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ice age音标发音怎么读

艾【ai】斯 诶【ei]几。。。
2023-07-10 03:13:121


2023-07-10 03:13:223

Ice age 歌词翻译

艺人: Pete Yorn 语种: 英语 唱片公司: Red Ink 发行时间: 2006年08月29日 Album:Nightcrawler Pete Yorn-Ice Age When winter comes Along these shores Old Hollywood We"re knocking down We"re sifting through We are the actual tigers When winter comes They leave behind us Throw your arms around my neck And hold me tightly There"s a lot that we will get I"m asking you... Let your diamond bracelet fall Over the ice age Over the ice age Those summer years We"d follow them In light of day In light of us We"ll see it through When they"re playing our song Those summer years Have long since gone Throw your arms around my neck And whisper softly Of a thing that we will get I"m asking you Let your diamond bracelet fall Over the ice age Over the ice age I want to go back I want to go back In future times We"ll hold it closer Imagining We weren"t older Yet, through it all They"ll be playing our song Throw your arms around my neck And whisper softly Of a thing that we will get I"m asking you... Let your diamond bracelet fall Over the ice age
2023-07-10 03:13:303


Has experienced a lot, I will never regret
2023-07-10 03:13:512


2023-07-10 03:14:413


冰河世纪 (一)冰河世纪(Ice Age)二十世纪福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox, USA)2002年出品配音:雷-罗曼诺(Ray Romano)约翰-莱奎扎莫(John Leguizamo)丹尼斯-利里(Denis Leary)杰克-布莱克(Jack Black)导演:克里斯-维杰(Chris Wedge)类型:动画片分级:PG 资料:《冰河世纪》剧情简介 两万年以前,地球上到处都覆盖着冰川,无论何处的动物都在四处逃窜,躲避着新的冰河世纪的冲击。在这一危急时刻,我们遇见了任何时代都不曾见过最怪异的群?:一个说话很快、浑身没有光泽的怪?锡德(Sid,约翰-莱奎扎莫配音,John Leguizamo),一头喜怒无常的长毛象曼尼(Manny,雷-罗马诺配音,Ray Romano),一只凶暴的剑齿虎迪亚戈(Diego,丹尼斯-利里 配音,Denis Leary)和对橡树果有着特别嗜好的著名犬齿松鼠斯科莱特(Scrat)。这四只格格不入的动物出乎意料地,而且是非常不情愿地走到了一起,只因为他们希望将一名人类婴儿交还到他父亲的身边。他们勇敢地面对沸腾的熔岩坑、暗藏的冰穴、严寒的天气,以及一个秘密,甚至是邪恶的阴谋。这些“亚零度”的怪?们成了这个世界上最早的英雄们!《冰河世纪》是上届奥斯卡最佳动画短片《巴尼》的创作团队推出的一部电脑动画长片。**************************************(二)[影片名称] 冰河世纪2[领衔主演] 约翰·雷吉扎默 奎恩·拉提法 丹尼斯·利里 [影片地区] 卡通动画 内容介绍] 在《冰河世纪2》中,地球上的冰河期就快要结束了,大大小小的动物们都在欢天喜的庆祝水世界的即将来临,一片歌舞升平。然而迭哥(丹尼斯·劳瑞 配音)、希德(约翰·莱格扎莫 配音)和曼尼(雷·罗曼诺 配音)在享受和煦阳光的同时却发现大势不妙,溶化的雪水即将湮没她们的村庄,他们必须承担起警告所有居民从灾区撤离的艰巨责任。同样简单不复杂的剧情,带来了我们的全球超重量级英雄人物,全身毛茸茸、心地善良的长毛象曼尼,嗜吃的树獭希德和凶暴的剑齿虎迭哥。 曼尼、希德和迭哥警觉到天气正在剧烈变化,巨大的天然冰山正发生着大规模的崩解。三兄弟毅然挥军南征,沿途经历诸多危险,最终到达安全的彼岸。在旅途过程中,经常逗嘴的三兄弟互相扶持,有难同当。同时,一直认为自己是最后一头猛犸象的曼尼在旅途中遇到了爱丽(奎因·拉蒂法 配音)--世界最后一头雌性猛犸象。第一次看到好兄弟陷入情网,迭哥和希德也完全无能为力,帮不上忙。其实曼尼也很头疼,美丽的爱丽从小被负鼠家族收养,浸染了所有负鼠的习性,爬树,钻墙角等。而更夸张的是,爱丽打从骨子里认为自己是一只负鼠,所以根本无法接收曼尼。再加上与爱丽同行的一对活宝负鼠兄弟,个性鲜明,唧唧喳喳。吵的我们的长毛英雄在面对一筹莫展的爱情和恶劣的天气条件下一时完全没有了对策。而偏偏这场破冰之旅还万万少不了爱丽…… ◎福克斯公司在2002年推出的动画巨作《冰河世纪》,经过两年的精心策划,不负众望的使其重返卡通电影市场并获得瞩目,被誉为是2002年最优秀的动画片之一。该片当年在北美电影市场上创下了不俗的票房业绩,并在2003年获得奥斯卡最佳动画片奖的提名。由于生活节奏的日益紧张,越来越多的成年人将重心放在表现方式轻松活泼的卡通电影上。各大影视公司都开始精心推出自己的招牌动画巨作。看过《冰河世纪》的人一定对里面三个可爱的主人公留有深刻印象,如此的让人忍俊不禁。借着《冰河世纪》的全球火爆,福克斯紧随商机的推出了《冰河世纪2》,于2006年3月31日在美国上映。 《冰河世纪2》沿用了蓝天工作室(blue sky)的大量人员。据说在《冰河世纪》的制作刚刚收尾,福克斯的管理层便过河拆桥,辞退了蓝天工作室中一干具有重要地位的动画师,大约有近百名动画师因此离开了蓝天工作室。在此之后,《冰河世纪》的导演克里斯·伟基(Chris Wedge)借着此片的成功与卡洛斯·萨达纳(Carlos Saldanha)一起制导了福克斯的又一大作《机器人历险记》。转眼之间,这个方脑袋的可爱机器人又俘获了无数人的心。在《冰河世纪2》中,只剩下卡洛斯·萨达纳(Carlos Saldanha)独自奋战,一展个人才华。动画大片本来制作成本就比较高,制作过程费时又很繁重,但它的受众人群广泛,获益丰厚。 近几年迪斯尼和梦工厂均在动画大片上狠赚了一把。梦工厂获得巨大成功的动画片《怪物史莱克》的上映,使得20世纪福克斯公司更加坚定信心,要在这日益红火的3D动画影片市场分一杯羹。《冰河世纪2》中延续了《冰河世纪》的特色,夸张的动画风格,新颖的主人公设计…… ◎配音阵容: 和《冰河世纪》中三只动物兄弟一样的感情有所不同,导演卡洛斯·萨达纳为我们毛茸茸的长毛象朋友找了一个女朋友--爱丽,这个性格活泼可爱的雌性猛犸象为整部作品添彩不少,就像一个爱撒娇的时髦姑娘。还记得《芝加哥》里面那个具有高超搞笑功底的监狱妈妈吗?丰满的身材是不是和爱丽有神似之处?这次卡洛斯·萨达纳就邀请到了奎茵·拉提法来为爱丽配音。 至于爱丽身边顽皮的让人头疼的负鼠兄弟请到了凭借《美国派》一举成名的喜剧新生代小生西恩斯·考特,为这次逃亡之行带来了不少美式幽默成分。本片的三个主角配音依然是由之前的三位好莱坞明星担当,《人人都爱雷蒙德》中的雷·罗曼诺、《血溅13号警署》中的约翰·莱格扎莫和《天罗地网》中的丹尼斯·劳瑞。 然而无论剧情如何变化,角色如何增减,《冰河世纪》的金字招牌仍旧还是那只对坚果怀有惊人狂热激情的犬齿松鼠斯科特。在《冰河世纪2》的预告片中,斯科特和它的坚果再次担纲主演,为了榛子不惜上山下海挑战极限,还要和大鱼比划功夫……
2023-07-10 03:15:122


