barriers / 阅读 / 详情那位大神知道1分钟的时候的那首歌叫什么名字

2023-07-10 09:34:25

Pixie Lott -- Kiss The Stars


One Direction -- Live While We"re Young (Dave Audé Remix)

Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull -- Dance Again

Ke$ha -- Die Young

Pixie Lott -- Kiss The Stars

Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen -- Good Time

PSY -- Gangnam Style

Loreen -- Euphoria

Katy Perry -- Wide Awake

Katy Perry -- Part Of Me

Rihanna -- Where Have You Been

David Guetta ft. SIA -- Titanium

Nicki Minaj -- Starships

Jason Derulo -- Breathing

Kelly Clarkson -- Dark Side

Taio Cruz -- Fast Car

Far East Movement ft. Justin Bieber -- Live My Life

Calvin Harris Ft. Example -- We"ll Be Coming Back

Madonna -- Turn Up The Radio

Carly Rae Jepsen -- Call Me Maybe

DJ Antoine ft. The Beat Shakers -- Ma Cherie

Tacabro -- Tacata

Swedish House Mafia -- Don"t You Worry Child

Madonna -- Give Me All Your Luvin

Flo Rida -- Whistle

Deichkind -- Leider Geil

Rita Ora -- How We Do (Party)

Zedd -- Spectrum

Beyonce -- Countdown (2011)

Will.I.Am ft. Britney Spears -- Scream & Shout

Alicia Keys -- Girl On Fire

Karmin -- Hello



2023-07-10 05:09:121


[玫瑰]梵文中对练瑜伽的人如何称呼: Yogi或Yogin:那些遵从瑜伽修行道路的人被称做瑜伽师。 Raja Yogi:征服了大脑的人被称做帝王瑜伽师。 Yogini:放弃社会标准(由指对女性不公平的社会标准),愿意通过练习瑜伽,追求精神、灵性知识和修行的女性。 Hatha Karmin:哈达卡米,指表演哈达瑜伽的人。 Swami:行者[玫瑰]什么样的人可以练瑜伽? 年轻人、老年人、很老的人、病人或体弱者,只要不懒惰,都可以获得瑜伽的成就。《哈达瑜伽之光》1.64 只有练习者才能在瑜伽中获得成就。非练习者如何可能获得成功?只靠阅读经典,不能获得瑜伽成就。《哈达瑜伽之光》1.65 只要有呼吸的人都可以练瑜伽。——“现代瑜伽之父”克里希那玛查雅 除了懒人,每个人都可以练瑜伽。——阿斯汤加创始人帕塔比乔伊斯(克氏弟子)[玫瑰]一个人可以通过不同的道路觉悟: 积极的人通过业道(Karma)获得觉悟,即通过完成工作和职责而觉悟内在的神性。 感性的人通过虔道(Bhakti)寻找到神性,即通过对神的投入和爱来获得觉悟。 聪慧的人则追随慧道(Jnana),即通过汲取知识而觉悟。 善于冥想或沉思的人则会遵循瑜伽道(Yoga),即通过控制自己的精神来获得神性的觉悟。[玫瑰]《湿婆本集》中把瑜伽习练者分为四个等级: 1.柔弱的——指那些缺乏热情、批评导师、贪婪、行为不良、贪吃、好女色、意志不坚定、胆小怕事、健康欠佳、有依懒性、说话粗鲁、性格懦弱的人们。古鲁只能引导这样的修行者走向曼陀罗瑜伽(Mantra Yoga)的修炼道路,需努力修炼12年达到开悟。曼陀罗瑜伽:不断地复诵一个神圣意念或祈祷文。 2.平庸的——心态平稳,能够承受困难,愿意去完善自己的工作,说话温和,在任何情况下都有所节制。古鲁会教授他信仰瑜伽(LayaYoga)使他获得解脱。 3.高级的——意志坚定、具有男子气概、独立自主、品格高尚、富有同情心、宽容大度、诚实可靠、年轻勇敢、受人尊敬、尊敬师长、专心投入瑜伽修炼。古鲁会教授这样强壮的人哈他瑜伽,通过6年的练习而悟道。 4.至高的——充满热情、外表优雅、勇敢无畏、熟识经文、勤敏好学、心智健全、心情开朗、饮食规律、自控力强、不恐惧、洁净、精明、慷慨、乐于助人、立场坚定、聪明、独立、宽容、人品好、说话温和、敬拜古鲁。适合修炼任何形式的瑜伽,3年内达到开悟。至高者可以超越世俗世界。 [玫瑰]古鲁和弟子: Guru:古鲁,能够驱散黑暗和带来光明的人。古鲁意义深远,他不是普通意义上的领路人,而是灵性导师,他所教授的不是谋生手段,而是生活方式。他传授有关灵性的知识。 Sisya:弟子,接受古鲁传授的灵性知识的人。 人名后面加“ji”是“敬爱的XXX”:阿斯汤加创始人帕塔比乔伊斯和艾扬格大师都被弟子称作guruji古鲁吉,是敬爱的导师;艾扬格大师的女儿吉塔S艾扬格被学生称作Geetaji敬爱的吉塔;三瑜伽创始人雷凯丽被叫做Kaliji是国际瑜伽组织对Kali Ray在瑜伽界的一个尊称,只有在瑜伽界拥有崇高地位和声誉的瑜伽师才能获此殊荣。古鲁和弟子之间的关系非常特殊,胜过父母与子女、丈夫与妻子或朋友之间的关系。古鲁没有任何私念,他一心一意地引导弟子向着最终的目标努力,关注着弟子的灵性成长。作为一名瑜伽学生,他应该渴求知识,具有谦卑的品性、坚持不懈、坚韧不拔。[玫瑰]瑜伽士舍弃了什么? 瑜伽士不舍弃世界,瑜伽士不舍弃行动,他舍弃自己的欲望。
2023-07-10 05:09:191


1. Adele - "Set Fire To The rain"2. Adele - "Skyfall"3. Alex Clare - "Too Close"4. Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo...
2023-07-10 05:09:285

