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realtimereflections 是什么意思

2023-07-10 08:11:38

Realtime Reflections




reflection 英[ru026au02c8fleku0283n]美[ru026au02c8flu025bku0283u0259n]n. 反映;(关于某课题的)思考;(声、光、热等的)反射;映像名词复数:reflections[例句]All our possessions are just a reflection of our inner self.我们所有的所有物都不过是内在自我的反映。
2023-07-10 01:41:172


2023-07-10 01:41:252


2023-07-10 01:41:323


这个字的意思是反射。光的反射,是指光射到物体表面上,有一部分光会从物体表面返回去的现象。在光的反射中,入射线、反射线和法线三者在同一平面上,反射线与入射线分居法线两侧,反射角等于入射角。元音字母e在重读闭音节里一般要发短元音/u025b/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,舌位适中,不接触上颚,没有摩擦,牙床介于半合半开之间,唇形扁平。这个音出现在字首、字中,但很少出现在字尾的位置,如:egg 鸡蛋well 井red 红的pen 钢笔net 网络hen 母鸡bed 床bell 铃铛希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-07-10 01:41:392


pastel-reflections波光粼粼;浮光掠影;彩色粉笔反映reflections去背诵英 [ru026a"fleku0283u0259nz] 美 [ru026a"fleku0283u0259nz]n.反映( reflection的名词复数 ); (关于某课题的)思考; (声、光、热等的)反射; 映像 双语例句1. He paused, absorbed by his reflections. 他停下来,陷入了沉思。2. My reflections brought forth no conclusion. 我的思考没有得出结论。3. In his latest collection of poems readers are confronted with a series of reflections on death. 在他最新的诗集里,读者能够读到他对死亡的一系列感想。4. It was not long ere a call came from the house and recalled me from my reflections. 不久,家里打来了电话,把我从沉思中唤醒。5. Her eyebrows had the aspect of hills in spring , and her eyes -- reflections of an autumn stream. 眉似青山, 眼如秋水
2023-07-10 01:41:471

reflection 是什么意思?

2023-07-10 01:41:554


反射:reflect请点击输入图片描述翻译例句1. 阳光从被雪覆盖的山峦反射回来。The sun reflected off the snow-covered mountains.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. 他用左手遮挡反射过来的阳光。He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》3. 窗户反射着午后明媚的阳光。The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight.《牛津词典》4. 很多人没有听说过反射疗法。Many people haven"t heard of reflexology.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》5. 他感到自己的头部突然反射性的抽动。He felt his head jerk reflexively.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》6. 医生检测了她的反射动作。The doctor tested her reflexes.《牛津词典》7. 灯光照在满是灰尘的墙上,反射回苍白的冷光。Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》8. 她可以在反射镜头中看到自己被怪异地缩短了。She could see herself in the reflecting lenses, which had grotesquely foreshortened her.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》9. 太阳光线照射到地球时,大量的热被反射回太空。When the sun"s rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space.《牛津词典》10. 那些色彩在一张圆盘上旋转,并被反射到后面的墙上。The colours rotated around on a disc and were reflected onto the wall behind.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》11. 避免使用底部闪亮、能反射的锅,因为热量会被反射回去。Avoid using pans with a shiny, reflective base as the heat will be reflected back.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》12. 该计划试图让儿童成为更有理智的、反射性反应略少的消费者。The programme tries to make children more rational, less reflexive consumers.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》13. 你调试过显微镜,所以它可以反射。You"ve adjusted the microscope so that it reflects!精选例句14. 海洋会反射更多的光和热。The ocean would reflect more heat and light.精选例句15. 在非快速眼动睡眠期,完全没有这种反射性的调整。This reflexive adjustment is totally absent during NREM sleep.精选例句16. 这是因为,它们,也只有它们,才能改变镜子里的反射。This is because they, and only they, can change the reflection in the mirror.精选例句17. 克莱门廷的数据显示:南极撞击坑比预期的反射性更强。Clementine"s data indicated that the wall of the south-polar crater was more reflective than expected.精选例句18. 所有您需要做的就是控制讨厌的呕吐反射,把剑吞下去。All you have to do is to control those pesky gag reflexes and drop the sword.精选例句19. 所以现在信号可以有效地传输到水中,只有最小量的反射。So now the signals can be efficiently transferred into the water with minimal reflection.精选例句20. 有些能量会被反射回来,有些则会被传送到第二种介质中。Well, some of the energy is going to be reflected back, and some of it is going to be transmitted into the second medium.精选例句21. 他们在天空中看到的光可能是来自地面反射到云层上的光。The light they saw in the sky might have been light from the ground, reflected on to the clouds.精选例句22. 当阳光照射到物体上时,一些能量被吸收,一些能量被反射。When sunlight strikes an object, some of the energy is absorbed and some is reflected.精选例句23. 回声定位是比较不解自明的;利用声波反射的回声来定位物体。Echolocation is pretty self-explanatory; using echoes reflected by sound waves to locate things.精选例句24. 所以,树的回声会是一团混乱的声波反射,而不像飞蛾的回声那样。So, the echoes from a tree are going to a mass of chaotic acoustic reflections, not like the echo from a moth.精选例句25. 由于大型卫星产生的强烈反射,它们对望远镜观测的干扰更为严重。The large satellites interfere more seriously with telescope observations because of the strong reflections they produce.精选例句26. 他们发射那些可以反射雨滴、飞机、蝙蝠以及其他东西的无线电波。They send out radio waves that reflect off raindrops, airplanes, bats, and so forth.精选例句27. 顶部的植物会吸收大部分的红光进行光合作用,但反射大部分的远红光。The plant on top would absorb most of the red light for photosynthesis, but reflect most of the far-red light.精选例句28. 海水反射的阳光使这些洞穴呈现出蓝色,使它们成为划船和潜水的好去处。Sunlight reflecting off the water gives these caves their blue hue, making them popular for boating and diving.精选例句29. 当植物吸收光进行光合作用时,它只吸收某些波长的光,并反射其他波长的光。When a plant absorbs light for performing photosynthesis, it only absorbs some wavelengths of light and reflects others.精选例句30. 所有形式的物质,都可以根据它们吸收的光的波长以及反射的光的波长来区分。All substances, all forms of matter, can be distinguished according to what wavelength of light they absorb and which ones they reflect.请点击输入图片描述
2023-07-10 01:42:091


reflection指影像; 映像时为可数名词,复数形式是reflections如:Meg stared at the reflections of her sons in the bedroom mirror.梅格端详着孩子们映在卧室镜子中的影像。Inhibition in adulthood seems to be a reflection of a person"s experiences as a child.成年期的压抑似乎是一个人童年经历的一种反映。希望可以帮到你 望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-10 01:42:401


