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look up 与look through

2023-07-10 09:26:40

look sth up 指“(在词典或参考书中)查阅(词或资料)”;而look sth through 指“仔细检查,逐一审查(某事物)”,look through sth 指“快速检查某事,快速阅读某物”。


Look up 向上看, 尊敬, 仰望, (查寻), 拜访, 好转

Look through 看穿, 审核,( 浏览), 温习, 从...中显露



"look through"是什么意思?

look through浏览;看穿;从……看看穿[识破](某人或某事);仔细检查[审查](某物);穿过…看;[例句]Look through the door "s peephole before opening your door.在开门之前,在门口的窥视孔看下
2023-07-10 04:55:111

look through是什么意思

2023-07-10 04:55:195

look through是什么意思

look through 意思是:浏览,温习;看穿,识破;从…中显露。例:How did she look through his trick?她是怎么识破他的把戏?例:The committee looked through his proposal before approving it.委员会审查了他的提议以后才通过了它。例:His greed looked through his eyes.他的眼中露出了贪婪的目光。例:She spent the whole night looking through the student"s homework.她花了一晚上看学生的作业
2023-07-10 04:55:354

look through是什么意思

2023-07-10 04:56:063

look through是什么意思

2023-07-10 04:56:145

look through是什么意思

look through[英][luk θru:][美][lu028ak θru]看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看; 对(某人)视而不见; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Look through these ideas to inspire some outdoor fun. 看看这些建议好好享受户外的时光吧。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-10 04:56:271

look through是什么意思

2023-07-10 04:56:353

look through 既有浏览的意思又有 仔细查看的意思?

2023-07-10 04:56:432

英语中的look up和look though是啥意思?

look up 小心 look through 看穿,浏览 look though ???
2023-07-10 04:57:195

look through的用法

2023-07-10 04:57:344

look through和look across的区别 谢谢 (在线等)。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

look through是有浏览,看穿,识破,从。。。中显露的意思look across 有眺望的意思 后面一般接to do不定式
2023-07-10 04:57:511

Get through/Look through是什么意思

2023-07-10 04:58:157

是lookthroughit还是look it through?

后面 名词在两边,代词放中间
2023-07-10 04:58:403

look at 和through怎么用

look through 是指通过什么而看look at 则是看着什么look sth up 指“(在词典或参考书中)查阅(词或资料)”;而look sth through 指“仔细检查,逐一审查(某事物)”,look through sth 指“快速检查某事,快速阅读某物”.
2023-07-10 04:58:491

look through是什么短暂性动词还是?

look through是延续性动词,因为可以持续很久。浏览,温习;表示;看穿,识破;从…中显露的时候是短暂性动词。
2023-07-10 04:59:071

look through造句。急求

look through造句。Peter starts looking through the mail as soon as the door shuts.彼得一关上门就开始逐一查看起邮件来。
2023-07-10 04:59:162

look through 的意思一个是“浏览”,一个是“仔细查看”,意思大相径庭不会引起歧义吗?

look over是翻阅浏览, over表示大概看,略看,并不会仔细的通读阅览,即通览。look through , through 表示全面,透彻,从里到外,是一字不差地看,表示通览。可以表示把什么看穿,如人品,表象,心机,诡计等。
2023-07-10 04:59:241