求一首叫 深海 的歌

求一首叫 深海 的歌 比较有名的是张学友和赵传版本的,在酷我或酷狗音乐软体上可以搜出来的,歌词分别是;深海 - 张学友 作词:陈家丽 作曲:潘协庆 暖暖风吹来像温柔独白 由黑夜偷偷记载 放下了姿态 句句都是爱 海水也沸腾起来 我把你藏了又藏形影分不开 一天天渗透思路血脉 几乎没有一个人能察觉你的存在 爱潜入一片蓝蓝深海 在心深处摇摆 寂寞的世界我从不依赖 漫天尘埃对感情构成阻碍 爱潜入一片蓝蓝深海 在心深处摇摆 你所有秘密我能解开 就和我一样暗潮澎湃 别说你还置身事外 爱潜入一片蓝蓝深海 在心深处摇摆 寂寞的世界我从不依赖 漫天尘埃对感情构成阻碍 爱潜入一片蓝蓝深海 在心深处摇摆 你所有秘密我能解开 就和我一样暗潮澎湃 别说你还置身事外 暖暖风吹来像温柔独白 由黑夜偷偷记载 放下了姿态 句句都是爱 海水也沸腾起来 深海 演唱:赵传 就让我沉溺 爱深不见底 抵抗痛苦没有力气 我爱你从不盼你回报万分之一 你不该走的那么彻底 就让我忘记 再回到过去 欺骗自己比较容易 我好想醉身海里远离风风雨雨 拔掉我心上所有呼吸 怎知我情深似海 全都是泪来灌溉 困陷在感情深渊不能醒来 海越深越是平静越是冰冷 爱越深越是执著越是天真 我对你情深似海你毫不眷恋离开 你教我怎么相信昨天存在 谁不想一旦付出就要精彩 偏偏你选择他来给你未来 就让我忘记 再回到过去 欺骗自己比较容易 我好想醉身海里远离风风雨雨 拔掉我心上所有呼吸 怎知我情深似海 全都是泪来灌溉 困陷在感情深渊不能醒来 海越深越是平静越是冰冷 爱越深越是执著越是天真 我对你情深似海你毫不眷恋离开 你教我怎么相信昨天存在 谁不想一旦付出就要精彩 偏偏你选择他来给你未来 我对你情深似海你毫不眷恋离开 你教我怎么相信昨天存在 谁不想一旦付出就要精彩 偏偏你选择他来给你未来 偏偏你选择他来给你未来 希望对你有帮助! 求一首歌名,叫深海什么。。日本的 深海少女 ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 求一首翻唱的 深海少女 这首是みい版的《深海少女》,下载见附件 求一首叫jessy的歌 :glee./music/view/artist.?owner_user_id=2062 是国外的网站,试试看能不能下 求一首叫Cradle的歌 写过 是在ark里面的 曲是yukki写的...词是hyde写的 cradle线上的试听::music.qq./portal_v2/static/spread/37/spread_122437. ARK这张专辑的试听::music.qq./portal_v2/static/album/92/album_10492. 求一首叫love的歌。 是 Hilary Duff 的 《with love》 ~! 求一首叫 hello 的歌 你去听听是不是Karmin唱的Hello 求一首叫Daisy的歌 :mp3.gougou./search?search=%E9%9B%8F%E8%8F%8A%20alex&suffix=&mtv=0&id=10000002&pattern=0 这是下载地址 不行的话 楼主留个邮箱 我传给你 求一首叫CLOSER的歌 Closer-Travis MV 求一首叫 into the Blue 的歌 into the Blue :songtaste./song/308450/ :image.hjbbs./file/200801/2008010710593762546.mp3
2023-07-10 05:09:411


绯红怎么读音是什么 绯红 [fēi hóng] [释义] 深红色 绯红的读音是什么 绯红的读音是什么 绯红读音:fēi hóng 解释:鲜红;通红。 绯红念一声还是三声 第一声 给(绯红)这个词注音 绯红,读作 fēi hóng (英文:crimson。中国传统色彩名称,红色的一种,艳丽的深红、鲜红、通红、深红色 。绯红色英文之语源是从梵语krmi-ja得来,“由虫生产的红色染料”的意思。) 绯红怎么读音是什么 绯红怎么读音是什么 绯红拼音: [fēi hóng] [释义] 深红色 关于绯红的日文名字怎么写? 绯: 音读:ヒ|ひ|hi 训读:アカ|あか|aka 红: 音读:コウ|こう|kou;ク|く|ku;グ|ぐ|gu 训读:ベニ|べに|beni;クレナイ|くれない|kurenai;アカ(イ)|あか(い)|akai 我常用的一个日文名读音的字典里没找到【绯红】的发音,但是我在yahoo.jp上搜到了一个不知道是动漫还是游戏的角色资料,叫做【绯红「ヒコウ|ひこう|hikou」】 不过因为你要的是训读,所以我附上字典里的一些带【红】字的词和读音,你自己参考吧…… ———————————— 莉红 りく riku 红林 くればやし kurebayashi 红谷 べにたに benitani 红叶 こうよう kouyou 百日红 さるすべり sarusuberi 吾亦红 われもこう waremokou 红子 べにこ beniko 红粉 こうふん kouhun 红花油 べにばなあぶら benibanaabura 红绢 もみ momi 红露 こうろ kouro 红玉 こうぎょく kougyoku 真红 しんく shinku 深红 しんく、みく shinku、miku 红茶 こうちゃ koucha 红潮 こうちょう kouchou 红色 べにいろ beniiro 美红 みく miku 红莲 ぐれん guren 红梅 こうばい koubai 丸红 まるべに marubeni 红鹤 べにづる beniduru 红陵 こうりょう kouryou 红藻类 こうそうるい kousourui 红海 こうかい koukai 红音 あかね akane 红楳 こうばい koubai 红雨 こうう kouu 红春 こうしゅん koushun 红丽 くれい kurei 红花 べにばな benibana 红星 こうせい kousei 爪红 つまくれない tsumakurenai 红白 こうはく kouhaku 红娘 てんとうむし tentoumushi 红绪 べにお benio 红灯 こうとう koutou 落霜红 うめもどき umemodoki 红紫 こうし koushi 丽红 りーほん riーhon 东天红 とうてんこう toutenkou 红云 こううん kouun 红斑 こうはん kouhan 红屋 べにや beniya 鲜红 せんこう senkou 红夏 べにか benika 红野 こうの kouno 夕红 ゆうくれない yuukurenai 红穂 あかほ akaho 红兰 こうらん kouran 红炎 こうえん kouen 梨红 りく riku 洋红 ようこう youkou 红组 あかぐみ akagumi 红峰 あかみね akamine 红染 べにぞめ benizome 红叶山 もみじやま momiziyama 淡红色 たんこうしょく tankoushoku 红鲑 べにざけ benizake 红华 べにか benika 薄红 うすべに usubeni 紫红 しこう shikou 红峰 あかみね akamine 红山 こうざん kouzan 千日红 せんにちこう sennichikou 红藻 こうそう kousou 红芯 こうしん koushin 未瑠红 みるく miruku 暁红 ぎょうこう gyoukou 红阪 あかさか akasaka 红型 びんがた bingata 雁来红 がんらいこう ganraikou 红赤 べにあか beniaka 頬红 ほおべに hoobeni 淡红 たんこう tankou 红ます べにます benimasu 小红 こべに ko...... 德语中〕绯红〔怎么读的啊,,, karmesinrot 卡美zin侯特(zin是拼音,实在找不出相似的中文了) karminrot卡民侯特(两个特都是轻读) 或者 名词 das Purpurrot 大斯 坡坡侯特 ‘绯红"怎么读 绯红 fēihóng [crimson;bright red] 深红色,橙红色 绯红回忆 用日语怎么说? 绯色の思い出(ひいろのおもいで) ------------------ 绯功の衣(ひいろのころも) 绯色の欠片(ひいろのかけら) 绯色の研究(ひいろのけんきゅう英: 、A Study in Scarlet)《血字的研究》英国、阿瑟·柯南·道尔于1887年创作的小说 绯红的天空用英语怎么说? bright red sky 首先说一下,英语永远都不可能有中文那么优美且寓意深长!
2023-07-10 05:10:001这里面的歌曲分别是什么名字。谢谢了!

