十种优质单纯麦芽的威士忌,在严格控制环境的酒库中蕴藏最少十二年.<黑牌>是全球免税店销量高的高级威士忌,在国际间更屡获殊荣.一九九四年及一九九六年,<黑牌>在全球最权威的国际洋酒大赛中均获得高级调配威士忌的金奖,故此<黑牌>确是独一无二的佳酿,芬芳醇和,值得细意品尝. Ⅲ.尊尼获加<金牌>威士忌JOHNNIE WALKER GOLD LABEL <金牌>威士忌酒龄十八年,是尊尼获加家族于一九二零年为庆祝一百周年而创制,当时只供少数贵宾享用.<金牌>采用的天然泉水,源于含金岩层,金光闪闪,使<金牌>酒质醇和而不带泥煤烟薰味.黄金源流的背景,更能彰显<金牌>饮家的卓越成就. Ⅳ.尊尼获加<蓝牌>极品威士忌 JOHNNIE WALKER BLUE LABEL <蓝牌>是尊尼获加系列的定级顶级醇酿,精挑细选自苏格兰多处地方最陈年的威士忌调配而成,当中包含了年份高达六十年之威士忌.酒质独特,醇厚芳香,为威士忌鉴赏家之选. Ⅴ.尊尼获加<绿牌>威士忌 JOHNNIE WALKER GREEN LABEL <绿牌>威士忌精选苏格兰各地15年以上的大麦芽威士忌调制而成,蕴含层次丰富的自然风味,烟熏泥煤,花果清香。清净海盐与纯麦香味的层次,先后纷涌。苏格兰各地自然风味,尽收瓶中。每一口,都是味觉的自然之旅。 Ⅵ.尊尼获加<尊豪>威士忌 JOHNNIE WALKER SWING 20世纪初,大西洋上的豪华客轮,已成为了重要的社交场合之一。尊豪其有如不倒翁造型的独特瓶底设计,就是为了这些航海者及旅客设计的,不管风浪多大,瓶身都可以前后晃动而不失去平衡。由25种顶级威士忌调制而成,口感香甜,带点谷物威士忌所特有的清新香草味。 Ⅶ.尊尼获加<尊爵>威士忌 JOHNNIE WALKER PREMIER 严选28种在雪莉及波本橡木桶储存成熟中,口感最香醇、年份最完美的威士忌基酒来加以调和。其风味平顺圆融,充分表现出苏格兰各地各酿风味且及其大成。还有啊,威士忌和白酒怎么一样??明明就是两种不同的酒嘛,还有他们的酿造材料,制作流程,调配方式都不同啊!!
2023-07-10 07:59:041


永不停步Never stop march in.这比较地道。
2023-07-10 07:59:124

Keep walking,and you will get to the moonlight school的同意句

You can get to the moonlight school if you keep on walking. 同意句
2023-07-10 07:59:341


  英语对话教学是师生结成 学习共同体 合作解决学生发展问题的多向交流活动,强调从生命的高度重新整理英语教学观,让师生自由而快乐地实现各自的生命价值。我精心收集了有关问路的英语对话短文,供大家欣赏学习!   有关问路的英语对话短文1   W:Excuse me, where is the Bell Museum?   M:Oh, it"s not far away from here. You can walk.   W:Yes?   M:Go straight along this road. Then turn left... No, right. Turn right at the first turning.   W:Turn right?   M:Yes. Keep walking till the crossroads. Then turn left. You"ll see a theatre on the right.   W:A theatre?   M:Yes. Beside the theatre, there is a side street.   W:Do I take that street?   M:Right. Walk to the end of the street and turn left again. Then you"ll see a church on the left. Next to the church is the museum.   W:Oh, this is not easy. I"ll try.   M:Good luck.   W:Thank you very much.   M:You"re wele.   有关问路的英语对话短文2   A:I want to got the railway station. In which direction should I go?   我要去火车站,我该往哪边走呢?   B:To the east.   往东走。   A:Thank you.   谢谢。   有关问路的英语对话短文3   A:What"s wrong with you?   你怎么了?   B:I"m afraid I"ve got lost.   我恐怕是迷路了。   A:Where do you want to go?   你想去哪儿呢?   B:Hilton Hotel.   希尔顿酒店。   A:Don"t worry. I"ll show you the way.   别急。我给你指路。   B:Thank you.   谢谢。   
2023-07-10 07:59:411

“老人必须扶着” 扶梯英文标识怎么翻译最好?

……我好像在国外看见过类似的,好像是:elders must be helped.“禁止手推车”把“no trolly”贴在入口处即可。禁止嬉闹:No larking吧。黄线:……一般都写“离黄线……远”。大件物品:No oversized——你确定是物品不是货物吗——那就是object禁止伸出梯外:No reaching out勿在出口逗留:Keep clear或no staying小孩必须拉住:Children must be kept小心衣物夹入:Watch your cloth小心夹脚:Watch your step扶手带:……我实在不知道扶手带是什麼玩意儿,太笼统了,哪里用的?最後附一句,公共场所警示标语英语不用写句型,“No***”就可以了。
2023-07-10 08:01:383


2023-07-10 08:01:441

詹妮弗洛佩兹有一首歌曲,歌词只记得有一句i keep walking,节奏很慢的一

Artistuff1ajennifer lopezSongs Titleuff1aget rightAlbum by: RebirthArtist by: Jennifer LopezYou lookinuff07 just a little too hard at meStandinuff07 just a little too close to meYou sayinuff07 uff07Not quite enough to meYou sippinuff07 just a little too slow for meNo doubt youuff07re playinuff07 real cool homeyGot me thinkinuff07 what is it you do for meTrippinuff07 (trippinuff07) a little more than I should beSo let yourself go and get right with me!Chorus:Iuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right, tonightWe can get rightYour lips talkinuff07 about I play too muchCanuff07t a woman take advantage of what she wants?My hips movinuff07 oh so slow (so slow)Bar tab lookinuff07 like a car note (car note)All I need is you here right by my sideTake whatever you want baby letuff07s rideAnd whatever you want you let me decideJust put your name on the dotted lineIuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right, tonightWe can get rightSo much we got to say, but so little timeAnd if tonight ainuff07t long enough, donuff07t leave love behindBaby take my hand Iuff07ll show you whyIuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right, tonightWe can get rightIuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right, tonightWe can get rightIuff07m about to sign you upWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get rightWe can get rightIuff07m about to fill your cupWe can get right before the night is upWe can get right, get right
2023-07-10 08:01:521


