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I have Dee(人名) who in herself is enough to compen

2023-07-09 22:42:21


I 主语have谓语 Dee宾语(人名)( who in herself is enough to compensate for anything定语从句).


who 从句主语in herself介短做状语 is系动词 enough 表语to compensate for anything不定式做目的状语


compensate for loss是什么意思

compensate for loss赔偿损失; 双语例句1It was also considered unacceptable for public funds to be used to compensate for loss that should be allocated to the operator.也有意见认为:用公款来补偿须由经营者分担的损失,这是不可接受的。2Since the pillars that normally separate the front and rear doors have been eliminated, the load space is enlarged, but extra structural members were added to compensate for the loss of stiffness.这款车型取消了前后车门之间的柱子,因此增大了储物空间。但是为了弥补车身的稳定性,还是加入了一些额外的结构部件。3In real applications, the absorption of the materials is big. We can use the gain materials to compensate for loss.但在实际应用中,材料吸收会相对比较大,实验中可以用一些增益材料来尽量减少吸收。
2023-07-09 21:40:231

英语提问:以下句子比较级的使用不明白, 回答得好50分送上!(句子本身无问题,不用疑惑这点)

more than 是不只是的意思,不是比较级
2023-07-09 21:40:315


compensate是弥补、补偿。。 其中包含有弥补过失或不足的意思。eg1:People who sense that they are inferor have to compensate,and often over-compensate by way of outward achievement.觉得自卑的人只有通过外在的成就来弥补自己的不足,但往往都做过了头。eg2:No supportive words could ever compensate for the pain of being separated from her children for 10 years.任何表示支持的语言都无法弥补与孩子们分开10年带给她的痛苦。而remedy的补救是侧重于改正、纠正、改进方面的,而不好的记忆力是不能纠正和改正的。望采纳。。。
2023-07-09 21:40:461

compensate for+名词 造句

To compensate for this poor effect, molds are filled at high pressures
2023-07-09 21:40:543

indemnify for和compensate for的区别

indemnify for 一般就是金额上的赔偿;compensate for还有补偿的意思,不一定是赔钱赔东西,也可以是赔人情啥的,弥补什么事儿之类的
2023-07-09 21:41:031


You have to pay what I"ve lost.
2023-07-09 21:41:486

To compensate for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him

2023-07-09 21:42:022


compensate[英][u02c8ku0252mpenseu026at][美][u02c8kɑ:mpenseu026at]vt.补偿,赔偿; 报酬; 抵消; vi.补偿,弥补; 第三人称单数:compensates过去分词:compensated现在进行时:compensating过去式:compensated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Such assets offered an excess return to compensate investors for their illiquidity. 那些资产能提供超额回报来作为流动性不足的补偿
2023-07-09 21:42:211


2023-07-09 21:42:304


大家应该都遇到过compensate这个单词,compensate比较难记的单词,理解它的意思和用法,有助于我们去记忆它。下面是我给大家带来的关于compensate的用法和 短语 例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ compensate的意 思 ★ ★ compensate的用 法 ★ ★ compensate的常 用短 语 ★ ★ compensate的近 义 词 ★ ★ compensate的用 法例 句 ★ ▼ compensate的意思 v.补偿;赔偿;弥补;抵消;平衡;校正;酬报;隐藏;弥补 第三人称单数: compensates 现在分词: compensating 过去式: compensated 过去分词: compensated <<< ▼ compensate的用法 用法1:compensate的基本意思是“赔/补偿(损失、伤害等)”“弥补(缺陷)”或“抵消某种影响”等,可用于经济方面,也可用于抽象事物。 用法2:compensate用作及物动词时,以起补偿作用的人或事物作主语,以被补偿的事物或人作宾语。用作不及物动词时,接for表示补偿的对象; 接with表示用于补偿的同类事物。 <<< ▼ compensate的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) compensate for (v.+prep.) compensate with (v.+prep.) <<< ▼ compensate的 近义词 v.补偿;赔偿;弥补;抵消;平衡;校正;酬报;隐藏;弥补(无能 第三人称单数: compensates 现在分词: compensating 过去式: compensated 过去分词: compensated <<< ▼ compensate的用法例句 1. The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn"t really compensate. 医院的工作人员深表歉意,但这真的于事无补。 2. He did not have the means to compensate her. 他没有钱来补偿她。 3. Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one. 失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。 4. She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence. 她利用她漂亮的外表来弥补智力的不足. 5. The firm must compensate you for your traveling costs. 这家公司必须偿付给你差旅费. 6. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one"s health. 一个人失去了键康是不可弥补的. 7. Nothing can compensate for losing my husband. 我失去丈夫的损失是无法弥补的. 8. You must compensate me for this loss. 你必须补偿我的这个损失. 9. Nothing can compensate for the loss of time. 虚度光阴是无法补偿的(光阴一去不复还). 10. MPs say it is crucial that a system is found to compensate for inflation. 下议院的议员们说关键是要找到一种抵消通货膨胀影响的机制。 11. The official promise to compensate people for the price rise clearly hadn"t been worked out properly. 显然,官方对物价上涨进行补偿的承诺没有真正兑现。 12. A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting. 跑步速度不快的 棒球 手可以凭有力的打击来弥补. 13. No supportive words could ever compensate for the pain of being separated from her children for 10 years. 任何表示支持的言语都无法弥补与孩子们分开10年带给她的痛苦。 14. The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost. 这家公司同意保持高产量以弥补供货丢失带来的缺口。 15. The government now owns a lot of our land — one possibility would be to compensate us with other property. 政府现在占了我们的大量土地,一种可能是用其他地产来对我们作出补偿。 <<< compensate的用法和短语相关 文章 : ★ compensate的第三人称单数和例句 ★ shout的用法和短语例句 ★ couple是什么意思用法有哪些 ★ compromise的第三人称单数 ★ fall的用法和短语例句 ★ storage的用法和例句 ★ animal的用法总结集锦 ★ 英语六级考试技巧 ★ build的过去式和用法例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-07-09 21:42:391