累死我了,几乎全给你找出来了,这歌是串烧,有几首听出来但忘了叫什么了,但听出了很多,开始第一首是Maroon 5-Payphone,第二首The Wanted-Glad You Came,第三首是Flo Rida-Whistle,第四首Ellie Goulding-Lights,下一首Pitbull-Have Some Fun,下一首LMFAO-Sorry for Party Rocking,下一首Fun.-Some Nights,下一首Kelly Clarkson-What Doesn"t Kill You,下一首Maroon 5-One More Night,下一首Adele-Set Fire To The Rain,下一首Katy Perry-Part Of Me,下一首Ne-Yo-Let Me Love You,下一首Fun.-We Are Young,下一首Nelly Furtado-Big Hoops,下一首Justin Bieber-boyfriend,下一首Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me,下一首江南style,下一首David Guetta-Titanium,下一首Carly Rae Jepsen-This Kiss 希望采纳啊!
2023-07-10 05:10:081


mroon 5 - moves like jagger Jewel-What You AreOne Republic-SecretsRihanna-California King BedThe Pretty Reckless-Make Me Wanna Die Nicki Minaj – Super Bass
2023-07-10 05:10:175


1.Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz Khalifa2.Glad you cam..dfslkjglkusid
2023-07-10 05:10:373


有一首叫one day
2023-07-10 05:10:454

找一首英文歌是一女生开头唱 hello hello 啊 然后很激情很好听 求歌名

halloween aqua
2023-07-10 05:10:544

2015韩国女团的歌 歌词是wu ah wu ah 强力哦朴素给什么的 一首轻快的歌

Neon Love---KarminDropped the call, drop my phoneAll alone I"m with youHad enough, sobered upNothing left to cling toFunny how the stars always seem to shineShine the brightest right before they fallFunny how your touch used to burn me upNow I"m not feeling anything at allI never noticed how hot it is under these lightsThis neon love is burning too brightBaby, sometimes it"s hardenough just getting byThis neon love is making us blindFunny how the lows overshine the highsIf we fade at least we know we triedShould have known from start of it,baby don"t cryThis neon love is destined to dieSalty lips, drunken kissUsed to think I need thisHad the moon, but wanted youIt"ll all be done soonFunny how the stars always seem to shineShine the brightest right before they fallFunny how your touch used to burn me upNow I"m not feeling anything at allI never noticed how hot it isunder these lightsThis neon love is burning too brightBaby, sometimes it"s hard enoughjust getting byThis neon love is making us blindFunny how the lows overshine the highsIf we fade at least we know we triedShould have known from start of it,baby don"t cryThis neon love is destined to dieWhat"s the useTell the truthI"ll be fine without youI never noticed how hot it isunder these lightsThis neon love is burning too brightBaby, sometimes it"s hard enoughjust getting byThis neon love is making us blindFunny how the lows overshine the highsIf we fade at least we know we triedShould have known from start of it,baby don"t cryThis neon love is destined to dieDestined to dieThis neon love is destined to die
2023-07-10 05:11:211


proud of you我10岁我会唱哦!你可以把歌词打印下来会简单一些。
2023-07-10 05:11:308

2012年24首大热单曲混音有哪些歌?就是开头是 die young的那首混音。特别是第二首女孩唱的是什么歌?

是这首 Brokenhearted -Karmin
2023-07-10 05:11:454


快乐大本营李钟硕那期时间是9月12日,背景音乐有:开场曲:Where The Sun Goes---歌手Redfoo2.釜山短片开始:Tulips----歌手christopher3.短片容和出场一:can"t stop---歌手CNBLUE4.短片容和出场二:외톨이야---歌手CNBLUE5.容和介绍釜山:Are You Ready---歌手Lawson6.容和托起吴昕:OSAKA Boyz---歌手花样少年少女7.海涛找到胖阿大妈:日溜まりの不良たち---歌手极道鲜师8.釜山短片结尾(预告李钟硕):Really Don"t Care---歌手Demi Lovato/Cher Lloyd9.CNBLUE出场乐:Black Magic---歌手Little Mix10.命题一/二规则介绍:Mi Mi Mi---歌手Serebro11.谢娜、含韵分别被拍照:争执不再---歌手小野丽莎12.含韵照片亮相:醉拳---歌手成龙13.予曦被宗泫拍照:I Love You---歌手(저스트)JUST14.予曦被敏赫拍照:La Da Dee---歌手Cody Simpson15.拧衣服背景音乐:今生爱的就是你(DJ狂暴版)---歌手祁隆(30秒开始)16.何炅预报并介绍李钟硕:Brokenhearted---歌手karmin.30stars:pop17.短片片头介绍:Love Foolosophy---歌手Jamiroquai.18.吴昕、海涛打开钟硕任务卡:幼女幻奏---歌手Sing R sing19.海涛被抛弃:겨울사랑(冬恋)---歌手The One20.吴昕、钟硕牵手下车:안녕(再见)---歌手孝琳21.吴昕吃吐司:사랑은 눈처럼(爱情像雪花一样)---歌手朴信惠22.三人按手印:Part Of Me-Katy Perry23.池到了维嘉、容和、敏赫垫上周旋:头发乱了---歌手张学友24.加赛队员入水:Butter Fly25.加赛宗泫入水:我是一只鱼---歌手侯湘婷26.敏赫手摸何炅:别问我是谁---歌手王馨平27.容和开辟泳帽造型新天地:Trespassing---歌手adam lambert28.下期看点:뱅뱅뱅 (BANG BANG BANG)---组合biabang29.开头VCR介绍村庄:旅程---歌手蔡依林
2023-07-10 05:11:521

