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make one’s own decision还是decisions

2023-07-09 22:48:01

make one"s own decision做出自己的决定,不加s,如果是做出多个决定,就要加s




make one"s own decision



decisions的意思如下:1、词性为名词时,意为决定;判决;决断;决议。2、词性为动词时,意为靠判定击败对手。3、decisions的原形是decision,是decision的复数形式。短语搭配:1、parenting decisions.养育决策;育儿决策;育儿决定。2、family financial decisions.家庭财务决策。3、product decisions.产品决策;产品抉策。4、nonprogrammed decisions.非程序化决策非程序化决策;非程序化决策;非程序性决策;非程式化决策。5、Pricing decisions.定价决策;制定价格。6、Price Decisions价格决策。双语例句:1、The director is at the centre of a row over policy decisions.在决策问题上主任处于争论的中心。2、He doesn"t make snap decisions,but he doesn"t overthink either.他不会作突然的决定,但也不会作过分的考虑。3、The Attorney General is answerable only to Parliament for his decisions.总检察长作出的决定只需对议会负责。4、The desire for justice rather than finality fuels challenges to decisions.人们要公正、不要定论的愿望引起了对裁决的质疑。5、Granted that officers were used to making decisions,they still couldn"t be expected to understand.就算官员习惯了拍板作决定,但他们未必就了解情况。6、Decisions are made within the financial restraints of the budget.决定是在受预算经费限制的情况下做出的。7、To intrude political criteria into military decisions risks reducing efficiency.让政治标准影响军事决定可能会降低效率。8、On the basis of these statistics important decisions are made.根据这些数据作出重大决定。9、Your parents"decisions affect you,like it or not,buster.父母的决定影响了你,不管你想不想听,小家伙。10、Decisions concerning the siting of nuclear power plants.关于核电站选址的决定。
2023-07-09 21:55:091


2023-07-09 21:56:231


2023-07-09 21:57:284


decision的复数是decisions,名词,表示决议、决定、果断和判决的意思。 一个名词如果表示一个或一样东西,则取单数形式,如果表示两个或更多的这类东西,则需要用名词的复数形式,大多数名词复数都在单数形式后加s或es,这里decisions可表示为两个或多个决定或决议的意思。
2023-07-09 21:57:351

make decisions是什么意思

2023-07-09 21:57:432

求歌词翻译 Ne-Yo 的 decisions

没听过这首歌,neyo的歌听过两首heartbreaker和mad,我知道他的歌词有很多口语啊俚语啊之类的,那些不是很擅长。。。凑合看吧,按字面意识翻译的,具体意思结合下mv之类的吧take a second 等一下think about it 想一想ask yourself 问你自己is it really worth it? 真的值得吗?really worth it 真的值得吗?you got a good girl on your side 从你的角度来讲,你有了一个好女孩even though that she don"t deserve it 即便那样,她还是不值得don"t deserve it 不值得(but the devils says) 但是恶魔说look at how she looking at you 看她看你的方式you know you wanna get it crackin" 你知道你会很快得到它get it crackin" 得到它plus how can your girl get hurt 想想你的女孩是怎样受伤的?if she don"t even know that it happen? 如果她根本没意识到她受到了伤害that it happen 受到了伤害stumble like ooh 我非常可暖和,就像。。。cause i wanna do right 因为我会做出正确的选择 she looks so good tonight 她今晚看起来太棒了it"s got me saying ooh 这让我想说:喔!i wanna get it on 我会这么说but i know that it"s wrong 但我知道这样是错的decisions, decisions 决定吧i said decisions, decisions 我说决定吧 i said decisions, decisions 。。。i said decisions, decisions 。。。decisions, decisions 。。。(the angel says)天使问what would you gonna do “你会怎样做?”if she was in the same situation?如果她处在一样的情形中situation 一样的情形said think of her relationship 说道想想她的关系walk away ignore the temptation 别被诱惑吸引,远离那些said temptation 说道诱惑(but the devil says) 但恶魔说she that kind of girl so that ain"t even how it would go 她就是你要的女孩,所以你茫然无措,不知道怎么做she never put herself in that place 她从未把自己放在如此位置so now i mess up, go ahead be a man 所以现在我陷入困境,我必须迎头向前,去表现得像个男人just make sure she never knows 去确保她永远也不会知道 everything will be ok 一切都会好的 got me saying ooh cause i wanna do rightbut she looks so good tonight it"s got me saying ooh i wanna get it on but i know that it"s wrong decisions, decisions i said decisions, decisions i said decisions, decisions i said decisions, decisions decisions, decisions so what you gonna do? 所以你会怎么做?know you gotta make a move 我知道你会做出改变are you gonna do right 你会做出正确的选择吗?or get down for the night? 还是在夜里静静躺下know you gotta choose 我知道你会选择said you know you love your girl 说你知道你爱自己的女孩you know she loves you too 你知道她也爱你 but you gotta act yourself 但你还是更愿意去表现自己is it worth losing her to you 把她输给你是值得的got me saying ooh cause i wanna do right but she looks so good tonight it"s got me saying ooh i wanna get it on but i know that it"s wrong decisions, decisions said decisions, decisions said decisions, decisions (decisions, decisions)said decisions, decisions (decisions, decisions)decisions, decisions so what you gonna do?
2023-07-09 21:57:491


决策的英文是strategic decision。决策,是为了实现特定的目标,根据客观的可能性,在占有一定信息和经验的基础上,借助一定的工具、技巧和方法,对影响目标实现的诸因素进行分析、计算和判断选优后,对未来行动作出决定。决策是人们在政治、经济、技术和日常生活中普遍存在的一种行为,是管理中经常发生的一种活动。决策参考例句:The executive has been making decisions about the future of the company.领导层一直在研究公司未来的决策。For short-run decisions, the ability to predict seasonal fluctuations is often essential对于短时期的决策,预测季节变动则是基本方法。Worker participation in decision-making工人参与决策.a fateful decision to counterattack.反攻的决定性决策Poor decision-making is the root of squander.决策的错误,是浪费的根源。
2023-07-09 21:57:571


