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2023-07-10 08:10:56
TAG: us push

短信PUSH又叫做WAP PUSH,是一种特殊格式的短信,接收免费。短信PUSH可以将某一站点或某一业务的链接通过短信推送到支持链接短信功能的手机上,这样用户只需要阅读这条短信(服务信息),打开短信中的链接,就可以直接访问业务了。













vt.& vi.推,推动;

vt.推动,增加; 对…施加压力,逼迫; 按; 说服;

n.推,决心; 大规模攻势; 矢志的追求;

vi.推进; 增加; 努力争取;





Floods in pakistan helped push up cotton prices.




推。push the door 推门;push somebody 推某人。
2023-07-10 01:43:054


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2023-07-10 01:43:396


push 英[pu028au0283] 美[pu028au0283]vt.& vi. 推,推动;vt. 按; 推动,增加; 对…施加压力,逼迫; 说服;n. 推,决心; 大规模攻势; 矢志的追求;常用短语:~+名词push a matter 办完一件事push business 从事商业push button 按按钮push car 推车push cart 推手推车push claims 坚持要求push door 推门push drawer 推上抽屉push enemy 对敌人发起进攻push friend 推荐朋友push national economy 推动国民经济发展push one"s luck 作轻率的冒险push one"s way 挤过去push person 推人push plan 推行计划push preparation 推动准备工作push product 推销产品push sb"s nose 干涉别人的事push scientific research 推进科学研究push the panic button 吓坏了push thirty 快三十岁了push war 把战争推进~+副词push actively 积极推行push adroitly 巧妙推行push cautiously 谨慎推行push easily 易推push instinctively 自然地伸展push laboriously 吃力地推动push mechanically 机械地推push presumptuously 专横地推行push rudely 粗鲁地推push sententiously 说教式地催促push superciliously 不顾一切地推行push unceremoniously 不太讲究地推动push uncompromisingly 不妥协地推push vigorously 强有力地推行push about 驱使push across 解释清楚,说明push oneself ahead 努力向前push ahead with work 推进工作push along 继续前进push around 摆布push aside 推开push away 推开push back 推迟push down 推倒某物push forward 努力前进push in 推入,塞入push way in 挤进push off 离开,动身,出发push off in boat 乘小船离岸push on 继续往前走,进行push on to 推进到push out 推出,发出(芽)push over 推倒push through 挤过push through reform 完成改革push up 推进push up against 用力推push up against the door 用力推门~+介词push against 推push against the door 推门push against fence 推篱笆push at the doorbell 按门铃push by crowd 从人群中间挤过去push for 争取,一再强烈要求push for better working conditions 争取改善工作条件push for payment 催付款push for reform 力主改革push into 使推入,奋力挤进…push out of way 挤出来push through 挤过push through crowd 挤过人群push to〔toward〕 逼到,向…移动push to last extremity 推向极端push sb to wall 把某人逼至绝境push with all might 全力推进动词+~bring to the push 使陷入危机climax push 到了紧要关头come to push 临到紧急关头,陷入绝境,陷入危机get the push 被解雇give sb hard push 有力地推动某人have the push 有劲头make push 奋斗require push 要求奋斗resist push 努力抵制形容词+~big push 大规模攻势desperate push 令人绝望的时刻economic push 经济攻势enough push 劲头十足hard push 用力一推slight push 轻轻一推sudden push 突然一推vigorous push 有力的推进zealous push 积极的促进名词+~advertising push 广告大战~+名词push button 按钮push filter 填土机介词+~at push 危机之际,(在)紧急时,不得已时at push for money 因缺钱而面临危机at one push 一堆,一气,一下子by push 用力推to the push 临到紧急关头with one push 用力推~+介词push for 在…关头push of 有干劲的push on the western front 在西线发动猛攻例句:The door opened at a slight push.门轻轻一推就开了。He opened the gate with a push.他一下就把大门推开了。The window is stick. He opened it with onepush.窗户贴住了,他用力一推把它推开了。Would you mind giving me a push? 请你帮我推一推好吗?The commander decided to postpone the bigpush until the spring.指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天。He pushed me and I fell into the water.他把我推落水中。
2023-07-10 01:43:531


  push英 [pu028au0283] 美 [pu028au0283]  vt.推,推动;  vt.按; 推动,增加; 对…施加压力,逼迫; 说服;  n.推,决心; 大规模攻势; 矢志的追求;  [其他]第三人称单数:pushes 现在分词:pushing 过去式:pushed 过去分词:pushed
2023-07-10 01:44:001


push:推;按;挤;奋力;决心。最常用的意思是“推”。如:The little boy pushed the door open.常用搭配:push one"s way 挤过去push sb"s nose 干涉别人的事push door 推门
2023-07-10 01:44:082


