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2023-05-19 16:14:41



第三人称单数: finishes现在分词: finishing过去式: finished过去分词: finished


  What time do you finish work?


  Put it back in its place when you"ve finished with it.


  Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.




finishes是主语第三人称单数原形是finish ,完成finish homework 完成作业。
2023-01-02 23:52:464


finish(读音:英 [ˈfɪnɪʃ] ,美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ] ),具体释义如下:1、finish做名词时,意思是:最后部分;结尾;结局;末道漆;抛光;(漆完抛光后的)成品表面;最后精细加工。例句:The bows will give a feminine finish to the curtains.译文:窗帘最后配上蝴蝶结显出女性的柔美。2、finish做动词时,意思是:完成;做好;(使)结束;吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)。例句:She finished law school last year.译文:她去年毕业于法学院。扩展资料用法扩展finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。finish用作不及物动词时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,常译为“…完了,…停止,…结束”。finish有时可用作系动词,后接名词当表语,表示“结果变成…”,此时finish意同become。finish后接off表示“做完”或“杀死”; 后接up表示“吃光”或“做完”; 后接with时表示“用完…”或“断绝与…的关系”。finish的过去分词finished和现在分词finishing均可用作形容词,在句中作定语。过去分词表示完成意义,现在分词表示进行意义。finish作名词时,基本意思是“终点”,指某事物的最后的部分、结尾或最后一道工序。还可作“完成的或完美的状态”“抛光得很好的表面”解,只用单数形式,有时可加不定冠词。
2023-01-02 23:53:016


2023-01-02 23:53:503


finish的过去式和过去分词都是finished。finish有两种词性,作名词时的意思是最后部分; 结尾; 结局; 末道漆; 抛光; (漆完抛光后的)成品表面; 最后精细加工。作动词时的意思是完成; 做好; (使)结束; 吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)。 扩展资料   一、词性转换   第三人称单数:finishes   现在分词:finishing   过去式:finished   过去分词:finished   二、单词释义   v.完成; 做好; (使)结束; 吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)。   n.最后部分; 结尾; 结局; 末道漆; 抛光; (漆完抛光后的.)成品表面; 最后精细加工。   三、双语例句   1.I have to finish this project by next Friday.   下个星期五之前我必须完成这个项目。   2.I want to see the job through to the finish.   我要看这项工作做完为止。   3.The work was finished on time and within budget.   工作按时完成且未超出预算。   4.What time do you finish work?   你什么时候下班?   5.She finished law school last year.   她去年毕业于法学院。我没答完试卷,我的时间不够了。   6.The job is unlikely to be finished inside a year.   这项工作不大可能在一年之内完成。
2023-01-02 23:54:001


finishv.    完成; 做好; (使)结束; 吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物); (赛跑、竞赛)得…名; 使筋疲力尽;    n.    最后部分; 结尾; 结局; 末道漆; 抛光; (漆完抛光后的)成品表面; 最后精细加工;    [例句]He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.他全力以赴以按时完成这项工作。[其他]    第三人称单数:finishes 现在分词:finishing 过去式:finished 过去分词:finished
2023-01-02 23:54:091


  finish是什么意思?在英语中,一个单词所表述的意思也是多样的话的,同样finish也是如此。在日常应用中,finish的所使用的也比较多。下面为了能够更好的帮到大家学习,详细的分享以下关于finish是什么意思中文翻译和例句运用。   finish既可以作动词又可以作名词,作动词表示完成,吃光等;作名词表示终点,饰面材料等。   详细内容   01finish:v.结束;完成;对(材料;物件或地方)作最后加工;吃光;喝光;用光;不再需要;终结。n.结束;最后部分;最后一道工序;饰面;终点;饰面材料;余味。   02过去分词:finished.第三人称单数:finishes.现在分词:finishing.过去式:finished.   03短语:finish education 完成学业。finish with 结束;完成;与…断绝往来。finish off 结束某事;完成;吃掉。finish doing 做完...;完成...;弄完...   04例句:1,I was pushing hard until about 10 laps from the finish. 离终点约十圈以前我一直非常努力。2,He surged into a winning lead 200 metres from the finish. 他奋力冲刺,在距离终点200米处取得获胜所需的领先地位。3,When does he finish his college course? 他何时大学毕业?4,The climb nearly finished me off. 这次爬山几乎送了我的命。
2023-01-02 23:54:231


finishesv.结束,完成( finish的第三人称单数 ); 1.Finishes given assignments on time. 按时完成交给他的任务。2.Genuineness in media and form in architecture and home interior design is using realmaterial for finishes rather than faux. 在建筑和家庭室内设计中,方法和形式的真谛就是利用真实材料完成而非人造。
2023-01-02 23:54:291


finishesv.结束,完成( finish的第三人称单数 );[例句]If my daughter finishes the university, I"ll call that well and good.如果我的女儿能大学毕业,我就心满意足了。[原型]finish
2023-01-02 23:54:341