〓■世界各国与地区的经典广告词 ■〓1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)4. We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5. Impos*le made pos*le.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)10.To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)19. Let"s make thing btter.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)20. No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)21.M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand.(M&Ms) 只溶在口,不溶在手。(M&M巧克力)22.Good to the last drop. (Maxwell) 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)23.Time is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)24.Make yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)25.Start ahead. (Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)26.Things go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola) 饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐)27.Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)28.A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)29.Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (RADAR) 蚊子杀杀杀。(雷达牌驱虫剂)30.A Kodak Moment. (Kodak) 就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸/胶卷)31.校园“光棍俱乐部”——男人的世界!(金利来服饰);32.大学生正常消费——不买贵的,只选对的。(雕牌洗衣粉);33.每天有约会——精彩每一天。(雀巢咖啡);34.生日大聚餐——美好时光,美味共享……(麦当劳快餐);35.好不容易从失恋中解脱——原来生活可以更美的。(美的空调);36.朋友间的承诺——真诚到永远!(海尔电器);37.面对导师的赞赏,常说——让我们做得更好!(飞利浦电器);38.应付别人的指责,常说——我就是我……(雪碧饮料);39.九月十日写给导师的贺卡——我们的光彩,来自你的风采。(沙宣洗发水);40.大学生与他们的父母——沟通无极限……(康佳移动电话);41.一个星期突击复习,搞定所有考试——就是这样自信!(飘柔洗发水);42.考试作弊高手——天外有天……(红塔集团);43.寝室电脑无病毒——健康新概念。(LG空调);44.就业偏向外企——非常可乐,非常选择!(非常可乐)。bigmouse_5920 2005-7-26 00:49〓■搞笑广告词■〓〓■搞笑广告词■〓某音响公司广告———“一呼四应!”某饺子铺广告———“无所不包!”某石灰厂广告———“白手起家!”某当铺广告———“当之无愧!”某帽子公司广告———“以帽取人!”某理发店广告———“一毛不拔!”某药店广告———“自讨苦吃!”某戒烟协会广告———“千万别找吸烟女子做朋友,除非你愿意去吻一只烟灰缸!”某打字机广告———“不打不相识!”某眼镜店广告———“眼睛是心灵的窗户,为了保护您的心灵,请为您的窗户安上玻璃。”某香水公司广告———“我们的新产品极其吸引异性,因此随瓶奉送自卫教材一份。”某公共场所禁烟广告———“为了使地毯没有洞,也为了使您肺部没有洞,请不要吸烟。”某公路交通广告——“如果你的汽车会游泳的话,请照直开,不必刹车。”某新书广告——“本书作者是百万富翁,未婚,他所希望的对象,就是本小说中描写的女主人公!”某汽车陈列室广告———“永远要让驾驶执照比你自己先到期。”某交通安全广告———“请记住,上帝并不是十全十美的,它给汽车准备了备件,而人没有。”某化妆品广告———“趁早下‘斑",请勿‘痘"留。”某洗衣机广告———“闲妻良母!”某酸汁饮料广告———“小别意酸酸,欢聚心甜甜。”某印刷公司广告———“除钞票外,承印一切。”某鲜花店广告———“今日本店的玫瑰售价最为低廉,甚至可以买几朵送给太太。”一家美容院挂一块广告牌:「请不要同刚刚走出本院的女人调情,她或许就是你的外祖母。」某一法语学习班的招生广告说:「如果你听了一课之后发现不喜欢这门课程,那你可以要求退回你的学费,但必须用法语说。」香港一家化妆品公司的广告是:「趁早下『斑』,请勿『痘』留。」一家美国报纸登了这样一则广告:「招聘女秘书:长相像妙龄少女,思考像成年男子,处事像成熟的女士,工作起来像一头驴子!」眼药水广告:「滴此眼药水后,将眼睛转动几下,可使眼药水遍布全球。」墓碑上的广告苏格兰有一块墓碑的碑文是:「这里长眠的是亥米西。麦克泰维西。其悲痛的妻子继承了他的兴旺的事业——蔬菜商店,商店在第11号高速公路,每日营业到晚8点。」某家理发店的墙上,贴著这样一则广告:「别以为你丢了头发,应看作你赢得了面子。」英国乡村理发店在桥头立起一块木牌,上边写著:「先生们,我要你们的脑袋。」SINSTAR经典整理穿流不息冷暖随-----亿华达服饰掏宝网 掏掏掏掏掏掏........掏你喜欢白沙集团 我心飞翔动感地带 我的地盘听我的!李宁 一切皆有可能!安踏 我选择 我喜欢照本山说的,是什么来着??????地球人都知道TCL王牌 今天进入未来麦当劳 我就喜欢肯德基 有了肯德基 生活好滋味 烹鸡美味竟在肯德基 意忧未尽 吮指回味反恐精英 打一枪换一个地方红玫香烟 芳香满人间 吸烟有害健康美来自内心,美来自美宝莲“来到万宝路世界——尽善尽美”(万宝路香烟);“会叫的狗是绝不会咬疼你的”(狗头牌香烟);“对那些嗜烟如命的人来说,抽幸运牌是明智的选择”(幸运牌);“我真妒忌男人们抽着烟的潇洒状态”(美国烟草公司);“一百万人的选择不可能是错的”(斯巴迪香烟);“每抽一支‘艾蒂多诺",就像经历了一次愉快的航程”(艾蒂多诺雪茄烟);“永远不会背弃你的好伙伴”(荷兰人牌雪茄烟);“超凡脱俗,醇和自然”(555牌香烟);“投入轻松,醇和新境界”(健牌);“叹美国云丝顿,领略美国精神”(云丝顿牌香烟);“骆驼牌香烟也是助消化的良药”(骆驼牌香烟);“不准吸烟,连环球牌也不例外”(环球牌香烟)。“鹤舞白沙,我心飞翔”(长沙卷烟厂白沙牌香烟);“一品黄山,天高云淡”(蚌埠卷烟厂黄山香烟);“弹指间,尽显将军本色”(将军集团济南卷烟厂将军牌香烟)“饭后一支烟,赛似活神仙”(解放前上海烟草);“绝对男人味”(厦门卷烟厂石狮牌香烟);“不戒香烟,只戒烟油”(台湾绅士香烟);“喜上加喜,人人欢喜”(红双喜高级香烟);bigmouse_5920 2005-7-26 00:50幽默广告语荷兰一家旅行社刊出一则广告:“请飞往北极度蜜月吧!当地夜长24小时。”一家瑞士旅游公司则在广告牌上提醒说:“还不快去阿尔卑斯山玩玩,6000年之后山便没有了!”柏林一家花店开张时的广告:“送几朵花给你所爱的女人——但是,请不要忘了你的妻子。”一家理发店的墙上,贴着这样一则广告:“别以为你丢了头发,应看作你赢得了面子。”而一家乡村理发店则以恐吓的口吻在广告牌上写着:“先生们,我要你们的脑袋!”牙医门诊部外一块牌子上写着:“请放心地来补牙,就是他(她)吻您的时候,也不会察觉。”印刷厂广告:“除了钞票以外,承印一切。”一加油站挂着一块广告牌,上书:“假如阁下烟瘾发作,可以在此吸烟。不过请留下地址,以便将阁下的骨灰送交家人。”某牛奶厂在报上登出一则广告:“如果您每天吃一瓶本厂出品的鲜奶,连续坚持5214个星期,您将会活到100岁!”芝加哥有家“面部表情研究所”,它的招生广告说:“您在我们这里将学会巧妙地皱眉,让人一看,就觉得你是个诚实的人。”某热水器产品广告词:“别只看本品价高,若购买便宜的热水器,会使你陷入水深火热之中。”蓝天六必治 牙好,胃口就好,身体倍儿棒,吃嘛嘛香欧派橱柜 有限空间 无限设计MOTOROLA 智慧演绎 无处不在L"ORE"AL Paris 你值得拥有光大地产 珍重每个家庭的期望 景湖蓝郡-----宁静.致远.泊天下!致高,致远,达天下-------中国电信bigmouse_5920 2005-7-26 00:51[font=黑体]台湾历届广告金句奖[/font][font=黑体]台湾历届广告金句奖[/font]第一届金奖「好东西和好朋友分享」(麦斯威尔咖啡)银奖「你讲台语嘛也通」(西北航空)铜奖「他捉得住我」(柯尼卡)佳作「慈母心、豆腐心」(中华豆腐)「挡不住的感觉」(可口可乐)「学琴的孩子不会变坏」(功学社)「别让今天的应酬成为明天的负担」(解久益)「一人吃,两人补」(新宝纳多)「静得让您耳根清 静」(松下电器)「孩子!我要你将来比我强!」(儿童速体健)第二届金奖「不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有」(铁达时表)银奖「好东西和好朋友分享」(麦斯威尔咖啡)铜奖「世界上最重要的一部车是爸爸的肩膀」(中华汽车)佳作「回家的感觉真好」(义美食品)「他捉得住我」「他傻瓜、你聪明」(柯尼卡)「安全是回家唯一的路」(台湾省交通处)「化去心中那条线」(黑松汽水)「捐血一袋,救人一命」(*捐血运动协会)「有点粘又不会太粘」(中兴米)第三届金奖「Trust me, you can make it!」(媚登峰)银奖「最佳女主角换你做做看」(最佳女主角)铜奖「我不认识你,但是我谢谢你!」(最佳女主角)佳作「啊!福气啦!」(三洋维士比)「一步一脚印,大家爱台湾」(无线电视)「肝哪没好,人生是黑白的!肝哪顾好,人生是彩色的!」(329许荣助宝肝丸)第四届金奖「Trust me, you can make it!」(媚登峰)银奖「认真的女人最美丽」(台新银行)铜奖「拍谁像谁,谁拍谁谁都得像谁」(柯尼卡)佳作「乎干啦」(麒麟啤酒)「给你好看」(玛丹摩莎化妆品)「百服宁、保护您」(百服宁锭)「纸有春风最温柔」(春风面纸)「小而美、小而冷、小而省」(新静王冷气)「他傻瓜、你聪明」(柯尼卡)「不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有」(铁达时表)第五届金奖「乎干啦!」(台湾麒麟)银奖「雅芳比女人更了解女人」 (雅芳)铜奖「认真的女人最美丽」(台新银行)佳作「留一盏灯给最后回家的人」 (宏福文教基金会)「We are family」 (中国信托信用卡)「The city never sleeps」 (花旗银行)「夜深了,打个电话回家」 (富邦文教基金会)「Trust me, you can make it!」(媚登峰)第六届金奖「We are family」 (中国信托信用卡)银奖「关心自己,也关心别人」(行政院新闻局)铜奖「这个月不会来,下个月也不会来了,以后都不会来了」(和信电讯)佳作「Everything"s ok」(大平洋电信卡)「有心最要紧」(住商不动产)「Just call me be happy」(远传电信远传易付卡)「合味才会呷意」(宝岛钟表)「有青才敢大声」(台湾省烟酒公卖局台湾啤酒)「我不认识你,但是我谢谢你」(中华血液基金会)「知识使你更有魅力」(中国时报)「傻瓜镜片,聪明选择」(宝岛眼镜)「乎干啦」(台湾麒麟)「认真的女人最美丽」(台新银行玫瑰卡)第七届金奖「关心自己,也关心别人」(行政院新闻局)银奖「台湾,加油!」