2023-07-10 01:44:179


WAP PUSH又叫做服务信息或推入信息,是一种特殊格式的短信。WAP就像因特网,是一个内容丰富的网络,用户如何找到自己喜欢的站点,如何在一个站点中找到自己喜欢的业务,往往需要花上很长的一段时间。而 WAP PUSH可以将某一站点或某一业务的链接通过短信发送到支持WAP PUSH功能的手机上,这样您只需要阅读这条短信(服务信息),打开短信中的链接,就可以直接访问业务了。因此,WAP PUSH实现了短信和WAP业务的结合,节省了您寻找业务的时间,方便您直接找到并使用自己喜欢的业务。push信息是你用手机上网,浏览网页的时候,一些网站发的信息。很多都是要收费的。所以为了安全起见,千万不要下载。
2023-07-10 01:44:336

push英文是什么意思 push英文翻译

1、push,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“推动,增加;对…施加压力,逼迫;按;说服”,作不及物动词时意为“推进;增加;努力争取”,作名词时意为“推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求”。 2、push technology推送技术 ; 推技术 ; 推拨技术; 3、Push shot推杆 ; 推击 ; 推射 ; 推球; 4、Push stroke推杆 ; 椎杆 ; 推球 ; 推击; 5、A push一推 ; 轻轻一推 ; 阿普什; 6、cost push成本推进型 ; 成本推动 ; 生产成本提高 ; 本钱推动型; 7、push around欺骗 ; 摆布 ; 驱使 ; 你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍; 8、Server Push服务器推技术 ; 服务器推送技术 ; 服务器推送 ; 服务器推; 9、More push多推; 10、push out排挤 ; 安全球 ; 拉出。
2023-07-10 01:45:161