有一首英文歌,歌词大概是 and when you say hello ,I know… and

是不是这个 hello 作者karmin
2023-07-10 05:12:003


BrokenHearted ------Karmin
2023-07-10 05:12:085


2023-07-10 05:12:345

英文快歌,女生,歌词高潮部分带有cinderella crazy以及一长串哦哦哦的。

Karmin - Acapella?
2023-07-10 05:12:473


1burning ,2歌手Adele:someone like you ;rolling in the deep3歌手Alexz Jognson:Gonna get it,Trip around the world4Dreaming 5艾薇儿,你懂得啦 6歌手babyface:wonderful night 7后街男孩,你懂得啦 8BigBang :monster 9Bliiy Gillman:spend another night,About memoris 10黑衣摩托党done all wrong 11歌手Blue Foundation:Eyes on fire 12小甜甜布莱尼,你懂得啦13歌曲Call me maybe 14Celine Dion,你懂得啦15I hate love 16realize ,Bubbly, The little things One five wire 17moonlight shadow 18love you lately 19Crush 20Tell me why <吸血鬼日记>21cry on my shoulder 22 Stan23Ledi House<演罗恩的那个唱的>24 wait for you 25歌手Eminem《我的最爱么,都不错的》26Enya:may it be<指环王主题曲> 27every time you kissed me 28歌手,The fray:Never say never<超好听>29Far away from home 30Time for miracles31歌舞青春里的不错的32 Before the dawn33杰西麦卡尼:because you live34classcriver 35Who says 36乔纳斯兄弟:A little bit longer 37No air 38KAT-TUN :rescue 39Katy perry<很多好听的,我很喜欢>40Animal 41tonight I wanna cry
2023-07-10 05:12:552


2pac N.W.Abiggie eminem50cent
2023-07-10 05:13:023


2023-07-10 05:13:175


2023-07-10 05:13:374


2023-07-10 05:13:465

求 kamin-tidal wave 的歌词

Tidal Wave - KarminWhen dreams can"t wait a flood of fateIs breaking over all that we knowI know a place to go escapeBut lately I get lost on the roadAnd I don"t really know just how to say itWe speak all day and never talkCause you and me were never complicatedSo how"d we end up on the rocksThe tidal wave is forcing us to swim at a distanceSo our love is washing awayWith all the push and pull we"re caught up inCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we braveI throw a line and every timeI"m freaking out and sinking insideI hope we find a ground that"s highJust know my love will never subsideAnd I don"t really know just how to say itWe speak all day and never talkCause you and me were never complicatedSo how"d we end up on the rocksThe tidal wave is forcing us to swim at a distanceSo our love is washing awayWith all the push and pull we"re caught up inCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we braveThe tidal wave is forcing us to swim at a distanceSo our love is washing awayWith all the push and pull we"re caught up inCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal waveCan we brave the tidal wave
2023-07-10 05:14:171

求Breathe Carolina的bang it out的英文歌词!谢谢!

"Bang It Out"(feat. Karmin)I bang it outI bang it outI bang it outI beat it upI bang it outI bang it outSparks are flying on the kitchen floorIn my mind I"m already inside youBlack lights, champagne, I need some new strangeNeed to find that something I"m not used toI"m only trying to ride on top of rich girlsSteal her daddy"s money and we"ll rule the worldShe"s likeWhat you say?We"ll just let our bodies translateI need a ride or dieType of girl who lie-likes to come in highSwing in the parking lotShe tells me what she wantI give her all I gotI beat it upI bang it outUntil the sun comes upI bang it outUntil you scream, my loveSo tell me what you wantYou know what I wantI give her all I gotI beat it upI bang it outSweat is dripping like a shower doorLove the way she rides without a rear viewFast life mad brain found that new strangeShe"s the one that I"d get used toI"m only trying to ride on top of rich girlsSteal her daddy"s money and we"ll rule the worldShe"s likeWhat you say?We"ll just let our bodies translateI need a ride or dieType of girl who lie-likes to come in highSwing in the parking lotShe tells me what she wantI give her all I gotI beat it upI bang it outUntil the sun comes upI bang it outUntil you scream, my loveSo tell me what you wantYou know what I wantI give her all I gotI beat it upI bang it outI bang it outI give her all I gotI beat it upI bang it outGive me all you"ve gotYou know what I wantCan you bang it like a drum?"Til I see the sun"Til my eyes roll back"Til my body goes numbI need a ride or dieType of guy tonightI beat it upI bang it outUntil the sun comes upI bang it outUntil you scream, my loveSo tell me what you wantYou know what I wantI give her all I gotI beat it upI bang it outUntil the sun comes upI bang it outUntil you scream, my loveSo tell me what you wantYou know what I wantI give her all I gotI beat it upI bang it outI bang it outI give her all I gotI beat it upI bang it out
2023-07-10 05:14:241


Karmin - HelloI"ma do it, do itLike I wanna do itYou gon" know me like,you ain"t never know me beforeI"ma bring it, bring itI"ma give it, give itYou gon" love me likeyou ain"t love nobody beforeHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloYou gon" love me likeyou ain"t love nobody beforeToo nice, too cleanToo white, too greenLittle haters, big dreamsI don"t care what you think about meTwo faced, old friends, told me, the end was near, forget themSee a lot of things changed since thenDon"t they know that I came from NebraskaAm I gonna quit? Nice of you to askBut momma told me go and chase what you afterI"m on track, so I"m gonna rap fasterI will break it down for you and get a lil" divaSlaying on a prayer, on the record grim reaperRunning on thermometer, and yep I got a feverHi, konichiwa, are you a believer?I"ma do it, do itLike I wanna do itYou gon" know me like,you ain"t never know me beforeI"ma bring it, bring itI"ma give it, give itYou gon" love me likeyou ain"t love nobody beforeHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloYou gon" love me likeyou ain"t love nobody beforeToo hard, too soft,too rough, too poshLemme know what I wantLace it up, baby tighter than nutterRaise track, two legs, Hollywood, big breakSuck it up, intakeLet me tell ya how it happened real quickTouchdown in the middle of the cityMassive street, jammed up to new wearyKnow you done a partyNow tell me who you wearingLoads of new hair held high you can carryI will break it down for you and get a lil" divaSlaying on a prayer, on the record grim reaperRunning on thermometer, and yep I got a feverHi, konichiwa, very nice to meet yaI"ma do it, do itLike I wanna do itYou gon" know me like,you ain"t never know me beforeI"ma bring it, bring itI"ma give it, give itYou gon" love me like you ain"t love nobody beforeHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloYou gon" love me likeyou ain"t love nobody beforeLet me keep going,baby till I"m dead and goneThat"s my only wishAnd if you don"t knowI"ll be singing my songI got a lot to giveI"ma do it, do itLike I wanna do itYou gon" know me like,you ain"t never know me beforeI"ma bring it, bring itI"ma give it, give itYou gon" love me like you ain"t love nobody beforeHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloYou gon" love me likeyou ain"t love nobody beforeHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloYou gon" love me likeyou ain"t love nobody before
2023-07-10 05:14:441这段视频中的超赞49人高中生歌曲串烧的歌单