及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.结束, 完成 We"ll never finish if we go on at this rate.以这样的速度, 我们永远也完不成。You must hurry up or you cannot finish it in time.你必须赶紧些, 否则不能及时完成。Place the book back where you found it when you have finished reading it.看完后把书放回原处。名词 n.1.结束, 完成, 最后阶段 He gives the last finish to the table.他对这桌子进行最后的加工。finish 参考词汇finish , complete 作为动词在一起比较时,这两个词的一般含义是“做完”、“完成”,有时可以互换使用。然而,有时它们却有明显的词义差别。 finish表示过去某个时候着手做的事已经做完,或者表示对已经做完的事进行精密加工 Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cart-loads of golden brown macaroni stalks.在这里,你可以看到两个劳动者,他们俩协力割下了三车金黄色的通心面秸。As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home.他一讲完,珍妮就告诉他说她想回家。This machine part needs surface finishing.这个机械零件需要精密加工。The writer has finished (or completed) the novel. 但是如果作为读者说“我已经看完这部小说了”,用英语说却只能是I have finished the novel.不过,如果你是文学系的学生,老师布置了任务,要读完这部小说,那么又非用complete不可了。By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium.到明年年底,他们将建成这个新体育场。而complete侧重表示做完或完成某工作,特别是一项任务,或者把某工作圆满结束。如果要用英语表达“这位作家已经写完那部小说了”,这两个词都可以用 The house was completed five moths ago.这座房子是5个月前竣工的。They had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle.他们刚游出危险区,这时快艇又完成了一圈的运动。注:完成一个圆周的运动,用complete是很准确的。 A few cars, however, completed the race.有几辆车跑完了比赛的全程。finish ["finiʃ]vt.结束, 完毕, 完成使...毕业给...最后加工; 使完美; 润饰用完, 吃完, 耗尽[口]杀掉, 消灭; 累死; 彻底征服【机】给...抛光finish doing sth.做完某事finish a picture完成一幅画finish school毕业finish a bottle of wine喝光一瓶酒Where were you finished?你是哪里毕业的?I am finished.我准备完了; 我累坏了。China"s pottery is beautifully finished.中国陶器加工精美。That shock almost finished him.那一惊几乎把他吓死。 词性变化finish ["finiʃ]vi.结束, 终结; 做完; 终止关系Have you finished with the dictionary?这本词典你已经用完了吗?finish ["finiʃ]n.[只用单]结束, 终点完蛋的原因; [美俚]死; 毁灭完结[成]; 完美; (态度等)文雅修理, 精修[整, 制, 轧, 加工], 抛[磨]光, 研磨, 装[精, 终]饰, 最后加工阶段, 一道工序, 竣工; 成品涂[面, 保护]层, 涂刷剂, 罩面漆; 末道漆; 清漆; 用作终饰的高级木材(表面)光洁度瓶口finish allowance【机】加工余量finish line[美]决胜战, (赛跑或赛马等的)终点线 继承用法finishabilityn.易修整, 可修整性 习惯用语be in at the finish 射杀猎物时亲自在场; [喻]目睹(比赛、战斗等的)最后情形before one has finished 迟早(含有不赞同、责备的意思)fight to a finish 打到底fight to the finish 打到底finish off 结束; 完成用完; 吃完[口]干掉, 杀死; 毁掉finish up 完成, 吃光; 用尽finish up with 以...结束finish with 完成; 结束与...断绝关系(和某人)谈完; 问完, 责打[惩罚]完(某人) 特殊用法acid treated finish (混凝土的)酸类处理整面法aniline finish 苯胺涂饰剂anod(ic) finish 阳极(氧化)处理, 阳极处理保护层anodized finish 阳极化抛光antique finish 古彩涂饰剂anti-swelling finish 防溶胀处理architectural finish 建筑物涂漆; 建筑涂装automobile finish 汽车(罩面)漆baking finish 烘漆; 烘烤涂料bayonet cap finish 卡口[压、盖]瓶口bent finish 歪口(玻璃制品缺陷)best finish 上等膘头, 优良的膘肥度, 壮膘brush finish 粉刷bulged finish 胀口(玻璃制品缺陷)burlap finish 麻布面饰casein finish 乳酪涂饰剂casting finish 铸件精整cellulose pigment finish 有色硝纤涂饰剂cement plaster finish 水泥粉饰面champagne finish 抽塞瓶口, 香槟酒瓶口chemically cured finish 催化固化型涂料chipped finish 裂口(玻璃制品缺陷)circular finish 圆形涂饰[纹饰]clear finish 清漆罩面cockle finish (纸)粗装饰(起皱加工)cold-rolled finish 冷轧(板材的)光洁度cork finish 塞软木塞的瓶口crackle finish 裂纹漆crepon finish 绉纹漆crimp-proof finish 防绉整理crinkle ripple finish 绉纹(罩面)漆; 波纹面饰crizzled finish 表面带微裂纹的瓶口(玻璃缺陷)crown cork