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书面表达:(英语)假如你是蓝天大酒店(Blue Sky Hotel)的一名工作人员,介绍酒店情况(60-80词) 五...

2023-07-09 18:51:36

Hello everybody,I"m a staff of Blue Sky Hotel and I"d like to introduce our Hotel for you.

Established in 1995, we are a 5-star Hotel which locates on the left if Sam"s Club, near the river.

It"s quite near to city center, only 10 minutes by bus number 5 or 20.

We have all facilities in our hotel, including TV, computer, telephone and air-conditioner. We supply hot water 24 hours a day.

If you want shopping, we have shopping center in the hotel which is very convenient for you.

Enjoying coffee in our hotel in the morning or after shopping would also be a good choice for you.

Moreover, we have swimming pool free for you.

We try our best to provide customers with best environment and service.



Hello!Everyone ,my name is Xiao ming .My work is a staff member of the blue Le Grand Large Hotel.Now let me introduce Blue Sky Hotel.Blue Sky Hotel Five Stars Hotel, built in 1995.In SAM"S CLUB to the left, near the river, 10 minutes from the downtown,take the 5 road and 20 road buses to be.Blue Sky Hotel have TV, computer, telephone room, air conditioning equipment. 24 hours hot water supply, a shopping center, coffee bar, free pool game.Welcome to live!



楼主,下面是你要的链接,已测空间可播放,同时保证速度以及音质 如满意,请到问问采纳为满意答案,谢谢!!注:wma和mp3格式都可在空间播放,如链接不能正常播放可追问我
2023-07-09 17:54:512


蓝河绵羊奶粉是新西兰原装进口高端奶粉品牌的, 蓝河绵羊奶粉的不同之处在于,blue river蓝河牧场有着天堂般纯净的自然环境和一日四季的独特气候。在这片牧场上,布鲁威尔Blue River拥有专属的4万只东弗里斯奶绵羊,而在不断改良中,造就出世界上产奶性能最好的品种。专属牧场也严格遵守新西兰政府资源管理法,在养殖方式、动物道德规范及员工健康与安全等方面树立尖端标准,为确保牧草天然纯净不使用任何杀虫剂。被科学界誉为“生命之水”的雪山水是布鲁威尔Blue River牧场绵羊专享饮用水。喝雪山水、吃天然牧草的布鲁威尔Blue River绵羊在一日四季的气候锤炼下拥有极强的抵御病毒能力,其生产的奶中富含更多免疫蛋白质。稀缺的资源、独特的出产环境、顶尖的生产工艺……每一滴Blue River绵羊奶的每个生产环节都凝聚品质,彰显珍贵。  所以蓝河绵羊奶粉与传统的山羊奶粉是有所不同的,从绵羊身上提取乳液,保证了羊乳更加纯粹,营养更加充分,大多数家长都会争相购买。
2023-07-09 17:54:592


2023-07-09 17:55:051

一种洋酒,酒瓶上写着Blue River 还有SHIRAZ

2023-07-09 17:55:175


2023-07-09 17:55:361

请问这酒是干红葡萄酒吗?价格多少? 干红和葡萄酒的区别是什么

澳洲红酒 卡拉布里亚家族酒业 蓝河(灰标)BIN398 赤霞珠西拉红葡萄酒 BLUERIVER BIN398 CABEMETSHIRAZ两瓶装价格516酒精度:14.5%Alc/Vol 净含量:750ml 类 型:干 红 产 区:瑞沃纳 色 泽:深宝石红 葡萄品种:赤霞珠、色拉子 请开瓶倒出醒酒30分钟后饮用为佳
2023-07-09 17:56:271


2023-07-09 17:56:351


2023-07-09 17:56:454


ROS好ROS的前身是斯坦福人工智能实验室为了支持STAIR(斯坦福大学人工智能机器人项目)而建立的交换庭(Switchyard)项目。要了解ROS的发展历程,则要从2007年开始谈起。当时,Morgan Quigley,Eric Berger和Andrew Ng发布了一纸有关STAIR的论文,该文件讲述的就是用Switchyard可以在各软件程序之间传递信息,进而帮助机器人有效的完成一些复杂的任务。起初,这个项目是斯坦福大学和机器人技术公司Willow Garage的个人机器人项目(Personal Robots Program)合作进行的,2008年后完全由这家公司推广。到2009年,相关文件提到Switchyard可以让机器人编译模块化,而且不需要重新设计框架,ROS操作系统也就随之问世了。2012年,ROS团队从Willow Garage独立出来,并且成立了一个非盈利组织(OSRF)。经过这几年的发展,ROS从最初的无人问津的小众操作系统,到现在已是主流的机器人操作系统之一。
2023-07-09 17:57:152


Beautiful sceneryDuring the summer vacation,my mother took me to the south of the Yangtze River tourism.The good,the beautiful scenery,I still can not forget.One morning,I watch the sunrise on the Bank of the river,that river deep blue is blue eyes.Not for a moment,Water-day phase transfer line of golden light,the sky aglow.Clouds are red.The sky,the sun seems to carry the burden of a longitudinal vertical upward,finally out of water,with a dazzling light,to open her eyes.At this time,as long as we raised his head can see the birds in the sky fly.Riverside flowers also seems to be in the sun with the bright colors:orange,red,pink,purple·· · · · ·they were open to us smiling.At this time,the golden Canna will water bearing on the blue river lining up,looks so sweet and charming,is really indulge in pleasures without stop.Look at it from a distance,like a blue ribbon.The scenery is so beautiful,so an indulge in pleasures without stop!江南美景暑假里,妈妈带我去江南旅游.江南可美啦,那美丽的风景至今我还无法忘记.一天早晨,我在江边观看日出,当时江水深蓝色好是蓝蓝的 眸子.不到一会,水天相接的交接线出现了金色的亮光,天空一片通红.白云也被染红了.天边,太阳好像负着重担似的一纵一纵往上升,最后终于跳出水面,射出一道道刺眼的光芒,使人睁不开眼睛.此时,只要我们抬起头就可以看见雁群在天上自由的飞.江边的鲜花似乎也被太阳染上了鲜艳的色彩:橘黄的、红的、粉红的、紫红的······它们竟相开放向我们露出灿烂的笑容.这时,那金黄的美人蕉将的江水承托起蓝蓝的江水衬托起,显得那么甜静迷人,真令人流连忘返.从远处看它,好似一条蓝蓝的绸带.江南景色是那么美,那么令人流连忘返!
2023-07-09 17:57:241


black sheep 害群之马
2023-07-09 17:57:333


小米扫地机连不上wifi解决方法:将手机连接wifi(不要使用5G网络),等待网络连接成功对号出现手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi登录小米智能家庭(米家)。 App可以通过手机扫描说明书上的二维码下载,或直接登录App Store搜索 “米家” App下载。如无小米账号可先注册或直接使用微信登陆手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi切换到“我的设备”页签,点击右上角的加号添加设备;选择“米家扫地机器人”;勾选“蓝灯闪烁中”,点击下一步;手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi提示输入wifi用户名密码,点击下一步。请注意正确输入WIFI密码手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi提示将手机连接到机器人;在“设置-》无限局域网”中选择机器人(以rockrobo-vacuum开始);待连接机器人成功(出现对勾)后,切回到米家APP,将开始和机器进行连接;手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi连接成功后提示修改备注名、开始体验;修改名称后点击“开始体验”,APP将开始下载扫地机器人插件;下载完成后自动进入扫地机器人使用引导界面;手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi最后一个引导页点击“立即体验”,进入机器人主界面;点击“同意并继续”后,就可以正常的使用APP。手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi手机如何连接小米扫地机器人_小米扫地机器人怎么连wifi小米扫地机器人怎么连接wifi1,重置过N次扫地机器人的WiFi;2,重启过手机;3,关过手机,再打开;4,关闭过小米路由器,再重新打开;5,小米路由器名称是字母和下划线;6,修改路由器名称只有字母;7,重新安装米家APP;8,将扫地机器人关机再开机;9,升级米家APP。
2023-07-09 17:57:412