反光衣服Reflective clothes
2023-07-10 01:42:563


最近在做反射相关的工作,而由于此前对反射技术的现状处于半懂非懂的状态,因此准备尝试对现有的反射技术进行归纳与总结,尝试从中找到一种适用于当前项目的反射方案。 请各位知悉,下面所列举的方案并未严格按照发明年代来排序,给各位阅读带来不便敬请谅解。 沿着反射平面的边界线,将上方的像素结果按照镜像投射到下方的反射平面位置。多用在2D视角的游戏中。 方案特点: cubemap的采集是在固定某一点完成的,只有当相机与此采集点重合的时候,得到的反射结果才是最正确的,但是平时我们使用cubemap的时候,都是直接将相机所在点当成cubemap的中心点也就是cubemap采集点来看待的,当cubemap采集的数据都是天空之类的远景数据,这个假设是可以近似认为是成立的,但是如果使用cubemap来表示房间内的数据,这个假设就会有问题了。如果使用这个假设来计算反射效果,就会发现随着相机的移动,反射效果也是同步移动的,跟真实表现有较大的差距,这就是上面cubemap缺点中列举的不支持移动视差的问题,针对这个问题,有人提出了一种基于视差修正的cubemap(parallax corrected cubemaps)方案,这种方案与普通的cubemap方案在反射效果的表现对比可以参考这个 视频 。 与cubemap不用,billboard针对的是近景物件的反射效果,这种方法通过为每个待反射物体生成一个billboard proxy(如果追求更高效果,可能还需要一个depth billboard),之后在运行时,直接使用这个billboard替代原始物体参与到reflection射线的相交检测当中来。 实现步骤 ,总的来说可以归结为如下几步: 1. 绘制reflection billboard ,对于每个需要参与到反射中的物体,都需要为之绘制一个反射视角billboard,对于这个物体,我们会为之规划一个imposter,这个imposter对应的是特定角度下的2D图像。 1.1 相机位置确定 ,根据这个物体的boundingbox的8个顶点,我们计算得到反射视角相机的位置——8个顶点的中心往后拉伸一个距离(相机lookat点对应着8个顶点的中心)。 1.2. 计算屏幕空间boundingbox ,将上一步中的boundingbox的8个顶点投影到相机空间,并计算出投影后的8个屏幕空间的点组成的boundingbox 1.3. imposter形状确认 ,将屏幕空间boundingbox反投影回世界空间,得到物件的imposter范围 1.4. billboard绘制 ,将此物件绘制到一个RT上,RT对应的贴图将被用作imposter的贴图。此处的绘制使用的是正交相机,绘制前RT会用0 alpha进行清理,绘制时使用的是1 alpha。 2. 反射物体绘制 ,反射效果的绘制比较简单:对于每条需要计算反射颜色的射线,将之与imposter数组中的每个元素进行相交检测,如果存在碰撞,就将交点的颜色取出来并根据alpha值与已有颜色(比如cubemap采样数据)进行混合(这里需要考虑远近关系,每次只取最近的有颜色的数据),并输出结果。 实现效果 ,还是用之前的场景,效果如下图所示: 方案特点: 屏幕空间反射通过对正常渲染输出的framebuffer中的颜色数据reprojection到反射相机空间来实现反射效果,相对于按照反射相机从头进行一遍渲染,这种方案的实施效率无疑要更高一些,但是其质量也有所下降。SSR方案有如下一些特点[3]: 除了单纯的SSR方法,还有人尝试过SSR+Cubemap的方案,这种方案有如下的特点[3]: 这是UE原生平面反射(Planar Reflection)的实现方案。通过使用反射视角对场景进行一遍绘制来得到平面反射的效果,之后根据反射材质上各点的法线朝向对反射贴图进行采样。这种方式可以得到不错的反射结果,但是还是有着一些不足之处: Cone Tracing方案通过将场景体素化(使用GPU完成),并在体素化后的场景中计算各个体素的光照遮挡信息(这些信息会存入3D贴图中),之后在计算某点的光照的时候通过在给定方向上按照逐渐增长的步长对3D贴图的mipmap进行采样来得到全局光照数据,用这些光照数据累加的结果来近似模拟此点的反射结果。 这种方案有如下的一些特点: ---未完待续 [1]. Reflected-Scene Impostors for Realistic Reflections at Interactive Rates - EUROGRAPHICS 2006 [2]. Graphics runner [3].Real-time Reflection in Mafia III - GDC2018
2023-07-10 01:43:141

mariah carey的歌颂的是什么意思?