push的读音是:英[p??]。push的读音是:英[p??]。push的词语用法是v.(动词)push的基本意思是指对某人或某物施加一定的力,使其开始移动或处于某种状态,这种力可以是向前的或向后的,即“推,推动”,也可以是向下的,即“按”,还可以是向上的,即“推上,提高”。用于比喻可指“逼迫,驱策,敦促”等。push用于进行体还可指“接近”。push过去式:pushed;过去分词:pushed;现在分词:pushing;第三人称单数:pushes。一、详尽释义点此查看push的详细内容v.(动词)推动,(大力)推进,推行(运动),进行,挺进(被)推逼迫,催促,促使提携推开,向前挤,挤,挤开推销(商品)使突出伸展,扩展,扩大,扩张增加继续前进刺出挤出(路)前进使延伸,(使)伸出贩卖(毒品)发(芽)生(根)移动(身体部位)按,揿,摁努力前进极力活动n.(名词)推,推进奋发,奋进紧急关头(坚定的)努力,毅力攻势,攻击推销运动迫切,危机,紧迫矢志的追求推力刺,戳突进,冲进按钮线路二、英英释义Noun:the act of applying force in order to move something away;"he gave the door a hard push""the pushing is good exercise"the force used in pushing;"the push of the water on the walls of the tank""the thrust of the jet engines"enterprising or ambitious drive;"Europeans often laugh at American energy"an electrical switch operated by pressing;"the elevator was operated by push buttons""the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk"an effort to advance;"the army made a push toward the sea"Verb:move with force,"He pushed the table into a corner"press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action;"He pushed her to finish her doctorate"make publicity for; try to sell (a product);"The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model""The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"strive and make an effort to reach a goal;"She tugged for years to make a decent living""We have to push a little to make the deadline!""She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"press against forcefully without moving;"she pushed against the wall with all her strength"approach a certain age or speed;"She is pushing fifty"exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;"The liberal party pushed for reforms""She is crusading for women"s rights""The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"sell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs);"The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs"move strenuously and with effort;"The crowd pushed forward"make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby;"`Now push hard," said the doctor to the woman"三、词典解释1.推;搡;推开When youpush something, you use force to make it move away from you or away from its previous position.e.g. The woman pushed back her chair and stood up...那女人把椅子往后一推站了起来。e.g. They pushed him into the car.他们把他推进了车里。2.用力挤过If youpush through things that are blocking your way orpush yourway through them, you use force in order to move past them.e.g. I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator...我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。e.g. Dix pushed forward carrying a glass...迪克斯拿着杯子往前挤。3.(部队)开进,挺进If an armypushes into a country or area that it is attacking or invading, it moves further into it.e.g. One detachment pushed into the eastern suburbs towards the airfield...一支小分队开进了东部郊区向飞机场挺进。e.g. The army maypush southwards into the Kurdish areas.军队可能南下向库尔德地区挺进。4.推动(增长或降低)Topush a value or amountup ordown means to cause it to increase or decrease.e.g. Any shortage couldpush up grain prices...任何一种短缺都会抬高粮食价格。e.g. The government had done everything it could topush down inflation...政府已经采取了所有可能的措施来抑制通货膨胀。5.推行;推进;使发展If someone or somethingpushes an idea or project in a particular direction, they cause it to develop or progress in a particular way.e.g. We are continuing topush the business forward...我们正在继续推进业务的发展。e.g. The government seemed intent on pushing local and central government in opposite directions.政府似乎一心想让地方政府和中央政府背道而驰。6.鼓励;督促;逼迫If youpush someoneto do something orpush theminto doing it, you encourage or force them to do it.e.g. She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study...她感谢父母送她上学并督促她学习。e.g. James did notpush her into stealing the money...詹姆斯没有怂恿她去偷钱。7.努力争取;力劝If youpush for something, you try very hard to achieve it or to persuade someone to do it.pushe.g. Britain"s health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising...英国的健康专家正努力争取取缔任何形式的香烟广告。e.g. Germany is pushing for direct flights to be established.德国正在努力争取直飞航班的开通。8.力劝接受;极力宣传;推销If someonepushes an idea, a point, or a product, they try in a forceful way to convince people to accept it or buy it.e.g. Ministers willpush the case for opening the plant...部长们将极力劝说人们接受开办工厂一事。e.g. She knew enough about publishing to know that they couldpush a hundred thousand copies into the bookshops.关于出版业她非常了解,很清楚他们能够向书店推销10万本书。9.贩卖(毒品)When someonepushes drugs, they sell them illegally.pushe.g. She was sent for trial yesterday accused of pushing drugs.她因被控贩毒昨天被送交法院接受审判。10.(行为或声明)冒险,走极端If you say that someoneis pushing it, you mean that their actions or claims are rather excessive or risky.e.g. I think that he was pushing it a bit when he said it was the best stadium in the world.