look through 和 look out的区别

2023-07-10 04:59:311

look for和look through的区别

look through浏览 .look for 寻找.look around 四处看.look after.照顾
2023-07-10 04:59:411


look的过去式:looked。1、look at看着;看;看望;看待。2、look in拜访;进行短暂访问;把注意力转向…3、look for寻找;希望得到。4、look on在一旁观看,袖手旁观;把眼光投向〔以某种观点来看待或对待〕(某物或某人)。5、look out of向/朝...看。6、look out for小心;搜寻(某人或某物);试图得到(某物)。7、look oneself显得健康或情绪正常。8、look to依靠(某人或某事)。9、New Look新风貌;新风采;焕然一新;刮目相看。10、look down瞧不起;向下看;往下看;俯视。11、look into浏览;调查…12、look over仔细检查(某人或某物)。13、look through粗略地翻阅;细审…14、look up向上看;尊敬;查找。15、look up and down上下打量(某人)。语法:look的基本意思是“为了看清某物而有意识地向某一方向看去”,指使用人的视力,强调的是有意地“看”的动作。look用作不及物动词时主要作“看”“观望”解,常与介词at连用。也可作“面向,朝向”解,一般是指建筑物的朝向。look用作及物动词时主要作“注视”解,引申还可作“留心”“注意”“期望”解,其后可接动词不定式、疑问词引导的从句作宾语。可用于祈使句。
2023-07-10 04:59:481

look through放在句首look加ing吗

2023-07-10 05:00:201

look through 与go through 当检查时的的区别

look through 1. study; examine温习 *Look through your notes before the examination.考试前把你的笔记从头至尾看一遍. 2.inspect carefully仔细查看 *I looked through my drawer, but I could not find my keys.我仔细查过抽屉,但是找不到钥匙. *You have to look through those reports before you attend the meeting.开会前,你必须把那些报告看一遍. 3.not see sb. or sth. that is clearly visible; deliberately ignore can plainly see故意视而不见 *I met him on the way home yesterday,but he just looked straight through me.昨天我在回家的路上碰见了他,但他却故意不理睬我. *You must be blind,I was standing ten yards away, and you looked straight through me.你一定瞎眼了,当时我站在离你只有10码远的地方,你竟看不到我. 4. survey or scan(a book, paper,etc.) often briefly粗略地检查、浏览或翻阅 *I usually look through newspapers after supper.晚饭后我常常浏览一下报纸. go through 1.pass through穿过 *The rain has gone through my overcoat.雨水渗透了我的大衣. *The material is so stiff that even the thickest needle won"t go through.这种布料太硬,连最粗的针也扎不进去. *A new idea went through his mind.他脑子里有了一个新的主意. 2.examine查阅 *We must go through the account books together;there"s still some money missing.我们必须检查所有账簿,因为还有部分款项无着落. *I will go through your papers.我将审阅你们的论文. *We have gone through the details of the plan to make sure tere are no loopholes.我们仔细地审查了计划的每一个细节,以确保没有任何漏洞. *The lawyers went through the evidence.律师们核查了证据. put into effect完成 *After months of efforts the work finally went through.经数月的努力,工作终于完成. *Are they going through with their plans to build a new home?他们将实现他们的计划,建立一个新家吗? *Let"s go through all the exercises before we go out.我们出去前把练习做完. *It requires courage and patience to go through the undertaking.要完成这项工作,需要耐心和勇气. 4.undergo;experience;suffer;endure经历(困难、痛苦等);遭受;忍受 *He has gone through such a lot since his wife died.妻子死后他经受了不少苦难. *You will never know what she went through to educate her children.你永远也不会知道她为了教育孩子,吃了多少苦. *My grandfather had gone through a long illness before he breathed his last.我祖父去世前遭受疾病的长期折磨. *They went through many hardships during the war.他们在战争年代里历尽千辛万苦. satisfactorily concluded;be passed;be accepted得到圆满的结论;被通过;被认可 *If the deal doesn"t go through,they"ll be ruined.如果这笔交易做不成,他们就要破产了. *The law has now gone through.这项法律已获通过. *I was told that the deal went through.Congratulations!我听说那笔生意成交了.恭喜! *At the meeting the managers went through the items one by one.在会上,经理们把研究的项目逐一讨论通过了. what one is supposed to do;do what one promised做应该做的;履行手续;履行诺言 *I have gone through my part of the bargain,but you haven"t gone through your part.这笔交易我已履行了我的部分,但是你还没有履行你的部分. *We have all gone through the required formalities.我们已履行完毕一切必要的手续. *Applicants for party membership must go through the procedure for admission.申请入党的人必须履行入党手续. or use all of;use up;consume用完;消耗 *We went through all our money at the circus.我们在马戏团把钱全部花光了. *He has gone through two pairs of shoes this year.今年他已穿坏了两双鞋. I"ve gone through too much money this month.这个月我花的钱太多了. 8.search搜查 *The Customs went through all our luggage at the airport.在飞机场,海关把我们的行李都检查了一遍. *The police went through the suspect"s clothes.警察搜查了嫌疑犯的衣服. published in出版;发行 *This dictionary with bilingual explanations was warmly received by the reading public and went through two editions within a year.这本双解词典很受读者欢迎,一年之内已经出了两版. 10.discuss carefully详细讨论 *The pros and cons of the issue have been gone through again and again,but we still haven"t reached a conclusion.这个问题的正反两方面意见已被研究了一遍又一遍,可是我们还没有得出结论. *Let"s go through the details of the examination.让我们详细讨论一下有关考试的具体问题吧.
2023-07-10 05:00:381