finish 冠形瓶口crystallizing finish 晶纹(罩面)漆; 晶纹面饰dead finish 无光泽整饰decorative finish 装饰性修整delayed finish 延迟完成[结束]die wall finish 模壁光洁度dipped finish 斜口, 瓶口歪斜(玻璃制品缺陷)dirty finish 粗糙瓶口drill finish 光钻dry finish 干浆料duotone finish 调色[光泽]加工eggshell finish 粗装饰, 蛋壳状装饰elastic finish 弹性(精)加工fancy finish 美术涂剂fine finish 高级精加工, 高级光洁度, 超精加工fine-pointed finish 细琢fire finish 火抛光fire-resisting finish 防火罩面漆flanged press finish 飞边瓶口(玻璃制品缺陷)flawless finish 高级装饰flesh finish 肉面涂饰float finish 浮镘出面; 用镘刀修整flock finish 植绒涂装法; 涂栽绒面漆floor finish 地板的刷油; 楼面成就frosted finish 表面带微裂纹的瓶口(玻璃制品缺陷)glass (container) finish 玻璃瓶瓶口线glazed finish 强光泽装饰gloss finish 光泽整理granolithic finish 人造石铺面gray finish 云状装饰grinding finish 磨光面(精度)ground finish 精磨加工gunmetal finish 炮铜光制hammer finish 锤纹(罩面)漆; 锤纹漆涂装法hand tooled finish 手工錾面heat black finish 用加热及特殊溶液获得的(铜、黄铜或青铜)物品的膏状涂料high-gloss finish 高度[非常]光泽honed finish 塘磨后的表面(光洁度)hot-rolled finish 热轧光洁度industrial finish 工业用漆infrared stoving finish 红外线烘干涂料internal screw thread finish 内螺纹瓶口lapping finish 研磨linen finish 布纹(面筛)looking-glass finish 抛光到镜面光泽面光洁度low finish 低光泽加工lustioussmooth finish 光泽面镀锡薄板machine finish 机械修整machine glazed finish 机械抛光marbleized finish 大理石纹装饰masonry finish 石造建筑漆; 圬工涂料matte finish (镀锡板的)糙面精整mill finish 轧制光洁度; 压光, 滚光minute finish 抛光至镜面光泽mirror finish 镜面精加工mold finish 压模表面处理mothproof finish 防蛀加工multicolor novelty finish 多彩美术漆nitrocellulose finish 硝(化)纤(维素)涂饰剂non-absorbent finish 非吸湿性处理novelty finish 装饰性美术漆施工法; 绞纹漆offset finish 瓶口歪斜(玻璃制品缺陷)oil finish (木材)白茬浸油处理; (家具)涂油处理one-side finish 单面光泽opaque finish 不透明涂饰剂organo-chromium finish 有机铬处理剂overprint finish 罩印清漆parchment finish 羊皮纸装饰patent finish 漆革涂饰剂pearl finish 珠光漆permanent finish 永久性整理pigment finish 涂颜料plate finish 光泽装饰plated finish 熨平涂饰剂polished finish 抛光处理postcure finish 【纺】后热定形整理precure finish 【纺】预定形整理protective finish 表面[防护]处理, 保护加工修饰repp finish 粗布纹装饰ripple finish 波纹漆roll finish 滚光rough finish 口部粗糙(玻璃制品缺陷)rubbed finish 磨出面run-in finish 金属型表面结垢sand cast finish 砂模铸件处理satin finish 无光[毛面]光洁度; 磨光; 刷光Schreiner finish 电光[缎光]整理scraped finish 刮磨scratch-brush finish 锻面光洁度screw-type finish 螺旋瓶口semi-aniline finish 半苯胺涂饰剂set-overfinish 瓶口歪斜(玻璃制品缺陷)sharp finish 瓶口尖锐, 毛糙瓶口shifted finish 瓶口歪斜short finish (平板玻璃)抛光不足shrivel finish 皱纹(罩面)漆ripple finish 皱纹(罩面)漆slack finish 瓶口歪斜slick finish 光泽装饰smooth finish (镀铴薄板的)光面精整speckled finish 斑点花纹涂装法spray finish 喷涂涂饰剂standing finish 固定配件stippled finish (搪瓷上的)斑点装饰stone finish 糙面精整; 镀锡板表面精整度stoving finish 烘干面漆涂装super finish 超精加工surface finish 表面加工, 表面抛光swing stopper finish 螺旋塞瓶口, 螺线瓶口text finish 中等光泽装饰texture finish 斑纹漆; [俗]疙疸漆pebble finish 斑纹漆; [俗]疙疸漆tilted finish 斜口, 歪口(玻璃制品缺陷)toed-in finish 瘪口, 凹口(玻璃制品缺陷)tool finish 机械加工tropical finish 热带漆turned finish 车削面光洁度two-tone finish 双色调涂饰剂velvet-like finish 仿天鹅绒涂装法warped finish 凹口(玻璃制品缺陷)washing-machine finish 洗衣机漆water finish 水纹面饰, 湿润处理water silk finish 绢纹水印wavy finish 釉层不匀, 波状釉面wax finish 蜡涂饰剂wired stopper finish 螺旋塞瓶口, 螺丝瓶口wood finish 木材涂装wrinkle finish 皱纹(罩面)漆, 波纹面饰ripple finish 皱纹(罩面)漆, 波纹面饰
2023-01-02 23:54:407