2023-07-09 21:42:491


compensation动词compensate。1、当compensate作为及物动词时,中文翻译为补偿、赔偿、报酬、抵消。可以用于经济方面,也可用于抽象事物。例句: He did not have the means to compensate her.他没有钱来补偿她。The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn"t really compensate医院的工作人员深表歉意,但这真的于事无补。She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence她利用她漂亮的外表来弥补智力的不足。2、当compensate作为不及物动词,中文翻译为补偿、弥补,后面可接for,表示补偿的对象,后面接with,表示补偿的同类事物。例句: Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the suffering she had been caused她的律师说她应该为所遭受的痛苦得到赔偿。MPs say it is crucial that a system is found to compensate for inflation下议院的议员们说关键是要找到一种抵消通货膨胀影响的机制。They compensated my loss of time with money.他们用钱来补偿我的时间损失。
2023-07-09 21:43:021

compensate sb for sth是什么意思

2023-07-09 21:45:073

make up for 和 compensate的区别?

我觉得是及物不及物大区别吧compensatesb. for sth. 赔偿,弥补不及物而make up for可以用于被动语态,及物的吧
2023-07-09 21:45:161


交通事故 a traffic accident; a traffic case; a traffic mishap; a road accident; accidents on the road
2023-07-09 21:45:262


compensation 补偿(或赔偿)物;(尤指)赔偿金,补偿金;赔偿;使坏的情况变好的事物,(对不利局面的)补偿
2023-07-09 21:45:391

more than compensate

more than 在这表示足够,足以 她的聪颖足以弥补她经验上的不足. have a nice day
2023-07-09 21:45:451


按照合同,我方必须赔偿另一方的损失英文:In accordance with the contract, we must compensate the other party for the loss。或者:According to the contract, we must compensate the other party for the loss.
2023-07-09 21:45:532


Such weaknesses are more than compensated for by cetaceans" well-developed acoustic sense.你这个问题 不难可以 看作 动介短语的被动语态如 the boy is looked after by his mother .我相信 你能 明白。我就不讲了。compensate for weaknesses 弥补弱点
2023-07-09 21:46:033

翻译一句话。在线等 高分悬赏

Str for the transfer of the subject of claims by third parties, the customer shall compensate all losses and costs incurred by str, except to the extent caused by b causes应该吧
2023-07-09 21:46:243