(台北市广告公会)铜奖「NOKIA相信科技始终来自于人性」(台湾NOKIA行动电话)」佳作「Just call me be happy」(远传电信远传易付卡)「有青才敢大声」(台湾省烟酒公卖局台湾啤酒)「只要有梦,你会红」(浤丰洋酒)「关机是一种美德」(台湾易利信行动电话)「只有远传,没有距离」(远传电信)「到服装店培养气质,到书店展示服装」(中兴百货)「We are family」 (中国信托信用卡)第八届金奖「一定要幸福哦!」(义美 IRIS喜饼)银奖「生命就该浪费在美好的事物上」(统昂 曼仕德咖啡)铜奖「这种鬼地方都收得到」(和信电讯)佳作「给我小心点儿」(统一 小心点拉面丸)「世事难料,安泰比较好」(安泰 人寿保险)「有青才敢大声」(烟酒公卖局 台湾啤酒)「关心自己,也关心别人」(行政院新闻局)第九届金奖「一定要幸福哦!」(义美 IRIS喜饼)银奖「这种时机,无闲也是一种幸福」 (中华三菱 中华商用车)铜奖「不该爱的,趁早换」 (和信电讯 哈啦900)佳作「Keep Walking」(Johnnie Walker)「什么最青?」(烟酒公卖局 台湾啤酒)「心,是人生最大的战场」(统昂 幻象马雅咖啡)「可怜的旧情人,看不到我的新内衣」(思薇尔 玩美女人)「通往成功的路,总是在施工中」(Johnnie Walker)第十届金奖「现在的Nobody,未来的Somebody!」(第一银行增资卡)银奖「万事皆可达,唯有情无价」(万事达卡)铜奖「全家就是你家」(全家便利商店)佳作「再忙,也要和你喝杯咖啡」(雀巢咖啡)「这是一定要的啦!」 (泛亚电信2U双网预付卡)「三餐老是在外,人人叫我老外!」(久津 波蜜果菜汁)「钻石恒久远,一颗永留传」 (DTC钻石)「正反,反正都很正!」(Sony Ericsson T100 手机)「系金A!」 (纽西兰金色奇异果)「路,是ESCAPE走出来的」(福特六和 Ford Escapebigmouse_5920 2005-7-26 00:5220世纪全球最佳广告词策划前20名20世纪全球最佳广告词策划前20名以影响力、持久力、认知率和文化上的冲击力为标准。1、德国大众:小既是好2、可口可乐:享受清新一刻3、万宝路香烟:万宝路的男人4、麦当劳:你理应休息一天5、迪比尔斯:钻石恒久远,一颗永流传6、通用电气:GE带来美好生活7、米勒牌淡啤酒:美妙口味不可言传8、克莱罗染发水:她用了? 她没用?9、艾维斯:我们正在努力10、美国联邦快递公司:快腿勤务员11、苹果计算机:1984年12、阿尔卡---舒尔茨公司:多种广告13、百事可乐:百事,正对口味14、麦氏咖啡:滴滴香浓,意犹未尽15、象牙香皂:100%的纯粹16、美国捷运公司:你知道我吗?17、美国征兵署:成为一个全材18、Anacin去痛片:快、快、快速见效19、滚石乐队:感觉是真实的20、耐克:说做就做‘bigmouse_5920 2005-7-26 00:55CI策划之国内外经典广告语CI策划之国内外经典广告语好的广告语就是品牌的眼睛,对于人们理解品牌内涵,建立品牌忠诚都有不同寻常的意义。下面我们来看看这些耳熟能详的世界经典广告语是如何造就世界级的品牌的。*M&M巧克力:不溶在手,只溶在口这是著名广告大师伯恩巴克的灵感之作,堪称经典,流传至今。它既反映了M&M巧克力糖衣包装的独特USP,又暗示M&M巧克力口味好,以至于我们不愿意使巧克力在手上停留片刻。*百事可乐:新一代的选择在与可口可乐的竞争中,百事可乐终于找到突破口,它们从年轻人身上发现市场,把自己定位为新生代的可乐,邀请新生代喜欢的超级歌星作为自己的品牌代言人,终于赢得青年人的青睐。一句广告语明确的传达了品牌的定位,创造了一个市场,这句广告语居功至伟。*大众甲克虫汽车:想想还是小的好60年代的美国汽车市场是大型车的天下,大众的甲克虫刚进入美国时根本就没有市场,伯恩巴克再次拯救了大众的甲克虫,提出“think small”的主张,运用广告的力量,改变了美国人的观念,使美国人认识到小型车的优点。从此,大众的小型汽车就稳稳的执美国汽车市场之牛耳,直到日本汽车进入美国市场。*耐克:just do it耐克通过以justdoit为主题的系列广告和篮球明星乔丹的明星效应,迅速成为体育用品的第一品牌,而这句广告语正符合青少年一代的心态,要做就做,只要与众不同,只要行动起来。然而,随着乔丹的退役,随着just do it改为“I dream.”,耐克的影响力逐渐势微。*诺基亚:科技以人为本科技以人为本似乎不是诺基亚最早提出的,但却把这句话的内涵发挥的淋漓尽致,事证明,诺基亚能够从一个小品牌一跃为移动电话市场的第一品牌,正是尊崇了这一理念,从产品开发到人才管理,真正体现了以人为本的理念,因此,口号才喊的格外有力,因为言之有物。*戴比尔斯钻石:钻石恒久远,一颗永流传证明经典的广告语总是丰富的内涵和优美的语句的结合体,戴比尔斯钻石的这句广告语不仅道出了钻石的真正价值,而且也从另一个层面把爱的价值提升到足够的高度,使人们很容易把钻石与爱情联系起来,这的确是最美妙的感觉。*麦氏咖啡:滴滴香浓,意犹未尽作为全球第二大咖啡品牌,麦氏的广告语堪称语言的经典。与雀巢不同,麦氏的感觉体验更胜一筹,虽然不如雀巢那么直白,但却符合咖啡时的那种意境,同时又把麦氏咖啡的那种醇香与内心感受紧紧结合起来,同样经得起考验。*山叶钢琴:学琴的孩子不会变坏这是台湾地区最有名的广告语,它抓住父母的心态,采用攻心策略,不讲钢琴的优点,而是从学钢琴有利于孩子身心成长的角度,吸引孩子父母。这一点的确很有效,父母十分认同山叶的观点,于是购买山叶钢琴就是下一步的事情了。山叶高明于此。*麦氏咖啡:好东西要与好朋友分享这是麦氏咖啡进入台湾市场推出的广告语,由于雀巢已经牢牢占据台湾市场,那句广告语又已经深入人心,麦氏只好从情感入手,把咖啡与友情结合起来,深得台湾消费者的认同,于是麦氏就顺利进入台湾咖啡市场。当人们一看见麦氏咖啡,就想起与朋友分享的感觉,这种感觉的确很好。*人头马XO:人头马一开,好事自然来尊贵的人头马非一般人能享受起,因此喝人头马XO一定会有一些不同的感觉,因此人头马给你一个希望,只要喝人头马就会有好事等着到来。有了这样吉利的“占卜”,谁不愿意喝人头马呢?尤其是那些尊贵的人,更是深信不疑。*德芙巧克力:牛奶香浓,丝般感觉之所以够的上经典,在于那个“丝般感觉”的心理体验;能够把巧克力细腻滑润的感觉用丝绸来形容,意境够高远,想象够丰富。充分利用联觉感受,把语言的力量发挥到极致。*英特尔:给电脑一颗奔腾的芯英特尔公司的微处理器最初只是被冠以X86,并没有自己的品牌,为了突出自己的品牌,从586后,电脑的运行速度就以奔腾多少来界定了。据说英特尔公司为了推出自己的奔腾品牌,曾给各大电脑公司5%的返利,就是为了在他们的产品和包装上贴上“intelinside”的字样,而“给电脑一颗奔腾的芯”则一语双关,既突出了品牌又贴切的体现了奔腾微处理器功能和澎湃的驱动力。*丰田汽车:车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车80年代中国的道理上除了国产汽车就只有日本的进口车了。丰田汽车作为日本最大的汽车公司自然在中国市场上执牛耳,而这句精彩的广告语则很符合当时的情况;巧妙的把中国的俗语结合起来,体现出自信和一股霸气,且琅琅上口。如今,丰田汽车恐怕已经不敢再这样说大话了,但很多中国人还是记住了这句广告语。*金利来:男人的世界金利来的成功除了利益于一个好名字外还在于成功的定位,他们把自己的产品定位于成功和有身份的男士,多年来坚持不懈,终于成为男士服装中的精品,而这句广告语则画龙晴一般准确体现了金利来的定位和核心价值。*沙宣洗发水:我的光彩来自你的风采沙宣是宝洁公司洗发水品牌中的后起之秀,他们请来国际著名美发专家维达u2022沙宣做自己的品牌形象大使,并用维达u2022沙宣本人的名字作为品牌,从而树立起专业洗发、护发的形象,而“我的光彩来自你的风采”则有画龙点睛之感。*飞力浦:让我们做得更好飞力浦在家电领域取得的成绩有目共睹,而且成为500强中赢利最多的电器集团。然而,飞力浦在广告宣传中除了不断强调自己创新的技术外,还从不忘记谦虚的说一声“让我们做得更好”,这种温柔的叫卖似乎更容易赢得国人的认同,难怪当年的爱多会搬出一个东施效颦版的“我们一直在努力。”bigmouse_5920 2005-7-26 00:56*李维牛仔:不同的酷,相同的裤李维牛仔是界上最早的牛仔裤品牌,一向以来都以个性化形象出现,在年轻一代中,酷文化似乎是一种从不过时的文化,李维牛仔裤就紧抓住这群人的文化特征以不断变化的带有“酷”像的广告出现,以打动那些时尚前沿的新“酷”族,保持品牌的新鲜和持久的生产力。*义务献血:我不认识你,但我谢谢你!每一位参加义务献血的人都会被这句广告语感动,虽然朴素无华,但却真实的反映了义务献血的事,同时又表达出一个接受义务献血患者的心声。*日产汽车:古有千里马,今有日产车和丰田汽车几乎同时进入当时还很落后的中国市场,他们的公爵、阳光、蓝鸟、风度轿车一直是中国市场倍受欢迎的车型。日产汽车在中国市场推广中以一句很中国很传统的广告语:古有千里马,今有日产车,拉近了与中国人的距离,从而奠定日产车在中国第二的位置。*宝马汽车:驾驶乐趣,创新无限宝马和奔驰都是汽车中的精品,所不同的是奔驰体现的是尊贵和身份感,主人往往聘请专人驾驶;而宝马则不同,虽然同样代表身份,但显然属于更为年轻的富人阶层,而且他们往往亲自驾车,体验宝马的驾驶乐趣,这正是宝马的魅力所在。*555香烟:超凡脱俗,醇和满足国际著名香烟品牌555是赛车场上的明星。虽然不能在公众媒体上出现,但他们却成为各项国际汽车大赛和拉力赛上的赞助商。555香烟的传播语透出一种气质和心态,用攻心的语言风格满足了吸烟者的心理感受,使吸烟成为一种心理体验。饮料:非可乐面对可口可乐和百事在可乐市场上的“垄断”,七喜汽水面临尴尬的处境,这时七喜采用逆向思维,把自己定位为非可乐碳酸汽车,与可口可乐和百事可乐建立起区隔,却获得意外的成功,成为碳酸饮料市场上第三大品牌。创造性的定位为七喜创造了一个全新的市场。*天梭手表:瑞士天梭,世界穿梭天梭表是瑞士名表,广告语利用压韵技巧,简单易记,是国际品牌中传播语与中国语言巧妙结合的典范。*柯达:就是这一刻胶卷市场的第一品牌从来不用强调自己色彩的饱和、颗粒的细腻这些指标,而是用生活中精彩、难忘的瞬间打动消费者,留驻美好瞬间,给你永恒记忆是柯达胶卷永恒的主题,无论是“患起生活每一刻”和“就是这一刻”都是主题的集中反映。*摩托罗拉:飞越无限模拟时代,摩托罗拉是当之无愧的霸主,然而,由于战略的失误,摩托罗拉在数字时代被后起之秀的诺基亚超过,失去了往日的辉煌。摩托罗拉梦想着有一天重新展开自由之翼,展翅高飞,飞越无限。这是摩托罗拉的理想。今天,在无限互联时代,摩托罗拉终于重新高飞,自由飞翔。中国经济的腾飞,造就了一批国内优秀的企业和知名的品牌。其中那些经过市场考验的传播语都已经成为品牌价值的组成部分,给品牌注入了精神食粮,很好的诠释了企业和品牌的核心价值。*海尔:海尔,中国造国产家用电器一向被认为质低价廉,即使出口也很少打出中国制造的牌子。海尔,中国家电企业的佼佼者,在中国家电工业走向成熟的时候,果断的打出“中国造”的旗号,喊的很有底气,振奋了国人的自信心,增强了民族自豪感。就广告语本身而言,妙就妙在一个“造”上,简洁有力,底气十足。*中国联通:情系中国结,联通四海心联通的标志是一个中国结的形象,本身就充满了亲和力。联通的诞生,对于推动中国通讯行业的发展作出了巨大贡献。它们一次次向中国电信发起挑战,以优质的服务和低廉的价格在竞争中逐渐发展壮大,联通把自己的标志和品牌名称自然的融入到广告语中,从外表到精神做到了和谐统一,反映了企业的精神理念。*商务通:科技让你更轻松
2023-07-10 08:02:131