  在需要做重要的决定的时候,真的需要全方面分析之后才能下决定,不然后续的麻烦真的很让人困扰。下面我为大家带来做重要决定的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   做重要决定的英语意思   make an important decision   做重要决定的相关英语例句   1. I always talk things over with my good friends before I make any important decision.   我每次做重要决定之前都要和我的好朋友商量一下.   2. Think twice before you make any important decisions.   在做任何重要决定之前都要慎重思考.   3. It is very important that consulting with the expert before making the bigness decision.   在做重大决定之前和专家商量是很重要的.   4. Making difficult decisions is not easy if are sleepy, jet lagged and not at your peak.   如果你昏昏欲睡, 有时差现象时,导致生物钟不在最好的状态,做一些重要决定也不是易事.   5. It had no serious ring to it. The question was not up for immediate decision.   这些话现在听来并不重要, 还没有到马上做决定的时候呢.   6. It"s a power trip. I want to make important decisions.   因为这是一条通向权力的道路, 我总是希望能做一些很重要的决定.   7. It"s only a ceremonial position. Dad makes all of the important decisions.   这只是个名誉的职位, 所有重要的决定都是我父亲做.   8. They are best equipped to assist you with this very important decision.   他们将准备特殊工具帮助您做非常重要的决定.   9. It takes around 2 hours to drive from Fort Williams to Glasgow non stop.   偶决定到时候看情况了,反正出游最重要的就是心情,心情好就多去几个点,要是天公不做美那就只有留待下次喽.   10. She looked at me, her cookbooks against her chest , as if trying to decide some - thing.   她看着我, 怀里的那本烹饪书抵著胸脯, 好像在做什么重要的决定.   11. Other people argue that the examination score is still an important criterion in making a decision.   有人认为考试分数在做决定时仍然是一个重要的衡量标准.   12. Tamed , prim, not - in - slippers - and - pants students or more importantly the ones that consider, decide and evaluate?   教出一个言听计从 、 循规蹈矩 、 *** 拖鞋短裤的学生和教出一个自己会看情况 、 做决定、下判断的学生 —— 究竟哪个比较重要?   13. As you bee fortable with making these decisions, you gradually move on to more important ones.   当你渐渐习惯了做这些决定时, 你会逐步的承担更重要的决定.   例句   的确不行。有时,我甚至让其他人为我做重要决定。   Not really. Sometimes, I even let other people make key decision for me.   正式报告很重要,因为高层经理们常用这些报告来做重要决定。   Submissions are very important because they are often used by senior management to makekey decisions.   大多数人要做重要决定的时候都会觉得压力很大;而对阿尔法人格的人来说,如果重大的决策落入旁人之手,那他们才会有压力呢。   Most people feel stress when they have to make important decisions: Alphas get stressed whentough decisions don"t rest in their capable hands.   人们是否应该独自做重要决定?。   Should people make important decisions alone?   自己做重要决定的原因是因为存在问题.目标和物件出现错误.或者在完成任务的过程中出现问题.   The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, orsomething is standing in the way of acplishing them.   在到达之后的24小时里,不要长时间开车或者做重要决定。   Avoid driving long distances and making critical decisions for the first 24 hours after you arrive.   有时,我甚至让其他人为我做重要决定。   Sometimes, I even let other people make key decision for me.   一方面,中美两国仍期望对方在做重要决定时会有负责任的表态。   On the one hand, the two countries still hope that the other will act responsibly when it es to the big decisions.   每次做重要决定他都要征求妻子的看法。   He asked his wife"s opinion on every important decision.   用你能掌握的最理性的思考来做重要决定——当你警觉、头脑清醒、充满智慧的时候。   Make your important decisions from the most reasonable thinking you can muster – when youfeel alert, clearheaded, and intelligent.   我每次做重要决定之前都要和我的好朋友商量一下。   I always talk things over with my good friends before I make any important decision.   做重要决定之前要认真思考。   Think carefully before you make an important decision.   每次做重要决定他都要征求妻子的看法。   They have a very high opinion of Paula"s work.   显然,今天不适宜做重要决定或与他人合作。   做重要决定的双语例句   Obviously, this is not a day for important decisions or getting the co-operation of others.   你将学会使用这个能力做重要决定。   You will learn to use this ability to make important decisions in life.   记得我即将死亡,是我在做重要决定时最重要的工具。   Remembering that I"ll be dead soon is the most important tool I"ve ever encountered to help memake the big choices in life.   吉姆在做重要决定之前总要和他父母商量。   Jim always talks things over with his parents before he makes an important decision.   做重要决定之前要认真思索。   Think carefully before you make an important decision.   吉姆在做重要决定之前总是先与父母商量一下。   Jim always talks things over with his parents before he makes an important decision.   hr.oldict   另外,由于某些文章可能存在着错误,所以请不要使用 *** 来做重要决定。   Also, because some articles may contain errors, please do not use Wikipedia to make criticaldecisions.   只有在确知他是否需要做大手术之后,我才能做重要决定。   I"m going to wait and see if he has to have this major surgery first before I make any bigdecisions, " said White."   对于真正需要其他人一起做的重要决定,某人可以提出一些基本要求,让其他人在满足这些要求的前提下做决定。   For really important decisions that involve another, one person can set a few basicrequirements and let the other person make the decision as long as it satisfies thoserequirements.   好好休息吧,因为当你做重要的决定时,保持清醒的头脑至关重要。   Sleep enough because it"s vital to be fresh when you take important decisions.   成人是否应该为接近成年的孩子做重要的决定?。   Should *** s make important decisions for their older teenage children?   在你们来这之前,很有可能你们是根据他人的意愿被分到这里来的,不管是你的父母还是你的老师,那些为你做最重要决定的人。   Before you came here, it is quite likely that you took your assignments from others. Whether itwas your parents or your teachers, others made the most important decisions for you.   了解过去不能帮助人们在现在做重要的决定。   Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.   结论:了解过去不能帮助人们在现在做重要的决定。   Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.   结论:了解过去不能帮助人们在现在做重要的决定。   Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.    看过做重要决定的英语相关知识人还:
2023-07-09 21:58:331

这个句子为什么 decisions 加s

做出决定由这样的两个说法,make a decision, make decisions
2023-07-09 21:58:544


1.Anne"s parents agreed that he is now married2.I am not good at decision-making, so have my husband"s Zhejiang Province to decide.3.You can tell me what you do last week to visit the factory.4.Not so much he wrote a letter, as it is a poem.5.The more prepared you are now full and you are not nervous before the exam you
2023-07-09 21:59:033


自主经营 make its own managerial decision;have full authority for management;
2023-07-09 21:59:128


场景和问题 决策,决策(场景) Sondra需要的帮助。她是保险公司的迅速发展迫切需要做一些改变,但有什么变化吗?他们应该添加到已有的信息系统?买一套新系统吗?她得到了那责任分析公司目前的信息系统和决定哪些公司应该怎么做,这将会给他们充足的活动空间。她很混乱,在需要帮助的时候作出正确的决定。 38人。根据决策亲
2023-07-09 21:59:283

admissions decisions是什么意思

  admissions decisions直译为“招生决策”。  例句:  1、Middle of December: Early Action admissions decisions are available online.  十二月中旬,Early Action同学可在网上得知录取结果。  2、Buffett applied to Harvard Business School but was turned down in what had to be one of the worst admissions decisions in Harvard history.  巴菲特曾申请哈佛商学院被拒,这后来成为哈佛历史上最糟糕的录取决定之一。  3、High school seniors anxiously awaiting admissions decisions might find that question bizarre, but recently some strenuous arguments have been leveled against the value of a college degree.  那些在焦急等待着大学录取通知书的高三学生可能会觉得这问题很怪,不过最近坊间针对大学文凭的价值,出现了种种热议。
2023-07-09 21:59:452

We should make our own decision用复数吗?