被动语态: 1:英语中语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。 语态的作用:语态是动词的一种形式,用来说明主语和谓语之间的关系。 语态的选用:如果主语是动作的执行者,谓语用主动语态。 例如:We clean the room every day. 如果主语是动作的承受者,或者说是动作的对象,谓语则是要用被动语态。 例如:The room is cleaned every day. 被动语态由“助动词be + 急务动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be 有人称、数和事态的变化,其变化规则与be 作为连系动词时完全一样。 2:被动语态的各种形式 1) am/is/are +done eg1:I"m asked to take care of myself. Football is played all over the world. eg2:Football is not played all over the world. eg3: Is football played all over the world? 这些玩具是中国制造的。 这个小偷是在那家超级市场被抓住的。 2)has /have been done eg1:This book has been translated (翻译) into many foreign languages. eg2:This book has not been translated into many foreign languages. eg3: Has this book been translated into many foreign languages? 那两把伞已经送给了我父母。 今天这首歌已经被唱了几次了? 3)am/is /are being done eg1:A road is being built around the mountain. eg2:A road is not being built around the mountain. eg3: Is a road being built around the mountain? 我们不能搬进新房间因为它正在油漆。 4) was/were done eg1:This house was built in 1958. eg2:This house was not built in 1958. eg3: Was this house built in 1958? 昨天上午这条裙子被卖走了。 我的书在哪里?刚才它被放在桌子上得。 5) was/were being done eg1:Meeting was being held when I was there. eg2:Meeting was not being held when I was there. eg3: Was meeting being held when you were there? 6) shall/will be done eg1:He will be taken to hospital tomorrow. eg2:He will not be taken to hospital tomorrow. eg3: Will he be taken to hospital tomorrow? 动物园的动物马上要喂养了。 3:练习 1). Put the following sentences into the passive voice (by phrase may be omitted) 1. People speak English in many countries. 2. We built this bridge last year. 3. The tiger in the zoo frightened the little girl. 4. Xiao Liu has invited you to a lunch party. 5. You must not take these magazines out of the reading-room. 6. We shall discuss the problem at tomorrow"s meeting. 7. Has anybody fed the birds? 8. People will never forget the accident. 9. You may write this letter in pencil. 10.They are repairing the car in the garage. 11.Someone must have turned on the light without your notice. 12.They have found ways to make waste water clean. 13.Someone must take care of the children when we go out. 14.They won"t hold the meeting until next Friday. 15.They gave him a medal for his wonderful work. 16.The doctor will ask the patient some questions before he gives her medicine. 17.They made (选举) the young man head of the volleyball team. 18.Someone will tell you how to prepare for the examination (考试). 19.They criticized me for something wrong that I had done. 20.Someone has taken the stranger (陌生人) to another hospital. 21.It surprised me to hear that they wouldn"t give him a holiday after his hard work. 22.People will laugh at (嘲笑) you if you wear that dress. 23.I have told him that he didn"t finish his homework yesterday.. 24.We must finish the work by six o"clock this afternoon. 25.Do you often clean your room? 26.They are making this type of radios in shanghai. 27.Could you carry out (执行) the plan on time? 28.We must pay attention to (注意) such problems. 29.Someone is showing them how to operate (操作) the computers. 30.You should put forward (提出) the questions at the meeting. 31.He is sure to finish the job by then. 32.She is going to play the match today. 33.People are talking about the things all over the town. 34.We saw a bus running towards us at that time 35.They made her leader (领袖) of the group. 36.They had to put off (推迟) the sports meet because of the rain. 37.We don"t have to write it in such a hurry. 2). Make the best choice: 38.Our house_____, A. is getting paint B. is getting painted C. is got painted D. has got to paint 39.He arrived in Beijing, and he _____his friend there.. A. was met by B. was met C. was meeting D. met by 40.The mistakes (错误) in the exercises will _____the teacher. A. cross B. be crossing C. be crossed by D. cross by 41.My brother and I have __________her birthday party. A. been invited B. been invited for C. invited to D. been invited to 42.It_______this way A. is had to do B. is had to be done C. had to be done D. has to do 43. _____Chaplin. A. The child"s name was called B. The child"s name calls C. The child calls D. The child is named 44.The sports meeting____ . A. is put off B. is to put off C. is to be put off D. puts off 45.The story ______in China. A. was taken place B. has been taken place C. took place D. was happened 46.Great changes _____in our province (省). Many tall buildings. A. have been taken