2023-07-10 03:15:204


2023-07-10 03:16:163


一共有四部 冰川时代 / 冰河世纪 / 冰原历险记 冰川时代2 / 冰河世纪2:消融 / 冰原历险记2 冰川时代3 / 冰河世纪3:大威龙驾到 冰川时代4 / 冰河世纪4:玩转新大陆(港) 后面这几个松树的故事。2消失的松果。(有翻译成大陆漂移新说)3松果与时光机器。4幸存的sid。都是番外片 就是出的动画短片
2023-07-10 03:16:383


2023-07-10 03:18:274


The Ice Age franchise produced by Blue Sky Studios, a division of 20th Century Fox, and featuring the voices of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, and Chris Wedge. Four films have been released in the series thus far, Ice Age in 2002, Ice Age: The Meltdown in 2006, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs in 2009 and Ice Age: Continental Drift in 2012.The series follows a group of mammals surviving the Paleolithic ice age.Ice Age (2002)Main article: Ice Age (2002 film)Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps into a river and falls off a waterfall. Before she disappears, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby.Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)Main article: Ice Age: The MeltdownManny, Sid, and Diego are currently living in a large valley surrounded by an enormously high ice wall on all sides. When a water park begins to form, the trio discovers that the ice wall is actually a wall that is barely holding a massive body of water that could flood the valley to nearly a mile underwater. A vulture tells them that there is a boat at the other end of the valley that may save them all, but they only have 3 days to make it or die. Manny is having trouble facing the fact that he may be the last mammoth left. Along the way, they meet Ellie, a mammoth who thinks she is a possum, and her possum brothers Crash and Eddie. As they begin to travel together, Manny learns, with help from Diego and Sid, that having this new mammoth with them, may not be as bad as Manny makes it out to be while they try to escape the oncoming and continually threatening flood. During their journey, Scrat the sabre-toothed squirrel has his own adventures that eventually leads to something else entirely.Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)Main article: Ice Age: Dawn of the DinosaursLife begins to change for Manny and his friends: Scrat is still on the hunt to hold onto his beloved acorn, while finding a possible romance in a female sabre-toothed squirrel named Scratte. Manny and Ellie, having since become an item, are expecting a baby, which leaves Manny anxious to ensure that everything is perfect for when his baby arrives. Diego is fed up with being treated like a house-cat and ponders the notion that he is becoming too laid-back. Sid becomes jealous of Manny and Ellie and begins to wish for a family of his own, and so steals some dinosaur eggs which leads to Sid ending up in a strange underground world where his herd must rescue him, while dodging dinosaurs and facing danger left and right, and meeting up with an insane one-eyed weasel known as Buck who hunts dinosaurs intently.Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)Main article: Ice Age: Continental DriftThe fourth film, Ice Age: Continental Drift, was released in 3-D on July 13, 2012. It was directed by Steve Martino and Mike Thurmeier — the first time without Carlos Saldanha, and beside the regular voices it features many new celebrities, including Peter Dinklage, Jennifer Lopez, Wanda Sykes, Drake and Nicki Minaj. The film takes place a few years after the events of the third film, with Peaches in her teenage years. Scrat"s never-ending pursuit of acorns has world-changing consequences, separating Manny, Sid and Diego from the rest, forcing them to stand up to a pirate gang, led by Captain Gutt.Ice Age 5 (2016)After the release of Ice Age: Continental Drift, John Leguizamo, the voice of Sid, said of the fifth installment in the Ice Age film series: "It sounds like they"re working on something. So hopefully the answer is YES, but I cannot say for sure."On December 20, 2013, 20th Century Fox has scheduled the film for July 15, 2016.
2023-07-10 03:18:331