我来解答一下这个问题吧:这首歌是她2001年的专辑“Glitter”中的一首歌。这张专辑收录的歌曲,全部是一部由她主演的同名电影中的插曲,不幸的是2001年9月11日,美国遭遇恐怖袭击,而这张专辑就在当天发行,命运当然惨遭滑铁卢。所以她的这张专辑和那部同名电影,都没有得到理应有的影响力...如果你看过这部电影,你就知道这首歌的意义了。这部电影讲诉的是一位单亲母亲迫于生活压力,遗弃了年幼的女儿。年幼的少女凭借卓越的演唱才华,从默默无闻,一步步成为一刻耀眼的乐坛明星。成名后,少女一心想找到当年失散的母亲,却一直没有线索,内心的苦闷和思念一起作用,让她写下了Reflections这首歌。这首歌的意境主要是描述这位少女因为得不到母爱,内心的委屈,她在歌中反复的反问她的母亲:“你到底在乎我么?”,“难道你从没在乎过我么?”与电影情节非常吻合,我很喜欢其中这几句:If I"m not quite good enough 如果我真的不够优秀Or somehow undeserving of 或者其他的什么理由让我没有资格A mother"s love 得到母爱You could have had the decency to give me upBefore you gave me life 你应该在生我之前就将我放弃 淋漓尽致的表现了她内心的委屈,每次听到都觉得为她心痛。好在后来少女通过努力找到了自己的母亲。而这部本应该是一部励志情节的电影,并没有被很多人看好,如果你喜欢Mariah Carey,能看看这部电影的话一定让你更了解她。希望我的回答让你满意。
2023-07-10 01:43:211


简明英汉词典 [基本词义] reflection (1) 反射, 映象, 倒影, 反省, 沉思, 反映 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] reflection (1) 反映, 反射; 映像, 倒影 (2) 折射, 偏转 (3) (言行, 思想等)酷似的人[物] (4) 沉思, 反省, 思考 (5) 损及名誉的言行, 谴责 (6) 带来耻辱的言行 (7) [pl. ]感想, 意见 (8) 【心理】反射作用;【解】反折; 反回 镜中的映像 未经深思熟虑做某事 对当前形势的看法 他极象他的父亲。 这有损你的名誉。 a grave reflection upon sb."s reputation (1) 使某人丢尽脸的事 be [cast] a reflection on (1) 给人以不良印象 cast [throw] reflections on (1) 指责某人, 说破某人的丑事 on [upon] reflection (1) 经再三思考 without (due) reflection (1) 轻率, 不经思考 现代英汉词典 [基本词义] reflection [rI5flekF(E)n] n. (1) 反射 (2) 映像;反映 (3) 沉思 After a minute"s reflection, he answered. 他沉思片刻后才回答。
2023-07-10 01:43:292


2023-07-10 01:43:351

问:关于玛丽亚凯莉的一首Reflections 的中文翻译(不要翻译机!)
2023-07-10 01:43:433


Reflections of your loveHave come to witherI thought I"d done my best to memorizeA picture fades of you and I togetherI haven"t come to termsWith how we said goodbyeDid you really careCare for me at allDid you really careDid you care for me at allA displaced little girlWept years in silenceAnd whispered wishes you"d materializeShe pressed on night and dayTo keep on livingAnd tried to many waysTo keep her soul aliveDid you really careCare enough for meDid you really careDid you care at all for meIf I"m not quite good enoughOr somehow undeserving ofA mother"s loveYou could have had the decencyTo give me upBefore you gave me lifeDon"t you even careJust the slightest bit for meCause I really need to feel you caredEven once upon a time for meI need to believe, in my heart of hearts, you care for meI need to understandWhy you left me there so helplesslyDon"t you even careCare at all for meReflections of your loveHave come to witherI thought I"d done my best to memorize 思考你的爱已经枯萎我想这样做我最好的记忆图片消失的你和我在一起我还没有来到条款随着我们如何说再见难道你真的关心照顾我的所有难道你真的关心你照顾我的所有流离失所的小女孩哭来的沉默和低声的祝愿您想要实现她压在白天和黑夜要保持对生活并试图多种方式为了让她的灵魂还活着难道你真的关心护理对我来说不够难道你真的关心您是否在所有照顾我如果我不十分好或以某种不应得到一位母亲的爱你可以有体面为了让我在您给了我生命你不也照顾只要稍有一点对我来说原因我真的需要觉得你照顾即使从前对我来说我必须相信,在我的内心深处,你照顾我我需要理解为什么你离开我有这么无奈你不也照顾在所有照顾我思考你的爱已经枯萎我想这样做我最好的记忆
2023-07-10 01:43:501

affect reflections

你说的"affect reflections"应该是VRaylight里面的选项吧,这个应该翻译成"影响反射",效果正如字面意思,当选择是否勾选时,表示所设置的VRaylight是否影响所照明的物体表面的反射。一般这项和前面几项"affect diffuse"(影响物体漫反射)"affect specular"(影响物体高光)一同设置出特殊的灯光效果。
2023-07-10 01:43:581

fresnel reflections是什么意思?

fresnel reflections是菲涅尔反射的意思! 答案补充 所谓菲涅尔反射就是用波动的理论来解释光的反射。 主要包括一些电磁场的边界传输条件,比如P矢量和S矢量的反射,菲涅尔用波动学说第一次从本质上解释了光的传播,而之前人们只能从宏观上进行试验,无法从微观的理论上获得支持。然而缺少微观理论支持的定律总是空虚的,随时都可能被推翻的。 回答者: oliver
2023-07-10 01:44:051

求翻译:Reflections on Life

你是无尽的海洋中唯一的一个人,你最珍贵的财富就是生命,他属于你,却只有一次。生命给予每一个人机遇,但是并不意味着每一个人都能抓住机遇。无论你去哪,无论你想做什么,一切都由你决定。你就是一个用画笔描绘你的未来的画家。完全没头绪啊。。。。。 有原地址没有。。。。
2023-07-10 01:44:231


What"s your feeling?
2023-07-10 01:44:3414

3Dmax!!fresnel reflections菲涅尔,这些参数要怎么调啊?如图:菲涅尔这些开起来有什么效果?