Take the first turn on the right and keep walking straight on.

2023-07-10 08:02:201

黄金100秒里聂志鹏表演时 串烧歌曲里最后跳舞那段女声英文歌曲是什么?急!

2023-07-10 08:02:282


Wings是英国女子组合Little Mix于2012年8月26日释放的一首单曲,来自于她们即将推出的专辑DNA。Little Mix(小混合、小混混)是由Perrie Edwards, Jesy Nelson, Leigh-Anne Pinnock及Jade Thirlwall所组成的英国少女团体。她们因打破传统成为英国人气歌唱比赛The X Factor史上第一个夺冠的团体而成名,除此之外,她们的夺冠经历更改写了女子团体在比赛中一定走不远的命运。Little Mix不仅改写了The X Factor的历史,赛后也有傲人的成绩,她们是自2005年以来第一个不用在The X Factor上表演就能够首单空降英国单曲榜的冠军。目录1歌曲详情1歌曲详情编辑歌曲:Wings所属专辑: Wings艺人: Little Mix语种: 英语唱片公司: Syco发行时间: 2012年08月22日专辑类别: EP、单曲等等[1] Mamma told me not to waste my life  母亲教导 勿虚度光阴  She said spread your wings my little butterfly  小小蝴蝶 请展翅翱翔  Don"t let what they say keep you up at night  勿因他人之语 辗转难眠  And if they give you up  倘若被人放弃  Then they can walk on by  随他们去  My feet, feet can"t touch the ground  我已双脚离地  And I can"t hear a sound  不闻任何声音  But you just keep on running up your mouth yeah  你仍唠叨不停  Walk, walk on over there  你大可继续  Cos I"m too fly to care, oh yeah  我已起飞 不再介怀  Your words don"t mean a thing  你之言语 毫无意义  I"m not listening  我充耳不闻  Keep walking, all I know is  你继续 我只知  Mamma told me not to waste my life  母亲教导 勿虚度光阴  She said spread your wings my little butterfly  小小蝴蝶 请展翅翱翔  Don"t let what they say keep you up at night  勿因他人之语 辗转难眠  And they can"t detain you  无人能束缚  Coz wings are made to fly  展开双翅 注定翱翔  And we don"t let nobody bring us down  勿因他人 挫败哀伤  No matter what you say it won"t hurt me  勿因蜚语 悲戚痛苦  Don"t matter if I fall from the sky  即使坠落 无怨无悔  These wings are made to fly  展开双翅 注定翱翔  I"m firing up on that runway  我在跑道上起火  I know we"re gonna get their someday  我知道我们某一天会得到他们  But we don"t need no ready steady go, no  但我们并不需要准备稳定下来,不  Talk, talk turns into air  流言蜚语 变为空气  And I don"t even care, oh yeah  我不关心,噢  Your words don"t mean a thing  你之言语 毫无意义  I"m not listening  我充耳不闻  Keep walking, all I know is  你继续 我只知  Mamma told me not to waste my life  母亲教导 勿虚度光阴  She said spread your wings my little butterfly  小小蝴蝶 请展翅翱翔  Don"t let what they say keep you up at night  勿因他人之语 辗转难眠  And they can"t detain you  无人能束缚  Coz wings are made to fly  展开双翅 注定翱翔  And we don"t let nobody bring us down  勿因他人 挫败哀伤  No matter what you say it won"t hurt me  勿因蜚语 悲戚痛苦  Don"t matter if I fall from the sky  即使坠落 无怨无悔  These wings are made to fly  展开双翅 注定翱翔  I don"t need no one saying   我不需要任何人说  I don"t hear no one saying   没有听到任何人说  You better keep on walking  你最好继续走  I don"t wanna hear your talking boy  男孩我不想听到你说话  You better keep on walking  你最好继续走  I don"t wanna hear your talking boy  男孩我不想听到你说话  Your words don"t mean a thing  你之言语 毫无意义  I"m not listening  我充耳不闻  Keep walking, all I know is  你继续 我只知  Mamma told me not to waste my life  母亲教导 勿虚度光阴  She said spread your wings my little butterfly  小小蝴蝶 请展翅翱翔  Don"t let what they say keep you up at night  勿因他人之语 辗转难眠  And they can"t detain you  无人能束缚  Coz wings are made to fly  展开双翅 注定翱翔  And we don"t let nobody bring us down  勿因他人 挫败哀伤  No matter what you say it won"t hurt me  勿因蜚语 悲戚痛苦  Don"t matter if I fall from the sky  即使坠落 无怨无悔  These wings are made to fly  展开双翅 注定翱翔 请采纳。~~~~
2023-07-10 08:02:421


手打如下: Dear Green, I"m writing to invite you to take part in our party. It will be held at the Central Park this Saturday, and some of my friends will join us. If you leave school, first turn right. Walk on until you reach a crossing. Then turn right again and walk past the No 177 Bus station. Go straight and turn left at the hospital. Keep walking and turn left, and you will reach the Central Park. Looking forward to meeting you there. Yours, Li Hua 如果可以,烦请点击页面中的 选为满意回答 按钮,谢谢!
2023-07-10 08:03:021