收集《ice age 1》五句经典台词

2023-07-10 03:18:531

ice age3 里面的恐龙是什么种类啊

●奇角鹿 在《冰河世纪3》中,刃齿虎迭戈追赶一只看上去像鹿的动物,这只动物叫奇角鹿,是已灭绝的北美哺乳动物,最大的特点是鼻端上长着一只开叉的角。 ●甲龙 当主角一行人进入地下恐龙世界之后,有一只很凶的恐龙把他们吓得够呛。这只恐龙叫“甲龙”。甲龙的背部有厚重的被板,尾巴如棍棒,甲龙可长达10米,重达7吨。甲龙是植食动物,动作缓慢相当老实,不会主动吓人。 ●冠龙(不同于白垩纪晚期的同名植食恐龙) 在《冰河世纪3》中,小猛犸“桃子”出生时,有一群很讨厌的小型食肉恐龙想要尝鲜。这些恐龙叫“冠龙”,它的特点是长着一个“冠”,它的学名就叫“Guanlong”,这是我国古生物学家徐星命名的。冠龙被认为是暴龙类中最古老的品种●风神翼龙 在《冰河世纪3》中,把巴克的翼龙撞晕了的是风神翼龙 ,它的翼展至少有11米~15米,是史上最大的飞行动物。 ●鸟掌龙 《冰河世纪3》中,追逐巴克他们的那群翼龙是鸟掌龙,头顶有个半圆形的冠,翼展在11~12米左右。 ●无齿翼龙 在片中,“巴克”等人骑行的是无齿翼龙,它体重大约15千克,但是头部却有1.8米长,两翼开展约8.2米。 ●霸王龙 ice age3中,那三只可爱的恐龙宝宝和巨大的“妈斯拉”是霸王龙。前肢超级短小,牙齿巨大、尖利,是最有名的恐龙,也是最后灭绝的恐龙,约十二米长。 ●似鳄龙 ice age3中,那只叫“老大”的大恐龙是一头似鳄龙,是一种棘龙,但有着像鳄鱼一样的嘴。
2023-07-10 03:19:032

假面骑士W里A到Z的26个记忆体的名字,如A — Accel

2023-07-10 03:19:133


第四纪冰川是地球史上最近一次大冰川期。冰川的发生是极地或高山地区沿地面运动的巨大冰体。由降落在雪线以上的大量积雪,在重力和巨大压力下形成,冰川从源头处得到大量的冰补给,而这些冰融化得很慢,冰川本身就发育得又宽又深,往下流到高温处,冰补给少了,冰川也愈来愈小,直到冰的融化量和上游的补给量互相抵消。一般冰川为舌状,冰川面往往高低不平,有的地方有深的裂口,即冰隙。冰川可分为大陆冰川和山岳冰川两大类。第四纪时欧洲阿尔卑斯山山岳冰川至少有5次扩张。在我国,据李四光研究,相应地出现了鄱阳、大姑、庐山与大理4个亚冰期。现代冰川覆盖总面积约为1630万平方公里,占地球陆地总面积的11%。我国的现代冰川主要分布于喜马拉雅山(北坡)、昆仑山、天山、祁连山和横断山脉的一些高峰区,总面积约57069平方公里。   冰川期 glacial age,ice age,glacial period 这是指地球气候酷寒,高纬度地方的广阔区域为大陆冰川(continental glacier)所覆盖的时期。最近的冰川期在更新世,据在欧洲和北美研究的结果,认为共有六次冰川期,五次间冰川期。在日本根据分析冰斗地形(围谷地形,kar)地形发现有两次冰川期。最显著的冰川期是在石炭纪-二迭纪,冰川的遗迹残留于冈瓦纳大陆。除上述两大冰川期外,在欧洲和美洲还发现有前寒武纪、中生代和第三纪的冰川遗迹,但都不太显著。   地球自诞生后,气候也一直在变迁中。地质年代中地球的气候是温暖和寒冷交替著出现。在数十万年以上的极长周期气候中,有大冰川气候周期和冰川时代气候周期。   在震旦纪(大约六亿年前)以前地球上的气候,我们目前并不清楚。从六亿年前前古生代震旦纪起一直到一万年前新生代的第四纪止,地球上的气候共经历了三次大冰川气候。第一次是震旦纪大冰川期,距今约六亿年;第二次是古生代后期的石炭—二叠纪大冰川期,距今约2~3亿年;第三次是新生代第四纪大冰川期,距今约200万年。这三大冰川期气候的时间周期尺度大约是千万年至亿年左右。   在第四纪大冰川期气候中,目前我们已经确知其间气候仍是寒冷与温暖交替出现。这段时间世界各地的冰川进退次数并不一致,不过大多数的学者都同意:第四纪北半球大部有四次冰期、三个间冰期和一个冰后期;在北欧则有五次冰期、四次间冰期和一个冰后期。
2023-07-10 03:19:521