finishesv.结束,完成( finish的第三人称单数 ); 1.Finishes given assignments on time. 按时完成交给他的任务。2.Genuineness in media and form in architecture and home interior design is using realmaterial for finishes rather than faux. 在建筑和家庭室内设计中,方法和形式的真谛就是利用真实材料完成而非人造。
2023-01-02 23:55:121


2023-01-02 23:55:187

英语语法 finishes 是什么词性?

finish是动词原形,所以 finishes就是动词的第三人称单数简称三单形式。
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2023-01-02 23:56:124


2023-01-02 23:56:253


finish释义:vt.& vi.  完成; 结束; 吃光; 使筋疲力尽;n.  结尾; 结束; 最后阶段; 抛光;变形 过去分词: finished 过去式: finished 现在分词: finishing 第三人称单数: finishes英 [ˈfɪnɪʃ]   美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ]  扩展资料complete, finish, end, close, conclude, terminate, accomplish这些动词均含"结束,完成"之意。1、complete 侧重指完成预定的任务或使某事完善,补足缺少的部分等。2、finish 与complete基本同义,着重圆满地结束或完成已着手的事。3、end 最普通用词,着重事情的完成。也指某种活动因达到目的而自然结束或由于某种原因而突然中止。4、close 普通用词,着重行为的终止或结束,不强调其目的。5、conclude 正式用词,多指以某事或活动达到预期目的而告终。
2023-01-02 23:56:351


  学英语是一个漫长的过程,需要每天的积累,假如你一天不学,你就有可能忘记很多单词的用法,跟着我开始今日份的学习吧!今天我们要学的是“finish”。   finish是什么意思   finish既可以作动词又可以作名词,作动词表示完成,吃光等;作名词表示终点,饰面材料等。   01、finish:   v.结束;完成;对(材料;物件或地方)作最后加工;吃光;喝光;用光;不再需要;终结。   n.结束;最后部分;最后一道工序;饰面;终点;饰面材料;余味。   02   过去分词:finished.   第三人称单数:finishes.   现在分词:finishing.   过去式:finished.   03、短语:   finish education 完成学业。   finish with 结束;完成;与…断绝往来。   finish off 结束某事;完成;吃掉。   finish doing 做完...;完成...;弄完...   04例句:   1,I was pushing hard until about 10 laps from the finish. 离终点约十圈以前我一直非常努力。   2,He surged into a winning lead 200 metres from the finish. 他奋力冲刺,在距离终点200米处取得获胜所需的领先地位。   3,When does he finish his college course? 他何时大学毕业?   4,The climb nearly finished me off. 这次爬山几乎送了我的命。
2023-01-02 23:56:471