英语教师格言座右铭 天荒地老,教师的童心不泯

1、心灵塑造的最佳工程师。 The best engineers heart shape. 2、扬黄牛精神,做平凡工作。 Young cow spirit, do ordinary work. 3、天荒地老,教师的童心不泯。 The teacher never vanished childlike innocence glebes old. 4、教育人就是要形成人的性格。 Education is to form a persons character. 5、投入心灵才能闻到生命的醇香! In the mind to smell the fragrance of life! 6、教师要融于师生的相互理解中。 The teacher wants to dissolve into the teachers and students to understand each other. 7、想让生命辉煌,就别浪费青春。 To make life brilliant, dont waste your youth. 8、要把阳光洒向教室的每个角落。 Sprinkle sunshine to to every corner of the classroom. 9、在教育中守望快乐,享受幸福。 Watch happy in education, enjoy happiness. 10、以心灵滋润心灵,以人格影响人格。 With heart nurtures the soul and personality affect personality. 11、用千百倍的耕耘,换来桃李满园香。 With one thousand times for the peach garden sweet. 12、要使教学顺利有效,必须进行研究。 To make a smooth effective teaching research must be conducted. 13、为别人照亮道路,自我务必放出光茫。 Illuminates the path for others, the ego must emit light. 14、让我走进童心世界,和孩子们一起成长。 Let me into the childlike innocence of the world, and the children grow up together. 15、教师是学生的镜子,学生是老师的影子。 Teachers are the mirror of the student, the student is the shadow of the teacher. 16、千教万教教书求真,千学万学学做真人。 Thousand teach teach all truth, and learn how to make Wan Xuexue reality. 17、感人肺腑的谈话,能医治孩子心灵的创伤。 Moving the conversation, to heal the kids. 18、用爱心、耐心、诚心去启迪孩子纯洁的童心。 With love, patience, sincerity to inspire children pure childlike innocence. 19、教师之为教,不在全盘授予,而在相机诱导。 Teachers to teach, not fully granted, and induced the camera. 20、师德最朴素的认识就是要对学生充满爱心。 The most simple understanding of ethics is to caring for students. 21、教师与画家不一样的是他要创造真善美的活人。 Teacher and artist is he in order to create a good living. 22、一个怯弱的教师决不能教出一个英勇的学生来。 A teacher never teach a timid a heroic to students. 23、走进学生心灵,追求诗意课堂,享受教育幸福。 Go into the minds of students, the pursuit of poetry class, enjoy the happiness of education. 24、真正的教师,极力防止自我的坏习惯及于学生。 The real teacher, trying to prevent the bad habit of self and the student. 25、用一生的精力上好一堂课,去启迪一代人的心灵。 Use the life energy to a good lesson, to illuminate the hearts of generation. 26、人生的目标在于不断追求,人生的价值在于奉献。 Goal in life is to continuously pursue, the value of life lies in dedication. 27、不抛弃、不放弃,让每个孩子都站在爱的天平上。 Do not abandon, do not give up, let every child standing on the balance of love. 28、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理学和教育学的人。 A good teacher, is a man who understand the psychology and pedagogy. 29、关爱每一个学生,让每一个孩子都尝到成功的喜悦。 Take care of every student, let every child taste the joy of success. 30、用我的真心、耐心、爱心、细心,托起明天的太阳。 With my sincerity, patience, love, care, hold up tomorrows sun. 31、母爱的伟大之处在于可以容纳孩子最可谴责的行为。 The greatness of a mothers love is that can accommodate the childs can be condemned. 32、只有学而不厌的老师,才能教育出学而不厌的学生。 Only education study of teacher, the students study. 33、母爱的伟大之处在于能够容纳孩子最可谴责的行为。 The greatness of a mothers love is able to accommodate a child the most can be condemned. 34、培养人,就是培养他获得未来,快乐的前景的道路。 Cultivating people, is training he received in the future, happy future path. 35、教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励唤醒鼓舞。 In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but in the incentive sensei. 36、每一位有自尊的老师都会让学生自尊心有发挥的机会。 Every teacher can make students have self-respect self-respect will have the chance to play. 37、待人要诚心,帮人要热心,看人不偏心,做人要开心。 Forgive others sincerely, to enthusiastic person, wasnt eccentric, be happy. 38、生活要朴素,学习要努力,做人要坦诚,对人要真诚。 Life is simple, to study hard, be honest, be sincere to people. 39、在过多地要求孩子的同时,也就应尽可能地尊重他们。 While requiring children too much, also should respect them as much as possible. 40、教师必须非常谨慎,必须对他的所作所为负完全责任。 Teachers must be very cautious, must take full responsibility for what he had done. 41、永远用欣赏的眼光看学生,永远用宽容的心态面对学生。 Students with appreciation view of forever, forever with tolerant attitude in the face of the students. 42、一个孩子就是一本书,要想读懂他,就得走进他们的心灵。 A child is a book, want to understand him, will have to walk into their souls. 43、春风化雨,滋润学生的心田;雷厉风行,提升自身的素养。 Spring rain, nourishing students hearts; High efficiency, to improve its quality. 44、在教学上,要做教师兼学者;在写作上,要做学者兼教师。 In teaching, teachers and scholars to do; In writing, scholars and teachers to do. 45、走进孩子心灵深处,倾听他们肺腑之言,引领他们体验成功。 Go into the hearts of children, listen to their words, lead them to experience success. 46、每天我都微笑着向快乐出发,因为前方有需要我传播快乐的人。 Every day I smile to happy, because the people who need I spread happiness ahead. 47、教师要用爱心关爱学生,用真心、真意、真诚呵护学生的成长。 Teachers love students with love, true, true, sincere care for the growth of the students. 48、勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人,认认真真做事。 Diligent work, happy life, a dignified life, serious work. 49、面对孩子,有爱才会有责任感,有责任感才会始终付出爱的行动。 In the face of children, there is love there is sense of responsibility, has the sense of responsibility will always love action. 50、在数学教育的旅途中,我甘愿做一个行者,不断行走、不断思索。 In mathematics education journey, I am willing to do a walker, keep walking and thinking. 51、教师的工作是教书育人,不光是传授学生知识,更要教学生怎样做人。 Teachers job is teaching, it is not only to teach students knowledge, more to teach students how to be a man. 52、凡是我的学生,就要把美德传给他们;凡是我所教的,就要教得透彻。 All my students, will pass them the virtue; All I had to teach, teach thoroughly. 53、教师是天底下最为特殊的职业,今日的师德水准就是明天的国民素质。 Teacher is the most special profession, the sun of todays ethics standard is national quality tomorrow. 54、我愿将自己全部的爱献给孩子们,让他们在人生起跑线上跑好第一步。 I would like to take all the love to the children, let them run the starting line in life a good first step. 55、用海一样的胸怀,接容每一颗童心;愿化作点点雨露,滋润每一棵小苗。 The same mind with the sea, let each childlike innocence; May turn into little rain, moisten every tree seedlings. 56、欣赏别人的优点,善待别人的缺点,尊重别人的隐私,快乐自己的人生。 Appreciate others advantages, to the faults of others, respect other peoples privacy, the happiness of his own life. 57、不要沉醉于别人的赞赏之中,只有不停地充实自己,才能达到人生更高境界。 Only dont indulge in other peoples praise, constantly enrich himself, to reach a higher realm of life. 58、知识不存在的地方,愚昧就自命为科学;教师不存在的地方,无知就变成了聪慧。 Knowledge does not exist, but just pretend to be a science; The teacher does not exist, ignorant becomes brighter. 59、教师应该把知识打包成礼物让学生欣喜地领受,而不是打包成任务让学生无奈地接受。 Teachers should have the knowledge of packaging as a gift to let the students delighted to receive it, rather than packaged into task reluctantly accepted. 60、能够让学生健康、幸福地成长是我的快乐;能够让学生学有所得,学有所用,是我的职责。 Can let students health is my happiness, happiness to grow; Students can learn something, use it, it is my duty.
2023-07-10 08:03:091

take the first turning on the right

take the first turn:在第一个路口转弯.(向哪转呢?)on the right:向右转 这里的turn on 不是一个词组,这里的turn是名词,on是介词,分属于前后两个词组的组成部分.
2023-07-10 08:03:261

这道题怎么做:Complete the dialogu

1. Could you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?/Which is the way to the nearest restaurant?/Where is the nearest restaurant?/Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant ?/Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest restaurant? 2. How far is it from here?/How far is it?/How far? 3. What would you like (to eat/ have)?/What can I do for you?/Can I help you?/May I take your order? 4. How do you like the food?/What do you think of the food? 5. No, thanks./No, thank you./No, thanks a lot./No, thank you very much.
2023-07-10 08:03:441

wesltife的maybe tomorrow英文歌词

I"ve been down and I"m wondering why 我觉得失落,我奇怪为什么 These little black clouds keep walking around with me, with me 这团小小的乌云一直跟着我,跟着我 Waste time and I"d rather be high 浪费时间,我宁可开心 Think I"ll walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile but be free, be all free 想着我将离开去买一朵彩虹般的微笑但自由,绝对自由 So maybe tomorrow I"ll find my way home 所以,也许明天我将找到回家的路 So maybe tomorrow I"ll find my way home I look around at a beautifiul life 我遥望着美丽的生活 I been the upper side of down 我随命运起浮 been the inside of out but we breathe, we breathe 在失落里我们呼吸,呼吸 I wanna a breeze in an open mind 我想要在开放的思绪里的一道微风 I wannam in the ocean 我想在海里 wanna take my time for me, all free 想要将自己的时间打发,绝对自由 So maybe tomorrow I"ll find my way home 所以,也许明天我会找到回家的路 So maybe tomorrow I"ll find my way home So maybe tomorrow I"ll find my way home
2023-07-10 08:03:501

Puddles & Mud 歌词

歌曲名:Puddles & Mud歌手:Agnes Kain专辑:Keep Walking Or I"Ll Kill YouAnges Kain -Puddles & MudAs Sydney"s winter comes usstare out my window and watch the rainas dances on the ceilingit reminds me all the time whenwe sit outside see you could???set very long goal was it me I was you???so I sleep on my yellow gloss shoeshead through puddles and mudwith the merry of the goal??and the watch doesn"t runone two three fourlittle bridge"s dressed in far round???my father talks too longabout the good days and the weatherwhen we meant to be togetherlike the pitch face??burns that wayhad when we were on the fightso I sleep on my yellow gloss shoeshead through puddles and mudwith the merry of the goal??and the watch doesn"t runwith the merry of the goal??and the watch doesn"t runso I sleep on my yellow gloss shoeshead through puddles and mudwith the merry of the goal??and the watch doesn"t run
2023-07-10 08:03:571