他说这是世界上最好的体育场,我觉得说得有些过头。11. see also: pushed;pushing12.被解雇;断绝关系If youget the push orare given the push, you are told that you are not wanted any more, either in your job or by someone you are having a relationship with.e.g. Two cabinet ministers also got thepush.两位内阁大臣也被撤职了。13. topush the boat out -> see boattopush your luck -> see luckifpush comes to shove -> see shove相关词组:push aheadpush aroundpush asidepush forwardpush inpush offpush onpush overpush through四、例句The little boy pushed the door open.小男孩把门推开了。They jeep is too heavy for him to push.吉普车太重,他推不动。You may push this button to call the elevator.你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。We had to push our way through the crowd.我们得从人群中挤过去。Don"t push him hard for a settlement.别太逼他给你解决的办法You"d better not push me for an answer to your request.你最好不要催促我答复你的请求。He opened the door with one push.他一推门就开了。It only needed a push and the whole building will come tumble down.只要稍稍一推,那整幢房子就会倒塌下来。Let"s make a push to get it done tonight.让我们加把劲今晚把它干完。She has the push to get to the top.她有名列前茅的决心。五、常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)The door pushes easily.这门一推就开。You push while I pull.你推我拽。Don"t push. Wait your turn to get on the bus.不要推,依次上车。He pushed with all his strength.他使出浑身劲来推。Someone at the front was pulling and someone at the back was pushing.一些人在前面拖,另一些人在后面推。Push hard and the lever will go down.用力按就能把控制杆按下去。She blamed the tourists pushing like mad things, always in a hurry.她责怪旅客们乱挤乱推,总是急匆匆的。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.He pushed me and I fell into the water.他把我推落水中。If you push the car,I"ll steer it.如果你来推车,我就来驾车。I pushed the car but it didn"t move.我推了推车,但它一动也不动。Push the door; don"t pull.请推门,不要拉。Push the door and it will open.门一推就开。You can pull a rope, but you can"t push it!绳子能拉不能推!He ran to the door and pushed the bolt.他跑到门口把门闩上。Push the button if you want the elevator.如果你要乘电梯,就按电钮。You stop the machine by pushing this button.你按这个按钮停机。One has to push the child or she will do no work at all.这孩子要有人督促,否则她什么也不做。You need to push your business or your rivals will beat you.你需要奋力从事你的事业,不然你的对手们就要超过你了。Haven"t you a friend who can push you?你难道没有一个能帮助你的朋友吗?Unless you push your claims you"ll get no satisfaction.如果你不努力争取,你就得不到赔偿。I am not pushing you; if you don"t want this job, don"t take it.我不是在强迫你,如果你不愿意要这个工作就不必接受。He used the sales conference to push his latest ideas.他利用销售工作会议兜售自己的最新设想。She was arrested for pushing heroin.她因贩卖海洛因而被捕。You wouldn"t think so to look at her, but she"s pushing 60.她已经快60了,但从外貌上你绝不会想到她有这个岁数。John thought he saw a ghost and pushed the panic button.约翰以为自己看见了鬼,吓坏了。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj./adv./v -edShe pushed the door open.她把门推开。Please push the door shut.请把门推严。Don"t push yourself too hard or you"ll get ill.别太玩命工作了,不然你会病倒的。If you always push him too hard, he may make mistakes.要是你老是逼他太紧,他可能会出错。1The door of the hut was pushed open.小屋的门被推开了。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vHe pushed me to get everything ready before Friday.他催促我在周五前把一切准备好。We always have to push him to do his homework.我们总是不得不督促他做作业。She always pushed her son to become a doctor.她老是催促儿子当医生。He pushed his son to pursue a musical career.他督促儿子去追求音乐生涯。Tony had to push himself to go on doing such dull work.托尼不得不驱策自己继续做这种单调无趣的事。You will have to push the new product to win sales—there"s lots of competition.你要努力打开新产品的销路——市场上竞争很激烈。1We"ll be pushed to get there in time.我们很难及时赶到那儿。用作名词(n.)The door opened at a slight push.门轻轻一推就开了。He opened the gate with a push.他一下就把大门推开了。The window is stick. He opened it with one push.窗户贴住了,他用力一推把它推开了。Would you mind giving me a push?请你帮我推一推好吗?The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring.指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天。The army"s push into enemy territory was successful.军队向敌人领土的推进很成功。She has plenty of push.她很有进取心。She is not very clever but she has plenty of push and has got herself a good job.她不很聪明,但她的进取心很强,因而为自己争取到了一份好工作。He is a man of push and goes in his career.他对自己的事业劲头十足。You"ve got to have someone big behind you to give a push.你背后得有个大人物保举你。One more push, and out came the first baby.再一使劲,她的第一个婴儿便出生了。~+to- vThey gave the car a push to start it.为了使汽车启动,他们推了它一下。Let"s make a push to get it done tonight.加把劲,今夜把工作做完。六、经典引文He gave the door a sharp push..and went into a large..hall.出自:D. LessingHer father pushed back his chair.出自:M. SinclairThe waves pushed the boat slowly round.出自:D. H. LawrenceI pushed him off with such force that he crashed back.出自:M. ForsterAs dangerous to push wages too high as it is to over-expand capital.出自:fig.Can any of you ju
2023-07-10 01:45:241