组曲名:Pop Danthology 2012 - Mashup of 50 Pop Songs歌曲列表:1.Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz Khalifa2.Glad you came – The Wanted3.Whistle – Flo Rida4.Your Body – Christina Aguilera5.Ass Back Home – Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch6.Scream – Usher7.Lights – Ellie Goulding8.Dance Again – Jennifer Lopezfeat. Pitbull9.Don"t Wake Me Up – Chris Brown10.Sorry for Party Rocking – LMFAO11.Some Nights – Fun.12.Stronger – Kelly Clarkson13.Live My Life – Far East Movement & Justin Bieber14.Let"s Go – Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo15.Domino – Jessie J16.Turn Up the Music - Chris Brown17.One More Night – Maroon18.Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen19.Blow Me (One Last Kiss) – P!nk20.Wild Ones – Flo Rida feat. Sia21.How We Do (Party) – Rita Ora22.Set Fire to the Rain – Adele23.Part of Me – Katy Perry24.Let Me Love You – Ne-Yo25.Give Your Heart a Break – DemiLovato26.We are Young – Fun. Feat. JanelleMonáe27.Wide Awake – Katy Perry28.Big Hoops (Bigger The Better) –Nelly Furtado29.Boyfriend – Justin Bieber30.Want U Back – Cher Lloyd31.Starships – Nicky Minaj32.Good Time – Owl City & RaeJepsen33.Gangnam Style – Psy34.Too Close – Alex Clare35.Climax – Usher36.As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean37.Die Young – Ke$ha38.What Makes You Beautiful – OneDirection39.Diamonds – Rihanna40.Pound the Alarm – Nicky Minaj41.Where Have You Been – Rihanna42.Turn Me On - David Guetta feat.Nicky Minaj43.Skyfall – Adele44.Titanium – David Guetta feat. Sia45.Live While We"re Young – OneDirection46.This is Love – Will.I.Am feat.Eva Simons47.International Love – Pitbullfeat. Chris Brown48.I Can Only Imagine - David Guettafeat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne49.Don"t You Worry Child – SwedishHouse Mafia50.Somebody That I Used To Know -Gotye feat. Kimbra51.Finally Found You - EnriqueIglesias feat. Sammy Adams52.Spectrum -Zedd feat. Matthew Koma53.Give Me All Your Luvin" - Madonnafeat. M.I.A. & Nicky MinajPS:还有两首歌只是作为背景音乐,并没有出现过MV的镜头,一首是Brokenhearted – Karmin,从let me love you 开始混入伴奏音乐,直到We are young 这首歌开始后结束。另一首是Rack City – Tyga 在Boyfriend这首歌出现的中段作为背景音乐混入伴奏参考资料:
2023-07-10 05:14:511

求这个视频背景音乐 另求此类歌曲 大神们多谢

pop danthology 2012set fire to the rainpart of methtanium 视频中的音乐如上
2023-07-10 05:14:582

一首欢快的女声英文歌,歌词高潮是you can call me baby,everything I will do,everything you want to

2023-07-10 05:15:062


here with you
2023-07-10 05:15:144


Carly Rae Jepsen - This KissDia Frampton-Walk AwayKarmin-Broken HeartedKimberly Cole-A Thousand TimesLovestoned-Bye Bye ByeLovestoned-InvitationMadonna - I Don"t Give ASelena Gomez And The Scene-Love You Like A Love SongSelena Gomez And The Scene-Who Says群星 - I Got My Eye On You (CristianAvril Lavigne-What The HellAshlee Simpson-Rule BreakerCarly Rae Jepsen-Call Me MaybeCarly Rae Jepsen-BucketGwen Stefani-CrashLily Allen-Littlest ThingsLily Allen-SmileLenka-The Show
2023-07-10 05:15:211


你这个视频是LMFAO的《Party Rock Anthem》
2023-07-10 05:15:403


是这55首 1. Adele - "Set Fire To The Rain"2. Adele - "Skyfall"3. Alex Clare - "Too Close"4. Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - "Let"s Go"5. Carly Rae Jepson - "Call Me Maybe"6. Cher Lloyd - "Want U Back"7. Chris Brown - "Don"t Wake Me Up"8. Chris Brown - "Turn Up The Music"9. Christina Aguilera - "Your Body"10. David Guetta feat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne - "I Can Only Imagine" 11. David Guetta feat. Nicky Minaj - "Turn Me On"12. David Guetta feat. Sia - "Titanium"13. Demi Lovato - "Give Your Heart A Break"14. Ellie Goulding - "Lights"15. Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - "Finally Found You"16. Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - "Live My Life"17. Flo Rida - "Whistle" 18. Flo Rida feat. Sia - "Wild Ones"19. Fun. - "Some Nights"20. Fun. feat. Janelle Monáe - "We Are Young"21. Gotye feat. Kimbra - "Somebody That I Used To Know"22. Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - "Ass Back Home"23. Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - "Dance Again"24. Jessie J - "Domino"25. Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean - "As Long As You Love Me"26. Justin Bieber - "Boyfriend"27. Karmin - "Brokenhearted"28. Katy Perry - "Part Of Me"29. Katy Perry - "Wide Awake"30. Kelly Clarkson - "Stronger"31. Ke$ha - "Die Young"32. LMFAO - "Sorry For Party Rocking"33. Madonna feat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj - "Give Me All Your Luvin""34. Maroon 5 - "One More Night"35. Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - "Payphone"36. Nelly Furtado - "Big Hoops (Bigger The Better)"37. Ne-Yo - "Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)"38. Nicky Minaj - "Pound The Alarm"39. Nicky Minaj - "Starships"40. One Direction - "Live While We"re Young"41. One Direction - "What Makes You Beautiful"42. Owl City & Carly Rae Jepson - "Good Time"43. P!nk - "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)"44. Pitbull feat. Chris Brown - "International Love"45. PSY - "Gangnam Style"46. Rihanna - "Diamonds"47. Rihanna - "Where Have You Been"48. Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party)"49. Swedish House Mafia - "Don"t You Worry Child"50. Tyga - "Rack City"51. Usher - "Climax"52. Usher - "Scream"53. The Wanted - "Glad You Came"54. Will.I.Am feat. Eva Simons - "This is Love"55. Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - "Spectrum"希望对你有帮助 望采纳谢谢
2023-07-10 05:15:481