2023-07-10 01:45:023


reflections of my life 是“对自己人生的思考”的意思。
2023-07-10 01:45:112

找一首经典英文歌,其中有歌词what can i do~~~~~~

歌词:“”出自《创世纪》插曲, Caron Nightingale演唱的歌曲《promises don"t come easy》。歌曲:promises don"t come easy电视剧《创世纪》插曲歌手: Caron Nightingale所属专辑:《Reflections》歌词:you know i"ve made up my mindi should have known all alongthere was something wrongi just never read between the linesthen i woke up one dayand found you on your wayleaving nothing but my heart behindwhat can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easybut tell me if there"s a wayto bring you back home to staywell i"d promises anything to youi"ve been walkin" aroundwith my head hanging downwondrin" what i"m gonna docause when you walked out that doori knew i needed you morethan to take a chance on losing youwhat can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easyyou know i"ve made up my mindto make it work this timethat"s the promise that i give to youyou never thought i loved youi guess you never thought i caredi was just too proud to say it out loudnow i knowto let my feelings go (so tell me)what can i do to make it up to youpromises don"t come easyto make it work this timethat"s the promise i can give to youwhat can i do to make it up to you
2023-07-10 01:45:193

vary 菲涅尔反射参数

2023-07-10 01:45:352


问题一:反光衣服用英语怎么说 翻译结果: Reflective clothes 反光 reflect light更多释义>> [网络短语] 反光 UNDERPLY TURN OUT;UNDERPLY VISIBLE OUTSIDE;reflections 反光镜 Mirror;Reflector;reflective mirror 反光织带 REFLECT WOVEN TAPE 问题二:"织带"的英文简写是什么? TAPS 问题三:反光条是怎样粘在织带上面 像双面胶那样贴就行了啊 问题四:我想了解一下反光织带厂家? 福建泉州一带比较多,可以百度找下看. 如果实在找不到,中芝培训愿为您提供一些相关厂家信息. 厂望能帮到您!谢谢! 问题五:谁知道反光珠原理是什么哦,另外需要些反光布、反光织带,关键是反光效果要好哦 你说的这个我知道点,因为我们单位前段时间刚整了一些,这个建议你可以搜索星火反光材料有限公司了解下该产品种类和型号哦,看看有没有你们所需要的哦,还不错的哦。对了电话先是俯叁六,然后是肆陆八玖,最后是壹陆八陆。希望能帮到你哦。 问题六:织带印刷反光银,应该用什么油墨 你买了织带印刷机了么? 问题七:反光TPU织带现在市场是在一个什么价格区间? 关于反光TPU织带这个价格的话,主要还是要看在用在什么地方上面,需要多高的品质,或是有什么特殊的要求,里面的织带是需要什么样的品质,内部织带同样重要,外面的TPU是需要什么品质的。 还有就是使用的范围比较侧重于哪一个方向。 再有的就是规格了,TPU包胶的厚度也是影响价格的其中之一。 问题八:织带烫反光膜是用什么机器? 有专门的机器,详细情况请直接进入中国织带论坛查看!祝好运! 问题九:TPU反光织带表面黏贴的反光条是否在使用的时间长了过后会掉? TPU反光织带表面黏贴的反光条在生产的使用范围内是不会掉的,不过这个也是跟反光条的一个粘度是有关的。 直到目前,还没有听说过会掉的。 问题十:反光丝是什么,反光丝有什么用途 反光丝又称反光线,是反光材料的一种,反光丝最小规格可做到0.5mm,主要用于制作织带,也可与面料同时交织。[1] 用于装潢、建筑、安全、服装等领域。 反光丝分为单面切丝膜和双面切丝膜两种。 反光丝根据反光亮度的不同也可分为:普亮反光丝、高亮反光丝等。 反光丝的规格有0.5mm、0.8mm、1mm、1.5mm、2mm、3mm。
2023-07-10 01:46:191

vary 菲涅尔反射参数

在真实世界中,除了金属之外,其它物质均有不同程度的“菲涅尔效应”。视线垂直于表面时,反射较弱,而当视线非垂直表面时,夹角越小,反射越明显。如果你看向一个圆球,那圆球中心的反射较弱,靠近边缘较强。不过这种过度关系被折射率影响。 菲尼尔反射(fresnel reflections)能使物体的反射更加接近真实。否则物体反射有点假。例如瓷器,玻璃 ,绒布,绸布…… 菲尼尔反射率越大反射也就越强,菲尼尔反射率设置的太高就等于没有打开菲尼尔反射,所以菲尼尔反射不能设置的太高。 记得加分哟!
2023-07-10 01:46:363


2023-07-10 01:48:182

单晶衍射中unique reflections 是什么意思

1.反射;回响;反射光,回声[U]the reflection of a sound wave 声波的反射 2.映象,倒影[C]The deer gazed at its reflection in the forest pool. 鹿凝视着它倒映在森林水池里的影子。 3.反映;表达,抒发[C]4.容貌酷似的人;惟妙惟肖的事物[C]The girl is a reflection of her mother. 那女孩长得和她母亲一模一样。 5.深思,熟虑;反省[U][(+on/upon)]After long reflection we decided to buy the house. 经过很长一段时间的慎重考虑,我们决定买下那所房子。 6.想法,意见[C][(+on/upon)][+that]7.非议;(对名誉、品格)有损的事[C][(+on/upon)]Children"s bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。 Your accusation of my lying is a reflection on my reputation. 你说我撒谎,这有损我的名誉。
2023-07-10 01:48:251

哪位知道火花里 I see reflection in your eyes的歌词

I don"t care whyI wender fight againI see reflections in your eyes shadows of my mindI don"t know howI lost my way againI see reflections in your eyesI don"t know why
2023-07-10 01:48:333