不对。应该改为:The river is blue.
2023-07-09 17:57:471


Give me your e-mail address. I will send you the torrents.
2023-07-09 17:57:584


1,黯 =黑 2,赫 =赤色和火红色 3,黛 本义是“青黑色的颜料后来泛指“青黑色 4,黑 5,红 6,绯 =红色,深红色 7,赤 =红色 8,朱 =朱色,大红色 9,丹 =红色,赤色 10,蓝 用来表示蓝色的形容词是“青”。“蓝”表示颜色是后起义,指“暗蓝色 11,绿 12,白 13,黄 14,褐= 黄黑色 15,灰 16,绛(绛)=深红色 17,紫 18,彤 =朱红色 19,青 蓝色后也用来指“深绿色 20,碧 =青绿色 21,苍 本义是“草色 后引申为“深绿色”或“深蓝色” 还有其他说法 蓝=蓼 黑=缁 白=素 青=靛 紫红=绛 深褐=赭 幽 =黑 玄=黑色 霓=浅红
2023-07-09 17:58:0810


2023-07-09 17:58:494


《四大文明》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:tpvz《四大文明》导演: Serge Tignères、Katsuhiro Inoue主演: 森田美由纪类型: 纪录片制片国家/地区: 日本语言: 英语上映日期: 2001集数: 5片长: 59分钟又名: Civilisations、古代四大文明、文明China - The Soul of the Dragon The Wild Dragon"s Heritage. The story begins more than 1,500 years before our current era on the banks of the Hwang Ho - or Yellow River and the Yang Tse Kiang or Blue River, whose formidable power has been feared and respected by men through the ages. To control them, the renowned emperor Quinshihuangdi, today regarded as the first man to unify the great land of China, installed highly sophisticated irrigation systems and dissuaded his people from resorting to prayers and rituals in their attempt to combat the rivers" demons. The discovery of Quinshihuangdi"s tomb in 1974 revealed that this savior of a land subjected to the mighty rivers" whim was held in unbounded reverence: 8,000 individually crafted terracotta warriors stand guard over their king for eternity. Egypt - The Way of Eternity A Journey in the Nile Valley. For 3,000 years, from the construction of the first pyramid until the death of Cleopatra, Egypt was a land of prosperity; largely thanks to the River Nile. What is the story of the development of this impressive civilisation and its relationship with its principal source of life? How did the river valley evolve during Antiquity? Why did the Egyptians never fight against nature, preferring to draw their own life-force from its natural power? And what remains today of the riches and wealth that nature has offered to Egypt? Shaped and fashioned by the hand of man in his pursuit of modernity, against all odds, the Nile has finally been tamed. The Indus - The Masters of the River A Silent Civilisation. One of the most mysterious of these four civilisations is no doubt that which developed around the Indus, discovered only in 1920. Considered to be one of the world"s most powerful rivers, the Indus has a flow rate twice as high as the Nile, and three times that of the Tigris and the Euphrates. Its geographical course enabled extensive communication to be developed and, at the same time, the rise of a prosperous civilisation, the Harappeans.What was the story of this recently discovered civilisation, and how can we explain its decline? Mesopotamia - The Gardens of Babel The Conquest of Two Rivers. Mesopotamia, or the country between two rivers, is the oldest civilisation to have flourished at the confluence of two rivers: the Tigris and the Euphrates. The Mesopotamians included various peoples, the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Akkadians, who coexisted and succeeded one another, mixing and inter-relating in a Near East with a wide range of racial facets. These different peoples, who once lived along the banks of the two rivers, have left behind an archaeological heritage of inestimable value. How did they flourish in such a hostile environment? Where did their wealth come from? And how did this perfectly structured civilisation finally fade and disappear for ever?
2023-07-09 17:59:081

blue energy什么意思

blue energy 蓝色能量
2023-07-09 17:59:232

求Cara Dillon的blue mountain river中文歌词!

2023-07-09 17:59:314


这把断尺,直到永远……“花,静静地绽放,在我忽然想你的夜里.多想靠近你,告诉你,我心里多么地爱你;你,静静地离去,在我忽然爱你的夜里.多想抱紧你……把爱全给了我,把世界给了我,从此不知你心中苦与乐,多想靠近你,告诉你,我一直都懂你……” 多年前,当青年歌手满文军用富于磁性的歌喉深情款款地演唱《懂你》这首歌时,我一直以为是一首没什么新意的爱情歌曲,歌词直白无味,只是旋律尚温婉深情,有一定的可听可唱之处.然而,当看到《懂你》的M
2023-07-09 17:59:392