Carnivores: Ice Age 怎么玩

2023-07-10 03:20:011


2023-07-10 03:20:284

the ice age 故事梗概

在第一部中,他们为了护送一个人类婴儿而走到了一起,他们勇敢地面对沸腾的熔岩坑、暗藏的冰穴、严寒的天气,以及一个秘密,甚至是邪恶的阴谋。这三只史前动物不但要充当小宝宝的保姆,还要历经冰河与冰山各种千惊万险护送他回家。 这些“亚零度”的动物们成了这个世界上最早的英雄们! 还有一只可爱的松鼠Scrat,因为要追寻他与坚果的“爱情”,全剧以他为起点,他拿到了坚果,却总也打不开,于是,他只能把坚果使劲地踩入地下,没打开不说,还让自己和全世界陷入一次又一次山崩地裂,火山爆发。在冰川时代第二部里,树懒希德开了一家游乐园。地球上的冰河期就快要结束了,大大小小的动物们都在欢天喜地的庆祝水世界的即将来临,一片歌舞升平。但剑齿虎迭戈和猛犸象曼尼他们却发现大事不妙,化的雪水即将湮没她们的村庄,他们必须承担起警告所有居民从灾区撤离的艰巨责任。一直认为自己是最后一头猛犸象的曼尼在旅途中遇到了爱丽--世界最后一头雌性猛犸象。一次看到好兄弟陷入情网,迭哥和希德也完全无能为力,帮不上忙。其实曼尼也很头疼,美丽的爱丽从小被负鼠家族收养,浸染了所有负鼠的习性,爬树,钻墙角等。而更夸张的是,爱丽打从骨子里认为自己是一只负鼠,所以根本无法接收曼尼。再加上与爱丽同行的一对活宝负鼠兄弟,个性鲜明,唧唧喳喳。吵的我们的长毛英雄在面对一筹莫展的爱情和恶劣的天气条件下一时完全没有了对策。而偏偏这场破冰之旅还万万少不了爱丽……好不容易度过冰原时期的冻冻危机,也化解了冰河融化时的危机,《冰河世纪3》一开场,曼尼跟艾莉正在期待小长毛象的诞生;迭戈开始怀疑自己到底有没有资格成为一只剑齿虎,因为“练习”吃素的他莫名地变温柔了;希德则依然贪生怕死,但凭着“天上小鸟都会飞下来让他烤”的本事,此时正开创人生的第二春,抢着当起恐龙宝宝的娘来了;而执著于橡实的松鼠斯克莱特特则终于要走桃花运了。这次也是从鼠奎特与松果的疯狂追逐开始,日以继夜,从太阳升起、下山,到月亮升起,永无止尽,并且,在这段过程中,牵一发而动全身,地球因为鼠奎特的疯狂行径,在受到小小的连锁刺激后,原本相连的地表径自分裂成七大洲四大洋,导致曼尼、希德和迭戈开启了全新的大冒险, 希德的古怪姥姥无意间也与三人一起漂流到海上,一路上要满足她各种古怪的要求,更特别的是,这群难兄难弟还被一票海盗给堵上,让他们的回家之旅,增添了更多意想不到的疯狂刺激……
2023-07-10 03:20:351


Creatures in the Ice Age would begin another crazy adventure. Mammoth Magni,sloth Cid,sabretooth Delgo and others were separated by flood, They took a block of glacier for a lifeboat and began their epic journey, They encountered exotic marine animals. They took courage,fought against pirates and found a wonderful New World.冰河纪的生物们要经历新一轮的疯狂冒险了。猛犸象曼尼、树懒希德、剑齿虎迪亚哥和其他人被大洪水分开后,他们把一块冰川当做了救生船,在海上开始了他们的史诗旅程。他们遭遇了异国的海洋生物、与海盗奋勇搏斗、发现了壮丽的新大陆。
2023-07-10 03:20:433

ipad上的Carnivores ICE AGE怎么玩啊?

加Q745664343 我教你!
2023-07-10 03:21:041

谁能帮我写篇ice age(冰河世纪1)的小影评。要英文的!!!!!

你节选一下吧 当3D动画在好莱坞成为主流动画以后,现在已经纳入迪斯尼公司的皮克斯工作室一直以来都是3D动画的头块招牌,由它出品的每部作品几乎都能够获得成功。而作为迪斯尼死对头的梦工厂则凭借《史莱克》成功上位,开始与迪斯尼公司在3D动画上展开PK大战。与这两位3D动画业的巨头相比,福克斯下属的蓝天工作室便只能算小弟了,不过在2002年凭借《冰河世纪》获得成功后,蓝天工作室以一种慎重的态度打磨自己的3D动画事业,慢工出细活,随后推出的《机器人》和《冰河世纪2》都广受欢迎,在票房上狠赚了一大笔。蓝天工作室似乎正以一种上升的势头,渐渐成为3D动画的第三股势力。影片《冰河世纪2》以一个冰川消融的危机开始了动物们迁移逃难的故事,最后还按排了一只船来拯救他们,整个套用“诺亚方舟”的典故,在影片中确实有着相当多类似的模仿秀,有些心领神会,有些并不清楚,但是错过多少都无关紧要,因为在这部动画片中有足够多的笑料来刺激我们的笑腺神经。故事由不相干的两条线组成,一条线是那只犬齿松鼠斯科莱特无比执着地追求着松果,另一条线便是树獭希德、剑齿虎迭哥和毛象曼尼三兄弟的逃难路程。应该说《冰河世纪2》这样的故事情节很是老套,而且有些松散,算不得有多少精妙之处。而且作为一部可以适合多年龄层观众的动画影片,影处还被赋于了许多粗浅的说教,比如防止地球暖化的环保理念,如何克服恐惧战胜自我,还有自我身份的认定等等。作为一部需要轻松阅读的动画影片,这些思考的东西都只是一种点缀,只是为了避免让影片被人认为过于空洞。影片《冰河世纪2》的最重要功能并非说教而在于娱乐,所以不必将影片用一种严肃的视角来审视,只需要轻松地从这中寻求到单纯的快乐。在影片中与主线故事并无多大瓜葛的犬齿松鼠斯科莱特可能算是最讨人喜欢的角色,它秉承着首集中的执着精神,继续疯狂地追逐着松果却免不了被设计成功败垂成,令人扼腕叹息却又忍俊不禁,狂张的肢体幽默配以一根筋的个性着让观众着迷。而同样作为首集中的三位主人公此番却因新角色的加入而删减了戏份,因此搞笑的程度也减弱了不少,出彩的笑点更多是由母毛象艾莉和负鼠活宝兄弟所制造。影片的观影过程中搞笑段子层出不穷,影院中几乎不时有笑声传中,应该承认这一次的中文配音还是比较成功的,将一些幽默对白配得相当本土化。从技术层面上来讲,蓝天工作室也有了长足进步,我们可以看到动画造型更加的细致化。实际上这也并不值得过多褒奖,蓝天工作室在3D动画制作上的进步并没有领先的优势,这样的进步是整个3D动画技术的普遍发展。《冰河世纪2》更值得赞赏的是它在一个较为老套的故事里将娱乐功能发挥到了极致,紧紧吸引住了观众眼球,尽管这样一部动画电影难以深深印入观众的脑海,成为一部经典,但让观众在电影院中享受了每一分钟的快乐便已足够值回票价,哪怕走出影院就忘个精光彩夺目。
2023-07-10 03:21:181