2023-07-10 01:48:471


vary菲涅尔反射率控制是用于控制对象是否具有透明属性。_ary菲涅尔反射率控制的玻璃是透明物体。 因此,折射色是最白色的,也就是说,它是完全透明的。_颇岫瓷洌_resnel reflections)能使物体的反射更接近真实。否则物体反射有点假。例如瓷器,玻璃 ,绒布,绸布,_颇岫瓷渎试酱蠓瓷湟簿驮角浚颇岫瓷渎噬柚玫奶呔偷扔诿挥写蚩颇岫瓷洌苑颇岫瓷洳荒苌柚玫?_摺vary菲涅尔反射率控制是用于控制对象是否具有透明属性。?1、毛玻璃参数(无色透明毛玻璃) _瓷洌?250,250,250。 _醋?250,250,250启用菲涅耳反射。_凵渎剩?255,255,255折射率:1.5-1.7光泽度:0.85。?2、玻璃材料中的漫反射不起作用,此处通常接近白色。?3、实际上,玻璃是反射性的,并且反射具有菲涅耳现象,是透明的。?4、用来控制物体的透明度,玻璃是全透明的,所以,全白也就是255,玻璃的折射率1.5-1.7左右,因为是磨砂玻璃,_砻娌黄交庠蠖壬弦话?0.85-0.9,细分同时需要加大,一般给12-16左右,这个试情况确定。?5、毛玻璃的技术要点很强,有菲涅耳现象。
2023-07-10 01:48:541

《Reflections and Dreams》沙糖桔小说txt全集免费下载

2023-07-10 01:49:012


歌曲名:HAPPIEST FOOL歌手:Maia Hirasawa所属专辑:『WOOD JOB!(ウッジョブ)~神去なあなあ日常~』オリジナルu30fbサウンドトラックWe built this house together now我们一起建了这所房子I would be a liar if I told you如果告诉你这段时间以来过得如此容易It"s been so easy all the time那我就是个骗子For seven years without no struggle七年来不会没有任何挣扎But we built this house但是我们建了这所房子And we"ve come this far而且我们已经走了这么远You can call me你可以叫我The happiest fool oh yeah最快乐的逗逼 噢耶You can call me你可以叫我The happiest fool oh yeah最快乐的逗逼 噢耶You can call me你可以叫我This is something new, o yeah这可是个新鲜事物 噢耶I would do anything for it为了永远维持这样的生活To stay like this always我会做任何事So hold up the door for me只要为我撑住这道门We"ve built this house together now我们一起建了这所房子Would I be a liar if I told you如果告诉你我们有起就一定有落We had our ups, definitely has our downs那我就是个骗子I guess that"s life,我想这就是人生There"s always struggles总是有悲伤But we"ve built this house但是我们建了这所房子We did come this far我们已经走了这么远You can call me now你可以叫我The happiest fool oh yeah最快乐的逗逼 噢耶You can call me你可以叫我The happiest fool oh yeah最快乐的逗逼 噢耶You can call me你可以叫我This is something new, o yeah这可是个新鲜事物 噢耶I would do anything for it为了永远维持这样的生活To stay like this always我会做任何事Just hold up the door for me只要为我撑住这道门Just hold up the door for me只要为我撑住这道门you can caal me now你可以叫我The happiest fool oh yeah最快乐的逗逼 噢耶You can call me你可以叫我The happiest fool oh yeah最快乐的逗逼 噢耶You can call me你可以叫我This is something new, o yeah这可是个新鲜事物 噢耶I would do anything for it为了永远维持这样的生活To stay like this always我会做任何事Just hold up the door for me只要为我撑住这道门Just hold up the door for me只要为我撑住这道门I"m holding up the door for you我正为你撑着这道门I"m the happiest fool我是最快乐的逗逼 ×3Sing with me跟我一起唱I"m the happiest fool...我是最快乐的逗逼 ×3
2023-07-10 01:49:112

音乐 reflections啥意思

reflections 是英语单词音标:英[ru026a"fleku0283u0259nz]美[ru026a"fleku0283u0259nz]词义:n. 反映( reflection的名词复数 ); (关于某课题的) 思考; (声、光、热等的) 反射; 映像;
2023-07-10 01:49:361

Reflections 歌词

歌曲名:Reflections歌手:Diana Ross & The Supremes专辑:Love And Life: The Very Best Of Diana RossReflectionLook at meYou may think you seeWho I really amBut you"ll never know meEvery dayIt"s as if I play a partNow I seeIf I wear a maskI can fool the worldBut I cannot fool my heartWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?I am nowIn a world where IHave to hide my heartAnd what I believe inBut somehowI will show the worldWhat"s inside my heartAnd be loved for who I amWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?Why is my reflectionSomeone I don"t know?Must I pretend that I"mSomeone else for all time?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?There"s a heart that must beFree to flyThat burns with a need to knowThe reason whyWhy must we all concealWhat we think, how we feel?Must there be a secret meI"m forced to hide?I won"t pretend that I"mSomeone else for all timeWhen will my reflection showWho I am inside?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?
2023-07-10 01:49:431

Reflections 歌词

歌曲名:Reflections歌手:Diana Ross & The Supremes专辑:Playlist PlusJ. Beale - ReflectionI feel like I"m on a beat"cuz everytime that we speakAll I keep hearing is do this,change that, yeah.Who do you want me to becan"t you just love me for meI can"t go on for much longer.You want me to change the way I walkchange the way I talk.You want me to change the way I ever,But I can"t do it shawtyI"m just one manI can"t do all of those thingsBut, can"t you do one thing for meLook at your reflectionIt"s youWhere is our connectionI can"t get throughBaby I"ve got a question, for youWill you stay the same girlor will you change girl ohhhhIt"s getting so hard for me to stay,with you like thisSometimes I don"t even know your name.Who am I wit"?I think that we need to make a changeefficient quickBaby you got me over edge edgeWith all this arguing we doI think that you should knowIt was always on you.I try to stay aroundWhile I watch you tear us down.And lately I been feeling likeI just gotta be outWhy can"t you understand thatI"m not goin" to be your man butyou goin" bring that fingerOur love is goin" to linger babyLook yourself in the mirrorand you gon" see the truthI can"t keep trying to changeif this is what you"re going to put me throughJust look at your reflectionIt"s youIt"s youIt"s you
2023-07-10 01:49:501