求几首好听的纯音乐 要那种有 *** 的,最好以钢琴曲为主的混合音

求几首好听的纯音乐 要那种有 *** 的,最好以钢琴曲为主的混合音 snow dreams 爱的纪念 爱的协奏曲 卡农 梦中的婚礼 秋日的私语 水边阿狄丽娜 思乡曲 致爱丽丝 求几首好听的纯音乐最好钢琴曲谢谢 我知道的有理查德克莱德曼的 梦中的婚礼 水边的阿狄丽娜 秋日私语 星空 雨中漫步秋日私语 另外梁祝也有钢琴版的 听起来别有一番味道哦 希望采纳 求几首好听的纯音乐(最好以钢琴为主。不是也行) 你(演奏曲) 雅尼-和兰花在一起 A Princess Of Goguryeo love is blue Classicriver concerto pour deux voix 双童声协奏曲 daylight of the evening enya - only time luna - the daydream luv - letter - 妲己 remember - 白日梦 River_Flows_In_You the sounds of silence 寂静之音 き乃はち 日本尺八 一滴 悲哀悠扬 你看你看月亮的脸 小提琴 俄 斯维特拉娜 天使消逝的地方 再见警察 goodbye 冯曦妤 - flow 千与千寻 片尾曲纯音乐口琴版 卡农钢琴曲 吉田亚纪子 - 风潮 夕阳山顶 电影黄河绝恋中优美的小提琴主题曲 天亮前说晚安 天之痕钢琴曲 天空之城 吟唱版 天空之城陶笛 孤星独吟 洞箫 小提琴的旋律 小提琴演绎的卡农变奏曲 川井郁子 - 小提琴 - 圣哉经 川井郁子 - 小提琴 - 红色迷情 志仓千代丸 usual place 志仓千代丸 リプレイマシン 林海 - 流动的城市 林海 琵琶语 殇 倩女幽魂大提琴配乐 雨碎江南 流光 music box ver 浪客剑心 departure 浪漫满屋 诗 instrumental 玛奇朵漂浮 班得瑞 - 初雪 班得瑞 - 神秘园追梦人 班得瑞 - 迷雾森林 - 清晨 班得瑞专辑 班德瑞专辑之大自然情诗 雪之梦 班得瑞 - endless horizon - 无垠水平线 班得瑞 lauren 班得瑞 梦河 river of dreams 班得瑞 - 童年 班得瑞 巴格达之星 理查德克莱德曼 - 水边的阿狄丽娜 理查德克莱德曼 - 秋日私语 破碎的记忆 秘密的庭院 纯音 あの日の川へ 纯音乐 - dance to the death 纯音乐 - 习惯假装 纯音乐 - 回忆如梦 纯音乐 - 夏日香气 纯音乐 - 琵琶语 钢琴曲 爱之梦 给母亲的信 lettre a ma mere 菊次郎的夏天 轻音乐 月光边境 钢琴曲 远处的星光 starlight afar 遥远的旅途 配乐 没人知道的秘密 钢琴曲 - 乡愁 鸟之诗 八音盒版 绿钢琴 夜的钢琴曲5 秒速 5厘米 end theme 马克西姆 - still water 马克西姆 - 开启心门 肖邦第一号钢琴协奏曲 门德尔松 - 威尼斯船歌 辛德勒的名单 都是我辛辛苦苦手打的。。。 里面的歌有些不符合你的要求,比如enya的歌,属于新世纪音乐。顺便介绍给你了,希望你喜欢 这些歌都是我mp3里删不掉的~~千万别错过 求最好听的纯音乐、钢琴曲。 tears (眼泪) song from a secret garden (神秘园) 1945那年 (海角七号主题曲) kiss the rain (雨的印记,夏日香气主题曲) 克莱德曼的一些曲子,比如: 水边的阿蒂丽娜 童年的回忆 梦中的婚礼 秋的私语 … 还有一个英国民歌:绿袖子 (很悲伤,很好听) 我觉得以上的都不错,希望可以帮到你 好听的英文歌,温柔的, *** 的,或者好听的纯音乐(钢琴曲) *** :i really like you 温柔:apologize 纯音乐:卡农钢琴曲 给几首好听的纯音乐和钢琴曲. 初雪 薰衣草 秋日私语 如果你现在离开我 寂静山林 蓝色天际 夜间巴塞罗那 雨后 蓝色珊瑚 爱之曲 好听的纯音乐钢琴曲 Pianoboy - Annabelle Luv Letter 非主流歌曲 - River Flows In You 我等候你 夜的钢琴曲五 Flower Dance - Musie Kevin Kern - Sundial Dreams Lost My Pieces - 龙与虎配乐 还有 理查德克莱德曼的钢琴曲都很好听,例如《星空》《海边的祈祷》《秋日私语》《柔如彩虹》《Ballade Pour Adeline》等 班得瑞的钢琴曲也很好听,如《雨的印记》《蓝色天际》《童年》《初雪》等 我觉得这些都很符合你的要求~~ 打字不易,如满意,望采纳。 《命起涟漪》-------- 仙剑5 《亡灵序曲 》 《一个人的浪漫》---俞灏明 《夜的钢琴曲》 《下一站幸福》 《The Truth That You Leave》 《羽根》-----动漫原声 《睡莲 》 《安妮的仙境》 -----班得瑞 《雪之梦》 -----班得瑞 《秋日私语》 -----班得瑞 《春野》 -----班得瑞 《星空》 -----班得瑞 《初雪》 -----班得瑞 《水边的阿狄丽娜》 -----班得瑞 《月光》 -----班得瑞 《梦中的婚礼》 -----班得瑞 《假如爱有天意》 -------------卡洛儿 《何茫然》 -------------卡洛儿 《海神》 《卡农》 《欢沁》 纯音乐 - 《西厢词》古筝独奏 纯音乐 - 《平湖秋月》古筝独奏 游戏音乐 - 《蝶恋》复刻LIVE版. 纯音乐 - 《夜曲》 久石让 - 《天空之城》 网路歌手 - 《忧伤还是快乐》 邵容 - 《竹舞》 纯音乐 - 《故乡的原风景》 《Luv Letter》 《Dance to the Death 》 《织梦行云》--------仙剑 《峨眉金顶》-----蜀山online 《天之痕》 《仙剑问情》 《雨的印记》 《琵琶语 》 《穿越》 ----墨明棋妙 《云飘尘缈》 ----墨明棋妙 《清明上河笑》 ----墨明棋妙 《皓水莫负》 ----墨明棋妙 《天劫》-------音讯怪物 求各种好听的纯音乐钢琴曲 石进:夜的钢琴曲3、夜的钢琴曲5这一个系列、街道的寂寞……久石让:天空之城、风之甬道、Summer、Always with me、Spirited Away、Hatsokoi……全素妍:Smile,Smile,Smile、Snow Flower、海鸥的梦、你好,我的蓝色海豚……还有My Soul、TheTruth That You Leave、Tears、亡灵序曲、Do You?、Kiss The Rain、From Silence、Children Of The Earth、Turning、Stepping on the Rain Street、Valentine"s Day(张一益的)雪之梦……还有就是V.K克的,比如镜夜、花水月、小星星幻想曲……等等的,你可以直接搜他的专辑《爱·无限》,在QQ音乐上搜歌手就行~~ 满意请采纳。
2023-07-09 17:59:451

谁可以告诉我 blake sheltno《Red River Blue》中文歌词 谢谢

Red River Blue红河变蓝blake sheltnoOn the Oklahoma shore of that old red river在俄克拉何马州那条古老的红河岸边I stand right here and curse my pride.我站在这里,诅咒自己的骄傲That river runs deep这河水很深The current is strong 水流很强And the woman I love is on the other side.我爱的人在河的另一边How did the love we made together 如何让我们的爱在一起Break apart and drift away 分裂和漂移Leave me lost and lonely留下我迷失自我感到孤独On this crimson bank 在这深红色的岸边Red River Blue红河变蓝God pull me through 上帝把我彻底推出I"d walk through fire if that bridge hadn"t burned in two 如果这座桥没有烧成两段,我宁可穿越火焰Texas summer sky 德克萨斯夏日的星空Tears in my eyes我的泪水在眼中打转She said goodbye and now I"m red river blue 她对我说再见 而现在我的一腔热情就像红河水变蓝They say everything is bigger 人们说所有的事情都要比这事重要Under that Texas moon 可是在那天德克萨斯的月光下I"ll bet my right hand you wont find a bigger fool 我打赌我恰当的求婚将不会让这事变得很傻(注:我也是才发现hand有允婚求婚的意思啊,呵呵)She"s probably smiling somewhere tonight今晚她可能在什么地方微笑In someone elses arms在其他什么人的怀抱中I"m here dragging the muddy bottom而我在这里打捞着泥泞的河底For pieces of my heart 寻找我破碎的心Red River Blue红河变蓝God pull me through上帝把我彻底推出 I"d walk through fire if that bridge hadn"t burned in two如果这座桥没有烧成两段,我宁可穿越火焰Texas summer sky德克萨斯夏日的星空Tears in my eyes我的泪水在眼中打转She said goodbye and now I"m red river blue 她说再见,我像红河水变蓝She said goodbye and now I"m red river blue她说再见,我像红河水变蓝希望你能喜欢~
2023-07-09 17:59:531

歌词里面大概有wu la la wu la wu la lei,感觉像是动漫歌曲,女声,不是洗澡歌,从朋友的来电铃声听到的。

我也在找这首歌 好可爱的。一直没有找到
2023-07-09 18:00:017


we are the world.
2023-07-09 18:00:164

Dog River Blues 歌词

歌曲名:Dog River Blues歌手:Alan Jackson专辑:Original Album ClassicsWell I first kissed you on a hollow logDown by the river they call the DogWe fell in love and we wowed that dayLike the flow of the river our love won"t changeWell we married that spring and we built a houseOn the bank of the river where the rock juts outNow the river"s still here but you"re long goneYou left me and the river here all aloneI got the Dog river bluesI"ve walked holes in both my shoesNow I still got the river but I ain"t got youI got the Dog river bluesWell the rain came down and the river rose upFilled up the cab on my pickup truckIt came in the house and down the hallAnd washed your picture right off the wallI got the Dog river bluesI"ve walked holes in both my shoesNow I still got the river but I ain"t got youI got the Dog river bluesWell my heart still yearns and the river still rollsAnd I pray someday it"ll bring you homeSo if you change your mind honey I"ll be hereWaiting on the banks of that ol" Dog RiverI got the Dog river bluesI"ve walked holes in both my shoesNow I still got the river but I ain"t got youI got the Dog river blues
2023-07-09 18:01:371