可以用可以不用 We should make our own decision.
2023-07-09 21:59:536

This is why decisions are so easily dismissed as

2023-07-09 22:00:202


都是直译 采纳我给你最佳回答
2023-07-09 22:00:289

 Make ones own decision 为什么不能加S。??

 Make one"s own decision 表示:做出某人自己的决定
2023-07-09 22:00:463

Sometime in February, my teacher told us about the city speech contest, its topic was “People w..

小题1:its前加and或把its改为whose或者删掉topic后的was小题2:thought后删of小题3:for后加the小题4:choosing→chosen小题5:presenting→present小题6:How→What小题7:judge→judges小题8:have→had小题9:wildly→wild小题10:such→so试题分析:在本文中作者讲述了自己参加市演讲比赛的情况,演讲的话题是“Peoplewhohaveovercomedifficultiesintheirlives”。作者认真地准备了这次演讲比赛,结果荣获了演讲比赛一等奖,他永远也不会忘记那一刻。小题1:its前加and或把its改为whose或者删掉topic后的was。 itstopicwas“Peoplewhohaveovercomedifficultiesintheirlives”.分析结构可知前后两个句子中间没连词,所以可以把its改为whose成为定语从句,也可以在its前加and构成并列句;也可以去掉topic成为独立主格,故答案是its改为whose或its前加and或删topic后的was。小题2:thought后删of。Ithoughtofmygrandmawouldbemyperfecttopic.介词of后只跟名词,代词动名词做宾语,不跟陈述句做宾语从句,故去掉of。小题3:for后加the。ThenIcarefullypreparedforcontest.此处的contest是特指上文提到的演讲比赛,故前面加定冠词the。小题4:choosing→chosen。Iwaschoosingtobeoneofthesevenfinalists!句子主语I和谓语动词之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,所以把choosing改为chosen。小题5:presenting→present。Iwasthesixthtopresentingthespeech.修饰序数词thefirst、thesecond、thelast等后面用动词不定式,所以把presenting改为present。小题6:How→What。HowareliefwhenIfinishedit!感叹句中对名词进行感叹需要用what,句型:what+(形容词)名词+主语+谓语,所以把How改为What。小题7:judge→judges。thejudgemadetheirfinaldecisions.根据句中的theirdecisions可以判断有多名裁判,故把judge改为judges。小题8:have→hadhave→hadandannouncedthatIhavewonfirstprize.主句谓语动词是一般过去时,宾语从句应该用过去时的相应形式,根据文章内容可以判断应该用过去完成时,故把have改为had。小题9:wildly→wild。Theaudienceweregoingwildlyclappingandcheering!动词go在句中是系动词,后面应该跟形容词做表语,故把wildly改为wild。小题10:such→so。ItwassuchexcitingamomentthatIwillalwaysrememberit.在such/so…..that句型中,such修饰名词,so修饰形容词和副词,所以把such改为so。
2023-07-09 22:01:001


冒险生意: 我们每个人都是我们自己的决定负责,即使决策过程已经削弱了压力或同伴的压力。性格的真正考验是我们是否可以从我们的错误中学习,通过理解为什么我们采取了,我们所做的行动,然后寻找方法来避免今后出现类似的问题。 做道德决策避免未来的问题是很关键的部分。我们必须学会识别风险,因为如果我们不能看到我们正在做的风险,我们不能作出负责任的选择。识别风险,我们需要知道规则并了解事实。例如,一个不知道关于剽窃规则的人可能偶然地使用文字或思想而没有给予一定的考量,或者一个人不能保持谨慎研究可能无意中未能引述和引用需求的消息。但事实是,这样的违反是“无意识”的不能是无端行为的借口。无知不是一种防御。“但是人人都在这样做” 大多数陷入麻烦的人都知道规则和事实,但是却在关于他们所承担的风险上成功地使用借口:“其他人都能做到,”“我没有伤害任何人,”或“我真的需要这个分数”愚弄了自己。借口变得非常详细“我知道我在看着另一个人的考试,即使我应该让我的眼睛专注在我自己的试卷上,但这不是作弊,因为我只是检查我的答案,而不是抄袭。“我们诚实对待自己的行为并且不要找借口。如果我们自己骗自己去相信我们没有做错任何事情,我们就看不到自己真正的选择,这就会导致我们做出糟糕的决定。为了避免在愚弄自己,要注意借口,同时试一下这个测试:如果你在的行为时在任何人都可以看你看得很清楚的公共场合。你会对你的行为感到骄傲还是羞愧?,这是一个好迹象,如果你宁愿隐藏你的行动,这表明你正在接受风险,同时为你自己把那些行为合理化。
2023-07-09 22:01:236


当decision做决定,抉择的意思时是可数的,如make a decision,make decisions. 当decision做决断,果断;决策的意思时为不可数. 扩展资料   decisions   n.(作出的)决定,抉择;决断(力);果断;作决定;决策   decision的复数   例句:   I wish my mother would stop interfering and let me make my own decisions.   我希望我母亲不再干预,让我自己拿主意。   On some vital decisions employees were only informed after the fact.   有一些重大决策雇员只在事后才获悉。   This is what happens when you make rash decisions.   这就是你贸然作决定的后果。
2023-07-09 22:01:511

decision 可数吗

当decision做决定,抉择的意思时是可数的,如make a decision,make decisions。当decision做决断,果断;决策的意思时为不可数。 扩展资料   例句:   He is really bad at making decisions。   他的确不善于决策。   All decisions would require unanimity。   所有决定都需要全体一致同意。   They enjoy making their own decisions。   他们喜欢做他们自己的决定。   He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions。   他做的决定难以预料,主观武断。   They regularly collide over policy decisions。   他们经常在政策决策上发生冲突。
2023-07-09 22:01:591