Reflections 歌词

歌曲名:Reflections歌手:Luther Vandross专辑:SongsReflectionLook at meYou may think you seeWho I really amBut you"ll never know meEvery dayIt"s as if I play a partNow I seeIf I wear a maskI can fool the worldBut I cannot fool my heartWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?I am nowIn a world where IHave to hide my heartAnd what I believe inBut somehowI will show the worldWhat"s inside my heartAnd be loved for who I amWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?Why is my reflectionSomeone I don"t know?Must I pretend that I"mSomeone else for all time?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?There"s a heart that must beFree to flyThat burns with a need to knowThe reason whyWhy must we all concealWhat we think, how we feel?Must there be a secret meI"m forced to hide?I won"t pretend that I"mSomeone else for all timeWhen will my reflection showWho I am inside?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?
2023-07-10 01:49:571

Reflections 歌词

歌曲名:Reflections歌手:Danilo Perez专辑:PanamonkReflectionLook at meYou may think you seeWho I really amBut you"ll never know meEvery dayIt"s as if I play a partNow I seeIf I wear a maskI can fool the worldBut I cannot fool my heartWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?I am nowIn a world where IHave to hide my heartAnd what I believe inBut somehowI will show the worldWhat"s inside my heartAnd be loved for who I amWho is that girl I seeStaring straight back at me?Why is my reflectionSomeone I don"t know?Must I pretend that I"mSomeone else for all time?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?There"s a heart that must beFree to flyThat burns with a need to knowThe reason whyWhy must we all concealWhat we think, how we feel?Must there be a secret meI"m forced to hide?I won"t pretend that I"mSomeone else for all timeWhen will my reflection showWho I am inside?When will my reflection showWho I am inside?
2023-07-10 01:50:031

reflections歌词大意Matt Cardle

Flicking chennels in my hotel room,在酒店房间里换台On aa trip I always thought I"d take with you,在一个我以为会和你一起的旅行My heart was lifted by a telephone ring,我的心被一个电话铃声抬起来I thought you"d changed your mind,我以为你改变主意了And say it"s true.会说这是真的If only,如果If only I"d seized the moment when you loved me,如果我在你还爱我的时候抓住了机会You"d be here with me.你会和我在一起Reflections of a wasted love,被浪费的爱的倒影You don"t know what you"ve lost,你不知道你失去了什么Unitl she"s given up,直到她放弃I had to lose you to learn,我得失去你才学会You don"t know what you"ve lost,你不知道你失去了什么Until she"s gone.直到她放弃Never thought that you"d have gone this far,从来没有想到过你会走这么远Guessed I"d always have just one more chance,总觉得我还会再有一次机会I never thought that you could break my heart,从来没有想过你会伤我的心If only I could change our circumstance.如果我能改变我们的情况该有多好If only,如果If only I"d seized the moment when you loved me,如果我在你还爱我的时候抓住机会You"d be here with me.你就还会在我身边Reflections of a wasted love,被浪费的爱的倒影You don"t know what you"ve lost,你不知道你失去了什么Until she"s given up,知道她放弃了I had to lose you to learn,我得失去你才能学会The clock"s been tickin",钟一直在走The clock"s been tickin",钟一直在走You don"t know what you"ve lost,你不知道你失去了什么Until she"s gone.直到她走了Maybe it"s all too late,可能太晚了If you"re never gonna tell me why,如果你不打算告诉我为什么Then I"m never gonna say goodbye,那我永远不会说再见Maybe it"s all too late,可能太晚了If you"re never gonna tell me why,如果你永远不告诉我为什么Then I"m never gonna say goodbye.那我永远不会说再见Reflections of a wasted love,被浪费的爱的倒影You don"t know what you"ve lost,你不知道你失去了什么Until she"s given up,直到她放弃了I had to lose you to learn,我得失去你才学会You don"t know what you"ve lost,你不知道你失去了什么Until she"s given up,直到她放弃了Reflections of a wasted love,被浪费的爱的倒影"Cause the clock"s been tickin",因为钟一直在走The clock"s been tickin"钟一直在走You don"t know what you"ve lost,你不知道你失去了什么Until she"s gone.直到她走了我自己翻译的,求采纳
2023-07-10 01:50:101


Tonight I dreamt we found a fair of wonders Where the future and the past could not contain We were greeted by a spell that took us under And laid down in a field that revelates To meet you in this dream we share I believed a perfect pair Oh, but I was wrong This fair comes with a price Because tonight I"ll wake up twice And, both times find you gone Reflections Are all we have that when it"s over Reflections Of the path that sends us searching Over and over again Too quick to fall asleep again to find you I"m rushing through a dream I can"t control This house of mirrors beckons us to walk through But inside again I"ll have to let you go Stuck here in this stare Revealed beyond the glare Again you"re gone So throw a stone through these reflections Scatter light in all directions And sing this song Reflections Are all we have and when it"s over Reflections Of the path that sends us searching Over and over again (Over and over over and over over and over over and over) Where does the physical Meet with the spiritual? Is this the typical question? But down below and up above It looks the same So I"m not sure of anything Where will love come from again? Reflection Is all we have And when it"s over Reflections Of the path that sends us searching Reflections Are all we have And when it"s over Redirection Is the path that sends us searching
2023-07-10 01:50:203


Maya的Reflection选框可以在视窗菜单栏的“Rendering”选项中找到。选择“Rendering”,然后在下拉菜单中选择“Render Settings”。在Render Settings窗口中,选择“Maya Software”渲染器,然后展开“Quality”选项卡。在“Quality”选项卡下,您将看到“Reflections”选项,勾选这个选项即可启用反射效果。
2023-07-10 01:50:271