犯贱 徐良的
2023-07-09 18:01:4614


Recalled Chiangnan" Chiangnan is good, the scenery old once knew by heart.The sunrise river Chinese pear-leaf crabapple victory fire, spring comes the river duck like blue.Can not recall Chiangnan? Chiangnan recalled that, most recalled is Hangzhou.Shan Si middle of the month seeks the cassia bud, on the county pavilion pillow looks at the wave crest.What day re-visits? Chiangnan recalled that, next recalls Wu Gong.Wu Jiu cup of spring bamboo leaves, the woman from the wu region double dance is drunk the cotton rose.Sooner or later will turn round meets by chance?
2023-07-09 18:02:135


apologize glay的our song taylor swift的
2023-07-09 18:03:3510


不但知道,而且挚爱。是我最喜欢的电影之一片子的风景美的没有话说,当然男主角也美的没话说。整部影片是诺曼的回忆,所以总有一丝谈谈感伤罗伯特雷德福导演,brad pit主演,当年曾获奥斯卡最佳电影提名,可惜未获选,为此我至今不服。。。。。。。强烈推荐,也有翻译成大河奔流的,可以下载来看看
2023-07-09 18:03:572


2023-07-09 18:04:067


满满正能量的60首励志歌曲   导语:当我们想从紧张的复习或者是忙碌的工作中透口气的时候,可是又没有那么多时间怎么办呢?这时候,一首励志歌曲肯定能让你感到畅快淋漓!以下是我整理的60首励志歌曲,快挑几首带走吧!   1I believe I can fly 励志歌曲,看歌词就知道了.   2 i could be the one 轻松的歌.   3 season in the sun 欧美毕业时必唱歌曲!   4 i lay my love on you   5 say something anyway .吐血推荐.   6 when i dream at night.初听即爱.   7 tonight i feel close to you 孙燕姿与仓本麻衣的黄金搭档.   8《Robinson》----spitz 麒麟午后红茶.   9 Under Southern Skies 好听的奥运歌曲!   10 What If Lene Marlin 鲜为人知的好歌!   11《I Cry》--------有里知花(本音乐为2005年夏威夷外文歌排行第一名)   12 圣婴降临 很悠远的同声,如同仙境.   13《返朴归真》--------英格玛(这首音乐带有浓厚的大自然最原始的色彩、此曲为著名电视节目“Discovery”的主题曲)   14 if you come to me 偶然听到的,感觉不错.   15 sorry for the stupid things 酒吧音乐   16 shape of my heart <<这个杀手不太冷>>片尾曲   17 fields of gold 还是STING的一首歌.   18 gilr crazy 奥林巴斯广告曲目   19 tell me why 英国天才13岁歌手   20 night prayer 第一次听还以为是舞动精灵的歌.这首也很有特点.   21 lose without you 听到没感觉的歌   22 i want it that way 老歌   23 the day you went away M2M   24 don"t mess with my love 同上   25 Break!Go!_Da Pump 篮球音乐   26 Say It Isnu2019t So - Gareth Gates   27 Baby One More Time 小甜甜比较能听的歌   28 thank you . 慵懒的DIDO   29 Drowning 后街早期经典之作,相信大家都听过.   30 What I Want Is What Ive Got 又见西城   31 She"s Like the Swallow Cara Dilion圣洁纯净的`声音   32 Blue Mountain River Cara Dilion   33 Down By The Salley Garden 很多歌曲都采用这首背景音乐   34 Open Your Eyes To Love 鲜为人知的好歌   35 Salade De Fruits 好象是法语   36 i"d rather dance with you   37 Deeper And Deeper 激越的鼓点   38 Annett Louisan - Das Spiel   39 Above All   40 stand Jewel 雪花飘的英文版   41 a place nearby 天籁之音!   42 lark in the clear air .爱尔兰女歌手卡尔迪龙清澈女声.   43 a thousand miles 钢琴伴奏很好听.   44 it"s only the fairly tale. 很美的童声   45 luka   46 love will keep us alive   47 forever young 童年美好的回忆在MELODY中再次重现,很清,很美.   48 like a rose 男生对女生纯纯的告白.   49 Hey Juliet .虽然是一支广告歌,却也不比其他的歌逊色,很动感的音乐.会不由自主的舞动起来.   50 always getting over your 两个MM激情演绎的,好听!   51 get the party started 朋克中的一首好听的歌,虽然很多人对朋克有许多偏见,但好的歌曲是不容质疑的,音乐可以包容一切,包括人们浮躁的心.   52 小红梅有很多经典歌曲,偶还喜欢她的Animal Instinct .   53 i knew i loved you 澳洲组合野人花园为数不多的好歌之一.   54 To Stay 再介绍一首抒情的歌,高潮在后面,要耐心等待.   55 Lonely NANA出身于非洲加纳,家庭1有。儿时破碎的家庭、压抑的环境对其作品产生了深刻的影响。这首LONELY是她最有名的作品,也是最感人的作品之一。在这首歌曲中,爱情的失败,世事的无奈,人与人之间的勾心斗角,都被他赤裸裸的展露在你面前。动情处的伤心呐喊,颓废时的无奈低吟,节奏布鲁斯,跳舞音乐,HIP HOP结合的天衣无缝。   56 all "bout the money 非主流音乐,加拿大女歌手MEJA   57 until the time through .曾被评定为欧美十大抒情歌曲之一.   58 one better 偶就听过AC 这一首,感觉还不错.   59 Unforgiveable Sinner 被誉为天籁女歌手的lene marlin 的一首快歌.   60 Wake Me Up When September Ends 绿日乐队近来风头正劲,推荐他们的一首老歌吧,很有味道. ;
2023-07-09 18:04:191