look though和look at区别

2023-07-10 05:00:453

looked through run through的区别

区别是:looked through指的是看穿[识破](某人或某事);仔细检查[审查](某物);穿过…看;对(某人)视而不见。run through指的是贯穿;跑着穿过…;(使)在…流过;匆匆查阅。例句辨析:looked through1、As for doctors, when you go to see them they just look right through you. 说到医生,你去看病时,他们直把你当透明的。2、Just have a look through my contacts and you will see who I am. 只要你看看我的联系人就知道我是谁了。3、adarkened room at a white-light point source. 哈气使一片玻璃蒙上一层水雾,并在一个暗间里通过它来观察一个白色点光源。run through1、I ran through the options with him. 我把所有的选择都跟他过了一遍。2、Doug stood still while I ran through the handover procedure. 我在练习移交手续时,道格站在那里一动也不动。3、She felt a surge of excitement run through her. 她突然觉得浑身激动。
2023-07-10 05:00:531


2023-07-10 05:01:001

look through go though 这两个词组在浏览方面是否都有含义 额 如果都包括 浏览 的话 那么又有什么区别?

look through看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看; 对(某人)视而不见;浏览Look through the door"s peephole before opening yourdoor.在开门之前,在门口的窥视孔看下。Look through these ideas to inspire some outdoor fun.看看这些建议好好享受户外的时光吧。I usually look through newspapers after supper.晚饭后我常常浏览一下报纸。May I look through them?我能看一下它们吗?go through 经历,经过,通过New entrants to the country must go though immigrationprocedures.这个国家的新的进入者必须通过移民入境手续。And the second one is not gonna go though the origin.第二条线不会经过原点。Love is like the measles, we all have to go though it. Asthe measles, we take it just once!爱情像麻疹,我们都会经历它,然而正想麻疹一样,我们只真正爱一次!
2023-07-10 05:01:071

look through和read的区别

look through 仔细查看read 读取(没强调仔细看)
2023-07-10 05:01:154

look though 的代词宾格应该放在哪

人称代词宾格一般是用来做宾语的,一般位于及物动词和介词后面形容词性物主代词后面必须加名词。look through 这种动词短语的宾语是人称代词时,要根据意思放在中间还是后面比如:look through itget off it. 不一定放在中间。
2023-07-10 05:01:231

look through是什么意思

透过~看 *^O^*
2023-07-10 05:01:443

look through是副词吗

不是,是动词。look through看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看;As for doctors, when you go to see them they just look right through you.说到医生,你去看病时,他们直把你当透明的。
2023-07-10 05:02:263

look through的用法

look through浏览,温习,逐一查看,看透,视而不见;look through可以跟表示人或者物的名词、代词、名词词组作宾语。 扩展资料   Good. I"d like to look through it.   太好了,我瞧一下。   I just want to take another look through his things.   我想再看下他的东西。   If you look through one eye you can see the whole world.   以一只眼,您确实看到了世界。
2023-07-10 05:02:341

look through的用法

2023-07-10 05:02:431

他每天早餐前都有浏览好几份报纸。( look through )翻译成英语

He always looks through several newspapers before breakfast.
2023-07-10 05:03:216