place, have been set up B. have taken place, have been set up C. have been taken place, have been set up D. were taken place, were set up 47. Some of the hotels in my hometown_________. A. have now been rebuilding B. are now rebuilding C. are now being rebuilt D. are rebuilt now 48. The flowers should ____ every morning. A. water B. watered C. be watering D. be watered 49. Do you know what ____ in a hundred years? A. happens B. is happened C. will happen D. will be happened 50. Where ___ the machines ___? A. is; made B. are; made C. have; made D. do; make 51. The bridge ___ in three weeks. A. will build B. is built C. will be built D. is being built 52. This kind of machine _____ well. A. is sold B. sell C. sells D. are sold 53. Mrs. Green____ to work last week. A. has been B. has gone C. went. 54. The maths problems are too hard _____ A. be done B. to do them C. to work out D. be worked out 55. The children ____ games under the tree . A. were seen play B. saw playing C. were seen playing D. were seen to play 56. Many of the stars cannot ___ because they are too far away ____ us . A. see , to B. be seen , from C. seen, for D. being seen, for 57. Where ___ your keys ____? A. did find B. were founded C. were founded D. did founded 58. The umbrellas have _____ because of the heavy rain these days. A. sold out B. sold over C. been sold off D. been sold out 59. They told us that the car _____ at that moment. A. was repairing B. was being repaired C. being repaired D. was to repairing 60. Some advice _____ the pupils by the professor. A. was given B. was gave to C. was being given D. was given to 被动语态二焦点 一、带双宾语的两种被动语态形式 1)用直接宾语作主语时在间接宾语前加介词“to”: 1.I"ll give her a present for her birthday. (直接宾语) (give sth to sb) A present will be given to her for her birthday by me. 2.She told me the news. (直接宾语) (tell sth to sb) The news was told to me by her. 2)另一种一般用直接宾语作被动语态的主语,且须在间接宾语前加上介词“for”: 1.I"ve bought my little sister a sweater. (直接宾语) (buy sth for sb) A sweater has been bought for my little sister by me. 2.Mother cooks some delicious food for me. (直接宾语) (cook sth for sb) Some delicious food is cooked for me by Mother. 类似的动词有:read,draw,make,get等。 有时用间接宾语作主语讲不通,或不习惯,也须转用直接宾语作主语。如: My girl friend writes me a letter every week. I am written a letter by my girl friend every week.(错句) A letter is written to me by my girl friend every week. 类似的动词有:return,send,pass,hand,sell,teach等。 二、许多不及物动词加上介词或副词而变为及物短语动词,这时同样可以有被动语态。但应注意短语的整体性,在变为被动语态时不应丢掉后边的介词或副词。 1动词+介词 a.The doctor has already been sent for. b.The news has never been heard of before. 类似的短语动词有:call on,look after,talk about,look at,ask for,wait for... 2.动词+副词 a.A new play will be put on (上演) next week. b.The problem has been worked out. 类似的短语动词有:put off (推迟),think over,take off (脱、取消),look up (查询),sell out,use up (用光)... 3.动词+副词+介词 a.The poor were looked down upon before liberation.解放前穷人被人瞧不起。 b.He was looked up to by everyone.他被人们所敬仰。 类似的短语动词有:get out of,look out of,get on with,get along with (与。。。相处),catch up with (赶上),keep up with (跟上)... 4.动词+名词+介词 a.Lin Fen can take good care of your children. 1)Your children can be taken good care of by Lin Feng. 2)Good care can be taken of your children by Lin Feng. b.They never paid attention to (注意、关注) the matter. 1)The matter was never paid attention to. 2)Attention was never paid to the matter. 类似的短语动词有:make fun of,make use of,make friends with,take part in (参加)... 将下列句子改成被动语态 1. Lin Fen gives her little brother some orange juice. 2. He always asks the teachers some strange questions. 3. She has told the police what had happened. 4. What did your father buy for you? 5. The students are making that sick boy some paper cranes. 6. That artist drew the King a horse. 7. A postman sent you this letter just now. 8. I will get you this necklace as your birthday present. 9. They returned their teacher that book yesterday evening. 10. This term Mr Li is going to teach us physics. 11. Now some students are looking after that old lady. 12. Last week he called on his uncle. 13. As it is raining heavily, we have to out off the football match. 14. They have taken off the 5 a.m. train. 15. You can look up these words in your dictionary. 16. They have used up all their money. 17. Everyone in the class got on well with the twins. 18. The policeman soon caught up with the thief. 19. Now we can make use of the money we have. 20. He sometimes made fun of his classmates. 21. The teacher divided (分开) the class into four groups.
2023-07-09 21:46:442