1. 描写景色的英语作文 带翻译 英:Do not know how long the effect, as if the fight was a nervous gradually revealing the known, the field from its broad chest in long plume from the atmosphere on the slopes and there is water ongenerally spread at the Qingming, round trees and crops have begun to sway in the breeze, the leaves bee calm and. Dew back in the early morning and evening wetting the ridge, quietly put up the field. Lu Lan also came upquietly afloat, no longer go back to the valley. Although the sun is still bright, but the pain is no longer the backbone of Sunburn people bee, Kiyosumi, as if it was weak, and can not be distilled into a field, it is the field of reconciliation and the like; 。 。 Autumn is here! 中:不知道从多久起,仿佛一场紧张的拼搏终于渐渐地透出了分晓,田野从它宽阔的胸膛里透过来一缕悠悠的气息,斜坡上和坝子上有如水一般的清明在散开,四下里的树木和庄稼也开始在微风里摇曳,树叶变得从容而宽余。露水回来了,在清晨和傍晚润湿了田埂,悄悄地挂上田间。露岚也来到了坝子上,静静地浮着,不再回到山谷里去。阳光虽然依旧明亮,却不再痛炙人的脊梁,变得宽怀、清澄,仿佛它终于乏力了,不能蒸融田野了,也就和田野和解了似的;……秋天来了! 2. 英文作文写景的怎样写 Summer 浪漫夏日 Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the o most beautiful words. 夏日的下午-喜爱日的下午;对我来说,这几个字一直是英语语言中最美丽的两个字。 Summer is the glorious time of the year when most of us can put on our shorts and short-sleeved shirts and actually feel the air and sunlight on our skin; when we don"t have to turn up the heat in the morning when we get up;but also when we lay hot and sweaty in bed, unable to sleep at times (those of us who don"t have air conditioning, anyway);when we get the sunburn and the heatstroke and all those wonderful things. 浪漫夏季,这是一年中最灿烂的季节,我们可以穿上短裤,短袖衬衣,尽情地感受着夏日的空气以及播撒在皮肤上的阳光;我们不必要在清晨起床后就去打开暖气;当然我们也会满身是汗,燥热地躺在床上,而无法入眠(那些没有空调设施的人们);有了一身夏日晒斑,中了暑,这一切都是我们经历着夏日的美妙事情。 Summer is a sailor in a rowboat and ice-cream on your dress when you"re four years old.Summer is a man with his coat off, wet sand beeen your toes, the *** ell of a garden an hour before moonrise.Summer is silk itself,a giant geranium and music from a flute far awary! 夏日是一叶小舟上的船夫,是你四岁时不小心沾在裙子上的冰淇琳。夏日是 *** 着上身的男人,是浸入你脚趾间的湿漉漉的沙子,夏日还是朝阳初升前一小时的那花园里的清香味。夏日就是那丝绸段,那盛开的天竺葵,以及从远方飘来的悠悠长笛声! No matter how we see it, summer has a magic that we can"t deny—all four seasons do. Here to those who have addressed that magic:enjoy your summer! 不管我们如何看待它,夏季总有着那么一种我们无法否认的魔力—每个季节独有的魔力。谨以此节目献给那些演绎着夏日 *** 魔力的人们:请尽情享受你们的夏日乐趣! 3. 求一篇关于写乡村美景的英语作文 Last summer vacation, my parents asked me where I wanted to travel. I answered, since I had not see my grandfather and grandmother for long time, how about to see them. My parents *** iled and nodded with admiring. My grandpa and grandma live in a mountain village. After three hours on the coach, we reached a hill entry. When I get off the coach, I saw a familiar figure, my uncle. Beside him, there was a cow carriage. My uncle told us that he followed my grandpa and 4. 英语作文60字写乡下的美景带翻译 last summer vacation, my parents asked me where i wanted to travel. i answered, since i had not see my grandfather and grandmother for long time, how about to see them. my parents *** iled and nodded with admiring. my grandpa and grandma live in a mountain village. after three hours on the coach, we reached a hill entry. when i get off the coach, i saw a familiar figure, my uncle. beside him, there was a cow carriage. my uncle told us that he followed my grandpa and 5. 写南通美景的英语作文 Wele to my hometown!Shanghai is my hometown.It is a modern and busy town.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go shopping.You can see big trees and nice flowers.There are many restaurants in Shanghai.The food tastes very delicious.You can enjoy eyery minutes of it.Many visitors e here to enjoy it。 6. 描写一个地方的景色英语作文 (带翻译) Beautiful sceneryDuring the summer vacation, my mother took me to the south of the Yangtze River touri *** .The good, the beautiful scenery, I still can not fet.One morning, I watch the sunrise on the Bank of the river, that river deep blue is blue eyes. Not for a moment, Water-day phase transfer line of golden light, the sky aglow. Clouds are red.The sky, the sun seems to carry the burden of a longitudinal vertical upward, finally out of water, with a dazzling light, to open her eyes. At this time, as long as we raised his head can see the birds in the sky fly.Riverside flowers also seems to be in the sun with the bright colors: orange, red, pink, purple·· · · · ·they were open to us *** iling.At this time, the golden Canna will water bearing on the blue river lining up, looks so sweet and charming, is really indulge in pleasures without stop. Look at it from a distance, like a blue ribbon.The scenery is so beautiful, so an indulge in pleasures without stop! 江南美景 暑假里,妈妈带我去江南旅游。 江南可美啦,那美丽的风景至今我还无法忘记。 一天早晨,我在江边观看日出,当时江水深蓝色好是蓝蓝的 眸子。不到一会,水天相接的交接线出现了金色的亮光,天空一片通红。白云也被染红了。 天边,太阳好像负着重担似的一纵一纵往上升,最后终于跳出水面,射出一道道刺眼的光芒,使人睁不开眼睛。此时,只要我们抬起头就可以看见雁群在天上自由的飞。 江边的鲜花似乎也被太阳染上了鲜艳的色彩:橘黄的、红的、粉红的、紫红的······它们竟相开放向我们露出灿烂的笑容。 这时,那金黄的美人蕉将的江水承托起蓝蓝的江水衬托起,显得那么甜静迷人,真令人流连忘返。从远处看它,好似一条蓝蓝的绸带。 江南景色是那么美,那么令人流连忘返! 7. 写丽水的美景英语作文 My hometown is the Zhejiang Lishui, is a very beautiful city,throughout the year as beautiful as a painting. Spring, on themountain the bird sounds, the hundred flowers open, the sunlightscatters down from the leaf beeen, according to on the place, treebeeen on the forest also has each kind of bird. In the autumn, thehometown also has very many delicacies the fruit, I love hometownLishui.。 8. 写景的英语作文 Autumn of Beijing (北京的秋天:) Beijing in Autumn is more beautiful than other seasons. Red leaves in Xiang Moutain, the Great Wall,the Summer Place and so on . Actually Autumn is not the best time since the temperature is still too high. And the real time that red leaves full fille the Fragrant Hill (xiang shan should be translated in this way) is in October, around the golden week on October 1st. the symbol of Beijing as well as of China; Tiananmen Square, the largest city square in the world; the former Imperial Palace (the "Forbidden City"), the largest and best-preserved ancient architectural plex in the world; and the Great Wall at Badaling, one of the "seven wonders of the world." Of these, the former Imperial Palace, the Great Wall, the site of Peking Man at Zhoukoudian, the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven are on the UNESCO World Cultural I live in Chineae Shandong AProvince,I love my hometown very much. 我住在 中国 山东 省 ,我非常爱我的家乡. Shandong is a beautiful local.Here,in spring birdie clustering,fragrance of a flower are cheerful person,is 山东 是一个美丽的地方.这里,在 春天 小鸟 成群 ,花香怡人 ,美 extremely beautiful;Cicada sound is in summer extremely rise from all directions,boisterous;The fallen 丽极了 ;夏天蝉声四起 ,热闹极了 .秋天, leaf flies about in profution in autumn,big and ripe fruits is heaps of,the peasant city finishes getting good 落叶纷飞 ,硕果累累 ,农民都会得到好丰收 harvest;White snow is pure white in einter,a silvery world,is very beautiful.Come my homgtown to be a ;冬天白雪皑皑 ,一片银白色的世界,非常美丽 .欢迎大家来我的家乡做客. guest on weling everybody. 按照你的水平写的,你也就这水平了,能写出这也不错了.我没学过写景作文,你将就着看
2023-07-09 18:04:441

Red River Blue 歌词

歌曲名:Red River Blue歌手:Blake Shelton专辑:Red River Blue (Deluxe Version)Blake Shelton - Red River BlueOn the Oklahoma shore of that old red riverI stand right here and curse my pride.That river runs deepThat current is strongAnd the woman I love is on the other side.How did the love we made togetherBreak apart and drift awayLeave me lost and lonelyOn this crimson bankRed River BlueGod pull me throughI"d walk through fire if that bridge hadn"t burned in twoTexoma skyTears in my eyesShe said goodbye and now I"m red river blueThey say everything is biggerUnder that Texas moonI"ll bet my right hand you won"t find a bigger foolShe"s probably smiling somewhere tonightIn someone else"s armsI"m here dragging the muddy bottomFor pieces of my heartRed River BlueGod pull me throughI"d walk through fire if that bridge hadn"t burned in twoTexoma skyTears in my eyesShe said goodbye and now I"m red river blueShe said goodbye and now I"m red river blue
2023-07-09 18:04:511

Blue Moutain River--Cara Dillon 下载地址。
2023-07-09 18:04:592


Charlie Puth - river流派:pop风格:pop, blue-eyed soul, singer-songwriterbigbang - fxxk it流派:rap/ hiphop风格:pop rap, rap/hip-hop dancebigbang - loser流派:rap/ hiphop风格: rap/hip-hop dance, urbanbigbang - cafe流派:dance风格:10"danceGD X TAEYANG - GOOD BOY流派:rap/ hiphop风格:pop rap, rap/hip-hop dance
2023-07-09 18:05:071