《冰川时代3 》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: kfm4导演: 卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈 / 麦克·特米尔编剧: 迈克尔·伯格 / 彼得·阿克曼 / 迈克·里斯 / 尤尼·布伦纳 / 彼得·高尔克 / 格里·斯沃洛 / 迈克尔·J·威尔森主演: Eunice Cho / 麦丽·弗拉纳甘 / 杰森·弗里基奥内 / 比尔·哈德尔 / Kelly Keaton / 乔伊·金 / 奎恩·拉提法 / 丹尼斯·利瑞 / Allegra Leguizamo / 约翰·雷吉扎莫 / Lucas Leguizamo / 科里亚·刘易斯 / 简·林奇 / 乔希·佩克 / 西蒙·佩吉 / 雷·罗马诺 / 卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈 / 西恩·威廉·斯科特 / 辛迪·斯拉特里 / 克里斯·韦奇 / 克里斯汀·韦格 / 马特·阿德勒 / 史蒂夫·奥特曼 / 克劳迪娅·贝索 / 霍利·多夫 / 塞勒妮丝·雷瓦 / 蒂姆·诺德奎斯特 / 德维卡·帕利赫 / 乔纳森·柴可夫斯基 / 弗兰克·维尔克类型: 喜剧 / 动画 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2009-07-08(中国大陆) / 2009-07-01(美国)片长: 94分钟又名: 冰河世纪3:大威龙驾到 / 冰河时代3:恐龙的黎明 / 冰原历险记3 / IceAge3 该片讲一群老朋友又将开始一段新的旅程。当猛犸象曼尼(Manny)沉浸在马上要当爸爸的喜悦之时,剑齿虎迭戈(Diego)却为自己的逐渐衰老而黯然伤神,此时树懒希德(Sid)则发现了三枚恐龙蛋,居然“母爱”泛滥,想作这三只小霸王龙的妈妈,结果被小恐龙真正的妈妈霸王龙掳走。为了寻找同伴,一群可爱的动物朋友们走进了隐藏在冰河世纪之下的“侏罗纪公园”,在这片神奇的地方,他们会认识什么新朋友,又会遭遇到什么危险,这都让所有众多“冰粉”们充满期待。这部电影作为20世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)第一部3D形式大规模上映的动画片其制作成本达到1.2亿美元,几乎是《冰河世纪1》的两倍。
2023-07-10 03:21:251


歌名:la la love on my mind la la la la la la mhmm... you"re the la love of my life one way ticket and of life to live pockets full of sunshine lots of love to give longing for your kisses longing for your arms to be holding me. i took the friday night flight paris here i come couldn"t live without you you"re the only one got the note you wrote me ╟ know it all by heart oh nothing"s gonna keep us apart. there is only... la la love on my mind, gonna leave my la la love on the line, baby just surrender, you"ll be la lucky tonight. looking out for ooh la la la l"amour and i"m gonna la la love you toujours. there"s no doubt about it, you"re the la love of my life. don"t care about my suitcase, gonna grab a cab, let your arms unfold me give you all i have boy you got me dreamin" you"re a kiss away in your arms i"m going to stay there is only... la la love on my mind, gonna leave my la la love on the line, baby just surrender, you"ll be la lucky tonight. looking out for ooh la la la l"amour and i"m gonna la la love you toujours. there"s no doubt about it, you"re the la love of my life. mhmm... you"re the la love of my life
2023-07-10 03:21:451