求Mudra 的reflections歌词

我来回答:Mudra - Reflections discovery for life came in touch and in that certain life came in a rush i lied away again i can not breathe i"m drifting away from the part of me in your eye (i can see the star) oh...i have a dream (it"s inside of me) deep in your heart (i can feel the sun) let the river carry me to my reflection every little truth is pushing up the flowers all in up the sky the raising of the cloak will find each day it all seems to stop when you look my way in your eye (i can see the star) oh...i have a dream (it"s inside of me) deep in your heart (i can feel the sun) let the river carry me... here comes the rain again like kisses on my skin can"t believe that long it"s been since I"ve felt the rain. here comes the sun again ( ......... on my skin ) can"t believe that long it"s been since I"ve felt the sun.
2023-07-10 01:50:331


2023-07-10 01:51:211

Reflections Of My Life 歌词

歌曲名:Reflections Of My Life歌手:The Fevers专辑:The Fevers Volume 3温拿 Reflection Of My LifeMusicThe changing of sunlight to moonlightReflections of my lifeOh,how they fill my eyesThe greetings of people in troubleReflections of my lifeOh,how they fill my eyesAll my sorrows,sad tomorrowTake me back to my own homeAll my crying(all my crying)Feel I"m dying dyingTake me back to my own homeI"m changing arrangingI"m changingI"m changing everythingAh,everything around meThe world is a bad placeA bad place,a terrible place to liveOh but don"t wanna die
2023-07-10 01:51:411

Reflections Of My Life 歌词

歌曲名:Reflections Of My Life歌手:The Fevers专辑:Retratos温拿 Reflection Of My LifeMusicThe changing of sunlight to moonlightReflections of my lifeOh,how they fill my eyesThe greetings of people in troubleReflections of my lifeOh,how they fill my eyesAll my sorrows,sad tomorrowTake me back to my own homeAll my crying(all my crying)Feel I"m dying dyingTake me back to my own homeI"m changing arrangingI"m changingI"m changing everythingAh,everything around meThe world is a bad placeA bad place,a terrible place to liveOh but don"t wanna die
2023-07-10 01:51:561


我的AI试验虚幻引擎渲染虚幻引擎渲染篇Realistic Rendering - 真实渲染PBR (Physically Based Rendering) - 物理渲染Global Illumination - 全局光照Dynamic Lighting - 动态光照Ambient Occlusion - 环境遮挡Reflections - 反射Refractions - 折射Shadows - 阴影Depth of Field - 景深Motion Blur - 运动模糊Volumetric Lighting - 体积光照Subsurface Scattering - 次表面散射Particle Effects - 粒子效果Post-processing Effects - 后期处理效果Lens Flares - 镜头光晕HDR (High Dynamic Range) - 高动态范围Screen Space Reflections - 屏幕空间反射Atmospheric Scattering - 大气散射Material Shading - 材质着色Lightmaps - 光照贴图Dynamic Sky - 动态天空Real-time Ray Tracing - 实时光线追踪Dynamic GI (Global Illumination) - 动态全局光照Soft Shadows - 软阴影Dynamic Weather - 动态天气Procedural Generation - 过程生成Level of Detail (LOD) - 细节层次Anti-aliasing - 抗锯齿Anisotropic Filtering - 各向异性过滤Light Propagation Volumes - 光传递体GPU Particles - GPU粒子Real-time Reflections - 实时反射Dynamic Decals - 动态贴花Light Shaft - 光柱Volumetric Fog - 体积雾Procedural Sky - 过程天空Particle System - 粒子系统Realistic Material Shading - 真实材质着色Dynamic Shadows - 动态阴影Dynamic Reflections - 动态反射
2023-07-10 01:52:031

Reflections Of My Life 歌词

歌曲名:Reflections Of My Life歌手:黄莺莺专辑:If We Are Only Friends温拿 Reflection Of My LifeMusicThe changing of sunlight to moonlightReflections of my lifeOh,how they fill my eyesThe greetings of people in troubleReflections of my lifeOh,how they fill my eyesAll my sorrows,sad tomorrowTake me back to my own homeAll my crying(all my crying)Feel I"m dying dyingTake me back to my own homeI"m changing arrangingI"m changingI"m changing everythingAh,everything around meThe world is a bad placeA bad place,a terrible place to liveOh but don"t wanna die
2023-07-10 01:52:411

《Aphorismsand Reflections》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Aphorisms and Reflections》(Huxley, Henrietta A.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: brne书名:Aphorisms and Reflections作者:Huxley, Henrietta A.页数:184
2023-07-10 01:52:481