look through的用法

look through 识破,穿过…看去,查阅,浏览 1.浏览I spent half an hour looking through the evening paper. 我用半小时看晚报。 2.审查Here are the books for you to look through. 你要审查的书籍在这儿。 3查看I had a brief glimpse of one of the robbers and had to go to the police station to look through their rogues" gallery. 我和其中的一个盗窃者打过一个照面,因此我得去警察局查看一下他们存档的罪犯照片。 4.透过If you look through this special glass, you see things larger than their actual size. 你如果透过这块特殊玻璃看东西,所见物体要比实物大一些。 5.识破We have looked through the enemy"s tricks.我们已识破了敌人的种种花招。
2023-07-10 05:03:441

see through 和look through的区别

see throughv.看穿, 识破We saw through his superficial charm.我们很清楚他的表面功夫look through:看穿, 审核, 浏览, 温习, 从...中显露, 彻底审查Always look your work through before handing it in.交作业前一定要仔细检查.Here are the books for you to look through.你要审查的书籍在这儿。
2023-07-10 05:04:322

1run through 2look through 3break through 4go through4个的区别 through:贯穿,跑着穿过,(大略的)浏览 2.look through:(从头至尾)浏览,看穿,识破,温习,仔细查看 3.break through:突破,冲破,突围之意 4.go through:经历,详细检查,全面考虑,完成等意
2023-07-10 05:05:091

look up 与look through 有什么区别

look sth up 指“(在词典或参考书中)查阅(词或资料)”;而look sth through 指“仔细检查,逐一审查(某事物)”,look through sth 指“快速检查某事,快速阅读某物”.
2023-07-10 05:05:341

look through与go through 与go over有什么区别?

look through v.看穿,审核,浏览,温习,从...中显露,看穿,彻底审查 go through v.经历,经受,仔细检查,用完,被通过,参加,搜查,履行 go over v.(渡过...)转变,(对...进行)仔细检查,润色,复习
2023-07-10 05:05:411

look through与look up的区别

look through看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看;As for doctors, when you go to see them they just look right through you.说到医生,你去看病时,他们直把你当透明的。look up 向上看; 改善; 拜访(某人); 查找I looked your address up in the personnel file...我在人事档案里找到了你的地址。Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道。【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】
2023-07-10 05:06:071

look through 和 look out的区别

两个都是固定短语,有自己的意思:look through 翻阅(查看) eg:He is looking through today"s newspaper.look out 当心,小心。意思同 be carefull. eg: Look out! A car is coming to us.如果表达从窗内向外望,固定短语(刚好两个词都用):look out through (the window).个人理解:out 表示目光落脚点,在窗外。 through 表示看的方式:穿过窗子。
2023-07-10 05:06:151

区别look through/look at/look for/look like/look after/look out/look up

look through:浏览,温习;看穿,识破;从…中显露look at: v. 看;考虑;着眼于look for 寻找look like 看起来像look after 照顾,照看look out 当心,小心look up 查阅,往上看祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)
2023-07-10 05:06:251

"老师检查"作业中的"检查"的英语用look through 还是用look over呢?

look over 检查 察看  一般指仔细检查 look through 看 游览 意为粗略查看 因而老师检查作业一般是批改,不会是仔细察看……应该用look through 
2023-07-10 05:06:341

look through和look over区别

2023-07-10 05:06:521

"老师检查"作业中的"检查"的英语用look through 还是用look over呢?

look over 检查 察看  一般指仔细检查 look through 看 游览 意为粗略查看 因而老师检查作业一般是批改,不会是仔细察看……应该用look through 
2023-07-10 05:07:011

look through 与 什么 是同义词组好像是read的

2023-07-10 05:07:203


look through是浏览报纸内容look at是看一眼,不是浏览内容
2023-07-10 05:07:292

look through与go through 与go over有什么区别?

go through 是经历什么……go over有看一遍东西的意思
2023-07-10 05:07:492

look through中的through是什么词性

2023-07-10 05:07:582

look through 与 什么 是同义词组好像是read的

read through
2023-07-10 05:08:063

look through the window.这句话怎么怎么翻译?以及期中的through该怎么

2023-07-10 05:08:152