选择:b,即 Twenty-one of March is my sister"s birthday. (3月二十一日是我姐姐的生日。)
2023-07-09 21:46:542

His rise in status more than compensates for the loss of money.more than 修饰位于动词?

2023-07-09 21:47:031


2023-07-09 21:47:121


2023-07-09 21:47:211


strategyKK: []DJ: []n.1. 战略;战略学[U]He is an expert in military strategy.他是军事战略专家。2. 策略,计谋;对策[C][(+for)][+to-v]The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation.政府采取了大规模紧缩通货的策略。By careful strategy he managed to push the proposal through.通过审慎的谋划,他成功地使该建议获得通过。tragedyKK: []DJ: []n.1. 悲剧体裁[U]Tragedy is a type of literature that involves death, suffering or disaster.悲剧作品是文学的一种,内容常涉及死亡,不幸和灾难。2. (一出)悲剧[C]Shakespeare"s Hamlet is one of the best known tragedies.莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》是最有名的悲剧之一。3. 悲剧性事件;惨案;灾难[C][U]The traffic accident is really a tragedy.这次车祸真是个悲剧。4. 悲剧因素[U]rescueKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 援救;营救;挽救[(+from)]He rescued three children from the burning building.他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子。The life boat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.救生艇被派出去救沉船的水手。2. 【律】强行夺回(在押人犯或财物)n.1. 援救;营救[U][C]Rescue was at hand.救援近在咫尺。2. 【律】强行夺回compensateKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 补偿,赔偿;酬报[(+for)]We compensate workers for injuries suffered at their work.我们对工人在工作中受伤给予补偿。2. 改变货币含金量以稳定货币vi.1. 补偿,赔偿;抵消[(+for)]She used her good looks to compensate for her lack of intelligence.她智力欠佳权以美貌弥补。regulateKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 管理;控制;为...制订规章Private schools regulate the behavior of students.私立学校规范学生行为。2. 校准;调整,调节Thermostats can be used to regulate the temperature of a room.恒温器可用来调节室内温度。3. 使规则化;使条理化Regulating your habits is conducive to good health.使生活习惯规律化有益于健康。securityKK: []DJ: []n.1. 安全,安全感[U]Two guards looked after the security of the property.两个警卫看管财产的安全。2. 防备,保安;防护,防御(措施)[U][C][(+against/from)]They tightened security during the President"s visit.他们在总统访问期间加强了安全防卫。3. 保证;保障;担保(品)[U][C]A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan.人寿保险可作贷款的抵押。4. 证券,债券[P]mechanismKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 机械装置;机械作用An airplane engine is a complex mechanism.飞机引擎是种复杂的机械装置。2. 机构;结构The mechanism of local government is far from perfect.地方政府的结构还很不完善。3. (自然现象产生的)物理过程;【化】历程;【生】机制Meteorologists believe this pressure jump is the mechanism responsible for storms and tornadoes.气象学家认为这一气压的突然升高是暴风雨和飓风形成的物理机制。4. 办法,途径There"s no mechanism for changing the decision.没有办法改变这一决定。5. (绘画等的)手法,技巧The three sisters were all well-versed in the mechanism of novel writing.三姐妹都熟谙写小说的技巧。sampleKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 样品,样本;试用品Our firm gives away free samples of cloth.我们公司免费赠送布料样品。2. 例子,实例You"d better give a sample of your ability or skill.你最好举例说明你的能力或技巧。3. 集锦歌a.[B]1. 样品的;试样的He sent me a sample copy of the book.他寄给我一本样书。2. 作为例子的vt.1. 取...的样品;抽样检查His job is to sample products for defects.他的工作是抽样检查产品的瑕疵。2. 品尝;体验Next he sampled the red wine.接着他又品尝了红葡萄酒。3. 浏览I spent a few days sampling the literature of social science.我花了几天时间浏览有关社会科学的文献。4. 由若干歌曲中选取精华结合写成新歌awareness of citizens to Guarantee市民对于担保的觉悟
2023-07-09 21:47:3011


楼上的英语好厉害哟, 主语居然还用go
2023-07-09 21:47:565


你找不到那本书也没关系今天能做的事不要拖到明天我爸爸决定再也不给我零花钱了能作为你的朋友,我很自豪try to raise as many questions as you can in the classif they really hurt you, they will try everything they can to make up to youI was the third one when there were 100meters before the finishing linewe really herad the footstep one nightin fact,anyone can be a hero,even you
2023-07-09 21:48:2612

你赔我钱 英语怎么说

You must compensate me
2023-07-09 21:49:005


I"m terribly sorry, I went vacationing the other day. Our boss agreed to compensate your loss, but we need your order form first.
2023-07-09 21:49:155


I"m very sorry you receive goods not satisfied, if no problem, I hope you can accept it, next time again to buy goods, we will send you a gift, to compensate for you the unpleasant
2023-07-09 21:49:295


动词短语就是像 turn down 、put up 等之类的
2023-07-09 21:49:4514


查询条件中的“=、in”等条件,要比范围条件快。同样是遍历表。我们假设等于的是30%。范围的是60%。这样,很明显,等于的数据量比较少(300W),然后用范围在之前的那个里面找(180W),而之前呢,就是先(600W),再(180W)。然后根据【越有效地缩小范围的条件越放后】原则补充下:在SQL server2005中试了,和顺序没有关系,sql Server会对where条件进行优化;10G我也测试了,与where后面的条件的顺序没有关系;最后呢:数据库现在已经默认是基于成本了,所以默认情况下和顺序无关。写SQL的人可以更多地关心业务。
2023-07-09 21:50:541


Factory the final date of availability which establishes for us is on July 15.Will retard a day arrival of shipment every time, we will compensate give the factory daily 10,000 Yuan.After July 20 deliveries the harbor, is refused to accept by the factory.The compensation will be able to bring the economic loss to us, but refuses to accept then will give your firm, the ship transport company and we brings the serious results.Therefore, we request your firm to have to load a ship as soon as possible, enhance the shipment efficiency.Otherwise, must undertake the corresponding responsibility.
2023-07-09 21:51:2115