做决定的英文是make a decision、making decisions,它的意思是是指做出主张;某事物成为另一事物的先决条件;起主导作用。1、Think things over before you decide.你要先把一切考虑好再做决定。2、They gave him five minutes to decide.他们给了他五分钟来做决定。3、There are so many things to think of before we decide.我们要考虑到许多方面然后才能做决定。4、He said with surprising courtesy,"someone had to decide."他以一种令人意外的谦恭态度说:“总得有人来做决定。”5、We must be practical and work out the cost before we make a decision.我们应该实事求是地先把费用算出来,然后再做决定。6、In my office the boss makes all the decisions and i do all the donkey work.公司里做决定的是老板,而我总是做繁琐的工作。7、I have not decided yet,but i will let you know right after i have made my decision.我还没有决定,但是我做决定之后立即通知你。8、I do not want to put pressure on you to make a decision,but we have not much time left.我并不想催你做决定,只是我们剩下的时间已经不多了。9、Earlier,he had made decisions with almost sportive ease;now,he had to force them out of his exhausted brain.以前,他做决定如同儿戏,如今,绞尽脑汁,好不容易。10、Students do not make the decisions on these matters.学生不能在这些事情上做决定。
2023-07-09 22:02:291

make decisions后加什么

make decisions后加介词on for againstmake decision是错误的。 make decisions 释义:做出决策,决策。 语法:decision的基本意思是“决定”“抉择”“判决”,引申可表示“决议”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。
2023-07-09 22:03:241


  你知道吗?下面一起来看看吧。   做决定   做决定的英文单词释义:   make a decision   网 络make a decision;decision making;make decisions;Making Decision   做决定的英文单词例句:   早晚都要做决定的,你知道的。   Make a decision sooner or later, you know.   你要我做决定吗?   Do you want me to decide? 做决定的英文单词   你凭什么替其他人做决定?   Who are you to decide for the others?   直到我不被这样说,认为合适时我会自己做决定.   Until I"m told otherwise, I"m gonna make decisions as I see fit.   那辆列车是我们的财产由我们做决定!   That train is our property. It"s our decision!   1. He"ll be his own man and won"t be dictated to. 他要自己做决定,不会被他人左右。   2. You"d better consider this and factor this into your decision making. 你最好考虑一下这一点,并在做决定时将其考虑在内。   3. I had to decide right then. 我当时就得做决定。   4. He pushed her to make a decision. 他催她快做决定.   5. Let"s defer the decision for a few weeks. 咱们延缓几个礼拜再做决定吧.   6. They discussed but deferred the decision. 他们进行了讨论,但迟迟未做决定.   7. They gave him five minutes to decide. 他们给了他5分钟来做决定.   8. I have a hard decision. 我很难做决定.   9. The project must remain in limbo until the mittee makes its decision. 该工程必须搁置,等待委员会做决定.   10. I remend you to think very carefully before you make any decision. 我建议你仔细考虑一下后再做决定.   11. I don"t want to hustle you into a decision. 我不想催你做决定.   12. I must make the decision regardless. 不管怎样我得做决定.   13. It"s really hard to make a decision. 挺难做决定的.   14. He said with surpristing courtesy,"someone had to decide. " 他以一种令人意外的谦恭态度说: “ 总得有人来做决定. ”   15. It had no serious ring to it. The question was not up for immediate decision. 这些话现在听来并不重要, 还没有到马上做决定的时候呢.   16. In my office the boss makes all the decisions and I do all the donkey work. 公司里做决定的是老板,而我总是做繁琐的工作.   17. It is no good waiting for other people to make your decision for you. 等别人替你做决定是没有用的.   18. Then we make a decision based on major opinions. 然后我们根据多数人的意见做决定.   19. Since when do we make decisions without consulting each other? 从什么时候开始我们做决定不征求对方意见?   20. He didn"t want a stranger making most of his decisions. 他没有想要陌生人为他做决定.   21. FRANCESCA : If that happens, you have to decide. Because I can"t. 弗朗西斯卡: 如果真是那样, 你得做决定, 因为我不能.   22. Executives resist taking creative authority even when it"s thrust upon them. 行政董事即便遇到应该他们做决定的事情,也不会轻易使用自己的职权.   23. I need to weigh the pros and co before making a decision. 在做决定之前,我必须权衡利弊得失.   24. The best time to make decisions is before you enter a trade. 最好的做决定的时间是进行交易之前.   25. Before I make a decision I should know more about your corporation. 我要对贵公司进一步了解之后,才能做决定.   26. I hope Miss Alison considers employee attitude to her decision. 我希望艾莉森女士能考虑到雇员对她所做决定的感受.   27. I think it would be wise to think it over. 我认为你仔细考虑之后再做决定.   28. We must with the pros and cons before we make a decision. 我们一定要平衡得失再做决定.   29. It means counsel council and applies implies giving advice, not makingdecisions. 它的意思是“委员会”,意思是给出建议, 而不是做决定.   30. He pulled at the pipe while he considered what decision to make. 他一边吸菸,一边考虑如何做决定.
2023-07-09 22:03:421


  你知道做决定的英文单词是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。   做决定   做决定的英文单词释义:   make a decision   网 络make a decision;decision making;make decisions;Making Decision   做决定的英文单词例句:   早晚都要做决定的,你知道的。   Make a decision sooner or later, you know.   你要我做决定吗?   Do you want me to decide? 做决定的英文单词   你凭什么替其他人做决定?   Who are you to decide for the others?   直到我不被这样说,认为合适时我会自己做决定.   Until I"m told otherwise, I"m gonna make decisions as I see fit.   那辆列车是我们的财产由我们做决定!   That train is our property. It"s our decision!   1. He"ll be his own man and won"t be dictated to. 他要自己做决定,不会被他人左右。   2. You"d better consider this and factor this into your decision making. 你最好考虑一下这一点,并在做决定时将其考虑在内。   3. I had to decide right then. 我当时就得做决定。   4. He pushed her to make a decision. 他催她快做决定.   5. Let"s defer the decision for a few weeks. 咱们延缓几个礼拜再做决定吧.   6. They discussed but deferred the decision. 他们进行了讨论,但迟迟未做决定.   7. They gave him five minutes to decide. 他们给了他5分钟来做决定.   8. I have a hard decision. 我很难做决定.   9. The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision. 该工程必须搁置,等待委员会做决定.   10. I recommend you to think very carefully before you make any decision. 我建议你仔细考虑一下后再做决定.   11. I don"t want to hustle you into a decision. 我不想催你做决定.   12. I must make the decision regardless. 不管怎样我得做决定.   13. It"s really hard to make a decision. 挺难做决定的.   14. He said with surpristing courtesy,"someone had to decide. " 他以一种令人意外的谦恭态度说: “ 总得有人来做决定. ”   15. It had no serious ring to it. The question was not up for immediate decision. 这些话现在听来并不重要, 还没有到马上做决定的时候呢.   16. In my office the boss makes all the decisions and I do all the donkey work. 公司里做决定的是老板,而我总是做繁琐的工作.   17. It is no good waiting for other people to make your decision for you. 等别人替你做决定是没有用的.   18. Then we make a decision based on major opinions. 然后我们根据多数人的意见做决定.   19. Since when do we make decisions without consulting each other? 从什么时候开始我们做决定不征求对方意见?   20. He didn"t want a stranger making most of his decisions. 他没有想要陌生人为他做决定.   21. FRANCESCA : If that happens, you have to decide. Because I can"t. 弗朗西斯卡: 如果真是那样, 你得做决定, 因为我不能.   22. Executives resist taking creative authority even when it"s thrust upon them. 行政董事即便遇到应该他们做决定的事情,也不会轻易使用自己的职权.   23. I need to weigh the pros and co before making a decision. 在做决定之前,我必须权衡利弊得失.   24. The best time to make decisions is before you enter a trade. 最好的做决定的时间是进行交易之前.   25. Before I make a decision I should know more about your corporation. 我要对贵公司进一步了解之后,才能做决定.   26. I hope Miss Alison considers employee attitude to her decision. 我希望艾莉森女士能考虑到雇员对她所做决定的感受.   27. I think it would be wise to think it over. 我认为你仔细考虑之后再做决定.   28. We must with the pros and cons before we make a decision. 我们一定要平衡得失再做决定.   29. It means counsel council and applies implies giving advice, not makingdecisions. 它的意思是“委员会”,意思是给出建议, 而不是做决定.   30. He pulled at the pipe while he considered what decision to make. 他一边吸烟,一边考虑如何做决定.
2023-07-09 22:03:491