River Dogs的《Baby Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Blue歌手:River Dogs专辑:RiverdogsShe looked so much like a ladyBut she was so much like a childA devil when she held me closeAn angel when she smiledShe always held it deep insideBut somehow I always knewShe"d go away when the grass turned greenAnd the sky turned baby blueBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesLike a breath of spring she came and leftAnd I still don"t know whySo, here"s to you and whoeverHolds my baby blue tonightShe brought color to my lifeThat my eyes have never touchedWhen she taught me how to careI"ve never cared so muchI try not to think of herBut I fall asleep and doAnd go away where the grass turns greenAnd the sky is baby blueBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesLike a breath of spring she came and leftAnd I still don"t know whySo, here"s to you and whoeverHolds my baby blue tonightBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesLike a breath of spring she came and leftAnd I still don"t know whySo, here"s to you and whoeverHolds my baby blue tonightBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skiesBaby blueWas the color of her eyesBaby blueLike the Colorado skies
2023-07-09 18:05:151


≯⒈ addicted无论听了多少多少遍、这首歌依然是令无法摆脱掉的喜爱,这歌是Avril Lavigne的创作,我想也融入了不少个人的体会.It"s like the only company I seek is misery all around (你就像是我唯一追寻的那个人却尽是痛) It"s like you"re a leach(你就象一个过滤器)Sucking the life from me(从我这里吮吸着生命) It"s like I can"t breathe(好像我已无法呼吸) Without you inside of me(没有你在我心里面)≯⒉ Ninna Nanna 义大利女歌手,带点抒情和浪漫旳情调。应该算昰一首很火旳歌。无论昰从曲调还昰感觉来说,都能排上数一数二旳经典歌曲。Mariangela清爽,明朗旳声音。≯⒊ please sister 女主唱Nina Persson嗓音清新甜美,将歌曲演绎得婉转动人,俏皮可爱。那种细巧旳小女人情怀,虽然并不昰令人非常旳受落,但单凭听觉享受,仍然十分悦耳趣致。充满一阵阵旳浪漫情怀。≯⒋ she is <我的名字叫金三顺>中的主题歌,也许你没看过这部韩剧,但是你一定会喜欢这首歌曲,他的声音好有感觉,真的不知道怎么形容了...≯⒌ here i am 完全被她的声音迷住了...There will come a day when all of this is in my past 总会有一天,所有(的伤心往事)都会成为我的过去 And there will come a day when you"re out of my head at last 总会有一天,你终于将从我的脑海里消失 ≯⒍ Enya Sure Is Rave v1.2 视听震撼世界顶级DJ师打碟冠军乐曲,打开你的低音炮音量开到最.当≯⒎ it is you <怪物史莱克>中的主题曲,非常感人.第一次就被感动!≯⒏ Luna man & Luna Girl 是我听过<天鹅湖>改编最成功的一版.≯⒐ 沉默是金 最后来一首经典老歌,我挑了很久很久才决定..
2023-07-09 18:05:249


恩雅有首蔚蓝的加勒比海是 还有其中的配乐是由德国籍作曲家汉斯.基莫Hans Zimmer做的,下面的就是其中一段气势恢宏的一段He"s a Pirate
2023-07-09 18:05:403


梁祝 瓦尼莎的微笑 梦中的婚礼 蓝色多瑙河 星空 绿袖子 秋日私语 罗密欧与朱丽叶 蓝色的爱 爱的协奏曲 海边的星空这是我最最喜欢的,建议你听哦
2023-07-09 18:06:032

Love Is Blue 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Blue歌手:Boots Randolph专辑:The World Of Boots RandolphThey say it"s a river, that circles the EarthA beam of light shinin" to the edge of the universeIt conquers allIt changes everythingThey say it"s a blessingThey say it"s a giftThey say it"s a miracleand I believe that it isIt conquers allBut it"s a mysteryLove breaks your heartLove takes no less than everytingLove makes it hardAnd it fades away so easilyIn this world we"ve createdIn this place that we liveIn the blink of an eye babe, the darkness slips inLove lights the worldUnites the lovers for eternityLove breaks the chainsLove aches for every one of usLove takes the tears and the painAnd then turns it into the beauty that remainsLook at this placeIt was paradiseBut now it"s dyingI"ll pray for loveI"ll take, my chancesthat it"s not too lateLove breaks your heartLove takes no less than everytingLove makes it hardAnd it fades away so easilyOh Oh OhLove breaks the chainsLove aches for every one of usLove takes the tears and the painAnd then turns it into the beauty that remains
2023-07-09 18:06:261

暮光之城的电影中出现过River Flows in You???

2023-07-09 18:06:454

求好听的手机铃声 和弦的 轻音乐 都可以

一些经典的小提琴曲和钢琴曲 旋律幽美 值得欣赏 在手机腾迅网上有下载
2023-07-09 18:07:432

A Story Of A River 作文?

I" m a river , a beautiful and clean river . Oh , no ! That was the very long before matter.Long long ago . I was a beautiful river . In spring . The weather was fine . There many flowers , trees and grass . The sky was blue and the clouds were spotlessly white . The flowers were colourful and the trees were green . I sang loudly as running along . “How beautiful ! ” A bee said to me .Summer came after spring . In summer flowers were more beautiful than those in spring . Some were yellow . Some were blue . Some were red … There were many birds , bees and butterflies . We talked , sang , danced . We all had a good time .Autumn came . There were some fruit trees next to me . Autumn was a harvest time . There were apples , oranges , grapes and so on . Seeing the fruit trees *** iling face , I was happy .Winter was a beautiful season . The snowflake came down from the sky . The ground was covered with thick snow . Snow iced on my body .But the prosperity wasn"t long . There were many people arrived at my side . They cut down the trees : Willow trees sister , Poplar trees grandfather , Pine trees uncle … They all died . Peony , clove , chrysanthemum were died , too . They threw rubbish on my body and poured dirty water on me . My good friends ----- birds , bees, butterflies flew away . The fish were tired . I was dirty and *** elly . Oh ! The sky wasn"t blue , it was gray . There weren"t many clouds . The ground was lifeless . I can" t help .One day . I came to a Naturoe hospital . There were many rivers there . They had handache , sore throat , nose hurt and so on . A doctor said to me : “ You are sick , you must stay in bed . Look at the formula …” Oh, no ! I fainted .Who can help me !,1,
2023-07-09 18:08:001


Dido--my lover"s gone Dolores O"riordan--Black Window Emi Fujita--first of may care dillon-- blue mountain river Charlene--I"ve Never Been To me The Innocence Mission--what a wonderful world Sinead O"Connor--thank you for hearing me Sophie Zelmani --black day Sarah McLachlan --Fallen Iridio --Night_Prayer The Arrogants --lovesick_acoustic frou frou --it"s good to be in love chandeen --dream.within.a.dream AIR --Surfing on a rocket Acid House Kings --this_and_that Youth Group--Forever young 最爱 Keren Ann!! <<not going anywhere>>,<<nolita>>,<<la ballade of lady and bird>>
2023-07-09 18:08:5212