2023-07-10 01:45:311


WAP PUSH又叫做服务信息或推入信息,是一种特殊格式的短信。WAP就像因特网,是一个内容丰富的网络,用户如何找到自己喜欢的站点,如何在一个站点中找到自己喜欢的业务,往往需要花上很长的一段时间。而 WAP PUSH可以将某一站点或某一业务的链接通过短信发送到支持WAP PUSH功能的手机上,这样您只需要阅读这条短信(服务信息),打开短信中的链接,就可以直接访问业务了。因此,WAP PUSH实现了短信和WAP业务的结合,节省了您寻找业务的时间,方便您直接找到并使用自己喜欢的业务。push信息是你用手机上网,浏览网页的时候,一些网站发的信息。很多都是要收费的。所以为了安全起见,千万不要下载。
2023-07-10 01:46:084

push的意思 push的读音

1、push,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“推动,增加;对…施加压力,逼迫;按;说服”,作不及物动词时意为“推进;增加;努力争取”,作名词时意为“推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求”。 2、计算机专业英语中,push意为“进栈”,就是把元素放入栈内,是一个命令动词,最早出现在汇编语言中,也被用于其他编程语言中。 3、单词发音:英 [pu028au0283] 美 [pu028au0283]
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2023-07-10 01:46:434


push是按的意思看实际哪一个位置的按钮才知道什么作用通常情况下是电子手刹。手刹的正规叫法是协助制动器与制动器的原理不一样其是应用钢丝拉线接入到后制动蹄上以对车辆开展制动。长时间应用手刹会使钢丝形成塑性变形因为这类变形是不能恢复的因此 长时间应用会减低效用手刹的行程也会增多。 此外一些空调制冷却开关有push而“PUSH”表示需要在这里按空调制冷却才能开启或关闭。有些车钥匙也有按钮只是提醒你可以在这里按。汽车钥匙上的按钮通常被打开以取出机械钥匙。所以推并没有太大的意思只是按照它的初衷去理解。
2023-07-10 01:47:101


  本田思域汽车上push是安全气囊故障指示灯,表示安全气囊压力故障,有可能弹不开,建议去修理。  电子安全气囊(electronic control of safety airbag)安全气囊系统是一种被动安全性(见汽车安全性能)的保护系统,它与座椅安全带配合使用,可以为乘员提供有效的防撞保护。
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2023-07-10 01:48:021


分区空调键,你按下键,指示灯亮起,可 以设定正副驾驶座区的空调温度,调整到 你需要的温度以后再关掉这个键,自动空 调就会按你设的值来调节温度了。如果是按键上面的英文提示: push = 表示“推下”, 比如:push(摁下去)打开油箱盖子 比如:push在刹车踏板上,表示“塔下去” 反义词 pull = 表示”拉起“ 比如:pull(拉起)关车窗玻璃 比如:pull(拉一下)打开后备箱 可能会在不同按键上显示
2023-07-10 01:48:121


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2023-07-10 01:50:001


PUSH的操作过程是: (SP)<--(SP)-2,((sp))<--OPRD 即先修改堆栈指针SP(压入时为自动减2),然后,将指定 的操作数送入新的栈顶位置。此处的((SP))<--OPRD,也可以理解为:[(SS)*16+(SP)]<--OPRD 或 [SS:SP]<--OPRD示例: PUSH DXPUSH BPPUSH CSPUSH DATA1PUSH ALFA[BX][SI]注意: 每进行一次压入操作,都压入一个字(16位)。扩展资料PUSH 指令PUSH 指令首先减少ESP的值,再将源操作数复制到堆栈。操作数是16位的,则ESP减 2,操作数是32位的,则 ESP减4,PUSH指令有3种格式:PUSH reg/mem16PUSH reg/mem32PUSH inm32
2023-07-10 01:50:271

push是什么意思中文 push的意思

1、push,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“推动,增加;对…施加压力,逼迫;按;说服”,作不及物动词时意为“推进;增加;努力争取”,作名词时意为“推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求”。 2、计算机专业英语中,push意为“进栈”,就是把元素放入栈内,是一个命令动词,最早出现在汇编语言中,也被用于其他编程语言中。 3、单词发音:英[pu028au0283],美[pu028au0283]。
2023-07-10 01:50:421


push n. 推,推动,奋发,干劲,进取心,攻击 vt. 推,推动,推行,逼迫,增加 vi. 推,推进,增加,努力争取
2023-07-10 01:50:491