求音乐:一首英文歌曲,开头是男生说唱然后女生唱的总重复的歌词show me show me

是It"s on吗?
2023-07-10 05:15:563


JB的都很好听!!!!!seasons in the sun——WestLifeSpeak Now——Taylor Swifttrouble is a friends——Lenkaknock knock——Lenkathe show——LenkaDangerous and Sweet——LenkaBring Me Down——LenkaDon"t Let Me Fall——LenkaWe Will Not Grow Old——LenkaDeepside——Booty LuvLoves Me Not——T.A.T.U.So What——PinkSober——PinkBurning——MariaArredondoJuliet——LMNTFuck You——Lily AllenBecause Of You——Kelly ClarksonTik Tok——Ke$haFirework——Katy PerryDo It Like A Dude——Jessie JPrice Tag——Jessie JWho"s Laughing Now——Jessie JYellow——Cold PlayWhat Are Words——Chris MedinaBig Fat Bass——Britney SpearsWhen You Say Nothing At All——Alison KraussLove The Way You Lie——RihannaIf I Were A Boy——Beyonce KnowlesYeah——Usher个人觉得很好听,希望喜欢
2023-07-10 05:16:043


2023-07-10 05:16:243

solid base - you and me
2023-07-10 05:16:398


19, "Shine The Light", "Reverend And The Makers"20, "Cuckoo", "Adam Lambert"21, "Believer", "American Authors"22, "Because We Can", "Bon Jovi"23, "Walk Away", "Dia Frampton"24, "When We Stand Together", "Nickelback"25, "Pom Poms", "Jonas Brothers"26, "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light"em Up)", "Fall Out Boy"49, "Gun", "Serebro"50, "Beggin"", "Drew Ryan Scott"69, "All Around The World", "Justin Bieber"70, "Brokenhearted", "Karmin"71, "Part Of Me", "Katy Perry"72, "Get Up", "Kelly Clarkson"73, "What Doesn"t Kill You (Stronger)", "Kelly Clarkson"74, "Give Me All Your Luvin"", "Madonna"75, "Shout", "Dinavon B"76, "Live While We"re Young", "One Direction"77, "Take It Off", "Inna"
2023-07-10 05:17:012


Part I:1. Whistle - Flo Rida2. Animal - Neon Trees3. Lessons In Love (All Day, All Night) - Neon Trees4. Everybody Talks - Neon Trees5. My Kinda Party - Jason Aldean6. Lights - Ellie Goulding7. Boyfriend - Justin Bieber8. Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen9. This Kiss - Carly Rae JepsenPart II:1. Glad You Came - The Wanted2. Beauty and a Beat - Justin Bieber3. Gangnam Style (Remixed with 2 Legit 2 Quit) - Psy ft. MC Hammer4. Back in Time - PitbullPart III:1. I Knew You Were Touble - Taylor Swift2. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - Taylor Swift3. COUNTDOWN TO THE NEW YEAR (时代广场水晶球倒计时仪式)4. Don"t Stop the Party - Pitbull5. Feel Again - OneRepublic6. As Long As You Love Me - Justin Bieber ft. Big Sean7. Brokenhearted - Karmin8. Dirt Road Anthem - Jason Aldean9. I Cry - Flo Rida10. Put It Down - Brandy11. Paparazzi - Greyson ChancePart IV:1. Echa Pa"lla - Pitbull2. Hello - Karmin3. I Found You - The Wanted4. Anything Could Happen - Ellie Goulding5. If I Lose Myself - OneRepublic6. Wildest Dream - Brandy7. Let It Roll - Flo Rida8. The Only Way I Know - Jason Aldean9. Good Time - OneRepublic
2023-07-10 05:17:082

找一首英文歌 女的唱的 中间高潮是hello hello 再后面一直o下去 o得蛮好听的

是halo halo吗?beyonce的halo?
2023-07-10 05:17:166


god is a girl
2023-07-10 05:17:334

有一首英文歌 一个女的一口气唱了很长一段

2023-07-10 05:17:402

pop danthology 2012 里面有哪些歌,按顺序发给我,谢啦,发多点

Pop Danthology 2012-Mashup of 55 Pop Songs 00:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone00:02The Wanted - Glad You Came 00:04Flo Rida - Whistle 00:19Christina Aguilera - Your Body00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home) 00:24 Usher - Scream00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights 00:39Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again 00:41Chris Brown - Don"t Wake Me Up 00:46LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking00:50Fun. - Some Nights 00:56Kelly Clarkson - Stronger01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life 01:11Jessie J-Domino01:13Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music01:28Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Let"s Go01:32Maroon 5 - One More Night 01:43Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe 01:51P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)"01:59Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones02:03Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party)02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain 02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me 03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You 03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young VSKarmin - Brokenhearted) 03:43Katy Perry-Wild Wake 03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops 04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City) 04:22Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships 04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle 04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close04:40 Usher-Climax 04:42 Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me 04:51 Ke$ha-Die Young 04:54 One Direction-What Makes You Beautiful05:07Rihanna-Diamonds05:13 Nicki Minaj-Pound The Alarm 05:15 Rihanna-Where Have You Been 05:43 Adele-Skyfall 05:47 David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium 06:15 One Direction--Live While We Are Young 06:25 Simons-This is love06:27 Chris Brown/Pitbull-International love 06:30 David Guetta - I Can Only Imagine 06:37Swedish House Mafia - Don"t You Worry Child 06:40 Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know06:45Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - Finally Found You 07:00 Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum07:15Madonna feat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj - Give Me All Your Luvin07:30Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time
2023-07-10 05:17:471

Pop Danthology 2012里面所有的歌曲

Pop Danthology 2013pop danthology 201200:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone 00:02 The Wanted - Glad You Came 00:04 Flo Rida - Whistle 00:19 Christina Aguilera - Your Body 00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home)00:24 Usher - Scream 00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights 00:39 Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again 00:41 Chris Brown - Dont Wake Me Up 00:46 LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking 00:50 Fun. - Some Nights 00:56 Kelly Clarkson - Stronger 01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life 01:11 Jessie J-Domino 01:13 Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music 01:28 Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Lets Go 01:32 Maroon 5 - One More Night 01:43 Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe 01:51 P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)01:59 Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones 02:03 Rita Ora - How We Do (Party) 02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain 02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me 03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You 03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break 03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young vs Karmin - Brokenhearted)03:43 Katy Perry-Wild Wake 03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops 04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend 04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back 04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City)04:22 Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time 04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships 04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle 04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close 04:40 Usher-Climax 04:42 Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me 04:51 Ke$ha-Die Young 04:54 One Direction-What Makes You Beautiful 05:07 Rihanna-Diamonds 05:13 Nicki Minaj-Pound The Alarm 05:15 Rihanna-Where Have You Been 05:43 Adele-Skyfall 05:47 David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium 06:15 One Direction--Live While We Are Young 06:25 Simons-This is love 06:27 Chris Brown/Pitbull-International love 06:30 David Guetta - I Can Only Imagine 06:37 Swedish House Mafia - Dont You Worry Child 06:40 Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know 06:45 Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - Finally Found You 07:00 Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum 07:15 Madonna feat. M.I.A. Nicky Minaj - Give Me All Your Luvin 07:30 Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time
2023-07-10 05:18:413