  导语:青春校园歌舞勾起了我们内心深处的回忆,那么属于青春的记忆,那好听的现代青春校园歌曲有哪些呢?让我们一起去回顾一下吧~   好听的现代青春校园歌曲有哪些   1、a place nearby 天籁之音!   2、lark in the clear air .爱尔兰女歌手卡尔迪龙清澈女声.   3、a thousand miles 钢琴伴奏很好听.   4、it"s only the fairly tale. 很美的童声   5、lu ka   6、love will keep us alive   7、forever young 童年美好的回忆在MELODY中再次重现,很清,很美.   8、like a rose 男生对女生纯纯的告白.   9、Hey Juliet .虽然是一支广告歌,却也不比其他的歌逊色,很动感的音乐.会不由自主的舞动起来.   10、always getting over your 两个MM激情演绎的,好听!   11、get the party started 朋克中的一首好听的歌,虽然很多人对朋克有许多偏见,但好的歌曲是不容质疑的,音乐可以包容一切,包括人们浮躁的心.   12、小红梅有很多经典歌曲,偶还喜欢她的Animal Instinct .   13、i knew i loved you 澳洲组合野人花园为数不多的好歌之一.   14、To Stay 再介绍一首抒情的.歌,高潮在后面,要耐心等待.   15、Lonely NANA出身于非洲加纳,家庭富有。儿时破碎的家庭、压抑的环境对其作品产生了深刻的影响。这首LONELY是她最有名的作品,也是最感人的作品之一。在这首歌曲中,爱情的失败,世事的无奈,人与人之间的勾心斗角,都被他赤裸裸的展露在你面前。动情处的伤心呐喊,颓废时的无奈低吟,节奏布鲁斯,跳舞音乐,HIP HOP结合的天衣无缝。   16、all "bout the money 非主流音乐,加拿大女歌手MEJA   17、until the time through .曾被评定为欧美十大抒情歌曲之一.   18、one better 偶就听过AC 这一首,感觉还不错.   19、Unforgiveable Sinner 被誉为天籁女歌手的lene marlin 的一首快歌.   20、Wake Me Up When September Ends 绿日乐队近来风头正劲,推荐他们的一首老歌吧,很有味道.   21、I believe I can fly 励志歌曲,看歌词就知道了.   22、i could be the one 轻松的歌.   23、season in the sun 欧美毕业时必唱歌曲!   24、i lay my love on you   25、say something anyway .吐血推荐.   26、when i dream at night.初听即爱.   27、tonight i feel close to you 孙燕姿与仓本麻衣的黄金搭档.   28、《Robinson》----spitz 麒麟午后红茶.   29、Under Southern Skies 好听的奥运歌曲!   30、What If Lene Marlin 鲜为人知的好歌!   31、《I Cry》--------有里知花(本音乐为2005年夏威夷外文歌排行第一名)   32、圣婴降临 很悠远的同声,如同仙境.   33、《返朴归真》--------英格玛(这首音乐带有浓厚的大自然最原始的色彩、此曲为著名电视节目“Discovery”的主题曲)   34、if you come to me 偶然听到的,感觉不错.   35、sorry for the stupid things 酒吧音乐   36、shape of my heart 《这个杀手不太冷》片尾曲   37、fields of gold 还是STING的一首歌.   38、gilr crazy 奥林巴斯广告曲目   39、tell me why 英国天才13岁歌手   40、night prayer 第一次听还以为是舞动精灵的歌.这首也很有特点.   41、Wake Me Up When September Ends   42、boulevard of broken dreams 41, 42 都是GREEN DAY 的歌   43、these kids 说唱摇滚   44、When You Say Nothing At All 有很多版本,女生版是偶的最爱   45、traveling light 乡村音乐的代表作   46、because you live jesse mccartney 新晋歌手   47、you make me wanna BLUE老作品了   48、never had a dream come true 有没有一种眼泪叫感动.这首歌就是感动的所在!   49、forever young 永远年轻,多好啊!   50、never gone 后街新歌   51、7 days 永恒经典   52、my love 同上!   53、Red Blooded Woman 动感的舞曲   54、Truly Madly Deeply 野人花园浪漫之作   55、Only time------恩雅 无语而安   56、《You raise me up》 喜欢原唱,西城也翻唱过.   57、Endless story NANA的插曲,很有感觉   58、Because of you------Kelly Clarkson 天后的.....   59、Too serious too soon 野人花园   60、《First love》---------宇多田光   61、《five days》-------Patrick Nuo 再来一首动感的   62、《Worry about you》------Ivy 垄断模特用的音乐,让人忍不住动起来的音乐   63 《christmas in my heart》-----Sarah Connor 旋律不错!   64、2become1   65、god is a girl 不说了,舞动精灵的   66、far away from home 舞动精灵   67、Long Long Way to Go 描写足球的一首歌   68、little june 又是精灵的   69、if you come back BLUE   70、year 3000 歌手不太了解, 好听就行   71、Sleeping child   72、you are 一开始就迷上了( 励志天下 )   73、it"s not goodbye 靡靡之音   74、make london proud 伦敦奥运宣传曲!   75、when a child is born 圣婴之歌   76、to all the girls AC对女生的承诺   77、the tower 很有节奏感的   78、stand   79、forever 催泪弹!   80、don"t turn off the light .球迷的心声   81、lose without you 听到没感觉的歌   82、i want it that way 老歌   83、the day you went away M2M   84、don"t mess with my love 同上   85、Break!Go!_Da Pump 篮球音乐   86、Say It Isnu2019t So - Gareth Gates   87、Baby One More Time 小甜甜比较能听的歌   88、thank you . 慵懒的DIDO   89、Drowning 后街早期经典之作,相信大家都听过.   90、What I Want Is What Ive Got 又见西城   91、She"s Like the Swallow Cara Dilion圣洁纯净的声音   92、Blue Mountain River Cara Dilion   93、Down By The Salley Garden 很多歌曲都采用这首背景音乐   94、Open Your Eyes To Love 鲜为人知的好歌   95、Salade De Fruits 好象是法语   96、i"d rather dance with you   97、Deeper And Deeper 激越的鼓点   98、Annett Louisan - Das Spiel   99、Above All   100、stand Jewel 雪花飘的英文版
2023-07-09 18:09:161