  在某年某月某日某地,他们一起去了东京铁塔。下面是我给大家整理的在某地英语短语的相关知识,供大家参阅!   在某地英语短语篇1   1. At one point, It"seemed certain that their plane would crash.   在某地, 好象他们的飞机肯定要被撞得粉碎似的.   2. What problem do you think you will have in XXX?   你认为你在(某地)将会遇到什么样的困难?   3. Gaines eventually pins Jack down with a constant barrage of rifle fire.   盖恩斯终于用一阵步枪扫射将杰克压制在某地.   4. How long have you lived in XXX?   你在某地生活了多久?   5. I remember you and Jack meeting somewhere.   我记得你和杰克在某地相见.   6. What"s more notable is that sb . use sth . at sw . to do sth.   更值得注意的是某人在某地使用某物做了某事.   7. Maybe Zhong, on some day in some month in some year , happened upon its irritating form.   也许就是它那令人心烦的形象, 在某年某月某日被艺术家在某地偶然见过.   8. These are probably investor - owners, people that have a large income and they own a farm somewhere.   这些人可能是投资 型 所有者, 他们有着很高的收入,同时还在某地拥有一处农场.   9. Such a layout also allows locations to be identified as training rather than operational garrisons.   这样一种安排同样可以明确在某地展开行动的是一支受训部队而不是作战部队.   10. They had been made at a place where they make such things for the profession.   这是在某地制作的,那个地方以制造这种东西而闻名.   11. These robbers are now flying low somewhere in Europe.   这伙强盗现在潜伏在欧洲某地.   12. He is working at some place in the north.   他在北方某地工作.   13. And something somewhere"s gotta giveA share in this relationship gets older, older.   在某时某地为你的某次付出, 都会被彼此深深铭记.   14. The plane went down somewhere between Quito, Lima, and La Paz.   飞机在基多 、 利马和拉巴斯之间的某地坠毁.   15. The father was listed as Edward Mortenson, a residing somewhere in California.   登记的父名为爱德华-莫泰森, 一位住在加州某地的面包师.   在某地英语短语篇2   相信我,当某人在某地为了享受有你的陪伴千里迢迢赶来与你相聚是一件很温馨的事。   Trust me, it can be really heartwarming to know that someone somewhere actually appreciatesyour company enough to go that extra mile.   我在某地下了601,问一个过路的小男孩在哪可以吃午饭。   I got off the 601 ... somewhere, and asked a passing schoolboy where to find lunch.   当你被堵在某地的时候,不管事等着还是在听东西手里会不会有一支笔呢?   Stuck somewhere, waiting or listening with a pen in your hand?   我们的任务是于今年年底在某地建成一座原子能发电站。   It is our task to build up a nuclear power station somewhere by the end of this year.   顺便说一句,这些歌曲没有很多共同点。唯一的共同特征是某人在某地对它们非常关注并把它们发到博客上。   These songs don"t have a lot in common, by the way; pretty much the only trait they all share is that someone, somewhere, cared enough about them to put them on a blog.   到了冬天,这座浮冰岛屿可能会在某地冻结"抛锚",也可能"擅闯"格陵兰和加拿大之间的海域。   The floating ice island could become frozen in place over winter or escape into the watersbetween Greenland and Canada.   气流终将在某地落下。   That air has to come down somewhere.   无论如何,今年的一个新的去处已经是引起轩然大波,就是在某地让恋人们再一次相爱。   However, this year a new destination has caused a stir as a place for partners to fall in love all over again.   更怪异的是他们总说某时在某地看见过我,可我那个时候根本不在那。   The weird part is that I was never even at the place and time they would tell me they saw me.   人们可以根据垃圾比较准确地判断出在某地住着多少人,他们都多大年纪,他们收入如何和来自和种族。   Waste can be used to determine with great accuracy how many people are living in a particular place, how old they are, how much they earn and which ethnic group they come from.   你可能也有kissingcousins住在某地,因为kissingcousins专指那些住得离你很近、又经常互相走动的亲戚。   You too may have kissing cousins somewhere beacuse a kissing cousins is any close relativewhom you see or visit often.   任何一台计算机上产生的每个比特(bit)数据都会在某地被拷贝。   Every bit of data ever produced on any computer is copied somewhere.   在某地英语短语篇3   Trenberth还觉得,大规模的持续降雨“会使别处的天气形态持续僵化”,从而产生阻挡大气在某地环流的积热天气形态。   Trenberth added that large-scale rainfall events “tend to create more persistent weatherpatterns elsewhere, ” creating heating patterns that lock atmospheric flows into place.   在某地关于仲夏夜的传统中,人们相信女孩的未来夫君会从她们看见的第一堆篝火的方向走来。   In one tradition, the future husband will come from the direction in which the girl notices the firstbonfire on Midsummer Night.   与其担心所有范围内老虎,让我们把注意力集中在42个资源地,其中部分已经得到保护,在某地已经有过保存实践。   “Instead of worrying about them all over their range, letu2019s focus on these 42 source sites, many of which are already protected and already have some conservation practices in place,” he said.   而且在獾州,有人在某地也制造着各种形式的大桶,大搅拌桨及传送带。没有它就没有威斯康辛州的奶酪。   And somebody, somewhere in the Badger State builds the vats and forms, and the big stirringpaddles and conveyor belts without which there"d be no Wisconsin cheese.   猴子先生应该在某地的一个森林里。只要到处走走,我肯定你能找到他。   Mr. Monkey should be in a forest somewhere. Keep walking around, and I"m sure you"ll find him.   咱们的任务是于二零零九年年底在某地建成一座原子能发电站。   It is our task to build up a nuclear power station somewhere by the end of this year.   确切的数字会有不同,但一些研究发现,在某地80%到100%的人最后会患上退行性神经紊乱。   The exact figures vary, but some studies find that anywhere from 80 to 100 percent eventuallyget a neurodegenerative disorder.   王先生说:"举例来说,当经济繁荣的时候,在某地新开业了一件餐馆,但是也许会没人去找他们报告营业情况。   "For example, when the economy is booming, you could have a restaurant set up, but nobodywent there and asked them to report," said Ms Wang.   例如某某某,你父母已经在某地,住在某个招待所。   For example, Jack, your parents has been some place, and lives some hotel.   这是在某地制作的,那个地方以制造这种东西而闻名。   They had been made at X., a place where they make such things for the profession.   昨天在某地发生了一起车祸。   At traffic accident happened at one point yesterday .   盖恩斯终于用一阵步枪扫射将杰克压制在某地。   Gaines eventually pins Jack down with a constant barrage of rifle fire.   他仿佛已经知道底蕴,有时他还遮遮掩掩地说,已有人在某地调查过某个消失了的人家的某些情况。   He seemed to know, and he sometimes said in covert words, that some one had gleaned certaininformation in a certain district about a family which had disappeared.   他仿佛已经知道底蕴,有时他还遮遮掩掩地说,已有人在某地调查过某个消失了的人家的某些情况。   He seemed to know, and he sometimes said in covert words, that some one had gleaned certaininformation in a certain district about a family which had disappeared.   
2023-07-10 08:04:041


【 #英语资源# 导语】保护自己对于我们来说也是一个必要的技能,更是英语作文写作的一个强有力话题。下面是由 给大家带来怎样保护自己英语作文,供大家参阅! 【篇一】如何保护自己英语作文   As a child, when people give me the things to play or eat, I will be very happy and then accept them. But recently, as there are so much news about the children being cheated, my mother starts to worry about me, she tells me that I should not accept the strangers" things, or I will be hurt. I listen to her words and I take care of myself carefully.   作为一个孩子,当人们给予我玩的和吃的东西的时候,我会很开心,然后接受了这些东西。但是最近,由于有很多关于孩子被骗的新闻,妈妈开始担心我,她告诉我不能接受陌生人的东西,不然就会受到伤害。我听了她的话,仔细照顾自己。 【篇二】如何保护自己英语作文   How to protect yourself   Do you know how to protect yourself? Some students aren"t really sure abou it.   For example, some students usually don"t look carefully before crossing the street, it"s dangerous. As a teenager, we are supposed to follow the traffic rules, we should be careful and keep walking on the right side. And some boys may fight in school, it"s wrong. We must be friendly to others. What"s more, so many students like making Internet friends, it"s good, because it can make us outgoing and friendly. But every coin has its two sides, we"d better not put our personal information on the Internet.   In a word, we should always be careful and protect ourselves well. I think only in this way can we be happy every day. 【篇三】如何保护自己英语作文   e should obey the traffic rule when we go across the road.Firstly,don"t run a red light .Secondly,we need to be careful enough when we are walking or riding on the road.That"s to say,listening to the music distracts our mind.Thirdly,playing on the road will be very dangerous.The last but not the least,we middle school students had better avoid riding a scooter to keep safe.
2023-07-10 08:04:101

Walking for the Heart DiseaseWalking is one of the most important steps for the recovery of hea...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:C小题4:G小题5:E 试题分析:这篇题目是为心脏病而步行 的文章提到:心脏病人的要想康复最好的运动方式是走路。文章是从为什么走?、如何粗略地判断合适的步行速度?如何开始?和注意事项四个方面讲述的。最重要的是注意步行的时间和速度,同时注意生活中不要有过大的压力。小题1:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前一句的意思是:一个人必须每天至少走35分钟。与D(这样做好处多多。)前后衔接恰当。小题2:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前一句的意思是:步行是心脏病人必须做的。与A(步行在帮助心脏病人恢复方面起到了很重要的作用。)构成因果关系。小题3:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据下文的内容(先慢走,逐渐增加速度。如果有心绞痛的感觉就停止,然后再慢些走,如果感觉不到疼,这时就是合适的速度。)可知,与C(如何粗略地判断合适的步行速度?)相符合。小题4:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前的意思(先一分钟,然后2分钟)可知,这里与G(他们应该渐渐增加时间而不是速度。)前后衔接恰当。小题5:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空后的意思(事实上,压力也会导致其他的疾病。)可知,这里与E(但是要避免各种各样的压力,因为压力会加速心跳。)前后衔接恰当。。
2023-07-10 08:04:181

谁知道Jason Mraz 和Tristan Pretty唱的lucky的中文和英文歌词呢

JasonMraz没有和Tristan Prettyman合唱lucky,他们合唱是Shy That Way...专辑中收录的Lucky,是由jason mraz和colbie cailat合唱的。话说MRAZ和PRETTYMAN早就分手了,怎么会在一起唱这首爱上自己最好朋友的歌呢。
2023-07-10 08:04:263


2023-07-10 08:04:357


How to protect yourself Do you know how to protect yourself? Some students aren"t really sure abou it. For example, some students usually don"t look carefully before crossing the street, it"s dangerous. As a teenager, we are supposed to follow the traffic rules, we should be careful and keep walking on the right side. And some boys may fight in school, it"s wrong. We must be friendly to others. What"s more, so many students like making Internet friends, it"s good, because it can make us outgoing and friendly. But every coin has its two sides, we"d better not put our personal information on the Internet. In a word, we should always be careful and protect ourselves well. I think only in this way can we be happy every day.
2023-07-10 08:04:531

以What does success mean to you?为题 写一篇100字的英语作文

Success is very important for me, success is to reach the set targets. In fact, the success of a feeling, it can be said is a positive feeling, it is a sense of confidence after everyone achieve their ideal state and a satisfied feeling! In short, each of us is the definition of success is of the same! Reach the success of the method is only one, and that is first learn how to pay something ordinary people can not pay! The road to success is always encounter failure, do not be discouraged, keep walking, and will be able to successfully.纯手写,望采纳
2023-07-10 08:05:021

Jojo的《Numbers》 歌词

歌曲名:Numbers歌手:Jojo专辑:All I Want Is EverythingJoJo - NumbersSpledidyangMaxRNBMmmm, OhhhI heard you were out last nightThat"s okay with me, that"s fineI ain"t like those girlfriendsI don"t got a leash on my manFlirting just for fun is coolBut only if that"s all you doSo what"s this in your pocketWith some chicks name on itThe look on your faceSays you called her alreadyWell if you really needed numbers, babyOne number times that I play the foolAnd two are the boxes I packed for youWe"re over if you want some numbersHere"s a number three, six, nineAin"t your address no moreYour cab will be here at fourIt"s over if you want some numbersHere"s a numberStay ten feet away from meNot one word don"t beg or plead (0, no)I heard enough talkingJust turn around and keep walkingI went the address bookOn your phone I had to lookAnd I saw some new namesI bet one on there yesterdayThe look on your faceLet"s me know you"re guiltySo here"s some numbersIf you want them, babyOne number times that I play the foolAnd two are the boxes I packed for youWe"re over if you want some numbersHere"s a number three, six, nineAin"t your address no moreYour cab will be here at fourIt"s over if you want some numbersHere"s a numberUh-oh, Uh-ohSay it againUh-oh, uh-ohUh-oh, uh-ohUh-oh, uh-ohZero are the feelings I got left for youThe 411 is that you and I are throughCause you can"t deny, you told a million liesIt"s three fifty-nine, oh look here comes your rideOne number times that I play the foolAnd two are the boxes I packed for youWe"re over if you want some numbersHere"s a number three, six, nineAin"t your address no moreYour cab will be here at fourIt"s over if you want some numbersHere"s a numberUh-oh, uh-ohver again, noUh-oh, uh-ohUh-oh, uh-ohUh-oh, uh-ohHere"s a numberUh-oh, uh-ohUh-oh, uh-ohUh-oh, uh-ohUh-oh, uh-oh
2023-07-10 08:05:291