什么叫decisions are made on an ongoing basis

这里可能比较不好翻的是ongoing这个词. Ongoing本身有“不间断的,进行的;前进的”意思.所以本句可以翻为 以持续变化的原则来作决定、或 以不断发展的基准来作决定
2023-07-09 22:04:051

make their own decisions 中文什么意思

make their own decisions做出自己的决定双语对照例句:1.We wanted them to make their own decisions about their careers. 我们希望他们自己决定职业发展方向,如果他们想进入家族企业,我们非常欢迎,前提是他们要遵守我们上世纪80年代确立的两条规则。2.People can often make their own decisions, or at least share in decision-making. 这些人就常常能自己做出决定或至少能够参与做决定。
2023-07-09 22:04:221


自己做决定的英文decision用单数I make my own decision.
2023-07-09 22:04:302

make decisions是什么意思

2023-07-09 22:04:382

英语作文请以making decisions为题

growing up means making my own decisions. when i was a little, my parents made all the tough decisions for me. but while i am getting older and older, i felt that i can make decisions for myself! it occurred to me that i have got to face all the difficulties on my own. otherwise, i can‘t succeed in the future.
2023-07-09 22:05:131

make decision和make decisions 有什么区别

make decision是错误的,一般说make a decision, 例如:You must make a decision right now. 你现在必须作出决定(是针对某件特别的事);make decisions表示有很多事需要做出决定,例如:Learn to make decisions is not an easy process.学习作决定不是一个简单的过程。
2023-07-09 22:05:211

decision make 与 decision making 有什么区别

make decision是错误的,一般说make a decision, 例如:You must make a decision right now. 你现在必须作出决定(是针对某件特别的事);make decisions表示有很多事需要做出决定,例如:Learn to make decisions is not an easy process.学习作决定不是一个简单的过程。9月
2023-07-09 22:05:363


当decision做决定,抉择的意思时是可数的,如make a decision,make decisions.当decision做决断,果断;决策的意思时为不可数.因此make decision是错误的,一般说make a decision, 例如:You must make a decision right now. 你现在必须作出决定(是针对某件特别的事);make decisions表示有很多事需要做出决定,例如:Learn to make decisions is not an easy process.学习作决定不是一个简单的过程。
2023-07-09 22:05:451

make decisions是什么意思

make decisions 作出决定例如: We should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. 我们应当根据具体情况做出决定.
2023-07-09 22:05:522


Decisions主语are 谓语straightforward 宾语based on utility as opposed to lack of utility 定语
2023-07-09 22:06:013

英语900句Making decisions 作决定

Making decisions 作决定 466. I can"t wait to know what her decision is. 我迫不及待想知道她的决定是什么。 467. I am confident you"ve made the correct choice. 我相信你已经作了正确的选择。 468. I"m anxious to know if they accept my advice. 我急于知道他们有没有接受我的建议。 469. I want to persuade him to change his mind. 我想说服他改变主意。 470. What have you decided? 你是怎么决定的? 471. He is determined to go to Africa on his own. 他决定一个人去非洲。 472. I"ve definitely decided to go to college in California. 我已肯定要去加利福尼亚州上大学。 473. He didn"t want to say anything to influence my decision. 他不愿说任何话来影响我的决定。 474. Have you made up your mind? 你下定决心了吗? 475. I assume you"ve decided against moving to Florida? 我想你已经决定不搬到佛罗里达了吧? 476. It took us a long time to make up our minds. 我们花了很长时间才作出决定。 477. Thank your for your suggestion. It is very useful for us. 谢谢你的建议,他对我们非常有用。 478. I know it is inconvenient, but I want to go anyway. 我知道这不太方便,但不管怎样我还是要去。 479. According to the chairman, this agreement will come into effect next month. 据主席说,这项协议将于下月生效。 480. She insists that it doesn"t make any difference to her. 她坚持说,这对她无所谓。
2023-07-09 22:06:071