finish既可以作动词又可以作名词,作动词表示完成,吃光等;作名词表示终点,饰面材料等。 学英语是一个漫长的过程,需要每天的积累,假如你一天不学,你就有可能忘记很多单词的用法,跟着我开始今日份的学习吧!今天我们要学的是“finish”。 详细内容 01 finish: v.结束;完成;对(材料;物件或地方)作最后加工;吃光;喝光;用光;不再需要;终结。 n.结束;最后部分;最后一道工序;饰面;终点;饰面材料;余味。 02 过去分词:finished. 第三人称单数:finishes. 现在分词:finishing. 过去式:finished. 03 短语: finish education 完成学业。 finish with 结束;完成;与…断绝往来。 finish off 结束某事;完成;吃掉。 finish doing 做完...;完成...;弄完... 04 例句: 1,I was pushing hard until about 10 laps from the finish. 离终点约十圈以前我一直非常努力。 2,He surged into a winning lead 200 metres from the finish. 他奋力冲刺,在距离终点200米处取得获胜所需的领先地位。 3,When does he finish his college course? 他何时大学毕业? 4,The climb nearly finished me off. 这次爬山几乎送了我的命。
2023-01-02 23:56:521

finish 的过去分词

2023-01-02 23:57:017


三单finishes, 过去式finished
2023-01-02 23:57:253


finish的意思是完成。释义:v.完成;结束;用尽(所剩之物);(竞赛)获……成绩;(英式足球)进球;(非正式)使筋疲力尽;对(物件)最后加工;结束(牲畜)的肥育;(少女)进上流社会做准备n.结局;抛光;最后精细加工;结束;(比赛的)终点,最后阶段;饰面;(葡萄酒的)余味变形:过去式finished、过去分词finished、现在分词finishing、第三人称单数finishes、复数finishes双语例句He expects to finish the work by March.他预期三月份完成这项工作。Human beings have finished the last freshwater resources of the earth.人类已经用尽了地球最后一点淡水资源。The finish and workmanship of the woodwork was excellent.这件木工品的抛光和做工均属上乘。
2023-01-02 23:57:361


finishes 完成 是第三人称单数的形式,当主语为it/he/she等第三人称时的形式finish是动词原形
2023-01-02 23:57:423


finishes后面一般跟动名词。例如:He finishes eating. 他吃完饭了。She finishes learning. 她学完了。
2023-01-02 23:57:531

be finishing和finishes在表示将来时时的区别

2023-01-02 23:57:571


finish[英][ˈfɪnɪʃ][美][ˈfɪnɪʃ]vt.& vi.完成; 结束; 吃光; 使筋疲力尽; n.结尾; 结束; 最后阶段; 抛光; 第三人称单数:finishes过去分词:finished现在进行时:finishing过去式:finished例句:1.• "Can my husband finish this test for me?" •“能让我丈夫替我完成这份测试吗?”2.Normally, I work on boylston st., about three blocks from the finish line. 正常情况下,我是在博伊斯顿街上班,那儿距离波士顿马拉松终点线仅三个街区。
2023-01-02 23:58:031


这是第三人称单数的形式,动词原形为finish 在作“完成、结束”同义词 有complete、conclude
2023-01-02 23:58:081


finishes是finish的第三人称单数是动词,没有比较级原形是finish" 完成"
2023-01-02 23:58:131


2023-01-02 23:58:182


doing sth
2023-01-02 23:58:3015


完成的意思 结束
2023-01-02 23:59:323


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2023-01-02 23:59:483


inish[英][ˈfiniʃ] [美][ˈfɪnɪʃ] vt.& vi.结束,完成;磨光,[机]给…抛光,给…最后加工;用完,吃光;终了,完结,死,[体]到终点n.结束,完成,最后阶段;完美;回味(葡萄酒)现在分词:finishing;过去式:finished;第三人称单数:finishes;过去分词:finished;
2023-01-03 00:00:031