女声吹喇叭的英文歌 吹喇叭的英文歌

  夜的回忆即Memoria da Noite,里面有吹喇叭的声音。下面是我给大家整理的吹喇叭的英文歌,供大家参阅!   吹喇叭的英文歌Memoria da Noite背景   这歌歌曲背景是02年“威望号”油轮在西班牙加利西亚地区的一个海岸沉没,给加里西亚地区造成了污染和损失的事件。歌词里面有少量抱怨政治方面的内容,像虚伪的人们,还有利益(指石油)等等。这首歌以夜色和月光来形容这片被人类污染的大海曾经是有多么美丽,从歌曲中希望大海可以早日复原, 而且人类不应该继续破坏它。   2002年11月13日晚,载有7.7万吨燃料油的希腊油轮“威望”号,在西班牙西北部距海岸9公里的海域遇风暴发 威   望号油轮船体断为两截沉没生事故。船体出现一个大裂口,燃料油外泄,海面出现一大片污染带。西班牙4艘拖船拼命将“威望”号油轮拖向外海,19日上午拖到距海岸95公里海面时,船体断为两截沉没。“威望”号在西班牙海域沉没后,造成大面积油污,对葡萄牙海域也有很大影响。渔民在葡萄牙沿海养护的86只沾上油污的海鸟中,有多只死亡。据悉,泄漏的2.5万吨燃油在海面形成38厘米厚的油膜,破船内还有5万吨燃油沉人海底。   西班牙科学委员会2003年1月8日宣布,2002年11月沉海的“威望号”油轮每天仍有80吨燃料油泄入大海,到2003年1月8日共漏油2.5万吨,污染范围已从西班牙北部海域扩散到法国和葡萄牙海岸。   西班牙科学委员会的报告,沉海后的“威望号”船体上有20个裂口泄油,到2003年1月8日为止,仅有6个裂口被堵住。数千名志愿者和武装部队官兵冒着严寒在北部海岸清理油污。 “威望号”沉船事故给西班牙造成严重的污染和经济损失。据报道,西班牙北部500公里的海岸上有179个海滩遭到重度污染,1万多只海鸟死亡。沿海4000多名渔民因渔业资源受到污染而不能下海捕鱼,经济损失达3亿欧元。   吹喇叭的英文歌Memoria da Noite歌手介绍   Luar Na Lubre (1986-现在),是来自西班牙加利西亚地区拉科鲁尼亚的一支优秀的民谣团体。音乐根植于传统的加里西亚文化。   加里西亚地区的音乐几乎也就是凯尔特音乐的浓缩精华版本。从古谱里收集素材,然后在此基础上进行音乐创作,并使用加里西亚地区的传统乐器并结合各地的其他传统乐器进行演绎。   Luar is Galician for moonlight; lubre is a magical forest in which the Celtic druids cast their spells. 因此Luar Na Lubre 的正确翻译是魔力森林的月光,而不是什么安魂奏鸣曲,没有什么叫安魂奏鸣曲,就算是Memoria da noite,中文翻译叫夜的回忆。   吹喇叭的英文歌Memoria da Noite歌词   Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall   A run-down scene, the specter of debauchery singing,   Black rosemary blooming vines meandering growth   The soul looked, beliefs Scarlet moonlight   Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall   Long-haired vampire queen opened the dusty window   The deadwood shadow as her face, pure, such as teenage   Resentment of her voice, together with the souls of chant   Loved one, you remember I look like   I demeaning the night, you sad   Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall   Lounging on the statue in the distance, Brokeback hidden in the side   That is the goddess of fantasy, with the middle finger to the direction of the   Small red flowers in her side, it is a paradise   In front of an abyss, the river murmuring flowing   Blood, like the river, irrigation bloodthirsty desire   It was the queen"s soup plate, in full bloom deterioration soup   She would cut off the neck of the flower, and asked whether it sad   Distant lover, ah, you remember I look like   I was bleeding, you sad   Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall   Sun and the moon shining growth and decline, but I can only see the moon   She painfully addicted to the taste of blood-red full-bodied and silver fragrance   Queen crooned broken neck flowers lying at her feet   They like cold places, hidden in the abyss of dead tree   Each of the dead of the night, listening to the blood in the secret underground sound   They like strange chant and the Deathly Hallows singing   Sing is the retaliation or sparse Shexiang despair   Lover away, do you remember me look like   Why did not run into your eyes when I looked down at my funeral   Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall   Flowers there is an appearance, in the quiet growth   If there is no quiet moonlight How could such a cool `   The dilapidated grass distributing rotten fragrance   Beautiful elves in the palace secret wander   They also miss the grief who with memories   Vine winding Man lush, hidden desire for revenge   Waiting for the day to come, like the taste of the soup to taste blood   Favorite people, ah, you and me   Waiting for love to come, we were buried with   Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall   Life wanton growth, lookout endless sorrow   The flowers bow singing, singing undead advocates   Local memories must have lilies in bloom   Away Juvenile backs, embedded in tearful orbital   The love nobody blessing will not perish   Some chose to cowardly, it was decided to be strong   The blue melancholy river Can wash past   Can someone stick did not forget everlasting agreement   Weak excuses and casual perfunctory stifle a beautiful flower   That beautiful wilt become hurt into hate waiting into a bloody desire   I want to find him regardless of whether he has changed appearance   I will remember the look in his eyes, once as perfectly clear   I will remember his vows, once as loud   I will remember his betrayal had so let me leave the panic   He had left with my gentle cold palm   He will be very happy, because I blocked   I am back to where I belong   Because of love, I gave up again alone in the dark wander   The poor queen and her flowers.   The final choice alone drank a blood soup   Dear people, whether you"re aiming for   Inadvertently reminds you once beautiful bride   Transferred to the moment of the grave of love, has come to mean the demise   All lament, are the living, self-sentimental   嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂   一片破败景象,幽灵放荡歌唱、   黑色迷迭香绽放,藤蔓蜿蜒生长   灵魂张望,信仰血色的月光   嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂   长发的吸血女王推开尘封的窗   枯树枝影照她的脸庞,清纯如少女一样   她幽怨的声线与亡灵一起咏唱   心爱的人啊,你是否还记得我模样   我入葬的晚上,你是否一直悲伤   嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂   远处横陈的雕像,断臂隐藏在一旁   那是女神的狂想,用中指指示方向   红色的小花开在她的身旁,那是天堂   前面有一处深渊,小河淙淙流淌   鲜血一样的河水,灌溉嗜血的渴望   那是女王的汤盘,盛放变质的浓汤   她会掐断花的脖颈,问它是否哀伤   远方的爱人啊,是否记得我模样   我血流不止的时候,你是否一直悲伤   嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂   日与月璀璨消长,我却只能见到月亮   她有叫人沉迷的味道,血红的浓郁和银白的清香   女王低声吟唱,断颈的小花躺在她的脚旁   它们喜欢阴冷的地方,隐藏在深渊枯树旁   每一个死寂的夜晚,聆听血液在地下隐秘的声响   它们喜欢诡异的咏唱和死灵的歌声一样   唱的是奢想的报复还是寥落的绝望   远去的爱人啊,你是否记得我模样   当我俯视我的葬礼的时候,为何没有碰上你的目光   嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂   那里的花是一个模样,都在静静的生长   如果没有静谧的月光,怎会如此阴凉 `   破败的草地散发腐烂的幽香   美貌的精灵在宫殿秘密的徜徉   她们也在思念谁带着回忆的哀伤   藤曼葱郁缠绕,隐藏复仇欲望   等待那天到来,品尝血一样味道的汤   最爱的人啊,你是否也和我一样   等待爱的来临,我们被一起埋葬   嗅着血液的芬芳,我找到安魂的殿堂   生命肆意生长,暸望无尽忧伤   花朵低头歌唱,歌唱不死主张   拥有曼珠沙华的地方回忆一定在绽放   远去少年背影,嵌在含泪的眼眶   没人祝福的爱情不会因此灭亡   有人选择懦弱,有人决定坚强   蓝色忧郁的河流可否洗刷过往   亘古的约定,可否有人坚守不忘   软弱的借口和随意的敷衍,扼杀了一朵美丽的花   那美丽在等待中枯萎变成伤变成恨变成血腥的渴望   我要找到他无论他是否变了模样   我会记得他的眼神,曾经那样清透   我会记得他的誓言,曾经那样响亮   我会记得他的背叛,曾经那样让我离去的仓皇   他已经离去用我温柔又冰凉的掌   他会很幸福,因为没有了我的阻挡   我重新回到属于我的地方   因为爱,我放弃了自己又一次独自在阴暗徘徊   可怜的女王和她的花儿一样 .   最终选择独自喝下那一份血一样的汤   亲爱的人啊,不论你去向何方   请无意中想起你曾经美丽的新娘   爱情转入坟墓的瞬间,已经意味着消亡   一切的悲鸣,都是生者的自我感伤   
2023-07-09 18:09:221


Work Bitch
2023-07-09 18:09:3110


2023-07-09 18:09:542


Beautiful sceneryDuring the summer vacation,my mother took me to the south of the Yangtze River tourism.The good,the beautiful scenery,I still can not forget.One morning,I watch the sunrise on the Bank of the river,that river deep blue is blue eyes.Not for a moment,Water-day phase transfer line of golden light,the sky aglow.Clouds are red.The sky,the sun seems to carry the burden of a longitudinal vertical upward,finally out of water,with a dazzling light,to open her eyes.
2023-07-09 18:10:141


这是我自己的“精选集”I will followGloriaSunday bloody sundayNew year"s dayTwo hearts beat as oneA sort of homecomingPrideBadWhere the streets have no nameI still haven"t found what I"m looking forWith or without youIn God"s countryAngel of harlemDesireAll I want is youThe flyMysterious waysEven better than the real thingZoo StationWho"s gonna ride your wild horsesLemonHold Me, thrill Me, kiss Me, kill MeDiscothequeStaring at the sunLast night on erathSweetest thingBeautiful dayElevationStuck in a moment you can"t get out ofElectrical stormVertigoSometimes you can"t make it on your ownThe saints are coming。。。。。。。。
2023-07-09 18:10:236