   《阿甘正传》(中英文对照)   阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。影片中还有一位主要人物是上校丹。他在越南战争中失去了双腿。他说他的命运就是战死。然而阿甘却救他,让他活了下来。失去双腿后他开始憎恨生活,生活得很颓废,责怪阿甘当初救了他。然而当他调整心态,去和阿甘一起捕鱼生活,有了收获后,开始感觉到生活的美好。感谢阿甘当初就了他。影片试图通过这个角色告诉观者生活总是美好的。乌云后有彩虹,绝境后有重生。关键是看我们给不给自己一个好心态,一个机会去改变不好的现状。影片试图向观者传达这样一个信息:或许做好我们该做的每一件事,生活就会给我们一个好的.回馈。只要有一种坚持就会出现一个奇迹。   Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS.He said: “Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank that"s the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to for foretime and don"t stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and becomes “GOD”. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that A Gan shouldn"t save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan"s help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.    Ice Age 冰河世纪 英语影评   It"s not particularly surprising to be disappointed by any computer-animated film not bearing the Pixar logo. In fact, until Shrek, 2001"s rollicking success, I wouldn"t have even believed it could happen. What is surprising, is that Ice Age doesn"t even ATTEMPT to reach Pixar"s Toy Story heights, apparently content to revel in its status a Monster"s, Inc."s second rate, half wit cousin.   Ice Age is yet another “extinction for kids” movie, one of many in a long line of baby dinosaurs, pterodactyl eggs, and sympathetic cavemen. This time, it"s the ice age, and wooly mammoths roam the earth alongside primitive man. Strangely enough, in this early world, animals can talk, and humans cannot. But when a group of would-be-enemies discover a lost human baby, wooly mammoth (Ray Romano), saber-toothed tiger (Dennis Leary), and giant sloth (John Leguizamo) must work along side each other in a journey to return the child to its home.   Visually, Ice Age is perhaps the poorest bit of CGI I have ever seen. Contrasted to the beautiful constructs of Monsters, Inc.; or even the gooey, gloppy creativity of Shrek; Ice Age is nothing but badly rendered polygons and Acme animated characters. No hint of photo-realism here. It"s like comparing a Bugs Bunny Cartoon to The Lion King. Actually, I suspect that is exactly what the folks at Ice Age were going for.   Ice Age is really little more than a collection of silly animal gags and Leguizamo one liners. Some of them are even quite funny. If that is all that we"re going for here, then I suppose I"m all for it. But then there are these strange attempts at gut wrenching sappiness, which fall painfully flat amidst sub-video game animation. Frankly, I"m not even sure the CGI they use here is up to the   task of displaying the kinds of emotions these people are trying to illicit from their characters. The humans more closely resemble totem poles than they do living, breathing, creatures. It"s laughable watching their polygon-limited faces trying to emote in response to the story"s attempts at heartfelt, soft touches.   Thankfully, the main characters are animals, which are at least bearably rendered to slapstick fun levels. As a result, what slapstick there is, is highly entertaining. Sure, Ray Romano"s vocal talents aren"t particularly spectacular. But Dennis Leary and the always-odd John Leguizamo cover for his mammoth ineptitude without hesitation.   The story itself is bland, boring, and uninspired, as is the almost laughably bad animation. The film"s only real saving graces are some slapstick side trips into the world of an unlucky squirrel and a group of soon-to-be-extinct melon-hoarding dodos. Ice Age"s comedy is worthy of Bugs, but unless you"re under 5, you"ll be bored with everything else.    《冒牌天神2》观后感:   This should"ve gone straight to video. Evan Almighty was not able to manage the expectations of those who came to see it anticipating as riotous a ride as its predecessor Bruce Almighty. It retained the premise of the original as a spin-off but it doesn"t work not because Steve Carell is less talented than Jim Carrey but because he had lousy material to work with. Even Morgan Freeman (who reprises his role as God) lost the zing and impressive qualities he had in the first installment.   Evan Almighty apparently targets a family audience with its decidedly more religious overtones (check out what ARK really means), so it shouldn"t have attempted to fool the audience by maintaining the Almighty franchise because it doesn"t fit; its brand of humor and story simply failed to keep up.   It would"ve probably done better if it were marketed differently instead of lazily riding on the success of Bruce Almighty when it painfully couldn"t deliver the same punches.    这是<猫鼠游戏>的英语影评.对Frank 和Carl之间关系的评论   It"s correct to describe Carl as a cat, also Frank as a mouse. Not only because the process that the cat chased the mouse day and night, but also Carl was as mild as a cat, not as violent as a tiger.   Carl is only a clerk in FBI. He sticked to the regulations but didn"t lose his compassion. Years of detective work let him lose his lovely daughter, but didn"t make him ruthless. Though Carl was teased by the clever mouse several times, he still did not treat Frank as a criminal. He regarded Frank as a little boy, who should be lead on the right way.   The brilliant mouse, Frank endured too much heartbreak in his childhood. Father"s bankruptcy, parents" divorce drove him to go astray. He deceived every person he met. But at the Christmas Eve, Frank told the truth to Carl on the phone. He was so lonely at that time. Even though he was a great con man, don"t forget, Frank was still a teenager who was interested in the comic books. He needs family. He needs love. All the fraud he made was aim at repairing his family.   Then, when the two people who both had broken family were involved with each other, a new relationship was founded.   Carl wasn"t as handsome as Frank Sr. He did not have little tricks such as “the lost necklace”. But he appreciated Frank"s genius and taked a long time to rescue Frank. He knew he would try in vain to do it. But he still loved Frank, and treated Frank as his own child.   It was incredible that a cat would love a mouse. But Carl did it.   Fortunately, Frank gave up evil and returned to good with Carl"s help.   Although I think it was sad that Frank was also a clerk in FBI at last. It wouldn"t be exciting for our audience. But after years of crazy, Frank needed to live like a common person, just as his happy childhood in France.   Remember, Frank"s peace life should be attributed to Carl, who was clement enough. It"s Carl that makes the film full of love. Perhaps the relationship between them should be called “The cat father and the mouse son”.
2023-07-10 03:21:521

介绍点类似《冰河世纪》和《海底总动员》的电影 谢谢

怪物史莱克 超人总动员 迅雷有~~
2023-07-10 03:22:018

求ICE AGE (冰河世纪)台湾配音版本的下载地址 或 这两个网站都用迅雷下载。很快也很安全。放心使用。 希望您满意~
2023-07-10 03:22:282

salt-point 理论 (盐点理论?)