2023-01-03 00:00:092


2023-01-03 00:00:166


2023-01-03 00:00:382


finishes 主语是三单,要加ES , CLASSES 是名词, 作FINISH 的宾语。************************************************************加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!***********************************************************
2023-01-03 00:00:461


finish中文的意思: 完成
2023-01-03 00:01:037


finishv.    完成; 做好; (使)结束; 吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物); (赛跑、竞赛)得…名; 使筋疲力尽;    n.    最后部分; 结尾; 结局; 末道漆; 抛光; (漆完抛光后的)成品表面; 最后精细加工;    [例句]He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.他全力以赴以按时完成这项工作。[其他]    第三人称单数:finishes 现在分词:finishing 过去式:finished 过去分词:finished
2023-01-03 00:01:321


finishes用于第三人称单数,比如he/she finishes 而finished用于第一或第二人称,比如I/you finish
2023-01-03 00:01:501


2023-01-03 00:01:562


2023-01-03 00:02:099


finishes用于第三人称单数,比如he/she finishes 而finished用于第一或第二人称,比如I/you finish
2023-01-03 00:03:031


用法如下:1.finish sth.  完成某事。When are you going to finish your work?  你打算什么时候完成你的工作? 2.finish doing sth.  做完某事。He finished reading the book before supper.  晚饭前他把这本书看完了。扩展资料finiah的例句分析1.As soon as he"d finished eating, he excused himself.他一吃完就告辞离开了。2.The consultants had been working to finish a report this week.顾问们一直在为要于本周内完成一份报告而工作。3.The teaching day finishes at around 4pm.一天的教学在下午4点左右结束。4.The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye.他们两人最后互相吻别。5.He finished second in the championship four years in a row.他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。参考资料:百度翻译:finish的例句分析(官方规定,百度翻译和百度汉语都可以作为权威参考资料)
2023-01-03 00:03:091


Time goes by so fast,
2023-01-03 00:03:222


英文原文:finishes英式音标:[ˈfɪnɪʃ] 美式音标:[ˈfɪnɪʃ]
2023-01-03 00:03:301


用法如下:1.finish sth.  完成某事。When are you going to finish your work?  你打算什么时候完成你的工作? 2.finish doing sth.  做完某事。He finished reading the book before supper.  晚饭前他把这本书看完了。扩展资料finiah的例句分析1.As soon as he"d finished eating, he excused himself.他一吃完就告辞离开了。2.The consultants had been working to finish a report this week.顾问们一直在为要于本周内完成一份报告而工作。3.The teaching day finishes at around 4pm.一天的教学在下午4点左右结束。4.The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye.他们两人最后互相吻别。5.He finished second in the championship four years in a row.他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。参考资料:百度翻译:finish的例句分析(官方规定,百度翻译和百度汉语都可以作为权威参考资料)
2023-01-03 00:03:351


finish意思是完成; 结束; 吃光; 使筋疲力尽。v:结束; 完成; 对(材料; 物件或地方)作最后加工; 吃光; 喝光; 用光; 不再需要; 终结。n:结束; 最后部分; 最后一道工序; 饰面; 终点; 饰面材料; 余味。第三人称单数: finishes;现在分词: finishing;过去式: finished;过去分词: finished。双语例句:1、The minute we finish this evening, they"ll start striking the set.今天晚上我们演出一结束,他们就将开始拆除布景。2、Linen creases badly unless it is treated with the appropriate finish.要用适当的方式来处理亚麻布,否则它很容易起皱。3、I was pushing hard until about 10 laps from the finish.离终点约十圈以前我一直非常努力。
2023-01-03 00:03:441


用法如下:1.finish sth.  完成某事。When are you going to finish your work?  你打算什么时候完成你的工作? 2.finish doing sth.  做完某事。He finished reading the book before supper.  晚饭前他把这本书看完了。扩展资料finiah的例句分析1.As soon as he"d finished eating, he excused himself.他一吃完就告辞离开了。2.The consultants had been working to finish a report this week.顾问们一直在为要于本周内完成一份报告而工作。3.The teaching day finishes at around 4pm.一天的教学在下午4点左右结束。4.The two of them finished by kissing each other goodbye.他们两人最后互相吻别。5.He finished second in the championship four years in a row.他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。参考资料:百度翻译:finish的例句分析(官方规定,百度翻译和百度汉语都可以作为权威参考资料)
2023-01-03 00:03:551

finish 这个单词是什么意思?

2023-01-03 00:04:042


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