make decision和make decisions 有什么区别

make decision 不正确
2023-07-09 22:06:232


  在需要做重要的决定的时候,真的需要全方面分析之后才能下决定,不然后续的麻烦真的很让人困扰。下面我为大家带来做重要决定的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   做重要决定的英语意思   make an important decision   做重要决定的相关英语例句   1. I always talk things over with my good friends before I make any important decision.   我每次做重要决定之前都要和我的好朋友商量一下.   2. Think twice before you make any important decisions.   在做任何重要决定之前都要慎重思考.   3. It is very important that consulting with the expert before making the bigness decision.   在做重大决定之前和专家商量是很重要的.   4. Making difficult decisions is not easy if are sleepy, jet lagged and not at your peak.   如果你昏昏欲睡, 有时差现象时,导致生物钟不在最好的状态,做一些重要决定也不是易事.   5. It had no serious ring to it. The question was not up for immediate decision.   这些话现在听来并不重要, 还没有到马上做决定的时候呢.   6. It"s a power trip. I want to make important decisions.   因为这是一条通向权力的道路, 我总是希望能做一些很重要的决定.   7. It"s only a ceremonial position. Dad makes all of the important decisions.   这只是个名誉的职位, 所有重要的决定都是我父亲做.   8. They are best equipped to assist you with this very important decision.   他们将准备特殊工具帮助您做非常重要的决定.   9. It takes around 2 hours to drive from Fort Williams to Glasgow non stop.   偶决定到时候看情况了,反正出游最重要的就是心情,心情好就多去几个点,要是天公不做美那就只有留待下次喽.   10. She looked at me, her cookbooks against her chest , as if trying to decide some - thing.   她看着我, 怀里的那本烹饪书抵著胸脯, 好像在做什么重要的决定.   11. Other people argue that the examination score is still an important criterion in making a decision.   有人认为考试分数在做决定时仍然是一个重要的衡量标准.   12. Tamed , prim, not - in - slippers - and - pants students or more importantly the ones that consider, decide and evaluate?   教出一个言听计从 、 循规蹈矩 、 *** 拖鞋短裤的学生和教出一个自己会看情况 、 做决定、下判断的学生 —— 究竟哪个比较重要?   13. As you bee fortable with making these decisions, you gradually move on to more important ones.   当你渐渐习惯了做这些决定时, 你会逐步的承担更重要的决定.   例句   的确不行。有时,我甚至让其他人为我做重要决定。   Not really. Sometimes, I even let other people make key decision for me.   正式报告很重要,因为高层经理们常用这些报告来做重要决定。   Submissions are very important because they are often used by senior management to makekey decisions.   大多数人要做重要决定的时候都会觉得压力很大;而对阿尔法人格的人来说,如果重大的决策落入旁人之手,那他们才会有压力呢。   Most people feel stress when they have to make important decisions: Alphas get stressed whentough decisions don"t rest in their capable hands.   人们是否应该独自做重要决定?。   Should people make important decisions alone?   自己做重要决定的原因是因为存在问题.目标和物件出现错误.或者在完成任务的过程中出现问题.   The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, orsomething is standing in the way of acplishing them.   在到达之后的24小时里,不要长时间开车或者做重要决定。   Avoid driving long distances and making critical decisions for the first 24 hours after you arrive.   有时,我甚至让其他人为我做重要决定。   Sometimes, I even let other people make key decision for me.   一方面,中美两国仍期望对方在做重要决定时会有负责任的表态。   On the one hand, the two countries still hope that the other will act responsibly when it es to the big decisions.   每次做重要决定他都要征求妻子的看法。   He asked his wife"s opinion on every important decision.   用你能掌握的最理性的思考来做重要决定——当你警觉、头脑清醒、充满智慧的时候。   Make your important decisions from the most reasonable thinking you can muster – when youfeel alert, clearheaded, and intelligent.   我每次做重要决定之前都要和我的好朋友商量一下。   I always talk things over with my good friends before I make any important decision.   做重要决定之前要认真思考。   Think carefully before you make an important decision.   每次做重要决定他都要征求妻子的看法。   They have a very high opinion of Paula"s work.   显然,今天不适宜做重要决定或与他人合作。   做重要决定的双语例句   Obviously, this is not a day for important decisions or getting the co-operation of others.   你将学会使用这个能力做重要决定。   You will learn to use this ability to make important decisions in life.   记得我即将死亡,是我在做重要决定时最重要的工具。   Remembering that I"ll be dead soon is the most important tool I"ve ever encountered to help memake the big choices in life.   吉姆在做重要决定之前总要和他父母商量。   Jim always talks things over with his parents before he makes an important decision.   做重要决定之前要认真思索。   Think carefully before you make an important decision.   吉姆在做重要决定之前总是先与父母商量一下。   Jim always talks things over with his parents before he makes an important decision.   hr.oldict   另外,由于某些文章可能存在着错误,所以请不要使用 *** 来做重要决定。   Also, because some articles may contain errors, please do not use Wikipedia to make criticaldecisions.   只有在确知他是否需要做大手术之后,我才能做重要决定。   I"m going to wait and see if he has to have this major surgery first before I make any bigdecisions, " said White."   对于真正需要其他人一起做的重要决定,某人可以提出一些基本要求,让其他人在满足这些要求的前提下做决定。   For really important decisions that involve another, one person can set a few basicrequirements and let the other person make the decision as long as it satisfies thoserequirements.   好好休息吧,因为当你做重要的决定时,保持清醒的头脑至关重要。   Sleep enough because it"s vital to be fresh when you take important decisions.   成人是否应该为接近成年的孩子做重要的决定?。   Should *** s make important decisions for their older teenage children?   在你们来这之前,很有可能你们是根据他人的意愿被分到这里来的,不管是你的父母还是你的老师,那些为你做最重要决定的人。   Before you came here, it is quite likely that you took your assignments from others. Whether itwas your parents or your teachers, others made the most important decisions for you.   了解过去不能帮助人们在现在做重要的决定。   Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.   结论:了解过去不能帮助人们在现在做重要的决定。   Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.   结论:了解过去不能帮助人们在现在做重要的决定。   Claim: Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.    看过做重要决定的英语相关知识人还:
2023-07-09 22:06:411

any decisions

any用于否定和疑问句中.如: Is there any book on the table? 在肯定句中用some. 是对的.那要看用在什么句中了~ 那是因为ANY还有是用于不肯定句中.就是你不肯定,不确定有多少时,就要用ANY. 在这里也可以翻译成"任何",就是不确定的一个数.
2023-07-09 22:06:481

make their own decision可以加复数吗?

这个必须加复数。正确的说法是make their own deci。
2023-07-09 22:06:552

Hurried (decide) ----are likely to be bad ones.

Hurried decisions are likely to be bad ones.
2023-07-09 22:07:055

英语ethical decisions怎么翻译?