2023-07-10 08:05:392


  高考英语听力材料【2】   1.W:Excuse me,where is the Bell Museum?   M:Oh,it"s not far away from here.You can walk.   W:Yes?   M:Go straight along this road.Then turn left...No,right.Turn right at the first turning.   W:Turn right?   M:Yes,Keep walking till the crossroads,then turn left .You"ll see a theatre on the righ   W:A theatr   M:Yes.Beside the theatre,there is a side street.   W:Do I take the street?   M:Right.Walk to the end of the street and turn left again.   Then you"ll see a church on the left.Next to the church is the museum.   W:Oh,this is not easy.I"ll try.   M:Good luck.   W:Thank you very much.   M:You"ll welcome.   2.M:Hi,Jane.It"s nice to see you again.I heard that you went to the U.S.during the vacation.   W:Yes,I went to New York to attend a summer course in English.   M:Wow.You were lucky.How long did you stay there?   W:About 50 days.I went there on July 5th and came back on August 25th.   M:Where did you live in New York?   W:Oh,I lived with an American family,the Smiths.   They were very kind people.Shortly after I arrived,we became good friends.   And,living in their house,I could speak English with them every day.   Besides,I didn"t need to worry about my daily three meals.   They looked after that .   M:How nice!And how about the course?   W:The course was also very good.The teachers were nice.   They taught us to listen,speak,read and write in English,but it was mostly speaking.   One interesting I found was that the American classes are different from our classes here because they are very free.   You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.   You can ask the teacher questions at any time during the class.   And you are welcome to share your ideas with the class.I really like this kind of class.   M:How interesting!Maybe our teacher should try that.   3.M:Well,Stella?Why do you look unhappy?   W:Oh,Bill,I have just had a quarrel with Mr.Philips.   W:Mr.Philips!What on earth was it about?   W:Well,I have made three bad mistakes so far this week.   Today I forgot to give him an important message,so he got really angry with me.   M:But I don"t understand.You are usually very careful and never make mistakes.   W:I"m just so tired.I don"t know what I"m doing.   M:Why?Have you been going to bed late these days?   W:No.I"m usually in bed at about eleven.But I"ve been woken up at half past four every morning.   And then I can"t go back to sleep again.   M:Why?   W:It"s my new neighbor,the milkman next door.   He has to get up at half past four and he always turns te radio on loud.   M:Ask him to turn it down then.   W:It"s difficult.I don"t know him yet.   M:If you don"t want to see him,write him a letter.   W:Do you think it"s good idea?   M:Yes,I do.I"ll help you with the letter.   W:OK.Let"s try.   4.W:Can I talk to you for a moment,Tom?   M:Of course,Julia.Sit down.What is it?   W:I"ve decided to leave.   M:Leave?   W:Yes?   M:Oh,no.Is it because we"re moving out of London?   W:Well,yes.But there are other reasons.   M:I see.You"ve never liked working here.   W:No,no.I"ve enjoyed working here,but...   M:But what?   W:Well,I haven"t had time for other things.   I"ve worked here for four years.And I"d like to do something different.   M:What do you mean,something different?   W:I want to travel.You know,I have never been to other countries.   M:Haven"t you?   W:No,I haven"t.I want to live abroad and learn to speak a different language.   M:Well,what can I say?I"m really sorry.But I understand.   W:Thank you Tom.   5.Good morning,Ladies and Gentleman.   Welcome to our school.My name is Andrew Brown.   I am a history teacher.I"ll give you a quick introduction to the school before I show you around.   Our school is called a "free school".That means that the pupils are free to choose what and how they want to learn.   The school opens at 9a.m.,but the children can arrive when they like.   Most of them are in school by ten.   Between nine and ten most people are in the living room and the kitchen downstairs.   Some of the children haven"t had much breakfast,so there is a lot of eating,tea_drinking and talking.   This is a time when children and teachers can work out what they are to do for the day.   Now if you look through the door of that big room you will see those children reading and drawing there.   Some have chosen to do maths.They are on the third floor with Miss Green.   Four of the older boys are now on the way to the Cardrome to have their driving lessons.   Several children are in the kitchen helping Miss Cabell with lunch.   The children take turns doing this.They all enjoy doing it.   After lunch it"s someone else"s job to do the washing-up.   This job is unpopular and not many of them like to do it.   After lunch the children go on with what they"ve been doing until 4:30.   On Monday and Thursdays the school is also open in the evenings until 9:00p.m..   On Wednesday afternoon there is a school meeting.   On Friday we sometimes take the children to a cinema or a museum.   The school is also open every weekend for those children who want to come.   6.Good morning everybody.My topic for today is "Early Money."   I"m going to tell you something about money used in the early days.   To be honest,we know little about how early people came to use money,but we do know some of the things which have been used as money.   In some parts of Asia,tea was used for money.The American Indians used nuts and other things.   Perhaps the mos common money of all was an animal found some places today,cows are still used as a kink of money.   So you see,things highly valued by everybody may serve as money.   The Chinese were the first people to use coins as money.   Oh,sorry,you don"t know the word?Well,it is spelled C-O-I-N.   Here are some coins of the past.You can come over and have a look.
2023-07-10 08:05:461

Andy Bell的《Non-Stop》 歌词

歌曲名:Non-Stop歌手:Andy Bell专辑:Non-StopAtozzio - Non StopThrow yourself over hereYou know what i wanna doSo bring yourself over here, yeahI know we got company overBut I am so temptedTo take it you up in the roomAnd give it to you, baby,babyCause you"re looking so damn good right nowAnd you keep walking in front of me with them lil shorts onYou know what I wantCause I"ve been waiting all dayYou know what I wanna doI wanna taste youSo girl have on your birthday suitI"m gonna unplug all the phonesWe"re in tonightTurn off your cellcause no more calls at the nightCause when we wrap upThere"s nothing that"s gonna be able to come between usTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyNow I got you in this roomBaby there"s no exitYou gon" thinkFrom the way we sexin" till the morningWe gon" make love until the morningWe can do it however you like itJust let me knowLike it rough, or thug it outOr I take you real nice and slowTry something differentGirl let"s experimentAin"t no place we can"t goI"m gonna unplug all the phonesWe"re in tonightTurn off your cell,cause no more calls at the nightCause when we wrap upThere"s nothing that"s gonna be able to come between usTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma give it to ya in the worst way, babyI"mma give it to ya all nightI"mma give it to ya all night, my babyI"mma have you screamin out my name baby"Like give it to me babyGive it to me babyGive it to me babyTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop baby
2023-07-10 08:05:531

Soldier With A Broken Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Soldier With A Broken Heart歌手:Sarah Connor专辑:Real LoveSarah Connor - Soldier With a Broken HeartIn the dark it"s hard to findA single spark to igniteWhen one leavesCan you startTo believe the pain will passAnd set you freeYou held meCaptiveLike a prisoner convinced that she"s serving lifeNo escaping to safetyWhen the enemy keeps beating you from insideI"m just a soldier with a broken heartBut I won"t be defeated, noI know one battle doesn"t make a warSo I won"t be retreatingI"ll keep marching with my armour downYou can hurt me but I"ll stand my groundI"m here fighting for my right to love, ohhhI"m just a soldier with a broken heartMmmm mmmTell myselfDon"t give upWill the painMake me stopI"ll be brave in no man"s landI"ll keep walking it"s a riskBut I might take the chanceI"m haunted by facesAnd tortured by the fear I"ll never see you againIt"s not fairAnd it"s not rightWhen your enemy keeps beating you from insideI"m just a soldier with a broken heartBut I won"t be defeated, noI know one battle doesn"t make a warSo I won"t be retreatingI"ll keep marching with my armour downYou can hurt me but I"ll stand my groundI"m here fighting for my right to love, oh yeahI"m just a soldier with a broken ...Now I won"tWon"t surrenderWhat I feelHurt can healOh even when my feet won"t take me furtherWhat don"t kill me makes me strongerMakes me strongerI"m just a soldier with a broken heart, mmm mmmI"m here fighting for my right to love,A soldier with a broken ...I"m just a soldier with a broken heartBut I won"t be defeated, noI know one battle doesn"t make a warSo I won"t be retreatingI"ll keep marching with my armour downYou can hurt me but I"ll stand my groundI"m here trying to find my piece of loveI"m just a soldier with a broken heartI"m a soldier with a broken heartFighting for my right to love, loveSoldier With a Broken HeartI"m a soldier with a broken heart
2023-07-10 08:06:001


When you keep walking to the right.当你一直走向右边时。
2023-07-10 08:06:071

Never Too Late 歌词

歌曲名:Never Too Late歌手:Kylie Minogue专辑:The Best of Kylie MinogueNever Too LateKylie MinogueWritten: Stock Aitken Watermanby:koyu0622Why can"t you seeThat I"m still mad about youEven though I"ve found out about youI"ll always stay forever trueAnd in my heartI will forgive youI"ve got so much love to give youIt"s never too lateWe"ve still got timeIt"s never too lateYou can still be mineIt"s never too lateTo change your mindWhy can"t you tryAnd be a man about itAnd if you stop and think about itYou just can"t keep walking out on meAnd even if it takes foreverYour love"s better late than neverIt"s never too lateWe"ve still got timeIt"s never too lateYou can still be mineIt"s never too lateTo change your mindIt"s never too lateIt"s never too lateIt"s never too lateTo change your mindThough I tryI can never put you from my mindYou just creep right back insideAnd there"s no place I can hideAnd in my heartI will forgive youI"ve got so much love to give youIt"s never too lateWe"ve still got timeIt"s never too lateYou can still be mineIt"s never too lateTo change your mindIt"s never too lateWe"ve still got timeIt"s never too lateYou can still be mineIt"s never too lateTo change your mind
2023-07-10 08:06:141