CS:Current sense(电流检测,电流取样,电流反馈);COMP:compensate(补偿)FB : Voltage feedback (电压反馈);希望可以回答到你的疑问。
2023-07-09 21:51:454


2023-07-09 21:52:221


2023-07-09 21:52:291


2023-07-09 21:52:361


你是说这个字吗?赓gēng【动】(形声。从贝,庚声。本义:连续,继续)同本义〖continue〗乃赓载歌曰:“元首明哉,股肱良哉,庶事康哉。——《书·益稷》又如:赓扬(继续);赓载(相续而成);赓咏(相继咏和);赓衍(延续演变);赓飏(飞扬轻举连续而歌)酬答、应和〖respond〗赖有西邻好诗句,赓酬终日自忘饥。——宋·张耒《张右史集·屋东》又如:赓和(唱和;酬谢、赠答之意);赓歌(作歌唱和;连续不断的歌声,表示欢乐);赓酬(作诗相唱和、赠答)通“庚”。赔偿〖compensate〗智者有什倍人之功,愚者有不赓本之事。——《管子·国蓄》又如:赓本(抵偿成本) 详细解释:赓 赓 gēng 【动】 (形声。从贝,庚声。本义:连续,继续) 同本义〖continue〗 乃赓载歌曰:“元首明哉,股肱良哉,庶事康哉。——《书·益稷》 又如:赓扬(继续);赓载(相续而成);赓咏(相继咏和);赓衍(延续演变);赓飏(飞扬轻举连续而歌) 酬答、应和〖respond〗 赖有西邻好诗句,赓酬终日自忘饥。——宋·张耒《张右史集·屋东》 又如:赓和(唱和;酬谢、赠答之意);赓歌(作歌唱和;连续不断的歌声,表示欢乐);赓酬(作诗相唱和、赠答) 通“庚”。赔偿〖compensate〗 智者有什倍人之功,愚者有不赓本之事。——《管子·国蓄》 又如:赓本(抵偿成本) 相关词语:赓酬 赓韵 赓即 赓载 赓咏 赓续赓歌 赓本 赓响 继赓 赓扬 赓诗赓衍 赓和 赓唱 赓和 酬赓 陈赓长赓更多有关赓的词语>>
2023-07-09 21:52:432

To compensate for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him

这是一种特殊的比较从句。than引导的比较从句可以省去主语(或将than看做代词做主语用),保留谓语部分。这种结构多用于正式文体中,又如,Don"t eat more than is good for you不要吃得过量。There may be more importance in it than would seem. 它的重要意义可能要比看上去大。It"s longer than is necessary. 它太长了。
2023-07-09 21:52:561

Even if the odds are stacked against you, marriage can more than compensate.什么意思?

2023-07-09 21:53:152


2023-07-09 21:53:252

你必须赔偿他的损失。 英语怎么说诶。

答案应该是:You must compensate his loss
2023-07-09 21:53:334


2023-07-09 21:53:434

More than可直接当副词吗?这里是什么用法

这里是什么用法 Her intelligence more than compensates her lack of experience.在这个句子里,more than合起来可以看作是一个副词,修饰compensate。 Her intelligence主语; more than compensates谓语; her lack of experience.宾语。
2023-07-09 21:53:5112


假一赔十False one compensate ten假一赔十False one compensate ten
2023-07-09 21:54:162


1.正式文体常使用正式用语,非正式文体则常使用非正式用语,这两类不同的用语是在长期的使用过程中被约定俗成地固定下来的。具体而言,源于法语、拉丁语、希腊语的词语多用于正式文体;源于古英语的词语则多用于非正式文体。2.现代英语中的缩略词及缩约词多用于非正式文体,其相应的非缩略或非缩约形式则常出现在正式文体中。很多考生都忽略了这一区别。3.很多考生使用了很多短语动词,而这正是非正式文体的一大特征,正式文体则常用与之同义的单个动词。4.两种文体在语言特征上的第二类主要差异体现在语法上,具体包括以下几个方面:1)在构成比较句型时,很多考生选择使用了人称代词的宾格形式,其实使用人称代词的主格形式要显得更正式些。Informal:He spent more time playing computer games than me.Formal:He spent more time playing computer games than I.2)在表达"让步"概念时,很多考生选择使用的but,anyway,all the same,though,although等为非正式文体常用词语表达。正式文体则常使用yet,however,nevertheless,in spite of(despite),notwithstanding等词语,Informal:He tried to overcome his addiction to the Internet,but he failed.Formal:He endeavored to overcome his addiction to the Internet;however,it turned out to be a failure.3)在构成"方式状语"时,很多考生偏爱使用副词,而这正是非正式文体常用的表达方式,正式文体则常用介词和与该副词同根的词构成的介词短语:Informal:It"s very important to….Formal:It is of great importance to….4)在表达"原因"、"后果"等概念时,很多考生由于水平所限,总是使用非正式文体常用的so,because或其他形式的表示原因的从句,正式文体则常用on account of,accordingly,thus,hence,consequently,owing to(the fact that…)等词或词组,且比较经常地运用分词短语、独立主格结构等。Informal:Since computers had proliferated,many people become addicted to the Internet.Formal:Computers having proliferated,many people become addicted to the Internet.5)在构成表示"目的"的状语时,很多考生使用具有非正式文体色彩的so as to;其实,用in order that引导的目的状语从句常出现于正式文体中:Informal:We should do more out door activities so as to enrich our life.Formal:We should do more out door activities in order that our life gets enriched.
2023-07-09 21:54:404