ethical decisions 可翻译为伦理决策
2023-07-09 22:07:375


You should learn to make decisions independently
2023-07-09 22:08:051


  做决定的英文作文有哪些   Should middle school students make decisions for themselves?In my opinion, middle school students should make decisions for themselves, but they need to listen to their parents" opinions appropriately.First of all, middle school students must learn to be independent, otherwise, how to live independently? One of the signs of independence is to make decisions for yourself. Secondly, middle school students have little experience in life, so they must listen to their parents" opinions.   翻译:中学生该不该为自己做决定?以我的观点,中学生应该为自己做决定,但是要适当地听取父母的意见。首先,中学生必须学会独立,否则如何独立生活呢?而独立的标志之一就是为自己做决定。其次,中学生生活经验不多,因此必须听取家长的意见。   其他的关于做决定的英语作文   Make a wise decision 做出明智决定   A person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. People who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different prespective, or share their own experience.   Whenever I am faced with an important decision, I seek advice from others so that I am well-informed and have the benefit of their perspectiove and experience.   How do you make a decision 你是怎么做决定的   Throughout everybodys life,its like a variety of rivers,gone different way depending on every decision that we make.We make lots of decisions for so many things everyday,either change your life tremendously,or make no difference.However,strangely,most people would rather make decisions by others than by themselves.As far as i can see,making decisions is the opportunity to show people how decisiveness and determined you actually are.Therefore,if you dont make decisions by yourself but by others,you wont be able to get peoples trusting because you have no confidence.For this reason,i think make decisions on my own hands is much better than do it by others.   In fact,as a human being with emotion and intelligence,you mostly should make decisions yourself.Not only for everyone has every right to do it,but also for you wont be regrettable on the afterwards.Importantly,making decisions yourself is exactly the best way keeping control over the fate which is your own life.Otherwise,if you just obey others choosing,not trying to get involved of your life,then it would be so unhealthy and unwellness,and not as good as you put yourself on gods hand,let him do whatever he wants to.   Interestingly,somepeople might sort of have a thought that older person with well-experience and fulfil-skill will make the best choice for you,and it is right sometimes,but on some level,i think consequence of making a decision is unpredictable,nobody would ever know whats gonna happen next.And this makes life so fascinating and terrific because of its uncertainly.Neither grow up nor learn just following the track that others have been to.Majority of successful bussiness man all have been through so many setbacks and troubles to get to where they are,and they deeply agree that making decisions on their own hands is the most optimum.Because once the goal has been achieved,that kind of happiness and satisfied cannot be replaced by anything.
2023-07-09 22:08:341


1。许多工程师作为他们的功能设计的产品,这些产品都将在实相通过加工或制造的材料。在这个capactiy他们是一个关键因素seclection-manufacturing过程的材料。 一个设计工程师,比任何其他的人,应该知道他或她想要一个设计来完成。他知道他所做的假设是什么服务装载并要求,哪些服务环境产品必须承受,他希望最终产品的外观有。为了满足这些要求,他必须选择并指定要使用的材料。在大多数情况下,为了利用材料,使产品需要的形式,他知道某些制造过程必须雇用。在许多情况下,选择特定的材料就规定了须用什么加工过程。同时,当某些进程使用,可能要修改设计,以便有效地ultilized进程和经济。某些dimesonal公差可以规定处理。在任何情况下,在squence转换的设计变成现实,这样的决定必须由某人。在大多数情况下,他们可以使最有效地在设计阶段,由设计师如果他有一个合理的足够的知识方面的材料和制造工艺。否则,决定可能是不必要的昂贵。它是如此明显,设计工程师是一个重要因素的制造过程,它确实是一种祝福公司如果他们能设计生产,dfficient生产。
2023-07-09 22:09:054


The visions are fragmented and a dark cloud spreads like spilt ink across the pages of possible futures.Strong managers who make tough decisions to cut jobs provide the only true job security in today"s world. Weak managers are the problem. Weak managers destroy jobs.I understand everybody in this country doesn"t agree with the decisions I"ve made. And I made some tough decisions. But people know where I stand.You can make tough decisions that I believe voters for years have asked us to do.I like to push characters to extremes so they have to make really tough decisions and there is no life more extreme than that of an athlete.
2023-07-09 22:09:121

make his own decisions对不对?