……………………………………楼上的内容虽然很多,但答非所问!以下是我亲自整理的,用了N小时!!!!!beforeMary usually reads the new words before【介词,在......之前】 the English class.玛丽通常在英语课前读单词。Suddenly an animal came before 【介词】him.突然,一只动物来到他面前。He corrected his mistakes before 【连词】the exam came to an end.考试结束前,他修改了错误。after After【介词】 a while,the bird flew away from the branch.过了一会,那只鸟儿从那根树枝上飞走了。An ambulance arrived five minutes after【连词】 the accident happened.事故发生五分钟后,一辆救护车开来了。asTom worked as【介词】 a clerk in a bank after graduation.毕业后,汤姆在一家银行做职员。As【连词,时间状语从句】 time goes on, more and more people have realised the importance of protecting the environment.随着时间的推移,越来越多的人开始意识到环保的重要性。As【连词,原因状语从句】 he was ill,he was absent from the class.Young as【连词,让步状语从句,用于倒装结构】 she is,she knows a lot about history.尽管她很年轻,她对历史却懂得很多。like Tom is like【介词】 his father in looks.汤姆的相貌像他父亲。She feels like【介词】 going swimming in the swimming pool.她想到游泳池去游泳。The weather looks like【介词】 clearing up.天气好像会放晴。Like 【连词,informal】I said(=as I said),you"re always welcome to stay.正如我以前所说过的,我永远都欢迎你留下。She acts like【连词】she owns the place 。她的举动就像那地方是她的一样。tillThe meeting lasted from two o"clock till【介词】 six o" clock.会议由两点一直持续到六点。She didn"t return home till【介词,与not搭配】 eleven o"clock.她11点钟才回家。Keep walking till 【连词】you reach the traffic lights.一直走到红绿灯为止。I didn"t realize what had happened till 【连词】he told me.直到他告诉我我才意识到出了什么事。untilThey talked on and on until 【介词】four o"clock in the morning.他们一直谈到凌晨四点。He did not set foot in England again unti【介词】l 2002.直到2002年他才再次来到英国。[常用于否定结构中]No further comments will be made on this issue until【连词】 the report is received. 在得到报告之前,就此问题再无进一步评论。If there isn"t a winner, the cycle is repeated until 【连词】someone gets a majority of votes. 如无人胜出,整个过程再来一遍,直到有人得到大多数选票。since There have been many changes since【介词】 the war.从战争到现在发生了许多变化。She has rung me once since【连词,时间状语从句】 she left.她离家后给我来过一次电话。I"ve been busy ever since【连词,时间状语从句】 I came back.自我回来后一直在忙。Since 【连词,既然,由于。原因状语从句】this is so,it"s better to accept it.既来之,则安之。unlessNothing will come of it, unless 【介词】disaster.此事除了引起灾祸以外不会有什么结果。How do you know what sites to go to unless 【连词】you search the Web?如果不浏览网页,你又怎么知道该去哪个网址?He won"t attend the party unless【连词】 (he is) invited.如果没有人邀请,他是不会去参加那个聚会的。 for They have ordered some equipment for【介词】 the education.他们已经预定了一些教学设备。Let"s go out for【介词】 a walk .我们出去散散步。She has an eye for【介词】 beauty.她对美有鉴赏力。He felt no fear, for【连词】 he was a brave man.他不感到害怕,因为他是个勇敢的人。Comfort him for【连词】 he is sad.去安慰他,因为他很悲伤。[比 because 较为正式,少用于口语中,用于提出证据或说明前面刚作的陈述]
2023-07-10 08:06:242

《keep on walking》 jem歌词中英准确的对照翻译 谢谢

  支持原创答案哦!  1、The world"s got so dark.  世界变得如此黑暗。  2、I need some guidance to see,because this pain in my heart is taking everything from me.  因为在我心中的苦楚正从我身上带走所有的东西,所以我需要一些引导以帮助我去看见(世间的实物)。  3、It is true that love makes the world go round.  爱让世界变得转动,这是千真万确的。  4、Please give some love to me,because I"m feeling so alone right now.  请给我一点爱,因为我现在感到十分孤单。  5、It"s suffocating me.  (这种孤单)让我感到窒息。  6、God give me strength to keep on walking.  上帝给予我力量,让我继续走下去。  7、God give me strength to keep on, keep on...  上帝给予我力量,让我继续,继续......  (6、7重复一次)  8、The air"s got so thick.  空气变得如此浑浊  9、I find it hard to breathe.  我觉得难以呼吸。  10、And therefore before have,I felt so desperately in need.  因此在我拥有(爱)之前,我在困难中感到很绝望。  11、I know that I must start listening to the voice inside of me.  我明白我必须开始倾听自己的内心声音。  12、The truth is that when I speak to you,I hope you to speak to me.  事实是当我与你交谈的时候,我希望你也能与我交谈。  13、God give me strength to keep on walking.  上帝给予我力量,让我继续走下去。  14、God give me strength to keep on, keep on...  上帝给予我力量,让我继续,继续......  (13、14重复一次)  15、oooh, oooh, my darling.  噢,噢,我亲爱的.  16、god is you.  你就是(我的)上帝。  17、God give me strength to keep on walking.  上帝给予我力量,让我继续走下去。  18、God give me strength to keep on, keep on...  上帝给予我力量,让我继续,继续......  (17、18重复3次)完。
2023-07-10 08:06:311

歌曲jump on it 歌词的意思

All I know is all this started back in 95我所知道的是这一切重新开始95 I stagger my way down the dark path我本人的方式错开了黑暗的道路 I"m searching for answers我寻找答案 Why do people give up their dreams?为什么人们放弃自己的梦想? You"ll never know你永远不知道 Take a chance, yeah?采取一个机会,是啊? Keep on going your way请去你的方式 GOD, TRUST life and our bodies上帝,职场生活和我们的身体 Trust your intuition相信你的直觉 If you got questions, Go on如果你有问题,走吧 Keep on asking them继续要求他们 LOVE, keep giving it out爱,不断给它 Don"t hold it all in不要举行的这一切 CHANCE will keep on coming机遇将继续未来 Hey, take your chance!嘿,你的机会! DANCE, just loosen your bodies舞蹈,只是放松您的机构 Have fun玩得开心 Who cares how they see you?谁在乎他们如何看你? Just keep on freaking with it只要继续再用它 LAUGH like you really mean it笑你真的想它的意思 Thank you again for this day再次感谢您这一天 Let"s start with something, Hey!让我们先以东西,嘿! *Everyday is a new page *每天是新的一页 I write the story with this hand我写的故事与此相反 Remember the feelings记住的感情 Of that day这一天 When you can"t see the way当你不能看到的方式 On nights when you wanna cry在夜晚当你想要哭 I"ll be with you through it我将与你通过它 Don"t forget that不要忘了, I"ll be with you baby "til the end我会与你同在婴儿"无菌结束 All I know, someday you"ll get to your goal我所知道的,总有一天你会得到你的目标 Sometimes you think it can"t be possible有时候,你可以认为这是不可能的 But always believe in yourself但是始终相信自己 Every night you worry about tomorrow每天晚上你担心明天 But you know但是你知道 Don"t stress yourself out thinking too much about it, Hey yeah?不要强调自己的想法太多了,嘿是啊? Look up and keep on reaching higher查一查,不断达到更高 TRUST, GOD life and our bodies信任,上帝的生命和我们的身体 Trust your intuition相信你的直觉 If you got questions, Go on如果你有问题,走吧 Keep on asking them继续要求他们 LOVE, keep giving it out爱,不断给它 Don"t hold it all in不要举行的这一切 CHANCE will keep on coming机遇将继续未来 Hey, take your chance!嘿,你的机会! DANCE, just loosen your bodies舞蹈,只是放松您的机构 Have fun玩得开心 Who cares how they see you?谁在乎他们如何看你? Just keep on freaking with it只要继续再用它 LAUGH like you really mean it笑你真的想它的意思 Thank you again for this day再次感谢您这一天 Let"s start now, Hey!让我们从现在开始,嘿! (Repeat*) (重复* ) I won"t give up on this PROMISE我也不会放弃这一承诺 Until I see that smiling face直到我看到笑脸 I"ll keep walking my way我会继续走我的道路 I can"t stop我不能停止 (I won"t stop) (我不会停止) When you can"t see the way当你不能看到的方式 On nights when you wanna cry在夜晚当你想要哭 I"ll be with you through it我将与你通过它 Don"t forget that不要忘了, The answer"s in you baby答案的婴儿在你
2023-07-10 08:06:501


2023-07-10 08:07:142


1.I"m never complacent about my achievements.2. Only fertile soil can yield good crops.3. While talking with foreign friends, careful observation of converstional behaviors is very important, otherwise misudnerstanding will be inevitable.4. Before, the pulic was not able to acquire the majority of information.5. No shady place could be found in desert, we had to keep walking.
2023-07-10 08:07:212

帮我写一篇小学六年级水品的英语作文题目是how go to the hospltal (六十个单词左右)谢谢咯!

2023-07-10 08:07:324

暮光同城暮光同城中文字幕版 发一下噻 三克油

2023-07-10 08:07:392

有谁能帮我音译下besame mucho的歌词吗

Besame Mucho(Live)(王晰版 )Bésame, bésame mucho 掰撒迈 ,掰撒迈木酒Como si fuera esta noche la última vez 酷某塞佛日啦撕塔/奴秋啦乌鲁低买位Bésame, bésame mucho 掰撒迈 ,掰撒迈木酒Que tengo miedo a perderte perderte después酷秋/股米喽/白啦得儿他/白啦得儿他/累死位Bésame, bésame mucho 掰撒迈 ,掰撒迈木酒Como si fuera esta noche la última vez 酷某塞佛日啦撕塔/奴秋啦乌鲁低买位Bésame, bésame mucho 掰撒迈 ,掰撒迈木酒Que tengo miedo a perderte perderte después 酷秋/股米喽/白啦得儿他/白啦得儿他/累死位斯Quiero sentirte muy cerca 别喽/低内她/我塞卡mirarme en tus ojos verte junto a mí 米里呀里/木斯口斯/内了木物泰迷Piensa que tal vez manana yo ya estaré lejos muy lejos de ti披萨/为里加菲撕/玛丽丫那/丫扎死他低里欧斯/木累狗斯(dei)娶
2023-07-10 08:07:522


2023-07-10 08:07:592