2023-07-10 01:50:561


2023-07-10 01:51:314


1、push,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“推动,增加;对?施加压力,逼迫;按;说服”,作不及物动词时意为“推进;增加;努力争取”,作名词时意为“推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求”。2、push technology推送技术 ; 推技术 ; 推拨技术;3、Push shot推杆 ; 推击 ; 推射 ; 推球;4、Push stroke推杆 ; 椎杆 ; 推球 ; 推击;5、A push一推 ; 轻轻一推 ; 阿普什;6、cost push成本推进型 ; 成本推动 ; 生产成本提高 ; 本钱推动型;7、push around欺骗 ; 摆布 ; 驱使 ; 你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍;8、Server Push服务器推技术 ; 服务器推送技术 ; 服务器推送 ; 服务器推;9、More push多推;10、push out排挤 ; 安全球 ; 拉出。
2023-07-10 01:51:391


不少的同学在学到push这个英文单词的时候,总觉得这个英文单词的中文意思不好把握,下面让我们一起去了解这个英文单词的正确用法吧。 简要回答 push作为及物动词的时候意思是“推动,增加;对…施加压力,逼迫;按;说服”,作不及物动词的时候意思是:“推进;增加;努力争取”,作名词的时候意思是:“推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求”。 详细内容 单词发音: 英 [pu028au0283] 美 [pu028au0283] 。 push technology推送技术 ; 推技术 ; 推拨技术; Push shot推杆 ; 推击 ; 推射 ; 推球; Push stroke推杆 ; 椎杆 ; 推球 ; 推击。 A push一推 ; 轻轻一推 ; 阿普什; cost push成本推进型 ; 成本推动 ; 生产成本提高 ; 本钱推动型; push around欺骗 ; 摆布 ; 驱使 ; 你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍。 Server Push服务器推技术 ; 服务器推送技术 ; 服务器推送 ; 服务器推; More push多推; push out排挤 ; 安全球 ; 拉出 。 I can push you off me. 我可以把你从我身上推下去。 Should I push or run? 我不应该推或跑? What do you have to do within those system to push the system in one direction or other? 在那个系统内你要做些什么,才能把这个系统朝一个方向或另一个方向发展?
2023-07-10 01:51:461


push作为及物动词的时候意思是“推动,增加;对…施加压力,逼迫;按;说服”,作不及物动词的时候意思是:“推进;增加;努力争取”,作名词的时候意思是:“推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求”。 不少的同学在学到push这个英文单词的时候,总觉得这个英文单词的中文意思不好把握,下面让我们一起去了解这个英文单词的正确用法吧。 详细内容 01 单词发音: 英 [pu028au0283] 美 [pu028au0283] 。 02 push technology推送技术 ; 推技术 ; 推拨技术; Push shot推杆 ; 推击 ; 推射 ; 推球; Push stroke推杆 ; 椎杆 ; 推球 ; 推击。 03 A push一推 ; 轻轻一推 ; 阿普什; cost push成本推进型 ; 成本推动 ; 生产成本提高 ; 本钱推动型; push around欺骗 ; 摆布 ; 驱使 ; 你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍。 04 Server Push服务器推技术 ; 服务器推送技术 ; 服务器推送 ; 服务器推; More push多推; push out排挤 ; 安全球 ; 拉出 。 05 I can push you off me. 我可以把你从我身上推下去。 Should I push or run? 我不应该推或跑? What do you have to do within those system to push the system in one direction or other? 在那个系统内你要做些什么,才能把这个系统朝一个方向或另一个方向发展?
2023-07-10 01:51:551


2023-07-10 01:52:194


v. 推;按;挤;逼迫;催促n. 推;奋力;决心push 推,推动,推进来自古法语poulser,推动,推进,来自拉丁语pulsare,击,打,推进,词源同pulse,propel.字母l脱落。双解释义v. (动词)vt. & vi. 推,推动use sudden or steady pressure in order to move sb/sth forward, away from oneself, or to a different positionvt. 对…施加压力,按exert pressure on sthvt. 逼迫,驱策,敦促try to make sb do sthn. (名词)[C]推act of pushing; shove[C]大规模攻势large-scale attack made to break through enemy positions[U]毅力,推动力determination to succeed; drive详尽释义v. 动词推动,(大力)推进,推行(运动),进行,挺进(被)推逼迫,催促,促使提携推开,向前挤,挤,挤开推销(商品)使突出伸展,扩展,扩大,扩张增加继续前进刺出挤出(路)前进使延伸,(使)伸出<俚>贩卖(毒品)发(芽)生(根)移动(身体部位)按,揿,摁努力前进极力活动n. 名词推,推进奋发,奋进紧急关头(坚定的)努力,毅力攻势,攻击推销运动迫切,危机,紧迫矢志的追求推力刺,戳突进,冲进按钮线路
2023-07-10 01:52:341

push的意思 push的意思中文翻译

1、push,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“推动,增加;对…施加压力,逼迫;按;说服”,作不及物动词时意为“推进;增加;努力争取”,作名词时意为“推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求”。 2、计算机专业英语中,push意为“进栈”,就是把元素放入栈内,是一个命令动词,最早出现在汇编语言中,也被用于其他编程语言中。 3、单词发音:英 [pu028au0283] 美 [pu028au0283]
2023-07-10 01:53:171