作为短语没有错误,要是句子就缺少主语,可以He makes his own decisions.
2023-07-09 22:09:181


  改革开放三十多年以来,英语教育在我国已经广为普及,整个社会对英语的要求也愈加精益求精。本文是有关经典英文小短文,希望对大家有帮助!   有关经典英文小短文:垂钓Angling   On warm evenings I often sat in the boat playing the flute, and saw the perch swimming around me. I saw the moon traveling over the bottom of the lake, which was strewn1 with the fallen leaves and branches.   天气晴和的夜晚,我也常独驾一舟,弄笛湖上,看水中的鲈鱼饶舟不去。俯视湖底,落木坠枝,横斜交错,皓月一轮,行径其上。   Once, I used to come to this pond in dark summer nights with a friend. We would make a fire there, which we thought attracted the fishes. Late in the night, we threw the burning firewood high into the air, which, when it came down into the pond, went out with a loud hissing. And we were suddenly in total darkness. Then, whistling a tune, we made our way to the village again. But now I had made my home by the shore.   以前,在那些深黝的夏日夜晚,我曾不止一次与友人寻胜至此。我们总是先在岸边燃起一堆篝火,我们认为此法最能把鱼招来。待到夜色渐深,我们便把那尚未燃尽的木柴像烟火似地抛入暗空,一阵闪亮之后,缀湖澌灭,嗤然有声。然后长啸一曲,摸黑寻回村落。不过我最近索性就迁居到那里,傍湖而居了。   Sometimes, after the family had all gone to bed, I returned to the woods. Partly for the next dayu2019s dinner, I spent the hours of midnight fishing from a boat by moonlight. At this time, I heard owls and foxes serenade, along with the singing of some unknown birds. These experiences were very memorable and valuable to me. In the center of the water, there were sometimes thousands of small perch and shiners, breaking the surface with their tails. I sometimes threw a line into the pond as I drifted in the gentle night breeze, now and then feeling a slight shaking along it. Pulling the line out of the pond, I saw a perch wriggling in the air.(excerpt)   有时,待家人睡去,我又重新返回林中。半为明日的食物筹措,我于夜半自操一舟,趁着月色,独钓湖上。这时鸱鸣狐啸,伴着一两声怪鸟的戛鸣。回想这些夜游,至今历历难忘。在水中央,鲈鱼银鱼成群,不啻千百,翻舞嬉戏,不时在湖面翻起层层涟漪。有时,于夜风习习之中,我将钓丝投入湖里,但不时忽觉手下一丝微颤。轻轻将线一扯,只见一只鲈鱼在半空中活蹦乱跳。(节选)   有关经典英文小短文:决定是种抉择   Life is full of decisions and most people take their lifetime to master the ability to make one.   生活中,许多事情需要我们做出决定,因此,许多人用一生的时间去学习掌握做决定的能力。   Each of us makes decisions daily, such as what clothes to wear, what to eat, and what to drink. Weu2019re all excellent at judging other peopleu2019s decisions. But what about our own decisions? What about the decisions each of us makes, such as going to college, quitting college, quitting a job for another one and so on? These are life-defining moments that create two different life paths. None of these decisions should be taken lightly.   每个人每天都要做决定,如决定穿什么、吃什么、喝什么。我们都擅长判断别人的决定,但你擅长判断自己的决定吗?我们自己做的决定怎么样?如上学、退学、辞职另谋新生等等。这些都是对人生有界定意义、会创造两种不同人生道路的时刻,每一个都不能怠慢。   Although we are all skillful at judging others, we should spend some time to get comfortable with ourselves to make decisions without the fear of judgment. Judgment comes from insecurity3. Each insecurity that we have moves us further and further to make a good decision. In order to control our insecurities we need to identify them and be comfortable with ourselves. To accomplish that we can all use some help. You may get it from a friend or a family member.   即使擅长判断别人的决定,我们也应该花些时间让自己应付自如地做决定,而且不必害怕做出判断。判断力来自于不安全感。我们的每一个不安全感都会推动我们去做出正确的决定。为了控制我们的不安全感,我们需要辨别它们,让自己能无所顾忌。为了达到这个目标,我们可以寻求别人的帮助。你可以从朋友或者家人那里得到你需要的帮助。   The best part about decision-making is that there is no right or wrong answer. Decisions are choices, and choices are individual. Try to put some more effort into your own decisions and leave the judgment at the door.   关于做决定,其最美好之处在于答案没有对错之分。做决定是种抉择,而且抉择是仁者见仁、智者见智。尽力做出自己的选择,不必介意你的选择是对或是错。   Perhaps your idea is a business venture, a travel adventure, or a career that you would like to pursue. When you get an idea that excites you, donu2019t push the idea away. Remember to follow your dream, because you have the power to make it come true.   或许你想去投资经商、旅游历险或是致力于你喜爱的事业。当你有了让自己激动的想法,那就坚持这个想法。记得坚持自己的梦想,因为你有能力让梦想成真。   有关经典英文小短文:更有趣的生活   Would you say your life is fun? Would you say you have more fun days than not? You would be surprised at so many people tell me that they do not think their life is fun and that most of their days are anything but fun. I find that a shame! Life is more fun than you think!   你会说自己的生活很有趣吗?你会说你度过的有趣日子比无趣的日子多吗?你会惊讶于许多人曾告诉我他们从不觉得自己的生活有趣甚至根本就无趣。这些人的话真令人感到遗憾。实际上,生活比你想像的要有趣得多。   Whatu2019s fun about it? That depends on you! What is it that would make your life more fun? I know the answer for me. I find all sorts of things fun, but if my mind is thinking negatively, then nothing seems fun.   生活怎么才有趣?决定权在你。什么会让你的生活更有趣?我知道什么能让我的生活更有趣。我发现各种各样有趣的事物,但如果我的思想很消极,那一切有趣的事物都会变得很无趣。   Howu2019s your thinking? If your head is in the wrong place, you could have a million dollars cash but you wouldnu2019t be having fun. On the other side of the coin, you could be changing a flat tire and, if your mind is right, it might be the most fun thing you have ever done.   关于有趣的生活,你有何见解?如果心态不对,即使拥有一百万美金你也不可能尽情享乐。换个角度想想,如果心态是对的,即使是在换爆掉的轮胎,那都可能会是你干过的最有趣的事。   You decide what is fun. When I do something, I just tell myself that I am not going to complain about it and that I will enjoy it; and I do.   你可以决定什么事情有趣。当我做事时,我会告诉自己不去抱怨而是享受。我确实做到了。   If you believe, think and act like everything is a pain, then it will be. If you think, believe and act like life is happy, then that will become your reality as well.   如果你的信仰、思维和行为表现得好像任何事情都是痛苦的,那任何事情就都会是一种痛苦。反而言之,如果你的思维、信仰和行为表现得好像生活很幸福,那你的生活也就会很幸福。   Which do you choose?   你打算做何选择呢?
2023-07-09 22:09:251


”我们的队很快地发展了连接职员级的表现和全部的组织策略的韵律学。队能够排列在部门之间的韵律学确定,仪表板提供了和全部的策略连结,所以我们会作出相互依存的决定,”Kaszubski 说。管理费用而且维持竞争的订价的”我们的仪表板软件提供让我们演说的即时的监听那对国家医疗保健制度医师费用时间表和他们的冲击的最近、被提议的削减在我们的客户身上,” Kaszubski 说。”它让我们的操作经理处理,依次,让我们的费用到维持竞争的订价模型。” Kaszubski 对准了一些表现指示器包括:l 体积弯曲额外时间目标;在设备和考试目标的停止的 l 编号对财务的│体积目标水平系;l 在个别的受雇人员和公司水平兑现流程目标;而且l 兵学的表现为主要位置消除。多数的韵律学有每日、每周,月刊,和年-到-日期对准了水平。举例来说,停止和考试被使可变的费用一致每一停止和考试遭遇每日又每周、每月、和年度费用。仪表板提供多种的目标-绿色的指出表现是在预期的范围里面,黄色表现以一百分比为基础的一个早的警告不一致离开目标,和红色指出,表现在正常的宽容外面水平。”经理藉由调整人力使每日的决定被基于指示器,经过路径管理修补服务递送,而且调整开支决定,” Kaszubski 说。”即时的报告让经理跟随他们的功能区域里面的决定而且让反应时间变成不一致。那报告也联编所有的部门到一通常的公制确定决定是横过组织排列。”移动从无功到积极的不只仪表板帮忙 Kaszubski 达成超出时间的减少的目标,它也有了横跨组织的一种冲击。”在历史上,我们的公司发展一个预算而且检测了对抗预期的表现的每月的表现在一种历史的基础。仪表板让我们把重心集中在未来。因为决定有益于现在的日子,但是也表示对准的那些决定如何正在影响月刊和年刊,它提供即时的指示器表现。”仪表板的图解式性质也单一化复杂的财务趋势进入使一个组织的所有的水平容易了解而且测量表现的速度计视野之内的分析。”我们能估计对抗进入未来之内被计画的预算的表现在任何的时间。我们不需要等候一个 monthend 结束和出版业一财务的陈述,” Kaszubski 说。一些软性利益被了解的内部的诊断解决包括:l 横过组织的功能筒仓的较好的沟通当做它有关联对表现;
2023-07-09 22:09:381


Decisions。查看返修意见可以按照以下步骤操作:1、登录 Scientific Reports 网站,进入您的个人账户。2、在“Manuscripts”(稿件)页面中找到您需要查看返修意见的论文,并点击该论文的标题。3、进入论文详情页面后,您可以看到该论文的状态,如果状态为“Decisions”(决定),则说明该论文已经被编辑评估过,并且有评审意见。4、点击“Decisions”后,您可以看到该论文的审稿意见,包括主编和审稿人对论文的评价和建议,以及需要修改的部分和具体要求。
2023-07-09 22:09:491