1.开场曲:Where The Sun Goes-Redfoo2.釜山短片开始:Tulips-christopher3.短片容和出场一:can"t stop-CNBLUE4.短片容和出场二:????-CNBLUE5.容和介绍釜山:Are You Ready-Lawson6.容和托起吴昕:OSAKA Boyz-花样少年少女7.海涛找到胖阿大妈:日溜まりの不良たち-极道鲜师8.釜山短片结尾(预告李钟硕):Really Don"t Care-Demi Lovato/Cher Lloyd9.CNBLUE出场乐:Black Magic-Little Mix10.命题一/二规则介绍:Mi Mi Mi-Serebro11.谢娜、含韵分别被拍照:争执不再-小野丽莎12.含韵照片亮相:醉拳-成龙13.予曦被宗泫拍照:I Love You-(???)JUST14.予曦被敏赫拍照:La Da Dee-Cody Simpson15.拧衣服背景音乐:今生爱的就是你(DJ狂暴版)-祁隆(30秒开始)16.何炅预报并介绍李钟硕:Brokenhearted-karmin.30stars:pop17.短片片头介绍:Love Foolosophy-Jamiroquai.18.吴昕、海涛打开钟硕任务卡:幼女幻奏-Sing R sing19.海涛被抛弃:????(冬恋)-The One20.吴昕、钟硕牵手下车:??(再见)-孝琳21.吴昕吃吐司:??? ???(爱情像雪花一样)-朴信惠22.三人按手印:Part Of Me-Katy Perry23.池到了维嘉、容和、敏赫垫上周旋:头发乱了-张学友24.加赛队员入水:Butter Fly25.加赛宗泫入水:我是一只鱼-侯湘婷26.敏赫手摸何炅:别问我是谁-王馨平27.容和开辟泳帽造型新天地:Trespassing-adam lambert28.下期看点:??? (BANG BANG BANG)-biabang摘自 快乐大本营吧
2023-07-10 05:18:501

求一首女生唱的轻快(节奏感很强)的英文歌曲,好像高潮部分有很多hello hello是连起来的唱的,

你好!不知道是不是这一首呐!!!《hello hello》 - Aloha From Hell
2023-07-10 05:18:594


3‘12"‘的时候是贾老板(justin timberlake)的suit&tie附:混音里有这些 & Britney Spears -- Scream & ShoutKe$ha/ -- Crazy KidsAvicii -- I Could Be The OneBastille -- PompeiiThe Wanted -- Walks Like RihannaSheppard -- Let Me Down EasyLittle Mix -- Change Your LifeRicky Martin -- Come With MeJustin Bieber/ -- That PowerMacklemore -- Can"t Hold UsRihanna -- Right NowStafford Brothers -- HelloParamore -- Still Into YouAvril Lavigne -- Here"s To Come Never Growing UpKelly Clarkson -- People Like UsAvicii -- Wake Me UpJessie J - WildEllie Goulding/Calvin Harris -- I Need Your LoveJennifer Lopez/Pitbull -- Live It UpOne Direction -- One Way Or AnotherTimomatic -- ParachuteJustin Timberlake -- Suit & TieBruno Mars - TreasureDaft Punk -- Get LuckyArmin Van Buuren - This is What It Feels LikeRobin Thicke -- Blurred LinesFlo Rida - Let It RollKarmin - AcapellaP!nk— Just Give Me A ReasonTaylor Swift - 22不知道是不是全对啊,希望能采纳~
2023-07-10 05:19:051

有一首手机铃声特别好听 但是不知道是什么

2023-07-10 05:19:132


是Give Me All Your Luvin" - Madonnafeat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj以下是2012年55首欧美超强混音的歌单Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz KhalifaGlad you came – The WantedWhistle – Flo RidaYour Body – Christina AguileraAss Back Home – Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon HitchScream – UsherLights – Ellie GouldingDance Again – Jennifer Lopezfeat. PitbullDon"t Wake Me Up – Chris BrownSorry for Party Rocking – LMFAOSome Nights – Fun.Stronger – Kelly ClarksonLive My Life – Far East Movement & Justin BieberLet"s Go – Calvin Harris feat. Ne-YoDomino – Jessie JTurn Up the Music - Chris BrownOne More Night – Maroon Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae JepsenBlow Me (One Last Kiss) – P!nk Wild Ones – Flo Rida feat. SiaHow We Do (Party) – Rita OraSet Fire to the Rain – AdelePart of Me – Katy PerryLet Me Love You – Ne-YoGive Your Heart a Break – DemiLovatoWe are Young – Fun. Feat. JanelleMonáeWide Awake – Katy PerryBig Hoops (Bigger The Better) –Nelly FurtadoBoyfriend – Justin BieberWant U Back – Cher LloydStarships – Nicky MinajGood Time – Owl City & RaeJepsenGangnam Style – PsyToo Close – Alex ClareClimax – UsherAs Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber feat. Big SeanDie Young – Ke$haWhat Makes You Beautiful – OneDirectionDiamonds – RihannaPound the Alarm – Nicky MinajWhere Have You Been – RihannaTurn Me On - David Guetta feat.Nicky MinajSkyfall – AdeleTitanium – David Guetta feat. SiaLive While We"re Young – OneDirectionThis is Love – Will.I.Am feat.Eva SimonsInternational Love – Pitbullfeat. Chris BrownI Can Only Imagine - David Guettafeat. Chris Brown & Lil WayneDon"t You Worry Child – SwedishHouse MafiaSomebody That I Used To Know -Gotye feat. KimbraFinally Found You - EnriqueIglesias feat. Sammy AdamsSpectrum -Zedd feat. Matthew KomaGive Me All Your Luvin" - Madonnafeat. M.I.A. & Nicky MinajBrokenhearted – KarminRack City – Tyga
2023-07-10 05:19:201