2023-07-10 03:23:091


冰河世纪1 粤语版 bt下载 简单注册
2023-07-10 03:23:172

冰河世纪的英文为什么是ice age 而不是 glacier age

Ice Age
2023-07-10 03:23:374

in the ice age中文翻译

That species disappeared in the ice age 哪个物种早在冰河时期就绝迹了 Ross : okay , okay , yes , it is . ( waves ) how about i " ll , uh , catch up with you in the ice age 好的,好的,是她。 (挥手)干脆我等一下去,恩,冰河时期那里找你算了。
2023-07-10 03:24:391

冰川世纪3(Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs)里的插曲:Alone Again的歌词 是这个地址的歌吧。的确改词了......要是在正确答案出现前,楼主能等,我需要一点时间。
2023-07-10 03:24:462


影片开头前61句对白:(望采纳,谢谢!)2- What, what was that? Ellie, did you hear that?- I heard it Manny, whatever it is is miles away.3- Peaches, you alright? Where is she, no teenager is ever up early.4- Nooo... easy warden, she"s not on lockdown.5- You two were supposed to be responsible uncles.6- What... I didn"t see Peaches sneak off maybe 15-20 minutes ago.7- Or that she went with Louis to the falls.8- The falls... where the deliquents go!- Relax, it"s just where the kids hang out.9- No, no... it"s a gateway hangout. First it"s the falls then she"s pucing10her trunk and the next thing you know she"s addicted to berries.11- Manny, you are over-reacting. She"s not going to be your little girl forever.12- I know, that"s what worries me.13- C"mon...14Louis... would you get your head out of the ground for once and try to have a little fun.15- Ow... I"m a mole-hog, my head"s supposed to be underground and my idea16 of fun isn"t risking death so you can meet some cute mammoth.17- Ethan isn"t cute... he"s hot. Besides you can"t spend you whole life playing it safe.18- I know I would.- Dad!! There"s no reason to be mad.19- You know how I feel about you going into the falls, especially alone.20- Ahem... she"s not alone sir.- You don"t count weiner.21- Yes, there"s my place and he just put me in it... thankyou.22- C"mon young lady we"re going home where I can keep an eye on you.23- So... should I just, um, wait here or...?24- Yeh you don"t scare me mother nature, there"s nothing you can throw at me that I can"t handle.25- Whoohoo... I think we"re almost there.- We better be I"ve just lost the steering.26- Has anyone seen Precious, it"s her feeding time.- Mum, Granny"s talking about her dead pet again.27- Hey, paws up everybody.- Paws down, Uncle... please... that is nasty.28- Be careful Milton, you"re going to hurt somebody.29- Bad kitty...- Rock...!30- Ok, so tell me when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys?31- When I"m dead... plus 3 days just to make sure I"m dead.32- Manny, are you ok...?33- Get off... my face.34- That was fun... now, who should I eat first?35- Uncle Morgan, can that really be you?- Hey... hey...36- Sorry, sorry...37- Mum, dad... pop.Marshall...38- Hey...- Granny?39- This rump is ripe for picking.40- Oh, my whole familiar.- See, he still hugs his parents.41- I never thought I would see my little baby again, we"ve been searching everywhere for you.42- You have? I knew it, I knew it... deep down I knew I wasn"t abandoned.43- Ahah that"s incorrect, we totally abandoned you.- But... we always missed you. Right...44- Yeh, right. Yeh, yeh, yeh... And we just knew Sid would want to see his poor dear Granny before... her time is up.45- I"ll bury y"all and dance on your grave.- So frail.46- And she can"t wait to spend time with you Sid.- Oh yeh... Granny, Granny?47- Oww...- Granny...- I don"t get to have any fun.48- Why don"t you show her your cave hmm... yeh, she could use a nap.49- Boy, there"s so much to tell you. You know a lot has happened since the last time I saw you.- Not interested.50- But we fought dinosaurs in the Ice Age... didn"t make sense but sure was exciting.51- We"re getting rid of the crazy wretch, lets go...52- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you can"t just leave Sid"ll be crushed. Whoa, whoa...53- Sorry cookie things are breaking apart back home.- Nope, we"re headed inland and Granny is just dead weight.54- See ya.55- And warn the community... she tends to wander.56- Well that explains a lot about Sid.57- Mum... dad do you have Granny"s teeth, she can"t find"em.58- Hey, can you chew this thing for me?59- Guys... where is everyone?- I"ll handle this.60Sid... your family was wiped out by an asteroid...sorry.61- What...- Ahem... what Diego is trying to say is... they left.62They only wanted to find you so you could take care of Granny.
2023-07-10 03:24:541


2023-07-10 03:25:039


2023-07-10 03:25:531

假面骑士w 的26个记忆体的含义

参考百度百科字母 名字 中文 字母 名字 中文 字母 名字 中文 A Accel 速度 J Joker 王牌 S Skull 骷髅 B Bird 鸟 K Key 钥匙 T Trigger 扳机 C Cyclone 疾风 L Luna 月神 U Unicorn 独角兽 D Dummy 虚拟 M Metal 合金 V Violence 暴力 E Eternal 永恒 N Nasca 纳斯卡 W Weather 天气 F Fang 獠牙 O Ocean 海洋 X Xtreme 极限 G Gene 遗传基因 P Puppeteer 操偶师 Y Yesterday 昨日 H Heat 炽热 Q Queen 王后 Z Zone 区域 I Ice age 冰河时代 R Rocket 火箭 Xtreme也翻译为Extreme
2023-07-10 03:26:275


2023-07-10 03:27:022

英语中的in ,on,at,的用法,它们的区别是什么。

时间上的区别最大,其他的属于固定搭配。at+时间点/noon/nightin+年、月、季节、世纪/the morning/afternoon/evening/daytimeon+具体的某一天(包括这天的上午、下午、晚上)给你一个句子轻松掌握:It happened at 6:00 on a cold winter morning in 1997.
2023-07-10 03:28:493