2023-07-10 01:53:322


at a push临危, 急迫时, 如果的确必要be pushed for[口](时间)紧迫; (金钱)短缺be in the push知情, 熟悉情况be put to the push尝尽艰难, 受到严峻考验bring to the push使陷绝境come to the push临到紧要关头get the push被解雇, 被辞退求婚被拒绝give the push解雇某人, 叫(某人)卷铺盖, 叫某人滚蛋拒婚; 抛弃(情人)give sb. the push解雇某人, 叫(某人)卷铺盖, 叫某人滚蛋拒婚; 抛弃(情人)if it comes to the push如果急需的话; 到了紧要关头when it comes to the push如果急需的话; 到了紧要关头make a push(对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);【军】猛烈攻击, 大举进攻make a push at sth.(对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);【军】猛烈攻击, 大举进攻make a push for sth.(对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);【军】猛烈攻击, 大举进攻make a push on sth.(对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);【军】猛烈攻击, 大举进攻make a push to do sth.(对某事)加把劲, 用最大的努力(做某事);【军】猛烈攻击, 大举进攻quick push[美俚]容易受骗上当的人; 易被击败的运动员[队]stable push[美俚]内幕新闻; 来自有影响人士的消息push along(= push ahead [forward, on])奋力前进; 抓紧进行[口]离开, 走push and go活力, 精力push and shove连推带挤push around把... 推来推去; 摆布; 烦扰push about把... 推来推去; 摆布; 烦扰push aside推向一边, 推开push away推开push back推回; 迫使后退push by从(某人)身边挤过去push past从(某人)身边挤过去push for催促着要, 敦促(做某事)push forward抓紧进行push ahead抓紧进行push in推进, 推动(做某事)小艇靠岸push into推进, 推动(做某事)小艇靠岸push of pike肉搏, 白刃战push off[口]离开, 走用桨或篙把船撑开push on向前推进, 奋力前进push on推到...身上, 推给...干push onto推到...身上, 推给...干push on with坚决进行(下去), 继续(进行)push one"s way挤着前进push oneself鞭策自己; 发愤; 自强push oneself forward突出自己, 出风头push out推出; 撵走长出; 伸出驶出push over推倒, 推翻push through完成(事务)冲过, 穿过(树叶等)长出使(提案)获得通过push up增加, 提高push up to逼近chin push推下颌cost push成本推动cut-off push断路器按钮floor push脚踏开关[电门]foot push脚踏按钮hand push手按, 按钮ice push【地质】冰壅landing-call push楼层呼叫电钮rolling push滚推球side push侧边按钮starter push起动按钮suspension push悬垂式按钮table push桌上按钮uppish push挑推球
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2023-07-10 01:54:201


push的用法1:push的基本意思是指对某人或某物施加一定的力,使其开始移动或处于某种状态,这种力可以是向前的或向后的,即推,推动,也可以是向下的,即按,还可以是向上的,即推上,提高。用于比喻可指逼迫,驱策,敦促等。push用于进行体还可指接近。push的用法2:push可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接形容词或过去分词、副词、介词短语或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。push用作不及物动词有时含有被动意义。push的用法3:push用作名词时意思是推,指施加给某人或某物的一个向前或向后的力。用于比喻可指大规模攻势毅力,推动力(女人生孩子时)使劲等。push的常用短语push about〔around〕( v.+adv. )push against( v.+prep. )push ahead( v.+adv. )push along( v.+adv. )push aside( v.+adv. )push at( v.+prep. )push away( v.+adv. )push back( v.+adv. )
2023-07-10 01:54:281