  location search 勘景   log 拍摄日志   long shot 远景镜头   Low angle 低角度   Lucas Films 卢卡斯影业   M   magnetic tape 磁性录音带   makeup artist 美容师   manipulation 操纵   markup 固定利润   matte 影像形板   Maysles Films 梅思利电影公司   memory-hook 回马枪   memory-jogger 回马枪   Merrill Lynch 美林动画   metamorphic animation 变形动画   metamorphosis 变形   micro-markets 微众市场   mixer 混音师   modeling 模型制作   montage 蒙太奇   morph 型变   MOS 不需要现场收音的无声取景   motion board 活动脚本或动作脚本   motion capture 动作资料截取   motion cintrol 电脑控制拍摄系统   motion picture film 动画影片   motion tests 动作测试   motor home 移动居住车   mouse 滑鼠   mouthpiece 发言人   multi-city bidding 多城市竟标   music bookends 音乐书签   music first 以音乐为优先   Musical Instrument DigitaL Interface MIDI 电子乐器一的数位介面   N   National Association of Broadc 国家广播电子技师协会   National Cash Register 国家收银机公司   NBC 国家广播公司   negative conformer 底片组合员   New Yorker 《纽约客》杂志   NG 不好的镜头   Nikon camera 尼康相机   nonlinear editing 非线性剪辑   O   offf-camera 镜外表演   off-key 走调   offline system 线外系统   offline system 线外剪辑系统   one-stop operation 一贯作业   on camera 镜内表演   on-camera SAG rates 电影演员同业公会规定的上镜费   on location 出外景   online editing 线上剪辑   one-light 单一光度   one-light film print 单光影片洗印   one-stop operation 一次作业   opaquer 著色人员   open camera 公开摄影   optical house 视觉效果工作室   optical printer 光学印片室   original arrangment 编曲著作   original recording 录音著作   original score 总谱制作   out-of-pocket 现款支付   outside props 棚外道具师   outtakes 借用镜头   P   Pacific Data Images 太平洋影像公司   pegs 过场用之画面   pencil test 铅笔测试稿   perceived value 知觉价值   personalities 知名人士   Personality testimonials 名人见证   petsuasion 说服   photo CD 影像光碟   pickup footage 从旧有的广告借凑而来的影片   Pictures first 以画面为优先   pixels 像素   playback 播放   playback person 录影机播放员   post-scoring 后制配乐   posttesting 后测   pre-lite 预先排演   pre-production meeting 拍制前会议   pre-production stage 制前阶段   prescoring music 拍摄前配乐   pretesting 前测   price-quote 报价或喊价   printed circuiry 印刷电路   producer 广告公司的制片,制作人   product shot 商品展示镜头   production assistant P.A制作助理   production boutique 制片工作室   production notes 制作住记   production package 制作议价组合   production specification sheets 制作分工明细表   promotions 促销   prop people 道具师   peoperties 舞台道具   props 道具   public-domain music 大众共有或版权公有的音乐   publisher"s fee 发行费用   pulldowm 抓片   R   randdom access 随机存取   Random Access Memory RAM随机存取记忆体   raster 屏面   Read Only Memory ROM唯读记忆体   real opinions 真实反应的意见   real people 消费大众或一般人   Real people reactions and opinions 消费大众的真实反应及意见   recordist 录音师   reebok 锐跑   reflections 反光   rendering 算图   rental facilities 出租公司   residual 后续付款   Rhapsody in blue 《蓝色狂想曲》   Rhythm and Hues 莱休电脑动画公司   right-to-work 自由工作权   Ripomatic/stealomatic storyboard 借境脚本   Roll camera 开动摄影机   rotoscope 逐格帖合的重覆动画动作   rough cut 粗剪   S   sample reels 作品集   scencs 场景   scenics artist 布景设计师   scratch track 临时音轨   Screen Actors Guild SAG电影演员同业公会   Screen Extra"s Guild SAG电影临时演员同业公会   scripts 剧本   script clerk 场记   set construction costs 搭景费用   set designer 布景设计师   set dresser 布影装饰师   shadows 阴影   shape library 清晰对焦   shooting board 模型资料库   shooting day 制作脚本拍片日   shooting in two 一次两画格的方式拍摄   shot list 拍摄程序表   shutter 快门   sides 台词表   silent scenes 无声场景   silent takes 无声取景   slate 开拍板   Slice-of-life episodes 生活片段式对白   snapshot 快照拍摄   Solid State ScreenSound 数位录音工作站
2023-07-10 01:53:121

Around My Heart (2006) 歌词

歌曲名:Around My Heart (2006)歌手:Sandra专辑:Reflections - The Reproduced Hits - Special EditionAlbum:ReflectionsSandra-Around My Heartsome time back in 85in Julywhen the summer was highan" we"ve been alrightyou know what money can"t buyone kiss on a flatbed trucka hot rainhas completed our luckyou saidwords don"t mean nothingbut you will be mineit goes around my hearthey hey what a criminal manlife will go in circlesall around my hearthey heyit"s such a dangerous gamei"m afraidyou"d lose your trust in lovegood friendin the darkest nightyou feel blindbut my love is cateyedjust follow its lightyou"ve got to follow the lightsome day you"ll be face to faceand you"ll seehuman nature can"t wastemy lovewords don"t mean nothingas long as you"re mineit goes around my hearthey hey what a criminal manlife will go in circlesall around my hearthey heyit"s such a dangerous gamei"m afraidyou"d lose your trust in loveit goes around my hearthey hey what a criminal manlife will go in circlesall around my hearthey heyit"s such a dangerous gamei"m afraidyou"d lose your trust in loveAlbum:Reflectionsit goes around my hearthey hey what a criminal manlife will go in circlesall around my hearthey heyit"s such a dangerous gamei"m afraidyou"d lose your trust in love
2023-07-10 01:53:191

求寂静岭归乡soldiers orders的歌词

Soldiers Orders & Alex Theme 歌词:It started long before me...I never saw it coming...The distance, the promise...A state of isolation...And in my darkest nightmare,Things that I can"t remember...The answer, is drowning, this pain will last forever.My father...His duty...His orders...My brother...The promise...The breaking...Rejection...Deception...Reflection...Conception...The listening...The torture...The madness...The sadness...Can this be?Or is it?The shadow cast before me...A walk inside your circle...Protect me...Correct me...You got your orders, soldier...Inside my head is humming...Sometimes I hear them coming...The power...Believing...The hate I hate believing...Where is this?It can"t be...Who are you?I know you...You wouldn"t...Or would you?Don"t fight me!Ignite me!My trigger...Your finger...Your darkness...I know it...Come forward!I"ve seen it!I mean it!Your power, is over!I"ve come to change the order!My training, is perfect!I"m back, again, your promise, is broken!I drank your sacred water, my mission, is holy!I"m back.My father...His duty...His orders...My brother...The promise...The breaking...Rejection...Deception...Reflections...Conception...The listening...The torture...The madness...The sadness...Can this be...?Your power, is over!I"ve come to change the orderMy training, is perfect!I"m back, again!Your promise, is broken!I"ve drank your sacred water, my mission, is holy!I"m back.The hate I hate believing...The hate I hate believing...I never saw it coming...I never saw it coming...The hate I hate believing...The hate I hate believing...I never saw it coming...I never saw it coming...You have your orders, soldier...如果要推荐归乡的歌曲的话,有如下:One More Soul To The Call Theme Sacred Line
2023-07-10 01:53:261