求推荐好玩的模拟经营类单机电脑游戏!类似盖房子收钱然后解锁新东西的那种!参考ice age village。

2023-07-10 03:29:172


2023-07-10 03:29:273


冰河世纪1First, I"ll slice its hindquarters into sections. - I"ll put the white meat in one pile and... - Knock it off. I"m starving. Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy. - I told you to knock it off. - Save your energy. Mammoths don"t go down easy. There"s only one way to do it. First, you have to force it into a corner. Cut off its retreat. And when you three have it trapped, I"ll go for the throat. Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind. - How much further? - Three miles. I"m beat. We"ll get there in the morning. - What are you doin"? - I"m putting sloths on the map. Why don"t you make it realistic and draw him lying down? And make him rounder. - Perfect. - I forgot how to laugh. I"m a genius. From now on you"ll have to refer to me as Sid, Lord of the Flame. Lord of the Flame, your tail"s on fire. Thank you. From now on, I"m gonna call you Diego. Lord of "Touch Me and You"re Dead". I"m just kiddin", you little knucklehead. Lovebirds. Look at this. I don"t believe it. Come here, you little biped. Come here, you little wormy-worm. Come to Uncle Sid. No, no, no, no, no, no. This way. This way. No, no, no. No, go to him. Go to him. OK. Good job. Keep practicin". Look at that. Our little guy is growing up. All right, come on. Sleep time, lumpy. Look at that big pushover. You know, Diego, I"ve never had a friend who would risk his life for me. Yeah, Manny"s... he"s a good guy. Yeah, he is. Well, good night. Let"s get you all cleaned up. What"s your daddy gonna say if you go back all stinky? Let me just clean that up. That looks good. A little bit here. - You clean up nice, little fella. - I think he"s starting to look like me. Diego, what do you think? - Maybe we shouldn"t do this. - Why not? If we save him, he"ll be a hunter. And who do you think he"ll hunt? Maybe because we save him, he won"t hunt us. Yeah, and maybe he"ll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you Mama. - What"s your problem? - Nothing. Let"s go. I"m freezing my tail off. Diego. You frozen back there? - Get down. - What? - Get down and follow me. - What"s goin" on? At the bottom of Half Peak, there"s an ambush waiting for you. - What? - What do you mean, "ambush"? - You set us up. - It was my job. - I was to get the baby, but then... - You brought us home for dinner. - That"s it. You"re out of the herd. - I"m sorry. No, you"re not. Not yet. - Listen, I can help you. - Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out. You can"t. The pack"s too strong. You have to trust me. Trust you? Why in the world would we trust you? Because I"m your only chance. Hello, ladies. - Look who decided to show up. - Diego, I was beginning to worry about you. No need to worry. In about two minutes you"ll be satisfying your taste for revenge. Very nice. I see the sloth. And he"s got the baby. Don"t give away your positions until you see the mammoth. He"s the one to surprise. You want to maul something, don"t you? - I wanna maul. - Then what are you waiting for? No, I said wait for the mammoth. Backscratcher. Eat my powder! Loop-de-loop. Slalom! Slalom, baby! Sorry, fellas. He got a little frostbite. Get him. Surprise! OK, follow me. We"ll pick up Sid and get outta here while we can. Come on, Diego, let"s bring this mammoth down. There he is. That"s right. Where"s the baby? Survival of the fittest. I don"t think so. Yeah. - What are you doing? - Leave the mammoth alone. Fine. I"ll take you down first. We did it. We were some team, huh? Were? Come on, we"re still a team. I"m sorry I set you up. You know me - I"m too lazy to hold a grudge. Knock it off, squirt. You gotta be strong. You have to take care of Manfred and Sid. Especially Sid. Come on, you can lick this. You"re a tiger. Look, I"ll carry you. Come on, what do you say? Come on, Diego, come on. Tell him he"s going to be OK, Manny. Listen, you have to leave me here. If those humans get through the pass, you"ll never catch them. You didn"t have to do that. That"s what you do in a herd. Don"t forget about us. OK? We won"t forget about you. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. - Sid... - Bye. Bye. That"s right. Where"s the baby? Come on, Sid, let"s head south. Bye. Save your breath, Sid. You know humans can"t talk. Diego? You"re OK. - Nine lives, baby. - You"re OK. You"re OK. I could kiss ya. Welcome back, partner. Wanna lift? No thanks. I gotta save whatever dignity I"ve got left. You"re hanging out with us. Dignity"s got nothing to do with it. I"ll take that lift. - Yeah, climb aboard. - Pick me up, buddy. Mush. Or not mush. Either way. This is gonna be the best migration ever. I"ll show you my favorite watering holes. I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries. - Attractive. - This whole Ice age thing is getting old. You know what I could go for? Global warming. - Keep dreamin". - No, really...
2023-07-10 03:29:361


呵呵. .我可以帮你解决这个问题. .但前提你地有视听. . 有视听。.我会尽力帮你找的.>!!找视听 帮你找.!!
2023-07-10 03:29:554


楼主会德语么?会的话去 ,rtl前几个月放过ice age,一般他们放过的片子在关网上都有,基本免费。
2023-07-10 03:30:021


2023-07-10 03:30:1314


2023-07-10 03:30:4414

请推荐几部最近比较好看的电影 最好是大片或者喜剧 谢谢!绝对是免费电影网站,希望大家多多点哦!
2023-07-10 03:31:149


1 在那期间,冰河时代与温暖的间冰期在全球范围内的平均温差为4~6°C。而对于下个世纪,在一切照旧、化石燃料密集的局势下,由于人为因素导致的全球变暖,预计其平均温差将与上述温差相当。3 对“证明”的实用主义哲学思考使我们明了,Sperber和Mercier对推理所做的心理分析并不是自我毁灭的怀疑论。相反,因为整合了心理学方法而更可信。这种整合共生很好地证明了哲学和实证心理学能够富有成效地互相作用。你也上了 读写II么? 呵呵。
2023-07-10 03:31:372


2023-07-10 03:31:471

ice age village 冰川时代被下架了?

2023-07-10 03:32:511


2023-07-10 03:32:591

ice age village冰川时代在小米手机上打不开

2023-07-10 03:33:073