pop danthology 求歌名

Pop Danthology 2010:1. Rihanna -- Only Girl (In The World)2. Drake -- Find Your Love3. Usher feat. Will.I.Am -- OMG4. Lady Gaga -- Bad Romance5. Taio Cruz feat. Ludacris -- Break Your Heart6. Ke$ha -- Tik Tok7. Taio Cruz -- Dynamite8. Jason Derulo -- In My Head9. Black Eyed Peas -- Rock That Body10. Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg -- California Gurls11. Justin Bieber feat. Ludacris -- Baby12. B.O.B. feat. Bruno Mars -- Nothing On You13. Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce -- Telephone14. Mike Posner -- Cooler Than Me15. Usher feat. Pitbull -- DJ Got Us Falling In Love16. Far East Movement feat. The Cataracs -- Like A G617. Katy Perry -- Teenage Dream18. Justin Bieber -- Somebody To Love19. Eminem feat. Rihanna -- Love The Way You Lie20. Ke$ha -- Take It Off21. Bruno Mars -- Just The Way You Are (Daniel Kim"s Minor Key House Remix)22. Flo Rida feat. David Guetta -- Club Can"t Handle Me23. Enrique Iglesius feat. Pitbull -- I Like itpop danthology 2011歌曲顺序开场口哨1:Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks 2:Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer - Give Me Everything 3:Chris Brown - Yeah 3x 4:David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You 5:Bruno Mars - It Will Rain 6:Katy Perry - The One That Got Away 7:Bad Meets Evil&Eminem ft.Bruno Mars - Lighters 8: Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me 9: Martin Solveig & Dragonette - Hello 10: Swedish House Mafia - Save The World 11: Lady Gaga - Judas 12: Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight 13: David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj, Flo Rida - Where Them Girls At 14: Sak Noel - Loca People 15: Alexandra Stan - Mr. Saxobeat 16: Britney Spears - I Wanna Go 17: T-Pain feat. Wiz Khalifa, Lily Allen - 5 O"Clock 18: Flo Rida - Good Feeling 19: Avicii - Levels 20: Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (TGIF) 21: Adele - Rolling In The Deep 22: Rihanna - You Da One 23: Taio Cruz feat. Kylie Minogue - Higher 24: Lady Gaga - Born This Way 25: LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem 26: Selena Gomez - Love You Like A Love Song 27: Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger 28: Beyonce - Run The World 29: Ke$ha - Blow 30: Enrique Iglesias feat. Ludacris - Tonight 31: Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes - Look At Me Now 32: Britney Spears - Till The World Ends 33: Black Eyed Peas - Just Can"t Get Enough 34:LMFAO - S exy And I Know It 35: Dev - In The Dark 36: Nicki Minaj - Super Bass 37: Lady Gaga - Edge Of Glory 38: Leona Lewis ft. Avicii - Collide 39: Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love 40: Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T. 41: Adele - Someone Like You 42: Lady Gaga - You And I 43: Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts 44: Drake - Headlines 45: David Guetta feat. Taio Cruz, Ludacris - Little Bad Girl 46: Usher - More 47: Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On The Floor 48: Jason Derulo - Don"t Wanna Go Home 49: Rihanna - S&M 50: Cobra Starship feat. Sabi - You Make Me FeelPop Danthology 2012-Mashup of 55 Pop Songs 00:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone 00:02The Wanted - Glad You Came 00:04Flo Rida - Whistle 00:19Christina Aguilera - Your Body 00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home) 00:24 Usher - Scream 00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights 00:39Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again 00:41Chris Brown - Don"t Wake Me Up 00:46LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking 00:50Fun. - Some Nights 00:56Kelly Clarkson - Stronger 01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life 01:11Jessie J-Domino 01:13Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music 01:28Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Let"s Go 01:32Maroon 5 - One More Night 01:43Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe 01:51P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" 01:59Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones 02:03Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party) 02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain 02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me 03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You 03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break 03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young VSKarmin - Brokenhearted)03:43Katy Perry-Wild Wake 03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops 04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend 04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back 04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City)04:22Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time 04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships 04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle 04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close 04:40 Usher-Climax 04:42 Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me pop danthology 2013Anna Kendrick – “Cups (When I"m Gone)”Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie – “This Is What It Feels Like”A$AP Rocky feat. Skrillex, Birdy Nam Nam – “Wild For The Night”Avicii – “Wake Me Up”Avril Lavigne – “Here"s To Never Growing Up”Bastille – “Pompeii”Bauuer – “Harlem Shake”Bingo Players feat. Far East Movement – “Get Up (Rattle)”Britney Spears – “Ooh La La”Britney Spears – “Work B**tch”Bruno Mars – “Locked Out Of Heaven”Bruno Mars – “Treasure”Bruno Mars – “When I Was Your Man”Calvin Harris feat. Ayah Marar – “Thinking About You”Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding – “I Need Your Love”Capital Cities – “Safe And Sound”Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams – “Get Lucky”Demi Lovato – “Heart Attack”Drake feat. Majid Jordan – “Hold On, We"re Going Home”Drake – “Started From The Bottom”Ellie Goulding – “Burn”Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX – “I Love It (I Don"t Care)”Imagine Dragons – DemonsJason Derulo – “The Other Side”Jay-Z feat. Justin Timberlake – “Holy Grail”Justin Timberlake – “Mirrors”Justin Timberlake feat. Jay-Z – “Suit & Tie”Katy Perry – “Roar”Kelly Clarkson – “Catch My Breath”Ke$ha – “C"mon”Ke$ha feat. – “Crazy Kids”Krewella – “Alive”Lady Gaga – “Applause”Lana Del Rey – “Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)”Lorde – “Royals”Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert – “Same Love”Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton – “Can"t Hold Us”Maroon 5 – “Daylight”Maroon 5 – “Love Somebody”Martin Garrix – “Animals”Martin Solveig & The Cataracs feat. Kyle – “Hey Now”Miley Cyrus – “We Can"t Stop”Miley Cyrus – “Wrecking Ball”Naughty Boy feat. Sam Smith – “La La La”One Direction – “Best Song Ever”One Direction – “Story Of My Life”OneRepublic – “Counting Stars”OneRepublic – “If I Lose Myself”Passenger – “Let Her Go”P!nk feat. Nate Ruess – “Just Give Me A Reason”Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera – “Feel This Moment”Pitbull feat. Ke$ha – “Timber”Pitbull feat. TJR – “Don"t Stop The Party”PSY – “Gentleman”Rihanna – “Pour It Up”Rihanna feat. David Guetta – “Right Now”Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko – “Stay”Robin Thicke feat. Kendrick Lamar – “Give It 2 U”Robin Thicke feat. T.I., Pharrell Williams – “Blurred Lines”Selena Gomez – “Come & Get It”Selena Gomez – “Slow Down”Taylor Swift – “22”Taylor Swift – “I Knew You Were Trouble” feat. Britney Spears – “Scream & Shout” feat. Justin Bieber – “#thatPOWER”Ylvis – “The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)”Zedd feat. Foxes – “Clarity”Zedd feat. Hayley Williams – “Stay The Night”
2023-07-10 05:19:271