  best表示最好的的意思,那么你知道best的反义词是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    best的反义词 :worst最差的; 最严重的; 最令人不满的; 最糟的;   词组习语:   all the best   1. 祝一切顺利,美好的祝愿(书信结尾或道别时用语)   as best one can (或 may)   1. 尽最大努力   我尽力把工作做好。   I went about my job as best I could.   at the best of times   1. 即使在最好时候   即使在最好的时候,他记性也很差。   his memory is poor at the best of times.   be best friends   1. 友好相处,亲密无间   他和埃迪是挚友。   he"s &B{best friends with} Eddie.   be for (或 all for) the best   1. (初时虽则不妙)最终结果还是理想的   best end   1. (英)(羔羊等的)颈部肋条   one"s best friend   1. 密友,挚友   the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley   1. (谚)即使是最周密详尽的计划也未必能确保成功,计划再好也未必成功   正如一切最周密详尽的计划一样,随后发生的事情使这一阴谋失败了。   in the tradition of all best-laid plans, subsequent events overturned the scheme.   the best of friends   1. 挚友   the best of three (或 five 等)   1. 三局两胜(或五局三胜等)   the best part of   1. u2026的大部分   他们十年中的大部分时间都花在这上面。   it took them the best part of 10 years.   best wishes   1. “万事如意!"(常写在信尾处,表示祝愿)   万事如意,西莉亚。   best wishes, Celia.   one"s best years   1. (一生的)黄金时光,顶峰时期   do (或 try) one"s best   1. 尽最大努力,竭尽所能   露丝竭力安慰她。   Ruth &B{did her best to} reassure her.   at its (或 someone"s) worst   1. 在最坏的情况下(在某人最糟的时候)   那时一切都不在运转,因此我觉得你看到的是我们最糟的时候。   nothing"s working at the moment, so I suppose you"ve seen us at our worst.   at worst (或 the worst)   1. 在最严重的情况下,在最坏的情况下   在最坏的情况下,伤员得在医院躺上几个月。   at worst the injury could mean months in hospital.   be one"s own worst enemy   do one"s worst   1. [挑战用语]有什么手段尽管使出来   让他们有什么手段尽管使出来吧——他永不投降。   let them do their worst—he would never surrender.   get (或 have) the worst of it   1. 遭到失败;处于最不利的境地;大吃苦头   if the worst comes to the worst   1. 如果事情坏到无可再坏,如果最坏的事发生;到一筹莫展的时候   at (the) worst   1. 在最坏的形式下:在最恶劣的环境,在最保守的估计下,在最不利的解释下   最坏的估计是暴风雨会使我们推迟行程   At worst, the storm will make us postpone the trip.   get the worst of it 或 have the worst of it   1. 遭受失败或损失   if (the) worst comes to (the) worst   1. 如果最坏的事发生   in the worst way【非正式用语】   1. 非常地;十分地   极想当选   wanted to be elected in the worst way.   best的例句:   1. The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile.   踏入未知地带最好的对策就是微笑。   2. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.   最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。   3. Some companies are cutting costs and hoping for the best.   有些公司在削减成本,希望一切好转。   4. I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend"swife.   我意识到自己在帘子后面吻着至友的妻子。   5. "All the best," called the other typists in chorus.   “祝万事如意,”其他打字员齐声喊道。   6. "Take That" are the best group in the whole world. So there.   “接招”乐队是世界上最好的组合,就是这样的。   7. He might decide that it is best to induce labour.   他也许决定最好引产。   8. His best friend was killed by police under extremely questionable circumstances.   他最好的朋友在极其可疑的情况下被警察打死了。   9. Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get.   游泳或许是现有的最佳锻炼方式。   