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2023-07-10 01:55:061


推. 可以写成push me. 推我.
2023-07-10 01:55:175


push英 [pu028au0283] 美 [pu028au0283] vt. 推动,增加;对…施加压力,逼迫;按;说服vi. 推进;增加;努力争取n. 推,决心;大规模攻势;矢志的追求The woman pushed back her chair and stood up.那女人把椅子向后一推,站了起来。They pushed him into the car.他们把他推进了汽车。...a pregnant woman pushing a stroller.…一位推着婴儿车的孕妇。
2023-07-10 01:55:342


  push的意思是推不是拉,它的 短语 搭配与具体的用法我们一起来学习吧。以下是我给大家带来push的用法和短语搭配例句,以供参阅。   push的用法   push的用法1:push的基本意思是指对某人或某物施加一定的力,使其开始移动或处于某种状态,这种力可以是向前的或向后的,即“推,推动”,也可以是向下的,即“按”,还可以是向上的,即“推上,提高”。用于比喻可指“逼迫,驱策,敦促”等。push用于进行体还可指“接近”。   push的用法2:push可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时可接形容词或过去分词、副词、介词短语或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。push用作不及物动词有时含有被动意义。   push的用法3:push用作名词时意思是“推”,指施加给某人或某物的一个向前或向后的力。用于比喻可指“大规模攻势”“毅力,推动力”“(女人生孩子时)使劲”等。   push的常用短语   push about〔around〕( v.+adv. )   push against( v.+prep. )   push ahead( v.+adv. )   push along( v.+adv. )   push aside( v.+adv. )   push at( v.+prep. )   push away( v.+adv. )   push back( v.+adv. )    push的用法例句   1. I saw her push the boulder down on you.   我看见她将巨石推下砸向你。   2. Information is called up at the push of a button.   按一个键信息就会被调出来。   3. The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases.   新有勇气推动不受欢迎的增税方案获得通过。   4. The vote will enable the Prime Minister to push through tough policies.   这次投票将使首相能够力行强硬政策。   5. We need a push to take the first step.   我们需要一点儿鼓励才能迈出第一步。   6. You have to push the throttle forward for more power.   你得把油门杆往前推来加大马力。   7. Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.   在肉上切出深深的口子,再把辣酱塞进切口中。   8. The government intends to push ahead with its reform programme.   政府打算推进其改革计划。   9. The army may push southwards into the Kurdish areas.   军队可能南下向库尔德地区挺进。   10. James did not push her into stealing the money.   詹姆斯没有怂恿她去偷钱。   11. The rebels continue their push towards the beleaguered capital.   叛军继续向四面被围的首都推进。   12. We might be able to push ourselves across with the paddle.   我们也许可以用桨把自己推过去。   13. Germany was not trying to push Britain into the slow lane.   德国没有试图把英国推入慢车道。   14. I earn enough to push the boat out now and again.   我挣的钱足以时不时摆摆阔了。   15. The government had done everything it could to push down inflation.
2023-07-10 01:55:411


短信PUSH又叫做WAP PUSH,是一种特殊格式的短信,接收免费。短信PUSH可以将某一站点或某一业务的链接通过短信推送到支持链接短信功能的手机上,这样用户只需要阅读这条短信(服务信息),打开短信中的链接,就可以直接访问业务了。因此,短信推送实现了短信和因此,短信业务的结合,节省了用户寻找业务的时间,方便用户直接找到并使用自己喜欢的业务。扩展资料:短信PUSH的特点优势:1、省去用户在手机上输入网址的不方便。如有些网址字数多,输入很麻烦。2、适合用来做针对性的促销、广告宣传。如您可以直接讲某个活动信息的页面地址、某个优惠券的页面地址、某个产品的页面地址直接推送到用户手机。3、用户强制性接受,到达率达到100%4、用户收到短信PUSH后打开率高。短信PUSH的发送有两种途径,一个是通过PPG网关,另外一个是通过SMPP协议。其中SMPP是一个基本协议,在中国主要有三个由其派生的协议:中国移动的CMPP协议,中国联通的SGIP(在CDMA上是ETIP),以及小灵通的SMGP。通过中国移动的PPG网关发送短信PUSH有着开发周期长,调测流程较复杂等不足,而使用CMPP协议即基于短信网关来进行短信PUSH发送灵活性比较高,相对比较简单。
2023-07-10 01:55:501


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2023-07-10 01:56:421