10. I"m the best man for the job, I hope.   希望我是那份工作的最佳人选。   11. He gave one of his best knockabout performances in a long time.   他表演了很长时间,那是他最精彩的闹剧之一。   12. Adjust the aerial"s position and direction for the best reception.   调整天线的位置和方向以达到最佳接收效果。   13. A waiter mopped up the mess as best he could.   一名侍者尽力抹掉溅出的食物。   14. They"re trying their best to bring together those separated families.   他们正尽最大的努力让离散的家人重聚。   15. "Monopoly" is one of the best-selling games of all time.   “大富翁”是有史以来最畅销的游戏之一。   worst的例句:   1. The worst of the storm is yet to come.   最猛烈的暴风雨就要来了。   2. This policy, they say, is at best confused and at worst non-existent.   有人说这项政策往好里说是混乱不堪,往坏里说就是形同虚设。   3. It was absolutely the worst food I have ever had.   这绝对是我吃过的最糟糕的食物。   4. The worst part of the set-up is the poor instruction manual.   安装时最糟糕就是操作指南讲述不够清楚。   5. The worst thing is when you call friends and they"ve gone out.   最糟糕的事情是,你给朋友打电话,而他们却出去了。   6. Our motto is "Plan for the worst and hope for the best".   我们的格言是“做最坏的打算,抱最大的希望”。   7. The floods are described as the worst in nearly fifty years.   这次洪灾据说是近50年来最为严重的。   8. I always thought the worst of myself and had no confidence whatsoever.   我老是妄自菲薄,没有一点儿信心。   9. Sarajevo took one of its worst poundings in weeks.   萨拉热窝遭受了几个星期以来最严重的一次破坏。   10. The government will also name and shame the worst performing airlines.   政府还将曝光业绩最差的航空公司。   11. The New England team are the worst in the league.   新英格兰队是联盟中最差的队。   12. The doctors didn"t mince their words, and predicted the worst.   医生直言相告,并做了最坏的预测。   13. In the worst-case scenario, you could become a homeless person.   最坏的情况是你可能会无家可归。   14. I"m a natural pessimist; I usually expect the worst.   我是天生的悲观主义者。我总是做最坏的打算。   15. The worst-paid live a hand-to-mouth existence without medical or other benefits.   收入最低者过着只能勉强糊口的日子,没有医疗补助或其他福利。
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  咖啡树是生长于热带高地的小灌木,其果实呈红色或黄色,内部的果籽即我们所称的咖啡豆。目前全球约有66个国家种植咖啡豆,而其中又可分类为Arabica、Robusta、Liberica三种,Arabica即为目前最大宗的主要咖啡豆品种,产量约占80%其香味、品质均较为优秀。而Robusta因品质较差,所以多用来制成速溶咖啡。Liberica因为品质,产量少,很少被提及。咖啡特有香味,令人难以抗拒;独特的风味更是人人爱喝;现在就将主要的咖啡豆作一简略的介绍:  【蓝山咖啡(BLUEMOUNTAIN)】  是生产于牙买加蓝山海拔2500尺以上的咖啡豆,是一种微酸、柔顺、带甘、风味细腻的咖啡;纯蓝山咖啡口感、香味较淡,但喝起来却非常香醇精致;具有贵族的品味,乃咖啡中之极品。  【摩卡咖啡(MOCHA)】  目前以也门所生产的咖啡为最佳,其次为依索比亚的摩卡;摩卡咖啡带润滑中之中酸至强酸、甘性特佳、风味独特,含有巧克力的味道;具有贵妇人的气质,是极具特色的一种纯品咖啡。  【哥伦比亚咖啡(COLOMBIA)】  哥伦比亚咖啡中以SUPREMO最具特色,其咖啡柔软香醇;带微酸至中酸,其品质及香味稳定,属中度咖啡,是用以调配综合咖啡的上品。  【曼特宁咖啡(MANDELING)】  是生产于印度尼西亚,苏门答腊中最具代表性的咖啡;风味香、浓、苦,口味相当强,但柔顺不带酸,是印度尼西亚生产的咖啡中品质最好的一种咖啡。  【碳烧咖啡(CHARCALFIRE)】  是一种重度烘焙的咖啡,味道焦、苦不带酸,咖啡豆有出油的现象,极适合用于蒸气加压咖啡。  【巴西咖啡(SANTOS)】  巴西乃世界第一的咖啡生产国,所产之咖啡,香味温和、微酸、微苦,为中性咖啡之代表,是调配温和咖啡不可或缺的品种。  【肯亚咖啡(KENYAAA)】  是非洲高地栽培的代表性咖啡。AA代表其级数也就是最高级品,其咖啡豆肉质厚呈圆形,味浓质佳,通常采用浅焙。清晨起来喝一杯肯亚,具有醒脑的效用。  【夏威夷咖啡(KONAFANCY)】  属于夏威夷西部火山所栽培的咖啡,也是美国唯一生产的咖啡品种,口感较强,香味浓,带强酸,风味特殊。品质相当稳定,是前往夏威夷的观光客必购土产之一。
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